Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Message to the Surface Population

In a desperate attempt to keep the hold of the planet, the dark forces are reinfecting the three key energy vortexes on the surface of the planet with as much dark anomaly as possible.

These three vortexes are: Bukavu in Congo, Ljubljana in Slovenia and Santa Monica/Los Angeles in the US. These three vortexes were the main entry points for the Archon invasion of 1996.

Their main focus now is the Ljubljana vortex, which they want to use as the energy pivot to crush Europe into totalitarian Great Reset.

Therefore the Light forces are asking everyone who feels so guided to participate in a meditation to heal that vortex every day at 6:45 pm UTC:

Audio guided meditation videos in 18 languages are here: 

Focus of the dark forces is expected to shift from Europe to the US just before February 20th at the moment of the Pluto return for the United States, and we will organize a meditation for the Los Angeles vortex then. 



Also, meditation for peace between Russia and NATO is still very much needed:

Goddess wants peace and peace it will be!



  2. The fact that we hold a lot of primary anomaly too means we can do the job from inside, that's why the light forces need our light inside these primary anomaly to intervene more directly? Because is really hard to grasp our "power" while we are dealing with super-ultra-evolved devil beings from somewhere of the universe.

    This kind of thing are so out of our reality, but count me in of course, what else we will do, cry and wait?

    1. Everythink what we concsciously do change the darkness to light.

    2. @Dede
      I still want a demonstration of this 'power' folks say we have.

    3. Yep Libra! You said it :D We shouldnt fear them, because they fear us!! They know their time is up and cannot much longer stand The Love We Are♡♡♡

    4. You are GOD himself in human form. Don't underestimate you own power!

    5. @ .
      WHAT 'power'? I keep asking what power is that, and for a DEMONSTRATION of said 'power' Actions speak better than words. Yet NO ONE has shown this 'power' in action as of yet. I don't see anyone going all super sayen goku, being able to level entire platoons and machines.

      So, " . ", show us this power. I feel it's a fair request.

    6. Excelente pergunta Sherman, duvido o senhor COBRA responder. Nunca o faz com perguntas inteligentes do tipo...🤔

  3. Thanks for the update!
    Translated to spanish
    Traducido al castellano

    Spanish meditations
    Meditaciones en castellano

    Meditación diaria para sanar el vórtice de Liubliana a las 18:45 UTC

    Meditación urgente por la paz entre Rusia y la OTAN cada 4 horas

  4. En Español:

  5. Arabic translation of this article:
    :الترجمة العربية لهذا المقال

  6. The generals - NATO and Russian did not get funded so war is off

  7. What i don't understand is how they can still menage to infest three vortex in the same time?

    -Plasma praticly cleared

    -Etheric?? 6 months without news so we don't know.

    -Astral praticly all cleared

    -Mental in process.

    Are they using physical rituals to do it?

    Hope the clearing in the mental plane is doing well.

    And by the way, can we have finally some intels about the etheric plane and if the archonte reincarnation process is still operational?

    1. Hope this helps :

    2. I'd like to hear from Cobra on these issues too. He made it sound things were better on the anomaly front. wtf is going on?

    3. Bump ^ Very well posed question. Welcoming further intel on this!

  8. Most of the anomaly in the astral was said to have been cleared. Main anomaly left was said to be on the lower mental plane, and by mid-February all the associated invisibles will be cleared.

    There really shouldn't be much anomaly for the dark forces to work with by February the 20th, especially with the full offensive. If people want to help with the grids though, of course go ahead. Give the dark forces even less to work with.

    This mess should be over with very soon. I would expect that it would be over with very soon because of the direct intervention and because there's so little left to clear in the nonphysical planes, or so it has been strongly implied.

    1. “Urim base … The black cube room … is … and center of the planetary primary anomaly …

      The black cube room also contains a subquantum anomaly container which was brought to Earth from Rigel in 1996.”

      The deeper the plane, the more Primary Anomaly is present.
      The Etheric Plane, the Plasma Plane and the Physical Plane remain.

    2. Hope this helps :

      BTW :
      3k14Pi -- The black stone was the center of anomaly and they are all gone .

    3. "As a result of our Age of Aquarius activation, all significant plasma anomaly and all plasma toplet bombs have been removed."

      "All Black Stones and all Chimera spiders on the surface of the planet, including those in the Urim base, have been removed."

      "While the dark forces are attacking whenever they can, the Light forces are clearing dark networks and have already managed to clear the majority of primary anomaly on the astral plane."

    4. 3k14Pi the urim base was supposed to be cleared or did I misunderstand? This is so frustrating.

    5. @3k14Pi - last posts from Cobra mentioned that ALL cubes have been disintegrated, Urim Base included.

    6. Makes sense to me...all the clearing how much can be left and what dark forces are left who have the ability to fill vortexes with black anomaly?? I assumed by now all negative ETs have been cleared. Confused as I expected per updates by now we would see change on the physical plane ..

  9. "Focus of the dark forces is expected to shift from Europe to the US just before February 20th", that means the demonic administration and his children loving handlers are going to push more anti-human mandates in any way they can. Make sure to stock up on food and have plan B.

  10. Avanti con le nostre Meditazioni che diventeranno delle Esplosioni di Luce per frantumare/trasmutare, pulire/ripulire il nostro Mondo che ci appartiene! Buon lavoro di Luce a tutti quelli che si prestano. VOTL!!!🤗🙏🙌✨💖💜💥♒♾✴

  11. Ok, Vamos nessa ! Vitória da Luz.

  12. Here is the translation in Romanian and Italian! Please follow us on Telegram Cobra channels too! Victory of the Light!

  13. If you light forces think cleaning archons is a little hard,plz call more help from the universe.

  14. Replies
    1. I always take part in meditation s. In this one too.Never give it up.
      However, I am just wondering what kind of positive impact our successful Divine Intervention Meditation has had on the dark forces and on our planetary liberation process?
      Because,this NATO Russian tension and especially the latest Intel related to our planetary lightgrid are not showing it.

  15. Btw... I wish to apologize to the Lightforces for my behavior of late. I've been easily triggered lately and I'm ashamed that my buttons are so easily pressed by dark influences. Please know that I'm pure in my heart as are my intentions. I admit I'm getting tired but my will is strong and will sustain me to the victory we came here to achieve. Please watch over the Lightworkers and Lightwarriors that came here to anchor THE LIGHT... WE really need you as much as you need us to fulfill this mission. We have your backs bright ones... PLEASE have ours. Humanity deserves to KNOW their true origin and divine spark once again and we are here to help them find it... please give us the strength to maintain it within ourselves... 🙏 💯
    Christ Consciousness awaits us ALL!


    1. I know I am the same. I love you Are You hear me?

    2. One of 144k, No need to apologize or entertain the low vibration of shame. Your Brothers and Sisters completely Innerstand. Take action daily to release the buildup in the body via physical yoga practice, connecting with nature, alkalizing the body, igniting love warmth in your heart. Lift weights, dance, listen to Arcturian sound healing on youtube. I have a seemingly daunting task ahead of me as I am here to teach both the people and the official underlings/servants of the corporate psychos and work to uplift and shift them into the light. I moved to a city where an shocking percentage of people are unhealthy on the physical, mental, and emotional levels. It seems it is up to me do go at it alone here in Portland as the population is suffering from a deep fear that keeps their amgydala use blocked, placing their consciousness and perception squarely in their ego! Aggressive sick people do not liberate themselves or a whole planet. I work through enormous pain, and a lack of motivation every day to clear my energy and keep my body attuned to connect with my higher self (more or less). The Women of Portland have been largely demagnetized and the Men largely deelectrified. So lame! Zombies. scared Peasants. indoctrinated capitulants who are triggered by any diversity of thought which interferes with their programming. I have to broadcast a calm, confident, spiritual tone to avoid being attacked or even laughed at. But I still care deeply for them and will do what is necessary to hold the light and spread it! I am confident that the rest of us will do the same! This is why we are here...Simply Recognize a low state without judging yourself and take immediate action to shift into a higher vibration where the perception is positive and confident. Body work will set you free. VICTORY OF THE LIGHT!

    3. I have the same thing going on. Its probably part of cleansing and healing as the network is being taken down.

    4. You are loved. We are all just doing our best.. and that is good enough. ♡ 🔥 Stay strong. And - even stronger than ever. Knowing this ^

    5. Welcome to planet gulag, Josh.

  16. I shall do, thanks. Sounds like we have them desperate, good.

  17. I feel that the situation is getting worse, and I will keep going with my trembling feet.🙃✊

  18. I am being held hostage by dark cabal on the ship please help me sincere curtis hatch

    1. I've been caught too and clearing of dark matter in my body has been going on for months. It's painful and slow but I am receiving help. How are you holding on? Hang tight, believe in yourself. Kodoish, Kodoish, Kodoish Adonai T'sebayoth ;)

    2. Also: keep a blog like Cobra does

  19. COVID narrative is dying and war is next

  20. Rudolf Steiner and the Blood Demons - 'Vaccine' Would Be The Delivery System For The Defeat Of Humanity

    1. The definition of human is a bipedal ape like species that chooses to restrict its own breathing over a virus with high survival rates.

  21. I will meditate. Cobra who are the dark forces able to do this still?
    I thought chimera and Draco were removed?

    1. Ever watched a soap opera before?

    2. As far as i understood. I have not heard tgat all threats are gone.
      If all chimera were gone much of the world would have change.. bevause the chimera are basically at top of the pyramid. They were ones keeping the veil running... the ones that had kept us trapped.

  22. Compression breakthrough, will it be possible? We're dealing with an evil beyond limits, even if there is help from intergalactic beings, that it seems endless suffering for too many Humans. But, what else can we do? We are participating in these meditations, hoping for the best outcome yet to be seen

    1. @heliox, evil has limits. My parents who are semi awake were watching one america news channel last night. There was a panel including dr robert malone and dr peter mccullough as well as a dozen other experts and people injured by the recent shots. The evil is being exposed and the agendas are more visible and at times more absurd and clownish.

    2. Too many beings in the universe don't understand our suffering and how badly we need help.

    3. @Unknown
      They come from GOOD planets, and they got those SAFE, COZY starships, where they have EVERYTHING they need.

      WE, on the other hand, scrounge and struggle for SCRAPS.

    4. As Cobra has stated from the beginning, the compression breakthrough will involve motherships above and innerEarth from below. Currently rumors of ancient Arks being found all over Earth and in the Solar System suggest that this plan has been in place for Millenia. Are these Arks going to be part of the CB? It's a guess. Meantime humans are being given a show for the sake of awareness and awakening. For those of us long awake, the inability of "normies" to grasp what is happening is breathtaking. Are they stupid, blind or just ignorantly propagandized beyond our comprehension?

      It's our planet, not the ETs, and its our job to take control. This is why the extreme effort to awaken the sleepers. Understanding that the Inter-Galactics insist of this, it becomes apparent that we are expected to be and do beyond surviving, we are to accomplish things as part of the Galaxy. to use the abilities we have, but are not yet aware of, to assist in raising Galactic Civilization to a new and much higher level. Humanity is an investment in the future of Galactic Consciousness by the InterGalactic Confedration, and they will do what is necessary to have the entire population embrace the role they have prepared. Forcing the recognition of what the Dark had planned for us by allowing them to push their agenda to the edge of completion may seem too much, but the number of that seem incapable of realizing the truth proves they are right.

  23. Why aren't more positive beings from the universe helping us???

    1. Eles estão.
      O que acontece é que se eles derem um choque muito forte os humanos também morrem. Humanos são frágeis. Não suportam fisicamente um tiro forte que deveria matar entidades espirituais, como os parasitas menores, as aranhas e os lagartos.

  24. Thank you Cobra will do, thank you RM, Thank you the light force, thank you to all sisters and brothers, Peace, Happiness, Love, And Abundance To All.

  25. アガルタ(東京)の入り口を公開します。



















  26. Ok we are going to meditate. Votl.

  27. The brave cosmic Goddess Dou Mu left her home system to assist from within in the planetary liberation. We seemed to have forgotten or even miss showing gratitude. A failure i meself share. Thus i will take this opportunity to say from bottom of me heart how grateful I am and honored to have her so close to us. I am for sure short of honoring her as she truly deserves and hope one day will have the opportunity to do so. I have to wonder... have others followed her cue and we are unaware that they are among us.

    1. I was thinking about her too DH and was hoping Cobra would give us an update on her.

      Message to the LF/RM ... this message will repeat on a regular bases ...

      How about flying in my area for a video? If the normies and muggles can get videos of you why not me?
      South or North sky
      Lat Long (41.927030, -80.620130)

      Thanks for reading my post.

    2. Lol @muggles.. thats cute

    3. @Spirittoo
      Same here, I do see lots of sparkly, colorful lights bobbing about, which I refer to as 'wobblers', I want MORE.


    1. Humm. 1.4 million heading to one spot in a city of 1 million. I live in ottawa, and I can tell you there is not a lot of room near the parliament buildings. It's going to get very crowded here. I guess if they make Justin Truedeau late for his pizza and hotdog party, he might smarten up.

  29. I can confirm that in Romanian region people start acting poorly in last days, me included. Being a good energy reader, last night i start thinking that ending all Life on Earth is not a really bad ideea. I started feeling/thinking this for no specific reason. We need our best self, be aware of the story's we are feeding and do our work!

    1. I have wondered about this as well. The problem is releasing a bunch of confused creator gods into the universe at once creating more chaos. They would have to destroy our souls as well. Research 'Exiting the Grid" on

    2. Your thought is not invalid. Would be nice to be able to actually rest for once. Be still, not like this life. Not like we're not all coming back around again or anything eh?

    3. @Blue moon, its probably the archon network influencing those thoughts. I touch on that in my abomination post.

  30. I am done with all of this; it is time to try another tact.
    We are Powerful as Forgotten Gods, we wake up!

    This is a Mental Universe, electrical, and holographic.
    One does not have to accept this game everyone is playing.
    It becomes Kabuki theater. Don't get trapped.
    Much like the false money games (Nesara/Gesara) it is a lottery with odds that seem insurmountable.

    As creator Gods, create what is surmountable, and attainable; other than these constant anomalies, infections of vortexes or immune systems, threats of toplets and on and on. That is fear and where fear abides love cannot.
    No stone, crystal, amulet, or physical matter can surpass the solution, for that is all Mass-to-mass.
    Go higher; frequency impacts it all.
    Think differently.
    None of this is outside us, the key is within.
    Enough is enough. Had enough?


    You are the keystone.

    1. THIS!!!
      Thank you for posting this.

      Ground YOUR light and YOUR love in this realm. You need to stay away from fear in any form.
      Sorry to tell you guys, but hope is fear too.
      Hoping for a better world, hoping for the lightforces to save us.. Thats fear.
      Maybe the lightforces exist, maybe not. The only thing you can be sure about is that YOU EXIST. You are the keystone.
      Very wise words my friend.
      Keep on the good fight.

    2. what are the attacks? are tehre:

      negative feelimgs
      negative mental things like OCD because i get bad habits
      fear in general
      negative things about things that you like due to a worrying mind (again with the whole OCD thing)
      negative thoughts because of a worrying mind in general
      because if so, then I'll do my best to ignore these thoughts to keep a high vibration and enjoy what i like and not fall for those attacks

    3. Também precisamos do povo nas ruas. Os cabbalistas não desistem, a menos que sejam forçados por nós nas ruas. Ao menos a parcela do povo que não aceita o cabresto do covid na boca, precisa sair e se unir nas ruas, ir aos tribunais, ir às repartições governamentais em marcha ativa. os termos VIGIAI E ORAI nunca foram tão atuais como agora. Não basta orar. É preciso vigiar.

    4. Sounds like someone is trying to jump on the Sherman train lol. Oh well, gonna be waiting your whole life to get on, only to realize it was never coming lol.

    5. I'll do what I'm doing, and I actually hope it will happen this year, because I may not have much time, but as long as I'm alive, no matter what I'm depressed or not, I'll keep doing meditation.
      I'll do what I'm doing, and I actually hope it will happen this year, because I may not have much time, but as long as I'm alive, no matter what I'm depressed or not, I'll keep doing meditation.🙃👊

    6. not everyone's part of your happiness patrol, mg, sorry to tell you. We don't all wear rose colored, coke bottle lenses.

  31. this link gave me anxiety and worry about the things i enjoy watching or reading that may have negative things but i see there are positives to it and that i just want to watch just becuse I'm curious but i try not to let that bother me idk what to do because i don't want my life to be not enjoyable because of something like this and also because I'm limited in my ability to get healthy foods and i like certain things that indicate shadow work for example or the idea of seeing beauty in unusual places because i like this kind of stuff (BUT more family or kid-friendly versions of spooky things, you know something fun and enjoyable)

    what can i do that lets me enjoy my life but still protects me from this or since this massage is not for us i should just simply enjoy what i like and just simply keep a high vibration and do what i can do to help in MY OWN way and not have to take what this article says seriously because i don't want to think anything i like or care about is used against me without me knowing, i don't want to be unreliable and i don't want any book that i like and helps me with my work to be a work of the cabal (i got angel numbers telling me I'm right that is not like 211 at least one time but i get lots of angel numbers from time to time so it should be a good sign) the idea of shadow work i don't want it to be a cautionary tale about a story with the idea despite being 19th century i want there to be something positive like your shadows can do good things as hinted that the good character likes doing the "bad" things he did as the "bad" character

    1. ok, i just simply don't want anything that i like especially since I'm using an old 19th century story that has the idea of shadow work being a solution for the characters if they knew about it and making a story with the positive results of it, but i don't want the book it self to be used by those terrible things but it was inherently just a simple normal book that yes ended negatively but i want to be just a normal book that i can find positive so i can make my story with these public domain characters in peace

      what is staying under the radar is it the radar of the good spirits or whatever and does that mean staying inside or having positive vibes because i don't want to be left behind just by negative feelings because if i hold back negative feelings well i say is not healthy to do that and i still get angel numbers so I'm doing ok

    2. also the "bad" character is not really bad just like i read that the shadow is not bad but the rejection of it is

    3. but what is an attack

      is negative thoughts that make you worry about anything at all in general an attack because that article made me worry about not just my work but life in general because i don't want to think negative life situations that just happens randomly to be used by the cabal or anything that i enjoy or just tolerate (or at least try) to be used by the cabal or even general negative emotions because that is just natural human emotions to be used by the cabal because being positive all the time is possible but very hard to maintain when life happens in any way and you can't hold back negative emotions because that is not healthy either so is not fair for anyone in general if they read this article. i know the article means well but it seems to do more harm then good when you think about it , i will still do what it says to keep being positive and be careful of things but saying in a way that anything can be used by the cabal and since it said ALL people which could include family is just wrong and is going to cause distrust so i rather just stick to what i think is right and still keep positivity but not focus on the idea of anything being used by the cabal and the only things used by the cabal are what this article The Portal website says like this article above and i will do that meditation i just got to do it everyday since idk the exact date so i rather follow my own path

  32. Thanks Cobra for the update.
    French translation of the post.

    Traduction de l'article en français :

    Victory of the Light! Victoire de la Lumière !

  33. In German / auf Deutsch:

  34. What kind of dark forces? Do they still exist? Sorry I do not understand. :(

    1. Negative Reptilians incarnated as humans.

    2. Não são os parasitas da grade. Esses já foram retirados. O que os ETs descobriram é que existe um bolsão de energia escura em algum lugar dentro do centro do planeta, e toda vez que o eixo da 3D para a 4D é feito, a energia escura sai automaticamente e infecta esse eixo. Daí os ETs desmancham tudo e começam tudo de novo. Isso se tornou repetitivo, até que eles descubram de onde sai essa sujeira toda, e se há outros bolsões dessa reserva de lama espiritual maligna.

    3. Supposedly there is an invisible war between invisible forces of good and evil. The invisible evil force controls the world and we are being set free by the invisible good forces.

      Don't ask for proofs. They get very aggressive.

    4. Basically the dark forces are compose of different groups... higher up in the pyramid basically the info lean to be more esoteric occultist in nature or basically alien.. the lower layers the groups have been identified by various names but still mysterious n unrecognized by the average population. The average joe dont really consider them as being real or being connected to any present planetary predicament... that is due to the secrecy that has been kept for millenium.

      Example of some of the groups floating around connected to the bad guys at different levels of the pyramid.... are some illuminati(royals), the black nobility, the cabal, the templars(which some went rogue if i recall).. n so on.. btw i think there are some called gnostic illuminati which r not the bad guys... as there are some good templars.. n of course there are such as white nobility...
      In short there are many groups n subgroups that branches out from ancient secret societies... forming either side of the good or bad teams..
      example.. of such groups are the jesuits.. which at its they r not the good guys..

      If u look at the origin of some of these groups their otherworldly connection to it becomes more apparent.

      the alien connection has obviously been suppressed by designed.. but bottom line the battle of good n evil goes all the way up to that level...

      so the fact that people want to mock that because no one can show beyond a shadow of a doubt an actual pic or live alien that that should be proof enough that they dont exist... that alone should show the level of programmminh and how successful it has been in trying to keep the truth away. Is by design. To make sure people are stopped from even contemplating that perhaps reality is stranger thna fiction.

      Throughout history u could probably find example where certain truths were kept out... by design... in order to reach an agenda...

      So the idea that we may have been fooled not just once n not just recently becomes very pausable

    5. @Bruno Prandini 😂😂 True!

    6. Look out for those "controlled opppsition"... remember some here's agenda is to create division n confusion... u willnknow them as their words are empty... and sugar coated at top.

    Quando eu vivia lá eu me perguntava: o que eu estou fazendo lá?
    Agora que eu vivo aqui eu ainda me pergunto: o que estou fazendo aqui?
    Acho que não sei de onde vim, e nem para onde vou. A única coisa que sei é que sou estrangeiro no planeta onde nasci.

  36. "Mensagem para a população de superfície"
    Estou muito entusiasmado com a ideia de criar uma nova religião. A religião da meditação para os ETs.
    A julgar pelos acontecimentos não tão recentes, digamos de 2013 para cá, a Terra continua a ser a mesma. Os ETs do bem fazem uma coisa e as sombras vão lá e desmantelam. E isso se tem um nome código que é 504. Daí vem a mensagem para a humanidade meditar, porque as sombras venceram, de novo. Os ETs nunca aprendem com os seus erros?
    Os humanos ganharam uma nova religião para meditar para melhorar o mundo?
    Bem, isso me parece mais com infiltrações dos palhaços inclusive neste Blog.

  37. Thank you! I vizualise Violet and Pink Flames on those places ♡

  38. More action needs to be taken this is going to drag on for a lot more years sick and tired of this

  39. Just a reminder: read again Endgame Scenarios (by Cobra♡) March 16, 2020

  40. All levels are infiltrated to some degree that includes higher planes of excistence we are yet to comprehend.try to keep thoughts positive to focus on evil is to create evil, complicated ,only focus on light focus on peace... victory of the light°

  41. Why was this allowed when the Galactics supposedly took over everything and have everything under control?? every day more and more light comes from the central sun, isn't that enough to neutralize all negative entities...?? When does the meditation really serve!!

    1. I am not sure where you guys get the info that the galactics have everything under control. It haa not been said. Please people watch how you guys interpret the info...n also be mindful of your expectations.

  42. Would you like to know what it really looks like travelling on a space ship through solar and galactic systems?

    and hear some nice music to accompany your imaginary journey.

    Does space end at infinity?
    How can they be aliens if we are their children?

    Does the Earth host all the life creating forces that the universe has collected on its surface?

    Does the Moon host all the Death creating forces that the universe has collected on it and inside it?

    The ultimate showdown between Life and Death planets will result in the removal of both life and death. hmm. But what is life? is Death a part of life? Death must precede life in order for their to be Birth.

  43. Palm Beach County Sheriff is participating in a paid hit to murder me.
    My name is Alexander William Britton.

    1/27/22 9:58 AM

    1. Why you say they want to murder you. Have u already reached out to the fbi. I assume they got a branch that deals with law enforcement gone rogue. Just remember... is lots easier if u have proof than hear say or whoever's words against yours. Whatever you do be smart about it. My advise.. dont get to the habit of thinking or claiming all cops are bad... some may be acting following order which may seem lawful.. if there is a rogue cop they will try to make it look that way to other they seek cooperation from. Imho.. however of course i dont really know your situation... take some time off to clear ur head... in short be wise and play it smart

  44. Thank you Cobra.💖
    The dark forces are relentless BUT it's evident humanity worldwide is banning together as one against tyranny. It's a beautiful thing to witness! In unity, togetherness, we are strong, we are love! Sending out much love and appreciation to all who have sacrificed so much of themselves in this battle. VOTL!!!

  45. V slovenščini:

    Vabljeni v našo skupino Sestrstva Vrtnice in Podpore Dogodka na Facebooku:

    Thank you for the post Cobra.

    Victory of the Light!

  46. To chimera + co.

    I Won't Back Down" - Five Times August | "The Pushback" Oracle Films

    February 21, 2021
    Last message from Gaiaportal

    Gaia Energy Messages

    Partners of duality unify.

    Melchoir elements sing.

    Spatial components delineate the martyrs.

    Forgiveness marks the time

  47. Brothers and Sisters, Here is an empowering tool for ALL OF US:
    Victory of the Light!!!

  48. great.another portion of excuses

  49. Of course we will do this meditation! On the other hand, there are a lot of scalar attacks going on these days, they are very annoying, more than usual! Hope this ends!

  50. Tell me where exactly the Santa Monica vortex is and I and other lightworkers will go there now and start working on it.

    1. That should be a good plan.. however also make sure u take precautions... perhaps even stream via youtube so others will participate n add to tge momemt... who knows

  51. Firstly blessings to everyone & thank you for all your hard work raising the vibration of this planet.

    The following ambient meditations have been lovingly created for all those looking to ground, or find their way back to balance.

    Hopefully this helps someone out there 💚 One Love x

  52. Done. Quite a powerful meditation. I visited Ljubljana some years ago. I still remember the centre so it was easier to vision it being encompassed by violet fire.

  53. "Grid" ahahaahha, the only grid that existed was for mind control. The removal of a grid forever is the freeing of the human mind.


    These little town bluessssssssss

  55. It makes sense that one of the invasion points in 1996 was in LA. I could see and feel the change in movies almost immediately.

    I've been feeling a disturbance these past few days. A lot of troubled and angry thoughts in my mindspace.

    1. Everything felt darker to me, around the end of 1996.

  56. Maybe this lady can answer some questions

  57. ❤ The Light Shall Be Victorious, In The Near Future We Have Already Won! See Peace, Hear Peace, Feel Peace, Sense Peace, Taste Peace, Smell Peace, Imagine Peace, Create Peace, Manifest Peace!!! Hold The Line!!

  58. Cobra, this goes against your recent posts which were showing light being successful with the anamolies
    So surely this shouldn't happen?

    1. It has not been stated that all dangers were cleared.

      We all need to be mindful of our expectations n interpretationd

  59. Ugh, seems this is just going to go on forever :(

  60. Thanks Cobra! I will meditate the best I can. It's easier for me to meditate on the three sites at the same time. I use my own star instead of the 5point star. Then place a rose at each three site, then one rose on the 11:11 grid on the edge of Earth at the pyramid point. Then a rose inside the core crystal inside Earth to form the bottom pyramid. Then you need "fuel" to maintain the octahedron. 7D Terra need 7D energy, but the trick is just to fuse concentration and imagination, but you love doing it. You see, feel, breath what you see in yourself. As true as a dream feel reel. After that, you need to REMEMBER then the grid come back faster.

  61. Trying, but lol. Summer will be fun

  62. just wondering can i still enjoy anything i want as long as i enjoy it, it keeps me entertained or even helps in my own work or learning spiritual stuff because i don't want to think a story, show or people are bad but just simple things or people and is only up to the person if they perceive a person or thing as positive or negative

  63. Any good suggestions on books written about the subject, Ancient Egyptian Magic? Something consist of good elaboration on the techniques.

  64. The dark forces are probably just scrapping together whatever anomaly is left and trying to use it to distort the vortexes. Notice the word "desperate" in the update. The daily gridwork meditation should clear what's left of the anomaly. We got this!

    1. desperate can equate to dangerous, like the old saying of, "There's nothing more dangerous than a wounded animal".

  65. How to deal with negative implants and tags for those interested.

  66. Big psychical attack from the dark forces last night. The dark ones are so desperate. I feel it. I've participated in the meditation for healing the Ljubljana Vortex. I'm new to this, it's the first time i'm doing planetary grid work. After the meditations i was seriously attacked. It's interesting how this dark entities know our weak points so well and they take advantage of it. They also atacked me when i was asleep. Now i fell exhausted. I guess i have to do anything i can to clean my energetical field. Are there any meditations, or something we can use to counteract this psychical attacks? I'm asking because i'm new to this.
    Thank you my brothers and sisters of Light.

  67. Simple but wise words of advice from the Arcturian Council in this challenging times for those interested.

    1. IS it worth reading? From past experience, Arcturians only seem to give 'you can do it!' speeches.

  68. If the goddess wants peace she has to change too.


  70. Regarding Archon influences: I have been on the "radar", a main target for the dark, since my first remote viewing experience in 2009. Developing into a Yogi, studying, training, and being initiated into a Shamanic Mystery school, spending time living with and learning from our Rastafarian and African Tribal Brothers and Sisters, and working tirelessly to reach my highest vibration possible in order to uplift, activate, and share light (information). I have gradually developed the knowing and sensitivity to not rely upon my thoughts, especially any of the negative thoughts. Instead, I rely much on FEELING and the intelligence of my HEART. Igniting and holding LOVE warmth, COMPASSION, and GRATITUDE in and around my physical body has proven to be a very effective weapon to battle these intrusive energies which I have been living with much or all of this life. It has been obvious to me as I intrinsically do not generate thoughts of aggression, manipulation, violence, or suicide. Those thoughts are not mine and I KNOW this. The yoga development and maintenance has liberated me from thoughts of aggression, but over the past few years they have managed to insert suicidal thoughts as they know that they cannot remote control me. They want me to shoot myself in the head to eliminate me as a threat to their agendas. They now work through my family and neighbors to attempt to lower or even harm me. I fully protect myself, my feline companion, and my Cintamani stone. So consider using your feelings and simply thank (gratitude) any negative thoughts and release them. Yoga them out too! They can only control the ignorant and weak minded. They may attempt to influence me, but they will never control me. Another key to remember is that basically all of us (93 or so percent of humans) whom are not descended from Cain (Cain ate Abel, cannibals) are not evil and have no natural inclination to violate others in any way. We have to give in (capitulate) to these predatory energies in order to empower them. We are Light, We are truth, and we will be victorious by the powers of our ONE infinite Creator and his/her legion of Angels and light warriors. FEEL it, KNOW it! Full Blessings to all of you, my Sisters and Brothers of Infinite Love and Light.

    1. I also wish to add that the few times I have heard the outside whispers of self harm, it was during a period when I was smoking too much Weed and drinking like 12 or more cups of coffee a day. Acidic body equals a lower vibration. Cannabis (including medical) which is obtained legally, is ALL GMO. The non GMO flowers can be found in the Real (not touristy) Jamaica, many areas of Mama Africa, and some areas of Asia. A few families in Coastal Southern California have access to awesome non gmo cannabis such as the Trinity strain. Awesome. I don't use psycho actives anymore as I was temporarily merging with them to assist me in enhancing my yoga development to release a network of inflammation and knots. These body blocks at least with me, corresponded to restriction in brain access and activity. Multi dimensional injuries and traumas throughout my childhood and into my early 30s (including drinking alcohol regularly) contributed to my choice of seeking, choosing, and working with various plant medicines. Non GMO cannabis has a very different effect than GMO, including an activation of LOVE and clarity, a shift in consciousness which imparts a unique healing and experience to work with that will last without feeling like blazing up again the following day(s). Also DMT production! GMO cannabis will not allow one to travel up their chakra system into the 8th or higher centers and will divert and shift the experience at an angle...not a straight line up to the higher centers. This garbage puts holes in the aura and opens one up to attacks and negative thoughts....big time. for the pot smokers, realize this is a trap and a drug. Stay clear and stay in control of your consciousness. If you have body pain, consider trying a heavy metal free Maeng da kratom for a limited time. A goal of the yogi is to be free of addiction and any kind of self sabotage which will only compromise the consciousness and thwart the rise in frequency to the level of Samadhi or Bliss. Keep it Real, keep it natural, stay sober and in control. Bless up. The event is near!

    2. For myself, I choose to keep my feelings of aggression. We're in a war, after all. And if it were not for my aggression, I'd have probably given up on life totally.

      Plus I DO want to personally, in the very near future, show the archons the TRUE MEANING OF PAIN.

  71. Greetings to you sacred beings,

    Do you think the trucker convoy up in Canada has a beneficial effects on the lay lines? They are making the world largest convoy to promote freedom and end all mandates. They are travelling from all over Canada to join in the capital Ottawa. They seem to carry with them an emotional charge that inspire, encourage and bring hope to the people of this country. The natives will accompany them with their ritual drums and people all over the land wants to join them this weekend on the parliament hill

    I send love and blessings.
    Victory of the light

  72. The truth is there is nothing mystical about reality. Ascension is just a name for micro vibrations produced in the feet the change your specific gravity and entrain a mixture of gas around your body. Mastering this means you could leave your atmosphere, go to a moon, another planet but at a great evolution you can enter a white dwarf and take in a larger oxygen rich atmosphere giving you even more of a boost cognitively and metabolically and muscularly. This is ascension, and even these beings die someday.

    1. Not in any hurry to die.
      I prefer to physically leave the planet on the ET ships...all that stuff you mentioned, you STILL come back to earth and be stuck here.

  73. Whuu...keep focusing on Better World♡

  74. Life is constantly evolving its sensory organs and becoming more and more aware. Humans are at the forefront of this and will it reach a point where there is no possible way to turn off their conscious perception? Death is like sleep but much longer? But in universes final state death and absence of awareness is not possible.

  75. but when we return to nothing that will be the final death? But will it take infinity to return to the beginning?

    1. You really got this thing for death, it seems....

  76. Just to lay it out a little bit, when will tbe Light Forces consider that the redline has been crossed? It's been really really tough... God bless us all.

  77. Grazie Cobra, traduzione in Italiano:

  78. Message pour les archontes et les jésuites:
    «En toute chose, il faut considérer la fin»
    Jean de La Fontaine
    Victory Of The Light!

  79. I thought we were close! losing morale..

  80. I've been working on clearing the Anomaly energy from around the LA vortex on higher levels. Anyone who wants to help with this beyond the meditation is free to join me.

  81. Hold on brothers-Slavs! We will once again save this planet.

  82. One day, we will know what COBRA has done for humanity.

  83. I recommend doing a Google Earth street view walk through Ljubljana just to get a sense of the energy there. It's helping me come up with good visuals for the meditation too.


  85. These last years are going to be tough.

  86. The truth is their is no plan and there is only free nature, Whoms understanding brings a great unhumbling.

  87. All your pleadian friends will fear us the most, everything will fear the surface human. Nothing will stand in its way.

  88. we absolutely need to stop lockdown and jabs NOW! in many countries it is not more possible to work or do basic shopping without being vaxed. this has to end NOW! We will keep on keeping the light and meditating, but we need intervention NOW and removal of political tyranny NOW no matter casualties or there will be left very few to rescue.

  89. just curious if the peace that the goddess desires can happen in a human lifetime? maybe goddess is timeless? do light forces remember we are not immortal and have a very short life span? just wondering if our meditations are for future generations like in a 100 years or so, it seems like we always have to defer any satisfaction to some future time. I get it that eventually the force of darkness are defeated but maybe we all are kinda deluding ourselves that is it possible in one human lifetime, maybe its more like on the scale of few more thousand years? anyway, I hope at least our efforts help some future beings.

    1. there will be NOTHING LEFT to liberate in a few more thousand years...also, IF it does not happen in my life...why should I give a fuck about anything, then?

      And we got short lives, thanks to the Archons RAPING our DNA....THIS is why I describe humans as 'genetically raped monkeys'.

    2. Para resolver tudo isso basta acabar com a conversa mole, parar de se iludir com toda esta baboseira e partir pra porrada e meter todos estes donos do mundo na guilhotina. e assim que se acaba com uma tirania.

  90. The truth is when the plejaren see a human eating alien a primeval instinct is activated and they fight to the death, even if only with their body.

  91. The best guidance for someone is...
    "Compared to the August version, after many suggestions from teachers [...] I also worked hard to improve it with many different suggestions. - And I'm looking forward to winning a prize!" follow one's spiritual guidance in order to fulfil one's life plan.

    The price to satisfaction with one's work.

  92. A video by JC Kay speaking from her higher self about the true nature of the matrix and it's creation.

  93. Placing cintamani stones and a tachyon chamber in the vortex would help. Come on guys in Slovenia, that's what to do. I live far from there.

    This is a very very powerful meditation! Never felt so much inner change and Divine Presence doing this kind of meditation in former opportunities. The star up in Ljubljana keeps on shining far his brilliant splendish light for hours, reaching far far! Transforming dark energy by the Buddhic Column works perfectly! And I myself get get strongly cleared, feeling like a proper column of light the rest of the day, no: all these days!!
    So guys: don’t discuss so much here, DO IT! YOU are the light! YOU are the answer of your question!... other than you think. Experience it!
