Thursday, February 29, 2024

PB security breach at 504


  1. Write about reptilians contacting people telling them that they are also reptilians, also reptilians pretend to be Pleiadians or our soul mates while contacting us. How many of them are really incarnated here?

    1. Are trying to take the comment section into a dubious David Icke direction?

      There is no way a reptilian can pretend to be a pleiadian.
      What a joke.

    3. maybe some are reptilians. my question is. what you are saying is that all reptilians are bad ... my understanding is that even some god goddeses from back in time where not in full human form..

      someone correct me if i am wrong.

      supposedly there are people from different races here... but incarnated as humans.

      yes i do believe bad guys n entities have ways to tap into our minds.. good guys do it too. .. perhaps diff ways.. telepathy?... or other ways not intended to cause harm

      so my concern would be . are they asking the person to do something "bad"..?

      if i was told i was reptilian.. of course i would try to discern.. but would not make me behave any different. than now... however it may help me understand selve..

      unless my new understanding helps me modify some behviour for the better.. then that would be grand.. if not.. it just raises as much dust as knowing ufos have always been with us.

      if person can indeed connect n chat freely with anyone....count ur blessings

      err as lomg as is a good healthy exchange. imho

    4. Tenho familiar reptiliano, alguém num bom caminho atualmente. Nada é escrito em pedra

    5. I would like to mention, that there are surely also very lightful and humanfriendly starraces that looks like Reptos.

      So we should maybe try to be humble and loving and try to not judge every galactical being by its look.

    6. Tényleg minden faj a tejút galaxisban képviselteti magát emberbőrben. Így vannak hűllők is emberbőrben. Ezek a dinoszauruszok akik emberbőrben vannak, azok védettek, mert ők fogják rendberakni a reptiliánokat, ha megkapják a szert, a szer-etetet, és a szer-elmet. Akik klón testben vannak, azok nem védettek, mert a klón test az nem emberi test, csak haonlít az emberre. A klóntestben lévők nem tudnak szeretni, és szerelmesek lenni, így őket el kell távolítani E földről. A klóntetűek igen veszélyesek tudnak lenni, ezért hagyjátok az eltávolításukat Astarra, és szövetségeseire.

    7. Cobra has said often the channelings be wary as they could be reptilians or the like portraying themselves as a positive ET race...anything is possible in this 3d holographic matrix. We know many like Rothchilds are reptilian souls. Now how a soul can be labeled any et race I don't know but that's the message I have heard. Who knows in this place. We have BF and dogmen so anything is possible at this pt.
      2025 was the pole shift and that was altered so who knows..

    A DETAILED DOCUMENT has been created  in SEVERAL LANGUAGES to explain the 4 Pleiadian Codes/Protocols to help humanity.

    FRENCH :
    HEBREW :
    SLOVAK :

    Translations are published here

    1. I think that positive extraterrestrials are always trying to help us without us saying codes to draw their attention to us

    2. A protokollok, igen hasznosak, de a kódokat azért kapod meg, hogy azt elenged, magadba küld. Kód magyarul köd, tehát a kódok ködösítenek, elzárják a megemelkedésedet.

      Dzień Pierwszy:

      Niedługo na blogu pojawi się również dzień drugi i inne ważne informacje przetłumaczone na język polski, zapraszam do czytania i komentowania! :)

  3. NOTES OFFICIELLES CONFÉRENCE COBRA ASCENSION PHOENIX 2024(les 2 journées+documents/liens/videos français complémentaires/audio guides,Emission explicative)
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    Official reports : Cobra Conference on Ascension in Phoenix USA with additional links+documents( the 2 days, February 2024)

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  5. Méditation pour l'éclipse solaire totale aux États-Unis 8 avril 2024 à 18:18 PM UTC(20h18 heure française d'été)+ notre  LIVESTREAM / MEDITATION FRANCAISE EN DIRECT

  6. Greetings Community!
    So these last "attack-rounds" are noticeably increasing again and are
    now harassing even the sleepy ones! But will also wake some of them
    again; so good luck to everyone in this wave and:

    Total Victory of the Light

    1. The sleepy ones aren't being attacked. There is no one left to do the attacking. So dramatic. Relax. The sleepy ones have no idea that anything is wrong. No one is attacking me for ages! They are mostly dead, those bad guys.

  7. Please note: starting from February 27 at approximately the same time until today, solar activity drops sharply (the graph instantly breaks vertically down, and then after a very short period of time sharply rises up to the same level), and then rises. One would think that this is a preliminary shutdown of the station’s equipment for measurements for prevention or repair, but after looking through the last month, I discovered that there are no such stops - that is, we can assume that: for the last 3 days, at the same time, solar activity drops to its very minimum and returns to its place in the same period of time. Could it be that such jumps are part of the physico-chemical process on the surface and inside the Sun before a large ejection (it seems to condense, “gaining air” before “exhaling”)?

    1. sunburst ejection sounds like a male orgasm ! Yeah ! :-)

    2. Comparing the time of the news of this day about the capture of the Arc de Triomphe in Paris and taking into account the time difference between Moscow and Paris, it turns out that the farmers “captured” the arch precisely during the sharp “disappearance” of solar activity on the graph. Is it possible to assume that the time of interruption of activity will increase exponentially, and the “window” of positive events will expand, and accordingly, during its action, the number of these events will increase until we reach the “plan” - arrests and contact?

    3. Take a closer look, it seems to me that the width of the “channel” on March 1st became larger (at the moment of increasing solar radiation, the right line on the graph after the “collapse”) - this means the channel has increased, this can be seen even by the amount of space occupied by the “window” on the time “line”. on different days, between small divisions

  8. How about cintamani net grid in East Siberia?

  9. Damn cabal trying to steal our peanut butter! 🥜🧈😤

    1. Must be horrifying that you are soon to disappear.
      Lots of peanut butter around here!

    2. Nope, still don't get it. What are you trying to say by this? What is your joke? The Cabal love stealing peanut butter? What the...? I have no understanding of why this is funny. Explain.
      i.e. EXPLAIN.
      Why do I have the feeling he can't explain?

    3. 'PB' = Peanut Butter. Cosmic Custodian is lightening things up that's all. Cobra is helping St Germain to laugh, sometimes it's hard to laugh anymore but ya gota try Man! 😊💗 Love 💗😊

    4. Lighten up Psychic. COBRA never says what the abbreviations mean, so I have fun making shit up. In this case PB=peanut butter.

    5. Oh, then that is funny, I'll give you that. I spent about an hour wondering what that meant. I'm a dumbass.

    6. Not a joke, even the most serious pains and ailments can be relieved with peanut butter, as the protocol "commandPBstardust" shows.. the cabal never do things in vain

  10. Victory of the light ❤💖❤💖🤩😘

  11. Bem lembrado irmão! Queridos pleiadianos por favor, não desistam de nós ! Continuem nos apoiando... compareçam sempre que chamamos vocês!!! SOS

  12. Alguém saberia me dizer o que significa essa violação de segurança PB em 204?

  13. I have to recover from sleeping because I get poisoned by my air while I sleep. Video from 2/28/24:

    US Marshall's don't normally pull people over about 1 minute parking or a U turn from a designated pull off.
    The US Marshalls changed their story because they lie and make false reports as Dr. Macke, who ordered a "wellness check"/paid hit attempt by them.
    "Law enforcement" does participate in state sponsored paid hits as evidenced in video from 2/24/24 here:

    (377 likes, 16,777 views as of 8:34 AM 2/29/24)

  14. Some off-topic:
    this whole "event-situation" is somewhat comparable to making a
    new video-game. in the first phase, you need to implement important
    fundamental steps, to make the game "recognizeable", but this flips
    always into a "complexity-building-mode", integrating almost every
    single idea of the team. A lot of developers went out of business this
    way in the 90s. But like a good studio, the LFs have switched their
    focus onto the stability of the "release-built"..., i hope ...

    Total Victory of the Light!

  15. Novusoud@
    It seems, it might be better, rather to be all the time furious, and to like nothing anymore, to wish nothing, but only thr basis, to keep your alleged Ballance, and as case might be, to leave the soul fragmentation as is, with no try soul retrieval. So, you might be not targeted.

  16. Novusoud@
    It seems, it might be better, rather to be all the time furious, and to like nothing anymore, to wish nothing, but only thr basis, to keep your alleged Ballance, and as case might be, to leave the soul fragmentation as is, with no try soul retrieval. So, you might be not targeted.


  17. And still . . .

    Another Sunrise will find Us.


  18. We will not forget what the light forces let happen in Gaza.

    1. I have to agree. Why is this allowed all the senseless killing and suffering doesn't help raise the collective vibration and to call this a movie seems insensitive as people are suffering more loosh for the negative would all be over very quickly is what keeps repeating in my mind...that was 2018 we were told kinetic action started btwn draco ships and GF.
      We a plus 12 years since 2012. How many have died due to conflicts..plandemic, Ukraine Gaza...this isn't the plan I envisioned

  19. When will 5G and 6G be destroyed . As a hypersensitive peson, I'm sick of it. i'm so sick of it !!!! ----It will kill me by 2025 !!!

  20. I have a question to CoBra and others. Could I plant a cintamani and a galactic cintamani in the same spot like a 10 gram cintamani and a 5 gram galactic cintamani?

  21. Happy birthday Hye Angel. Victory of the light.

  22. Notes taken from the Transurfing material regarding desire:

    There are 3 types of desires:

    1. Active desire – Desire to have something and do what is required to get it. This desire is reached because the desire is fueled into action.

    2. Inactive desire – Desire without action taken. This represents excess potential in its pure form, which causes great torment. This desire lingers in the energy field. Best case scenario: Wastes the energy of the suffering carrier. Worst case scenario: Attracts all kinds of problems.

    3. Object-dependent desire – The most insidious of desires. Great significance to the object of desire creates great dependency on the object of desire, which creates massively strong excess potential. "If I achieve this, my situation will improve dramatically. If I don't achieve this, my life will lose all meaning." "If do this, I'll prove to myself and everyone else what I'm worth. If I don't do this, I'm worth nothing." "If I get this, it would be great. It would be terrible if I didn't." - and so forth. Once dependent on the object of desire, one is drawn into such a violent whirlpool, one will exhaust oneself in the struggle. Eventually, when it's realized that one's efforts have led to nothing, one will let go of the desire. Balanced forces will restore equilibrium with indifference to one's suffering - suffering which was all because of a strong attachment to the fulfillment of a desire. This is what happens when one dish is placed on one of the scales, and everything else is placed onto the other.

    Only the first type of desire can be fulfilled, because desire is transformed into pure intention, free of excess potential.

    The greater an event is valued, the more likely it is to fall apart in some way.

    1. otherwords......don't look for happiness, don't want anything....just be a bloody rock?

    2. Yes Sherman, exactly! How are you able to see so clearly?

    3. (Reply was meant to be humorous, although most people don't get my jokes.) 😎

    4. It's not that. It's more the same way that people get out of depression. You don't give yourself the time or permission to engage in having a judgment about things. It's not about "how do I feel about this", but "ok with all this going on, what's the next right step?". You can turn even depression energy into healthy action by no longer allowing that energy to feed feelings but actions. So whether you are facing desire, or depression, or anything else, it's more about what you do about it than what you feel about it. Save the feelings for the celebration after you made it over another challenge. Celebrate every win no matter how small. It won't be long before the momentum of life catches on, and then catches up. Next thing you know, your life is full of celebrations instead of desires. This is as much a message for me as anyone else. We got this.

    5. Sherman ..I agree with you .. if we could simply be freed from the prison planet as cobra mentioned often it's a hostage situation right imagine how fast we could evolve ..remove debt slavery remove poison medical system remove poison 5g remove poison c trails poison's all around us but we are told keep meditating be happy..🤔🤔 meanwhile costs increase and like me we must sell our home to keep going ..but be happy happy happy..

    6. @Starlight
      My humor died long ago.

    7. @Doug
      Still trying to understand how the CABAL....the fucking evil HUMANS, SOMEHOW being able to be more a challenge than the toplets or chimera were.

  23. WHY? Why are the LF/RM allowing the animals in israel to commit genocide of the Palestinians with impunity? Those monsters have to be stop! Why can't they do something? I can't stand the injustice and inhumanity! Women and children being butcher! How can you let this happen? YOU MUST DO SOMETHING!😭😮‍💨😤

    1. I agree, the LF must do something physically!😡😡

    2. And in Lybia, Syria and many more middle eastern countries a d nobody protests a out their genocide.

    3. The LFs hide behind that non intervention BS ..rem they allowed the dark ones to take over and enslave us...just saying it's very odd school ..the agarthans were using us as a tb show to just watch us ..supposedly is from the future here to help 🤔🤔
      It's all for our soul growth ..all those adrenachrome factories it's all to help us..come on I can smell BS on both sides now always a delay and this 504 who is attacking it if supposedly all the neg ETs are removed the human cabal??

    4. What is happening in Libya, and Syria isn't nearly as bad as Gaza. They are not being gunned down trying to get food or medical help.

  24. Russian translation of Phoenix Conference notes day 1 and day 2:

    Day 1:

    Day 2:

  25. "Information from deputy Mikhail Matveev:
    “Today the State Duma rejected the bill on weapons that I introduced. It proposed a ban on issuing licenses for traumatic weapons and firearms to yesterday’s migrants before 5/10 years of citizenship (without offenses) and subject to military registration.”

    Like this. Arming migrants. The fact that this is a threat to the security of the country as a whole and people in particular, the deputies do not care. At the same time, we do not forget that the State Duma is a hand instrument of the supreme power, without whose approval they will not dare to sneeze. Because everything is approved from the very top. Import, legalization, weapons.
    And here, it’s up to everyone to decide whether it’s betrayal or idiocy.”

  26. "About the scale of the tragedy and the threat to the country's security.
    Answer from the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation to Major A.A. Sukhanov. You can find it in the attached file.

    Briefly, in 2022, 8.2 million migrants entered in 9 months, 6.7 million were registered for migration. 1.5 million migrants evaporated in an unknown direction.
    In 2023, about 10 million were registered for migration. About 380,000 migrants were legalized per year.
    At the same time, they refused to provide information on the total number of migrants who arrived.

    How many of them have already been legalized... And how many will be legalized... They will arm..."
    Please consider this image as the official response of GOVERNMENT authorities regarding the arrival of migrants in the Russian Federation. I think it would not be difficult for qualified sociologists to calculate the dynamics of similar imports and combine them with mortality. According to unofficial data, at the time of 2010-2011, the current population of the Russian Federation was 70-90 million people (as an option, calculate the consumption of grain and grain products). Please note that the response of the state body in the form of a “document” is “signed” with an “electronic seal” in the form of a certain alphabetic code, and not with an ordinary ink seal with the logo of the state body according to the sample established by the state standard. Further proof of the commitment of the Russian government headed by Klaus Schwab’s friend, Prime Minister Mishustin.

  27. “In the Ukrainian-Russian war, the United States is carrying out SYSTEMIC training/development/adjustment of its Military AI.

    And this:

    - The Ukrainian Army has at its disposal only two SYSTEMS: “Stormtroopers” and “Artillery” (training in the context of this particular model, with such a set of available troops)

    They don't really hide it:

    After Russia invaded Ukraine in February 2022, the 18th Division's efforts to develop artificial intelligence took on new urgency. O'Callaghan, Temple and 270 other Corps Headquarters staff were garrisoned in Germany, occupying a former game hall racquetball as a command center. Maven's intelligence system was open on many of their screens. An information operations and civil affairs officer, who asked not to be named because she is often involved in special operations missions, was one of those using the software to briefing of the army command.

    The officer focused on assessing whether Ukrainians in certain areas had the will to resist Russian forces. “When you layer things on top of each other, things start to throw at you,” she says. “I would put pins on every resistance event on the map.” They ranged from the mundane - the appearance of blue and yellow ribbons tied to fence posts - to the brutal, such as attacks on Russian officials in occupied zones. Those details, along with many others, then made their way into a secret system that American commanders use to inform their understanding of events on the ground.

    O'Callaghan and Temple declined to provide details about how the Pentagon is using artificial intelligence systems such as Maven to support Ukraine. But people familiar with the operations, who asked not to be identified given the sensitivity of the topic, say the U.S. used satellite reconnaissance and the Maven intelligence system to tell Ukrainian forces the location of Russian equipment, which then targeted the sites with GPS-guided missiles. One of the sources says the help to Kyiv has also helped the Pentagon make much better use of artificial intelligence tools - and be more confident in its predictions about how they could be used in a conflict with China. (In its first 10 months of support for Ukraine, Maven has undergone more than 50 rounds of improvements, according to another person with knowledge of its development.)"


  28. I wish they would come pick me up in their ships this world is so hard :(

    1. @Nathan
      You and me both. And I never wanted to come to this planet to begin with.

  29. Farmers Protests Cripple Europe | What's Behind Clashes? High Drama As Angry Farmers Block Streets

    Come On Farmers!!!
    We are on your side!!!!!!!

  30. Italian TV MOCKS Joe Biden In ‘Hilarious’ Sketch Of President’s On-Stage Gaffes

    OMG I couldn't stop laughing!! Now there is a REAL joke!! They do Biden so well. But, remember, the cabal is stealing our peanut butter? Er, what? Still don't get that comment....

    1. it could be something like powerful burst

    2. I saw the skit...SNL level.. of course Biden is gone it's an actor but sadly not sure the normies on the left are willing to wake up..hope so but my own siblings are still asleep and hate trump

    3. @Doug
      The right wing are no different. Remember the Bush years, and the Regen years?

  31. Man, they are really after our peanut butter...

    1. Peanut Butter Security Breach!

    2. It's really good in yogurt too.

  32. Thus the third question arises: how long will the stalemate last? Until the indigenous population of both countries at the front is ground down? Until the European military-industrial complex reboots and gives mercenaries and Europeans (the Ukrainians by this point will have been killed in a Slavic meat grinder) a decisive material advantage in weapons and equipment.
    Then “Putin” and his entourage board planes and fly to the countries for which they work, just like Gorbachev lived out his life in Germany. At this time, due to collapsed chains of command (due to the direct desertion of officials, ministers and members of the highest “government”) on the territory of the Russian Federation, the massacre of the indigenous population begins at the hands of approximately 40-60 million migrants from Central Asia and Caucasian criminal groups (including Chechen headed by Kadyrov), and at this time, a NATO army recruited from frightened and angry Europeans, mainly from those who were forced out of social life by Arabs and blacks - young people, marginalized, unemployed, minorities, etc., is attacking from the west. China is taking over the territories of Siberia and the Far East, which have already been leased by Putin to him for 50 years (judging by how China continues to trade with the United States and close Russian trade accounts in banks due to the threat of US sanctions transferring to it, refusal to supply weapons and drones China is only interested in economic benefits, and not strategic interests, the existence of which, due to the proximity of Xi and Schwab, has already been deeply questioned). After this, nothing interferes with the so-called. “globalists” to complete a digital concentration camp on a global scale and put the population of the entire planet on a chain.

    Well, this is the "official" end. Next, the globalists will poison all the blacks and Arabs, the Chinese and other Asians with chemical, biological and psychotronic weapons (there will be de facto no whites left on the planet after the destruction of the Russians, Europe has already passed the demographic path of no return) and Zionist Jews will openly rule the planet, waiting for the next Moshiach and “to own lands that they did not cultivate,” as bequeathed in their little books. For it is not the Jew, the “goy,” who is the one who needs to be robbed and later destroyed, because “the land is promised to the Jews.” Only Jewish ideology can explain the level of misanthropy with which all official “governments” of the world act.

  33. Wow, great video by Joseph Anthony! He starts out slow, discussing Feb, and it gets sooo good. It's about 30 mins if you can be bothered.


    "Greetings Family of the Light,

    I invite you all to a special gathering in Sedona, Arizona on April 4th, 2024. The New Atlantis workshop and Ray Initiations by Cobra. This event will be a one day workshop (with Ray Initiations at the end of the day) which will help to prepare the energy field of the New Atlantis for the eclipse which will be occurring four days after. Sedona is one of the most important vortexes in Arizona and Arizona is a focal point for the Galactic Wave of Love. In 1996 the Sedona vortex fell to the dark. It is time now that the Light returns there to melt away all curses and blockages throughout that sacred land.

    Please consider joining for this special occasion. Together we may ensure that the cosmic waves of Amor touch down on this planet in the most divinely graceful way possible, for the highest purpose. For the Highest good of all.

    The New Atlantis is destined to rise in the Highest Light *

    And so it is.

    ~ ~ ~

    For tickets & ray initiation purchases please email Patrick for payment details:
    Venmo, Zelle, Wise, SWIFT Bank Transfer (international only) ACH Bank Transfer (domestic only)

    Lunch buffet may be available (vegetarian/vegan friendly). Further information on that as well as venue location can be provided to those interested in attending.

    Amor Vincit Omnia! 🌹✨️"

  35. I just went running again! Granted I'm still wobbly and legs aren't working properly. But I wasn't even falling over a bit. I only ran a third of my shortest run...but I jogged it. At 54, and it was fun. So since I'm not falling over anymore, I'm gonna work on my fitness. I hope it goes well. And keep drinking that Chlorella stuff. I can get down 2 full glasses a day without throwing up. So that is good :)

    Also, I was reading that we can go without most sleep and this is true. I don't have other superpowers yet, but for a few years I have been fine without long sleep. I can get up at 7am and easily go until 10pm, without any sleep or sleepiness. I used to need 8 hours sleep and spend hours awake each night, like 3 or more hours awake. The grounding mat helps. That's one superpower, my first. I'm still waiting for more to kick in... like the memory thing and past life memory... well, that would be good.

  36. "Command PB Stardust" is one of other means by which the Light Forces combat trauma-based thought programming.

    "Physical pain is the second most powerful source of evil when combined with negative free will."

  37. Protection protocols play a central role in keeping light grids stable.

  38. what I don't understand.. The dark forces are so weakened but could still create so much suffering, death and chaos and no one intervenes. Gaza, Texas, Ukraine and many other places.

    1. That is because DF are not defeated yet. They still have control over the surface to a significant degree. Just as the nazis had control over Germany until almost the end. Light Forces are making good progress at this stage in dealing with the last obstacles (as described in last situation update). But the removal of the DF on the Surface (Cabal) will only happen in the very last stage (culmunating in the Event).

    2. @Steven
      But the cabal are can HUMANS manage this, whilst the spiders were taken out much faster?

  39. This comment has been removed by the author.

  40. ogni tanto questo tipo di esperienze ci vogliono per darci un po' di carica. Ne ho avute tante in vita mia ma da quello che ricordo, mai mi sono ritrovato a vagare nello spazio. Una delle cose che mi capita spesso è che quando decido di svegliarmi volontariamente da un sogno che non mi piace, poi mi ritrovo all'interno del corpo del mio se superiore e ne prendo il controllo, il problema è che in quei momenti non sono al 100% di consapevolezza e rischio di agire in modo troppo emotivo, quindi poi mi rispedisce di nuovo all'interno di un sogno, però ottengo informazioni e ricordi su quello che stava facendo.

  41. Scholz rejected the possibility of sending German and NATO troops to Ukraine:

    German officers conspired behind Scholz's back

    "A Slap to the Allies"
    German Chancellor Olaf Scholz is accused of disclosing data on British and French military personnel
    (note, not mercenaries, but regular troops, which is the main intervention in the conflict) in Ukraine

    The world learned that the British military (note, not mercenaries, but regular troops, which is the main intervention in the conflict) are stationed in Ukraine, the media write

    Member of the Bundestag: the recording of conversations of German officers is genuine

    A German businessman believes that Scholz exposes Germany to the risk of war with the Russian Federation
    "The founder of the file-sharing network Megaupload, Kim Dotcom, called the German Chancellor crazy"

    Please note the news date: January 15, 2024
    Media: Germany is preparing for war with Russia

    Based on the above information, it follows that Germany and England, including France, are already unofficially fighting on the fronts of the Ukrainian-Russian war and are ready to supply offensive weapons of mass destruction. From this it should be concluded that Germany was actually the first to act as the creator of the Overton window, having begun to convey the idea among its population from the impossibility of war with Russia to the actual declaration of war (preparations have now been revealed), that in the event of a response (for example, a strategic nuclear strike) a weapon of limited power in the plant or city in which these missiles are produced, the destruction range is 500 km per check) will give Russia a reason to declare war on Germany, to which the countries of the European Union will quickly join.

    One of the proofs of the creation of the window is Holland (Netherlands), earlier this country spoke in a negative way for Ukraine, saying that while Ukraine is at war it will not get a place in NATO: premier-niderlandov-otverg-variant-vstupleniya-ukrainy-v-nato-vo-vremya-konflikta/
    These statements were made 2 days after Scholz’s words that German troops would be sent to Ukraine (which automatically means war with Russia and the possibility of a nuclear strike; surprisingly, according to some information, the United States washed its hands of the situation in Ukraine and de facto provided It’s up to the European Union to deal with the Ukrainian problem themselves), but just one day ago the Netherlands signed a bilateral defense agreement with Ukraine

  42. ...
    One of the proofs of the creation of the window is Holland (Netherlands), earlier this country spoke in a negative way for Ukraine, saying that while Ukraine is at war it will not get a place in NATO: premier-niderlandov-otverg-variant-vstupleniya-ukrainy-v-nato-vo-vremya-konflikta/
    These statements were made 2 days after Scholz’s words that German troops would be sent to Ukraine (which automatically means war with Russia and the possibility of a nuclear strike; surprisingly, according to some information, the United States washed its hands of the situation in Ukraine and de facto provided It’s up to the European Union to deal with the Ukrainian problem themselves), but just one day ago the Netherlands signed a bilateral defense agreement with Ukraine

    That is, all this time, the European Union was secretly gathering an army to attack Russia, lulling attention and vigilance through diplomatic channels, while politicians in European countries began preparing public opinion for a war with Russia and a good reason could be the supply of offensive missile weapons of mass destruction. One response to such an attack could be the use of strategic nuclear weapons. If European politicians take this fact into account, then for some reason they admit the possibility that it will not be applied, which means that the army they recruited, supported by the public opinion of the European Union opposed to Russia, in the person of NATO, will invade Russia.

    One of the possible reasons for this confidence can be noted in the option in which Vladimir Putin is a mothballed spy who, as a result of his 25 years of inaction, completely ruined, bled the industry, army and population of Russia, and at the time of the decisive NATO assault on Moscow he will simply evaporate along with his inner circle and will simply emerge in one of the countries of his, as he calls them, “partners.” And he will live out the rest of his life in retirement outside what was by that time Russia, like Gorbachev.

    "Processes at the active center are currently being monitored by all available ground and space means and are being actively analyzed. The fact that none of the three X-level flares ejected clouds towards Earth suggests that the region has previously produced several flares at the far side of the Sun and has already gotten rid of excess mass. It is for this reason that the three past explosions thundered in vain.
    3 flares that occurred on February 23-24 “did not hit” the planet, but it turns out that the entire astronomical infrastructure of the planet is watching this. "Forces of Light" missed with a shot from the main caliber??? However, an early report noted that electromagnetic radiation could turn off all electronics on the planet, causing a planetary blackout, but the projectile did not reach its target. Was this a warning shot? Or a miss? Only honestly. The last flare 23-24 was the first in terms of power in modern history, while the flare on January 1, for which the “Forces of Light” take responsibility, is only the second!!! I assume that these guys are waiting for spring or summer so that people in cold climates do not have to die from lack of heating and lack of supplies, although it is already warm somewhere. Either they simply missed or they are scaring the planetary bastards in the government (but so far there are no prerequisites in the media, the situation is not changing).
    "The radiation and geomagnetic risks associated with large active centers observed on the Sun last week have been completely removed. The last and largest active region, number 3590, which produced the most powerful flare of the current 25th activity cycle, has moved to the far side of the Sun Its return to the visible hemisphere facing the Earth will occur around March 13, but with a high probability only ruins will return to the Earth’s field of view - several small sunspots, completely devoid of energy, which will be completely destroyed within 1-2 weeks after this.

    The area was in the area of maximum impact on the Earth from Monday to Thursday, but did not produce a single top-level flare during this time. Apparently, three consecutive large explosions that occurred on February 22-23 and occurred immediately before the active center entered the Sun-Earth line completely exhausted the energy reserves accumulated here. After this, there were no reserves left to maintain flare activity. The geomagnetic background on Earth completely stabilized at the beginning of the week and was in the green zone for all seven days. No magnetic storms were observed.

    At the moment, there are no large centers with reserves of flare energy observed on the visible side of the Sun, and a calm geomagnetic forecast is tentatively maintained for the entire coming week. The probability of magnetic storms is less than 10%. The probability of major outbreaks in the first half of the week (Monday to Thursday) is about 5%; at the end of the week - about 15%. Any noticeable change in the situation on the Sun is possible, apparently, only from the middle of the month. Presumably, our star will need approximately this amount of time to “recover its strength” after the devastation caused by the last burst of activity in February.”

    1. When its spring and summer, in the southern hemipshere its winter. Isnt the risk to freeze remains?

    2. The flares from the sun are all waking us up. Don't worry about silly, earthly details. They are all WAKING US UP. Great, exciting things are happening!

  44. Analogue to: Programming (manipulating) people
    “Microsoft programmers must choose wisely whether they are following forces of evolution or forces of decay. This choice will have drastic consequences in their lives.”

  45. Fundraising campaign for enhancing the Light grid along the Goddess Equator and the path of total solar eclipse in the US

    Meditation for the United States Total Solar Eclipse on Monday, April 8th 2024 at 6:18 PM UTC

  46. Dreamland, would be nice if the LF help us by throwing from their ships a brick of gold into our backyards. Why not? Most of us Lightworkers, meditators, monks, whatever, are struggling to pay our bills and keep roof over our heads., and gain our daily bread. Not fair!

    1. Cant you think that the cabal would simply arrest you on point if you suddengly became rich? Cmon....

    2. No way they are able to trace. Unless you bank in those money into the bank.

  47. A Public BROADCAST on behalf of BRITISH farmers

  48. 20 Mars 21h CET MÉDITATIONS / Protections+Annuler CONTRATS D'ÂMES +Déprogrammer IMPLANTS +vos questions / commentaires... Une invitée surprise sera avec nous et nous fera bénéficier d'un bonus de SOUTIEN ÉNERGÉTIQUE pendant l'émission que nous expliquerons.Gratuit, pas d'inscription. Prévoir Papiers, stylo, bouteille d'eau
    Diffusé aussi Facebook "Libération planétaire et Ascension"
    Diffusé aussi Facebook "Prepare for change francophone"
    Lien Facebook "Prepare for change france francophonie"
    Diffusé aussi Telegram "Libération Planétaire et Ascension"

  49. Inside China's Disturbing Death Vans - They're Real, Common, and Very Scary (Unseen Footage)

    This is utterly gross. I never knew there were death vans. I only watched half this video as it is gross!! About 20mins.

    1. Oh my god this is horrible... And the same time everyone screams bloody murder about the genocide in Gaza while ignoring the other genocides in the other parts in the world including China. This is beyond hypocritical. The galactic confederation must be aware of this.

    2. Why ya think I keep referring to earth as the gulag of the galaxy?

  50. Farmers BREAK Police Lines in Europe!
    Go farmers!!! Woohoo!!
    For our Future!!!

  51. Hi cobra if I may ask but why have there been no state of mission reports so far this year.

    1. He is being unnauthorized to speak at this point.

  52. The question is: What has happened to Kate? My guess is the latest clone of Kate broke down and can't be used. The new clone won't be ready until Easter. Guesses please?


    1. Also do the ATVOR meditation. it will connect you with the I am that I am that will help you to connect with the source and you will get guidance.

    2. @Sara
      In other words, continue to be cannon fodder/bullseyes?

    3. Wow! Connect me to source. I forgot thanks!

  54. I was jk about my last comment. But holy shit. I did a uhh tunnel of set clearance of the soul. I brought a torch out to my cave my boy, and today - things are different! I saw a cop posted up outside the local homeless camp/hoe lounge. The trees in my neighborhood all look bare, the grass dead, the trash and litter scattered, and the homes dirty. This is a beautiful neighborhood. used to be. Idk what else but yeah. Oh the third world shit. New Yorks a pig sty. Yeah it's all out in the open now. But what now? We wait till Virgo to come so it's cleaned up?

  55. Oh one good thing - the Pope says he's "investigating" gender ideology. After what like two years of wanting lgbt in his church? So someone talked ;). Also desantis made a checkmate with university of Florida. They're officially firing all their DEI staff. That stands for diversity equity and something else. Basically the "drainbow" brigade.

  56. Rameses B - UFO

    For what it's worth some might dig this song <3
