Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Situation Update

Clearing of the Chimera group continues. Removal of the remaining plasma toplet bombs has proven to be more difficult than expected, as they are protected with quantum potential chambers throughout the Solar System. Quantum potential chambers are directed scalar torsion fields that create an accretion vortex for as much primary plasma anomaly as possible to be gathered around the remaining toplet bombs. These chambers are more advanced version of quantum potential weapons that are already known for decades:

Plasma primary anomaly encompasses all possible combinations of negativity as the logical opposite of the Absolute, and only a small percentage of these combinations gets manifested onto the physical plane, as the Light forces mostly cancel them out before they can materialize from the quantum foam. The Light forces use advanced technology of Light pillars (ATVOR) to resolve the non-linear primary plasma anomaly using the mathematical principles of iteration:

ATVOR technology is based on AN conversion:

Even using those advanced methods, a small unresolvable portion of the primary anomaly remains and then collapses into the accretion vortex around the toplet bomb. The Light forces then apply the ATVOR technology again until the critical mass of the primary anomaly gets resolved, and then they will annihilate the remaining toplet bombs once and for all.

That will be the moment of Compression Breakthrough, the Event. If you could see the etheric and plasma body of planet Earth at the moment of the Event, you would see something like this:

Although the above simulation actually depicts an exploding supernova, the energy dynamics of the Compression Breakthrough on Earth will be very similar.

As we are getting closer to the breakthrough, things are starting to get interesting on the physical plane.

The Rothschilds have contacted a certain Dragon group and began to negotiate:

The negotiations are proceeding and other groups are now involved in the process. For the first time in history, those negotiations have reached the point where certain agreements can be reached.

The key person in those negotiations is Nathaniel Rothschild:

There are many occult reasons why he is at the center of the negotiation process, let me just hint at the fact that his mother, Serena Dunn Rothschild, belongs to the Grail St. Clair bloodline from Rosslyn:

The Rothschilds are beginning to realize that their security is not flawless and they can be brought to justice. The flaw in their security was clearly seen already in 2003, when a „Robin Hood“ type of gang has broken into the Rothschild's Waddesdon Manor for two minutes and stolen gold boxes worth millions, never to be seen again:

This has apparently shocked the Rothschilds quite much, as they have suspended gold trading early next year:

Then in 2012, the Resistance has removed all Rothschild gold reserves and taken them underground, out of reach of surface population.

Since then, the Rothschilds have put their focus and hopes on the AI fuzzy logic computer program of the global financial system. Now, in 2016, even those hopes are crashing as their system is vulnerable:

The Rothschilds hope to survive the planetary liberation process intact, they push for partial Disclosure and blame the Rockefellers, Bushes and other Cabal members for everything that happened:

The Cabal is clearly afraid of threat from space to their status quo:

Partial Disclosure is NOT an option, and you can see Disclosure process accelerating in the mainstream media, hinting at secret space programs:

The public private space programs are advancing fast:

Not to mention silent but ultra fast progress of space programs in Asia:

The Eastern Alliance will be using these space programs to their own advantage:

Mainstream science is beginning to accept the reality of hyperdimensional wormholes and teleportation:

We are on the brink of huge breakthroughs in technology that will change our world forever:

Changes mentioned above are just the tip of the iceberg that is visible through the mass media, much more is coming.

Until then, you can connect with other Lightworkers and Lightwarriors in the huge planetary network of Light:

Victory of the Light!


  1. Amazing information, thank you Cobra. Hope Fulford's intel is correct because it often is not, possibly due to shifting scenarios.


  2. This makes perfect sense,... negotiating w/ the same people that have kept us enslaved since time immemorial? People who have done nothing but constantly lie, manipulate, enslave, & steal from us,... Not to mention, kill millions & millions of humans everytime they get a chance. I'd say,... Let's get them out of "our" way already. The sooner the better. They will keep delaying & putting off negotiations for a "time into the future". Typical Illuminati technique, to keep postponing & delaying, & buying more time so that they can plan their next "attack against humanity". Let's stop being their fools. It is idiotic & insane to continue on this path,... Seriously. Let's arrest all of these perpetrators, issue their sentences, & move on,... This is the time when we have to literally "pull our heads out of your asses" so that you can see how stupid this sounds. How are we going to continue to allow these MFs to continue telling us what to do,... Enough is Enough,... It is "now" our time,... They had their chance & they are still trying to destroy us. Let's put an end to this madness. These people already had their chance,... & they blew it.

    1. They always that they never negotiate with terrorits (that they themselves have created). So should we. No negotations. We/The Alliance should have just stormed the hotel in Dresden when most of these scums were at the Bilderberg.

    2. Right? Sketchy that we would 'negotiate' with them. Move them out of the way.

    3. I was starting to doubt cobra when i read that the event is an illusion by the protoi, they think they know everything but they have no physical connections or knowledge but instead work in the higher realms. What do you think should be done with the cabal? i say jail them in another planet.

    4. We have to keep trusting in what Cobra tell us, is difficult, but... here it comes a important thing, don't let your vibrations go down, stay positive, i didn't meditate yet but even i can feel that things are changing, maybe those are very subtle, but are happening, try to stay with people that make you happy... keep the faith my friend!


      The day i read Ben's intel about the so-called negotiations, these words of yours, was the first thing i got on my mind:

      >>They will keep delaying & putting off negotiations for a "time into the future". Typical Illuminati technique, to keep postponing & delaying, & buying more time so that they can plan their next "attack against humanity"<<.

      And i know there are millions who think like us!
      Enough already.... The time to put an end to this mad nightmare is way OVERdue!!!

      However; it makes feel good when i think that for the first time ever, ever, EVER - they are experiencing fear and are feeling hopeless.... May be experiencing, living those feelings, will make them to better understand us, and become a more human-like...... Well.... I know i'm dreaming.... But; i'm not giving up my hope.
      I hope, these energies are capable of manifesting miracles - even for the most lost and confused ones!!

    6. It doesn't bother me when I read about "negotiations". If the good guys didn't give the bad guys this chance, then they'd whine later that they never were given a chance.

      Yeah, it's likely that they'll weasel out of fulfilling their end of negotiations somehow, but in the meantime, it's likely that they'll release their hold on some stuff (to at least feign 'willingness' to cooperate) that otherwise would have needed to be taken from them with opposition.

      And there may be some within their ranks who are only there by coercion and threats who would be truly repentant of any skulduggery they were involved in.

      And if the baddies do weasel out, it would make the world less likely to believe any 'benign' promises they may try to make, later.

      So even if they betray their agreements, it's still a win/win of some degree.

    7. ok, the comments above does not make sense, first u have to understand that they deserve a 2 chance, and many of them are raised that way, and enslaved themselves in the system, they know what happens to those among them who "does not follow the rules", and are forced to act that way, ofc not all of them, but, there are many of them who doesn't do that because they like, and, many of us here, would have done the same thing, if not worse than them if in the same situation, so, lets stop judging people that we only know the bad things about, the law of higher dimensions is unconditional love, wich means love without looking who, without saying, ok, this is good this is not. ofc that does not mean they will not pay for their crimes, but, as cobra have already say, will be given them a chance to be reintroduced in the society, and those who refuse to accept the new energy will be taken to the central sun. this is the first thing wrong with the comments above, the second is. if the RM do what ur saying, go there and arrest them all, there will be no event to see, cause there will be no planet any more, cause it will explode, so, lets have patience here, maintain positive, cause energys as hate, discrimination, duality, and etc, are just reinforcing the system and the veil. :) lets try to be more calm and positive here. thanks.

    8. One of the best Comments i seen on this Website... Jimmy...I stand behind you on this fact 100%...i knew i wasn't the only person who felt that way about the situation...Which makes me wonder why the hell are they negotiating with cold blooded murderers in the first place...its Idiotic and fruitless..We must return the favor

    9. I think it was in the movie “Cold Mountain”, w/ Nicole Kidman, a setting taking place during the American Civil War. Towards the end of the movie one of the good guys gets killed by a bad guy, just because the good guy gave the bad guy the “benefit of the doubt” & allowed himself to trust this person, even for a brief moment. Well, the bad didn’t hesitate to take the opportunity, took the shot & killed this good man. Sometimes, & perhaps more often than not, once you have categorized someone as a criminal, you shouldn’t hesitate, even for a brief moment, to take them away. I’m sorry, but far too many times already we have been taken for fools by these ruthless murderers. I still see false-flags against innocent people, like in Orlando recently. I still see chemtrails bombarding our skies on a daily basis. I still see artificial weather manipulation & overheating on the US temperature map every single day. I still see our standard of living rapidly decaying every single day. Work longer, & work harder for less in return. No vacation. No sick days. No benefits. No unemployment. No cheap medical insurance. No medical insurance. No nothing. I still see people around me lose their jobs, their livelihoods, & their hopes. I still see abuse by those in power every single day. I still see & hear those in power continue to lie to us every single day. I still hear the lies of 911, & every other false-flags perpetrated on the American population (as in Pearl Harbor) since we can remember recorded history. I’m sorry, but we are not in a position to continue to trust or give anyone chances they don’t really deserve,… or “we” are going to easily become their targets.

    10. God, don't you guys listen to anything COBRA says..?! The Light Forces can NOT intervene until the remaining toplet bombs are removed!

      The Dark Forces can see that despite their exhaustive efforts, rules and bombs; the Light is still going to triumph and their time is almost up.

      Up to this point; the Rothschilds were not cooperating with the Light.. but because they know they've lost.. I presume they are now negotiating because strategically; the fall will be less painful.


    11. My thoughts exactly. However, that's not how order operates.

  3. Interesting, i read it and is promising, wonder if i'll be alive when "the event" comes...

    1. I hear 'ya,... At this rate, it looks like we are all going to be either dead, or eaten by the NWO,... before the Event occurs,...

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Victory of the light very soon please! So tired of living in our current world situation knowing the truth while many are still sleeping! :-(

    1. 200% agree, I have same feeling with you. It is painful that knowing the truth while living in current world and dealing with the people who are still sleeping. In many occasions you just can't eschew it, you have to deal with them.....

    2. I agree too but have lost total believe in the Event.Sry

    3. guys (I would Not Expect
      the event to happen before 2025
      the deadline...) In the Meantime you
      can awaken many in the present moment
      of now..
      Tara Grace..

    4. The difference is made IMHO not on the knowledge we hold but on our deeds to make a difference on our very own lives consciously or not of the current universal affairs which ultimately contributes worldly. OF course such knowledge does help to decide which imaginary monster to tackle and which tool to use as they say knowledge is power... but is not everything...

      Personally ... asleep I was whining about the world... I do the same in my sudo-awake state.

      We have seen man do great things with limited knowledge.. oblivious perhaps to our planetary slavement.. in the same token we probably too have seen or heard of men become destroyers of worlds who have withheld invaluable knowledge. Thus I say heart rather than mind is what makes the difference.

      In short we put too much blame on those who we label as sleep. There are many 'awake' and many of us including meself that still stuck in our old programming just as those that still "sleeps".

      I believe is a given that only either creative magic / miracle can wake us all... or an abrupt reality check. Either scenario that only an Event could bring. Nonetheless it still makes sense to aim in awakening the masses as many as possible just to help for the transition to be smoother..

  5. when should I take my money out of the bank and spend it on assets? lol

  6. it's very interesting while we here these claims of negotiations with the Rothschild's and a claim General Dunford has something to do with the restored American Republic, the US Incorporated has used its, rods from God nuclear space weapon and attacked Ecuador. plus the US is involved with the coup in Brazil, Honduras, and Guatemala, boy negotiations are going great! It appears general Dunford believes in preemptive nuclear strikes, it also appears that ET does not care if we use nuclear weapons since we just used them. I'm sorry I don't believe anything about these negotiations they are stringing us all down a dead end.all these stories without one shred of evidence always asking for money.

  7. Very interesting....certainly hope the Dragons will not fall for Partial Disclosure.......

  8. Thank you and to all the tired folks, lets meditate more and imagine the break through. We are making progress. This will happen in our lifetimes. I'm confident. I am cautious about these trips to Mars and space travel. I would not board, you may not return. Just saying.

    1. "this will happen in our lifetimes" well ya, 2025 is like whole sale deadline that guarantees it will have taken place. kinda hard NOT to live that long.

    2. I am also counting on that fateful dateline... hopefully there won't be someone coming up with a cosmic joke and postpone that too.

  9. if the remaining toplet bombs are the only thing in the way of breakthrough i say we should hold meditations specifically for the light forces that are taking care of that. also why arent we holding DAILY meditations? wouldnt that also speed up the process?

    1. Exactly what I had in mind.

    2. Can we come up with a phrase or prayer that we can say in thoughts or words by the hour to give support to these effort.
      I was thinking of: "success to the compression breakthrough". Saying it in my thoughts by the hour hoping that it may be of help.

    3. (you can sign in as 'guest' and give a pseudonym) everyday at 3pm EDT (until autumn when USA time changes and then it would be at 2pm EST).

    4. Janet's idea is great. And if a lsrge number of us put enough intent in that I am sure it is going to help.

    5. please participate in this meditation :
      "An appeal to lightworkers for an important mission"

    6. its said that thanking them for their efforts is the most effective method.

    7. Great ideas. Daily mediations especially, I'd be down for that.

    8. thank you beaubourg for the video link. it IS a daily meditation for 3 pm EST so share share share!

  10. We shouldn't harm a hair on their miserable heads. We should herd all of them on to a space ship, pick out a barely livable planet on which to dump them, and see how long it would take for them to extinguish one another.

    1. I would not risk it, besides we do not want to dump these criminals on something or someone else.

    2. Right ^ and how long before the planet would be paying rent to the Dark Forces for the privilege of floating that area of space.

  11. well, guess 2017 is right across the corner, hahaha....used to be anxious about it, now just enjoying every bit of the ride, might as well take it easy, take it slow, such an important Event for the Universe has to be digested slowly anyway!

    1. Agreed, Its Time For The Financial Collapse
      and Our Big awakening Where we
      we finally work on ourselves..
      Its time For The Big Show..
      Might As well Be Present For it
      Tara Grace...

  12. Several months ago I recommended people meditate on these pictures of supernova as they represent the forces of Harmony, Destruction, and Beauty. We can decide the outcome based on our own thoughts and intentions.

    It is related to the theory of ancient Sumerian quantum mechanics which contains the sacred knowledge to defeat the toplet bombs on the Assyria Ninevah seal:

    Understand the bigger picture:

    Google the Mandela effect on YouTube. It is really happening. Our reality is shifting. We just need to keep it up and push our way though. The new Earth is already emerging if you have the eyes to see it.

  13. Does not make any sense, negotiate?! Killed millions of innocent people around the world, stole money from hard working people. and now they are negotiate?! FOR THE LIGHT SAKE?! is this correct? Is this acceptable?! Do I/We need forget what they did?! and just pass on?! Not understandable. No punishment for them? Great..
    "A time will come, when you answer for your crimes" Taran'Zhu

    1. Negotiation is there only for speeding things and for fastest results.

    2. Thank you for asking these kind of questions. ALot of this stuff is just questionable and needs to be addressed vs everyone being all happy go lucky and accept being spit in the face like it never happened.

    3. The problem isn't the Cabal, it's the person next to you who WANTS the system. We say we only need a tiny percentage to wake up. Well, humans are so shitty not even a tiny percentage can wake up. Getting rid of the Cabal... well you've only eliminated .001% of the problem.

    4. People only want the system because as I said in a post below:

      We would be here forever if we had to wait for a majority of Earth's population to wake up and heal themselves through shadow work.

      How will the majority of Earth's population awaken and rise with the engineered constant distractions of terror attacks, debt slavery / job slavery, social media addiction / following celebrities, dumbing down through processed & modified food / lack of nutrition, control + ignorance through religion and lies about our true origins... and the worst of all... locking our DNA + tampering with our bodies to disconnect us from source & make us stupid sheep.

      Once The Event is triggered; people will be reconnected with Source and the control mechanisms and implants will be eradicated. Just watch as everyone joyously celebrates their new lives!


    5. I have said it thousands of times, the problem is not the Monster itself, but the earthlings who stupidly feed it! This is what pisses me off!!!!

  14. Get'r done!!!!!!!
    You can do it !!!!!!

    Holy Sh!t, let's go already, are we home yet?

  15. Thanks again Cobra for your timely and very important update.

    It looks as if all events, both globally and galacticly, are taking place in perfect timing for a convergence and the EVENT to take place.

    Each and every day that passes brings our planet and humanity closer to liberation and freedom

    Power and Victory to the LIGHT!!

  16. Thank you Cobra. Very interesting information.

    And...I had no idea Nathan Rothschild's mother is a St. Clair.

    Worth reading about Rosslyn Chapel:

  17. Well thank you for intel.
    Im recently have read David Wilcock newest intel.

    And one think popped in my mind after that,saying nothing about intell but timeframes.
    Arent we reading in all arounds intels that something gonna happen in 2017 or 2018, so does we subconsciously allow that be postponed?
    I dont attack anyone, just what if behind one of intel providers theres disinfo not in information matter but in time matters. Like "YES IT WILL HAPPEN but not right now" and we like yes it cannot happend we arent not read because part of mind programming was inferior ego, so we arent ready, we not good, we need more time. And then we allow this in our life but not now, and next year we do the same?
    Its not about cobra, i speak about thing cobra said many times that we humans here are the key to resolve this situation, EVENT MEDITATION, we chasing thing of little meaning, not focusing for answer
    The answers you want and then bitch in comments "WHY ARENT YOU ANSWERING THIS OR THAT COBRA?" arent important, all of that and more much more after event will be accesable to the point you will pray opening fridge that there between cheese and milk arent some space aliens:P But we all yes me too want want a piece of cake, why not a whole cake for all people? and then we frustrated i want more intel, i want this i want answer for that, but we allow a piece and then bitch we arent stuffed.
    So maybe when we read this happen in 2017 or 2018 we should say NO, this happen now i dont allow for this to be postponed consciously and subconsciously

    1. No one is saying it's being postponed are they..? COBRA literally just said that removal of the bombs is taking longer than expected. Once they're removed; The Event will take place!

      I have also heard 2017/2018 from people like Simon Parkes & Bashar... I don't see why The Event can't still take place at that time! ;)


  18. Hello everyone, I would like to invite everybody, who has not already watched my personally created documentary about this whole Quarantine Earth situation.

    Also to visit my website for questions and answers. There you will find much questions answered.

    Thank you for your willingness to grow

  19. I think we need to stop fooling ourselves with imagining light and love, while judging and ranting as of "old time religion." I believe in giving second chances to all living beings and as much as I lived for many years with a self image of who I was, without knowing myself really, these dark parties living on planet Earth need a chance to break through their own illusions as well. For I'm a strong believer in this strategy, that the slowest learner in the class is the measure for the choice of steps taken towards development and progress. That is, as long as the slowest learner is willing and means well.

    1. They've had thousands of years to change their ways. Warning after warning. It wouldn't be a second chance.

      The negative forces are mercilessly abusing our rights to free will. They would have been stopped already if not for the fact they're holding us hostage with bombs. They are sick and need to be stopped.


  20. I have had a feeling for a while: In the years after The Event when Ascension is underway, the members of the Dark who were able to be healed and not recycled, will become some of the planet's greatest teachers.

    1. incorrect, it is the meek that shall inherit the earth. they are the ones that will have the most to learn.

    2. We all have a lot to learn. They need to learn to love rather than just judge others based on perceived competitiveness and we need to learn to examine and overcome our shadow selves.

      The dark beings that choose light will inadvertently bring us toward looking at our shadow selves as they inform us about their real concerns about societal and environmental threats, that we actually collectively cause for ourselves, that we would prefer to just ignore.

  21. This is not just how I feel. I strongly believe this is how we all feel, whether we are aware of it or not. Some may not understand why they cannot forgive. I call it the (mind, emotional) energy of correction. That energy builds as one observes injustice. The energy is very unpleasant and one is happier and healthier dissipating it, by forgiving. Although, the energy has its purpose, to compel us to correct situations of peril for ourselves and/or those we care about.

    If someone was merely associated with nefarious groups and does not agree with their harmful actions, obviously they are not in need of correction to keep us and/or those we care about safe. If someone who intends harm is restrained by others, the energy of correction can still be fairly easily dissipated, because correction of the harmful situation has occurred. If formerly harmful beings restrain themselves by observably, effectively changing themselves, that's even easier to forgive. They can even be free and we can feel relatively safe. Yet, if they still intend to harm others and have the opportunity to do so, why should we exonerate them of culpability when we know that they are very likely going to harm others again? To forgive them is to tacitly consent to the situation they generate for us. It is utterly intolerable without breaking a part of oneself like some abused farm animal. It is like saying, ok, I submit, I will be your slave. It's really not good for us to do that.

    In those situations of unrestrained, intransigent, self-service at the expense of others, I find that reflection of the behavior is appropriate. In other words, if a man is on a shooting spree and you can shoot him, you probably should. You'd save people if you did, people that don't currently intend to harm other people. If the situation didn't exist, you otherwise would not intend to harm another in that way. If a self-serving being harms someone in a certain way and are harmed back by others in that same way, we do not feel guilty about it nor should we. Do we feel sorry for thieves who have been robbed or attempted murder thwarted by successful and deadly self-defense? Of course we don't. We feel that they had it coming.

    I wish light messengers could clarify this conflict between forgiveness and the energy of correction so that the message of forgiveness could be seen as more acceptable by humanity. This energy of correction is the hurdle. In most cases, forgiveness is a VERY healthy thing. Although, we simply cannot tolerate harmful pathogenic agents. If we do, as an organism/body/civilization/group/race, we'll remain dis-eased and and maybe even die. What is the merit or the sense in that?

    We don't shoot unarmed thieves, because its obviously, morally unjust, but why shouldn't have someone shot Anders Behring Breivik (the Norway shooter) during his shooting spree if they could? They could have saved some kids from a grisly death if they did. What should aspiring light beings think about this type of situation? What makes such harmful, self-serving beings more valuable than those they harm? Do they not invite that which they choose to do to others to happen to themselves? In a perfect situation, we could magically stun such beings and then put them on public trial, but absent that, they deserve to receive the behavior that they give to others in order to protect others, don't they?

    I am getting fatigued hearing so much about forgiving while self-serving beings are getting away with parasitic behavior. If such beings know they will be forgiven, wouldn't they just keep committing crimes? How is that good for us? If some beings need to fear repercussions to behave, because they don't care about others, doesn't removing the fear of punishment cause them to do things to others they might not have otherwise done? All of this often makes me strongly wish that ancient, wise, beings would pop into our reality and do a clever kind of corrective shtick.

    I imagine they'd operate something like this..

  22. Hello, unscrupulous ones. We've noticed that you love to enslave, rape, murder, corrupt, and destroy others. Isn't it a very profitable and entertaining thing to do? We don't judge you. If that's your preference then that's acceptable for you. However, others around you do not agree with your preference. They believe in peace, freedom, harmony and joy for others. How can they have what they prefer if you remain here?

    *They're weak and stupid. If they can't play with the big boys, they don't deserve to survive, survival of the fittest.*

    Aha! We have a solution that will accommodate both your preference sets. We shall place you with beings that agree with your preference. You can live with others that think that murder, rape, corruption, enslavement and destruction of others for profit and entertainment is acceptable. That way the others who disagree with you can have their preference too, peace, freedom, harmony and joy. What do you think of that?

    *That's totally unacceptable and if you try to do that we're going to kill a lot of people here. We have a lot of countermeasures in place to ensure that we can't be removed. So, back off! NOW!*

    Oh, those toys? We've already teleported them to your new home realm. We've noticed that it is your way to have others do things for you, so we took the liberty of doing so. Yes, we know, you didn't want us to do it. However, your preference is to ignore the free will of other beings. So, it was acceptable as a reflection of your preference.

    You're going to meet new friends. Some of them are actually your old friends that helped you enslave mankind. All of them share your preference of what is acceptable to do to other beings. Your old friends set you up for this, knowing the meta rules of this free will reality. They have much grander, more evolved plans than yours, but they are still aligned with the very same preference that you share with them. They are just far older, more intelligent, wiser, and more merciless. You have much to learn from them about your preference.

    *We'll behave now, you don't have to do this to us!*

    'Whatsoever you do to the least of my people, that you do unto me.' God is all things and all ways. Whatsoever you do to others you do to the God within you. Certain ways, as they develop, are eventually required to be quarantined with those that prefer them, so that other ways can also continue to exist. Your preference is too destructive to other ways to remain in freedom with those other ways. Thus, your variety of experience will necessarily be reduced in order to accommodate the greater variety and health of the whole.

    The greatest freedom to intermingle with other ways comes from the adherence to the golden rule.

    Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. You shall reap what you sow. You see, the fact that God, our consciousness, resides within all things, makes this principle a personal tuning fork of compatibility with others.

    You choose to be the opposite. You chose to be parasitic to others, observing no rules, having no consideration of others, expressing pure self-service even at the expense of others, essentially pure competition, not cooperation. Those that observe the golden rule control themselves, because they love others. You effectively chose to be out of self-control. You are only restrained by your fear. As soon as we leave, you will lose you current fear of punishment and resume your abuse of others. We can see your intent. Because of this, you are in need of external restraint. That's the logical causal outcome of your preference.

    In this striation of frequency, of intent, of preference of interaction with others, in a way, everybody wins. Everybody gets what they prefer, including the now former hosts of parasites. They don't want to be your hosts anymore and because you are now to be restrained, they don't have to be. You're just going to have to do that for yourselves now.

    1. Everyone deserves to experience their own creation in its fullness.

    2. To what degree are they choosing service-to-self though..? COBRA has said that this whole mess is the result of souls descending into the Primary Anomaly... they have become disconnected from Source and corrupted by the Anomaly. Just as a mental patient can legally be unfit to make certain decisions about their health; perhaps the negative forces are not of a sound mind either.


    3. @divinasion

      You make a very good point with which I totally agree. Those who abuse are often abused themselves. Hazing and FGM are examples of cycles of abuse.

      The dark beings that came here probably do abuse the cabal. They also give them the tools to abuse others and instill them with a sense of self-superiority based on competition prowess. There are people like Ray Parker who claim that they even have their own children abused.

      I have noticed that as people are abused, have memories of trauma that they can't stop remembering or find themselves in strongly undesirable circumstances, they exhibit a pattern of spiritual energy decay. What I mean is that their will to go on, their satisfaction or joy of life is continually reduced. They feel empty and satisfacation becomes much more difficult.

      Dark beings feed on this spiritual energy. People stuck in negativity often seem to enjoy watching others start to feel negatively. "Misery loves company." Some conspiracy theorists enjoy putting other people into states of fear, without even realizing that they are feeding on their energy. Beings resonating at the frequency of fear absorb the energy of fear radiated by others and get satisfaction and feel better.

      Although, one can drain oneself of spiritual energy without the input of other beings. All one has to do is focus on negative thoughts or beliefs, then one experiences negative emotions. Those fear based emotions cause the draining.

      The most effective method for self-draining of spiritual energy that I know of is to focus on an unacceptable situation which one feels one cannot change. As one repeatedly focuses on the situation one repeatedly drains oneself of spiritual energy. One experiences negative emotions, then frustration, then emptiness, then depression. At that point one might even forget what situation put oneself into that depression. Successful shrinks often can help people remember and change it.

      People who are depressed, chronically negative, or always in states of fear get into thinking patterns that reenforce their negativity, a cycle.

      The higher and lower Earthly human minions in the hierarchy experience a pressure from above them that many of them probably do not prefer. Most of them likely don't want their race to be enslaved and they see it happening and resolve to join the enslavers to position themselves better. Yet, they likely fear betrayal by the enslavers, as their negative minds no doubt consider. They are in a perpetual unacceptable situation that they cannot change. It comepls them to become depressed about it and/or more fully commit to it.

      They fear being judged, persecuted and killed by those that find out what they did. They feel there is no reconciliation possible. This makes them cling to their overlords as their hope, further perverts their mind toward competition/darkness, and makes them committed to stoping others who might defect.

      Also, they look at us as apparently foolish creatures that cannot understand things as simple as our monetary enslavement, where principal + interest is always greater than principal. They see how we are easily fooled into believing that ETs have not yet come to Earth. They see the symbols of the secretive organizations that control them in entertainment and news media and that people largely don't even notice them. All of this leads them to believe, coupled with propaganda that furthers the perception, that humanity will not be able to resist this occupation bent on enslavement. So, they won't try to defect and help humanity free themselves, because they believe it is hopeless.

      Couple all of that with a lot of conditioning of the virtue of being the best competitior, survival of the fittest, the fear of punishment, and they tend to remain loyal to the conspiracy against their own species.

      We need to have compassion for all conscious beings. Understanding why other beings are in their situation is the best thing I've found to get there.

    4. We should all be driving F.O.R.D. (fix or repair daily)
      Let's burn some rubber and go... Back To The Future.


  23. The newest GaiaPortal UpDate ♥

    "Celestial Guides gather in Oneness for each hu-being.

    Messengers of Light are sent to all.

    Recognition from the masses is at hand.

    Fomenters are extinguished.

    Heavenlys arise."

    What A Wonderful World / Fix You ♥

    Every TearDrop Is A Waterfall ♥

    Lots Of Love And Light


    1. Throwing yourself under the bus is a High Art of unfathomable love.
      Top Honors goes to You DK.

    2. @ Mein lieber Sternenbruder RaJah, danke, ehrlich gesagt in manchen Zeiten habe ich nur Deine Kommentare gelesen weil sie das Einzige waren das mir Hoffnung gemacht hat, sie haben einfach immer genau das ausgedrückt was ich gefühlt habe, doch leider habe ich nicht immer alle Songs angehört aus verschiedenen Gründen. Manchmal habe ich sogar geglaubt, es sei von der Quelle geführt, als Trost oder so, doch ich wollte wirklich nicht paranoid werden. Ich möchte heute mal einfach mein Herz ausschütten, weil ich warte immer dass diese Nadine endlich auch mal auftaucht, ich kann es gar nicht ertragen, wie jemand immer so selbstlos schreibt ohne eine Antwort zu erhalten. Die Ähnlichkeiten mit dem was viele zur Zeit so erleben sind auf jeden Fall eine schöne Bestätigung, auch wenn wir nicht nach Bestätigungen suchen müssten. Tja, wie es scheint, wir sind alle verbunden. Die letzten Tage war hier sooooo viel los, ich habe so viele schöne Dinge erlebt, ausserdem hatten wir ein wunderhübsches Event-Support-Treffen, Wir lieben Cobra, weisst Du. So viele liebe Menschen haben durch ihn schon zusammengefunden und ich denke immer hoffentlich geht es ihm gerade genauso gut wie uns wenn wir glücklich sind. Seit gestern hat ein gewaltiger Shift stattgefunden, DAS hätte ich SO KRASS nicht erwartet. Ich habe gestern ausserdem einen Q6 selbst gebaut und es ist so so so spannend, wie sehr das wirkt. Diese Qs arbeiten im Sinne des Herstellers, das heisst, ein "Böser" sollte lieber nicht versuchen, meinen Q zu steuern, einfach weil alles auf ihn zurückfallen würde. Nebenbei denke ich, dass die "Bösen" in Wahrheit auch langsam müde werden, ich denke, ich werde da vielleicht noch was schreiben. Liebe Grüße für Dich, ich habe vergessen wo Du wohnst, wir wollten uns ja schon fast mal zum Event-Support-Treffen verabreden, hat aber nicht geklappt, leider finde ich die E-mail nicht mehr. Achja, ich habe mir gestern meinen Finger verbrannt, aber war nicht schlimm. Das war auch nochmal ein Hinweis. Ich bin jeden Tag glücklicher und ich habe das Gefühl, es wird so viel, dass ich es nicht mehr kontrollieren will und kann und ich denke es geht gerade vielen vielen so. ALLES wird ausgeglichen werden, nur Vergebung und Frieden und Freude. Ich bete zur Göttin, dass Du Deine Nadine endlich in die Arme schliessen mögest. Alles Liebe nochmal, Eliana aus Berlin


    3. Liebe Eliana,
      ich danke Dir von ganzem Herzen für Deine wundervollen Worte. Ich freue mich sehr, dass Dir meine Kommentare Kraft, Licht und Liebe geben. Sie sind wirklich nicht fpr jeden verständlich, und es ist toll, dass Du was damit anfangen kannst und sie Dich aufmuntern.

      Wie so oft schon gesagt: Sie kommen alle von Meinem Höheren Selbst, und Mein Wahres Ich hat eine sehr gute und direkte Verbindung zur Urquelle dieses hübschen kleinen Universums, also nicht überrascht sein wenn da vieles sich einfach richtig anfühlt ;-)
      Selbstlosigkeit wird bei mir groß geschrieben, alles was ich tue tue ich FÜR EUCH und nicht für mich. Meine Belohnung wird kommen wenn ich Nadine wieder in die Arme nehmen und küssen kann. Momentan steht ihr 3D-Körper unter Gedankenkontrolle, und es gibt nicht viel, was ich dagegen tun kann. Außer für SIE zu kämpfen so wie ich jeden Tag immer FÜR EUCH kämpfe.

      Es ist eine schöne kleine Geste, dass Du Dir symbolisch für uns den Finger vergrannt hast - sehr coole Aktion!!
      Ich bin am Donnerstag ganz elegant vom Fahrrad geworfen worden (im Stehen wohlgemerkt) und bin eine Runde mit einer wundervoll blutenden Schürfwunde am Ellenbogen gefahren. Es ist nicht das erste Mal, dass ich Blut für Die Operation vergossen habe, und jedes Mal blute ich für Euch Alle, damit Ihr es nicht tun müsst. Ich habe im linken Fuß zwei kleine Glassplitter stecken, die nicht rauskommen, und der Schmerz, den ich jeden Tag spüre ist damit IHR weniger Schmerzen habt. Das ist Teil meines Jobs - und es ist der beste Job im Universum! :-)

      Ich verfolge jeden Tag den Kosmischen Wetterbericht Der Liebe, den Link hattest Du mir vor über zwei Jahren geschickt, und die angekündigte DRITTE WELLE ist definitiv da und ultra-mächtig. Mal bion ich 30 Stunden am Stück auf den Beinen und in Action, dann wieder 14 Stunden im Bett.
      Du hast absolut recht - Der Shift ist da, und er bewirkt Wunder :-)
      Ich habe auch Deinen anderen Post von weiter unten gelesen - SAUBERE ARBEIT!!! Bitte mach unbeirrt weiter so, Du machst das wirklich richtig toll. Ich hab Freitag nochmal das Lied "Last Exit for the lost" gehört, und dabei ist hier ein wenig Glas kaputt gegangen und ich musste einiges wieder neu aufbauen. Erledigt, alles gut.
      Diue dunkle Seite hatte ihre Chancen, mehr als eine, und ihre Zeit ist abgelaufen. Wissen die auch, und die haben echt keinen Bock mehr auf das Spiel, das sie nur verlieren können. Sie wissen, dass es vorbei ist, glaub's mir.

      In diesem Sinne:

      Ganz Liebe Grüße und



    4. Kleine Korrektur:
      Last Exit For The Lost und das *Crash Boom Bang* mit Neustrukturierung der LichtMaschine war nicht am Freitag sondern, in der Tat, am Samstag. Also passend zu Deinen Erfahrungen, Eliana.

      TeamWork und Timing eben. It's ALL about the timing, Timing, TIMING :-)

      Und jetzt machen wir den Sack zu - 3 Euro ins Phrasenschwein ;-)


  24. Everyone is Sovereign. We all were born with Natural Rights endowed upon us by our Creator under Natural Law. We have always had the power and authority to self determinate and abolish tyrannical Governments and Leaders.

    No one can grant you rights or give you rights, and as thus No one can rightfully take them away, this also concludes that you can't Vote to get rights either. Now if people would just wake up this world could be such a better place.

    "The Constitution was either written to accept Tyranny or is incapable of preventing it."

    The fact remains The Constitution is just a piece of damn paper, that is the problem with people, they think pieces of paper give them power / authority. Or that a piece of paper can grant them rights.

    The Declaration of Independence and The Constitution both reflect and hit on these ideas themselves but ultimately it is just words on paper. The only thing that can save us is action.

    Everyone needs to wake the hell up and realize we are all one, we are all Earthlings, this made up / engineered divisive bullshit like Racism, Sexism, Patriotism, Nationalism, Classism, Statism, Religion, etc. etc. the list goes on and on, is going to do nothing but get EVERYONE KILLED.....

    Borders and Boundaries are bullshit. No one is illegal, we are all Earthlings. Nations are nothing but Gangs / Cults with Flags and Guns protecting imaginary lines and borders.

    Patriot is a code word for subservient bootlickers of the capitalist class, patriotism is nothing but a display of overt bias, masquerading as a virtue, which still expects to be given equal credibility when weighed against objective facts.

    Allegiance to a Flag (a piece of cloth) is a poor substitute to thinking for yourself. Religions and Governments are just systems of control, mind control, to control and enslave the "masses" of people. Statism is dangerous.

    They are all systems of control to enslave people. All that shit needs to go and we have to live in accordance to Truth and Natural Law. It is better to have thoughts and ideas, those are much easier to change, upgrade, and update than beliefs or faith, those are always much more tricky.

    Stop being Slaves to people who assume themselves your Masters, there are no Masters on this Earth.

    The fact is Man's Laws are subjective / arbitrary bullshit that is heavily steeped in moral relativism and solipsism and can be completely changed at any time on the whim of the legislators. They make their own crimes legal and punish all the "slaves".

    We need Solidarity to make a change, the 99% need to come together not fight each other. Slavery never ended it was just extended to everyone but the 1%. Wage Slavery, Debt Slavery, Prison Slaves, Taxes, Poverty, Welfare Dependency, the list goes on and on.

    This is Divide and Conquer 101, yes the same Divide and Conquer has been kicking our collective asses for millenniums.

    People need to seriously wake the hell up, people are seriously stuck in "The Matrix", the Illusion World Pulled over Eyes to BLIND YOU from the Truth.

    Truth is the only thing that Matters! Truth is the only Authority anyone should have! We need to start making Truth our Religion! Service to Truth! Defend Truth with all your Might! Truth and Knowledge is Power! ✌��️❤️������

    1. We Are Actually Here
      To wake to The Present moment of now first
      Than ..wake the rest of the world up..
      we have an inner master connected to the
      real source..we must wake up to love ..
      love is real..and religion is fine..if used
      in the right way it represents love..
      and love is real..beyond the 3d illusion
      Tara Grace...

  25. anyone know anything about this american kabuki? caught this on his site a few days ago. Thoughts???

    There is NO Toplet or Strangelet bombs out there. There is no mysterious "dark anomaly" other than the one that lies unreconciled by love in one's own heart. Do you really think there is anything "SEPARATE" from Source? Those storylines are pure fiction created by a being with the homophone name of Ashtar SherrON, the Pleiadian inbodyment of the Bloodline King (in stasis according to the SA). He is what Rayelan of Rumor Mill News once called in the early 2000s the "King of the World" when she visited the Malibu undersea base with her CIA/Templar late husband. SherrON is the physical Pleiadian father of Ashtar SherrAN, and inbodyment of my essence frequency.

    The Toplet/Strangelet/"Dark Anomaly" storyline has been fed to the rogue Pleiadian faction on Earth known as the so called "resistance movement" (there is no Planet X or Nirbiru) to further fuel separation consciousness and hide the identity of this covert rogue Pleiadian faction. The "resistance" is against Dracos (unless of course its the Chinese ones which the Bloodline King had a side deal with). Its an obsolete covert power move to control the separation by the Bloodline King. It was never intended to free humanity. The Bloodline King (on Earth and the Pleiades) traditionally used the energies of separation consciousness to his own purposes. This scenario has already been neutralized but there are many on the ground still carrying out their last orders. They hold onto what they were originally told, and frankly its embarrassingly hard to retract what has been said in error in public forums. Most involved are unaware, well meaning people, who do want the suffering on the planet to end, they simply didn't understand who that being codenamed "Michael" was, and why that movement went public in October 2012.

    Hot Space Wars & other Nonsense


    1. Well...
      Our Universe is basically made up out of Energy and Frequencies, and our multidimensional "Reality" is produced by The Source.
      To think that The Source would produce a reality in which there are weapons with which Her own Creation can be destroyed in an instant makes not a whole lot of sense. Source ain't stupid ;-)

      As I said before: Activate one of those bombs (if they exist at all) and all you get is a little flag coming out that reads "boom."
      I never bought into that storyline, and My Higher Self finds it quite preposterous.

      As for the rest of it: I do not have much insight into those details as they are not that important for The Operation, but I will say that the code-name "Michael" has come up quite a bit in the past.
      And never in a good way. So that appears quite fitting as well.

      Beautiful LightningStorm outside as I'm writing this, by the way.

      Victory Of Love And Light And Peace


    2. American Kabuki doesn’t accept any of this because he has the wrong idea about Source. To him, Source is like the Judeo/Christian idea of God: Omnipresent, Omnipotent, and Omniscient. However, as Cobra has explained, Source is more like the Hermetic idea, “As above, so below”. Source is not everywhere at once; does NOT have absolute control over beings or matter; and doesn’t know everything at once. Source is a formless consciousness with the ability to create the seeds of life. Source created the seeds and watched them grow. Our universe is like Source’s garden but it isn’t Source himself.

      However, all beings are “connected” to Source so we can feel Source and each other at all times. But, when Source began creation in this cycle of the universe he did so with such gusto that the Primary Anomaly was created at the beginning. This is a plasma-like substance which is NOT connected to Source. It was created by mistake. Because of this substance the Archons came into being and the Chimera created strangelet and toplet bombs. This is all information Cobra has explained many times.

    3. One must use their own discernment.

      I visit his blog myself, but I don't buy anything any messenger says wholesale. They are just like you and me and can be misled and misinformed.

      He does post and repost some very good spiritual content, but I don't put much faith in the channeled "Sphere Alliance" stuff he's into lately. Whenever one's ego is heavily focused upon, red flags go up in my mind. It seems like an old trick. It's hard to backtrack and be skeptical also as one has one's own identity attached to it.

      He reposts good stuff from other people's blogs like Sophia Love and Gaia Portal. Sophia Love focuses on healthy love for oneself. Her blog helped me overcome some self-loathing. One of the most interesting reposts I saw there was called Improv and seems like a good allegory for the meta-story that we are all going through right now on Earth. I highly recommend people read it.

    4. I Am Not Sure What American Kabuki Is..
      but, they sound confused...
      There is Still an event horizon
      coming..and there is still a mission
      for us all to wake up to the present moment of matter what...
      Tara Grace..

    5. I have trouble trusting a "whistleblower" that can't present their information in a clear and concise form. Sounds like a younger soul speaking with a lower level of consciousness compared to COBRA.... sorry Mr. Kabuki!

      @James - the impression I got was that Source both created the garden and is the garden at the same time. I have the feeling that Source is all-knowing (Omniscient), as long as it's not the *inside* of the primary anomaly that's being observed... I could be wrong though. Thoughts, anyone??


    6. @divinasion, if the universe is a direct part of Source (like my head is a direct part of my body) then American Kabuki is right: the existence of Primary Anomaly is impossible.

      If Source is also Omniscient (knowing everything at once) then American Kabuki is right again: the existence of toplet and strangelet bombs is impossible. Source would have prevented their creation.

      You can't have it both ways.

  26. This is quite the carnival. We don't negotiate with terrorists for one. We are sovereign beings. Not sure what the significants is here with the blood lines other then positions of so called power. Many of us here are have direct lineages to the real Royal families of light. The imposters somehow chose corruption in order to serve their own slave matrix in their dimension. We have the power to create our own. When I read info like this, I am mindful this is a form of programming getting into the minds. Let it not take over you and make you feel helpless or dependent on an external event. The event is one of inside you. Your choice is to play a victim and latch on to a carrot and stick programming or do something about it for yourself.

    1. We would be here forever if we had to wait for a majority of Earth's population to wake up and heal themselves through shadow work.

      How will the majority of Earth's population awaken and rise with the engineered constant distractions of terror attacks, debt slavery / job slavery, social media addiction / following celebrities, dumbing down through processed & modified food / lack of nutrition, control + ignorance through religion and lies about our true origins... and the worst of all... locking our DNA + tampering with our bodies to disconnect us from source & make us stupid sheep.

      Without the intervention of our star families; this planet would be a nuclear wasteland.

    2. divinasion. How can you be so sure that what you are following is the truth, and not something of a distraction? The best thing to approach these things is to keep an opened mind not put your trust to it 100%. What would you do if things "Cobra" says is a lie. It be ironic following someone with a code name "Cobra" and not realize if what he's saying is true or false. I'm not a religious person nor follow any source or what not but.. I'd keep an open mind and be prepared for anything unexpected. Event this Event that. There's so much speculation to what is going to happen but all I see is hopeful thinking and wishful ones. Humans tend to be that way when harsh times comes along. The want to be saved from suffering. I've seen Cobra's posts dates back to 2012 and he's saying the say things lol.. He even posted a video of an UFO in Antarctica recently not knowing it's a CGI fake video. A person who can't determined something fake isn't creditable. I'm not saying to stop following him, but to step back, and analyze the things he's pointing about. Expect the unexpected.

  27. i confess it rattles me a bit to think the elimination of the bombs has taken so long - as i wonder why the technology of the light should not be vastly superior to anything the dark could come up with - but then again, it seems crazy that any anomaly or suffering should have ever existed at all - so it's all one big bad dream of sorts - nevertheless, i know the event will soon be upon us - i hope after humanity is freed that perhaps all memory of darkness can be erased from my awareness, as i see no purpose in being able to remember the existence of any of it

    1. My thoughts exactly! Excellent points.

    2. I have to disagree. Our memories should be left intact so that we will never let this happen again. Of course, we have to disassociate from them in order to function normally. But to forget it completely would be very unwise in my opinion.

  28. It has been a long, long war. I hope you all are ready for the next big surprise.

  29. Desiring mortal revenge on 'enemies' lowers us. Each of us needs to know the cabal darkness inside ourselves, and release it. Since all are one, each act of knowing, accepting and releasing helps erase the control-over force from our social consciousness and memory. When it is completely erased it is gone. Revenging gives it more life. Please, broadcast love, not hate.

  30. Resolution of the primary anomaly = Success for the Compression Breakthrough = The EVENT

    Kindly copy,paste or post and share on your page, wall or blog site and visualize.
    Share to as many as possible.Let's do this at least once a day.
    Post, share and VISUALIZE.
    Thank you.

  31. If I'm not mistaking, a comment made by Cobra a very long time ago was that these elite are literally insane and will stop at nothing. Though we can see for ourselves but.....they want to negotiate with them???! Hahahaha I swear I come back to this website every now and then to hopefully see something legit but it's still the same goose chase everytime. And alot of you still fall for it cause your emotions are so involved and they know how to use that against you. Just live your life the way you wish for the world to be and it'll come into existence, don't keep coming to this site everyday hoping for a sudden change. We save ourselves, get that in your head cause you'll drive yourself nuts waiting on stuff like this

    1. We save ourselves huh..?? Here's the response to that statement I posted last time:

      When Corey posted an update in which he said the same about the Light Forces not intervening because of our "free will" and "us having to do the work", I posted a response. I will paste that response here:

      1) Corey says the higher beings are sitting back, just chillin', waiting for us to do all the work. I do not believe this to be the case AT ALL.

      According to ET Contactee COBRA[] - The Light Forces have been working for *years* under the directive of the Source. They have been doing huge amounts of work behind the scenes to clear our all the negative ET's on the lower Astral planes and also on the physical; where the Draco's etc. have been living underground.

      As for the Dark Forces: The Archons/Dracos have been using the AI computer system to stay one step ahead of the Light. They have also rigged everything with Strangelet/Toplet bombs to prevent the Light Forces from interfering in their nefarious plots.

      THEN we have the issue of what the Cabal have been doing to hold everything back.... under the directive of the negative ET's the Cabal have been infiltrating the highest levels of every major corporation and establishment on our planet.

      All of this takes a LOT of work and multi-dimensional planning to sort out and reverse.

      What Corey says about "us having to do the work" is simply BS! We are being helped by the Light Forces even now, right this moment. It's just going on in the background.

      Here's my second point explaining why Corey is wrong:

      2) Most people on planet Earth are unawakened and most will still be unawakened at the time the ET's / Light Forces initiate the Data Dumps / Disclosure at the time of The Event.

      Most people don't even know to "do the work themselves" - because of how well the negative ET's/Cabal have hidden our true history, disconnected us from Source and hidden evidence of the coming Ascension. This is why we are receiving ET intervention in the first place!! Because we are a race which has been raped and had our power taken from us!

      It's literally impossible for us to "do all the work ourselves" unless the ET's come in and save us! And they are doing so right now!

      I have heard Corey and David state that we will not be saved by ET's many times, and each time I feel like they are deceiving us themselves.

    2. We would be here forever if we had to wait for a majority of Earth's population to wake up and heal themselves through shadow work.

      How will the majority of Earth's population awaken and rise with the engineered constant distractions of terror attacks, debt slavery / job slavery, social media addiction / following celebrities, dumbing down through processed & modified food / lack of nutrition, control + ignorance through religion and lies about our true origins... and the worst of all... locking our DNA + tampering with our bodies to disconnect us from source & make us stupid sheep.

      Without the intervention of our star families; this planet would be a nuclear wasteland.

  32. As I see so many homeless people, I do as much as I can to help them.

    I became a bit impatient but then I had some dreams where it was up to me to start The Event. I did it as soon as possible. It was a disaster. Cobra was there. I understood from then on that there is only one chance to do this. There are no do overs. The ideal situation is that it has to be done at the exact correct femtosecond, per Source's decision.

    The reason why being here is so special is because this is the end of the primary anomaly forever. It has always existed and now it is being absorbed back into the One. It will never happen again.

    We've waited tens of thousands of years for this to happen and now we are in it. We are experiencing the lifetime of all lifetimes!

    Here is a quote from the famous hypnotherapist Dolores Cannon:

    "The most important thing is that we are living in the most important time in the history of the Universe, and it’s very important to be here now. There are thousands of souls who want to be here to experience this – even if they can just be here for a few hours. They say even if they’re born and die right away, they can say, ‘I was there when this occurred.’ This is how important this is to the entire Universe. So, you’re living in a very wonderful time that will never be repeated again.”

    Much love everyone. We will get through this. Thank you for your time. Victory of the Light.

  33. Today instead of writing a comment here, I made a video for you:

    Link to my video.

    1. The Protoi are the Illusion.


    2. ... Heyyyyy, I loved the vid mainly 'cause it was great to see Frank ! Hope Gantz and the others upload their own vids here too. Maybe I will upload mine soon...

  34. Regarding Nat Rothschild being from the St. Clair bloodline, which *seems or appears* to be a positive, line of people, perhaps there is some good inside of him.

    That is, maybe Nat Rothschild is not a sociopath and maybe he can turn himself and his family's gigantic web of greed and deceit, around.

  35. Only thing we can do at this moment for the human race and the light forces is Meditation...Negotiation with Killers of millions of people is not in option...i don't won't our race to be enslaved for another 100 years cause i don't won't anyone to live in such a cruel world fuel by violence and negativity.. I will Rebel Regardless hopefully the out come gives us full disclosure after removal of the toplet bombs

    1. We can do so much more than only meditation.
      Just start, you need only your Intention. We are ready and your Potential is behind your shoulder waiting for your command.
      You are COMMANDER!
      In love we are ONE, in every moment flowing into Intention to be free all NOW!
      NOW is the time for all Love in our universe flowing into all hearts and making this life godlike for all!
      I am not waiting for wave, I Am A Wave!


  36. WAVE in Full Effect

    I, I love the colorful clothes She wears
    And the way the SunLight plays upon Her hair
    I hear the sound of the gentle word
    On the wind that lifts Her Perfume through the Air

    I'm picking up Good Vibrations, She's giving me Excitations
    I'm picking up Good Vibrations, She's giving me Excitations
    Good good good Good Vibrations, She's giving me Excitations
    Good good good Good Vibrations, She's giving me Excitations

    Close my eyes, She's somehow closer now
    Softly smile I know She must be kind
    When I look in Her Eyes
    She goes with me to a Blossom World

    I'm picking up Good Vibrations, She's giving me Excitations
    I'm picking up Good Vibrations, She's giving me Excitations
    Good good good Good Vibrations, She's giving me Excitations
    Good good good Good Vibrations, She's giving me Excitations

    I don't know where but she sends me there

    Gotta keep those Loving Good Vibrations a-happening with Her
    Gotta keep those Loving Good Vibrations a-happening with Her
    Gotta keep those loving Good Vibrations a-happening with Her

    Good good good Good Vibrations, She's giving me Excitations
    Good Good Good GOOD

    Saved The Tears that were Waterfalling
    Let's go Swim Tonight
    Riding High Amongst The Waves

    Mahalo and Aloha
    SURF'S UP !!!



    1. NO, July 8th is "Disclosure Day" which is OUR opportunity to unite and bring the concept of Full disclosure out into the mainstream public. A lot of people still have never heard of Disclosure.

    2. Maria Faria, this is a good reminder.
      Full Disclosure July 8.
      Coming up pretty fast.
      Fourth of July is a Monday.
      Eighth of July : It's a Friday.

  38. According to this youtuber:
    mass arrests is a fantasy notion created by the darks to further prevent people from interfering by eliminating resistance. The reason why this mass arrest and event is nonsense is because there are 800 million dark perpetrators on this planet who make life miserable for everyone. It is physically impossible to remove them and arresting the top cabal wont solve anything but create a power vacuum which will allow other dark groups to assert their agenda and control. Wake up people, these are the end

    1. Remember as the energies getting higher & higher & "lighter & lighter", the dark perpetrators will not be able to exist on the new energy planes, and...Poof, they're gone! Don't get caught up in how many dark ones are out there & the negative thoughts of "Can't". The Light is winning on all levels...Just hang in there & think positive!

    2. Take a deep breath and relax. If you look around there are all sorts of positive things happening. Yes these are the end times...the end of the Illuminati/Cabal/Khazarian Mafia/Dark rule.

    3. Hmmm.. that YouTuber's making a lot of presumptions. I disagree - and call me stupid; but I kinda trust COBRA.


  39. This comment has been removed by the author.


    1. O.k. looks like it's time to call for a worldwide MEDITATION TO HELP THE LIGHT FORCES RESOLVE THE PLASMA AND REMOVE THE TOPLETS. LET'S DO IT !!


  40. Immense and Intense Lightning Storm and LIGHT SHOW in The Sky going on for over FIVE Hours now, this is so fucking amazing!!!

    Genau SO wird's gemacht!!!
    Zeig's Ihnen, Süße!!!


    Ich liebe Dich, Kleine. Zeig's Ihnen - aber mal so RICHTIG.
    Ich kenne Deine Beschwerden, und jetzt lernen sie Dich mal so richtig kennen, mein Schatz.
    FEUER FREI, Gaia.


  41. There's no outer space. We are not on a planet.

  42. Overall the update is positive. The existence of the plasma weapons is very troubling. I can't wait for a time when new technologies will be used benevolenyly instead of to create misery. The fact that certain people/entities have decided to weaponize these technologies along with the fact that we don't know yet how to defend ourselves against the weapons is not cool. At all.

  43. We'd like to hear a comment on the BREXIT from Cobra please :)

  44. You wanna go to Mars with NASA??I don't.
    Why would anybody go anywhere with NASA??
    Isn't Mars is a slave colony?

  45. Blue Overtone Hand
    Kin 187
    Moon Day 26
    Friday 24 June 2016

    I Empower in order to Know
    Commanding Healing
    I seal the Store of Accomplishment
    With the Overtone tone of Radiance
    I am guided by the power of Vision

    From the Radiance of your
    "Over Self"
    Will they see You...

    Every part of all your Self
    (if nothing is ever destroyed)
    The Self You Build
    of all your lives
    made to surface
    with the sum of your good deeds
    (Store of Accomplishment)

    To Ascend

    1. Kin 188 Solar Seal 8
      A Star a Lion's Gate.

  46. BreXiT!!!!!! First domino to fall??


  47. Thank you, Cobra, RM, and all among the Legions of Light!

    The information regarding the removal of the toplet bombs, the plasma primary anomaly and quantum potential chambers is rather complex. I found the Quantum Potential Weapons information to be quite disturbing, but Cobra seems confident that the Light Forces will succeed with eliminating these threats.

    In a different way, whether to trust those who have wronged us, and how to deal with them is also quite complex, and thus it should not be determined by angry kneejerk reactions (a la Trump-style.).

    The fact is, the Light forces are gaining control, and with control comes increased responsibility. Yes, justice is a paradox, and there is a fine line between holding the corrupt responsible and losing our own integrity in the process.

    I do feel that when offered compromise, those who reject it should then be dealt with more harshly than those who seek compromise and conciliation. Remember, we are all waking up, and many who once were aligned with the dark have come to see the error of their ways, have been rehabilitated and have begun to serve others, to prevent them from also having to learn the hard way, harming others in the process. I am sure there are ways to determine sincerity or hidden bad intentions, and I trust those in control of the process to make wise decisions, for the good of all. We can support this by holding own intentions for positive outcomes.

  48. Confused about #BREXIT ?

    If you are confused why ‪#‎BREXIT‬ succeeded, watch this:

    The purpose of the film was to alert people of the importance of putting a stop to the EU's "power without accountability".

    I heard of the movie through Mike Maloney on YouTube. He also posted a 4-part series analysis and urged everyone to watch the full movie version.

    EU referendum results: David Cameron to resign, markets tumble

    The EU was a Contrivance of a 1955 Bilderberg Meeting

    1. Phoenixm my east coast friend:
      Your comment above is well thought out ... and.. I appreciate these videos!
      I shall watch!


  49. This might not be the proper place to say it but...I have to congratulate the British people for having the guts to put a big crack in the armor of the BEAST!

  50. Some people are worried about what kinds of words, prayers we should chant in order to get rid of the octopus faster, and bring THE EVENT asap.
    IMHO, There is no need to create a new prayer or a phrase, because it already exists.

    It's a very short and powerful AFFIRMATION, which Cobra has been ending his postings with, since the day he started this blog.


    And those who still want to make it to sound more "biblical", can simply repeat/declare the first words said by God:


    There you have it. It's short. It's simple. Yet it's demanding and powerful.


  51. I noticed my MC brothers are hungry for fish tacos. So i picked up two black table cloths at Dollar Tree today along with a few other items. Vaqueros and Banditos who have been riding under the hot Son together are welcome. We've turned up the AC for you. Don't miss your free lunch. hAHa

  52. excerpt from article The existence of God may be proven with a theory, according to the world-renowned theoretical physicist Michio Kaku. According to the scientist, using theoretical particles called primitive semi-radius tachyons could be used to conclude if a Higher Being really exists once and for all. a little excerpt
    from article ''After analyzing the behavior of these sub-atomic particles - which can move faster than the speed of light and have the ability to “unstick” space and matter – using technology created in 2005, Kaku concluded that the universe is a “Matrix” governed by laws and principles that could only have been designed by an intelligent being.'' The mainstream scientific coverup of tachyons is now ending all should take note!


    1. You are a rock star ! Thank you so much for sharing !

    2. Thank you very much as are you friend we all must do what we can even its sharing knowledge on a blog. The sooner we can bring forward these technologies the better though the light forces have made much progress we must build understanding of tachyons and so forth to make the transition smoother.

  53. Cobra, thank you, just one context seems expressed unclear (maybe not just to me):

    Does the ENTIRE plasma primary anomaly have to be dissolved (slowly step-by-step because of the toplet bombs' unexpected quantum potential chambers) before the comp. breakthrough can take place, or just what you mention as critical mass of the primary anomaly? The entire anomaly spreads far beyond the solar system from what I remember, so that would mean a HUGE time effort aka delay..

    Regardless of your answer to above, can you share a rough estimate based on how things look right now, how much time the reduction of the anomaly will take the very least before we're even entering the phase of comp. breakthrough likelihood? Days, weeks, months or even 2017 or later before any chance that "the tickling" can begin?



    1. It's beyond 3D. How to explain it so that we can understand ?

  54. Guys, I was wondering if there's a specific reasons the weekly meditations are on Sundays? I live in Western Australia and the time here when the mediations starts is 3am on a Monday. Wouldn't it be better if we could change it to a Saturday? It'd really help people like me. I only do it every 2nd week or so because I have work on Mondays. It would be easy setting an alarm for 3am on Sunday morning getting up for an hour and doing the meditation but when it's 3am on a Monday and you have work at 7 it's not really that convenient :/

    1. Beloved, if they were to change meditation date and tme, it is going to affect many.

    "Magravs-Power Plasma Generator
    This is the OFF-GRID Magravs-Power Plasma Generator!"

    Maybe free energy system. Do you know this product? Check it out.

    1. i don't have magrav. but i have pain pad.
      the delivery was delayed.
      but that was delivered certainly finally.
      that product, pain pad neatly works.
      thank you :)


  56. You kinda *know* that SHIT IS ON when it's 5:25 in the morning and you get sent outside to drive a round on your bicycle to deliver a letter to the self-proclaimed "authority" - Done and Delivered.

    We're not gonna take it
    No, we ain't gonna take it
    We're not gonna take it anymore

    We've got the right to choose and
    There ain't NO WAY we'll lose it
    This is OUR LIFE , this is our song
    We'll fight the powers that be just
    Don't pick our destiny 'cause
    You don't know US, You Don't Belong (fuckers!)

    We're not gonna take it
    No, we ain't gonna take it
    We're not gonna take it anymore

    Oh you're so condescending
    Your gall is never-ending
    We don't want nothin', Not A Thing from you (fuck you)
    Your life is trite and jaded
    Boring and confiscated
    If that's your best, your best won't do!!!

    We're Right, yeah
    We're FREE, yeah
    We'll FIGHT, yeah
    You'll see, yeah

    We're not gonna take it
    No, we ain't gonna take it
    We're not gonna take it anymore

    We're right, yeah
    We're FREE, yeah
    We'll FIGHT, yeah
    You'll see, yeah

    We're Not Gonna Take It
    *Just you try and make us!!!*
    No, We Ain't Gonna Take It
    *You're all Worthless and Weak!!!*
    We're Not Gonna Take It Anymore
    *Now drop And Give Me Twenty!!!*

    Try and negotiate THAT!

    And please don't go all positive, lovy-touchy-feely Wikipedia on Us, *anybody* in the world can edit the entries there - and everybody covered there does that to best serve their interests and look good.
    As in: Never let The Truth stand in the way of a good story.

    Just an innocent example: According to the Stadium Manager, the floor plan for WrestleMania III in 1987 in the Pontiac Silverdome had 78.127 available seats. The officially anounced number is the one that's still posted on Wikipedia: 93.173 - yeah, right ;-)
    Just imagine what "negotiating parties" in The EndGame would put on there...

    And it really was a beautiful ride on my bike this morning. Definitely worth staying up all night. As if I've got a say in that;-)

    TEAM BRING IT Brings It!
    Have A Nice Day :-)

    Victory Of Love And Light And Peace


  57. with the Cintamani stone I wish and call on his power and light forces to ensure fair election in Iceland for a new president today. Thank you -

    1. looks like the candidate of the light has emerged victorious

    2. thank for your comment, we the so call´d awaken´d ones do not see that, this man is a puppet for the dark on this land, and was put forth with blood ceremony, maybe the people here need to see more of the dark to awaken, ore the election was a scam. Still I will do my part to ank the light here, for the coming volcano eruption´s.

  58. The Light forces then apply the ATVOR technology again until the critical mass of the primary anomaly gets resolved, and then they will annihilate the remaining toplet bombs once and for all.

    That will be the moment of Compression Breakthrough, the Event.

    Cobra, so there seems to be no more obstacles beyond the toplet bombs (fingers & toes crossed). Victory of the Light.

  59. Rock- n -"Roll Clouds"
    Bending of a Vortex to Blanket the Earth

    The First People
    To Evolve...
    evo L ove

    As they call to us

  60. Well, we did it! Brexit! Yayyyyy! I'm so thrilled and here is David Icke who expresses what I am feeling!

    Yesterday I was on my way home from shopping and saw this satanist walk past me. Completely black tattooed left arm, "Hello Kitty" tattoo on leg and Grim Reaper on his T-shirt with the words Game Over.

    The irony was not lost on me. Indeed, it's game over for the satanists and Brexit will be the domino that knocks them all over.

    Cobra, it would be great to hear what you have to say as I never would have believed the people would have a vote that wasn't tampered with. Amazing! Somebody was on our side. They even had their weather modification going on the day of voting, but that didn't deter the people.

    Well done England!

  61. Hello I dreamed that the event will be soon
    , so keep hoping I believe that the event will be sooner than we expect

  62. Thank you for the update on the bombs... it was not a surprise that the bombs would not be easy pickings. In fact the whole planet liberation has not been so we thank you for providing us a clearer picture.

    As far as the planned negotiations, I put more faith on the results we could gain out of the removal of the bombs vs the promises given at any table.
    However regardless of this negotiations I hope whoever of them truly seeks out of their enslavement to get a chance to do so and those playing the deception card to be stopped or dealt with swiftly at the discretion of those that keep the many not the few in mind.

    Please do not allow this meeting yet to be written off as another successful delay attempt or tease. If that is the case best not to announce any further meetings until they have truly achieved our goal. Other than that it just serves as entertainment purposes but not for us.

    It has become cleared that we are all worn out of adults (light) negotiating with kids with toys... and the adults giving in to them... there is nothing special about those kids that the rest of humanity should be put on standby for them. Given the same circumstances to any other human and probably that person would have turn just as twisted as they... nothing special about that we can agree. What would make one of them special at least is not the name they carry or their lineage but their present deeds regardless even of their past.. and nowadays even if tarnished cause who is to pretend that any of our lifetimes has been walked divinely or without a flaw me wonders. Name him or her and I would be the first to trust in such a meeting.

    In short we are not holding our breath.

    We will soon know what kind of a man, leader and inspiration that Rothschild could be... he wants to truly set himself as special then for once woo humanity not with deceiving deeds... but with divine righteous deeds that spells out freedom for all including his kind. Only then his name would become immortal if that is his quest.

    Last but not least, may intuition wisdom and wittiness be on our side of the table. Invite some Archangels as bodyguards too :)... heck invite the whole Legion :)

  63. The whole duality thing has so many facets and OF COURSE a very important part, THE MOST IMPORTANT part, for the lightworkers is to find out about that dark dot in the white field and finally USE it without "becoming it". I really thought deeply about that many times and also the last days. The main reason why the darkies do not find the white dot in the black field is because the lightworkers do not own their dark dot.* When it happens, the game is over, internally and externally, one must find out on their own in their own thinking. When the darkies honor THEIR white dot, they honor the light also. It is a very tiny shift with immeasurable consequences. And when we honor our dark spot, we will honor the dark field of the darkies, BECAUSE THEN the game is over anyway, this is the trick. It is so difficult to explain, because I am in the front line of kicking the archons into the Central Sun. Lol. I am a very anxious person, thats WHY I am doing it. Hahaha. Yes. Its true! No, let's be serious, it is as it is. There is no "default action", every case is different and every time and space and being. I just do not really enjoy the removal of the "lost ones", I too hoped they will be restored, but that can be tricky also, it is the free will of some to leave completely, because that was part of the whole thing. My feeling grows, from the Event on, we will soon not be able anymore to imagine how this life was like. We will have remembrance without attachment, but it will be more far away than our lost memories of Atlantis now. I still do not remember any thing of Atlantis, really. I can feel, I can imagine, dream, fanatasize. Okay, yesterday while building the device there came a feeling, I am still trying to grasp it, it was undiscribable, a feeling, a taste, a color, vibration, a longing to something I am not able to name.

    Thank you for the news, beloved starbrother Cobra, now I will listen to the interviews, finally! Sometimes I am overloaded, tired or busy myself.

    *In NO way, I want to excuse things like child sacrifife etc.. My comment is about finding out how to solve it, not excusing it. And to this belongs, that we stop allowing this vibration any longer; outside and INSIDE of ourselves.

    1. Thank you for this message Eliana, one of the best, and yeah... "...and finally USE it without "becoming it", you gave in the target with such line, THAT's what just happened to me, since i don't remember when... my mind was flooded with such DARK thoughs, i couldn't even think properly, but thankfully, i know what happens to me and thanks to that i'm not afraid of almost anything... i accept myself for what i am... i know is not my fault.

      As i said before, thank you Eliana.


    Astronomers detected the octopus!

    1. Looks like that six-fingered hand I was talking about.

  65. Any chance you can address how the recent Mandela Effect stuff is about? It seems we went through a MAJOR change about a month ago. It's all over YouTube. One guy claims that he had five kids, and now he has only two. The other three never existed. They're saying that we're now in a different part of the galaxy. Someone has been able to determine that the "Mandela Effect Refugees" come from at least 10 parts of the galaxy. Some are blaming CERN. I wonder if remote viewing and past life regressions could be playing into it.

    1. What... ??? Could you put the link of the video?? At this rate i believe everything but this... wooooow!!!

    2. As I said before, I would love if COBRA could address The Mandela Effect!

      My feeling is it could just be a distraction.


  66. The dark had not been keeping their promises (like Aldor Hilter who signed the agreement not to invade Russia during the 2nd world war but he ate his word). So, it is pointless to negotiate with these mass murderers cause they will play us out again in the future. Why the light forces don't see this (they had been played out many times)???????????????????????????????????????????

  67. The planet starts to and the imbossible happens. The Yaldabaoth is holding it back, not the toplet bombs.


  69. I am wondering ... does the Brexit and the Cleveland Cavs winning the NBA Championship a sign The Event is near??? I'm sure the RM and LF had something to do with the Brexit. I hope Cobra will confirm or deny this.

  70. <3 Let's come TOGETHER and COMBINE our efforts! <3
    Join us NOW in our weekly GUIDED GLOBAL MEDITATION to Speed Up the transformation of this WORLD.
    Please join us today, and every day at:
    - 2:00pm EDT (6:00pm UTC/GMT) for the Emergency Europe/Syria Meditation
    - 3:00pm EDT (7:00pm UTC/GMT) for the Event Speed-Up Meditation, immediately followed by the Liberation Movement's Weekly Meditation on Sundays, and optionally the Yaldabaoth removal invocation
    Web location:
    Skype channel:

  71. For LIVE interactive conversations with fellow beings of light that are geared towards the aspirations of the Prepare For Change Network, we welcome you to join our Skype group:

  72. This comment has been removed by the author.


    Was posted yesterday 26th June

    1. These PFC interviews are weird imo. I mean they feel like a random assortment of philosophical questions. Not that there is anything wrong with that, but it feels like some of the queries are of little practical value to those of us here on the surface.

      The only interesting thing discussed was the topic of incarnated goddesses imo. I wonder what Cobra meant by the need to have 'pure' intention when trying to connect with them. Now, I have to wonder, Where did all the gods go off to?

      p.s. I generally try to avoid making remarks against any individual, but I found the Nyx question rather...ridiculous. (search for 'nyx' on that page if you don't know what I'm referring to) All that matters is that you are here and doing your job. Whether or not you are the incarnation of a god/dess is of little consequence.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.
