Sunday, August 31, 2014

Systems/Isidic security breach deflected, Event phase transition GBN modulation in progress

Monday, August 25, 2014

Planetary Meditation Update

The time for the Planetary Meditation has been set to 3 pm GMT every Sunday.  Currently this equals 11 pm in Taiwan, 6 pm in Cairo, 5 pm in Central Europe, 4 pm in UK, 11 am in New York, 10 am in Houston, 9 am in Denver and 8 am in Los Angeles. You can check the time for your location here:

It is very important  for everyone to meditate at the same moment in time, doing your own meditation as you feel guided. If we wish to create more positive resonance on the physical plane of this planet, we need to meditate in the same moment of linear time that the physical plane is subjected to. The critical mass for this meditation to have desired effect is about 118,000 people worldwide actually doing it with focus. If we consider that human concentration and meditation skills are not perfect, we need 144,000 people as the critical mass. If we manage to get the critical mass of people meditating each week, we can create long lasting positive changes for the whole human society. 

Therefore it would be good that as many groups as possible join this initiative. You can invite Deepak Chopra, David Wilcock, Ram Dass, Oprah, Eckart Tolle, Children of the Sun, Drunvalo Melchizedek, Gregg Braden... All those people have a large following of people who meditate.
We can do it! It still needs to go viral! We need to reach millions of people, so that the critical mass of people actually doing it is attained. Please post it on your websites and blogs. If you know an alternative media outlet, you can send it to them. You can create a Facebook group for your local group of people dong this in your part of the world. 
A Youtube video has been created in different languages.
Videos in other languages will be posted here as soon as they are created.
P.S. Weekly Liberation Meditation is a different project not to be confused with the Planetary Meditation and is a very specific meditation to assist the process of planetary liberation. It is set each Sunday at 7 pm GMT. You can find more information about that meditation here:

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Sunday, August 17, 2014

An Open Letter to All Meditation Groups on the Planet

Time has come for us on the surface of the planet to reach a new degree of unity and cooperation, regardless of our personal differences, to assist the planet in its transformation. Therefore the Light forces are issuing a call to all meditation groups on the planet to join together and create a powerful field of positive energy.

The idea is to have a worldwide meditation once a week at the same moment, where all groups and individuals can do their own meditation in their own way. If we are all meditating at the same moment, a very powerful coherent resonance field is created that can really start transforming our collective reality. Scientific studies have confirmed positive effects of mass meditations on human society, so each of you that will participate in this meditation can actually help transforming human lives worldwide:

There have been many meditation initiatives lately:
Imagine the power of all those meditation initiatives combined together, regularly, once a week! 
The only thing we need to do is to set the right time and start inviting meditation groups to join the initiative!
You can start sending this to all meditation groups that you know!
I would suggest Saturday or Sunday around 8 pm GMT for the timing, as this time frame is the most suitable for most time zones on the planet. Weekly planetary meditations need to happen at the same moment in time every week for all participants to gain cyclic momentum and to reach the critical mass for the planetary transformation. If you have any suggestions for the right timing, send them to .
If your meditation group would like to join the initiative, send your suggestion for the timing and the estimated number of weekly participants to .
Updates about the Weekly Planetary Meditation:

Victory of the Light,


P.S.  Timing for the Planetary Meditation has been determined at 3 pm GMT each Sunday. More details are coming soon.

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Sirius starfield alignment in progress, BlueShield 4 ready

Monday, August 11, 2014

July Monthly Update by Cobra

You might want to listen to the July monthly update Cobra interview by Rob Potter or read the transcript here:
The Youtube video version of the interview is here:

You can send your questions to and many of them will be answered in the next monthly update interview.

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Potentially fatal PB security breach, red alert at 504, mission abort terminator 140906.1021Z

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Short Planetary Situation Update

Behind the scenes, clearing of the Chimera group continues. We have now reached the stage when only the core of the Chimera group remains, and clearing that core group is now the main challenge.

Global plasma scalar mind control network is tied to strangelet bombs and this is why its removal takes so much time. 

The etheric Archon grid is the final stage of dissolution and the power of the Archons diminishing rapidly, leaving the Chimera group as the main controllers of quarantine Earth and their plasma scalar network as the main tool of psychological programming. 

The Cabal is now engineering events (plane crashes, Ebola scare) and hyping them through the mass media to keep human masses in the state of fear. They will NOT be able to use Ebola as an excuse to install martial law. They know the breakthrough of Light is near and they still want to do whatever they can to postpone it. 

The Chimera (the force behind the technologically advanced negative military, focused on maintaining the quarantine Earth status) and the Archons (black nobility families behind the Jesuits, focused on keeping humanity as religion-programmed slaves in reincarnation cycle) are still at the top of the food chain. The Rothschild faction (Zionist controllers of the mass media and accountants of the global financial system) and the Illuminazi faction (Paperclip-imported crime syndicate) are their subordinates. 

All this structure will fall apart when the exotic weapons of the Chimera group are removed and therefore their mechanisms of planetary control dissolved.

This is the main condition for the Event to happen. 

Despite all appearances, victory of the Light is near. 

Friday, August 1, 2014


Pandora in progress, STRANGE EGG in progress, BlueShield 3 in progress. PB breach continues. HVBN stabilized and clear, several medium Isidic security breaches deflected. M=12.
STRANGE EGG sigma complete, STRANGE EGG tau in progress