Monday, January 21, 2019

Bubbles of Heaven

Return of Light meditation was a huge success. Between 1 and 2 million people were informed about the meditation, and between 300,000 and 400,000 were actually participating, so the critical mass was achieved many times over:

The energy wave from the Cosmic Central Sun has reached the surface of the planet and that energy was anchored irreversibly.

This has changed the structure of the primary anomaly around the planetary surface significantly, and we have entered the next phase of the Compression Breakthrough, the so-called nucleation phase:

Nucleation phase is a very important phase of a phase transition between two dynamic systems, and we have entered this phase of the planetary and cosmic liberation process just today:

From now on, Bubbles of Heaven have begun to form inside quarantine Earth, as a result of direct intervention from the Cosmic Central Sun. This was only possible because our collective consciousness during our meditation acted as a lens to gather the light of the Cosmic Central Sun on the surface of the planet. Future civilizations will most likely see this as the defining moment in the evolution of consciousness of this planet:

Bubbles of Heaven are areas of pure Light that exist independently from all matter that was created inside 11th dimensional brane world space time continuum. This practically means that there are small areas within the physical and non-physical matter on the surface of the planet that are beyond the reach of the Dark forces. This is the true meaning of the Return of Light.

This also practically means that from now on it will be much easier to create and reach Light in your life. It means we have exited the Resistance phase, where we were fighting with the Cabal, into the Breakthrough phase, where we are simply creating our New Reality, while we calmly observe the old world collapsing under the weight of its own entropy, without being sucked into its drama, yet still shining Light on all situations.

Bubbles of Heaven (shown red in the simulation below) will grow within quarantine Earth hell (shown white in the simulation below) until the Breakthrough (the Event) occurs:

Now it is time to release certain intel that might be shocking to some, but deep inside you already knew it.

At a certain point after the Event, there will be a physical polar shift of the Earth rotational axis, which will be triggered by our Sun becoming a micronova / T-Tauri star, being triggered by the activity of the Cosmic Central Sun and the Galactic Central Sun:

The triggered Sun will then emit a huge plasma wave that will create the crustal displacement, rotational axis will shift and create a tsunami wave about 1 mile high:

This mile high tsunami wave will effectively purge from the surface of the planet all impurities that still need to be purged. Needless to say, all Islands of Light and all Areas of Light will be completely unafftected by the tsunami wave, as they will be protected with advanced technologies given to us by positive races after the Event.

As all this will only happen a few years after the Event, there is nothing to fear.

Similar solar plasma event, but smaller in magnificence and without the physical axis shift, has happened one half of the precessional cycle, or 12,900 years ago:

The Cabal is understandably nervous, as they know they have nowhere to hide, and this is why they have developed various secret space programs, in vain hopes that they will escape this.

They have also created the global warming scam to cover up the truth of the coming polar shift.


The coming polar shift is one of their main secrets they are trying to hide. But the truth is coming out, and the magnetic flip which is a precursor to the physical axis shift, is already happening:

The second secret that the Cabal is trying to hide is that interactions between female and male polarity create a toroidal electromagnetic field that triggers kundalini energy which leads to planetary liberation.

As the Jesuit plan to suppress human sexuality has failed, they have devised a new plan. They want to de-polarize and confuse female and male sexual identity by promoting gender confusion:

By emasculating men:

And by de-feminizing women.

To de-feminize and sexually disempower women, the Jesuits have also organized media campaigns in the last few decades to promote shaving of armpits and pubic hair for women:

Armpit and pubic hair is connected to primordial feminine power that the Jesuits and the Black Nobility families want to destroy.

They also enforced toxic hygiene products that create hormonal disbalance in women:

Pure, undistorted active electric masculine energies and pure undistorted reflective magnetic feminine energies are necessary for planetary liberation.

Pure electric active masculine energy is the essence of the Hammer of Thor.

Pure magnetic receptive feminine energies create a resonance field that is the Contact Dish for the Event.

Together they create the Holy Grail.

Together they create the Soul Family mandala:

It is time now for the most awakened members of the surface population to start forming Soul Family connections, based from Soul perspective. This process has already started. More instructions about this will be given soon.

Soul Family mandalas will begin living in Islands of Light. The process of creation of Islands of light has already started, and there are projects already underway in Asia, Europe, Africa and America. More instructions about this will be given soon.


Soul Family mandalas and Islands of Light are Bubbles of Heaven that are created within, but parallel to the hell of the current surface conditions. They manifest when enough Light is present.They are the seeds of the future Breakaway civilization on the surface of the planet. The time is now.

I have been personally guided to start creating my own Soul Family mandala. This process has been accelerated since January 1st, 2019, under the guidance of the Pleiadian star fleet commander Semjase, who is actually one of the Soulmates that belongs to my Soul Family mandala:


The Pleiadian fleet is preparing my female Soulmates and female members of my Soul Family on the surface of the planet for this project, by sending them strong revelatory dreams, visions and synchronicities that will prepare them for contact with me. These strong spiritual experiences have started for them already since the release of Contact Dish protocols in March 2018, but have intensified since the start of 2019.

We will be creating a Bubble of Heaven, anchoring true Goddess mysteries and will go through accelerated Ascension process.

If they feel guided to contact me, they need to create a tutanota email address:

And contact me ONLY from that tutanota email address, to the following email address:

For the general surface population, all intel from my blog has been nicely gathered in a book that has been released in hardcover and electronic format. This book will be crucial at the time of the Event, as there might then be disruptions in the electronic systems and internet might be unavailable for a certain short, but key period of time around the Event. The this book will become very handy.

You can order the book here:

And for the end of Return of Light meditation the flash of the moment...all that is Done will be Undone:

Victory of the Light!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I'm speechless, wow! Thank you to all RM and LF and everybody everywhere! 🙌 🙌

  3. Oh my... such exciting times we live in! So it be 💖💖💖

  4. Thanks for the update!
    Translated to spanish
    Traducido al castellano

    PS:Many thanks to all the people who helped in any way to reach this incredible critical mass (i had the number 375,000 2 days ago before the meditation)

    Note to COBRA: You can attach/embed the image of this link is the ogv file converted to gif from the link you posted:

    I'm going to sleep now, i did not sleep last night :P

    1. Direct link:

    2. Sleep well...This last night I slept like a tree-trunk, the not so romantic description that I read in the book of my one-out-of two favorite authors Peter Mayle after he had alcohol all night. He lived in France and died in the beginning of last year. I had a mountain of warm blankets which I always love. Best is when I cannot turn over by the weight. Hmmm..

  5. I do not even know where to start, have you not denied several times there was to be a polar shift this time? And that things were to be much more peaceful??? I am not in agreement with this AT ALL.

    1. FREE WILL is everything! You have the power to create a more peaceful beautiful time, this is why we came. Take care what you choose to energize! All the time, pay attention to this, no matter who is saying it, protect your thoughts!

    2. I too seem to remember years back that Cobra said the Earth would not shift on its axis.

    3. Agreed. Events are neutral, thoughts are not. Thoughts are imbued with the powers of creation. What a man or woman decrees, is.

  6. I'm delighted to see a post so soon after the meditation! Thanks Cobra! Now I must read it!

    I'm so excited and encouraged. Thank you, to all the Light Forces, Resistance Movement, and everybody who meditated! Victory of the Light!

  7. Thank you, and congratulations to everyone! I've been meditating for years, have been following this blog near 2 years now, have spent countless hours researching anything that will help my spirit blossom. I've caught synchronicities, I've anchored light, and I express gratitude and love. I do it for the sake of hopes that suffering on the planet will end, in hopes of healing everyone and Gaia, and in hopes that we can all live our lives without selling ourselves into slavery to earn a living. I've prayed and I've meditated, I've sent out my intentions to anybody, any loving being, or anything that'll listen. How do I receive contact? How can I learn to find my soul family? Contact was all I've ever wanted for 30 years, as I've always had a sense of knowing. I feel as if I need assistance, but I don't know anyone that can help. For years I've felt I needed to take the next step, but I'm lost and unaware of how to take it. Any ideas on what I should do?

  8. Thank you so much Cobra. For everything. Really.
    Love and Light to All

  9. Wonderful inspiring update!

    Completely disagree with the articles on the Gillette commercial though. I thought the message of the article was spot on.

    1. I'M very confused too! To me the Gillette ad does not emasculate men at all. Its only about respect to other boys and to women. Now, take a look at the author of the post Cobra used ( ). Read somes of his other articles and tell me that is a guy who's ideas are aligned with the higher vibrations and the new era... im very confused really... I feel really strange since i read this last cobra update. I was in extasy when i saw we've reached the critical mass but then i just got confused and depressed with the rest.

  10. The light will be victorious ... Thank you to everyone. We are One ! ☼♥

  11. Yes love you all <3, good job eveyone!!!

  12. Many hearts and souls opened to ground the Pillar of Light which penetrated the Earth with the encoded gift from the Central Sun.
    Thank you to all the Beings of Love &Light that made this happen. Feel gratitude to you all.

  13. I also want to creat my own light island.

  14. Thank you Cobra! Ready for my soulmate and soulmate family to come into blissful union :) Thanks to all the lightworkers around the world for reaching critical mass. Victory of the Light!

  15. Cobra, I find interesting in this link ( the phrases:

    "The last war in heaven the eli-jehovi defeated the creator's emissary of light 13,000 years ago, they re-wrote the history books, demonising the emissaries name "

    "Farewell to you dark angels Michael and Gabriel for your deceptions shall be no more"

    Does anyone think this is referring to Lucifer as the emissary whose name was demonised, and it is calling the archangels Michael and Gabriel deceivers?

    Cobra could you share any insights you have on that?

    1. According to a past interview, Cobra considered Archangel Michael an archangel of the light.

      "Archangel Michael is one of the archangels actually. There are many archangels which are angels which have come to a very higher level of spiritual evolution and he was quite a galactic warrior. He was creating a protective barrier around the negative forces to stop the contamination of the galaxy."

      And according to Cobra Lucifer worked for the dark but changed to the light. And remember that Lucifer originally was a name for the planet Venus, "the morningstar".

      Sanat Kumara was responsible for the evolution of this planet, and this has been hijacked obviously until the fall of Atlantis. Another name for Sanat Kumara is Satan. What name is more stigmatized than Satan? I strongly think Sanat Kumara/Satan is this emissary of light. And Lucifer is considered someone different according to Cobra. Some people also use Lucifer to refer to Sanat Kumara because of a biblical mistranslation and mistake. I mean, I've connected to Sanat Kumara and been told gently to breathe during meditations, raised bioelectricity, kundalini awakenings, activating light bodies. He's very helpful.

      This might be explained by Cobra and the author of mission ignition...well they just have different names for the same beings. Cobra might have accidently mistook Archangel Michael as the one who was a warrior when he meant a different archangel name. Many Archangels are warriors.

    2. Is there more trustworthy information out there about Lucifer turning away from the dark to the light? That I would say IS a very big revelation.

  16. Great, thanks to all the family, the light of victory! !



  19. I read through the comments on the previous posts about peoples experiences with the meditation. I decided I would take part, but was feeling very apprehensive in the weeks leading up to the meditation. Over the last few years I have slowly lost my ability to visualize. I lost my imagination. I stopped doing art because it seemed very archon influenced. I have some uploaded on my google account. So I have gotten worse and worse at meditating instead of better. I believe it is archon related. I started feeling better the day before and practiced the meditation in the bathroom.

    This may seem ridiculous but the part where you raise your hands and sing the mantra was extremely difficult. I can not outwardly express myself. I can not smile or sing. I rarely feel fear and am very composed, almost machine like. I believe I was conditioned to be this way, possibly by the reptilians. There are similarities with simon parkes story. It was not going to happen so I got in the shower. I felt much better and tried again. It took some time but I put my hands up and sang the mantra. I think it was the sound of water from the shower, or the feel of it. I could not spin without losing my balance but I could do the rest.

    The next day I felt really good. It was cold out and I let my parents dogs out and looked at the first half of the blood moon while doing a pre meditation. Some of it was almost a reddish purple for some reason. Everything just fell into place. Everyone went to bed early and I did the meditation in the shower. I could not spin but the visualization was very strong right until the mandala of light where I lost the whole thing. The energy was very soft and quiet. I sat outside afterwards on a towel with one of my parents dogs. He was normally very playful but was still and calm. He sat right up against my leg and would not leave my side. I slept pretty easily afterwards but kept waking up. I believe there was a lot of fighting going on.

  20. Thank you for this great update! I ll read it many, many times. About the book, one doubt: are there plans to publish it in other languages too (Portuguese, in my case)?🌹



    3. Interessante a sincronicidade. Eu mesmo já fiz essa compilação em portugues, inclusive com adendos explicativos do material do próprio Cobra. Essa compilação está em arquivo do word e vai até 2017. A quem interessar disponibilizo gratuitamente. vitória da Luz!


  22. Wow, so grateful to you Cobra and all who participated! I am thrilled to be in this next phase - I feel it!

  23. I laughed and cried in euphoria while reading this report. I am still processing everything. Thank you Cobra and all the volunteers who post the guided meditations and sample videos on how to do it, it helped me a lot. I am very proud of us.

    Victory of The Light!

  24. I have a couple of comments.. first i am happy to hear the threshhold has been surpassed finnaly in a bigger scale than before. So thank you all those who participated.. even if by just putting the intent out there.

    Now the report looks all good.. but how about the lil people?.. i understand the wish to build islands for qualified members pflight were the purest of xyz requirements get to rebuild new atlantis..

    But i must ask.. what does the rest of the little people get... i can probably vouch that i have seen the most tendered of hearts among the little people.. yes they might be misguided as far as what their belief system is.. stuck in old programming.. old doctrines ... (btw iz there really anyone that iz not?)...

    It seems to me their holy grail moment still being scheduled for later cause they dont qualify per level of awakeness...

    May i asked.. have everyone's heart been probed? Regardless of knowledge and of awakeness...

    I will try to make this short for too much is crossing me mind right now...

    All i hope is those bubbles of pure light works much faster than we have all demostrated here there n in everywhere..May Gaia be there at every ztep...

    Personally, if i am a lightworker of sorts... i dont think i came here to liberate the strongest of lightworkers... but for Gaia... for her people...

    People which includes the lil pepple woth their virtues n follies.. the one that keeps being placed in the backburner... like second hand citizens by any faction

    1. The rest of the Humanity will be evacuated by the motherships of the Asthar Galactic Command. At least that is what I think according to the book about the Ascension process, which will begin after the Event. The Book is here :


    2. …most probably the Islands of Light will grow into some larger Areas of Light.

    3. Dear Heart, thank you for this! Because we arrived ages ago to create a peaceful gentle transition for all and we know in our hearts there is more to do, we shall carry on forward.

    4. Hello Dragon Heart, you’re becoming somewhat a legend on here with all your advice you give to help people and clarification haha great stuff. I do believe all souls will be safe and evacuated except those who have fallen far to low in vibration to be saved which i’m guessing will have to experience the reflection of their vibration. I do believe these are just the dark souls such as the cabal that have not been arrested by then. But this is just my gut feeling and pure speculation. Is does seem like we are spoon fed information in order for us to go within for answers instead of panicing like a few comments i have read on here.

    5. Cruise what u suspect i suspect too.. and has been addressed in the blog or interviews. There are contingency plans in case of last minute emergency.. yes i also believe everyone will be taken care.. Also believe we are provided as much informarion as need to at the moment as not all can be revealed for tactical reason as well or perhpas for consideration of some so not to freak people.. Thus i agree with all u said..

      The saddess comes is just seeing so many still suffering... this is what i at times described as needless suffering but i keep forgetting this is a hostage situation. When i remember this, it brings things into perspective even if it not soothes the sadness

  25. Why u say female soul family and female soulmates for making goddess bubble email me here but not male or both? Sry everything else awesomeness you

  26. Dear Cobra. Since last Dec. I feel my task for disclosure is almost finished and my higherself told me to find my soul family members as many as possible. Today your post is verified my inner guidance is credible.. thanks for your info. Looking forward to hearing your new update soon. Victory of the Light

  27. Gratitude! much info to process. I will read many times to let fully sink in. Thanks. Feels like a stubborn clogged drain that just started to move through.Relief! :) LOL. Namaste

  28. Amazing!!! Vitcory of the Light! Great!!!!

  29. I know the light island you refer to Cobra, I have been there in my astral travels along with my soulmate (wife). I have a son there and soul family members, that I communicate with through my daughter.

    I have been wandering how I can manifest my island home here on Gaia, where most of my soul family are split between realms at this present time. I wish to communicate with you in private regarding this matter so I can disclose details to you about the island I speak of. I just created a tutona email address and waiting for 48 hour approval for activation so I can email you.

    Victory to Light!

  30. So Great news! WE Thank You so MUch. WE All did It! <3 Victory of the Light!

  31. What about toplet bombs cobra? How much are still remaining? I don't care about bubbles of heaven. Remove the damn toplet bombs.

    1. Estoy de acuerdo, no importan las Burbujas mientras los problemas
      ombas toplet existan

    2. Cobra will unlikely release any news about the toplet bombs until the Event. Last I heard only 30 meters of toplets remained around the Earth, so we are getting pretty close. It seems that within the Bubbles of Heaven the toplets can't be triggered to go off. Maybe if you create a bubble of heaven you can have first contact before everyone else does.

  32. In the mission ignition website it indicated the the archangel micheal/gabriel we had been praying, channelers channeling his message and light language activations from him are the works of an charlatan evil entity playing a good guy!?

    Also in the final lament article from the same website indicated that free will is an illusion and that we really have no free will so accepting that truth will set you free. While as the article mentioned we have "free" choice to choose what we want to expierience but everything else that happens when you live that choice are preprogrammed to and you follow it to the letter thinkingit was your choice but the life you chose to expierience made that choice for you in truth....what?!

    That made it sound like the meditation we did to day where predestined to be successful and we only think its our free will participation did it when it was the life expirience we choose this time had programmed for just to join this time and make it successful....something like predestiny?! What in the world is that?!

    1. According to Cobra, the real Archangel Michael is actually a good guy who did a lot to keep the darkness from spreading into the universe. So I'm confused. Did Cobra get updated info on Archangel Michael?

    2. I agree, just doesn't feel right

    3. It’s simply a short piece that Cobra thought was meaningful, which it was. It doesn’t mean that he agrees with all of the information posted on that website, nor in the exact article linked. The point of the article isn’t to provide intel, but to provide hope that all that is Done will be Undone.

    4. I have received many messages in the media from Archangel Michael he is working a lot to enlighten us, you can hear from him the most on Spirit of Light by Ronna Vezane on YouTube and not only but on many other channels as well.

  33. Great job everyone! Everyone deserves a hug! Much love! VOTL is inevitable!

  34. I knew we could do it! It feels like it;s just a matter of time now.

    In the meantime, is expanding on Command PB Stardust a possibility?

  35. I purchased a copy of the book that has all the intel posts from this blog.

    May prove useful but also act as a souvenir

    1. Let us know how it looks like. Is there a comprehensive index? A glossary?



  37. …and how far from the shore will invade this mile tsunami?...
    …and who will still be able to Ascend beside of the Areas of Light after this?

    1. It is actually not true. The Tsunami will be much, much higher! About 20 km in height, as the earth is NOT really round. So when we dive through the standing water at the "old" equator everything will be really erased and terminated forever. Nothing can withstand such a power and pressure. Too bad. You should have developed UFOs earlier..... ;-)

    2. …it might reach hunderds of kilometers, no wander...

      and... don't forget, even in static condition (in the ocean), at 1mile (1609, or 1852) depth, the force of the pressure is 160...180 kgf/!!


    3. …so described, it really looks as a global extinction event, 'a few years' after the Event.

      So, would you no longer day by day ask: when the Event will happen?....

  38. Cobra thanks for your report, very good news indeed. But please cover THESE topics in your next update.

    1. what is the status of the deadlock with plasma toplet bombs now?

    2. How does the changed structure of the primary anomaly affect the process of removing toplet bombs?

    3. How can the Soul Family mandalas be formed since the toplet bombs and the global supervisory system are still working. If I am the dark force, WHY I don't kill the lightworker when she/he sends email to you or other soulmate, needn't to wait for them to meet physically.

    4. In order to form soul family mandalas or go to live in island of light, is it necessary to abandon our original families (abandon the little child, old parents who need to be taken care and handicapped brother or sister if we have any) ? In other words , is it another type of "Entry Protocol"? When do these two things happen officially? Before or After the Event, or at the moment of the Event? IF before the Event, see the 3 above. If after the Event , that's ok.

    1. Yes, I wanted to ask on the situation regarding the deadlock as well. According to Cobra the direct intervention of the Light forces in the lifes of the surface lightworkers depends on resolving the deadlock! <3 Another key aspect of the Return of Light meditation was resolving the deadlock by anchoring as much Light as possible on the surface of the planet. We anchored a Huge amount of Light, then I do hope so, that we finaly resolved the deadlock... And interestingly enough, Cobra told us, that the Light forces have a certain plan on that day and that the plan will be revealed only after the meditation is completed. Maybe something did change and altered the plans or prolonged them. I am very curious in the next Update on those two concerns... <3 Victory of Light!

    2. That plan will be revealed when the time is right.

  39. I dreamt of a huge tsunami this night and I see this now...but strangley enough no one was harmed...

  40. Cobra you said previously that the Light Forces have a certain plan for that day and that plan will be revealed only after the meditation is completed. Now the meditation is over. What is that plan? Is that certain operation still not completed?

    1. I totally agree. Also the text is very long, the information about the not so distant future is very very little. There should be much more information for us.

      And by the way I dont understand the excuse that nobody can tell about the lightforces operations because it is classified. The darkforces know much more than the intel on here.. so why not giving us the intel they already know?

    2. The Cabal read this blog as well. I'm guessing once it's safe to do so then the info will be released .

    3. We must be patient. Clearly, a huge breakthrough has been achieved. There are literally light bubbles brewing around the planetary surface. Just think, a few years ago the Galactics couldn’t even come close to the surface. Now, everything is happening on or near the surface. It is only a matter of time before the nucleation phase is complete. From now on, more light will arrive each and every day; every day will be better than the last. So, do not worry about not knowing all the details. What’s important is utilizing the recent breakthrough by bringing in the newly-founded light into our lives.

  41. j'espère que le ivre sera traduit en français...

  42. Thank you Cobra, RM, my Galactic family. I am not healed but I feel lighter in spirit. Well done everyone. I knew of the Floods etc from Corey and the Anshar, but said nothing. I was told by my guides etc that not one starseed can end up after all this, in a worse position than when they voluntarily dropped to Earth; I was reassured as I am transmuting the stuff of 1000s others and cannot get a good vibe due to trauma pain. Even those that did not awaken, the act of service. It seems we should end up at a higher density than when we started. Blessings, thanks all those getting up in the night. Uk has had it cushy but I had to get up at 5am this time!


  43. This full report comes much earlier...

  44. A lot of magnificent information here!

    And links to websites I never knew existed.

    What a long battle it has been.

    Thank you Cobra.

  45. that's why I came on this beautiful planet, what is more beautiful started

  46. HALLELUJAH :D We are FREE!!♡♡♡

  47. Thank You Cobra and All You wonderful Beings of Light. Well Done 🙏🏼❤️
    This post well and truly blows away the now trivial world non-events taking place i.e. what's going on in the USA, what China, Russia, UK and other deem important "poof!" gone. Let's get those Islands of Light built ASAP and live Our Truth. I look forward to receiving further instructions on how and where to do this. They will be like Ark's of light while all around Us the old sinks into the sea, WoW, what times we live in. Looks like we'll be getting the physical confirmation very soon that things are definitely happening and that the World will never be the same [Thank Source]. The Light is and always has been Victorious! What's Next! 😊❤️🙏

  48. Messages of Sadness

    I ve been receiving messages of sadness for the last month or two.
    During the meditation of the 21th,this has ended.
    This last message of yours has left me with a deap sadness again. I am a dreamer, I dream of a world of joy, love and peace. For my children, for your children, for the children of the world. But now I hear from you that only the summoned will be saved, as everybody else will die by the huge tsunami.
    It s not OK.

    Thank you for your efforts and let's hope that the light will shine for every last kid on this beautiful planet...

    1. No michaela.. he is not saying people will be left behind to experience the tsunami.. if u read. It will happen after the event.. when the event occurs..everyone will be affected.. by then te hnology will be shared to heal.. everyone will be free of the slavery system..

      My underztanding.. he talks about islandz of light etc. Thats so groups vet started building light among the chaos... pure light..

      It has nothing todo with leaving the rest do die.. the only problem i have is that i feel many could still be spare of further pain even if they dont remember their abc's .. they should still b given a chance.. if only they r given the opportunity.. this waiting for people to grow before being entitle to dizcover their potential i find it very saddening..

  49. So nice so far, but you, Cobra, repeatedly in the past have written, that this time there would be no tsunami catastrophy to clear the surface of the earth, as the beneavolent forces would ptrevent this from happening! Why this change in the plan?

    1. It has not changed.. it will not happen pre event .. this is after. He normally says we shouldnt be worrying about catastrophic earth changes..

      The idea that earth will be transformed has not changed as far as i can recall the information provided and i been readin the blog for years now..

      this is not to happen pre event...

    2. Cobra does have to come up with clarifications!

  50. This is so amazing to hear! I'm feeling hopeful again!

  51. Beautiful news.
    So pleased and happy to know our meditation was a great success:)
    The anticipation of this was worth the wait.

    Victory of the Light

  52. Many thanks for this heart-warming update. We did it and wrote the history of the Universe!

  53. Many thanks for your heart-warming update. We wrote the history of the Universe yesterday!



    A word in the benefit of Light Communities, Islands and Areas of Light development...


    All that is posted on this blog comment page under this concern is strictly in the claimed benefit and in the meaning of 'Open Source' development.

    Nothing is advertised here, and nothing is for sale!
    No money is asked for anything!

    All ideas and 'blueprints' are for 'public usage' for all who considers to be inspired in their work for LC development, or to bring in this way publicly their work and expertise, under the 'aegis' of this Movement, in order to be used by others in the 'cocreative' development of Areas of Light, Contact Zones, and others alike.

  55. Thank you Cobra, RM, my Galactic family.Well Done!
    Everyone deserves a hug!

    Since 2012, they have consistently followed each post.
    Thanks for this new information, wow.

    What is the stalemate with Toplet plasma bombs now?

    How does the modified abnormality of the primary anomaly affect the Toplet bomb disposal process?
    Cobra said earlier that the Light Forces have a certain plan for that day and that plan will be revealed only after meditation is completed. Now the meditation is over. What is that plan? Is that certain operation still not complete?

    Please when an update for it!
    Thank you all !

  56. This picture made me very emotional

  57. Thanks very much to all the people that participated, to all the people that put their efforts to spread the knowledge of the initiative and especially, of course, to Cobra. Now, let's move on!

  58. Sounds very good.Thank you.
    Volt !!

  59. WHOA

    Getting redirected back to the Mission-Ignition writings from 10-15 years ago is tripping me out. (At least that is when I discovered them). Not sure what to make of all the talk about "planned gender confusion," or how to reconcile that. Ancient peoples recognized various gender expressions, as well as gay couples, long before the WASP/Christian prohibitions entered the picture. I very much dislike homophobia and the movement to return to inequality. Ugh.

    1. Thiz is my take. The bad guys have been tampering with us from the time of atlantis.. this entailed reincarnation... from difficulties we will ve presented to what avatar... my undersranding is that there is some degree of choices we do have when we sign the contract before being reincarnated but not many choices. So it should not be a shock that gender issues is to be one more tool to create disharmony by bad guys.. however..note we have been recycle for so long who the heck is not confused about much everything by this point?...

      Anyways.. understanding that such tactic has been used does not in me eyes qualifies you as unfit or any less of value... everyones paths and challenges varies... in whichever form u are n in which level of confusion ..u still fighting for ur survival n liberation.

      Cobra doe not disclosez this information so people will start to look at others or at onezelf as if such group were zubhumans.. this is to help us understand what has been hppening to us all.. not only on this lifetime but on all...

      Wheather is truly gender confusion due to implants or energy signature not matching the avatar or what not...

      Everyone has to deal with all our distortions done to us not just genderwise...n recognizing it was a scheme by the bad guys does not necssarily kicks you out of the entrampment.. unless u are really strong i supppose n ingnore all impulses n desires.. n memories..etc..

      When one understands the issues before us all.. there is no room for homophobia..
      Homophobia just like everythinh is a way to create more discort than we need.. .. to trigger the weakspot we hold on to from ages of conditioning. in other words to trigger the ignorance we still hold on to.

      If u know of any gay perzon that can go into deep trance and dispel any control mexhanism placed upon him before birth then more power to her or him.. if thats not possible.. all we can do is to live our life to the best we can under the circumstances. Until zuch time comes where we can be ourselves again..

      Gay or not does not define ur character or strength... no ur spirituality level or lack thereof...

    2. @david: same here, not sure how I feel about this... the linked article about beards and shaving says "shaving is gay"

    3. I havent read the article.. so i think is best to read the whole paragraph.. n i will in a min... but let me just say this. The bible says many things would u take it literally and to heart.. do u trust absolutely the writer on everything being written?.. was it written by Cobra himself?.. Cobra has provided links to different site before that contains chunks of good information n some other that may be incomplete or not fully on tge mark. I think unless u hear from Cobra tge complete review about the article our reaction until then should not be taken as if it was a bible.. meaning still discern much of what is being said.. in factvwe should be doing that with everything...

      Without reading the article.. that lil piece of info u provided that freaked u out.. "shaving is gay".. only leads me to think quickly to thoughts.. either the writer is utterly homophobic or i am reading out of context...
      Thus i will go n read the article.. (i wish j didnt have to )

    4. @David
      I was going to ask the same.

      See, some of you already know my problem...I was born male, but INSIDE ,the REAL me, there is a WOMAN who is SCREAMING to come out, be real.

      And I KNOW the ET's can help me become the woman I SHOULD have been or at least be changed to look and sound like one, that, too will be adequate. Either being like a transwoman, like adult film star Bailey Jay...OR those particular males who have sch strong feminine features....which include their appearance and voice, that they would be easily mistaken for girls. Either of those would be fine for me.

      I do not want to be some chest beating, masculine, "Macho Man" like John Wayne, or "Stonecold" Steve Austin....BUT I also do not want to be what is known as a "twinkle-toes", either....examples of that being Richard Simmons and the late John Inman. For these are both masculine in nature, different ends of the masculinity spectrum, but masculinity none the less.

      I need to be feminized, so I can FINALLY be comfortable in my own skin....for, right now, me...and other folks like me, are trapped in the worst prison there is, the prison without walls. And I've felt this way for a LONG TIME.....and having a conservative Catholic and Christian family did NOT help.

      And this is one of several reasons that I demand ET contact, DIRECT, PHYSICAL ET contact....for their technology and techniques, which would appear to us like 'magic', as WE would appear 'magical' to stone-aged people, can help ME. Billy Meier, who I feel is legit, was offered by the ET's to regrow the arm he lost during his youth. He only refused because he knew that, eventually, word of a man who's amputated arm suddenly 'grew back' would reach the ears of the military, and they would probably take him to be dissected, in hopes of learning how it was done, and how to weaponize it. Also, I listened to a man on the radio who was taken onboard an ET ship. He was given a box, and upon opening it, he saw it contained a black sludge that smelled horrific. When he asked what it was, the ET's said it was the tar that they taken out of his lungs (he was a chain smoker).

      If they can do THAT, coupled with faster than light travel, and harnessing the amazing energy requirement for it, along with the rest of their amazing stuff....then I KNOW that they can help ME. Same goes for life span, I want to live FAR more than a measeley 80-100 years...which is a pittance compared to the ET's...some of which are pretty much immortal, and little to no aging. I want THAT as well to learn and evolve...and IF I gotta die, I want it on MY terms, and NOT after decades of pain and decreased mobility from physical breakdown that plagues humans.

      And given that this WILL be my FINAL reincarnation, contracts be DAMNED, I say.....I NEED the above stuff I mentioned to happen. This is my last life, and I DEMAND it be good and long...and on MY the past 39 years that I have lived, I have yet to recall a single moment of it in which I was genuinely happy.

      And I don't think what I ask for is unreasonable, yes?

  60. Reading this post as well as the Yellow Vest post triggered a very intense energetic experience in me. Any significant to this I wonder?

  61. Hello cobra,

    If the tsunami will only happen a few years after the event and only a few areas will not be affected, what about all those people living in the affected areas? What is the plan?

    1. The all will come on different spaceships at this time, during the tsunami waves.

    2. They are taken to a planet like Earth. I think Cobra has already written about this. ---It would be good if he talked about it again. (The Earth is not suitable for a three-dimensional lifestyle after a while.)

    3. (Or approx 7 billion people go to the soup?! Because also it can be interpreted so! It's the same as the Chimera-Cabal plan! )

  62. I'm glad this was so successful! I worked to spread the meditation around to different groups and did my best to participate.

    Regarding the masculine and feminine though, it's been bothering me for a very long time that I'm not really interested in being in a romantic relationship, or am not interested enough to make anything happen. I've been this way through high school and so forth. I had romantic feelings, but was not primarily interested in such things.

    I don't understand why there has to be only two basic energies (masculine and feminine) when it seems that there should be an infinite number of different energies. Maybe I'm ignorant though because of my mostly nonexistent experience of knowing the masculine and feminine or, I haven't known what it's like to 'be with someone.' I find the idea interesting, but when I see couples and so forth I tend to get rather bored. I'm not trying to say that this is the case for others. I could be missing out on quite a bit. I just have little interest.

    And, because such a union is a core part of this blog, sometimes I'm not sure what I'm doing here, because I've never really had enough interest or drive to experience this kind of union, because if I did it would have happened by now. I've always been more depolarized than others, and don't think that sexuality and even love itself (both being ultimately the same right?) is who a being really is. 'I am presence,' however, may be a different story.

    I also don't think that this union is the only way to ascend and so forth. There would probably be many other ways. It's the only way mentioned by this blog though, or am I incorrect?

    Regardless, I'm glad the meditation was a success, because it certainly needed to happen for humanity to break free from the anomaly.

    1. I don't think you're alone. It's ok.

    2. Solitary wolf, you need to love and respect you first and keep doing what lifts you up. That's the priority.

      Many of us don't have Soul Family on this planet. In this regard, there is nothing to expect here about romantic unions. However, is possible develop healty relationships that contribute highly to the liberation since mutual respect and the fulfillment of the objectives are present and are taken seriously.

      The erotic loving experience (not mechanic sex) is only one important part of the process and is only possible when the energies match together. The reality is that we don't have this scenario unless if our conterparts start to arrive from their ships.

    3. @Rosa de Venus

      some of us can't get into a relationship....

      First of us all, 'ufo nuts' like me, don't get seem to be 'worthy', we're written off as tinfoil hat loonies.

      Second, my gender'll see a large post of mine showing up here, soon. And I might have been born male, but inside there is a woman trying hard to come out and be real, which I NEED to have happen. And, while stuck in the wrong body....I'm not even the idealized man.....skrawny, went bald at 16 (WHY do we even HAVE hair loss?! I mean, what do one NEED it for?! It's a disease of the spirit, and one of MANY strikes I have for both this WRONG body I am in, and the human body currently), and the people I TRIED to start a relationship with, both male and female....shrug me off, saying they want a "REAL MAN", and other junk.

      And those I DID have a chance with, always, and I mean ALWAYS were in other states, or more often than not...other COUNTRIES. And when it seems I have a good chance....the person I show interest with DISAPPEARS on me.....for the past 20 years, it's been like this. The last DATE I was one was December of you can see how bad it is for me. Been so bad, I GAVE UP on human lovers in early 2013....after trying since 1994, when I was 15, I threw in the towel, 6 years ago.

      For me, ANY chance of romance for me lays out there, among the stars.

  63. Yesterday was my birthday and I couldn't imagine such a gift. Wow! Welcome the bubbles of light! Things are getting interesting! Love you all COBRA, RM, LF, AC, and all beings of light helping us with this transition.VOTL!

  64. Let's assume I were to anchor enough light in my local area and created a Bubble of Heaven; would this make the area safe for my galactic family to come visit and give free energy to start my mission? If the "Bubble of Heaven" is safe from all dark interference, does this mean it is impossible for toplet bombs to be triggered by first contact, or contact with the resistance movement?

  65. That's beautiful to see so many happy people.

  66. I am so happy that enough of us managed to create this new shift. Blessings

  67. Thing is Cobra will know who his soul family are as he will be told as Pleiadians would scan their soul essence. Average Joe and Jane will not have this, of course this wouldn't matter to some delusional people who will convince themselves of something lol. This is the pickle, Cobra will go on and do his thing, which is great...but we are fucked lol. How about group together to buy a submarine ! I think the only way to get out of this and figure out who or what we are is to activate some kind of Kundalini spiritual power, gotta get practicing.

    1. @fun times
      so, for all our suffering and hard work, we are rewarded with.....nothing.....just the battle wounds we received?

  68. Glad to hear we were enough participants.
    So please! Please please please.... The ground population gave a simultaneous thumbs up to the light forces. You are welcome down here! We are all doing the best we can. Time to show up and help us with the rest!

  69. Cobra,FatherMotherGod Bless You!

  70. Thank you dear Cobra ✨ only Light and Love will prevail ✨ the universe is returning back to its original state of eternal Light and Love ✨ Victory of the Light ✨🙏🏼❤️🌈

  71. szollosandras2

    'We wrote the history of the Universe yesterday!'

    What an AMAZING way of putting it WOW... 10/10... Well Done!!!

  72. Well... I have been married to my wife 20 years. And I think that qualifies her good enough to be my soul mate. And I have 6 sweet dogs. hehehehe So I have my soul family, in my opinion. I am happy just the way it is. I will not change a thing. I don't need anything else. Let's rock. hehehe

  73. HALISARIUS- Better Be Activated Sooner For The Whole World Is Changing 12/1/19:

  74. I sure like the sound of Bubbles of Heaven. Good name.

  75. Thanks Cobra for all your good work! Thanks also to everyone present during the meditation!

  76. Very good. Congrats to all. However, as we can see in the first graphic, the number of people actually participating today is over 600.000 and not just about 400.000. Regards.

  77. Hi all, we have entered the nucleation phase. This essentially means that the time we are in now is going to be easy for those who are for the light. We will be rewarded for being good and not vice versa. We have all seen people who are really really bad, rising the ranks and becoming rich and powerful. Their were also good people who were protected by the light forces at that time.
    Now onwards is little people will also be rewarded for being in the light.
    After the nucleation stage is the compression breakthrough (event).
    After the event positive forces will be here to guide and awaken those of us who still need guidance. We all will have a few years to follow the right path and find our islands of light.
    After this time will come the micronova event and the accompanying tsunami.
    Those of us in the islands of light will be unaffected by it.
    So all we do is follow the light and be safe. Many things to learn. Things which seem eew to us now may become the norm.
    An example: some of us are so comfortable to be with animals of all kinds, whereas for some light workers this could be the eew thing which they would need to overcome.
    Main thing is that we have reached that stage right before the event. The event is very close and in the near future we will again be meditating to bring forth the event.
    Cheer up light workers, all is well with the plan. In the meantime you will still face your triggers but your mind will be stronger and you will not react to them as badly as you used to do before.

  78. translated to portuguese:

  79. According to wikipedia:

    T Tauri stars (TTS) are a class of variable stars associated with youth. They are less than about ten million years old.[1] This class is named after the prototype, T Tauri, a young star in the Taurus star-forming region. They are found near molecular clouds and identified by their optical variability and strong chromospheric lines. T Tauri stars are pre-main-sequence stars in the process of contracting to the main sequence along the Hayashi track, a luminosity–temperature relationship obeyed by infant stars of less than 3 solar masses (M☉) in the pre-main-sequence phase of stellar evolution. It ends when a star of 0.5 M☉ develops a radiative zone, or when a larger star commences nuclear fusion on the main sequence.

  80. This contains wrong information "One journey of our sun and planets around the center of our Milky Way galaxy is sometimes called a cosmic year. That’s approximately 225-250 million Earth-years."

    Our sun with the earth rotating around it orbits Alcyone every 26000 years, not the galaxy. 360 rotation around galaxy takes 225-250 million years. The solar system crosses the galactic plane every 13,000 years

  81. Corba,
    Thank you for such as positive and detailed report. My Mom, my younger brother and I meditated at the designated time. We all felt such warm, love, and embracing energy all around us through out the entire meditation. Let's hope this will continue to put us on a positive time line that lead us to the Event and propel the majority of Humanity to the Fourth Density....

  82. Where is the intel about the near future and especially about the NOW? There should be much more information for us.

    I dont understand the excuse that nobody can tell about the Operations because it is classified. The darkforces know much much more than the intel on here.. so why not giving us the intel they already know?

    And nice for cobra to meet his soulfamily... but most of us do not have that pleasure and for now it does not seem to change soon (especially if you dont live in the u.s. with a high percentage of starseeds).

    And why are only woman invited to his group? A soul does have both masculine and feminine energy so why excluding souls that are incarnated as men? Sounds strange to me.

    This post have not brought any relevant information for me besides the confirmation of the Critical Mass. It all looks like it will take months/years for the real big positive changes to unfold. And the given information about the dark agendas is not new and is not of any relevance for me and not for the process now. Also the bubbles of heaven information is nothing that brings us forward now. Sees to be "normal" information but especially after this huge meditation and this new situation we need real intel for the NOW and not some for the distant future.

    We need real helpful information. We need real soulfamily-connections (not only theoretically). And we need changes in the system to be able to better express our true galactic Self.
    We need a better security-system against those spiritual attacks. Things like the 504-problem and other stuff should never happen again!!!

    Some critical words but this had to be said.

    Lets get to the real changes.


  83. When you got a job to do you got to do it well....
    Congratulations everybody, at the end of the meditation I had a vision of celebrations and cheers happening on all Motherships, we did it! <3

  84. What a relieve! Last weeks i was a bit worried about the Event and Pole Shift. Thinking one would trigger the other quickly.


  85. Here are 5 reasons why growing out your armpit hair is good for you:

  86. How far inland can a 1 mile high Wave reach?

    1. Soulivx, he is talking about a mile high plasma wave from the sun. This will trigger a physical polar shift so physical tsunamis may be involved as a result.

  87. I love you so soooooo much,Cobra!✨✨✨Sending love to you all! ✨✨✨

  88. Here is an article of all the wonderful changes going on.. outside.. but that we still can't feel the difference....

    Is as if progress is supppose to feel like business as usual for the lil people.. n thats ok

    Based on my litmus paper there iz plenty of ztill ignorance ongoing.. wheather the cabal had been taken down that has not affected the stupidity of some other socialpaths s d psuchopaths among us.. nor within us

  89. Cobra, can you please clarify the whole issue about male and female energy and what you say is indoctrination? As a gay person I'm really not sure how to feel about the things you posted about that subject. One of the links you posted about beards says "shaving is for gays"...

    Where should LGBTQ people see themselves in this whole picture?

    1. Hey this is what I commented below:

      Hey, it is not about that.
      Cobra didnt explain it correctly.
      It is about (soul-)energy. Every soul has both male and female energy. It is only about that. This can also be a female couple where one part is providing the male energy(sending, electric) and the other one is providing the female enery(receiving, magnetic). Both put together in harmony can create wonderful things. It can also be a couple of two men. The only importance is a loving soul-connection and the expression of the male/female energy.

      Hope I could help.



  91. Hi all.

    I am very concerned at the news of the cataclysm predicted and caused by the Sun. There was no talk of a peaceful transition without problems? The tsunami and polar shift will cause global damage and deaths to millions. Really the liberation of planet will cost us such a price? It seems to me absurd. Can someone explain to me better?

    1. This isn't going to happen until a while after the event, when the entire population will be moved at safe areas.

    2. The key to survival is for humanity to ascend to 5D before then. There will be no mile high Tsunami on 5D Gaia. It is only a 3D Earth problem. In the original plans the event was supposed to happen in early 2013 and we would have a decade or more to prepare for ascension. But now it is 2019 and still no event and the Tsunami is only a few years away. This is why I favor "Delta option" being initiated immediately.

      If everything is going to get destroyed anyway then we should just go with Delta Option. The alternative is humanity gets wiped out by the pole shift and resulting Tsunami. Though not ideal Delta Option is the safer path. To those of higher consciousness death is an illusion. But missing out on ascension would be fate worse than death. I am not trying to be a downer here but this the Truth. The light forces are going to have to make some hard decisions and make them soon.

      Peace be with you and victory to the light.

    3. Novu.. there has been some catastrophes in the past where civilzations went underground... so i believe even if we were at the 11th hour.. some option would be presented to escape or exit such event. of course if people are willing to follow...

      This happened in the past...

      Would be nice we had more time to prepare indeed but we got what we got..

  92. What a joy it is to participate in this liberation of earth and humanity!
    Bless you Cobra and our Galactic Family, and of course, the many thousands of lightworkers who added their brilliant energy to the cause!
    We are the ones we've been waiting for!

  93. Dear Cobra
    We have a question for you!
    But first of all thank you for this report after the meditation! It's really the Victory of Light thanks to all of us!
    When you talk about heaven's bubbles, are these "geographically" related to Cintamani stones buried everywhere? Are these Heaven's Bubbles also related to Cintamani's stone bearers?

    thank you for your reply
    (Marie-Hélène and Vincent)

  94. Stay in silence and stop expecting help. Center yourself in heart chakra. Stop reacting to senzorial stimulus. Generate gratitude in your heart. Let it be, let it pass. What you resist, stick around.

  95. "This mile high tsunami wave will effectively purge from the surface of the planet all impurities that still need to be purged. Needless to say, all Islands of Light and all Areas of Light will be completely unafftected by the tsunami wave, as they will be protected with advanced technologies given to us by positive races after the Event.
    As all this will only happen a few years after the Event, there is nothing to fear." why is there nothing to fear?
    we have been told all along that there would be no extinction level event - yet here it is. Have I misunderstood this??

    1. The way i understood it.. is that it would not happen during this pre event phase..

      Much of the earth changes topic Cobra would emphasize that we dont have to worry about catastrophies... or he would used to answer that some info still classified..

      Ok here is the snip.. of an interview long ago.. from 2012

      Lisa: I know there is a lot of talk and you’ve mentioned it before but earth changes, severe earth changes most of the information coming to us about earth changes that will happen are coming from off world sources as are the information about ‘they will be mitigated’ but there is nothing that I am aware of really here on the ground to suggest that we are in for earth changes, nobody’s talking about it from studying the planet and what’s going on with it, it has been said that this is just another fear paradigm that is being orchestrated either by the darker ET’s or the Archons or
      the cabal, if it fact earth changes are part of this process, why?

      Cobra: Ok, this is quite a complex story and I will try to explain, actually earth changes were a part of what was about to happen on this planet this was predicted a long time ago but the activity of the light forces have diminished the impact of those changes dramatically so actually the positive ET races have been expecting those earth changes to happen a long time ago and they did not because of the activity of the light forces on this planet and there might be some earth changes happening but not in 2012 much later than that. They might happen after a certain, when the critical mass of humanity will awaken and the purpose of those earth changes happening is to purify the planet, but day by day the situation looks brighter and brighter so there is nothing to fear and yes there is scientific evidence of those things there is a scientist by the name of Paul Violet? That is speaking about the activity of the galactic central sun and actually those earth changes are happening cyclically every 26,000 years when the galactic central sun gets active and right now we are entering the period of increased activity of the galactic central sun. But as I have said the positive light forces can direct the energy of the galactic central sun in a balanced way so that this process is not traumatic for humanity. So I would say there is nothing to fear.
      ---ref lh0612

  96. Hey sister. Do not give up. I am experiencing the exact same here. In the night I cant sleep because if I sleep I get attacked even more so I force myself to stay awake. And some time I woke up screaming for help it felt like I was trapped between the worlds by some entities. The Situation is not nice at all. But I have seen many comments on here that others experience the same things. I am experiencing those attacks by entities for some time now and it is almost "normal" for me. So I dont give it much energy, I focus on good things. I think this is the only medicine. Much love for you. Hope this will end soon. Be strong.


  97. please someone help me.
    i don't understand.

    what was the real result of our meditation?
    how long till these bubbles dissolve the rest of the annomaly?
    i thought it would be kind of immediately.

    i can't take it anymore.
    you can't take it anymore.
    and as i read the only way i can help accelerating the liberation is making love with some man of my soul Family. that's harsh. i am married for 6 years with my soul mate which is a woman and never fell for men before. only boys when i was Young. but i will trully do my best to find a man we both fall for and help this damn event to begin.

    sending love

  98. Kiko Peres
    2 h ·
    I've paid my dues
    Time after time
    I've done my sentence
    But committed no crime
    And bad mistakes I've made a few
    I've had my share of sand kicked in my face
    But I've come through
    We are the champions, my friends
    And we'll keep on fighting 'til the end...
    I thank you all
    But it's been no bed of roses
    No pleasure cruise
    I consider it a challenge before the whole human race
    And I ain't gonna lose
    We are the champions, my friends
    #victoryofthelight #GoGalactics

    1. Sim... conseguimos e o caminho é longo...Juntos podemos tudo. Gratidão!🕊🌎💗

  99. Despite the 300,000 people, the toplet bombs are still there? And so many that the light can not intervene? I do not understand ... I thought the meditation could make a breakthrough, it just sounds like a new thing is being made public

    1. Honestly was there any claim made when the meditation was setup that this was going to clear the toplet bombs?

      Btw The bubbles are a breakthru.. there is pure light now somewhere on earth... even the meditation itself is a breakthru.. u know how long it took to get so many people to participate? One too many years.

      I think by now we should already know that overnight switches request arent realistic.. the game too complex..

    2. Ok .. here is some info from long ago
      Rob – I’ve heard form you and other very valid sources that the pole shift will not be so much of a cleansing process but will actually be a minor shift and that the hundred thousand year cycle of the pole shift is actually, is that been due to humanities consciousness necessary that the pole shift is taken place so violently in the past.

      COBRA – OK. Real intel about the pole shift is still classified. I can not say anything about it. There is no danger of drastic cataclysm in the future. That’s all I can add.

      ---ref rp0914

      Rob – Is it true that a large object triggered the last pole shift.

      COBRA – No. Actually the pole shift, the last one and many of them that happened before were a result of the galactic pulse. Galactic pulse is an event that happens roughly every 25k years – as a result of increased activity of the galactic central sun. When the central sun gets active it emits all kinds of particles which usually trigger increase solar activity and of course increased activity in the environment of the sun which includes our planet.

      ---ref rp0914

      Rob – So, other physical planets, are they also going through this drastic physical upheaval which basically destroys a civilization every 25k years.

      COBRA – It does not need to destroy the civilization. Sometimes it does, sometimes it doesn’t. Humanity lives on this planet for millions of years. Some of those galactic core explosions are quite drastic. Not all of them are. Some of them can be quite intense. This solar system is much more dynamic than science wants to portray. There are on going changes in the solar system which are quite noticeable. For example the Jupiter great red spot(?) has changed dramatically in the last 10 years or so.

      ---ref rp0914

      Rob – So, I guess the question is, in other areas of the galaxy there must be millions and millions of civilizations. The light forces, are they for other planets that are not negative. Are these planets aware. Are their entire populations lifted off during their possible pole shift times. Do they have science teams that are not as far along developed. What happens to these worlds, are they just plowed under and started over again.

      COBRA – Galactic Confederation has technologies to protect living biospheres throughout the galaxy with their motherships. They emit certain protection fields which protect the planets and they can survive this very easily.

      ---ref rp0914

    3. So it is clear the earth changes information was still classified.. all that was necessary to know is that it would not happen at a catastrophic rate while qe still innthisntransition.

      Why nit pick if is going to happen at a later date.. earth needs to transform.. by that time it needs to .. the event had already happened...people free from slavery

      u will be ae to decide where u want to be.. will u be inside earth or outside in the cosmos.. thats my understanding

      Why are people still worrying?

      What we need to worry imho is that the event happens asap. Not if the earth needs to cleanse years from now

    4. How about some cheese to go along with that whine?


  100. Does Semjase have underarm hair?

    And where are the natives of the americas (the Indians) in this whole story of hairs?

  101. Za slovenske bralce:

    Vabljeni v našo skupino Sestrstva Vrtnice in Podporo Dogodka na Facebooku:

    Thank you for the meditation report Cobra.

    Victory of the Light!

  102. Well, all coming in a perfect time. Now we continue working in our selves... continue working in change from inside to outside... creating a perfect world full in light... and then by energetic resonance and brightness of our own light...It will not be difficult to form these islands of light.. the higher we vibrate the less negative effect we will have.

  103. So, men should all shave their beards and buy Gillette razors? It was an ad campaign for shaving. Wasn’t it? Or was it a political piece?

  104. Caterina,
    Blue Moon's reply is good, and may I also add the following.
    This planet is a war zone. I personally talk to the attackers in the following manner: "You are a POS, get the f**k out of my space, Now!" They usually listen.

  105. Gloria da Deus! Gratidão!🕊🌎💗

  106. The time is now family, love and light to all! VOTL! Keep the momentum going!

  107. Cobra wonderful update. I’m confused about the emasculating of men articles you shared. Very ego driven articles. Didn’t resonate. I’m a very effeminate man with lots of gay and trans friends and there is nothing abnormal about that. Toxic masculinity has to be addressed. The ad was not emasculating at all. I can’t believe that the light would push something like this. Energetically I could understand male and female energies. But those articles are very prejudice. Made to divide instead of unify. I hope you are able to clarify this later on.

  108. But to be honest. It reads like another setback.
    And while we’re bleeding dry, the pleiadians are preparing your harem?
    Good for you mate.
    I have enough.
    Victory of the light.

  109. Para mim os que irão sobreviver a inversão dos polos serão as pessoas que estiverem protegidas nas ilhas de Luz com suas familias de alma. Essas pessoas farão parte do recomeço da nova Terra. Todas as outras ou serão resgatadas pelas naves-mãe ou irão para lugares ou dimensões compatíveis com seu nível vibracional. Estou bem tranquila e confiante de que estarei no lugar certo quando tudo isso acontecer. 🕊🌎💗


  110. Cobra, and you might consider lucky yourself to have Semjase so close to your soul family...

    isn't it?

  111. Thank you kindly for the update and all you do, Cobra.

    A great excitement and swelling of love in so many igniting the flame in those around them; a tidal wave of love building and washing over all humanity. The light spark in all, breaking free of the entrapment, and birthing a wonderful new world.

    Love now and always.

  112. This is so wonderful!! Yay we did it!!🐬🐬🐋🐋❤️❤️

  113. I among many other feel far less spiritually connected then ever before yet Cobra would have us believe the opposite is true.
    Now Cobra tells us the "Compression Breakthrough" is actually a string of "phases" to be slogged through over unknown years in time. Why didn't he tell us this before? Because transparency within the light forces is as opaque as darkness is.
    It's the same game the "company of Heaven" has forced us into against our wills and they have no alternative to playing this "ascension" game because if such an alternative existed how many of us would choose that over what we've been forced to deal with?
    Free Will does not exist here at all in 3rd density and the last thing the "Company of heaven" wants you to know is that fact. They created this density and all others excluding the original source and yet they refused to tell us we are in a game we are forced to play against our wills.
    What kind of so called "positive" entities would do that to other beings? What kind of "positive" beings force others to play a game, for billions of years, against their wills?
    What kind of beings who create such a game makes sure there is no alternative to playing their game?
    Any being that creates a game that forces others to play it over billions of years against their wills cannot be considered positive at all. And if you think the physical universe can exist without any negativity in it is ridiculous.

    How does Yin exist without Yang? It's not possible except in the realm where the original source resides and nowhere else. And anyone telling you otherwise is not thinking with any degree of rationality.

  114. Traducido al español, traducido al castellano, traducción:

    We rocked. As soon as we started to meditate, members of my team got a sudden "WE DID IT" and were looking forward to this update for additional information.

  115. I was just waiting for all the comments to start flooding in.
