Friday, December 3, 2021

A New Cobra Interview

A new Cobra interview has been conducted by the Sisterhood of the Rose to bring more clarity and awareness for our Divine Intervention Activation and Planetary Liberation Petition.

The transcript in English is here:

In French here: 

In Spanish here: 

In Portuguese here: 

In Italian here: 

In German here: 

In Dutch here: 

In Polish here: 

In Slovenian here: 

In Croatian here: 

In Romanian here: 

In Hungarian here: 

In Turkish here: 

In Hindi here:

In Telugu here: 

In Japanese here: 

In Chinese here:

And in Korean here: 

The Youtube video in English is here:

In German here:

In Spanish here: 

In Italian here: 

In Chinese here: 

And in Japanese here:



The Solar eclipse with our booster meditation is coming very soon, tomorrow on December 4th at 07:35 am UTC, and the Light Forces are asking as many people as possible to participate.

Instructions for the booster meditation tomorrow are here:

Instructions for our main activation on December 21st are here:


You can keep signing the Planetary Liberation Petition here:

On the original petition page, which seems to be permanently taken offline, we have gathered at least 81,676 signatures. On the current petition page we have gathered 27,473 signatures at the moment I am writing this, so together we have at least 109,149 signatures and counting.

Let's do this!


  1. Do the petition on one of the mayor blockchains! It's ridiclious I feel like signing the petitions 5 times (always with the same email so that would prevent multiple signatures) and always something happens with the petition.

    1. Pfizer Document Exposes Criminal Coverup by FDA of 'Vaccine' Deaths

    2. The act of sign it that's important.

      Its recorded on akashic records, with our freewill asking 4 that.

      The action of 144.000 incarnated soul on physical bodies that is important to the source...

      Even if that document was taking down....


  2. how do I keep the light when I have money left for a month's life?


    2. To request money from the WLMM Fund, please complete the form below. More information about the WLMM Fund can be found here:

    3. "here are the notes from my Taiwan conference about manifesting abundance. They are published here as guidance to assist Lightworkers in their financial situation. Be aware that these notes are an interpretation of the person who wrote them. Many details are omitted and some original meaning is lost. They are NOT exact words from Cobra.






      Japanese. "

  3. German translation of this article / deutsche Übersetzung dieses Artikels:

  4. I'm excited about these upcoming meditations!
    I think bother and the petition will be successful!

  5. Awesome, Cobra!
    Thank you!
    So interesting.

  6. About the twin soul meditation
    Can we "use" it as in the guided video? Because it's based on the two notes of previously conferences of Cobra and for some reason the steps is not the same of these notes as it seems arbitrary choose to be different.

    I know Cobra have other thousands things to do but would be nice if him comment on this. I using some mix of steps of the notes of the conference with the guided meditation as a template. Just going with my guidance but would be nice to know if i can just follow the video without "reserves".

    1. “We love Massmeditation” is associated with Cobra and contains this meditation:

  7. There were parts of this interview that brought tears of Love to my eyes. Thanks to Debra and Sisterhood of the Rose for arranging this timely and well organized interview.

    Victory of the Light is assured and is near!

  8. Thank you Cobra, it was very helpful. A lot of things have cleared up in me.


  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Looking forward to hearing your interview COBRA! I'm sure many questions and concerns will be explained. The petition numbers are looking good and feel our goal will be reached barring anymore interference. Booster meditation this coming early morning heading toward the main one on the December 21st Winter Solstice!

    Let's do this indeed! 😉


    1. You may use this if you feel guided :

      Cobra 12-21 All Interview Parts Separated & Upgraded for Research & Clarity


  11. I've posted many many versions of this song over the last 8 years.
    This was also played in a bar in Adelaide, SA almost to the day 17 years ago during a certain Awakening Stage.
    I never looked back.

    And neither should you.

    You're The Voice.



    1. This here is from Sound Relief.
      It features a band mentioned on this blog.

      This is from March 14 2009.


      You're the Voice - Live

      We're not gonna sit in silence.
      We're not gonna live with fear.

      Try and understand it.
      And that goes to ALL.


  12. Thanks Cobra for the update.
    French translation of the interview

    Traduction de l'interview en français :

    Victory of the Light! Victoire de la Lumière !

  13. We stand on the edge of a new golden age we just need to hold the light and stay united! We will succeed it is our destiny! Doug

  14. Hi cobra I just wanted to say something than ask something. 1.thanks for everything you are doing on behalf of us that sincerely follow you. 2. With this petition is it necessary to do the meditation as well as signing it I ask because I have never done meditation before and wasn't sure if just signing it is enough. Thank you

    1. It didn't say you had to do both.
      It is also possible to sign only the petition.

    2. Sign the petition ONCE and DO the meditation! Cobra has said it many times! Is it so difficult for people to understand? Can't people follow simple instructions? Jesus!

  15. Do I need to sign the petition on again? I have signed it once on Care2 website but it got taken down.

    1. You don't need sign on again if you have signed on Care2.

    2. No.
      Cobra has answered this question.

    3. No, we’re good. I also signed on the care2 site so sometimes I just check the numbers, but not sign.

    4. Sign only ONCE! Cobra has said it many times! Is it so diffucult for people to understand???

    5. @dc for the thousandth time, NO!!!!

      Your signature needs to be on ONCE. It doesn't matter which petition it is on.
      No wonder people are loosing faith in humanity

    6. Magnesium with vitamin b6 is good for nervousness !!!

    7. Simple instructions for:
      -Common Core educated
      -Reincarnated herd animals
      -Just learned to type last week
      -Slept through reading comprehension class
      -Took the needle-bioweapon and can't remember own name:

      If you have signed before without error message, you do not take further action.

      The final tally and which platform your signature was on, is for Cobra and Light Forces to worry about.

      That is all.

    8. @ Kloddi

      Couldn't agree more!

      The LF must think we are a bunch of retarded raped monkeys (as Sherman says).

  16. I posted the information regarding our meditation and petition on:
    I also made a post on the site owner's Facebook (Kosta Makreas). He is strongly interested in ufo and ETs, he calls them star friends.
    his website claims to have over 20,000 members so hopefully some of them will join our meditation and petition

  17. Here is the German translation of the interview / hier ist die deutsche Übersetzung des Interviews:


  18. It's 1_44 somewhere in the World, and this is

    Life Is A Flower.



  19. To those who feel guided, please take a few moments and send an email to the 3 people Cobra publically called out to cooperate for the liberation petition.

    Dr. Steven Greer @

    Dr. Michael Salla @

    James Gilliland @

    Here is what I sent them, you can use it and change the name to match who you are sending it to:

    I am writing to you regarding the recent public call out made to by Cobra ( regarding a very important exopolitical document currently being petitioned under (

    I would like to call upon to cooperate and issue a public statement about our petition. We all want the same thing, to create peace on Earth. It's time to come together and cooperate with each other and walk with one another towards this goal. Much Love!


    1. @nwe5000
      Thanks for the above. I've sent my emails to them.

      Quite funny as all 3 mentioned by you have been described as having their own agendas and not very cooperative by one owner of UFO site with whom i exchanged emails with.

      Nevertheless if thousands of us would send emails and clogged their mailbox - maybe we would get their attention.

    2. I also have sent them letters with the following content: With great respect I greet you from Azerbaijan and thank you for your work, for the knowledge and light that you bring to the people of the planet. It's time to unite all the Forces of Light. This is the only way we can achieve Victory! The Cobra Resistance Movement has filed a petition
      On 11/21/21 on his blog page, Cobra publicly asked you to help promote the petition.
      I ask you not to refuse cooperation, your help is very important for all of us, the People of the Planet. Victory of the Light !!!

    3. Sad my comments are not being posted. Greer is not of the light he has a huge ego and won't admit negative ETs exist much less took over earth enslaving humanity. All ETs are benevolent to him and his presentations are skewing the truth. Dr Salla is genuine and Gilliland is too. Doug

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. You are forgiven
      Forgive yourself first

    2. It happens infinity... is a process... i am guessing we all or some of us to one degree or another have gone thru that. getting to recognize the futility of it when done out of balanced or out of bad habit is a huge step ... congrats

  21. unfortunately making a public call is not enough.People tend to corporate with the people they know privately.

  22. If the Galactic Federation expects a global "reach out and help us' meditation from the global popularity, I have my doubts. Most people out of the 8 billion don't cruise by this site, even except that there maybe a Galactic Federation. If the Galactic Federation is that powerful, they are also clearly enjoying the process. That tells me they have an agenda...

    How to serve man, I've seen that episode before.

    Also, I've read these comments now for the last 20 years and it seems like all they want is meditation to solve all the problems. Same ole song.

  23. - This should prove VERY useful

    Cobra 12-21 All Interview Parts Separated & Upgraded for Research & Clarity :

    Victory of The Light !

  24. this is the future if event does not happen

    1. ok, btw if yt is the last honourable source, try this if you like to dance a bit: Frampton Comes Alive:

  25. There is still a long way to go to the future.

  26. Someone commented about the cycle of hope then disappointment on the youtube video and I wanted to comment here. I get the very real sense that hope then disappointment is one of the "juiciest" forms of loosh for parasitic entities, maybe even better than fear to them. I personally feel like something is sucking the life out of me when I feel disappointed. A relative of mine was a psychopath who was possessed by negative entities and their two favorite forms of torture were instilling fear and setting up high expectations then creating let downs.

    I think one way to combat this is to accept things as they happen and keep expectations flexible. One can still hold onto hope in this mindset. Expecting things a certain way is part of the trap of density and polarity on Earth. It's healing to both the self and the planet to instead keep an open mind and find the silver lining in things that may seem difficult. Otherwise we are producing "negative" energy for the entities to feed off of.

    That isn't to say that we should ignore our feelings but give our feelings permission and room to process and express then find a way to transmute them before they are transferred to other people. If we can keep our disappointments from spreading to other people it won't plant the seeds of creating negative outcomes. People's minds are a fertile ground for creating reality.

    Easier said than done, of course.

    1. The problem is, our thoughts are not isolated, we are all connected, and what we think "benefits" everyone; this is why Cobra is pessimistic about our inability to unite, for it would not take much to win if we were able to unify in thought. But we are struggling to unite 144,000 out of 7 billion people for a meditation.

  27. Also, thank you for the very informative interview. There was a lot of reassuring information there. And good food for thought regarding soul mates. As much as it might hurt, being alive is more important than being physically with someone if it's going to invite problems in the magnitude of life-or-death.

  28. Polish translation:

  29. Thank you Cobra! Victory of the Light! ✨💫🌟

  30. I've learned several things from this interview and bravo! Debra did a great job.

    "There are two factors involved here. The first one is there is simply more darkness than anybody expected, I expected, the Resistance Movement expected, or the Light Forces expected. And the second factor is there is less cooperation and more egoism and more stupidity among the Lightworkers than anybody expected. So those two factors combined have resulted in this process being less pleasant and more challenging than I initially expected", this reminds me of LOTR once again as usual. Without Gandalf's cooperation, the quest wouldn't have come to a reality. He understood how organized Sauron is and worked really hard to gather a fellowship. That's the cooperation we need right now. Road is tough but we should not resort to our primitive ways or sway.

    When asked about "mass arrests", cobra replied, "They will happen at the time of the Event and there will be evidence, it will be in the mass media. It will not be on some obscure-alternative website without proof. It will be very much evident; it will be everywhere", which conveys real raw news is not to reliable. And, it was exactly 11:11 when I read this part of the interview.

    3.Some of the "Truther community" still are embracing myths because they reach only to a certain extent of the whole picture.

    4." I would say you can share this, but share it only with those who are ready. You don't force this upon anybody because many are simply not ready" (11:44)

    Completely agree. I have sent emails to certain alternative media personalities in my country who reach a vast audience on various subjects. They sound woke yet reserved when talk about galactic perspectives. They are still narrow minded to these knowledge.

    It is sad that we still couldn't meet with our soul families because of the current situation but still we could do our twin soul guided meditation by welovemassmeditation which is very healing.

    "Not every situation is a negative attack, but many of them are, you will simply need to use our guidance and your discernment", one would intuitively know whether it's an attack or a cleansing. I guess visualizing "An", white light would benifit in both cases. And, also violet flame.

    This is something I felt when reading about the sensual energy. If one can connect with the elements of the physical body, specially water and combine it with kundalini energy, it creates a powerful force.

    There is no sisterhood of the rose group in my country and I still haven't met anybody who is open enough to this knowledge to create a group. Nonetheless, I'm doing my part to the best I can.

    Thank you for this interview and VOTL!

    1. Interesting observations. As you mention, you can't force anything on anyone unless they themselves embrace that belief. I think that others in the alternative truth community don't participate in Cobra's thinking precisely because of that and not because they are ignorant or subscribing to myths. Every groups truth and reality is different as it is for the individual. Rather than express anger or resentment to others, just live and spread the light within your own truth and move forward. In the end, the destination remains the same for all.

    2. yes, to add to number one, if i may.....

      the astrology is extremely intense, and also the DF influence the bickering, and infighting... its what they do.... its very stormy on earth.

  31. 111.111
    This mark has recently reached the voices of the petitions.

    1. Excuse me, but what overall number did we get to for the petition today?
      December 5, 2021

    2. Approx. 117,719 at 10:30 p.m. UTC.

  32. Despite the energetic attacks aimed at discouraging us from doing this meditation, we did it and it was very powerful! Thanks everyone! Victory of the Light !!!! (V and M-H)

    1. I couldn't do it this time, but on previous meditation (the one who was cancellef) I felt attack on throat and lungs. That was the second time I participate, as I dont know how to do meditations, I just do what I can.

  33. Hello, I have studied the book "A Course in Miracles", it says that the physical body is an illusion, just like this world around us. So pain is also an illusion; just like pleasure, hunger, thirst etc ... To be convinced, it suffices to try this experience, with a little pain to begin with: when this pain arrives, feel it and call it "pleasure", while persuading you that this pain is really felt as a pleasure, in the manner of sadomasochists. The point is to understand that the brain can be fooled, it is you who decide what you feel or not. Believe me, I've been doing this for years now, and it works! Of course, I don't know if it works on intense pain, I think you have to be able to strongly deceive the brain; but the proof is made for me that the body and the bodily sensations are illusions. When we leave this 3D, the pain will go away, even for births.

  34. The booster meditation, which finished just now, was really focussed and great.

    We are well on our way to *at least* hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of thousands and even over a million people joining in on December 21 ! The petition -- it looks great! --- we will surpass 144,000 and have many more than that. Thank you all.

  35. Go with Power!!! Victory of the Light!!!
    Love and Light

  36. For those interested, intuitive Michelle Fielding talks with Nicholas Veniamin about Trump, Military, Starlink Satellites and Quantum rollout.

    1. I have just listened to the interview. Its worth your time.
      Although its "channeled" Michelle give me hope for our near future.

  37. Congrats everyone we sure did shift a lot of negative energy out of our way. I am not the only person to notice the time 'slips' and reality distortion this weekend, people are aware that the world has changed. Thanks for the updates Cobra.

  38. Hi Cobra, are these virtual MedBeds real and benevolent ?! Who made them and with which purpose?
    You said that the MedBeds will not be present before the Event, no matter what anybody else says.

    Thank you very much for your answer

    Victory of the Light!

    1. "The 90.10. MedBed is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. It was also not developed for these purposes."

      It's not what you're waiting for. They scam people, because everyone gets excited reading "medbed".

    2. Have you read that page? All of it?
      Please my friend. Read it and think. "Virtual Medbed". You email them and you can try it for free. They'll conjure it right up in front of your bed. Invisible. Virtually.I don't think you need Cobra to see the scam.
      If Cobra says that "Medbed" will only be available after the event, then it probably is.
      Here is an example from that page:
      "The 90.10 MedBed is connected to the consciousness of the person who places the order. This is absolutely necessary to prevent abuse and to protect free will.
      This means that you cannot give the MedBed to others as a gift."

      Another topic:
      "The 90.10. MedBed can be used by all family members. However, the use is not exclusively reserved for family members. Friends who come to visit can also activate the MedBed"

      Well. What do you think?

    3. As I heard of a Cube, Switzerland, to connect your consciousness to ... something you really don't know. I felt it's not ok. And of course as Cobra said, only after the Event

  39. Great interview with good questions and useful answers; all aligning with my inner guidance.

    Thank you and victory of the light!


    Healing love through the Tao:Cultivating Female Sexual Energy is great book. It explains everything regarding this subject. You can download the book using above link.

  41. Hello, I'm not a woman, but since I found male counterpart of this book very helpful, I'm guided to suggest this book to you:

    If you are not able to open this link, use the name of the book: "Healing Love through the Tao: Cultivating Female Sexual Energy" by Mantak Chia. It explains a lot. I also suggest reading book comments from users in Amazon, it might help to feel more encouraged and supported by other women. Best wishes.

  42. Dear CoBra,

    I'm writing this message to you with the intention to create a bridge of understanding while avoiding any complaints. I intend to help reach our common goal of first contact and liberation by giving you this information:

    I listened to your interview half-way last night and apparently your public statement to Dr. Steven Greer, James Gilliland and Dr. Michael Salla had no effect. I'm sorry to say but though we (your followers) believe that you know what to do better than we do, we didn't think it would actually work.
    I understand that in other worlds, people would simply come to see the message, decide that they are aiming for the same goal and easily align with it. Things don't work like that here.
    If I were a community leader/influencer and entrepreneur like the 3 people mentioned above, I would probably not come across that public statement at all. And even if I do, it would probably be from some fan. A "nobody". We, on earth have developed many defense mechanisms and numbing/coping mechanisms to survive. We don't pay attention to fans because (as you might have noticed) they can get volatile, crazy and ridiculously ignorant. Furthermore, if you CoBra and your blog don't have a bigger following with considerable more fame than they do, they will not be interested to check it out. This is because many "small fries" have tried in the past to get a boost of following with one-sided material orientated goals from them before. Either that or the small fry had just started a project and would have likely fell through before the first month was over. This happens very often.

    Now that I've explained an entrepreneur/influencer/ community leader's defense mechanisms, I will tell you what you CAN do to reach them. Because it is VERY possible!
    These 3 people don't know you. They have no interest or understanding of what you do. What an entrepreneur would do to get the attention of another is to arrange a meeting, call them, send them mails and insist. There's a lot of "numbness" barriers one needs to get through, this takes effort. And it takes active action. Why don't you personally contact them and present your case? Why haven't you done so in the past?
    They are not unwilling, they just don't know you. If you're willing to step up and meet them (by mail/phone/zoom or face to face, whatever is in your realm of possibilities), have a conversation with them so they can get to know who you are and what you are about, you will find that they are more than willing to participate in this with you. It's a win-win scenario!

    You have made public statements like this in the past to Corey Goode and others. The reason they have worked is because there's a ven-diagram of fans that follow both you and them. And those fans pounded them with thousands of please to join your cause.
    You might notice that now, there's no more common fans in between you and the 3 you are trying to reach.

    You have more power and confidence than your fans, go reach them, connect with them, work with them. Bridge the difference.

    I humbly ask you to make this effort on behalf of everyone who's suffering here. Please!

    1. Cobra has interviewed with James Gilliland and Dr. Michael Salla before.

    2. It really is a matter of getting this out to people. For example, if this petition was broadcast throughout the mainstream media, it would easily already have several million signatures.

    3. (My comment was written to emphasize the importance of both spreading the petition to networks and getting other people/outlets with major followings to show the petition. Although getting the mainstream media to do so is probably a lost cause, others can be messaged by many people, requesting them to show the petition to their followers. Don't give up on them!)

    4. I have noticed in recent years Dr. Salla talking about Cobra, only with respect.

      I have also heard James Gilliland talk about Cobra, also with respect.

      So I know that these two are quite aware of Cobra. I am sure they have a lot of respect for Cobra.

      I have no idea about Steven Greer.

      Maybe we all need to write them, per Cobra's request.... If enough of us write to them, they will hear it and read it and make a decision.

      We can also visualize them reading about the petition and the meditations and responding and participating.

      There are many things we all can do.

      We'll make it happen.

      Victory of the Light!

    5. @Aria I commend your effort in writing this it is very sincere. You make a good few points as well and were very respectful. The one think you didn't take into account from what I can tell is the sheer amount of work CoBrA does on a daily basis. If you take that into consideration you may come to realize that asking him to pile on a whole lot more work (and it would be a LOT of work to get those people to cooperate) may not be something he has the energy to do. He like all of us are giving everything to this cause but we, at the very least should try and do our best to lighten the work load for each other. So from that perspective I'm asking any follower of Dr. Steven Greer, James Gilliland and Dr. Michael Salla to put a LOT of pressure on them to be interested in working with Cobra. If we can do this to the extent where they are willing to cooperate then all cobra would have to do is make contact and the rest is history.

    6. All of them had done an interview with Cobra in the past. The only exception is Dr. Greer I believe. He never did an interview with Cobra. It comes down to EGO IMHO but it doesn't really matter much anymore. What matters now is what we do as human beings (Lightwarriors/Workers) and our everyday deeds and actions that's what matters its what always mattered. Even something as simple as helping somebody who is short on cash at the grocery checkout. Or few kind words to a person thats all its takes. These things create a better more powerful resonance than you think. There is always a way to anchor light to help somebody. Just simply everyday deeds and actions.

    7. On the other hand, Laura Eisenhower and Robert Potter did respond !

    8. Greer is not of the light he promotes all ETs are benevolent and won't discuss prison planet earth. Salla is good. Gilliland is good what about Corey Goode D Wilcock both know neg ETs are here manipulatint mankind. Huge following Doug

    9. Willing to bet because even the ones trying to promote a positive message are simply using buzzwords and opportunism to promote their own influence and increase their capitalistic gain.

  43. Here is an excerpt from an interview with Cobra about it:

    "Rob – Someone asked about childbirth and menstruation is a kind of a burden for the females and an inconvenience and kind of a painful thing for many of them. Is this a natural process. Will this change after the event. Will humanity, or females eventually evolve in a different way in regards to menstruation.

    COBRA – Menstruation does change when the woman reaches a certain vibrational frequency then it is actually ceases to exist. It is a very high frequency that is not happening long before the ascension. It is something that will happen shortly before the ascension.

    Rob – Right, but after the event it will be less painful, probably will be much more understanding and balanced chemistry. It won’t be such a painful process for women, is that correct.

    COBRA – It does not need to be painful. It is pain only when there is certain energetic blockage in the energy bodies and also in the physical bods. When those blockages are removed the menstruation itself does not need to be painful."

  44. The text of this interview translated to spanish is here:
    El texto de esta entrevista lo encuentras en español aqui:

  45. Being honest with yourself means letting out your suppressed thoughts and feelings honestly. Hypocrisy is a sin.

  46. And that's the beginning of purification, of connecting with your true self.

  47. The one thing we all have in common is that we each want to be happy.

  48. Wow, this is actually amazing:

    "Cobra: Okay, this is not done from a position of desperation. It's done from a position of power. It means that finally the consciousness of the surface population is ready to reach the critical mass with this. This petition, for example, was created eight years ago and the numbers at that time were about 20,000 people. We have already gathered five times that amount right now, up until this point. So we can see that the situation now in the eight years has developed to a point where we can actually realistically reach that critical mass and set this process in motion. So this is why we're doing this now. It's a perfect moment. It's the first time when it's realistically possible to achieve this. "

    At December 4th we have about 111k signatures. Removing the 20k that signed in the last 8 years, it's 91/25=3.64k per day since November 9th. And we need 1.94k per day to reach 144k by December 21st. At the current rate we'll have about 172k - which is exactly what we need to be more or less sure that we'll reach the critical mass. So, I'm surprised they knew exactly when this will be possible. This is some good evidence for the LFs' existence and knowledge of our thoughts.

    But it's still surprisingly low when you think about it. How the hell did we reach the critical mass so many times during previous mass meditations? Even over 1 million participants? It should be a lot harder to convince people to meditate with specific instructions, at a specific time, and for some vague purpose like "energetic activation", than to just sign a petition at any point in time over 1.5 months.

    With mass meditations, people have schedules, and work, and it's in the middle of the night for 1/3rd of the planet. And people who aren't particularly interested in spirituality would never do it. But anyone who's interested in UFOs and conspiracy theories should gladly sign this petition, even if they don't know anything about Cobra, just in case it might be real. So I was expecting a lot more signs than the usual mass meditation participants.

    1. @Tropby
      Previous meditations had some positive goals mentioned like bringing abundance, ending poverty etc. They never mentioned asking ETs for help or asking them for first contact. I think this is the really tricky part, some people are not ready to acknowledge ETs and ask for first contact while they would be ready to meditate with us to end coronavirus or bring healing and abundance to the world.

      Nevertheless number of people who signed the petition is looking good for us

  49. To be more certain, we should do the third booster meditation on December 17 at 8:45 p.m. Universal Standard Time, when the center of the galaxy and the sun will be conjunct.

  50. La Meditazione di oggi è stata Potentissima!!! C’erano tanti Operatori di Luce sulla Terra, Una Squadra Forte e Potente, più di 144.000 persone. Ci salutavamo con la mano sul Cuore e nello stesso momento sentivamo battere il Cuore dell’Atro…eravamo perfettamente connessi tra di Noi. Siamo riusciti a creare una Rete intessuta di Luce Bianca che sollevava e nel frattempo proteggeva il nostro Pianeta.
    Alla fine della Meditazione ci siamo scambiati dei Doni tra di noi – erano dei gioielli di lotto molto simili alle magnolie bianche fiorite. Intorno sprigionava l’Energia di Quan Yin che ci accompagnava dolcemente…
    Vittoria della Luce! VOTL! NCSWIC! WWG1WGA!



    Rob – Someone asked about childbirth and menstruation is a kind of a burden for the females and an inconvenience and kind of a painful thing for many of them. Is this a natural process. Will this change after the event. Will humanity, or females eventually evolve in a different way in regards to menstruation.
    COBRA – Menstruation does change when the woman reaches a certain vibrational frequency then it is actually ceases to exist. It is a very high frequency that is not happening long before the ascension. It is something that will happen shortly before the ascension.

    Rob – Right, but after the event it will be less painful, probably will be much more understanding and balanced chemistry. It won’t be such a painful process for women, is that correct.
    COBRA – It does not need to be painful. It is pain only when there is certain energetic blockage in the energy bodies and also in the physical bods. When those blockages are removed the menstruation itself does not need to be painful.---ref rp1114

  52. Source:

    Choose from main menu

  53. Uma pergunta: E quanto àquelas pessoas boas, que nem sabem que esse movimento existe, mas estão escolhendo meditar à sua maneira junto às florestas nas serras e em lugares afastados das cidades, essas pessoas podem ser contabilizadas pelos Galácticos para a meditação do dia 21/12?
    Espero sinceramente que sim.
    Obrigado, COBRA.

  54. Denise Lefay’s article from, A New Moon is Coming, from November 17, 2021 addresses your questions

  55. Some interesting channeling of information from our galactic family:

  56. the last couple of minutes of the booster meditation i seen many lightworkers light up - like many candles being lit off of the brilliant white light flooding in.....

    at the beginning of the meditation there seemed to be a lot of energetic manipulations by the dark forces attempting to diminish the powerful positive effects otherwise that have manifested.....

    we hit a super cosmic grade grandslam on december.21/2021 of this is our real job-were matrix busters after all-hahahahaha.....

  57. To the Anastaresezy-----Need you to blow this whole area up -----Marcus Titus---- Everyone needs to go to Washington High School. Shepherd University is the local university located in former Shepherdstown, WV. (I went there to Shepherd University.) We need a city planner. (Joe Biden said Baltimore from the mental plane dream he is in. Can you network for us? ---too the Anastarzezy)

  58. To the Anastarsezy---Can you network in a baseball incarnational guy connected to Uefa so we can incarnate kids that want to play baseball and read at the same time. Track, Basketball. Give COach Hunter an advisor.

  59. Dear Cobra

    I dreamt of the Pleiadian spaceship in the sky and took pictures of it before the booster mass meditation on 4 December 2021.

    What is your interpretation?

  60. Dear Aria, if I may...

    You are speaking from your own perspective. The fact that you don't see COBRA and other people chit-chatting online, it doesn't mean anything. You are speaking of the things "visible to you" but you nor I are near their daily lives yo know for sure what is going on (in private).

    Your assumption is solely based on your perception of reality. But it's not the "absolute truth".
    It you have followed COBRA long enough, you should know better.

    Many blessings 🙌

  61. The programming on earth is extreme and many are simple too asleep, as we know. About 20 percent of the population loves the system. It is working out great for them. I suggest, my family should focus on helping the rest. The oppressed, the exploited, the awakened. Their free will is constantly trampled on. My plea to my family is relocate those willing to leave this planet. The rest can enjoy their system.

  62. Causes of Disunity, Urgent Request, and Congratulations

    The End of the Coronavirus Meditation on April the 4th/5th reached over a million participants, and the Age of Aquarius Activation on December the 21st, 2020, reached about 400,000 participants. The level of unification among lightworkers was stronger during these times compared with afterward. A reason for the unity level ("unity" is not to be confused with Biden's misuse of the word) dropping among lightworkers was because lightworkers were told that positive manifestations would occur afterward. Instead, there were negative manifestations in the form of many countries becoming very dystopian, and lightworkers were then told they were 'lucky to just be alive and not in concentration camps.' (I'm not speaking negatively of Cobra and the Light Forces here, but am making an observation.)

    Lightworkers, however, are very resilient people, and are re-unifying for the Divine Intervention meditation and petition, which is fantastic news! However, it is important to address the causes behind disunity among lightworkers, and also the surface population at large.

    In addition to negative manifestations of dystopias in many countries throughout Earth causing disunity, (a new form of unity resulted in certain cases in the form of unified protests as a silver lining), in the dreamstate I'm being involuntarily shown the most extreme child abuse imaginable. I won't go into the horrific details, but as an observation, the damage done to the grids when the negative elites and their minions abuse children is another cause of disunity.

    Earth is probably the most abusive planet in this universe, and because of this, I am making an urgent request to the Civilized Galactic Forces and Councils that special help be provided to Earth that is not normally provided to other fallen planets in a given timeframe. Earth needs to be regarded as a very special case regarding intervention. I request that intervention occur that would otherwise be a breach of protocol, with intervention being provided in a much quicker timeframe than usual. Again, I'm making this urgent request because of the extreme level of abuse that goes far beyond any level of abuse on other fallen planets. I am also making this urgent request to Source itself.

    To all the lightworkers out there, I want to congratulate you on being able to, despite not having the promised positive results from the End of the Coronavirus Meditation and Age of Aquarius Activation last year, being able to come back from this through your continued support of the upcoming Divine Intervention Meditation and petition! The negative forces underestimated you. They didn't think there would be enough unity among lightworkers to come back from the damage that was done, but you are proving them wrong! The strength, courage, and fortitude you have shown is indeed beyond exceptional! Keep going!

    Victory of the Light!

  63. I love you the interview but blaming humanity for not becoming galactic citizens seems hard to read as cobra you said many times we are prisoners with implants programming veils in place the dark has been so firmly entrenched there is no way humanity could awaken and free itself without galactic intervention. Aren't the the galactics clearing underground bases? Draco and chimera ships? It seems odd to me they need a clear signal from us again when all of this is happening and we provided this intention Dec 21 2020. So pandemic was not part of the plan to awaken the surface? Without it how would they awaken? Without mass disclosure as we were told wld happen how can the zombies be woken up? I thought visible dominos wld fall now. I signed petition and will meditate just confused how many times the galactics need us to ask. They would have allowed full takeover by dark ones and camps? They allowed earth to become a prison planet. Doug

  64. we've been genetically raped by the darkies, long ago.
    Along with short lives and aging, I am sure all those miseries are part of this as well.

    I NEVER heard of any contactees talking about meeting old, sickly, decrepit aliens ever.

  65. I got nearly 50 acres of land, pretty much in the middle of hillbilly country, away from prying eyes. I think my property would be an ideal landing/first contact site. I also feel contact MUST begin with SMALL TOWN AMERICA and the equivalent worldwide, rather than some big ass city like New York, L.A., London, Beijing etc. Democracy with a small d, as it were.

    My offer stands, along that of me joining in the actual war. What do ya say, light forces? Ya ask for help me us down here, I'm offering that help.

    1. It must not be spoken about to anyone, nor must it be said aloud, otherwise they will not come (enemy overhears). The transmission must be made only in thought.

  66. Here you can find the Romanian translation for this awesome Cobra interview with SOTR group! We are so happy to have it, Thank you Cobra!
    Victory of the Light!

  67. Dr Greer is all ego I used to listen to him but his ego and self centered approach was obvious. Also he doesn't believe in negative polarity ETs! All ETs are benevolent he says clearly he is either disinfo or completely fooled by his sources. Why I stopped listening to him.
    James Gilliland is excellent and I would think he supportive. Corey Goode I have concerns his updates basically state we are years from freedom. Dr Salla is excellent his updates about bases almost being fully cleared 3 weeks ago was very promising and he knows negative ETs took over earth and galactics are here. What concerns me is his sources speak of Bezos Branson Musk all going to a moon called ganymene sic and meeting as delegates with Saturn council. So we have deep staters as our reps?
    David Wilcock I like but he too must feel frustrated as his sources said we would see an ebs mass arrests disclosure to awaken the people so they knew who they are so they could then prepare for ascension. Greer concerns me.. he isn't speaking truth and won't admit Draco's chimera greys etc are or were controlling humanity.
    Is Trump with us or part of DS?
    Thanks Cobra you have my highest respect Doug

  68. Seems the solar eclipse and your med spooked the crypto ponzi scheme.
    Now all the suckers have lost big time.

  69. Excellent interview and in a very important moment, where things are chaotic, quite dark sometimes and a lot of us are exhausted with the war and ongoing personal family issues! We really needed some clarifications and some things stood out for me:
    1 - the difference of the same petition in 2013 and now, the strenght and potential it has at this moment;
    2 - important achievements with prior meditations that are not visible in the public arena;
    3 - how things are hard to predict at the moment, but we are getting there.
    There were a lot of high points here that I could highlight, but anyway I thank Cobra, the Light Forces and everyone at the Sisterhood for this! Like I've said before of Cobra's work, it usually comes as a Lighthouse beaming Light when we are navigating a storm in the sea during in the dark!
    So after this solar eclipse and 17 days to go until the Solstice meditation, this interview will be helpful in helping us focus on the Victory of the Light! Muchas gracias!
    3 -

  70. no hay traducción al castellano??

  71. To the AnaStarsezy----Can you do the highest thing for Carolyn June Titus at 91 Rural Retreat Dr. (I think she needs to be networked out. Can you replace her with Satrianya ( I need someone to oversee everything I am doing because I dont know everything. THere's a belmont ranch she lives at that is near me. I kinda don't want to see her. (I don't know the address but its near 91 Rural Reatreat Dr.)

  72. Good interview ... that clears up a number of things, but I was disappointed Cobra didn't confirm some of the arrests and executions RRN reported. That was a question I sent in. Could be Cobra didn't want to discuss it. I sent another email asking them why, but I'm betting they won't respond.

    At any rate today's meditation went well I felt. And I believe we will reach our goal on the 21st.

    I plan to continue to do all I can to help when I can. I am one of the lightworkers that is willing to work together.

    Thanks for reading my post.

  73. How is everyone responding to the light squeezing out one's darkness? I'm currently going through some serious sinus issues, and the entities are making themselves quite known in my third eye. Anyone else going through this?

  74. thanks for the article, closed the gap on black nobility, just the bump we needed... much love. We are doing good, Jordan river and Damascus come together, might get somewhere we didn't think possible... Take care.

  75. petition against mandatory vaccines in uk

  76. A lot of what Cobra said is true. I've been trying for a while to meet with my personal pleiadian contactees and ones from elsewhere. I live on the edge of country, like 3 houses from the edge, and the problem I have is they walk right past my house. Drives me crazy and by the time I put shoes on and run out there, they disappear. I've even tried driving around to find them. It's so stupid. I'm trying to meet this galactic person now but I don't know where he parks. I haven't even seen him. He wants to take me on a little ride in his ship. I'm beyond frustrated. So if you own your own land that they can park in, I can see that would be so much easier!

    Also, my information is that the pleiadians are coming soon on mass. I've got this from a pleiadian friend and also from Ashtar, where he said exactly this. Or else everyone would die in a few years from the vax. Apparently they got something to fix these people. We can be healed from the vax and that needs to happen. I really think everything is under control. We just have to wait, and sign the petition of course, and protest against the Cabal. Their taking out the last DUMBS in South Africa right now(amazing!). I hope this all goes well.
    Victory of the Light!!

  77. I agree with eschaton there is a cycle of Hope and disappointment. The only way I found to get out of it Go Within and find source energy instead of relying on news from the external environment which is usually the same broken record of disappointment. Not to mention how can people be expected to accomplish anything when they are being hammered from all directions. It seems like an absurd demand on Humanity. Just like it's absurd to keep meditating in a setting that gets infiltrated and people get attacked. Wake up people this cannot be from the light use discernment

  78. Interview transcript in Portuguese:

  79. This is my take from the interview. Stop obsessing about when the event is going to happen and live your lives to the fullest. If we’re really done with 3D life ina few years we need to appreciate everything that is good about it! Really at the worst it’s not much time at all. Stop focusing on the negative and the positive will flow into your lives regardless. The negative will not take us over, just be an annoying presence for the most of us. This is truly the end times and we need to savor every moment like it’s our last. I intend to savor every day I have with my children and savor every last drop of physicality. Everything else is not important. I encourage you all to get out there and live your best lives and don’t let the demons ruin your lives!

  80. Embody Stargates

    Starseeds have agreed because of the issue with planet levels of stargates being inoperable, to embody stargates.

    So what that means is that in order to embody a stargate, one with that prototyping mission is evolving to become the consciousness of a logos.

    What a logos is, being a consciousness that has embodied a planet in your mind aspect and overseeing how creations move within the planetary system with certain themes or tones.

    There are human forms that are starseeded that are going to be walk ins because it is a particular starseed genetics that is not coming from this universal system.

    What that means is that the walk in energy is bringing code from the neighboring universe and this is only happening because the Transharmonic portal timeline is open and that the starseeds down here that are doing the galactic integration or polarity work that have this agreement, are in process of embodying a stargate portal.

    In order to do so, the consciousness of a logos is what is being inserted as a host matrix transplant.

    Some of us will be expanding into a logos consciousness.

    A logos would be a star, celestial body, planet, and those of us that are bringing specific codes from other universes are bringing the specific planetary body that may have been our source soul lineage or a point of monadic origination. ~ Lisa Renee ~

  81. As the planet is preparing to move into the ascension-disclosure timeline, there are so many things changing it is hard to find words for how all of these related pieces fit together.

    The appearance of the organic planetary dark matter template activation synchronized with major geomagnetic events occurring, as well as the Transfiguration of the lunar forces and the reduction of the effectiveness of the alien technologies used to artificially control the magnetic and gravitational fields, which are all part of this.

    The dark matter body is the connection link that exists between the eternal light spiritual source body and the finite level of the light source body, it is what builds the layers of the Lightbody for the material atomic body.

    Essentially, the eternal spirit body creates the layers of the dark matter body, the dark matter body creates the layers of the lightbody, and the lightbody creates the layers of the physical matter body at the atomic level.

    During bifurcation shifts, we are observing the dark matter template and the dark matter body layers appearing in sheaths and solar ouroboros rings, that are coming online and activating a new functional level of connecting the Earth body to the eternal source flows. LR of ES


  82. The Dark Matter Template is the dark matter instruction set of the planetary body, and it has been filled in certain areas with this Alien sourced Black Goo.

    It was programmed into the dark matter template of the Albion Body and appears to have had its point of entry into earth around the time of the Nephilim Wars.

    This "alien black goo", acts as a faux synthetic artificial intelligence elemental that mimics and controls carbon allotropes and how they function in the dodecahedron structures on earth.

    It is clearly how the Negatives have been accessing carbon elements to control matter forms, including control over genetic expression of the human body.

    This programmable Alien AI has infected carbon material and is what has taken over the platonic solid Dodecahedron and related pentagonal geometries that build time space constructs.

    These time space constructs are instruction sets in the morphogenetic field that run into the Ley Lines of the planetary body.

    This is how they have built artificial realities and false Timelines and projected them into false holograms.

    The spherical fullerene has something to do with the AI control over carbon-based matter at the molecular level that can control genetic expression. LR of ES


  83. Welp it seems it's up to us. This interview gives little.hop for intervention anytime soon. If they need a petition it's obvious they're are nit about to jump in and stop the mandates. That's going to take us. The q thing is a psyop. Possibly some white hat stuff going on. And the lf won't and can't interven directly with surface politics events so to speak. Now they coming after the kids losing down and forcing ut on anyone with a consciousness. You the awake part of the population with a consciousness the ability to see its time to stand up. Join the protests make your voice heard. They all yell from the roof to get it.Time to yell back and say no. Your soul came here ti fight it. You are the ground crew.Nothing will stop this but you. Put our fear aside. We stand together now or we are lost again for 1000s of years. You are the ones to liberate the planet that why you came here. Get strong in your body and mind. Non compliance unite and fight it together as one. Help each other. You won't get out of this without supporting each other. No more hopium. No one's.cming to save you but you.

  84. Future promonition---Need people to promote Get Lucky by Daft Punk on the date the Sun Sol Rises again (Need a team) I don't know every
    destara-powerpoint. For XanJaska------White Willow

  85. (On physical Eden 37 and all paramatical deshontao connected) - White Willow - I can do it on the 3 servers I can glit lead ( I dont know everythiing) That is what the premonition song is about. (I may need technology, not everything is unlocked.)

  86. Nice interview. Thank you for the encouragement. It has been difficult for many.


  87. Talk.


  88. this is a very thorough interview, thank you.

  89. Help us or don't,
    Enough with the teasing and false hope

  90. For those who are interested:
    Twitter Synchronicities, More Solar Synchronicities, Esoteric Number 5558 Appearing & More

  91. Don't get me wrong, letting out repressed emotions and thoughts is a way to purify yourself and should be done privately. It must be done privately and with consideration for its effect on the people around you.

  92. I've just found out Omicron is a lizard type draconian that is supposedly still around in the DUMBs under South Africa. I don't know, lots of them I think. These oldest DUMBs go really deep. Omicrons are like the horrible alien characters from the Simpsons (horrible show). So I guess they are still eliminating lizards, as well as others. Let the battle continue. Not 100% sure this intel is correct but something about it "seems" true and the Cabal loves to give us truth through these cartoons. So annoying.

  93. Operation Freedom Earth Pleiadian light forces


  95. We have changed the game in a way I'm yet to fully understand on your all's end, I feel it on mine, see it on Arcadia Street... the best life I have for this mission is this one. When we get to contact, and I'm not supporting in conciousness only, we will really grab some gears, smooth is fast... much love

  96. Hi Aria!

    I honestly disagree with you. We do not need to unify with these said people, each person is doing their own part in the planetary liberation and disclosure. Each individual has their own personal goals and agenda, we don’t necessarily agree with each other for obvious reasons, but as far as the ultimate goal is the same, let everyone follow their own path without forcing them to join your gang. You should have realized by now that Cobra is a private individual, he likes to keep his anonymity for obvious reasons, he will not reach out to anyone just because you are advising him to do so, maybe you should know better that as part of his mission, he must remain anonymous for his own protection (the DF have already taken out his twin flame, you don’t want the DF to take him out too, do you?). This forced unity of different Lightworkers under a single banner is a bad idea, it’s like you want to unify Metalheads and normies who listen to Pop music, or Punks with Skinheads under the same flag. Never gonna happen! Leave Cobra alone and go be an influencer yourself if you believe this idea of yours might work. Vive la différence!

    Good luck!

  97. COBRA 20000 il y a 8 ans, 81 000 et plus de 30 000 actuellement, 10 000 de plus et l'intervention divine sera. Anyway VOLT Yes tellement de joie !!!

  98. @ Aria

    “I humbly ask you to make this effort on behalf of everyone who's suffering here. Please!”
    Cobra is not the ‘Lamb of God’ who takes all the suffering of the world upon himself. Each person is responsible for their own lives! If they are suffering is because they are being dumb and cowards and acquiescing to the Cabal's tyranny and not fighting back. If one is suffering, he/she/it must DO something to change his/her/its own situation, figure a way out of it and leave every person alone. Salvation is an individual thing, you can't be responsible and save people who don't want to listen, don't want to be saved. You can only help when requested, otherwise, go your own way and leave people be.

    "Live and let die!"

    1. OH, right, blame the person for their suffering.

      Sounds like a damned catholic or something.
      Not everyone suffering caused their suffering. We are on planet gulag.

  99. No matter how tough times are for us, no matter how hard we try to feel the light, there is always the light. Those who are sensitive to energy can always feel the light!

  100. Translation of the interview in form of a video in



  101. Pretty good interview,
    Very good in fact.
    Thank you.
    I am sorry for giving you so much trouble,
    But, I had to find a way to break down the barriers of our misconceptions and misunderstandings without getting either of us killed.
    That's kind of a thing.
    Plus, well,
    Someone who is very important made me agree to that.

  102. And I agree with Her, because I know that She is right.


  104. Seriously man,
    Some of us never left.



  107. I'm focused on Portals right now, where are they, how do they work, how can we use them?

  108. please... watch this... (or listen)

    Love, Truth and Courage for us all... VICTORY OF THE LIGHT

  109. COBRA...Dec.21st is humanity's life altering meditation so could we please have the live chat activated prior to the start of the Divine Intervention Activation meditation? When I read the live chat, myself and others start to feel a strong energetic global connection. I think this is instrumental in putting us into the right frame of mind because of the oneness that we all start to feel. Please make the live chat active prior to the meditation so that we can all unite and bring ourselves closer to the Event! Thank you COBRA! VOTL!
    P.S. If we have a Cintamani Stone should we hold it during this meditation?

    1. yes, it is a very good idea to hold Cintamani during meditations. This is an effective way to work with the stone.

  110. Please help share everyone. QR code within to all Meditation videos:

    Attention: To the awakened population of earth. Please share this widely to all spiritual groups and individuals:

  111. Oui comment garder espoir , quand beaucoup de gens souffre du vaccin et d autres sont obligés de se faire vacciner pour garder son gagne pain . Oui bien-sûr on va penser à la pétition , c'est plus important pffffff qu'on nous aide svp en divulgant la vérité et puis pensez à prendre contact avec nos frères galactiques , ça passe en 2 ème plan.

  112. Telugu translation of the interview:కోబ్రా-తో-డివైన్-ఇంటర్వె/

  113. Hello Cobra, I have translated your interview into Italian. Happy to send it to you, if you think it useful.

  114. Hungarian translation / magyarul:
    🌹 🌹 🌹

  115. Desejamos Vida Longa ao Príncipe Naga. Esteja ele onde estiver. Belas canções.

    Obrigado COBRA!
    Vitória da Luz.

  116. Interview translated to spanish
    Entrevista traducida al castellano

  117. whoo, we have 81676 on the first petition page so still need 62324 signatures. At present when I am writing this ,we have had 36371 on so we just need 25953 which will reach our goal.

    I have to admit that the rate of increase exceeded my expectation because I didn't have much hope at the beginning when the first page was taken down.

  118. Does the light forces really have a practical and reliable plan to implement financial reset?Blind optimism wont solve the problem.

  119. Member of EU Parliament Christine Anderson talking about the current situation in Australia and comparing it to Nazi Germany:

  120. Great interview❤️ We’re gonna do it! I can feel it!! VOTL ❤️❤️❤️

  121. Setting Our Differences Aside

  122. Hatonn speaks the truth

  123. (Spanish Transcription here)
    La transcripción al español está aquí:
    Pronto haremos un audio.

  124. I'm guessing about 20% will be duplicates.

  125. many dropping dead and/or suffering gravely from injuries immediately after getting the injections from hell – is most probably often because they were mainlined the demonshyte into a vein – thats what the brilliant chemist who tragically just got assassinated by the dark forces says in his teachings at link below…..this needs to go viral worldwide everywhere – this special forces lightwarrior scientist works and teachings and messages and truth and light live on forever…..someday this war is going be over…..



    capo police officer lightwarrior(just quit because of the vaccine mandate imposed on the police) exposes the horrors of cabal controlled hospitals etc-bravo zulu…..

  127. COBRA will you please comment of the Efforts and messages from Neale Donald Walsche "Conversations with God" which to date is the truest information I know outside of my own inner guidance., Kryon who speaks beyond the veil, and the Federation of Light as channeled by Blossom Goodchild. As the writer explains above why is there a disconnect between your efforts and these obviously High frequency functioning folks. You really cannot afford to pretend these are not out there.

  128. Only 22k Signings to go. Let's share it everywhere!

  129. Hi is there a way to find this Cintamani stone? Also how can I get implant removal? These implants keep making my ascension go up and back down and it's trying to lift up again.

  130. Was just reading through the old Bubbles of Heaven Update from February 6th, 2019 and this information was stated:

    Now that you have more understanding of the overall plan, it can safely be released that the Light Forces have completed the construction of an underground base below northern Taiwan, which can accept 3 billion people. A similar, but smaller base is being built in a certain location in Central Europe, and another one at a certain location in South America, with another one planned for Africa. These bases may be used as evacuation options.

    So these underground bases are being built or will be built in Asia, Europe, South America and Africa. What about North America? I know the least amount of people reside in this continent, but are we just getting left to do our thing? Or is the entire top half of the Western Hemisphere supposed to cram together into one underground base? I'm sure accommodations are in place, I just find it interesting that no one has seemed to ask why this hasn't been addressed. I'm not worried or anything, just curious.

  131. If no lab can isolate cv19 why are people getting sick I assume variants are being created via vaxxed people spreading it? Did cv19 ever exist or was it 5g per Benjamin fulford?
    Are draco ships removed? Are chimera ships removed? Are chimera in dumbs and other bases removed?
    Are galactics fighting alongside special forces as Dr Salla outlined in a video 3 weeks ago? If so then direct intervention is occurring is it not?

    Very confused it seems war went hot months ago thus direct intervention by Galactics above and below surface correct? If toplet bombs are an issue how can chimera be removed from underground bases then without them triggering them. If they have been removed how are the dark forces able to still hold back the light forces this is illogical.
    Thanks Doug

    1. @Unknown, I have thought it was a combination of things from the beginning. We have been bombarded by more and more toxic garbage like vaxxs, gmo food with weaponized genes and poisons, imbalances in diet, layers of electronic weapon systems human and non human, and many other things in increasing amounts. This was before 2020. More powerful energy was blasting the planet and this energy and the archon network energy are very different and one will probably win out and replace the other. All of the things that have hit us are at odds with this energy and therefore parts of us are at odds with energy. This by itself was already killing people before 2020. Then 5 g and whatever covid really is hit us. Its interesting that covid seems to bring out whatever illnesses people already had on top of flu like symptoms. Again I think what we have seen the last couple of years is many things.

    2. Doug,
      I had been asking the same questions at Eleena Danaan, Michael Salla, Corey Goode, etc and all I get was ignore and deletion of my query. I smell fishy here with all the claims.

  132. One site we could try targeting is
    They have high number of subscribers. I have sent them email. They ignored me. But if many people from this blog could send them message, perhaps this could get their attention.

  133. Lots of love to you JMA, hope the retreat serves you in the most positive way possible. I can't imagine what it's like to be born trans these days (31 y/0, gay here, which has been more than brutal by itself, nevermind the other 'life settings' added to this incarnation). Please take care and find the strength to give yourself the love you deserve.

  134. For those who are interested:

    Precession of the Equinoxes Synchronicity, Wolf Spirit Animal Appearing, Dream About Something Happening Soon, Solar Activity Synchronicities & More

  135. Booster meditation effect
    Saturday, Dec 4 was the second booster meditation. What is the effect on the signing? Indicated is the approximate number of signatures per day. The first petition page was probably taken out by influence of the dark ones. Its number was last at least 81,676 votes. These votes will be added to the replacement petition. For the signal to generate a response from the Light Forces, at least 144,000 votes are needed by Dec 21, 2021.Right now, on Dec 7, 00:44 CET, the number is 81,676+41040=122,716 votes.

  136. Just me or things are heating up very fast since the eclipse?

    Looks like people in rules roles are starting to stand up against those ones allied with the Cabal, spreading the truth of the totalitarian push around the globe.

