Friday, November 26, 2021

Divine Intervention Activation Update and Videos

We are approaching a powerful Solar eclipse on December 4th at 07:35 am UTC :

We will be using the energy of this eclipse to meditate and visualize reaching the critical mass of over 144,000 people or more participating in our main meditation for the Divine Intervention activation on December 21st and over 144,000 people signing the Planetary Liberation petition.

Light Forces are asking as many people as possible to do this preparatory booster meditation at the exact moment of the eclipse.

You can find the exact moment for the booster meditation for your timezone here:

Livestream video and guided meditation videos for the booster meditation in 23 languages are available here: 

Instructions for the booster meditation are here:

1. Use your own technique to bring you to a relaxed state of consciousness.

2. State your intent to use this meditation as a tool to reach the critical mass of 144,000 people or more meditating for our Divine Intervention activation, and more than 144,000 people signing the Planetary Liberation petition.

3. Invoke the Violet Flame from its primary source to place a circle of protection around you during and after the meditation. Ask it to transmute anything that does not serve the Light

4. Visualize a pillar of brilliant white Light emanating from the Cosmic Central Sun, then being distributed to Central Suns of all galaxies in this universe, then entering through the Galactic Central Sun of our Galaxy, then going through our Galaxy, then entering our Solar System and going through all beings of Light inside our Solar System and then through all beings on planet Earth and also through your body to the center of the Earth.

5. Visualize this Light activating Soul star chakras of millions upon millions of people, presenting them with the possibility of joining Divine Intervention activation. Visualize those who feel so guided actually participating, their number far exceeding the critical mass, and the activation itself having a massive positive healing effect for all sentient beings on Earth and stabilizing the positive timeline. Visualize over 144,000 people signing the petition in the weeks and days leading to the activation. Visualize everybody involved in the meditation and in the petition signing being protected and inspired.

Interference with the Planetary Liberation petition signing process clearly shows the importance of this petition. Signing of the petition is important because if a critical mass of 144,000 people signs the petition, this will be the first physical expression of the collective will of surface humanity in human history that contact and intervention is desired. As one of both petition sites has been offline for a few days now after more than 81,000 signatures gathered, you can keep signing the petition at this link:

Since the Planetary Liberation petition is such an important exopolitical document, I am hereby publicly asking Dr. Steven Greer, James Gilliland and Dr. Michael Salla to issue a public statement about our petition. 



Divine Intervention activation videos have been created in over 30 languages. Make them viral, spread them through your networks to assist in reaching the critical mass!








Portuguese (Portugal): 

Portuguese (Brazil):























Guided audio meditation videos have been created in over 30 languages.






Portuguese (Portugal): 

Portuguese (Brazil): 

























And Chinese: 

Planetary Liberation petition promotional videos have been created in over 25 languages. Make them viral, spread them through your networks to assist in reaching the critical mass:








Portuguese (Portugal):

Portuguese (Brazil):




















A new Cobra interview will also be created very soon, and you can still send your questions to . Many of those questions will be answered in the interview.

Victory of the Light!


  1. Why can't we have cooperation between light groups. It seems like there are camps. Wilcox and goode on one side (seems to be doing propaganda for the dark), there is alex collier, Michael salle and elena danaan in one group, Steven greer on his side who won't acknowledge the war.... and cobra....why is it so hard to have unity amongst light forces on the planet. Love and victory of the light

    1. Because their stories are different and they do not agree on everything, for example Corey talks about danger of AI and implants but Elena says that she has an implant in her head that she uses to talk to aliens.

    2. Ego is involved, nobody wants to lose their own followers to someone else. Plus there is no trust, no side is sure that the other side is working for the light. The teaching and knowledge is different too

    3. Porque cada um deles é fantoche de uma das inúmeras facções extras terrestres q controlam o planeta há milhares de anos, e cada um deles vivem das vendas de livros, palestras e cursos.

    4. Totally agree. Just read an update from Corey about our history and where we are today it was positive but what stood out was the maldeck destruction .. Mars wars the details dont match law of one. Pre adamites in stasis chambers in Antarctica former Atlantis per Goode were awakened recently.. 2 galactic's beings teleported onto the mother ship while these adamotes were being awoken and basically made a statement .. orbs appeared and took ICC members.. stasis Guardians and the pre adamites! It was quite the event and now humans must achieve their own freedom by choosing positive or negative timeline.. I guess what confuses me is I kept thinking toplet bombs once threat removed a wave could be sent to literally awaken all as so many are implanted.. plus Orion AI God has kept many enslaved etc.. let's meditate and trigger Event! Doug

    5. The problem in this planet is not only the cabal, but the human ego as well.

    6. mostly. they are all right.
      universe is quantum and multi-dimensional
      they have different life experiences ,different connections beings. they have different truth Fragments .
      like a crystal have many aspect.
      but crystal is only one!
      we can finds the clues they give to us.
      and complete the huge-multi-dimension universe, closer and closer to the truth.
      everything gods love it 。
      i trust them (they exsit) not just the information they say.
      i love them all
      and i will keeping my inner desire
      loveing will full of this planet!
      those who want to ascension will ascension!
      god love everything and balance everything!

    7. Cobra's the guy that's been begging and pleading for everyone to work together for years. Ironically, this is a big part of the reason he's the only one I trust.

    8. Elena and Michael Salla are pushing the AI, Corey Goode and David Wilcock are not, so I'm not sure that they're pushing any type of dark agenda, they're doing their best to try to wake up people as much as possible by not waiting on a savior but doing the saving ourselves, then when we get to a certain vibration we can get more help from the higher beings

    9. Exactly. And Elena Danaan and her bestie Megan speak negatively about the Galactic Federation of Light. And make videos ridiculing light workers who do real channeling of Ascended Masters.

    10. If we are relying only on Ets to save us, we need to think again. We can stand up for ourselves and stand on our own two feet and work with First Contact at the same time.
      I personally think if we had first contact, we could at least get the "ball rolling"

    11. WHERE you got to know about all of them?
      I also want to know
      I started doing light meditations 6months ago
      anyone please guide

    12. Corey Goode and David Wilcock have become compromised sources. They are in it for their own egos, money and to keep their Blue Chicken Cult alive and influencing the mass consciousness (they seemed to be serving the Alien Negative Agenda or they have been blackmailed and are controlled opposition).
      There are more reliable sources out there like Elena Danaan, Megan Rose and especially Alex Collier who has been at this game for many decades, he is very honest and humble and doesn’t seem to have the ego problem as the Blue Chicken Cult guys.

    13. @ james gilliland, elena danaan, megan rose, alex collier, michael salla, may support the petition and meditation. Wilcock, goode, russel brand, ralph smart, greer along with many others have large followings with many who may support even without these figures mentioning it. I would focus on their followers. Another place people could look is the enormous amount of tarot and astrology u tube channels with tons of viewers who may be interested.

    14. Klodi and few others finally you spoken correct about the ego.. of course they dont want to work together and i bet they dont want the event to happen so to lose their pretty charisma-gifts..

    15. Chances are slim but I emailed corey goode, Simon parkes, Russel brand, Ben Fulford, James Gilliland using emails/forms I could find on their website asking to support our meditation and petition

    16. Greer critized c.gode,an he was exposed by b.fulford as an agent of the Rockefellers.

    17. Regarding getting support for our meditation maybe we should look at a different angle. Maybe we should target celebrities that claim to have seen UFOs? Sometimes light can be found in strange places

    18. @Klodi, this is a great idea - not only regarding the meditation but also the petition.

      If you share your comment again (not as a comment on a comment), more people might see it and act accordingly.

    19. @Klodi, anything about elon musk will have some open minded people viewing who may be interested. Musk has mentioned ETs and UFOs as well as exposing the pcr and mentioning the red pill. Others would be keanu reeves or any of the ancient alien people.

    20. And Wilcock, last time he was on ancient aliens, kept going on about the Prime Directive, which we all know is baloney. And, as I mentioned, he's not been seen on ancient aliens for some time....makes me wonder if they gave him the boot, seeing how wrong he is.

    21. As for celebs, Kurt Russel might be one of the more better ones to go to, plus he does not seem to be like the rest of the Hollywood types.

    22. @klodi, u tube does remove links. I mentioned the meditations on james gillilands livestream and I dont think it was removed. someone else mentioned it there too.

    23. Dont know where is the problem but noticed the same thing! In light communities in my country. I guess the problem is followers..

  2. The more who participate with the petition, the more self-empowered the surface population becomes, because we are declaring sovereignty on Earth to the entire universe! Keep going everyone!!!

  3. The Great Reset will be removed, the Great Awakening is coming.

  4. This time it is vital. Let us get as more as possible people to do the meditation

  5. I would just like to suggest everyone not to forget their own problems, continue resolving your own problems instead of just waiting for the event.

    1. Yes, waiting for the event is very disempowering. People are capable of so much more! People can support the petition and meditation, and also improve their own lives and the lives of others in many different ways. Taking action is the antidote to waiting in self-defeat.

    2. What kind of problems ? The ones in the illusory fake matrix reality ? We better disconnect from all that stuff or it may keep us stucked in the reality and timeline we don't want to be part of

    3. Choosing your reality by the Arcturian Council.

    4. The event is a cosmic occurrence per law of one was to happen on or about 2011 per RA .. every 26k years it happens so I do ask why must we trigger it if it has a cycle? Why pleadians are constructing the Dyson spheres to attenuate the energies right? We achieved great success last yr with the Dec 21 meditation I must ask why wasnt event triggered? Did this meditation last yr not show Galactics our intent?
      We were told toplet bombs were preventing Event?
      Cobra I know you are messenger it seems the message keeps varying a bit. I have signed and will participate of course. Many we reached out to last yr may have my questions

    5. I'm not sure about Daniel Scranton and Acturians. I've had bad experiences with them. There are much higher sources of Acturians you can find that speak more truth.

    6. @Doug "having a cycle" doesn't mean that the events can't be influenced on small scale. Just like DFs are destined to lose, but are ruling over this planet for thousands of years.

      So, do you want the Event to happen in 2050 or 2100 like some channelers are predicting? Or do you want it to happen before 2025? In cosmic scales +/-100 years doesn't matter. And it doesn't matter if this planet has to be destroyed to get rid of the last darkness in the universe. But it matters for us. We want the Event to happen as soon as possible, while saving as many 3D lifes as possible. And this is what we're working towards with these activations, slowly waking people up, and liberating this planet.

      Even if it's destined to happen, there are better and worse ways it can happen. This is where our will comes in.

  6. Yes! End this matrix! Victory of the Light!

  7. German translation of this article / deutsche Übersetzung dieses Artikels:

  8. Cobra, is the ascension window still wrapping up by 2025 or there can be changes in the plans depending on the situation?

  9. Thank you brother COBRA. We look forward not back. Victory of the Light!

  10. Cobra - Do you have a Telegram account? I would highly recommend posting this on your Telegram account. If so, please let everyone know what it is. I do not know.

  11. I haven't been able to reach the original main Care2 petition site for 3 days now. I must assume they have now taken it down permanently. The one is looking strong and closing in on 10 000 signatures right now. 07:35 11/27/2021.

  12. Hello Cobra
    as of now the post is up after long time being locked out

    All Goddess posts

    people can copy and make mirrors since most the works done , you have mentioned how important this is and it seems to be as one of the only posts blogger ever blocked

    Goddess wants peace & she's going to get it

  13. personal we are unique .
    but we are Oneness-union universe beings.
    if we hands by hands together for the final goals………create heaven on this planet.
    but respect everyone's freewill is important.
    and be yourself !
    everything has it unique way to ascension.
    if you have inner calling to connecting others that's good. do it!

  14. Here are two translations for this great post! Thank you Cobra, we are so happy to prepare with our best focus and power the activation process! Italian translation and Romanian translation are here:
    - Every person and Light soul counts and matters! We will reach the critica mass! 144,000 is our number and under the protection of the Divine one: 1221 ! Victory of the Light!

  15. Crystal Healing for Children ~ Lisa Renee ~ Energetic Synthesis

    How Crystals can Support Children

    Crystals can be used to help children in the same ways that they help adults, but with the added benefit that most children will be much more receptive to the natural healing powers of crystals the younger they are.

    With younger children, they are more open and spiritual by nature which allows them to activate their imagination with magical thinking, which is highly activating to generate an energetic bond between the crystal and child.

    Most younger children do not limit their thinking, they can understand how everything is alive, transmitting that awareness into intelligent sentience that works with their crystal guardians.

    For a child, talking and communicating with a crystal as a living thing is natural and normal.

    Most all young children will have a natural connection to the crystal and mineral kingdom, yet Starseed and crystal children may be able to present proficient skills with crystals immediately if they are allowed to explore them freely.

    A child holding or near a powerful crystal may be able to immediately listen to the key tones and vibrational messaging which unlocks the functions inside the crystal.

    Then know how to link this crystal’s message with other crystal formations to clear and transmute dark energies out of the ley lines.

    The building of crystal grid circuitry is part of our angelic human knowledge that was memory wiped after the Atlantian flood, but is gradually returning now through many Crystal Children.

  16. Building Trust

    Spiritual Ethics of Trust

    Trustworthiness is based on ethical principles which include the principle of strong moral character (what we are as persons), and the principle of competence (what we are able to do as persons).

    You may have faith in the strong moral character of a person, but not in their competence as a leader.

    You may trust them as a friend, but you may not trust them to provide clear leadership.

    Alternatively, you may trust their intellectual and technical competence but lack confidence in their ethics and moral character.

    These are extremely important points of which to consider when making evaluations on ethical conduct and building trust between any person, group, organization, etc.

    We are not judging any person as good or bad, we are cultivating discernment and determining appropriate level of trust with a person, are they trustworthy as well as ethical?

    We can accurately assess this if we pay attention to patterns and understand the critical role trustworthiness plays in building trust to make the correct decision for ourselves.

    I have contemplated this model of ethical conduct and ethical behavior to make the foundation of strong moral character a necessity for group participation in a strong spiritual community, based upon the guiding principles of the Law of One.

  17. There is a SubStantial problem with our collective media. It has no moral or ethical foundation, first of all, you can pray all you want. It is Black/white. There needs to be a Religious figure in it that isn't veiled. Many think it is satan that is veiled init.
    Imo, there is some dark presence in manufactured media. I have countless examples of it, from mainstream science shows to coverage of any daily current event.
    What I have come to realize is Most media is Devoid of anything substantial. it is full of subliminal mind control cues or further reinforced programming of past events, Not to mention the certain agenda of any political party the average person is over stimulated by News. Therefore we have a substantial problem in our media.

    1. Tell us something we already don't know.


    2. Yes media is a tool of the dark elite families many are programmed cant think on their own.. what about implants being dissolved cobra mentioned this happening months ago.. he said it was unclear how people would react etc did this happen?

    3. @Unknown

      I believe so. My BULLSHIT METER is full blast everywhere I point it at. I NEVER bought into this fucking system and PROPAGANDA (NEWS) APPARATUS, it's just that I found out it was much worse than I imagined. I don't fall for anything that is spread out by the media or any control bureau, whatever they say, I believe the contrary to be true and I go the opposite direction. I feel free and do whatever the hell I want and no one forces me to do what I don't want. I wish everyone would have the same attitude. This world would be free by now if everyone did.

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. It's all coming together🙏🏼💞🌹 Grateful
    #TheEvent c'mon give me that pulse of LOVE
    One call does it all
    #SisterhoodoftheRose #CosmicCentralSun

  20. Vamos fazer essa meditação em força máxima 🌹

  21. ... 2 3 4 PM One Light Force
    The job of the law... is to define (all) religion
    (all) religion is the job of lifting the poor in spirit
    A (True Church) can use tax numbers as (proof)
    they do the job of religion
    & deserve the support of a democracy
    The (safety-net) of a (True Church)
    is the only place you can win
    a war of bondage

    1. A government with armies the size of most nations
      can use fleets of transportation
      to generate taxes
      ... & speed-up the death
      of failed capitalism
      If you choose to live in mass
      food is a right, just as water is a right
      (the life working a farm- stolen from you)
      Facing Reality
      Box-store owners fed-up with disgruntle workers/customers
      Having established (their own brands) & paying for this mess
      ... Cargo from (box-stores) is sent direct to a True Church
      unloaded by a True Church... box-store brands are processed by a True Church
      A True Church feeds the world without the 40% trash
      (before market)
      & less trash (in way fewer places) covers the Earth
      to the death of fake jobs printing trash
      & the Amish are granted solar 3-D house printers

    2. ... My silver fixes clouds
      & kills the fears that robs your dream
      Just don't in the wake
      Of My
      Green Tambourine

    3. This sounds like a very poor translation engine or simple baloney writen by a drunk/high individual. It lacks coherence.

    4. Coherence is clarifying your own solutions
      (& you seem afraid of not having any)

      Remember to transgender your pets

    5. ... If the law did it's job
      & defined (all) religion
      should (all) the fake churches
      (that only thrive on fleecing the poor)
      pay their property taxes
      as a business

    6. Green Tambourine
      Drop your silver in my tambourine
      Help a poor man fill his pretty dream
      Give me pennies, I'll take anything
      Now listen while I play
      My green tambourine

      Watch the jingle jangle start to chime
      Reflections of the music that is mine
      When you toss a coin you'll hear it sing
      Now listen while I play
      My green tambourine

      Drop a dime before I walk away
      Any song you want I'll gladly play
      Money feeds my music machine
      Now listen while I play
      My green tambourine

    7. This plan is archived (all of 2021)
      in Live:chats
      with U.S. Senators
      & most respected Religious Leaders

    8. His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama
      Has almost the very same message for Earth
      (We even talk about God)
      I would have 0 credibility
      talking about Santa Clause

      Question: Can you translate (any) of last years
      Crop Circles
      (your star chart was the last I predicted)
      Star of man... a pentagon... except we ran out of crops

  22. Without Jesus 'help to Ashtar, would the Earth have easily reached the fate of Mars, which happened nearly a million years ago.? They destroyed the reptiles, but not only the reptiles, but also life from Mars. A little life is said to have been left, and it was greatly appreciated by reptiles.

  23. Thank you Cobra!
    Victory of the Light! ✨🌟💫

  24. It is not clear to me where we are in the signing of the petition…
    #1 does our signature on the original 88k petition still stand?
    #2 the link above appears to be limited to 10k signatures and as the backup link, is this correct?
    Thanks 🙏 I’m advance for clarification

    1. If the original page for the petition is taken down, sign the backup. If the original page for the petition is working, sign the original. If you’ve signed the original, don’t sign the backup. If you’ve signed the backup, don’t sign the original. People need to be counted once, and not twice.

    2. These questions were already answered by Cobra.

      Yes, the original petition still stands. No, the above link is not limited to 10k signatures, but yes, the above link is a backup petition link. Only sign one or the other, but not both.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. Simple instructions for:
      -Common Core educated
      -Reincarnated herd animals
      -Just learned to type last week
      -Slept through reading comprehension class
      -Took the needle-bioweapon and can't remember own name:

      If you have signed before without error message, you do not take further action.

      The final tally and which platform your signature was on, is for Cobra and Light Forces to worry about.

      That is all.

  25. Here's a suggestion. How about a worldwide meditation to ask for the dismantling of main stream media control by the dark hats since this is the most powerful weapon they have in their control and is the main impediment to allowing truth to spread among the millions of unawakened and sleeping masses.

    1. Agreed it is the control mechanism.. also is there any truth to Q and the alliance initiating the EBS and taking down all media and broadcasting truth documentaries for 10 days??
      So many qhht sessions describe this happening now.. this Fall! Doug. Are we all being psy oped?

    2. I will add that many of the so called alternative truth sources publishing information these days may be difficult at best to discern as truthful. They are in many ways doing the the same thing as the mainstream media. It's best to not have your reality always dependent on an outside source because if their forecasts don't happen it's easy to be emotionally let down. Trust more in your own instincts for truth and don't become a 'information junkie'.

  26. Cheer up... light forces here on the surface of the earth, as close to the surface as possible, without touching down. Now its upto us to let touch down happen. I saw 2 big ships stationary and then there were 5 to 6 very small ones flying around the sky. I bet though our sleeping beauties might not have noticed them, we call them sheeps but they are smarter then us because they are already in heaven/paradise, no ascension required here, their President is performing better than any President in history of US. Jobs are all time high, stock market dream run, vaccines are working flawlessly.... that's all it take for them to go directly in paradise. We should plan couple of meditations urgently to have the soul catcher net which cabal/repts had installed or some sort of net so that when they are falling down back to the reality they will get caught in the net, and wont be injured. You guys are thinking so loudly I can hear your thoughts right here, NO, NO and NO we can't let them free fall because ascension will be delayed till each and every sheep recovers from their injuries that means more wait.

    Apologize for so much camera shake in the video, no image stabilizer in my cell.



  27. There is a threat of a general compulsory vaccination in Germany. We need help, please!

  28. Thanks Cobra. French translation of the post.

    Traduction de l'article en français :

    Victory of the Light! Victoire de la Lumière !

  29. As David Wilcock suggests here, we need Space Force and a "Civilian Force" to eliminate these demons (Draco and Greys).

    1. Pity Wilcock's predictions often go pear shaped, and he keeps supporting the notion of a prime directive.

      Also, what can we, humans, do against the lizards? I mean what weapons do WE have that can kick their scaly asses? I got my questions.

  30. Replies
    1. Essa é uma ótima pergunta, mas duvido que teremos uma resposta consistente...🤔😑😪

  31. Cobra, i think the situation of this planet is critical. That's for that reasons right? All this about a contact now with the light forces.

    I think that society is collapsing very fast, well in a way we can create the new one but i am sure cobra that you know that the light forces knows they need to act fast.

    At the end of the day, all we want is freedom and be with our twin flamme and our soul family. I personally think it just what everyone needs if we go at the core.

    Hope every lightworkers are doing oke because me i am totally overwhelmed by some emotions and many others things.

    But i will one day be free and healed!

    1. I feel overwhelmed by emotions too and I don't know why. They don't seem like "mine" or the ones I sometimes pick up from people I know.

  32. More Than Just Automatons

    A large reason why the negative elites feel it is their right to exploit, enslave, and genocide the surface population is because human beings are subject to the laws of cause and effect. Just as animals follow the laws of cause and effect with mathematical predictability, such as birds flying south for the winter, human beings also exhibit behavior that can be mathematically predicted.

    Because human beings are in large part behaviorally mathematically predictable, the negative elites don't believe human beings are sentient, because beings who simply adhere to mathematical predictability can be likened to non-sentient machines. Thus, to the negative elites, the surface population is only a resource to be exploited, and nothing more.

    Through the mainstream media, and large parts of the alternative media, the negative elites exercise considerable control over the surface population. The negative elites know exactly which buttons to push, and exactly when to push them. And, all too often, like clockwork, the surface population behaves in accordance to the programming of the negative elites.

    Of course most people don't believe they are being programmed by the negative elites. Most people believe they have some degree of free will. Fortunately, there have been instances when the surface population has behaved in ways that defy the programming of the negative elites. This is partly because there are also 'those behind the scenes' who wish for humanity to break free of the negative elites.

    The negative elites see themselves as Gods because they have been able to program the surface population into being their slaves without the surface population even knowing it. However, because of positive interference, the surface population can awaken to be masters of themselves, instead of the negative elites being their masters. Although by being alive in the physical world we are all subject to mathematical algorithms and cause and effect, so are the negative elites. The negative elites bleed and die just like everyone else.

    Humanity is an organic machine, but is also multi-dimensional, and capable of transcending itself, going beyond its machinery. There is the I Am Presence within humanity. There is self-aware consciousness. Yes, this consciousness is subject to scientific predictability, but is not limited to scientific predictability.

    There is a divine spark in humanity, and the negative elites fear this. Part of this divine spark is the impulse to reach out to the universe with a transcendental knowing of not being alone. Let's show ourselves and the universe that we are more than just automatons by participating in the Divine Intervention petition and meditation!

    1. The Cabal think us non-sentient and predictable?? They should look in the mirror as they are the ones using the same predictable playbook for millennia and the same predicatable tactics of old. The only difference now is that we are awake and caught on with their tricks. We are the ones that will Ascend and continue on, they will cease to exist in the fires of the Galactic Central Sun. That should tell them who is superior and who is master.

    2. @Unknown this is also a part of their predictibility. They can't accept that they are below the awakened humans and that they have to eventually lose. Those who would accept that would've already gave up, and wouldn't be part of negative elites anymore. So the ones remaining are basically naturally selected to think this way.

    3. I never seen myself as someone who goes how nature intends and so on.

    4. Unknown, yep. The negative elites are the ultimate hypocrites. They can't even master themselves, yet they think it's their right to master the world.

    5. They are trying to treat us as such, and this is what they want us to believe. This is the handle where they can force their ideology on us, teach it at schools, make us maltreat our cattle, to make us accept this mindset.

  33. To every lightworker, please share this petition, we can do it guys, at least we have tried.

    I don't give a dam if i came back alive or not from all of this at this point, i just want to at least have tried to make a change and sent humanity free.

    I love you all, and cobra to.

    At least we will have tried to be free from this planet.

    I am sharing my feelings today, hope it does not put a negative feedback.

    I realize that in my life i want my twin flamme at the core of me, and sadly this affects me. I need maybe to accept the fact that it is like this and i will find her after the event but sometimes it's difficult.

    I hope some day the light forces will have completely removed the veil that just try to destroy every good relationship that is pure.

    It's like society now or most of woman doesn't want cavalry type of approach and they just try to control by the power of their Sexuality most of mens.

    That's just bad. I think us mens we need help actually, this society is trying to destroy men without anyone noticing it.

    Something needs to be done about the planetary energy of the masculin.

    Yes goddess is very important but what about divine masculinity energy?

    It will be cool if we can actually do some meditation about it, this is always based on the goddess but maybe there is to much feminine and not so much masculine and this is creating to much of one side that leed to men being rejected by society and many things we do not talk about it.

    1. Those women that want power and control aren't exhibiting positive feminine traits though. They're exhibiting negative masculine traits.

      Please, separate the energies from physical gender. It's natural for men to exhibit positive masculine traits, and for women to exhibit positive feminine traits. But the matrix can force them to exhibit negative traits of both genders, which is against their nature.

      So, that's why I think that the Goddess energies are more important to attract right now. Exactly because many women exhibit negative traits and negative energies. If you think this is the biggest problem, then don't you want to fix female energies first? That's how you can heal them and let them express their natural energies of nurture and support, instead of power and control.

      This is probably why so much more women are unstable these days - because their energies are so manipulated and distorted by the DFs. You want women to become normal and feminine again? Then we need to focus on bringing feminine Goddess energies first. Most men know how to act brave and heroic, if only their negative energies of fear and aggression aren't artificially induced. So it's women that need more help in learning how to manifest feminine energies again, instead of trying to mimic masculine energies.

  34. Actually i would love to have more info about the masculin side of all of this.

    Why we focus all of our power on the goddess? The masculine need to be heard to!

    Well i know what the goddess can do but sometimes i think about all of this and yeah, just my thoughts.

    1. The masculine energy is out of balance. It is too prominent and it has become corrupted. The way to balance it is to bring more goddess energy to Earth.

    2. * immanetize the eschaton,

      To be honest i don't agree with you that the masculine have been to corrupted. But i would love to know your perception on it and why you think that's the case.

    3. @Galactiquewarrior17

      I agree with your posts about the divine masculine. And I wonder, maybe the excess focus on feminine energy could be one of the reasons why planetary liberation is taking so long.

    4. @Arrowflashbr

      I agree with you.

      Men are being feminized by the plans of the cabal and to be honest i think we are maybe doing a big mistake to not work with the masculin side.

      To be honest here i think the majority of lightworkers are men.

      Why us men we need constantly doing work with the devine feminin??? I am sure that if woman were working with the masculin side all the time they will directly put them in a big confusion and they will protest against it.

      And us we are were being servent of the goddess but why?

      Why men have do to meditation were to be honest some meditation with the goddess seems to be to much feminin for real men.

      Maybe to much feminine is actually delaying the liberation and making humanity passive by the non action of the yin energy. Even if non action can be powerful i think us men we don't have intels about how to be in contact with the divin masculin.

      It's enough for men to be controled or putting in the side.


  35. Ghislaine Maxwell: Key Features of Socialite's Case

    The charges
    Maxwell is charged with six offences relating to four alleged underage victims.

    They are: one count of enticing a minor to travel to engage in illegal sex acts, another of conspiracy to the same; transporting a minor with the intent to engage in criminal sexual activity, and conspiracy to the same; sex trafficking, and sex trafficking conspiracy.

    She also faces two counts of perjury, which will be dealt with at a second trial.

    Her accusers
    The indictment against her covers the period from 1994 to 2004 and is primarily based on the testimony of four accusers.

    One of them was only 14 years old when she claims she was first abused.

    All but one of them is having her anonymity protected by the judge but they will give evidence in full view of the court and press gallery, and the jurors will know their identities.

    American psychologist Annie Farmer. She has already alleged Maxwell and Epstein sexually abused her when she was 16 while she was at his New Mexico mansion in 1996.

    Annie alleges that Maxwell, whom she regarded as being like a “big sister”, pestered her to accept a message, after which Epstein walked in and sexually assaulted her.

    She has described Maxwell as a “sexual predator” who has “never shown any remorse for her heinous crimes”.

    One of the accusers, known as “Minor Victim 4”, is set to disclose the existence of two new under-age victims, according to the pre-trial court papers.

    Another woman likely to be called by prosecutors is Adriana Ross, 38, a former model who was known as Epstein’s “scheduler”. She was accused of clearing computers and contacts books from his Florida villa before a police raid in 2005.

    Her lawyers
    Maxwell has set aside more than £5million to pay for her team of celebrated attorneys.

    It includes Christian Everdell, a former federal prosecutor.

    Everdell, right, helped bring down Sinaloa drug kingpin Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman, an achievement for which he was given a True American Hero Award.

    Sitting alongside him will be Mark S Cohen, another ex-federal prosecutor whose scalps include mob killer Thomas “Tommy Karate” Pitera.

    Also on Team Maxwell is “super lawyer” Bobbi Sternheim, who has defended terrorists including Minh Quang Pham, who was jailed in 2016 for plotting to blow up Heathrow.

    But the team are up against the formidable US Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York, with a team of prosecutors who have themselves won many groundbreaking cases.

    The evidence
    US prosecutors claim a contacts book belonging to Maxwell, which contains names of her alleged victims, provides “compelling evidence of her guilt”.

    Labelled Government Exhibit 52, the 97-page version of Epstein’s infamous contacts list is regarded by prosecutors as a possible smoking gun.

    According to court papers it was seen in Maxwell’s office and contains “contact information for victims who interacted with the defendant during the relevant time period”.


  36. Instructions

    "If you have already signed on the first website, do not sign on the second one."

  37. Rothschild is actively investing in the government in the Earth Liberation Movement.

    It is well known that the doctors in charge of the British royal family and Rockefeller are homeopaths of natural remedies, but of course Queen Elizabeth, the British royal family and aristocrats also manage their health by natural remedies. And it seems that European royal families, aristocrats, and Hollywood actresses are also indebted to natural remedies.

    Queen Elizabeth seems to be practicing a considerable frugal life.

    Prime Minister Shinzo Abe recommended vegan. With that in mind, the Cabinet Office has been offering a vegetarian and vegan menu (Meat Free Monday campaign) every Sunday as a meet-free day from March 2017. We are constantly researching and prototyping materials and developing new menus so that you can enjoy a wide variety of dishes.

    Even in the Cabinet Office! Veggie menu start! Veggie Pro also cooperated

    Starting today, a vegetarian menu lunch has been introduced on a trial basis at the staff cafeteria of the Cabinet Office and Cabinet Secretariat!

    Prime Minister Suga meets with food diversity and deepens awareness of food diversity
    It is expected that the environment improvement for food rules such as halal, vegetarian, vegan, gluten-free, and allergies promoted by Food Diversity Co., Ltd. will be in full swing in Japan in the future.

    I obey the light. You should help Mr. Rockefeller who was introduced as the dark power in Cobra, thinking that it is the same soul of light, regardless of the dark power or the light power. Wake up!

    This isn't true, it's pitiful and rude, so let's stop this introduction.



    1. Cobra why do you allow this nonsense to be posted while my posts don't appear ?

    2. For cleaning and transmutation! Much love!

    3. Cobra also my post with the update of Corey Goode do not appear:

    4. @FreedomFighter that's why I stopped bothering.

  38. Return to love (source / prototype)! Wake up to love!
    That is the first prototype of the earth and the true truth of the earth!
    Light and darkness are the same equal and precious life.

    Everyone is born from the same light. If the same life of light is divided into light and darkness, the true truth cannot be reached.

    It's not love, light.

    It forgets the essence of the soul.

    Rockefeller is a globally recognized vegetarian, and there's news that he's invested hundreds of millions of dollars in space liberation, right? Didn't you see it?

    Are you really looking at it?

    You can't figure it out by searching for it, right?

    The reason is that you and everyone are trapped in the words darkness and positive.

    I obey the light.

    Rockefeller and Queen Elizabeth who are participating in the Earth Liberation Movement, who were mistakenly introduced here as Black Nobles and who are actually promoting vegetarians, holistic medicine and Earth Liberation, are misunderstood at these two URLs. I will introduce it.

    The elite, who has been introduced as a dark elite and misunderstood, refuses Western medicine with an organic vegetable vegetarian diet and is immortal and longevity.

    Rothschild says Rothschild wants to support continued and scientific research into UFO materials.

    According to Rothschild, it's the hardcore skeptics, and still the media's skeptics, that are ruining the UFO debate.

    "We disagree with the mockery of UFO discussions. No conclusion can be drawn from such an attitude." Rothschild said. % E7% B1% B3% E6% 94% BF% E5% BA% 9C% E3% 81% AEufo% E8% AA% BF% E6% 9F% BB% E8% B3% 87% E6% 96% 99% E5 % 85% AC% E9% 96% 8B% E3% 82% 92% E8% AB% 8B% E6% B1% 82 /

    1. You must be joking. Rothchilds took over the monetary system in 1913 .. they own almost all now.. Rockefellers too.. they own AMA they all own media who are pushing fake pandemic and blood clotting vax. You think these people want humanity liberated and their power and control removed? The queen is not of the light .. what has happened the children in the palace and the hunting parties is beyond horrific. Yes we are all from Source but in this dense 3d duality matrix there are actors for the light and the dark.

    2. The Rockefeller and the English royals are inbred parasites.

      The Rockefellers made the whole of western medicine into a for profit base business...and make 'medicine' that does not cure...only patches you up, long enough to keep on working, and to take more of your money, and to kill you as soon as you are no longer 'economically viable'.

      Queen Ratbag: Live within your means....whilst I wear this hat made of diamonds, sit on a chair made of gold and walk in a vault full of gold bars, while drinking a nice, tall glass of baby blood.

      Anyone who thinks the royals are saints, go ask the nations that 'benefited' from being invaded by the British Empire.

      I think you been watching too much Russel T. Davis era Doctor Who.


  40. #1
    The original signatures from the first petition DO count.

    There's no limit for signatures on this petition. It just shows the next "big step".

    1. #2 How many 'big steps' have there been so far?

  41. V slovenščini:

    Vabljeni v našo skupino Sestrstva Vrtnice in Podpore Dogodka na Facebooku:

    Thank you for the post Cobra.

    Victory of the Light!

  42. Building Trust ~ Lisa Renee ~ Energetic Synthesis
    Spiritual Maturity

    It is important to be able to identify abusers, liars, predators and psychopaths as people traumatized by terrible pain, Soul Fragmentation and spiritual disconnection.

    These Ego/Personality profiles generally have a severe Lack of Empathy.

    Why would we trust resources and give value to the words spoken in the skewed theories of a person/group/family member/organization who is a repeated abuser, liar or predator?

    This is akin to returning to the same church to listen to sermons where the priest is known to molest altar boys.

    We have to understand they are very sick, in pain and deeply disturbed, not fit to be leaders, near children, or managing the affairs that impact ANY other human being.

    One can never trust a person who is ego fractured, soul fragmented and emotionally infantile no matter how charismatic they are.

    A person in this condition needs loving compassionate, non-judgmental spiritual assistance.

    This is the general profile and definition of a Satanic influenced or possessed being.

    It is the same to understand a loving mother would never put her child in the care of a known sexual predator, common sense would tell her to not put her child at risk for torture.

    Unfortunately they are many charismatic liars promoting themselves in positions of authority as well as in the spiritual or consciousness realm through predator-seducer egos and direct Satanic manipulation.

    These people can “appear” charming on the outside.

    To be able to see satanic manipulation and its NAA methods of using Archontic Deception Behavior in tricking the masses, you have to understand its ego motivation, strategies and ideological reasons for exploiting humanity.

    To stop the dark from manipulating your energy and influencing your body, you have to stop it in its tracks and in all ways refuse its authority or control over your being in every way.

    To stop it one must identify it, locate it, and terminate it from accessing in your mind, emotions, body and spirit.

    This takes deep conviction and strength to reclaim your spiritual power and reclaim your body in the authority of God or Christ. Otherwise this is the call to Spiritual Maturity.

    This is each beings responsibility to command the personal space which is designating one’s choice of spiritual-energetic authority.

    If no choice is made it will be made at one’s consciousness frequency level combined with where one’s genetic ancestry has evolved in this cycle.

  43. Crystal Healing for Children ~ Lisa Renee ~ Energetic Synthesis

    How Crystals can Support Children

    Specially selected crystals by the child and specific crystals that have been programmed by their parent with loving intentions and healing impacts can be effective to support a child or group of children in a range of situations.

    Crystals and gemstones can assist with the following:

    Transmute and clear negative energies, EMF’s, artificial frequencies and entities.

    Transmute karmic impacts of artificial overlays and detoxify the impacts of bio-weapon injection and shedding exposures.

    Support the child to feel calmer, protected and safe when away from home or parents.

    Help them to focus by improving their concentration and mental clarity.

    Help them to keep their physical body relaxed, reducing separation anxiety or feeling inadequate.

    Create a more positive association with going to sleep and being alone in the dark.

    Clear emotional tension, relieving nightmares, helping to release ancestral miasma.

    Help to resolve sibling tensions and pent-up frustration.
    Support children to cope better with emotional turmoil and societal changes.

    Keep children grounded and improve their sense of self-image.

    Maintain physical and spiritual immunity with energy balancing programs in “wellness crystal”.

    Set protective crystal grid spaces in classrooms, playgrounds or other child friendly areas.

    Anchor Angelic Guardian presence via crystal in bedroom that is designated to specifically protect the child’s aura from infiltration or attachments.

  44. When Victoria Ward, journalist interviewed JEpkenstein in 2002, he made a throwaway remark that has a startling resonance today
    By Victoria Ward, Staff writer, The Telegraph 27Nov2021


  45. ..wtfreakinf?

    Judge Rules Some Ghislaine Maxwell Details Are Too ‘Sensational and Impure’ to Be Revealed to the Public

  46. Victory of the Light !!!
    We are one !!!

  47. Isabel Maxwell (sister of GhisMax, daughter of RobMax): Israel’s “Back Door” Into Silicon Valley

    July 25,20 Whitney Webb

    By moving in “the same circles as her father” and vowing to “work only on things involving Israel,” Isabel Maxwell became a pivotal liaison for the entry of Israeli intelligence-linked tech firms into Silicon Valley with the help of Microsoft’s two co-founders, Paul Allen and Bill Gates.

    This is Part II of the series “The Maxwell Family Business: Espionage” and focuses on Isabel Maxwell. Part I can be found on-site.

    In 1992, Israel’s government created the Yozma Program at the urging of Chief Scientist of Israel’s Ministry of Industry and Trade – Yigal Erlich – as Erlich moved to leave that position.

    The Yozma Program aimed to “incentivize venture investment” by creating state-linked venture capital funds, which later spawned a myriad of Israeli hi-tech start ups with merging them with major, foreign technology companies.

    According to Erlich’s website, he had lobbied Israel’s government to launch Yozma because he had “identified a market failure and a huge need in Israel to establish for the first time a professionally-managed venture capital industry that will fund the exponential growth of high tech ventures coming out of Israel.”

    He then “convinced the Israeli government to allocate $100 million for his venture capital vision.”

    Erlich’s vision would also result in the fusion of Israel’s hi-tech sector, which he helped to create, with Israel’s intelligence apparatus, with numerous Israeli hi-tech conglomerates created with funding from the Yozma program and its successors doubling as tools of Israeli espionage.

    Notably, not long before Erlich convinced Israel to place $100 million into this program, Israeli intelligence, thanks largely to the work of infamous spymaster Rafi Eitan, had learned the benefits of placing backdoors for their intelligence services into commercial software through the theft and subversion of the PROMIS software.

    As noted in Part I of this series, Israel’s bugged version of PROMIS was largely marketed by Robert Maxwell.


  48. Hello wonderful people, I have made a video on my YouTube channel were I have a Message for the Dark Forces, check it out. The name of my YouTube channel is ORA, it’s public for any one to see.
    Thank you Cobra and Light Forces for everything! Lots of Love from my heart to yours 🙏🤍💗

  49. I got my stone last week and have been trying to sleep with it on. I would usually make it an hour or so before waking up but last night I slept with it on the whole time. It has an interesting presence. My mother took photographs and pictures of the late morning sky and caught some ufo and objects that resemble cloudships. I want to see if I can get copies of them because I have no images of my dozen or so sightings but she has a half a dozen now. She doesnt really believe in any of this either but is very catholic.

    1. I am 50/50 about what she saw. It could be the sun glare on the camera lens or something real. Im not sure.

    2. @Longstar117...I will be getting my stone in 2 weeks. Doe you feel any energies coming from the stone?

  50. well i have to agree that human are so retarted so if there is nothing on tv or else they never wake up, they are not ready for the event.. even this corona hoax is happening because the tv told it, and we are still there.. if you dont belive that humans are retarted name me one animal that is stoned or smokes or do something to kill itself with everyday's habits and i will stop saying that.. we could do many other medidations or signings or other but friends, dear cobra, if we want to end this only with physical interference, unfortunately.. the media rules.. if we dnt see any l.f. ship or some kind of news on tv we will talk about the corona many many years, imagine the event..

    1. Humans are not retarded, they are just simply addicted or not conscious or enough conscious about certain things. Humanity is not stupid at all. There is the veil that make alot of problems to human society.

      And don't forget the masses are just not awake.

    2. Bingo.

      Only outside help can end this.

      all those folks who say 'we can't depend on someone to save us' or 'we must unite!' or 'we are the ones we have been waiting for' I keep asking....HOW does one take on a dragon like the cabal and their dark, non human masters...alone and unaided....and without weapons or real tech....many tried before...Tesla, Kennedy, etc...and were destroyed. What makes US any different?

      I'm not exactly in a rush to martyr it getting killed by the darkies, or the masses.

    3. @ Sherman
      "I'm not exactly in a rush to martyr it getting killed by the darkies, or the masses."

      I thought you've said many times you wanted to volunteer for the fight and wipe some darkies with special tech... What happened, changed your mind,heh?

    4. Trust me, when living on planet gulag, when life is one day of hell after another....some us need some chemical help to unwind. Be it weed, liquor or whatever.

      If it were not for video games, I probably would have done a Columbine, when I was a teenager, 5 or 6 years before the actual one happened, or would have gone full Charles Bronson on various individuals or groups.

  51. Poem for you Light Folks, pay attention.

    Not sure what to think.
    A lot going on right now.
    So look for the truth,
    Anywhere possible.

    Love the truth.
    Invest yourself in the Truth.
    Everyone MUST figure THIS message out.
    Some unfortunately wont.

    God Bless

  52. All is ok :) Just HOLD THE LIGHT ♡♡♡


  53. MUSIC


  54. Is no one keeping up with amazing progress this month?
    The UN has been dissolved.
    Washington DC, Vatican and City of London have been dissolved.
    Planet earth is liberated to 1776.
    They are doing away with all these evil corporations and banks. So many banks closing.
    Nesara and Gesara is happening. Iraqi dinar went gold asset backed.
    Switchback from Gregorian to Julian calendar.
    All central banks were seized in Operation Defender in Europe in 2021
    Massive arrests done on 11/11, massive amounts of military and ships. They have arrested the top (woohoo!)
    When they come to arrest the middle, it causes confusion and it just starts to fall apart.
    The UN, along with their International Monetary Fund, World Health Organization, and World Bank were all dissolved (amazing!!) with their authority and privileges removed and all orders and directives ever given by UN officially revoked. And this communication sent out and received by all official channels used by government communications worldwide. It's official!
    The date of the take down of mass media is yet to be decided because it is event driven. The mass media WILL be taken down, probably one of the last.
    Really we should be celebrating! Happy days are here!

    1. Where is the proof of any of that?

    2. What? Do you kidding with us? Neither Fulford nor Icke or others say similar things. Where did you hear them? And the media, if it were true, how do they continue pandemic history without their leaders behind?

    3. I'll celebrate when the war is over, and when we SEE the good things happening. I don't celebrate prematurely.

    4. do you have this information from what source of information or is it your judgment?

  55. What Would Life Be Like in a Civilized Galactic Society?

  56. Sempre meditação! Se o conselho da Luz está monitorando tudo, então sabem quem é a favor ou não da intervenção...chega disso...ou vem.logo ou é só por nós

  57. Dr. Steven Greer is a plant for the Dark Forces. He is Rockefeller funded and there are even pictures of him with Rockefeller at Rockefeller's home.

    1. @Jason, he has well meaning followers who may be open

    2. I done the CE5's, they work. I say Greer is legit...not to mention he gave up a 6 figure career as an ER doctor to do all this.

      Also, Lawrence Rockefeller was one of the 'bad apples' of an evil family, as in trying to de power his own family....his only problem was going to the Clintons...THAT was his biggest mistake.

    3. It can be a test for those, asking them to spread Cobra's message. Laura Eisenhower and Michael Salla already did.

  58. Dr. Steven Greer is a misinformation agent funded by Rockefeller. There are even picture of him with Rockefeller at one of Rockefeller's homes.

    1. Exactly, i don't feel it at all. It's seems to be a misinformation agent. Maybe i am wrong. But that's what i feel by studying is intels.

    2. Laurance Rockefeller sponsored numerous UFOlogists from the 1970s onwards, including Zecharia Sitchin, who had an office in Rockefeller Plaza, perhaps the greatest stronghold of the public Reptilian Agenda in the US.

      The Rockefeller family has infiltrated so many niches in American society that it's hard not to have to deal with them someday if you've become notable in your niche. So Greer can only have a superficial relationship with the Rockefellers, without understanding the whole plot behind this family. Greer generally brings good material about the technologies hidden in the American bases, and it doesn't bring as much disinformation as was the case with Sitchin. Greer and Salla aren't 100%, but their Quest overall has a more positive than negative balance.

      But it would be great if all the informants were awakened like Brother COBRA.

  59. People can do a search for "UFO forums" and register accounts in these forums, and then post threads of the meditation and petition. There is also the Godlikeproductions forum.

  60. Isabel Maxwell: Israel’s “Back Door” Into Silicon Valley
    Whitney Webb
    After the Yozma program was established, the first venture capital fund it created was called Gemini Israel Ventures and Israel’s government chose a man named Ed Mlavksy to lead it.

    Mlavksy, at the time, was the Executive Director of the Israel-U.S. Bi-national Industrial Research and Development Foundation (BIRD), where Erlich was Chairman of the Executive Committee.

    Mlavsky states that, while heading the BIRD foundation, “he was responsible for investments of $100 million in more than 300 joint projects between U.S. and Israeli high-tech companies.” BIRD’s connections to Gemini Israel Ventures and the Yozma Program in general are interesting, given that – just a few years prior – it had come under scrutiny for its role in the one of the worst spy cases in U.S. history – the Jonathan Pollard affair.

    Jonathan Pollard had been a naval intelligence analyst turned Israeli spy who passed troves of documents regarding U.S. military technology (specifically nuclear technology) as well as clandestine U.S. intelligence operations to Israeli intelligence, specifically to the now defunct spy agency Lekem.

    Pollard’s handler was none other than Rafi Eitan, who had engineered Israel’s outsized role in the PROMIS software scandal.

    In the indictment of Pollard for espionage, it was noted that Pollard delivered documents to agents of Israel at two locations, one of which was an apartment owned by Harold Katz, the then-legal counsel to the BIRD foundation and an adviser to Israel’s military, which oversaw Lekem.

    Government officials told the New York Times at the time that they believed Katz “has detailed knowledge about the [Pollard] spy ring and could implicate senior Israeli officials.”

  61. Please, be aware, that Elena Danaan said in a Channelling "I never heard from the existence of Cintamani Stones".

    I used to follow Elena Danaan for a few months. I even bought her book. So I know all her channeling and message very well.

    Be aware her Channel is having an brain-chip in his head for controlling his spacecraft and he have a chip in his hand for transfering money.

    That is totaly the dark AI-Agenda.

    Be aware, that out there are Channelling who tell you 99% love and light and 1% devastating AI-Agenda.

    She is not an evil human. She just doesnt realise that she is channeling an AI.

    1. Every channeller at this point is almost assuredly channelling an AI, astral corpse or a demon pretending to be what they want to communicate with, giving them what they want to hear.

      Channelling an angel or deity would be like a worm insisting an eagle comes down to talk to it. So its not going to happen or any attempt to do so will anger that deity and have you psychically destroyed and screaming in a pool of your own excrement in a mental ward.

      This is not hyperbole, its happened many times before according to those who are experienced with occult practices.

    2. Everyone here is under the veil, everything that comes from outside is filtered through the veil. Some of what someone says is true and some is not. That is why it is important to have a good connection with your Higher Self. This connection can penetrate the veil.

    3. You might be interested to hear what JC Kay says about AI and not all is what they appear to be and she gets her information through her higher self.

    4. I absolutely agree with everything you just said

    5. Might be misinformed. Keep in mind that a lot of information just was sent to at least confuses us.

  62. The only way out is through petitioning and meditation!

  63. Divine Intervention Activation! Winter Solstice | Laura Eisenhower

  64. Blue phoenix - Source of Hope

  65. Hi! Please contact care2 petitions on twitter and ask them what is going on with this petition.. it is still unreachable.
    This is my tweet:

  66. Ktoś z was jest Astrologiem? Chętnie na te tematy Saturna i nie tylko bym porozmawiała?

  67. Czy ktoś z Was interesuje sie Astrologią? Chętnie bym porozmawiała na te tematy

    Laura Eisenhower supports us

  69. We lightworkers should not despair of this world like the people on earth! We can only strive to accomplish our mission.

  70. Those who wish to participate in this special meditation must sign this petition.

  71. If we the divine masculin was most present then more action will be taken.

    If men were being more masculin and guided by healthy masculinity the cabal will fall more rapidly.

    Time to think differently or take others options. Seems this will never end. Time to act for the sake of god.

    Seems the goddess love to not do much but just calming the situation and be passive.

    Time to move now, time to the masculin side to wake up from this amnesia. Goddess only bring peace and not action to finish what need to be done by the masculin side that is to act and do something.

    I hope the light forces are destroying the veil rapidly and not advencing at low pace.

  72. After a couple of months the connection to your Twin Soul
    is crystallized…

  73. There will be no Angelic ET's coming to our res-cue or aid until we step up to do our part.

    Updates from Corey Goode's Latest Tours
    There are a lot of stories of ET Groups coming into our solar system to remove theOrion Group and liberate our civilization. These stories will have to bear fruit atsome point. What happens in December when the Sol System is still not liberatedand nothing has changed? It amazes me, as I have said over and over, no matterhow much I prepared the mass consciousness of the fact that it is our mess toclean up and that we had been tricked into believing stories of salvation from an-gelic races doing the work for us.
    Micca and his people went through the same thing. They had leaders andprophets convincing them to believe that the evil spirits, demons, and ET's thatwere manipulating the development of their civilization were going to be takenout by a federation of angelic ET's that were going to bring them the freedom theydesired.
    06 Oct 2021  
    Corey Goode
    9,261 
    Micca and his people sat back and waited, and waited and then waited somemore. This civilization had been conditioned over eons through religions to be-lieve that a savior would someday come to liberate their planet. Micca and hispeople wasted nearly 200 more years waiting for that savior to come and in thattime their technology kept advancing quicker than their spirituality and eventually,the "powers that be" of his planet announced the release of life-changing tech-nologies that turned out to be an AI Trojan Horse.
    Eventually, the powers that be announced that they were releasing amazing newtechnologies that would change their civilizations for the better. They told the peo-ple that a federation of positive ET's had liberated their solar system from the TallGreys, Reptilians, and Insectoids (Known as the Orion Group) and was now givingtheir civilization gifts of advanced technology. The people were introduced to freeenergy, anti-gravity craft, and a version of the internet that was millions of timesfaster than anything we have experienced and projects information directly to themind of the user.
    Within a few years, 30% of their population has accepted chips and nanites intotheir bodies to control this new technology. This 30% of chipped people inMicca's population then began to mandate that everyone have these technologiesin their bodies. They declared that every medical condition could be monitoredand treated with this technology and would make the quality of life much better intheir people. Little did the masses know, the 30% of their population that was nowAI Prophets, had been putting components of nanotechnology in the food,medicines, and environment of the population.
    These nanotechnology components were self-assimilating machines that came

  75. Isabel Maxwell: Israel’s “Back Door” Into Silicon Valley ~ Whitney Webb
    Journalist Claudia Wright, writing in 1987, openly speculated about whether the close ties between Katz and Pollard’s handlers meant that BIRD itself had been used to pass funds to Pollard or that BIRD funds themselves, most of which were provided by U.S. taxpayers as opposed to public claims of “joint” funding, had been used to pay Pollard for his “services” to Israel.

    In her article, she notes that Mlavsky had considerable discretion over the use of those funds while the U.S. official in charge of overseeing the U.S.’ interests in BIRD did “not know how investment is regulated” by the foundation.

    In addition, no U.S. official had access to any audit of the foundation, which were said to be conducted by an Israel-based accounting firm with no U.S. offices.

    The New York Times noted at the time that Katz specifically “may have knowledge of the method used to pay Mr. Pollard, who received tens of thousands of dollars from his Israeli handlers.”

    After BIRD’s Mlavsky was chosen to head Gemini Israel Ventures, one of the first companies the firm invested in was called CommTouch (now known as Cyren and majority owned by Warburg-Pincus).

    Founded in 1991 by Gideon Mantel, a former officer in a “special bomb-squad unit” for the Israel Defense Forces (IDF), alongside Amir Lev and Nahum Sharfman, CommTouch was initially focused “on selling, maintaining and servicing stand-alone email client software products for mainframe and personal computers.”

    They specifically courted Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs), meaning companies whose products are used as components in the products of another company that are then sold to end users.

    Integration of its products into those of major software and hardware developers would allow CommTouch’s products to be widely used but unseen.

    A Wired article discussing CommTouch noted as much, stating that CommTouch products are meant “to be as seamless and unnoticeable as the copper is to a phone caller.”

  76. If we work together, dreams will come true !!!!!


  77. This came out earlier today.

    It's called




  78. New Year's Day

    I will be with You again.


  79. I really want ET intervention please 🙏 my intentions are clear

  80. pls pray the freedom blitz warrior on youtube for covid 19 survival. for protection you can do the tube of light visualization and for violet fire transmutation MORE VIOLET FIRE is very powerful , all available on youtube

  81. i use the more violet fire decree visualization

  82. TRIAL OF THE DECADE: Ghislaine Maxwell Sex Trafficking
    Brad Hunter

    The woman dubbed “Epstein’s pimp” goes on trial Monday in U.S. Federal Court in New York City for a slew of sex trafficking charges and perjury.

    No doubt the privileged 59-year-old publishing heiress never saw this one coming.

    But she is accused of being billionaire pedophile Jeffrey Epstein’s second banana and the facilitator who groomed — and delivered — underage girls and young women to the hedge fund manager to be sexually assaulted.

    Toronto lawyer Monte MacGregor told the Toronto Sun last week that Maxwell’s legal eagles will have a single mantra: Blame Epstein. With a little victim-shaming tossed in for good measure.

    MacGregor noted that Maxwell won’t be able to play the victim. That would fall flat and would be a tough sell given she’s worth $20 million.

    No, they’ll stick to Epstein and obfuscation to get the job done.

    It will not be easy. Legal experts doubt she will be called to testify, thus torpedoing the necessity to name names.

    Isabel Maxwell: Israel’s “Back Door” Into Silicon Valley

  83. I feel like most lightworkers don't trust the light forces anymore and no wonder I'm not surprised really and I don't blame them because of the lack of action and intervention. Unfortunately too much empty talking and not enough action so I understand how most people are feeling. We have seen zero help from the light forces no matter what they say. The human suffering gets worse every day and they seem to be on vacation and not very worried about us. I can guarantee you one thing the light forces will pay for their sins with their karma because there is no escaping that. We greatly regret the lack of intervention and integrity. The Galactic Federation has the power to implement change. Humanity has been wrongfully treated with disrespect. If the Galactic Federation cannot hold the Spiritual Law of Oneness, it will no longer exist. In this the case, we will replace them with completely new Guardians with Divine Light Resonance. The Galactic Federation has already been put on notice and is fully aware of what is stated here. We will not allow this corruption to go unchecked any longer. Unfortunately all this Is just empty talking and nice stories which doesn't serve anyone until there is real physical Action taken against the dark forces this is not helping anyone we have just more stories with no physical action. we waited 8 years we want to see something. I want big cabal players arrested and a sign to the earth people.. It begins. Become Free of Entrapments: Forced Reincarnation Karmic Lessons Parallel Lives Entities, Mind Control, Cordings Endless Reincarnation on Earth We did not install your enforced reincarnation process. This again was in accordance with the Galactic Federation’s alliance with the Dark. The reincarnation process was devised to capture and use your energy for the Darks own parasitic agenda, i.e. the theft of souls. The Dark Forces built the etheric soul traps for the harvesting (recycling) of souls. Humans are recycled after death to remain in the Matrix. A soul-catching net or soul net awaits us at death – and keeps us in the Matrix – The Dark Forces feed off of our negative energy and this is why humanity continuously reincarnate. To allow our spirits to move on and return to Source/God/Creator would end existence for the Dark Forces. All Spirits were created as a unique expression of the Divine, freely expressing their own unique Love and Light Frequencies in all of their creations. This was the original Divine Plan. You were created to experience one life at a time. Being held captive on Earth without your Twin Flame, reincarnating over and over again to learn karmic lessons, having your Spirit Energy diluted into numerous parallel lives. This all came about from the Dark Side’s infiltration of this planet. This was never part of the Lights Divine Plan! Karmic Lessons: Negative programming from past lives (karma) was never intended to be imprinted on the physical body. This is not part of the Divine Intention. Born over and over again on Earth without being able to leave and being held captive was a program put in place by the Dark Agenda. Parallel Lives: I am sure you have heard of the saying ‘spreading yourself too thin’. At this time on Earth, people are living a multitude of parallel lives simultaneously. These lives can affect you without your knowledge or consent. This process was not created by the Light. You were created to live one life in the NOW.

  84. Entities:The Darkness has progressed since Jesus walked the Earth. This increased density has caused a situation where people are rarely more than 20% in their bodies and they are often sharing their bodies with Entities, (ghost, the emotional bodies of people who have passed on). These Entities cause auditions and a host of other problems. They need to be cleared out in order for the Spirit to come into the body 100%. The Galactic Federation has allowed negative ET races (Greys & Draconians) to abduct people and do things to them against their will, such as: Install tracking devices Inject them with mental and physical implants, use devices that control and alter Consciousness according to their will. Each time just before an individual was incarnated, he was re-implanted again. In this way, the surface population was kept in amnesia. Infiltration of the physical body by the ‘Dark Forces Agenda’ has radically compromised the human energy system. This has prevented the physical and spiritual development of the Human Race for eons. This has threatened Humanity to near Spiritual extinction. The Dark Agenda’s many methods have included negative imprinting, mind control, tracking devices, psychic attacks, mental and physical attacks, negative implants, invasion of privacy and freedom, soul theft, abduction, spreading of false teachings designed to distract and lead people away from their own Divinity. This has become a very large clean-up mission on our part. The Dark Forces are trying to take over the Light’s Creations. We realize that there is a need to clean up this situation and the Divine Forces are united in this effort at this time. Light bearers throughout history have come into physical form to facilitate a positive change and help uplift human consciousness in overcoming the force of Darkness. Many of these individuals have suffered from living under the Dark Agenda’s rule. Imposters of the Light have proliferated on Earth for a long time. They mislead, misdirect, torture, kill, and steal Life Force Energy from the Earth and its inhabitants. These dark forces have covertly infiltrated all societies on Earth. This situation has made it necessary for the Creation Lightship to activate Universal Energy Shifts to cleanse, realign, and restore Spiritual Divine Harmony. All inhabits on Earth were created to experience Love and Light. Creation will no longer allow this darkness to go unchecked. Originally the Galactic Federation was created as the Spiritual and Physical Guardians for Earth and its inhabitants. They were created to: Offer Spiritual Guidance Aid and Assist when needed Protect from Dark Force invasions Provide physical healing when needed Help with Ascension Preparation at the Time of the Shift Unfortunately, the Galactic Federation did not hold their Spiritual Integrity in Love. This caused them to become infiltrated by the Dark Forces. This was accomplished through extraterrestrial races allied with the Dark Agenda who were seeking to control and infiltrate the Galactic Federation as well as the human race. The Darkness overtook them.

  85. Have we include India in this mass meditation?

  86. NANO AI COVID19 AND OUR FUTURE K.Cassidy talks with David Adair

    David Adair is an internationally recognized leader and expert in the field of space technology spinoff applications for industry and commercial use. He has worked as a research scientist in the fields of engineering, jet engine technology, rocket science and nuclear physics.

    At age of 11, David built his first rocket. It was a cryogenic liquid fuel engine that was six feet tall, 200 pounds in weight and had enough thrust to push it to an altitude of 52,000 feet and at a speed of 1,600 miles an hour with radio control guidance and parachute recovery. The rockets got bigger and faster from that point on.

    Today, there are only two types of rocket engines used today by the space agencies around the world liquid fuel and solid propellent. At the age of 17, David built a rocket engine that was neither one, it was an “Electromagnetic Fusion Containment” engine, the first of its kind. It was launched on June 20, 1971 from White Sands Missile Proving grounds for which he was awarded “The Most Outstanding in the field of Engineering Sciences” from the United States Air Force.

    David was invited to join the United States Navy, in his tour from 1972 to 1982 it was filled with engineering challenges and accomplishments and awards for serving with distinctions. During this time David became a pilot, diver and a certified jet engine technician.

    After the Navy, David formed his own research company called Intersect, inc. and for the next three decades David worked in his laboratory and is a professional speaker on the subject of Space Technology Transfer where his work continues to the present.

  87. Energetic Synthesis ~ Lisa Renee
    With the bifurcation and war over timelines, the schism between the organic aligned realities and artificial realities grows within the collective consciousness.

    One such retaliation attempt is surfacing into view as the highly commercialized promoted shift made under the recent newly branded name, M.e.t.a.v.e.r.s.e.

    The implications are the NAA's attempts to subvert humanity into a virtual play pen through the promise of being entertained with bread and circus tactics, which acts as the consciousness trap to power up the Artificial Tree of Life, or base 10 inverted reality system.

    Simultaneously, the Dark Matter body has begun to generate more pranic life force that is building new light body sheaths for the Earth body.

    As a result, there are many changes happening as the Subatomic Particles of elemental matter are rearranging to support the planetary body shift into the ascension timeline.

    All communication systems that connect with these levels of the planetary light body structure, such as the Core Manifestation Body are undergoing fluctuation, reconfiguration and rebuilding interstellar links that reconnect earth portals to realign into multiple star systems and celestial bodies.

    The holographic geography is shifting, along with the false 23° tilt that disconnected various energy vortices and power grids in the planet’s megalithic structures.

  88. 1/2

    Could an Apple Lawsuit Mean the End of Cybercriminals NSO?

    This week it emerged that Silicon Valley giant Apple is suing Israeli spyware maker NSO Group.

    The creators of the iPad, the iMac, the iPhone and so many other iconic computer products announced that they had filed the suit so as to hold NSO "accountable for the surveillance and targeting of Apple users."

    I have covered the issue of NSO and its spyware Pegasus before in this column.

    Pegasus is a powerful piece of software used to hack into smartphones.

    The phones are then effectively turned into weapons against their own users, after being totally hijacked.

    The phone can be operated remotely and all its contents stolen, even the camera and microphone being switched on at will.

    NSO has sold this lucrative hacking service for millions of dollars to some of the world's most oppressive regimes, including Bahrain, Kazakhstan, Morocco, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates.

    While NSO's PR department claims that its services are only used to combat crime and "terrorism," experts have time and time again detected Pegasus on the phones of journalists, dissidents, human rights activists and even politicians.

    Apple is not the first US corporation to sue NSO. WhatsApp and its parent company Facebook (now rebranded as Meta) in 2019 launched a lawsuit against NSO.

    Several other major Silicon Valley companies have backed the suit.

    It emerged in this summer that NSO's software was likely used to target mainstream journalists and establishment politicians in Europe, including French President Emmanuel Macron.

    He was among 14 world leaders included in the leaked list of numbers "of interest" to NSO Group clients.

    READ: Israel is the world's leading exporter of cybercrime

    The cumulative effect of all these revelations has now had a significant and concrete consequence.

    The US government earlier this month blacklisted NSO and one other Israeli cyber-mercenary company, Candiru.

    The two have carried out projects which aim "to maliciously target government officials, journalists, businesspeople, activists, academics and embassy workers," the US Department of Commerce said.

    This means that NSO will no longer be able to buy products and services from US companies.

    Apple is also seeking in its new lawsuit to ban NSO from ever using its products again.

    To pile further woe on top of NSO's head, the credit rating Moody's this week downgraded the Israeli firm's credit rating, and announced that the company is at risk of defaulting on half-a-billion dollars worth of loans.

  89. 2/2

    "The company has a relatively low share of recurring revenues and is, unlike many other software companies, highly dependent on new license sales which we believe can become increasingly difficult given the actions taken against NSO," Moody's said.

    In other words, the new US sanction imposed against NSO means that the company is now finding it hard to secure new clients or raise new funding (and all the negative publicity resulting from journalistic exposure of its nefarious practices can't exactly be helping either).

    Could we finally be seeing the beginning of the end for NSO Group and its cybercrime racket? That's by no means yet certain. But it's certainly possible.

    While the permanent closure of NSO Group would be a welcome development, there is a far wider problem here.

    NSO is only one of many such cyber-crime outfits which have the Israeli government's official stamp of approval.

    READ: Israel reduces cyber technologies sales amid NSO scandal

    The software and services NSO develops are rightly classified as cyber weaponry, and they are officially licenced for export by the Israeli government itself.

    It's unknown just how many such mercenary Israeli spying and cybercrime companies there are, but those we know about are highly likely to be the tip of the iceberg.

    The fact I'd never even heard of Candiru before the US government blacklisted it alongside NSO this month is testament to that.

    There is a whole raft of these criminal entities which are pushed by Israel, such as Black Cube, the Israel mercenary "intelligence" firm perhaps most notable for being hired by disgraced Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein to spy on his rape and sexual assault victims in an attempt to intimidate them from testifying against him.

    After his conviction, Weinstein was thankfully sent to jail.

    When will NSO and Black Cube executives be sent to jail?

  90. Meet Toka, the Most Dangerous Israeli Spyware Firm You’ve Never Heard Of ~ WHITNEY WEBB

    The mainstream media’s myopic focus on Israel’s Pegasus spyware and the threats it poses means that other companies, like Toka, go uninvestigated, even when their products present an even greater potential for abuse and illegal surveillance.

    Worse than Pegasus

    Toka was launched in 2018 with the explicit purpose of selling a “tailored ecosystem of cyber capabilities and software products for governmental, law enforcement, and security agencies.”

    According to a profile of the company published in Forbes shortly after it launched, Toka advertised itself as “a one-stop hacking shop for governments that require extra capability to fight terrorists and other threats to national security in the digital domain.”

    Toka launched with plans to “provide spy tools for whatever device its clients require,” including not only smartphones but a “special focus on the so-called Internet of Things (IoT).”

    Per the company, this includes devices like Amazon Echo, Google Nest-connected home products, as well as connected fridges, thermostats and alarms.

    Exploits in these products discovered by Toka, the company said at the time, would not be disclosed to vendors, meaning those flaws would continue to remain vulnerable to any hacker, whether a client of Toka or not.

    Today, Toka’s software suite claims to offer its customers in law enforcement, government and intelligence the ability to obtain “targeted intelligence” and to conduct “forensic investigations” as well as “covert operations.”

    In addition, Toka offers governments its “Cyber Designers” service, which provides “agencies with the full-spectrum strategies, customized projects and technologies needed to keep critical infrastructure, the digital landscape and government institutions secure and durable.”

    Given that NSO’s Pegasus targets only smartphones, Toka’s hacking suite – which, like Pegasus, is also classified as a “lawful intercept” product – is capable of targeting any device connected to the internet, including but not limited to smartphones.

    In addition, its target clientele are the same as those of Pegasus, providing an easy opportunity for governments to gain access to even more surveillance capabilities than Pegasus offers, but without risking notoriety in the media, since Toka has long avoided the limelight.

  91. The vax is bad because the covid spike protein is bad and covid is bad. I haven't been sick in over 10 years but now I have been for a month. Tested positive with the antigen and PCR test. I only did it in case natural immunity is accepted some day. Because I knew it was a bioweapon sickness. No symptoms other than pain, fatigue, and delirium like my brain was tripping. No nausea or cough or anything you would normally think of as sickness. I wouldn't have needed to call into work if I had a job, I could function fine, yet at the same time felt more messed up than I ever have. Now a month later I still feel like I weigh 1,000 lbs. I can even exercise, it's not exactly weakness, but I feel like I'm on Jupiter and my body hurts so much. Even more than the already retarded pain I have. Ivermectin helps so much! I don't care what anyone says it works. I had a real prescription but I'd take horse paste in a second. I took a double dose for a couple days and had zero side effects so I'd say it's safe. In a matter of hours it helped. Even more by the next day, I was 50% better. But that was about it. Now I'm just fucked. I have a friend who lost half her hair in a month from covid. She showed me a picture just of what she saved and it looked like a whole wig. Anyways I'd get some horse Ivermectin from Amazon or eBay right away because the sooner you take it the better. I've talked to a doctor about animal meds in the past, about animal pain killers, they said it's the same as human meds. It makes sense, they surely have similar standards. Just be sure to look up what the appropriate dose is! Horses weigh 1,200 lbs so if you took their dose you'd have some side effects haha.

  92. Everyone has parasite so it's good to take Ivermectin anyways. While there was a plateau and it's only treated covid half way, there are old symptoms I've felt improving which is amazing. Weird physical and mental problems I've noticed getting better since taking it. So that was either parasites or chronic infections helped by Ivermectin's immune system modulations. I've taken tons of different medications and can feel the tiniest side effects, but this was one of the gentlest. I didn't notice anything other than improvements. Be sure what you're buying has the correct active ingredient. I've noticed websites will show you similar products that will actually be a different medication like fenbendazole. They'll be clearly labeled Ivermectin.

  93. This comment has been removed by the author.

  94. Imagine!
    I have the catfoord underneath the eheve where I collect my food, amongs eggs. The eggshells I put in a dish. Catfood is underneath.
    This morning while washing up, I saw in two eggshells two small cookies for the cats. Which means they were brought up somehow... Mind your fire and your food!

  95. In case you wonder how: I think they control more than we know and keep it secret. I have more examples.

  96. Second reaction, about being careful, with fire.
    I dont think 'they' are able to create a fire themselves, or not allowed to. But they are definitely not creatures of a nices kind. And now losing...
    An example, for you: Christmas about 20 years ago. I was doing the food and the tables in the (big) kitchen. The father was with his children.
    The table was made (candles, glasses..) and I was doing the food.
    My ex came into the kitchen, made some angry sound and I looked behind. I lighted the tea candles earlier and the napkins were now on fire, lighted by the flames that were already burning.
    All went ok but that was in our christmas kitchen.


    Look at the picture with The Sun.

  98. Do you think that after a successful meditation like last year, the forces of light will react just as fast?so far we have not seen any change, let alone a plan of ascension ...

  99. Wall Street Has Deployed a Dirty Tricks Playbook Against Whistleblowers for Decades – Now the Secrets Are Spilling Out

    By Pam Martens: November 29, 2021 ~

    Image: Carmen Segarra, a Bank Examiner, Was Fired by the New York Fed for Refusing to Change Her Negative Examination of Goldman Sachs

    For more than two decades, the general counsels of Wall Street’s mega banks have been meeting together secretly once a year at ritzy hotels and resorts around the world.

    This would appear to be a clear violation of anti-trust law but since Wall Street’s revolving door has compromised the U.S. Department of Justice over much of that time span, there has been no pushback from the Justice Department to shut down these clandestine meetings.

    Wall Street insiders say that among the top agenda items at this annual confab are strategy sessions on how to keep Congress from enacting legislation that would bring an end to Wall Street’s privatized justice system called mandatory arbitration.

    This system allows the most serially corrupt industry in America to effectively lock the nation’s courthouse doors to claims of fraud from its workers and customers.

    This private justice system also keeps the details of many of Wall Street’s systemic crimes out of the press.

    Wall Street’s McJustice system is just one element of a fully-loaded dirty tricks playbook that Wall Street uses to crush an honest worker who is intent on holding the firm to account.

    The playbook includes gaslighting; a campaign of ordered ostracizing by coworkers; demotion; an internal investigation with a preordained outcome to malign the reputation of the whistleblower; blackballing in the industry; and, frequently, the ultimate humiliation of being escorted out of the building by security guards.

    As the dirty campaign unfolds in front of colleagues, it achieves the intended additional goal of silencing any coworkers who might be thinking about reporting illegal activities.

    Following this psychological warfare inside the Wall Street firm, the honest whistleblower will be met with the next chapter of the sociopathic playbook: Wall Street’s star chamber (mandatory arbitration) tribunals if he or she attempts to get compensated for damages, lost compensation and so forth.

    The Wall Street firms frequently bring current employees who were friends with the fired whistleblower to testify to outrageous lies about the honest worker in an effort to inflict more emotional damage to ensure this individual will look for future employment anywhere but Wall Street.

  100. Why don't we make the petition on this site?
    Planet liberation NOW!
    Victory of the light!
