Sunday, August 28, 2016


It is time to take action again! It is time to take the destiny of our world in our own hands! We all agree that the process of planetary liberation is taking too long. Here is our chance to collectively speed up the process. Therefore we are upgrading our Weekly Event Meditation and transforming it into Weekly Ascension Meditation to reach as many people as possible to join us

Make this viral! Share it worldwide! Please post it on your websites and blogs. Invite spiritual groups to join us. If you know an alternative media outlet, you can send it to them. You can create a Facebook group for your local group of people doing this in your part of the world. We also need one main Facebook group for this event. You can create a video about this and post it on Youtube.

Scientific studies have confirmed positive effects of mass meditations on human society, so each of you that will participate in this meditation can actually help bringing the Event closer to us:

This meditation helps the Light forces to ground the energy of Light on the surface of the planet to strengthen the Light grid which is needed to speed up the process of Ascension. Number of people doing that meditation is the single most influential factor within the power of the surface human population for speeding up the process.

We are now shifting our mediation to 4 pm GMT (Greenwich Mean Time) each Sunday to allow people in Asia to meditate together with us. We are always doing this meditation at 4 pm GMT each Sunday, regardless of winter / summer time. You can convert 4 pm GMT to your local time zone here:

Or here:

1. Use your own technique to bring you to a relaxed state of consciousness

2. State your intent to use this meditation as a tool to speed up the process of Ascenison for planet Earth and its inhabitants

3. Visualize a pillar of Light emanating from the Galactic Central Sun, then going through all points of Light inside our Solar System and then through your body to the center of the Earth. Visualize another pillar of Light rising from the center of the Earth, then up through your body and upwards into the sky towards all beings of Light in our Solar System and our galaxy. You are now sitting in two pillars of Light, the Light flowing both upwards and downwards simultaneously. Keep these pillars of Light active for a few minutes.

4. Now visualize this Light as a rainbow vortex, expanding throughout the whole Earth and then throughout the whole Solar System, removing all darkness and anomaly, dissolving the Matrix and bringing happiness, abundance, peace and love to all beings inside our Solar system.

5. Visualize full Disclosure and massive information releases about the extraterrestrial presence and secret space programs through the mass media. Visualize the creation of the new fair financial system for everybody. Visualize the First Contact with benenvolent ET races. Visualize the Event taking place, finally liberating planet Earth.

The Youtube video for Weekly Ascension Meditation mediation is here:

Victory of the Light!


  1. Is the slight altering of a meditation all we have as an update?

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. This slight altering will help attract a larger following to participate in this important meditation. Let us not hold anything back, let us be the Unity of the Liberation of our Earth, our home.

    3. Cobra has on perspective the huge huge huge task to convert thus plant like the branches and the roots on a tree are out stretching in every direction.

      You should have a much broader scope of people in your internet search other than cobra who all have a peice of the puzzle.
      What you end up with are lots of points of references to monitor your discernment with.
      Which gives you a much larger net to catch what is going on.

      Do to so much is going on at once no body knows what the other is doing .
      People that jump to conclusion about these various light workers telling the true or dates or calling them out when they are actually putting there name and life out here in cyberspace for the benefit of humanity , need to keep that negative to them selves.

      Here is a man Ive listen to since 1998 .He has lots of very recent updates on the finacial world up dates.

      He is a slow talker but if you get to his talking about aliens youve got thru alot of great up dates on the financial rest

    4. Check out this alien picture book given to russian agents dealing with UFO

  2. The new meditation counter is.. WAAAAAY! Better.

  3. Seems like progress. Have strangelet bombs been solved?

    1. You have to look much more deeply. This post, and the blog as well seem to speak by silence.

    2. Jaya Maa, Victoria of light, 💓

  4. Btw, anyone have any ideas how to gain new participants in the meditation? Trying to explain to people the present set of circumstances on earth will not be easy.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Tell them to google " thrive "its a good Ice breaker

      Also ben fulford geopolitics
      He has an intro vedeo explaining the financial world war 3 thats currently being played out

      Always start with money everyone cares about money

    4. Finance will be an off worldly affair, Dragon Heart, just where it belongs. As I perceive it, we don't have to invite those who don't resonate with ascension. I don't agree with active sponsoring this idea. All human souls are asked to agree to ascension or not and the majority has agreed already. This Event is happening on a non-physical level, it's a transformation from within and those who "get it" will be part of it, without us having to promote and advertise. Just my point of view. We're going to be fine, nobody of good intentions will miss the boat on the ocean of a new life on a rejuvenated planet Earth. Safe journey ;)

    5. Yes, dear MB, but let's say that this call for WAM is and must be for all, but not only for those resonating for ascension. It must be done by all resonating with post-Event era. Isn't it?
      May you detail a bit.

  5. I meditate each day ooening my eye the ling drive to work I meditate to the sunrise I meditate at lunch time I meditate watching thecsunset I meditate begore I clise my eyes . my ficus is always the dame bring on the victory of the light, bring on the end of cabal darknessand control.
    Bring on new supressed technologys
    Bring on the end to world hunger and war.
    Bring on a global and galactic society in peace and harmony

    Bring on the event "now"


      "According to multiple sources, we as a planet have reached a crucial milestone in our progress toward breakthrough. Events have transpired on multiple levels which have made available numerous opportunities for multi-dimensional growth, healing, and advancement."


  6. Gut, Leute.
    Richtig Gut.

    GLORY Days => I'm ON FIRE

    THE BOSS Abides

    Love, Light, Unity, Peace And Freedom Forever

    I AM RaJah


    1. Some more Symbolism; it may not mean much at first glance, but hear me out please.
      Last week I talked about the new WWE "Universal" title being vacated, and this week here's the follow-up on that story.

      Two years ago a guy called Kevin Steen was offered a developmental contract, and he asked his son Owen if it would be okay for the kid to leave his school and all of his friends in Quebec, Canada so that the family could move to Orlando, Florida. He wouldn't do it without his son's approval which I find absolutely great.
      "Dad? Will you meet John Cena?" (Owen's favorite wrestler)
      "Yes, maybe someday I'll even have a match with him in the ring."
      "Oh WOW!!! Let's GO!!!"

      A little over half a year later Kevin Steen, now renamed Kevin Owens after his son's name, made his debut on the Main Roster. He's not exactly the prototypical body-type of what that company is looking for, so it was very doubtful what they would do with the guy. But at least he made it to the big time after 15 years of hard work.
      His opponent in his very first match?
      John Cena! And he even got to win the match!

      And just now this happened:
      They had a so-called "fatal four-way elimination match" for the Universal title. The winner, and NEW WWE Universal champion - Kevin Owens.
      I can only imagine how his little son feels right now :-)))
      And here's the moral of this little story:
      Hard work pays off.
      Miracles happen.
      And with Love in your Heart you can overcome insurmountable odds and make the impossible possible.

      To quote John Cena: "Never Give Up!" and "You Can't Stop Me"
      To quote the fans in the arena: "You Deserve It!"
      And to quote *my* favorite wrestler, Mick Foley, after he won his first WWE championship:
      "At the risk of not sounding cool: This is for my two little people at home: BIG DADDY-O DID IT!"


      I AM RaJah

  7. It is 11:00pm to 1:00am for most of the Asian countries and Australia. And the time is exactly afternoon to evening after supper for West/East Europe ,and noon to morning for North/south America after getting up from bed.

    It is perfect time !!!!!! Hope East Australia and New Zealand people won't get hard feeling because it is 2:00 to 4:00am in their morning.However, the time has covered the people's weekend timetable as possible as it can. There won't be another time better than it since so much meditations has been organized by Cobra.

    There is no excuse that "I can't do it because the time is too late".

    1. In Australia I am waking naturally at the right time now after setting an alarm to begin. Healing is always strong on Mondays! Well worth the wake-up :)

    2. In Victoria, Australia 2am is the deepest part of sleep time for most of us. I for one can't think let alone operate at that time. The scheduled timing won't work for most people in Asia unless you are a night owl.

  8. The folks from Asia should be a help, let's hope this jump to Ascension will be what the doctor ordered and kick off The Event.

  9. It's funny...being on holidays in Asia, woke up twice in the middle of Sunday to Monday night to join the meditation (which I normally do in Amsterdam) and now the time of the weekly event has changed! Synchronicity! We go for it and Make it Happen! By the way when meditating yesterday, I saw the Compression Breakthrough happening! We are the World!!! KikyXOXO

    1. Do you do it with a group in Amsterdam?

    2. You had rather seen the overcome of a condition for Compression Breakthrough happening...

    3. "According to multiple sources, we as a planet have reached a crucial milestone in our progress toward breakthrough. Events have transpired on multiple levels which have made available numerous opportunities for multi-dimensional growth, healing, and advancement."

  10. Living in Taiwan, I greatly appreciate the new time! Thanks!

  11. Replies
    1. GMT means Greenwich Mean Time, it's in England.

  12. Victory of the LIGHT!

    Wow! Such timing.

    Victory of the LIGHT!

  13. I keep forgetting to participate in this meditation. I will definitely be in it the next time and so on until the Event actually happens. Much love.

    1. Do no longer forget it!!
      If you look deeper,... it is 80% an early 'post Event era' meditation.
      Try to understand it!!


  15. Please make a second group for people in time zones such as Australia. I have never been able to do the group medication because it is so disruptive to work on Monday morning. Even the UTC 4pm is 2am on Monday morning before the working week starts. I expect that alot of energy is being missed out because of people in this position.

    1. If you live in West Australia it will be more easier. We are living on the Earth and the Earth is rolling, it is impossible to cover all of the people around the world but I think the time of this event can't be better. We are pursuing a collective effect of meditation so it is not possible for the second one of the week but it is encouraged that you do it by your own time , it is also helpful for the situation.

    2. You mean to say you can't give 20 minutes to help with this meditation, you rather keep being a slave for the cabal until The Event takes place? You'd prefer The Event come later than sooner? Really?

    3. You are intolerant judgemental passive-aggressive and offensive. Just the density this movement does NOT require. It's not the 20 minutes its 2 am and while you may not responsible for other people's welfare, I am as a barrister routinely having to be in Court at the top of my game representing people who need me to perform at my best in the CBD at 9am sharp on Monday moning. You have the opposite of broad view. You have narrow view. Idiot. For any reasonable people who don't just have themselves to think about, I'm setting 9:30pm Sunday AEST for anyone who wants to join me.

    4. Thank you, @virgiliadeluca.

      @Spirittoo More wrong assumptions, judgment, criticism, blame. You are definitely NOT helping The Event to manifest when you take that attitude toward your fellow travelers. People respond a lot better to encouragement and inspiration, not criticism and ridicule. Nobody likes bearing the brunt of control dramas.

      We all might want to work on some of our unresolved childhood issues, they hold us back from being our best selves. Mine are all coming up in my face lately, so I am already keenly aware of what needs to change.

      Everyone's situation is unique, everyone is doing the best they can on any given day.

      By the time Sunday 3pm arrived, I had gotten into it Saturday with my boss and quit my job, rode my bike all over, losing my bag of gemstones and Cintamani/Moldavite/Turquoise/Crystals etc. in the process, had only 3 hours sleep, left my laptop in an Uber Sunday morning on my way to catch a bus to see my Dad, had a complete sobbing meltdown on the sidewalk (hello, eclipse energies!) arrived at Dad's late, hungry and frazzled, and managed to lose track of time until 30 minutes post meditation. Yep, missed the meditation YET AGAIN! Safe to say, life sometimes gets in the way.

      However, I was so glad to see my 85-yr-old father! He's old-school tough, its not like we're super close, but I always worry that his low resting heart rate will cause him to die in his sleep before I get to see him again. Abandonment issues, yup! Because of getting paid late at my job last month, I had to cancel plans to visit him sooner. So its safe to say I was a bit preoccupied when I finally got there, and beyond exhaustion. (Who ever heard of anyone being too exhausted to lie on a beach? But I was.) However, I am happy to report I am back to sleeping my usual 7 hours and taking naps. I had some beach time in nature, and a wonderful time with family, got to also see my brother and sister, doing nothing special, just hanging out doing everyday things, which brought me great comfort and joy.

      I can muster my inner bitch some more, but I'd really rather not. It is always my intention to participate, it is never my intention to let anyone down. Can I do better? Yes, if I can stay grounded, but that's between me and my maker.

      Sorry, I didn't really mean it when I said STFU I just meant please stop picking on people.

    5. Oh yeah ... I'm real intolerant and judgemental when it comes to the suffering of our people and it's obvious you don't give a shit ...

      Israel To Specify West Bank ‘Collective Punishment’ Zone
      Israeli tanks enter Gaza Strip, fire live rounds at Palestinian farmers

      Video: Water weapon in Syrian war: Terrorists cut Aleppo supply lines, residents find ways to survive

      Pentagon Orders Illegal Invasion Of Syria

      You have a home ... you have clean water and food ... thousand of our people are dying each and everyday due to starvation ... denied basics necessities ... thousands children sick and dying, but what it to you. I'm the one with the narrow view ... and you are the one that cares for peoples welfare, yet you can't give 20 min. to help people that are in desperate situations. Responsible for other people's welfare ... What a joke. People with your attitude is why our people continue to suffer.

      Thank the Source The Event isn't dependent on lazy asleep at the wheel surface idiots like you. Have a good day being a slave.

  16. Thank you cobra, our beloved brother!!

    Cobra, I've been thinking. The cabal fights for a lost cause. They have already lost the war, they fight only to mantain a little bit of their pride.

    Yet, this is actually something childish. Nobody is going to remember those who have choosen to be erased by the central sun, instead of accepting the light, as heroes.

    They will be remembered as pampered fools, who didn't take the chance of surfing the most beautiful and spectacular wave EVER. And one day, after beautiful and peaceful eras, they wouldn't even be remembered anymore.

    If they were fighting "evil", they would be remembered as honored warriors, who fought to the end. But they are fighting (foolishly), the ALL-LOVING creator. The one who always helps us, loves us, supports us and gives EVERYTHING that EVERYONE wants, in the free universe.

    Brother, think with me: Even if they managed to defeat the surface humanity, what difference would it make? They would still lose, and get humiliated by the supperior light forces. Then, humanity would be liberated ANYWAY, they would go to the central sun ANYWAY, and would be remembered as fools. All the suffering from the human beings would be forgotten one day, as a beauful and free future would come. In other words, humanity would be the last one to laugh.

    Even if they managed to detonate strangelet or toplet bombs (something that will NEVER happen, because the creator of this universe won't allow, as he/she chooses the timelines that will materialize), they would still lose. God would recreate humanity and a new Earth, and the cabal wouldn't be recreated. All the souls from the previous Earth would come back to the new one, except for THEM, the cabal.

    But anyway, they know that no strangelet/toplet explosion will happen. They are not idiots, they understand that they are fighting a hopeless war, against the one who REALLY owns this universe. The prime creator, we! Because our counciousness is the prime creator. They have utterly no chance to win this chess match agains the creator. And we all know it.

    So, why all this stress stands for? There will be no pride for them, no honor, only shame. And the ultimate shame will come soon.

    Not even if they attacked the surface humanity, in a desperate last-ditch effort, it would have any difference. The cavalry (light forces) would soon come to defend us, bringing them a quick and decisive defeat.

    IT'S OVER!

    Now we understand darkness. And we will NEVER allow it to manifest again. It gave us a different perspective, though. I believe more "masculine" and "physically oriented" things didn't exist before. Like fighting sports, for example. Or competitions. Probably many of those positive things we learned inside duality will be kept, to make the experience in the densest worlds more interesting. But all the true negativity will be gone, and the cabal still has the chance to surf the wave. Most of us only want them healed, not destroyed.

    Lots of love, dear brother!!!!!!!

    1. " 'God' would recreate Humanity and a New Earth"
      What for?
      "In my Father's House (the Universe) are many Mansions (Dimensions)"

    2. @get sey

      Strangelet explosions would destroy people's bodies in other dimensions too.

    3. Which is the reason to speak longer about strangelets??

    4. @unknown

      My will.

  17. Look! This is the progress.
    It results from the request for meditation.

    Weekly Event Meditation:
    "Visualize the now collective beam of Light expanding into the Earth energy grid and connecting with Soul Star chakras of every sentient being on the surface of the planet, below the surface of the planet and throughout the Solar System. Visualize all beings involved in the Earth situation being harmonized with the purpose of manifesting the Disclosure and the Event as soon as possible in a positive way. Visualize all plasma strangelet and toplet bombs being harmlessly removed. Visualize all other exotic weapon technologies being exposed and then removed effortlessly. Visualize full Disclosure massive intel releases about the extraterrestrial presence and secret space programs through the mass media. Visualize the Event taking place, finally liberating planet Earth."

    "4. Now visualize this Light as a rainbow vortex, expanding throughout the whole Earth and then throughout the whole Solar System, removing all darkness and anomaly, dissolving the Matrix and bringing happiness, abundance, peace and love to all beings inside our Solar system.

    5. Visualize full Disclosure and massive information releases about the extraterrestrial presence and secret space programs through the mass media. Visualize the creation of the new fair financial system for everybody. Visualize the First Contact with benenvolent ET races. Visualize the Event taking place, finally liberating planet Earth."

    1. From this post: "we are upgrading our Weekly Event Meditation and transforming it into Weekly Ascension Meditation".

      Try to put it so:
      As long as this is an update, the points which were the subject of the previous meditation are no longer prevalent or are not in actuality anymore. But instead, there are other priorities, many of them which are expected as 'post event era' early stages.

      Beside of this, look the entire blog and try to understand which is no longer a subject of call.
      In this way, you are understanding the progress, and you will of course understand the progress due to our previous meditation, and you will join this new one.

      [Cobra ?]

  18. This call to Weekly Ascension Meditation seems due to its content (even with very few exception) rather as an early post-Event era call to meditation.

    Look much more attentive to the content of this post, and... much more beyond it, as well as to the entire webpage of this post.

    You will find and understand much much more.

    [Cobra? :-)]

    1. I would consider not to give more details (as long as there are my own conclusion), but I would like to recommend (at least for long term runners) to look more for what is missing in the text and on right side of blog as well, rather than searching for novelties...

    2. and... read it again "we are upgrading our Weekly Event Meditation and transforming it into Weekly Ascension Meditation".

      p.s. this is only one point, but read the post again, and remember the sequence of events, and much more...

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Yes, we got the message: we *are* also "we are" that we are...

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. If i don't say this i'm gonna' explode... why all of sudden i have a feeling of die without enjoy this... "event"? I'm the only one... ? I need answers!!

    1. no, you're NOT the only one, I think the same.....pfff

    2. ... because of, by going to explode, you are suddenly understanding you have to survive, and to enjoy this "event"...

    3. I'm sorry if in anyway i'm a pest here writing such message...

      Thanks to all.

    4. You are here not to be sorry, but to survive...
      Not need to thank... but to survive...
      Kindest regards.

  22. Mass meditations are good to raise earth and the collective mind, is very good indeed to prepare the Way for the Shift ..however it is not enough to destroy the Veil (as we can see). I came across this very interesting article...sounds laughable and movie-like. (They Live!) But it makes sense. It explains the obvious reason why the aliens cannot enter the Matrix and do the job. It can be done only by somebody who is already inside the Trap. One human...i doubt...perhaps the RM???

    1. ... however it is to a great extent enough to destroy the veil (as we can see). As we can see, look deeper to the subject of this call and remember the sequence of events, and look a bit on the right side of the blog. You have not to discover something, but rather not to forget...

    2. There is an incredible amount of truth in that interview. The Earth is a prison planet not a school or any other nonsense that various new agers talk about.

      At the end of the Yellow brick road is a man controlling the machine. You are not allowed to see the man behind the curtain otherwise you will know the man is a fraud. The Wizard of Oz said: "Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain. I am the great and powerful Oz." The wizard of Oz is actually based on the writings in the Nag Hammadi scroll. It is a very ancient tale designed to expose the workings of the Demiurge. The lesson to be learned is that We have the power.

      Karma isn't even real. It is just a trap to steal your energy. Karma tricks people into thinking they have a debt to pay and thus have to give the engine energy. The source of the engine's power is YOU. As soon as people stop giving away their energy to the machine it begins to malfunction. The button everyone is looking for is inside of you. Turn it off.

      Tell the Lords of Karma that you are sovereign.
      Tear up their contracts and don't let them take even a single drop of your energy.

    3. History books and propaganda: pure bs. The future will bring the Truth about what really happened and who are the real devils. Up to now many know it, but it is better not to talk about "certain things", even if u know it in your Heart.

    4. Hi Novusod, I have seen many great comments by you, you carry yourself as a well learned person :D Just wanted to acknowledge that, and my appreciation for your work, you have delved into the occult knowledge, knowledge not taught in schools.
      And you have taught (me personally) through your research, about 2 things I had never heard of before, ever..

      1. Your thread about Bock Saga on Project Avalon Forum (I considered myself somewhat well-read in world history yet I had never before heard anything of such - and I am from there! go figure.)

      2. Your recent post here regarding massive tree stumps we simply call "mesas" today without ever questioning the narrative of the program...
      As you promised, it blew my mind, and put things in the right perspective.

      NovusodAugust 14, 2016 at 6:34 PM
      Mind blowing video concerning Earth's distant past. Did Yggdrasil actually exist?

      Watch: There are No forests on Earth:

    5. ...there are not 'massive tree stumps', there are massive 'data dumps',... if you remember... :-)

    6. Thank you for your kind words freia. I tend to keep a low profile and only try to disperse sacred knowledge to souls who are ready for it. I feel the readers of Cobra's blog are ready to accept the deeper truths. The video "There are No forests on Earth" is just another piece of the puzzle as is the Bock Saga and the Root Language.

      The history of our planet is beyond incredible. If you enjoyed There No forests on Earth then I highly recommend watching the NewEarth documentary as it is equally mind blowing. (Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3) (Part 4)

  23. Have been attending every week, and everyday with chinese group. happy to know now its going up to a new level! The new time would help a lot for lightworkers in asia! love this upgrade.

  24. Thank you HEY ANGEL for tellining me about Cobra blogspot. It's exiting to read all intels, it will for sure take some time to read them all. Looking forward read all postings from you all~ Alajhastarseed/// Sweden

  25. Clearing of the Chimera group continues with moderate success. After mid-August, more intel will be gradually released to the general population. Can you give us another update?
    The meditation happens at 3:00 p.m. on Sunday and it seems like everything else happens at that time. Art Shows, golf games, etc, seem to always fall around that time. I have to make an extra effort to participate. I set my alarm.

    1. the purpose is even for ourselves, not only for 'higher'... Put it for you, set the alarm, and do it. For you, in your case, not for... 'higher'...

    2. The more in this context,... all the 3rd dimensional word entertainments (Shows, golf games, etc) seems disgustingly hilarious.

      And the more that nowadays we perseverate in 3rd dimensional entertainment instead to think to a 4th dimensional one (no matter how, but to put at least it in discussion) seems hilariously ludicrous.

  26. I didnt like several details of the previous meditation instruction. These ones seem better.

    1. Slasher you are always spot on!
      Let's see what we can get into.
      September 4.

    2. Enjoy the reality (at least on higher planes, which is going to manifest on these one) beyond 'these ones' which 'seem better', as logically resulting from the text.


    I have talked about this about 3 years ago. However, because each day there are
    new comers, I'm getting many emails where people are asking me about the origin and the maning of the acronym HYE ANGEL.

    However, recently, i got an email where the author not only was asking for some explanation, but she/he was asking me:
    >>If you're not a show off, then why are you calling yourself "an angel"?

    Of course, I did sent her/him a reply, but then the idea - "What if there are others who think the same?" came to my mind.
    To be honest, i'm getting a little tired of taking time and explaining, replying each person with the same answer.
    Therefore, i better do it right here.

    So, let me start by saying that HYE ANGEL is NOT an acronym, and it's NOT about me.
    HYE ANGEL is the name of my home-based jewelry business. I dedicated that name to my Spirit Guides, who were showing me some designs.
    It literarly means Armenian Angel.

    You see; the whole world calls us Armenian, Armyani, Armani, Armanianus.....
    But we call ourselves; HAY in singular, and HAYER in plural. It is pronounced like the english words high or hi.
    To have it pronounced correctly here in the USA, we took the spelling of HYE so we wouldn't be called "HEY", because that's how the word HAY sounds in English.

    You can read more about this on my new, (and un-finished) website which i don't like at all. That's why i told my son to discontinue working on it. The old site was way much better. Unfortunately, he did get rid of it........

    By the way, i just can't sell any of my pieces. And here is why:


    Lynn – This person states: I always run into an “invisible wall” that stops me from doing/being/ having all that I feel I am meant to accomplish. I cannot see this wall. But I know it is there. I have talked to others who have same experience. What is this “invisible wall” that sabotages all of my efforts?

    COBRA – This is the veiled technology which I have described in detail in my blog.

  28. ~For transforming darkness on a very profound level~

    If any of you wishes to understand a bit more about the psyche of Yaldabaoth, here is the opportunity, as I consider this "Ascension song Abracadavre" as an extremely accurate channeling and "cadavre" is not accidentially used here. Before cklicking on this link please put yourself into a blue pillar of light and ask Archangel Michael for protection. Yaldabaoth seems to be really tired finally, otherwise the song would not have found me exactly in *this* moment.

    And get a dose of humour with you, even it is a very sad thing actually, as this is what happens when an Archangel falls from heaven.

    Afterwards I look on a picture of a Saint (real photographs) to allign as deep as possible with the light. This one is very powerful

    The positive extraction I can make for myself here is, that he knows it all and can't stop by himself. He seems to know that some day he will be gone.

  29. If you are a long term runner of this blog, try to remember what phrases were used in the posts time ago, and which is the language of the posts in now.
    If you understand it, you will also of course remember Cobra's July interview with PFC, from which we got a deeper deepness of, let it say, the same message: yes, we are closer and closer...

  30. This time should be better for me, as before at 3 or 4 I am often out and about or mesmerized by baseball or working or doing yoga and I would lose track of the time in the afternoon, but often still at home at noon on a Sunday.

    I was wondering why it must be the same time and not done in a wave of same time according to local time zone, that would get more participants but I guess not simultaneously.

    1. Yes indeed ... baseball, working, doing yoga is far more important than the liberation of our people. This is what I am talking about... people simply don't care. Being a slave is far more important than liberation. This is why we can't get 144,000 to meditate at the same time to trigger The Event now instead of later. Living in the matrix is what is important to many people. Thank the Source The Event isn't depended on the actions of the people.

    2. Wow, you are so quick to judge and condemn, Spirittoo! You have spewed Holier-Than-Thouness all over this page, not just at me!

      Of course, in your self-righteousness, you completely missed my point. I didn't SAY that "baseball, working, doing yoga is far more important than the liberation of our people." YOU said that, I assume facetiously. (Yeah, sarcasm is such a mark of an evolved soul).

      I didn't post my comment to be attacked as having wrong priorities or values. I expressed it as a concern about the experience, and I know for a fact that many of us are struggling with this very concern.

      My concern is that no matter how well I plan, even when I know the time is coming up, I have noticed that something (Archons?) often seems to distract me at that time of day. True, I may have a form of "overfocused ADD" that contributes to my missing out, but it certainly is not an intentional choice of feeling those things are more important, as you wrongly assume. Nor does it mean I am and the many others who find this happening to them are unconscious. I just find it odd, as it seldom used to happen!

      The rest, well for example, the free outdoor yoga class ends at 3, it is outdoors and hard to know exact time while on the mat. Then one week, the instructor came over to show me a modification for my injury after class, and next thing I knew, it was 3:15 and I had missed the meditation. It has been too hot out to attend outdoor yoga, so I find I am doing other things, going places on the T, doing things at home, you know, living my life. I do not have any kind of regular work schedule, my work is freefloating and somewhat on demand. So sometimes I have clients on Sundays, and I am working while holding the intent of the meditation.

      While it is my intent to always participate, I am somewhat alarmed at this recent trend. I know for a fact others experience this because I have discussed it with others who follow these threads.

      So take a chill pill and please stop trying to shame or bully people into compliance, Spirittoo. The time is never going to be perfect for everyone, so we will do the best we can. One of the best things we can do is to share the posts and try to interest more people in participation, so at some point, even if some of us slip up because we are oh-so-human, then the collective intent will succeed regardless. Sure, we all can do better. I think one solution may be for some of us to use an app to set a meditation bell reminder just before. I'm going to try that. I hope others try it, too.

      Meanwhile, kindly STFU, OK?

    3. And by the way, I DO care. More than you will ever know. Stop making wrong assumptions about everyone!

    4. Look, your absolute dedication is commendable, but the negative attitude towards those of us who are less perfect than you is only an indication of your own frustration, not a measure of our worthiness.

    5. I am TIRED of all the suffering of our people! I see the pictures and videos of the children DEAD, DYING, STARVING ... you can call me a bully, but I don't care. It is killing me to see all this happening. All the needless suffering. People with no food, medicine, clean water, no electricity, no home! The Event would have happen long ago if not for the people asleep at the wheel!
      I'm not perfect, I never have and never will be. Like Cobra said free will is at play here, but when I see people not taking this meditation to save our world seriously ... it makes my blood boil.

      It's the children and animals that gets me the most and I make no apologies for speaking my mind.

  31. So for all these years we been doing this meditation,Asia has
    not been included,why didn't it include Asia at start?Having them in the meditation would have sped it up, and we'd all be meditating a post "Event" blessing, now we're left with pre "Event" weekly meditation?Breakthrough NOW. OK? Enough back-stepping.Have we not done our part to its highest potential?So your saying that this meditation will cause the Creator Source and all the entities to move faster?There's nothing we can do to speed it up please be honest with us,Ive asked you already to stop playing cryptic and be our friend as well as "in the know" intel
    source.All you have for us is "please meditate more".A kick
    in the teeth with big plushy bunny still a kick in the teeth.Where are the protocols for Agarthan contact ?
    So a Daily Event make it super-duper ultra fast, right?Lets work on a daily worldwide Event Meditation
    because...WEEKLY IS TOO SLOW, OK ?

    1. If you have a positive outcome you have a positive income.
      Try it out.

  32. well there goes putting in maximum effort to get up at 4:30am to meditate before my work begins at 7am...its hard! so i wont bother doing an earlier ones ( 1:30am ?? come on be serious) its just to devastating on my energy for the following days. And yes ill do it on my own time during normal hours. Whatever.
    No one gives a shit about Australia LOL

    1. On the contrary some people in Australia don't give a shit about triggering The Event sooner rather than later. Not to mention mediation is at the top of the hour not half past the hour. Losing 20 minutes of sleep is far to big a sacrifice and devastating your energy. It far better to a slave of the cabal until The Event takes place on its own. LOL Who gives a shit about the greater good and the liberation of our people. Some people enjoy being a slave.

    2. From 0330 till dawn,it is said to be one of the most powerful times for prayer and spiritual connection... so you just got it better than you asked for in Australia... despite the challenge of waking up then...

    3. And again I make no apology for it. THIS SUFFERING OF OUR PEOPLE HAS GOT TO STOP! I have every right to voice my opinion.
      And here I go again. THANK YOU SOURCE FOR NOT DEPENDING ON THE SURFACE PEOPLE TO TRIGGER THE EVENT. We would be shit out of luck.
      Oh Source PLEASE show some mercy to those that are desperate and suffering! PLEASE!

  33. e!ightful lumenessentials:

    Exploring the Gifts of your Cosmic Identity

    If you do not know your Galactic Signature yet, decode your birthdate now!
    As we own the power of our personal Galactic Signature energies, we can understand ourselves and our role in a higher light. As we celebrate our Divine Design, we can consciously cultivate its strengths and capacities, fortifying our abilities to broadcast our unique vibration to the world. Each of the 260 kin energies hold equal power and place within the Galactic Matrix of Synchronic Time. They are all interdependent and inter-related with one another. The more we consciously embody and invoke our Galactic Signature energies, the more we can channel its presence and gifts, in our own lives and in our relations. As we awaken to our Cosmic Identity, we model and transmit that frequency to the world.

    Ultimately, the 13 Tones of Creation and the 20 Solar Tribes each have Universal teachings and powers for each one of us to develop within ourselves. So while it is empowering to connect with your personal Galactic Signature, it is also essential to understand that our evolution and our wholeness is activated by connecting with each one of these Galactic energies inside of our being... Therefore as we expand Galactic Culture - decoding our friends and families - we can activate deeper awareness of how each of us embodies these different galactic energies. Together we can experience the power and mystery of these archetypal forces, as they communicate the mandalic whole that is Galactic Time ... As José Argüelles said, "When we look at the Galactic Matrix we are truly looking at the cosmic mirror in which we see ourselves reflected in all our facets of knowing and being."

  34. More details on the veil and Yaldabaoth:

    According to my perception Yaldabaoths plasma arms are going from through the Center of the Earth and the vortices, enter from above into soulstarchakras, from below into earthstar chakras, meet somewhere in the middle and radiate into the plasma fields of humans. As consciousness is steering all plasma fields (interconnected), plasma-field-controlled humans recreate and sustain the plasma veil with their consciousness. This is also why computer games and TV is so essential for the Chimera group & Co to keep humans busy with that. They NEED human consciousness for keeping the veil intact. :)

  35. I'll do all I can to help spread the word on Youtube, and I can post on Max Steel chat board while his show is on Wed. 10 EDT and will let people there know.

    1. I got ban from posting on youtube for 2 weeks because of the posting I did about the petition for full disclosure, that didn't seem to go anywhere since we have heard nothing about it from Cobra. I'm not going to get myself banned again ... I will post some on event is coming soon, but others need to post about the meditation there too.

  36. cobra is it true that harambe was an inside job?

    1. is it possible harambe faked his death and is living in cuba with tupac?

  37. dna is a single code negated to form various organs possibly according to chakras. white light in turn is negated or absorbed to form colors. possibly the universe follows one code or mind divided or negated to form everything. which is why most meditation is to clear the mind and let the christ consciousness shine through.

  38. Wow, is this Yaldabaoth in this Dr. Who episode?

    1. Wow, how amazing fits this.
      ~Devil's Tears~
      As in my other comment with that Abracadavre song, "it kills him to see us destroyed": He can cry.... once in a dream I have seen it... when he lost something he was not able to hold, because he destroys what he loves, what he loves he hates, hate is irritated love....Imagine an archangel, I mean you all know those nice spiritual images with all the eyes in the universe, when a being gets enlightened, everything has eyes, the whole body which then is the universe, so the body and the universe then are one and full of eyes of bliss. Now imagine where are those eyes when an archangel falls? Maybe at the end of his arms, that so *nicely* embrace us. He sees us through those eyes at the end of his distorted arms that are inside our chakras. How about showing him a mirror directly at those eyes and remind him that once he was light - I ask myself. If all would resist and do that, he would have no one anymore in his head to torture. Could be by seeing his own image he would return to the light.

  39. Liberation process taking much too long indeed.....cant convince people to meditate on sundays anymore as they've given up on it....and I must agree with them as nothing has changed for the better since the years we've been and people getting in worse state day after day.Since last year i have been losing my faith in the Event happening as well and I feel bad about it but cant seem to get into 'gear' anymore...feel defeated

    1. ... now you have the progress, the update, and are not able to interpret it... Convince yourself, and it may be enough for moment...
      Look deeper in the blog, to understand much more...

    2. I understand completely where you are coming from, but my desire to free our people is stronger than my doubts, therefore I will continue with meditation each and every Sunday until The Event finally takes place or until my death.

  40. Really insightful and encouraging video about the coming ascension and the accelerating energies at the moment, worth watching!

  41. One suggestion I have is to have a "Live Stream" meditation, where a known inspiring host (like Athena, or someone like her) of your choice, hosts the weekly meditation, but in a live format. This way those who want to join in, can just click on the video link & participate. This will also allow for the immediate counting of those taking part in the meditation. This will also magnify the experience, & thus the immediate effect of the meditation.

    1. What you are proposing may be a subject of interference, as in case of the signed petitions. You remember already.
      But, look deeper to the appearance of this blog, and you will find much more...

  42. It's a good thing The Event is going to take place regardless of what we do ... If it could only go down base on us stupid humans on the surface doing meditation we would be shit out of luck. Way too many people are totally asleep at the wheel, we obviously can't get 144,000 to meditate at the same time. I haven't miss a Sunday meditation since I found this site in late Oct. of last year, but I have serious doubts it is helping. I'll keep humoring myself and continue these meditations on Sundays. I will do what ever I can to help, but I know it's not enough.

    1. Sweetheart, the improvement seems to be much more deeper than you are describing it. I will consider only the first phrase from your post.
      For the others I should invite you to read again the entire post and messages as well. And, not at least to look at the appearance of the entire blog...
      Please try again, and... hopely you discover much more...

    2. "Our own solar system appears to have been used as a type of “cosmic penal colony,” where people who had failed to reach Ascension on other worlds were relocated here in the hopes of reform."(Corey Goode Intel Update Part 2).

    3. I like your SPIRIT TOO, my young brother!!! ;)))
      You're such a fresh and FRESHENING breeze of Cobrassssss community!

    4. @Hye Angel ... I'm a sister ... and I'm not as young as you think born 22 August 55 at 03:38 ... Cleveland Ohio. Have at it Astrology folks. :D
      @ OJ ... I don't believe Goode intel as fact. It contradict Cobra's intel, and since Cobra produces links to back his reports I'm incline to believe it to be the facts of the matter. I really don't pay any attention to Goode, or the others unless Cobra can confirm.

    5. Lol @natal chart details...

    6. @spirittoo
      You are invited to use your own discernment.
      The best, purest source is from within yourself.

  43. enLovened e!ightfuls:

    TimeSpace Navigator Program Ride Two Launches NOW!

    Expand your Perception of What is Possible!

    TimeSpace Two is the next stage in the 21 Moon TimeSpace Navigator Program

    Today our world needs positive change and vision more than ever. It is up to us to Be the Change we want to see and then join our visions and actions with others to create a positive and inspiring future. This requires each of us to Return to our Essence, access our full memory, synchronize our highest visions and then take action. The TimeSpace Navigator Program is a training tool for this.

    The basis of this program revolves around a series of 21 powerful TimeSpace “Rides” divided into three levels.

    One Ride will be released each Moon (28 days), for a total of 21 Moons.
    The 21 Moon TimeSpace Navigator Program contains:

    1) 7 Moon TimeSpace Navigator Level (7 Rides: 7 Moons)
    2) Solar Navigator Level (6 Rides, 6 Moons: total of 13 Moons)
    3) Galactic Navigator Level (8 Rides, 8 Moons: total of 21 Moons)

    In this TimeSpace Two Ride, we will find and open the Gate to the Dream world that will enter us into the dimension of galactic time (click here for a full description of all 7 Rides of the 7 Moon TimeSpace Navigator Level).

    The TimeSpace Rides are synchronized with other participants to draw energy and intelligence from the TimeSpace Center of the Universe in order to uplift and transform our consciousness and the Earth’s environment through synchronized memory retrieval. We will become awakened TimeSpace Navigators, returned to wholeness, with the ability to ‘turn on’ the noosphere (planetary mind) and help assist Earth to its next stage of positive evolution.

    The keys to the healing of ourselves and our planet lie in the untapped regions of our collective minds.


    Download the TimeSpace Two app (iOS version is coming soon) and then join in at the top of any hour.

  44. Arcturian Group Message for 8/28/16

  45. I took this Post in a negative way. That is - it turns out that we are actually unable to facilitate the event by clearing all the bobby-traps and obstructions, so we'll have to fall back to focusing on upgrading everyone who is already 'awake', because the masses can't be liberated at this moment of history. Tell me I'm wrong.

    1. I took this Post in a positive way.
      Speed up the process by doing Weekly Ascension Meditation.
      Perhaps there is certain amount of time you need to wait for other peoples to be ready(on Soul level) for actual event...

  46. We all have a GREAT POWER within us!!! and this is a good TEST to see if we are willing to do our part in this work.

    When emotions and thoughts are united, a feeling is created in the heart. And this FEELING in the hearthchakra is 5000 Times STRONGER than a created thought.

    Lets Unite our hearts for full DISCLOSURE We are the Lightforces. We don't have time to doubt what we can do as ONE FORCE///

    One hearthbeat - One breath- One Visssion

  47. Cobra, you are like an older friend for many of us, so we feel need to know more about yourself, but not about what you need to hide now, so don’t worry please.

    Q: we remember from your first interview that you are a pleiadian soul in a human earthly body.
    OK, because as we know there may be many like you, starseeds, light workers, so on.
    But are you, (at your pleiadian soul level) a higher density spirit, a soul embodied, in a 3rd dimension earthly body, or you are rather a 3rd dimensional at the soul level too?

    Q: If you are in the first case, then are you already ascended, so your mission is only to assist us in ascension?
    Or, if the case is the second, then you will ascend together with us, maybe in the first wave?

    1. Cobra, you gave us many answers about souls of their higher level. But, we are already very curious, if you allow us.
      Q: Do you know about your case, what are you and your wife at a soul level? Are you members of same soul family, soul mates, twin-souls? If yes, can you tell us?
      Q: And, if this is the case, have you chosen one another having these acknowledgment, or have you learned it later about what you are?

  48. Cobra, we remember from your post ‘The Ascension Plan' ~ An Update (7th-March-2016)’ that:
    “The majority of 70 billion non-incarnated human souls were mass evacuated on August 14th, 1999 to the motherships of the Ashtar Commnad and then transported to a certain planet on the outskirts of the Pleiades”.

    HOW was that POSSIBLE as long as you claimed many times that since 25000 y ago all souls were trapped inside the veil (in higher planes, etheric and lower-astral), and that at any supposed attempt of LIGHT forces to do something, strangelet and toplets could explode??

    Cobra, please give us a clear answer in order to put it together! Thanks!

    1. You have misunderstanding. Cobra means if the light force try to contact surface population massively, the bomb will be detonated. It makes no sense that light force can't do anything because of the bombs, otherwise how come they can fight against the Dark ones ?

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. I guess its only about intervention that is visible on the surface

    5. I posted the answer in the wrong place...

      If i recalled correctly... In 1996 the invasion by the dark forces occurred in order to reinforce the veil. The light forces fought back... And i assume during the back and forth battles some clearance was possible.

      I found an entry...

      "During a massive liberation offensive between 1999 and 2004, the Light forces of the Resistance Movement, Pleiaidan, Sirian and Andromedan Fleet and the Ashtar Command cleared the vast majority of the Draco/Reptilian presence from our Solar System..."


      Imho The point of it all is that this melodrama has not always gone as scripted by the good guys or bad guys. They have been testing each others boundaries.. If the good guys had an opportunity to rescue souls they would have taken it and i guess they did.

    6. Very insightful summation Dragon Heart. We did. And we do...

  49. Let's remember from an older post from Cobra:

    "The incoming Goddess Love energy has been transmitted towards our planet through an object named 2012 VP113, which is a small planetoid beyond Pluto. It looks like a pink egg and acts as a prism to transmit cosmic Goddess Love energies into our Solar system:
    Therefore it would be good if you could add the pink egg meditation at the end of your Weekly Liberation Meditation every Sunday."


    Why not create an "EVENT APP" as a tool to help speeeed ip the ASCENTION process and let people wake up.

    The majority of people are already practicing meditation, prayers, yoga, healing.....

    1. "The majority of people" are not realizing a fact, that we as humanity are on same ship, so we have to help each other.
      That's the problem.

  51. Guys, did you see this? The SETI says it is very likely to have a high developed civilization in a Hercules constellation planet :

    1. The veil is slowly breaking and "hackers" are messengers between the worlds ^_^

  52. i'm sorry for all that believe in the so called " event " but this is the world revolution planned by the elite for fulfill the new world order and to bring on earth the muster puppeteer of the dark elite, believe what you want, this is the truth

    1. Yes, but it only the truth in 3D, and we are trying to shift humanity into 5D where such things cannot exist, and that is ALSO the truth!

    2. (ps) I like your leaping kitty, one of my favorite cats images.

  53. This comment has been removed by the author.

  54. This comment has been removed by the author.

  55. I just turned 60.I wonder whether I live up to the event. Since 2008 I am anticipating.It all makes sense to me.But I cannot share easily.It all seems to be out of this world.I do resonate.Strongly.A very private affair.A choice.A dream.A wish.

    1. Sleep and you will find (that the Event finally woke you up).

  56. Unknown, You and others have good questions.

    Post your questions here (go to link and scroll all the way down to the bottom):

    Once in a blue moon, Cobra will answer a question posted in these comments, but this seems to be very rare. I guess it is much easier for him to deal with them all at once, once per month, in the Prepare for Change interviews.

  57. Please see this interview:

    1. Why should we look at that interview ... what's so important? Explain.

  58. @hamourapi
    why did they crash beings?

    1. They wanted the energies of the covers of their consciousness fields to build weapons from it...


    I have talked about this once before; probably 3 years ago. However,
    because each day there are new comers, I'm getting many emails where people are asking me about the origin and/or the meaning of the pseudonym HYE ANGEL.

    More recently, i got an un-usual email, and THAT IS the reason i'm posting this one. That person was not only asking for some explanation, she/he was wondering:
    >>You seem to be a simple woman. But if you're not a show off, then why are you calling yourself some kind of angel?

    Of course, I did sent her/him a reply at once. Then the idea of - "what if there are others who think the same?" came to my mind, and i felt numb.......

    Also, to be honest, i'm getting a little tired of taking time and explaining, replying each person with the same identical answer.
    Therefore, i better do it right here.

    So, let me start by saying that it is NOT a pseudonym, and it's NOT about me.
    HYE ANGEL is the name of my home-based jewelry business. I dedicated that name to my Spirit Guides, who were showing me some jewelry designs.

    Hye Angel, literarly, means Armenian Angel.

    You see; the whole world is calling us Armenian, Armyani, Armani, Armanianus.....
    But we call ourselves; HAY in singular, and HAYER in plural. It is pronounced like the english words "high" or "hi".

    To have it pronounced correctly here, in the USA, we took the spelling of HYE so we wouldn't be called "HEY", because that's how the word HAY sounds in English.

    You can read more about this on my new, and un-finished website (which i don't like at all). That's why i told my son to discontinue working on it. The old site was way much better. Unfortunately, he got rid of it...

    By the way, i just can't sell any of my pieces. Here is why:


    >>Lynn – This person states: I always run into an “invisible wall” that stops me from doing/being/ having all that I feel I am meant to accomplish. I cannot see this wall. But I know it is there. I have talked to others who have same experience. What is this “invisible wall” that sabotages all of my efforts?

    COBRA – This is the veiled technology which I have described in detail in my blog<<.

  60. Wow,... this is good,... this is the "thinking crowd", w/ great questions, great observations, & great concerns,... This is good,... this is "really good",...

  61. What is the color of Light emanating from Galactic Central Sun??

  62. This comment has been removed by the author.

  63. This comment has been removed by the author.

  64. Look it here:
    Read the text description of the video
    Then, reread this post, and look at the appearance of this entire web-page as well.
    Try to sense it.

    PS. And do not say you will no join the meditation...

  65. Novelty!! ...And also incredible...

    Neil Keenan has new concerns. ...but is not about Global Collateral accounts...

    It's rather the Healing Machine:

    PS And the first healed may be he, himself. As he also claim... he is too nervous...

  66. I agree! Maybe an Event~ meditation app could work out. The majority of people are already practicing meditation, yoga, healing etc...

    I am new here and it is exiting to read all the intels and your comments/// Alajha

    1. Hi, astral traveler!

      An Event or Ascension app could work great i think, because many people already practicing meditaion, prayer, yoga, healing, chi gong, tai chi etc...

      All these people worldwide is now conected and thereby are they consciously or unconsciously conected. A great difference is now how that all are conscious conected and that creates a ripple effect to the unified field which expands the global consciousness. And with a Event or Ascension App you can do statics on all data and other reseachers on this. You could also create a podcast in the app. There are many oportunities....

    2. App wish list:

      1. Minimalist - Should not display anything more than the number of people intending to participate in the Ascension meditation (btw, the app is just all about allowing those intending to participate to punch in.)

      2. Hardly any permissions required - For example those who do not want their location to be known can be given two options :
      a. Click on the country and/or the continent they live in.
      b. Click on "prefer not to say"

      As the app displays number of people intending to meditate in real time, it motivates onlookers to participate too.

      3. Notifications - Your choice of ringtone countdown reminds you frequently of your intention to participate.

      4. Displays Ascension meditation instructions with option of playing in-app video displaying the meditation visualizations as well as audio alone option with guided instructions to Ascension meditation.

    3. Yes, there are many things you can create with an app! I was listening to the interview with Cobra yesterday, and he mensioned that very few was participate in the meditation on sundays, but i think there are many ways to reach out to more people. This is just one Idea. I have contacted several lightgroups in Europe, so lets see if they answer the call to participate so we can raise the Global collective consciousness:-)

  67. I feel something big is about to happen for Cobz to be posting this, we need to bring this energy in on earth as we are directly connected to Gaia. We have the most power in any of this, we just need to accomodate the other beings here to help us... Let's join hands in meditation and let's anchor the light people!!!!!


  68. Wonderful present from GaiaPortal earlier this morning :-)

    "Startled are they who view upon the Nova Gaia.

    Surprises of Higher Consciousness are observed in all hu-beings.

    Stellar connections are viewed and grasped.

    Meadows of Peace are sown."

    Thank You ♥
    No wonder I couldn't stay in bed for even three hours.

    Well, that and maybe the fact that it's My Girl's birthday today.
    Happy Birthday, Dini. I Love You ♥ ♥ ♥

    "Glowing all over as I started on my feet
    I thought I heard somebody calling
    Heaven, it was Heaven
    Now I know I've seen the Light
    Make it go on Shining"

    Love, Light, Unity, Peace And Freedom For All And Forever


    1. Dear Sir,

      my mother had birthday too yesterday.

      Kindest regards,

      Victory of the Light!

  69. unfortunately the cabal to install time here in Brazil

    1. Paulo,


      They never leave it ! People government's don't exist...


  70. once again the United States overthrow a government

    1. Like Faith No More's Cover:

      Easy like sunday morning....

  71. You have it reached, you have it achieved, be assured.
    We have to keep it and to enforce it!

    Read it, and listen it:
    "According to multiple sources, we as a planet have reached a crucial milestone in our progress toward breakthrough. Events have transpired on multiple levels which have made available numerous opportunities for multi-dimensional growth, healing, and advancement."

    Is what Cobra leave it to us to discover. It feels so. Try to sense it!

  72. The Accelerated Timeline has been Chosen
    Posted on August 31, 2016 by Jenny Schiltz

    "We come with the exciting news that indeed the accelerated timeline has been chosen. Each of your higher selves were questioned and the consensus was that as a whole, humanity is ready for this big step. The higher energies have begun already and those most sensitive among you are already feeling the shift. It is important that each of you bring forth the highest possible reality within your own personal being. To consciously make sure that all of your being, your thoughts, words and deeds reflect the highest timeline, one of full embodiment.

    The greatest concern at this time is the amount of fear based information that is circulating. Understand that this information can be helpful in that it triggers within you what needs to be healed and changed. However, it can also serve to keep your vibration lower as the feelings of powerlessness will keep you locked into a pattern of victimhood. You must know that nothing can harm you as there are none that have dominion over an embodied soul. Your task is to embody all that you are. In the moments that you are presented with information regarding imminent doom whether it is financial, political, or environmental realize that you are safe and all is happening as it should. Throughout earth’s history there have always been rises and falls in cultures, economics, and great changes within the earth’s form and yet man has always persevered. As a fully embodied soul, you will do more than simply survive. You will find that while things still happen around you, you are able to maintain a calm knowing that all is fine and you will be provided for in each moment.

    The acceleration will put all through tests to see who can lead by example. Who can maintain their vibration when all around seems to become more extreme? Who will be able to alter another’s frequency by simply being the calm in the storm? These are the skills that will be tested and are greatly needed as all of humanity is now on an accelerated awakening course. This more intensive course does not mean that awakening will happen in an instant. It simply means that the energy will be increasing steadily and in turn it will pull forth all that cannot survive in the higher light at a rate faster than the previous collective timeline. There will be those who choose to leave the planet and there will be those who will receive walk-ins (other souls) to continue the journey. This will be a welcome reprieve for those who have become utterly exhausted, yet their form is still strong. For some the walk-in will simply assimilate the life and memories of the previous soul and it will look as if the person has had a new burst of energy and outlook on all around. For others the walk-ins will come in completely aware that they are a transplant and will use this to help awaken others...."


  73. (continued from above)

    "...An accelerated timeline also means that restrictions that were in place regarding assistance from the higher realms will be slowly lifted. However, at any moment you can supersede these restrictions and speed up assistance by simply connecting within yourself to the guidance that is available. When one goes within and strengthens the channel of communication, it allows for more aid to be given. It is not a higher being imposing their will on yours but you seeking help from your soul and giving the permission to be helped accordingly. The key is you walking in your power and understanding what is at your fingertips. It is understanding that you are the creator of your hologram and as a creator, you ensured that there would be those that will assist you on your mission.

    Many more things will be uncovered within your world that have the potential to bring you sorrow. Do not let it. Instead, send forgiveness and love to those involved for the role they played within duality and send gratitude that all is coming to light. This is a much different frequency then anger and betrayal. One allows the discordant energy to simply leave your field and the other attaches you to what you find horrendous. As that which is not a frequency match will become obvious, new technologies will become known that do resonate with the highest possible frequency. As more and more of you shift into embodiment, more of this information will flow.

    It is imperative that all who are able, help to stabilize the energies that are coming to your earth at a greater pace and velocity than ever before. This can be done by simply envisioning your earth and its people accepting the energies freely, with little resistance and it altering all in existence.

    We have looked forward to this time and your embodiment,

    The Galactic Council of Light..."



    1. Thank You for sharing that, Phoenix.
      Love the fact that you posted on 31.8. (Dini's birthday) at 1.09 (my birthday; yep, that's today) - perfect Timing and the perfect gift.
      In addition I received a small Feather that I really needed so that my Rainbow Chrystal could get its Wings. I had been waiting for the Right Feather for many days, and today it found Me and I found It.
      Thank You, Gaia, My Love ♥

      The Acceleration has definitely begun: My best friend Shenyen really wanted to visit me today but couldn't 'cause the Energies basically knocked him flat on his butt, and he can hardly leave his bed.
      I know that feeling very well, and now We Are Takng That WORLDWIDE :-)

      Here We Go Again :-)
      We are moving from a spark to a Flame ♥♥♥♥♥

      Thank You very much once again.

      Love, Light, Unity, Peace And Freedom For All And Forever ♥

      Your Friend


  74. I fully agree with you astral traveler but also you need to take in mind that there is some free will that is not all blinded by archons and we as souls are Experiencing this lives nevertheless imho...
    Anyway,this is how it is and we need to take action.
    Together as one.

  75. PWT is decrypted.
    WE have all the New Clear codes. If you are running after - or from the "other" ones - you know, that stupid football thing with the Sick-amore buttons, don't bother. Walk, don't run and you won't weary yourself a gain.

  76. I do agree. Recently i read something from Dr. SALA THAT ONLY 1 IN 1000 OR so will reach ascension. There Is so much misconception going on. Hoor this is going to talk smart soon.

  77. Replies
    1. Silas,

      The people have to help themselves. It's time to gow up and
      and leave the childish behavior

  78. How did everyone hear about this blog and the event?

    Why don't we post about it on where you heard about it? If one person is interested, it could get others curious. This blog could also show up in search engines with certain keywords.

    1. It already does, however like any alternative news website, it is getting segregated...

    2. You can already find it using search engines, however like any alternative news website it is being segregated... is probably the best bet to reach people right now...

    3. I first heard about "the Event" from Drake Baily and followed his narrative for a couple years before finding Cobra's blog. I was actively searching for more people who knew about Drake Baily's Event and that is what led me here.

  79. I am going to ask the greatest and most important question since the fall of Atlantis... Are we there yet?

  80. I have sent the messeges to several Lightgroups on Facebook and contacted St-Germain in Sweden were i Live. Hopfully will more people particpitate in the Weekly Ascension Meditation from now on:-)

  81. Remember a "money"
    if there was
    "no time..?"

    PRL Logistics and its partner Straightline Aviation are bringing a helium-filled Airship to Alaska
    Helium-filled Airship
    Moon Day 9

  82. In my opinion Source/Lightforces are not waiting till "all the people are (mentally) ready" for the Event to happen. This is very utopic and would take long time. The thing that must be ready are the bases of the new financial system, that is why Cobra mentioned the Bricks...and all the complex infraestructure for the new World...and of course the bloody bombs, to be erradicated totally. But waiting till all the millions of sheeps wake up from their sweet dreams, won't be a sine qua non condition for the Event to happen.
    The Event will be the biggest Bell of Human History!!!

  83. I agree with you! I am new here so there is many Intels to go through to understand the diskussion and all postings here. But I think there are many ways to reach a breakingpoint were at least 144.000 participate in a global synchronized meditation:-) I listen to the intervjue with Cobra yesterday and he told that there were a very low amount of people who meditates, so if all people here on this blog would reach out to different lightgroups, other comunities were people share the same vision there is hoppfully a good chance to get a much wider audience. I have contacted different lightgroups in Europe and St-Germain in Sweden and several organisation that share the same vision and told them about 2012 portal blogspot and prepare for change. I really hope that we can reunite as one voice, force and do our part in this.

  84. astral traveler and others:

    Corey is trying to deliver the message from the blue sphere alliance regarding "become more 'service to others,' " "develop loving kindness," "practice forgiveness" ... ..... Many of us do not hear the message because we are more interested in Corey's wild adventures and the Secret Space Program's secrets.

    Corey has encouraged people to meditate and eat a higher vibration diet and shine the light into oneself to transform oneself.

    Corey has stated that this situation (where we are not hearing the message) is of great concern to the blue sphere alliance.

    In fact, if we do develop these more "service to others" qualities, we will speed up the Event, because this will change our whole energy system and our lives will change.

    I had the pleasure of hearing Corey in person recently.

    He has more solutions than you think, but he is surrounded by people in the Secret Space Program and others --even his listening audience -- who don't really want to work on themselves....

  85. Priceless

    My darling child, I know you are tired and frustrated. I know that you wish all of the changes that are taking place right now would hurry up and be over. You are going through a very human experience; be grateful for it because it will never happen again. And, when it is over, you will be able to look back and see it for what it truly is…..a priceless gift of growth and learning.
    ~ Creator

  86. The UN is begging?

  87. Please take charge of the Emergency Alert System and end
    this crap...NOW, NOW, NOW. Please !!!!!!!!!

  88. I made a video to help people feel that The Event is Coming Now!
    The reason I am posting a comment here is to help inspire people to meditate and bring about The Event faster - and maybe feeling this video will help!!!

    I made this video with great appreciation for Cobra and great love for humanity~
