Thursday, June 21, 2012

Operation Stardust 2

You might want to listen to the excellent last Drake’s interview, especially from 18 to 86 minute mark:

It is obvious at this point that the Cabal as a whole does not want to surrender. The plan of the mass arrests continues. This time of negotiations has not been spent in vain. The Cabal has been given its chance. The generous offer has been refused. This protocol has finally allowed the positive ET forces to start taking some action. According to the Galactic Codex, section IV/2, The Galactic Confederation has an unalienable and unconditional right to the implementation of the Galactic Codex and of conquering the areas of Galactic Codex violation with military force if necessary.

This subsection gives a legal basis for the liberation of the occupied planets with military force.  The military forces of the Confederation remove or give assistance to the local Positive Military in removal of the representatives of the Dark Forces and set the hostages free.

Operation Stardust 2 was carried out by the Pleiadian Fleet from the orbit of planet Earth. Stardust is the codename of a special advanced nanotechnology. It is a dust made of small nanoparticles that were sprayed into the physical bodies of the members of the Cabal and their minions (think “cosmic chemtrails”). This nanodust can not be removed by any technology known on Earth. Its activation has two phases. The first phase blocks the central nervous system immediately and a person can not move. The second phase kills the person. It will be activated at the time of the Event to block members of the Cabal trying to do any harm. In vast majority of cases Phase 1 activation will be sufficient. The purpose of the Operation Stardust is to counteract any negative effects of Doom 33 that the Cabal might want to use at that point. In combination with the Positive Military action, this basically check-mates the power of the Cabal. This technology will NOT be activated before the Event. At the Event, the Positive Military and civilian authority will still need to do their part. The purpose of this operation is to make it easier for them.

If high-ranking members of the Cabal need to have proof that Operation Stardust 2 is real, this proof can be arranged.

I would still suggest them to surrender before the Event takes place or even during the Event itself. Those that surrender and cooperate with the Light forces will be treated with much more forgiveness.

I would also like to stress that most of the members of the Cabal families are not guilty and need healing, not condemnation. As you can read in this brave report:

I would encourage other beings in similar position to come forth with their confessions. I will give space in my blog for their expression. This will be healing for many.

As I have said many times, I do not know when the Event will happen. No human being knows, only our Source does.

Yes it can happen in a few days. But no guarantees. I have been given intel years ago that the deadline is April 2012. Now it is June. The only thing I know 100% is that it WILL happen. I will report the events as they unfold.


  1. Thank you, Cobra.
    It's amazing, and yet somehow not at all. I don't know why, but that's what it feels like to me.

    I look forward to peaceful times ahead, for all of us, especially for those who are doing so much to help us from behind the scenes, above and below.

    1. Cobra, Thank You for your efforts, updates, and kind consideration for informing Light Holders on Earth of events to come; all with much appreciation.
      The culmination and validation of information given from many sources in recent days does indeed point to exciting times now, and to come.

      I look forward to meeeting and interacting with all positive parties involved...
      Jaymes in Saint Louis.

    2. (¸¸.♥➷♥•*¨)¸.•´¸.•*¨) ¸.•*¨)
      (¸.•´(¸. ¸.•´¸.•*¨) ¸.♥➷•*¨)
      ──██─▀██▄██▀─▀█▄█▀─██▀█──All ♥➷♥
      ¸.•´¸.•*¨) ¸♥.•*¨) (¸.•´¸♥➷♥¸.•´♥¸.•´♥¸.•*¨)♥.•*¨)¸.•*♥¸

  2. This indeed amazing because it fits with what we see in this sighting.

    1. Stardust2 took place last week, according to the postings on this site. Cobra mentions it today to advise us what it was all about.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. and when is the Event?

  5. Thankyou Cobra from the bottom of my heart . We all welcome your wonderful work and energy . We are incarnate in this physical body and I have learn't many lessons and still am doing so and in relation to your previous post it may not have had greatest of timing, and may have lost some clarity and perhaps could well have been expressed in a more diplomat manner ..We are all sensitive beings at this wonderful time and all want for the best for everyone and for our liberation and to Love and be Loved . With blessings kindred spirit

  6. Many thanks to Cobra!
    I send love and support of all the positive forces!!

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Excellent news! Thank you, Cobra!

  9. Thank you very much, Cobra!

    Many blessings for you and your partners on or under the ground and our family out there among the stars !

  10. Cobra,

    This is refreshing!! Thank you for your efforts and thank the Pleiadian fleet.

  11. Cobra- what prevents the nanoparticles from getting into nearby innocents? Assuming this is truth, I'd also assume there is something involved to prevent innocent people &/or animals from contact. A simple, minor acknowledgement will suffice. Thanks.

    1. I was wondering the same. and so far, I will let the Divine know that the dust does not look like it's working. the cabals are all over the place on TV and talking, talking bs like always. just asking - the Divine.

    2. Did you guys read the post properly? The particles are already inside their bodies. The way nanoparticles work is that they attach themselves to internal systems and cannot leave the body by breathing, for example.

      They are still walking and talking because the particles haven't been activated yet.

    3. I read it. says they were sprayed into their bodies. What assures no nearby innocents take in any spray. i believe i have a valid question.

    4. think smart bombs and have no fear.

    5. This is technology that is thousands of years ahead of ours. It could simply attract to the specific DNA blueprint of one person. :D

    6. there are also many other ways this technology could effect certain inviduals without harming nearby innocents..just use your imagination on how this could be done..namaste! ;)

    7. So that they could only talk truth and nothing but the truth?

    8. hehe..Barda is always right :)

  12. Finally a very good news :-) I really hope that the event will take place soon. I think minor players of cabal are definetely willing to surrender, but the major players will never ever consider it. It's a huge insult for them.
    The term "de-structuring of the soul in the central sun" has scared apparently many people. But i read it's actually a huge salvation process for the dark souls, who can't find their way back to the light in any way. Many years ago i read several books of some russian guy, forgot his name, who wrote about this stuff in a quite detailed way. He also wrote about ankle-biters. They were depicted as a dark astral leeches, which feed from the negative human emotions. And they hide deep in subconscious mind of the victims, therefore it's very hard to remove them, unless the victim realize it consciously and let go off every negative things. But i didn't realised they interfere with human free will so much and came from other star systems.

    P.S: Cobra, i hope you didn't delete my comments. My last two or three comments as reply are not displayed anymore. There were nothing negative or sensitive things.
    @Brando: Thank you for your advice for grounding. Last time i tried, something very unusual happened. :-)

    P.P.S: Cobra, needless to say, we are very very thankful for all your work from the deepest heart. Sending you much love. Hope someday you can come forward in public and speak freely. Looking much forward to these days. :-)

  13. Cobra, Thanks for a great update! And JOKO...Thanks for being you!

  14. Many thanks to you Cobra, We, as one, anxiously await these events. The love of our oneness will love all creatures, dark and light. All will be forgiven in our hearts and souls towards the cabal and the minions that follow. Love and piece to all :)
    ~Michael Hall

  15. Woohoo - way to go Pleaidians! Finally action is being taken! Thanks so much Cobra for sharing this intel and keeping us informed - we really appreciate it! Bless your heart!! Much love, Shirley : )

  16. Thank you Cobra and friends. We appreciate all that you are doing. We have forgiveness in our Hearts. We offer compassion to those who has suffered harm by these demons and pity for those causing the suffering. Those who have perpetuated hate and destruction should now know that they are done. We no longer have tolerance for these kinds on Planet Earth. We thank you for Helping us... and Oh, how do they spray just some and not us?

  17. This is absolutely fantastic news. The world is unfolding, and we are all a part of it. Once things commence, the stars can count on humanity to be there like a force that always was!

  18. From Valiant, 20 April 2012.

    "Dear Mr. Spacemen, I apologize. Some of you truly are good souls…But some…some are such liars. And rotten communicators I would like to add. We’re all equal believe it or not. Treat us that way now. I mean, you good guys shouldn’t have any trouble going public soon, now should you?"

    "Just remember, if you try to control things with this planet…The Forces of Heaven, of Nature are about to show you how small you really are…I believe there is a lyric that reflects how Mother Earth feels right about now…I believe it goes something like,

    “You don’t own me, I’m not one of your many toys…”


  19. Is it possible to videotape Phase I? I would love to see that happen!

  20. So we are told immediate action will be taken, but yet the only for sure thing is that it will take more time for us to actually know that it did.....

  21. Thank you Cobra and our stars Families! Hopefully the event start soon :) Love and light!

  22. Hi Cobra, have you heard the rediculous claim made by the "former white hat" saying that you are really "lady Dragon" of the Drake show? What do you think about that. I have a feeling that you are male anyhow. Lol!

    1. I've heard the voices of Cobra (disguised) and Lady Dragon. Regardless of whether Cobra is male or female, these two use very different speech patterns and sentence structures, so I feel it highly unlikely they could be one-in-the-same person.

    2. Absolute nonsense, why do you poison yourself with disinfo, it's like watching Fox News..?
      Cobra has completely different accent, speech pattern, sentence formation, only because he has an accent doesn't make him same as Lady Dragon.

      Cobra is from Europe, that is for sure.

    3. that would make a very interesting interview then :-)

    4. Here's a recent article from Veteran's Today that contains videos of Phil Schneider speaking in 1995. This video seems to confirm both Drake and Cobra's POV:

      Phil was assassinated shortly after making this presentation.

  23. WOW!! I am speechless... This is what I was asking yesterday in my meditation!!! GOD knows, I did...
    I did understand that we were NOT going to see any surrender... So I asked the WHOLE galactic family
    to hypnotize them so our Earth Warriors of Light could finish the job.

    This was not like me. I am a true peace warrior. Yet, this is what I asked from the Heavens.

    1. From the gaia portal website, June 19, 2012:
      "The Oranges are ready. Grown with the Koa, they may now be picked. The Browns are to be removed. the Grannys are empowered. Feast upon the Bounty of this Harvest."
      And from this website:

      Request from the Great Council of the Grandmothers:
      "From now until June 23 we ask you to think of and hold the Net of Light. We ask you to especially focus on the most northern and southern areas of your planet-the North and South Poles, and the lands adjacent. On June 23 at the Gathering of the Grandmothers in Lithuania, we will call forth the light from within the earth of the Northlands. June 23 marks the summer solstice in Lithuania, the highest holiday in that country, and people from across northern Europe will gather there at this sacred time to take part this work. Together we will invoke the ancestors and activate the light lying deep within the earth in the north as well as the light within the earth at the South Pole. This June event will feed this 'earth' light into the Net of Light that is holding the earth steady, greatly magnifying the power of the Net to uplift the planet and all life on it.

      "Please join with us. Call on us, then think of or imagine the great Net of Light that covers and upholds your planet and focus on amplifying the power of the Net within these northern and southern areas.

      "We, the Great Council of the Grandmothers, have come at this time to help avert the catastrophe that hangs over your planet; we will not see the earth destroyed. We will do this work whether you join with us or not, but if you join us,you will experience the joy of being part of this great adventure. You were born for this work and so we ask you to stand with us now, to think of and hold the great Net of Light steady--especially between now and June 23. This is service, and we ask you to perform this service for yourselves and for everything that lives. We bless you."

      For more information on the Grandmothers and on the Net of Light, go to

  24. From Valiant, 17 March 2012.

    "The real reason the aliens came here, their secret agenda, was to observe and absorb divine intervention. That’s the only reason they’re here, that’s the only reason they have been coming here, staying here….and why they stay so hidden and cloaked. They didn’t come to save us, they came to watch and learn and observe a civilization as it slowly undergoes a transformation and cataclysm…..Divine intervention always comes to these times, it has and always will. Their lives are so formal and sterile, the enrichment of spiritual knowledge is the most prized thing anywhere….And it’s happening right now."
    "So, to set it clear….The higher powers have been manipulating the aliens….Dark forces lured them here. Aliens manipulated the government, and in turn the government controls us."

    "They play with devices; they try to master control, when the control was never really theirs to begin with. The dark powers played the reptilians like puppets for years, and still do---to go against them would end their race. They watch they wait they see they hear they listen and wait….it’s always about the waiting."

    "But the biggest secret of all is that it was all planned…The luring, the manipulation, the technology, even the instigation of experiments…all for the sake of the end of the game. Which is…that our fate is their fate. There is a cosmic law the aliens observe, but there is also a spiritual law of which only the higher powers know...You can’t just simply sit and watch a civilization crumble, or manipulate it without consequences….It’s like a domino-effect. What happens here will happen on their worlds, ending ultimately in an entire-ending and re-shaping of the entire universes’ hierarchy. The good guys lose…the bad guys lose, ha ha ha. They planned it eons ago, and the parts were played out perfectly."


    1. Garbanzo do you realize that you are now like a Jehova witness, watching the world through a very narrow viewpoint of another being, and you also think that you know better then anyone here what is about to unfold,what is going on and what we should do.
      Claim back your sovereignity, being a preacher doesn't really suit you!
      You are more wise then blindly following anyone. I don't know who this guy is, where he came form, I just know reading one of his messages made me very uncomfortable, it is not from love, it is desperate and fear-porn. What I also know is that like many here should you continue preaching I will simply roll over your messages.
      You may or may not completely ignore what I am saying,but no matter what I love you!

    2. LV,

      Sir, I love you like a brother. I do.

      I did not write the above quoted messages. Please, make sure you understand that. I DID NOT WRITE THE MESSAGES I'M POSTING.

      The messages were written by Valiant and will give you a very clear and unbiased version of what is going on here.

      Now, it's okay with me if you think Valiant is a fraud. Really.

      But he's not. He is an oracle.

      I never suggested that anyone do anything. Your life belongs to you, LV. Do with it as you wish.

      The true test of who Valiant is can be answered by Cobra. Ask Cobra who he is. See if Cobra will answer that question.

      LV, you have not been told the whole story. And you will not get the whole story on this blog.

      I'm sorry, but that is the truth.

      Even Cobra himself must admit that information has been kept from us and that even he doesn't know everything.

      Our universe is amazing, LV, because WE ARE ALL EQUALS. Cobra, the Pleiadians, the ETs in the flying saucers, they are no better than you or me.

      As time goes on and our full consciousnesses are returned to us, you will realize that Valiant's words are truly a gift from Heaven.

      You will see...


    3. Btw... if you mean Valiant Thor, then I can assure you that he has never ever been on the light side. But everyone is free to believe whatever he/she wants.
      As Voltaire (prime incarnation of Lamach) 1770 once wrote: ".., I detest what you write, but I would give my life to make it possible for you to continue to write."

    4. Prime
      From what is stated here by gb and clay dog Valient is NOT Valiant Thor. The valient they speak of is an supossed oracle. I get no resonance with whatever The alleged oracle is saying I think the oracle is just another earth human with a new name to channeling to try and lend a sense of weight to his purely negative views of the process of awakening and inter-planetary cultural exchange, which clearly is a too deep and convoluted subject for him to grasp. I must speak up against any incorrect comdemnation by anyone regarding The real Valiant Thor of whom you prime know nothing. VAl Donn Thon Teel and many other members of the Victor Class fleet do more to serve this planet and its people in one hour than many can achieve in this lifetime. Val is a created being he was not born and simply appeared on Venus one day many many years ago. He is respected throughout the universe and is a Comander of an entire fleet of ships. His ongoing attempts to dissuade the cabal are renown in the inner circles of earth governments and on other worlds as well! Why is everyone critical and judgemental of our space brothers and sisters all of a sudden! No one is expecting you to worship them or is saying they are better than me or you. It seems so many here are all of a sudden experts on these personalities. If you ever get a chance to meet a friendly space family member your heart would melt in natural respect for the powerful dignity these being radiate. Best to educate yourself thoroughly before making statements about beings you have never met! I like Voltaire detest what you write but also feel that your right to your opinion is invioble.Do you have any experience with Valiant Thor what do you know of him to make such a statement? tsk tsk :-( anything positive about anything for you or is it all just a misinformation trash fest?
      respectfullysubmitted by a defender of TRUTH

    5. Pottsman,

      If I remember correctly you mentioned on a previous post that you met some of them.Were you talking about Valiant Thor?

      I found this yesterday..

      "He told me that his purpose in coming was to help mankind return to the Lord. He spoke in positive terms...always with a smile on his face. He said that man was further away from God than ever before, but there was still a good chance if man looks in the right place. He told me he had been here nearly three years and would depart in just a few months."

    6. ok, i think more than one people are using the name "Valiant Thor".

      The typical confusion the dark were playing.

      And this is now a very funny situation. The "Valiant Thor" Barakiel was writing above is the dark copy. And the funny part is, that the "Valiant Thor" pottsman writing of, is the real one on our GF fleet, a real good one a got as info, and under Barakiels command.

    7. lv, brandoo, IAL CTM ,ANK :-) Ham yes this one is a dark "copy" but I think there is only one VT. Ham not sure exactly what you mean by your post "a real good one a got as info, and under barakiels comand? " Not sure but he is al love and light for sure! :-) lprosperity yes this is the one to which i refer. I do not have time to go into my personal meeting here right now but yes i have been onboard his ship in "night classes" and do retain "some" memories of those experiences! will share more later!

      The manuscript of survival – part 155 •June 22, 2012 •
      As you have been told again and again, mankind is standing before a seeming abyss of change that will herald a whole new world for you all. Many have talked about this season of change, and many have almost given up hope that it will come. We are here to assure you that you have not waited in vain, and that you will all soon have more change than you mayhaps bargained for.
      Let us explain. Your society is based upon some fundamental rules, and as you have all been raised for generations under these same rules, it is virtually impossible for you to bend your heads around the fact that these rules will one day be declared null and void. You see, as you have been so programmed to expect a certain outcome of every action that takes place, this process we are referring to will seem to be almost impossible to comprehend. In other words, we do not speak of a gradual change, where one instance will follow the next in a well defined order, we talk about an almost instantaneous merging of different planes that will literally turn everything upside down and inside out and render the landscape almost unrecognizable. Not in a literal way, as what we refer to are the ingrained habits and thought patterns of humans that will have to be erased in order for the new programming to take its place, and where you go from your limited way of reasoning and reacting to a limitless way of acting from the centre of your being instead of from that reptilian part of your brain that is currently in control of everything you do. When we use the word ”reptilian” we do not in any way refer to a sinister sort of creature, rather to the most basic and crude part of your mental capacity in charge of serving the most fundamental needs of your physical body. In other words, that part that will resort to anything out of the fear of dying, and that has been in control of most of mankind’s action for a very long time. But now, that primitive master will have to resign, as there is a new master waiting in the wings to take back the controls, namely the many faceted true you that have been hidden away under all of these layers of fear. And as these changes will start to burst forth, your souls’ shining head will raise above the murky waters of fear and chaos and calmy take over the reins.
      It may not sound plausible that you will find calm in the midst of turmoil, as for many, handling the day to day business in a seemingly ever more disturbed world is almost impossible per se, but trust us when we say that when the going gets really tough, as they say, you will have no other option than to finally give in and pull out that inner core and start relying on that. You see, you are in many ways too timid now, not completely able to trust that inner spirit, but it will soon be more than obvious that this is indeed where your real strength lies, and you will find it almost impossible not to throw caution to the wind and finally take that decisive step, literally into your own sovereignty.
      So as we were saying, the time for change is clear ahead, so fasten your seatbelts dear ones. Get ready to have the time of your lives, as the heat will start to shimmer all over this little planet and the thunder of change will roll all over you.

  25. hi cobra! i noticed in some of your interviews and posts you say "galactic confederation". could you tell me if there's a difference between the galactic confederation and the galactic federation of light? people have been saying that they are two separate organizations, and that the gfol doesn't have good intentions. i don't believe that though because i always thought they were the same thing. can you tell me if there is a difference between the two, or if they both represent the same organization? thank you!

    1. Luna, Tolec has an informative piece on this in his Glossary at the following:

    2. ^^^^^thank you yvelinemarie always looking for new sites to look into

    3. "Galactic Federation" and "Galactic Federation of light" has never been one and the same thing. The dark side used the word "light" just to irritate us and make us believe that they are gonna help us. They spread fear and promise to help us. Any of you ever considered that there is absolutely nothing to be afraid of? Fear, Anger and similar negative emotions have nothing to do with the light. The "Galactic Federation of light" first causes fear and then tries to give you hope that everything is gonna be ok, if you trust them. You get the point? Many honest light-workers have been duped by the dark side and spread the word. They are innocent, they did it in good belief, but they were unfortunately wrong.
      The "Galactic Federation" (the other side, the real light) will always prevent any possible harm, even by sacrificing own people/beings for your sane.

    4. I can confirm it.

      I was in the battles, were the ships of GF fighting against the ships from GFoL.

  26. Hello Cobra. Just want to say how much I appreciate your work but have one concern that noone really talks about. What about the rest of the world? I am here in Panama and it is pretty messy down here. What is planned in our part of the world? It also feels very lonely. Are any lightworkers here?

    I am new to this forum and I wish everyone love peace and harmony. In unity we stand!

    1. Aurora, many light workers every where. Keep open they/you will find each other. Panama is a beautiful country you fare much better in regards to mass arrest scenario's . we wish you love and light to.

    2. Thank you for answering, Rob. I can't wait until the world turns the way I see it in my heart cause it's so beautiful.
      Love and light to you too.

    3. Aurora Please use Facebook to connect with groups and other Blogs instantly if you so desire

      Love and Light

  27. Bankers arrested in Iceland, Irish minister confronted over Bilderberg meeting, arrest warrant for Pakistani PM, Greek finance minister "disapears", downgrades on all 17 global banks! Thanks Cobra.

    1. you have a link to the Greek finance minister disappearing?

    2. I saw a couple of places yesterday he had gone to a meeting but had not been seen since. I will try to find it again but it was considered very odd. I recall his name is Rapanos? I go all over the world for news so it may take a bit to locate the articles, if they are still up.

  28. From Valiant 04 April 2012.

    "Dear Mr. Spacemen, Do you remember that whole thing where I talked about The Hand of God? See, here’s the thing. Well, it applies to you too. Those kids must just really notice you, among others…"
    "You waited, you watched, you saw, even tinkered with things on this planet. And that makes you a part of it. Through the ages you’ve been there, and well that’s makes you a part of this planet’s fate."

    "All those deals and promises you made, I guess someone upstairs must have been watching beyond your knowledge. So many secrets, so many lies. I sure hope you didn’t just come to watch a show, to experience spiritual enrichment at others’ expenses…Or to wait to loot a failing planet in its dire hour. No, you wouldn’t do that would you?"

    "I mean, you really can not toy with a planet, manipulate its people through tempting technology, abductions, experiments…and not suffer the fate right along with it. It almost makes you wonder who the culprit behind devastations might be. An advanced race of beings would surely be able to surpass anything little like managing a holocaust if they could travel clear across space…"


    1. GB - I went and read all of Valiant today and realized that it was a few days ago, before I read you posting about him, that I actually saw stuff about him on another blog I follow (not the NESARA one). I recognized the White Stag as the blogger had reposted the gorgeous image. This is not a coincidence that I ran into this stuff first at the blogger's page and then via your mentions, and then went and read it all. I sense something really important in your heart, and it is why I wanted to give your information a chance and then see for myself what it is that you have been tuning into with that information.

      Here's what I think, having digested it all and through running this stuff through my own mind and heart.

      I think that you have Cobra and the Resistance mixed up with other ET groups that have not had the planet's best interest at heart.

      I have also been told some stuff in my head about this situation, but because such stuff is subject to distortion and because I have not had any physical corroboration of the stuff yet (and I want to be 100% sure of its veracity before saying anything), I am not speaking about it now. But even as I type this, I am being reminded of what it is that I am told.

      I'm reserved about everything, including this and other sites. I'm reserved because I know I have been duped in the past, and that sometimes I am easily duped (a couple of ex-husbands will teach a girl that...). But I also have had evidence that I have learned my lessons and that my good heart is a pretty sound instrument when it comes to being a BS Detector. I'm not saying 100% that Cobra and the Resistance are not the right targets for what you are writing here, but I am saying I feel 60% sure for now, and that is enough for me to say, "Stop. You are barking up the wrong tree."

      We'll see.
      I could be wrong.
      There is a lot going on, and I may not be hearing my messages clearly.

      But I will say this. I have the Goddess Power on my side now, fully integrated into my being and that makes a shitload of difference at this point. This was not the case a few short weeks ago. And the Goddess is telling me that this blog and the things being written here are right on.

      To the P's, to what is moving forward, I have this to say:

      BRING IT.

      Calliope the Muse

    2. Calliope,

      You are another person that is gonna get an enormous hug at the cast party!

      You are smart, witty, funny and full of life. I can't wait to meet you.

      As for Valiant, well, he's real.

      But don't believe me. Ask Cobra. Go ahead.

      Valiant's posts go back to March and comprise a book's worth of material. Did you read it all? It would go about 120 pages.

      Like you said, the proof is in the pudding and everything is good, so let's just move ahead into our golden age.

      We'll talk about all these details when it's over.


    3. Oh good. :) I just asked if I were in on the hug, so good to know I am. :D

      I believe Valiant is real. (And in the process of finding out I also discovered a really interesting Heavy Metal band, lol.)

      The posts are the ones on The Rumor Mill News Reading Room site per your instructions in previous posts, right? I found 24 posts starting April 4 and going to June 20 there, and yes, I read them all (okay, not 100% true. I discovered that I had not finished April 17 as of right now). I read fast, lol.

      If there are more, let me know where to find them and I will finish them, too.

      Yes, I agree, the proof is in the pudding (I'm ready to eat. I prefer chocolate, though). And yes, most is just the details.

      Take care, GB. I absolutely feel you are a great guy at heart. You have a great vibe.


    4. In my earlier comment, I referred to the Valiant posts as being on NESARA. I meant to write what I did in my subsequent comment: The Rumor Mill News Reading Room.

    5. Garbanzo,

      Here's an idea. If you feel the need to alert people to the whole truth, why not set up your own blog on blogger ... It's FREE !

      This way, all who are aligned with your messages can know where to find them !

      What dya think ?


    6. i have to say that i actually welcome even the negative or perceived, there of, like this. Garbanzo i have havent really chatted with you or been to knowing of what you have posted, but i have paid some attention to the more recent last week posts, it has got me thinking and this started before you began posting so like Muse im willing to always entertain anothers view. i truly beleive we ALL have to make up our own minds. IAL youve been another ive connected with and while i DO agree Garbanzo could start a blog to share his opinion i really think we ALL should.. i started one and am starting a new one, lol, but i sensed your comment was more out of a to get him to stop posting it here, while yes this space is suppose to be to focus on the good. he isnt condemning others nor fear mongering in my opinion yes some may get fear from his post but i rreally think its all how WE take it and what we do with it. maybe exploring anothers view is something we need to do no matter how obscur off our own what we thnk to be our path is, just to be able to more clearly see our own when we again return to our own opinions and views and stand among them with wisdom and confidence. anyway just wanted to share that and thank you Garbanzo even though i dont yet understand WHAT im getting from this, its ALWAYS good in my opinon to keep an open mind and listen even to those we think are full of bs to be able to better understand WHY we think they are and then maybbe we will learn something about ourselves, or our beleifs, that we didnt understand before <3 virtual hugs to you all****

    7. I AM,

      Your suggestion is a very good one and I would take your advice, but it's too late.

      Very deep down the rabbit hole I've been over the past few weeks.

      The story is very long, very complicated and words wouldn't do justice to telling it.

      If I had my telepathic abilities returned to me, then I would share everything with you.

      Just know that in the end, all is not what it seems, but our destiny is secure. Very secure.

      Just ask Cobra.


    8. Garbanzo,

      You are a likeable fella, no doubt about it - that is part of your charm, and you use it to your full advantage.

      However, I've been around the block a few times as they say, and unfortunately, I don't trust your motives or believe a word you say. :)

      Love and light to ya brother.

  29. From Valiant 06 April 2012.

    "Speaking of continents, that light show, that demonstration to show whose out there…You know that’s all in good faith and sincerity, right? No one said anything about contact. Just a show. And make it good, you never know whose watching. Eyes and ears above, there’s always a higher force at work…And boy, I bet they would like to see everyone get along, to see something really special…something really unique. Who wouldn’t be impressed by that?"

    "Promises, promises…For years, decades, centuries there have been stories and promises made. Maybe it’s time for that to come to fruition too…A lot has to change, a lot will change. The Earth knows that, so do you. There sure seems like there’s a lot to come, so stay tuned."


    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. GB,

      I deleted my post above asking about the archives...I found them.

  30. So, what exactly is "the Event"? Has it been defined somewhere that I have not read yet? Anyone?

    1. has some good info. "The Event" basically refers to the removal of the dark Cabal and the return of our freedoms. It is not quite as simple as this but is a good starting point for you.

    2. Hi Jennie, would suggest you read Cobra's posts from early - mid April, there is much information there which will be helpful.

      Basically, it is a reference to the mass arrests.

    3. Jennie,
      read this two previous posts from Cobra:
      1, Plan 2012:
      2, Removing the Cabal:

      Dunno if you read our response to your first post but in mine and all other's name: Welcome on board ;)

    4. Thanks LV! No, I couldn't read it because I think there were too many posts on that page and it kept timing out. I'm very glad to be here!

    5. When the number of comments reach 200, you have to click on a sign namely "Load more" on the bottom of the page just beneath the white comment box. You can check back the welcomes then ;)

  31. GB you made your point and your kinda making it in the wrong place. This blog was Cobras connection to send coded messages to the RM. It is now our place of love and light. A place of acceptance of all, and acceptance of all that will be. We accept you with love and with light, but at the same time let you go if you do not welcome yourself. Namaste brother!

    1. Yes, Brother. I agree with what you and others have written (see above). Namaste to you all.

    2. Brando,

      I respectfully disagree with you on your point that this blog is Cobra's to send coded messages.

      I specifically asked him when this blog first started if anyone could post messages about anything. His reply? Of course.

      Brando, my brother, read my response to LV above.

      You have not been told the whole story. And you will not get the whole story on this blog.

      That doesn't mean I'm a bad guy or trying to rain on your parade. It means that the truth is out there and we have to keep searching to find it.

      The Resistance is a wonderful group of dedicated and loving people and ETs who are here to help us. And I'm damn glad they are. Believe me, I want our planet liberated just as much as anyone.

      But the bottom line is that when your full consciousness is returned to you, you'll see this whole stage production in a different light.

      Brando, I'm a Pleiadian starseed. I've seen my home planet in meditations. I'm here to help as much as I can. Digging deeper to find more truth is part of that.

      At the party, when we meet, I will embrace you with an enormous hug and we'll share a laugh about this crazy game we played.


    3. Hey GB -- what planet is it, do you have a name? Sincerely interested, if you can share.

      And I hope I can be in on that hug with everyone! :)

    4. I understand the full picture isnt here GB and I do read many other things and have many different angles of this whole puzzle but still do not have it anywhere near put together. I accept this. I continue to follow what I now know is the only real force in this universe, Love! I will be here breathing in everything as it all unfolds with loving light to all!

    5. GB,

      Did you say party? I'm going to crash it.. :)

    6. ^^^ if the cabal cant crash the party you cant either :)

    7. And hey, Prosperity,

      Clothing is optional...


  32. Dear Cobra, will you inform us here right before (i.e 24hours) the unfolding of the Event?

    Thank you for your answer!

    1. I would say Cobra cannot disclose any time at all before the event in fear of exposure.

    2. In Drake's radio show he states that there will be a 24 hour notification on his (Drake's) website.

  33. Action speaks , stop blowing nano stardust up our a**!do one thing you said you were going to would be a fine start

  34. Pleiadians WE LOVE YOU !
    Buh bye Cabal ! Thanks for the memories ...
    Chocolove xoxo

  35. Thank you for sharing this amazing development with us, Cobra. I expect that the strategists among the Resistance and Pleiadians have anticipated that the Cabal will attempt to move ahead with "doom33" pre-emptively, before the mass arrests take place, attempting to create chaos that will prevent the Event. Putting myself in their shoes (not a pleasant exercise!), that is what I would do. However, if they still retained the capacity to create mass chaos, they would likely have acted before their situation became so dire. For which we have the Resistance and GF to thank.


  36. GB, I would like to know more, I think that you are an incredibly smart being, and you have tons of love to give. I do not judge, anyone, anything, I am here to learn. I want nothing more than to help this great cause. I want to know ALL angles of the game adn not just one. I will not limit my learning to one site, or one person. I believe it was you who posted the link to the Athabantian crew. I really want to thank you for that, I have been welcomed with open arms and am very happy about that, I know I'm kinda rambling here, in a nut shell, Thank you.
    ~Michael Hall

    1. It is expected Earth will begin to settle into its new 4D vibrational existence, its new fourth dimension life, in January 2014. There will also be pockets of 5th dimensional vibration on your new 4D Earth.

      Once Earth is vibrating in the fourth dimension, Earth's remaining sentient inhabitants, including all humans, will be forever changed. They will manifest a variety of natural, multi-sensory abilities as never before experienced in Earth's history. These new abilities include: telepathy, telekinesis, teleportation, and levitation. For all of transformed humanity - human consciousness, human life, will make a quantum leap in evolution.

      Humans finally experience and learn first hand about the truth & reality of their own soul, about their true spiritual birth essence & origin. 4D humanity experiences a true spiritual life - complete self awareness and cognition, total memory recall, clairvoyance, clairsentience & greater natural harmony with others.

      This will include a complete transformation of your solar system. A complete transformation of the human race on planet Earth. You will now have crystalline bodies, healthy, light filled with virtually eternal life spans. And a beautiful way of living like you have never imagined.


      this is from this site >>

      im still checking it ou tbut since you are looking for all angles too :) i have a good 15-20 sites i have checked and felt 'some' truth on, this is the newest.. hope it helps!

    2. Bla bla, 2014, 2015, 2020, 2200, 10000.

      All liar's. Just trust your higher self alone and don't wait for good ET's who kill the cabale with nanadust.

    3. Michael,

      Just being you is enough to help our world.

      I did not post the offer to join the crew of the Athabantian. That was not me.

      Look, everyone, my main message is this: YOU are as important as anyone else in the eyes of Divinity.

      There is no one above you. Not an ET, not an angel, not an ascended master, not a Resistance movement representative, not a world leader, not a single entity.

      And there is no one below you.

      Remember this because this is one of the first lessons you will work on after the singularity.

      How do I know? Because I'm going to be here teaching it.


  37. Cobra, have you seen this?
    http.ashtar command -spiritual forum
    THE ARREST OF THE CABAL -6/21/2012
    BY GLR Michael (Micah) THE PLEIADIAN, Guardian of the Devine Plan- commissioned by PRIME CREATOR.
    Please, let us know what do YOU know about this.

    Thank YOU soooo much!

  38. This comment has been removed by the author.

  39. let's go already. we are ready.

  40. Good Heavens The picture...

    It's my country Denmark though inverted?

    Anyway I got af chock when I read the text.. Because I thought that the ideal plan for stopping the cabal was to paralyze them. And then I read its happening!
    I thought imagine if creation paralyzes evil, because its over now. Creation need to do light through everything.
    Because creation loves processes and in 3D we often only get it on the edge - so just kill them all makes no sense.

    So here we go - That a solution thats make sense

  41. brando,
    one hint: ba careful with Kavassilas and Kettler. Without doubting any of them, they both have big egos, and especially after listening to Kavassilas interview with Lilou Mace I was very drained. Not too empowering or loving message, let's say that, only confuse you and you lose the ground.

  42. I offer this site for your edification of another space family and they're commintment to helping earth and the history of their efforts this is one of the original old school contactees who has never come forward publicly except to Gabriel Green. there are links and references to universal economics here as well as many interesting toothsome tidbits/info. I reccomend an "overview of the omegan situation" and as much as you can digest from this site. keep an open mind and bookmark this site it is a gem.
    Via a luce

  43. Thank you for encouraging people to find forgiveness in their hearts for family members of the cabal.

    There is magic in Forgiveness.

  44. i would like to help cleaning up the earth like nuclear waste and getting your water clean

  45. Dear Cobra - thank you for the work and for the truth. Please let us know how we can be of service above and beyond participation in the meditations :-) Much love to you, Namaste.

  46. Dear Cobra, thank you thank you thank you! We will continue to raise our own consciousness and anchor as much light as we can. Blessings and deep gratitude to you, your team, all the unseen and unknown beings of the Light. Grace

  47. Dear Cobra and Friends thank you for all your work,this site feels like our beacon in the dark.For those who have questions about ET intervention I recommend reading Jose Arguelles's book"the Arcturus Probe"this is an amazingly enlightening and moving book,transmitted with no religious distortions as it is connected to the Mayas.Love to All.

  48. Thank you Cobra for your and the whole freedom movement team's efforts for all the freedom oriented steps you have been taking ! And i am looking forward to helping out when the time for volunteering to help comes . Love and Light to you , our brothers and sisters down here on the front line , and our interdimensional/intergalactic brothers and sisters :)

  49. Yup Cobra, my doubts about your reliability have finally been confirmed: you are not to be trusted. Beings of Light, positive ET forces and such entities would NEVER KILL ANYONE - and yet, you stated that technology for such actions has been deployed. I'm sorry, I just don't buy into this BS anymore. Good people of Earth, I hope your eyes will be opened soon. Peace & Love to everyone.

    1. I would have agreed with you here and I understand your indignation. The problem is though the cabal will destroy most of the population of Earth( I cannot recall the exact figure) the rest will be completely imprisoned. The planet will be destroyed utterly. Given this, and I AM very sure, you can see the issue.

    2. I can see the issue, but "lets kill them before they kill us" aproach is not the answer. All beings have a right to live, and no one should decide about someone else' faith.

  50. I was wondering if the problems with certain financial institutions here in the UK at the moment have anyhting to do with the 'virus' that the libertation movement apparently placed into the system on 21st May?

    It seems incredibly sychronistic to me that this would happen on or around the 21st June surrender date. Especially with the aformentioned info that a virus was placed into the system....

    1. I wonder if the computer glitches were a 'warning shot' to the cabal.....

    2. I have been having glitch's for days now. Thanks to the good guys it hasn't gone down. Yeah Cobra!

  51. Late yesterday just before going to sleep something hit my mind! Cobra mentioned that 90% of the Jesuits where good and 10% of them where bad ordering the Rotschilds if I remember correctly!

    It's almost like a rule isn't? When there is a crowd of people there almost always 1-10% that destroys for the 90-99% i.e. demonstrations. Do you see the synchronicity and when you flip the coin of duality you have the reverse scenario. We the 1-10% light workers do make a difference. Now I believe that we are much more than 10% that are awake but maybe this was not the case before?

    Maybe the rule have changed..? ;o)

    I don't know if there is a difference between letting the most evil cabal go to the sun and go back to source or to fill them with nano technology that will do the same work but instantly. I'm however fine with it when it comes to both.

    Thanx for the heads up Cobra - and for the rest time will tell and time is bound to end as we know it.. :oP

  52. McCroft:"Maybe the rule have changed..? ;o)"

    Yes a lot of rules have already changed! And every 40 minutes more rules will be changed!!!!

    MC: "go to the sun and go back to source or to fill them with nano technology that will do the same work but instantly."

    They have nothing to fear. Only some of them can't release the fear.

    To all, who took a package from my part of the job, thank you very, very much, it was and is a very big relief!!!

  53. Hi COBRA, my friend asked if the nano tech is to be used on the archons aswell as the cabal and if not how will the archons be removed from the non physical astral so to speak? I would also like to say am very grateful for all you do. Thank you <3

  54. I share this because I wonder if this is more to do with current events than any loss of employment status?


  56. Hello Stasha,

    you are most welcome and no real lightworker would ever think of casting you out. We are very happy to have you among us. You are a real hero if you consider that you incarnated on purpose in that family, so you can fight for the light.
    Thank you for that! I do appreciate your courage!

    1. Hamourapi, very beautiful :) you are so very correct! Stasha, you have all the support you could ever need, and you are among TRUE family and friends! Love to you all!
      ~Michael Hall

  57. Gee, I don't know about anyone else, but I'm really starting to feel duped here. There are no outward actions, and a steady stream of promises and assurances, and definitive dates, that all fall short of anything actually occurring. Truth is so hard to discern. This is all seeming like yet another masterful distraction. I invite any ET or otherwise to contact me directly and assure me in person that this is all actually happening. I'm betting tomorrow will be the same as today.

  58. This comment has been removed by the author.

  59. Finally the cobra harrison interview transcript enjoy people it is easy to read and Cobra makes some things that are confusing much clearer here

    here is another space family who is actively involved in taking down the negative ET faction check it out folks this is an old school contactee must be close to 70 now his name is bob reynaude and has never come forward publicly with his story though gabriel green did report his information in the 60's and 70's this brother seeks no public scrutiny and after seeing all the "Disillusioned" faithful and doubting thomases of the last few days you can understand why he has reamined hidden. His site has only about 12 thousand hits over several years but I think he may get a few more hits now his stuff is awesome. I recomend "Galactic Overview of the omegan situation" as it resonates with what is going on right now and on this our Cobra site check it out.....below

    1. though the terrakor site has some what believe to be tongue and cheek salvos at billy meirs reprts about semjase I do enjoy most of his information Dr Fred Bell who was a contactee of Semjase was constantly attacked by billy meirs people saying billy was the only contact when at one point meir also said semjase indicated she would have spurious scientific contacts of which Dr Bell was one. The korrendorians seem to be straight forward and do challenge certain generally accepted understandings of pleideans and Semjase I see strong elements of truth in both of these contactees and their space family contacts ... i do not feel a need to choose and strangely enough i am not conflicted in regards to the seeming differences... which i believe are due to human error in reporting or philosophical differences between Semjase federation ideologies and those of the alliance and ARkay! I would love some feedback on this by Cobra or others after they have perused this site!
      quizically submitted to illustrate the many differing groups and varied viewpoints of ET/ED contacts to earth!

  60. Thank you Pottsman for your efforts. May I add here a couple of other sites, hope you approve but say so you do not: amazing photo of 6th density Syrian feline).
    Our Gallatic Family, with James Gilliland ( It is on Blogtalk radio). A very personal and loving account. I have another on my FB page somewhere but it would take ages to find it.
    The ET thing is hard initially. I was only just awake and got 'starseed' in a meditation. I googled it and, guess what,it sounded like me. I had nobody to tell, obviously and cried for 2 weeks because I thought I was an 'alien'. I sat down to meditate, insisting that someone comes to tell me where I am from and what my real name is! I laugh about it now. Well, I have always been odd.

    1. thanks I love James and ecti I recommend you go to jis ranch for some real fun R and R. A great guy without ego or agenda a true server. :-)

    2. Alas, I am in England. Roll on when we can travel by will!


    A few lines from Enigma:

    If you understand
    Or if you don't

    If you believe
    Or if you doubt

    There's a universal justice
    And the eyes of truth
    Are always watching you

    Tell all of our ET friends that I said welcome to the party.

    Don't screw it up.


    1. so why not just e-mail it to him?

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. My words Joko,

      very well said.
      As I tried to warn you earlier garbanzo, you are like a Jehova witness panicking and preaching,trying to save the ones who are not thinking the same way as you. We understand that you believe that "Valiant's" messages are essential for us to see the whole picture, but we do not agree with you on this one.
      You are a free being, get your sovereignty back, you lost it along the way.An attention-seeker preacher is the worst combo I can think of.

      In essence: we don't need to be saved!
      Waiting for the old,wise GB to return.
      Until then yours faithfully,

    5. Garbanzo,

      I understand your desperation because as you say, time is running out --- for all the fear mongers and darkness, not the Light.

      We, of the Light, will prevail in Victory in very short order.

      I know you have a job to do brother, and you've done it well, with humour and intelligence, but unfortunately my friend, it looks like the gig is up here ...

      Tick tock

    6. This comment has been removed by the author.

    7. :D Love both your and Joko's wit.

    8. Joko I really wander though how this Ascension will play out.. So many opinions. I know one thing for sure by the 22nd of December this year, we will live in a free world :) It's enough for me as a first step, my logical mind says we will have plenty of tasks to do before Ascension.

    9. This comment has been removed by the author.

    10. This comment has been removed by the author.

    11. This comment has been removed by the author.


  63. Hello Loves!! I hope everyone is having a nice morning (morning for me at least). I am quiet this morning. A little forelorn. It's nice to see some friends here. - Jennie


  65. It seemed to me that what we really need is a forum to corroborate all this information, rather than using these comment boards, so i took the liberty of making one for anyone who's interested in sharing the information/links they have found. its new so its not much yet but it might be better structure then going from comment boards in post after post,

    1. Great idea Matt, I took the liberty to register first :)

    2. Thanks Matt! Great idea!! I have registered as well :)


    3. LOL!! Corroborate away, but by the time you come to a consensus the show will be over! :) This is a time for listening to your internal guidance, or not.

  66. I write from Italy and right now I read on the website of 'Ansa that there are physical problems with the new premier. Translation from google sorry:

    ATHENS, June 22 - After the hospitalization of Prime Minister Antonis Samaras for a detached retina, and 'also ended up in hospital neo Finance Minister Vassilis Rapanos for an illness. '' He felt a sense of vertigo and it 'passed out, and then' was taken to hospital where it 'was apprehended,'' a source told the National Bank of Greece and of which Rapanos' president. The oath of Rapanos as a minister was scheduled for tonight.

    This is the Ansa website link:

  67. As Earth Peoples have clearly demonstrated, repeatedly, and in ever growing numbers, that we are simply not capable of liberating ourselves due to the entrenched, oppressive and technologically superior forces that are subjugating us. We desperately appeal to the higher forces of order in our Cosmos, to step in and tip the balance in favor of our being able to achieve liberation NOW!

    1. I've been making the same appeal in my meditations lately :)

  68. Are we to understand from the execution of "Operation Stardust 2" that all the members of the Cabal are now in some kind of suspended animation if the first phase has already been carried out?

  69. Hey folks, there are undoubtedly some plants on all our sites trying to bring in their negativity. Sending love to them. Thanks for the info on Greece. I heard about the finance minister seeminly missing yesterday so now we know. Also, on The Slog is a brand new article about how the ruling elite used a 2001 census instead of 2011 census which invalidates the Greek elections that were just held. This guy is always days ahead of regular news but has been very reliable.

  70. Another update from The Slog-He got hold of information from Wall Street banks that they were planning Greek exit from Euro since January. Check it out.

  71. cobra i will support with money i have a small amount $400

    1. I would not recommend donating to Cobra unless you can lose $1000 in a casino and come away thinking you had a fun night.

      I'm not trying to sound negative, it's just that he's asking for help from people who have no financial difficulities.

    2. Evolution is right, the message was for wealthy people who don't care about 1000 plus/minus.

    3. maybe it's for cabals. they can contribute. what about the prosperity funds?

    4. @Evolution et all: Read the post! He only asked money from rich people, not from us. Here is his "P.S. post" about it AGAIN:
      " P.S. There has been a strong reaction to this post especially from people having emotional issues with money. Please understand that call for funding was directed towards wealthy individuals outside the Cabal as this would not be a burden for them, and not to general population... "

      T look into your own issues about money would be advisable.

    5. @chase langston

      Feel free to contact me at

  72. This appeal for "help" or "Mayday" call was posted some time ago. I trust, buried though it is in the bowels of the internet, that the eyes that search for these things were alert enough to pick this up. I hope too that a growing number of people are coming to a realization that we need a bit of HELP here. I was notified that this site was closing down but it still seems to be up

    1. Hi amerival it is Rob your fellow inner circle member here "ring of fire" to you. Could you please share what your feelings of Valiant Thor 'The real one" is it would be good for this group to have another perspective!

  73. well, anything new about the "magic dust". Just saw on TV the German prime-minister or whatever, very well - thank you, protected by lots of body guards enjoying a soccer game - no bothered by "dust" at all. just to let you all know :-)

    1. These snide comments could be saved for the genuine occasion when they are valid. Cobra clearly states: "Its activation has two phases. The first phase blocks the central nervous system immediately and a person can not move. The second phase kills the person. It will be activated at the time of the Event to block members of the Cabal trying to do any harm."

      In other words, stardust2 has been applied, but not activated in the sense that it is dormant until such time as it may be activated.

    2. well, now I can sleep tonight - we did not not reach phase 2 yet. come on - WAKE UP - this is a SCAM>

    3. Deliberate misunderstanding of clear language is a strange mode of operation indeed. The message would indicate that phase 1 has not happened yet, hence, nor phase 2.

    4. sash1964 is right.

      Stardust2 has been applied, but not activated in the sense that it is dormant until such time as it may be activated.

  74. Native American guidelines for daily living (as told to me by a Cherokee Medicine Man many years ago) that I find very helpful:

    Be Grateful

    And so…with regard to the very interesting posts here, the batting back and forth amongst you…who is right, who is wrong, who is a teacher and who is a dark force, who knows and who doesn’t…etc, etc, etc…I would like to just say something about how I look at all this.

    I ACCEPT…that there is a whole lotta stuff taking place, and I personally have NO WAY of knowing exactly what it is, no matter who shares with me their ‘inside information’ or ‘the real truth’. At the end of the day, the only ‘truth’ is what I live each moment. Period. I ACCEPT my own truth and my own Divineness.

    I ALLOW all truths to be present, as all beings are Divine and all beings have a role in the Divine plan and it’s unfolding. All are one. I ALLOW my own truth to resonate without forcing it on someone else. I ALLOW others their divine path, and I allow space for all. I Allow, allow, allow without the need to change someone.

    I ACKNOWLEGE that I am not above anyone else, and so I do not try to force others to see or follow MY truth. I ACKNOWLEGE that each being has a right to his or her experiences, beliefs, and feelings but without imposing through fear, nasty comments, ridicule and arrogance his or her truths onto someone else. I ACKNOWLEDGE my own power to move away from those who try to bully me or others with these tactics.

    I am GRATEFUL for my life lessons and for the lessons I am allowed to witness through others. I am GRATEFUL for my unique place in the role of this unfolding plan, no matter how invisible it may be to anyone else. I am GRATEFUL for all those who seek to spread love with no other agenda. I am grateful for kindness and for forgiveness. I am grateful for those who resonate with me, as it buoys me up. I am grateful for those with those who disagree with me, for it allows me see in new ways and to grow. Lastly I am grateful for the opportunity through this life on the Earth Mother to share my own love and light with whoever may need or desire to feel it, especially to those who cannot do it for themselves.

    Just a viewpoint, mine alone, so thanks for the space to say it. Much Love.

    Mitakuye Oyasin, Gus dii dada dv ni Aho!

    1. That is beautiful :) Very very well said.

    2. O.O
      This message is overflowing with wisdom.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Thank you for posting this! I have saved it to read again. It definitely resonates with me!

    5. In peace x
      You must have read and loved the Prayer, Mitakuye Oyasin?.

    6. Dear Imtracyac,

      Thank you for your post and your wisdom. Whether or not you were referring to my posts or not, I take your points and appreciate very much your candor and your willingness to address this.

      People have perceptions, personality traits and motivations that in the framework of this conversational arena we cannot fully know. Therefore, we are all proceeding as best as we can at each given moment.

      There have been many posts here both recently and in the past that have been surprising and hurtful to me. I have examined this within myself to see what it is that needs healing within myself, and have done my best to rectify this in whatever way I thought was appropriate.

      Could it be possible that we judge which human frailties have more gravity than others ?

      Perhaps there will be a magic eraser someday to wipe everything pristine clean. In the meantime, your words are true. It is about acceptance and allowance. Both within ourselves and in regards to others.


  75. This comment has been removed by the author.


  77. Those who tread the Earth gently when the ignorant speak to them, they know only utter peace. In the privacy of the night, they meditate.
    The Quoran).

  78. Kauilapele posts: "... Actually it (Kauilapele's site) reached its 2nd highest daily views on 6-18 (36,783)..."
    Cobra's "Veil" post was posted by Kauilapele on the 18th (I went and looked)
    Believe it people, the word is traveling fast and far!!!!! The world IS waking up, there is no stopping the Truth anylonger.
    Can you feel it? Wow.

  79. Hey Cobra, I sure hope the "Former White Hat" is among the people submitted to this "Stardust" treatment. He sure has been very nasty & deceitful towards many Lightworkers, you included.

    His latest "post" regarding a so-called message from Semjase / the Plejarans warning against you is just plain ridiculous.

  80. What people in general don’t understand is that we are creating all of this together. All these ‘Events’, whether they happen in certain day or not is the result, the sum of, our collective consciousness. (If you don’t understand this concept, it would be very good to visit/watch videos like; “ What the bleep do we know”. Or investigate/read Bruce Lipton’s, or Gregg Baden’s stuff.)

    So, when something doesn’t happen the way you ‘wanted’ it to, it’s a result of not enough beings/humans ‘agreed’ with ‘your’ plan, the way YOU wanted it to go/take place.

    It comes down to negative or positive POSSIBILITIES. Every time we don’t ‘believe’ something is possible, that’s what we create, and then we have proven to yourselves that we were right. Same quantum physics work in group consciousness. If we don’t have enough Love/Positive energy to carry something through, more likely it won’t happen, but if we do – well, the rest is history.

    You don’t have to believe anything; just don’t be negative about something that is a possibility, please. Let us who KNOW there are good/positive possibilities to carry it thru, but don’t try and kill the ones who are ‘fighting’ for the light, because after all, we are fighting for you too.

    This is why the meditations on Sundays are super important.

    Love to you all my brothers and sisters.

  81. Just warning you, after we reach 200 comments, you will have to click on a "Load more" button beneath the white comment box, otherwise you won't see the 200+ comments.

    1. LV,
      I click on the "Load more" and changes to "loading", but nothing happen. I waited for 10 minutes and nothing, I just can't any post beyond 200.

    2. yah, same here ... no can do after 200 ...

  82. K so former white had website dude has an entire community supporting them and saying the same things we do here about how his messages resonate with them so deeply and that they believe everything on the site. He posted a message claims to be from Semjase. Stating that Cobra is of negative ET decent and in line with the negative ET. Also stating a bunch of other shit about Cobra's ET's trying to trick us into thinking that they are the positive ET and trying to convince us that the real positive ET are actually the bad ones. And they will try to trap and enslave us. How can there be 2 completely different sides of awakened people having the exact same experience of resonating information but complete polar opposites.... It's getting to be a bit of a mind fuck and I am kinda getting tired of all this shit guys. People say "Well what resonates with you? Follow your heart" Well things from both sides resonate with me and other things from both sides do not. But I need to find clarity amongst all this crap so that I can focus on what really matters, Ascension. But if there is a negative group of ET out there trying to prevent our Ascension then we need to know who they are so that we do not follow them and end up stuck here deceived into making the wrong choices. How can one make an informed decision when there is not enough information to make an informed decision and all the information out there from both sides resonates with them on some level but are against each other and saying completely different things. At the start of my awakening I was immediately found this site along with Galactic Free Press and others of similar focus. I found the channelings of SaLusa, AAM, Saul and other like channels. These I found very fast and all resonated with me deeply and got me very excited and involved. But know I am searching more and fining the other side of our alternative media and it is making me wonder WTF is going on. Some of the stuff from the other side makes perfect sense and resonates with me as well. I just hope we achieve full consciousness with the ability to discern 100% of the crap out there before we have to make any big choices of what ET factions we align ourselves with. Because I really want us to become a galactic society with ties and connections to our star families and travel the universes of the 5th dimension together. But I also dont want to be deceived into making the wrong choice due to lack of information. If I am not 100% for sure what is what by the time the choice comes I may not be getting on any ships.... =(
    I love you all but this is getting to be more then I can handle. I can absorb and accept the full truth but I just need to know what that is and cant seem to find it right now.

  83. I am Love and Xiliax this is for you. Comment 203 ;)
