Monday, February 12, 2018

Systems clear at 504


  1. Join us here for a fully automated hosting of the ***Alert Meditation every 4 hours*** and all other PFC meditations. Let's come together with kindred souls in a loving space to ground the energy of positive and lasting change through the power of emotions in our synchronized guided meditations fully automated: MEDITATIONS-ON-THE-GO Platform:

  2. Wow you all cleared that up fast. Good on you and this is a very good sign!

    I'm reading the Intel you posted about Yemen and Saudi Arabia being the true place where Israelites came from, and being Gods chosen people was a common thing many tribes assimilated and wiped out believed in the past. The Zionists who torture and killed many people to hide this fact...Hopefully they'll see the central sun very soon if they don't try to make things right.

    1. Okay, but who are the descendants of the Jews ? Gypsies, Palestinians, etc, ?


    Does this mean earth is free?

  4. Great news! Love and light πŸŒŸπŸ’–

  5. Victory at The LIGHT .!.

    Thank's for LIGHTFORCES .!.

  6. That was quick! :) The dark ones are getting tired, and there's only a few of them left. Give up, your time is *over*!

  7. i think that s good news. Victory of the light!


  9. Something good is happening un AntΓ‘rtica (504)

  10. Above ground portion secure for compression break through. Let's go Agartha! I have a life of free energy residential generators to install. Long hikes in the woods, cleaning trash out of rivers and streams, and building sand castles with my lovely children. Hello 5 d. Oh yah!! Victory of the light

    1. I was thinking the same thing! Add to it tearing down some ugly architecture and roads. I am ready to clean up this mess and say good bye to my cubicle job doing senseless work that benefits few. Victory for the Light! God bless us everyone!

    2. Reading your replies has put a big smile on my face. I wasn't sure how things would be but now I can see. :)

  11. wow ... this is a very good news..504 free...Event is on the way...please ... do not disappoint us.!!!!

  12. Everything seems to be accelerated. Victory of the Light and Love! :)

    1. Yes, things have speeded up. Exciting times! :)

  13. Very good. Guess that means operations move to the underground bases than the surface. The Ides of March should be interesting this year. For God and Earth.

  14. Oh YES! What a relief! I thought you were in real big trouble, Cobra. Thank you and congratulations to the Resistance! Victory of the Light!! <3

  15. Looks positive. The latest ben fulford post sure doesnt! A world govt headed by the vatican..Communist Chinese, Britain and the US? Please bring on the solar flash and remove the dark ones now! Thank you Cobra and GF and all Light Workers RM and all of humanity who want to really LIVE!


  16. Military Tribunals - The Time Has Come
    American Intelligence Media

    11 feb. 2018

    The coup d’etet has failed and the Republic wins. Now the hard reality of setting up military tribunals lies before us. Betsy and Thomas are calling on all first-tier alternative media creators to begin preparing their audiences.

    The article Betsy references is:

    Do you receive your free daily TRUTH NEWS HEADLINES? Then you are missing out – big time.

  17. Wow first time in 6 years I see system at 504 is clear. Good news galactics!!!!

  18. Hola aqui hacen comentarios, pero donde estΓ‘ el tema para hacer los comentarios, donde tengo que entrar, gracias

    1. El tema estΓ‘ arriba. Pero este blog fue creado para comunicaciΓ³n con el movimiento de la Resistencia. A veces Cobra escribe en cΓ³digo y es sΓ³lo para ellos. Sin embargo en los comentarios muchos creen conocer el significado de lo que dice Cobra. Otras veces Cobra publica informaciΓ³n para nosotros.

  19. First time i see it i think, don't remember anymore, but looks like a good thing again, Victory of the Light!

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. My God, that 504 is the problem child

  22. Wow, I love the word "CLEAR"...A big heap of thanks to all the Light Warriors & Light Workers who made this 504 obstacle CLEAR. Here's a popular Youtube song "I Can See Clearly" that I love: VICTORY OF THE LIGHT!

    This is a collection of appreciation letters the CEL group wrote to Cobra, i had not managed to get it posted previously.It is very lovely.

  24. What do you think about this, Cobra? You said so yourself that Ben is probably more accurate in his reporting than the others. Benjamin Fulford 2-12-18... "The Vatican, Chinese Communist Party, British Empire, and Pentagon plan world government" via @kauilapele

    1. David Wilcock has said a couple of times and on Ben's own blog that he gets it wrong sometimes and sometimes he's bang on. His latest post, I didn't like either, same with a lot of people. Sometimes I think he needs to just write about something...


  25. Cobra a group an event had formed in the Facebook group.. Cobra liberation.. I will link here.. We have gathered to send you our love.. Strength and compassion for all you have been thru in recent times.. It is the group's wish that you receive this love.. We send it out to you from all the corners of the earth and beyond... You are loved

    1. Thankyou for getting our event in Lady. Yours Alhara.


    1. I posted this too but my comment didn’t make it through for some reason. Victory of the Light!

  27. omgoddess this absence of comments is making me even more anxious...

  28. Awesome! One love to all.Victory of the Light

  29. Well that was a quick removal...
    Don't mess with the systems 504 and you won't get touched..
    #victory of the light!


  30. 2.12 - Q & Current Event Analysis from Feb 11th & 12th
    Destroying the Illusion


  31. Will Antarctic German Space Program Reveal Itself & Release Advanced Technologies?

    Written by Dr Michael Salla on February 11, 2018. Posted in Featured, science and technology, Space Programs

  32. ramtha rumy rumi pleadian aliance front stargate true calling z fill

  33. Man, everyone has been experiencing lighter energy, while I have been experiencing more negativity. People felt positive energy on the 10th, while the 10th was one of the worst days of my life, because my plans to move out were put on halt, and I literally realized I'm targeted so that I can't leave. Even my friend Johnathan who's been in contact with his star family now fully believes I am a targeted individual.

    My birthday is on Thursday. The vegan chef at whose place I was gonna stay at was supposed to throw a celebration. He didn't even know about my birthday, but was gonna throw me a party anyway to welcome me. Everything seemed so perfect, like I had finally found the perfect opportunity to move out. I just needed to work a couple hours a day as a busboy at his restaurant for room and board, and that's it.

    You're probably asking at this point, well, what happened to the intentional community? The intentional community I mentioned in previous posts didn't work out, because I found out the leader is a pathological liar who takes advantage of people in weak situations. If you 100% don't do exactly what he says, he kicks you to the curb, and doesn't even allow you to come back to get your stuff

    The person who told me all of this said he'd be moving 50 miles from Atlanta, but he was willing to connect me with a friend of his who was a vegan chef, and despite that piece of bad news about the intentional community, everything seemed to now be looking up and better than ever.

    And now it's gone. After being hit by a drunk driver the morning I was gonna leave, the chef's wife was in stable, but critical condition the last I heard, and was going to have surgery done. Who knows if she will survive, or be crippled for life? Who knows how long it will take her to recover, if she does?

    I feel like even The Event will be a negative ocurrence for me, just because my family will interpret it negatively, while I am forced to be a side character in their drama. My mom is abusive, schizophrenic, and Biblical. She's waiting for Judgment Day to happen and believes ET's are fallen angels.

    My dad is a good man, but skeptical and pragmatic, and when the economy crashes, he is going to be acting like it's the worst thing in the world, because there's no money. He's not going to believe in anything I have to say, because in his eyes, I'm always a naive child who's always wrong and doesn't know any better.

    My sister who is 31 is always whining and crying and is a skeptic herself. Heck, she doesn't even like it when I talk about ET's at all. Not even in a positive context. She always sees everything as negative.

    I am being forced to stay in a house that is drowning my light, and not allowing me to be of service to others. I can't be there for my best friend, because I'm trapped here. My blood family will never listen to anything I'll ever have to say. There'll be drama and crying and fear and confusion, and they will make me feel bad for ever wanting The Event to happen in the first place. I'll be sucked into their narrative, playing the side character, like I have always been. I just don't understand why it is so against the rules for me to have my own story, my own journey in life? Why can't I be of service to others in love and light? Why am I forced to absorb others' misery?

    As a starseed, the Pleiadians have totally failed me. I'm never getting out of 29W424 Tanglewood Lane alive. I've been trying to move out for nearly a decade now, and every opportunity is constantly blocked. How am I expected to maintain positivity when I am being targetted so much? When everyone else is always laughing, smiling, having fun times with their friends, while I'm forced to have years pass me by without action? I just wish The Event could be for people like me, too.

    1. I would encourage you to meditate and focus on gratitude for what you have instead of looking at what you don’t have. Be present to that energy of gratitude. It will go a long to way to freeing you

    2. You seem to say that you sacrificy you own authenticity and expression of it out of an unresolved fear of your family turning your backs against you.

      But understand this, you need to detach from them in that way. You can love them and want the best for them and be there for them, BUT you may not have them affect you in a negative way. That is the boundary to set. You need to let go of the thought that you are responsible for saving or convincing people against their will. You can not steer people that way, they need to make that choice from the bottom of their own spirit. What you can do is plant seeds, inspire, and offer love. If they react badly, then that’s their choice.

      Understand that you have nothing to fear. My own experience taught me that when you lose everything you thought you couldn’t do without, you discover that what you needed was inside you all along. You are can only free you mind and become who you truly are and find happiness when you understand that no external factor is a source of blocking that happiness.

      We are all family to you. You are never alone. Even if you were, it would still be enough, cause you are enough.

    3. I just been in the same situation you have and all changed when i Accepted the truth that I, myself, put me in that situation before coming on this world and also due to my own actiond and thoguhts. So, i suggest you try to ground yourself and see inside you what is the lesson you need to learn and what is your call on that situation; there is something you need to learn before getting out, so get yourself busy and start finding out what it is and you will get out of it in a breeze.

    4. Imo, FEAR is a natural feeling for us, human beings, at the stage we are now, on Earth. The Event is still mostly an unknow experience for us all, but the only thing I am sure about it is that the Event will change EVERYBODY s life. Keep faith. We are ALL together, friend!

    5. @Psychedelicpiper
      So sorry to hear that your plans fell through again. Although I know this is easier said than done, please hang in there!
      From what I understand, reading Cobra’s blog, and Therese Zumi Sumner’s veritasgalacticsweden site (the page on Archangel Michael’s messages)... the Event wave will be like a tsunami of love, affecting every human on the planet, calming them with pure love energy, purifying and opening hearts and minds, expanding their awakening. So, your negative family members won’t be thinking the way they do now. The Event IS for everyone. Things WILL get better for everyone, including you, dear Psych! Maybe more of your personal mission/service is meant to be fulfilled post-Event..??...just a thought...

      Much Love and Light to you!

      Moon Mama

    6. Me too bro, I'm either Targeted or these ppl need my light around them to be able to make sense of anything. It's all perspectives and attitudes.i would love to see our fully glorious states manifest but even now it does not feel as if the ppl are ready for those like us yet. Few are still.

    7. Btw I disowned my family and subjected myself to potential homelessness in order to move on from that trap. What resulted was the realization of where I needed to go at the last minute. What happens is there's too much chaotic illusion taking up brain space and you don't hear your guides telling you where to go. Life here is one big challenge to be still while everything is telling you to frenzy. Beat the challenge and you get your answers. Be stronger, smarter and wiser, because thats what you were made for.

    8. Please do not lose heart my friend. I can relate to everything you say, and have been through / am still going through many of the things you describe.

      I have lost everything as a result of this work, and yet here I am, still surviving, still fighting for the Light. We are warriors my friend. It is not meant to be easy for us. We are not meant for "normal", "happy" human lives. We came here to fight for the future, to change the world. Once this begins to occur, we will be the ones on top. The lowest shall be the highest, and the highest the lowest. This is not to build your ego, but to give you the hope of the promise of the future shortly to come. I too have lost that hope many times in the past, but things are changing now. The humans who care and can do something about it (white hats) are finally not afraid to die for the cause. We have been waiting for them to join us in this. Soon, the tide will turn and all the suffering we have gone through will prove to have been worth it.

      You are cleansing massive karma through your trials and struggles - remember to connect deliberately every day to whichever Guides and Masters you resonate with. I recommend Sananda, Archangel Michael, Ashtar, and Saint Germain, in addition to the collective energies of the Pleiadians, Arcturians, Sirians, Ashtar Command, the Galactic Federation of Light, and the Ascended Masters. Ask for help, and they will help you. You must find the peace of God within. Keep up the fight Warrior, soon we shall be refreshed, renewed and reborn in the healing paradises of the Gods, brought back to Earth at last.

      I hope this helps - I am just speaking from my heart and soul to you, for I clearly see myself in you.

      Many Blessings On Your Path!

    9. I place a pure energy bubble around all the bodies of Psychedelicpiper. This pure energy bubble PROTECT all form of life that ask for it. It is free and accessible to all. This pure energy bubble reflect, return to the sender, every energy, every frequency and every power that is negative, that has negative consequence or that is in disharmony with the divine plan. This pure energy bubble amplify, augment, every energy, every frequency and every power that is positive or that has positive consequence or that is in harmony with the divine plan. This pure energy bubble PROTECT every form of life that ask for is. It is free and accessible to all. Thank you Miss/Mister Source for the pure energy bubble around all the bodies of Psychedelicpiper.

    10. "....How am I expected to maintain positivity when I am being targetted so much? ...."

      So I guess you are asking all of us the question?

      We here support you, but we can only give you suggestions.

      Many of us are older than you, but we have been through similar situations with our family members.

      We managed to live through it and come out the other side.

      So here goes.
      More of the same.

      Just get out into nature.
      Go for walks.
      Drink a lot of the purest water you can find, all day long.
      Meditate and get your own energy up.

      Request your "MIGHTY I AM PRESENCE" to come into you and embrace you. (St. Germaine).

      Own your power.

      The daily meditation will help you hear your own thoughts and the "hearing" will let you know what you need to pivot (turn around).

      Instead of "I am trapped," suggest to yourself, over and over again, "I am free."

      Instead of "my life sucks," suggest to yourself, over and over again, "I am creating a new wonderful life for myself every day."

      Instead of "I'm never going to get out of xxx Tanglewood Lane alive," (very negative programming-- you are setting up a negative situation for yourself) change it to "The perfect living situation is manifesting now."

      Practice, practice and practice some more.
      The practicing will actually make you feel better.

      Bless your family with love and keep your own energy high. Your high energy will help them.

      As a commenter here told you not long ago, "You are stronger than you think. You have more power than you believe you have."

      We can all see it.

      Go for it.

    11. Maybe, just maybe, starting to believe you are worth love is the first step. Trauma and suffering hijack ones capability to bond, love and feel loved. It gives you fear in return. This fear frequency is easy for evil to feed on, they thrive on it. Only eliminating the root of your fear can keep them from hijacking you and your light. You need to start feeling within. Take care and know that you are loved. NamastΓ© πŸ™πŸ’–

    12. I only tell certain people about ET's and so forth. There are only a couple people I physically know who I talk to about ET's occasionally. For others, I don't tell them anything (or I tell them in a very joking manner) and I have lied to them in the past. I see nothing wrong with this because I already know how most will react to discussion of ET's and so forth. There's no point in even trying, and this is totally ok because no matter what I say or don't say, The Event is going to happen.

      It can however even be damaging to the energies on the surface of the planet to try to discuss ET's with people who will react negatively. Trying to tell closed-off people will just create more energy against what you are trying do.

      I'm sorry to say this but it's important that you learn to manipulate people around you. Learn NLP and so forth, for the very least to just get them off you. You won't get them off you by being reactive towards their negativity. Their negativity needs to be manipulated in a way so that it doesn't harm you. Even pretend to be more like them and so forth. Keep secrets. Honesty should not be wasted on those who will use it against you. That's just the state of affairs in a pre-Event world. Be cunning like a fox.

    13. It might very well be as you say that you are being hindered to do your "mission". But then again, what is your REAL mission. Maybe your real mission is to be just where you are, experience what you do, help others with your presence.
      Every thing that a person can do or think can be done in a "bad" or a "good" way. It is only your intention and meaning with it that really decides what it will be.

    14. You are experiencing the veil technology at its worst. Many have noticed this barricade when you try do something you desire. It is physical with me, I raise my consciousness, they bash another round of scalar or manipulate a neighbour to say something mean. The more you observe and watch, the more you see it is not you and it is not personal. You will be fine with the event so long as you basically are good intentioned. Experiments have been done by ETS on a similar vapour. Only those with negative polarity, they do not mean well, struggled with it. I can recommend the best healer, but it costs. If you meditate, eventually it starts to calm and become more manageable. It is physical with me, mental, situational with others or/and all 3. You will be ok. Buddhist practices work well as they are calming. We rewire our own brains and turn genes, due to our beliefs. I am having to reprogram my subconscious. Most programs in there are NOT what I want, they are what the system wants. It sounds difficult to do, but there are enough tools if you can keep it up and at least set the intent to try and love yourself. I don't know you, so I cannot help you more without that information. I know I wish for you to be happy and free and I shall H'opoponno myself on your issues, then I clear a bit of me that needs clearing, so doing you. God bless.

    15. You're needed the most in your family. Nobody can make better influence than you. Don't give up. You're not alone. Your mission is right now right here where you are. You're still in progress. Everything will be fine. You have all the love and support, just a little tune on it, feel it.

    16. Dear StarLight!
      You are the only one who can bring the Light into your blood family. Nobody can do this better than you. Each negativity that you receive is the pain of your relatives. They wanted to be healed but don't know any other way.
      You're in the right place and time. This is your mission. This people can't really hurt you, they trying to make you belive that they're right. But they're wrong! Trust your intuition. Trust yourself. You have all love and support, just tune on it. Feel it.
      You're on the right way. Just keep moving. Don't give up. Everything will be fine.

    17. I know how you feel brother, be patient, we are all trapped, for now. Hopefully things will soon change. Look at Cobra, he even lost his most precious love to these evil forces, I too have been targeted. It is ridiculous and very obvious how they manipulate our reality, act through our family and people we know to attack us in every way but try to stay alive and be as positive as you can. Something is going to break free, it has to, the killing of the light workers has to be stopped. Connect with source and tell it how you feel...

    18. If you trust please try this healing for yourself.

    19. >>As a starseed, the Pleiadians have totally failed me<<.

      Dear Brother, that's exactly the way ALL Starseeds have been living. Blocked, sabotaged and attack from any angle, and in any ways the bad guys could make their move to make our lives miserable and a total FAILURE.

      HOLD ON, OK?
      Only if you know how to interpret Cobra's RM messages, then you'll clearly see that THINGS ARE GETTING BETTER.

      Go back and re-read the one regarding the 144K's=the Starseeds. THAT WAS
      one of the messages I've been waiting for a long, long time.....

    20. Maybe you have strong chains like family contracts or who knows, which dont let you be free from them.

    21. Maybe you can try to focus on creating the world you want inside yourself and let everyone with your own path and truth. You could also try to focus your energy speaking to people that want to listen. Could be better to heal your emotions before take any big decisions or conclusions.

    22. This comment has been removed by the author.

    23. I'll try to summarize it. You don't have to be honest with people who are toxic. I myself manipulate people who are closed minded, but only to the extent to get them off my case. This allows a toxic situation to be alleviated. To get people off you sometimes you have to pretend to be someone else with a variety of masks.

      As a side-note, getting negative people to turn against what you say regarding ET's does not help The Event. They become polarized against ET's. Be clever as a fox.

    24. This comment has been removed by the author.

    25. I have the same situation- very close. I was surprised. I thought that i am only one who is dealing with those kind of problems. Latley i start renting my new appartment- used to rent only a room. Few days later i lost my job. Now one and a half month later i am still without job. Now i am thinking wath is worth in life. Becouse i have to like move back and start all over. And all my life is like starting from zero. In future i have some quite hard decisions to make. I hope that i will survive. What i have done from moment that i lost my job till this moment. I quit cigarrettes. Restart my meditation habit. Heal my self with reiki. Start my sport activities from the very begining. I alredy dont eat any meet products- only exepction are crab sticks. I dont drink for quite long time- some years i quess. I still try to quit my porno addiction. And yes i fell very tured of all this. Hope to go out for some walk in forest. And want to go out with like- minded people. Yes i guess in worst case scenario i should give up my new appartment to. But i still try to look for new job. And yes, my life without addictions seems very different. My family dosent support me either- they just live their lives and i guess are pretty happy in some sick way.
      I have vegitative distonia its when heart start racing without obvious reason and i guess ADHD becouse its explain why i have always strugled in my life, and felt depressed even when i tried to make things for the better- in my peronal life, becouse there always was some kind of setbecks all the time.
      What i have to say. I will do my best to keep going ahead. Becouse i had also thougts about suicide- but from meditation i alredy gain vision that they are only thougts- and they appear only when the situations are in absolute brakedown position- which is like always in my case. I will try to do my best or at least to improve my good habits at least. And give my mind remedy in meditations. Becouse it helps. And yes wait for the Event as well- in background.:)

    26. Oh amigo eu to aqui no Brasil/Bahia quando li sua narrativa, acredite eu tô assim também, toda a minha vida e principalmente depois que fiquei sabendo como é a vida KKK toda ela foi de restriçáes e angustang por não poder viver todo o meu eu...As restriçáes sempre me acompanharam em tudo que fiz.. um abraço amigo ..

  34. I love the light an the light love use all⛩V of the light!!!

  35. i just watch an esplendid sunrise and felt such gratitude and connection.
    then a chemstrail came and it was being erased so so quick while over the buildings. it went by the trees and the speed got lower. i don't understand why they don't catch the plane/pilot. maybe cause the surface operations haven't started yet?..

  36. Thank you...This was so quick...keep going...VICTORY OF THE LIGHT...NOOOW

  37. Thanks ✨πŸ™πŸΌ❤️🌈

  38. 504 was looking busy. Congratulations on 504.

    Victory of the Light !

  39. I’m sensing an emergency Mass meditation is very close to being announced. When that arrives we will know its the Last push

  40. Good news

    The event is coming soon

  41. Operations to remove the On and Off World Forces hostile to you have now reached a critical point...



  43. To all the "bad guys" still out there I just wanna say: Thank you, but we dont need you anymore! Our mission is to bring Paradise back to our beautiful, beautiful Gaia ♡ and thats why we are here! I send millions and millions of pink Love-bubbles to all "the bad ones " and really hope you find THE LOVE too!!♡♡

  44. An event was created 2 days ago, for CEL members to have an opportunity to express appreciation of Cobra and his work, particularly at this time. I have not closed it, 44 persons wrote touching, beautiful posts in the event format protocol, many, many others have written tributes on the page. I posted this link twice, mysteriously it is being eaten. To anyone hungry, a couple others are also posting it.

  45. I posted a link to a FB event that is not working now, apologies. A colleage Lady Dane has managed to post it with success. The event is for CEL members to write their appreciation for Cobra, and of course for eachother. It is a closed group, so I am sorry that non members cannot view. 44 people partook in the actual event up until now, but many others expressed gratitude, goodwill and sorrow. People have made beautiful, artistic and unique expressions, at very short notice, as it was a spur of the moment thing.I think we all decided to leave it open as long as it needs to be open. You just click below the blue ET picture to join the event, or write what you feel anywhere. It has helped us get to know eachother and unify us. And no disaster posts! It is an honour to know these people, many thanks to adnins for keeping the group going in troubled times. With love, Alhara Sol Raha.


  46. Open Source
    Open Content
    Open Design
    Open Innovation

    The hybrid incandescent/discharge lamp;

    particularly, the halogen hybrid/HID lamp


    content and discussion to come...

    1. Yes! The filament is in the midst of the arc tube,... and the gas discharge occurs around and alongside the filament...
      The lamp requires a ballast.

      Reference documents:

      General reference:


    2. Cases into discussion, subject of research:

      1 - A halogen hybrid incandescent/HID lamp;
      the filament is incandescent and light emitting during the entire discharge process, in fact there are 2 lamps (as principle) in a single arc tube, the halogen incandescent lamp and the metal halide discharge lamp working together...

      2 - A hybrid incandescent/discharge lamp;
      the filament is incandescent and light emitting in the midst of a noble gas or gas mixture discharge, which otherwise might have a lack of arc stability.


    3. The second of the case, as subject of research, the 'hybrid incandescent/discharge lamp'
      may be among others an attempt to achieve a 'pink egg light source' with a continuum spectral 1/f emission, for the case if this might be difficult to achieve in other ways, or as a case itself.


    4. Look the spectral distribution of the incandescent lamp, or imagine it:

      What is needed to achieve a 1/f pink light is to improve, to 'complete', the spectrum in the lower wavelength, as much as possible in a near linear form up to the '1/f shape' (imagine it).

      It is a subject of discussion of an incandescent filament surrounded by a gas discharge that might provide the amount of needed spectrum.

      Previous discussion about the pink light:

  47. All I know is that today here, in Portugal, is another day full of poisonous cheamtrails in the air. I can’t see no signs of freedom, unfortunately. They continue poisoning us.

    1. Chemtrails will most likely continue up until the Event. I would suggest not putting too much attention on these types of things.


    The Galactic Confederation will clear all negative factions with space travel capability, either extraterrestrial or secret space program, that do not accept the Galactic Codex, within the next two weeks.

    Your near-earth orbit is now freed from the etherical and physical interference, their remaining Secret Space Programs factions have accepted the terms of the Galactic Codex and are prepared to contribute to the advancement of your people by releasing their hidden technology for civilian use in due time.

    In accordance with the terms of the Galactic Codex section 4 relative to the law of intervention we now declare the near Earth or the Confederation space and this planet Confederation domain.


    Let’s go!

  50. Love and Light to all, deepest gratitude to LW, RM, Cobra and all involved in this liberation of humanity and Gaia, Blessings xxx

  51. Rok 2018 bude zajΓ­mavΓ½

  52. The little event whereby CEL group members are expressing there appreciation, gratitude and compassion for COBRA the still open as people wish to express. It is lovely to come together in this way and many have, with beautifully put together little posts at short notice. It was spur of the moment. Any member can come read, nobody has to write anything. In case my post eater is still here, another member also posted it, with the right link.


    Is the info in this video for real? The channel is trusted, anyway... Victory of the Light.

  54. Dear beloved Cobra,

    when I read on your blog Isis Astara is in hospital I was near a panick attack, because it felt absolutely not good. When we meditated for her, I hoped we could safe her life. When I read that she has left the physical plane, I was in total shock. It felt like everything was lost and there was no hope for anything anymore. I feel deeply connected with you, as you are the beacon of light, always on the forefront, emitting hope and a bright future. Something like this happening felt so totally wrong, I have no words for it. The world was circling and circling and I felt so much pain, chaos, disaster and fear. Several times I lost nearly consciousness during those days. In our Event-Support-Meeting we had many white roses for your love. The white roses radiated such a pure innocent, brilliant, big love, that I could barely endure it. The sacrifice you have brought is so painful to observe. We where telling each other how we feel and I can confirm, those who feel more near you, have been under extreme pressure, tension and torture since. It brought us to the edges of psychological survival. We are all important, yet, most of us may agree that you have a leading role within this star family. It means, your fate is our fate. If you experience pain and loss, we do as well. This experience allowed me to feel how much depends on you and how much depends on Isis Astara. Is there something that could have prevented this catastrophe? Afterwards everyone is wiser. Nevertheless, if such a thing is happening to a being that has dedicated his whole life to the liberation of Gaia and humanity, for revelation of divine truth and for the return of the Goddess energy: I am absolutely sure, this deed is never ever allowed to stay unanswered. There must be a consequence. We down here fight with our love only, being targeted by multiple life-harming technologies. To kill a key person like your mate, was the absolute ultimate NO GO. Who messes with Cobra, may have to meet Goddess Khali in the Astral, who knows? We must forgive, of course but before we need justice. I wish we can go on with our relationship with Isis Astara through space and time and she may help us now in another powerful way, more transcendential. May she return as described and may we all celebrate the great Victory of the Light together really soon.
    Thank you for having awakened me in various ways. Thank you for having helped me understand my life and purpose. Thank you for activating the mystery inside of me with your wisdom. Thank you for sharing so much of your wide wisdom freely. Thank you for never giving up and being always so strong, also if you may not feel like. Thank you for your courage to stand up against the cabal. Thank you for having dedicated your life and relationships to the Goddess. Thank you for working day and night for the Victory of the Light. Thank you for having been so curageous and following your inner voice all of your life. Thank you for your constant effort to check the news, analysing them and bringing them into a logical context, which I alone would not be able in that way. Thank you for being always here for us, like a big tree, protecting humanity. Thank you for never being tired and for working like a bee. I would have wished you would have been a bit more selfish and have put your focus towards your own happiness. As it seems, you are an Avatar that is only happy if all others are too. So as well this facet expresses who you truly are and I thank you for your unconditional dedication to liberate our Mother Gaia. May Gaia give you abundantly what you desire for, forever, in the ways you choose. I am at your service. I am here for you. Just call upon my name and I will be there.

    Your sister of Light.
    Infinte Blessings, namaste.
    My love is with you and all of your ways.


    Victory of the Light!

    1. Beautifully said Inana, I second those thoughts.
      Cobra, Isis Astara, Light Forces and Resistance Movement, truly you are "Stars" shining for All of Us. Sending you All Healing Love and Light as best as I can with All my Heart <3 The Light is Victorious!

    2. Thank you both. I would like to thank Nova Biscotti to take initiative to gather a group where we could write our letters to Cobra. This was the exact right thing to do and helped me to overcome my speechlessness in the comment section of Cobras blog.
      Just a short note, I saw some where doubting he receives all the letters. If I remember well, years ago Cobra wrote here on his blog that he would read all of his E-Mails and all y/our light is very much loved by him. This makes me suppose, he will read the letters too and I can imagine it means a lot to him. He loves everyone of us more than we can imagine. I hope not to overstep any privatsphere with that statement, it is just what my intuition and logical assumptions leads me to, it would be the result of what he stands and works for.

      Victory of the Light!

    3. I agree, in spiritual means Isis Astaras move was totally glorious. She has been killed, yet the Source made a Joker out of it. She has opened the doors of our prison and she unlocked the gates of heaven. Truly victorious. That is how much she loves Cobra and us.

      Victory of the Light!


  55. It's a wonderful night with a Sky full of Stars.
    No moon, which is a bonus.

    Waitin' on a Sunny Day :-)

    Lots of Love and Light to All



    1. Now then, that was quite the enLithening night.

      Very Magical, and then some.

      Sun is Rising and Shining, and once again We're turning all the night-time into the day.
      Yay! :-)

      VitΓ³ria do Amor e da Luz



    2. Tell Me:
      Did Venus Blown your Mind?
      Was it everything you wanted to find?
      And did you miss Me while you were looking for YourSelf out there?

      This is

      Take 'em Home



  56. This comment has been removed by the author.

  57. This comment has been removed by the author.

  58. abort abort sir...

  59. Good hunting, victory of the light

  60. Cobra, What about and update of situation?

    1. From Feb 3 post:

      “The Galactic Confederation will clear all negative factions with space travel capability, either extraterrestrial or secret space program, that do not accept the Galactic Codex, within the next two weeks.

      Then they will methodically and systematically clear everything below the surface of the planet and after that, surface operations will begin.

      Due to changed hostage situation dynamic, the original plan for the Event has been expanded and is now more robust. Top brass in Positive Military in USA, China and Russia have been contacted and given instructions.

      There was too much classified intel about Event operations flying on the internet until now.

      The hostage situation on the surface is simply too delicate and there will be complete intel radio silence (EMCON) about surface operations from now on. There will be a lot of speculation but no real intel about the surface operations will be released by the Light forces.

      The only thing I can say is that the Event will still include:

      -Removal of the Cabal
      -Full disclosure and full exposure
      -Financial Reset

      Mass arrests of the Cabal may, or may not happen. You will be informed about the Event operations in real time as they happen, through the mass media.”

      We simply may not get any situation updates for a while.

    2. "The hostage situation on the surface is simply too delicate and there will be complete intel radio silence (EMCON) about surface operations from now on. There will be a lot of speculation but no real intel about the surface operations will be released by the Light forces."

      Maybe after Mjolnir hit the ground in march we have something.

    3. I don't think there is much he will be able to tell us from here on out.

      "The hostage situation on the surface is simply too delicate and there will be complete intel radio silence (EMCON) about surface operations from now on. There will be a lot of speculation but no real intel about the surface operations will be released by the Light forces."

  61. To Psychedelic Piper: Quite a lot of good advice is coming your way in the comments above! See? Look at how many people are on your side. :)



  63. Supernatural Event Coming Soon

    by Disclosure News | Aggiornato il 13 February, 2018 | The Event

  64., sorry, here's the Video, but I guess it is true because it has been seen and posted by another brothers/sisters as well... VOL



  66. Let's stay together in Love and Light! The Victory of the Light is coming!


  67. 144k Mass Meditation – LIVE on Ground Crew Command, for Partial Solar Eclipse Over Antarctica – This Thursday, Feb 15th from 1:30pm EST (US) … ARISE Standing Army of Light

    February 13, 2018

    The Unknown Lightwarrior

  68. πŸ‘πŸ‘way to go Cobra, LF, GF...VOTL!!! No other way to go!πŸ¬πŸ¬πŸ‹πŸ‹


  69. 144k Mass Meditation – LIVE on Ground Crew Command, for Partial Solar Eclipse Over Antarctica – This Thursday, Feb 15th from 1:30pm EST (US) … ARISE Standing Army of Light

    February 13, 2018

    The Unknown Lightwarrior

    144k Mass Meditation – LIVE on Ground Crew Command, for Partial Solar Eclipse Over Antarctica – This Thursday, Feb 15th from 1:30pm EST (US) … ARISE Standing Army of Light

    February 13, 2018

    The Unknown Lightwarrior



  71. Thank you Jonathon Carty, you are a wonder to me. this brought joy to my heart and tears to my eyes. Let there be peace, love, and abundance for all.


  72. Pleiades 1 Messages February 13th 2018
    P1 calling Terranos for origins recognition! Attention for calls in PVSE / SdE !!
    Violable are surrounded by Light! Guarantees of obvious elevations! The Light Celebrates! Basics principles are shown to those curious of the NEW!
    Anchoring of *Projector 9 Lunar Started! 18% (non-regressive).
    Attention *Cranu-Idini, *Projector MorDort-SIUX aimed! IMMEDIATE Reverberation! Anchorage at 32% (non-linear).
    Attention *IUD-IL! Immediate Attention! *Projector CDiX-12 Aimed! Anchoring and immediate reverberation! 9% (non-regressive).
    Intensive MiD vs. PVSE failed! Solid and tamper-proof base.
    Projectors of Akashic distributions remain aimed!
    Lines crossing lines in decline, as GREATER MESSAGES ARE DELIVERED. (2).
    End of Transmission
    Pleiades 1 (Preparing the 6th Akashic Projector)
    * Item in Glossary

  73. This comment has been removed by the author.


  74. Allison has taken the opportunity to ask the clients when this wave will occur, and the majority of them seem to say in the first quarter of 2018. Allison makes it clear in the interview that she is only the messenger and feels like this wave is coming soon, but reminds us that it could happen anytime and not to get too caught up in the actual date.

    Allison has also asked clients what the wave will be like. One of her clients said that she saw it all happen and slowed it down into slow motion so that she could describe it. The client says that people will feel it coming before they see it. There will be an energy crackling feeling inside the body which might prompt you to go outside. The wave itself will look like multicolored smoke saturating the earth. It looks like a wall miles high up into the air and may freak people out to see this anomaly.
    Supernatural Event Coming Soon By Michelle Walling.

    1. So helpful, thank you. Yes I think it's coming very soon.

    2. Watched another qhht session by Suzanne Bertolas that says it will hope this year in the spring, but they all seem to point towards this year. It's a new qhht session she has on her youtube.

  75. A thought unrelated perhaps. How is the internet any different than smartphones and iphones? It's not that much different, with facebook and so forth. This one's been on my mind for a while.

  76. With space clear of negative factions, I wonder if the decompression valves in the tachyon membrane can be opened up more to allow greater ascension energies in.

  77. Beautiful <3
    Since a few weeks I feel many Buddhas coming from older universes assisting us here.
    Gaias dream, all humans to be in their true Buddha nature, finally achieving Shivoham, which is absolute bliss of Prime Creator. All kingdoms celebrating the light beyond the question of boredom. Missing the border of time.
    Many months ago I saw an exercise: During the night visualize the Earth in front of the sun within your mind. Try to see through Gaia, to make here transparent. Ask her what is her burden and you will see. Ask her what is her dream and she will show you the aspect she wants to show only to you. See and feel the light of the sun create together with her, filling her with light and life.
    Victory of the Light!

  78. Pleiades 1 Messages February 14th 2018
    P1 calling Terranos for origins recognition! Attention for calls in PVSE / SdE !!
    *Cranu-Idini! Immediate call coming up! Master Projector Support Required: Synchronization Started… 16% (non-regressive) – Start Support.
    Zero i: *Avrylhon in a new approach to negotiations. Final conclusions being reached.
    *Callisto the Dragon manifested! High Negotiations in Progress!
    Line *CΓ’nio/Mamai manifested! Lighting started… (19% non-regressive).
    New continents show themselves. Reorganization in progress.
    DΓ©vicos celebrate Akashic Light!
    *Cryptogamos contacting Terran branches. 46% (non-regressive). Reverberation: thoughts and quick reasoning.
    Crystals of the Hope of *Nova Aurora in UNIVERSAL HARMONIZATION – Terran Plan: 71% (non-regressive).
    End of Transmission
    Pleiades 1 (Preparing the 6th Akashic Projector)

  79. ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨
    ✨ Attention to all starseeds!✨

    πŸ™ Hello my dear starseeds and lightworkers! πŸ™

    πŸ™Œ My name is Anton and I want to help our community to become more happy and effective. I want to help starseeds improve their lifes. πŸ™Œ

    πŸ˜” Because I see that many of you are tired of waiting for the Event to happen and don't know what to do. πŸ˜”

    πŸ˜’ And many of you don't like to earn money because you don't like the energy that you get from the work you do. And also you may not like the energy of people that you have to communicate with at work. πŸ˜’

    ❓And I also see that some of you don't get proper results from meditations. And overall many of starseeds don't feel that they are living their life.❓

    ✅ Seeing this I decided to create a free course in which I give step by step instructions for you in order that you could easily change your life for the better in a comprehensive way in many aspects!✅

    🌍 And you can speed up the event by being proactive and happy.🌍

    ☝As Cobra once stated: ☝
    "The second main factor holding back the Event is the deep mind programmed state of the surface humanity which has chosen the slowest path possible towards the Event. Now a small minority of people is overperforming and carrying the load of Liberation for many, whereas the vast majority is underperforming and just complaining. Many people are asking me what to do to speed up the Event. The answer is very simple: each of you has been born with a mission. Go inside, discover that mission and carry it out. All our missions combined will create the Event."

    🌠And you can with the help of my course discover your mission and carry it out to the surface of the Planet Earth! 🌠

    So, what exactly you will get:
    🌈 1) Step by step instructions how to control and manage your thoughts
    🌈 2) Step by step instructions how to know your true goals from yourself
    🌈 3) Step by step instructions how to disconnect from all the bad things that prevent you from meditating and understanding your thoughts and desires
    🌈 4) Step by step instructions how to choose a harmonious financial activity and be happy in the material world!
    🌈 5) And also you will learn the principle to create unique creative art works
    🌈 6) And also many other useful things.

    🎁 🎁 🎁 And you will get all of this for free!🎁 🎁 🎁

    πŸ™ Therefore, I kindly invite you to a journey to yourself. I invite you to my course "Meditation with Action!"πŸ™
