Monday, March 3, 2014


Zbigniew Brzezinski, a Jesuit belonging to a black nobility family originating from Brzezany, Ukraine, is the mastermind behind the Ukraine conflict.

The plan of the Jesuits is to support the Illuminazi and Zionist factions in their hunger for war, hoping to suck Putin into a direct conflict:
Putin, instead, will just stand his ground, protecting Russian citizens inside Ukraine in full compliance with Russian-Ukrainian agreements:
Ukrainian forces in Crimea have surrendered without a single shot being fired:
And peace in Crimea is in a process of being restored:
The mild earthquake in Crimea yesterday was a natural event as the released energetic tension has caused a slight movement of the tectonic plates, and was NOT caused by HAARP:
The Cabal will no longer be allowed to interfere with internal affairs of sovereign countries as the Eastern Alliance is finally making its move:
There is something else going on on the deeper levels behind the scenes and most likley I will be able to report about that in my next detailed planetary situation update, hopefully one week or so from now, when certain sensitive intel gets declassified and certain operations of the Light forces completed. 
Sadly, in Ukraine the situation is not resolved yet and many people are fleeing the country:
Also, there is a real possibility of a military conflict escalating in the central part of Ukraine. The plan of the Cabal is to engage Ukrainian and Russian troops into conflict in ethnically mixed areas in central Ukraine and then call in a NATO invasion:
Therefore we are doing this peace meditation to calm down the situation.
This is time-sensitive and needs to go viral through your networks!

We are all doing this meditation at 9:12 pm Ukrainian time on Tuesday, March 4th as that is the astrological moment of maximal tension and maximal potential for release. The astrological chart reveals Mars, lunar node, Venus, Moon and Lilith in a grand cross, a potential for a military conflict escalation or its release and resolution:

Our meditation starts at 9:12 pm Ukrainian time. This equals 8:12 pm in Central Europe, 7.12 pm in UK, 2:12 pm EST, 1:12 pm CST, 12:12 pm MST and 11:12 am PST. The timing for many places worldwide in here:

1. Relax your mind and body by watching your breath for a few minutes
2. Visualize a pillar of pink Light, coming from the Galactic Central Sun and then descending down through your body
3. Visualize that Light flowing through your heart and then through your hands directly to everybody involved in the Ukraine conflict, harmonizing everyone and bringing peace. Let that Light then flow onwards and heal all other conflicts worldwide, including situation in Venezuela.

4. Ask the Goddess presence (divine feminine) to come through your body
5. Ask that Goddess presence to direct energies of peace and harmony to all unresolved situations regarding the Ukraine conflict and everyone involved in them. Let these energies then flow onwards and heal all other conflicts worldwide, including situation in Venezuela. Allow these energies to flow through your heart and then through your hands into those situations for a few minutes

Goddess wants peace and peace it will be.



  1. "Goddess wants peace and peace it will be."
    Thank you, my friend.
    + 1


    1. Elen sila lumenn omentilmo

    2. Wow, what a nice thing to say.
      Thanl you! Happy boy:-)

      Just now got in the right mood to translate that.
      That's some pretty fuckin' strong words of Love, Light and Peace.

      I Love You

  2. this is actually the best time for the electromagnetic shield (Keshe technology) to be applied by the eastern alliance, and checkmate the cabal forever. may the love and light prevail on this planet.

  3. Unity Community will be hosting a meditation in our chatroom at that time. We can do this!! Hope to see you there<3

  4. but, I thought the Light forces has been winning, and almost reached "FULL Victory of Light" ? ... I'm confused now...

    - a *truthseeker* from Indonesia -

    1. Niki, they are winning battle after battle.
      Let's imagine the Light winning in Ukraine!

    2. we have won, everyone knows this. it is only how long the cabal attempts to fight and protract as long as they are able

    3. Niki, please describe to me your most fantastical vision of a perfect world. Seriously, please write it here. I want you to share this most wonderful vision with us all. All of us here are Creators. Creation begins with a vision, a hope, a longing for better, and more and more of it. Please Niki, share with us your vision of your perfect world. Then I will join with you in helping you create it. Place your continued focus there my friend and I promise you the change and truth you seek will become undeniably evident ~peace

    4. We have won, but the Cabal doesn't ever give up, and they're sore losers. When they go down, they're going to take as many people with them as they can. By meditating on peace we can reduce the amount of death and chaos at the time of the event as much as possible.

    5. @Arc Rev One: honestly? okay, my most fantastical vision of a perfect world is those 'fantasy' worlds/universe of human's IMAGINATION like in those fantasy novels, movies, games, like the 'MAGICAL' world/realm/universe of Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, Narnia, etc etc,... not this very limited & BORING "reality / real world" !

      So,.. now... I want to see if you can STILL "promise" me that those things would STILL happen??...

    6. @Niki - The point of my message was to get you to envision something wonderful and then see by holding and focusing your energy there on that vision you can begin (with only a mustard seed of faith) to manifest that vision into your life, especially when others hold the vision with you. I wanted to show you that where you focus your attention and with what energy you focus it with DOES matter in creating your personal experience. This is the great secret of life! I have proven it time and time again in my own life. Alas Harry Potter had Voldemort, Lord Of The Rings was fraught with dangers as well. What is so different about those fantasies and this reality? Do we not have magic and amazing technologies of our own? I really just wanted you to show you a different perspective. I want everyone to be happy and joyful, that is part of my vision. I wish you well.

    7. @Niki, and yes I can promise the change and truth you seek will become undeniably evident ~peace

  5. I'd hoped Brzezinski was one of the cabal members that were intelligent enough to surrender. I guess not... They won't get their way.

    1. he practically has been the face of the cabal

    2. He's one of the highest ranking visible members, I agree.

      by benjamin

      March 3, 2014
      The high-stakes geopolitical poker game that began with the recent events in the Ukraine culminated in secret with cabal threats to have “Ukraine nuke Russia using US made nukes,” resulting in counter-threats to nuke Washington D.C., New York, Tel Aviv, Brussels and London, according to White Dragon Society sources involved in the negotiations. The cabal then scaled down the nuclear threats and instead threatened to create a “Rothschild ring of fire around China and Russia,” starting with “10 ‘Muslims’ killing 33 people on a train in China” and warning that “US funded attacks” will “sky rocket,” the sources said. This blustering is all a form of cabal table pounding and posturing for better treatment in their ongoing surrender negotiations.

  6. I'm with you on this one. There will be Peace.
    ...and the way the Russians are being portrayed in the shambolic western media..well, it's up to us, the People of Planet Earth, to take matters into our own hands.
    No one will ever come to help us.

  7. I will be doing this meditation for peace

    Blessed Be


    1. no they are finished and it will not escalate that far.

  9. Let's do this, all together. Contributing light essence to the most needed situations.
    For we are whole, and we are love.
    We are, and will override the dark, and show our true essence of light

  10. I'm in, and I will add it to Facebook. All my friends and family, please join in this worldwide meditation to help bring peace to the Ukraine. We are very powerful together.

    1. I have added this my instagram and facebook. I will also be texting my family. Victory of light!


    1. What awesomeness have i stumbled into? Please enlighten

    2. David Saletta, Indeed, you have stumbled into high awesomeness... This is the coolest pad on the 'net... And there's a reason you're here....Stay tuned in.

  12. Edgard Cayce, the american psyche, said: "On Russia´s religious development.....will come the greater hope of the world"

  13. watched the matrix last night and got the visual when neo entered the body of the agent at the end and all you could see is light and then the body exploded.....seems pretty a pros po we should visualize that with the earth matrix and anything else that needs the light to be shone from the inside out.

  14. F. William Engdahl (nsnbc):

    The events in Ukraine since November 2013 are so astonishing as almost to defy belief. An legitimately-elected (said by all international monitors) Ukrainian President, Viktor Yanukovich, has been driven from office, forced to flee as a war criminal after more than three months of violent protest and terrorist killings by so-called opposition.
    Ukrainian President Victor Yanukovich at his first press conference since fleeing the Ukraine.

    His “crime” according to protest leaders was that he rejected an EU offer of a vaguely-defined associate EU membership that offered little to Ukraine in favor of a concrete deal with Russia that gave immediate €15 billion debt relief and a huge reduction in Russian gas import prices. Washington at that point went into high gear and the result today is catastrophe.



  15. Dear Cabal,
    I'm your huckleberry... You should know better than to play with light. One love , strapping up my light boots.

  16. "There is something else going on on the deeper levels behind the scenes and most likley I will be able to report about that in my next detailed planetary situation update, hopefully one week or so from now, when certain sensitive intel gets declassified and certain operations of the Light forces completed".

    I wish ALL TH ELIGHT FORCES on Earth and ABOVE, to have a total VICTORY in everything they do "in deeper levels behind the scenes"!!!!!!!!!

    VICTORY NOW!!!!!!!!!!!
    FREEDOM NOW!!!!!!

    1. I know this is off subject but does anyone here know if it is best to keep a 401k? I have gold in storage but I can't touch it till I am older or I have to forfeit half in taxes. I thought it might skyrocket in the future but then I don't know if it will still be there.

  17. I just finished a 30 minute meditation on this subject and will be contributing tomorrow as well. Love and light to everyone. Gather all open minds we can find!

  18. I will be meditating on sending positive energy at the appointed time. Om Shanti!

  19. It´s about ROME, the "Universal Whore", against THE THIRD ROME: Moscow.

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. Good god. I'm astonished by the disinfo campaign by rt.
    1.The picture of 'ukrainian refugees fleeing to Russia' is in fact a picture of people on Ukraine-Poland border.
    2. The fact that ukrainian troops surrendered without firing a single shot is because they had ordered not to engage. If we do - it'll legitimize all that propaganda about 'nazi coup' blah blah and give Putin carte-blanche to annex my homeland.
    3. Higher officers and ordinary soldiers are threatened to have their families (that either live near or inside the military base) KILLED if they don't swear allegiance to 'Crimea' (read Russia).
    4. Yanukovich was 'ousted' out of Ukraine by FSB for he knew about the massacre that was done to my people by snipers et al and could reveal it if under pressure. That is supported by the fact that he was convoyed handcuffed by 'unknown civil men' after the conference.
    5. Yanukovich served 2 sentences in prison. He is known criminal. After he fleed from his castle "Mezhyhir'ya" we recovered documented proof of bribery that accounts for millions of dollars. The construction cost of the estate itself is more than 1 BILLION dollars. All that while average income in Ukraine is 150$/month.
    6. We have proof of the fact that Yanukovich's elder son (dentist by trade, who became an oligarch during father's rule) personally conducted the operation of killing people on Maidan. All of it will be filed to Hague.
    7. How come that in supposedly 'nazi run coup' we have appointed 5 jewish as state governors and our leading journalist have names "Mustafa" and "Savic"?
    8. There is no threat for Russian speaking people in Ukraine. Come and ask them yourselves.
    9. Due to the fact that Russians didn't manage to provoke us. they're planning to kill their own this night and blame 'neo nazi' for that. We have solid proof that the people who support Russia are its own citizens that are centralizedly brought in Eastern Ukraine. What would you do if a guy from another country comes to your homeland, bashes out administrative buildings and raises the flag of his homeland on your land?
    10. Russian Black Sea fleet issued ultimatum for ukrainian fleet to surrender by 5 am Ukrainian time tomorrow or they're going to attack. Is that the way 'saviours from the cabal are working' - attacking innocent people? How that differs from Cabal?
    11. Russia invading Ukraine is like Mexico invading Texas because the state once was a part of Mexico and has Spanish speaking population.
    12. The agreements you refer to are breached. Read them again.
    13. We may not have sufficient army because it has been destroyed for years of corruption. We may not have arms because there's no 2nd amendment in Ukrainian Constitution. But so help us god we will stand till the end. The way 17 year old boys went against snipers with wooden shields and no armor because there was no one but them protecting our freedom. If needed, 46 million of men, women and children will lay their lives defending their home. And if it happens and the land is soaked by our blood, Remember, that your support for Putin paints your hands in our blood.
    14. I know this world has no place for justice. But I hope that whatever injustice done to us will be avenged. If not this life, then the other.
    15. If there is a chance of Cobra reading this, contact me. It's either we're in different planes or the picture is distorted on purpose. Clarification needed.
    16. ETs, light workers, star denizens whatever. Now would be the time to intervene. Or - judging by 130 000 + dead in Syria - there's no one to intervene. Whatever *sigh* ;'-(

    1. The Cabal wants to engage both sides, Russians and Ukrainians, in conflict. There are good and not so good people on both sides. The purpose of the Light forces is to restore peace. You can contact me at

    2. Russian navy just reported that they wont engage ukranian troops that all the provogation is not working to conflict. EVERY1 is trying to do this transition peacefully. Exept fear mongers etc.. This is a point of view from Finland and we r quite near this and its quite peaceful and so on so pls dont Believe everything u hear!

    3. And hey bro try to relax. It helps the stress sometimes and then u can get clearer view whats going on :)

    4. 10. Russian Black Sea fleet issued ultimatum for ukrainian fleet to surrender by 5 am Ukrainian time tomorrow or they're going to attack."

      This is disinfo too.
      Nowadays one doesn't know what is real what is not...No offence...

      Peace to you, brother <3

    5. Sava, at times i have felt exactly the same. I have spent many hours contemplating our situation on earth, We cannot expect the light forces or source to wave a magic wand and fix all our problems for us, Yes it is fair (in my belief) to expect the light forces and source to help fix any negative beings influence on us which over rides our free will, but and its a big BUT we have to take responsibility for our part, we have allowed a small insane minority to rule over us, we have put money over human life, we have turned a blind eye to the suffering of men, women and children also animals across the earth. We have treated our beautiful planet as if it is ours to do as we will, which it is not! The small minority are causing pain and suffering to the masses, Now its our turn to unite as a planet and stand firm together, we want PEACE and we will have PEACE, we want change and we will have change. we do not need to be governed by anyone. Their plan for the earth only works if we follow their rule. I am hoping the Event is what wakes up the whole population to this deception of living, I am not the body, I do not fear death anymore, but to die and come back to this, well that really would be hell! I have had the fortune in this life to be awoken by an orb (yes really, if i hadn't seen it with my own eyes i wouldn't of believed it), i was the most asleep individual that you could have found, not now, i'm wide awake thanks to the orb, i have spent the last two years of my life for others, i have given away money to those who where needy and been called crazy by those who knew me, they really thought i was losing my mind. But i have never been happier, because everyone, we really are ONE, be kind to another and you are being kind to yourself, harm another and you are harming yourself. These are not my words or are they?, this is straight from the source. I love you all, Especially you Sava.

    6. I am surprised to see my call answered. I am humbled by it and shall contact you soon. Also I'd like to thank you for not using "the Ukraine", unlike Fulford does. We're a sovereign country, not an island or someone's dominion. It is appreciated.
      Now, to pressing matters:
      1.Yanukovych asked Putin to use the armed forces of the Russian Federation to "restore order in Ukraine!" At least, the Russian speaker said so at a meeting of the UN Security Council referring to a letter supposedly written by ousted dictator. This is official (whatever disputes over status of Yanukovich may be) 'go all the way' sign for Russian troops to move in. With chevrons on the uniform this time (not they aren't there already).

      2. re: disinfo. I have statement of Ministry of Defense of Ukraine and witnesses that actually HEARD the ultimatum delivered. They may go on playing 'denial' game', but if it smells like it, looks like it - it is it. Sadly, due to huge disinfo campaign carried by Russia (I can provide proof links if necessary) I find it hard to believe to their official statements. If, however, you're certain that the info I bring is not adequate. I would very much appreciate the proof links. Establishing clear situation is top priority.
      3. Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine has issued a statement, where all protocols that were breached by Russian side are outlined. I can provide the reference (if needed).
      4. There is a coordination network that tracks and verifies any information that comes from our sources in Crimea. I can provide summery of what is going on, if needed. Either here or over email.

    7. Well, Sava, i don´t know whether your info is partially dis-info. Who knows?

    8. @Sava: yes please post your summary here. All aspects of the situation need to be heard.

    9. Sava, With obnoxious devil worshippers like John Kerry supporting the extremist coup, you cannot tell me that the new Ukraine leaders are anything but a disaster for the people of Ukraine. Now the billionaires and outright thugs have taken over with western support. THE BLOOD IS ON THEIR HANDS yet again.

    10. @discoveryet well, you don't. And it is not my intention to prove you otherwise. I will cease writing as soon as this eerie spark of hope that my information may actually change something or help benevolent forces out there dies out. It'll be very soon. I promise ;)

      I'm very much aware of the fact (backed by information from different unrelated sources) that Ukraine is on its own against oppression. The odds of such confrontation I've described in previous posts. It is crystal clear that had situation require dismemberment of the integrity of my homeland or it becoming resource addition to Russia (as stated in veterans-today article) or any other countries any resistance of my people will be futile. Even if it requires hundreds and thousands of lives. What are the lives of one country in comparison to greater good? Grain of sand. I have no illusions that someone will take risks to save grains of sand. I have seen so much grief over these months that it is enough for a lifetime. Yet there are others, unlike me, who are fighting for their lives in hospitals at this moment. Some fail. Some are missing and shall never be found because they were cremated and decapitated or raped by the force that claims us to be 'neo nazi'. Yet the hardest part is that the only thing you can do about it is to lament in a vain hope that someone would hear. However, if they hear - they turn the blind eye. Lose/lose situation. However, history is cyclic. And now we're reliving 1917. I'm sure, forces of light will prevail. I'm not sure, whether I'll live to see it. It saddens my heart. Just a bit ;-(

    11. @Paraiba blue, I surely cannot tell you anything, or convince you. We are aware of the faults of the 'opposition leaders' and we were on our way of removing them from power just as Putin kicked in (perfect timing, isn't it?). Sadly, we weren't fast enough to create institutions that would prevent politicians from rising to power over our heads. Alas, we weren't strong enough to stand our grand with West seeing 'opposition leaders' only as well as Russia disputing the legitimacy of possible new government. Also, we were a little too much forgiving and naive, that maybe this time politicians won't go down the same road again.
      We have our suspicions about the role of them in Maidan massacre. However, I assure you, that the information we have at the moment indicates that the snipers that shoot both riot police and people belongs to the third force completely. Whose allegiance is not yet known. Nevertheless, facts indicate that these snipers were checked in the hotel just above Maidan square by a group of 'pro Russian' block inside the Party of Regions. We have documents that prove it.
      I can go on and on about what Ukraine under Yanukovich rule became, yet I believe I'm running out of post limit. I invite you to go to Kiev yourself and see all those 'extremist' that usually have 2 degrees and a couple of fluent foreign languages in their expertise.

    12. @ all I don't see my comments went through (someone's obviously premoderating it and may consider it spamming) in that case I won't re-post my responses, I'm sorry. Thing is, I'm in no position to make you believe into anything. Nor do I want to. Just a voice in the desert lamenting with waning hope.

      @Cobra, I appreciate your attention. Here's the summery for march 3rd:
      1.On March 3, 2014 near 19 o’clock the ferry “Yeisk” arrived at “Krym-Kuban” BCP for entering Ukraine.
      During the border control of two microbuses there were 7 persons with automatic fire arm and automatic pistols were detected.
      There were none licenses for firearm weapon transportation. The claims of border guard detail regarding forbiddance of bringing the fire arm weapon into Ukraine were ignored.
      Later, three auto trucks “Kamaz” with armed people arrived at “Kerch-Kuban” BCP by the next ferry. They bursted into the BCP’s territory from Ukrainian side overrunning positions across the BCP, despite opposition of border guards the microbuses smash through on the territory of Ukraine.
      Hereupon, the group of armed people using physical force occupied the station of “Kerch” border guard division of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine.

      2. Russian troops almost neutralized chain of our Border defense units. They are fed with disinfo that Ukraine authorities charged them with treason for staying on 'enemy territory'. Those who don't buy it are threatened to have their families killed (if they're in the vicinity). Some have been attempted to be bribed. Thankfully, no one breaks the oath to Ukraine; sodliers just resign immediately.

      3. There is a lot of information incoming about possible 'false flag' events featuring 'neo nazi' killing 'russian troops' or slavic population. We try to share the awareness fast to prevent such scenarios from happening.

      4. Oppressors changed tactics. Now they use criminal elements (we call them 'titushki') that are armed with bats and molotov-cocktails backed by armed russian soldiers behind them. Obviously, they expect us to initiate fire into hired thugs rather than soldiers. "Civilian" casualty is much more convincing for UN propaganda, rather than body of invading soldier.

      5. Ongoing maneuvers alongside the South-East border of Ukraine. It is obvious that the target is the half of the country at least. Especially hypocritical are 'refugee camps' in Briansk district, Russia. So very kind of them.

      6. Daytime attempts to seize Ukrainian fleet in Sevastopol were obviously to 'show off' and pose a warning and a hint of possible path for the escalation of the conflict.

      This is summery from Crimea only. Any related news or sensitive information about main power brokers in Ukraine shall be emailed during the day. If the war doesn't break loose.

      Thank you for your time,

    13. @Sava, I can't help but think your interpretation of the situation is entirely one-sided. While it is true that Yanukovich is a criminal and dictator, the thugs paid-for by the CIA to overthrow him are no better. This situation in Ukraine is straight out of the Dark Cabal Handbook. They recently did the exact same thing in Egypt, Libya, Syria, and now Venezuela and Ukraine. Sava, don't allow yourself to be used as a pawn in their game. Your energies should be directed at the Cabal, not Putin.

      by benjamin

      March 3, 2014
      The high-stakes geopolitical poker game that began with the recent events in the Ukraine culminated in secret with cabal threats to have “Ukraine nuke Russia using US made nukes,” resulting in counter-threats to nuke Washington D.C., New York, Tel Aviv, Brussels and London, according to White Dragon Society sources involved in the negotiations. The cabal then scaled down the nuclear threats and instead threatened to create a “Rothschild ring of fire around China and Russia,” starting with “10 ‘Muslims’ killing 33 people on a train in China” and warning that “US funded attacks” will “sky rocket,” the sources said. This blustering is all a form of cabal table pounding and posturing for better treatment in their ongoing surrender negotiations.

    15. Dear Sava, I am from Bulgaria, we had our revolution 25 years we are poorer and unhappier than we were before.
      Believe me, if Putin is evil, US is 10 times evil. I have great compassion to you and what is happening, but people put by US in power are not better than people, put by Russia. Even worst, they are still hungry and poor and will eat your state faster.
      For 25 year my people went down 30%, we were 9 mln 1989, now bulgarians are 6 mln.

      1/4 of a century - 1/3 of people went abroad or underground.

    16. @Mitchell I have been at Maidan since the very beginning and during most crucial times. My personal contacts are direct eyewitnesses to the events that I had no access to. We all saw how numerous figures tried to tag themselves with Maidan or try to lead it. You all seem to make the same omission - you omit various people that stood at Maidan. You either see 'opposition vs government' (as EU and US does) or 'CIA coup' (Russia). The possible shenanigans that took place were behind the scene with 'opposition leaders'. But those are no leaders of the people that stood on Maidan. That's the thing no one seems to get but the people who actually been there. That makes hell of a lot harder to explain things.

      In 2008 at the summit Putin appealed to Bush about Ukraine saying "What are you talking about? Ukraine is a failed state". Following imperialistic tone, he issued a lot of messages that are offensive for my country as a whole. I see that everyone is committed to put Ukraine or as you say "the Ukraine" as a sandbox for Putin use only. And I honestly don't understand why the nation that survived Holodomor (artificial famine inflicted by Stalin); nation that had the highest death count of all countries in WW2, and still it appears it hadn't deserved peace on its land?... Have you heard what Duma proposed? To allocate my people to SIBERIA for Russia has demographic problems. It is eloquent, since all prominent people of Ukraine in the past (under Tsar Russia and USSR later) were sent to Siberia as a prison. Not to mention that the Saint-Petersburg was build on blood and bones of Ukrainian slaves.

      @Ananda & @Mitchel When Russian oligarchs brought their money into Ukraine, they tried to seize major industries that either pose a competition to Russian ones or are needed for establishing complete production cycle. Most prominent example would be the action of Novynsky, who bought ship building complex in Mykolaiv and put it into bankrupt state. Not to mention what happened with oil refinery industry... But of course, you haven't heard about it ;)

      @Raphael "the Ukraine" of course. Here's the thing. Under 1994 Budapest memorandum of nuclear disarmament all systems capable of launching nuclear missiles were destroyed under the surveillance of the states (US, GB and Russia) that guaranteed protection from dismemberment of integrity of my country and no economic pressure. Thing is, that the only nuclear thing we have are 5 power plants. You might try to blow them up. But it may fail and result into leak of radiation (as it happened in Chernobyl NPP). And the amount of nuclear fuel is far from inflicting any damage to surrounding countries in case of 'bomb-like blast'.

      Here's a lovely example of how Russian 'peace troops' react towards unarmed people

    17. @Sava, find some materials about Bulgaria in the net.
      Many very good and big fabrics here were bought by western concerns and then closed. In this way west concerns eliminated their rivals.
      And many more chocking facts, they bought from us everything for nothing and then sold it for milliards.

      Bankers, corporations and oligarch are everywhere the same! That's why we are people against illuminaty, 1% against 99%
      We must fight against the 1%, not against the nations...

    18. @Sava, I watched the video you linked to and I don't see anything to get upset about. What exactly is wrong about that situation? It looks like one group of soldiers marches up to anther group of soldiers in order to communicate/negotiate. What's wrong with that?

    19. i like to try to forgive the wrongdoings of the past, and honor all those who experienced great detriment by fully embracing my passion for life, peace and a grand reunification of souls.

    20. @ all : I would like to express gratitude for your meditation for the peace in my homeland. Your combined efforts played great part in preventing bloodshed so far. However, I bring bad news: there's ongoing effort to escalate civil war (instigating fights between criminal thugs dressed as 'pro Russian' protesters and native population of Eastern Ukraine (there are hurt people already)) as well as confirmed tanks' movement in the Crimea - is it a sign of deep defense or preparations towards assault deeper in the country - I do not know. Kidnapping of senior Ukrainian military staff & special UN envoy who is forced out of the Crimea is a troubling sign indeed. As of now - this is my last post here. It appears that my information is not necessary for the 'big picture' or seems to some here as outward disinfo. I apologize for the inconvenience.

      @Cobra I am moved by the fact that only you - out of all 'whistle blowers' out there - showed considerate position which is the most accurate to what I see practically being in ground zero in this conflict. The facts that you mentioned in your recent interview brings me to a though that your contacts in Ukraine are adequately informed, which is another reason for me to cease posting things you already know. (even though I'd like a hint to possible circles where they roam for it'd be nice if not to meet them then to have at least a glimpse).

      Frankly speaking, I envy your ability to stay positive amidst the scenarios which all seem to end badly. The elections which are scheduled for May would not represent the true will of people for 2 reasons: 1) they will be rigged (we have documented proof how Yanukovich victory was schemed) 2)there are too high entrance barrier (2.5 million hryvna fee for registering as a candidate) as well as there's elites' consensus to prevent ordinary people from gaining power. Before new administration soldifies its status, now would be the perfect time to create 'shared government' with ET representatives and people...

      I wish there were a way of wordless communication since it proved impossible to express one's point using traditional means of communication.

      Peace. Out.

      Ukrainian, Maidan supporter, 'paid cabal agent'

    21. I am Russian and I follow Ukrainian situation almost from day 1. Sava is saying the truth. I can't independently verify his statement N.6 about involvement of Yanukovich jr., but everything else can be verified and I subscribe to it. Yesterday for example even the Russia's own immigration agency (FMS) has confirmed that only 82 (!) Ukrainian citizens applied for a refuge status in Russia. Initially they lied about 143,000. However Sava's unasked question to Cobra remains unanswered: why Cobra referred to articles that are packed with outright lies and propaganda, and that portray Putin as a savior, which he is not. He is the servant of the secret service and every secret service regardless of the country is Cabal's servant. Your position here really begs the question Cobra. I am all ears now.

    22. And while I am waiting for your answer Cobra I continue to visualise peace for Ukraine and everywhere else in my meditations.

  22. Count me in!

    Greetings from Roumania my brothers from all arround the world [and from the rest of the Universe].
    I will participate on this meditation.

    Also you guys can do this kind of meditation from here [daily]:

    It is a series of meditations started by this yoga school, and it has been started since 2012 (yes, its going on for 2 years now). Its purpouse is to avoid any cataclysmic event that might occur on this planet. There are already few major events that were avoided this way.

    Also it will flood the Earth with God's energy, so nothing will harm us all.

    This yoga school has members all arround the world and there are dozens of thousands people arround the world doing this. (it is a good thing because the more people involved, the faster the results will be).

    It is not important if you are not a yogi, its only important that you too can help and be part of this large group helping to save the planet (or move things faster in the right direction).

    The technique is made in a Christian way so all the people can practice this (and because this way its easier to understand for everybody). Remember - its not important if you belive in God but not in any religion - God is above any religion - and nothing else matters.

    Also you can use this link to get more informations about "The Event" - a huge event that will come very soon.

    This school also made contact with some good forces in the universe (some of our brothers and sisters) and let us know few intersting things. They are not the only one who made contact, but its usefull to know as much as we can, no matter where the informations are comming from (as long as they are accurate and real, of course).

    Please do not consider this as some kind of advertising, because it is not! - just do that meditation from there.
    Its nothing wrong in it - just read it.
    The planet need us all.

    Also you can find informations regarding people who already have done this meditation and you can see the results:

    We are all as one !

  23. Sent the post to 1,000 facebook friends. I will be there with all you guys... Peace it shall be!!

  24. Cobra, when you say galactic central sun, do you mean our milky way's central sun? Or the galaxy's central sun?

    1. They are the same thing. Our galaxy is called the Milky Way:

    2. Opps. I mean universes central sun! But thank you for the response

    3. The Universe contains many galaxies . To my knowledge , our galaxy ( The Milky Way ) is a spiral galaxy so perhaps there is a central Sun . Our solar system is one of many in the Milky Way .

      Not entirely sure , but this is my understanding of it ..

    4. You're welcome. The universe doesn't have a central sun. Only the individual galaxies have central suns. From the big bang matter exploded from a central point and formed galaxies, but that central point of explosion doesn't have a central sun because everything contained there exploded outward. Buddhists say that after the expansion of the universe, it will undergo contraction and all of the galaxies will contract back to that central point to form one universal sun or singularity. Then the process of big bang will be repeated over again. Our universe is endless expansion and contraction.

    5. Our Universe is a gigantic conscience being. A woman. Right now, she is in a meditation process. We are her soul. The big bang was her being born, the conception. The universe is in contant expansion, because she is growing, At least spiritually i guess. Two forcess created this. Her father and her mother. Her name is Isis. And the Isis Cobra talks about, is her fractal.
      Only imagine, little electrons, are galaxyes, and dimension (size) is just you getting conscious that you are a bigger being.
      Shes intergrating her polarities. And what takes a second there, here it takes thousands of thousands of years.

    6. @Mitchell

      According to our science it is so... but science knowledge is not absolute, as much I know, I understand that I know nothing.
      Maybe even there is not a big bang, this is just a theory...

    7. @Finca La Aurora Pance: Cobra said the creation of the universe was not a conscious act. It was more the result of two opposing forces. Well, are these two forces father and mother god and who create these two?

    8. You have to see the whole picture. Read about fractal universe. It means, that at some point, it all repeat itself. The Kybalion says: "How is up, it is down." The quantum phisics just shows that when you go deep down to the Micro-Universe, it resembles our Macro-Universe. Meaning, that we are Universe our selfs.

      That is why, the answer to everything is within you.
      The two oppositing forces that you said, are two persons indeed. Think about it. The big bang as the conception of our new Universe. Who created them? well, i assume other two oppossing forces.

      The thing is, that our Universe is female. "A goddess" for us. And well, right now, she is finding herself withing her. Shes like in some kind of iniciation meditation.
      To understand this, you just have to read about fractalism and sacred geometry.
      The thing is, it is not important to know this, right now, this information in beyond our understanding. We just have to focus right now is liberationg the planet. Im writing the whole picture. Maybe, is my mistake.

    9. Well thank you both! So, to sum it up, the galactic central sun is our galaxy's center, correct? I hope so, bc that has been my visual during meditation...or if it even matters.

      Did you know that I didn't even know galaxies were spiraled until last year? it came to me in a meditation... its message said to follow the universe to my heart. so here i am ;)

    10. I do not ascribe to the belief that the universe is a woman. Personally, I am Taoist/Buddhist and not New Age in my beliefs. When Cobra refers to the "goddess" I believe he is referring to the feminine principal in our universe, not the entire universe itself. Our universe also has a masculine principal. In the beginning of the universe, these two principals, masculine and feminine energies, gave birth to the myriad things. This is also the concept of Ying/Yang. But nothing is ever completely feminine or completely masculine.

      I believe Cobra emphasizes "goddess", or feminine principal, because it was artificially blocked from our world, not because it is all there is. The sacred masculine is also important. I am not partial to either energy and believe that both are important to creation.

    11. It is possible if you see things FRACTALY.

      As i say, maybe this information, will just create dis-information, as it is noit necessary to know about this yet.



    Here is what to look for:

    -negative comments on Youtube videos
    -smear articles written on blogs to discredit someone’s reputation
    -negative comments on blogs
    -negative comments on facebook
    -negative comments on crowdfunding campaigns
    -negative comments in forums
    -negative comments in chat rooms
    -negative emails sent to positive change makers



    1. For the record!!- I am simply a "Truth Seeking Ronin". And YES, it's true the 'media types' literally pay "Out of Work" grad students or Liberal profs give "brownie points" to like-minded minions who spread the "Distrust", Talking Points, & Propaganda - in an attempt to stir the pot.

      Here's is something to Consider!- THEY Can NOT Create 'arguments' out of whole-clothe - they pick Targets. ALWAYS consider the Motivation of the person who engages in debate! I.E, are they simply providing a counter-point or are they "getting Personal" - There are "Flamers" (Instigators & Haters) and then there are "Trolls" (people "stirring the Pot" for LULZ or Entertainment). Engaging in such Internet Skirmishes is far more involved than simply "Negative Comments".

      This is something I think people above the "Generation X" line of upbringing don't quite grasp at times. Sadly most younger people - the one's who could truly push & make use of a blog such as this are frankly quite unable to grasp the material.

      I have a firm belief that a person like myself will excel in translating MUCH of the "New Meta-Physical Truths" to the common-man when the BIG Reveal occurs - Sadly, NO ONE will believe me UNTIL the Event is actually happening - People are just that "stuck in the Matrix". People are OPEN to this info - just look at "Ancient Aliens" & such but they need real world examples - Until the Event - these arguments can not be had on the Internet, they're only Theory.

      DONT Let the Haters get you down!! - Like Cobra says- Find Your Own TRUTH.

    2. I, myself, did bother everybody with my fears.

      But you know what? There's no one to give me a straight answer.
      I'm here to make it happen with you guys.
      Yes, it's hard and I'm tired.
      Better go down believing!

  26. Replies
    1. lol Captain Planet would be nice to have as well

    2. I think The Avengers take care of everything ;)

    3. Reality .vs. Imagination ....

  27. Meditation video:

  28. Thank you Cobra.

    I do almost my daily peace meditation and up to yesterday I was seeing Earth clearly as a blue marble. But yesterday I saw it covered in a white fog and immediately knew that we are in a grave situation. Then Cobra's post about Tuesday meditation came out. Thank you, thank you.

    Today meditation was different from yesterday. At the beginning I saw Earth fractured. Middle of meditation saw part of Earth underneath Ukraine peeled back and darkish grey/black smoke came out which got captured in a sphere and then Earth peel was put back and sealed again. After this blackish release, I could see the Earth getting its blue color back but there was still some fog left covering it.

    I want to ask everyone please participate in Tuesday meditation, our Earth needs us all. Look inside your heart and you will see the Universe in there. You are not alone. Ask yourself how a universe can be alone? Feel your heart and you will see it has been expanded no matter who are (dark or light or in between)!

    Sending all of you love and light. Victory is so close that we can touch it. Please don't give into the fear and be an observer to what is happening around us. We are the creator, so lets create a wonderful future for all of us and Mother Earth. In creating our new future one thing is necessary to do and that is "FORGET ALL PROPHECIES". They are old visions of others and they don't hold anymore. Create your own new visions!

    Love and light

  29. Wow! When I first read the comment about Brzezinski, I thought 'this is BS' but over at NewsBlok there is a report attributed to him that says exactly that.

  30. The Cabal threatened to nuke Russia and in response Russia alliance threatened to nuke Washington, and two other states. Then, the Cabal soften the threat and said they will sky rock the terrorist in China to destablised that country. So, indirectly they are the one behind this new terror attack on China land. 33 killed, 100+ wounded. When will these madness be over? Will these people be accountable for all these actions (911, 311, etc, etc)?

  31. hey Cobra how about a mass meditation to end foreclose here in the great USA still too many sleepy heads

    1. they need to know thyself and wake up. until they know who they really are it will keep happening to them. as long as they bow down to the Land LORD, then it is only going to get worse. will explain that well. watch all the videos

  32. Does everyone see the parallel between Syria and Ukraine, both war zones were deliberately instigated to cause chaos, where no one seems to know exactly who the real enemy is and people's frustrations and fear is easily misdirected against innocent brothers and sisters. It is awesome to see so many invaluable and encouraging comments, that strengthens the Light grid, and everyone working together for the same greater good for humanity, such as World Peace and Free Energy.
    Tomorrow happens to be a very long awaited special kind of a day, and since I cannot participate in the meditation the way I usually would, I would like to state it now instead, and send my Light and be thankful that out of ultimate chaos, where the wheat is separated from the chaff, will come true World Peace and real Justice. As Cobra has said "Surely, no one can control the Galactic Central Sun"
    And exhale....:)

  33. Good morning from Vilnius.
    I have an impression that the Light Forces can not decide about the time of the Event.
    I imagine Sirians are willing to intervene and help but others say - No, we must wait. They have a free will and they do not call us to come. We need the invitation from the governments of the biggest countries such as USA, RUSSIA, GERMANY, FRANCE, CHINA.
    But they will never get an invitation from governments. They can forget about it.

  34. Elizabeth Trutwin writes that Most of Congress are not human. They are in holding cells waiting for trial and what you are looking at running around are Clones. They do not care about We The People and they do not care about doing their jobs.They sit there reaping the benefits of their bribes and it is the end of time. Don't get caught up in the stories of what they say is the point. 65 Members of Congress out of about 535 total are humans. The rest are either Solid Holograms or Clones.
    Is it really so, Cobra?

    1. I found this. Pretty Interesting

  35. cobra, please give some details on 900x109hz sound emitted the pyramids of crimea

  36. So This waiting is keeping us from the extra pain and suffering instead of just pushing The Event button and getting it over and done with...........???????

  37. Exposed! D.C.-Backed Vatican Soldiers Caught Dividing Ukraine!

    LET IT BE KNOWN that, based on an application brought before it by the Office of the Citizen Prosecutor on February 10, 2014, the Court will in thirty days commence litigation proceedings against Jorge Bergoglio (“Pope Francis 1″), Adolfo Nicolas Pachon (“Superior General of the Jesuit Order”), Justin Welby (Archbishop of Canterbury”) and others involved in Crimes against Humanity.

  38. Russia And China 'In Agreement' Over Ukraine?!?!

  39. Aqui no Brasil estamos de olho no relógio para começar a meditação de hoje! Enviar muita paz para a Ucrania e os envolvidos na crise do momento.

  40. A Zbigniew Brzezinski WP article:

  41. Thank you for all the interesting stuff, Cobra.
    Hey, cool cats: Meditation will be "The Place To Be," in just a little while............
    Eighthman: Can you please provide the link on Newsblok to info regarding Zbignew ....Brezezski.........Or: HOWEVER ON EARTH you spell it.....My God....anybody with a name like this has to be up to no good....

    Check this link out from, below... Kind of sobering.

  42. Cobra: WATCH THIS! :

    1. This seems like an outstanding answer!Thank you for bringing this up!
      Cobra might comment on this sometime!

  43. RE: Pyramids in Crimea.
    I can confirm that it's true. They have been found a couple of years back. But due to notorious corruption and artificial obstacles for national archaeology division (induced mostly by the powers that established a greed of 'black archaeologists' all over the country) there's "no money" to perform full excavations. Ukraine is a breadbasket for many ancient civilizations. We have minor natural portals in Carpathians (backed by now depleted sources of oil and gas there which, as you know, are used to stabilize the disruption of portal activation). We have oil and gas deposits mostly in Eastern Ukraine (there's no mountains, but unique 1.5 kilometers deep vast coal mine system. Guess what you may 'dig' out there? :)) & Black Sea shore near the Crimea.

  44. I know you planned meditation for 9.14 but things got bad 30 minutes earlier. Please, pray for Ukraine.
    At this very moment there is an assault of the military base in Yevpatoria! Several hundred soldiers who did not hide that they were from Russian army surrounded and started to storm the unit check point. They are assisted by "thugs" who said that they were from "Russian Unity" party. Our military keep defense and ask for any possible help. They need help right now, otherwise it will be too late!"

  45. That was wonderful. Thanks for the opportunity Cobra et al.

  46. Have not meditated in a while. Oh my I forgot the feeling. So relaxed and chill.

  47. WE DID IT!
    The energies were very strong. They started 21.12 sharp falling on the palms.
    I am sure we had 144000 participants on the ground as well as many of them from high and many of them from below, our Agharthians.

  48. this was an amazing experience.......... well done everyone. Victory of light!!!

  49. Thank you for posting this!! :) <3

  50. I felt so great doing the meditation today. Thank you Cobra & the resistance movement! Thank you all enlightened beings! Remember change starts within. Become the Event

  51. Thank you everyone of you, wonderful people for helping my country ; )

  52. Hope this was a success. I had to use an empty conference room here at work and lock myself in, but I made it!

    Prayed for your Sava!!

    1. I had to take a late break from work to get to do this meditation. I still feel a calming around = )

    2. :D
      Thank you! At least we cant complain about required meditation. We all benefit from it in our own way.

  53. SO!!!
    That should have sent quite the message to the Dark side. A message that they once again will not f*cking understand but that ain't OUR fricking problem anymore :-))

    I'm normally not *that* big a fan of channeled messages and rather rely on my connection with MYSELF, but this one is pretty much spot-on:

    SO!!! The Dark will like this even less, and that is such a GOOD THING :-))

    Open The Golden Dragon Gate

    Peace, Love and Light Forever


  54. I couldn't do it at the right time, but sent Reiki just now. It was coming out pretty strongly. Someone told me that they thought that this aggression is due to Ukraine joining the BRIC trading block - ie not the Illuminati controlled EU one. That's why Russia and China are in agreement. Also, I am really worried about Venezuela now since it sits on top of so much oil. The economic crisis and blackouts are completely a set up (heard a lawyer in Venezuela say that the blackouts stopped as soon as the protests started - reverse of what you'd expect!) for controlling that country's oil. Thanks for all of this. I just found this site.

  55. read this...From VT 3-2-14... "Secret Space war XIII : Alien partners tell Putin" dont worry
    we"ve got your back" I read this on Kauilapeles Blog

  56. Cobra's Interview with Alexandra Meadors 4th March 2014

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Sweet. Please post this publically Cobra.

    3. Next (in-between)interview depends on "what´s happening in the next weeks", Cobra said.

      That sounds quite interesting...

    4. @discoveryyet - Thought that was interesting he said that as well. However, I also wonder if he was just referring to his schedule since he begins the Portal Conference in Japan in 2 weeks.

    5. mitchell first and foremost the first and only LAW is natural, divine LAW from the Creator PERIOD. anything else is just an original copy of the genuine thing to enslave your mind into thinking that you are free when you are a SLAVE neo

      of what you are constituted is your call and anti/christ i.e. son of the creator. every wonder how "they" exist? only your "currency" think about that and go deeper down the rabbit hole. you are a slave by NAME and keeping frankenstein/beast fomenting violence. take away your currency and what does it have? go to

    6. @riseabove: the schedule thing is possible. But i would not count on the equation "conference = no Event", because he stated in an earlier statement (i think last year; it´s quite interesting to read the old stuff !) that people are wasting their energies calculating the time of the Event based on the conferences or their frequency.

      Second is, i read few days ago about some minor portal openings last month (which Cobra confirmed in this interview) where the planet is flooded whith light beeings from. The same source stated the Event is planned to happen somewhere between spring and early summer this year.

      This kind of timeframe fits exactly to the window of opportunity 2014 !

      It guess Putin is some kind of trigger for the financial reset and it seems not to take that long for some serious financial sancations USA vs. Russia to get this thing happen.

      Things can really accelerate the next weeks...and... the only plan of the light forces which is constant is the liberation itself but as i recognize it how and when >exactly< is very dynamic.

    7. @riseabove: transcript available

      At the very end:

      "AM: ...and hopefully we can talk Cobra into doing another intermittent interview to go over a lot of the questions that I’ve collected. Are you up for that Cobra?

      Cobra: We will see, that might or might not be possible depending on the situation in the next few weeks."

      I don´t see any direct connections with the conferences.

  57. Fiz a meditação no horário, achei bastante forte, suei, senti calor pelo meu corpo todo e com muito amor e paz, enviei para a Ucrania e Venezuela.

  58. Is it possible to buy copies of the lovely Goddess artwork in Cobra's blogs?

  59. Cobra, is this a part of the initiation for the Event?

  60. Hi Cobra & fellow Light bringers,

    I would like to express my Gratitude to all of my fellow mediators. I am impressioned to share my experience of today's meditation for Peace & Harmony.

    I started my meditation around 11.32 am PST, although it lasted just under one hour I will keep the description brief.

    After stating a opening Prayer for Protection and Purity, I began connecting with The Supreme Divine Creator, The Divine Goddess, Central Sun, Angelic Host, The White Knights, Our Space Family, and Cobras Resistance.

    I stated my intent to connect with everyone who was involved with this Light Filled meditation for Peace and Harmony.

    I started to bring The Goddess energy and Divine Grace through my Crown Chakra, sending the combined energy of Grace & Goddess through my Heart & Hands.

    I saw this energy connecting with all of the other beings around Planet Earth who were also taking part in the meditation, forming a Grid of Divine Grace all around The Earth. I saw the Violet Flame dissolve all fear and hostility transmuting the energy into Divine Love & White Light. I felt the negative energy shift, then a gentle yet powerful pulse of energy of co-operation and desire to reach peaceful compromise sweep through the whole area of Ukraine. I saw people shaking hands, smiling and agreeing to work together for Peace, Prosperity & a desire for Goodwill in their Country. I sensed a beautiful Love for each other and their Nation, a feeling of "we are not enemies we are family".

    My view then shifted to being in Earth orbit, I saw and felt the Christ Consciousness Grid Light Up (Platinum Light), there were 2 other Grids in parallel which also Lite Up,
    the Divine Grace Grid (Silver Gold Light) and Unconditional Love Grid (Pink Light).

    These 3 Grids started pulsing together, gently yet powerfully pushing these energies down into the Earth like a wave, eventually these energy waves reached the Center Core of The Planet, then they started bouncing back out to the Energy Grids which then reflected this High Energy back to the Core again like another wave. This got faster and faster, eventually the energy bouncing back out into the 3 Grids around Planet Earth ignited the 3 Grids into a Ball of Silver Gold Light completely encasing Planet Earth. Suddenly everything was still, completely still, there was a Timelessness, I felt a very Deep Loving connection with Mother Earth and every other being taking part in this Beautiful and Healing meditation.

    I had a deep knowing that we had been successful, my sense was around 160,00 were taking part. There were a couple of other details but this is the majority of my experience.

    Thank you Divine Creator.

    With Gratitude to you Cobra & your Resistance, and to all of you, my fellow enlightened Light Bringers.

    with Love, Namaste

    1. Wow, THANK YOU Frank for sharing your astounding experience of yesterday. I too have envisioned a huge circle of us holding hands surrounding UKRAINE region first then the Earth, pulling up BLUE cosmic ray through our bodies and anchoring it into Earth as per Goddess desire of peave love harmony and built on the ever more increasing Light imbuing the entire planet and beyond, feeling soothing dissolving beautiful energies in my heart chakra. It was all outside by the lake and with many geese flying above. Much Love and Gratitude to ALL. Namaste.

  61. Tuesday afternoon:

    Russia Today anchor Abby Martin Criticizing Russian invasion of Crimea

    Putin: Russia will not go to war with Ukraine, our relations are fraternal

    Victory of the Light!

  62. It's pretty disheartening going on reddit and reading the "update posts" on the Ukraine, Venezuela, and Russia... Not a single person that is posting the truth is even positive on upvotes, while propaganda fueled comments are at the top.

    It's a very odd thing, being awakened - I am free to make my own decisions and be free, but knowing that if I tell "normal people" the truth, they'll think I'm insane.

    I'm not sure how people stay 100% upbeat all the time while awakened to the truth - I care far too much about others to see them bowing down to the system religiously. I've never met anyone outside of the internet that has broken free from the machine. All of my friends and family are heavily into politics and will digest anything that is given to them.

    I even asked my friend one day "Do you believe everything on the news?" out of curiosity - his response was "Yeah, why else would it be on the news, of course it's true" - it was extremely disheartening.

    I want the event to happen yesterday - watching people live their lives like zombies is sad.

    I hope that these thoughts don't distract me from the goal - I'm still rather upbeat, but every time I hear a conversation about politics or world events it brings me down, I mean, how can it not?

    1. Feel exactly the same way every day! I am in the same position with family and friends too, I have to tell myself everyday to remain positive, I am fighting the negative it seems like 24/7, in others and myself. How ever i am extremely strong willed, so i will not let the negative win. So if i feel negative feelings getting a grip, i do something that raises my mood or positive energy (for me its music) Watching television ie the news, political programmes and the weather is all a very clever way of trapping us in a negative bubble. More and more people will start to see through the illusion.

      A side issue, has anyone else had there virus software going crazy with trojans and other viruses, because mine is, even on this blog?

    2. I used to think like you and have the same problem. friends and family would say things like that and all i could think of is how deep the programming is in them.

      My solution? I started to say things as they are. The truth.

      Now, i don't go into rants with people like crazy, but if someone would respond to me what your friend said, i'd say: "why would you think that? can't you see that they get away with lying to the public because that mentality? If they know you believe them, they can say anything they want and you'll believe it."

      If they just shrug and show that they don't care, i stop. If they say things like "what do you mean?" I go on.

      Just by doing that I actually got 5 people hooked up in the alternative media and less dependant of mainstream. Some even come to me everytime there's something big happening and ask "so what's REALLY going on?"

      It's not all perfect, some people changed their attitudes towards me, but I don't care. I got sick of feeling stranded in a land of ignorance.

      Don't give up. You can bet that when the event happens, the people who thought you were wrong will come asking you for help. So SPREAD THE WORD, don't worry about what they think of you, don't insist, just leave that seed in their minds.

    3. @michael angel, google for this free malware software "Malware Antimalware" and scan your harddisk. Also, install the free AVG Internet Security at

  63. Reporters scale wall of Ukrainian Naval Base that is surrounded by Russian troops and Russian citizens:
    ~ Russian Roulette: The Invasion of Ukraine (Dispatch Two)

  64. My wife and I did the meditation together. We started early and dived in for about 45 minutes. I have no idea how many people all across our planet were meditating in this collective effort -- however -- it was exceedingly powerful and that pink shaft of light from the Central Sun filled us on the inside but outwardly lit up our living room also -- and it was very easy to direct through our intention. These kind of collective meditations are SO overwhelmingly powerful. I am sure that the goals of the meditation were accomplished and more progress was made toward peace on earth and among all beings! namaste

  65. Perhaps you do not know that Gold Mines in Peru, South America, worked by "informal" miners, are closed by blowing up their equipments ,and the gold buyers at the main place of production will be replaced by Swiss "formal" companies.

  66. Beautiful energies yesterday, very powerful THANK YOU Cobra, RM, LighForces everywhere, all around:) we are warming up for our GRAND COSMIC PARTY

    In deep gratitude with enernal infinite LOVE and COSMIC HUGS :)


    Italo4Ever - Cosmic Life HQ


  68. Hello Brothers and Sisters or speaking from oneness, fellow creatures.

    "Close your eyes and take my hand. Throw out what the teacher said. The revolution's in my head, raise your mast and set your sails....just say when."

    Many years have passed...many other things have passed as well. But when we step back and look at the reality of things, just like taking criticism it is hard to see.

    When you awake, take a breath, and realize all else is extra.
    When you look in the mirror, see yourself, you are what you have been waiting for.

    The world is the way it is, because of Free Will. It exists, it is real, it is the only thing true. Free Will for the better, Free Will for the worse. It is what it is and it will always be as long as we exist in the moment. Exist elsewhere and then your power is given to someone else, or something else you cannot see, either because it is not real or the amount of veils people sit behind anonymity.

    Create! By all means realize you are the only creatures here and now who can create, take power back and choose to evolve.

    I love all of you. May your days be filled with a constant upward motion of progress and vibrational discovery of your own true power. :) Be well.

    In all seriousness what are you waiting for? What is true to you? What is the REAL reality of your existence and your world? That is the truth, nothing else, your eyes, your being, is living in the only reality you know of...what else is there? Why not you?


  69. Hi Cobra,
    I participated in the meditation and look forward to participating in more. They are our best 'weapon' in our quest for liberation in my opinion.

    In your next interview, can you please address the chemtrails that are being dumped on us in the USA more fully? I live in New Jersey and they are constant now, almost every day. During the drive home I saw a change in pattern, some of the chemtrails criss-crossed (they are usually straight and perpendicular) and one even looked like a DNA strand! My guess is they won't stop spraying the sky until the Event. Is that correct? What else can we do besides use Orgonite, or set our intention that chemtrails are harmless?

    Thank you for all that you do!
    White Fire

  70. Cobra: Thank you again for the info and....Thank you for this latest interview with Alexandra Meadors, which was on BBS radio yesterday, March 4.

    Here is the link:

    At this link, you can look at the schedule for Tuesday Mar 4 at 4:00 pm and click there for the Alexandra Meadors + Cobra interview and find the audio file.

    She usually posts the interview also on her Usually she has the transcript document there also in one or two weeks.

    To answer White Fire's question re chemtrails, Cobra answers everybody's question about chemtrails in this Mar. 4 interview, above. Alexandra asks him over and over again about chemtrails... Basically he says the chemtrails these days aren't that harmful... the more harmful stuff is what is in our food, is what he says.

    Aloha and mahalo...

  71. It felt so peaceful during this meditation and I felt peaceful for some time after. It was great to read of others who had participated and the feelings experienced during the meditation.

    I've just come across this article and it's a channelling by Cosmic Awareness. I know some might find this beneficial even if you perhaps don't like channelled messages. This is dated 1st March and questions were asked to Cosmic Awareness about the Prepared for Change website.

    This is Cobra's other site for those who don't know. Cosmic Awareness agrees with a lot of stuff about the financial reset,etc. I don't know where the idea came from the person asking the questions to Cosmic Awareness that this was predicted to occur in days (the financial reset) as I know Cobra and the Prepare for Change website have not predicted such a thing. Just that it will happen but timing is not yet known. Also, Cosmic Awareness says not to go into fear or panic if banks close as if the Prepare for Change site is instilling fear, which it has not. I don't think the Questioner has done her research and is going on second hand information passed to her.

    In any event (lol, excuse the pun) Cosmic Awareness says most of the stuff we already know but I put it out here as validation that we are on the right track for the collapse of these old systems.

  72. Cobra, did you saw that the CEO of Bitcoin she was found dead?

    1. Bitcoin has no CEO, it's a decentralized currency. She was the CEO of one of the first exchanges.

      And yes, since bitcoin is new, people don't trust it as much as they trust fiat (even though we all know fiat money is worthless) so any turmoil in the cryptocurrency world causes volatility in the market, making some non faithful coin owners abandon ship. That's what the cabal wants.

      Those things won't kill crypto at all though. The only thing that can 100% kill cryptocurrencies is a total ban of it in all the main countries in the world, which won't happen without mass protest/rage.

  73. Cobra, you are on a shaky ground here. Ukraine has much more problems from Russia, Putin and previous politicians with Swiss accounts than from your cabal psyop.

  74. Instead of us just waiting around for the cabal to win .........How about giving the people something to do to help kick the cabals butt. If this is for us to do ...Then tell us what we can do NOW to win. The Cabal get together all the time with there satanic ceremonies to assist there side..................Sitting here waiting for something to happen and not being told anything..........Certainly does not help. Its the same way the cabal has handled us. Just believe what the tell us but don't tell us what there doing or just lie about it!
