Saturday, April 16, 2022


There are more and more signs that we are approaching the end of the cosmic cycle.

The current solar cycle 25 is much stronger than it was previously predicted:

The real reason for stronger solar activity is synchronization of the Sun with increased activity of the Galactic center on the quantum level.

In preparation for the Galactic Pulse, a huge cosmic fleet of positive civilizations from the Local galaxy cluster has gathered around the heliopause of this solar system. This is one of the largest fleet gatherings in the history of the whole universe. These ships will harmonize and direct the flow of energies when the Pulse happens.

One small part of this fleet is already inside the solar system and is putting the last remnants of the Chimera fleet under siege. Another small part of this fleet is constructing Dyson spheres around the Sun and the Earth and both projects are proceeding well. As soon as the Chimera fleet is completely defeated, more of the cosmic fleet will enter the Solar system and proceed into the sublunar space with the purpose of the final liberation of this planet.

There is still quite much quantum and subquantum primary anomaly close to the surface of planet Earth. The Light forces are carefully beginning to clear the physical aspect of the anomaly and they are also beginning with the final clearing of the toplet bombs. They are deactivating the toplet bombs by clearing the quantum anomaly since with quantum anomaly gone, the Light forces are able to stop the chain reaction that changes ordinary quark mater into degenerate top quark matter:

Quantum anomaly now still manifests as spacetime collapsed into black holes on physical, etheric, astral and mental planes inside the implants, tied to toplet bombs, with collapsed spacetime extending from the implants via tunnels of Set into surrounding space. Low concentration of tunnels of Set can still be found on physical, etheric, astral and mental plane throughout the Solar system, with their concentration increasing in sublunar space, and their concentration being very high on the surface of this planet.

Implants are still rotating in electromagnetic field and are creating an accretion vortex which attracts micro black holes into human energy field (aura). Etheric micro black holes create areas of collapsed energy field within etheric body which manifest into the physical body as cancer. Astral micro black holes create areas of collapsed energy field in the astral body which manifest as lack of empathy. Mental micro black holes create areas of collapsed energy field in the mental body which manifest as stupidity in a certain specific part of the mental body.

The collapsed spacetime was created together with primordial black holes in the inflationary phase shortly after the creation of the universe at the beginning of this cosmic cycle:

This was the first mutation of the primary anomaly and it occurred a fraction of a second after what the physicists call the Big Bang, about 13.7 billion years ago.

The second mutation of the primary anomaly occurred when sentient beings began interacting with primary anomaly about 7 million years ago by implanting themselves. Interaction between consciousness and collapsed spacetime within implants created evil.

The third and the last mutation of the primary anomaly occurred in 1996 when much of the suppressed quantum anomaly exploded from the black holes, triggered by the exotic weapons of the Chimera, and much of the until then unmanifested subquantum anomaly began to manifest in the quantum foam.

Most of all this is already cleared, and we are approaching the moment of the apocatastasis:

Apocatastasis is the moment when all quantum and subquantum anomaly will be cleared and all evil consciousness either transformed into the Light or annihilated in the Central Sun.

Physicists describe this quantum transition as false vacuum decay:

They have discovered that this universe is in the exact right condition for something like that to happen:



New, stable quantum vacuum will connect the whole universe into one superentangled tachyon field, which will finally allow the unhindered evolution of this universe into the Light:



One important step in this process will be the opening of a huge energy portal on the surface of this planet in late April / early May 2023. This will definitely be the strongest energetic event in the last few decades. Nothing more can be said about that at this point.

We are finally approaching the time when the Ascended beings will be able to release intel more freely. Until now, there was so much darkness and anomaly present that most surface humanity would simply collapse under the weight of facts, whereas the Resistance would spring in premature action, putting the whole liberation operation in danger. Partial intel was the reason of many unfulfilled hopes and much disappointment, triggering Pavlovian “carrot and stick” response among certain people. As soon as there is enough anomaly removed and enough Light present on the surface of the planet, much intel will be released and everything will be much clearer for many people.

Our Divine Intervention Activation in December 2021 has triggered tectonic changes in the process of planetary liberation, as it was greatly explained in this comment, published on my blog some time ago:



The dark forces are well aware of our success, and a few months ago they have artificially removed 32,749 signatures from our petition:



Cloudships are appearing all over the world again, and this one appeared in southern Taiwan on March 25th:

It is now a good time to start connecting with the Light forces again. You can use Command 1221 to connect with your Light team and here is some useful feedback from the comments from the readers of this blog:


The Pleiadians have reached an agreement for post-Event cooperation with one of the BRICS countries. It now appears that transformation after the Event will be gradual because surface humans have much to absorb, and it may take up to a few years post-Event to transform the society, if the Galactic Pulse does not abruptly speed up things.

BRICS countries are now in the early stages of building of the new financial system:

Preparing for this:

Russian Ministry of Defense has released intel about Hunter Biden's role in development of bioweapons in Ukraine:

Much more intel will come out about this, and this might well be the trigger that starts the exposure process in general.

Black Nobility families are using Knights of Malta as the core organization which is the hidden hand behind the military conflicts:

Erik Prince, the founder of Blackwater, appears to be one of the main forces behind both sides of the conflict in the Russia-Ukraine war:

Black Nobility families are the real force behind the negative WEF great reset, and they have triggered a coordinated action at the start of the pandemic in 2020:

Their plan is to take down the energy grid if the Light forces would make direct intervention on the surface of the planet:

The last line of defense before the Light forces can physically intervene on the surface, are the so-called pits. Pits are secret military bases up to 30 meters underground, which were before owned by the Illuminati Breakaway Complex and are now operated by the surface Cabal. Some of them hide members of the Chimera. They can not extend more than 30 meters underground, because the Resistance can now clear most of the locations that are deeper, but can not yet intervene closer to the surface because of toplet bomb deterrence mechanisms.

There are about 1000 such bases worldwide, and two main ones in Ukraine are below Odessa and below Azovstal metal plant in Mariupol. The Mariupol facility is called Pit 404 and is being cleared:

Here is a photo of tunnels leading to Pit 404, and you can use this photo to clear that location with the Violet flame:



Daily meditation for peace in Ukraine every 4 hours is still very much needed, and the Light forces are asking as many people as possible to participate when they can:

Goddess wants peace and peace it will be!




  1. Respect: A lot of Work went into putting that post together.

    Light Up, Light Up!

    You have a Choice.


  2. We're so happy to hear from you Cobra!
    Goddess wants peace and peace it will be.
    Victory of the Light and let's go!

  3. Thanks Cobra and the Light Team. I have noticed a lot of night sky activity like fast lightships or even missiles and I live on the East coast of Australia. There have been military helicopters flying continuously, something is happening. Everyone can feel the pressure now as we approach an Event that will reshape the world and I guess the best response is to dedicate ourselves to the complete victory of the Light! Sending violet flames into those pits.

  4. Disappointed by this update as a whole sadly.... He did point out the carrot of the stick thing but seriously my man this seems like another the carrot on the stick thing. I understand why the resistance movement wants to jump the gun I would be the same. Not the jumping the gun is a good thing but I would still do it, fed up with this.

    Furthermore, how dare you say that it would take us a long time to get used to and or understand new information, it belittles the fact that human beings evolve and adapt almost instantaneously when new information comes their way. actually we are so good at it, look at the Ukraine war for example. the quote mainstream media managed to get the whole world hating Russia within a week. Then a couple weeks passed and the whole world changed their view to looking you will Smith. The world is highly adaptable, and honestly the population just doesn't care about things and can get over world tragedies very quickly if it doesn't affect them personally. The world can handle information and the majority of the world will get over it in a couple weeks or not even care.

    you can transform a society in a couple weeks if you have the same tools as the elites. It's sickening to say that it will take a while for us to adapt we change our view most instantaneously I'd just get offended by that honestly.

    You want us to absorb information?
    give us a new and interesting technology will figure out how to use it and become the new thing to do happens all the time if it releases that dopamine especially younger people will be able to master it or have a high understanding on it.

    Whatever happened to that six-month thing for the event to happen hey? yikes

    my grammar is horrible but I think it gets my point across.

    1. To my impression, Cobra is absolutely right with what he says in this message.

    2. To me the 'carrot and stick' and 'Pavlovian' references sound like condescension, like how dare we express our human emotions and frustration after 2 years of lockdown and loss of human contact and deaths from suicide and mental breakdowns caused by dramatic curbs on freedom of movement.

      The origins of the sequence of events leading to lockdown no longer matter.

      In regards to Pit 404, information on this topic of secret underground bases for the elite has garnered attention outside the realm of 'fringe' UFO conspiracy abduction topics /websites and into popular alt media channels like The Duran. Not by anyone in these sources or this blog but by brutal grunt work by the brave soldiers of the Donbass and the Russian Armed Forces and the Ukrainians sacrificing many rescue helicopters and a few ships that raised a few eyebrows of the previously unknown importance of a run-down Steel Mill.

      Information passed around has it that the Kremlin tried avoiding war until they couldn't. In doing so however, they exposed a massive can of worms including biowarfare programs designed to selectively eliminate certain ethnic and racial groups. There is damning evidence of finding ways to implant and spread viruses through plants.

      So its time the ETs own up and admit they are poorly researched into the nature of the Evil on this planet and the Renfield enabler NPCs that allowed vax passports and IDs to be instituted as an Act of War by the governments on the local population by cutting off basic services including services paid by un-injected citizen's taxes designed to coerce them into a depopulation agenda disguised as a cure.

    3. The fact that you guys feel offended by this just speaks for itself. He merely explained WHY it came to these feelings of disappointment and HOW it must have felt (like having a carrot dangling from a stick infront of you). Not one single condescending or belittling word, just plain rational explanation.
      Also why do you feel addressed by him saying that people will need time to adjust after the Event? Obviously he is speaking mostly about the still sleeping ones whose world will completely turn upside down when the matrix collapses.
      I think your reaction just shows, that deep down you feel called out for complaining unnecessarily much and still fall into the projection trap of your ego: "how dare you...!" like seriously? Do you even listen to yourself?
      Those who still blame the Lightforces and Cobra imho have much inner work left to do.
      Please look within for answers instead of projecting your own frustrations. This update is incredibly awesome and uplifting and anyone who feels otherwise needs to stop playing the victim and finally start to create the life that they want!

    4. 3k14Pi hmm I can see why you would think that honestly my friend has the same opinion. He however is very pessimistic on humanity as a whole which is sad because we are of the same just in different walks of life. That's why I know that humanity is ready and if they're not they can handle it.

      But I would properly hold back on the whole, your mind is manipulated to think and act a certain way and you've only got around 20% control of your own body and thoughts with the rest is being manipulated. ( addiction, dopamine, insecurity, authority, lust, power, Money) manipulated to the degree that they can control your own thoughts and even control what you post on a blog.
      The sad thing is half of that post was an even me I think.. but hey I still agree with it.

    5. Also the picture at the end is from Kadyrov combat footage on telegram. On left you can see weapon. This tunnel was usual Azov hideout, not underground what you think. I am 100% sure. Video has 3 parts of Kadyrov squad vs. 1-2 ukraine civilian soldiers even without uniform at the end you can see end of tunnel with items they found, claimed as "resting hideout" with one freightened civilian soldier boy. Nothing else. I can send you videos. Peace and Truth!

    6. Complete and profound transformation takes time and is a process the speed of which also ... depends on the level of consciousness as well as the very great complexity of society and the amount and intensity of deeply entrenched false mental programs.

    7. We are not Pavlovian dogs. We are complex thinking human beings.

    8. @Viktoria
      NEeds to be FAST....we're genetically raped, we have SHORT lives and we age...we can't AFFORD to simply wait, and wait, and wait some more.

  5. Thank you Light Forces, IAM SO GRATEFUL (3) TIMES!. Thank you Cobra!

  6. When is the Event gonna happen, when is this nightmare gonna be over? I’m sick and tired of this, I feel like giving up completely

    1. We know it can be fucking brutal and there were times I wanted to give up too, but I am glad I didnt!
      Take your time and be gentle to yourself, taking a break is totally ok, don't push yourself too hard. There is a reason we are still here and we can trust that our higher selves have everything planned out perfectly for us and times will change!
      Remember the meaning of your nicname: the age of aquarius is rising! And this update gave us a very reassuring timeframe!
      We are so close! Stay strong my brother! You got this!
      Much love! 💖

    2. I empathize. Cobra talked about possible event dates in a recent update:

      "The Light forces have refused to comment what that means practically for the timing of the Event. Based on the intel I have, I can make an educated guess and speculate for two possible scenarios. The first scenario predicts the Event in 3-15 months timeframe from now and then a fast transformation of the surface human society until the Galactic Pulse in 2025. The second scenario predicts the Event in 2025 and the Galactic Pulse a few years later, but earlier than 2030. Be aware that these dates are just speculations and may be wrong, since they were not directly confirmed by the Light forces."

    3. "3-15 months timeframe" means between May 2022 and May 2023.

    4. Terrible time frame. Am not sure I will survive even 1 more month

    5. First in june then final and a great one at the end of summer. Space ark activation already started.

    6. Thank you Lightworker👍 I hear Alex Collier has said from his sources he expects the event to occur this summer 2022.

    7. It seems like the Event is near.
      “The operation for the final liberation of our Solar System (codenamed MOSS) has been initialized. After the completion of MOSS (Multidimensional Operations Solar System) and subsequent Sublunar Operations, the Event will follow.”

      As soon as the Chimera fleet is completely defeated, more of the cosmic fleet will enter the Solar system and proceed into the sublunar space with the purpose of the final liberation of this planet.

    8. i have already given up for the most part and somehow i have managed to stay alive, mainly through the help of family. I've pretty much stopped hoping for some special event and that it's ever going to get "better" or "easier". I have not been able to be employeed for 4 months and have been sellin off possessions to pay for food. I dont really have much of a will to live anymore. I would gladly give up my life if it could help ease the suffering of the rest of the world. I still enjoy coming here and reading the comments and following the links but part of my heart is just not excited anymore and I dont really care if there is an Event.

    9. This comment has been removed by the author.

    10. Then withdraw, distance yourself, take care of yourself, regenerate ... and focus on yourself, on your guidance, find and reactivate yourself and your mission, then you will actively contribute to the victory of light, and speed up the process.
      As long as you focus outward, expect something in the future, you get frustrated .. you weaken energy and you slow down.
      The plan and the earth are waiting for you and for every called person all the time, for each one to carry out their mission.

      Why has everything left so far? For the release plan mechanism to be FULL efficient, it must run at a sufficiently high speed with all the links.
      By finding and fulfilling yourself and your mission, you fill this gap in the field.

  7. MIND = FUCKING = BLOWN !! 🤯😱😍😁🥰
    seriously! what an update!!
    thank you dear Cobra, this gives much needed motivation to push forward to victory! 💖

    1. Motivation? This does not give me any motivation. It rather destroys the rest of hope I still had

    2. What is your problem? Unresolved trauma? -> the event wont change that.. Crappy life circumstances? -> why not change them now?
      How can you guys call yourself spiritually awake when you disregard even the most fundamental aspects of it? YOU ARE THE ONE WHO IS CREATING YOUR OWN REALITY! Time to step out of the victimhood and get to work!

    3. @Fluffy
      Not everyone can change their life circumstances.

      You keep speaking of powers we have...why do you not demonstrate this power. Also, I do NOT recall creating the hell that is my life. That's like saying those poor sods in the nazi death camps were killed and it was their own faults.

  8. Pode explicar o Limite de fase?? referente ao grupo Quimera

  9. Maybe a 2023 event is possible? I mean the folks are already building the dyson spheres.

    1. I think a 2022 Event is within the realm of possibility.

    2. Like Cobra mentioned, it's more likely that it will be a long process of disclosure. You'd think we'd have reached the critical mass for all this stuff until you realize the ways people were programmed are nearly endless. That's not even mentioning the multi-dimensionality of the universe and everything that it holds and means in the grand concept... Millions of people would become hysterical and mad just from the information of how everything they think is true is only partially true if not an outright lie. And that's not even accounting for the damage they'd cause to others as a result of not being able to absorb and accept that information or "light". As much as I wish it wasn't so, we as a planetary society are just not capable of accepting perhaps even one percent of the real truth without being triggered and behaving erratically. Perhaps this isn't too accurate estimation but i'm sure the real percentage we'd be unable to handle is close to that.

      The Dyson sphere are for modulating the pulse for the first and continuing waves of ascension, what determines the event is more likely to be mutual efforts of the Light forces, Resistance movement, and surface population through reaching a point where it's at least widely somewhat understood with irrefutable evidence that there's a group here that is trying to genocide and enslave humanity. Until we reach that point, we have to continue holding and even increasing the light to put pressure on the system and face our final battle with darkness both externally and internally. Until then, VOTL.

    3. @One Unity
      Don't know about you, but I AM ready for ALL the truth.

      And I didn't WANT to be OF this society to begin with.

    4. Yeah but I'm not interested to wait for the masses to wake up . So I won't. Am done with all this. No more meditations and hopium and cheerleading for me just want off planet

    5. @Evolution

      "One important step in this process will be the opening of a huge energy portal on the surface of this planet in late April / early May 2023. This will definitely be the strongest energetic event in the last few decades. Nothing more can be said about that at this point."

      This piece of text already implies a 2022 Event is not going to happen. The earliest estimated now, in my opinion, would be second half of 2023.

    6. Yes, exhausted but hopefully written in logical ways as you are so beautifully sharing about disclosure and what we the starseeds know needs to be slowly taught to the brainwashed majority sadly conditioned through the corrupted educational and media. Great share and yes keep going and get some motivation, we need each other, hang in and rock on. Love you all!!!!

    7. @Libra
      'Panic' is the excuse the bad guys use to 'justify' all the cover ups.

      So, you say that WE MUST SUFFER MORE for the 'benefit' of the masses? THIS is why secret societies and break away societies happen. And one of MANY reasons I want OFF this planet and to give up my humanity. TIRED of all this PAINFUL waiting and suffering. And I am TIRED of being an 'anchor'. An anchor is one of THE most unappreciated things there are....the anchor is stuck holding the big, pretty ship, keeping it all nice, while the anchor is under lord knows how much water, and gets covered in moss, rust, and barnacles

      I'm with you on that. This job does not pays shit.

      I DON'T WANT to teach the brainwashed majority. I TRIED, I REALLY, REALLY TIRED, when I was in my teens and twenties, before the young, happy idealist inside me DIED in my thirties. All I got to show for it is ridicule, getting beat up, and my self esteem torn to shreds. I don't want to be Gandhi or desire to throw myself to the dogs again.

  10. Incredible. 🧡 Thank you for this much-needed and very uplifting update, Cobra. 🙏

    VotL! :)

    . . .

  11. Thank you cobra I will assist in anyway.

  12. The solar peak projection, I estimate, would then be moved closer to now by a year or so,,,late 2023-24. That is a long time. If possible, store necessities. They are going to starve millions, and increase their bio-warfare programs, at best.

  13. i have very strong feelings ,our sun/solar can't wait to Big Flash, this star is keeping delay for at least one solar cycle(1999/2000~2012~now),at this time he can't no more waiting, he want to get high level to release the energy keeping and delay.
    i know every oneness wanna to be free totally.
    i forgive all .
    Light is All Exsit. even someone who look like dark or doing something dark. this someone is Light from source too. this someone also wanna to be free on their deepest intention and willing.
    this is ture.
    blessing .
    All things are beloved.
    Love is me. i will using my knowledge and wisdom and feelings for love work. this is light worker doing for .

    1. Forgive me,Please I am sorry Thank you I love you

  14. "The Pleiadians have reached an agreement for post-Event cooperation with one of the BRICS countries. It now appears that transformation after the Event will be gradual because surface humans have much to absorb, and it may take up to a few years post-Event to transform the society, if the Galactic Pulse does not abruptly speed up things. "

    What of those of us who ARE ready for it all? I really don't want to have to wait MORE, for the 'benefit' of the masses.....I'm tired, many of us are really, really tired....please let those of us who ARE ready get all the good stuff....we can't simply WAIT more. Can WE simply get taken OFF PLANET, get what we need done to us be done, and, actually go HOME, finally, in THIS lifetime?

    I gots my questions, Cobra.

    I STILL volunteer to help FIGHT the chimera spiders, and I'm sure I'm not the only one who says this as well.

    1. why must everything be done for you? do it yerself.....

    2. And just HOW am I to do THAT, Johnboy?

      Guess what? I don't know how to build spaceships, nor a faster than light engine, nor harness the energy for it, nor do I know how to change my body's gender and genetics.

      Soooo.....TELL ME....HOW DO I DO IT, since YOU OBVIOUSLY have ALL the answers.

      I'll wait for you.

      P.S. What happened to service to others, galactic codex? Ain't this a universe where folks, you each other? Since when is it a total shame or sin to ask for help?

    3. @jonnboy Unfortunately we cant leave earth by choice so how can someone do even anything by himself? You either dont have the mental capability to understand that or you are trolling.

  15. Am sick and tired of all this really. Just want off not interested in this prolonged torturous waiting for something of which we can't even know for sure that it will happen

  16. Now this has got to be the most informative and uplifting post Cobra has ever shared with us. Thank you so much Cobra, Thank you Galactic Fleet, Thank you Pleiadians!! WE LOVE YOU ALL

  17. This gave me chills. Thank you so much, COBRA. It's such a delicate moment, clearing mental and astral has been such a huge demand. It seems that the tools from the past, and the old ways of seeing and interacting with spirituality are not enough anymore. It's a process of Consciousness itself, after all. We're being transformed, and it seems to me that surface humans have much to add to the general understanding of evolution and the quantum anomaly, since a lot of us are the ones among those who were exposed the most. Figuring this puzzle is not an easy task, and sometimes disagreements happen within Light groups. To me it was clear that trying to be good is not necessairily the way, but rather coming in terms with yourself (being brutally honest when needed like you've stated before) and trusting that once you are yourself, good is your nature, not much else is needed, it will flow spontaneously. I apologize to our leaders and the Light Forces about the times when my emotional pain got to the point of bliding me. But I ask you to realize if possible that I was trying to raise my voice in empathy towards my fellow brothers and sisters. Understand that even when I accused you, I was not intending to cause damage, but to let you know the raw version of how it feels to go through so much day after day. Now it's clear that one of the 3 most intense situations regarding the Anomaly happened just a few years ago in 1996. It's recent, still fresh and we're dealing with the most absurd situation from a physical body, it's as dense as it gets. We need to envolve into something completely new, while at the same time we honor our past and our elders. It's time for us to unite. Light Forces, we need a THC in South America, I can manage one center in Brazil. Please, let's make it happen!

    Victory of The Light


  18. Universalis

    Light Up.


  19. That was ONE exciting and spectacular post!
    Definitely recharged my spirit!!!

  20. That was ONE exciting and spectacular post!
    Definitely recharged my spirit!!!
    Blessings Cobra 🌹

  21. Once we are done, we will celebrate the biggest party in the universe!!
    Hold the Light my dear brothers and sisters! This is it! The story of all stories! And its going to have the happiest end of all endings, because its the beginning of sheer paradise! 😁 🥰 🤩 🥳

    1. Agreed.
      IAm So Excited to Frolic on the Motherships with the Cobra Crew, LF's, Galactics, Angelica, and of course Source Itself!

    2. And when will that be, Fluffy?

  22. Your welcome to see some extra data related to this cobra update

    It consists of his quotes with some data found/on hand that can help people see certain things more clearly , so that some of the info doesn't go over any heads, thanks & enjoy ! :

  23. Thanks for the update!
    Translated to spanish
    Traducido al castellano

  24. One more year and then 6 more years and then more and more and more.
    Live your lives people.
    We'll be long gone unfortunately

    1. Exactly! Meanwhile ,lots of us are living in physical pain day in day out. Enjoy it.

  25. Thank you for this update Cobra and team.

  26. Ommmmmm...much Love Cobra. Thank you for being here with us during this mission. I look forward to sharing the joy of our final victory of the light soon with you! The light of Source is all. Be blessed!

  27. Best update regarding positive first contact with benevolent galactic beings now! I feel the whole idea for such a short notice to meditate was driven by the light forces. They wanted to see who was guided to meditate during yesterday’s full moon before they saw this update on this blog. This means that if there were the expected number of people who were guided to meditate then their operation is going as expected. If otherwise they will need to follow a different strategy. I for one trust that I am one of the lightworker’s or warrior’s. Why? Because call me money minded or not, but 10 trillion divided by 144000 is a good deal for me. Oh yes! I can hope for that, so that I don’t become hopeless. Thank you Cobra! Thank you LF team! Command 1221 spoken aloud!


  28. Nothing is insurmountable for Soul; It learns how to make everything into stepping-stones instead of stumbling blocks.

    —Harold Klemp
    The Spiritual Life

    Z. ZEE Spiritual name for Sri Harold Klemp. See also Wah Z.

  29. 3 X..
    Love..Light..Gratitude !!!
    Master COBRA
    We are ONE

  30. 'There is still quite much quantum and subquantum primary anomaly close to the surface of planet Earth.'

    'Most of all this is already cleared, and we are approaching the moment of the apocatastasis:'

    'One important step in this process will be the opening of a huge energy portal on the surface of this planet in late April / early May 2023.'

    'Here is a photo of tunnels leading to Pit 404, and you can use this photo to clear that location with the Violet flame:'

    'Daily meditation for peace in Ukraine every 4 hours is still very much needed, and the Light forces are asking as many people as possible to participate when they can:'


    1. Also,

      'The Light forces are carefully beginning to clear the physical aspect of the anomaly and they are also beginning with the final clearing of the toplet bombs.'

      Sounds good!

  31. We can do this! VOTL! NCSWIC! WWG1WGA!

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. Event is coming people. Fasten your sitbelts, it'sgoing be a bumby ride.

  34. "It now appears that transformation after the Event will be gradual because surface humans have much to absorb, and it may take up to a few years post-Event to transform the society, if the Galactic Pulse does not abruptly speed up things."

    I found this oddly comforting. As much as it sucks here, there's still a lot of stuff I never got to do.

    1. Same! I know this is a tough time for many people but I'm just starting to understand how to play this game and I have a lot of plans in this 3D world. Also, as much as we like to think we're ready, judging by the comments most of us have a lot of things to absorb and work to do. Much of these "awakened" people are not much different than the sleeping ones..

    2. And so this clearly suggests that the event will happen in 3-13 months. (3 months have passed, roughly.)


  35. G A L A C T I C C E N T R A L :

    T U N N E L S O F S E T :

  36. To be clear Event awakens humanity fully ...the pulse begins the ascension of humanity yes?
    Great update cobra.. didn't realize chimera had a fleet had only heard about their underground bases.. and the Draco fleet. It seems galactics are here in force I can't see.this taking much longer right? Lots of chatter about RV now.. Russia is backing their ruble with gold...china I heard was the yuan ..I hope the silver we got helps.. Event Now!

  37. Wow, very likely The Event will happen in 2023...

  38. Thank You COBRA.
    Much Appreciated.

  39. Thank you Cobra! I am very grateful for this Intel.
    This is exactly what we the lightworkers/ starseeds needed.
    This Intel clears up many puzzling thoughts and confusion in our mind/ consciousness, if lightworkers listen and understand it).
    It also energising,and helping us to hold the light!

  40. Hi cobra still only half way through but awesome news,best option for current situation would be helpful,, prevent repeat,, victory of the light...

  41. Doesnt the tunnel picture look so familiar? Its a bit like the one the grays had me in.

    1. I think it comes from a video of chechen army clearing the undergrounds below this facility, i have watched it, but now i can't find the video.

      If i find it, i will sent it to you @LongStar117

    2. I find it for you!

    3. @galactiquewarrior, I feel many have seen similar facilities out of body or during abductions. Underground tunnels and facilities are also really common in media. Games like resident evil always have locations like the image.

  42. Woww thank you, what a surprise after the meditation!

  43. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. hmm I had a thing that went into my skull and was encased in something Gilly, is like a size of a grape. When I do my meditations on purification I always sense it and so fairly hard thing to remove. I have removed it a couple of times but it's came back I think are removed properly last time..
      The I don't think it's positive though and it did spread throughout my body..

    2. @WAG, were they human looking like the typical pleiadian description? Were they transparent and blue like the holograms and force projection in some of the star wars films? Or did they look like something else?

    3. Maybe this process gradually dissolving your implants.

  44. Cobra i am not sure that this photo is legit. Because it seems it's only a small bunker where azov where installed:

    1. Ho yes it can be a tunnel connected to the put 404, i hope they succeed to clear it. So now i understand better where the chimera are in the surface. Clearly 30 meters in nothing.
      Let's go the resistance as soon as the toplet bombs are removed let's clear these bases the most rapidly possible, you can do it! 💪🏽

      By the way if russia agree, it will be cool to discose the operation in pit 404 by soldiers videos in the base.

  45. thanks very much mr cobra fine sir the super fierce lightwarrior.....

    and thank you all lightforces members here in theatre of war operations at all levels.....bravo zulu.....

    and we lightforces groundcrew are even waking up more and more as moments flow - by the looks and sounds and feels of it.....

    and less than half a million human minds on the earths surface via mass meditation have legally sanctioned devine intervention by our fine big brothers and sisters on the starships-zapem with your minds lightforces soldiers zapem with your minds-hahahahaha.....

    and welcome to our fine brothers and sisters who just arrived from the local galaxy cluster around the heliopause of this solar system - and also inside the solar system-merci beaucoup la famille de lumiere des soldat.....

    that recent coronal mass ejections moment at the end of march beginning of april is having supercharging positive effects and speeding up the process into planetary liberation absolutely also.....

    many on the earth surface humans have fought the dark forces for 26000 years - succesfully preventing them from getting full control of the earth surface-bravo zulu.....

    nectars of the galaxy

    they found their way across the sea.....

    eurasia africa the middle east.....

    killing was high for the eye in the sky.....

    AI puppets broadcasting the lie.....

    fallen angels of corrupted light.....

    capos of defilement raging in the night.....

    unholy trinity devouring truth.....

    cannon law bearing bitter fruit.....

    minds eyes opened up to see.....

    sacred energies drove her free.....

    comfort homes and jump room zones.....

    in their crystal cities and crsytal ships.....

    in their crystal cities and crystal ships.....

    lightforces came across cosmic seas.....

    to help liberate their families.....

    victory of the light came to be.....

    and they drank sweet nectars of the galaxy.....

    sweet nectars of the galaxy.....of the galaxeeeeeyyyyy.....


  46. German translation of this article / deutsche Übersetzung dieses Artikels:


  48. It's incredible! Cobra is giving us the best update in two years, and the whiners are crying riot! I'm sure they won't even see the event happen, and they will continue to cry claiming it, it's pathetic! You spend your time seeing the glass half empty and you totally ignore the important details given in the update.

    1. You must live a charmed, pain free life, Lotus.

    2. No, this is not a cult, and Cobra is not infallible, no one is infallible, the Cabal installed institutions with "infallible" leaders, religious or political and that is wrong. Being upset and pointing out inconsistencies is our divine right. Treating spokespeople, blogs, etc as infallible is a grave mistake and calling out inconsistencies is, again, not whining. Cult-like unquestioning mindset is what is pathetic. I can give you the best update in 1000 years but if it is not backed up by anything year after year, over 10 years, it's just that, words. Let's hope something will give soon. The world can not hold on for another year or more. If you can, then it's your damn responsibility to help those who can't, instead of shaming them. I am able to hold on for a while longer because I am manifesting okay circumstances for myself but the suffering is like a bottomless ocean around me and I can not help everyone. People are drowning in pain. Stop shaming people for demanding honesty.

    3. I'm probably one of the whiners.. But I have very good reason to whin.. Throughout the years Cobra has Lead us to believe (without directly saying) that the event could possibly happen this year than next year and the next year he has been doing this for 12/10 years. It is just because people are fed up having waited already a decade. You know why we stick around? because we know that in the majority of staff he saying is true.

      How frustrating is that? vary.

      Don't worry he'll give another possible date next year and the next year and the next year and next year.

    4. @Chaplet

      Walk in our shoes/iron boots for a few miles before calling us whiners, lotus.

  49. Thanks Cobra for the update.
    The post in french.

    L'article en français :

    Victory of the Light! Victoire de la Lumière !

    "The year of 2022 is a final chapter for humanity in a fight with the Darkness"
    Planet Liberation in coming months...

  51. Thank you for the update encouraged me. The light wins

  52. Interesting. Thanks for this update!

  53. Awesome news ... still western countries are much into dark grips and without direct intervention much many people will be forced to get deadly jabs, loose jobs, loose home, loose savings and most of all loose the freedom to escape somwhere safer ... IMF and WHO policies and puppets MUST BE STOPPED NOW! It is needless to say that this will stop also the war. Yes they can use doubles to substitute their master puppets, but not if ALL are taken DOWN at the same time. INTERVENTION NOW! people are more than ready for the truth, people want peace and stop tiranny NOW!

  54. Exposure!

    Already the surface of this planet has been being strongly purified!

    I feel!

  55. Ich bitte um Hilfe. Ich werde ständig angegriffen und fürchte um mein Leben. Ich bitte den Graf von Saint Germain um Hilfe und mich von dieser Situation zu entfernen oder bereinigen. Ich bitte Cobra und sein Team um energetische und physische Hilfe. Ich Bin in Not. Ich bitte auch die Bruderschaft des Sterns um Hilfe und gebe die Erlaubnis mich und meine Frau und 2 Kinder sofort aus dieser Situation zu befreien. Dies ist mein freier Wille. Ich bitte auch die Lichtkräfte um sofortige Hilfe und Liebesenergie um meinen mentalen Zustand zu stabilisieren. Ich danke euch in ewiger Liebe und im Namen der ICH BIN.Sieg dem Licht.

    1. Same here.

      Umm, I want to SEE the light ship and step on board.

    2. Translation of unknown's comment:

      I am asking for help. I am constantly being attacked and fear for my life. I ask the Count of Saint Germain for help and to remove me from this situation or purge it. I ask Cobra and his team for energetic and physical help. I am in distress. I also ask the Brotherhood of the Star for help and give permission to remove myself and my wife and 2 children from this situation immediately. This is my free will. I also ask the light forces for immediate help and love energy to stabilize my mental state. I thank you in eternal love and in the name of the I AM. Victory to the Light.

  56. Yesss!!! Victory of the Light! Thank you dear Cobra! It's great! It's huge!

  57. Namastê! Gratitude light forces!! Victory of light!

  58. Excellent news well done everyone

  59. Lakeland Florida Police and Sheriff are trying to blow us up just like Durango Colorado Police and Sheriff. The masons are human trafficking scum.

  60. Just to be clear the "event" is not the "pulse" correct? Like hopefully the "event" happen's this summer when physical anomaly is cleared more and then the "pulse" next spring 2023? Or maybe a series of pulses building to the galactic pulse in coming years? I'm looking forward to the event and financial liberty (silver) and folks waking up. Thank you cobra and team for these updates and info! I'm sorry for not always vibing high and am trying my best to stay positive and loving daily. This winter was ruff but spring is here now! Victory of the Light

    1. I was wondering the same thing. Hopefully soon COBRA can give us a sequence of events and the final ascension timeline. There has been much speculation and confusion when it comes to the EVENT/Endtimes scenerios. How many actual "events" are there? Is there going to be a magnetic/physical pole shift? When will this happen in relation to the event? Will some of the global awakening/arrests of the elite come before the EVENT?

    2. Yes, if the curve goes on like this, it is june-july.

  61. And where are the other 998 pits? Aren't you dealing with them? Because of the two in Ukraine,it was barbaric to destroy the whole country!

  62. So May 2023???? What happened to 3mths till possible event? We will all be dead from starvation by then. So over this earth life BS.

    1. I think the "event" will happen this summer but this "pulse" will be next year is what cobra means.. I think these are two different things being mixed up here. Pulse is after the event.

  63. Atenção guerreiros da Luz e Trabalhadores da Luz. NÃO CRIEM CONFLITOS UNS CONTRA OS OUTROS.
    Todos, com nossas diferenças humanas, estamos aqui por um mesmo objetivo. A Libertação do Planeta Terra.
    Vitória da Luz!

  64. last year Cobra said that was the year of the event. now the plans have changed. why tell us in April 2022 about a portal that will be next year in April May in 2023?
    what will happen for a year? lots of people will die from the effects of so-called vaccines, or from famine, and suffer the harassment of facists... How many will still be alive in 2023? so why tell us now about something that a majority of people will not experience, because they will be dead before the event.

  65. thank you cobra, thank you RM, thank you the light force, thank you to all. peace, happiness, love and abundance to humanity NOW,

  66. On behalf of the thousands of LIGHTWARRIORS and LIGHTWORKERS that are accomplishing their respective missions for the liberation of humans and creatures of planet Earth; I transmit to COBRA and the RM our most deepest and sincere gratitud for everything done
    so far.

    Victory of the Light! !!


  67. translate the reviews of the 1221 team in the screenshots of this article. please .

  68. V slovenščini:

    Vabljeni v našo skupino Sestrstva Vrtnice in Podpore Dogodka na Facebooku:

    Thank you for the post Cobra.

    Victory of the Light!

  69. Guys take back the strength that we human beings should have and say loudly that we will be liberated in 2022, the event will start soon, the collective consciousness makes everything, don't be discouraged we still have the earth party yet, sorry this is the translation, from Taiwan

  70. You guys I've been getting some beautiful visions of New Earth the past few days of children playing freely and my sister (currently unawakened)sitting on a mountain top and watching the sunrise looking the happiest I've ever seen her. It's coming. Anyone else getting these visions?

  71. "Pit 404"

    I keep seeing 404 alot lately as a synchronicity

  72. Yes, it feels like it's coming. And this update confirms this with its greater openness. Thank you Cobra for the update, thanks to the resistance movement and the forces of light for their tireless work.

  73. How do you all see this playing out? Are we going to see direct physical intervention by ET forces in the near future? I surely know that the planet is in a state of crisis beyond all imagining, so the facilitation of transition to freedom and healing as quickly as possible is much needed.

  74. "As soon as the Chimera fleet is completely defeated, more of the cosmic fleet will enter the Solar system and proceed into the sublunar space with the purpose of the final liberation of this planet."

    I thought the fleet had been destroyed a long time ago?

    'One important step in this process will be the opening of a huge energy portal on the surface of this planet in late April / early May 2023. This will definitely be the strongest energetic event in the last few decades. Nothing more can be said about that at this point.'

    Really 2023? Nothing before?

  75. I am sending the Italian and Romanian translation of this post which contains so much intel about the time we are living in, being a milestone in our evolution and the liberation of planet Earth! I was very involved to translate it within my heart, feeling the importance and weight of your words and intel, dear Cobra ... I was and am very thoughtful and eager to do much more, as much as I can to help in these complicated situations that will come upon us!
    Italian translation link is here:
    Romanian translation link is here: Now, we need more advices and help to direct our energy and actions in the best way in helping Light Forces, Resistance Movement and all beings of Light in their plans and movements to liberate our planet Earth! With so much gratitude for you, Cobra!

  76. Very thank you Cobra! I'm very glad for your beautiful truthful and encouraging informations!

  77. Grazie Cobra per l’aggiornamento, uno dei migliori in assoluto: conciso ma ricco di informazioni e dettagli, composto direi! Una vera boccata d’aria fresca in questo periodo così dannatamente travagliato! Al momento, riesce a “zittire” parzialmente la nostra parte mentale, vorace e affamata di novità riguardo all’avanzamento di tutta la situazione verso la Liberazione Planetaria e l’Impostazione Finale del “Regno della Luce” sulla Terra!!! NCSWIC! WWG1WGA! VOTL! Victory of the Light! Vittoria della Luce!!!😊🙏✨♒💫🌬⏳✴💜

  78. Interesting how deeper level evil is cleared before surface. Almost how wounds are healed in skin by deepest layers first... Like the roots must heal before the leaves burnt edges revive...? Source knows what's up, whether we like it or not, it's time to enjoy the ride! My patience is frayed beyond any limits I ever thought I could withstand. Breathing only respite and savior now.

    1. great thought! must heal the root first : ) its getting better and better

    2. What is there to enjoy, Cosmic?

  79. Parabéns pelo seu trabalho Cobra .

    Aqui no Brasil estamos inquitos com as eleições em outubro e novembro .
    Sabemos que a suprema corte trabalha para um certo grupo político, suspeitamos de chantagens .
    Esperamos alguma notícia de como podemos desmantelar essa teia que se instalou na suprema corte.
    Estamos ansiosos para o fim do conflito Russia/Ucrânia


  80. High ranking Domain Officer here.

    Can confirm, Archons are shitting their pants. They for once are afraid.

    Rockafellas have been dissolved in the sense nobody in their cartel trust one another.

    The G7 leaders are all being persecuted which is resulting in them all turning on one another.

    Biden, Trudeau and Xi Jinping have all lost their, "power". What I mean by that is, it is no longer safe for them to exist on this planet vibrating at the frequency they are. Picture mobs swarming them. They can't turn to anyone for help anymore.

    The entire financial and political system is crumbling. WEF being exposed to have puppet leaders in many Countries.

    Twitter Board members, and Wall Street in general, are all going to be sued and jailed to oblivion which is going to result in a lot of suicides.

    The next few weeks may be chaotic, but from chaos comes order.

    1. Need more proof for this other than just your words

    2. When will the TANGIBLE stuff happen?

  81. To help loosen the Archons control over the surface :

    - All Cobra Black Nobility Post Quotes

    That might be the best article to date available on the internet to awaken the community to the actual bloodlines

  82. Thank you Cobra! I need to read this many times. Amazing. It's why I come here, best info ever.

  83. !?

  84. To assist with the expansion of consciousness and our ascension process: Intro to Metaphysics 111: The Mysteries revealed. What TRULY is Metaphysics about? Breaking it all down, the word Meta can mean behind or beyond. Physics of course refers to physical matter. In the ancient study of the Occulted (hidden) sciences, Metaphysics has been called The Mother of all Sciences. In this course, our study of Metaphysics refers to going beyond the perceived physical. Our perception of matter is in truth, just a perception, as everything is composed of Atoms and Molecules, subatomic particles. Atoms, molecules, protons, neutrons, electrons, and quarks contain no intrinsic solidity at all. All of the building blocks of perceived matter are actually comprised of ENERGY. All energetic particles vibrate at specific hertz frequencies. Energy, frequency, and vibration create octaves of sound. Sound, vibrating at specific frequencies, create shape, forms, geometries. Cymatics is the science of sound and the Sacred Geometrical patterns formed by specific octaves of sound. During our initial look into metaphysics, we are going to study how subatomic particles, the building blocks of perceived matter, are actually octaves of sound comprised of energy, vibrating and expanding into the geometries of the perceived matter of our physical reality. Next, we will become familiar with Sacred Geometry, the platonic solids, and molecular geometry, which are the building blocks of the entire creation. This course is integrated in three parts. The first part begins with what I refer to as a more "left brain" and scientific study of Metaphysics culminating in us going all the way back to explore how The One Creator may have started it all, through consciousness, mind, imagination, intention, relativity and sound, with the 7 days of Creation. Part 2 is what I refer to as a more "right brain" bigger, wholistic picture of exploring Metaphysics, with a look at applying what we have already learned to the Cosmos and multiverse, Suns and planets, and of course the variable forms which life takes in the Creation. We also explore the unique densities, realms, and realities of life also referred to as dimensions. In the third and final part of Metaphysics 111, We activate a heart based approach, working mysticism, as I guide you to conduct exercises to sense and engage with the energies, including The four directions sensitivity exercise, practice heightening sensitivity to work to communicate with Trees, plants, rocks, and crystals, and conducting The Sacred Heart meditation which is actually an ancient ritual connecting through your heart to Father Sun and Mother Earth. This meditation is conducted barefoot and outside, during daylight hours. We also practice Sacred reciprocity, and learn about The Law of One and The Law of manifestation.

  85. Thank you! I like to add one thing. Water helps you to heal. Unfortunately, I don't live near a huge body of water. Here is something I do when I'm hit by a direct energy weapon. I go into shower, and do breath work while water while water running. It feels awesome.

  86. I'm flattered that my old comments about 1221 caught Cobra's attention. If Cobra chose to publish them in this post, I guess my concerns and recommendations are legit (I'm never 100% sure - I just follow my intuition).

    I have to admit, I haven't been using 1221 too much lately and mostly fell behind. I reiterate what I said months ago - The command 1221 protocol could use some serious upgrades. Other than that I don't have anything to say, as long as it's business as usual on the surface.

  87. Again, thank you. I just astral travelled there to that place with the violet flame; it is something I learned and used last year and not since. I had the encouragement of St Germain. I put violet light around me and it is like a sub-location, you are in two places at once. It really isn't hard to do. I used the violet light for a while then switched to a blinding white light. After a while it started a vortex (or it seemed to) and the darkness shrank away every time. I imagined many entities being taken up. They were afraid of it.
    Well, that's my crazy imagination. I'll do it again later as it was lots of fun. Great photo to focus on at first.

  88. Erik prince hey. Ok then votl,will try commands...

  89. Throbbing pain in the side of the head past two weeks,due to previous painkillers almost unbearable trying command sorry to be a pain in the ass but this is fucked... victory of the light ✨

  90. Per tutti coloro che non ce la fanno più ad aspettare l’evento, volevo solo dire che devono ancora aspettare. C’è una motivazione: state aspettando un salvatore o un evento risolutivo al caos del pianeta. Questa purtroppo é una mentalità creata dalla AI. Si chiama programmazione vittima/carnefice. L’invito é di uscire da questa programmazione: per voi che vi lamentate dovreste riscoprire il vostro potere. Sí il potere di creare! Se attendete un Salvatore, beh potete aspettare anche per sempre, semplicemente perché VOI siete i salvatori di voi stessi e dell’Umanitá. Se domani arrivasse per intero la verità di questo mondo vi posso assicurare che avreste un attacco cardiaco che vi porterebbe via dal piano fisico. Le cose vi posso assicurare che succedono e stanno succedendo. Tutto procede con gradualità per assicurare che le coscienze non rimangano travolte e annientate dalla luce della verità. Quando sará l’Evento?? Sveglia!!!! L’Evento sta succedendo adesso è nessuno se ne accorge!!! Non esiste il colpo di bacchetta magica e di colpo ci ritroveremo in un mondo di amore privo del tutto di oscurità!! Siate amorevoli cercando di mantenere il piú possibile elevate le vostre frequenze. Un grazie a Cobra per tutto l’immenso lavoro che sta svolgendo.

  91. Firstly thanks Cobra for this wonderful update! Love this update.

    For me, it's the massive movement of fleets into/near our solar system and the move to action on creating the Dyson sphere is assuring enough that the Event may well happen within the speculated timeframe of 3 to 15 months from now, around May 2022 to May 2023. The possibility remains open and somewhat sounds likely from this update, that it will happen rather quickly depending on certain things not quit clear at this point.

    This is an indication of nobody really knowing that exact time and hour for the Event pulse happens, but we can deduce from developments from this update that it is pretty much right around the corner in the mentioned timeframe. This also being the Solar Maximum cycle. It can happen at any time.

    For example, we just got an x-flare 90 degress away from earth a day ago, which to me is a strong indication of intensity building up.

    Plus looking at what's happening on the surface with the war in Russia and developments with Hunter Biden laptop, Durham investigation all points to and acceleration of surface events.

    Key take away from this update for me: "It now appears that transformation after the Event will be gradual because surface humans have much to absorb, and it may take up to a few years post-Event to transform the society, if the Galactic Pulse does not abruptly speed up things."

    Note this important line "...if the Galactic Pulse does not abruptly speed up things"'. Cobra is indicating the possibility of the pulse happening abruptly. There is always the least resistance path to liberation which is perhaps the most ideal scenario, there is also the possibility that things may get messy on the surface when DF know there are lock in corner, which may end up forcing the event from happening sooner than expected. It comes down to the key decision makers and how they make the final moves on this chess board and how the DF reacts and the effects it has on global consciousness and how well we are grounding and balancing the energy. We cannot obviously think of all variables involved in this game right now. But regardless, we are closer ever more than we are at any given time in these now moment. :) Votl

  92. Grazie Cobra, la traduzione in Italiano è qui:

  93. If benign Chinesse forces control the new coin we'll be ok but If the CCP controls the new coin we're screw even worst. Who is reallly behind this "New World Order" Coin?. Also, Are we having a meditation for the 25M souls living in terror in Shanghai?Please explain Cobra. You are looking like you are not you anymore.

    1. That's what I feel. And he won't post my somewhat uncomfortable posts

  94. Thank you for update! ♡♡♡

  95. "Goddess wants peace and peace it will be!"
    Cobra what does it means peace in Ukraine?
    I think Putin must withdraw his forces outside Ukraine border in 2014 , out of the Crime penisula!!!!

  96. En español, en castellano y con esmero In spanish:

  97. Yes!!!Thank you,Cobra!✨✨✨🙏

  98. Hold the light by knowing it is no longer necessary for humans to accept slavery and exploitation. These constructs have no value any longer, and the will of a few does not carry importance any longer... no matter how much incantation they summon to remain in control. If you value true justice, life, and freedom then you have eternal life and will live to experience a new destiny based on true justice, life, and freedom-- here or somewhere else.

  99. Apocatastasis:
    What has done will be undone! All will be recovered!

  100. Apocastasis:
    What has been done will be undone!
    Everything will recover!

  101. This picture is from Kadyrov combat footage on telegram. On left you can see weapon. This tunnel was usual Azov hideout, not underground what you think. I am 100% sure. Video has 3 parts of Kadyrov squad vs. 1-2 ukraine civilian soldiers even without uniform at the end you can see end of tunnel with items they found, claimed as "resting hideout" with one freightened civilian soldier boy. Nothing else. I can send you videos. Peace and Truth!

  102. Gracias hermano Cobra!!
    Comando 1221 funciona para asistencia inmediata en situaciones de emergencia, siempre están ahí para resolver cualquier situación crítica. La solución llega de forma mágica. Por supuesto tenemos que prestar nuestro servicio aquí abajo, en especial con las meditaciones.
    Gracias hermanos Pleyadianos.
    Victoria de la Luz 🙌

  103. The ABC's of a Common Law Republic, in Canada and beyond:
    A workshop with Kevin Annett, Co-Convener of the Republic of Kanata

    April 16, 2022 in Norwich, Ontario

    Learn how and why we can overcome the COVID police state and reclaim our nations as sovereign Republics!

  104. For those who are interested:

    Presidential Dream, Cobra Post/Blue Dawn Synchronicity, Final Battle Synchronicity, Al Capone/Arrests Dream & More

    1. Egomania is psychiatric term used to describe excessive preoccupation with one's ego, identity or self (all posts published by Jonathan Carty in recent years had only one topic: Jonathan) and applies the same preoccupation to anyone who follows one’s own ungoverned impulses, is possessed by delusions of personal greatness & grandeur (Jonathan Carty's claims to be Jesus Christ ...) and feels a lack of appreciation (howling that questioning his posts are attacks against him; no self-reflection, just projections outward).

      Someone suffering from this extreme egocentric focus is an egomaniac.

  105. What are super super strong and super super large tachyons? A super large tachyon would still probably fit inside one grain of rice.

    Could a tachyon or tachyon field expand and contain a whole planet? A whole universe?

    I have not thought of any of this until Cobra posted these statements here about super strong and super large tachyons and a tachyon field that envelops us and lets us merge into Light.

    I love how it all sounds, but these concepts are beyond my current understanding.

    We must be at the edge of huge breakthroughs that we really cannot imagine. I hope I stay alive long enough to see it all and experience what our world is going to do.

    Once again, thank you, Cobra for all the interesting information.

    Victory of the Light!

  106. David Wilcock mentioned that the global cabal would be defeated before the mid-term election, which is interesting because it is consistent with some factors in Dr. Sarah's early video call with Alex. It is similar to the time window previously predicted by Solana and astrologists. This is interesting because these are three different sources.

    1. @Wilcock has been wrong in the past, quite a few times.

      He really fucked up when talking about the Epstein arrest. I really don't take that guy seriously anymore.

  107. thank you for the information.
    definitely useful:)
    keep it up!!keep up the amazing work!
    and everyone let's do our own jobs and roles.
    I know it's been hard,I'm going through it too.My head will crack anytime soon
    but let's just fight until the very end.
    Maybe if we thought we did our best maybe this time it would require greater strength and power.
    The enemy is not too naive nor unintelligent.
    Remember,this is war.

  108. Somewhere I read that when some 'head of country' gets 'covid' he/she actually is being arrested and taken now it happened to president of Finland! Actually also 'primeminister' Sanna Marin was at thous Devos-meetings...

  109. Hello Cobra,

    Thank you for all you have done for the last 10 years and more.

    There are presidential elections in France this weekend, do you have an opinion or a comment on this?

    For my part I will not vote, as a sovereign being I don't give my power to a person who belongs to this system.

    Some people ask the question:

    Is Marine Le Pen a "positive" person?
    Does the result of the elections have any importance or not?

    Victory of the light!

  110. Tears upon tears upon tears upon starseeds working separately

  111. The Victory of the Light and Sisterhood of the Rose teams are happy to announce a new FREE live program for the English/International community, titled:

    Preparing Ourselves for Liberation and Ascension

    Wednesday, April 20, 2022, at 7pm UTC (3pm EST, 9pm CEST)

    Links to join the live broadcast:




    Check your time zone here:

    This program updates our previous implant clearing sessions to include additional work on healing ourselves to manifest individual, collective, and planetary liberation, as well as preparing ourselves for the Ascension process.

    Cobra has recently indicated to us that it is still essential to continue implant clearings, so we will facilitate previous and new implant clearing exercises in the first hour of the session as part of our healing. Our second hour* is then dedicated to additional meditations, exercises, and discussions to assist healing, spiritual growth, and a higher vibrational life for ourselves, for humanity, and for the world.

    *Please allow yourself 2-3 hours for this experience (think of it as a mini “spiritual marathon”). Due to the longer length of this program, we will conduct these approximately every four weeks (rather than every two weeks). The content and duration of these sessions will change somewhat each time, to also include guest presenters of various topics!

    At this pivotal time on the planet, it is of the utmost importance that we heal ourselves to be free of limiting beliefs, sabotaging behaviors, and lower vibrational frequencies, thoughts, and emotions. Please join us to heal yourself and heal the world!

    Working together is very powerful, and the more people that attend, the more impactful it will be for all … so please spread the word!

    Let’s Heal Together! Victory of the Light!

    Note: This session is conducted in English; however translations of most exercises are available in Hungarian, Croatian, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Slovenian, Czech/ Slovak, Polish, Romanian, and Persian. You can find the translations of the exercises here:

    For more information on these sessions, please visit:

    To listen to previous implant clearing sessions, please visit the Sisterhood of the Rose YouTube channel at

    1. @agi, what if we cant catch it live? Will the video work if watched later?

  112. To share the Light (information). I have documented the details from some of my interfaces and experiences with The positive oriented Royal White scaled reptilian Woman who is indigenous to planet Earth, and the local lizard men who all reside in the 4th density realm. These experiences have greatly expanded my consciousness, changed the calibration of my brain, and afforded me great insight. There is not a day that goes by that I do not think about her, wonder what she's up to, and send her some of my love and gratitude. This kind of information should be shared and made available to everyone. Feel free to read about it here:


    1. Wow, what a story to tell!

      Have you ever heard of "Lacerta"?


  113. Diamond Dust


  114. Beautiful "UAP" (unidentified aerial phenomena) in Canada from 18 April 2022:

  115. Let us not forget that our creator is not as secretive as the god of the Jews.

  116. @Storm
    "Really 2023? Nothing before it"
    Yes,but it is heavily classified.

  117. @sasanka, I was on some land in central florida with many natural springs and it did feel much lighter and better.

  118. I'd rather we be given real weapons and armor/protections to fight back with, instead. Take out their weapons, declaw the monsters.

  119. @DailorMan23
    To my understanding, we will have two major pulses.
    How Cobra said; the first one, the Galactic pulse will trigger the Event.
    The second pulse, after a year or so will be the cosmic ascension energy .

  120. I used to be excited by every piece of information. Now, every piece of information, my heart does not fluctuate. I still read every piece of information, but I no longer care about it.
