Wednesday, April 11, 2018


It is time to take action again! It is time to take the destiny of our world in our own hands! We all agree that the process of reaching planetary peace is taking too long. Here is our chance to collectively speed up the process. Therefore we are using the opportunity of the New Moon on April 15th/16th to create a portal through which we will balance the energy field around the planet.

We are doing this meditation to counteract the negative effects of the military escalation that is now taking place in Syria: 

Make this viral! Share it worldwide! Please post it on your websites and blogs. Invite spiritual groups to join us. If you know an alternative media outlet, you can send it to them. You can create a Facebook group for your local group of people doing this in your part of the world. We also need one main Facebook group for this event. You can create a video about this and post it on Youtube.

Scientific studies have confirmed positive effects of mass meditations on human society, so each of you that will participate in this meditation can actually help bringing the Event closer to us:

This meditation helps the Light forces to ground the energy of Light on the surface of the planet to strengthen the Light grid which is needed to speed up the process of reaching planetary peace. Number of people doing that meditation is the single most influential factor within the power of the surface human population for speeding up the process.

We will be doing this meditation at the exact moment of the New Moon on Sunday, April 15th at 9:57 pm Eastern Daylight Time (EDT). This equals 9:57 am CST on Monday April 16th in Taipei, 3:57 am EET on Monday in Cairo, 3:57 am CEST on Monday in Paris, 2:57 am BST on Monday in London, 9:57 pm EDT on Sunday in New York, 8:57 pm CDT on Sunday in Chicago, 7:57 pm MDT in Denver and 6:57 pm PDT in Los Angeles on Sunday, April 15th.

You can check the time of the meditation for your time zone here:  


1. Use your own technique to bring you to a relaxed state of consciousness.

2. State your intent to use this meditation as a tool to speed up the process of bringing peace for planet Earth and its inhabitants.

3. Visualize a pillar of Light emanating from the Galactic Central Sun, then going through all beings of Light inside our Solar System and then through your body to the center of the Earth. Visualize another pillar of Light rising from the center of the Earth, then up through your body and upwards into the sky towards all beings of Light in our Solar System and our galaxy. You are now sitting in two pillars of Light, the Light flowing both upwards and downwards simultaneously. Keep these pillars of Light active for a few minutes.

4. Now visualize a violet flame purifying the Syria vortex and its energy field on plasma, etheric and astral planes. Then visualize this violet flame expanding through all Middle East and purifying it. Then expand it even more until it encompasses the whole planet, purifying its energy field on the plasma, etheric and astral planes.

5. Now visualize a soft pink healing divine feminine energy, healing all people in Syria and bringing peace to the country. Visualize this soft pink light protecting Syria. Visualize this divine feminine energy healing the minds and hearts of all people worldwide involved in the Syria conflict. Then visualize this divine feminine energy expanding through all Middle East and healing all people there. Then expand it even more until it encompasses the whole planet, healing all living beings on the planet. 

Goddess wants peace and peace it will be!
Updates about the Peace Meditation: 


  1. Victory of the Light , so be it & so it is.

  2. Count on me. Let’s help building this Portal of Light.馃尮

  3. Let's do this! Victory of the Light !

  4. Here we go! time for a big meditation
    Translated to spanish
    Traducido al Castellano

    1. Hola Lester, si entiendo bien aquellos que vivimos en Espa帽a debemos meditar la madrugada del domingo al lunes, a las 3.57 horas. Es una hora muy dif铆cil para aquellos que tengamos que trabajar el lunes. ¿Ser铆a 煤til que aquellos que no podamos unirnos meditemos antes de acostarnos el domingo o al levantarnos el lunes, o bien sincronizar nuestra meditaci贸n con la meditaci贸n de los domingos por la tarde?.
      Gracias. Que el Amor y la Luz prevalezcan.

    2. Gracias y quiz谩 os levanteis a esa hora s贸lo para la meditaci贸n y os volv茅is a dormir. Victoria de la luz...

    3. Hola Cris, es correcto, a las 3:57 horas.

      "¿Ser铆a 煤til que aquellos que no podamos unirnos meditemos antes de acostarnos el domingo o al levantarnos el lunes, o bien sincronizar nuestra meditaci贸n con la meditaci贸n de los domingos por la tarde?."

      Lo ideal seria hacerlo todos a la vez, por aquello de "la uni贸n hace la fuerza", puedes hacerlo en otra hora, pero el efecto seria muy leve, si puedes a esa hora pues mejor, y sino pues no pasa nada

      Igualmente si tienes ganas de hacer meditaciones p谩sate por aqu铆, hay unas que se hacen cada 4 horas y tambi茅n son importantes

    4. Por supuesto que s铆, indicando nuestra intenci贸n de unir nuestra meditaci贸n aquella planetaria ✨ Victoria de la Luz!!! ✨馃檹馃徏❤️馃寛

    5. Entendido. Me pondr茅 el despertador y a meditar con todo el mundo, y el lunes ya me arreglar茅 como pueda. Gaia es lo primero y a una madre no se la abandona cuando te necesita, verdad?
      Saludos a todos.

    6. We are one for everyone, let your light shine. the work

  5. I'm glad you brought it up. It is certainly time to support the Syrian people but also those who defend them.

  6. Yes. And peace please!

    Victory of Light.

  7. Thank you!! Let's bring Peace and LOVE to our sisters and brothers in Syria and the whole planet ♡♡♡ It is Time!!

  8. Let us end this nasty period once and forever. Let us manifest the EVENT exactly on that date of meditation. We are all fed up with this theatre.

    1. Trading,
      YES! 馃挏馃挆馃挏馃挆馃挏
      NO more theaters.
      NO more vampires wearing CLOWN masks!

    2. Well said, Angel..and Trading. Hope it will come true really soon

  9. Yes, count me in. Here is the link to Cbras former post on healing the Syrian Pentaram, which explains the importance of Syria for Goddess Healing on the planet and consequently, healing the planet. Please consider using the spinning Halafian pottery as much you can, from now, until the Peace Meditation and after, as long as it is needed.

    We can bring Peace! We are the Ground Troops! Let’s bring on the Light!!!

  10. Love and Light to All 馃挋馃寧馃挌

  11. Yes sir, anytime you need us, just make a call

  12. It is safe to say, first contact will be with the Pleiadians. This is just an idea, let the three presidents, Assad, Putin and Trump get taken off world and shown the bigger picture. Let's face it, they won't be the first humans to venture off world, and to be fair, the Pleiadians are going to make contact anyway.

    1. Putin has already experienced Pleiadian contact directly.

    2. Putin has their assistence.
      The most qualified Pleiadians estrategists are with P.

  13. Yes, it is time. Enough of waiting. Our turn now.

  14. We're ready, put us in coach!



  15. Until then remember the Halafian Pottery Meditation...


    1. "This technique will strengthen the Goddess vortex in Syria that the Archons are trying to suppress. Simply visualize this piece of ancient Halafian pottery rotating over the whole Syria/Iraq region, strengthening the Goddess vortex there and removing all darkness from the region:
      This piece of Halafian pottery, made 7000 years ago, contains sacred geometry codes that activate Goddess presence and remove darkness from all four directions."

  16. Part 1 of 2 Posts (see below for continuation)

    As We Prepare For the “New Moon World Peace Meditation” For Divine Light On Earth,

    Here is Just One Supreme Example of Divine Influence We May Have On Others Everywhere:

    “The Grandeur of Experience Being Near My Teacher (“Guru Dev”),”

    Expressed by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, Founder of the Transcendental Meditation technique:

    (NOTE: “Guru Dev” means divine guru, great teacher or master; one who “dispels the darkness” of all limitations from the realization of what’s in Divine life.)

    “...the priceless “transcendental nectar” in which saints and seekers lose themselves (their sense of individual ego) and forget everything during their deep meditation in silent barren places - when that same nectar, that very same experience is had in nearness to the “lotus feet of” Guru Dev, in an unmoving and stable manner, with the eyes open and in a completely wakeful state, the incomparably blissful transcendental torrent floods the inside and outside, and the mind is drowned in ecstasy.

    Certainly this state in the nearness of Guru Dev is much more desirable and enjoyable than the state where we forget everything in samadhi (absolute bliss). In that state at feet of Guru Dev, wave upon wave of the bliss rises in myriads of forms and channels in complete wakefulness.

    That is the experience of jivan mukti (self realization; and freedom), by the grace of the master (teacher). The experience of the unshakable bliss, when we are completely awake, drowned in which the great Mahatmas (souls) become Brahman (ultimate “transcendental,” self realization and unity consciousness).

    At this time in this silence, there is an inexpressible happiness, a feeling of huge elation, the heart is overwhelmed by ecstatic feeling like the heaving of an ocean of love, an ocean of bliss, as if the blissfulness of pure consciousness is rising in powerful torrents to surface from somewhere deep inside; and outside, Guru Dev's wordless, enchanting, inviting, nectar- like love in an infinitely large ocean.

    Tidal waves are rising from this limitless ocean on the outside, and diving deep inside and having struck the deepest depths, are rising outwards again and again, and then falling at the feet of Guru Dev, in voiceless ripples, softly heaving and vibrating in ecstasy. The hand and feet and ears and all the senses, together with the heart and mind and intellect, are bursting with the fullness of that ecstatic feeling.

    Every tiny atom of the body is enveloped in that unbounded transcendental state of Being, and is melting into that experience as if into an indivisible, everlasting union with pure radiant love, untouched by time, space, or any other constraint. The limitless ocean of the heart bursts forth in wave upon wave of invincibility and freedom.

    That unchanging, eternally stable, and timeless bliss, which is beyond the senses and transcendental in every way, is being experienced at the surface value of life at one single time simultaneously by all the senses, by every part of the physical body, and by the entire heart, mind, and intellect - all this by the grace and love of Guru Dev.

  17. Part 2 of 2 Posts (see above for the first part)

    The whole of life, the gross physical body, the subtle body, the transcendental inner phase of life, is throbbing and heaving with ecstatic feeling in the nearness of Guru Dev.

    Outside on the terrace, it is as if the gentle ripples of the lake are nudging the sides and sleeping vegetation to awaken them to enjoy the tender moonlight. And there, on the terrace, the divine illumination of the master is giving the power of life to the brilliant, inexpressible, transcendental sun of pure consciousness, to allow its waves to shake the heart of the ignorant disciple, to bring enlightenment.

    The disciple is awakening from sleep. He is rising up. His ignorance and doubts
    are being erased. The fog facing him is lifting and the long journey is being quickly completed; the goal is becoming visible; it is right in front. Reaching it is all that is left. The other shore barely appears, and Guru Dev, the captain of the boat, throws a chain around the docking post to hasten his disciple's arrival.

    Great good fortune is needed to be able to experience the unbounded grace of Guru Dev, the master and teacher, and to continue to drink of that infinite ocean of bliss.

    The point being brought out here is the blissfulness experienced in nearness of the true Master. The point to notice is how the Guru, by giving his disciples and other seekers the experience of the different and varied aspects of transcendental wholeness strengthens every disciple's progress on the path of evolution and carries the aspirant to the pinnacle of perfection.

    The thing is the same, “pure consciousness,” but the Guru gives the disciple experiences of it in such a variety of ways that remove every shadow of doubt that could become an obstacle to the disciple's progress.

    This is the grace and grandeur of being near Guru Dev.”

    Victory of the Light on earth - NOW.

  18. em portugues Brasil


    vitoria da luz.

    1. Obrigado pelos links em portugues Brasil! Repassando..

      Vit贸ria da Luz

    2. Obrigada. Irei divulgar.馃尮

    3. Muito Obrigado pela tradu莽茫o! Nosso amado povo t茫o alegre, espiritualista e sofrido n茫o pode ficar de fora!!

  19. The meditation will be just at the end of Cobra's conference in Budapest.

    I hope everyone in Budapest can join in, because you all will have a powerful presence there, together.

    We all need to do this!

    I have been wonderful why Q has not talked about the Syria conflict....

    perhaps it is because, as Cobra has said, Q delivers about 70 percent accuracy. He/They omit certain things...

  20. Let's take some ACTION, let's DO it! :) Victory of the Light.<3 <3 <3

  21. We should maybe do it as early as possible .

    Also , regarding Syria - I dont think the things are straightforward as they seem they are ... comments from all sides ( USA - Russia at the moment ) are definetly weird and even paradoxical to me .

    Im 100 % sure there wont be a war escalation . Not 99.9 % , but 100 % .

    1. Didn't trump meet with putin.. don't both know about the deep state and the real situation in Syria? What the hell.. this is beyond frustrating.. have a Galactic appear to Trump and explain this all to him already! The blue aviens supposedly could just appear to corey goode.. then what is the issue here.. there's nothing the US can do if the galactics wanted to stop it.. take out the so called rebels already.. this is getting a bit hard to believe for me now.. draco ships can be taken out and they can't stop the US military??

    2. It is safe to say, first contact will be with the Pleiadians. This is just an idea, let the three presidents, Assad, Putin and Trump get taken off world and shown the bigger picture. Let's face it, they won't be the first humans to venture off world, and to be fair, the Pleiadians are going to make contact anyway.


      Interesting x

    4. I dont understand why immediately so many people jumped and started shouting "WW3!" . Nothing ( yet ) occured , just word-wargames - and anyone who thinks a bit deeper about this , realizes as time passes , any military attack actually becomes more pointless . The words spoken both by Trump and Russian side are ... lets say ... very weird and odd to me . I personally think they KNOW and have a plan - which is now active . What that plan is - it is possibly related to Israel and Iran in one way , even much more than towards Syria .

      The people forget one BIG thing - if Alliance and any non-physical benevolent beings are assisting humanity , then humanity must actually realize fully the truth through exposure / disclosure . Destroying the enemy isnt enough , and is actually counterproductive in some cases - but accumulating hard proofs through Cabal's wrong moves , and eventually exposing the true face of them to the public - thats the thing were all looking for . That actually has much bigger potential .

      In short - we dont know much about what are the true tactics of certain Alliance factions , non-human benevolent factions , or even non-physical benevolent beings . But when I saw today those "word-wargames" , I realized something is very "off" ... I havent felt scared like majority of people - exactly the opposite . This is the final phase to me , before the breakthrough .

    5. @Unknown: The situation "seems to" defy logic, but we don't have all of the facts. I suggest you glance at my post below and read what others write on this blog. The Light Forces cannot intervene until the toplet bombs are moved. They are under a Divine Agreement of non-interference with human beings on earth until they CAN do something without risking untold damage to the planet. Otherwise, they WOULD intervene right now.

      Yes, it's beyond frustrating.

      I suggest going to the HIGHEST:

      Prayer, meditation, supplication for Divine intervention. God, the Almighty, ONE Source is in control. That is the HIGHEST to bring our requests.



  22. Dance of the Goddess (1 hour hypnotic trance meditation)

    Taos Winds Spirit Music

  23. Victory of the Light, friends! Throw in here all you got! Your wish for peace from eons of time, get up on the night if you have to. One of this precious opportunities is here where we can do something together and have a huge impact.

  24. For Slovenian readers (pinned post in out SOTR and ESG group on Facebook):

    Thank you for the post Cobra.

    Victory of the Light!


  25. To all those wonderful people who helped my friends Vanessa and Leo in Brazil:

    I have been asked to send you the UpDate after your incredible donations came in and it really worked to transfer the money from PayPal to a bank account so that urgent expenses could be paid. You can find all information on this website:

    Update 10/04/2018

    Thanks to all who contributed. Everyone's help will never be forgotten. All the help was directed to the purpose.
    It is indescribable and I lack words to say how grateful I am to all, with the help of you, everything has become possible and real. I just have to say a lot of thanks!

    The rest of the help received will be saved for future expenses. with that it will help for a long time until things improve around here. Love for all and thank you ❤

    All the detailed information is on the link

    Small table with description of values:!An7Oz-dp6AM3gQPmGPsX_0dzcxIH

    More Pictures and photos:!An7Oz-dp6AM3gRobGU-CBDsNejlV

    More information on our facebook page

    What happened there is considered a Miracle by the ones affected by your wonderful action, and I want to chime in and say Thank You once again is well.

    I believe in Miracles
    I believe in a better World for me and you

    Let's make another one happen with the Peace Meditation!


  26. Dear Light Forces, Resistance Movement,

    PEACE MEDITATION 2018-4-15 is held on 2018-4-15.

    I am writing to urge many awakened community, such as the awakened community led by Corey Goode, David Wilcock, Benjamin Fulford, Veronica Keen, Justin Deschamps, Kauilapele, The Mind Unleashed, Steve Beckow, Prepare For Change.... to organize "Unity Meditation" like "UNITY MEDITATION AT THE ECLIPSE 2017-8-21" to join PEACE MEDITATION 2018-4-15.

    We can notice it is the huge success to reach critical mass in "UNITY MEDITATION AT THE ECLIPSE 2017-8-21"

    If many awakened community can hold next "Unity Meditation" like "UNITY MEDITATION AT THE ECLIPSE 2017-8-21", to join PEACE MEDITATION 2018-4-15, it can accelerate "The Event" and maybe activate "The Event" within 2018 April.

    I wish Light Forces, Resistance Movement can tell many awakened community for this urge to organize "Unity Meditation" like "UNITY MEDITATION AT THE ECLIPSE 2017-8-21" to join PEACE MEDITATION 2018-4-15.

    1. I love this馃挄 excellent idea
      Just saying 馃槉

    2. The astrological conditions are not as powerful as on August 21, 2017.

    3. Absolutely, if all of those guys told the subscribers who follow their channels/programs/sites, then we should be able to reach critical mass.

  27. Why is Trump making facebook posts like below!? I thought he was supposed to be working with the light forces not provoking World War 3!! This sort of talk gives the impression he is just another cabal puppet!

    Trump fb post today-

    "Russia vows to shoot down any and all missiles fired at Syria. Get ready Russia, because they will be coming, nice and new and “smart!” You shouldn’t be partners with a Gas Killing Animal who kills his people and enjoys it!"

    1. Trump is not working for the light, he is a puppet trapped to the neck.

    2. psyop .... remember he is playing Chess with the Deep State who want war!

    3. Cobra said Trump is a Jesuit agent.

    4. Maybe they have to keep the narrative on MSM....

      I doubt this will led to war... they are not stupid... is all propaganda

    5. @stuarttacey: My understanding is that regardless of good intentions of a president, including the current President Trump, he is being controlled by the cabal. To overturn that, the top level of chimera and archons have to be dismantled. For that to happen, the Light Forces must intervene. And for that intervention to be possible at this time, Cobra and his intel have said that the toplet bombs must be removed. Otherwise, there would be tremendous destruction on earth.

      Pray, meditate, ask for Divine intervention.

      Full moon collective meditation for all too.

      Victory of the Light.

      It's very easy for the cabal to threaten anyone, including President Trump and his family, with torture, death, and other means of coercion. They can fabricate their own story if necessary. They control the mainstream media. So faced with that, does he really have a choice except to go along with the negative factions of power? I'm sure Trump, Putin and others are doing the best they can under the circumstances. Cobra has mentioned that the Pleiadians are in contact with Putin; perhaps this is true regarding Trump and others as well.

    6. The Cabal is essentially holding Trump and his family as a hostage. The fire in Trump tower was a warning shot to follow Cabal orders or be destroyed. Before the fire Trump announced we are pulling out of Syria and the Cabal said oh no you're not. The President is just a puppet, it doesn't matter who wins elections. The Cabal will always run things behind the scenes until the "event" removes the Cabal from power.

      They have been planning this for a long time. April 15th to April 20th is the season of human sacrifice.

      Their plans however, will not be successful. Victory to the light.

      Peace be with you.

    7. Novusod,

      Agree with you.

      Q seems to be saying (through his coded messages) that while the fire in Trump Tower was raging on Saturday, the bad guys broke into Cohen's offices and planted "evidence."

      Cohen is Trump's personal attorney. Cohen's offices were then "raided" early Monday morning, scooping up "evidence."

      Makes me think Trump is now being blackmailed into bombing Syria.

    8. Trump is not important, our meditations and just feeling love within yourself and spreading does way way waaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyy more馃槣

    9. @Debra, Unknown, Pervasive, Novusod, and Megan
      @Daedalus (posted at 1:15)

      I have to agree with you guys on this. I have thought the very same things!...
      And I also agree with an earlier comment by Daedalus, who (if I understand correctly?) seemed to suggest that Trump and Putin could well be working together with this tweeting “word-wargame”, to confuse the force them into carelessly making a wrong move that exposes themselves for the world to see = proof = game over馃槒... Which neatly ties in together with everything you all have said here! Makes sense to me..馃え

    10. Moon Mama - the people need to check the comments both made by Trump and by Russian officials . And not just comments from these current happenings , but also comments before all of that . The people call that "pissing contest" , but it doesnt have any sense within the current situation , that is supposedly to be a "serious one" , as presented by MSM and many people around .

      I dont think Trump is blackmailed or controlled by Cabal - even in situations like these , when majority of people would think its "obvious" . I think that at least Trump and Putin have a common plan they made together MUCH longer before all of this . Even before Trump became a POTUS . Potentially , Chinese president ( Xi ) is also on board with them , but thats questionable ( Cabal basically giving whole world economy on silver platter to China in 80s is what puts China as part of Cabal ) - however , it would be absolutely great if all three presidents of three main superpowers are on same page . That would mean , that they could "rig the game" against the Cabal itself , and expose it to the public of every country in the world . From that point on - there is no doubt anymore , and Cabal is finished .

      I would say , COBRA presents it in interesting way - the Event occurs , and only after the Event we have full disclosure of everything . Thats understandable . But , I think it is possible to achieve this even to one extent just before the Event , and it would actually serve as catalyst towards the Event . That to happen , is exactly the plan above - the Cabal would need to be exposed to the public , in situation where they couldnt disprove it , and where ignorance would be overriden . Otherwise , if Cabal would be exposed directly now , like in the situation after the Event , the human mentalities would resist it and truth would be distorted . That is why there is a whole plan , systematic takedown of the Cabal .

      The key to peace in Middle East lies in Israel and Iran . The key to global peace lies in Middle East . The key to exposure of all religions ( Re-Legions ) lies in Vatican . Combine all the dots - Vatican , Mecca ( Saudi Arabia ) , Iran , Israel , UK ( "Royals" ) , EU , and China potentially - and you get a net that Cabal built for millenias on this planet , spreading like a cancer into every pore of every society anywhere and anytime .

      My advice to any of you : stop focusing on global happenings to such extent where it affects you negatively and distractively . What happens "outside" is not so much important - because what happens "outside" is actually "inside" . Its the same for Event - you WILL KNOW something is occuring , COBRA wont need to tell you , Alliance wont need to tell you - you will feel it deeply inside of you , because the shift begins and always began within you firstly and foremostly .

      Be courageous , open-hearted and trust your intuition - you will "calibrate" yourself exponentially . Fears do not have place within the new society of planet Earth - we were always courageous explorers , adventurers , researchers and scientists - because if we werent , we wouldnt even incarnate on this planet , at all .

    11. Dear Daedalus,
      Thank you for this reply with further explanations. Again, I agree with you.馃槍
      When I stated that I agreed with the other commenters’ take on this, that I’ve thought the same things, I guess I should have clarified... I wasn’t saying I BELIEVED Trump was being blackmailed, etc.- but in thinking about it, I could definitely see how some would come to that conclusion.. a possibility in light of what we all know about how the cabal fights/plays dirty to try to maintain their control. I do think that Trump and Putin are working together for the Light and have a plan, despite certain “appearances” that may seem otherwise. And I love the idea of the good guys rigging the game to turn the tables on the cabal to expose them, leaving no doubt in the world’s eyes BEFORE the Event. I believe that people would then be more accepting of the full disclosure to come AFTER the Event. Being that humans are often quick to deny truth when it shakes up their world and “attacks” their whole (deeply programmed) perception of the only “reality” they’ve ever known.. I believe that exposure of the cabal pre-Event would awaken many, and help with the transition into the new paradigm afterwards. It is said the Event’s wave of pure Love will awaken and open humanity’s hearts and minds, raising consciousness globally... though I can see exposing people to the truth about the cabal beforehand as a kind of beneficial “buffering”...
      Cobra has said many times that there will be a series of events leading up to the Event.. and that things will speed up dramatically 2-4 weeks before. With so much happening recently, exposure of the cabal could very well be that catalyst you spoke of.
      I am, by the way, far from fearful about all of this.. I refuse to allow this outside garbage to interfere with what I know on the inside, in my heart. Regardless of how “serious” the news and others may spin it as, my heart tells me that an earth-ending world war in Syria (or anywhere else for that matter) is not going to happen. I’ve not had TV service for several years now, therefore don’t watch any news and don’t miss it, don’t trust the MSM anyway. Most news is distraction. I’m certainly not a news junkie, and only occasionally view a couple of trusted sources online. Even then, I trust my intuition.
      I chucked Re(Legion) many decades ago.. even as a child, intuitively, it felt “wrong”, and by my mid-teens I came to realize that it was a dark, manmade tool of power and control, designed to force obedience via fear and punishment. As an adult, I’ve always felt that religion is the root of all evil in this world..and the more I learned and the more dots I’ve connected (especially since “stumbling upon” this blog and also the veritasgalacticsweden site), the more aware I am of the truth in that feeling. I’m anti-religion, but not atheist either. I found my spiritual “home” in a Goddess and Nature centered path many years ago.
      I’m glad to see the call for this Peace Meditation, because whether humanity is on the brink of world war or not, this meditation is still VERY important!

      Thank you also for the excellent and heart-felt advice, dear Daedalus.
      Much Love and Light to you and to everyone.

    12. Daedalus, thank you. This puts all the chaos and madness that is happening around us into perspective. I just turned off the news and put on Meditative Mind on you tube instead. Peace within, peace without. Trust the plan. Love and Light to All xxx

    13. For all the comments I ve read, it got clear to me the ONLY thing we all should put our FOCUS is:


      All the rest will come by consequence, or am I wrong?馃尮

    14. Moon Mama - thank you on your response . I havent meant anything against people questioning Trump - it is good to have critical standpoint , as long as that standpoint truly comes from within , and not from different factors . Trump isnt a "saviour" , he also isnt a "devil" , from my own POV - he is simply a right person , on right place and in right time .

      Also , I dont know how many people here know about direct connection between Trump , current POTUS , and Nikola Tesla . When Nikola Tesla passed away in NYC hotel , the first person who had background knowledge and who checked Tesla's papers was John G. Trump . John George Trump was paternal uncle of current POTUS , a well renowned scientist and inventor , close aide to Karl Compton in NDRC ( later OSRD ) , MIT professor , and co-inventor with Robert Van de Graaff . That is why I think that POTUS is very well aware of supressed technologies , especially linked to zero-point energy devices . With an executive order , a POTUS is capable of lifting any classified status from any invention - but even more important , he is able to completely lift the Invention Secrecy Act of 1951. , the Act through which Cabal funneled all inventions under the veil of secrecy and supression , enabling continous misery programs to run unobstructed . We are , actually , realistically already 40-50 years in future by technological levels . If there was no obstruction by the Cabal , already our grandparents would have necessary tools and "know-how" to eradicate hunger , poverty and misery completely .

      I can tell you - what is happening within us is absolutely omni-powerful , omni-constructive , fully enabling the humanity to flourish into is fully natural state it was always intended to . The blockages fall down - the Heart opens fully and unconditionally . Many people arent even fully aware of it , because they dont know about it and it runs subconsciously within them . Some are even afraid of it . Some even try to get back into blockages as thats "conform zone" . Were "calibrating" ourselves to become highly sensitive beings who we always were - but have been manipulated to choose temporary conformistic nonsense . I think that Event - it will absolutely SURPRISE everyone , including all of us , as it is something that comes directly from the Source , the One True Creator . Its a Gift that comes from us - to us - to suprise us and snap us back into a true reality .

      I havent had TV either , for years now . TV actually watches people more than people watch TV - if people knew that , they would throw that BLACK CUBE outside , as it doesnt have any function except to program , spy on and serve as a portal to non-physical entities ( thus why , in Poltergeist movie , you see an entity affecting directly from the TV ) .

      For religions - Re-Legion ( "We are the Legion , the Legion of demons , and you re-elect us to serve us" ) and "Rig-on-Lie" ( setup on lie )

      For Peace Meditation - absolutely - lets do this ! The Peace Meditation will make a greatest push so far , in my own opinion .

      Moonlily - thank you on response . Everything is going to be OK - everything goes according to Plan , and the "chaos" presented serves only in paradoxical sense , it actually exposes and outlines itself , and those who feed it forcibly to the people .

  28. I was expecting some Alearts and warnings since yesterday I saw this Situation coming last week also Doomsday Plane is Lifted. It Means we have 3 days where we will have peace or... Peace anyway Victory of the Light

  29. This seems very strange to me.. I thought Trump was working with the Light now? Also, the Galactics can take down Draco spaceships but can use high tech to disable any attempts by the US to fire missiles at Syria? There are millions of Galactic ships in orbit around earth we are told, it's time to show yourselves and it's high time to shut down whatever threats are posed against Syria or NK or whomever. What the hell happened to the "Hammer of Thor"? No more negotiating.. time for action? How can ground activities be underway weeks ago now and yet nothing has changed? I'm positive but also logical.

    1. @Unknown: Obviously, if the Light Forces could intervene more, in Syria and elsewhere, they would. The toplet bombs evidently still pose a great risk to devastation of the planet. You pose a "logical" question but we don't have all of the facts. Most of the intel cannot be revealed, as Cobra has indicated.

      It's in "God's hands," not Cobra's, not the Galactics's, not the Light Forces, including the Angelic Beings. It is the Almighty Source which alone is all knowing and whose Will directs all of Creation. His Creation have a play and role, but it is "Him" who has the comprehension of all things simultaneously to enact what is supreme in each moment.

      That is my understanding.

      Let's continue to pray and meditate, and the New Moon is another collective opportunity.


    2. Dear unknown, Trump is not for the light, obviously he is not a spiritual person but he is against the cabal, he is trying to kick their least he is not totaly dark.

  30. Yes! Count on me. Sharing this...

  31. Thank you Cobra! Hopefully by then I can kick this head cold and brain fog.

    Ceila Fenn: Riding the Wave of Diamond Consciousness

  32. That will be after Mercury 1st goes Direct then.

  33. Thank you, I'm spreading this.

  34. Dear hearts ❤️ speak the Affirmation of divine goddess will’ in to your high hearts and project it out to the Goddess Vortx in Syria

    "Oh Goddess, Source of Gods and Mortals,
    All-Fertile, Send forth your magenta love down to Gaia,
    Mother of All, Who brings forth the bounteous fruits and flowers,
    All variety, Maiden who anchors the eternal world in our own,
    Immortal, Blessed, crowned with every grace,
    Deep bosomed Earth, sweet plains and fields fragrant grasses in the nurturing rains,
    Around you fly the beauteous stars, eternal and divine,
    Come, Blessed Goddess, and hear the prayers of Your children,
    And make the increase of the fruits and grains your constant care,
    With the fertile seasons Your handmaidens,
    Draw near, and bless your supplicants."
    We love you ohh omnipotent present
    And so it will be on this day of the New Moon ,
    so it is ,
    so it will be manifest ,
    So mote it be ...

    Our beloved brother Cobra and divine heavenly hosts
    Can not Express to you all divine Eagle Warriors of light ‘ how important this meditation is to achieve the most positive and probable outcome , So go forth and spread your wings spread your light to all four corners of Nova Gaia ‘ Sing your song so all can here you 馃檹馃徑

    You are All loved beyond measure ‘ May the Mighty horn & Trumpet 馃幒 of the 144,000 may be Heard 馃寛馃尭

    And So it is ‘ .... , sending love to our beloved brother Cobra and to all who read this 馃尭馃挄❤️馃尭馃寛馃尭

    Ria / Athena / Ashtar

    1. This is spookie. Or..... I'm losing it!
      Dear commenter, your name gave me sibirian chills!

      Are you a living one, or...... the ONE who I think YOU are...?

      RIA/ Reah
      Athena/ ISIS
      Ashtar/ Sheran

      Reah Isis Sheran? I knew my beloved sister Isis was going by that name.

      I need an answer, PLEEEEASE.....

    2. My beloved heart 馃寛馃尭馃挄❤️ I’ve sent you an email explaining ‘ as it’is too much to explain here on this site for fellow light warriors ‘ you are correct on all accounts ‘ and I’ve sent you an exclamation of how aspects of unconsciousness projections of higher self work . Check your emails ⭐️
      lots of love ‘ I look forward to speaking to you beloveds heart 馃寛馃尭馃挄馃挄馃尭⭐️

  35. Thank you Cobra and all lightworkers,

    let's do it! Victory of the Light!

    PS: ... and love.... so I am posting a little song for heartbroken humans and animals or whoever needs it....

    Oh and this was what showed up next, so I "have to" post it ;)

    "We're heading for something
    Somewhere I've never been
    Sometimes I am frightened
    But I'm ready to learn
    Of the power of love"

  36. The only real difference between those of the light and dark factions is the type and amount of lies/deceptions they perpetrate upon lesser beings who cannot defend themselves against their power and control. These Ascension wars are the only thing the light has ever known over billions of years since this physical universe was created.

    Both factions of light and dark refuse to give us the technological support we need nor does either faction give us the necessities of life here on planet earth. The only thing they are interested in is playing the Ascension game. It's all they have left that motivates them to continue existing. What if you were given an almost omnipotent amount of power, creativity and time? What would you do with all that power and time?

    WHERE DID YOU THINK ALL THESE LOWER DENSITIES CAME FROM TO BEGIN WITH? Do you think the original source needed 8 lower densities in order to experience itself differently? All it would need to do is create one lower density and populate it with it's first born/created. And after giving each being within that lower density their own consciousness and free will you have a means of experiencing yourself differently. So why do all these other densities exist? Talk to the Elohim about that, that was all their doing so stop blaming God for the problems we face here. All these lower densities are part of the Ascension game the Elohim created.

    The fact remains that both factions of the Ascension wars games continue to talk and talk about abundance and help but what really happens is the status quo. Do any of you have the abundance you need to continue on with your lives? Are any of you enjoying the technology the dark and light factions have at their disposal? Do any of you see/feel a compression breakthrough that has been promised over countless lifetimes?

    This is what the game called Ascension amounts to and without the pain and suffering of lesser beings there is no learning curve here in 3rd density. If there is no learning curve there is no Ascension game. And if there is no game then the factions of dark and light literally have nothing to do.

    This is what happens when omnipotent beings have all that power and time on their hands. They create a game called Ascension.

    1. @Joe Renaud: It seems you either recognize "God, the Almighty ONE, Everlasting, All Knowing, All Resourceful and Powerful Source" - or you don't. The latter is filled with reasons why things have not worked out right; the former is reliance on the perfection of the PERFECT ONE responsible for ALL.

      I choose God, personally.


  37. coooool - thanks a lot cobra fine sir.....this can be the most effective mass meditation based on the earth surface population to date by the feels and sounds and looks of it.....namaste all fine members of the family of light.....heres a little golden age bloooooming blues from the riffnroll files.....

  38. count on me. I was waiting for this action just after I watched the security council of UN yesterday.

  39. I find the notion of us meditating for planetary peace, while in retrospect leaving the "War Mongers" here on the planet too disconcerting to participate any further...once they're gone, I'm in. Want the grid strengthened ? Their absence will help immensely !

    1. @See Thru: If you'd like to read the two links posted about the collective effect of meditation, you will find that a small percentage (1%) effects 99% who are NOT meditating or who are "war mongers," as you say. So it can be important to meditate more than you realize, especially when the problem makers are still occupying earth with destruction purpose and action.


    2. I have been using my meditative powers to block cabal false flags since 2012 when they tried to nuke the London Olympics. Those meditations changed the course of world history and created an entirely new timeline. Since then I participated in dozens of meditations not including the weekly event meditations. All of them have led to positive outcomes. However, my patients for all this is wearing thin.

      I am ready to kick over the chess board and throw all the pieces on the ground. I have no more time for games. This is the last time I will meditative to stop the cabal. After that they can just blew up the world. I don't care anymore. Most of my family has already passed away. I have no children because I never located my soul mate. My health is failing because the low vibrational state of this planet does not support me. I have nothing to lose anymore and thus I no longer care what happens to this world. The only reason I continue fighting is out of pure altruism and love for mankind.

      I will participate one last time and do a few more weekly meditations for good measure. However, after that I will be finished. Either we win now or that is the end of it. Either way this is the end of the line for me. Let it be a final victory for the light.

      Peace be with you.

    3. Dont give up brother. There max come the time you will find your soulmate and you will be happy and with your family. We are all waiting so much for this to happen. Keep on. Peace and blessings

    4. Novusod we volunteered.. we promised, LOVE AND LIGHT TO YOU BROTHER.

    5. Novusod, I don t know you but I know you surely ARE important, as each of us counts for our liberation. ✨Stay with us. Much Love and Peace!馃尮

  40. I am in. I was praying for this action yesterday during UN security council had been taking place. Ms. Haley acts like not sane person, UK frog waiting to be kissed. Swedish are of some surprise to me. Chinese are as always only on themselves taking into account only their own interests. Bolivia went brave. People awake and calm down please. It is not of fun anymore. This aint a computer game.

    1. @ peter - in fact this reality is a computor generated hologram designed to keep us in fear, in anger and enslaved by the false belief systems that have been fed to us through specific programming for many thousands of years. we have been in a loop for all this time. now we meditate for this game to end and bring peace, love, abundance, prosperity and justice to the surface of this planet. now we know we have help and that all must accept the galactic codex or be eliminated. there must be a masterstroke at sometime to end the cabal and have them removed. when in the question on everyone's mind.

  41. i will do this meditation with an open heart and in support of liberation earth mission. like others i am somewhat confused about hammer of thor, project mjolnir. the interdimentional technology to suck up all negatitivity from the surface of the planet.
    i also question trump's true intention given he does not telegraph is plans EVER. none of this just seems to fit. it may be that our energy is required and our intention to show that we have had enough is also necessary because this is what we do.
    i will not complain that his is all frustrating and that the merry-go-round just continues, or that what does ENOUGH IS ENOUGH really mean. we all want peace, we all know that russia, china nd united states are taking turns at being good cop/bad cop but for the sake of sanity let us END THIS NOW!!
    GET THESE THREE LEADERS BEAMED UP and give them a slap around the ears PLEASE.

    1. Thanks - and lets remember that there is a lot of deception and counters - we don't know whether the US and Russian leaders are in contact and making comments of war to confuse the cabal, or what. so lets do our part and not worry. Remember the Serenity Prayer. - Reinhold Niebuhr (1892-1971). God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference.
      We can work on peace meditation and avoid worry and fear - we don't want to invite darkness or manifest negativity with our thoughts about things we cannot change.

    2. Thank you for providing me with the source of that quotation (Serenity Prayer?), which I love.馃尮

  42. Heard The call and I am in.And let us Focus on the genuine simplicity of This: peace is what we Are.

  43. This game is terrible, let’s stop playing this game! I think everyone would very much enjoy a new game of freedom, prosperity and chilling all day with nice, fun aliens.

    Let’s wrap this useless drama up!

    total support from compression breakdown!


    fraternal greetings brothers of light!!

  46. This is very very very important everyone. Count me in! Thank you Cobra for spreading this. I will share it and spread as much awareness as possible.

    #PeaceOnGaia for our brothers & sisters.
    Hold steady beautiful peoples, there will be no more war, lies or deceit.

  47. I will be sleeping Monday night geeting ready for work.I hope it works and Stops World War 3!Hope all Goes Well and We are Saved from Evil9

  48. Hello, this post in french :

  49. Thank you Cobra we need this and I will share it. We have to remember that Cobra has always stated that Trump was not what so many thought he was. He was never going to be our savior and for me has always had a agenda. We all need to pray for peace and hold the light this planet needs now. May this meditation shift us that much closer to the event. Peace, Love, and Light

  50. Here is the link to the Facebook event:

  51. Definitely plan to participate! It almost feels like this Syrian thing is time loop we keep getting dragged back into. Let's break out of it this time!

  52. Thank you dearest Cobra ✨ eternal light and love ✨ victory of the light ✨馃檹馃徏❤️馃寛

  53. I'd like to share something with you all.

    Not in connection with this particular topic here, but with passion and love and peace for the whole planet / gaia earth.

    I'd like to present you this beautiful voice and singing of Malukah. (non profit interest, just like to share this to you, to listen to some beautiful music.)
    Just take part of this wonderful voice and singing of this beautiful lady:

  54. About the shared song:
    It should spread hope, joy and love @ all of you

    All the best

  55. And of COURSE! it's not meant to be with the dracos! or the evil reptile forces.

    It is about strenght, will power, and all those good things coming along...
    I think about Cobra. And all the noble things he did to us. Much love.

  56. (Please merge - if possible) Thank you

  57. It is clear that the dark is throwing all they have to keep people confused and in fear. I find most of my pain is generated to the attacks and actions of those closest to me. I pray that the attacks stop and our angels , guides , and benevolent et's will assist and empower us lightworkers to a swift , safe , and speedy shift into 5d. May the Event happen immediately and let's start healing this beautiful planet and all of its inhabitants. Victory of the light!!

  58. I will attempt to contact a few certain individuals that could share this meditation quite immensely.

  59. This is the format I use when asking an individual or organization to help share this meditation. Please use it if you feel so guided:


    As you probably know, there has been a drastic increase in tensions in recent days with the United States, Syria and Russia. Trump has gotten to the point of saying he may very well send missles to multiple Syrian bases, with some having Russian occupation. This could very easily lead to WW3.

    Now, circulating throughout the internet, is a massive group meditation in order to help counter any military escalation. It is of utmost importance to gain as many people as possible to meditate in this critical time.

    It would be much appreciated by all people involved in the organization of this meditation, if you would make a blog post on your website with the following instructions:

    (Paste Cobra’s blog post)

  60. thanks for this. i think they would know about this meditation.

  61. yes, let's do this. feels potent and necessary to reach critical mass with this one. Have been feeling anxious lately for no obvious reason other than feeling that we/I/the planet need the Event to happen.. not is some distant "soon", but now!

  62. Reporter asks if Trump considered resigning.
    Trump considered resigning
    "With all of this turmoil, particularly this last week, has the president at any time thought about stepping down, before or now?" Ryan asked Sanders at Tuesday's White House press briefing.
    "No and I think that’s an absolutely ridiculous question," replied Sanders. Ryan shot back, defending her question as "not ridiculous."
    June 2018 is when many timelines converge.
    What Dreams May Come

  63. I see 144,000 plus people participating in this meditation!!!

    See it, feel it, do it and it shall Be.

    Victory of the Light!

    1. i really hope you are right cause this was so sudden. uniting 144k people in 4 days is not easy, but i hope we'll succeed.

  64. So happy to hear this call, Cobra!❤️
    I am in!
    Let’s end this insanity now, brothers and sisters. We ARE the Light!
    馃寑Goddess Wants Peace ☮️
    and Peace It Shall Be!

  65. PEACE of surface worlds. Victory of Light

  66. Greetings, Ohana of Hue:

    Holy guacamole! Did the Benighted Snakes of America cook up a symbolic representation of the Red-White-Blue kerfuffle mentioned in CoBrA's post of 20 Feb 2015? Turtle-Island squatters must be awake, and aware, of what we pledge our allegiance to. Others with a Red-White-Blue flag…ditto! Wow. In plain sight...but not obvious.

    More allegory: Tangled up in Blue…

    I'm sorry I can't post the lyrics...HTML character overload.

    Songwriter: Bob Dylan
    Tangled Up in Blue lyrics © Audiam, Inc

    As creators, Sovereign Integrals born of Original Cause, every instance of our Self-denial creates a 'miasma' that is exploited (check out the old sci-fi film, Forbidden Planet). Folks, we may have created all these plasma 'monsters' with our own denials! Well…crap.

    As for response-ability, We are the ones who must 'recycle' our own doo-doo. The Mother of Everything knows this, and is here (with extra diapers and wipes, and to "tie our shoelaces" ;-). Romper Room Spring Cleaning, then…graduation!

    Reminder: our 3D experiences in/of Time are subjective. Our 5D+ Selves experience 'no time.'

    For another hair-raising allegorical chapter of our 'story,' check out Don Juan's:

    Mother, Mi-ka-el, et al, We thank you.

    ♂↔♀ ∞

  67. Ok Cobra nous y serons...You can count on us! We spread in FB groups. Victory of the Light!Goddess wants peace and peace it will be!Of course!We love you, you know that!

  68. Why wait, when solar activity is at its peak Apr 09-13, 2018?

  69. Dear Light Forces, Resistance Movement,

    I am writing to urge Light Forces, Resistance Movement to tell many awakened community, such as the awakened community led by Corey Goode, David Wilcock, Benjamin Fulford, Veronica Keen, Justin Deschamps, Kauilapele, The Mind Unleashed, Steve Beckow, Prepare For Change.... to organize "Unity Meditation" like "UNITY MEDITATION AT THE ECLIPSE 2017-8-21" to join PEACE MEDITATION 2018-4-15.

    We can notice it is the huge success to reach critical mass in "UNITY MEDITATION AT THE ECLIPSE 2017-8-21"

    If many awakened community can hold next "Unity Meditation" like "UNITY MEDITATION AT THE ECLIPSE 2017-8-21", to join PEACE MEDITATION 2018-4-15, it can accelerate "The Event" and maybe activate "The Event" within 2018 April.

    I urge Light Forces, Resistance Movement can tell many awakened community for this urge to organize "Unity Meditation" like "UNITY MEDITATION AT THE ECLIPSE 2017-8-21" to join PEACE MEDITATION 2018-4-15.

  70. En espa帽ol, con audio::

  71. Will there be a voice guided audio (Smaly7-?) for this very important meditation??
    I know it’s short notice, but I for one find them most helpful... And I would think it also a “necessity” for those new to meditating who want to join us for this one, as well as for drawing more participants in general when spreading the word about it. This one is SO important at this time!
    Goddess wants Peace, so shall it be.馃寑

  72. Two facts about Darkness:
    #1 It disgusts the light. Darkness always attacks those most who have the brightest light.
    #2 It has grown exponentially throughout time.

    With knowing those two things, it was possible to create a plan to free the world from Darkness.
    This has happened many Thousands of years ago. It is a long and wearisome path but everything is happening according to the plan and we will succeed :)

    By the way, I have a German blog now:
    If you are interested and can read German :)




  75. I just translated Kevin Annet's call for Sunday as the day of atonement.
    Let all the suffering, also of these millions of children, STOP.

  76. Why are the majority of people around me behaving cowardly - in a sense that they talk so much about "WW3" purely , even those who are saying "no , I will not empower that level of thought" ? The first moment when something serious occured , they threw their courage away to substitute it with fear and repeated propaganda .

    Let me give you a hint of reassurance : NOTHING BAD WILL OCCUR . Exactly the opposite - the resolution could be something nobody could have foreseen . They would already attack by now , if that was "the plan" .

    I advise many people out there , including many of those who called themselves "lightworkers" , to stop focusing on manifesting the "doomsday scenario" . IT WONT HAPPEN . It havent occured in times during a Cold War when world was on the brink of launching ICBMs between USA and USSR , it wont happen now .

    Please , people should start paying attention to what is occuring within themselves - and much less to the theater "outside" . Lightworkers are supposed to "hold the light" for those trying to find their path , at least just temporarily , but I see one part of them now panicking and behaving like cowards . Nonsense .

    Be courageous , be compassionate , and be "who you truly are" - what is truly within you , makes you impervious to any manipulation , degradation and corruption . Thats the compassion , the compassion for every living being on the planet Earth . Were nearing the end of the WW3 - and not the beginning of it , the whole period until now was the "WW3" , Cabal instigating various scenarios to keep the "status quo" running and their power untouched .

    The paradox resolution - that was always present , and you see it occuring constantly . But the way it is : the war will end ( and not "lend" ) the war , and there will be a "death of the death" , the full breakout from karmic entanglement .

    1. Thank you, dear Daedalus, for your encourageing words! You are sooooo right: we should NOT see the theater around us....this game is nearly over! Thank you and all lightworkers, Alliance and Cobra, who do the best for our planet and to free us all...VICTORY OF LIGHT !!!

  77. So jumpy..

    (This from Jim Stone - they sure are messin' with his web site bad.):

    America probably will not be confronting Russia in Syria. As I originally posted, there is now adequate proof no gas attack occurred, and the Pentagon knows no gas attack occurred, and Russia knows no gas attack occurred, therefore the Pentagon knows that any attack at all will be "first provocation", thus giving Russia the moral high ground to go all-out. My subsequent posts after initially saying nothing will happen were only because the belligerency of the Pentagon did not cease. If, in the current climate, America attacks Syria, there will be hell to pay because there is not any plausible deniability or any shadow of a doubt that could possibly justify America attacking. It will be naked aggression, and that could really go to pieces quickly.

    Also FOX 'News' office raided in London:

  78. Thank you Cobra, great initiative.
    the tele vised scenes of syria are just sickening.
    we are in.

    1. I haven't seen the pictures but word from the ground inside Syria is that no evidence has been presented to support that an attack happened at all.

  79. The GoldFish Report No. 213- Country Roads w/ Winston Shrout: Restoration of Divine Feminine

    On The GoldFish Report No. 213- Louisa discusses the websites where viewers can access The GoldFish Report and links to other reports. Louisa and Winston briefly discus the YouTube shooting in light of the unfair practices YouTube has resorted to against their users, including deleting channels like The GoldFish Report. Winston continues with a post script of the Mentinah Archives with the book of Hagoth and the story of Gathalus and the restoration of the Divine Feminine. Winston then continues with the restoration of....... continue at ....

  80. "Today the Violet Flame Surrounds the Earth"...

    1. Violet light, and 'Violet Flame'...

      How much 'violet',... and how much as a flame...

      What is it?... a narrow band of hardly visible light of the end of the visible spectrum,... or a more brighter and wider spectrum of light?...

      An 'assumption' might lead us to the idea by which these colours of light are some kind more alike to the 'colors of sound' in higher dimensions, at least in the way in which might be comparable with the 3rd dimensional physics, to be understandable.

      i.e. the violet light we visualize might be a result of a 'f2' (square of f) of a certain 'higher dimensional band' of 'frequency', over 'a finite frequency range',... expressed at least in earthling understandable terms...

    2. The Pink Light Egg-shapped Bulb - 1


      An attempt to obtain a 1/f pink light source

  81. I don't know anyone here in UK who will meditate at 3am! I will send my thoughts and prayers for a clear easy and successful meditation before you all start to help clear the way for you. Much love.

    1. I will set my alarm 馃榿 meditate from my bed

    2. I am in the UK and unfortunately I am not well, chronic ulcerative colitis, very weak at the moment! I need my rest but I will do a meditation before I go to bed. I hope this will help in some way. Love and light xxx

    3. I am from the UK and intend to join the meditation but I will have to set my alarm clock!

  82. Bom dia meu querido!!!! Ontem mesmo ap贸s sua publica莽茫o j谩 comecei divulgar em tudo que posso! ! Conte comigo, o que estiver ao meu alcance farei!!! Vamos mexer essa energia para poder alavancar essa Vit贸ria de vez!!!! Muita Luz e Amor a todos!!!!

    1. Em portugu锚s:

    2. Sim, estamos unidas em vibra莽玫es da Luz.馃尮

  83. We will shift our own reality...they are always ready to help, but we must act...

  84. The pyraminds should begin to work soon? At least that's what the Draco White Royals are saying?

  85. Wars exist in all nations, wars of arms, hunger, diseases of hate and there follows the list ... We must unite and be solitary with the whole planet because it is the individual conscience and each country that forms the consciousness collective Let's unite everyone on the planet and end once and for all the suffering that each one is going through. This is the time for each of us to do their part and BRING IT NOW TO THE EVENT. TOGETHER! VITORIA DA LUZ. Light and love.

    Guerras existem em todas as na莽玫es, guerras de armas, da fome, de doen莽as de 贸dio e ai segue a lista...Devemos nos unir e ser solid谩rios com todo o planeta pois 茅 da consci锚ncia individual e de cada pais que se forma a consci锚ncia coletiva. Vamos n贸s unir todos pelo planeta e terminar de uma vez por todo esse sofrimento que cada um esta passando. Este 茅 o momento de cada um de n贸s fazer sua parte E TRAZER PARA O AGORA O EVENTO. JUNTOS! VITORIA DA LUZ. LUZ E AMOR

  86. COBRA, voc锚 quer nossa medita莽茫o. Pois bem. N贸s queremos a interven莽茫o de Ashtar imediatamente sobre esses artefatos grosseiros do cabal. 脡 assim. Somente e apenas isto. N茫o queremos morrer e nem mesmo viver de joelhos. Por favor, fa莽a isto j谩.

    COBRA, you want our meditation. Well. We want Ashtar's intervention immediately on these gross artifacts of the cabal. And so. Only and only this.
    We do not want to die and not even live on our knees. Please do this already.

    1. Amigo, entenda que 茅 um trabalho conjunto. Eles fazem a parte deles e igualmente temos a nossa para fazer, por pequena que pare莽a. Se Cobra e as LFs solicitam que meditemos (e isso podemos), por que n茫o?

      Let s do our part, brother. Let s help in the Meditation for Love and Freedom馃尮

  87. Elements of the Masters ingrain in all.

    Thoughts are abandoned as Higher Mind is embraced.
    The higher mental plane is in the 5th dimension.

    Clevers continue the deconstructions.
    Deconstruction of the matrix.. is not possible without the higher mental plane.

    Highers are finishing the job.
    Operation Mjolnir is currently running on the surface of the planet.


    No. We are not in the time of delicacy. The exoterics ask us for meditation to stop the onslaughts of the whole Nazis who need to sell weapons and threaten Syria. And I know they are half a dozen people. I begin to suspect that such liberators of humanity are too 'meek' with the Zionists.

    We're fed up with false flags.
    I need a fierce attack on those jerks. Already.

  89. This meditation's going to be at 3:57am Monday in Budapest. Much love and respect to everyone going to the conference doing the meditation at such an awful time in the early morning!


    "This is, I do feel, a very important meditation for the planet. A lot of things are currently “popping out” which may be connected with various efforts to create a “fear atmosphere”. Such an atmosphere will be dissolved quickly via this mediation."


  91. Emery Smith 4-11-18… “Recovering from a car accident”… “Please send some healing and support”

    Posted on 2018/04/11 by Kauilapele

    "Those are Emery’s words about the request. Apparently a college student ran into Emery’s car while he was stopped at a red light."

    Here is the FB post link.

    Donation page:

    "If you wouldn’t mind, would you please send some healing and support my way, I’ll be posting an update later this evening or tomorrow depending on how this goes. Thank you all".

  92. counting the hours!!!
    Victory of light!!!

  93. Gaia Portal Today:

    Elements of the Masters ingrain in all.

    Thoughts are abandoned as Higher Mind is embraced.

    Clevers continue the deconstructions.

    Highers are finishing the job


  94. I’m excited for this meditation haha.

    Hang in there...

  95. Others may make use of this to share far and wide. Here is an easy copy / paste snippet for others sharing across the World Wide Web (WWW)

    Join in synchronized meditation for #Peace on #Earth & #Universe


    Historic Study:

    Time & Date:


  96. Slavian friends with a whole collective of bees are ready for EVERYTHING!

  97. PEACE SYMBOL (turn it right-side up)

    I felt guided to share this information and found this to be the most appropriate time. The peace symbol as you are most familiar with is the wrong orientation. The true orientation of the peace symbol is right side up and is meant to represent a tree also known as the tree of life and peace.

    “As you may recall Chief Golden Light Eagle (Loren Zephier) had communicated to me that the Peace Symbol had been used in the wrong orientation back in the 1960’s and if they would have used it right side up, it would have changed the world back then, it was meant to be a tree he told me.” 
    from Micheal Lee Hill

    Also felt guided to share the Iroquois legend of the peacemaker.

    “This also goes very well into the story of the Peacemaker who united my people the Native American Iroquois into a confederacy, he had them uproot a giant tree and they buried all their weapons of war under this tree and it was re-planted and was forever known from that point forward as the great “Tree Of Peace”.”
    from Micheal Lee Hill

    And I will leave you with this…

    Rainbow Tribe 

The sun rose on a magical new day...
    Over the whole earth they came,
    The people of every colour,
    Sister, Brother, Father, Mother
    Traveling over many a land
    People of the Rainbow
    Children of the Way,
    with a fresh glow
    Finding their way
    Star within...
    More and more joined,
    a song for the soul...
    A new way to live,
    A new way to see,
    It happened this way...
    And a new song,
    It came from within
    If you can find the Star,
    Within then you will find...
    What is... What was...
    And what will be... you see,
    It happened this way...
    from within,
    The people of the Way
    The Rainbow Tribe...

    - Author Unknown

  98. BOMBSHELL! speech by Jerome Corsi MUST WATCH!

    "Omg! Jerome Corsi just explained the Q Anon/Trump counter-coup operation. In public for all to see! According to Corsi, Trump was asked 3 years ago by our Military to run for president. In exchange they would hold off on their contemplated military coup and instead win power "

  99. I love this statue, in Volgograd, Russia. I see it as symbolic for the return of the Goddess to our planet.

  100. If the Pleiades and the galactic are in charge of the grids. Why do we still have to have a meditation to promote the shift? Why can it not happen immediately? I am not complaining or doubtful but why is cabal being rounded up quickly and arrests being made?

    1. Because we are responsible for our planet and our own evolution and we are the ones who need to take action and be steadfast in taking Care of our own Mess in the nest. Star people can help in situations that are beyond our capabilities, for example technologically, and support us in our endevours but they cant and wont make decisions, intentions and key actions for us. Thats the law and galactic codex says about it.

    2. The shift happens all the time,small and big shifts in our lives etc. The Grand shift happens when the moment and all pieces are in right places. U want IT fast? Take part in meditations, help YOUR fellow humans, Be kind brave and responsible for every Word thought and deed. Live conciously with respect to every living being. We need to be this change IT needs to flow from us not the other way.

  101. I'm feeling very attacked since this was posted. Shouldn't be like that.
    I am invoking all light forces to stay with me rising my vibrations. And so it is.

  102. Let's focus on Syria and our Freedom and Happiness♡♡♡ We can have our thoughts on this meditation all day long even NOW, if we choose to!! Stay calm and breath :D LOVE you all! Thank you for being you♡♡♡

  103. Cobra, I apologize for repeating post. I really only want to get the reply of my letter from Light Forces, Resistance Movement before PEACE MEDITATION 2018-4-15

    Dear Light Forces, Resistance Movement,

    I am writing to urge Light Forces, Resistance Movement to tell many awakened community, such as the awakened community led by Corey Goode, David Wilcock, Benjamin Fulford, Veronica Keen, Justin Deschamps, Kauilapele, The Mind Unleashed, Steve Beckow, Prepare For Change.... to organize "Unity Meditation" like "UNITY MEDITATION AT THE ECLIPSE 2017-8-21" to join PEACE MEDITATION 2018-4-15.

    We can notice it is the huge success to reach critical mass in "UNITY MEDITATION AT THE ECLIPSE 2017-8-21"

    If many awakened community can hold next "Unity Meditation" like "UNITY MEDITATION AT THE ECLIPSE 2017-8-21", to join PEACE MEDITATION 2018-4-15, it can accelerate "The Event" and maybe activate "The Event" within 2018 April.

    I urge Light Forces, Resistance Movement can tell many awakened community for this urge to organize "Unity Meditation" like "UNITY MEDITATION AT THE ECLIPSE 2017-8-21" to join PEACE MEDITATION 2018-4-15.

  104. A great explanation of consciousness, healing and the ever-elusive peace... ~PB

    Arcturian Group Message for April 8, 2018 By Marilyn Raffaele | ONENESS OF ALL

  105. I do not understand either! Hiding behind Rome that's the worm. Why can not you block his brain the Light Forces ?

  106. 馃挅馃檹馃挅馃専馃専馃専馃尮

  107. Does Cobra come to Japan again?
    The Japanese government is still a fort of Kabar forces to gain economic benefits from war.
    The reason why arrest is delayed all over Japan is that the Japanese government is managed by Kabar. Japan purification is necessary. Please request support for the Asherter command.

  108. Ser谩 fellow, as I following this blog for some time and I'm not used to make meditation how long usually is the duration of this one? there is a more accurate guide or audio to use?(preferred in Brazilian Portuguese)

    Thank you very much!
    Victory of the light!!

  109. Beloved Space Family Take Me On Board

    by Disclosure News | Aggiornato il 12 April, 2018 | Full Disclosure

  110. I want to take part in this soooo much but it will be 3am and am I very unwell at the moment. Will try and take part but if am not able to I wil pray and meditate as much as I can, when I can. Love Light Unity Peace to Syria and all of Gaia. I will keep visualizing the violet flame around Syria and the goddess energy protecting the people, all beings. 馃尭馃尭馃尭❤️❤️❤️馃専馃専馃専

  111. Let no victim miss the care they need... or the love they deserve...

  112. This Post was posted at 5:04 AM (Alert 504..).

    Nice synchronicity!

  113. Inspite of all this continuing sabre rattliing of our "leaders", I have the feeling deep inside, that everything is under control, going to be allright.

    For now, we "only" have to take part in this meditation, express our deepest will for peace and inner awakening. The energies are so high now, that the rest is managed for us.. So it seems to me at the moment. We "just" have to "BE" here, let it happen while meditating, while "they" fight the fight..

    So to all those in Europe or elsewhere, saying it´s too early for them to get up:

    Isn´t the united achievment of WORLD PEACE worth it to get up earlier once??
    Isn´t it worth to be tired at work that day??

    If there is absolutely no chance for you to get up AND go to work, you could also forget about work on that day. So what?

    Think for a moment what is more important for you:

    Another day in the MATRIX or the real chance to make a CHANGE on earth?

    Sometimes I wonder what´s in the peoples head and heart..

  114. Da, ar fi bine sa facem aceasta meditatie, cit mai multi oameni. Victoria luminii.

  115. I'm so bad now... I just wanna die. My cat just had a convulsive attack and i feel so so lonely like there's no one to share, only this blog, these comments. I wish I have someone to talk to even online.
    I just want this to end. It was all good before announcing this meditation. Urgh. REALLY HOPING THIS THE THE LAST ONE. I don't know if I will be able to participate with such low feelings taking over me like lack, loneliness and sadness.

  116. Here is the voice guided audio (in English) for Sunday’s Peace Meditation, with links for other languages:


  117. Victory of the light!!! Shared on MEWE....
