Saturday, September 21, 2013



  1. Hey everyone! What "m(L0)=16.55" means? Light and love for all! Blessings

    1. Messages like these are intended for resistance members, they're not meant to be understood by people in general. Though we do love to speculate about them! :)

    2. Mathematically speaking, were like, a freaking hairs width away

  2. Hello
    Just would be nice to know if the status above goes in positive direction?
    Doesn't sound good at all.

  3. Olá Luz Eterna,

    Penso que seja o seguinte, que o "m" corresponda a metros, "(L0)" = "L" lower (baixo)(?) ou level (nível)(?) - significa que o nível de baixo deverá atingir 0 (?). Depois vem o número "16.55", isto na lógica de uma contagem métrica será o nível correpondente naquele momento... linguagem hermética para nós que estamos fora do assunto!

    Se COBRA significa Compression Breakthrough (compressão de ruptura), estas mensagens do COBRA podem nos estar a indica o nível a que corresponde esta "percentagem", isto é, o grau atingido nas operações realizadas pela força da luz e pelo grupo da resistência.

    Não sei de nada, apenas estou manifestando a minha opinião, o que pode ser uma atitude bem idiota. Há que esperar para ver e torcer pela vitória da luz!

    1. Obrigado pela explicação irmã! Faz sentido. Bênçãos

  4. I think this means VECTORY, I mean VICTORY!

  5. sounds like more waiting and the continued suffering of the general human population. Our free will choice to have a full experience in this very given moment of now means nothing. Free will only applies to the galactics and the cabals.

    1. keep positive and focus not on the 'cabal'. This weekend was the equinox which is very significant.
      I'm sure many lightworkers performed a lot of grounding for the grid this weekend. I know I did. I just left a retreat at Joshua Tree and that was our whole intention. Victory of Light. Stay in your New You!!!
      Love and much Light

    2. Yep..sounds like another 4 or so months waiting for this value to also go to zero.

      What a tease..why even post that decline chart that you did before,if it has no true value of progress.

      And as for the '100,000 possible casualties or more at the event is unacceptable' rthetoric...

      Well guess what? According to statistics more than 100,000 kids have died from hunger alone over the last week since your intel came out.

      If we drag this on for another month the death count will be at least 400,000.
      Or if this compression formula is anything like the last one,it will take about 4 months to bottom out.

      Meaning that another 1.5 million people you could have saved are now dead by January.So sorry...yes 100,000 to 1 million deaths from 'the event' is horrible,and should be avoided if possible.

      But if nothing is allowed to happen by Christmas,there is going to be 1.5 dead people simply from you doing nothing to stop it.No chaotic event required for that at all.Excuses are running out COBRA.It's time to put up or shut up..

    3. I don't think I ever understood what is meant by, "Free Will"... All creatures seem to make choices freely... The only one I see as a difference is the choice for humans to out-right lie to each other.

      So, if no human could lie to another (when pressured to pray about something, just anything, in a church setting- the only thing I could come up with... and the only church I saw just fade away) , would every problem be solved..?
      And would that also be giving up, "Free Will"..? also what side would be the only ones that fight to keep this free will..?

      Make the choice not to lie (easy for me)... Or give up the right to lie.

      "Power is everything"... or is always watching your back the mother of all weaknesses..?

    4. Dude, I'm as cynical as they get and even I don't see any "Cause for Alarm" here. - What if the message above is simply "Directions"?? Like maybe they have a Map of where to place the ships or best place to set up "Goddess Spirals" (of positive intention) and the spot on the grid is located at "16.55" - what do we know??

      I myself have noticed a sizable "Change" in the 'collective Astral Realm- many people seem WAAAY more open to topics & ideas that only 1 or 2 years they'd have laughed off. There is definitely "Something" getting ready to Birth and people know it.

      Birth into the "Paradigm of the Man" - like how we're all connected by the memories or pics of say "9\ 11". I think humanities "sub-conscious" ALREADY knows whats to come- you can kind of feel it when you muse about mundane stuff (like eating in a Fast Food place or waiting in-line to see a movie) - Life & Consumerism (our relationship with Money & Freedom) is going drastically CHANGE and you can kind of heard the Rumble of Wave coming from the future.

      Remember going out & renting VHS tapes, then DVDs, now there aren't many video stores (unless you use a redbox)- did you ever imagine Video Stores would just "Go Away" seemingly over night? Yet, it happened. "The Event" will obviously be 20 x's BIGGER than that - I'd rather it happened with best ease & possible outcome for ALL involved. Those "souls" you mentioned knew what they signed up for when they agreed to Incarnate here.

      You cheapen the efforts of the Resistance (what has been accomplished thus far) by blaming them for hypothetical tragedies due to not following your 3-D reasoning. It will Happen - When it Happens. We want it to happen Yesterday!

    5. I know right..

      don't get me wrong,. I mean,. this all seems to be a good news (if it's really REAL),.. but I'll choose to remain pragmatic 1st,..and see how it goes, and if it's really *real* and not just some vivid wishful-thinking (in order to avoid further disappointment in reality).

      -a truthseeker from Indonesia-

    6. Great analogy Darth. The way you worded the above really makes sense of things. Thank you.

  6. Anyone notice that so many chart songs seem to have 'Event' themes

  7. It seems this war is going to be won in places most humans don't know about, have no proof of, and only understand by faith... I'm OK with that because we don't even know what,"Sleep" is.

    We take energy from food... resting is not making energy.

    Can we get disclosure of why almost every creature grounded to this planet sleeps as much of a third of its time here..?

  8. Good point Cooter-It is past time to get this done. There is too much suffering in the world.

    1. "People need DRAMATIC (or tragic) examples (events) to shake them out of apathy!" - Batman Begins

  9. Fellow Star Beings,

    If I recall from a past post, I seen that this formula represents slopes.
    Please see this picture...maybe we are going up to the next wave/stage.

    This negative thought pattern is what the Light does not need.
    Death will continue to happen, turmoil still exist because the remaining archnon/cabal is doing all they can to stop the Light Resistance.
    They will fail.

    I tell you we all need to keep optimistic and focus on all of the good.
    If time is what is needed, so be it. Time is a false concept.
    Remember that victory is in the future, and how exciting it is to watch the old grid crumble.


    Love n Love

  10. PS! Thank you COBRA and to all the galactics.
    Your efforts are noticed and appreciated!!

  11. Please look at the graph he posted two weeks ago. We are almost there!

  12. "People (often) need DRAMATIC (or tragic) examples (events) to shake them out of apathy!" - Batman Begins

    -a truthseeker from Indonesia-

    1. Hope Batman is not the Divine Creator otherwise we are in BIG trouble. Hahaha! Hope you are well.

  13. My other very important/urgent question is: should "The Event" really come real/into reality, then would it happen on a GLOBAL scale (meaning to include ALL developing & third-world countries, including my country: Indonesia) , or only in some SPECIFIC regions/countries like U.S/America, Europe ? thx

    1. Many things in the countries more mentioned about are basically things that need desperate fixes for. America receives frequent allusion toward only because of the corruption flowing from its governing force and ruining the rest of the world: the Corporate Entity in general.

      Their black system talks only to itself. If we could run ourselves away from it--or better yet, make everyone actually aware of the choice that they can flee this bastard country's influence and not be governed by it anymore--do you know who all in America would be left behind?

      If everyone in America was aware of the capability to emigrate and the possibility of doing so at the very second they learn this? Only the Cabal and the people they've thrown into prisons would be left behind in this country. That's how horrible it is here, even if "we've got it good" on the surface.

      People in countries like yours probably have a lot more sense of love for the world than people here, and that's because of the ruin that materialism causes.

      However, when the Event comes into reality, if you have been paying attention to the past entries of this blog and ALL OF ITS LINKS (emphasis) leading to other sources, you would already know that it is a world-wide thing. It is more than world-wide, even. If its signal is a pulse of energy coming from the celestial body Sagittarius A, then it's not just the world, but the entire damn galaxy that's going to feel it.

      So no, the Event is not exclusive to specific regions. Specific regions (not countries, but aspects of civilization) are in great need of restructuring:

      Economy - worldwide. GLOBAL. Financial. Reset.

      Poisoned land/water - likely worldwide, with high concentrations in Japan and U.S. due to Cabal influences.

      Poor distribution of resources (food/housing/energy) due to socioeconomic disparity - definitely worldwide, as this affects everyone.

      Medical treatment - worldwide, but this hit will definitely be felt by America AND third-world/developing countries alike, since it is a big thing that needs to be taken care of.

      Redistribution of wealth - worldwide, the 1% will be left reeling, and only the morally upstanding of them (lolololololololol) may even see a chance of them ever being rich again during the existence of a currency. When, however, currency is no longer a necessity, this will not be an issue at all.

      All of these issues will be dealt with, though financial issues are going to be put in order, first and foremost, in order to strip the Cabal of its "power". When they can't influence anymore, then the world will finally loosen up its lips and properly develop. You WILL see that, that is, if you want to see it.

  14. I dont see the point of waitinf. Humanity is taken by surpise everyday by human bs amd the disclosure would not trigger chaios unless the governmenta told everyone it is a threat. Which it isnt. If we made contact and the peopused a resource based economy model ( ) everyone would agree and want it. Because it alwows everyone to thrive. The only people who wouldnt want it are rich people bc now everyone is "rich" not woth money bc money will no longer exist but with freedom resources and food and anything they want access to.

    1. The government WILL treat disclosure as a threat, though. They have done so with Snowden. They have done so with WikiLeaks. They will do so even when they are completely powerless to stop it from happening. It's not a matter of if the truth is actually a threat. It's a matter of "is the truth a threat to my illusion of dominance?".

      The only reason why I cannot agree to an economy like the one proposed is because I am a "useless eater", one who brings no value to a civilization, and simply takes from it. I would not have a purpose in a world like that.
