Sunday, March 31, 2019

A Short Notice to the Surface Population

There are many things happening behind the scenes and if everything goes according to the plan, an update for the surface population will be posted on this blog in a few days.


  1. Love and gratitude from down here on the ground.

  2. Victory of the Light!Everybody MANIFEST THE HIGHEST POSITIVE RESULTS FOR THIS PLAN. I trust the Plan and Once again Victory of the Light!

  3. I'm all a Twitter with excitement.... too soon? Seriously, standing by.
    Rev 5:5 #Soready

  4. I look foreword to it.

    Hope it's going to be good.

  5. There you go Unknown. It's going to be awhile though. I get it, I don't know how I'm going to make it through the day, much less the coming years. I've always thought the planet should be blown up. It's like this scene in the excellent movie Pan's Labyrinth. There is a guy being tortured and a doctor is brought in to treat him so he won't die and can be tortured more. The sympathetic doctor instead injects the guy with something that kills him so he won't be tortured anymore, obviously the right thing to do. The Light forces can't help us and they should have blown up the planet thousands of years ago. The Dark wouldn't have their planet of suffering or the resources that go along with it, and our souls could have gone on to do something else. Instead of living hundreds of unbearable lives we could be doing something better. Really it would never happen because human souls wanted this game. But I still hate it beyond words. I hate ET's, I hate other humans, I hate the Creator, I hate myself, and I hate my higher self most of all. I hate every atom in the universe. I don't care about future life on Earth, I don't care about the higher realms, dying isn't good enough, I want my soul to be unmade.

    1. I've felt the same brother. Your exact words consumed my thoughts also. Stay strong and keep pushing and know that no matter what you say or think, they forgive you and are extremely excited to reunite with you.

    2. Nunca e tarde para ser feliz ! Muitos são pois escolheram ser ! As vezes parece não ter felicidade mais há , o ato de respirar ver a luz do sol e nada material ao nosso alcance que determina isso, pois o fluido da vida e ser e ser traz a possibilidade de expansão , pois você pode ser luz , para um doente, para alguém com fome ou até mesmo para alguém que espera a morte com a boca aberta!

    3. Patrick Kehoe As my understanding, if you were to have your soul unmade you would have your slate cleared of karma, but then you would just start over again as a 1st density being and you'd end up being a human again anyway lol. Sorry, that's just how this game is played... here anyway. You may seek Il Separatio as an alternative, but it is exceedingly difficult. Good luck :)

    4. @mg2323

      This ain't no game.

    5. Keyhoe, I have 683 lives in this dimension. Some are in the past during times of heavy conflict. If you study our real history there are periods of it that are total hells, the worst depravity and inhumane acts you can imagine and I think most of us would be on the receiving end. And on the giving end if you happened to manifest as the controller once or twice. Future lives are different, different in a way that is hard to explain because it is a different awareness but it's not utopia.

      Besides this dimension I have lived and am living in other dimensions , some that are a very slow vibration, like almost standing still, like a crystal. Other dimensions I'm a color having a life in a black and white world. In another dimension imma type of non physical being I couldnt even describe but I know I'm it. The point im making is life is an experience, all the lives we live all contribute to self becoming no matter how unusual they are. Even our most challenging mortal experiences such as this one where feelings and choices can easily become unbearable because the mind has expanded beyond the social norm. The real reason I'm here though is to experience this shift. On a deeper level I know there is something really interesting and powerful about to unfold and my energy manifest into this current. Do I always want to be here? No for reasons like you mention but I think that is the challenge now is to be here and persist. Game on.

  6. We appreciate the updates cobra. I've worked on myself more and more recently and I've learned not to rely on intel drops to keep me satisfied. Instead of worrying about the next update from this or that website, I try to reflect on myself and think positive into the future as positive thoughts manifest more positive thoughts.

    I think those who are really struggling need to realize, thoughts are quick to imagine but manifesting them in the real world can take days, weeks, months or years. That means you need to stay focused on what you want for it to happen.

  7. Thank you so very much for the updates. There are no words that can express appreciation enough for your service.

  8. thank you! I just read the notes from the Hungarian conference, the beginning was REally tough to read, ...not felt hopeful. This recent message is much more....hopeful

  9. Thank you Cobra. I always am found of your updates. I would try to join one of the islands of light but shortly after sending you an email an authoritative voice telepathically told me to stay in the city I am currently at. I guess the galactics have a plan for this area.

  10. Thanks, buddy! :D We were never this close...

  11. Sounds promising. Thanks Cobra, RM and lightworkers!

  12. Ahora apartir del 20 de Abril comenzaran los Eventos.

  13. Goddess energy on this planet has been heavily suppressed for more than several thousand years.

    One of the key factions of the dark forces that are actively suppressing the Goddess energy is the Black Nobility families.

    As mentioned by Cobra, the Black Nobility families that are associated with the Jesuits are allergic to the Goddess energy. They would like to wipe it out from the surface of the planet and have tried to do so many times. Members of these families such as Pallavicini, Orsini, Massimo, Borghese, Aldobrandini, Colonna, Pacelli, Odescalchi, Ortolani and Luzzatti are receiving their orders directly from the Archons and are at the core of conspiracy against the Goddess.

    They are waging an occult war against the White Nobility families that are trying to spread the Light and support feminine qualities such as compassion, receptivity, creativity, love…

    To neutralize the actions of Black Nobility families against the Goddess energy, we suggest creating Buddhic Columns on members of these families. This meditation is supported by Cobra.

    This is a time-sensitive meditation as we will create a Buddhic Column for one member of these families every day at 3:45 PM UTC, starting from Monday, April 1st and finish on Saturday, June 8th.

    After the aforementioned period, you can still maintain the Buddhic Columns on any of these members if you feel guided.

    You can find the details of these Black Nobility members with their photos here:

    Here is the link to the facebook event:

    Here are the instructions for this Buddhic Columns meditation:

    1. Use your own technique to bring yourself to a state of relaxation. Take a deep breath of brilliant white light. Breathe out all that no longer serves you. Repeat this breathing for a few more times. Then say this mantra, or a similar one, silently or out loud if you feel guided:

    "I Am the Soul
    I Am Divine Light
    I Am Divine Will
    I Am Divine Love
    I Am fixed design by me, the Soul"

    2. Visualize your soul star chakra light up with brilliant white light. Visualize this light in the form of a vortex spiraling down clearing your energy field.

    3. Visualize a 5-pointed star being placed high in the sky about 9 miles above the chosen member of the Black Nobility families. See this star glistening high above the chosen member of the Black Nobility families, shining brilliant white light.

    4. Now visualize the White Fire of AN emanating from the Galactic Central Sun, going through all points of light within our solar system and through the 5-pointed star, through the chosen member of the Black Nobility family and deep into the center of the earth. Keep visualizing this pillar for a few minutes.

    5. Visualize the tip of a brilliant vortex of white light spiraling down clockwise from the 5-pointed star, removing and transmuting all low vibrations, dark entities and dark energies and carrying them up to the 5-pointed star for transmutation. Visualize this vortex of spinning white light for a few minutes.

    6. Visualize this Buddhic Column fully linked to all Buddhic Columns on the planet, to the planetary network of Light below, above and on the surface of the planet, and any point of Light as guided by the Ascended Beings, all connected together with this Buddic Column at the 5 pointed star in the network of brilliant white light.

    7. Now, in the name of Source, in the name of I AM Presence of eternal light. We declare and command that the Buddhic Column on (the chosen member of the Black Nobility families) is now complete on all planes as guided by Source.

    Suggested time of this meditation is 15 minutes

    Here is the link to the guided audio of this meditation, which is available in 14 languages:

    1. This seems like a very good idea and makes a lot of sense!

  14. Dear Cobra, I agree with the other person who commented under post:Establish contact. We NEED Event now. We are tired and we are sick of this satanic world. Their agenda is spreaded everywhere. And we dont only "sit and wait". Many of us silently do huge light work every day, even if we dont talk about it: we are here! We do what we can to spread the Light, to raise vibration but I admit...its hard sometimes...Thousands of beings(including children and animals) suffer and die EVERY day because of their sick agenda. Enough is enough!!! We are begging for Event!!!

  15. Hi Cobra,

    Good luck to your friends out there in the inter-dimensional trenches.

    You mentioned before that each of the Phases can be from a few months to a few years. It would be helpful to give us some idea how to cross over in a shorter time to Phase III which will be the final Phase to the Event.

    I get that the Event alone will not solve our personal problems, hence the advice to work on oneself regardless of the timing of the Event. However the environment conditions does affect how we interact and how we see ourselves, like a poisoned sea, affects the fish and other living things in it.

    At my current point in time going to work at a day job taking up most of my waking hours is a drain on my energy. Still looking for alternative income options.

    Until then we will have to wait until the hostage situation with the weaponised quarks are resolved. Last I heard intel on this operation has gotten deep black, so we await some good news on that front.

    1. Me too...Im living a very similar situation. And the more we try, the more you see the blockages preventing what we do to come to fruition...

    2. We all agreed to play this role here right now, because we saw a positive outcome in this situation to begin with. Hence, by us believing in this, attracts to us what is needed to change this planet.

      We also knew it was going to be a challenge but we took our chances anyway, so with that understanding I am really at peace with it and just observing how it will play out in favor of the light, because we already know deep inside things will change for the better eventually. In fact it's cyclical thing, creation is experiencing itself in this manner as we the fractals experience this journey as we go alone.

      Until then, we are all in on this, and I know it gets tough sometimes but then that's where the fun is really. It gets bored sometimes also just being without any drama for awhile if you get what I mean.

      I think we all collectively are done with drama experience for now. Just think of us just having a chat while waiting on our wave home. Love and Light!

    3. @GSari

      I did NOT agree. This miserable lump of rock is an incarnational trap, like those old bug zappers.

      I need to get off this rotten planet.

    4. >Gsari
      I don't have memories of a previous existence agreeing to live on barely above survival and living without a female companion because of lack. I also haven't encountered ETs, but you have interesting perspectives.

  16. Astrophysicists witness the movement of stars expanding outward but not the dimensionality axis of reverse torus itself which was already defined in completion at the earliest stage of the universe where 1/3 of which was taken up by a pink plasma sphere which made all stars galaxies planets Etc.
    Twitter: @awb555

  17. TY Cobra, Light Forces, Light Workers. This Sounds very Promising. Victory of the Light!

  18. Yeah! So be it.. and so it is!
    ....Kamala Angel...

  19. Thank you for the heads up Cobra. Looking forward to hearing the update.

  20. Thank goodness!! We've been waiting patiently.

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. To all who work for the victory of the Light. Gratitude!

  23. Hello Cobra. I would like to add few words to one of the previous comments under: Establish contact. We need Event NOW. They spreaded their satanic agenda around entire world. We cannot take it anymore. Its hard. And no, we are not sitting and waiting. Many of us silently behind the scenes do what we can to spread light, to raise vibrations , to spread information etc...but its hard when they are literally killing thousands of beings ( including children and animals) every single day because of their sick agenda. Its hard when they poison food, water and air , or when we have to work 6 days a week to pay bills, and when over 95% of the population is still asleep. But we are here, we still fight because ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!!! We want Light, we want Event!!! Please let know beings of Light that we are here, and we are not giving up but we need all the help we can get...thank you

    1. Especially when the job one works so that one has money to pay for internet to gain knowledge from sites like these, is a low vibration soul sucking place filled with negative entities.

    2. I make your words mine too.

    3. We need DIRECT ET contact, and we need it YESTERDAY.

  24. Thanks for the update Cobra, how are the meditations going??

  25. Victory of the Light!

  26. 💕💕Victory to Love & Light!💕💕
    We so got this!

  27. I appreciate everything Cobra and RM.

  28. I can really feel that the energies are pulling and pushing. Yes definitely there is heaps going on. The world is getting more and more crazy and at the same time conciousness is rising. Something is dawning and the collapse of the old might be near. Let's already feel and visualize our new future which is about to unfold.

    Victory of the light

  29. Just waiting. Today it my birthday. Please, give a gift. ;)
    And yes, it us totally true!!


  30. #VOTL

    I want to know, with what side Bolsonaro is? Whar agenda he pusuit?

  31. I need another conference in Brazil.


    Namastê, I acknowledge and truly honor the Pleiadian who dwells in you.

  32. Iam so excited Victory of the Light

  33. Thank you and please stay safe.

  34. I feel alot comes down to a No deal brexit and also fisa release will follow. Interesting times ahead

    1. I also noticed that. But I hope this is not a pro Russian thing, because brexit has a lot of relations with Russia. But it will be a interesting day 144 ;)

    2. The way i see it is a No deal brexit brings down the EU and then trump gets the green light to release the Fisa to drain the rats once and for all. However they are doing everything possible to stop brexit and do a custom union which means we will always be tied in with brussels and never really leave. I feel a No deal is being orchestrated from behind the scenes because the new energies will no longer support the old regime

    3. Okay, to be honest I agree with Cobra about Trump being a Jesuit. So I think it will be Britain out and than America will be striked. So it is about the United States and Britain. Perhaps the EU also, or everyone. So also Russia and China, Japan, etc. This is only my view of course.

    4. I could be wrong but i get the feeling that Cobra said that deliberately for false information because the cabal monitor this channel. By all means trump is no saint but none of the alliance are, they all carry baggage. This is a war of our consciousness and the cabal have been winning up untill now.

    5. True. But I guess it is so big that you can not figure it out,perhaps we get the truth once. So I keep it in the middle.


  35. Lust For Life

    Love and Light

    I AM DC

  36. Yes UPDATE urgently please . Don't give uo , everyone. Goddess is with us . Thank you light beings. Victory of the Light

  37. pleiadian galactics

  38. Everyone has their own path to ascension (straight, circuitous). As for my particular one, it has reached the point (like so many other situations in my past), that I feel that I have been "efforting" too much and that there must be a better way. In fact I've reached a Knowing that there is a better way, an easier way, that I haven't been letting it into my reality. So many times, this willingness to change my thinking has opened the door very quickly to what seems like a miraculous shift, a paradigm shift.
    This is how I feel about our planetary situation now.
    I have been mentally conversing with the Galactic Confederation and just letting them know what we humans are feeling and going through. It has already been said many times that they have trouble putting themselves in our shoes because their reality is so far removed. They need to understand that although the implants may make us look like we are complacent, this is not our desire.
    For me, it has been a roller coaster ride of repeatedly working to bring my frequency up and keep doing the work and repeatedly feeling the influence of the implants/other forces bringing me down. I do a lot of self-protection measures with Light so that I can Be Light in this world and bring Light to this world. I believe the failure of planetary liberation in my own particular reality is connected to my own personal feeling of never being good enough or feeling like I have never done enough--but I think that is the implants (and past programming talking).

    I have done work to get rid of the implants from past Cobra conference notes (and have literally done some kind of inner work for 25 years or more) and doing it some currently; but my overall feeling is that it is time for a paradigm shift and a letting in of something previously unknown or undiscovered that will create a breakthrough (for our planet).
    Usually when I really feel this way, and pray about it as well, something good will occur unforeseen.
    I hope this is the case. No disrespect to anyone who has been fighting to liberate us (as I have been too in my own ways), but I sense a grace and mercy needing to occur. Perhaps the thing that actually needs to occur is just a change in perception itself, a different way of thinking about it.
    It is hard to attract the solution, when focused only on the problem.
    Perhaps we all just need to BELIEVE that WE ARE ENOUGH AND HAVE DONE ENOUGH. Perhaps this is the core belief (of being NOT Enough) that the implants and dark forces have tried to keep in place so we cannot even Allow the liberated reality.

    We all know that the reality already exists out there in which our planet is already liberated.

    Just can't sleep right now and sharing my thoughts....🤔


    1. Purplegir1 Absolutely we have our own path. Mine in particular is what is referred to as a "Wayshower". The greatest pleasure I have discovered is to teach others about their latent abilities, to those who will listen. Perhaps your path is a Galactic liason of sorts, communicating to the higher dimensionals that we are in dire need. In my humble opinion however, I do not think we need all that much help, just more people to get the word out that we have more than enough power collectively to overthrow any opposition. But we lack cohesion.
      Believing is one thing, but being is everything.

    2. We need the ET's to arrive, and I gotta get the hell off this planet, and quickly.

  39. 🌟🌟🌟💜🌌💜🌌💜🕊️🕊️🕊️🌈🌈🌈🙏🙏🙏🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗😘😘😘

  40. Храни Вас Исток!!! 💓💓💓🙏🙏🙏

  41. Article from the White House: US Government ACTUALLY Preparing for EMP “Event” – Major Disasters Can Knock Out Power for Several Weeks


  42. humanties Freedom is a long time coming I had hoped we would be well free by now, however thank you to all the people whether in human flesh or in other dimensions who are working tirelessly to free this planet from the darkest of dark evil ......and to all light workers who do the best they can on a daily basis....god speed to the whole project.:)

  43. Ive been following this site for more then a few years now. But lately there has been less and less info. Not to mention the information isn't very clear.
    There isn't much if any explanation on the codes that is used. It's like if your not an insider you have no idea in what is trying to be said.
    And what happened to Cobra. There hasn't been an update in a very long time.

  44. Activate liberation project cells. Whenever, we are ready
    Suomi ja maa on kaunis, Finnish land is my soul

  45. Sisters and brothers
    Please send light and love to Iran Unfortunately, the terrible flood is flowing Please, the most damages are for the poor and the villagers They need help. Help with meditation

  46. Trust the plan, and the bubbles of Heaven keep increasing, slow and easy we're geting closer, Victory of the Light!

  47. The 1000s of South American migrants rushing into the US-Mexico border is an indication of the current "collapse of the social structure" due to obvious governmental failures throughout the world. We also hear (since we can't really see due to the lack of "real news") about "war-displaced migrants" from around the world & how they transit into "Sanctuary Cities", even here in the US. These countries have obviously bigger problems than we have. But we don't have anywhere to go to. Our government continues to amaze everyone, on a daily basis, on how corrupt & idiotic it has become. It has become a "circus". How can these evil, inhuman & corrupt individuals be allowed to operate w/in our government, & enact legislation that only benefit them, their friends & the corporations they work for, is beyond comprehension. Regardless of what we are led to believe, here in the US things are not getting better, they are getting worse. Businesses continue to close. Prices continue to rise on everything from food, to rents, to housing, clothing, transportation, education, & just about anything & everything you need to live a life worth living. Of course, if I had even a half of million dollars I would feel a bit more comfortable. At the current rate of "social chaos, & social deterioration" is just a matter of just a few more years before we become the "migrants", but we have nowhere to go. It is obvious to me that what needs to be done is not only to build a "border wall", but the governments of all of these countries, including ours, need to be "fixed" first & the "evil within them removed", "taken away" & "not allowed to continue to operate" in any capacity anywhere, & then & only then can a healthy "social environment" be established throughout the world. And no, "global government" or a "New World Order" is not the solution, but the "removal of evil" is. We can "pray & meditate" until we are blue in the face, but "evil" is not going to just "walk away" on its own, or these "evil ones" are not going to all of the sudden turn into "enlightened rainbow-beings", & everything is just going to be all "honky dory" after that. "Evil" doesn't just voluntarily "walk away", or can it be "negotiated away", "evil" has to be "removed".

  48. This meditation is supported by Cobra.

    This is a time-sensitive meditation as we will create a Buddhic Column for one member of these families every day at 3:45 PM UTC, starting from Monday, April 1st and finish on Saturday, June 8th.
    As mentioned by Cobra, the Black Nobility families that are associated with the Jesuits are allergic to the Goddess energy. They would like to wipe it out from the surface of the planet and have tried to do so many times. Members of these families such as Pallavicini, Orsini, Massimo, Borghese, Aldobrandini, Colonna, Pacelli, Odescalchi, Ortolani and Luzzatti are receiving their orders directly from the Archons and are at the core of conspiracy against the Goddess.

    1. Yup! Lets do our part in this Earth Mission! We The People! Victory of the Light

  49. We really need ch results now and no talking and announcements anymore .. It's really getting harder to live here, so many people are extremely poor and only hatred, violence, war and struggling to survive ... Slowly the point is reached, where the light forces have to intervene

  50. Hopefully soon, because what's happening in France is pure dictatorial repression. The police is killing everyday innocents peoples who are manifesting for their right, see it by yourself

    1. You made it sound as if Stalin is in Paris!? There is a huge desinformation about the yellow vest movement. Most of it is anarchy elements.If people around the world had French Democracy, wages and vacations, they would feel to be in Paradise!!

    2. where do you live, for sure not in France where people are killing by the rising taxes. As you are to be pro macron, do you know how impostor this man is,it was an illegal election by fraud, investigate before you insult the French people in Yellows Vests....
      its a dictatorial government, a police state
      the mask fall down for macron
      hopefully you understand French, I suppose if you make such comment, have a nice day,
      Vive les Gilets jaunes, Vive la France souveraine
      I love my country and fight against the NWO

    3. BTW, the Yellows Vests will celebrate their Victory who is part of the Victory of the Light...

  51. Por qué la tecnologia de taquiones NO ESTÄ en Sudamerica y Africa? Cuanto mas ESPERA?

  52. Mission is waiting for me.. I Feel it.. This is the last incarnation on Gaia...Goddess will return..

    1. Same feeling here! I'll accomplish my mission on Mother Earth in this lifetime. WE will achieve our goal here. Blessings to you ♡♡♡

  53. Past intel from cobra:

    "Mjolnir technology is a fifth-dimensional Clifford torus, projected into fourth and third dimensions. Liberation of the surface of the planet will follow the Goldilocks principle."

    As for Goldilocks....

    In astrobiology, the Goldilocks zone refers to the habitable zone around a star: As Stephen Hawking put it, “like Goldilocks, the development of intelligent life requires that planetary temperatures be ‘just right’”.


    As for Mjolnir...

    This was the (in stories) hammer of Thor. But Thor is really Tor, or the Torus. It is more an Action, than a Thing.

    A Clifford torus is essentially a doughnut, it is not complex to understand it is something you see all over the place, a car tire, a helicoptor... An essential concept to our industry. To wield this hammer,in the 5th dimension so to speak, is to be using a certain blueprint of the mind portal.

    I allude to it in my new vid comparing the bodies aura to the design of ancient dome architecture, this will give you an idea of a fifth dimensional concept in 3d.

    Mental Architecture:

  54. Thank you dear Cobra,
    Victory to the Light! :)
    In the meantime, let's buddhically enlighten our noble friends :))))

  55. Victory of the Light
    Love and Light from me <3 <3 <3
    Gratitude and blessings!

  56. ~ ~ ~

    Meanwhile.. a PIANO transmission
    for us to keep going!


    ~ ~ ~

  57. Thank you very much. We are waiting for some very good news

  58. Let’s not only think good, but do the good. Extend your hand to the brother or sister nearby. There are plenty of people just waiting for a kind word or to see somebody else setting the example.
    Let’s shine and everything and everyone else will shine. Victory to love and to the light.

    1. Yes, agreed. But but but... what can you do after 15 years of living next door to a woman that in all those years never ever answered any nice gesture and now, really yesterday, was caught peeping through the hedge in my direction while I was opening a window upstars. I already wondered why never succeeded in contact, while she did use me for her small jobs (that I stopped btw), as I have a car and she doesn't. I'm completely turned upside down.

    2. ... and it was'nt the first incomprehensible act of her, from the very beginning.

  59. I guess thanks to you is all I can do right now. Maybe later?

  60. I'm 70 and a bit out of touch, but I said thanks to you.

  61. Dear Cobra,
    Besides your energy and intent, there is a quality I very much appreciate about you. When you speak an answer or statement you do not hesitate. Knowledge thinks about what to say, Understanding already knows. Thanks for keeping us updated, you are the only source I check for new information daily. Thanks Resistance and All Warriors of The Light, as the past to The Event shortens, the terrain completely increases, and as we collectively approach Comprehension Breakthrough, my personal breakthrough is to stop wondering about when Worldpeace1,
    And moment by moment creating Personalpeace here and now.
    Sending Love to The Kind and the unkind Alike

  62. Thanks Cobra, for letting us know. I look forward to assisting in any way that I can. William

  63. Esperando imensamente a vitória da Luz!! Gratidão!!

  64. Love and Light. Please let the positive Event come now.
