Monday, June 18, 2012

The Veil

Time has come for me to release more intel about the Archons as we are entering the period when the destiny of this planet is being decided and people need to be informed so better choices can be made.

About 26,000 years ago, Archons declared this planet to be their property and all beings living on it their hostages and slaves. They have declared this planet to be a quarantine and every space vehicle entering or exiting this planet needed a special permit from the Archons. This is the reason for “non-interference” we hear so much about. The human race was being held hostage by the Archons for all those millennia, and after being held in a closed loop system of reincarnating to the same place over and over again, amnesia and lethargy crept in. The time of amnesia is almost over. After June 21st  this year, the rescue operations coordinated by positive ET races will increase in intensity.

In the past, the only way a human being could escape from the quarantine was through the ascension process, during which he had to release all attachments to all physical, etheric, astral and mental realities where Archons can operate. An alternative option of gaining freedom by being able to travel to other star systems will open to humanity soon as the quarantine dissolves. 

The Archons have been sustaining their control with a special technology that is called The Veil. It is an electromagnetic frequency fence on the lower astral and especially on the etheric plane, extending maximally 8.6 miles upwards and downwards from the surface ground level of our planet,  that to a great extent prevents the Light from coming into the quarantine Earth. The Veil is being operated by the non-physical Archons. This technology could be best described as etheric HAARP. This technology distorts the time / space structure on quantum level and thus creates big difficulties for UFO propulsion systems of the positive ET  forces. In the past, this has hindered the progress of the positive ET races towards this planet significantly.

Apart from keeping the good ETs at bay, the Veil has a function of programming / reprogramming the human population and keeping it in the reincarnation / recycling process. I will now state few of the main astral / etheric programs for incarnated humans currently in operation:

1) Lowering of consciousness and light body / merkaba deactivation. This program is maintained with etheric standing wave resonance technology.

2) Blocking of free will and of positive initiative. This program is maintained with etheric infrasound technology. Part of that sound precipitates towards the physical plane and some people can hear it as a very low frequency hum. This was the source of mysterious sounds that people heard in the beginning of 2012 and not the destruction of deep underground military bases, as some sources erroneously reported. Infrasound blocks certain centers in the physical brain and this blocks positive initiative. This infrasound is also the cause of unusual tiredness that many people experience without any apparent reason.

3) Lowering the intelligence. This is done by inducing strong magnetic fields to the etheric brain and to the membrane between the physical and etheric brain and this disturbs the thinking process. This program results in foggy mind, forgetfulness and lack of focus.

4) Inducing disharmony in relationships. This is being done by tampering with the chakras of the etheric body and creating dissonant frequencies on the auric membrane with etheric infrasound. This program results in artificial split between love and sexuality, closing of the heart, overactivity of the mind and disbalance between female and male principles.

5) Inducing poverty. This is being done by projecting poverty holograms / images into the etheric brain.

6) Subculture division. This program operates by targeting different subcultures with specific opposing etheric holographic images and thus creating division among them.

7) Eating patterns / obesity. This program is induced by projecting images of a certain food that creates obesity, into the etheric brain.

8) All-seeing eye. This spy program operates from the etheric plane and monitors all activity of physical beings and then reports this to the non-physical Archons.

9) Implants. These are etheric / astral crystals that were put into the aura of every human being just before the incarnation, as that person needs to descend from the mental / higher astral planes through the lower astral / etheric towards the physical in order to incarnate. Those implants remove the memory of the prior incarnations and are the main reason why we mostly do not remember past lives, nor the Archon entities ruling the planet. Implants are somewhat poetically called the “veil of forgetfulness”.

There were also physical implants. The physical implants were very popular in Atlantis but were discontinued after the fall of Atlantis happened. There was an attempt to reintroduce physical implants after the World War II with physical biochips that were put into the vast majority of human beings through vaccination programs. This is the main reason why WHO has made vaccination mandatory. Physical biochips reinforced other programming but were successfully completely erased from the human population about two years ago with a special technology that could be operated from a distance, developed by the Resistance Movement. Therefore fears about NWO planning to microchip human population are not based on reality since the population has already been microchipped and those same biochips have also been removed without anybody really noticing.

The Archons have reactivated and renewed The Veil in early 1996 after the mass awakening happened in early 90s that made intervention of the positive ET races on this planet a real possibility. This was done with about 200 nuclear explosions on the lower astral and etheric planes. Those non-physical nuclear explosions have created a rift in the fabric of space / time that has opened dark wormholes through which many reptilian entities invaded planet Earth from outer space and infested its astral and etheric planes. The Veil was reactivated again in December 2004 after the mass awakening to the Goddess presence which happened after the first Venus transit in June 2004 and after some successful operations of the Pleiadian fleet towards liberating this planet. Now, after the second Venus transit in June 2012 the awakening is happening again. This time the Veil can not be reinforced as there are no negative physical or non-physical ET forces in the outer space left to invade our planet. We are thus very close to the final victory.

The success of our mass meditations was such that about 70% of the Veil on the astral plane and about 35% of the Veil on the etheric plane has already been removed. Therefore it is very important that we continue with mass meditations until the work is done completely and the Veil is completely removed. This is scheduled to happen in the 7 months period that started on May 20th/21st at the Reboot of the Grid and will be completed on December 21st, 2012.

Physical Archons and the rest of the physical Cabal may and can be removed long before the Veil is completely gone.

Physical and non-physical Archons have a plan with a codename Doom33 to prevent the mass arrests from happening. According to that plan, when the mass arrests would start, the non-physical Archons would give a signal through occult rituals to top physical Archons inside SMOM (Knights of Malta) and among 33rd degree Freemasons. Those people would then give orders through their links inside the military and alphabet agencies to create as much destruction and havoc as possible. This goes along with the Armageddon End times prophecies that are highly respected among the physical Archons. They would do anything to see those prophecies fulfilled. You do not need to be afraid of those plans as Light forces have detailed plans to prevent most of this from ever happening.

Jesuit physical Archons are still in control of the fuzzy logic artificial intelligence financial system computer program that Benjamin Fulford is speaking about. The Resistance Movement has put a computer virus in that program at the Reboot of the Grid on May 20th/21st and can now reboot the financial system if / when this will be necessary for the operations of the Light forces. 
Jesuit physical Archons lost much power over general population in the March revolution in 1848/1849. Most of them have then moved to lower astral and etheric planes. Those that remained on the physical plane still control humanity indirectly through the Rothschilds. Rothschilds do not operate independently but obey orders from their Jesuit Archon overlords.

Solstice of 2012 is the turning point when many things about the Archons and the planetary situation will be decided. Sheliak timewave novelty graph shows a drastic decrease in entropy until June 21st, which indicates this turning point: 


  1. Thank you so much Cobra for such detailed informations! Wow, that's a huge information summarized in a very compact and nice way. It took me years to find out the details just one by one and i still couldn't put it in that way together. No wonder bringing a common sense to the humanity is a toughest job of all, for they've been brainwashed for such long time. I always had those horrible feeling that i might be trapped here for ever. But finally, the Mobius Stripe is falling and time to remember is nearing.

    1. yes, indeed. Thank you.


      1 Are there any guides or channelings that we can trust for the information. Ex: Salusa, Saul, Sananda ??

      2- Is there any way we can "shield" ourselves from theses frequencies ?


    2. There sure is! Check out this aura shielding techniques!! Namaste!

    3. Cosmic Awareness has a slightly different take on the Archons thru Rayelan on her radio interview.

      It starts about half way down the page.

  2. Dear Cobra,

    If the Cabal does not officially surrender by the 21st of June, you mentioned that immediate actions on behalf of the Pleiadians and Resistance will follow. Do these actions include soon broadcasting the truth of the situation over the mainstream media? The more people become aware of the true situation, the sooner the society can transform accordingly, and consciously assume responsibility for a new reality. Personally, I believe the time for this is now. Can you comment at this time, cobra? If not, I wholeheartedly understand.

    Thank you

    1. I would very much hope that if nothing happens on the part of humanity by the 21st that we get some confirmation that things are happening. Otherwise its just more delays.

      It is time for us to see the fruits of ours and our galactic families labour!

  3. Thanks for the up date Cobra - fascinating I'm sure most of us have heard those terms such veil, earth quarantine, non interference... It good to know who is behind it all.
    I have a request - I would like very much to know how to activate my Merkaba - there are a couple of sources that seem quite detailed from Ashayana Dean and Lisa Renee... But before I get started I really need some help - Dean's info comes with a warning about Someone named Toth I believe (spelling is most likely wrong) she mentions that he has created something called the death star Merkaba and that innocent light workers are using it and that it will lead them to a black hole/wormhole.

    I do not know if this is true but it gave me the feeling this drama has been going on a long, long time when a heard it. I believe this could really use some clarification from someone like yourself who has the knowledge of the P's under your belt so to speak...
    If you have time will you kindly post where to go to learn the correct Merkaba method.

    thank you so much for your work !

    1. If you want to go straight to the source of master teachers of Merkaba, the only person I would go to is Drunvalo Melchizedek. He's the real deal. You can watch his videos on Youtube too to see if you resonate with him. (I would be very surprised if you didn't) He lives in Sedona, but does workshops all over the planet if you want to learn with him in person.

    2. Drunvalo publicly criticized Ashayanas merkaba work calling her students sheeple following a blind leader. Ashayana then stated that Drunvalos merkaba mechanics were reversed and did more harm than good. Ashayana asked Drunvalo for a public meeting where they could discuss their differences but Drunvalo declined the invitation. Since then I don't think either of them have said anything about the other.

      For me, I resonate with Ashayanas work but have a lot of friends who resonate with Drunvalos work. It would be nice to have some clarification about that old drama between those two.

    3. re: Drunvalo ... if you haven't already, check out his video interview on youtube with lilou on 2012 scenarios...he talks about '7 catastrophes' and a potpourri of other items. Not sure if the current Drunvalo is the same as the old one.

    4. I would offer that Everybody's Mer kah Bah is already working. Drunvalo Melchizadek was Taught his technique of INCREASING ITS POWER by a non physical being who has been part of "The Light Forces" Since the rebellion he was one of the faithfull who resisted The Take over by The fallen Ferderation beings.His name is Van and he apparently has been part of the planetary spiritual forces for over 200 thousnad years according to the Urantia book!
      We may all Ascend by Cobras great revelation here which is echoed in the teaching of the ascended masters and that is to raise our vibration awareness beyond the lower planes which make up part of our multi-dimensional being.
      The Argument that took many beings from many worlds from various positions of service which upheld the creators plan. Ths default by these beings was allowed as negativity no matter how strong in th lower material worlds will eventually reach its apex and then waste itself and spend it energy. Like light from its anode reaches entropy and must return to its cathode.
      This misqualified energy or false reality will certainly be redeemed and the error exposed. This has already been rectified on many worlds. As I undrstand this scenario/ description.Many of the beings/non physical responsible for upholding the life streams here did go along with this rebellion.
      As far as Drunvalo or ashyanas choice I never heard of her stuff but to avoid controversy try kriya yoga science of the still breath / recycling of the light consciously from your IAM presence which exists 12 to 40 feet above your head it is connected by the Arnat Karana or Rainbow bridge. By intense contration on your intent and feeling focus your awareness first on your bodys seven centers and the go to the main master control pituitary and then the pineal. From here project it to the IAM thestronger the relationship with the IAM the closer it comes to the body. Eventually the teacher will appear and you will learn how to actually meet this presence and converse with so we are told.

    5. This spark of divinity was fully joined or was as one in the master being/avatar We call Jesus at the time of his Baptism. ( A dove did land on his shoulder (doves are common messengers of the Ascended Masters) A voice was heard to say, by all who witnessed this event "This is my son in whom IAM well pleased".
      After connecting to this source of your own divinity draw its radiant presence into your body from top to bottom consciously in harmony with your breath. Down on the exhale and reach the awareness light back up to the IAM on the inhale.
      Study closely your Breath form during this effort and use your awareness like a laser to remove any lower vibrations and desires or dead spots in your body. By vilifying your body with this light you cleanse your lower feeling nature of discordant and inharmonious thoughts.
      It is said by Norm Paulsen son in law to George Van Tassel and Andromedan Contactee/ a disciple of Yogananda in his fantastic book "The Christ consciousness" (available through that you may achieve through this technique given by babji to lahiri mahaysa to Yukteswar, to Yogananda, to Paulsen and now to you!
      His personal narrative indicates he finally after many years was able to make 108 perfect circulations of the light and was thus liberated or enlightened.
      As a side not this is much like a laser, which is coherent light or a longer waveform of light and is the pure essence of the 7 rays of creation. A Laser can be described by how the beam was first created. Now we have digital lasers but originally. A small Ruby or emerald was used that was shaped like a cylinder and it was polished at both ends, except for a small point at both ends of the precious stone. Then a beam of White light was directed into one end and then this beam was bounced back and forth from the polished surfaces many, many times until it was phased and powerful enough to release out of the other end of the ruby or emerald into a powerful coherent beam of light which is so beautiful and mesmerizing to the eye. In a likewise fashion we may bounce our awareness back and forth 108 times from our IAM to our root Chakra and we can coherently be liberated to our IAM or the source of our light and life. For those who can see this IAM vortex presence is truly the source of our luminous egg or light body.
      I hope my description helps clarify for you what the mechanics are in the Kriya Yoga technique, which I feel, accomplishes the same end as the flower of life meditation.
      sorry for first half typos!

    6. I would like to share a Pleidean technology that acts as a shield and can mitigate the archons interference given to my mentor and guide Dr Fred Bell By a Tibetan, then expounded on and improved by the Pleideans and finally expounded even further by the Andromedans. When I was 16 Dwahl Kuhl told Dr Bell to make a gold pyramid.
      Pyra-mid or translated means fire in the middle. Isaiah 19-19 "In the heart of the land of Egypt on the border in the midst there is an altar to the Lord" (The great Pyramid). He made a wire steel frame pyramid plated in gold which we wore on our head and helps to regulate the various charkas, which feed the endocrine glands which secrete hormones into blood and are the first unit of biochemistry which produces feelings.
      So by controlling our endocrine glands we can modulate our feelings!. Right thought and words deeds and actions are the best way but since we are under assault by the archons we can use a little help. Wearing a pyramid helps to stabilize your endocrine secretions and this can be proved by biofeedback and many other tests. I will not go completely into the great pyramid (unless you want some more cool facts/) or a whole dissertation on all of pyramid energies wonderful applications.
      But after we were wearing these around for a while. Semjase a 300 plus year old Pleidean woman told Dr Fred over a period of years and many physical contacts to create different types of pyramidal arrays using bi pyramids and tri-pyramids (foretold in the keys of Enoch by jj hurtak/brandoo ;-).
      We then started welding these pyramid systems together into environmental sculptures or art form with a purpose. This was a non-harmful scalar wave technology also called tachyon. We combined the use of lasers and crystals and even Tesla violet flame ionizing power sources to amplify and charge the pyramidal array with a super charged field of violet flame.

    7. A virtual ascension portal/vortex if you will. We had gold capstones and even music we combined holographic surround sound to enhance the experience. Because I was very rooted in my mind the Pleideans had me partake in the ingestion of psychotropic substances to aid me in turning off my internal dialogue and stopping the world. The short cut to deep meditation which if abused can lead to big problems addictions etc. However under the direction and tutelage of one who can see the light body these substances inside one of these pyramidal systems can aid in out of body experiences.
      I was taken aboard ships astrally many times and had many other experiences which I cannot narrate at this time. I even went physically once but my memory was blocked by ? and I only know parts of this experience. I do not recommend using psychedelics too much these days as the Andromedan technology efforts to liberate us at this time is compressing the Astral Plane so you no longer have these deep long and amazing astral Journey's.
      The enlightenment and reality of Karma yoga is be here right now in the living flame of the eternal present.
      Semjase also gave DR Bell and old ET device that was worn on the neck before the Quarantine around 26 thousand years ago. By the way day of Brahma as it often called is 25,927.25 years according to the Pleideans. This also known as the precession of the equinox
      Anyway this necklace is called the Receptor and helps to strengthen the DNA by reinforcing its natural frequencies. Which are 3.5 7 11 and 22 micro hertz this is when the DNA replicates and tries to create a duplicate perfect cell/ clone of itself we know it as mitosis. Our DNA is being jammed by various Archon tech and our being dumbed down by foods etc etc..

      After working with the Pleideans they passed Dr Bells contacts off to the Andromedeans who are more Advanced than the Pleidians and they gave him the Projector which is 2 receptors and can be used on the neck or as a mini sculpture which has the same effect as the Pyramidal array's in a miniature form. You may learn about this technology by looking up Dr Fred Bell and Pyradyne. He has recently passed over to the other side his legacy remains and his Daughters are carrying on the company. Tell them I sent you. Rob Potter

    8. WOW, that sounds really amazing! I will look it up!

      Also, this whole report about the veil is mind boggling and mind/heart opening! "They" really are trying to block my creativity! It's not just me! But me and my I AM presence will push thru the crap! Thanks, Cobra, and Thanks, Rob Potter

    9. Mer-Ki-Va,Mer-Ka-Va,Mer-Ka-Na, The best source for
      delineation and activation is AAMetatron as channeled
      thru James Tyberonn at
      Go here for a specific Mer-Ka-Na file-

      Will I am

    10. Agree with Pottsman. Good blog.
      Here are various merkaba shapes:
      From the Gallery, I use the Ascending Light Body B-11 and B-15. Choose shapes you resonate with, then visualize them in 3D going out in all directions. I made photo copies of my shapes and carried them with me everywhere, to work, on the train, and glanced at them whenever there was uncertainty in a situation. The copies finally became completely dog-earred, before the images were set in my energy field. Once you pick an image, see yourself inside the merkaba and add colors: platinum gold copper and electric blue are suggestions. Add Jewels, too, to the tips, if you are inclined. The merkaba rotates, spins, whirls, almost like a good firework going off, and can expand into a room, say at a concert, inside great architecture, or while working on a portal or vortex in the landscape. This way you can help clear and stabilize energy fields around the world. When an Archon attack is happening, your merkaba can collapse in on itself, like an umbrella, mine resembles Ascending Light Body B-15. Shielding your merkaba can protect your energy. At times of attack, my merkaba becomes a solid platinum gold. Fill the interior with white light. Later take a salt bath to release any negativity. Relax. Attacks for some of us have been frequent and hard. But of late mine are reduced to only bug bites. Not much of an interference.
      The choice of merkaba is your own. The web-site above provides a nice tool for visualization.
      If an Archons or sociopath attacks me psychically, then they find themselves locked inside their own merkaba, the outside shield made of cast iron man-hole covers and the inside filled with golden white light. (I work with City Contractors whose greed has over-ruled public safety.) It is then their choice. I do not fight them. One glance and the battle is over.

  4. Wow! Thank you for this detailed information and to all involved in our liberation.

  5. Thanks for the info Cobra! Namaste all! The light will triumph in the end!

  6. I am one of those who hear the hum, you know how I can solve this problem? It is really annoying, especially during a meditation I have difficulty concentrating. You think it harmful?

    P. S. sorry for my English, but I am Italian

    1. It is normal, my ears ring all the time and I think I hear voices much of the time too. Just visualize if you cannot meditate. The power of your artistic creativity is just as powerful as any other. Simply see what is there and feel it, you dont have to clear your mind. Clearing my mind does not work for me I cannot meditate this way. I have to visualize and focus my thoughts on something rather then clearing them.

  7. Wado, Cobra. Large bear hug. Stay well, will continue to meditate. Blessings~~ AHO!

  8. Thanks Cobra so much once more.

    Wow i got my mind blown with nice fresh air again. It's feeding the fire again. New peace.
    I had to pause at some points, it was like remembering some old trauma i had repressed.. Very intense..

    I thought the veil was something natural, part of evolution..
    Again, the only way i have to know is how i feel. I feel new peace.

  9. Fantastic! Very encouraging to hear and see movement! Thank you again Cobra for keeping us posted. A great deal is explained but as always, way more questions pop up. I know we will all find the answers we're looking for very soon. Love, Peace and Light to all!

  10. DUDE WHAT ARE YOU TALKING AB OUT? You and others have stated that the cabal must surrender by the 21st or face removal?!?

    Physical Archons and the rest of the physical Cabal may and can be removed long before the Veil is completely gone.

    I thought that this was a must hat must happen by the 21st?

    1. Brando ~ I think you must be little confused. Read Cobra's post again, and you will find your answers. It's all good, just keep breathing.

    2. Dont wanna delete it but excuse me and apologies. Some times we need to see how easy it is to lose it but its so much harder to gain it. If that makes any sense at all...

    3. brando i can totally relate. i lost it for about 3 days and literlally lost some friends and family over it, (apparently im alittle too crazy for them, lol )

  11. Im sure there are reasons but I don't really see why we have to wait to learn this info. I often feel it would have been beneficial to know sooner. Im not pretending to know better but I sure don't feel any shock factor or need for a buffer.
    Thank you of course for the info. And hopefully the release of truth will pick up some serious momentum.
    You'd think the more we understand, the more we'd feel motivated to act, trust the process, have clear direction, be able to explain to others, etc.

  12. So is there gonna be some kind of disclosure of this situation of the cabal by the 21st or soon there after if they dont surrender and the military does not respond or will it just be info coming from sources such as Cobra/Drake/Lady Dragon and us just waiting again?

    1. We will find out soon enough! Namaste :D

    2. I think (hope) Cobra is saying that if they don't surrender by the 21st, then the process of removing them begins. And that could take a while...
      Brando, I feel your frustration. I'm right there with you. I wish I had more to offer everyone on this site in terms of hope and comfort. Life is kicking my ass right now and I am hanging on by a thread while trying to wrap my brain around (open my heart to)all of this...
      I know deep down I won't understand much of it until its time, until the veil has been lifted...
      I'm hanging on to the hope that there is a purpose to my awakening at this time.
      Thank you to everyone for sharing your wisdom, concerns, freakouts and LOVE. It's all good.

    3. There is definately a purpose to your awakening or it would not have happened, and thank you for your support! You have everything to offer everyone on this site just by sharing it with us!

    4. brando,

      "The ego is in a hurry because it knows it's time is limited. The Spirit has patience because it knows that it is Eternal."

      namasté Eternal One ...

    5. this is the best ever. when i responded to this article, i hadnt read any responses and many things said here have resonated with me. but nothing more than this ... for i am eternal xo

    6. dont forget johnkettler brandoo as he will probaly be giving very good reprts on behind the scenes actions!

  13. If you want to know what the 'Sheliak Timewave is'...
    Terence McKenna's Timewave graph shows the 'Zero Point' in Dec. 21, 2012.
    His time wave graph shows the fluctuations in "novelty" over a vastest scale, starting with the Big Bang and ending on Dec. 21, 2012. Apparently the fractal function can be graphed for any time period at all, but this one is the overall widest period, 25 billion years:
    You can read more about it here:

  14. Some times we just lose site of the light and just for a second lose site of the path. Which mean we may freak out from time to time...That was my first in months!

    Again and always, love and light for all!

    1. happens dude! I've had a few weeks where im just going with the flow of life, living with the higher ascension energies with no drama in my life..and then bam..another ascension obstacle/test pops up. We have many more tests before us but stay calm and focused and you can overcome anything!! Namaste!

    2. just keep reminding yourself that its ONLY a small bump in the road, i was so 'easily strayed' for afew days that i was really contemplating if I was going insane, for reals, lol, which i know i am anyway but i know THIS is not something I could make up (im just not that Creative i could never fathom a job of this magnitude :) lol but its another lesson and another time to reflect on. try to think of the 'freak outs' even far apart or if it happens for afew second during throughout the day, just son as you can recognize it, step back and instead of going 'ah what the heck i been doing good why now?!?" try telling yourself, hey i have something to occupy my mind for afew moments.. and really it will dissapear :) lately its the ONLY thing thats worked for me, hope it helps ya. i have been pretty goood about staying somewhat level, but ive had afew mini freakouts, (tho i think im doing pretty good for being on all the meds i was on and then in 2 mnths going harmeceutical free WOOT WOOT) lol. i know waiting is hard and it can be frustrating (atleast you dont have a kid screaming I WANNA GO HOME MOMMA LETS GO HOME and the daddy saying stop preachin if they land sweet til then i will just keep on man thats the hardest thingn i think for me rightnow) but whenever we are faced with this type of situation i think it might help if we try to remember not to just ;focus on the opposite, or 'love' but just recognize that so near to the end of our sufffering we can still use this time to continue looking at everything (even impatience, anger, or just frustration at the waiting) whenever i can accept what i am feeling, even the bursts of fear based emotions like anger or anxiety, it gives us that little moment to see how far we have really came thus far! i dontknow about you but if i had gone thru this last week 6 mnths ago, id be ONE UNHAPPY camper but everytime my mood changes, even if from a love to another love emotion, i try to focus on HOW its changing and WHAT is making it change.. usually if its a fear based emotion i notice within minutes it is lessening :) keep ur chin up!

  15. Does anyone know if Cobra has done another radio show since the one with Cook?

  16. This is very eye opening. Thanx. I do hear a sound though. It's not a low tone but a very high pitch tone. It's hard to explain but its almost like the sound you hear when a television is on. Its like You know the tv is on without even hearing the program. I've always thought it was the pitch of this reality. Like tuning in into this reality. Does anyone know what Im talking about or am i sounding crazy lol.

    1. I hear this all the time, in my case i think it's probably just some kind of ear damage though. =P

      But now that i think of it, there are actually sometimes when the sound is not so loud and then suddenly it gets really loud, normally on only one side of my ear, it's even weirder when i'm with someone an i hear this, then i ask tehm and they said they heard the same noise.

      P.S.: SOrry if the text is confusing, english is not my native language =P

    2. I hear/feel that one too friend, but not when I'm in the forest. We should find out what it is.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Just the other day I had a very strange experience... never happened before, nor since. I was sitting with my son and he was talking to me and for about 3 seconds his voice sounded like it was echoing in a tin can and all the other ambient sounds were gone. It was really strange and VERY stop-me-in-my-tracks kind of moment. It felt like something shifted in the matrix.

      Also, my husband and I both agree that there was a time when a shift happened because we suddenly both noticed that the entire world started using a word that was slightly different than the one we had known before. Pronounced differently and written differently. I thought it was weird and kind of funny the first time I heard it, and my husband and I just laughed and shrugged thinking it was a one time blooper, but then everywhere we went it was written and pronounced differently. We both agreed that there was a shift in the matrix somehow and we were just glad that we had both witnessed the shift... otherwise we just might have written it off as we were going crazy.

      Always nice to have good company to witness with... knowing you're not crazy. Thanks for being here to witness with, my friends <3

    5. oh, and i hear that high-pitch sound all the time, ayo. i used to hear sounds, as a child, from beyond what i now know as the normal range as an "adjusted" adult. i also have, at various times throughout my life felt a huge pressure in my skull... like my skull was too tight on my brain and there wasn't enough room in there. happens on and off on a regular basis, but hasn't happened for a while.

    6. You're not crazy, I also hear the same sound :-)

    7. @morgaine: Anyway you could tell us the word that you and your husband noticed had been 'changed'? I have also noticed this, but I thought I was loosing my mind!

      Also, I have been having the strangest dreams over the past few nights. When I awake I know that I have been in the astral plane but I cannot remember anything. I am starting to get frustrated over the lack of memory and not being able to figure out what is going on with me. Not to mention, I don't feel like I have slept at all. All I want to do is go back to sleep and continue on with whatever it was that I was doing!

  17. Brando, remember my friend, we may not be close geographically, but we are in this together! I sometimes get anxious about whats happening, whats not happening. But it is all good man, we have so much love its overwhelming, and it makes us so close to our goles. We can't lose site now man, we are so very close. The dark of this place wants just that, for us to get frustrated and give in. We are the light and we are one. Love to all!

  18. Brando...No worries! I was right there with you for a moment! It happens! Now onward and upward! The Light is already victorius we are just waiting for the manifestation.

  19. Cobra ~ Could you please post an other meditation time for the 21st. Little boost up doesn't hurt, yes? Perhaps the same time zones as Sunday meditations? People on Drake's and Bill's sites are talking about it. As soon as you post it, it will go to all these other sites. It's fast.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. The solstice hits at 4:09 pm PDT on Wednesday June 20th according to the information I have seen.

    3. *This is the same time as the 12:11 BST time listed on the post for the solstice...

  20. This was a really insightful post, thanks Cobra. I'm particularly interested in learning more about the infrasound situation - the past several months, especially during geomagnetic storms (maybe a coincidence, but still...) I've been utterly exhausted, almost all the time, no matter how much sleep, minerals, vitamins, meditation, etc. I'm really hoping this lifts, or that we can learn of new ways to counteract it (I took a Merkaba meditation course last year and did it faithfully for months, to little avail) I wish I could be of more help, but am struggling to get through the day sometimes. Still, I believe we're on the edge of something huge, and will continue to participate in the meditations and look forward to more info!

    1. Are you protecting yourself from EMF's? If not, check into getting a device or necklace to protect yourself. They will make you very tired if you are sensitive to them. Also hematite(get the polished ones) and teckite stones.

      Also, look into adrenal support. Nothing- vitamins, supplements, etc- will help you if your adrenals are shot (until you get them working again)


    2. Thanks tracyac - As a matter of fact, I am working on my adrenals - today I'm doing the 4x saliva testing. I experimented with Chopra's adaptagens, and bought some Seriphos, though am waiting for the test results to know when to take it. I do fermented fish oil, B vits, etc - any other suggestions? I always wear a Q-link necklace too, for what it's worth...


  21. Place: Lewiston, Idaho/Clarkston, Washington
    Subject: Low Frequency Hum/Freemasons "Free And Accepted"

    YA-TA-HEY!! AHO!! HOLA!!
    Last May (2012), my wife and I took al trip to Lewiston, Idaho. Why does not matter, and I/we were glad to leave. You know you are in trouble when you come into a town and the first sign you see is a round blue sign that says: "Freemasons, Free and Accepted", as most of the small towns had that sign as one enters on the highway to Lewiston. Once there, I can say I knew something was causing problems with my being, and it was a low frequency hum that did not stop but only for a short period of time but slowly came back up. I figured it out and we talked about it. It was a very depressing, heavy feeling and I could not eat or sleep well in the motel the one night we stayed. I felt uncomfortable vibrations from many of the people we encountered and no one ever said hello and smiled at you. Where we come from in Oregon, people say hello automatiically if they know you or not, and when I said hello to people in Lewiston, it threw them off. Once we left to return back to Oregon, we felt relief and I mentioned that Lewiston needed a UFO presence to open up their minds and get them to awaken. It is sad, and I can see why 40% of the country is still in the dark.

    I have found the best master teacher: Yourself.

    The profile name I use is in honor of the actual website.

    If you whisper "wingmakers", large birds come out very high up in the sky. My wife and I made friends with a hawk the other day, as it let us walk under it and visit for a while while it was perched on a sidewalk lamp. It looked both of us in the eye. What an honor.

    YA-TA-HEY!!! Everyone grab a drum and lets PLAY!!!

    1. yessssssssssss!
      thats what im talking about!
      i have two ravens outside my windows... night and day.
      they greet me in the morning, afternoon and even the middle of the night. I know they protect me

    2. very touching about the birds! i have some dear friends who are really my godparents in my eyes, that live over in that ID area. THey have been alerted just afew days ago, i planted the seed and they are looking into things and hopefully awakening now. i really hope they are safe enough there until the viel is gone and they can actually see thigns more clearly.they used to travel all the time and theyve been sick this year so they havent, i wish they would have anyway, maybe theyd feel better!

    3. Stasha,
      Thank you for sharing your story, and especially about the ravens. You are blessed to have them protecting you. They are very powerful. I hold them in deep gratitude & respect for saving my life once.
      Felt an immediate connection here.
      Blessings dear sister

  22. Dear Cobra, our group sends YOU biiiggg hugs , and 12x12 thanks for job well done!!
    After listening to your interview, all we want to say is this: WELCOME BACK ENKI!!

    ATTENTION EVERYBODY. Our group is in need of a GRAPHIC DESIGNER for our new web site.

  23. I hear the hum all the time since I was a kid. When in a quite place I can hear it.

  24. Many Thanks for the clear presentation again Cobra. Much info to digest and assimilate. Really love the artwork btw. :)

  25. wowww!!! really great information!

    thousand thanks, dear cobra!!!

  26. My word! I had a large implant removed by a shaman a year ago but I only recall 1 life. I wonder how long the effect lasts??
    Thank you Cobra.

  27. I would just be interested in knowing more about you Cobra, could not access any info on you here. Also, where did you get this information from exactly? What proof do you have of any of this? Too many people out there stating there's is the "truth", but frankly, without factual proof and evidence its all fiction to me.

    1. How many people state the bible is true without any proof?

    2. Unknown - YOU are the proof. Look within. What is unknown becomes known. Namasté.

  28. Replies
    1. i love that phrase when speaking of this stuff, i use it all the tim ehwen planting seeds ill hint around and if i think theyre ready to hear something big ill say "ok now im gonna blow ur mind *****" lol XD its a great ice breaker..

  29. Thank you Cobra... it is because of you I have the courage to now tell my story... I will begin it here, but please follow the link for all of it. I think many of your readers will want to hear this. And many of them will not. Regardless, it is truth... and needs to be told.
    All my love
    Stasha Beloved Rose

    My Dirty Little Secret: I'm a Rockefeller
    Yes, its true.

    This is something that only few people know and I struggle with every single day.

    The reason I wanted to speak up and out about this was due to the cobra report that I just read. I would like to speak on behalf of those of us who do not subscribe to the Rockefeller Rothschild agenda.

    Now, I always knew that there was an abundance of shady things going on here... but what I read tonight just made me angry. I try very, very hard to let these things slip past me.

    Observe the negativity, understand that it has its place... and try to appreciate and thank these lower activities for teaching me how NOT to be.

    However, what many people do not realize is that there are people like myself who never even knew that they were a part of this family. After being stalked and harassed and persuaded to initiate into their factions throughout my entire life, but never being told the whole truth, I went on my own journey.

    I got a DNA test a little over a year ago and what I found led me down a rabbit hole of Genealogy and History that I never saw coming. All that I knew of my family's history was our Native American side, which I was quite proud of... But I never went much further past this. There were also many dead end's and gaping holes in my family tree...

    But the virgo in me... well, we like to leave no stone unturned. Thanks to the internet and ebay. I was able to fill in the gaps of many missing pieces. They may have been able to control most of the books and other publications over the past few decades, but I started to find bibles from the 1700's and History books and Theosophic texts that just showed up in my mail box.

    Everything they tried to hide... I uncovered.

    But where did the cover-up begin?


    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Stasha you are beautiful and brave! Thank you for that wonderful (true) story.

    3. Be of good cheer, Stasha. I'm a Freeman, of the frontal lobotomy and twisted religion group. Part of our job is to help straighten some crooked paths. Keep up the good work.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. Odd, I created an account and it still wont let me view the page. Either way, Stasha, You are very brave and will be rewarded for your efforts :) Remember, WE ARE ONE, and the past is just that...the past. We are all children of the creator and you have broke the chain of dark for yourself. Have no fear, we are love, and we are together. Peace, Love and Light
      ~Mike H.

    6. Stasha! Thank you for you story. You are amazing!! I would love to read the rest, although I can't access the page :( I will keep trying!

    7. access denied to your link

    8. i think someone is messing with your post. pls. post it somewhere else. stay in the LIGHT. big hug

    9. guys, i posted the full thing on my blog with photos. i dunno wtf is up with that? peeps are def blocking the truth
      love to you all

  30. I have been very short of time with some work I have been called to do here in my area, but I quickly read this post and had MIND ASPLODY!!!! In a good way.

    This seriously lines up with every (what I feel is) accurate "download" I have been getting and while it is kind of horrible to read, I am SO FREAKIN' excited to see this stuff corroborated here.

    I AM GOD.
    I AM FREE.

    Soon it is over.

    Be back here for more convo in the comments and so on, but all I have to say is HELLS YEAH -- LET'S ROLL!! Woo hoo!!!

    (That's the Pleiadian call to action I keep hearing, hahahahaha.)

    1. lol
      is it funny that i posted my reply at 12:12 and urs at 12:21?
      yaaa hoooo!

  31. I wonder if this is this why few talk to me? Because of Doom33 and my nic has 333 in it?. I am stunned, although I think there is another reason but I don’t know what it is. I’m totally not a bad guy and find it difficult to prove it :/ oh well it can be no other way

  32. Love the explanation, Cobra~Thanks! Thanks to all the love and light being shared on this site....
    Let's Roll, Indeed :)

  33. Very interesting intel... I'm looking forward to the Solstice meditation and hope to see something happen on the 21st.

    Maybe someone here can help explain something to me about a couple of dreams I had.
    1. about 4 days ago, I had a dream where I was flying around Amsterdam. It was dark, the trees along the canals were overgrown and going through them was annoying. I was having difficulty flying and staying airborne, but was able to maintain. There was someone following me around. He was tall, dark hair, dark eyes, white skin and he didn't like the fact I was there at all.

    2. last night, same guy, this time with about 6 of his "friends" were chasing me. I was doing all I could to avoid a confrontation and had a friend with me. Eventually this guy caught up with me and I saw him strike down my friend. I had no fear of this entity and was ready for a showdown. Just before anything happened, I woke up. I can remember his face CLEARLY and I know it was the same entity from the previous dream.

    My dreams a few days after the Venus transit have been taking place in the lower, darker astral plane more and more. I don't know why, but something is up. I also remember a group of guys in black suits, blonde hair (think of Russians) that were sitting at a table doing shots with something sugar like in them toasting to "Venu". All I could find about "Venu" is a place in Iran.

    I honestly don't know what's going on, but IF and WHEN I see that 'guy' that chased after me, I'm going after him. No running, No fear. His ass is grass, and I'm the lawnmower.

    Love and light to all. Time to kick the tires and light the fires. Let's rock n'roll!!

    1. Theo

      I think this is what's going on..

      Venus transit made them weaker.It sounds like a war is going on now, they are holding on to a thread and they are out fighting at full force.Tell them to GET OUT!

      I had a dream over a year ago,I felt the presence of some evil force in my house turning the light switch on and off real fast,this is what I told IT "GET THE F OUT OF MY HOUSE"
      (yelling so loud)it left.

  34. If someone does not know it yet, I invite you to read this article.

    Hidden Hand (the nickname of this mysterious person) by his own admission would be one of the 'bad' ie those who have worked since the dawn of time so that the world would be the place we all know.

  35. Thank you for this very informative update Cobra. This fits some pieces into place... about the Veil issue. I thought like David Icke explained that it was just coming from the Moon - I managed to tune out that frequency - but now that I know what Else is also going on this is going to help me to tune out all these Others as well.

    And just as well... it also helps explain maybe some secret that fellow metaphysicians have known that allowed them to just bypass the Veil and become so psychic and intuitive.


    I also had several encounters recently with the Archons in my dreamspace as well - astral combat. From the looks of it I was kicking their ass but they never did die, they either ran off or I did. I don't like dealing with "bag of hitpoints boss monsters" that seem to take forever to defeat.

    ▲ I AM Solomon. And I am here to finish what I started. The Third Temple will never be Rebuilt. ▲

    1. since I too seem to be dealing with them in the Dream Time, I'll lend help to you as much as I can from my end.

      From here forth, I will refer to the archons as Arxidia (Greek for scrotum). They hold no power over me nor are they my rulers. I suggest we all start to refer to them as such since uttering their name seems to give them validation and power.

      There was this one dream sequence where a dark one (don't know if it was an Arxidi or not), disguised as a police officer was beating and torturing a girl. I ran up to him, recited something (I can't remember, but it had to do with light) and grabbed onto him. He became engulfed in Light and vanished. All the while he was screaming and howling as if in extreme pain.

    2. Yeah ive heard of that thing too, about their name, but since I know they arent entitled to any credible station, I can still say their name (Archons) and its actually damaging to them because its Mocking them.

      To be honest I think using some special name for them like you have gives them power also, because it means you're giving them power enough out of fear to have to change the name you would use for them.

      They have No Soul (or Free Will), they are spiritual programs only, it doesn't matter what we call them, they aren't even entitled to a name. So whatever we call them is only just a Handle to reference them by.

      Understanding that... ought to be enough. At least we arent calling them angels or masters, that went out the door a long time ago.

      (speaking of which I wonder if Kwan Yin actually is just an Archon or is a real ascended master, considering she is supposedly one of the Lords of Karma. The same could be said about Saint Germain also, but since he gave us the Violet Flame I highly doubt he would be - the V/F destroys karma so it wouldnt be in their best interests to give us such a tool.)

    3. I understand what you're saying, however the name change isn't from a place of fear at all, it's from a place that I know will enrage them. I'm looking to piss them off as much as possible, whenever possible. If they are weak and constantly have more and more of their power drained off my renaming them and releasing any and all fear they had instilled in us, it will only help to bring them down faster.

      Everyone is free to call them as they like, however, as for me, I'll stick with calling them arxidia and laughing in their dark faces because I know it's pissing them off. And I WILL be chasing after them as they appear to me in my dream time.

    4. Theo,

      "(don't know if it was an Arxidi or not)" lol!!!

      I completely understand when you use the word(arxidia)yes that will enrage them.It sounds more harsh in Greek.If it's working, keep doing what you're doing, especially laughing at them.

    5. as my best friend would say GO TEAM!!! lol. (i think i may adapt your name of Arxidia for the archons for i am one to love a good humorful mocking on the bad guys) XD and good luck on that mowing! (my mom said that phrase a lot when anyone pissed her off) lol

  36. Do you think this stuff is valid? If you slick on a highlighted word, it takes you to a care sales site. Could be anyone doing this.

  37. Untwine&all,
    man trying to perform a citizen's arrest of Tony Balir in Hong Kong.

    1. Although great in theory, this shows how in practice, it's all just a lie. If citizen had the power and the arrests were valid, we wouldn't be waiting for mass arrests to take place, they would have happened already. I for one would personally have arrested most of the Greek parliament and heads of the banks already.

    2. Btw Theo I was expecting Siriza to win, but maybe it had to happen this way. Anyway no more austerity will be accepted by the Greeks, I am sure about that.

    3. I think most of Greece was expecting Siriza to win as EVERYONE I know and was in contact with voted for them. There's a VERY good chance that this is all a fix and total BS. But whatever, their time has come and all will be taken care of - one way or another. Either we fix it or mother Earth will fix it for us.

      As for more austerity, not a chance. There's nothing left to take. People are at their breaking point. The other day a unemployed woman at a local supermarket was caught shoplifting a bottle of milk and ice cream for her child. The rent-a-cops practically stripped the woman down to her underwear. The management of the supermarket came down, saw what was going on and when they heard the reason why she did it, not only did they not press any charges, but they said they'll give her anything she needs for her child and offered her a job.

      We may be going down shit's creek, but people aren't heartless and WILL help each other as much as they can.

      Politicians out here need to be very afraid. An all out revolt is in the wind.

    4. I am so sorry. I have signed the coalition of resistance petition but there seems little else I can do. I wish I could give or send you something as I have enough for my needs. My first thoughts was that the results must surely have been rigged.

    5. Aradia, I thank you for your most generous offer, however Love and Light is all we need at this point. :)

      Much Love and Light to you and all around you Aradia.

    6. great story theo about the kind managers compassion we will need more of this kind of love in the future as well as the now ;-)

  38. This comment has been removed by the author.

  39. Cobra,
    not too important but I see a little bit of contradiction, in the Forces of Light and Forces of Darkness you stated:
    "This faction{Jesuits} was very powerful until early 1800s when the Rothschild faction took over." "Through David de Rothschild and his marriage with Olimpia Aldobrandini they{the Rothschilds} influence the Jesuit faction."

    Now in the interview you said:
    "And, actually, the Rothschilds are just their bankers, their slaves. They obey the Jesuits’ commands."

    Now who is ruling who?

    1. The Jesuits(Non-Phyical Archons - Overlords)
      was being served by their reptilian slaves(Rothschilds)

      get it?..

    2. 144 I totally get it, just tried to reflect on the contradiction of the messages.
      Btw the Archons among Jesuits must be PHYSICAL since they exist on the 3D physical plane.
      But thanks for the condescending,lecturing tone.

    3. LV,

      Maybe they only found out who was really ruling at this point.Before this date we always focused our meditations on Rothschilds ect..

      Friday, May 25, 2012

      "The physical counterpart of this grid consists of people deep within the Jesuit network. I would suggest everyone stop focusing so much on Committee of 300 because the real control lies elsewhere. The physical Jesuit Archons are still quite dangerous and the green light for the Event will not be given until those people are cut away from their resources. The Resistance is dealing with the situation and I will post more intel about this when/if it will be declassified."

    4. Yeah that can be an explanation Prosperity, thnx!

  40. obra you stated,
    An alternative option of gaining freedom by being able to travel to other star systems will open to humanity soon as the quarantine dissolves.

    I thought that we were all free once cabal is removed?

    1. To reinforce what I am saying in more detail, I thought that the whole purpose of this thing was liberation of planet earth? If so then why do we need an alternative method of gaining freedom? Are you saying now that the only way we will gain our freedom is to leave planet earth and travel elsewhere?

    2. And if the quarantine dissolves are we not then all free?

    3. @Brando9000 I feel that the Quarantine implies that the archons will be removed before Ascension so we would be able to moenoevre much more readily and easily . The heightened postive transformative energies being projected with our Global meditation with Cobra and other sites would help establish that . Ascension in it truest sense would complete by 21.12.12 but not everyone would be ready, willing , able so that would be a very big step and would be ongoing from 2012 and carry on over the next few years .

    4. I would say free to heal but not healed! Once quarantine is lifted many will be allowed to travel to other systems as an educational process and we will have the universal communication circuits as we will recieve reports from many planet like a universal news station. this will be part of interplanetary cultural exchange/ healing programs. Not sure how soon this will take place but certainly not june 22nd so be patient!

  41. Most of your questions are already answered in Cobras blog!

    But the very most of you are still not open to see the answeres!

    This is especially dedicated to those, who are astral open, and think you know and see what's going on. But you are still inside! You got one level up, but you are still looking from a downside point of view! You have to change your perspective of looking and thiking, to realize the truth.

    It is similar to a forest. If you are not astral, you are walking on the ground. If you are astral, you are flying in the treetops. But you have to move the perspective 200 m over the treetops to realize the structure of the forest.

    @brando9000June 18, 2012 7:04 PM

    'It is time for us to see the fruits of ours and our galactic families labour!'

    Cobra: This time the Veil can not be reinforced as there are no negative physical or non-physical ET forces in the outer space left to invade our planet.

    I think,it's a wonderful answer. I'm personally very relieved to get this confirmation from Cobra, that we really got them all. So all the sacrifices were not in vain.

    @ChristopherJune 18, 2012 8:38 PM

    ...... It happens! Now onward and upward! The Light is already victorius we are just waiting for the manifestation.

    Thx for the wonderful confirmation CJ.

    But one thing is really left open:
    Cobra: About 26,000 years ago, Archons declared this planet to be their property and all beings living on it their hostages and slaves.

    Why did they do this?

    Searching for this answer, will bring many of you to the truth. Remembering the truth!

    And a second council i'm allowed to give. Try to feel the Energies in your body. And by feeling the energies, think about perspectives. If you do so, many of you will find the answeres till 21th.

    1. As far as I know, the residents of atlantis executed a very bad experiment. The result was an interdimensional rift. Through this rift, the archons invaded our planet. Because it was our blame, the creator didn't step in to help us. We had to understand that we are responsible for solving the problem ourselves.

    2. That's the 'told' story. From the light or the dark side?

      Atlantis downfall was 15.500 years ago.
      '26,000 years ago, Archons declared this planet to be their property'

      Atlantis is part of the story, but not the main story.

    3. It's from Hermes Trismegistos aka Toth. He should be a good guy, but who knows it nowadays.

      So I must dig deeper to the days of Lemuria? Am I right?

    4. Indirectly Mu is part of it. Toth is part of the story.

      26.000 years in the past (Micky Mouse earth time) is also right. But the perspective is wrong.

  42. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. the Venus transit happens in pairs roughly 8 years apart then not again for roughly 115 or so years.

  43. Cobra all I can really say is that I think alot of us are hoping that there will be some kind of events happening that will be brought out in public to confirm that this is all really happening sometime shortly after the 21st of this month.


  44. @Cobra, you said you incarnated without losing your memories due to the veil like other people do. How did you managae to do this?

    1. Cobra was probably born outside of our atmosphere and on the other side of the grid.
      Or is there another option?

  45. By the way, where is SirianStarseed? i want to hear his/her thoughts about this. <3

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Do you know the special meanig of the 144 for us on earth? 138 now?

    3. @144 if you listen to the interview with Cobra you will find that SirianStarseed is asking the last question when the show is almost finished. I'm not sure it's Sirian but this guy talking says his name is Starseed anyway.

    4. Hamourapi, Elaborate, what do you mean the 144 and 138. Is that the 144,000? If that's the case I would like to know that answer aswell, Thanks! Love to all!

  46. Brando, which was the name of the song you posted some days ago, where a lady plays violin in different positions? Thank you!

    1. I honestly cant remember which one it was but the band is called Leahy and all of their songs are just as wonderful as the one I posted. Also check out Natalie MacMaster. But the one I linked was from Leahy. Their music is the purest form of light energy projected through the vibration we call music. Simply listening to them brings tears to my eyes.


    2. Thank you, sir! It has the same effect to me.

  47. It's stories like this one that proves that Goddess is BACK - I can't imagining this happening even a month ago. Very encouraging! :)


  48. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. JOKO, VERY WELL SAID! Man, brother, friend, I love you too! I feel the same way, thee is a change happening in me, a remarkable change for the better. I was not a bad person by any means, but now, I feel....LOVED! I had the love of my wife and kids, and that makes me feel amazing. Now with THIS LOVE, I feel complete, I feel so happy and full. I feel my heart litteraly filling with love. At first it feels like anxiety, but then that feeling goes, and warmth fills the heart and soul. I can almost NOT formulate words as to how I feel. I too would like to see action on or around the 21st, some breaking news, something! But you know man, that is why it's called faith. No matter what you can or can not see, it's there! Haha! It is always there! Love is everywhere and the dark forces of this universe are breaking! WE ARE PART OF THAT! We, as one, unites, are making these changes possible! It is said over and over that our galactic family can NOT do it for us but can help us in our goals. Guess what, they already are! We have created such an amazing amount of love for one another and for mother earth that there is NOTHING that can stop us! I love you all and we WILL meet in the future! Love, Light and Peace be with you all!
      ~Mike H.

  49. More background info's about the "ankle biter"

  50. Cobra,
    I am still digesting this information some of it very new to me and somehow familiar also. I very much appreciate the new itel/perspective information released today.
    I do of course have many questions, which I would love to have clarified. I know you respond or post replies very seldom. I know you are busy but I am glad you are in a way clarifying my discussion about veils yesterday and also addressed the quarantine and closed reincarnational cycle issue I bought up also. For this I am grateful. Cleary your revelations have not been given to the general populace before this post in such an open forum and for this I am also very happy.
    First questions is in regards to the entire Hostage situation from Atlantean times. Was the a take-over of and by both physical and non-physical beings? In Atlantis just as today they took over the priest hoods and infiltrated the society and turned man against man and man against friendly ET's by manipulation.
    Are these Archons "Fallen" or rebellious federation members? Were these beings originally residing on higher planes only to cast down to lower worlds due to their transgressions? Will they eventually be cast into physical bodies to be arrested or can they be contained from where they currently reside? Are these Archons Dracos or Reptilians or another being altogether?
    This veil as you describe it one imposed to enslave which is new to me but makes sense You also say it has hindered the positive ET races significantly. But certainly it did not completely stop them coming here without a 'Permit?
    You also said all space ships needed to get a special permit from the Archons?? This certainly seems contradictory to me why would The Venusians or any of the solar council who have been coming and going from here at will ever needed a permit. Or even the Pleideans or Andromedeans for that matter? Do you mean the good ET's have superior abilities and tech and can come here but are under hostile attack from earth based minions and Archon alike if discovered?
    If not why would the Archons grant a permit to the friendly ET races? I agree to the hostage situation description of Atlantis and to our situation now but I am wondering if the Archons are now kept here on purpose? Has this been planned since they invaded only to be kept here on this planet? Or they just so obstinate in they're takeover plans in this sector of our local universe? If not it would seem the Archons and we are both imprisoned here? Can the Archon Leave willingly and escape now or must they be contained and arrested so to speak so they do not continue their enslavement efforts elsewhere?

  51. I must say the negative implants of crystals before birth is new to me and really pisses me off. All the technology used to keep us here in ignorance and attack us tempt us and herd us into our lower natures forcing our reincarnation by our inability to ascend is one thing but implantation at birth is" just not cricket man" (Austin Powers).
    Our ascension possibility has always been here but very hidden and difficult to attain, due to Archon attack of any being that gets close. The all Seeing Eye locates their light expansion and then and I know from experience that legions of lower astral beings are sent to cajole and reinforce the lower nature desire confusion of the "escapee". I am one such victim of these forces I let it happen so I am not really whining like a victim consciousness but just another casualty.
    The removal of implants is a good thing but how was this done to over 5 billion people? The technology used by the resistance was it done by neutralizing the chip and rendering it in operable? If so this was NOT earth based resistance forces tech by cell tower or harp obviously as this tech cannot reach every single inch of the planet! Or could it? You seem to indicate these just the physical implants in vaccinations only? Or did you destroy implants of every kind including the astral pre-birth crystals? The physical implantation programs are still in effect and actually succeeding by force or heavy intimidation at least what happens to these new implants that are being administered everyday?
    I also was wondering if the sounds talked about were the infrasound technology being destroyed by the positive ET's and not the underground bases being collapsed. Were the reports of underground bases being destroyed accurate even though we did not "hear" these actions? What is the status of NWO underground hidey-holes? Sorry if you already addressed any of these questions earlier.

    My final question is in relation to doom33 are all of these agents whether they be earth minions implanted mind controlled or Draco hologram ground forces offered a place to go after their doomsday button pushing is accomplished or are they all true believers who are on suicide missions?
    I welcome answers from any of my fellow posters, as I know Cobra could not have time or inclination to satisfy my personal hunger for truth. Though I am hoping for some deeper clarity on these issues.
    Thank you for your patience for my long winded diatribes.
    warm regards Rob

  52. Cobra/anyone,
    I have a few questions would be glad if anyone could clear them. Some of them might be trivial for a few of you:

    1,till when did ETs need permission from Archons to enter Erath because I guess the ancient 'gods' in Sumer,Egypt,South America,India didn't really give a shit about any permission and just came here..?

    2,"An alternative option of gaining freedom by being able to travel to other star systems will open to humanity soon as the quarantine dissolves. " I thought we don't need alternative options since we are freed from the influence of the Cabal?!

    3, What is the difference between the etheric plane and astral plane and is our 'etheric brain' close to our physical body or not? Can we
    sense the etheric plane? If yes how?

    4, You mean common vaccinations the ones which we got as a kid contained biochips???

    5, Etheric nuclear explosion?? How is this possible? Is it noticable from the physical plane?

    Thanks in advance for any answer.

    1. In responce to question #2, this is what I gathered from it. I think that that has to do with what we want to do with this new found freedom, do you want to stay here? Do you want to travel to other systems and help other in need? As we are being helped now. Hope that helps to at least one of your questions, and again, this is just my interpretation of that specific question.
      Peace and Love
      ~Mike H.

    2. Dear Löncz,
      to your question no. 1, i've been wondering too for a long time how did they get through the earth like it is their domain and no one evrer stopped them. In the higher realms there is no good or no bad. They were the refugees from other star systems, therefore entered without permission to the earth (those astral leeches). Apparently again, they were originally intended to accelerate the evolution of humanity (seeing from the highest level). But humanity was young, naive and innocent and bought into their lies very easily (apparently not expected). Those damn leeches didn't give any shit about anything, so the situatian got out of control. The humanity invited many more negative types, e.g. reptilians, with their influence. As i read, like everything should be in balance, there were good and bad ETs during that ancient time. Good example is godess Athena, she is depicted everywhere as a very positive entity, unlike any other god/godess. Good ETs tried to raise the awareness after the downfall, so humanity can climb back. But it was the sleepy cycle of time, so they couldn't do much.
      Everytime i thought i found out something about earth's real history, there arises many more questions. I am more puzzled than ever, really.

  53. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I am sure you are right. I just don't know how to switch the questions off.

  54. Thank you's Info, questions & concerns

    Pottsman,Jai & I am love - thank you for all that info!

    I looked into Dravalo so far and read something interesting about the humans who have managed to get their Merkaba activated.
    He said the US Military can see when a person's Merkaba is activated, that it comes on line though some kind of technology they have, and can follow them on a screen... that there are about a million people with it activated!
    This made me chuckle to think about how much the secret military potentially knows :) maybe THEY can help us learn how to activate our Merk ha ha ha.

    hamouapi2012 as per your suggestion i have been looking for the real reason the A's declared us as slaves and the only one I have found so far is that we are their food source and that is well... creepy, but hey that could be why the masses are called sheep.

    My higher self is saying it was part of some kind of agreement to help 3d humans evolve. But I can't shake my left brain telling me this experiment has gone too far & hence the need of collective help from the P's and other more enlightened beings.

    I also can't shake the feeling that time is running out and I don't enjoy the anxiety that brings. At the same time I feel like somehow we are gonna pull this off, but not the way we think :)

    In Drake's interview he went on and on about how we have a choice of standing up for ourselves or not, that Gaia is going to shake humanity off like fleas, if we continue to allow the Cabal to poison her.
    I understand that from his perspective he is explaining things as best he can. but didn't he say that a large % of the Pentagon is in the know? You would think he has some kind of contact - rather than an open letter that may or may not be taken seriously by a CLERK on Sunday morning?

    Brando, I am feeling your frustration about the time line we have been given & the lack of action by the cabal & our military as per the plan, I respect your practical way of thinking. AND agree with the rest of you that if we allow these doubts to consume us 'they' are winning. If we do have the potential of 12 strand DNA angelic lineage I can see why we are so important to them.

    LV - you are on to something regarding your question of 'who the heck is really in charge' Cobra said the Jesuits are in control of the cabal/Rothchilds.
    Some how I just don't think these dark ones are going to 'Surrender' that easy after 26 thousand years of being our zoo keepers but I could be totally wrong, maybe they are tired of the fight and ready to turn themselves in.:)
    Like I mentioned in another post - the richest family in the worlds choice to surrender will be to save their own skin, and it comes down to who are they more afraid of the Jesuits or the resistance. They are between a rock and a hard place don't you think?

    Mamouapi2012 Will you please just give us a link to the answer why?
    unfortunately we all are still physically required to work to make a living ie put money in Rothchilds pockets - not yours Sasha - (congrats on your inner strength to choose the path of enlightenment)
    I just don't seem to have the time to keep searching and would really appreciate the true story buddy.

    Thank you everyone for listening to my questions and concerns
    I truly love you all for being here & sharing. I feel honored to be a part of this shift.

  55. I just read this and I feel it vital for all to read. I am sure that most of you HAVE read it but just in case I really want to make sure that we are ALL on the same page here. I am so overwhelmed with joy I am truly having a hard time holding back my tears. I am at work so thats a bit of an issue for me ;) I hope you all take this message as I did, with open arms! Love and Light to all my Brothers and Sisters!
    ~Mike H.

    1. forgot the link! Haha

  56. Cobra,

    Sounds like everyone upstairs ain't too happy with all the delays. Maybe the Resistance needs to get the ball rolling, aye?

    You said April 2012. Everyone upstairs liked that idea, too. Then, nothing?

    I'd hate to be the one who spat on the angel's gift.

    You guys better get moving...


    "But the thing is, Mr. Spacemen, I want to believe in miracles. That angel did something to me, something I can not even put into words. Maybe it’s a gift beyond belief. Something that could change everything for everyone…when the timing is right. It’s always about the timing you know. Could you imagine something with the potential for something so big, so grand, that it could help everyone everywhere? That would be a miracle…Would that interest you, Mr. Spacemen?"

    "You know what I think would be great, if you would show those upstairs how much you care and listen…and put on a big show for the people, let everyone know you’re there. Maybe on Easter, that’s such a colorful holiday. I would sure love to see that. It’s not much to ask for now that is, is it?"

    "Remember, it’s all about the timing."

    "And again, a magic secret…Like a Golden Window of Opportunity that was missed, so sad too bad. One light show for the people for a ray of hope. A missed opportunity, a perfect time…such things are rare. It’s as if a gift were presented, a bouquet of roses by an angel and someone just spit on it. WOW. I guess not everyone get’s along as well as they thought, or we hoped. Maybe it’s not so perfect everywhere…Strike one."

    "For the man in Black, who said they needed more time…I’m sorry I can’t talk to anyone up there, I don’t make the rules…this is a one way door. I looked into a light, and there it was…an option, a gift, a chance…I don’t know how to fix that. But it’s not your fault, and I really like you…if there’s anything I can do for you someday remember that."

    "All that meddling, all that tinkering with time…The God project…such a big no no. No one up there likes that…And someone really isn’t all that happy up there right now either over a missed chance. Not that I can do anything about it. I’m just the hopeful guy, the one with the faith that there might be a chance, a ray of hope that could change it all…for everybody."

  57. God said:

    You can afford to love. You cannot afford not to love. You have to give love. It is a necessity. Otherwise, your heart will be stuck with hot tar and cut off from itself. Your heart is meant to love, so let it love. Encourage love. Give your heart ample room to love. Your heart is not meant to be held back, crushed, discounted, denied, delayed, endangered, fretted, fractured, guarded, hampered, hidden, impaled, jammed, kept, lied to, monitored, mishandled, negated, overridden, put aside, quarantined, restrained, stepped on, tied, undervalued, victimized, wrestled, or zipped closed.

    Your heart is meant for freedom, the freedom to be, and the freedom to lead not only yourself but the world. Your heart is meant to set the pace for the Universe rather than keep the hearts of My children under wraps.

    It is summer now in the heart of the world, and all winter coats are to be removed. Your heart is not to carry strictures within it any longer. The summer of hearts is here. Your heart has been on the rack. Your heart is not meant to be confined. Your heart is not meant to be held down. Not you or anything is to bind your heart and make it small. Undo the boundaries in your heart. Be done with restraints. For Heaven's sake, free your heart from all the conditions you have made. Love. Just love. Love is to be given, never squelched.

    You were born to love. You were not born to trespass against your heart. You were born to love the wisdom of your heart. Your heart has your best interests at heart. Your heart knows you want it to love, only you have put love under wraps as if love were deformed and not quite honorable. No, beloveds, your restrictions damage your heart, your beautiful heart that simply wants to love and make you and the world happy.

    Open your heart to everyone and everything. Make room in your heart for love to be its song, free to sing under all circumstances, never to close down.

    In your misguided attempt to guard your heart, you have imprisoned it. You tied it tight. You might as well have shot bullet holes into it.

    But then was then. Never mind then. Now open your heart. Open the doors of your heart. Set your heart free to be a lover of life, mankind, the world, and God.

    Do you feel the relaxation your heart feels when you even contemplate freeing it? A whole lot of inhibition will leave. You will not be reckless. You just won't heckle your heart. You will have set your heart free to love. To love is a good thing. Your heart is filled with boundless love, and now you are going to give your heart permission to do what it has always wanted, and that is to love with all its heart, not some, not a little, not censored, not derailed, but just to love as a heart is meant to love. Give your heart opportunity to love, not just here and there, but everywhere.

    Love from a big place in your heart. Love given without thought of gain will not be taken advantage of. When you give your heart, you do not give it for a price. You are not even thinking of a return. You are not thinking in terms of something due you or something that you owe. You are simply letting your heart breathe. How happy your heart will be. It will alight, and it will fly and love some more. All hearts simply want to love. Your heart wants to love. You can love the ugly and the beautiful. As you love, you will no longer see what now appears to you as ugly, for your heart will begin to see Me in everyone, in everything, everywhere.

    Permanent Link:

  58. @pottsmanJune 19, 2012 7:28 AM said:

    'First questions is in regards to the entire Hostage situation from Atlantean times. Was the a take-over of and by both physical and non-physical beings? In Atlantis just as today they took over the priest hoods and infiltrated the society and turned man against man and man against friendly ET's by manipulation.'

    You got the point.
    Question left is, why they made the take-over?

    'Are these Archons "Fallen" or rebellious federation members?'

    None of it.

    'Were these beings originally residing on higher planes only to cast down to lower worlds due to their transgressions?'


    'Will they eventually be cast into physical bodies to be arrested?'


    'If not it would seem the Archons and we are both imprisoned here?'

    No, the Archons are not imprisoned, and never were.

    'Our ascension possibility has always been here'


    @LöncsVezérJune 19, 2012 7:59 AM said:

    '2,"An alternative option of gaining freedom by being able to travel to other star systems will open to humanity soon as the quarantine dissolves. " I thought we don't need alternative options since we are freed from the influence of the Cabal?!'

    He is writing about a technical possibility. Not more, not less, i guess.

    '3, What is the difference between the etheric plane and astral plane.'

    That are different energy levels. I prepare a detailed explanation for it, understandable for normal people and usable for physicist. But i don't have permission to publish it now.

    '5, Etheric nuclear explosion?? How is this possible? Is it noticable from the physical plane?'

    No, but there are wappons in both levels. The main parts of the battles were in the higher levels, not on earth.

    @JOKO311June 19, 2012 8:49 AM said:

    'I saw myself leaving earth, then the atmosphere, then the milky way, then I popped through a barrier and I looked back and saw the world I cam from was a rain drop. I was underwater the whole time along with everyone else'

    You got the point, all here searching for!

    'Somethings can only be understood and not explained and this is the one things that to me makes the most sense of moving from 3D to 4D then to 5D or ascension, liberation'

    You got the point again!!!! Look up => LöncsVezér 3.

    @thesystembusterJune 19, 2012 9:26 AM said:

    'Mamouapi2012 Will you please just give us a link to the answer why?'

    I'm not allowed to publish the infos before a fixed date. I'm not allowed to publish the date. It's some creation rule of perception. I'm only allowed to give comments on your perceptions. Sorry for the word, but i'm very pissed myself of this rule. But i keep the rule and check evry detail information before i publish it. This is, why is put small infos in the Cobras blogs. They are at the limit of the permitted, but i'm sure, it's enough.

    1. Hmm,

      I thought that ascension here on earth is only possible in the "halls of amenti". I believe there are ascension chambers on other planets too. I remember from the book "Initiation by Elisabeth Haich" that ascension can only be granted by an ascended master.

      Another reason for hostage by the archons could be that they are jealous about us. The hate us because they can't ascend and they don't have the power to create their own reality. So they deceive us, and we create the reality for them.

    2. The archons used the ascension chambers to leave earth.

      No, archons created this reality.

    3. Ok, then we are the intruders. We descended from spirit to matter.
      The Archons are the forces of the Absolute either in the lunar or the solar matter. Our bodies are constructed of lunar matter, and the Archons rule within us according to our nature. The Archons are represented within ourselves by the distinct autonomous and self-conscious parts of our own Being.
      When the lunar protoplasmic matter evolves to the stage of the humanoid body that we inhabit, the matter begins to devolve. Then, the Archons who guide and manage that matter begin to awaken in the devolving way (“evil”).

  59. People, loved ones, i am in need of advise. I am so full of love and joy, I can not express how axcited I am for things to happen, but there is a part of my heart that is so very sad. I try to talk to people around me and there are so very few who will listen, It breaks my heart that there are so many people still under the spell of the cabal, that will suffer for that. And I dont know how to deal with that. On lunch at work I was walking around the shop and I felt lost, not in my heart but I litteraly didnt know what direction to walk. I feel lost because of my sadness for all these people. I have so much love to give, like all you here, but none want to recieve. I am confused, we, the ground troops of the movement are to be spreading the word, spreading the light, but I am having a hard time doing so and I dont want ANYONE (around, above, ANYWHERE) to think that I am not trying. It has got to the point where I am an outcast at work and among my "friends". Please, any words will help a great deal, Thank you to all for your love and compassion.
    ~Mike H.

    1. It's ok. You will feel disconnected to the old world; you know it is not right, not even real and has to change; you and all previous beliefs have changed fundamentally and there is no going back. Approaching people and trying to explain will render accusations of being a nut or some kind of missionary. Worse, you could scare them and alienate them so that they will not want to ask later. They will not believe you just yet.I know it is frustrating seeing them shuffling about utterly unknowing. But just wait in quiet patience until they start asking.

    2. That is it.. THAT'S IT! That is exactly what I feel, thank you so much! Aradia, I believe that things do not "just happen" I was lead here and awoken now, at this moment for purpose. As we all were, and we are here to help others, as you just helped me. Your words ring true to my heart and your answer feels right :) I will do just that, talk to those already awake and quietly be patient and wait for others to wake and want aswers, comfort, freinds. Again, thank you so very much. Love to you and to all, I feel much better!
      ~Mike H.

    3. @ Mike, you're not alone. It can be EXTREMELY(!!!!) aggravating watching most people slumber after you've awoken. Hang in there, buddy. You can do this.

      Imagine you are observing them from afar, rather than taking it all on yourself emotionally. You're not here to save the whole world. You're here to explore YOUR path. You are only responsible for yourself. And no one else is responsible for you. Simply love them from afar. (That isn't meant to sound cold, but this line of thinking helped pull me out of similar doldrums.) Also, remind yourself as much as you need to that we are all on our own individual paths.

      Once you are no longer bound by sympathy for the unawakened, you might start noticing more and more opportunities to subtly plant seeds. I did, and can tell you that it's pretty cool, too. By far, most of the time the opportunity to throw out a few seeds finds me (rather than me actively looking for the opportunity) and is very gentle, easy and seems to just flow naturally... only difference is that I realize what's happening while the other person probably doesn't yet. A simple smile, just listening with good intent, a goofy joke, showing compassion, a quick FB reply... its just the small things, man.

      You can do this, Mike... just try to relax and let it flow.

    4. 247southland, Thank you, I needed that, and you are 100% right. I am putting to much pressure on myself to be responsible for others. I know that is not a bad trait but I do understand that I am responsable for ME, for MY path. Thank you for your words, they really mean a great deal to me. I will relax, after work I will go home, enjoy my beautiful wife's company, talk about what I learned, here, today. And I WILL let it flow, you are spot on! Again thank you, I really needed that :) You know, I REALLY REALLY hope that we all can one day meet, I want to put faces to these names and people that I love, and at least physically don't know! HA! Life is crazy! We are in for one hell of a ride, and I can't wait! 247, thank you again, I am learning every day, it is really amazing that once you wake up, all the things you find, all the new friends you make, truly, truly amazing and I don't take one bit of it for granted, not one bit! Love and Light, we WILL meet some day :)
      ~Mike H.

    5. Mike, In all honesty- thank YOU for the chance to throw out a few seeds. I wish the very best for you.

    6. If there is one thing I am sure about is that there will be a hugeeee party after the cleansing ended,prepare I'll will give you a biiig hug ;)
      I really admire you that you can continue after awekening with your normal 3D working life, I am having big problems with that, though I am only at uni, I couldn't study 1 single hour this year, so uninterested, all the time I spent with learning the really important stuff and improve myself, not some old-fashioned,outdated business,sociology bullshitto cramming.

    7. Hi mike
      Don't worry about getting anyone's intellectual acknowledgement of your awareness. Do not try to convince or argue with people this stuff is way too out there for most people. Try to be an example of the truth and the feeling in your heart that is growing.
      I had my first physical ship encounter at 19. i was with a military resistance fighter, Gabriel Green and a cat named Michael El legion.
      The military guy who escaped his mind control and was being guided 'By some super hot looking Blonde chicks" was sent to teach me some things by a master named Hilarion. I went to Gabes house in the California desert near palm springs as requested by Gabe, and witnessed a ship come in on the command of the resistance fighter to show me it was all for real.
      I had tears in my eyes and had a nice short chat with a female cosmonaut. It went something like this 'Well Rob now you know" me: "What can I do to help in this revelation that you guys are real how can i serve?" Cosmo naught: "You have wonderful healing in your hands continue your service and share this with people you feel are ready for this knowledge" me: "Will You land" Cosmo naught "No you would think you are the messiah ahahaha " We both laughed and laughed for a minute The resistance fighter named Jim was a former underground security gaurd at a grey base and he looked at me and said "well" I said "we can go now"
      The entire time from when the ship appeared it was raining down an ionized field discharge very beautiful orange and red and unmistakable sign it was a ship. Much like the pillar of fire effect that led the Jewish people out of Egypt " A pillar of fire by night and a pillar of cloud by day"
      Needless to say I have never needed any more proof. I went home to share this most amazing and real experience. My own family mother and sister did not believe me and to this day they have a hard time with it. So I KNOW YOUR PAIN.
      It is just a test this is only a test so pass the test and be strong in your truth. This was in 1980 so I have been hard pressed to find people who I can talk to about this for many years but it is much more open these days.
      Be thankful for this site and remember Jackson Brownes words "Keep an eye on the open sky You never know what may be coming down" You are not alone we are not alone!
      with love pottsman

    8. Thank you, all of you. all these loving words are (for lack of a better word) AMAZING. I am very greatful for this site, without it and all of you I would think I am going insane. You are all correct. I WILL PASS THIS TEST! As I have passed many others, I will let the love create a positive bubble around me, my life and my family. Thank you for your words of insparation, all of you. I feel WAY better now and I know it will continue to be a strugle but with wise words from our Galactic Family and wise words from my family, HERE, I love you all with all my heart, thank you
      ~Michael Hall (no point in hiding anything anymore)

    9. Same boat brother, my friends think I am brainwashed by a cult.... Oh the irony of that....

      I feel you and have had to come to the internet to connect with the community here. Just love the people that will not wake up, its the best thing you can do.

  60. There will be multiple meditations going on for the rest of the day, join in whenever you are able - or whenever your conciousness is called :) Thanks

    1. You know, I actually felt that and when I was really feeling down, at about 10:45-11:00 I walked away from my desk and went outside. I knelt outside in the parkinglot and prayed/meditated. I felt it and it felt great :) Thank you
      ~Mike H.

    2. I am very much enjoying the Unified Meditations and the companionship of this new Sangha...

      Let's make our every moment a meditation... every breath, every step, every word, every thought. This is where my attention goes...

      Mike I hear what you are saying in the above post, as I have been there myself. Aradia said it well...

      My focus now is embodying my truth, and not relying solely on the mind and interacting with others with the mind. The heart is a much more powerful energy centre for me... and I am operating from there as my new focus.

      Here are a couple of practical things I'm doing as a mindfulness practice in my daily moments...

      Visualize my heart valves as being made of White Light, so that as my blood passes through it is cleansed and purified and brings this pure light to my every cell as it circulates in my body. In this way, even when I'm not directly visualizing it, I have it happening, and once in a while, when I connect to my heartbeat during the day, I remember the Light that is circulating through the Portal of Love in my heart. The heartbeat is the spark of the Divine within us, and our hearts house this connection.

      As I'm walking (I live in a city and there is a lot of energies flying around)... My effort is to be conscious of all of the others that I pass and to be aware of the Divine spark that they have. I create a tube torus of White Light circulating, coming down through my crown and out to the earth from my feet, but also circulating in a tube torus fashion... it could also just be a "bubble" of White Light. I try to make this bubble large enough... visualizing it expanding, to encompass the whole sidewalk. As I walk and others pass through the Light, I see it as a "Hello" to their Divine Selves and a blessing or nod or a greeting to this Divine Light that they also have and in this I see their Light being ignited and expanded.

      I see it as the equivalent of bowing to every one I pass on the street... and acknowledging their Divine Light. This will make it increase for them automatically, because it is being acknowledged and greeted. Sat Nam...

      Thank you Dear Sisters and Brothers for the opportunity to Love You. I recognize you, and I greet your Divine Presence here...

    3. Absolutely Beautiful :) So much Love.
      ~Michael Hall

  61. Cobra,

    June 17th post. I believe you know who he is.


    "Dear Mr. Spacemen, I sure wish you would appear. It would sure be nice to see you…Here…There…Everywhere…On the news. You keep saying that you’re here to help. Well, it’s time to prove that through and through, sincerely, honestly and openly. After all, if you keep hiding…What is everyone to think? That you have some secrets to hide, some other agenda? Don’t think that will last. Come out come out where ever you are. It’s time for that Honest Appearance…as soon as possible."

    1. Ahhhh Garbanzo, I see you are back working your magic :)
      It will ALL be done soon.
      The days of the dark and disinfo are numbered.
      For this we are glad.
      Love and Much Light to you brother.

    2. Garbanzo you are truly disappointing, don't know what happened to you.

    3. LV, nothing happened to him. Something happened to you :)

    4. I AM and LV,

      Now wait a minute, please. I've been away, studying like a monk to find more truth.

      What Cobra hasn't told you and probably won't, either, is that the angels aren't very happy with the bad guys OR the good guys.

      When I say "angels", I mean First Source, God, Divinity.

      The quoted paragraph above comes straight from an angel. Not from an ET, not from a channel, not from a spiritual being, not from Illuminati.

      Read the quoted material I posted above this. The good ETs are not performing like First Source would like them to perform.

      The angels aren't happy with either side.

      Cobra, in his interview, said that he learned 10 years ago that April 2012 was the month for showing themselves in the sky. That opportunity came and the good ETs ignored it. Why? I have no idea, but April 2012 was also offered by angels for this unmasking, like a Divine gift.

      Read the above quoted material. A man in black asked for more time and figuratively spat in an angel's offer.

      Not a good idea! Heaven ain't happy with the good guys!

      This show was supposed to get rolling long before now. And the good ETs are as much to blame as the bad guys.

      You have to view this game from a very high perspective. There's good ETs fighting bad guys. Heaven is watching and expecting certain things to take place at certain times.

      What happens when an offer comes straight from Heaven and the good ETs turn it down?

      Well? You end up with angry angels!

      It seems to me that having the bad guys get mad at you is one thing, but having First Source get mad at you?


      Not a smart idea!

      Everyone here needs to stop putting the Resistance movement on a pedestal as if they're capable of doing no wrong.

      They have done wrong, even though their motives are good.

      Ask Cobra if I'm right. Ask Cobra what was recently decided by Divinity concerning the fate of all the civilizations that are involved here.

      Ask Cobra if the quoted material is from an angel or not.

      Ask him why we haven't seen ships in our skies yet.

      After immersing myself in deep research, I have found that the best source of information doesn't come from the Resistance or the Illuminati or channeled messages or self-appointed gurus.

      The best source of information comes straight from Heaven.

      Look a little harder and you'll find it.


  62. This comment has been removed by the author.

  63. Wow, the energy is so great here today ! Thank you, thank you all. It's wonderful to read the posts of so many, to hear the wisdom and feel the love and light.
    I wanted to share this - what I heard on the radio yesterday.
    The DJ said, "It's a fine Monday. A Happy and Joyful Monday. Don't know why, but I woke up this morning filled with happiness and joy."
    He then proceeded to do a public service announcement, and then came back to say, "Happy, Happy, Joy, Joy indeed"
    It's so beautiful that this energy is affecting everyone in such a positive way. All of his energy is now radiating out to all who listened.
    We are very very close my friends, my brothers and sisters.
    The Beginning is Here !

    1. This is SO TRUE!! Amazing and wonderful posts here. I've been a sponge soaking it all up! I think Cobra's got his/her work cut out for him/her LOL!! My friends, your wisdom and positive energy is reaching far and wide. Thanks everyone for being so involved and a part of this, and to Cobra too for all that you do.

      MelodyDove, et al, I will join you all in meditation this evening. I think it's a great idea.

  64. If divine intervention was part of the cabal plan then we are all screwed and still in the same boat as we have been for thousands of years. MIGHT AS WELL SPREAD THE LOVE ANYWAY!

  65. Cobra interview with Lisa Harrison

    1. Thanks!! I am excited to get off work and listen intently! Did you happen to see my question from your post yesterday?

      Thanks again morgaine :)

  66. Most important is that the way we will achieve that smooth and peaceful transition is by healing our selves and our planet as we go along. That which is wounded creates resistance, and this resistance is what interferes with a smooth transition. Therefore, first we heal ourselves AND our planet. Then we release that which could not be healed. How do we release what cannot be healed? By sending it unconditional love and unconditional forgiveness.

    This just explains it in a way that can bring me tears of the best kind! This statement is just the best, I love you guys!
