Friday, February 27, 2015

February Monthly Update, Meditation Videos and Conferences by Cobra

You might want to listen to the February monthly update Cobra interview by Rob Potter or read the transcript there:

Or listen to the Youtube version here:
You can send your questions to and many of them will be answered in the next monthly update interview. 
Youtube versions of the Weekly Liberation meditation are now also available in French:
Chinese (simplified):
And Chinese (traditional):
There is a great need to create a communications hub for all Event Support groups and Sisterhood of the Rose Groups worldwide.
The provisional hub is here:
Many Event Support Groups coordinate through Facebook. Their list is here:
One potential future hub for Event Support / Sisterhood of the Rose groups is here:
Just after total solar eclipse, right on the equinox, we will be having our first European Breakthrough conference. You are more than welcome to join us on March 21st and 22nd in Konstanz, Germany:

Konstanz is a beautiful German town, situated on the edge of Lake Constance, which is one of the biggest Goddess vortexes in Europe.
There are more Breakthrough conferences planned in the near future and they will be announced when all details are finalized.
The Breakthrough is near!

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Isidic security breach deflected

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

PPN removed, drastic Isidic security breach at 504, TUNNELS in final completion

Friday, February 20, 2015

The Red and the Blue

We have entered a new cycle, the Chinese year of the sheep. This is the time when victory is achieved by gentleness and not by brutal force:

Being in the new cycle, it is time now to release some intel about the Red and the Blue.
The Blue Dragons originate from secret Taoist groups connected with the Agartha network. Together with secret Pythagorean Order they have ignited the spark of Renaissance in Italy:
It may be interesting to note that Leonardo da Vinci was merely copying old Chinese texts for his famous »inventions«.
Nothing more can be said about the Blue, except that some of them are guardians of the portals. 
The Red Dragons originate from the military forces of the Ming dynasty. 
The Archons wanted to destroy the power of the Ming. Their first strike was to overthrow the Ming by Archon-controlled Manchu tribes that invaded from the north, took over Beijing and started the Qing dynasty:
Then Qing emperor Kangxi invited Jesuits to China:
The Red Dragons were working secretly in the Qing imperial court and in the military forces against Manchu and Jesuit invaders:

The events that took place in the Qing imperial court in the 18th century have much more influence on the present geopolitical situation than most people realize.
During early 19th century, the Rothschilds took control over China through the Opium wars:
The Red were forced to keep a low profile, but disguised as Eight Trigrams secret society they still managed later to organize the Boxer rebellion, an attempt to throw the Jesuits and the Rothschilds out of China:
The Rothschilds, however, tightened their grip over China in the 20th century:
Most intel in the above article is correct, except that Chiang Kaishek in reality was never supporting the Cabal, but the Dragons instead. 
Here, a few explanations are necessary. The triads are NOT working for the Dragons, but mostly for the Cabal. However, many Dragon agents have infiltrated the triads and recenly, some or even most triads may or may not be secretly assisting the overthrow of the Cabal:
The Rothschilds still have quite much control over mainland China, with many agents infiltrated into the government structure, with their operating base in Hong Kong. However, lately the Red are giving tactical support to the Chinese government to weed out Rothschild infiltration. 
Macau is the operating base for the Black Nobility and Jesuit operations in China. Henry Breakspear, the head of a major Archon bloodline, lives in Macau.
Taiwan is the operating base for many positive Dragon families. They were forced out of mainland China after the communist revolution.
The Red Dragon families originate from the positive faction of the Draconian race. Their purpose is to defeat their archenemies the Jesuits (Andromedan/Orion hybrids) and the Rothschilds (Orion black magi). They are valiant protectors and guardians of justice.
You need to understand that Red Dragons today are not the same as soldiers of a Ming emperor. They have kept up with the progress of technology and they have access to a considerable military power in a way that will not be described here. Also, their computer specialists are savvy enough to reset the global financial system with the push of a button if the need for that arises. 
Since the Chinese new year, the Red are becoming more active. They have their own plans with the unholy four. They are the secret force behind Putin:

The Breakthrough is near!

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Drastic PPN security breach

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Black systems alert at 504

Monday, February 16, 2015

Weekly Liberation Meditation Update

It is of the utmost importance for as many people a possible to join our Weekly Liberation Meditation each Sunday. This meditation helps the Light forces to ground the energy of Light on the surface of the planet to strengthen the Light grid which is needed to speed up the process of compression breakthrough. Number of people doing that meditation is the single most influential factor within the power of the surface human population for speeding up the timing of the Event.

We are always doing this meditation at 7 pm GMT each Sunday, regardless of winter / summer time. You can convert 7 pm GMT to your local time zone here:
1. Relax your mind and body by watching your breath for a few minutes.
2. Visualize a pillar of electric blue Light emanating from the Galactic Central Sun, going through your body to the center of the Earth. Keep this pillar of Light active for a few minutes. 
Then visualize all negative entities around the Earth being removed from plasma, etheric and astral planes along with all their negative spiritual technologies and magical tools and all those entities being escorted into the Light by the non-physical freedom fighters of the Light.Visualize this process taking place worldwide peacefully and smoothly. 
Visualize the world finally being free from spiritual slavery, free from all evil Archons, Reptilians, demons, elementals and other negative non-physical beings. Visualize the vibration of the plasma, etheric and astral planes getting lighter and brighter until all dark beings are gone and only Light remains. 
3. Visualize members of the physical dark Cabal, such as central banking criminals Rothschilds and Rockefellers, and other members of this Cabal such as Henry Kissinger, George Bush, the Jesuits etc. peacefully surrendering and stepping down from their positions of power, releasing control over the financial system and the mass media. Visualize civil authority arresting those members of the Cabal that do not wish to surrender. 
Visualize this process taking place worldwide peacefully and smoothly. Visualize the world finally being free from financial slavery, free from all evil dictators and corrupt politicians.
4. Visualize a vortex of brilliant white Light descending from the Soul star chakra of Cabal middlemen (bribed congressmen, misled high level freemasons, greedy CEOs of companies, pilots operating killing drones, soldiers pulling the trigger, personnel operating scalar directional weapons, Academi mercenaries, religious fanatics...) into their energy field and their personality, awakening them to the reality of Light, guiding them to step away from the Cabal, giving them power to set themselves free from darknes.

5. Visualize all those Cabal middlemen joining the planetary network of Light, putting down their weapons of destruction and deceit, learning to cooperate and joining the human society in a constructive way.

6. Visualize bright new future for humanity, with new and fair financial system put into place, with all debts canceled, prosperity funds for humanitarian projects released, advanced technologies introduced, ecosystem healed and human beings finally being free from all oppression. Visualize bright spiritual golden age with angels, fairies, dolphins, unicorns, spiritual guides and other beings of Light inhabiting etheric and astral planes.

Visualize all wounds of humanity being healed, all humanity being inspired and guided with everybody having their own connection with their own Soul and the Source.
7. Stand up, lift your hands above your head and begin to rotate your body clockwise.
8. While doing that, sing mantra iiii (pronounced ee-ee) so that it vibrates throughout your body and visualize your body morphing into a brilliant pillar of Light, with millions of rainbow coloured stars scattered within that pillar of Light.
9. Keep singing the mantra and rotating. After a few minutes, drop your hands close to your body and continue rotating clockwise.
10. While doing that, start singing mantra eeeaaa (e is pronounced as e in "process") so that it vibrates through your body and visualize a rainbow vortex of Light expanding from your heart outwards throughout the whole planet. Call upon the presence of your spiritual guides, Ascended masters, Pleiadians, angels, twin souls, soulmates, soul families and other beings of Light. 
Keep singing the mantra and rotating and stay in the presence of all those beings of Light for a while. When you finish, sit down again, watch your palms for a few moments to reduce dizziness.
11. Make yourself comfortable, surround yourself with a pink egg full of energy of Love.
12. Surround your loved ones with similar pink eggs full of energy of Love.

13. Embrace the whole humanity and all living beings of planet Earth within a pink egg full of energy of Love.
The Youtube video for Weekly Liberation Meditation is here:
If you love meditation, you also have the Pink Egg meditation here:
And the Breakthrough meditation here:

There exists a very effective invocation for maintaining the energy of Light inside your plasma energy field:

You can assist in the creation of the planetary network of Light and in the planetary transformation by singing sacred word OM:
You can do this by yourself, create a group or join an already existing group:
The Breakthrough is near!

Friday, February 13, 2015

Opening of the Box Update

The »unknown benefactor« has assisted in funding a few projects and good things have been done. Navajo elders have received heating generators to survive harsh winter and a certain non-profit organization has received funds which would help constructing a greenhouse dome which will grow free food for the hungry.

Many project proposals have been received, but only about 10% of them can really improve the timeline for this planet. However, many good projects exist and some of them are presented on this website:
It is time now to widen our horizons. There are good projects out there that can really change the future of this planet. We need to go beyond the old cliche where all the good guys are poor and all the bad guys have the money. There are tens of thousands people reading this blog daily, and according to statistics, about a hundred of them are millionaires and one of them has tens of millions:


If any of those people would like to assist in funding the best projects, they can contact me at

We have a bright future ahead:

We can be passive bystanders or active creators of this future.

The choice is ours.

The Breakthrough is near!

Monday, February 9, 2015

Solar System Situation Update

The Breakthrough phase means that the Light forces are no longer focused only on opposing the Chimera and the Cabal, but are gathering momentum for the final breakthrough instead. During the breakthrough phase, the Veil is slowly being dissolved and the quarantine slowly being lifted. There are operations underway to arrange Disclosure leaks through mainstream media by high levels sources in India and Russia. Those leaks are expected to occur when the Chimera group will lose enough power over the military in the aforementioned countries.
Our Solar System has been under control of Orion/Andromedan Chimera empire and their Draco/Reptilian minions for the last 26,000 years, effectively putting planet Earth under quarantine status, isolating it from positive ET races.

The Light forces were forced to sign a non-interference treaty which states that they will not interfere on the surface of planet Earth directly and in turn the Chimera will also not interfere on the surface directly. Although this treaty was quite harmful for the development of humanity in the last 26,000 years, it has also prevented humanity from being harvested by Chimera and their Draco/Reptilian minions directly. This is the reason the Resistance Movement agents are not contacting human beings on the surface of their planet. This treaty is also the reason why the Reptilians have not been massively eating humans for breakfast in the open in surface human cities after 1996 when their presence under the surface of the planet was huge, with 500 million entities present. This treaty is also the reason strangelet bombs were not detonated on many occasions. As soon as the Chimera threat is gone, the Light forces will intervene on the surface of this planet directly. 
The indirect attempts to pierce through the quarantine began in the 19th century when the Pleiadians  inspired the NYMZA secret society (Sonora Aero Club) to build airships:
Tesla had a connection with NYMZA and he attempted to build a spaceship to travel to Mars. His attempt failed and after that JP Morgan stopped financing Tesla.
Marconi was a student of Tesla and after he saw how the Cabal mistreated Tesla, he and a few other people (including the famous alchemist Fulcanelli) relocated to South America where they built a secret underground city in the Andes in 1937:
Tesla, Marconi and Fulcanelli are all members of the Brotherhood of the Star.
The second Pleiadian attempt to pierce the quarantine began in the early 20th century with the Thule / Vril societies in Germany. Soon, more hostile races took control over the German space program, which culminated in building a secret German Nazi Moon base during WW2. Like attracts like, and the Nazi Moon base was taken over by the Reptilians shortly after the end of the war, all personnel wiped out.
A more direct attempt to pierce the quarantine was made on February 20th, 1954, when President Eisenhower met with representatives of the Pleiadians and of the Ashtar Command at Edwards air force base:
Pressured by the Negative Military, Eisenhower was forced to reject an agreement with the positive ETs and later to sign a treaty with negative Zeta and Draco races instead.
The Pleiadians, however, managed to negotiate a permission from the Negative Military to build a secret base under Bora Bora island in French Polynesia, under the condition that its existence remains unknown to the surface population. 
James Francis MacIntyre, the bishop of LA, was present at the meeting in Edwards AFB and reported the proceedings to the Jesuits. There are photos and films of Pleiadian ships, taken at that meeting, in the Vatican library. Jesuits were also regularly updated by the Negative Military about all technologies which the military has received from the Zetas and Draconians. A secret Jesuit space program was started in 1956 to build bases on Moon and Mars. The program was not that successful and, ironically, was codenamed Marconi.

The real secret space program started in the early 1960s, when the Chimera group has given permission to the negative militaries of the USA, NATO European countries, USSR and China to build joint secret Moon and Mars bases in certain restricted areas. Also, a secret treaty was signed between the Cabal and the Draco/Reptilian/Zeta complex which gave the Cabal technical support in construction of Lunar and Mars bases whereas those negative alien races were given permission to build underground bases on Earth together with the Negative Military.
Joint USA/USSR Mars base was thus built in 1964 and then expanded over the next few decades, when more Moon and Mars bases were added to the program. The main lunar base was built on the far side of the Moon and was codenamed LOC (Lunar Operations Command). 
The whole secret space program was named Solar Warden and top supersoldiers were accepted into the program and brainwashed with the idea that they are defending Earth from the negative aliens. Some UN diplomats knew about the existence of the Solar Warden and they naively believed it to be a global program for Earth defense against an alien threat. In reality, the purpose of the secret space program was to build joint human/Draco infrastructure throughout the Solar System for the Archon invasion which happened in 1996:
From the human side, the program was directed by the unholy four (Bush Sr., Henry Kissinger, Donald Rumsfeld and Dick Cheney). The unholy four are actually Draconians who took human incarnations 26,000 years ago and are the four most visible Draco/human hybrids. 

Dick Cheney was the leader of the Mars Corporation and claimed to be the owner of the planetary debt that Earth owes to the Mars Corporation and to the breakaway civilization, which has milked the Earth workforce through the Rothschild central banking system:
The Light forces have infiltrated the Solar Warden space program in many ways. Eisenhower, cornered by the Cabal and forced to team up with the negative aliens, formed some secret cells inside the Solar Warden program which were working for the Light. 
Also, the Organization (forerunner of the Resistance Movement) had secret teams infiltrated into the Solar Warden program. The Organization was also cooperating with positive Andromedans who were well aware of the situation in this Solar System. 
The Light forces built their own Lunar base inside the Tycho crater and I visited that base in 1983. It was a huge domed structure with a nice swimming pool inside, from where I could watch the Earth. Many years later I had a surreal moment when I was in a similar swimming pool on Earth, covered with a glassy dome and was watching the Moon rising. It was then a shock and confusion to my brain to see the Moon rising though the glassy domed structure where I should be watching  the orb of Earth instead!
After the Archon invasion in 1996 our Solar System was filled with Draconian and Reptilian entities. Their main military base was on Charon (Pluto's moon) with many strongholds in the main asteroid belt. In that timeframe, many key people were taken to the underground military bases and trauma-based mindprogrammed against the Galactic Confederation and against the Ashtar Command. This is the reason why many people are now so strongly against the Ashtar Command.
During a massive liberation offensive between 1999 and 2004, the Light forces of the Resistance Movement, Pleiaidan, Sirian and Andromedan Fleet and the Ashtar Command cleared the vast majority of the Draco/Reptilian presence from our Solar System.  

After 2004, the remaining Draco/Reptilian forces were working closely with the unholy four to defend planet Earth from the liberating fleet of the Galactic Light forces and they have been manipulating Solar Warden supersoldiers against the Light. Between 2004 and 2012 the Light forces cleared this Solar System from all Draco/Reptilian presence except for those working directly with the Chimera group. In that time frame, Solar Warden was operating primarily from two locations.
Sublunar operations and operations in Earth's orbit with X-22A, SR-33A and TR3-B sublunar vehicles were directed from Peterson AFB in Colorado which happens also to be the headquarters of the NORAD (radar network for UFO detection) and Air Force Space Command:
Solar System operations were directed from the Kings Peak underground base in Utah, where most personnel and infrastructure were moved to from Area 51 and S4 when these two locations became too widely known.
In 2012, the Light forces closed down Solar Warden and since then the Cabal is grounded on the surface of the planet and now heavily relies on the Chimera's (empty) promises that they will save them off planet from the mass arrests. They now feel stranded and are starting to get worried:

Since early last year, the Light forces are dealing with the Chimera directly. Since late January this year, as the physical strangelet and toplet bombs have been cleared, they have started operations to clear this Solar System from the last vestiges of darkness. This operation is codenamed MOSS (Multidimensional Operations Solar System). This operation is still ongoing. Important breakthroughs have happened in the last few days. After the successful completion of MOSS and around the time of the Event,  Disclosure and First Contact will happen and this will be the end of the quarantine status for planet Earth.