Sunday, November 7, 2021

Mplan L1 override command sequence complete, Mplan L0 override sequence in progress


  1. Amen
    Xzna Y St

  2. We finally reached L0! This has to be an important milestone! VOTL!

  3. "The first part of the Masterplan pertains to the breakthrough of Light on the non-physical planes. The Light forces use advanced vortex technology for clearing the non-physical planes. All those vortexes create a network of Light that gets stronger and stronger day by day. At a certain point a critical mass of Light will be reached and it will result in a massive arrival of the Light forces on the mental, astral and etheric non-physical planes inside the thin layer that surrounds the surface of planet Earth and now still contains a few Archons and their many reptilian minions with their negative technologies. That breakthrough will remove all remaining darkness from non-physical planes." Will the operation be successful?

    1. Hello, Aquadea Implosion Torus Vortex Technology from Germany has evey month at 21. the Aquadea21 project: to create big torus vortexes.

      To enhance that:

  4. Main plan level 0? is this the ground level?? or deepest level?

    1. This is an Intelligence Hub.

      Due to the classified nature of much of the information/evidence the Resistance Movement holds, we can not just come right out with it, however, we can drop breadcrumbs that the people can dig into and help us all discover the truth.
      Further, it must be understood that the enemies in this war are monitoring this Intelligence Hub as well.
      Therefore, some of the information is strategically misinformation/disinformation.
      The codes can not be deciphered on demand.
      Consider this not Entertainment.
      Think Military game theory and "The Art of War" by Sun Tzu.
      Sure, none of you want to filter through and try to discern truth from falsehood, however these warfare tactics really cause no harm when they must be used, however they are devastating to the enemy and a necessary part of warfare.

      Military Intelligence planning at its finest!

    2. Military intelligence does not use public forums to send messages!

    3. few truly get what's going on...

  5. Masterplan Level 1 <<<< 0? something like that?...

  6. Struggling in pain every day

    1. Only if they hold me done with force !!

    2. May be few words from Kryon can warm your Heart and touch your soul. I send you a hug with love. Remember you are a light worker, part of a larger family of light, and you are here to bring more light to this planet.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Thank you Cobra. Victory of the light!

  8. Oh my God!!!!!!
    Victory of the light !!!!!!

  9. Is it just me or have the lf failed badly here... They're going to v the kids and no way of stopping it.. no mention if it. Just it should be OK in a few months. No advice. Seems they're really out of they're depths if they think we will be able to stop it.. people are just to far gone... and now with reports the hospitals are filling up and overwhelmed.. it can only mean the v is starting to do its job.. won't be many left at this rate. You could actually say all these alternate sites are a psyop designed to confuse us to not take action and keep us passive.. God will save u... jeebaz is coming back... the lf is n rump n jfk are in the scene.. really? Get out guys. Head for the hills. It's about to get ugly. What was the point in all those meditations? None.. we are done

    1. Keeping people passive is one of prime tenets of Satanism, indeed. For some odd reason, however, I do not believe that this site is designed to keep people passive. I guess, we'll find out soon enough.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. hahaha bro you gotta chill on the doom and gloom we've already won just be patient. The meditations do work don't kid yourself I've seen extensive results from mine. In conclusion you're not the sharpest tool in the shed and nobody should take you seriously. Stop trying to poison the minds of other lightworkers.. it's no kidding your name is sheeple 😂

    4. i feel you, i think we wasted our time with meditations and faith in the whole world.. it's time for plan B, but don't worry, we'll be helped by the galactics that will come to us, well, at least that will come to the awakened ones.

    5. Love and Light to you, dear soul.

    6. Unknown, that is an unacceptable behavior from a light worker. It just won't do anymore, Unknown. Being fearful, broken, frustrated, and angry are nowhere near as low vibrational as insulting people in perhaps their darkest hour. Goddess is full of mercy, compassion, and love for all those who are broken, weak, tired, and fed up. Especially for those. Unacceptable to kick others farther down instead of lifting them up. Unacceptable to bully people instead of hugging and loving them or at least trying to sweetly encourage them. We are all exhausted and at the end of our ropes and rightly so. No true Goddess, nor real Light Force would deny us no matter how dark we see things. Only human "light workers" are keen on hurting others who are already hurting. Guess where we learned it from! Thousands of years of abuse suffered at the hands of the Dark. So no it's not your fault, Unknown, but enough is enough. We need to come together as one and lifting one another up. If we can't do that, we are not ready for the Event in my opinion.

      Sheeple, I feel you. I often feel the same, especially now, when it seems like the red lines have been crossed (times a million) over the past months and yet the dark is now hunting down our children. I do not know what to say. My hopes have fizzled out so many times over the past years, I have very little light left. Sending you hugs and holding your hand. If we're done, we're going down together. I'm right here with you. Heartbroken but not giving up that last glimmer of hope while alive!

    7. Dear "unknown",

      Judging from your words, you deem yourself to be one of the enlightened ones, yet feel the urge to attack other people based on their words? That, my New cAge friend, is not very enlightened and you know it! Nobody's trying to poison anyone. People feel frustrated and desperate - these are legitimate emotions felt by real human beings. Do better & have a nice day.

    8. I wish strength, joy, and only the best for you and for all the readers of this blog.

    9. This comment has been removed by the author.

    10. @unknown
      Walk in sheeple's shoes, first.
      All I see in you is another self rightious 'expert', I keep thinking of their sergeant form 'full metal jacket', or that famous war picture of a young soldier in a trench, stricken with shell shock, tears down his face, urine stain on the front of his pants, while his so-called 'superior officer' shouts like a crazed lunatic to get back on his feet.

      I'll believe in victory when the et ships land, the tech is here, and we're all healed. THEN it will be victory. I don't celebrate until AFTER a fight is won.

    11. Meh it was more a call to arms and a realistic assessment of the situation on the ground.. enough meditation enough love and bunny's and bliss nines.. time to drag these dirty politicians from their homes if they think they can k shot the kids. I see even here with all these so called entitled ones there's still no place for discernment. Just put all your faith in God n jeebaz n q n jfk n Trump. What's real is the people now protesting world wide and this is what it will take. Real action and a draging these corrupt politicians from their homes. Feed them cake so to speak. The time is not for bliss ninning about. Time to organize and overthrow the corrupt world wide political establishment a call to arms if you like. Non compliance speak out and up against those that would yell at u to get the k shot. Be heard. Get angery n storm the centers if power. The lf ain't allowed to interfere with that. That's up to us.. in saying that I'm heading for the hills... haha

    12. @Sheeple This is all very sad and disappointing , they are butchering us here trying to kill billions and the LF can only watch from a safe distance. Every day is one more day of this bloody nightmare and feeling so tired, depressed and angry like never before. Sorry but have no feeling at all that the worst part is behind us

    13. (@ALL) No I'm sorry you can all say what you want.. what sheeple did was an attack on the moral of already depleted light workers. If he truly feels that way he should keep it to himself and not project it onto people who already feel down to make them worse. Or as I suspect he's just a troll to lower the vibration of lightworkers. I felt serious negativity coming from that message. I like all of you have been at war for so long and so I counter attacked. I'm a light warrior not a light worker so don't kid yourselves I won't mince words. Also I do love you all and we are on the cusp of VICTORY OF THE LIGHT! so please no doom and gloom here. Some people here are very sensitive...

    14. Wow @Peridot. You spoke of my heart. I'm going down. I'm going down with you too...

      In this time of fear,
      When prayers so often proves in vain
      Hope seems like the summer bird,
      Too swiftly flown away

      Yet now I am standing here
      My heart so full, I can't explain
      Seeking faith and speaking words,
      I never thought I’d say


      They don't always happen when you ask
      And it's easy to give in to your fears
      But when you blinded by your pain
      Can't see the path, get through the rain

      Small but still, a resilient sound,
      Says help is very near

    15. ecause the majority of Lightworkers have been here since Atlantis, so we’re talking 11,000 to 25,000 years worth of lifetimes.

      That’s a lot of lifetimes!

      How Darkness uses this to cause attacks.
      So think of each one of those words listed in the chart, as a gap, or conduit … darkness ‘accesses us’ at levels well beneath the threshold of our conscious awareness.

      Again … this is stuff you already know, but because you … as an off-worlder …don’t have all these thousands of layers of interference/conduits in you don’t know what it feels like to feel the energetic charge of insanity coming through one of these gaps/conduits. You don’t know what it feels like to be taken over or impacted like a grenade, by the energetic charge of anger, rage, pain, etc … and then having that amplified by the internal negative entities coming through that same gap/conduit. You don’t know what it’s like to have your consciousness level knocked down to the ground, thus no hope of recognizing “sent” thoughts, or “sent” emotions straight from darkness.
      You’ll never know … until you’ve experienced it yourself, to the degree & quantity that we have … on a daily basis … for the past 11 to 25 thousand years.

      In other words ...You CAN’T understand it … until you experience it HERE … and for that long. Mind you … they were having to focus & concentrate on the work at hand and on working with each other … all the while darkness has all the time in the world to orchestrate this very deliberately (because they’re outside of linear time) and strike from below the consciousness level & psychic visual awareness of the two Lightworkers trying to concentrate on lightwork. So try working as a Lightworker for 11 to 25,000+ years under this kind of typical condition

      When dealing with the issue of Lightworkers ‘attacking’ each other, you’re not really dealing with Lightworkers or ‘poor character’ … you’re dealing with darkness itself. Lightworkers attacking each other is nothing more than a RESULT. And because you’re dealing with darkness, you’re dealing with CRAZY …
      … you’re dealing with insanity… you’re dealing with illogic… you’re dealing with psychopathy… you’re dealing with phenomena that doesn’t - and can’t - make any sense … ever.
      And any psychiatrists or evolved enough spiritualists will tell you … you can’t reason with CRAZY.
      Now you know what sort of a fight you have on your hands. Now you know what sort of fight WE have on our hands. For you … after a day of hard work fighting darkness, you get to retire to a 5 star resort & sleeping quarters on board some ship.
      We get to go to our bedroom that we have to work hard just to pay the rent for, and have darkness as our constant companion.
      We have the charming honor of fighting (oops, sorry … ‘working’) all over again on the non-physical planes during our sleep state. You have the very best technologies to heal yourself with, when required …
      We have to wait & save up for technologies only a fraction as good as what you have access to.

      Try living under such conditions for 11,000 to 25,000 years … and we’ll see how easy it is for you to keep calm next time darkness jabs real hard on an unresolved wounding through what another Lightworker says or does, below the level of their conscious awareness.
      The accurate physical analogy of all this is … if darkness manipulated me through my conduits to hold a red hot piece of iron to your skin … would you keep calm & refrain from taking a punch at me?
      That’s what happens to our emotional bodies, when darkness works through one Lightworker for the deliberate purpose of attacking another, to break up the network & comradely.
      Do you understand now?

    16. >Peridot
      Well said, I see more people caving into the jab to keep their jobs with these draconian measures.

      Where I am at is one of those places where the Cabal has gotten full control and there's almost no one doing a walk out, and no business refusing to work with the mandates as they will be closed down and their licenses taken away. They put you in a criminal psych ward for challenging the mask mandate.

      If I wasn't single, without a partner and childless I would probably be forced to do it. And you can bet the shots right now are all deadly, not the 20-80 saline solution, the irony is those who refused but are now giving in will be the ones hammered hard.

      Its straight up war crimes stuff and to top it off Bill Gates showed up again to talk about smallpox bioterrorism, so there's little sign of hope to believe in when reality seems different.

    17. Atleast your comment is posted sheeple..Cobra deliberately not allowing any criticism of LF here!

    18. @Unknown..Cycle of Bad Times touches everyone ..& Trust me..Dear "LightWorker" , you shall feel it soon...

    19. I believe what unknown is referring is tha sheeple is behaving as a troll or someone that gets paid to discourage those already in a weak state...

      In fact when i read his statements(sheeple) that is how he sounds..

      we should not let our guards down and believe all we read. that all those making posts are actually authentic individuals on the other end... including some of those that seems supportive...

      So discernment is up most importance... remmeber we could get played .. from one that may seem dark as someone that may seem light...

      Now having that said... regardless of the state we are all at..

      What good is it to raise the panic level ... lets think logically... lets be fair.

    20. This comment has been removed by the author.

    21. @DH November...You shall feel the heat soon

    22. Im with you sheeple

  10. November 6. The Central Sun and the Forces of Light have collected and purified some of the dark energy above the surface of the Earth.Victory of the Light!

  11. L0, is that the surface? Does this mean the takedown of the surface cabal/The Event is truly imminent now?

  12. Koolaid man says “Oh YEAHHH!”


  14. Koolaid man says “Oh YEAHHH!”

    1. Hahaha love it. Alit of coolaide drinkers here

    2. @jflow, that guy causes thousands of dollars of damage every time he enters a building lol

  15. FANTASTIC NEWS!! Let's GO Everyone... we're almost to the finish line and that's when our TRUE missions really start! 😉


  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I am sorry to say that, like "Corey Goode" said, be aware of AI Prophets... Elena seems to channel AI.

    2. However, nothing is in discussion about Ascension and 5D Earth.
      They speak as if all the ETs involvement comes from only 1950s.
      How do you find this?
      Nothing about the invasions, but only about their abductions.
      It seems very narrow all this intel...

    3. They claim that all is ready, and that all is now in the hand of humanity!
      They do not speak that 'NO movement will be until...' How do you find it??

    4. Message from Annax and I - Nov7 2021
      Elena Danaan

      She even claims to have a special device from The Council of Five [mark 2:15]. Cobra, do you also have something else from yours??

    5. And she speaks as we might be interested to build the best version of a 3rd dimensional word, instead to have the goal into development of the 5D new world.

      Surprisingly, none Gilliland brings into discussion anything about the 5D new world or Ascension in all his interview with them.
      He, who is in knowledge of all of 5D and so.
      It's not understandable, not at all...

    6. The contribution of alternative sources of information is left for the reader to search within and find if it resonates with that persons reality. If it doesn't then it would be prudent to leave that message aside and move on. We should agree that it will do no good to criticize and compare sources if the end product is divisiveness. This is another reason for each of us to continue to do the difficult but necessary inner work to refine our consciousness which will assist us in making our decisions.

    7. Ever been tot he ECETI Ranch?
      It's a different perspective if you have.
      Camping out under the stars and watching the ships come and go.
      Staff are- well, they BE.
      I have no comment other than that.

    8. Dr. Salla's latest article describes the misunderstanding about Elena and Megan's implants being AI and clarifies in detail the differences between negative AI and positive galactic forces modes of communication.


    Shows activities around the Sun.

  18. If a person has a difficult fate, this means the last incarnation on Earth, since all debts are collected in one life and difficult karmic situations replace one another.

    Otherwise, the debts will not be distributed, and you will still have to rotate in the wheel of Samsara for an indefinite period.

    Many spiritual workers choose exactly this way of saying goodbye to karma,
    because the next chance may only be in many thousands of years.

    If it seems to you that your fate is too difficult, let the thought of the last incarnation dry up your tears and soothe your spiritual sorrow. In the last incarnation, star souls experience a strong longing for their homeworlds, cry, looking at the starry sky,
    suffer from loneliness and separation from kindred spirits. If you are experiencing all this, then your soul is alive and your memory is about to wake up. These experiences need to be blessed and lead to spiritual awakening.

    As a result, we will all return Home, this is the Call of the Creator from the spiritual worlds of the deep Cosmos.

    To get closer to Home, one must strive for it,
    After all, everyone knows that water does not flow under a lying stone. The stronger our spiritual aspiration, the sooner the desired changes will take place in our life - a meeting with embodied cosmic brothers, awakening of memory and awareness of our divine nature, our destiny.

    Many of us are not even aware of our immense strength,
    capable of changing the world. This power is sleeping, but the time has come for awakening. Do not humiliate yourself with despondency and remorse. Just accept it as it is and let go of whatever is troubling your soul.

    Past mistakes are experiences that can only be known on Earth. Thank this world for the experience and a lot of adventures and continue your stellar journey -
    from planet to planet, from star to star. Our home worlds are waiting for us and have already opened their arms!

    1. @Star
      There is no karma, it does not exist. Cobra even stated it does not exist, that karma is a lie, created by the Archons.

      And I have NO intention of dying, and I plan to get what I want, while still alive in THIS life, there's no more incarnations after this one, so I plan to get what I want, or die trying. Earth is not a school, it's a gulag, a concentration camp, a farm.

    2. This makes sense to me. Thank you

  19. GO GO GO !!! down here the prison is gettin smaller and smaller every passing hour, they are jabbing even chlidren and jab is required to simply work for living !!

  20. Ich habe Schmerzen und kann nachts nicht schlafen... Kommen wir näher??? Wir kommen näher Freunde ❤️ ich liebe euch ❤️

    1. Ausnahmsweise für Sie auf Deutsch.
      Wenn Sie das nicht verstehen, ist es nichts für Sie!

      Dies ist ein Geheimdienstzentrum.

      Aufgrund des geheimen Charakters vieler Informationen / Beweise, die die Widerstandsbewegung besitzt, können wir sie nicht einfach öffentlich machen, wir können Brotkrumen fallen lassen, in die die Leute hineingraben und uns allen helfen können, die Wahrheit zu entdecken.
      Verstehen Sie auch, dass die Feinde in diesem Krieg auch dieses Geheimdienstzentrum überwachen.
      Daher handelt es sich bei einigen Informationen um strategische Fehlinformationen / Desinformationen.
      Die Codes können auf Anfrage nicht entziffert werden.

      Betrachten Sie das nicht als Unterhaltung.

      Denken Sie an die militärische Spieltheorie und "Die Kunst des Krieges" von Sun Tzu.
      Sicher, keiner von euch möchte durchfiltern und versuchen, Wahrheit von Falschheit zu unterscheiden, aber diese Kriegstaktiken schaden wirklich nicht, wenn sie angewendet werden müssen, aber sie sind verheerend für den Feind und ein notwendiger Teil der Kriegsführung.

      Militärische Geheimdienstplanung vom Feinsten!

  21. The Galactic Federation: The Event Is Near

    1. Great great message thank you for posting! Doug

    2. Yessss

      We as humans need that so much.

      We prevail all the negativity.
      We are victorious.


  22. supercosmic grade primo works lightforces brothers and sisters -

    namaste tous et le plus remercier la famille de lumiere....

  23. from this article-quote—–A rising tide of parental anger has been building across America as schools boards have jammed mask mandates, critical race theory, transgender activism and assorted other far-left extremist indoctrination tactics down the throats of children.—–unquote…..


    breaking news-lighforces members in their parental duties step up to the plate bigtime and begin to transform the education systems of the world-bravo zulu.....

    a satanic criminally insane based driven monster that plagues our children in many countries school systems…..control freak super micromanaging perverted trauma causing sexual classes,mindcontrol behaviour modification programs that have also lured many school staff and parents into facilitating such criminal defilements on human society-many being unaware of their contributions to such of course…..

    now the humans awake and seize the day away from the dark beast – bravo zulu – and create super quality education systems for all on the earth surface-the beginning of that has already began in many of the human minds here incarnated on earth-this manifesting science in human minds now begins to be engineered into the current very spiritually sick operating systems – a cure an antidote a solution for such defilements ongoing -that expands in lightforces members minds exponentially now…..

    the dark oppressors operating programs that are embedded – manipulate many school staff and parents to be teams that frequently gang up on one child or adolescent(meetings called where 4 or 5 school staff members bring in a parent or both parents to administer the dark controllers agendas-often getting the parent on board to enforce on their own child the new world orders from hell-therefore at home the child is subjected to various degrees of the manipulated dumbing down slave making mindcontrol programs operating in the schools – children spoken to like they are some kind of arch criminal for often mild if any really valid offenses the child may have engaged in….
    this has increased in darkness and effectiveness more each year since the 1980s especially – anything considered outside the box of the rigid non human based artificial intelligence like behaviour model operating requirements of all who attend schools,the children are tyrannized and traumatized and quite extremely actually suppressed from an opportunity of naturally developing real skills and knowledge and science that is essential to having any sort of real quality physiological experience…..

    thanks to many families who have maintained their human essence and operating requirements – this has been a natural resistance to such otherwise eventual complete transformation of the human into a superslave…..

  24. L0 Level 0? Ground floor? Surface breakthrough? The Event?

  25. So I guess we going to start seeing oeritives on the streets now, rallying the protestors, giveing them 'targets'. If the only the surface left, this is the time to use them.

  26. For only who still might be concerned!

    This selection (as previous stated) can be very useful in case you want to go full off-grid. (With no links to any AC grid)
    Save the links, and ask an electrical engineer in your area (if you are not one) to design your ELVDC off-grid power supply, according to the standard in discussion.

    Hopely, he will be enough awakened to accept your request (with no AC of 50/60 HZ, but only ELVDC instead). If not, search another one, or help him to 'awaken'.
    Studies are in place, the standard (IS 16711 / 2017) is in place. Go ELVDC off-grid only! It's for you and yours, not for others...

    P.S. Do not lose your time if you are not interested!

  27. Thank you for the update Cobra. Thank you Light Forces and the Resistance Movement. 🙏💪💜💜💜

  28. Thank you Galactics thank you Alliance Special Forces thank you cobra for your amazing strength and determination to keep us informed and to maintain your composure with respect to the various comments. We all are anxious for the dark to be removed and for all humans to know the truth about themselves and mother earth and what happened long ago to present day. We Hold The Light! We Are 1

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Yeah that's all fine and well but apart of this is not being all love n fluffy bunny's and get out and linch mob these dirty politicians that are trying to k shot kids. There's even a trial on new born supposedly.bluss nines got fight back here. The divine plan ain't doing so well considering most of the western world us juiced up now

    2. I have a query, if anyone can reply to me. The light forces are preparing for the the ΄global financial reset΄, while the dark forces for the ΄great reset΄. So, how shall we know on the onset of a financial reset, that is indeed the positive one and not the negative?! What are the practical differences of their implementation? I even have to admit, that sometimes, when i question and doubt everything, these two terms seem strangely similar to me... Any thoughts?

    3. ⚡⚡⭐⭐✨✨💖✨✨⭐⭐⚡⚡

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. @stav, as far as I understand it the event would happen followed immediately by the positive reset, mass arrests, public disclosure, etc. Someone else please correct me if I am wrong.

    6. Rainbow currency truths revealed debts cxld arrests we will know our awareness will tell us

    7. Gesara Nesara + Arrests Disclosure Free energy Abundance in all forms Technology ect. = Positive timeline
      - Reset crash lockdowns Mandates Shortages Fear

      Join the meditations on 144k Group to meditate and direst ones attention and Intention too the New Earth
      Worth your time .


  30. Very unexpected but this also helps brings us closer to the liberation of our planet, I'm ready to sign the Galactic Codex and leave the planet so I can be apart of the Galactic Federation. I give full consent for contact with the Galactic Federation and also the RM.

    1. Bingo and ditto. I just need five to ten minutes to get myself packed, say bye bye to the pussy cats, and then hitch a ride on the spaceship.

  31. Thank you Cobra!
    Victory of the Light!
    Goddesses wants peace, and peace there shall be!

  32. wouldn´t it be nice if some australian leaders where removed by th rm

  33. Is this really happeningst? I felt it last several days.
    This sad world just become sad again.
    But here are some good news coming from Cobra.
    Victory of the Light! 💛

  34. mother earths guardians rise-lovely gaia is not for sale…..

  35. I did some deep thinking regarding the situation. Input is welcome.

    Who Gets to be Upset

    1. Changed the ending to:

      For those who really should be upset, it's ok to be upset. It's ok to cry. Hell, it's ok for anyone to cry. Let it all out. ❤️

      Victory of the Light

    2. I actually should have covered more bases regarding who gets to be upset. There are also people who suffer greatly who are not in covid NWO hellholes. I'm speaking in a general sense. It takes quite a bit of thought and writing to cover all bases. Sherman may make a comment regarding this. No singling out of Sherman is intended from this post. I myself have suffered more than many know. There are things I choose not to reveal about myself that would make everyone's jaw drop.


  36. Goddess energy has been extremely neglected on the surface of the planet and needs to be restored.

    Perhaps I should say that a loving heart is one of the most potent of all energies employed...

    Control the body of emotion, for the waves that rise upon the stormy seas of life engulf the swimmer, shut out the sun and render all plans futile...

    No worker for humanity becomes of real assistance until he (consciously and with full knowledge of his work) definitely directs his thought energy towards some particular channel of service to the race...
    Master Djwhal Khul


  37. How sweet it is! 🙏🏼❤️🌈 🌟 Let the Great Work Now become manifest ...
    Victory of the Light ... it was always the Plan ❤️

  38. I am feeling so much pain

    Please pray for me ♥️

    1. Pray you❤✨
      And remember:
      Command 12 21
      Command 771

    2. Love and Light to you and to all who are struggling as we advance toward the 5D earth we know is close at hand!

    3. Greetings

      This Reiki energy treatment or another from the playlist will help . Right click the mouse and loop the video it can play while you sleep or in the background to speed Healing

  39. felt the sequence complete, Jonah as well... right on, thank you.

  40. BINGO! Nice to see someone who understands what we're going through.

  41. Love dramas - (4D)Ambush attacks
    Cobra ― …A deep Soul Love connection between soul mates on the surface of the planet happens a little more often, and if it does, Archons sometimes go to great extremes towards preventing that love, even resorting to killing one or both partners.

    Music inspired by Pleiadian contacts, according to Cobra:

    Remember the piano
    Remembering one's soul family through connecting elements (what one likes to do and satisfies one).

    So wonderfully unusual
    Relationships between soulmates can reach a level beyond all other relationships.

    Love me now and then
    True love between soulmates is not clinging - does not exert pressure.

    Tell me, where is my path
    Questions that can be clarified through relationships with soulmates.

    Stone figures indicate that spies are involved in the 4th dimension to end the soul love connection.

    The liberation of the planet is now so far advanced that connections between members of soul families are safer again.

    1. The only good archon is a dead archon.

    2. @Gaia
      One can be TOO patient, you know. The light forces have REAL life spans, and do not age....WE, due to being genetically raped, thanks TO the ARCHONS, we have short lives, and we age. We're genetically wounded. We don't have time to be patient anymore. Patience is becoming an ugly word.

      Also, the 'children of source', the Archons, are leeches, parasites, vampires, who enjoy feeding off energy of negative emotions, and use their servitor races to make life on this gulag of a planet as miserable as they can for all of us, to make the Archons fat and gorged off us.

      And the archons shall continue to do this until SOMEONE stops them. And, given a chance, I plan to be one of those someones. The Archons want to kill US, once we have to use for them. Better THEM than US, this IS a WAR, you know, not a tea party.

  42. I am sure now the positive timeline is being revealed and the dark forces just don't know how to respond without threats. There must be a heck of a battle going on underground and behind the scenes but the goddess is winning because that is what she does.

  43. Let meditate daily to expedite the success!!!

  44. All langrange points have now been cleared.. we are at L0 which I hope is earth! Life should become so much easier when all the negative entities in the non physical planes are cleared. No more energetic attacks. The only thing left will be the physical plane.

    I wonder if the same procedure will needed to be done for the physical plane as in clear L5, L4, L3, L2, L1 and then finally the physical earth itself..

    I would really love to know this... If there are still billions of physical negative beings outside of earth in L1-L5, as the master plan was only clearing of the non physical planes.

    Please someone answer or Cobra, would love to know 🙏

  45. Saludos Cobra.Excelente noticia.

    Dijiste que ibas a publicar un informe sobre la Ascencion..Espero que sea pronto.Hay mucha desenformacion sobre la Ascencion.Muchas gracias por todas las informaciones

  46. Questo è un hub di intelligence.

    A causa della natura classificata di gran parte delle informazioni/prove contenute nel Movimento di Resistenza, non possiamo semplicemente venirne fuori, tuttavia, possiamo gettare briciole di pane in cui le persone possono scavare e aiutarci tutti a scoprire la verità.
    Inoltre, si deve capire che i nemici in questa guerra stanno monitorando anche questo Intelligence Hub.
    Pertanto, alcune delle informazioni sono strategicamente disinformazione/disinformazione.
    I codici non possono essere decifrati su richiesta.
    Considera questo non intrattenimento.
    Pensa alla teoria dei giochi militari e "The Art of War" di Sun Tzu.
    Certo, nessuno di voi vuole filtrare e cercare di discernere la verità dalla menzogna, tuttavia queste tattiche di guerra non causano davvero alcun danno quando devono essere utilizzate, tuttavia sono devastanti per il nemico e una parte necessaria della guerra.

    La migliore pianificazione dell'intelligence militare!

  47. As I dont understand it, it is probably not for me!

  48. on November 7th around 12:00 midnight to 4:00 AM Planet Earth experienced a big spike in the Schumann Resonance (energy peaked at 2:00 AM with an Amplitude of 48!) it is not coincidence this L0 announcement was posted at 3:29 AM on November 7th; I think the peak in Schumann Resonance is related L1 completion and the start of L0.
    Let's go Lightworkers/Lightwarriors!
    Victory of The LIGHT!
    {"erehT tsomlA erA ruoY" - Mr Pool} You Are Almost There

    1. Each time the schumann acts up, me and my mother FEEL IT.
      Like being in a pressure cooker, and someone pouring a gallon of coffee down your throat.

    2. You need to rise your inner vibrations...

      It should not harm you, if you are energetic ready to higher vibrations

    3. asecnesion symptoms rattle everyone.

      Does not mean i am being just feels god awful.

  49. I am soo Grateful for you.. THANK YOU SO MUCH…Cobra and All our Brothers that Helped us.. Thank You..VICTORY TO LOVE! VICTORY TO THE LIGHT!!

  50. Am I wrong in thinking that “M” in these coded messages represents us all, I.e. the surface humanity?

    Please let us know if anyone knows more -thanks 🙂

  51. Good update.
    Go for it.
    Victory of the Light! ✨❤✨❤✨❤✨

  52. My ears are ringing 24/7 since Sept 2020 major purges, and at sea level on Big Island experiencing major PSI compression changes in hemespheres of my head,occasional popping like when u change altitude electrical fluid density pressure of voltage. Spinal decompression

  53. We are all sheep, but it's our choice of shepherd that defines our path.

  54. Determined to get stronger,since lockdown mild addiction has been a factor, everytime iam high i can feel them all around me it's negative, constantly attacking from all angles,i want to destroy them all victory of the light...

  55. Seeking connection to one' s feelings...

    ...supports the connection to the Higher Self

    Therefore, the dark ones support the tendency to hide feelings - but slowly light comes in:

    1. ;-)

  56. Hopefully the galactic BEDBUGS will be defeated very soon, they are so annoying ultimately, they are using "people" more than never, In many kinds of situations they are doing it, but especially they love to interfere in the natural healthy connection between men and women. You can check this latter FACT all around you and in your life

    1. Or between woman and woman, or man and man.

      The bugs needs to be SQUASHED.

  57. Learning languages: Light language



  59. More countries are calling to citizens to prepare food and other emergency goods (China, Estonia, Austria), is this because the event or there are other reasons?

    1. yeah I got the information recently and I have the similar thought.

    2. Prepare for the event:) read this blog on this same place. (Wiev web version). I actually hope this preparing-thing is related to what is coming :) But dont is said it will be a smooth transition ♡♡♡

    3. I think is about the great reset the Cabal is pushing...

      They know something.

      Cobra always say that we will eventually need some stuff to cross that financial restructuring.

      I think they will push the button to the great reset then RM will take over...

      To have at least 2 weeks of food n water is a good advice.

      Especially if many countries are calling it over the entire population... well... something big is about to hit.

    4. No. No one knows when the event will come. Not even the LF knows the timing. It can take another decade easy despite the hippy saying that “is just around the corner”. Anyway this preparation for food it’s a another psy op to make people more scared and to start the great reset. Much more possible the the great reset will come before the event.

    5. @monedas

      In 10 more years, there will be nothing left to save. HAS to happen FAST.

    6. Esatto, qui in Occidente stanno arrivando ai ferri corti.
      Oggi scrivo ma è il 24 novembre, vi leggo solo ora che ho avuto accesso tramite il link, x noi risvegliati, non va@@inati si metterà molto male.
      L'ipotesi o paura che vogliono immettere nella psiche Umana è del rastrellamento ed internamento nei campi Covid i non va@@inati risultanti positivi, tanto da intimorire ancora una buona parte di incerti. Noi 4 in famiglia stiamo tenendo duro, io e marito abbiamo rifiutato tutto i due ragazzi seppur risvegliati perché tenuti al corrente da me, purtroppo x poter essere autonomi si tamponano, ma non sono intenzionati al punturone, siero velenoso.
      L'unico problema che ho essendo maggiorenni che messi più alle strette, per non abbandonare il lavoro si facciano va@@inare e per me sarebbe la FINE se gli accadesse mai qualcosa di sgradevole, poiché pensandola come JFK jr, "Dove va uno, vanno tutti", ci terrei a portarli con noi sulla Nuova Terra.
      Sono venuti al Mondo con Amore, non per sbaglio.❤️❤️

  60. This comment has been removed by the author.

  61. Thank you ,Cobra.✨✨✨💞💞💞

  62. I had a weird experience last night...I heard two knocks on our bedroom door..but I just got back to sleep...after a while two knocks again and I felt "someone" touching side of my neck very fast but lovingly, like an angels wing ♡♡♡ I of course got scared and thought again: "what was that?"...

    1. the veil is much much thin now.... :) our Galactic Friends, Angelic Friends, and Ascended Masters Friends are here with us.

    2. So true:) It just frustates me that I am so scared always :D

  63. Superfluid plasma
    Cobra: “… and there is more and more luminous superfluid plasma which brings pure Light into our Solar system.“

    Superfluidity is a macroscopic quantum effect of a "liquid".
    Measuring processes can terminate such a quantum state. Therefore, such a "liquid" exists only at very low temperatures, because too strong heat movements of the atoms / molecules can be regarded as interaction (measuring process).

    Coldplay (Cold play) – Coloratura
    Coldplay – more luminous superfluid Plasma
    Orion(nebula): Luminous liquid plasma in the former center of darkness

  64. Please, join the first global quest of the ground crew of Earth.

    Help us to make this viral so we can reach the critical mass.


  65. Thank you Cobra, thank you RM, Thank you the light force and to all brothers and sisters.
    Peace Happiness Love and Abundance to humanity.

  66. MultiDimensionality

    2D Frequency – Sacral – Instinctual Mind
    If we are looking at the 12 Tree grid of our core manifestation body, which is different than the second chakra itself, it is actually in about the same area. We are dealing with orange ray particle wave spectrum, and this second ray is the second dimensional energy and how it comes into the body. The first point of connection that it actually comes into the body is in our reproductive organs. For the female it is in the vaginal area around cervix and in the male it is around the prostate gland. This is the second chakra energy center frequency, the orange ray and it first enters the body in the holographic template in that area of the hologram in the body. Also, this area will enlighten its colors and move away from the orange wave spectrum, once the sacral areas are healed of sexual misery programs and lunar forces. The color wave spectrum moves into what is known as the vertical axiatonal lines. These axiatonal lines are the vertical lines that move up and down our lightbody that work with all of the levels of the universal frequencies. These axiatonal lines come up through the body and our second dimension of axiatonal line is on our right index finger. So, on the left index finger is one dimensional frequency and on the right side of the body is the second dimensional frequency. It is on that same finger but on the right side. This is the second dimensional orange ray wave spectrum. The orange ray comes into those axiatonal lines through the index finger and the second toe on the right side. Connect to your body for a moment and you see that line of light coming up on the right side; coming from your index finger, coming from your second from your big toe, see that color wave spectrum like axiatonal cable coming up thorough your body. This is how that 2nd dimensional frequency comes in and illuminates the grid of the second chakra energy center. The second chakra then illuminated as the cone about one or two inches beneath the navel in that area, which later expands into the lower dan tien energy center, which is the seat of the monad when it is embodied.


  67. The Pleiadians would now like to help people with chronic pain and have developed a protocol that can help ease the pain.

    If you have chronic physical pain, you can >repeat three times< in your mind.

    “Command PB stardust”

    The Pleiadians will then use their advanced technologies to access your central nervous system to ease your pain. This new protocol is still in development and is limited in its efficiency and the Pleiadians are asking for feedback. Those who will use this protocol, are welcome to report its effects in the comment section on my blog where this article is posted. (Veronica Event-NL YT)

  68. This comment has been removed by the author.

  69. As the vaccine genocide continues the light forces are doing nothing and are nowhere to be seen

    1. Everyone I know took both shots and we are all healthy and fine.

    2. Just wait for the winter months the vaccinated will have antibody-dependent enhancement from the vaccine Spike protein and the micro clots in the vessels can only be seen with a D-dimer test

  70. Over here in the USA:

    Benjamin Fulford is telling us this morning (November 8) that Governor of the state of New York Andrew Cuomo has been "removed from the earth plane" and also that Governor of California Gavin Newsom has been arrested.

    If this is true, it is a huge relief.

    The lock downs are going to start to lift.

    Meanwhile, beautiful skies, high energy, magical mothership sitings, bubbles of heaven, and a wonderful life ahead awaits us.

    Victory of the Light!

  71. 1/2

    The Inspector General Investigating the Trading Scandal at the Fed, Reports to Fed Chair Jerome Powell, Whose Own Trading Is Dubious
    By Pam Martens and Russ Martens: November 8, 2021 ~

    Jerome Powell (Thumbnail)
    Jerome (Jay) Powell, Chairman of the Federal Reserve Board

    Fed Chair Jerome Powell was quick to refer an investigation into the Fed’s trading scandal to the Inspector General of the Federal Reserve. Notably, he did not refer the matter to the U.S. Department of Justice which has criminal prosecution powers.

    Unlike the Inspector General of the U.S. Department of Justice, as well as more than 30 other Federal agencies, the Inspector General of the Federal Reserve is not nominated by the President of the United States and confirmed by the U.S. Senate. Instead, the Inspector General of the Federal Reserve is appointed by the “head” of the Federal Reserve Board of Governors; he reports to that same Board of Governors; and he can be terminated by them with a two-thirds vote.

    The Inspectors General have been codified into law under 5a U.S. Code 8G which notes that “Each Inspector General shall report to and be under the general supervision of the head of the designated Federal entity, but shall not report to, or be subject to supervision by, any other officer or employee of such designated Federal entity.”

    The Fed’s Board is supposed to consist of seven members (Governors). Currently, one seat is open. Thus, it would take only four votes to terminate the Inspector General.

    Mark Bialek is the current Inspector General of the Fed and has been in that position since July 25, 2011. Bialek was appointed by former Fed Chair Ben Bernanke, the Fed Chairman who oversaw the secret $29 trillion bailout of Wall Street, fought the U.S. media for almost three years to keep the details of that bailout a secret, and then took a job at hedge fund, Citadel, after retiring from the Fed.

    In addition to the trading scandal that forced former Dallas Fed President Robert Kaplan and former Boston Fed President Eric Rosengren to step down, at least three current members of the Fed’s own Board of Governors, including Chair Powell, have come under scrutiny for their trading activities.

    There is some confusion in the law as to whether Jerome Powell, the Chairman of the Federal Reserve Board of Governors, is the “head” of the Fed or whether the full Board is the head, for purposes of hiring the Inspector General.

    On the Federal Reserve Inspector General’s website, it notes the following:

    “The Inspector General is appointed by the Chair of the Board of Governors.”

    However, the Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency (CIGIE) appears to be believe that it’s the full Board of the Federal Reserve that should have the power to appoint the Inspector General, writing as follows:

    “The Dodd Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act of 2010 was signed into law by President Barack Obama. It established, among other things, that designated Federal entities consisting of a Board or Commission, were to be considered heads of their agencies with respect to the appointment of those entities Inspector Generals. It also established that for removal of such an Inspector General, it would require a written concurrence of two-thirds of the Board or Commission.”

  72. 2/2

    Notwithstanding this confusion in the law, it is clear that having the Fed’s own Inspector General — who reports to the Fed and can be fired by the Fed – in charge of an investigation into the trading scandal at the Fed is not going to satisfy the American people that an independent investigation has been conducted. So why engage in this time-consuming charade? Perhaps that’s the actual purpose – to kill time in the hope that the trading scandal will simply disappear from the headlines.

    The Federal Reserve supervises the mega bank holding companies on Wall Street.... Curiously, each one of these regulators are known as “designated federal entities” and have the same structure as the Federal Reserve ... None of these “designated federal entities” have their Inspector General appointed by the President of the United States and confirmed by the Senate. All of them have their Inspector General appointed by the “head” of their federal agency and all can be fired by two-thirds of their governing body.

    Is this lack of independence a factor in the mushrooming corruption on Wall Street? ...

    Consider what four former SEC lawyers have said about the SEC:


    Kidney’s assessment of the leadership of the SEC came just three years after another SEC lawyer, Darcy Flynn, told Congressional investigators and the SEC Inspector General that for at least 18 years, the SEC had been shredding documents and emails related to its investigations — documents that it was required under law to save. ...

    Earlier, on June 28, 2006, former SEC attorney Gary Aguirre testified before the U.S. Senate on the Judiciary on his travails at the SEC attempting to do the right thing for the American people. ..John Mack, the powerful former official at Morgan Stanley. ... Mack was protected — Aguirre was fired via a phone call while on vacation — just three days after contacting the Office of Special Counsel to discuss the filing of a complaint about the SEC’s protection of Mack.

    On September 27, 2011, we got to see how the SEC’s Inspector ...

    “…just before the staff’s recommendation was presented to the Commission, Enforcement Director Robert Khuzami had a ‘secret conversation’ with his ‘good friend’ and former colleague, a prominent defense counsel representing Citigroup, ... creating the appearance that Khuzami’s decision was ‘made as a special favor to them and perhaps to protect a Wall Street firm for political reasons.’ ”

    The Inspector General’s report systematically whitewashed the claims against Khuzami, effectively sending the message to other SEC staff attorneys not to bother blowing any more whistles.

    For a closer look at the insidious details of the trading scandal at the Fed, see our archive of articles. It’s long past the time for the Department of Justice to take over this investigation.

    Editor’s Update: This morning, at 11:00 a.m., the Federal Reserve announced that Randal Quarles has submitted his resignation as a member of the Federal Reserve Board, effective at the end of December. Quarles had served as the Board’s first Vice Chair for Supervision. His term as Vice Chair for Supervision had expired in October but his 14-year term as a member of the Board of Governors had ten more years to run. This means that at the end of December there will be only five members of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve, unless President Biden is somehow able to get the Senate to confirm a new nominee before then. If the Fed has only five Board members, this means that it would take only three votes to fire the Fed’s Inspector General, since it takes two-thirds of the Board voting in consensus.

  73. Me again :D I cant stop now :D another experience about 15 years ago...Our cat Rosa died of old age..maybe 2 nights after she was gone I "woke up" in bed. I was in my bed but otherwise..I felt Rosa running my way and I said "Rosa! No!" I felt her running over me and jump out of window... Then I wake up and was normally in bed...My feet are towards window :) Sooo weird


  74. Zero Gravity


  75. What is , in the context of this announcement, the proper meaning of OVERRIDE?

  76. Adamu speaks about victory over cabal (how they fucked up pandemic timing in a natural way), Singularity (event), available densities to choose in future:

  77. Hello Brothers and Sisters,
    Supposedly Med Beds are being rolled out as we speak. If anyone is interested join (Skye's Med Bed Room) on Telegram..
    From what I understand they will be rolled out to the public in January.
    Please go see for yourself. It FEELS like its happening guys...
    As always please use DISCERNMENT:)

    1. but will it be free...or ANOTHER expense?

    2. From what I am reading and watching on the videos provided, it will be free paid for by Nesara/Gesara

    3. Hi All~ (skye's med bed channel on telegram) (One! of the videos explaining the rollout) Her channel with the "pinned" info and links and such are more in depth

    4. Hi,I know!! People all over the globe need them now. But from what I understand from this Telegram channel, they will be rolled out in January. Disclosure about them, 2and to 3rd week of December. My intuition is " FEELING" me, it's the real deal. But again, with discernment..things get pushed. But I am pretty optimistic about this info..but that is just me

    5. Can the med beds restore one's true gender, and make me more alien than human, or do I gotta go to the aliens themselves for that?

  78. Think there will be multiple different problems,, there is very old movie about guy who spent 40 years in prison and day he needed to leave he killed himself. So prison was his home and he didn't even want to try and see. Movie is true story. Think healing is easy but free will is another well not problem because not all people will do exactly same and we shouldn't be as Gestapo soldiers to them. Don't Worry Be Happy


  79. Hallo Endorphin.

    Das ist Alles Teil des Plans.


  80. Hi gaia I believe Satan is ancient artificial intelligence and there are many different beings who are under it's control are perceived as evil but in reality they need to be saved to.i want to apologize for any negative comments I've posted, victory of the light...

  81. Cobra: People are learning in their own way. There is no Goddess mystery school present on the surface of the planet yet. The situation is not yet ready, but there are fragments of true mysteries here and there. I had a few workshops that were quite powerful three years ago when I had revealed a great deal of this and there are probably notes floating somewhere over the internet. And you can get those and learn from there, but this is not the whole story. There is much more to it.

    I live in a school (ashram) in Germany called Shree Peetha Nilaya, the Abode of the divine mother, and this is a school of the divine mother.
