After the great success of World Liberation Day,
our efforts for planetary liberation continue. This time, we will meet in groups large and small, as individuals and
couples, at the exact time of the solar eclipse on May 20th. Masses will gather
and visualize the liberation of our planet from the tyranny of all non-physical
negative entities so that for the first time in our history we will have the
chance to co-create our own spiritual destiny as free beings of Light on Earth
and connect with the Source without obstruction. We need to have 144,000 people
doing this visualization with focus to achieve the desired effect.
On May 20th there will be an annular solar eclipse,
when the Moon will eclipse the Sun in front of the Pleiades. A powerful beam of
Light will emanate from the Galactic Central Sun, descend directly through the
Pleiades towards the Earth and will be grounded along the path of totality.
This beam of Light will burn through all obstacles on etheric and astral planes
and will strengthen our connection with the Source. It will burn through all
fear programming of negative
non-physical entitites and will reboot the energy grid around the planet at the
exact moment when the shadow of the Moon will touch the mountaintop of Mount
Shasta. After the reboot, we will be able to co-create our spiritual destiny
with Light.
will all be doing this visualization at the same time, the moment of the
eclipse reboot, which comes this May 20th /21st. Exact
times for different time zones are:
pm HAST May 20th (Hawaii)
pm AKDT May 20th (Alaska)
6:30 pm PDT May 20th
(Los Angeles)
7:30 pm MDT May 20th
8:30 pm CDT May 20th
9.30 pm EDT May 20th
(New York)
10:30 pm BRT May 20th (Rio de Janeiro)
10:30 pm BRT May 20th (Rio de Janeiro)
2:30 am BST May 21st
3:30 am CEST May 21st
am SAST May 21st (South Africa)
am EEST May 21st (Bulgaria)
am MSK May 21st (Moscow)
am IST May 21st (India)
9:30 am CST May 21st
10:30 am JST May 21st
11:30 am AEST May 21st
Relax your mind and body by watching your breath for a few minutes.
Visualize a pillar of electric blue Light emanating from the Galactic Central
Sun, going through your body to the center of the Earth. Keep this pillar of
Light active for a few minutes. Then visualize all negative entities around the
Earth being removed from etheric and astral planes along with all their
negative spiritual technologies and magical tools and all those entities being
escorted into the Light by the non-physical freedom fighters of the Light. Visualize
this process taking place worldwide peacefully and smoothly. Visualize the
world finally being free from spiritual slavery, free from all evil Archons,
Reptilians, demons, elementals and other negative non-physical beings. Visualize
the vibration of the etheric and astral planes getting lighter and brighter
until all dark beings are gone and only Light remains.
Visualize bright new spiritual future for humanity, with angels, fairies, dolphins,
unicorns, spiritual guides and other beings of Light inhabiting etheric and
astral planes. Visualize all wounds of humanity being healed, all humanity
being inspired and guided with everybody having their own connection with their
own Soul and the Source.
do this visualization as instructed and do not change it as otherwise it will
not have the desired effect.
More information about negative non-physical
entities and how to remove them from your life:
Updates about Reboot of the Grid:
ReplyDeleteAwesomenessness, thanks !!
Here's a facebook page for the event
Thanks for the link untwine =)
ReplyDeletefor me: 3.30 AM - that's why I wake up at any time!
ReplyDeleteThat's one wake up for a man, one giant awakening for a mankind.... :)))
Én a helyedben inkább nem feküdnék le, nagyon rossz érzés lenne lemaradni róla.. :)
DeleteWowzers! A Super Positive day indeed, burning with Light down to our very core. Thank you!!
ReplyDeleteThank you yet again Cobra! I'll start working on a guided visualization video :) Will post it here when finished.
ReplyDeleteAz kizárt!!! De igazad van, lehet, hogy egyébként sem tudnék aludni!
ReplyDeleteCount me in as one of the 144,000!
ReplyDeleteI was wondering if Cobra or someone else had more info/links on etheric and astral planes and what do we do in them ?
It's very interesting:
DeleteFaeries and unicorns? These beings are real???
ReplyDeleteYeah this was quite surprising for me also, however I can imagine fairies being real, as they are depicted in almost every cultures child stories. Suprrising though.
Delete+1 Why 144000? If 143000 do it then it's surely not making the desired effect? I just never liked these fix boundaries.
hahahaha i know right ? i'm so used to have my mind blown these days that i just went pass this one like "oh yeah unicorns nice" haha
DeleteI'm flexible :D
I hope they are :)
DeleteFrom what I understand, these magical beings of light are of high dimensional frequency that belong to the angelic realms. Yes, right up there with Archangels and Ascended Masters :-)
DeleteThis includes unicorns, angel dolphins, and those of the elemental kingdom such as fairies, mermaids, and others. Each have special roles and gifts of healing, purifying, and divine love for humanity and the earth. They also provide guidance, protection, fun, enchantment, and joy. I guess you could refer to them as Angel Helpers. I'm cool with that :-D
Okay, I know I am not the most "psychic" of people, I've seen auras, and I've seen UFOs before, but really has anyone seen a unicorn? Northern Europe does have its little people stories, and so does Hawaii...which kind of makes you wonder...what that is based on...
DeleteThe only way I can answer that is with another question..How many people have actually seen an Ascended Master? Or an Archangel? If I was only that lucky! Unicorns belong to the same realm, so most people wouldn't be able to see them or have direct contact with them. Many people can sense or feel the presence of angels, and we can summon them when we need them. I am totally guessing again here, that it applies the same way to unicorns and these other beings in the angelic realms. People can sense their energy, or connect with them like they would with Angels. Maybe one day in the future of Earth, our vibration will be high enough that we can actually see angels, including these creatures.
DeleteI've always thought these were just bits of fantasy stories when I was a kid. But these days, if I'm doing a search on the Angelic realms, I commonly see unicorns or these other beings included as part of the same dimension ..
Here's a quick one that actually gives a workshop on connecting with Unicorns:
I could just say this is all a big made up fairy tale, but who am I to discount what people feel or connect with.. that goes for Angels, Ascended Masters, Spirit Guides, or Unicorns for that matter.
I'm getting similar information from my contact...just when I think things can't get stranger it does!
Delete"Faeries are elementals as I write about them in my book. We created them. Unicorns were of a time beyond our time, replaced by legends. Dragons still exist but nothing like what we have created in legends. For instance, the Seraphim are sometimes known as the Dragons of Heaven or the Fire Angels. Those of the Thrones have a little known title: the dragon riders ... which means they worked with the Seraphim. How legends are born.
Even though the angels do not recognize hierarchies among themselves, we humans have chosen to categorize them. So we've created the nine choirs of angels: angels, archangels, cherubim, seraphim, powers, principalities, dominions, virtues, and thrones. Thrones are the ones that are the angels of pure Humility, Peace, and submisssion. They reside in the area of the cosmos where material form begins to take shape. The lower Choir of Angels need the Thrones to access God. As Dragon Riders they interconnect with the Seraphim, the Dragons of Heaven."
Thanks AK. Dragons too? Awesome. Angles riding Dragons. Now that's a magnificent sight to behold!
DeleteThe Outerworlds are not based on any logic that my mind can comprehend. This is why using my Heart and Inner Guidance is so important.
Receiving all of this new information here expands our level of awareness. This allows our bodies to adjust to higher vibrations easier, and prepares us for what is to come. At this point, anything is possible.
Intelligent humanoid cate/feline beings (not animals. Intelligent Beings with advanced technologies and such. ), Humanoid dog being, Beings that are a blob of gas and live inside a sun, etc. Anything is possible in the universe and higher dimension :)
DeleteSorry, multiple typos above. What I get for trying to chicken peck my keyboard at like 90wpm lol! ;)
DeleteMy girl and I will be at Mt. Shasta during the solar eclipse.
ReplyDeleteHave you seen this?
ReplyDeleteBush Found Guilty Of War Crimes
Found guilty is great but the Kuala Tribunal cannot convict. But they will be sending their case as well as their beyond a reasonable doubt, unanimous guilty verdict to the International Criminal Court.
DeleteWhich Obama just rejoined the ICC on behalf of America, meaning that now Bush and the rest are not immune and can be arrested and charged for this! =)
DeleteI'm looking forward to that day...
DeleteHi Cobra and guys!
ReplyDeleteI would like you to know, in case you missed, this disclosure project on ETs, which is searching funds to make a film based on the pioonering works of Dr. Steven Green.
@Cobra: It would be wonderful if you could make a post about it.
What i know about Dr. Steven Greer is that he is way behind on alot of things when we talked for one he doesn't even know about the mass arrest's and the temporary money system followed by 1st contact with our benevolent starfamily it is pointless funding his backwards film also when talking with him something felt off with him.One he did not want to talk about the information i know what was going to happen and seemed to get angry everytime talking about our earth allies and how our starfamily are already working with them everyday and that certain events have to take place first and he still did not understand and he thinks he is going to do it and that there are know other people involved but him and his group,so after that conversation i stay away from him he means good but is way behind of the upcoming events to take place.
DeleteI agree Sirian. he is a fine man, brave, enthusiastic, but with no knowledge of what really is about happen, and it`s immense imprtance. By the time he would start shooting his film I hope First Contact is already made.
DeleteMy thinking too...good guy who's been through a lot trying to bring the truth out. When the surf is up gotta be the water to ride the wave!
DeleteJust want to agree here. I absolutly love Dr Greer and his work and his work is actually what originally awoken me about 10 years ago. He has an immensely purposeful place in this unfolding. But I do agree that for whatever reason he doesn't want to look at this, which I do find odd because he has regular contact with an ET he calls Kindness (according to his books), you would think she and other contacts would be preparing him and his group given his vast knowledge and involvement over the years. It saddens me a bit really.
DeleteI AM one of the 144,000 and will be with you all on Sunday! Lots of Love and Light,
ReplyDeleteYep, me too.
Deleteand me!
DeleteCheck out Dianne and Hollow earht According to them, all the birds and the animals that don't exist on the surface of the earth anymore are thriving in the hollow earth.
ReplyDeleteIs anyone else getting this buzzing in their hands? I know of 2 others beside me that are experiencing this. It seemed for a minute my fingers were phasing between two realities. Very strange.
ReplyDeleteThat's strange. How does it feel like? Is it stronger than tingling? I sensed raising of something (energy?) yesterday for two times. I nealy fell off of my chair, which is very unusual if you are just sitting.
DeleteThat happens to me when reading Tarot or doing informal healing. My hands pick up the energy and buzz....I can feel it if I just put my focus on my hands. In fact, they started buzzing as I read your post!
I get the buzzing most of the times when I either help someone and I feel I am doing something useful and it fills me with joy, or when I get helped by somebody.
DeleteSince I was a kid this happened, never knew what it could, now I am starting to understand.. :)
*what it could be
DeleteI didn't get the buzzing of the hands, just very dizzy and nauseous.
DeleteWhile I was in the meditation, just as I started to visualize the arresting of Bush et. al., there was a loud explosion somewhere in my neighborhood (which was probably just a big firecracker). I live in a nice middle-class area about 10 minutes outside of the center of Athens, Greece which is what makes this so strange. It's relatively quiet out here and explosions aren't a normal sound heard around here.
After the explosion, I got back to the meditation and a few minutes in, just as I started to visualize the new earth, I was hit with 4 distinct, very quick blasts of energy. It felt literally like a left-right combination and encompassed my entire body.
I stopped the meditation and opened my eyes. I looked up saw a plane laying down a chemtrail RIGHT above my head. It was literally directly over my head - side note, 'they' seem to like to lay down trails directly over my house. I attempted to return to the meditation, but by this time I was feeling dizzy, drained and very nauseous. I went and took a nap.
Next time around, I'll be ready with some tricks of my own.
I've been feeling strange things for weeks. I feel a buzz in my hands right now but I also feel like there is a quake going on. I'm ok and suddenly I begin feeling I'm on a boat in the middle of the ocean during a heavy storm. I think this may be the huge energy we're receiving. If you feel you have more than you can handle, just take a quarz in your hand, that should take the surplus out of you.
DeleteI forgot to add the dizziness and vertigo, had that first. It goes away after a week it seems.
Deletei get that after doing what people refer to as "energy manipulation" my hands start feeling like they are pulsing heart beats and theres heat coming eminating from my palms, i used to suffer from the nauseous dizzyness is from being sensitive to earths energy changes but also we are being upgraded to a new state of being so somtimes it feels unpleasant but it does go away for me though it lasted from a few months sadly and i thought somthing was wrong with my stomach but i never wanted to go to a doctor im glad i didnt.
DeleteYup, signs like that are normal. Its your physical body getting used to the higher dimensional energies. :)
I had something strange happen today, my stereo turned on it's own.I heard the tick sound several times before it actually went on, for a moment I thought power was going on and off.It wasn't the power, clocks were the same but at the same time I was making a call on a portable phone.Did the phone cause it or something else?
DeleteI had that happen to me last November! I had a gall stone pass and it made me very ill not to mention the pancreatis that came with it. Didn't need surgery but was hospitalized on pain killers for few days.
DeleteThe last day in the hospital my iPhone started playing a Mumford and Sons tune "Awake My Soul". Now here's the weird part, I had no alarm set, when I brought up the iPad app it didn't show, so I couldn't stop it. It just kept playing over and over and over about 4:30 am! I was concerned it would wake the other patients.
Everything I tried to stop it wouldn't work. Finally I resorted to a hard reboot on the iPhone. I've worked with computers most my life and I have no logical computer geek explanation for how this could happen. The date was 11/11/11!!!!
I was looking for my original email to a friend on that episode in November with the iPhone. I haven't found it yet, but I did find this note that I had it happen again Feb 5, 2012....
Delete"....This morning I came downstairs and heard music playing. It was kind of a happy ragtime tune. I thought my daughter was watching cartoons. My iPhone was playing a song from Danny Elfman's "Amazing Stories: Songs for a Darkened Theatre Vol 2." I couldn't shut shutoff the ipod player app. I don't know how this happened. Very strange.
This happened once before when I was in the hospital in November, at that time it played "Awake My Soul" by Mumford and Sons. What I was thinking when that happened fit perfectly with the sent chills in me. Being a computer guy I can think of no technical reason why this happens. Its not something I can explain. Programs have bugs but programs don't usually start themselves and go into play loops you can't stop without a reboot."
Forgot about this on Feb 5 iPhone played a song I don't have on my iPhone!
Delete"BTW, the music playing this morning gets weirder. The song I heard is nowhere in Danny Elfman's Amazing Stories songs, that I can find. The songs are all orchestral, not ragtime piano. Is "Amazing Stories" a message? If so, from whom?"
AK ~ have you tried to heal with those hands yet? {grin}
DeleteNot yet! :)
DeleteIt's amazing that song came on "Awake My Soul" That is so clear.Wow!I didn't even notice what song came on...I was so taken back with the whole thing plus volume wasn't high enough.I think somebody on the other side loves music...
im just gonna leave this video right here... I think you'll enjoy this one guys...
ReplyDeleteThank you. This is good news as it is now happening within courts and the justice system. People are waking up to corruption, and are seriously taking action. Great work, UK! Can't wait to get this ball rolling.. on a massive scale. ;)
DeleteAlrighty...I have uploaded a guided visualization video of this meditation to Youtube. Enjoy! Spread it all around!!!
This comment has been removed by the author.
Deletei feel the vibe too hands shaking!
ReplyDeleteGuys what does this mean?
ReplyDelete"..will be grounded along the path of totality"
Will walk strongly amonst the path of perfection? I think.
DeleteI am seeing this question asked in several posts, so I'll answer it here too, and hope this helps:
DeleteGrounded has different meanings, such as being stable or rooted, or solid as a sense of being. But in this context from Cobra's Reboot 5-20-12 post, it is being used differently. He is discussing the annular solar eclipse, when the Moon will eclipse the Sun. Totality is the period during which an eclipse is total, or total coverage of the sun during an eclipse. So, a simple way of translating this would be:
..."will be situated on (or adjacent to) the path of total eclipse of the sun".
I found this information and I think it complements everything that is going to happen in May and June .... I want to share with you.
ReplyDeleteThank you for this.
DeleteWonderful! I enjoyed that very much. Thank you for sharing.
DeleteHi Cobra and All,
ReplyDeleteThis is ot, but of concern ... is there any more encouraging information to share ?
First, cesium is in the food being grown on the west coast of the United States. Most of the farmers are not aware of this. What is eaten in CA, Oregon and coast areas up into Canada is without question not good for health. Can you go to another area to live? If so, go. Those who cannot leave their area need constant checks for radiation. What is being eaten accumulates. Eat what comes from other areas as much as you can. Organically grown food in CA is contaminated at this moment. Can this be remedied? No, not in the near future. See what you can do to delete this answer to the controller dream and get through the next months without getting dis-eased. Keep your mind away from active concerns and do what can be done to delete affected food from your diet.
Hi Cobra and everyone I went ahead and created an ad for the Reboot of the Grid. I Was feeling a little cheeky after reading the info from Cameron Day and Cobra about the A-biters. decided to have have a little fun using a few of their own tricks. :)
ReplyDeletehere's the link
much love
hah that was amazing, you are very talaented!! :)
DeleteAwesome! Final Cut Pro and a Mac is on my wish list!
DeleteCobra I recommend you to get in touch with Drunvalo Melchizedek, Inelia Benz, Lilou Mace to help spread the message, they are all aware of the negative entitie's occupation of our Planet.
ReplyDeleteI just emailed all those people. If we're a few sending emails there's probably more chance they'll pay attention (they're busy people) ?
DeleteIf you guys have more people like that let's do it, it's a chance they republish it and it reaches many.
Thanks !
I remember existing in a large pyramid structure, looking upward and flashing my teeth as I took out many onlooking factions of knights.
ReplyDeleteThe knights looked like what you see on Stargate.
I have jumped off large buildings, 2-3 stories in height and not gotten a scratch.
I am definitely something beyond anything called "normal"....
What is ahead?
Will I be one of those, who walks with Christ upon his return and who meets Mohammed face to face?
Will I meet the Archangel Michael?
Am I going to have contact again with my own galactic family at the end of this?
Why do I remember shaking the very pillars inside the pyramid, and taking out over 200 Egyptian druid guards....
Do you know something? When I first read your reply three days ago, I didn't pay much attention (I'm sorry for that).
DeleteBut suddenly, yesterday night I remembered a dream I had arround three months ago. I usually dream about people I know and places I've been in a kind of mix but this was different: I was inside what seemed a kind of egiptian laberint escaping from some danger.
Protecting me there was arround a dozen Anubis like warriors. Mmmmmmm, amazing! Do you think this could be a past life that we could be remembering now?
I will be helping as well.
ReplyDeleteAt first I thought, that it´s great idea and I wanted to participate, until I read that you mentioned "evil reptilians". I really wish that people investigate more on this matter, because there are no evidence of reptilian beings as evils. This all thing makes me sad. This feeling has been growing in me, that something is not right here. As far as I know, we have no proof of reptilians being evil, we just have someone who sais they are (Icke).
ReplyDeleteBut we have plenty of hints, that they are not that bad: in eastern cultures Dragons are very good and wise, Mayan serpent gods were great (Quetzalcoatl was against human sacrifice) etc.
Reptilians were good in most ancient cultures as far as I´ve read.
So, christian church made snake symbol of evil - why?
And another interesting thing - I happened to see a long video-lecture about UFO encounters and it was mentioned there, that many children have told about meeting reptilian creatures, who are very good, wise and loving.
So I can´t help thinking, that maybe this Reptilian=evil theme is created to make people afraid of them, so they can´t contact with us. What if "gods" (or our own TPTB) are still afraid the very same thing they were afraid in the garden of Eden - that Reptilians teach us to eat from the Tree of Knowledge, so "gods" lose control?
I´m not really into this NWO and aliens secretly control us theme, I think Earth humans are no angels and are perfectly capable of doing evil things themselves. But when I think about, what Reptilians symbolise in other cultures and how in christian culture it seems so important to make them look evil, then it makes me think, that there has to be a reason.
So, please everyone, before you start to visualise how this world will be freed from evil, think about who you see as evil. Do you have evidence? Or maybe you hurt someone who doesn´t deserve it? Maybe we should visualise how we all are free from evil, because evil resides in all of us, humans, too. And we have tons of evidence of that :). Let´s just make everything and everyone better, not kick out thouse we think are evil. It´s like people project their own dark side and fears to those who look different from us. I´ve never liked this dualistic idea, that grays and reptilians are evil and human-looking beings are good (tall, handsom and beautiful too, of course). This is unbelivably racist! There can be good and bad in everyone and I´m sure there are billions of beings in the Universe who are really really good and ethical and their physical appearence is irrelevant.
I agree with you up to certain point. Are you sure you have understood the words written by Cobra? Is English your mother language? If not, then I think I have the misunderstanding located: I think Cobra is not telling that all reptilians are "evil". Instead I think he's saying that "those among the repitilians that are evil". Does this clear your worry? Please correct me if I'm wrong.
DeleteAnyway, I agree with you. It would be very sad to have this kind of problem solved here on Earth just to export it to space! We have to be very open minded. Generalisation has been the mother of the greatest problems we have had here on this planet.
This is just a guess and come straight from my heart, but what would happen if when the moment arrives and we meet the Agarthans they were reptilians? What would you do? What would you feel? Please keep an open mind. Everything is possible.
Thanks for correcting. I´ve read many theories that say, that human looking aliens are good and reptilians are bad, so I just wanted to write my point of view here. No, English is not my mother language, so it can create misunderstandings. It´s just when I see how reptilians are in "bad guys" section again, I can´t help but saying how I feel about this matter :). But this is good if you don´t generalise here.
ReplyDeleteIt´s well said, that we should not export problems to outside, we should work with our own and others dark side, dark energy on this reality, not with beings we see as dark and bad.
But anyway, thanks for making this post´s idea clearer.
Yes I know what your point is. Look, I love David Wilcock material but I don't buy the idea of all ET being nearly human (you know, tall people with blonde hair and blue eyes and a smile in their faces: "tree-hugging hippies of outer space"). I may accept a common pattern of similar features: bipedism, simmilar anatomic features, organic functional features... But I don't buy the idea of space human-looking super-models of outer space as the goodies and everything that don't looks human as the bad ones.
ReplyDeleteIt makes this look like a cowboys film on the 50's: cowboys and 7th of Cavalry are the goodies and the american natives are the bad ones. No, thank you! We've had enough of that on this planet!
You can have a reptilian in front of you and it still would be very simmilar to a human being so this means it would still could be following a cosmic pattern in a certain way.
In this case, I feel reality could be more similar to the image of star races that is shown in the Star Wars series or Star Trek series and they would still be our brothers and sisters from the stars.
Anyway, we can't take anything of what is being said very seriously because actually we know nothing for sure and we can still have a lot of surprises waiting for us out there (and in here as well LOL!).
If you read enough material it doesn't say that all benevolent ET's look like humans. It just mentions that some of our distant cousin's that are here to help do. Which is mostly encompased by the Pleadians and if I am correct some from Sirius. Some of the ET's here helping us have been said to be beings of pure light. But one must also understand that once you are evolved enough to become pure light you can basically manifest to any form you choose. A lot of them choose to manifest into humanoid forms because it is most easy for the masses of sheeple to accept.
ReplyDeleteI saw on page that we need world governments with us to cause the united power to make the beam... I think, it's just...the answere is no I think, the governments just , they just never would do such thing...and what, 1.2 k people liked this's hopeless in my mind , I , if there is ...20th may or smth, there must be something coming to people that the governemts even they must be made to understand, that everything is wrong and we must unite our consciousness...we'll see, I'll be a participant on 20/21. may meditation.
ReplyDeleteWe do not need our governments to do anything at all. Enough said..... And there's a hell of a lot more people participating in this then just the 1200 that "Liked" this page.
Deleteconnecting our consciousness worldwide with the POWER of a child his imagination will give the most powerful reaction.The CONSCIOUSNESS who created all loving beings will hear our call.ENJOY WINNERS!
ReplyDeleteCount Me In!
ReplyDeleteexcuse me everyonebut how can i image the astral planes.... well how would they be like.......Can any1 help plz.......!!!!
ReplyDeleteThank you for the further information
ReplyDeleteHere with you now