Love and gratefulness are all I feel There are no words to express how it is to be in human shoes and wait for every little breath of fresh air and a sip of water from the Source, from outside the veil. The mere thought let alone the glimpse of Light makes me cry of joy. Victory of the Light sisters and brothers Welcome beautiful and precious star beings, welcome to our lives
Vielen Dank für diese präzisen Worte,sie könnten ebenso meinem Herzen entsprungen sein und so möchte ich mich dieser Worte eben auch vollen Herzens anschließen.
Thank you everyone for participating. Thank you beloved Cobra, Light forces, light workers and light warriors. Amazing meditation. Victory of the light 🙏
thousands of thanks to everyone. Now is the time for the show to begin. I am so sorry that I was unable to participate with you tonight. what matters is that you are successful. The road will be better now. Merry Christmas and Victory of the Light.
Thank you Cobra, thank you RM, thank pléiadians, thank you light force and all
Awesome!! Great work everyone!! We achieved GR+ twice! I think this should help reinforce the idea of the collective power we the people of earth have. We could easily do this again and again if we truly wanted to, easily make short work of the dark forces. Again, great work everyone!
WAWWWWWWWW thank you COBRA ! thank you HOSHINO !!!thank you team involved in 1 month prepration and for your ambition and good heart! Thank you LIGHT FORCES !!! critical mass achieved, we will see from Cobra's update what is the real outcome of this super mass meditation, the most beautiful and rich one, I never have seen such a number of promotional videos,posters, guided audios in so many languages, even in the last days before the activation meditation! WE ARE SO HAPPY!!
Million thanks to every participant and person who did the meditation and shared with us this very unique and powerful event !! Thank you! Grazie! koszonom! multumim!!!
All that matters is your clear intention and your enthusiasm. That has an effect whether you feel it or not, but eventually you will feel more and more.
Thank Cobra and All, wonderful news. Our World starts here, today, a World of Peace, Love, Abundance and Joy ...... Swwweeeettt. Love to you All - We did it Guys. The Light is and always will be Victorious!
This is my 7th GR+ This time i felt an incredible energy even at some point it was like i lost consciousness After 5 minutes of starting the meditation i have noticed a great pressure on my chest, my body temperature has dropped, my heartbeat rhythm has dropped and also my breathing
Thanks to all those who have collaborated and/or participated in any way
I have a heart rhythm disorder and I also suffered from it during meditation. To be honest, I had expected that. But fortunately it didn't take long this time, so I could continue without any problems. And I am soooooo HAPPY I joined you all! It was wonderful! A million thanks to all of you 💗
@jw301330... Not everybody had a month to prepare, like us “old timers” here on this blog! I’m sure there were many new / first-time meditators who didn’t even know about it until nearly last minute, but who wanted to participate once they learned of it... So lighten up! 😉 One of my nieces is a newcomer to these meditations, so I was sure to tell her to download and save the guided audio in mp3 format, since youtube can’t be relied on...but not everyone who learned of this meditation last minute knew to do that.
Anyway, YESSS WE DID IT!!! 🤩 GR+ !!! And HUGE Thanks to dear Cobra, all Light Forces, and to everyone who participated! Our beautiful new future on new earth begins now, this very day.❤️❤️❤️ I am beyond grateful.
Lucia sent Dnes o 21:58 Teraz prepúšťam všetok strach z každej bunky aj atómu mojej fyzickej formy aj všetkých energetických foriem🙏 Nahrádzam ho bezpodmienečnou láskou.🎆 Mám jej vždy dostatok ako aj všetkého, čo potrebujem. Som láska a svetlo.❤️💥😇
Yes. It was at a particular time and it was streamed live on YouTube. Nevertheless, it is always helpful to still do it. I’m sure you won’t be alone in it :) Search for : We Love Mass Meditation channel on Ytube 🙏🏻
super primo cosmic excellant-----namaste fine lightforces soldiers everywhere - as we now march hard and fast and tough,and smoothe and cool and lean into a most lovely aquarious scene.....
blessed BE Master! That is a 'can do' attitude that propels the intention forward. I felt the gates of heaven blow wide open and Angelics sang 'Hallelujah' likened to Handel's Messiah. For three hours prior to the meditation here, the most dazzling rainbow(x2) painted the sky likened to the 'Promise' by Gods to Noah after a great change on Gaia. I knew we would make it. The likes of Universal participation made it Magical and Magnificent. This is the 'time' and it was running out. I sense a brand New TIMELINE. So Be it.
I did exactly the same thing! I never get a lunch but asked my manager the day before if she could cover me for 1/2 hour to do an important errand at the meditation time. VOTL!!
There was close to 12000 on the mass meditation site alone. So powerful and amazing. The energy before, during and after was off the charts. Feel so much joy and love in my heart. Thankyou all for being part of journey. Victory belongs only to light and love.
Awesome news, thank you COBRA, I didn’t expect a validation so soon! 👍 I am very proud and honored to be a part of an amazing, kind and loving likeminded people, who have a common aim to free mankind and make the world a better place, thank you!!! ❤️❤️❤️
We did it! May the Light bless You all beautiful souls. Best regards from my soulmates from Poland and also Ireland. Congratulations brothers and sisters! 💓💗💫 VOTL!
I enjoyed doing this meditation. My imagination is very strong and I saw each step very clearly. I also practised it days before. I was feeling a vibration around my head days before and I heard a humming in my ear on the 18th of Dec.
VICTORY OF THE LIGHT. GRATITUDE to COBRA, RM, GF, and all Beings of Light for carrying out The Mission through the Solstice StarGate. Much Love and Light through The Age of Aquarius. 🙏🏼❤️🕯
Your words gave me chills... again!! Just thinking what we all did today is so AMAZING! What an incredible feeling to we came together for the greater good! Overflowing with joy! Good job everyone! So much Love and Light! 👁🌟👁
thank you COBRA, thank you RM, thank you to light force, thank you to sisters and brothers. peace, happiness, love and abundance to all. VICTORY OF THE LIGHT
Beautiful times to be part of this I never felt like that before the Divine source touched earth with this huge collective of lightworkers healing earth. I cried a lot. Thank you all my soulbrothers and sisters. 💙🌹
NOGI: Okay. We are looking forward to it. And what is the status in removing the primary anomaly?
Cobra: Primary anomaly in Earth orbits and higher up is clearing quite nicely, but anomaly close to the surface of the planet not yet because there is simply so much darkness gathered here, accumulated here. But we are expecting the primary anomaly to start really clearing closer to the surface of the planet after December 21st. If we reach the critical mass, the Light Forces can finally begin to start clearing the primary anomaly at the level of the surface of the planet.
Cobra: If we achieve the critical mass on December 21st, huge changes can begin to be initialized. First, the Light Forces can begin to finally start deconstructing the quarantine with all its exotic negative technologies, all that network of electromagnetic fence, of different scalar devices, of all nanotechnology, of implants, of biochips. All that can begin deconstructing because the new Aquarius energies will be strong enough. And if we reach the critical mass, those energies will be channeled through a critical mass of the surface population. And then the big transformation can begin to happen
We wrote down the instructions for the meditation yesterday, learned them, and then shut off our computer and did the meditation today. The energy was powerful and uplifting and it was easy to meditate. Having all the support at the same time from all over the world makes a huge difference. Thank you all for your participation and loving support.
OMG! Did all of us really do this? Someone pinch me I must be dreaming. That was by far the most profound meditation I have ever done! It was so amazing to connect with everyone from around the world and to feel those amazing energies. Thank you Cobra and everyone that made this happen. VOTL!
Today's epic global meditation activated the Age of Aquarius with such strong loving energies that were so profound that I'm still experiencing them and have a permanent smile on my face. I hope that we can all do more meditations together! Thank you all for being part of this historical meditation. VOTL!
Infinite thanks to everybody! I could feel the buildup of energy days before. Welcome to the Age of Aquarius! I've been waiting for this all my life! Victory of the Light! KarinLLightworker
Foi um momento maravilhoso, senti a vibração de todos. Adorei dançar "Aquarius". Esperei tanto por isso. Gratidão a todos que somam neste trabalho. Vitória da Luz 🛸🌎🧘🙏⭐♥️
I knew we would do it. I even meditated at work on break for this moment. I'm crying on so many levels. I love you all. Age of Aquarius is upon us. Victory Of The Light
We really need a physical plane BIG VICTORY at the moment. The Cabal (scamdemic, vaccine agenda, great reset agenda, etc. ) are all going ahead full speed with no resistance.
The winter solstice in Japan. Put Yuzu in the bathtub to purify the etheric body. You can use bergamot as a substitute for the herbs in the bathtub. It's a good day to eat pumpkin and red bean sweets. Come for aftercare of meditation.
Honored and humbled to have been a part of such an historic event today. The feeling of love and connection to all meditating around the world could be felt. Thank you cobra, welovemassmeditation and all who promoted, created video and audio versions and lastly to all who were able to meditate and to those who had a positive intention to do so but were unable to. We are 1 collective consciousness WWG1WGA Victory of the Light in this Now.
When the clock hit the top of the hour (20 mins before) I felt a surge of joy and a simultaneous assurance that Victory is already achieved. That allowed everyone to participate with full feeling and no mental hesitation.
At the beginning of the meditation, I had a noticeable pressure on my spine. It was really weird. I hope everything will be fine soon. Fatemeh from Iran
Vitória da Luz!
ReplyDeleteWe did it! VOTL!!
ReplyDeleteWow! Victory of the Light!!!
ReplyDeleteI would say... Merry Christmas!
ReplyDeleteIve been hearing many times "its going to be a Merry Christmas"
DeleteSuper!!!!! Victory of the Light!!!!
ReplyDeleteThank you awesome Lightworkers and Lightwarriors! Bless you!
ReplyDeleteI felt strong energies as I started the meditation. It felt like joining a giant etheric zoom session lol
ReplyDeleteWe did it, dear ones! Goddess has returned
Me too. Definitely had a lot of vibration in my body
DeleteIndeed. Tears and joy. Love.
DeleteSeveral parts of my body are still twitching. o,o
ReplyDeleteYessss Great! No Gr ++ but very good
ReplyDeleteLove and gratefulness are all I feel
ReplyDeleteThere are no words to express how it is to be in human shoes
and wait for every little breath of fresh air and a sip of water from the Source, from outside the veil.
The mere thought let alone the glimpse of Light makes me cry of joy.
Victory of the Light sisters and brothers
Welcome beautiful and precious star beings, welcome to our lives
Vielen Dank für diese präzisen Worte,sie könnten ebenso meinem Herzen entsprungen sein und so möchte ich mich dieser Worte eben auch vollen Herzens anschließen.
DeleteI'm talking tonight under stars.
DeleteCritical mass confirmed, we have liftoff!
ReplyDeleteGrid Ratio +, Approaching Earth at Full Speed!
Enjoy your new beautiful and amazing lives in The Age of Aquarius, everybody!
Victory of the Light!
Victory of the Light!
DeleteA glimpse of hope in the dark times
ReplyDeleteYesssssssssssssss volt. let's go light forces 💪🏽
ReplyDeleteGoddess has heard us - we are ready!
ReplyDeleteWoooooooohoooooo thank you to all who participated, it was gigantic, wohhhhoooo this you thank you....
ReplyDeleteThank you everyone for participating. Thank you beloved Cobra, Light forces, light workers and light warriors. Amazing meditation. Victory of the light 🙏
ReplyDeleteVictory of Light
ReplyDeleteCant wait to hear about Ashtar Sheeran meeting with government of The People.
ReplyDeleteThank you Cobra and everyone.🙏❤️💖💕🌟🌈🌹
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteThank you very much everyone ❤ ❤ ❤
ReplyDeletethousands of thanks to everyone. Now is the time for the show to begin. I am so sorry that I was unable to participate with you tonight. what matters is that you are successful. The road will be better now. Merry Christmas and Victory of the Light.
ReplyDeleteThank you Cobra, thank you RM, thank pléiadians, thank you light force and all
You were there in spirit that is all that matters.
DeleteIf you thought about it you were there! We are 1
Deletevictory of the light
ReplyDeleteThank you everybody 💙
ReplyDeleteWe did it once again, critical mass was achieved and reinforcement of our collective free will... WILL echo troughout eternity. VOTL
ReplyDeleteThanks to everybody who has helped to bring back the light on earth. Love and Light to everybody from my heart.
ReplyDeleteHere we go.
ReplyDeletecan't wait for the government to be kicked out. and have the people meeting with the galactics without any middleman
ReplyDeleteThank you Cobra, thank you Sandra, thank you Nina, thank you all the beautiful souls xoxo
ReplyDeleteIt felt so right,so good...I am happy.Joy to all of you.
ReplyDeleteAwesome!! Great work everyone!! We achieved GR+ twice! I think this should help reinforce the idea of the collective power we the people of earth have. We could easily do this again and again if we truly wanted to, easily make short work of the dark forces. Again, great work everyone!
ReplyDeleteIt was great ! We did it!!! Thank you all!
ReplyDeleteVictory of the LIGHT!
ReplyDelete🙏 Thx
ReplyDeleteLovely! Thank you! So happy to read the GR+.
ReplyDeleteMuch love and light for planet Earth
ReplyDeleteWAWWWWWWWW thank you COBRA ! thank you HOSHINO !!!thank you team involved in 1 month prepration and for your ambition and good heart! Thank you LIGHT FORCES !!! critical mass achieved, we will see from Cobra's update what is the real outcome of this super mass meditation, the most beautiful and rich one, I never have seen such a number of promotional videos,posters, guided audios in so many languages, even in the last days before the activation meditation! WE ARE SO HAPPY!!
ReplyDeleteI agree, never have ive seen such parsipitation.
DeleteYes we love mass meditation was amazing all the available links in all the languages.. amazing the love I see by all
DeleteGreat job everyone, congratulations🎆🎇✨
ReplyDeleteSorry I couldn't participate, I had work.
Your etheric self was there, meditating with everybody else... :)
DeleteI got interrupted by a sick dog but we all did our best and you were there in intention!
DeleteThe golden age begins.
ReplyDeleteMillion thanks to every participant and person who did the meditation and shared with us this very unique and powerful event !! Thank you! Grazie! koszonom! multumim!!!
ReplyDeleteI just meditated for the first time. I hoped I did well, not sure if it was correct, but I tried.
ReplyDeleteaaaaaw!! thats sooo sweet!! to read that really warms my heart even more! 💖 you did amazing!! 😘
DeleteOh you BEAUTIFUL soul! Thank you for participating, you did GREAT! Thank you thank you thank you!!! 💗💗💗
DeleteYou did
DeleteAll that matters is your clear intention and your enthusiasm. That has an effect whether you feel it or not, but eventually you will feel more and more.
DeleteGR+ is usually good news! I felt some good & strong energies immediately after the meditation.
ReplyDeleteWaiting for more good news
ReplyDeleteI choose to be happy
We're like diamonds in the sky
We're beautiful like diamonds in the sky
Lovely..thank you.
Delete只和光連接,光的勝利✌️Victory of the Light
ReplyDeleteThank Cobra and All, wonderful news. Our World starts here, today, a World of Peace, Love, Abundance and Joy ...... Swwweeeettt. Love to you All - We did it Guys. The Light is and always will be Victorious!
ReplyDeleteTake that one chimera b**h! ❤️
ReplyDeleteThis is my 7th GR+
ReplyDeleteThis time i felt an incredible energy even at some point it was like i lost consciousness
After 5 minutes of starting the meditation i have noticed a great pressure on my chest, my body temperature has dropped, my heartbeat rhythm has dropped and also my breathing
Thanks to all those who have collaborated and/or participated in any way
Exactly the same symptoms and still feel a pain in the heart
Deleteoh, thats doesnt sound pleasant at all!
Deletemake sure to take care of yourself and use the violet flame to transmute all negative energies.
ofcourse those might just be symptoms of you realeasing stuff but make sure!
I have a heart rhythm disorder and I also suffered from it during meditation. To be honest, I had expected that. But fortunately it didn't take long this time, so I could continue without any problems. And I am soooooo HAPPY I joined you all! It was wonderful! A million thanks to all of you 💗
DeleteHere we go! New age,new planet.
ReplyDeleteTake this 🖕now dark forces! It’s time to be in the other side of table!
The same people had month or more to prepare with several instruction videos in how to do it on their own. No excuses. We all did it!!❤️
Delete@Teos...I absolutely agree!
Delete@jw301330... Not everybody had a month to prepare, like us “old timers” here on this blog! I’m sure there were many new / first-time meditators who didn’t even know about it until nearly last minute, but who wanted to participate once they learned of it... So lighten up! 😉
One of my nieces is a newcomer to these meditations, so I was sure to tell her to download and save the guided audio in mp3 format, since youtube can’t be relied on...but not everyone who learned of this meditation last minute knew to do that.
Anyway, YESSS WE DID IT!!! 🤩
GR+ !!! And HUGE Thanks to dear Cobra, all Light Forces, and to everyone who participated! Our beautiful new future on new earth begins now, this very day.❤️❤️❤️
I am beyond grateful.
I downloaded the audio version dont trust utube
DeleteThere was an MP3 download available in every language. I used YouTube but if something went wrong, I had the MP3 downloaded and ready to go.
DeleteVictoria de la luz !!
ReplyDeleteGreat work everyone.
ReplyDeleteMy utmost gratitude to all of you 🙏🏻
I felt the energy flow ejecting from my heart like from a volcano.
ReplyDeleteVictory Of The Light!
ReplyDeleteLucia sent Dnes o 21:58
Teraz prepúšťam všetok strach z každej bunky aj atómu mojej fyzickej formy aj všetkých energetických foriem🙏
Nahrádzam ho bezpodmienečnou láskou.🎆
Mám jej vždy dostatok ako aj všetkého, čo potrebujem.
Som láska a svetlo.❤️💥😇
Guys where is the meditation? I can’t find it. Did I had to do it at certain time?
ReplyDeleteIt was done about 3 hours ago.
DeleteYes. It was at a particular time and it was streamed live on YouTube. Nevertheless, it is always helpful to still do it. I’m sure you won’t be alone in it :) Search for : We Love Mass Meditation channel on Ytube 🙏🏻
ReplyDeleteVictory of the LIGHT. Yesssss
I participated, ill write details later
ReplyDeleteGR+ is the new minimum standard here! ;-) Congratuations to all!
ReplyDeleteVictory of the Light!
La Diosa quiere Paz y Paz será. Gracias.
ReplyDeletesuper primo cosmic excellant-----namaste fine lightforces soldiers everywhere - as we now march hard and fast and tough,and smoothe and cool and lean into a most lovely aquarious scene.....
ReplyDeletebravo zulu of cosmic proportions.....
I just took a lunch break and performed the meditation from my car in the parking lot. Whatever it takes!
ReplyDeleteVictory of the Light
Great job friend!! We did it because of light workers like you!!❤️ Victory of the light!!🙋♀️
Deletethis is true dedication!😁👍
Deleteblessed BE Master!
DeleteThat is a 'can do' attitude that propels the intention forward.
I felt the gates of heaven blow wide open and Angelics sang 'Hallelujah' likened to Handel's Messiah.
For three hours prior to the meditation here, the most dazzling rainbow(x2) painted the sky likened to the 'Promise' by Gods to Noah after a great change on Gaia.
I knew we would make it.
The likes of Universal participation made it Magical and Magnificent.
This is the 'time' and it was running out.
I sense a brand
So Be it.
I did exactly the same thing! I never get a lunch but asked my manager the day before if she could cover me for 1/2 hour to do an important errand at the meditation time. VOTL!!
ReplyDeleteThe Future
There was close to 12000 on the mass meditation site alone. So powerful and amazing. The energy before, during and after was off the charts. Feel so much joy and love in my heart. Thankyou all for being part of journey. Victory belongs only to light and love.
ReplyDeleteLove and Light to ALL!!!
ReplyDeleteUma grande benção para todos nós, somos fantásticos, conseguimos, que alegria tão boa, vitória da luz.
ReplyDeleteAwesome news, thank you COBRA, I didn’t expect a validation so soon! 👍 I am very proud and honored to be a part of an amazing, kind and loving likeminded people, who have a common aim to free mankind and make the world a better place, thank you!!! ❤️❤️❤️
ReplyDeleteThanks COBRA and all the people working to make this possible ....infinite thanks ...and infinite LOVE to all ..
ReplyDeleteHawaii volcano erupting again, on grand conjunction day.
Good work with the mass meditation everyone, sorry I missed it votl...
ReplyDeleteHawaii volcano erupting again, on grand conjunction day.
ReplyDeleteAge of Aquarius! Let the SunShine in
Vittoria della Luce! 🖖🤍✨
ReplyDeleteTentaram me impedir de todas as formas em não participar desta meditação, porém eu consegui fazer parte da massa crítica. Vitória da luz 🙏🙏🎉
ReplyDeleteLocal time 23:10 Paris, we have largely exceeded 144000 +++
ReplyDeleteI'm still dizzy but Happy, Happy, Happy!
ReplyDeleteGrateful, Faithfull, in Love, in Light,in Miracle, in Abundance, in Wisdom, in Joy
Light is Victorious!
We birthed Heaven here Now!
ReplyDeleteLove Has Won
Victory of the Light!
Forever Grateful
We did it! May the Light bless You all beautiful souls. Best regards from my soulmates from Poland and also Ireland. Congratulations brothers and sisters! 💓💗💫 VOTL!
ReplyDeleteAloha all my brothers and sisters!!! Honored to be alive for this moment with you all!
ReplyDeleteCongrats to all!! We are on the way to Beautiful energies!!
ReplyDeleteP 1 M Dec 21 2020.:15/4-5:
ReplyDelete12/21 ++++Eleven!
144 +++!(...)
13: Etheric dungeons are dismantled.
It was and Is GR+EAT!🌈 I am so happy, serene and grateful
ReplyDeleteThank You so much, beloved brother💜
Welcome to the age of Aquarius everyone.💛💚💙💜❤🧡🖤🙏🌍🌟🌈🦄🌟🌈🤩
ReplyDeleteVictory of THE LIGHT!!!!
ReplyDeleteIt was and Is GR+EAT!🌈 I am so happy, serene and grateful
ReplyDeleteThank You so much, beloved brother💜
Is there a replay? Please please please let there be a replay????!!!
ReplyDeleteQty, you can watch here. The meditation starts at 2:51:50
DeleteIt is wonderful! Enjoy!
Deletewhat will happen now?
ReplyDeleteFrom the interview:
Delete"...if we reach the critical mass, the Light Forces can begin to start removing all those dark technologies immediately after the meditation."
I guess that's what "primary interference sequence" stands for and I say:
Go Lightforces, go, go, go!!!
Victory of the Light 💜💜💜
and lots of happy faces on the surface
Good reminder, "immediately" being the key word you quoted. Nice catch!
DeleteDoes it mean healing finally gonna happen?
And a much needed transformation for myself, finally?
Yes yes so exciting to know the veil and tech holding us back will be gone soon and all can awaken from the dark dream..
DeleteGood job everyone! And congratulations to Cobra and the light forces!
ReplyDeleteI enjoyed doing this meditation. My imagination is very strong and I saw each step very clearly. I also practised it days before. I was feeling a vibration around my head days before and I heard a humming in my ear on the 18th of Dec.
ReplyDeleteVictory of The Light!!!
ReplyDeleteOut with the dark, and in with the Light !!!
ReplyDeleteGRATITUDE to COBRA, RM, GF, and all Beings of Light for carrying out The Mission through the Solstice StarGate. Much Love and Light through The Age of Aquarius. 🙏🏼❤️🕯
Your words gave me chills... again!! Just thinking what we all did today is so AMAZING! What an incredible feeling to we came together for the greater good! Overflowing with joy! Good job everyone! So much Love and Light! 👁🌟👁
ReplyDeleteSwet Caroline
Victory of THE LIGHT!!!!
ReplyDeleteVictory of the Light! *\(^_^)/*
ReplyDeletethank you COBRA, thank you RM, thank you to light force, thank you to sisters and brothers. peace, happiness, love and abundance to all.
Cobra.muchas gracias.feliz navidad.Victoria de la Luz
ReplyDeleteMerry Christmas to all of you!!! VOTL
ReplyDeleteI just feel honored to be part of this. I'm so happy I participated. Thank you, all of you. I love you ❤ the good stuff finally going to happen?
ReplyDeleteYou are not ready
DeleteCongratulations light workers!! Merry Christmas to all!! Let's welcome the golden age we all deserve.❤️🙋♀️
ReplyDeleteI was guided instead to do a meditation with the Goddess to bring love and healing to humanity and planet Earth 💖💖💖
ReplyDeleteVitória da Luz!!!!! Que todos os nossos sonhos se realizem!!!! Estou pronta!! Eu sou livre!! 😘
ReplyDeleteI think something very good happened.
ReplyDeleteWonderful light archives Cobra sir team... Spl love thanks alot Srilakshmi💗🌈⏏️🧚♀️🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🕊🐬🤘🧘♀️🌌💜🔮
ReplyDeleteBeautiful times to be part of this I never felt like that before the Divine source touched earth with this huge collective of lightworkers healing earth. I cried a lot. Thank you all my soulbrothers and sisters. 💙🌹
ReplyDeleteI´ll be there!
ReplyDeletecan't wait to hear good news about reaching 14,4000 & all the good stuffs
DeleteJust finished doing the meditation again because it was just so beautiful. 💟
ReplyDeleteDe la Oscuridad a la LUZ
ReplyDeleteNOGI: Okay. We are looking forward to it. And what is the status in removing the primary anomaly?
ReplyDeleteCobra: Primary anomaly in Earth orbits and higher up is clearing quite nicely, but anomaly close to the surface of the planet not yet because there is simply so much darkness gathered here, accumulated here. But we are expecting the primary anomaly to start really clearing closer to the surface of the planet after December 21st. If we reach the critical mass, the Light Forces can finally begin to start clearing the primary anomaly at the level of the surface of the planet.
Cobra: If we achieve the critical mass on December 21st, huge changes can begin to be initialized. First, the Light Forces can begin to finally start deconstructing the quarantine with all its exotic negative technologies, all that network of electromagnetic fence, of different scalar devices, of all nanotechnology, of implants, of biochips. All that can begin deconstructing because the new Aquarius energies will be strong enough. And if we reach the critical mass, those energies will be channeled through a critical mass of the surface population. And then the big transformation can begin to happen
ReplyDeleteWaiting for the final confirmation, Hope we did it! 等待科博拉最后的确认,希望我们成功了!
ReplyDeleteSo,where is the change of surface???
ReplyDeleteWe wrote down the instructions for the meditation yesterday, learned them, and then shut off our computer and did the meditation today. The energy was powerful and uplifting and it was easy to meditate. Having all the support at the same time from all over the world makes a huge difference. Thank you all for your participation and loving support.
ReplyDeleteVictory of the light! Thank you all, Godbless you brothers and sisters ❤️
ReplyDeleteOMG! Did all of us really do this? Someone pinch me I must be dreaming. That was by far the most profound meditation I have ever done! It was so amazing to connect with everyone from around the world and to feel those amazing energies. Thank you Cobra and everyone that made this happen. VOTL!
ReplyDeleteLet's welcome the crimson dawn of the golden age of Aquarius with peace, harmony, grace, beauty and love.
ReplyDeleteMay the Ascended Masters bless all of us in this magnificent mass meditation to erase darkness from the planet.
May the Light Force be with us.
Today's epic global meditation activated the Age of Aquarius with such strong loving energies that were so profound that I'm still experiencing them and have a permanent smile on my face. I hope that we can all do more meditations together! Thank you all for being part of this historical meditation. VOTL!
ReplyDeleteInfinite thanks to everybody! I could feel the buildup of energy days before. Welcome to the Age of Aquarius! I've been waiting for this all my life! Victory of the Light! KarinLLightworker
ReplyDeleteNow its most important to hold the light within.
ReplyDeleteFor all the happen questions, it will happen for everyone whenever they are ready. Trust inner self and prepare.
ReplyDeleteTodo está bien.. La Luz a ganado.. Nos estamos superando en nuestro Yo Superior. Gracias
ReplyDeleteFoi um momento maravilhoso, senti a vibração de todos. Adorei dançar "Aquarius". Esperei tanto por isso. Gratidão a todos que somam neste trabalho. Vitória da Luz 🛸🌎🧘🙏⭐♥️
ReplyDeleteGo with Love my friends! VOTL!!@@!!
ReplyDeleteI knew we would do it. I even meditated at work on break for this moment. I'm crying on so many levels. I love you all. Age of Aquarius is upon us. Victory Of The Light
ReplyDeleteOmg I feel so bad I missed it !! I thought it was at 6:00pm for some reason !! 😲
ReplyDeleteAnd you know what:
Just because.
For whom it may concern.
You know who you are.
This is
Let's Light Up the Sky
Beautiful Humanity.
ReplyDeleteI know we will reach to the critical mass!From the first mass meditation
ReplyDeletethis year on Jan 11/12th I know every meditation will be successful!VOTL!
"Heal the world to make it a better place", heard this in my head during this wonderful experience❣💖
We really need a physical plane BIG VICTORY at the moment. The Cabal (scamdemic, vaccine agenda, great reset agenda, etc. ) are all going ahead full speed with no resistance.
ReplyDeletevitoria da luz
ReplyDeleteThe winter solstice in Japan.
ReplyDeletePut Yuzu in the bathtub to purify the etheric body.
You can use bergamot as a substitute for the herbs in the bathtub.
It's a good day to eat pumpkin and red bean sweets. Come for aftercare of meditation.
I am grateful! I felt the energy and still do! Victory is ours!
ReplyDeletemusic from the Pleiades
ReplyDeleteGoal Reached+!
ReplyDeleteEven Jupiter and Saturn have met...🌹🌹
ReplyDeleteHappy new year, new age of Aquarius and Merry Christmas too!
ReplyDeleteDrain the swamp of Primary Anomaly on the surface of our lovely planet Earth completely! Yeah!
ReplyDeleteHonored and humbled to have been a part of such an historic event today. The feeling of love and connection to all meditating around the world could be felt. Thank you cobra, welovemassmeditation and all who promoted, created video and audio versions and lastly to all who were able to meditate and to those who had a positive intention to do so but were unable to. We are 1 collective consciousness WWG1WGA Victory of the Light in this Now.
ReplyDeleteWhen the clock hit the top of the hour (20 mins before) I felt a surge of joy and a simultaneous assurance that Victory is already achieved. That allowed everyone to participate with full feeling and no mental hesitation.
ReplyDeleteVOTL and Merry Christmas 🎄to all !!!
ReplyDeleteVictory of the LIGHT! 💛
ReplyDeleteAt the beginning of the meditation, I had a noticeable pressure on my spine. It was really weird. I hope everything will be fine soon.
ReplyDeleteFatemeh from Iran