Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Divine Intervention Activation Preliminary Report

This is to let you know that both the critical mass for the Divine Intervention Activation on December 21st, and the critical mass for the Planetary Liberation Petition have been reached. Congratulations! Full report will be posted here in a week or two.


The Light forces have communicated that now we need to keep the momentum going. If you have not signed already, you can still sign the petition:

They have also asked that those who feel so guided can do the Divine Intervention Meditation once a month at the exact moment of the full Moon. This will immensely help to keep the Light portals open and to strengthen the Light grid around the planet. Instructions, with exact times of the full Moon for 2022, are here:

Victory of the Light! 



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Scusate ma il solstizio è stato quest'anno oltre 10 giorni prima del 21....

    2. Già dovete approvare il commento.... E questo dice tutto....

  2. Vers good! I hope we get a very good report...
    Victory of the light!

  3. Amazing it was magical, Victory of the Light!

  4. Thank you blessed beings of Light and Love. Thank you for caring..

  5. Thank you blessed Lightworker beings of Light and Love. Thank you for caring.

  6. yeah just meditate peacefully till we are all in prisons, FEMA camps or just took the neverending poison shots ..

    1. Yes…Keep nourishing the darkness with negative low vibratory comments! That will save us all! If they have gotten to you, please don’t spread the disease!
      Victory to the Light❤️

    2. Watch this video about project looking glass. I've seen the original. This version is set to scenery and removes the interviewer's audio.

    3. Nobody is going to save you if you don't save yourself first. Many are paying for poor decisions but only you are in charge of what you feel. I've decided to feel happy even if..... It's my life I'll do with it as I please. I rejoice with every smile I can conjure these days. The universe loves us. You are eternal. No fear. Just love and be loved. I love you. I will also resist.

    4. @ Mark Smith

      Well said friend!
      Who needs negative idiots to spoil the liberation of the planet, right. In fact it will be good riddance if all those useless negative idiots die before the Event so we can have a 5D planet filled with only positive and loving people. Otherwise it will be Planet Troll.

  7. FIrst brick of the building is set. Let's continue building

  8. c'était très puissant cette méditation, magique, une belle sensation. mon corps physique vibrait de partout.
    Victoire de la Lumière.

    1. Yes absolutely. I knew after the first round. I went to sleep after round one knowing the message was heard.

      Je vous embrasses! Victoire de la lumiere!


  10. German translation of this article / deutsche Übersetzung dieses Artikels:

  11. Love and Light to All!!!


  13. Keep the momentum going?
    . . .
    Double Ewe Tee Eff?
    . . .
    Do the light forces live like outside of time or something?
    Do they have no sense of urgency?
    Or it just LOOKS like they have no sense of urgency from down here?

    I've been coasting in on vapors
    (jargon for those of us who use vehicles with gasoline --- many of us are "running on empty").
    That just tells me I need to take a break and work on me and FOR me for a while.
    Maybe the light forces will be able to toss us some bones or biscuits for loyalty?

    Or drop us an email when they're more serious and urgent?

    Superiour work, y'all!
    Keep it up!
    Maybe I'll be in a cheerier mood in two weeks.

    Thanks for all the effort everyone has put in!

    1. many many people can not work to live without the jab, many already have been forced to it, children are being poisoned too ... yes we do not know the details of all the matters that block open intervention to stop this MASS murder , but for sure we ARE ASKING FOR URGET OPEN MASS INTERVENTION ASAP, and I think we are willing to take chaces for that ... after all very soon there might be no more here to save ... we will keep on keeping the light on, no matter what, but time is running short from human perspective

  14. Greetings!!! and thank you very much Brother. its been a long time coming. Victory of the Light..

  15. Greetings!!! and thank you very much Brother. its been a long time coming. Victory of the Light..

  16. So excited to see more coming. Good on everyone , shine bright !☺️💗✨✨✨

  17. During the meditation I felt the energy overwelming in a positive way. it was so strong. I never felt that this way. I knew our brothers and sisters from the stars got the message.

  18. Absolutely incredible, magical energy ✨ love my star and ground crew family we did it!

  19. Thanks Cobra for the update.
    French translation of the post.

    Traduction de l'article en français :
    Victory of the Light! Victoire de la Lumière !

  20. Thank you Cobra and the Light forces.‘ Let make it to the final.

  21. Thank you for reporting! Thank you to all the forces of light, the lightworkers on the surface, and all the beings who support the liberation of the Earth!
    I heard that after Divine Intervention Activation, some people dreamed of first contact, and some people saw something like a spaceship early in the morning. It was a wonderful activation!
    Victory of the Light !!

  22. congratulations🦄🌌🕯️🛸👽

  23. You, 'from the bottom of the heart'

    I can not write anything more about this!

  24. I knew it! I felt we better continue Divine Intervention Meditation. Thank you!

  25. Now, after successful meditating, and signing, we will try to bring some news from science, from our expertise point of view,
    for only who still might be interested in...
    No new posts, but only 'comments' with what we consider to share as interesting...


  27. 感謝光明勢力跟你合作 看到你的訊息是我畢生的榮幸

  28. 🤣🤣🤣🤣 congratulation all light warriors for this "ACHIEVEMENT"🤣🤣🤣

  29. Very nice idea to have a mass meditation every month... . Now we must proof that we are able to want first contact. Thanks to Cobra and the RM, for making this possible.

  30. Hopefully this "once a month" meditation will not be needed for another year until we see the event happen, and with it finally tangible results..🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻✨🛸

    1. We need physical changes against the Corona dictatorship fast as can..

    2. @ Light777

      Changes regarding the fake Corona bullshit will only be seen by the enlightened ones. The sheeple will most probably die from it or from the vaxx as they are too stupid to see the truth or accept thar they are being manipulated and their whole lives is a lie! Sad but true! (as Metallica would say).

  31. Vești care ne bucură .Victoria Luminii .

  32. Greetings and love to all the benevolent brothers and sisters of the galaxy who have come to our aid with amazing courage and I humbly offer all my love and respect to their holy existence and to learn and gain the service of being the source of light from them. I look forward to .. I will learn with enthusiasm and gratitude. I am infinitely happy for your arrival. I extend my love, respect and gratitude to you. Thank you with love.

  33. Let the sunshine in!!!! Victory of the light!!

  34. We did it... WE REALLY DID IT!

  35. thank you cobra, RM, the light force and to all brothers and sisters. peace , happiness, love, and abundance to humanity.

  36. Thank you COBRA for all the encouragement and intel. The world wide solstice meditation was so powerful and brought some holiday cheer to my weary soul. What a gift to connect with everyone and our Galactic families.
    Much Grace…
    Much Love.

  37. The time is now to maintain and most importantly strengthen the bridge/connection we've just established. Unification is upon us and growing. Sending much gratitude, thanks and love light to all.

  38. Can't wait to see you all aboard the ships soon... we're making history and when we come back we're going to make a HUGE noise the likes of which have never been heard or seen! 😉

    I can't wait... I CAN'T WAIT!

    1. I think better than waiting is to establish the connection now.

    2. Oh yeah... all except for the trolls... Lol! You know who you are... 😉

  39. V slovenščini:

    Vabljeni v našo skupino Sestrstva Vrtnice in Podpore Dogodka na Facebooku:

    Thank you for the post Cobra.

    Victory of the Light!

  40. Muchas gracias Cobra por la información...Pronto seres LIBRES.Feliz Navidad para todos.

  41. You light forces have to bring the real things on the surface this time,or intervention is just a joke.

  42. Gracias a ti Cobra,por estar ahí,en el momento perfecto.♾🙏
    Sabía que lo conseguiríamos.
    ¡¡¡Victoria de la Luz!!!💪💪💪

  43. For those of us waiting for this moment for years, and lifetimes, it brings tears of joy beyond belief. My heart is filled with gratitude. Victory of the Light!

  44. I stayed up till 12 midnight to join the meditation and it was worth it.
    Before we have the first contact, maybe get to know the star races at :-

    May the LOVE be with you always!
    Victory of the Light.

  45. Hooray! Thanks for the update, sir!

  46. ive been momenting since 1995.

    a better solution is to just appear to the world ffs.

  47. I am happy that I am experiencing these historical moments and a new century is being born.

  48. This wonderful event reminds me of one of my favorite childhood stories - "Horton Hears a Who" only this time we are the Whos on the dust speck shouting out to the Universe that "We are here!!! And welcome you. And the outside Whos answered back! Thank you all so very much!

  49. THANK YOU 💕💕
    Victory of the Light!

  50. I can feel the Light Portals. The oppressive energy that the dark forces try to create through their pressure on the population has decreased a lot. Lightworkers should be aware that the dark ones want to close Light Portals in this way and act against it through Lightwork.

  51. My girlfriend just brake up with me, without giving any reason. She told she will return just wait for her cause she want to be alone now...
    Great, I can see the meditation was successful, now we can have more suffering.

    1. And my girlfriend is on the verge of suicide and by doing that she will also brake up with me... Unfortunately, we don't have more that 1-2 weeks for tangible visible changes for the better to happen(

    2. Oque isso tem haver com a meditaçao??????

    3. Sorry to hear that.. all will work out!

    4. Nothing is without a reason. It will feel bad for a while, but then it will go away. Ask yourself anyway: What is causing the "suffering"? Is it the fact that she broke up with you or that you don't know why?
      Besides, if she left you, she didn't love you. Don't feel sorry for her or for yourself. Live your life.
      Believe me, I know. I've had breakups in my life. The first one, I didn't know what to do with myself. I suffered, I felt sorry for myself, I made a fool of myself. I learned from it. With my second breakup, I "tortured" myself for a few days, then I realized that I was only hurting myself, and suffering doesn't turn back time or change things. Your girlfriend broke up with you. So? Suffering, grieving, is when you die. She just left you.
      No, she didn't. I'm not heartless, I'm just experienced. If you're lamenting, feeling sorry for yourself, looking for answers, you're only hurting yourself. Suffer for a few days, then move on.

    5. @TruthSeeker, life_explorer

      I guess we must let people go. If it's not meant to be there is no point in forcing a relationship. Why people can't appreciate the fact that being alone and single is the best feeling in the world? People, relationships always spoil who we truly are as we have to conform to other people's needs and expectations and we rarely get to be who we truly are. Why people must always whine because relationships end? If it ends, you should be thankful, you are free to be who you are, do what you want without having another annoying significant other telling you what to do, using emotional violence and threatening to leave you if you don’t conform. Who needs that emotional garbage and anxiety in their lives anyways? If the partner want to leave, good riddance! One must love oneself more first. Bunch of needy people who don’t love themselves and need to find love in someone else. After the Event people will get the chance to meet their true twin flames, real people with real soul love without all that emotional garbage of 3rd density “love”. Enjoy your time alone and discover who you truly are instead of wasting your life being slave to “love”. I have spoken.

    6. Most people are a ball and chain these days anyway.

      I learned long ago being alone I got things done much more efficiently and quickly. I don't like waiting for anyone.

    7. @TruthSeeker, @life_explorer I'm certainly thankful I ended two friendships and two relationships. Ending a friendship is much harder than ending a romantic relationship. All four of these break ups worked as catalysts for me. Things began at age 15 when I truly began to develop spiritually. Slowly but surely friends began to behave differently. I did not realize what was going on but several years later I realized they could not handle my vibration. Same for two of my romantic relationships. They were not the similar or higher vibration than me. When that's the case people naturally begin to behave weirdly around you. Therefore I let them go.

      I have come much far and be able to connect deeper with my family upstairs because I let go of low vibrational aspects of my life. I wouldn't say I don't feel lonely in this planet but I have able to grow stronger and better because of I removed those people from my life. Each time I ended those relationships, I felt I removed a heavy weight I was carrying all this time. I felt light.

    8. @ Spec Ops

      You are an enlightened one. Not many people seem to be able to rid themselves of that soul trap which is "relationships", "love"! Fuck that bullshit! True love only exists in novels, films, series because it is part of the plot, but it hardly exists in real life. I dare anyone who ever found "true love" in this miserable planet to prove me wrong and share their story here.

    9. @ IronTheHorse

      You are a wise soul.

      Wish everyone would be so wise as you and don't fall for that bullshit trap called "love" in this rotten 3D planet.

      Much respect!

  52. Incredible leadership Cobra. Thank you!

  53. Amazing ❤️❤️🎉🎉 congrats everyone!

  54. Called It! Now to see what transpires In two weeks...patience is well rewarding. But also My birthday is next month on the 24th. In everytime I make a wish..its towards being apart of the Galactic Federation. I believe in miracles. So the more you keep in mind it manifests itself. So I'm ready for when the liberation happens on the surface were everyone will see. As soon as I meet a member of the Galactic Federation I'm leaving Earth.

  55. This is so wonderfully awesome!! Great work one and all!! 🤗🐬🐋👏✨✨

  56. Hope this means we'll be seeing space ships landing.

  57. E agora aquela pergunta que vc adora... 🙊 O Evento acontecerá ainda esse ano? Sim ou Sim? Que bom que Meu Deus de Amor Infinito existe... 🙏🏻😍🤗 Quero voltar pra minha casinha logo... 🛸💋🤣📣

  58. I was more than happy to participate if there is anything else I can do to help don't hesitate to ask. I am willing to work together.

    Merry Christmas

  59. The Meditation Situation

  60. Protocol was initialized

  61. Maybe we could do this meditation every Sunday.

  62. The ball is now in the Light Forces court.

  63. How many more months or years until we can see ANY positive results on the surface ?

    1. According to Cobra, the event must happen before the end of 2025.

      So, in the worst-case scenario, the event will happen in 2025.

    2. @ a lightworker

      Don't bother waiting. You probably won't be alive by the time some positive results are evident on the surface.

    3. There are many positive results.

    4. US Army Creates Single Vaccine Against All COVID & SARS Variants,

    5. @Birimbau the Earth's ascension has to be complete in 2025 (I think by August specifically).

      Since the Event will happen at the end of the 3rd phase, we have at least 2 full phases to go through between the Event and the planetary ascension being complete.

      "Each of those phases is a complete stage of a planetary Ascension process and is estimated to last somewhere between a few months to a few years."

      So I guess the Event could happen in January 2025, and then we'd have 7-8 months for the next 2 phases. They'd have to be extremely short though, and we wouldn't have time to wait for the official First Contact, introduction of new technologies, building physical Cities of Light, and having people heal and prepare enough for the 3 waves of ascension. All of this just can't be done in 7-8 months. We'd have to get evacuated before we could accomplish anything significant here. So the ascension plan would have to be expedited to something like 3 tiny ascension waves of only the most spiritually advanced people who don't need much healing and spiritual growth, and then most of humans would have to continue their awakening and evolution on another planet.

      So this is the biggest crunch time scenario. For the current ascension plan, we'd reasonably need 2 or 3 years to smoothly but swiftly complete the ascension after the Event. So the end of 2023 is the last reasonable date for the Event.

    6. The Earth must ascend by 2025 so the Event has to happen sooner than that since there are things that have to happen after the Event before ascension.

    7. Its effectiveness is due to the fact that,when you take it you are dead so no Virus can attack you.

      The real question here is when are we gonna see how deranged the whole story is.

    8. Not sure we need yet another vaccine against Covid, protection against the vaccines would be better.

    9. There is no guarantee that there will be an Event.

    10. @ Tropby

      The timeline you predicted is somewhat off. We don't have much time left. Either the Event happens sometime next year or we all will go to hell and the planet will be destroyed. People won't be able to endure 4 more years on this fuckin' tyrannical technocracy bullshit. Either the Event happens sometime next year or forget about Ascension, Liberation and all the shebang, it will not happen. The Event must happen next year so there will be time for the 3 waves of Ascension and all the shebang that goes with it. If it happens in 2025 there won't be enough time for the waves of Ascension and the Flash and later on the 1 mile high tsunami will wash the planet’s surface clean and there will be nothing left of our civilization to tell the story let alone to be liberated.
      Know your facts.

    11. @ Patrice Closin

      Good for them.

      I ain't taking that shit EVER.
      thank you very much!

    12. We need action on the surface now allowing the jabs to continue only impacts innocent children now and I don't buy they agreed to it .. all those children in the dumbs agreed to be tortured raped and killed? What kind of sick system is this ??
      Earth was taken hostage 1000s of years ago nothing happening here is of beneficial and of the light!! Galactics know it went too far enter toplet bombs so they couldn't just come in and take the dark down so it has taken a long time...meanwhile humans taken off planet sold as cattle to many races .. experimented on.. adrenachrome harvested .. it's beyond what anyone can imagine how source could create souls that wld then do these things .. I think the time is now no more waiting ..we meditated the galactics alliance special forces whomever must act now D Day is now. Doug

    13. @Tropby So it would require the event to happen in 2022. Because all of this post-event stuff would require at least a good 3 years to happen smoothly.

      Remember that the first contact would happen only a year after the Event and then only after that the LFs would begin to share their tech and build the cities of light.

  64. I felt it! Knew we blew past the 144000 level and beyond. The Livestream chat was nonstop from all over the world! Many sources now stating action is imminent .. even Lev who posts here stated people would be moving to 4D now until Feb 2022. The LFs knew we would hit critical mass they have the tech to see the probability of it. Are dumbs secured yet? Implant update? Cobra we can't wait 2 weeks each day is big now we are at war.
    We expected dominos to fall after winter solstice meditation 2020 so now we must have tangible events to awaken the people and prepare them all for the Event right?

  65. Are there any negative ETs still on or in the planet cobra? Dr Salla states the minions were summoned to Antarctica and once they release the black magic they will return there and be sent via a portal to a prison planet to continue their timeline etc. According to Dr Salla this is huge and liberation is at hand .. Doug

    1. According to a few contactes like Elena Danaan and Megan Rose bad ETs are all gone. Just a few are still here probably shaking in a corner.

    2. Yes!, but how much credit can you give to Elena, Michael, and Megan, as long as Cobra tell us in all his interviews that we are not there yet, and that the biggest obstacle is still in place?

      Let's try to give our answer here!

      And, don't forget that their message is usually very weak and very narrow...

    3. And, another point of consideration seems to be the lack of their participation in the meditation.
      How do you put this, beside of their intel?

      Let's try to give our answer here!!

    4. PositiveET exactly so if the Neg ETs are removed what is stopping the disclosure via taking over mass media?? Arrests? All I have heard is truths will flow out and shock people awake .. this will precede solar flash event. Truth must proceed ascension event right? Dominos must fall right?
      Also moon is a spaceship locked in orbit used as a base by ETs to access earth it's not a living planet like earth. Doug

    5. Remote Viewing confirms Ashtar Command base hidden in Jupiter’s clouds

  66. For those who are interested:

    Going in Front of Prescott, AZ City Council Talking About The Event, Black Nobility Families, Cobra’s Blog and More, Dreams, Synchronicities & More

    1. I commend you on what took tremendous amounts of courage to accomplish.

      There are many high level benevolent beings who express their deepest respect and admiration.

      Your Light is much needed at your current deployment.

      You are safe. You are protected.


    2. Jonathan Carty, that's quite brave going in front of all those people like that! Excellent work!

    3. Thank you @Dragon Boy & @Starlight432 for the kind words. What would have made it really cool would be Semjase or Ashtar teleporting directly into the room after I was done ;)

      And it's good to know about the protection. It's hard to know if anyone on that council or the people in that room were of the Cabal. One guy was trying to advocate that the council get more aggressive with Covid measures including forcing the vaccine on people. Boy I could have said some things to that guy!

  67. Thank You All For The Activation Process.
    Thank You All Brothers & Sisters Of
    Love, Life, & Light!
    Victory Of The Light!❤️😊

  68. The next full Moon will occur on Monday, January 17, 2022, at 6:48 PM ET, and is known as the Wolf Moon.

  69. Thank you all ♡♡♡ Keep shining Light♡ Have a wonderful, peaceful Christmas ♡ Just enjoy the peace and harmony of Love♡

  70. 🙏♥️🕊️✨THANK YOU Cobra and Light Forces! VICTORY of The LIGHT is close at hand⚡🎉🌅✨🐬🕊️🦅♥️

  71. Replies
    1. @ Unknown

      Actually Ukrainians ARE Russians. If you study the history and origins of Ukraine (The Borderland) you will find out that Ukraine was a psy-ops. It was artificially created to be a buffer zone between Russia and the West as Ukraine used to be part of Khazaria (the Cabal former empire), the language was artificially created as Ukraine spoke a Russian dialect that, it was Russian with some Polish influence, but the Cabal created an artificial and manipulated language out of that dialect and called it and official new language when it was merely a regional Russian dialect. There is a documentary on Youtube about that if you care to research. So, you don't know what you are talking about or you are plainly brainwashed. Do your research before speaking.


  72. Replies
    1. BTW it has been a so nasty, unfair and boring club do deal with... that
      I think we will not sign again to play again with them...

  73. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. STAR; BE CAREFUL WHAT YOU WISH FOR... Is your "star" light diminishing, dear soul? HOLD THE LIGHT!!! BE THE BRIGHTEST STAR IN THE SKY! ✨✨ Instead of spreading fear and gloom.... Why don't you Be-come the messenger of the 🕊️ and ♥️?

      Remember, WE'RE STRONGER THAN WE'VE been told/programmed to believe about ourselves. WE'RE CREATORS. WE CAN CREATE!!!
      TOGETHER - as one race and one VOICE - we can change the timelines, the dark future, and everything else in between. YES, WE CAN!!!!

    2. Let's not act as though things were set in stone, please. What you present is one of many interpretations. Thank you very much!

    3. where did you get this "infos" from? it can be true, but it even cannot be ... so ...

    4. This is your time line. I hope you will be ok.

    5. I took part in meditation. All information is true. You will see this for yourself after a while. The whole year 2022 will be very difficult, but the Event will not happen. Be patient .
      As for the timeline, I will tell everyone - it is one and aligned positive timeline for all.
      There will be a bright future ahead and therefore go to bed without anxiety and stress. Be positive in the middle of the storm!

  74. Dear Cobra, first of all, I want to congratulate YOU!
    From the essence of my core, I want to thank YOU for not giving up on us, and enduring all the harassment and back stabbings You've been experiensing all these years.

    You already know this, but I want to say for one more time:
    I have always trusted You, and my sister Isis, (I missed her sooooo much!!!)
    I believed in You.
    I appreciate everything YOU DID for the "lost" humanity.
    I Love You!


  75. Grazie! Ho partecipato dall'Italia. La Luce ha Vinto!

  76. COBRA......Can you please remind us in advance when the full moon will be and what time we should all do this Divine Intervention Meditation together once a month.
    Thank you COBRA!!!
    "They have also asked that those who feel so guided can do the Divine Intervention Meditation once a month at the exact moment of the full Moon. This will immensely help to keep the Light portals open and to strengthen the Light grid around the planet. Instructions are here:

    1. Subscribe to WLMM, they have a monthly post regarding full moon meditations and more. The information is available in many languages, too.

    2. at the exact moment of the full Moon”
      who feel so guided

      It took me an estimated one minute to find exact times on the internet about this. Some here have also provided links and details.

      We are used to being told everything to do by the controllers. The Light Forces will not do such a thing, but only when it is necessary. Otherwise, we have to connect with our soul.

  77. I never doubted that we would have our victory but, still, it was a very wild ride.

    Congrats to all teams underground, on the surface, and out there.

    Greetings to Asthar Sheran and Semjase. We love you. Nothing will stop us.

    Celebrations shall continue and for you spanish-speakers:



  78. A message of hope from Blossom Goodchild.

  79. It's a really good question. But we believe...

  80. Congratulazioni!🎊 Complimenti e ringraziamenti che vanno a tutti quelli che hanno reso possibile questo Momento Storico!!!Buone Feste a tutti!!!Grazie COBRA!!! VOTL!!!💖💗💥💫☸♒⚕♾✴

  81. Thank YOU, dear Cobra
    It was an honour

  82. If there is any positive outcome from this meditation, please let it include some urgently relief from this Coronavirus dictatorship.
    People are losing their livelihoods & very means of survival. Young children are being injected. Some countries are already implementing vaccine mandates so people will lose their freedom or fined to oblivion, for simply a mefical choice.People have been resisting, raising awareness & protesting for these past couple of years, but we really need some tangible help now; sooner rather than later.

    1. I agree we need some kinda tangible victory to boost morale. feeling very low vibe this week for some reason

    2. Agreed time to take down the media and arrest the politicians .. of underground bases can be cleaned out it's time for the surface Doug

  83. Danke Cobra. Ich aktiviere zu jedem Vollmacht meine Gruppe, zu meditieren. Halten wir das Licht für den Planeten. Alles wird gut.

  84. Unsilent Night: A True Christmas Story

    by Kevin Annett

    cree elder-quote—–now all of you white people are on the indian reservation.—–unquote…..

  85. Yes here we go another year let's go yeah come on guys please don't fall for this again.

  86. Merci COBRA merci aux êtres galactiques qui œuvrent à vos côtés. Super hâte d'avoir le 1er contact physique. J'ai eu contact au niveau des énergies subtiles. Merci à tous. Gratitude infinie.💜🙏🥰

  87. I certainly had a great meditation event it was divine cosmic blue light blended with pure white. Goddess power!

  88. Saw a bright yellow ligt flash up in the night sky after the meditation!

  89. we need a clear countdown counter for each full moon meditation with a clear link to local time conversion site, to prevent the risk not to do it all together at the right time

    1. If you subscribe to WLMM you will be timely informed about the full moon meditations, as they have a post in this regard each month. There are many translations available as well.

    2. It's called
      YouTube: Live
      (& for so-called world-leaders smart as a 5th grader)
      It's called
      Show your work

  90. Almighty androgens practiced black-magic in Antarctica. Nor was it in their minds to negotiate a transfer of power.

  91. We really need intevention ASAP: mandatory vax is on the way and in many coutries you cannot even work for living without the jab - further more they are targeting now children ... we do not have much months left.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  92. "A New Day dawns. It is a Day of Opportunity." El Morya.


  94. Translation of this article in form of a video in



  95. i've had a strange depression since the meditation on Tuesday. I quit my job, I can't go back to doing something not meaningful anymore. Its a mix of anxiety, excitement and also a hopelessness that I might never get to the promised land. I'm not sure if other people have a similar experience. Im just going to take a week off of mental thinking and then figure out in the new year how to make enough money to survive.

  96. it was an amazing vibration during the meditation for the Divine Intervention Activation. As I did it with my cat on my lap, she really enjoy the energy. Yes I will repeat it every full moon around the same time as it is a synchronised world wide meditation. Thanks Cobra and may your day be filled with Eternal Love and Divine Light from Atlantis rising again.

  97. Victory of the light! Godspeed starseeds

  98. the archons are acting up too
    I take it as a good sign but geesh!

  99. This is of great significance. I have followed this blog since 2011.The updates of the last months is so heartwarming.
    Now that the Divine Intervention is secured, a lot of events will start to break the surface of the matrix. Be blessed everyone.

  100. Cobra i have a question for you, about meditation on full moon, is the moment in the month when negativity is the highest, can i ask you why then?

  101. Unlearning relearning

    Cobra, Monday, August 20, 2012: "At the Event, the Light forces will begin to reveal true teachings of Light. In many cases those teachings will be a little bit different from what most people expect, as this planet has been cut off from true Light for 26,000 years and many things have been long forgotten."

  102. I'm following Dr Michael Salla's and Helena Danaan's posts, and it seems to me that Dr Michael Salla is on a collision course with everything Corey Goode said. My utopian mind wants to stick with Corey's version. And my rational mind is looking at Salla.
    But I'm not rational at all.

  103. Thank you everyone, thank you Cobra and LF, and RM.

  104. If the Matrix is weak enough that the Light Forces could get a few grams of solid matter through in the right place at the right time It could really shift the balance.

  105. 9 Years: Pacal Votan and the Order of Thieves

    Everything has already happened. We are just re-experiencing it.

    Four years ago, I posted a writing, noting the nine-year zuvuya window between Solstice 2012 and 2021 – a cycle of supreme acceleration and opportunity to cultivate our inner technology.

    Nine years later, and Timeship Earth finds itself in an increasingly surreal, turbulent and unpredictable time of polarized extremities. We are in the process of a total reorientation from the material realm to the spiritual realm. It can sometimes feel as though we are losing coherence within the linear way of processing, which is exacerbated by the speed of the machine. Fear, chaos, greed and control intensify as we get closer to the quantum shift.

    We are dealing with the same forces we encountered in other worlds and times. We will refer to these forces as the Order of the Thieves.

    The Order of the Thieves is the conglomerate of all beings, groups, and organizations throughout history who create and serve the dominant worldview, which negates time and consciousness. They have set up a thought repository based on false light, a whole huge single mental order woven like a spider’s web around the planet.

    They steal time. They steal joy. They steal happiness. They steal knowledge. They steal Unity. They steal health. They steal memory. They steal dreams. Do not let them!

    The Order of Thieves is the purveyors and maintainers of the 12:60 Dreamspell in all of its facets. They insert themselves into different timelines throughout history. They have been called by many names. They have infiltrated every institution. They replace truth with falsehood. They utilize censorship and information control to promote agendas detrimental to human evolution. They have amplified their efforts for the end-time sequence, seeking to create a Humanity 2.0. Their primary means of manipulation are death-fear and the monetary system, symbolized by Mars and Saturn (in this Solar System)

    The Order of the Thieves is ultimately an extension of an A.I. hive mind that is remote controlled from other dimensions. This is why we see the same script being played around the Planet. This Order utilizes multiple space suits to blanket the globe and enacts their narrative.

    This traces back to the original theft of time, as introduced by Jose Arguelles/Valum Votan. See the original Dreamspell cosmology.

    The Order of Thieves (disguised as priest class) banished the power of 13 (feminine) and replaced it with the 12. They replaced true time with false time and destroyed the knowledge and memory of the 13:20 ratio.

    The Dreamspell of History was cast, and the spell of false time, based on the 12:60 frequency, triumphed around the planet. This led to the mechanization of the third dimension and set the stage for where we find ourselves today.

    “Only the satans, the rebellious mind-morphs, would conceive of a “theft of time,” for to control anything is against the Law of Time.” —Jose Arguelles

    The Order of the Thieves operates in opposition to sacred time, without reverence for the Earth and humanity. Their lust for power and control is so strong that one would risk their destruction and humanity and the total Planet to fulfill their agenda. They falsify history, and as George Orwell writes (1984), “Who controls the past controls the future: who controls the present controls the past.”

  106. ...
    This same Order had its hand in destroying Maya civilization (among many others). Valum Votan writes:

    “… And from Kukulcan-Quetzalcoatl, they established lines of seers, prophets known as the Ah Bobat of the tradition of the Chilam Balam, Jaguar seers who foresaw the coming of the aliens from across the water, those who were to bring with them the seeds of destruction.

    So it came to pass in the 12th baktun, the sails appeared from across the waters—the iron swords, the cannon, the horse, and the dreaded smallpox, all laid waste to the wonder that had been Maya. But can what is true really be destroyed?

    A book burning in 1562 resulted in another book by the very man who burned the books, and this was the first book by a European about the Maya, Relation of the Things of Yucatan, by Bishop de Landa. And in the thirteenth and final baktun, another book burning in 1691 resulted in yet another book. Published in 1692 was The Trials of Votan, all about the mysterious Votan, descendent of Noah, the heart of the people, the planetary wanderer who built the dark house and laid his fabulous tomb beneath a pyramid in the mythic city of Nah Chan, House of the Serpent.”

    The Order of Thieves keeps humanity focussed on all that separates rather than what unites. Their task is to divide and conquer and keep people in fear. Fear is the biggest clouding factor of seeing the whole. Fear wants to hold on to illusion as it equates its “known” illusion with safety. Fear causes people to conform to the world, even against their own intuition and integrity.

    If you begin to feel fear, discouragement, or despair, use it as a cue to Wake yourself Up. Unplug from any frequency that destroys your inner peace. This is a cue to shift your mental spheres; change your thinking layers, just like a radio station. Now is the time to master our inner realm, the most significant technology. This is the gift of this time.

    As more people begin to awaken from false spells, we see an epidemic of cognitive dissonance and many other mental health issues. Cognitive dissonance arises when our conditioned knowledge does not match our direct experience.

    Often what is deemed a “mental health issue” is a mislabeled spiritual crisis or crisis of consciousness. When we begin to break out of the Dreamspell and wake up to the illusion we have been living in, this can trigger all sorts of “mental” issues. This includes everything from anxiety, depression, feeling out of sorts, depression, depersonalization, and other symptoms.

    Society does not prepare us for this awakening; We are not given a larger framework or spiritual context to gauge our feelings and experiences.

    Living out of synch with Nature and our G.O.D. Essence is the root cause of our species’ multiple crises and dysfunctionality. This results in a loss of collective vision, depression, mental and physical illness, confusion, inequality, loss of purpose, and cognitive dissonance.

    All falsity and outdated belief systems are now being exposed and brought into the Light of consciousness, clearing the way for the New to manifest. Humanity’s deepest personal and collective traumas have been unearthed. Many are experiencing deep sadness, collective mourning for a world that is no more. Many have had to say goodbye to loved ones. There is a collective sorrow for all the suffering and the Love not actualized in our own lives and on Earth. But within this is a great purification and opportunity for liberation and letting go. We cannot navigate precisely into the future unless we have understood and healed the past.

    All of the inner work that each of us does emanates subliminally into our collective field. We can never underestimate this. All is interconnected. No matter the outer appearance, we are called to proceed firmly on the inner path and nurture the knowledge that we have been given. Our inner work is dedicated to the upliftment and ennoblement of all of humanity and planetary evolution.

  107. ...
    Pacal Votan and Future Visions

    The 9-year passage from 2012-2021 echoes the 9 years from Pacal Votans death until his tomb beneath the temple of inscriptions was dedicated and sealed in 692 AD.

    There are 9 Lords of Time in the tomb of Pacal Votan. And there are 9 time dimensions in the Synchronotron. The GM108X apprenticeship with Valum Votan was 9 years. Votan means “heart of 9.”

    This solstice lands on Kin 112: Yellow Galactic Human: “I harmonize in order to influence.” Galactic is tone 8, and human is solar seal 12. This can also be written 8.12, which is 218 backwards.

    From solstice until Galactic New year (July 26, 2022), there are 218 days. Kin 218 codes the opening of the tomb of Pacal Votan on June 15, 1952.

    The next Galactic Year will be Kin 69, Red Self Existing Moon (July 26, 2022). Solstice is Rhythmic Moon 9 (or 6.9). The Temple of Inscriptions is a 9 -tiered pyramid platform containing a total of 69 steps.

    “Informed by the Law of Time, we may say that the existence of Pacal Votan exemplifies a supermental future possibility where an all-pervasive truth consciousness realizes the universe as an ordering principle of self-knowledge through which the synchronized harmonies of time may manifest in their infinite potential and power of transformation.” —Jose Arguelles, Manifesto for the Noosphere

    Holomind Perceiver, inclusive of the Synchronotron system, is the final gift in the time-released Telektonon Prophecy of Pacal Votan. It was a gift left in another time, meant for us to be utilized Now.

    Holomind Perceiver is a fractal of G.O.D. Consciousness; it is the organ of psychic life that allows us to “perceive with the whole mind. Rather than implanting an artificial chip into our body, we can instead choose to telepathically activate the Holomond Perceiver and turn on our dormant powers.

    It can be thought of as the Mothership of all synchronic codes, including the 13 Moon calendar. This knowledge as a whole, when applied, serves as a vibrational key that equips us with a lens to perceive beyond the boundaries of linear time. When we meditate on these codes, we might have the experiencing of entering a galactic elevator that lifts us into new dimensions of perception that are far removed from known thought structures and the current Earth narrative. We may begin to perceive that an infinite number of parallel timelines have already been created and exist at this moment.

    As we each work from within to reconcile fragmentation, we begin to sense each other on the inner planes. We remember our Unity. Our power begins to grow—from within. This is True Reality. This is where the future comes from, where the new stories are born. Be still and listen: New messages are being given now.

    In honor of the 9-year zuvuya from solstice 2012 – 2021, here are some timely instructions by Valum Votan in his unpublished notes entitled Book of Maya.

    “O humans, purify your hearts, clean out your reasons, make your minds clear as dawn so that you may realize the Unity of your sense fields! Purge yourselves of the addictions of Smokey Mirror, who dances among you with his mirrors of darkness that show only the body of desire! Smash those mirrors! Enter the silence! Find that place in your mind where no-thing reverberates, and see then what entrances light may make of you! For now, where your senses are clouded and smokey, in truth, there is nothing but Light.

    Panayatana, the Wheel of the Senses, must be cleansed to turn in harmony with the Wheel of Time. Call this, if you will, synchronicity. Synchronicity is magic. Nature is magic. Maya is nature. Mind is Maya. Mind is the magical nature of Reality. Maya is the nature of magical Reality. Even the beasts who claim the night know this much in their dreaming bones!

    O humans, Dream the Dream awake, for of synchronicity there can be no mistake!“
