Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Final Battle Update

Galactic Confederation and Resistance forces are making good progress in eliminating the Draco fleet and the Illuminati Breakaway Complex (IBC). The vast majority of the Draco ships and also the majority of negative Secret Space Programs ships have been cleared already, with very few remaining in the Low Earth Orbit. Many of the Dracos are fleeing the Draco fleet and trying to hide in underground bases, where they are cleared anyway a few days later.

The Resistance is clearing the underground bases with full force, with Neu Berlin and most other Antarctic underground bases already liberated.

Positive Military sources with no access to Resistance intel are reporting unusual seismic activity in Antarctica. Those military sources are also reporting evacuation of surface US, Russian, Chinese and Argentinian military bases in Antarctica for unknown reasons.

The Light Forces have also begun the full force operation of clearing the Chimera fleet that was until now hidden in quantum superposition state in sublunar space. They have already managed to clear the majority of Chimera forces from sublunar space and now most of the Chimera fleet is gathered in Low Earth Orbit. Draco military commanders are surrendering all their highly advanced technology to the Chimera forces just before they get cleared by the Galactic Confederation. Draco military high command is now in a state of panic, smelling defeat.


Chimera fleet is using the so called quantum black goo as their defense weapon against the progress of the Light Forces. Quantum black goo is simply compressed form of quantum primary anomaly that has been exposed to extreme entropy and is now being released by the Chimera in Low Earth Orbit and is being very effectively cleared by the Light Forces. Yet, it still does contribute to the overall primary anomaly around the planet and to general feeling of doom and gloom which surrounds the Earth:

Chimera beings were once highly evolved angelic beings who chose to subject themselves to controlled toplet bombs explosion experiments long time ago in the galactic past. This, and numerous genetic experiments has mutated them into spider beings of unimaginable darkness:

Soon, they will all be finally dealt with.

Nothing can be said yet about the operations of the Light Forces on the surface. The probability of real Draco fleet invasion on the surface is now less than 1%, probability of fake alien invasion less than 5%, probability of China-USA war about 7%, probability of USA breakup around 20% and probability of civil war in USA at 27%.

The main problem right now on the surface are the engineered covid lockdowns, especially in Australia and Europe:

These lockdowns are being implemented despite the fact that now even senior WHO officials are speaking against them:

Therefore it is still very important for as many people as possible to join our daily anti-lockdown meditation:

More and more people are aware that the official pseudo scientific narrative of covid lockdowns and masks is crumbling:

And real scientific debate is gone:

Because there is a deeper, more sinister agenda of global control:

And of financial gain from confirmed covid cases:

Where is the compassion?

Where is the beauty of life?

Since the Resistance has destroyed in spring of this year all advanced biochips that were meant to be put into the covid vaccine, now DARPA is developing a cruder version of vaccine biochips:

The dark forces are also working on spreadable bioweapon vaccine:

To counteract all this, Saint Germain is now sending strong energies to empower the implementation of the Constitution of the United States:

The Constitution is a legal document that forms the legal basis for the creation of New Atlantis before the Galactic Codex can be implemented.

Saint Germain was deeply involved in the creation of the United States and in the creation of the Declaration of Independence.

Both Constitution of the United States and Declaration of Independence are legal documents that will have important role in the events which are about to occur in the United States in the next few months and which will have global impact.

Our Flower of Life meditations are already manifesting into the physical:

Beauty of the universe is being revealed:

With music of the spheres from the Galactic Center:

We are now in the midst of the Final Battle:

We remember our past:

And envision our future.

The best is yet to come:

Victory of the Light!


  1. hmmm... i thought something was in the works! thank you Cobra! Victory of the Light!

    1. 🌅 🔥🔥🔥

      Victory of the Goddess ~
      [ ] 🎹


  2. Victory of the Light!

    That's all i need to say this time lol

  3. Thank you Cobra💙💜💚🧡❤️🌈

  4. Trump also says "the best is yet to come" very often .. Does that have a connection? I hope the dark forces on the surface of the planet will be eliminated soon ...

    1. Just sincronicity and Cobra's high attention for details, see how much effort is here in this new article ! Thank you dear Cobra !! we are in Light and Love and soon we will witness the planetary liberation and this day have to be the most beautiful, meaningful and awesome ! Join our meditations and follow always the guidance from Cobra, through our meditation blog - Welovemassmeditation ! Active meditations page: and all audio guides, facebook events and details for daily, weekly and monthly meditations, for more than that, there are some interesting meditation to do whenever you desire ! I am so happy for this update dear Cobra !! soon I will send all translations I am able to do ! Victory of the Light !

  5. thank you source! please let this be over in the next two years!

    1. How about by tomorrow morning by 2a.m.?

    2. I don't think it takes 2 years, it is so long period.

    3. Too slow.

      If in 6 months time the news on this blog is the same as it was for the past 8 years, with nothing tangible beyond cryptic messages for the RM and intel that cannot be verified independently on the ground with our 5 senses, I will have to make some hard decisions on carrying on my existence in this reality.

      I used to be prepared to wait until 2025. This virus garbage, the total destruction of our freedom of movement, the coming 5G cellphone network, and especially the increasingly hostile attitudes against men in society through euphemistically labelled 'gender equality' propaganda and government policy with the sheeple eagerly going along with it has made any idea of a 'future' to live for non-existent.

      Up to this point the truth movement and alt-media have been a miserable failure in stemming the Cabal.

      I don't care what's going on up there, I only care with what I see on the ground, and I make my decisions based on that.

    4. You don't care as much as we don't and together we will endure to the end :)))))
      Hold the light!
      With a lot of love and light <3

    5. 100% agree Spec Ops! A proof for a progress of the light forces would be for example a complete stop of scalar attacks against light workers. They attacked me since 2016 at least twice a month.

    6. 2 years is very long time for human beings.

    7. In too years many lightworkers may be gone from here
      The Event NOW no more stories delays excuses

    8. You create your own world, your own reality. Too many possibilities for the future to make decisions based on a guess of what the future is and when. Stop reading this website and follow your inner guidance for your own life.

    9. As soon as I know Ashtar and the Forces of Light, victory is near. There are no serious obstacles anymore -Cobra makes that clear- so I think things will accelerate from here.

    10. >LW2

      Valid Points and apart from this website the only other source of information I follow is Thomas Sheridan who says the same things.

      However enduring this physical reality is getting harder. One can only be self-absorbed in one's mind or play reframing terms and labels for so long.

      Honestly I could have sounded like this for the past few years but I held back a lot to avoid sounding like a complainer. I get the Light Forces got their own hell to deal with and bodies to bury as a result of this godawful shitty mess.

  6. Absolutely beautiful update!

    Cobra, a question if you are able to answer:

    I and many others have been receiving quite a lot of visits from Light Ships lately, they make themselves clearly visible and I can see that they are not within the atmosphere, but really close to it.

    I will not ask for a specific time frame due to the nature of current events. But, may you please confirm if we shall be able to receive physical contact a little before the breakthrough, or not until after the breakthrough? May you clear that up so there are no doubts, please?

    Thank you.

    Victory of the Light

    In humble service of The One Infinite Creator, In the Loving Embrace of the Goddess,

    1. Atreianos, I am pretty sure Cobra has posted a number of times about when contact might happen.

      You can type CONTACT into the search box on the right-side of the blog and see what older posts pop up.

      This is what I just now did, because I was curious. There are a lot of hints and statements.

    2. I couldn't help but think of this song in a lighthearted way. Listening to the words, I substituted balloon with spaceship, LOL! One day this may become all true. Blessings.

    3. Thanks for the heads up, GoddessPower.

      I went back and read Cobra's post regarding the Contact Dish Protocols. I got my answer, thank you! 💟

      I must add, the only real reason I want to experience contact is not selfish. I want to document my contact experience and share it with the world, so that I may help in the process of introducing the rest of surface humanity to our galactic family without scaring them quite literally to death at first.

      I'm sure there are lots of preparations taking place and Cobra even mentioned before that this is most likely how first contact would begin. I would very much like to be a part of this process, because I feel that this is also one aspect of my mission here on Earth/Gaia. 💟

      I believe this was a valid question, because, it was stated before that contact would increase more and more as we neared closer towards The Event. I guess this is what Cobra meant.

      Suffice it to say, that I am content with simply seeing our star family from afar for now. Seeing proof of their existence with my own eyes is already more than I could have ever hoped for in the past. It gives me the drive to keep going through day to day life and meditating so that I may, in some small way contribute to the liberation effort and bring an end to this nightmare once and for all.

      We are finally seeing the fruits of our long and arduous labor. The light at the end of the tunnel is finally within reach. I can proudly say that I am more than happy to have participated in this amazing process so far.

      Thanks 5th Dimension, I enjoyed the song quite a bit and found it both amusing and enlightening, thanks for the share! 💟 Fitting that is also bears your account's namesake. 🙏

      Thank you all and may you fulfill your hopes and dreams in pure alignment with the majesty and beauty that is infinite creation.

      In humble service of The One Infinite Creator, In Love, Light Grace & Unity,

    4. @Atrieanos, probably after the event but the longer it takes the more the dark forces are weakened. This may increase the chances of physical contact pre event. Again, probably after the event though.

  7. Great thanks cobra few months will be exciting 😀

    1. Event NOW !!! Not after few months

    2. Yes plz🙏🏻 dear source, pls send your love and light to all of us. Let us receive your love and light visibly, let us be free. Let us celebrate, let us be happy. Let us meet each other and throw parties in the streets, let everyone be free and happy and fulfilled. Lead us please, fill our hearts with light and love, now. Free us now please 🙏🏻.
      Please. Please. Please 🙏🏻


  8. This just showed up, and I find it quite appropriate.

    Heavenly Footsteps

    Keep Going.


    1. Nice song indeed.
      At the same time, this found me:
      [Wardruna - Lyfjaberg (Healing-mountain)]

    2. The ups and downs mark us and I know you will be with us to the end :D
      Love and light my brother! <3

  9. Smelling victory soon. The beginning of the end for the dark side.

  10. Remember karuna

    1. Yes I love this video. It is our turn to be liberated now!

  11. Great news, Cobra! I just hope DARPA isn't successful.

  12. Keep pushing...
    Can't wait for the Golden Age to flourish.
    See humans in full peace, and full potential of creation. Gaia will be magical everywhere.

    Love to all.

    Victory of the Light.

    1. Keep pushin on, things are gonna get better, it wont take long, keep on pushing to the top🎶🎶☝

  13. There is a division in Japan as well, but it is not to the extent of fighting with weapons.

    We Japanese call ourselves "Waminzoku" and it is meaning "Race of Oneness" .

    So we Japanese light workers strongly feel our mission to govern the division ahead of the rest of the world.

    Arigatou Cobra and everyone who live in this world!

  14. Absolutely amazing!! May my love protect and give strength to the light forces.VICTORY TO THE LIGHT!!!(PEACE,LOVE,& ABUNDANCE TO ALL!!!)

  15. The most recent Flower of Life video, Earth&Moon with healing Violet Flame Sacred Heart healing vibes

    Let the calming waves of violet flame purify any darkness remaining

    Thank you to everyone holding the light !


  16. We are really close to something good! Never saw Cobra posting so many updates in short period of time! Victory of the light!

  17. Great Job! I suspect some of the extraterrestrials are out of phase, due to our physical dimension. With a change in our near future, the progression of time from 2012, the solar flash, and dimensional collapse; the invisible should become more visible... Victory of the Light!

  18. Wow, that link Cobra posted about the history of the Chimera Spiders makes me actually feel bad for them. They are just as much victims as they are the perpetrators.

    I can now forgive them for all their horrible actions because I know the reasons behind them. I hope the rest of humanity can do the same.

    Thanks for indirectly teaching me true compassion, Cobra. Now I know for certain that evil/darkness as concept does not really exist in creation as we know and understand it, it's simply a fabrication.

    It was all just an accident that drove these beings into complete and utter insanity. That is why they acted this way.

    I hope they get better and continue their evolution towards the creator in full alignment with the light after their restructuring in the Galactic Central Sun, along with their underlings.

    Love wins, Light wins!

    In humble service of The One Infinite Creator, In Love, Deep Understanding & Forgiveness,

    1. >Atreianos

      According to Cobra the Event could have happened in 1996 if not for screw ups.

      The intervening 2 decades would have been far different had the Event taken place in 1996. Wearing the dog muzzle known as the mask is just the latest topping on 2 decades of crap.

      Whoever these 'Chimera' guys are its up to Source to forgive them, its up to us to put more holes in them than a beehive. Just in case the little bit of air left in their lungs somehow makes them get up again.

    2. I agree with Spec Ops.

      I do not care if they are victims of their experiments....if I were to use a reference, they are like the Cybermen from Doctor Who. Or the machines from the Terminator movies. When it comes to these spiders...all we can do is SQUASH them. Reading all the stuff posted....KILLING them would be doing them a BIG favor and put them out of their misery.

    3. Couldn't help but agree with you, Spec Ops.

      As long as those psychopaths aren't taken care of and keep trying to kill and enslave all of us, it is our right by divine decree to defend ourselves.

      I guess what I was trying to say is that I no longer feel any remorse towards them and what they've done to us and other civilizations for millennia. Because, I finally understand the unfortunate circumstances that brought about their existence in the first place.

      Still, I believe the only way forward is through forgiveness, kindness and love, (only after the threat has been neutralized, of course) because following their example of hatred, contempt and darkness would not make us any better than they were.

      In humble service of The One Infinite Creator, In Grace, Love & Humility,

    4. The consciousness of the Earth people was not supportive of an Astral Plane Ascension in 1996. It's not now either but we're getting there.

    5. If people feel compassion for the chimera its understandable, but the lightworker/warrior people have endured too much and its time to end all of this. We deserve far better. This is simply how it has to be. Bye chimera, its nothing personal.

    6. >Atreianos

      I give credit where its deserved, you can understand my point of view.

      'Forgive' = fore-give to give the offending party benefit of doubt ahead of time.

      Forgiveness works for most of us because as normal humans we lose sleep over wrongdoing.

      Psychopaths sleep very well at night over what they have done. If you still want to forgive them that's entirely your Right to do so.

  19. It's my birthday today. Just checked this blog before I turn off the light and go to sleep. Great update and birthday present. Victory of the Light!

  20. Damn. Awesome.
    He's right, by the way. The Declaration of Independance and the First Agreed Constitution, is, basically, the winning ticket.
    Check this out,

    1. "some dude"s are really good at picking usernames though 🤣👌☺️🌿

  21. Cobra, I was wondering after the Event how soon will the advanced healing technologies be available to humanity? And also I have been suffering with diabetes for 10 years , can the ET’s be able to cure my diabetes? I desperately want to be healed.

    1. Diabetes can easily and quickly reversed if you stop 100% eating carbohydrates which turn into sugar.

    2. I do not condone this personally, but many herbalists have successfully treated diabetes. There are ways, the technology is with our people, just hidden by a blockade of money

    3. Also no meat, which plays the biggest role in this, not sugar.

    4. @gerSey and LightForce, some have done well and healed many health issues with meat based diets and others do fine with moderate or even high carbs. It is genetic and possibly metaphysical variation among people. Some were hunter gathers and others were living in Atlantean cities. There diets and lifestyles were probably very different. So which group had the bigger impact on our genetics? No diet ever worked perfectly for me.

  22. Thank you, Cobra for this very positive update. War is not fun but in this case none of us have an alternative. Yes, the war on the surface is on and we have to wait a little longer for updates but yesterday I found this on the internet. Yes, it is a Cristian believer who is reporting it in, but it's still some very positive news:

  23. Yesterday evening we just had breakdown of the city trains during evening rush hour, and the tropical downpour made things interesting while I was out in the open trying to find an alternative way back home after finishing a 12 hour shift.

    The officials' typical excuse was to call it a 'power fault' while the system had been recently upgraded. Meanwhile they are still about enforcing the use of masks as if that still matters.

    We got some big changes on the ground here, but not in our favor. Some assistance in sorting out the 'natural aristocrats' (as the leaders call themselves) running this place and distributing their hoarded wealth to the citizens here, as well as terminating the 5G program which is on track to be installed by 2025 would be great.

    General coordinates of this country is 1 deg 17' N, 103 deg 50' E.

  24. Check this one out...

  25. The White Light shines upon the altar of Peace.

  26. Thanks for the update!
    Translated to spanish
    Traducido al casetllano

  27. WWG1WGA!

    Planet Earth is being set free.

  28. Thank You for the good news.
    May Life's Light restore us in this, our, world.

  29. Mmh....I deduce that Mom sculptures in the world are references to the chimera group (Guggenheim Bilbao Museoa).

    1. Totally. Sub-consciously been training for this stuff my whole life apparently. Started with the movie Ferngully when I was 4. Final Fantasy played a huge role. Then Chrono Trigger. One of the main bosses and obstacles is the Mamman Machine, which functions by siphoning life force (how clever...), pictured here

      So many sneaky ways to get it in people's minds, scary stuff.

  30. the-best-is-yet-to-come. Victory of the light!

  31. Can't help it, sorry...

  32. Zhong Nanshan, a top Chinese epidemiologist who has correctly predicted the end of Chinese coronavirus outbreak, is predicting for the pandemics to be over by June if social distancing measures which can stop the spread of the virus are taken immediately:


    Just a little something to read. Take it as fiction and a grain of salt, or do whatever else you feel.

  34. We seem to have met with delays again. You once said that the main obstacle at present is the draco fleet, but now there is a new obstacle-- the chimera fleet. This situation is expected, one new obstacle after another. Every obstacle takes more than several months to clear, and after removing one obstacle, there always seems to be a new obstacle, and then we can enjoy the cycle for decades. We are always on the eve of a breakthrough, but it seems that the breakthrough will not come for decades.
    Cobra, Whether the bomb in the quantum superposition state has been cleared. If the bomb is cleared, please trigger the Event immediately. I remember you said Event would happen in 15 minutes after the bomb was cleared.Event has been delayed for far too long, and we are really tired.

    1. Men stop, you're just trying to convince yourself that there are still delays when there isn't.

      Cobra said there are still dracos left. And seriously what does it matter to you if the chimera its being cleaned! This is huge good news and you force yourself to find the bad when there is none. We all need to clean up to have a better transition. In three weeks, the chimera and IBC group was practically destroyed. The draco take longer but now it's a matter of a few days or weeks before everything is cleaned up. The forces of light are crushing them like butter. So please be strong and trust the force of the light, there are no more delays just the natural course of the battle.

      I hope you understand ! The delays no longer exist just the time to destroy them now !!!

    2. Cobra has spoken about the Chimera fleet many times. Since they are far above the Dracos in the hierarchy, it is logical that they are more difficult to eliminate.

    3. Please stop complaning!! Cobra can‘t trigger the Event, only Prime Creator knows the Date and this will happen in devine timing!

    4. We must concentrate principally on clearing our OWN shit, programs and our own mind impurities, because we are full of them, layers upon layers. And by the way, Cobra is affirming we are now in the Final Battle

    5. @Galactiquewarrior
      There is always good news and bad news in a war.If you refuse to see bad news and don't allow others to talk about it, you are like an ostrich with its head in the sand.
      The chimera fleet in the quantum superposition state is a new obstacle that has not been discovered by the light forces before. Obviously, it will take months to clean up. This is not what we all want to see. Cobra, maybe you can consider my suggestion that when the quantum superposition state bomb is cleared, the event should be triggered directly. We should stop the game of discovering one quantum superposition obstacle after another.

    6. Michael,Divine time for Event is now or even several year ago.
      Do you know how many people starve to death on earth every day? How many people are murdered, raped, tortured and committed suicide every day? I think you should be more angry at the continued suffering on earth than at what I have said. Devine time? Ha ha, the most Devine time for Event is as early as possible. Do you get it

    7. Sorry I didn't mean to attack you but to be clear, I think you need to reread the update.

      I would like to see you happy I cannot know the situation you are in at the moment and I can fully understand if on your side it is very difficult to live.

      But I would like to show you that here Cobra has specified that the chimera ships have practically all been cleaned in the quantum superposition state and that they are grouped together in the low orbit. Please don't Exaggerated it.

      The chimeras were practically flushed out of the superposition in just 3 weeks. Can be even less than that.

      I don't want to hurt you in any way, I myself have been able to experience a lot of suffering here, we are all tired and we have all suffered because of the delays.

      I hope that all will be well with you and that the light will protect you.🙏🏽

  35. Super post for my birthday! Good work guys Cheers!

  36. This is so interesting to read that Saint Germain has been sending energies to implement the Constitution of the US!

    As it happens, the Supreme Court nominee, Amy Coney Barrett (ACB) who has been sitting in 3 days of hearings in front of Congress is evidently a heavy-duty "Constitutionalist."

    ACB appears to be brilliant. Sharp, polite, clever, accomplished. Zen-like in her ability to remain calm and steady and not lash out and react toward the Democrats who have implied pretty awful stuff as they questioned ACB.

    ACB will most likely be confirmed, as the Republicans hold the Senate and they will confirm her, as she is a Trump appointee.

  37. The Only Answer by Colette Baron Reid Such a fitting beautiful song involving all races on earth for this wonderful news. VOTL

  38. Is the Black goo related to the sunlight being diluted even on clear sky days? There has been about 50-60% less greenery on the planet even during this summer. Also since there is so much progress is there no attempt at taking control of governments now? Major surface operations are going on but the effect seems non-existent to the public. Do the light forces want it this way until 100% safety?

  39. This is so beautiful and I can feel this! Thank you so much beautiful Cobra for all of your dedication and hard work!!❤️ Thank you to the beautiful Resistance Movement & Galactic Confederation and all of the beautiful light workers and beings!! Sending all of you all of my love!! We’re gonna do it!! Let’s finish it!!! VOTL ❤️❤️❤️

  40. everyone should learn to understand what Schumann chart says....every day it shows so many things, such as planet,builsings,astral world,matrix things,aliens, peoples,dreams,monsters....all these are hologram picture, you must learn how to see
    . ..........but, we need backup Schumann's station(website), because this one( poor accuracy, and always attacked by Chinese/America's Cabal.

  41. It's odd. I distinctly remember reading that exact same article about the chimera spiders some time ago. I also had a feeling that the chimera wasn't gone from that first quantum state they were hiding in.

    Also, if people are wondering which incarnation Saint Germain was when he was a part of the Constitution write up it was Benjamin Franklin. I think Cobra shared that info awhile ago.

  42. Yea!!! Keep the focus - Victory of the Light!

  43. Cobra, thank you for the update. But it is a little frustrated because we get another obscale and new delay. That's all of us don't want to see.

    1. I am sorry Brother, but what do you mean by saying another obstacle? No one said a date or mentioned a schedule for liberation!
      We just do it step by step, right?

    2. We are now in the midst of the Final Battle

  44. These polls are seen by the Pleiadian.

    Everybody should vote.

  45. I have heard and seen things over the Johnson Space Center and NASA that sounded like jet airplane dog fights but noting clear blue skies and nothing visible. also noting that the child traffickers are not being as visible in the neigborhood but are still in business-23/7 plainly visible but since the authorities all seem to be in on it-indeed-FINANCING it thru taxes and money laundering and stealing peoples homes etc. and hijacking peoples social security monies-the latter admitting to this but not doing anything about it.

  46. yeah, Reload the weapon right now and don't give them even one more chance. Make Atlantis Great Again.

  47. God is in control and He shall never be routed from off His Throne. His will stands forever.

  48. I have been seeing this beautiful white sphere whenever I'm looking at the sun. A thick veil of clouds cover the sun and there in a small gap I see this beautiful white sphere. It changes it size different occasions. One time it was bigger than the full moon. Yesterday it was smaller. It always appear when I look at the noon sky.

    And I feel the war going on in the lower orbit quite strongly. I do flower of life meditation every moment I find myself free to do it. And visualization is important too.

    Thank you Cobra💖

  49. Why is trump pushing for vaccines?

  50. That constitution isn't powerful enough! The cabal will pull tricks, just like they did with the financial system. Not only that, but I hope it's obvious that nobody really cares about the constitution in the US anymore. The women and their feminist movement are far too concerned with overthrowing authority. This is not going to work and I can't take this vaccine threat anymore! Take some real action! Us humans respond very ell to fear (and shame). The reason why the main meditation against corona virus worked was because you, Cobra, in your blog pressed some buttons innus. Something in the way you expressed yourself in that article made us feel ashamed and fearful to dissapoint. We need a real counter attack! Thevcabal is using powerlesness and fear of illness and death to implement vaccines, we need a real reveal of the criminal intentions and actual diseasnof the institutes that are making vaccines already! This is the real counter attack! I here and now ask the light forcess to take a more direct and active aproach to revealing the shady and criminal malpractice of the vaccine industries and everything that links to it! With my free will I say NO to corrupt vaccines!

  51. Wonderful news! Thank you. Victory of the Light💖

  52. I think we need every 4 hours meditation for the lockdown. So it is more possible people can meditate for this.

    Thank you for your update and the hard work!

    1. Yes, it would be good to establish a meditation every four hours as for the Flower of Life. Here in Europe, this meditation "falls badly" late in the evening when many people go to work the next day (unfortunately) and get up early, so we understand that few people here do it... We just need to agree on the meditation schedule and we call here on the organizers of this meditation... Thank you very much!

    2. Yes every 4 hours meditations to stop lockdowns / plandemic measures and every 4 hours meditations to trigger the event

  53. Destroy Chimera!
    For age of gold!

  54. Thanks for update and good news!
    After successful results on our collective work, our blog is also resuming.

    We'll try to bring our work, as we can due to knowledge and expertise, in the benefit of this movement, as resulting from our blog as a whole.
    For now we try some 'more colors' of light.
    If only you have still interest, there are some updates on our latest posts.
    Images and new Q and A:

    Some more Q and A on the previous post:
    and more to come...

    On the other hand, we gather data for a post concerning luminous panels to be used in indoors, let's say for the up coming Light Communities, or even for the 'Goddess Temples', but this takes time.

    1. We also intend to gather data in order to put together a post about a hollow cathode high pressure lamps based on gold silver and platinum in order to be used for esoterics concerning these elements.

      P.S. If however are you a specialist of domain, but are you still not awaken, or do you not understand esoterics of elements, do not lose time on these comments. Or come back later, oh how as are you going to understand...

  55. I thought it was "good" that people were quarantined because it was weakening parasites by preventing them from jumping from host to host. What happened to that?

  56. I join almost every meditation that was hold by Cobra, and I do believe in Cobra's intel most of the intel. But it's regrettable that It doesn't resonate with me regarding the "mask wearing" and "lockdown".

    1. Although I did doubt that mask may not really that effective in preventing the spread of Covid but mask would definitely lower the spread of covid through droplets in a logical inference, so if someone trying to "discredit" the effect mask wearing which make me feel like they may have some no good intention.

    2. "lockdown" is one of the way to preventing the spread of COVID? It depends. I remember that Cobra said in some pervious interview, some "selfish" people who was affected the COVID and still going every different places. Apparently, the foundation of lockdown is from those selfish people.
    Although I did go against the Cabal and of course, the society may not be able to bear a long-term "lockdown" but I do believe the lockdown may somehow be effective with a structured plan.

    1. Thank you for mentioning these things. They also trip my discernment. Like some of the messaging here has changed. There is a lot of confusion in the air, and I usually find this blog as a source of reliability and a vacation from the confusion of everywhere else on the internet. In this post I find some confusion.

      Especially with a couple of the links. The one about masks is right. Wearing a mask doesn't necessarily protect the mask wearer from COVID. That's because scientifically speaking a medical mask is worn to protect OTHERS from germs or viruses, like a surgeon wears. The way the mask idea works is that if EVERYONE wears them (including people who are asymptomatic and don't know that they have COVID), less respiratory droplets are in the air so less people catch the virus. It's maybe airborne so no this probably isn't 100% protection but better than none.

      As a person with a bad immune system I'm not sure what the guidance is here. Pretend like everything is OK, not wear a mask, go around people who also don't wear masks, and possibly get very sick and likely die? Or continue to lock myself away at home while my mental health deteriorates and the virus keeps spreading? Or "it's a hoax"... what's the message?

      If the solution is "not living in fear" that's not an option for me and I can't tell anyone why because I think the military would be really mad at me if their secret got out.

      I've seen with my own eyes, that COVID is real. It may be misrepresented in the media in some ways but it is real and I know many people who have had it (including one of my doctors), some that have died, and personally know a hospital doctor who works with COVID patients every day. I cannot personally call it a "hoax" I mean even the president of the US had it. The outtakes from his videos clearly showed him struggling to breathe and looking like he was in serious pain. That wasn't acting.

      What is the concrete guidance for living life right now? What is the official message?

    2. The lockdowns and especially mask wearing and testing being mandatory and most of all vaccines must be stopped NOW. they already created a huge trauma for millions if not billions of people. Especially for kids and seniors. And most of all for many starseeds and lightworkers. Am not sure that this "corona" is anything other than common cold or flu if the is an epidemic situation at all. All the lockdowns and the measures must be stopped and reversed NOW IMMEDIATELY. this year messed up with my life and with many other innocent souls in horrible ways. And still there are many who support this ? Thode who support medical tyranny are part of the problem really. I won't take much more of this not anymore. We need advanced healing for many tachyonic chambers ascension chambers not months of more torture in these lockdowns. STOP THIS NOW there is a limit for everything. And i can't meditate so can only pray to the Goddess.

    3. COVID is real. I see it daily. This is not a common cold or a hoax. We are transferring NICU babies to other facilities because half the nursing staff has it. Two are hospitalized. I don’t agree with total lock down, but simple measures such as a mask and social distancing is not that hard. Those that oppose it do it out of pure selfish intentions. Perhaps the virus won’t harm you, but you won’t know until you get it. You may infect those that won’t do well if they get it. I don’t understand the lack of compassion for others because they don’t want to wear a mask.

  57. Thank you for the interesting update. It seems the space fleet of the dark ones is about to be wiped out within the next coming weeks.

    In the "the best is yet to come" article is a description of med beds and rejuvenation technology. I would like to know more about this. Maybe it is possible to give an interview and talk about this and related topics? I think the sisterhood of rose group could do that well, because the latest interviews conducted by them seemed to be pretty informative.

    It is also probable that additional documents will be released in the Ghislaine Maxwell case. This could be another sign the situation is not going too well for the darkies.

  58. heres a solution, dont wear a mask.

    1. How not wearing masks is the solution?
      I was incapable to follow your logic.

    2. I can't wear a mask abd won't comply with this idiotic "measures". If they inflict more suffering and pain on me/ us because of rejecting this tyranny , don't even try to put the blame on us. I tell that also directly to Source and the light forces. They are co---responsible at least for any undesirable consequences

    3. WOW incredibly suprised he actually let this be posted lmao.
      we took 250k from walmart for trying to make one of us wear a mask. now they dont demand a mask anymore, they just offer one at the door as peer pressure. the feeling i get every time i waltz by is so good XD

  59. Amazingly great. Many thanks Cobra for this update....Victory of The Light!!!!.

  60. There are many things happening behind the scenes that I have no clearance to report, and many new elements will enter the scenario since the beginning of November. As we come closer to that time, I will be able to say more........

  61. If there are practically no draco ships left, then it is safe to say that our implants are almost all gone or no longer powered.

    Is it possible that even without the draco technology the implants may persist because of the matrix created by the technology here on the surface?

    Thank you Cobra for the uptade!!! 🙏🏽

    1. I have forgotten how the hierchy goes but. Lets see the draco are into the business and entertainemnt and govenmenment such as bush family .. and military(reptilian) arena.. The rothchilds contorl the finance system.. r
      The archon are in the black nobilities and control reincarnation processes and contracts... the chimera works in rhe background keepinf the matrix..

      I believe thats a draft fo rhenlatter frombototm to top. So to answer your question rhe chimera is probably the last group that will be engaged or is being engaged and they are rhe ones keepinf all those xo torl mechanisms running such as implants and what not.. they have their own bases on world and off world.. male a search on this blog you will find more details on it. I may have rhe latter of power a bit off

    2. Yes, I think that the dracos practically give the technologies of the veil (matrix) and the implants to the chimera.

      I think that when the chimeras are annihilated, the matrix will be practically destroyed. The only thing missing will be the surface technologies,Haarp etc..) which are much weaker, and I was wondering if they will be able to maintain the veil without the support of the draco technology.

      Although the forces of light on the surface will surely destroy these technologies along with the last chimeras to trigger the event.🙂

      Translated with (free version)

  62. Thank you Cobra! Awesome update! Victory of the LIGHT!

  63. Seatbelt fastened. Ready for launch.

  64. The Constitution OF the United States is a fake, a fraud of epic proportion.

    The United States has a real constitution called: The constitution FOR the United States of America.

    The dark forces changed the word "FOR" to "OF" and it changed the legal definition of the meaning the document. The constitutions "OF" the United States replaced the founding document of the republic with a corporation. This is one of the dirtiest tricks the dark ever pulled. It must be exposed and corrected.

    Get rid of the corporate government and restore the Republic with original constitution "FOR" the United States.

  65. Thank you very much for the good news.

  66. If there are space battles, why can't they be seen from the surface?

    1. >Unknown

      This is one of the major reasons why there's little credibility of this blog's information outside of this community.

      There's currently little opportunity for independent verification by the average person using the ordinary 3D realm 5 senses.

    2. Mjolnir is used in the 4th and 3rd dimension. The operations are very fast. The dark ones wouldn't like it at all if you saw something of it, because then many people would wake up.

    3. Innocent question.
      Similar to "why dont we see it on the news?"

    4. For all those who don't know why all this is not visible:

      It's not happening on a physical level it's happening at 4 dimensional level and only people who are very sensitive to energies can actually see that but for most people it's not visible.Visible and clear evidence about many things will be made public in the coming days and months so you better be ready to be shocked!

    5. Low Earth Orbit is still a huge amount of space and It makes sense for me that both sides are deliberately hiding and cloaking themselves from the astronomers and general public with advanced tech; Light Forces because it would trigger massive reactionary chaos and violence fanned by cabal minions across the surface and for dark forces; because the quarantine would totally collapse, they would be figured out, chased and removed from the surface by LF after a bit. Why would they shorten their remaining "survival" time.

      That would be my theory but what do i know, we just have to pray, wait and see. There is a big expectation for near future and there should be no excuses for major delays anymore. I've been here for 8 years now I got here as a teenager "somehow" and even for me it's now or never basically atleast i feel that way.

      Even if this all is some sort of a twisted joke, we are quickly running out of time on this planet just by looking what's happening around us and I would die peacefully knowing I deeply strived for the best, dreamed big and wasn't like "them".

    6. I am ready since long time. Where is some visible proof in this dimension ? Won't follow this for more months

  67. Draco's boss is gone. He went to re-education into the light. Draco's soldiers are in panic.

    1. Who do you know??
      It will ve good if you can share more if you know more 🙂.
      I think that's just a matter of weeks now. If the majority is gone they will be destroy event more faster. That's more easy now for the light forces!!!

      It seem that's thee chimera group is very weak now to.

      I guess the light forces know who to destroy there ships.

      I feel that the light forces are easily wining the war!!!

  68. I was shown some of the horrors of genetic experimentation. Humans being turned into some extremely grotesque creatures. It's getting a bit difficult for me to play nice as a result of all I've been shown in the dreamstate over time, because what I'm being shown is probably real. This dream happened after I did the commands as well, so once again I'll be discontinuing the commands. They seem to make things worse somehow.

    It was a very bad day. I almost walked out on my job as well. I'm not doing so good. Tempted by the dark side more and more. Does that make me a coward?

    1. Doesn’t make you a coward my friend, that makes you extremely empathetic. You can’t see it now but what you have been shown is a huge gift. You are being shown these absolute vile happenings so you can help release such horrors that have been inflicted upon others. You were shown these because you are far stronger than you believe. Keep your spirits high and focus on positive energy for example; focus on how this will all be a mere dream soon. Blessings light soldier

    2. Of course not!
      The matrix loses that strength and tries to reinforce despair among the starseeds. I also had a very bad day yesterday.

      You can embrace your dark side it doesn't work with the darks.

      Just a balance that is inside you, although it doesn't want it to cross the line and become a primary anomaly!

      Please be strong please hold on I beg you.

    3. I wonder Starlight, how well do you know the dark side. Are you aware of it, and what on the dark side would make you choose that... while you even saw the horrors?
      Come on... stay with us. Do you still have your job?
      And spoken about cowards... ha! look at the hother side. Fucking babies...That's tempting. How coward is more possible... You must have been drunk.

    4. @Starlight, the "dark side" would just consume you and destroy you. Its not even really a side its just pure suffering at a deeper level. We are a part of an enormous body of light energy but there is an anomalous anti life force smothering the surface. Feeling it does not make you a coward, just empathic. Keep going and try to transmute that darkness that you experienced.

    5. mariaonline, no. I no longer drink. It's month 16 now.

  69. For our German speaking community:

  70. This is My wonderful birthday present, i cant wait for all this madness ends! then i will really start to live 💜

  71. Español, espanol, castellano, in spanish:

  72. I don’t think a constitution would affect anything. People can only change things.

  73. In the early morning of October 14, I dreamed that I looked out my window and saw very black clouds in the sky approaching and moving in a not very natural way, and I said to my son - watch! a tornado is forming! but suddenly the tail of the tornado began to retract again, with a certain green light and a little dark purple but in that a spiral of that same cloud formed and covered almost the entire sky in black in a very impressive way and a voice that told me in English - I see you !! - More than once and I told my son - I have to find James !! I do not have much time!! -
    I really woke up with a racing heart and impressed because I saw two giant eyes in that black Cloud when he told me - i see you- but in reality I don't know any James and that part seemed manipulated to me, I think I said another name and this same day 14 I come across this publication and the part of the anomaly and the Black liquid reminded me of this dream ... this 14 was a difficult day energetically, even danger near my house ... synchronicity?

  74. Thank Cobra & Light Forces. Amazing Intel 🌎🕊🙂 💖 The air is full with anticipation and yearning for that Day when Liberation is finally OURS! Victory of the Light!

  75. Thank you cobra thank you RN thank to Light Forces peace to all love to all happiness to all power to all VICTORY OF THE LIGHT VICTORY OF THE LIGHT VICTORY OF THE LIGHT

  76. Beloved with your Tree Tenders(Google; [Goddess]Tanaath & her Silver Legion) eternal creations as we are ALL Co-bra(hma) & teleport ALL infinite aslike Kalki(destoyer in orde)&(to create the Golden Era)Maitreya! So whoever does not choose the "dark forces" and is "not a coward", contact me! This for positive "Light forces like 'Victory' over the dark ones"-actions; Tel. 06-17037501! - - ETC., ETC., ETC....

  77. Great update, wonderful news!Thank you, beloved Cobra.💖🙏💖

  78. i lived on the 5th planet and stood there as a giant explosion turned everything to ash and dust.
    Now it's a cookie crumb trail in orbit around the sun.

  79. With all this happening, shouldn't someone, somewhere notice any change?

  80. Goddess wants peace and peace it shall be.

  81. Like always, thank you Cobra for this update and all of the work you and the Light Forces are doing.
    French translation

    Traduction en français:

    Victoire de la Lumière !

  82. Victory of the Light. Eagerly Waiting for the event flash.

  83. Epic update!
    Question: is it safe to get a 5G smartphone or not recommended?
    Thank you

    Victory of the Light!

    1. Everything smart, whatever, is not safe and damages health.

  84. I pray for you Cobra, and for the light forces. I can't imagine from where you get your strength. If this battle doesn't end it, I know you will continue fighting for justice. Thank you for this.

  85. Again: So... if these creatures can only lie, then we have to say: Evil, you are free. you will never be chased and live free in joy and abundance.

  86. Greetings fellow light warriors! I really would need help during these dire times. I fear that the energetic war is hitting me harder than I can handle. The extreme blastwave of evil energy started last Saturday, 10.10.2020 and it is just gettting worse day by day. I don’t know if there is anything anyone can do to help me and my wife, who is also under the influence of bad events occuring, but if you have any chance or submit to help, please do so. To target the help, please use codename ”Peter and Fairy Princess”.

    Victory of the Light!

    1. Beloved OptimusPrime- 'Peter and Fairy Princess"
      I will keep you in my heart and morning practices.
      We are in a War for Consciousness now- our very Minds and souls are the target and the bounty.
      All that you need is within;
      for the Light comes from the electrons and positrons dancing and colliding into photons around the nucleus of every atom of our BEing. It comes from Source and the Inner Cosmic world.
      Hence we are all Light Force.
      I too have been under attack for unknown time as I live in vertical as well as linear time/space.
      I sat for the Flower of Life meditation this morning and was barely able to keep focus for more than a few seconds. MY usual lucid dreams and night work has been almost blocked out for approximately a month.
      However, I have alternate practices that are unassailable and there is where I daily evoke and focus on the Inner Light, coupled with Love absent conditions, that give Life. St Germaine calls it 'The Threefold Flame'.
      It helps to envision the Violet tube of Light emanating down from Source and surrounding you and Fairy Princess
      and for protection recite (in your mind or otherwise):

      Beloved I am presence bright, round me seal your tube of light.
      From ascended Master’s flame, called for now, in God’s name,
      Let it keep my temple free, from all discord sent to me.
      I am calling for violet fire, to blaze and transmit all desire
      Keeping on in Freedom’s name, till I am one with the Violet Flame.”


  87. Victory of the Light! Very soon! Thank you all Light Forces! And ... Thank you dear Cobra for your hard work over many years. Thank you for being the one who made us want to wake up, who made us want to move forward, who made us want to understand, to work on ourselves! Thank you dear Cobra for being the one who patiently informed us. Thank you again for never abandoning us! Thank you, thank you, thank you! We look forward to meeting you and hugging you! (M-H and V)

  88. The Most Important Update!! thank you Cobra!! Victory of The Light!!

  89. Thank you for the update Cobra! I knew something was afoot when Prince Charles visited RAF Menwith, the top-secret US spy base at Menwith Hill in North Yorkshire on Monday. Then today the Queen visited Porton Down, a bioweapons facility today near Salisbury.

    Here are the links to both stories:

    Try they might, fail they will!!


  91. Victory of the Light!💙🐱

  92. super cosmic primo progress by the lightforces by the looks and sounds and feels of it.....

    thanks very much mr cobra fine sir....

    and thank you very much all lightforces everywhere for ongoing massively effective liberation operations in process of all sorts.....

    of course its time for cobras writings to be broadcast on every state type fluffy flashy media type apparatus all over the earths surface and in the colonies of course also.....

    of course their ratings will skyrocket up to cosmic grade levels when that day arrives.....hahahahaha.....

  93. Here are two posts for our romanian and italian readers ! everyone can use the links to share where they are so guided, to spread the word and COBRA's post main ideas and intel! Romanian translation link:
    Italian translation link:
    Victoria Luminii ! Vittoria della Luce! Thank you Cobra !

  94. I am skeptic with this report. Where is the Galactic code that was promised? Where is the silver price going up initiated by some White dragon families? Just promises and nothing so far.. Why always focus on US? I think that is the mistake RM did for so many years. They focused too much on US to start the event from US. But this is wrong currently. If BRICS countries will quit the dollar then US will follow, yes it will be a little chaos..
    In my opinion this is the greatest news this year which it will affect all of us: Son of Murdoch mass media magnate quits the media empire. Murdoch empire is well known to control most of mass media across the globe. This is a sign that 'bad' people can turn to the light side


  95. The Whole Of The Moon

    Blaze those Trails.


    1. So, finally The Whole of the Moon. Always loved that song but what illusion the band. Thanks Rajah<3

  96. Sounds good. Hopefully final victory in in sight now.


  98. I'm throwing caution to the wind by asking this but the Constitution only favors a select group of people and quietly ignores Native-Americans and Descendants of Slaves. So if Saint Germaine help draft the Constitution and it was intended for all peoples then something went terribly array. Will this be rectified?

    1. I was going to answer you and it was going to be quite lenghty. Then i had to erase it. As i read again the line u posted for a second time "Descendants of slaves" i had to ask meself. Is this person still living in the past?. I will assume however that you are an adult and not stuck in the past. That you are able to see how different life of standard from back then and now are (yes not a utopia).. that you are aware that in this world is not about black versus white or brown. That the enemy of all are more insidious than what we could have ever imagine and that we all been played used and abused.

      Now as far as the constitution..
      The way i see it. (Btw I have not read the constitution fully). One thing however that i could summ up is that if indeed was drafted with original idealistic views there may also include ideas that at that time were part of their paradigmn and just like now the document probably would have not been accepted among the powers that be whoever they were at that time if it did not make room for acceptable dogmas. I reckon there are some ideas there that would be applicable to that time and circumstances but not to today's standards. Again i have not read the constutution. None the less... we live in different times where slavery as you know it we could all agree is not acceptable.. slaves were considered back then a subclass if that.. it is not now.. the constitution is to envelop every citizen of the particular country being whichever race so i am sure that whatever is suppose to be applied to todays circumstances is to be beyond race or origin. None the less the constitution is to be use as guiding step and draft but if u recall the Galactic Codex if it to be introduced goes beyond race and focuses among many things on the right of each individual regardless gender race affiliation etc.

      To make a better argument or point of discussion we would have to quote parts of the constitution that we could disagree or agree.. however i think it is clear that is obvious that at that time some groups were not included due to the circumstances they lived on and that certainly old beliefs that we have outgrow would not be included back to its original form.. it would not make sense... whatever historical document gets used as the base.

      Again i am making assumptions that the constitution lacks being all encompassing..

  99. Follow Inner Guidance. This is the way to Galactic citizenship.

    Queen Heaven for everyone

    1. Wow Steven. Beautiful. Now this: almost heaven<3.

  101. X22Report Gone
    Edge of Wonder Gone
    Redpill78 Gone
    to name but a few.
    This is Digital Warfare!
    Fight, Fight, Fight.... for the Victory of the Light!

  102. Thank you Galactics! When will comm satellites be taken over and announcements made to awaken the conscious zombies I see wearing masks in the stores, in their cars and on the street? The programming is strong with these people.

    Anyone: how much silver to have? How much cash?

    Thank you all for holding the Light for the collective! Thanks Cobra

  103. Be true to yourself. That's all that matters and all there is. Like your true self there's the world to serve:)
    X22Report: Dark Secrets Will Be Exposed, Barack Obama Was Not Tricked, Walls Are Closing in on the Deep State! - Must Video

  104. V slovenščini:

    Vabljeni v našo skupino Sestrstva Vrtnice in Podpore Dogodka na Facebooku:

    Thank you for the post Cobra.

    Victory of the Light!

  105. most people can not follow inner guidance they are royally messed up by 5G and multiple crimes against humanity. the light forces dont understand most people are helpless

  106. My video 'The Fall of the Cabal 432Hz' was recently flagged for 'harassment and cyberbullying'.

    In this video there is no cursing or swearing and is filled with MAINSTREAM MEDIA headlines regarding crimes against humanity. The rest of the video is filled with words of forgiveness and kindness and the background music is 'Bach's Air on a G-String'. Totally harassing/cyberbullying music, right? I have appealed to this silliness and will continue to do so. Even if they delete my channel, which is always a possibility, the light will be victorious.

    PS Here is the description from the description box of the video:

    "The fall of the Cabal is happening in real time. It is undeniable now.The experiment of duality is coming to a close and the Universe is healing itself. It needs our help though. We are a vital part of this process. Forgiveness is the key to ending the cycles of anger and the need for revenge. If we don't begin to practice forgiveness now, it will be even harder when more information comes out.Healing of the self is crucial. If you can forgive yourself, you can forgive everyone else, because everyone else is you, and you are everyone else.

    Victory of the light!

    Building falling footage credit:

    Song - Johann Sebastian Bach - Air on a G String in 432Hz"

  107. I hear the voice, I hear the war
    I hear the sound, on a distant shore
    I feel the spirit of yesterday,
    I touch the past, when the pipers play.
    The pipes kept playing, for you and me
    They kept on saying, we will soon be free
    And your soul will never fade away
    You'll live forever, when the pipers play
    The pibroch rears its deadly cry
    Ah, some will live and some will die
    And though they passed so far away
    I feel their presence when the pipers play
    The pipes kept playing, for you and me
    They kept on saying, we will soon be free
    And your soul will never fade away
    You'll live forever, when the pipers play
    It speaks of love, I have lost
    Its speaks of my eternal cost
    It speaks the price of peace today
    A price remembered, when the pipers play
    We do remember when the pipers play
    The pipes kept playing, for you and me
    They kept on saying we will soon be free
    And your soul will never fade away
    You'll live forever, when the pipers play
    The pipes kept playing, for you and me
    They kept on saying we will soon be free
    And your soul will never fade away
    You'll live forever, when the pipers play

  108. Check this out guys... I'm speechless. This is the animated satellite over pacific ocean. Check out the yellow stains crossing the ocean in less than 4 hours this morning. And another one filling Australia.
    It makes so much echoes to this Cobra update. Could that be signs of space fleets or energy?
