Thursday, June 8, 2023

Situation Update

The Light forces have made a breakthrough on the etheric plane. They were able to destroy the Chimera / Lords of Karma dark network on the etheric plane with all their technologies, with most of the etheirc Chimera / Lords of Karma entities captured and taken to the Galactic Central sun, and a very few of the Chimera escaping to the physical plane into cloned bodies through the DARPA pit. Thus now the only location under dark control is the physical plane on the surface of this planet.

The few remaining dark entities on the etheric plane are disorganized, in flight, and are no longer part of the dark network. Since Lords of Karma etheric control network is gone, human beings are no longer forced to incarnate, and now they incarnate mainly based on their conscious or subconscious impulses. The etheric plane still looks like after a war zone, spiritual guides are not present, and random anomaly clouds still contain dark entities that have not been cleared yet. Human beings who die may or may not go through the etheric plane unharmed after their death process into a relatively lighter astral plane, depending on their level of awareness and their emotional state.

Physical biochips are in the process of being cleared, and that will still take some time. To reduce the power those biochips have on the human thinking process, the Light forces are recommending this technique:

Subquantum anomaly is also in the process of being cleared, but it turned out to be more dense and challenging than expected. This anomaly is the main source of negative experiences and feelings, and the main factor blocking the Event, because it still to a great degree blocks the flow of Light from buddhic plane towards the surface of the planet. The plan of the Light forces is to clear this anomaly to the degree that darkness will never again be able to manifest anywhere in the universe in the future under any circumstances, and to solve this problem once and for all:

Mainstream science is dimly aware of subquantum anomaly to a degree:

There is a lot of intel about subquantum anomaly that needs to be veiled for now and will hopefully be released to the surface population when conditions permit.

I can only say that subquantum anomaly is virtually omnipresent outside regular spacetime and locally impacts quantum fluctuations to the degree that dark consciousness creates a tensor field between the buddhic and physical plane. Simply speaking, there is a very low impact of subquatum anomaly throughout the universe, a low to medium impact within our solar system and huge impact on the surface of this planet, where many dark entities are still present.

On the surface of the planet, the subquantum tensor field is so strong that since the creation of the quarantine 26,000 years ago it almost completely distorts or even prevents travel through hyperspace on and near the surface. The strength of this tensor field has increased many times in 1996 and the years following that, because many dark entities arrived on the planet. It has actually gotten so strong that it folded into itself and formed a closed loop manifold, drastically reinforcing the quarantine.

This tensor field presents serious navigational problems for interstellar craft, since they can not safely operate in hyperspace near the surface of the planet because of the anomaly, and if they fly in regular spacetime, many times they get shot down.



Those downed craft are the subject of mainstream disclosure from a whistleblower that happened a few days ago, just in time for Pluto in Aquarius to make its first push towards Disclosure and Contact, before it exits Aquarius on June 11th:

And even a more detailed release from another whistleblower a few days later:

This already has political implications:

Tucker Carlson, in his first Twitter monologue seen by more than 100 million people, has addressed the issue of media censorship about UFO phenomenon:

Betelgeuse, a bright star in the Orion constellation, is again showing signs that it might go supernova soon:



The Light forces have communicated that the process of the Event may be much more chaotic than originally expected. The Event itself will include the mass arrests of more than 400,000 Cabal members, financial Reset and release of intel about the existence of the surface Cabal, secret space programs and benevolent extraterrestrial races. This whole process will take about a week or two, during which time the water, food, electricity and internet distribution channels need to remain largely intact. One part of surface human population will not take the Event process well and there will be a lot of dysfunctional behavior:

For this reason, intel about the coming polar shift will be released to the surface population gradually only after the initial one or two week period, when the distribution chains will be already largely stabilized.

After the Event, the Pleiadians will start creating Islands of Light on the surface with their technology, and these will be the only really peaceful zones on the planet, when the rest of human society will go through a rather brutal awakening process. This period is expected to take a few months, and then the Galactic superwave hits the planet.

My educated guess is for the Event to happen during 2025. The Light forces have NOT commented on my educated guess attempt, and it may, or may not be correct.

For now, the focus in the next few months will be on the clearing of the subquantum anomaly and the biochips, and from September/October things may begin to get more interesting.

Victory of the Light!


  1. Thank you for the update COBRA!
    Your intel helps to adjust expectations and perceptions.
    I personally don't know if I can hold out financially until 2025, but God, my guardian angels and guides, as well as my 1221Team have managed to pull us through with a miracle here and there... so we'll see.

    1. Agreed. Just have to watch over a few special critters in my life but after that, I am going home to the Sombrero galaxy. !!!! I am certainly never going to experience the slavery that comes from any financial system. Never again. The earth will still have one for a very long time while the deprogramming process continues for many decades. . Not my problem anymore.

    2. Entanglement means everything that happens here matters to all of creation.

      The "out of sight, out of mind" quarantine of this world compounded everything that is currently happening, and honestly some pretty "high up" entities embraced that idea so at least you are in "good" company with your garbage attitude of run away and forget about it.

      Protip: closing your eyes and plugging your ears doesn't make it go away, coward.

    3. 同意。情報非常重要和及時。

    4. You are not alone on financial difficultly! I hope there is change in near future.

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    6. I'm satisfied with the news that I don't have to be forced to reincarnated on this planet anymore! I can finally go back to my home planet! My understad is that The Event with solar flares is supposed to take place in 2025 and the upheaval caused by polar shift is around 2046, a little more time after the event.

  2. I stopped reading after the first sentence. That is what I was waiting for. I have no reasons to hang around the earth for several more years watching the abomination of desolation. However, because I do care about my sweet pets, I'll stay a little longer and return to finishing reading this post. Thank you for the great work.

  3. So then why is the etheric matrix still active?

    1. Well it's not anymore only the physical matrix, that is explain in the previous post

    2. @Name
      I suppose because of the
      DARPA PIT. The metrix is still controlled by some extremely powerful Chimeras in human bodies.

    3. I can't believe it still needs to take 2 or more years for the event. As soon as the biochips are cleared and the last pit is nuked the event operations could begin because why not.

  4. Well, it is what it is. Hope pleiadians can tell us where these Islands of Light is at some point, we will be there to help people during this harsh awkening process but i hope to be safe too.
    As always, Victory of the Light!

  5. Bonjour 🙂Notre équipe s’envole à présent vers de nouvelles aventures avec la création d’un nouveau facebook et Telegram avec sous-groupes encore plus beau, complet, et intuitif qui diffusera plus largement encore les informations, conseils et outils nécessaires à la transition exopolitique et spirituelle actuelle.
    Nous l’avons nommé « Libération Planétaire et Ascension » et espérons qu’il saura combler vos attentes et répondre à vos questions dans une large mesure. Il est constitué d’un canal principal auquel s’ajoutent de nombreux sous-groupes relatifs aux méditations, aux intels de COBRA, à l’ascension spirituelle, aux protocoles de guérison, etc.
    ✅ LIBÉRATION PLANÉTAIRE ET ASCENSION => canal général de nos émissions YouTube, salons vocaux, échanges, partage et questions.
    ✅ MÉDITATIONS => le canal principal pour les méditations de groupe.
    ✅ COBRA l’Intégral => toutes les intels de COBRA compilées dans un document PDF de plus de 2000 pages couvrant l’intégralité de ses mises à jour et interviews depuis 2012. Pour retrouver n’importe quelle information en un clic, rendez-vous à la FAQ de la page 14.
    ✅ ASCENSION Spirituelle => canal d’informations et d’échanges relatif au processus d’ascension actuel, avec comme ouvrage de référence, « L’Escalier de Cristal » d’Eric Klein.
    ✅ SORORITÉ de la Rose - France => canal relatif aux sororités françaises, selon le fonctionnement et les directives données par COBRA.
    ✅ GALACTIQUE et COSMOS => canal d’informations et d’échanges relatif à la Confédération Galactique, au Codex Galactique et plus largement aux lois universelles et cosmiques.
    ✅ Sessions IMPLANTS => canal principal de nos émissions de dissolution d’implants et de résiliation de contrats d’âme.
    ✅ GUÉRISON et Protections => canal d’informations et d’entraide relatif aux protocoles de commande pléiadiens, aux chambres à tachyon et autres outils favorisant le bien-être énergétique et spirituel.

    Retrouvez toutes nos émissions en intégralité sur notre chaine YouTube :
    Ainsi que les actualités de notre canal sur notre groupe Facebook :
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    REPLAY LIVESTREAM FRANCAIS officiel du 1er Mai 2023 chaine youtube "Libération planétaire et Ascension" pour "l' Activation du Portail de Lumière"

    PDF FRANCAIS explicatif pour Activation du Portail de Lumière du 1 Mai 2023
    PDF ANGLAIS explicatif pour Activation du Portail de Lumièredu 1 Mai 2023 (ENGLISH PDF to explain the Portal of Light Activation on 1st May 2023)


    "Until physical intervention occurs, Lightworkers and Light Warriors should HOLD THE LIGHT GRID as much as possible:

    a) The construction of the Cintamani grid:
    COBRA | 29th may 2017 : The Cintamani Network
    people who are involved in the surface cintamani grid, to refrain from having physical contact with their own cintamani stones at times when they are in conflict with other surface humans, or when they are in an extremely negative emotional state, to avoid contaminating the grid.

    b) The construction of the Tachyon chamber grid

    c) The construction of the Soul Family connection grid:
    COBRA | 2nd april 2018 : soul families

    d) The construction of sisterhood of the rose (with physical meetings)
    COBRA | 16th june 2018 : Planetary Activation of SOTR

    e) Prepare for physical contact with the Light Forces according to the internal guidelines:
    COBRA | 18th March 2018 : Contact
    COBRA | 9th May 2018 : Protocols of entry

    F) Refrain /Avoid From Interpersonal Conflicts By Choosing Non-réaction and Conscious Positive Action Over Reaction .

    Let's Continue to hold the Light together 🙂

    You can find some useful healing tips/meditations here :
    "Let’s Heal Together: Preparing Ourselves for Liberation and Ascension"
    We are so much stronger together💫

  7. Thanks for the update
    Translated to spanish
    Traducido al castellano

  8. Thanks cobra always appreciated

  9. Wow! Great progress! I do feel a sense of sadness come over me though. I always hoped I would be around to see the world changing for the better. But with the pole shift now coming so soon after the Event, there will not be time to integrate. I figured we'd still have a couple years to integrate. If no really good things will happen until the Event and it doesn't happen until 2025, then nothing really matters, except awakening people to what's to come and helping them mentally to prepare.

    I've had VERY strong feelings that the pole shift will happen in 2025 in the summer most likely. David Wilcock has analyzed his prophetic dreams and has said it will happen in 2025 or sooner.

    Will we be able to go to the islands of light, if we choose? Do we have to have a certain vibration in order to stay and be safe there? Can the light forces give us a description of what it will be like and what we need to do to get prepared?

    1. Wilcock did not exactly have a good track record.....the long posting he made right after Epstein was arrested, and it all going wrong after he posted pretty much made me done with him. I also feel it's one of many reasons he got kicked off Ancient Aliens (did not see him there for ages), and why his wife left him.

      I personally say if an alien ship comes and offers a lift, I say take it. Remember, there's MANY planets out there, far, far more pleasant than earth.

    2. I honestly still don't think that the huge tsunami must necessarily follow the event so soon..
      Just live in the moment and trust that everything will be fine either way as this whole process is divinely guided. 💜

  10. dear Cobra, thank you for the update, we are not used by you giving dates, but from my heart and from every single one , human person that is on earth, i hope you will be correct, a friend of yours..


  12. With genuine and reliable instructions for the evacuation at the moment of the polar shift available in alternative media:

  13. Recent Light

  14. Well, I always welcome good news ✌️🤗🌹but I think 2025 is the furthest i can go without completely collapsing mentally and emotionally, i actually think that I'm pretty strong mentally and emotionally but this reality is so sick and boring especially when you are awakend that's really hard to act normal everyday and this whole process it's taking way too long, i definitely didn't imagine this type of sick world when i choose to incarnate here. The problem is that i woke up really young and soooo muuuuch years have already passed, now I'm just actor everyday, putting on fake faces, people would be really shocked to know how i feel internally because i always make positive and optimistic impressions, the world that i see in my head and this reality are total vibrational opposites, I'm really feeling that divide deep in my core. For the last year it was so intense for me that i drink 2-3 liters of beer everyday to calm and dumb down myself a little bit so it can be easier to endure all of this and I'm not even alcoholic, the good thing is that i drastically reduced smoking of cigarettes for the last 6 months because i started vaping, i was smoking box-box and half every day, now maybe 1-2 boxes per month but i don't know if vaping is any good, i personally feel it's better than cigarettes. I was hoping that The Event would happen long time ago so years and years of pressure have piled up on me and the cross is pretty heavy. I recently started reading occult stuff and mysteries to prepare more for The Event, I'm reading now The Secret Teachings of All Ages by Manly Palmer Hall and it's really good and i also started to listen to Robert Gilbert on Ignite the Intelect YouTube channel and other channels, he is really good, the new insight and knowledge helps me a lot. How rest of You endure all of this crazy times? 🤪🤪🤪

    P.S. i would like to go to Island of Light when it becomes possible, i really need some good MedBed healing but i wouldn't leave my family in all of that chaotic transition even though they are quite awakend in comparison to normies, i hope light forces will roll out that advance technology shortly after The Event.

    Victory of the Light ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜

    1. It's possible you did not chose to incarnate here. Cobra's "Soul Families" post, a few years back, mentioned that we're not all here by choice, I know I did not chose to come here. And for as long as I can remember, I have always felt living here on this rock is comparable to a pilgrim trapped in an unholy land, and that the wolves and monsters are always looking for him and her.

      I never smoked, actually, I just smoked a joint ONCE in 1998, at my high school graduation all night party, and that was it. And I do, sometimes, have to 'medicate' to, as you said it, calm and dumb myself, and it's just a shot or two of liquor, and not that much at that. Just enough to mellow down a bit.
      I doubt we're 'enduring', really, GP.

      And I too need alien tech to help me. And as for family, the humans I might be related to, blood wise, are NOT my family...and they just get worse and worse, greedier and nastier as time goes by. So, given a chance to leave 'em behind, I WILL. LET them experience some chaos, for they are as 'normie' and the very flower of the word "sheeple". For all the crap they put me through, I'd see it as some justice.

      And as religious as they are, I'll just tell them, "Like Noah, I TRIED to help you over the years, but you'd not listen. Then it started to RAIN." Same for the rest of the sheeple. I'll be more than happy to just step onboard one of the alien ships and just go HOME, to me real family and friends, and my special someone, who I know is alien, and that she's out there, somewhere. And I WANT to go back to them, and HER.

    2. Hello GPiksel,

      I feel you. I myself wondered many times how to endure this mad world for even a few more years? The endless killing and deaths caused by the Elite/Cabal or whatever you want to call them is....there's no word that describes this insanity. On top of that it has been going on for centuries or even much longer. But we live here and now so I refer to the current situation.

      What helped me personally when it got tough was meditation and the focus on a favourite hobby. Remember Cobra said to continue with our lives instead of waiting for the event. The waiting is what drives many crazy. That's why I took my focus off of the Event. All you can do is live life the way you can at least enjoy it to a degree (I know we all have to pay bills and work forever and that doesn't help). If you do something you enjoy you are a shining example for others because people are happier when they do what they love. It is more important to do this now in this dark time.

      Be a beacon for others.

      I often thought I am not doing much to help this world but thinking about this now I think many of us help more than we think by simply doing what we enjoy because others will be attracted to our joy.
      On top of that if you can make people smile it is one of the best things you can do for them. For at least that brief moment you can make them forget whatever sorrow or worry they carry in them. To do that you may have to learn to not take yourself too seriously and to not be afraid of what others may think of you.

      I hope this helps a little.

      My greetings go out to everyone out there who is "awake" and feels down because of everything going on.

  15. If I'm reading this latest Intel correctly... at least the way it is stated by COBRA... there will only be a few months between The Event and the pole shift evacuation if this happens in 2025.
    My question is, what is the point of Project Dreamland funds being distributed to the Lightworkers, or for that matter, the global collateral account funds such as the Saint Germain account and others like it being used for anything if we're just evacuating this planet and it's monetary system?
    I know Dreamland also encompasses the mystery schools but my question has to do with funds that will apparently never be used here if we have to evacuate a few months after The Event?
    Just one of many questions I hope is answered soon.

    1. Man you're freakin right . I forgot about this one. I forgot 'bout leaving the earth about the pole shif since i've unfollowed cobra. BUT for sure THEY still have the money 4 us!😁 somthing else to happen on earth. Read someone else. Operationdisclosure

    2. @One of 144K
      Indeed. A fair question.

    3. 繁荣基金或圣哲曼基金或许不会发放,或许会以另一种方式提前发放。现在看来甚至第一波扬升都不会发生了。整个计划现在就是撤离计划,一切闲事等到撤离后再叙。

    4. Another thing is, if this shift REALLY happens then what are we still doing here? Why am I still working just to pay bills instead of travelling the world to experience it?

  16. 我猜测光明势力对您的2025年猜测不做评价的原因是事件将早于这个时间点发生。

    1. 个人感觉2023下半年-2024的势能会满足事件突破的能量需要,以及vtx星种&光护持者在实相中的聚集与第一波扬升的初始需要,以及地球世界各地的光城建设。

    2. @vVv
      Hope you are right on that one.

    3. 我同意,我个人最近也获得了极大的提升,很多坏毛病都没了,感觉局势变得越来越好

  17. The Pole Shift will not happen because God/Creator and the Earth herself does not want it. Also, the Hive of God will come to assist in the resistance to causing the pole shifts which are artificially caused by astral grids that are created around the Earth by Higher Dimensional beings.

    1. Where was Creator when all this crap started in the first place?

  18. Event by 2024 hopefully. Preferably before the 2024 American election circus.

  19. So topless cleared.. etheric plane cleared...pit under DARPA ? Now subquantum anomaly to clear? Wasn't the pole shift originally predicted for 2025 and we need the solar flash before then? Have to admit 2025 feels like a punch to the gut..why wld it take years for the galactics to clear the SQA and the pit? Human collective will only descend further down I fear.. the cost of living rising daily..did the meditations do anything to speed up the process? Thanks cobra

    1. Well 2025 is only Cobra's personal guess and the LFs did not confirm his guess. Better not put so much thought about it.

    2. The absolute worst thing Cobra could have done is to give out a date (2025) Alison Coe learnt this lesson years ago. You do not give out dates. They come and go and when nothing happens, people become disheartened.

    3. Yea, we need some tangible help, as in supplies, and so on.

      Collective can't do much if they can't even afford a loaf of bread, or a gallon of fuel.

  20. I rem Allison Coe qhht describing humans who couldn't handle the solar flash or perhaps it was the super wave..wld be taken onboard ships..arks perhaps as Dr Salla's contact JP mentions he has visited these arks are places all over the if strategically
    They are all coming online for a!
    Surely we aren't waiting another 2 years??
    We need bio implants de activated and all tech taken down so all can awaken now.
    Seems there's always a reason it can't happen...hard to keep up the vibe when we must eat and pay manifesting gold or cash for me yet..

  21. It's good to hear about the progress made with the Etheric Layer cleanup and the Light forces allowing the Event to be triggered with a certain amount of chaos. Short term suffering is much better than long term suffering.

    Souls who don't want to return to the physical world can finally go to higher planes more easily

  22. Hell Yeah!!!! This is fucking Great NEWS!!

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. 🦋🤍🦋🤍🦋🤍🦋🤍🦋🤍🦋🤍🦋

  25. I can corroborate this update with the unprecedented activity in Schumann Resonance on June 7th which I don't remember seeing at least for last 1 year. Here is the proper update of this activity:

    [Schumann Resonance 7/6 17:00] After a very long period, more than six months, today we are shown a very strong activity. The movements started at 8 UTC when all frequencies started to go down; at 11 UTC when the frequencies reached minimum values there was the first significant peak of the Amplitude which reached Power 67. Note the behavior of the Primary Frequency, normally in these movements with high values of the Amplitude the F1 reaches extremely low values, this time it was the opposite, it went on incredibly high values reaching 8.80 Hz, a peak we have rarely seen. This “reversal” situation led to an equally rare value of the Amplitude which touched Power 120 at 11:30 UTC. The Primary Frequency just after 11 UTC began a steep descent until it touched 7.30 Hz shortly after 12 UTC giving continuity to the movements of the Amplitude which until 14 UTC continued to oscillate between Power 25 and 30. Even the Quality recorded a very high value reaching Power 32. The instability of the frequencies is continuing at the time of this update. In our particular calculation based on all the parameters recorded today the Energy of the Collective Currents has reached "Power 300" !

  26. "Since Lords of Karma etheric control network is gone, human beings are no longer forced to incarnate"

    Ok, at least we got a good news, at least ......

  27. Thanks for the update Cobra. Is there any way you can maybe let us know more about the fleetsize of dark vs light? That would be very interesting for sure. In the meanwhile, if you guys wanna chat, feel free to join the 2012 Portal Discord:

    We already have over 100 members.

    Cheers and VOTL!

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. Moved to tears, we are one step closer🤣😂

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. Thank you for the “mind clearing pdf” . I really wanted to read it, but the cost and postage was too much for me. I am also excited to learn more about the sub quantum anomaly.
    Last few days were rough, mind fog and all…
    This update give new hope. Let’s see what Sept/Oct brings to the lightworkers.

    1. You literally read / download it for free on the page that Cobra linked.

    2. @Lightworker I meant, originally in 2017 (, Cobra had asked us to read this and it was too expensive for me to pay for the book, postage etc.
      Now of course I am glad it’s a free pdf.

  31. Mind Clearing sounds good. It is what I need. Looking forward to dust all the dirt inside out of me. Thank you.

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. Mercii Cobra, ça avance, on tient jusqu'au bout, Sandrine Veilleuse des Energies de Gaïa <3

  34. Pandora's Box( free earth ) project also parts of Great Universe All Diamensions Ascension ~Oneness.
    Everything is Growing/Learning Within Oneness.

  35. It was mentioned before that the Islands of Light will be protected from the Pole Shift.

  36. Etheric plane mostly clear. Great, now most of the focus of the light forces can be on the physical plane so I expect things will be speeding up now.

  37. Things are getting better. Thank you so much for everyone's work, directly and indirectly. Not long before our full freedom, God the Father and Mother bless you all!

    Victory of Light! ⭐️✨️☀️✨️⭐️

  38. If it is possible to bring this up in upcoming interviews/posts

    It would be good to know what the situation(any details on) is with the DEW situation

    > With the etheric liberation & eventual biochip removal,

    then the last thing (other than anomaly) effecting our behavior are the DEW's.

  39. Trigger the Event,now!Don't delay!

    1. I can't agree more! So many qhht people had it happening already...I know it's fluid but plz not 2025
      let's bring this matrix down now!!

  40. C'est très simple. Nous devons tous nous rassembler, prendre la parole et dire que cette merde nous empêche de bien vivre sur cette planète. Et cette merde disparaîtra. C'est aussi simple que cela. Victoire à la lumière !

  41. Mulțumim Cobra pentru aceste informații importante . Sa speram ca într-o zi vom scăpa complet de lorzii karmei care obliga sufletele sa se reincarneze. Așteptăm evenimentul din 2025 . Victoria luminiiLuminii

  42. I've had that Mind Clearing book for about 5 years. I should get around to reading it, lol!

    1. 😂😂😂 A mí me ocurrió lo mismo con el Kybalion!!!

  43. Thank you Cobra for this great update. We now understand that things are going to get quite difficult for us as the dark ones are unleashed. We have the WHO who wants to take control of the health of all humans, to try to start their pandemic history over again, to associate our income with our vaccination schedule, to deprive us of food, energy, housing, make us eat insects, make war everywhere....All governments are corrupt, we are alone! But we know that above our heads, unapproachable for now, are billions of galactic brothers doing their best to support us. Personally, I keep trust and faith, I let go. It doesn't matter if I can't experience the event on earth, it will take place in all planes anyway. There is only one important thing left to do: to love with all your heart. We are star children, even if we die before the event, this is our last 3D incarnation in a dark world, this is a wonderful gift!

    1. Yes, I agree. Many things appear to be out of our control or influence due to the limited understanding of the total scenario. Best to just focus on what we can control in our individual lives and do whatever possible to hold our heads up high.

    2. @Lotus
      IF I die before the good stuff, I'll be coming AFTER the light forces. I want...need..the good stuff in THIS incarnation, for I this will be my last one, regardless, and I want SOMETHING good in this life, you know. I'm in no hurry to die, nor will I be happy to die, and it's all be 'business as usual'.

    3. Bill Gates and Melinda Foundation has just got the FDA approval of the release of the vaccination patch without using needle anymore and it is suggest to be used on babies. They got the Adult and now they are going for the babies. The first one to be send to the Central Sun for recycle should be Bill Fcuk Gates.

    4. Stay alive friend it's not over yet but we got this!!

  44. Okay, Lots to try to understand. Tucker Carlson and the whistleblowers are something I get first. Then the tensor field... which isn't good. The arrest of 400,000 Cabal members. Yep, this is hectic. It is seemingly getting crazy now. A little crazy.

    1. Will we SEE the arrests, or will it all be 'behind the scenes!', with clones, copies and duplicates still running wild?

    2. I think they may try to lock us down in order to take out the 400,000 Cabal members. That is what I would do, as being arrested they would try to take out as many innocent people as possible. So this number would be a worldwide number I'm assuming. Lets take the Cabal down. They are a bloody pain in our sides. And also the Cabal on HERE. It's about time they took them down also. Let's clean them all up.

      Oh they are trying to take down Trump again. Really, again? They will never stop. Take them out. And it bought out all the special b*tches on TV all trying to take Trump out. Silly cows.

  45. Lots of good news, the bad... possibly 2 years to the event 😩

    1. 2 years to event is a good news. Let's hope it Does happen. No guarantees here

    2. The good the bad the ugly is how I read it...the event is always 2 years out no matter what yr it seems..I started reading this blog back in 2016 I excited meditated each Sunday ..I now smile and just do the best I can as I fully expected this to be over by now..🤔

  46. German translation of this article / deutsche Übersetzung dieses Artikels:

  47. Thanks Cobra for the update.
    The post in French / L'article en français :
    Victory of the Light! Victoire de la Lumière !

  48. According to the clif high link he expects unrest and mass awakening starting this month. According to CoBra he expects the event 2025 followed by a brutal awakening process and dysfunctional behavior. Maybe clif is right about the publics behavior but wrong about the timeframe. I understand about the potentially volatile situation with the public creating the need for the slow route towards the event. If the chimera continue losing power then why cant we leave and before the event? The public will go through a brutal awakening process but do I have to be here? When can we leave?

    1. BINGO.

      If I can get to hop on an alien ship and leave this planet, I shall.

      I never wanted to incarnate here in the first place. IF Galactic Codex has ANY truth to it, then I want healing, restoration, and justice.

    2. Agreed pull off the band-aid it hurts less than the slow approach ...people need shocked awake now..

  49. YESSS I will shower everyday now to look good in the Event ))

  50. Tachyonis has some new products like tachyonized tibetan quartz.

  51. Please don’t tell me the Event won’t happen till 2025, I desperately need to go to the mothership and have my health problems finally healed, I want healing , please Lightforces please start the Event this year, In so sick and tired of being sick and tired, I want a new body. I want to be healed, please help me

  52. Thank you Cobra for the intel and your work for the Light!
    Thank you Lightworkers and Lightwarriors for your work!
    Victory of the Light it will be!

  53. thanks very much mr cobra fine sir and super fierce lightwarrior.....

    and thank you very much all lightforces members here in theatre of war operations.....

    after close to 26000 earth years the surface population is no longer subjected to forced reincarnations-that is totally mindblowing-bravo zulu to the advanced lightforces massive works.....

    the surface creatures can operate more and more consciously;precisely; accurately;powerfully etc in the local ether now;with the massive distortions/weapons/anomolies/dark soul beings etc - clearings and such ongoing absolutely.....

    with practice we can now operate more in higher planes of consciousness via our higher energy bodies;in growing back our wings and such;potentially becoming more and more powerful on the physical plane as higher energy bodies of the physiological expression lighten and strengthen physical world experience on earth.....

    the nectar

    it came one day far from home;a distant calling of the unknown.....the milky substance poured over the earth;and consumed toxins of industrial birth.....eating well that evening they celebrated of the night;dancing wildly in the the morning they came from all around;to share in the new wisdom found.....that all are part of and no one does own;the lands and waters and skies of ozone.....such delight brought supreme high;opening up and throttling the minds eye.....crystal visions discerned;and the gods and goddesses from the godhead returned;....

  54. Before I go I have a joke for you cobra``why was the triangle cross with the circle ?? Because it couldn't see the point lol *victory of the light ✨...

  55. I ask the Light Forces as well as the Resistance Movement to provide me with material assistance of 40,000 dollars or the equivalent in Belarusian rubles, as I am in great need and are in difficult living conditions with a paralyzed mother and numerous pets that need treatment and purchase of feed.
    Please help us! Or evacuate us from here, my mother and I agree to evacuate now with cats!

    1. Hello! Are you from Belarus? Could we talk a little? :) Please, write to

    2. How are they going to do that when they can't even make contact without provoking the DFs to activate people's implants causing a load of problems? Don't get your hopes up, friend.

    3. Love and light to you! Agreed let's go!

  56. Educated guess time of event in 2 years, uneducated time?


    1. CobraMay 7, 2020 at 12:30 AM
      I am NOT stating in the article that the Event will happen in 2025

    2. The uneducated guess is given by Sebastian: long beyond 2025.
      What isn't clear?

  57. How about the Vortex level reaching?
    How about the Dreamland ?
    Which factors play crucial roles here after the anomaly cleared?

  58. And, educated estimate time for the event based on which specific foundations?

  59. N'Golo Flamel: I know that Cobra linked those "genuine and reliable instructions for the evacuation" in a previous message but I don't buy that those are genuine:

    - Suppose "aliens" tell people to step into the beam immediately or they're dead. Most people won't immediately do that, right? 99% of people haven't read these instructions. Well, the message says "ANY HESITA­TION ON YOUR PART WOULD MEAN THE END OF YOUR THIRD DIMENSIONAL EXISTENCE YOU CALL THE PHYSICAL BODY." Okay, so the vast majority of people, even good-hearted ones, will hesitate / try to watch the news / try to contact their loved ones. They hesitate and so they'll die. Is that a great plan?

    - Suppose a normie family all decide to immediately, without hesitation, step into the beam because "aliens" told them to. The message says "DO NOT PANIC WHEN YOU STEP INTO OUR LEVITATION BEAM OR WHEN IT IS FOCUSED ON YOU. DO NOT WAVE OR THRUST YOUR BODY ABOUT – THE CONNECTION IS MADE AT ENERGY LEVEL, AND MOTION OF THE PHYSICAL BODY IS A GREAT DISTRACTION." Okay, so these people who were just informed that a huge cataclysm is coming and they're being evacuated by "aliens" aren't supposed to move or panic. Sure, that sounds reasonable.

    Again, how many people who haven't read these instructions will hear "we're 'aliens', step into the beam immediately or you'll die, we're evacuating you" and they'll immediately do it, without hesitation or movement or panic?

    - Let's say a family hears an 'alien' tell them "step into the beam" and somehow they all immediately do that without hesitation or movement or panic. Great. Now they're aboard an 'alien' ship and the children are separated from them. Isn't that separation of children just a great way to produce anger or anxiety in the parents? Why separate the kids?

    - Is saying "REMAIN CALM! RELAX!" in bold and underlined capital letters a great way to get people to remain calm? Or is that a great way to make them anxious?

  60. Thank you CoBra! Wonderful news! 🙏 May we all keep calm, balance and Light! Thanks to all the Forces of Light, ✨🙏✨and all who hold the Light...for the Victory of the Light!✨💎☀️🌈💫🛸⭐💛✨💙💜❤️💚🤍💫

  61. Ah, perhaps the educated guess is based on the lastest timeline for the Event is 2025?

  62. "Kirill "mom's pie" Budanov, the head of the intelligence service of Ukraine, has a very interesting drug moving around the table in all his videos.

    The active substance is atropine.

    Atropine is an effective antidote for poisoning with cholinomimetic and anticholinesterase substances, including FOS.

    FOS are nerve poisons that cause death within the first hours after contact. These substances, entering the body, replace the enzymes responsible for the transmission of nerve impulses in synapses, due to a violation of signal transmission, a tremor occurs, turning into complete paralysis (death occurs from paralysis of the respiratory muscles). Also, organophosphorus compounds, acting on the central nervous system, can cause convulsions, loss of sensitivity to light, loss of balance, disturbances of consciousness, loss of sleep, coma. At the same time, the poison can easily penetrate the body through the skin, stomach or respiratory tract (having fat solubility, it easily penetrates through the phospholipids of the bilipid layer of cell membranes).

    Kirill Budanov, apparently, is playing with chemical weapons and does not want to accidentally die from it. What are you up to, asshole?"

  63. COBRA | Jeudi 8 juin 2023
    Mise à jour de la situation
    🇫🇷 traduction à lire sur le blog de Prepare For Change France Officiel depuis 2013 :
    Source :

  64. With just the information we´re given, the remainig obstacles for the event to happen don´t seem to be much unsurmountable, even in a half a year time frame. With the biochips the dark could screw us a lot if the event was triggered, but if you go first for the DARPA computer they´re worthless. The subquantum anomaly maybe very challenging, but it could be adressed after the event, as flying spacecraft, I think I´ve read, won´t be used during the event, but it would be mainly carried out by the resistance movement on the background and human military and police forces doing the arrests. And later there would be no one willing to shoot them down, despite the anomaly. And to make sure supply chains and power will work for the most part, it seems months would be enough.
    Of course it must be much more complicated from the inside, but that´s my general impression

  65. No, we will see the ships. We will be seeing a sky full of UFOs. We will even see people going up. The ships I think won't be high above us, they will be quite low I think. We will be told that the entire earth will soon be destroyed. Just go up in the ship. So I wouldn't hesitate. It's live or die. I'm going up. Besides the "aliens" are pleiadians, and I really like pleiadians. There will be heaps of them, and ships everywhere. You would have to be mad not to go.

  66. Thank you Cobra, to Light Forces and Resistance Movement! Here is the Romanian translation of this important situation update: I need to know more about the Islands of Light, zones of Light and cities of Light (even about underground facilities built already or in construction in Europe, not only under Taiwan), more of which are located in Europe, as we know one location in Slovenia, Ljubljana which will be one of the Islands of Light! Please Cobra, add these information to the next update on your blog! Many thanks and Victory of the Light!

  67. Cobra has already given several of those "qualified" estimates, and things will always move into the future to the detriment of the part of the population that suffers here, is under attack and has various problems. He was definitely not happy with the estimate that the Event could only take place in 2025. That is too late for many. Until then, everything here will fatally crush others. Late for those who deserve to experience breakthrough, complete liberation and abundance. As I have known this website over the years, in some time there will be information that the shift of the poles will be a few years later than it seemed and then another qualified estimate of the Event shifted again into the future?... As for the etheric plane, it is an excellent match . But on the physical plane, still not much for the workers and warriors of light on the surface. But things can change.

  68. Dear Cobra! Here is the Italian translation of the new post: Grazie, Vittoria della Luce!

  69. Nice! Please finish it once and for all! Thank you so much!

  70. "One part of surface human population will not take the Event process well." Now I'm pondering on what this part is. Simplest answer would be those who work with the sub-quantum anomaly the most, but there are definitely options, including the altered humans.

  71. A Great Victory Day that we need to remember!

  72. Hey, dear friends. For me this last post is the best post I have ever seen in my life here. Why: I have been sitting here day by day for over ten ten years, and my biggest mission of my being here is to understand if I was trapped in some kind of psyop, lie or whatever you wanna call it, or that was truth. My life just has been guiding me like this, all the masters that I met and so on, they all saw the situation the same, we are enslaved in this quarantine. And for 2025 is okay, actually the number is totally not important because it is a finish line where me also everybody else will be able to make our own conclusions about this thing, since now, as it is claimed, almost everything has been cleared, so now the EVENT really might happen anytime if such a thing exist at all, so for me this post is the best post of all that I have read here. Info is simple, everything has been cleared, and two years till the EVENT is very good in my opinion. Positive thing for me by my understanding is, that if this site was fake, then it would not give so fast such info of the defeating karma lords, since now it was the main problem for the EVENT to happen. So in case of fakery such post as now would not have reached daylight so fast, since that would be the rope under the neck for the blogspot authors if that was fake. Now it shows that everything moves forward very fast, so I told like four years ago for myself if 2025 comes, and we are living totally the same like today with much barking on every corner but without the action at all, then I am leaving forever, I will interprete this as I put myself into the sect and thats it, but still, I have done a lot of work by waking up the people, since demons have already eaten me as well like many other people here, who dont have, me as well, any health at all, my life is in danger, so I just hope that it will still happen.
    A bit stranger things is that even me, a crazy lost human being, have been telling that it is impossible for the sleeping masses to wake up, but the lighforces, who are a hundred dimension above me, did not anticipate this, so this area is very strange which also reduces the trust of the whole info. What they were expecting? For the people to wake up in this darkest hole of the universe? Naive. Lets wait and hope, maybe Sebastian will make some additional explainings of this post. Not too long to wait. And if nothing happens in 2025, 2026, and people will still follow this site, it is their responsibility. For now, the heart says that this is the truth. God Bless, lets wait for fake ufo invasion, all the mass media show their moves, lets wait for nuclear standoff and then in 2026 new financial gold backed system. We will see.

  73. Thank you for the update. I thing this shows that many ideas about an early liberation simply were wrong. Too many plans have proven to be too idealistic, or failed, or had to be revised. But did liberation fail, and is planetary freedom a mere hope for the desperate ones?

    I disagree. Personally, I have experienced quite a few awakenings recently, among normal people, and the general mood seems to be more relaxed. Also, many plans of the Cabal did not manifest: Covid-slavery, concentration camps, atomic war, and so forth did not come to pass.

    And what about our life?

    We might still be sceptical, but while we tend to bother, we are still able to; and while we tend to worry, we still are alive, being able to talk about what is going on. Had the pessimists of the last years been correct, we all would have been dead many times over.

    This can be attributed to the indirect and direct influence of people not known to us. In other words, this planet has a consciousness field, and it is constantly fed by the beings who interact with it. And these are certainly the light forces, as well, not only with direct, but most times with indirect actions.

    So it does have an effect when things are happening behind the scenes. Even when people do not know, and do not see tangible things, things are still happening. Basic “social stability” appears to be an achievement, given the diabolic intentions of the Cabal.

    I take from this post that it is time to prepare, even emotionally. The event will be a social and emotional wrecking ball of unknown proportions. And I do not want to be harmed by panicking masses in an unfortunate way, so to speak. We can do it.

  74. Cobra, will light workers be able to immigrate to the Islands of Light once they are finished? Or must we stay mixed with chaotic humanity as they awaken to help stabilize them?

  75. So this means that if we have such an opportunity, then it is better to move to the countryside, where there is access to drinking water, since a person can live without food for two weeks, but not without water.

  76. @Libra
    I do not know about you, but I will be GLAD to leave my so-called 'family' behind.....racists, money hungry, mega conservative, religious, and have always treated me worse than a black sheep. I, too, welcome a proper body....I just I simply step into the bed, pod, chamber, machine, whatever form this tech takes, wait a little bit of time, and then the door opens and I step out, look into a mirror, and see a cute girl looking back? Especially since that dream I had this morning, that I mentioned in the previous blog posting, before a certain someone accused me of being a darkie agent, and saw myself in a feminine body.

    As for staying on earth, naw....just lemme have a temporary quarters onboard the alien vessel. I'm sure I'll find interesting things to do on the trip to a different planet.....maybe watch space from their equivalent of a porthole, or spend time looking up things in their library, if they got one, that is.

    Wonder how the light islands gonna be told to folks, gonna be on a phone or radio, saying "go here if you don't wanna suffer"? sorta thing?

    Libra, I don't want my incarnation to end, I just want it to get fixed up, and not to mention compensated for the BS I been put through.

  77. Even if the preparation work is done to the best, there is no guarantee that a large number of deaths and injuries will not occur. If there are unexpected scenes during the event, there is no need to panic. Blood flowing like stream is a common sight in History of Earth. We will definitely complete our work.

  78. Cobra, you talk about the Event including the financial reset and the Event likely not taking place until 2025. My question: is everyone's financial situation (or limited to the west, being usa and europe) going to keep getting worse and worse until the Event? Here in Norway we are still paying for corruption in form of taxes, insane electricity prices, fuel etc. I do not think many people, and especially families, can handle another 2 years of this. Many people will end up loosing there home's and will end up on the streets. The winter is cold here (-10/20C) so living on the streets is not a option. Do we have to prepare for another cold winter with corruption or is there going to be a temporary solution where maybe the military will be in control and all corruption is gone? That the funds will be released after the Event is all fine, but I do think that we need to see improvement soon in people's financial situation to keep the peace and prevent anyone from loosing their mind over financial stress. At this rate with raising of interest rates everyone will be bankrupt and on the streets before the Event. The most important thing in my opinion is to immediately stop corruption from the top down and create a stable dependable situation on the way to the Event. People need the secure feeling that this winter everything is going to be okey. I hope also that it is not the intention to want everything to happen simultaneously around the world. In my opinion it is better that country after country clears all corruption as fast as possible with force. This will trigger a chain reaction both in awakening of the people and hope and vision for a brighter future. We need to keep the positive feelings and mindset of the people high (unconditional love), for that we need to see improvements. They can be small and in steps, for example take care of the fuel prices first and then electricity, etc.
    I hope my input helps.
    Kind regards and thanks to all lightworkers!

  79. @Cobra
    "This tensor field presents serious navigational problems for interstellar craft, since they can not safely operate in hyperspace near the surface of the planet because of the anomaly, and if they fly in regular spacetime, many times they get shot down."

    How are they shot down in the first place? Is it done via EMP Scalar base weapons, as Dr. Steven Greer suggested? Also, can not the ships being attacked fight back? And how many tried before? Could an entire fleet manage to get through, with minimal casualties? Just amazes that ONE planet's causing so much trouble, this feels like the Battle of Yavin from the original Star Wars.

  80. I give thanks Cobra for such an amazing update. Oneness of heart.

  81. Beauuutifull💫💫💫💫 VICTORY OF THE LIGHT☀️☀️☀️🌞☀️🌞☀️🌞☀️🌞☀️🌞

  82. You're not going to like what I say because it's a bold statement. The first part was fine, until I read the part where it predicts about the same old "Event will be chaotic, please prepare" kind of carrot-on-a-stick loop. I honestly want to bang my forehead on a keyboard when reading that. COBRA, have you ever thought if waiting for the Event was some kind of imposed temporal loop? To me that's what the Event really is (for now) - idle waiting in a perpetually delayed final showdown. Sorry to be a downer, I don't know the whole details of the situation but as has been "predicted" SO many times enough, preppers are kept in a perpetual state of hypervigilance and anticipation for something that is "delayed perpetually". I know you're doing your best, but I think seeing the progress about the removal of biochips and the quantum anomaly is sufficient for me, not another "event scare". Because of that, I might be going to actively manifest my own Light reality independent of this whole socioeconomic slippery slope and galactic war.

    You are entitled all rights to give Event news, but I also have all rights to reject parts that do not resonate with me.

    For me this isn't about the event. It's what we can do now. What is happening and what can happen NOW.

    I'll believe it when I see it, even if this sounds counter-intuitive to the way I usually manifest realities.

  83. Merci infini Victoire de la LUMIERE !

  84. Mm, interesting that " from September October things more interesting."

  85. Amazing progress and very intersting update! 🔥
    Again, totally resonating as my personal guess would be 2025 for the Event as well.
    Thank you dear Cobra & Lightforces! 🥰😘
    Soon we will be finally free! 🙏💜

  86. Great news the etheric realm is cleared. Knowing that If I would die by accident, no more forcing into reincarnation.
    As regarding the physical plane, now that all the non physical realms are cleared things already feel lighter I must say.
    About the event, it's no surprise what C states here about the surface population. The thing is, it's impossible to prepare most of them.
    I also must say the number of arrests is quite high. Is this all gonna be done by the surface military and police?
    And afterwards we only have few months till the supernova hits? That's not much, I thought maybe a few years.
    In any case, I do feel more ready now to participate for the final liberation and during the Event. When it finally occurs, I assume we will be contacted a bit in advance as to give us an update about what might be expected from us.

  87. I feel the solar flash and final ascendsion may not happen till 2025. However, with time speeding up even more and all dark grids and systems collapsing rapidly, big awesomeness is much sooner. I'd say mass arrests, financial reboot, and tech releases start in the next few months. Remember the fastest way to manifest highest timeline is see/feel the excitement NOW. Don't think about the good stuff as far off in the future and get depressed
    We are far more powerful than we realize and can collectively manifest dream future immediately.

  88. Thanks, Cobra. I appreciate your candour and honesty.

  89. Very good news indeed!Thank you,Cobra💖💖💖

  90. Super exciting update! Thank you Cobra and light forces and resistance movement!

  91. @DougJamesVOTL But Dr Salla's did warn no to onboard the ships in one of his video, remember? I'm quite confuse who is telling the true!

  92. I'm glad SOMEONE is taking into account the large number of people who will not be able to gather two weeks worth of food and water. At least the end is truly near and we have plenty of time to plan for the party. :D

  93. @Lightworker Indeed. I'm fully agreed with your point of view! Do you aware that Dr Salla has requested people NOT to onboard the ships and avoid the Levitation Beam in his past video?

  94. This is some interesting police footage. A badge cam catches a green fireball falling out of the sky, then minutes later a 911 call saying there are giant aliens in their backyard. Then badge cam talking to them. The officer says "My buddy saw something fall out of the sky so I'm taking this seriously." At the end he says "If those 9' beings come back, don't call us, I ain't dealing with that!" haha

  95. @Lightworker
    I appreciate the sarcastic style.😊
    However, don't you think that the GLightforces are aware of human thinking and behaviour?

    We know they are experienced as earth is not the only one planet which needs, needed evacuation.
    So they deserve more credit.

    They are not stupid.

    Also by then, humanity will be more informed about them.
    And after the Event information will be released the existence of the Galactic Confederation and their role to reduce fear and negative indoctrination against them by the mass media and by the movies.

    But, also information will be given about the cataclysmic consequences of the polar shift .
    Also I am sure just before and during the evacuation constant information will be given how to behave in the light bridge.

    At the end it will depend on the person's level of consciousness.
    However even a clear thinking but, not necessary spiritual earthly human will measure his/ her options..."will I take a chance and be saved by the Galactic Lightforces /ETs or die by the Tsunamy?"
    And those who don't believe it and don't trust...well.?...

  96. "My educated guess is for the Event to happen during 2025. The Light forces have NOT commented on my educated guess attempt, and it may, or may not be correct."

    I was told by "where the wild things are"(lots of symbolism there for me) kind of entities that it would happen between 2030-2060. With 2030 being a 'low' chance and 2060 being a near 100% chance of the event occuring in that year..They said (symbolically with flashes of imagines and stuff) when translated into english: that once E.T 'wins' and becomes the defacto governing body of the earth POST EVENT (P.E) then they'll come out of hiding in the very deep woods and 'enchanted' places of the world and help rebuild with only special people. Otherwise, they won't come out.

    I thought it was 2025 as well but all my various experiences and information tell me that it's probably somewhere in the vicinity of 2040.

    it's too complicated here. A lot of crap.

  97. So this is a good news/bad news report. I'm thrilled the Lords of Karma on the etheric plane are defeated, and heartsick that the sub quantum anomaly is so dense here on the ground that aid is incapable of getting close enough to help us. And, I know am not alone in my disappointment at the "best guess" that we may well have to suffer through 2 more years of Cabal Cruelty before the Event which takes them down can occur, and our usurious financial system can be replaced with a fair one. And yes, that does make it feel to me like there will be no cruelty free period before the pole shift triggers our evacuation. Yes, I deeply desire the most peaceful transition possible for as many innocents as possible at the same time I can see that the poison of Cabal corruption and cruelty has infused the majority of the population, and to the Cabal's delight we are so misinformed, misguided and turned around that we will hurt ourselves and each other FOR THEM to benefit from...

    I HATE feeling like a victim that is helpless to free herself. I do practice meditation and personal spiritual evolvement. I do participate in the mass meditations and I show up as Love regardless of where I am or what I am doing. And, I will persist.

    Is there really NOTHING else we here on the ground can do to help the LF's clear the primary and sub quantum anomalies from the surface of the planet where we are LITERALLY being choked by it?

    I am so bummed out right now...

  98. When it comes to intel, I prefer to view it as a delightful game of misdirection much like a mischievous dance between light and dark.. You see, the dark ones also keep a keen eye on these sources, so I like to approach it, all the while relying on my intuition and discernment to determine what resonates with my truth. Judgment? Oh, no, no, no! It's not my place to judge the information but rather to use it as a tool for honing my own discernment. It's a delightful skill we're all learning, you know?

    Interestingly enough, he has even stated in one of his posts years ago, of the possibility of tossing in a bit of misinformation just to keep those shadowy figures on their toes. Oh, how mischievously cunning! It seems the light forces have a few tricks up their sleeves as well, taking a page from the dark side's playbook. Such is the captivating dance of cosmic forces.
    Join our community here: <3 <3 <3

  99. I truly appreciate it when you take a chance and give your thoughts and opinions. I completely understand that this is not the purpose of this blog....but I respect you tremendously and appreciate your "two cents" from time to time. I've been here with you the whole time. Thank you COBRA, you have changed my life for the better.

  100. That are very good questions! I also want to have answers! Thank you for bringing that up!

  101. Thank you, Cobra, for filling us in. To the Light Forces, we are eternally grateful for your hard work. Thank you!

    And here is another report from the Daily Mail (London) on alien craft. "Former U.S. Marine Michael Herrera tells that he saw a UFO being loaded with weapons while serving in Indonesia in 2009."

    He describes the craft as enormous -- as large as a football field, which is 100 yards (300 feet) across. The illustration doesn't really capture this huge size. Why would a highly advanced alien craft need our crummy weapons of war? Don't they have much more advanced stuff? Anyway, an interesting article here:

  102. I can definitely feel the breakthrough that has been made. I feel lighter, cleaner. It feels like some obstacles have been removed. I feel supported most of the time instead of being attacked most of the time. Thank you Light Forces for your hard work.

    Yeah. Every stage turns out to be more challenging than expected.
    As I said before: dealing with the surface population after the first contact will also be more challenging than expected.

    I never expected the Event not to be chaotic. In my dreams about the Event, the colorful phenomena in the sky are so intense, that I hope it won’t be as intense when it happens. This alone would be too much for most people.
    In one dream about the Event, huge ships of the dark fleet were falling from the sky. Some of them damaged the electric grid. When the Event started people went outside the buildings, work, school. They were very disoriented. And then big-scale military operations started. Big guns, grenades. Huge war machines coming from underground(?). So, I never expected it to not be chaotic.

    If the Galactic superwave is expected in 2025 and it will happen a few months after the Event, doesn’t it mean that the Event needs to happen in 2025 for this scenario to be consistent?

    But, as I already said: it’s going to be Dirk Gently anyway. Why even bother making any specific plans? Maybe it works outside of this solar system. On this planet making plans doesn’t work. You can’t predict what is going to happen. You can’t control the events. I thought it should be obvious by now.

    Anyway, once again: thank you Light Forces for everything you’re doing and I’m looking forward to meeting you in the physical.

  103. Oh, I see. Ending all darkness is your main purpose. Freeing the human race is just on the way. No wonder it takes more and more time.

  104. Dear Cobra & Team Xx Q xX. Always loved your past videos and posts. So glad to see things are now coming to a head.. Its been a long journey for all Light workers, but well worth all the work people have put into it.. Much Love And Respects To All Xx Q xX -- \_Q_/

  105. Why Cobra removes all of my comments?

  106. This is what they'll be playing at my cosmic party.

    50:00 - 55:30

  107. J'ai checké ma sécurité de mes informations personnelles disponible en ligne et supprimé certains canaux de communication pour éviter toute perte de données . Lors de la permutation de numéro de téléphone.

  108. Visualize the Transforming Light
    "…Visualize this Light Transmuting all remaining coronavirus on Earth…"

    Coronavirus transformed into corona (sun)

  109. Cobra, all due respect but 80% of the US population is slated to be living under the poverty line by 2025. There’s no way that things are going to remain “status quo” if things continue as is. We need the Event this summer. This has gone on far enough and it’s clear even the ET’s and higher entities don’t understand what it’s like down here right now, or how things are really going to play out— if the Event isn’t going to be 100% peaceful then just trigger it now, our chances are as good as they’re going to get.

    What happened to DREAMLAND anyway? Does that even mean anything anymore?

  110. So they let children be slaughtered and continue their poisons for another two years?

  111. Reading about the tensor field, I had the idea that the "cool patterns" that I see when I look out with my psychic senses was in fact that field. I tried something called a space folding technique to see if I could open a hole through that field, and it feels as though I had. There was the immediate presence of what I can only describe as an angry dark cloud looking at me without eyes, which I figured would happen if I had succeeded in breaching the quarantine. Knowing that they are also loosing hard, I decided to send Love in the form of prismatic white light to see if I could further weaken them and forge a connection to the buddhic plane. That seemed to drive the cloud away and revealed a light. The light I experienced felt both new and oh so familiar, both white and golden at once. I used the light to cleanse and heal myself, and many of the symptoms I had been experiencing just disappeared while the rest are recovering. It appears that the ADHD symptoms I was experiencing was in fact what happens when a dark entity is feeding on me. I felt like I had to close the hole soon in order to not draw larger attention, so I sent the Light through to the center of the Earth for a few minutes before closing the hole. I hope this means that others can also use some form of tunneling visualization when they encounter the "trippy wall of light patterns" to gain access as well. I would love some confirmation on this.
    The space folding technique I used, you start with palms together. Press your palms apart, as though you are using the backs of your hands to split the veil. Then turn one palm down and one palm up, press again this time using your palms to push the veil aside. Lastly, turn one palm forward and one palm backward and press with the palms again, which should create 3 overlapping tears in 3 dimensions at the same place and time. This should serve well to allow you to breach the field and experience the light beyond, though don't be surprised if the remaining dark entities challenge you first. St Germaine's Violet Flame (or stronger) should be enough to deal with them, and hopefully the more people challenge them directly, the sooner and safer the Event can occur. Victoria Lucis!

  112. It is much more important to destroy the Chimera and their slavery system than catering to unaware humans wallowing in consumerism. We cannot pamper to this type of individual any longer. They'll just have to face reality, like it or not. It is time for more evolved souls to finally experience liberty and true evolution.

  113. This video is about what Cobra discussed, i.e. the US has 12 or more alien space craft. It looks like it is starting to come out now. Very interesting viewing.

    So now people will have to start interacting with the shock. They talk about the shock, I think they were saying Ontological Shock, so it has a term. I looked it up and it means: The state of being forced to question one's worldview. I think it will take time, actually a lot of time. People have to begin to believe that we aren't alone in the universe as humans. They have a lot of catching up to do.

    Also what I found interesting in this video, so he rightly says that UFOs are found around nuclear sites, and he says he doesn't know why. According to this guy, we need to use more nuclear energy to counter the Climate Change. I mean, he isn't so smart or intelligent, this guy. The reason why UFOs are found around nuclear power plants etc, I understand that using nuclear energy or exploding a nuke affects the entire universe. The Entire Universe. Which is probably why they (the Federation of Light, or LS) don't allow nukes to be set off anymore. Or we would all be dead by now! Many years ago.

    So yeah, Earth humans are very very dumb, very stupid and also total morons. So just kind of forgive this interviewee, and enjoy the interview.

  114. Squamish hereditary chief Kiapilano (center) with Kevin Annett (right) and murdered eyewitness to Indian school crimes Ricky Lavallee (left) at the occupation of Holy Rosary Catholic Cathedral on March 4, 2008.

    1. Listen to Here We Stand, Sunday June 11 at 3 pm pacific, 6 pm eastern on :

    “On our first Tribunal’s 25th anniversary:
    Expelling genocidal churches from our nations – A New Campaign Unfolds”

    2. Followed on Monday June 12 at 11 am pacific time:
    An important global media conference about the details of this campaign and new revelations:

    To be posted at under ‘ITCCS Updates’
    and under ‘Breaking News’

    Endorsed by traditional indigenous elders of the Squamish, Chilcotin, Cree, Metis and Anishinaabe nations
    within the jurisdiction of the sovereign Republic of Kanata
    Here We Stand on BBS Radio TV
    Here We Stand, broadcasting on BBS Radio TV!

  115. Maybe the Violet Flame can help clear subquantum anomaly.

  116. There's a whole bunch of links I could give you. This one is only 5 mins from AA Michael.

    This one is 12 mins, but a good one from Blossom Goodchild.

    And one from Ashtar of course telling us they are right now rounding up all the dark ones! Well you don't need to see that one.

  117. Thank you Cobra, RM, FGL and everyone, gratitude and infinite blessings for what you do for us!
    The news is great - thank you!
    --Until 2025 is too much , is too much dear FGL,
    you haven't called for help from other galaxies...

    We are disappointed, exhausted, health condition, financial condition, etc. ....the cost of living is increasing daily.. did the meditations do anything to speed up the process? ..most of us, please don't be angry with us, what are we to understand with such already released games of the rabid cabal......
    we only hear negative things...especially in the EU, the EU commission that has Ursula the Nazi

    Force anything...
    It was as if there were many races of ET with many ships, they came to witness what was happening, they left???

    Ben Fulford -" They will launch a new pandemic, for the digital prison .... "Many people still do not understand what CBDCs really mean for the future. It is a digital prison; forever," comments a Mossad source.
    This is a typical MK scam job. In their next move, Big Pharma and Microsoft are teaming up in something called the 'ID2020 Alliance', which will combine vaccines with implantable microchips to create your digital ID.-"
    In December 2014, I signed the petition to initiate the event
    Cobra writes: "When the Event actually happens is not yet known, as the new plan has not yet been fully completed.
    Although we have reached a certain critical mass of 12,000 people, it is very important that you continue to vote until December 21, when the vote closes. There is strength in numbers and the more people vote, the more our collective free will can contribute to the situation.

    The Special RM2m Group asked us for additional support. A significant part of the awakened population has expressed its will, but to further evaluate the plans for the Event, the general population of the surface of the planet must be involved. "
    28 Dec 2013 -
    " The Special RM2m Group evaluated the results of the survey, survey, petition and other information and determined that the majority of the surface population would support the Event that is happening now, but would not be willing to go out of their comfort zones and support active actions of the Light forces, at least initially.

    The Resistance will trigger the Event when instructed by the Source, although they would like this to happen as soon as possible. They are fully aware that people are fed up and want to see some action.

    one of the main problems is maintaining the system infrastructure in the first few hours after the Event is triggered and the arrests start happening. "
    February 12, 2022
    "After the Event, surface society will undergo a drastic transformation that will take several years."
    In this latest Intel there will only be a few months between the Event and the pole shift evacuation if this happens in 2025. My question is:
    What Is the purpose of the Dreamland Project funds being distributed to the Lightworkers or rather global collateral account funds such as the Saint Germain account and the like are used for anything if we just evacuate this planet and it's monetary system?
    Many things seem to be beyond our control or influence due to limited understanding of the total scenario.
    With gratitude !

  118. Suzanne Spooner's interview by Michael Salla on multiple topics including "The Event":

  119. Nice. Things going well :) good luck and have a lots of fun! After the game will be finished we will have much more fun. Looking forward for project for new games in future! But I hope next games will be without suffering, just learning is some funny way.

  120. En Español, en castellano:

  121. Cobra does this mean that all implants are cleared and only the physical biochips are there?

    I am talking about the etheric implants that are a very bad problem, are they completely cleared?


  122. Cobra can you confirm the etheric implants are cleared?

  123. The situation seems the light forces need to clear the anomaly on the etheric plane before a total clearing of the implants i am right?

  124. Please it his very important for me to know if the etheric implants are cleared because i feel they are not yet

  125. My understanding is that the light forces are trying to destroy the implants and the bioships even before the last pit, maybe because the last pit is to dangerous to attack for now. But if the light forces could destroy this ai matrix quantum computers them the implants will be maybe active but useless as they cannot tell the information of hight vibration into the main frain computer. Or maybe they can still lower your vibration but then it will be more easy to destroy them.

    I hope this last pit is destroyed soon

  126. Grazie Cobra, la traduzione in Italiano è qui:

  127. I am here to support the transformation.

    Regarding the Event,
    I know it will happen when all conditions have been met.
    And after that, the next stage of my mission will start.
    So, independently from where I believe I come from,
    I love earth and will work here until she does not need me anymore.

    To all those who are tired and about to give up,
    I say, you have what it takes to keep going and going,
    you came here because you knew this plan of love,
    and this plan will never abandon you.
    Your family holds you close to their hearts, your twin flame as well.
    It is just a short but intense time you are having here on earth,
    look at the stories you will be able to tell!

    2023 06 11

  128. I think 2025 or even earlier is realistic from my own Intel and forecasts I got comparing the stations and events in my personal life. But don't forget, everyone can get a personal uplifting at any time. So don't worry and continue your personal road to the bridge without compromises. Nothing else counts.

  129. Arabic translation of this post/الترجمة العربية لهذا المنشور:
    لكي يتم إعلامك فورًا بترجمة جديدة ، يمكنك متابعتنا على تيليجرام:


  130. Mary's Place

    Turn It Up.


  131. Waves of liberation of the Earth
    Higher dimensional energies for the harmonization of Earth and humans, which would greatly help the Light Forces in the liberation operations.

  132. V slovenščini:

    Vabljeni v našo skupino Sestrstva Vrtnice in Podpore Dogodka na Facebooku:
    Vabljeni na našo stran na Facebooku:
    Toplo vabljeni na Facebook stran Tahionske komore v Ljubljani:

    Thank you for the post Cobra.

    Victory of the Light!

  133. This comment has been removed by the author.

  134. Thank you C.O.B.R.A. for this update, really appreciate all your work and dedication so far. In Love and Light...NaMaste

  135. So I guess the plan has 1st 2nd 3rd wave of ascension. Just the event and then tell the planet to evacuate 3 months latter . This will be interesting.

  136. How long until we clean up the DARPA pothole, please clean up as soon as possible, eliminate biochips, bring physical contact, need physical intervention, light forces!
    Is 2025 the deadline for Earth's pole shift? Assuming ascension will start after 2025, will the light forces delay the pole shift? I hope not...
    Anyway, thanks for the update Mr. cobra

  137. Cobra, as I was reading the troubles with the connections between buddhic and physical plane I almost instantaneously thought it to be because of the moon. And then after the subject you posted a subtle image with the moon in it.
    If it was not on purpose I'll get to my intuition point. For us to reach buddhic levels we got to have a kind of mastery over our emotions. Emotions usually are represented by water. The moon controls the water. IF ships have trouble throughout every corner of the surface there has to be a surveillance system, most likely satellites, says me who's no more than a curious on everything you post here since around 2008. Also, if you say that the anomaly has 26,000 years in functioning, I can only imagine that deep, DEEP in the moon, even deeper than most civilizations that colonize the superficial underground of the moon, must be some power source for everything that provokes that. I do not think that the moon has all the "antennas" that are doing the spiritual planes blockage, but only managing and creating the main signal that's spread throughout all their satellites or means of creating that anomaly (again, not a scientist here).
    I was born in 1991 and felt all the gradual changes in society and networking and spreading of lies and misinformation and infiltration everywhere but also found it out to be a mentality of the secret services. Sometimes throughout my 20's I've had problems being near wireless routers, and had to shut it off to be inside the house. It was weakness phases, but I just wanted to pass this msg to, in some way get some recognition that I'm not just a thoughtful person but one that also had experiences with meditation and shamanic guided meditations with drums. Also not the cleanest person, but always fighting with repetitive and not-fully-in-accordance intentions and desires with what I think the world should be, and that I think its the monster that we have to fight also, which is what people think to be good for the world and development of all, so that, even with all the differences of being even in one city, everyone can have and do what they want without having to kill, steal or lie to one another.

    With all my presentation and respects due, I'd ask you to comment on the moon thing, but it would only feed my ego. So I'll just hope you and everyone of the real Light do your best with the info and I'll keep working my self as we all should be.

    Victory of the Light!

  138. Okay People. I am leaning towards believing this S*** show is going to go on until after the 2024-25 US election. I predict Biden and gang are going to win., again. This should be the impetus for action from the so-called white hats. The next 1.5 years will be horrible for the bottom half. We know Wallstreet and the top tier is going to be fine. After the arrests, The new America will not be that different than what it is today. It will be more similar to the Reagan years. .

    The rich will still do great and the bottom will still have debt. There might be some debt forgiveness but it will be somewhat meaningless for the bottom. But there might be more cheap jobs available. The US might have a new banking system that is operated by congress and not the Chimera. Which is good but it will not make a real difference for most Americans living today who have been crushed by the old system.

    In the end, the Event is simply a restructuring of the US economy. It will take a decade or so for most to see the benefits. The good news is the Chimera, IE the international oligarchy, will have less power.

    As mentioned before, I always knew there is nothing preventing humans from leaving this planet, except our beliefs. I personally have decided to never, ever experience slavery that comes from any financial system. I came here for a purpose and will soon return home.

    \The universe is a very big club and you are in it if you want to be.

  139. Genocidal churches banished; city ordered to cancel licensing, people empowered to seize churches

  140. the gathering in vancouver on june.11/2023 didnt happen.....i was informed it was and people from out of town were coming.....sorry about that.....namaste.....may any deception being employed in large part be sent to the enemy.....someday this war is going to be over.....

  141. Quiero saber si las brujerías y hechizos malignos quedan sin efectos en estos momentos...gracias!!

  142. Je pense que les forces dites "de la lumière" sont corrompues elles aussi, c'est pourquoi elle mette tant de temps à agir. Elles ont peur de se salir au contact de la Terre mais elles sont déjà sales, tout en se croyant pures.

  143. We ask for a meditation to bring the soul of Silvio Berlusconi to the Galactic Central Sun for restructuring.

  144. Dear Members!

    I am writing to invite you to the Telegram chat below, the gist of which can be found in the English description below.

    This chat is a communication channel before, during and after the Event. Around the first signs before the Event, the group will be activated and all members will be able to post, but not before. Communication between us, the light forces and the resistance movement may also be important at a critical time. The group is international, everyone can post in their own language from around the world, as Telegram translates it, but English would probably be the default language. The group is private and the invitation link is always renewed. The group is also restricted, so you cannot copy, save or transfer content manually. Selected people will be offered the opportunity to join privately. There will probably be more admins to make sure we can activate the chat at the pre-event signals.

    If you feel there is someone who would like to join us, please write to e-mail.

  145. Dear Cobra and TEAM, can we not get more help. AJ reporting - its all getting worse, here in MUC, Germany - no change, The NWO GREENS ae highly dangerous, most Parties are in the NWO,
    Mr. Habeck will RESTRICT travel for the Climate, e-heating and smart meters and 16 Min Concentration Camp Cites also in MUC getting implemented, WE DO NOT HAVE ANY HELP here. The work with the Nazi Aliens, we have a base here. BUT the GREENS are fully untouced, destroying us. All put the heads down, most work in the NWO admin,exempt

  146. So Much Progress Has Been Made... It's Great That The Etheric Planes Have Been Liberated... Souls Can Choose To Incarnate When They Want Now... That's A Big One. Pluss The Removal Of Most Of The Chimera & Dark Technology's...Let's Go We Got This...We're Definitely Close To The Event...Hope It Happens Soon...VOTL

  147. I don't see how we can make it to 2025 if things keep going the way they're going. I'm on my last legs healthwise and financially. And many people I know are too.
