Saturday, April 15, 2023

A New Cobra Interview and Portal of Light Booster Meditation

A new Cobra interview about the Portal of Light has been just released.

You can read the transcript in English here:

or listen to the video version in English here:

and with Chinese subtitles here:

It has already been translated into many languages.





















And Japanese:




Our Portal of Light Booster meditation will serve as a tool to help us reaching the critical mass on May 1st, and it will happen at the moment of the total / hybrid solar eclipse on April 19th/20th:

The exact time of the meditation will be at 4:17 am UTC on April 20th, and the time for your time zone is posted here:


Playlist of guided meditation videos for the booster meditation in over 30 languages is here:

Livestream for the booster meditation is here:

Instructions for the booster meditation:

  1. Use your own technique to bring you to a relaxed state of consciousness.

  2. State your intent to use this meditation as a tool to reach the critical mass of 144,000 people or more meditating for our Portal of Light activation.

  1. Invoke the Violet Flame from its primary source to place a circle of protection around you during and after the meditation. Ask it to transmute anything that does not serve the Light

  1. Visualize a pillar of brilliant white Light emanating from the Cosmic Central Sun, then being distributed to Central Suns of all galaxies in this universe, then entering through the Galactic Central Sun of our Galaxy, then going through our Galaxy, then entering our Solar System and going through all beings of Light inside our Solar System and then through all beings on planet Earth and also through your body to the center of the Earth.

  2. Visualize this Light activating Soul star chakras of millions upon millions of people, presenting them with the possibility of joining the Portal of Light activation. Visualize those who feel so guided actually participating, their number far exceeding the critical mass, and the activation itself having a massive positive healing effect for all sentient beings on Earth and stabilizing the positive timeline. Visualize everybody involved in the meditation being protected and inspired.




  1. VICTORY OF THE LIGHT! Thank you everyone <3

    1. Recent Light👉🌠

  2. Bonjour 🙂
    Notre équipe s’envole à présent vers de nouvelles aventures avec la création d’un nouveau facebook et Telegram avec sous-groupes encore plus beau, complet, et intuitif qui diffusera plus largement encore les informations, conseils et outils nécessaires à la transition exopolitique et spirituelle actuelle.

    Nous l’avons nommé « Libération Planétaire et Ascension » et espérons qu’il saura combler vos attentes et répondre à vos questions dans une large mesure. Il est constitué d’un canal principal auquel s’ajoutent de nombreux sous-groupes relatifs aux méditations, aux intels de COBRA, à l’ascension spirituelle, aux protocoles de guérison, etc.
    ✅ LIBÉRATION PLANÉTAIRE ET ASCENSION => canal général de nos émissions YouTube, salons vocaux, échanges, partage et questions.
    ✅ MÉDITATIONS => le canal principal pour les méditations de groupe.
    ✅ COBRA l’Intégral => toutes les intels de COBRA compilées dans un document PDF de plus de 2000 pages couvrant l’intégralité de ses mises à jour et interviews depuis 2012. Pour retrouver n’importe quelle information en un clic, rendez-vous à la FAQ de la page 14.
    ✅ ASCENSION Spirituelle => canal d’informations et d’échanges relatif au processus d’ascension actuel, avec comme ouvrage de référence, « L’Escalier de Cristal » d’Eric Klein.
    ✅ SORORITÉ de la Rose - France => canal relatif aux sororités françaises, selon le fonctionnement et les directives données par COBRA.
    ✅ GALACTIQUE et COSMOS => canal d’informations et d’échanges relatif à la Confédération Galactique, au Codex Galactique et plus largement aux lois universelles et cosmiques.
    ✅ Sessions IMPLANTS => canal principal de nos émissions de dissolution d’implants et de résiliation de contrats d’âme.
    ✅ GUÉRISON et Protections => canal d’informations et d’entraide relatif aux protocoles de commande pléiadiens, aux chambres à tachyon et autres outils favorisant le bien-être énergétique et spirituel.

    Retrouvez toutes nos émissions en intégralité sur notre chaine YouTube :
    Ainsi que les actualités de notre canal sur notre groupe Facebook :
    Pour nous rejoindre, C’EST PAR ICI :

    Liste officielle des groupes Facebook officiels du réseau "Prepare For Change" en Europe liés au réseau

    Nous organiserons aussi un LIVESTREAM FRANCAIS  officiel EN DIRECT le 1er Mai 2023 chaine youtube "Libération planétaire et Ascension"    pour "l' Activation du Portail de Lumière"
    #portaloflightactivation #activationportaildelumiere #activationduportaildelumiere

  3. 18 avril 20h30 CEST, explications Activation du Portail de Lumière (visualisations+ pourquoi participer + contexte + meditations + vos questions /commentaires...)
    Article :
    Evénement Facebook francophone officiel
    #portaloflightactivation #activationportaildelumiere #activationduportaildelumiere

  4. ENGLISH PDF to explain the Portal of Light Activation on 1st May 2023)
    PDF FRANCAIS explicatif pour Activation du Portail de Lumière du 1 Mai 2023

  5. Interview transcript in Portuguese:

  6. Fantastic! We're on it!
    VOTL ☝️😎👍

  7. I'll be there for sure. Freedom Jah people... Give thanks Brother Cobra. Oneness always.🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽

  8. " Major Blocks to Mass Meditation & Unity in General "

    " Common Questions & Confusions "

    " 8x The Spiritual Community Assisted Cobra in Mass Meditations "

    " Positive Results from Cobra Mass Meditations over the years "

    " Science & News "

    Portal of Light Synchronicity

    " History of Spiritual Communities doing Mass Meditations "

    " Common Confusions & Questions about Cobra "

    Liberation Is Near !


  9. V slovenščini:

    Vabljeni v našo skupino Sestrstva Vrtnice in Podpore Dogodka na Facebooku:
    Vabljeni na našo stran na Facebooku:
    Toplo vabljeni na Facebook stran Tahionske komore v Ljubljani:

    Thank you for the post Cobra.

    Victory of the Light!

  10. Excellent, I've been waiting for this.

  11. Replies
    1. *************
      What is COmpression BReAkthrough?
      The surface of planet Earth is compressed in a sandwich. Light forces of the Galactic Confederation are advancing from the sky downwards toward the surface of the planet. Light forces of the Resistance Movement are advancing from the underground up towards the surface of the planet.The ongoing process of compression means that Light will expose everything that is hidden, collectively and individually. When Light from above and Light from below meet right on the surface of the planet, this is the moment of compression breakthrough. That occurrence is called the Event.
      Based on the information from the past few months, I believe that the surface society will enter a period of intense compression until the compression breakthrough (The Event). As there is only one chimera base left underground, the resistance movement is one step away from starting to clear the cabal base and the galactic federation continues to push down around the earth. Therefore, the next period will be the period when we truly fulfill our mission. We should maintain and radiate light as much as possible to ensure that the compression process is stable and smooth enough, especially to participate in the group meditation in May. Also, I would like to see the code below in a few months:

  12. Merci Cobra, nous serons sur le pont, Victoire de la Lumière :) :) Sandrine Veilleuse des Energies de Gaïa

  13. Here is a promotional text summing up the key points for the portal of light meditation you can use:

    💫 Portal of Light Activation Meditation – May 1st 05:06 pm UTC 💫

    Join us for the most powerful Activation of our Lifetimes so far! 🔥

    • Just before the first of May this year a very powerful cosmic cycle completes!
    • May 1st marks the date mid-way of Pluto’s first return into Aquarius since 248 years!
    • In this moment of “stillness” before he turns retrograde, he is making an exact grand trine with Alcyone (our local central sun in the Pleiades) and M87 Galaxy (which is the source of galactic love for this sector of the universe).

    💫 This will be much more powerful than even the first Age of Aquarius activation meditation on December 21st 2020, because the Lightforces by now have cleared enough darkness so that such a massive influx of cosmic love-light can safely be assimilated leading to a great upliftment of this planet and accelerating our spiritual evolution.

    💫 These energies ARE HERE TO STAY! Once this portal is opened and we achieved a harmonious anchoring of these energies (by reaching the critical mass of 144.000), they will continuously flow towards the earth and only increase as we move forward in our liberation and ascension process!

    💫 Pluto’s transit through Aquarius, which will last 20 years, brings energies that will break open quarantine earth, dissolve the matrix and re-connect humanity with our galactic brothers and sisters, bringing spiritual and physical abundance!

    More info:
    [Link to the english live-stream will be posted soon!]

    The final Victory of Light is near! 💜
    A new golden Age of Aquarius is dawning ☀️ and soon
    We will be finally free! 🥳🥰

  14. It is strange that most of the people here have other social media accounts

    yet time after time i hardly see people commenting in the sections of other truthers pages in the community about mass activations

    why isn't it that recent posts from other people have no comments about the meditation ?

    if even half of you just ask & shared this stuff with them they would see an interest but they dont so how do you expect them to join?

    Go to telegram

    Make your voice known
    this is a just cause there is nothing wrong or difficult with copy paste
    on the pages you are already looking at simply make that comment
    SHARE THE MEDITATION on other peoples pages

    1. People can find emails of various organizations as well.

    2. Social media is bs. Facebook's so-called 'independent fact checkers' put me in facebook jail constantly, or flagging my posts.

  15. The flyer for the meditation is so cool.

  16. Instructions??
    "Cobra: Yes, of course. And here the suggestion would be to do that protocol in the mass meditation at the moment of the booster meditation at the moment of the [solar] eclipse on the April 20th. So that day we can use one part of the meditation then would be to just cancel and nullify all those negative soul contracts that will assist in the process quite much."

    1. @N'Golo, if instructions are not given by the portal or on we love mass meditation than I will just do the following right before the booster.

  17. German translation of this article / deutsche Übersetzung dieses Artikels:

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. will there be an interview for sisterhood of rose?

  20. Thanks Cobra for the update.
    The post in French / l’article en français :

    The interview in French / l’interview en français :

    Victory of the Light! Victoire de la Lumière !

  21. how can the first contact take place if the event does not happen?

    1. I believe the event must have happened first.. at least to implement a broad contact approach per sa(the in person one?)... there still can be contact ... in other ways ... thru dreams n meditation etc.. maybe that is what this meditation will assist in... besides assist too to smoothen the road toward the event... every bit helps toward the ultimate goal

  22. If the Lords of Karma have disappeared, does this mean that the grid has been removed? And now those who leave their body have a choice - to go to the planet again or turn their backs to the tunnel and choose the way home. Is that a Сobra?

    1. I would say the Lords of Karma and quarantine are 2 different things. The lords of karma also do not take action at death, but at incarnation.

      Also, only some of them have disappeared. Others have escaped to other planes of creation and do their evil work from there. Others may have been there before.

      However, the victory could mean that those who are incarnating now can be manipulated less by them.

    2. 3k14Pi - the lords of karma have created a trap in the form of a tunnel of light. and lured souls into it. I'm interested and I'm asking not from you, but from Cobra, the details of how things are when the soul has to choose a path or a tunnel of light, or can one already freely exit the veil?

  23. Great work, Libra. Many thanks to you and Ascend Liberation for this amazing compilation of relevant information from Cobra's blog. I translated your blog post to English. I assume it would be OK with you if I pass it along to others who may be interested?

  24. Grazie Cobra, la traduzione in Italiano è qui:

  25. Part of why there are more train derailments and shootings is because the needs of lightworkers are still not being met. In my situation, ok, I had to get a job to make ends meet, but if too many stressful situations come up at that job, I will become destabilized. Also, yesterday there was a road rage incident that could have gotten me killed. The situation became very dangerous.

    So ok, I understand that it's important to reach critical mass on May 1st, and I suggest that lightworkers contribute to that, but because the needs of lightworkers are still not being met (for whatever reason or set of reasons), expect increasing chaos/mayhem before May 1.

    I also really don't like it that there is over-reliance on the Event to 'make everything all better.' This over-reliance neglects the here and now to the point of really horrible things continuing to happen. Continuing to project into the future for salvation has become a very destructive problem.

    My personal situation:

    Ok, I'll support the meditation, but don't expect me to be stable, and if I'm not stable, the instability increases the chance of manifested chaos/mayhem. It's not my fault for being unstable, because I'm not getting the care that I need. I'll do what I have to in order to pay the bills, but again, it's not my fault if I become unstable. I'll do meditations to stabilize, but this doesn't help anymore and matters keep getting out of hand. There are limits to my strategy of 'being in this world but not of this world.' This can only be taken so far. I'll do what I can, but this won't be enough. I'm becoming increasingly agitated and there's very little I can do about it. It's not the meat eating that's causing this, or even my little 'tachyon experiment.' It's just life going out of control because my needs are not being met to get me in a stable state of mind.

    This should not be seen as a banana comment or as whining. I'm just being real. I'm way off baseline. Way, way off.

    1. I can keep going, but often not in a balanced way.

    2. "Stop being such an idiot." That's a thoughtform I just heard, probably directed at me. Oh well.

      Creation is infinitely larger than my problems, and the problems of humanity. Creation is infinity larger than the cabal too of course.

      Connect to Creation, and it doesn't matter what problems one has, because one goes outside of their miserable lives and connects to something infinitely larger than them. All the problems and issues of humanity - to Creation, this is less than a 'fart in the wind.'


    3. Libra J. M. Aquila, yeah definitely, avoiding social media helps. The negative forces probably want to pull something before May 1st in desperation. I've never acted this crazy before with the road rage incident. I still can't believe I did that! I'm feeling better now.

      Another thought on creation being infinitely larger than problems: The Cosmic Central Sun and Galactic Central Sun can also be seen as infinitely larger than problems. I was told that the primary power humans have is to resonate and channel energies. Although certain other beings indigenous to Earth can generate their own energy more, they can't channel energy and Light and bring it through like humans can.

    4. @ Libra

      Thanks for your dedication - each one of us can make a difference.

      Btw., Christina and Sementes das Estralas have been supporting our meditations for years. There is no doubt they will do it again this time. Sementes das Estralas has already published articles about POLA.

  26. Dear Cobra, I have questions for you, please answer!
    1 Where are the dead people going now or are they picked up by light ships and taken to new planets?
    2. During the planetary evacuation, will the forces of light save the sick people locked in their homes and how will they look for them or leave them until they die?
    3 Why don't the forces of light now save the souls stuck in the lower astral plane and those who walk the planet like restless souls and ghosts?
    4 Our personal 1221 teams will save us when we call them, will they physically fly in for us?
    5 How can I ask my personal team 1221 to take me to my ship right after my death, can they do this?

  27. For the booster and main meditation on 4/20 and 5/20 is there or will there be a guided meditation as we've had the previous global medications?


    Great interview I sure wish the event had happened prior to 5/1 as Cobra mentioned..I suppose it still could ..

  28. 🍄 The interview in Hungarian / 🌟 magyarul 🌟 :
    😇 Thank you 🌼 ALL 😇🍄🌟🌼🥰

  29. I share the translation of this new Cobra Interview in italian language on two blogs. Please follow the link:

    Victory of the Light!

  30. I do not agree with being gentle with the planetary liberation anymore. I also don't think any Galactic Members are above any form of criticism and I think that they can do better. The longer the liberation takes the less you will have to save simply because no one will care when it happens.

  31. Thanks for sharing the content on the German 2012 Portal website, dear Libra (and for the other helpful comments).

    It is a good idea to use the German comment section as well for sharing this info.

    Your dedication is greatly appreciated! 😘

  32. Crop circle - Portal of Light - Our collaboration

    The crop circle shows a triangle with two fixed corners. These, I would say, are the two fixed points in the sky Alkyone and M87.

    With Pluto the grain at the top was not laid down by the light forces. This might indicate our necessary participation. Also, the grain left standing is in a tractor track, which may indicate human work - our cooperation.

    Also, M87, from which the flash of cosmic love energies will emanate at the activation of the Portal of Light on May 1, lies in a tractor track - Again, emphasizing that our cooperation plays a role in making the energies work as harmoniously as possible.

    Examples of how our participation could look like
    Participate in the meditation on May 1.
    Promote the meditation.
    Connecting to the Portal of Light right now.

  33. Notes Ascension Conference Report Taiwan It' s coming??

  34. The Importance of Having Perspectives that Go Beyond the Cabal

    In order to have perspectives that bypass the cabal, it's necessary to look beyond Left vs. Right.

    The Left is of course tyranny on steroids. The Left tried to force everyone to get the jab. The Left love to point the finger at the Right as being bigots, not realizing their own bigotry. Yet, the Right has some pretty backwards perspectives. For example:

    Taiwan manufactures the majority of the microchips for the world, yet many on the Right don't have a problem with China invading Taiwan, which makes no sense. Why wouldn't people on the Right be against China invading Taiwan to prevent China from becoming too powerful? We're talking about a country that has an AI social credit score wanting to pretty much take over the microchip industry by taking over Taiwan - that's not good! But, because Biden supports the independence of Taiwan, and the Right can't stand Biden (neither can I for the record), the Right wants to have the opposite perspective of everything Biden says, which means not supporting the independence of Taiwan.

    Reality is far more complex than the perspectives of the Right and the Left, and the cabal don't want people to see beyond the simplicity of the Right and the Left.

    The Right and the Left are probably creations of the negative forces.

    1. From what I have read ... Taiwan (Republic of China) has always been part of China. So how is it that China is invading? It sounds the same as the cabal saying Russia is invading Ukraine.
      I'm a liberal through and through, but I am also a political atheist. If the deep state claims Taiwan is being invaded ... that a big clue something is rotten with their narrative. The fake bidan regime supporting it is a huge red flag. For now China and Taiwan must work it out. Other countries need to stay out of it.

    2. spirittoo, I guess you didn't read the part in my post about China owning most of the microchip industry by taking over Taiwan. China needs to not become too powerful, because, like I said, China is an AI social credit score dystopia. The more powerful China becomes, the worse off the world will be.

    3. And I ask again ... how can China take over Taiwan when it is already part of China? Why is that fact being overlooked? We can say the same thing about the US becoming too powerful. A fear of China becoming too powerful is not a reason for war. That's what the west (deep state) wants ... war.

    4. spirittoo, Taiwan does not have a social credit score. Taiwan is not under the control of China, so is therefore not a part of China.

      I don't want war either. I hope China does not try to invade Taiwan. But if China does, maybe there will be divine intervention to stop China so that there will be no war.

  35. Történhetnek,lehetnek,talàn stb.ez mind akkora mellébeszélés mintha a politikusokat olvasnàm.

  36. Az első kapcsolat màr megtörtént.Eduard bully meier csak hogy tudd.mi titkos abban h.mi lesz màjus elsején.lesz ami lesz.A chemtrail mérgezés olyan mértékü Magyarországon hogy az màr titkos infó ugye.

  37. What should those people do? Those who are living in a country or place where the population or local social media is not receptive to anything like this.
    I guess just participate in the meditation and hope we reach critical mass.

  38. See you there!🎶🙌🏼🚀
    I am a traveler of both time and space
    To be where I have been
    To sit with elders of a gentle race
    This world has seldom seen
    Who talk of days for which they sit and wait
    All will be revealed"
    #SisterhoodoftheRose 🌹

  39. 💗Croatian translation of Cobra interview - hrvatski prijevod Cobrinog intervjua💗✨ :

  40. Synchronised Meditation


  42. "Whatever you say, it turned out to be symbolic. Only Prigozhin spoke about the existence of the so-called "deep state" in Russia, that is, elite groups that put personal interests above state interests and are ready to agree even to defeat the country in a war for the sake of preserving assets and influence, when the Ukrainian flag appeared at a meeting of the Council of the CIS Interparliamentary Assembly.

    You can't do it on purpose. Symbol on symbol:
    • The Ukrainian flag in St. Petersburg, where a terrorist attack has just occurred and Maxim Fomin (Vladlen Tatarsky) was killed;
    • The Ukrainian flag standing behind the Governor of St. Petersburg Alexander Beglov (personal enemy of Yevgeny Prigozhin);
    • The Ukrainian flag is also behind the back of Valentina Matvienko sitting in the Presidium (Chairman of the Federation Council, the third person in the state).

    If we add to this the fact that the Ukrainian flag was hung at a meeting of the Council of the Interparliamentary Assembly of the CIS, the organization that became the funeral agency of the USSR, then here is another symbol for you. In general, they gave a couple more points in the information war to Zelensky and Co. Because it will be turned out like this: Russia is so afraid of us that it continues to hang Ukrainian flags at official events in its cities.

    Yes, Russia is not officially at war with Ukraine and Kiev has not left the CIS Interparliamentary Assembly. But should there be brains? Practical necessity and political relevance should beat any diplomatic protocol. Formal adherence to the rules in general often leads to disaster.

    As for the "deep state", everything is much more complicated here and it has little to do with the Ukrainian flag (as well as, in particular, with Beglov). If you really need to identify its bright symbol, then it is rather the grinning face of Roman Abramovich while treating the mercenaries who killed Russian soldiers with steaks and tiramisu. And Beglov is somehow shallow."

  43. The Pentagon leaked misinformation to expand control over the Internet and get rid of Biden, a former CIA official said.

    The documents were drained by the US government.

    The Pentagon's "leak" could have been deliberately planned to force the resignation of US President Joe Biden and/or expand the powers of the US government to regulate everything that is published on the Internet," said Larry Johnson, a retired CIA intelligence officer and former State Department official. "This is abnormal, atypical and not easy, especially for a member of the National Guard (to get such a level of admission). So, this is very unusual and strange. My attention was drawn to the fact that this man was part of an Air Force unit engaged in information warfare. At such an age and in such a low rank, the possibility that he will have unlimited access to highly classified materials is simply extremely unlikely."

  44. Your avatar is more energetic than the previous one

  45. "Today the CLUB of ANGRY PATRIOTS adopted a Manifesto


    We are angry patriots. We love Russia. Our country is waging a serious war, but this war is being waged incompetently.

    The possibility of a quick and bloodless victory over the Ukrainian state, which has become a tool of NATO, was missed back in 2014 by the signing of the treacherous Minsk agreements. The military operation launched in 2022 could have followed a completely different scenario, but the incompetent organization at the strategic, operational and tactical level led our country to a war of attrition.

    Defeat in the war will lead Russia to disastrous consequences. The United States and NATO countries do not hide their intentions to dismember the Russian Federation and bring the Russian people to submission to the new yoke, which came, this time, from the West.

    The country in its current state cannot inflict on the enemy the crushing defeat that will force the enemy to recognize the conditions of peace acceptable to us. However, the military-political leadership of Russia does not realize the seriousness of the situation.

    Neither military nor industrial mobilization has been carried out on the required scale. Military operations continue to be led by people who, according to their abilities, are not worthy of wearing even the shoulder straps of sergeants. Everything is very similar to the Russian-Japanese or the First World War. What's next?

    Civil society and angry patriots as part of it have assumed many of the functions of the Russian state. First of all, we are talking about the direct supply and re-equipment of the fighting units of the Russian army. We will continue to do this in any situation. We have experience in solving other tasks as well.

    We understand that now is not the time to continue the confrontation between the Reds and whites of a century ago. Either fools or agents of the enemy can seriously conduct such disputes during the most dangerous war.

    Those who have moved their capital and their loyalty to the West continue to be in power and big business. They are ready for sabotage, as well as for direct collusion with the enemy and, consequently, betrayal. We do not rule out their preparation of a pro-Western coup, capitulation and, consequently, the dismemberment of Russia.

    We will resist this scenario with all available means.

    We are ready to cooperate with all the healthy forces of society, with all those who do not want Russia to lose.

    Everything for the front, everything for Victory, glory to Russia!

    Angry Patriots Club"

  46. “Visualize this Light activating Soul star chakras of millions upon millions of people, presenting them with the possibility of joining the Portal of Light activation. Visualize those who feel so guided actually participating, their number far exceeding the critical mass, and the activation itself having a massive positive healing effect for all sentient beings on Earth and stabilizing the positive timeline.”

  47. 🔥🌞✨🌌✨💛✨🌌✨🌞🔥
    Billy Thorpe - Children Of The Sun

    People of the earth can you hear me
    Came a voice from the sky on that magical night
    And in the colors of a thousand sunsets
    They traveled to the world on a silvery light

    The people of the earth stood waiting
    Watching as the ships came one by one
    Setting fire to the sky as they landed
    Carrying to the world children of the sun
    Children of the sun

    All at once came a sound from the inside
    Then a beam made of light hit the ground
    Everyone felt the sound of their heartbeat
    Every man, every woman, every child

    They passed the limits of imagination
    Through the door to the world of another time
    And on the journey of a thousand lifetimes
    With the children of the sun, they started their climb

    Children of the sun, children of the sun

    No more gravity, nothing holding them down
    Floating endlessly, as their ship leaves the ground
    Through the walls of time, at the speed of light
    Fly the crystal ships on their celestial flight (on their celestial flight)
    Children Of The Sun

  48. As a computer tech, I know that my Windows computers have been harvesting my data for at least 15 years, What do AI chatbots do that's different?


  50. 'Ex-Wagner commander' purportedly admits to shooting young Ukrainian girl in head
    Footage published online purports to show a former commander of the Russian Wagner mercenary group admitting to killing a young girl in Ukraine.

    The ex-fighter makes the alleged confession in a video released by Russian human rights project

    He appears to admit to shooting a girl - said to be aged five or six - in the head.

    In the lengthy video from, he and another ex-Wagner recruit seemingly admit to mass killings in the eastern cities of Soledar and Bakhmut - including of Ukrainian children and the elderly.

    Both men claim orders for shootings came from Wagner chief Yevgeny Prigozhin.

    He allegedly called for mercenaries to "kill everyone".

  51. New Italian translation of this amazing interview from our fellow Chiara, posted on one blog of mine, dedicated to Cobra and his Ascension Conferences and Interviews, all important events held all over the world! Here is the link:
    Thank you very much dear Chiara! Victory of the Light!!!

  52. Arabic translation of this post/الترجمة العربية لهذا المنشور:
    لكي يتم إعلامك فورًا بترجمة جديدة ، يمكنك متابعتنا على تيليجرام:

  53. 🌈You can also leave a comment with the link for promo videos on some you tube sites that are connected to Light🌟 and Spirituality🤍, inviting them to join our Portal of Light Activation on May 1st. There is a chance some might be erased, but there is also a chance that this Call will resonate with them, and they start support the Activation and join the meditation.🎉💗🌈🙏

  54. Individuals who claim to be lightworkers are more brainwashed than the average person. I filter this from the comments on this blog and on Telegram as well. They are far-right Trump and Putin believers, while they support communist China. It's total chaos in the heads.

    1. Depends on the lightworker, but definitely, those who believe it's ok for China to control Taiwan - such lightworkers are supporting the cabal. Ukraine was confusing because of the biolabs and so forth, but Russia working with China and North Korea so closely = really not good.

    2. If you can deserned with no doubt watsoever which stories are valid then kudos to you.. in fact if your intel is better than what we all get please share it with the rest. I can tell you that after ends day after going thru all the available hear sa from tv or web i can tell you in all honesty i am still left with no idea what truly is happening. For most part i need to start each and every claim with "the rumor is" rather than "the fact is". Thus even if u were to state your belief n perception based on what you have read or heard as a fact.. still is to be consider as a rumor.. unfortunately that is the predicament we all are at.regarding any current geopolitical affairs n many other topics

    3. @DH
      Ain't it great being human, DH? >_>

    4. Imho i think it is suppose to be a great life..but unfortunately the existence/system was hacked.. we can only rely on few who we feel has a noble intent...

    5. @DH
      Just lemme go home with the aliens, that will work for me just fine.

    6. I would wish you both a safe journey.

    7. @Steph

      PLEASE do. I'm literally at my wit's end.

  55. Here is interview translated in Finnish / Tässä on haastattelu käännettynä Suomeksi:

  56. wolfintimber
    right now

    the galactic lightforces run the show of course-as seen in the matrix skies these days-hahahahaha…..

  57. (Replay, french-speakers)  Broadcast/session  to explain Portal of Light Activation(visualisations + why to participate + context/energies + booster meditation, Goddess energy ...)
    Official French Facebook event
    #portaloflightactivation #activationportaildelumiere #activationduportaildelumiere

    (Replay) EMISSION explicative Activation du Portail de Lumière (visualisations+ pourquoi participer + contexte + meditation booster, énergie de la Déesse ...)
    Article :
    Evénement Facebook francophone officiel
    #portaloflightactivation #activationportaildelumiere #activationduportaildelumiere

  58. Benjamin Fulford's Love Affair with China and North Korea

    1. Yeah, much of the alt media is run by the cabal.

  59. According to Benjamin Fulford, the Ukraine war has ended and Ukraine will cease to exist. The fall of fake Joe Biden regime and its administration is also imminent. Never thought I would be quoting him as I don't trust him, but would be good if this info was okay.

    President Macron's visit to China was to negotiate a surrender in Ukraine on behalf of his Rothschild masters. France is blocking all further funding for Ukraine. Ukraine cannot finance itself. The western part of Ukraine will become part of Poland. NATO will fall apart in a year or so as Europe enters a security alliance with Russia. The fall of NATO is the fall of the Fourth Reich.

    The Mossad has photos/videos of Macron, Sunak and Castrudeau having homosexual sex together (gross!)

    There's a whole bunch over in America who never swore allegiance to the Constitution (i.e. who have acted illegally). i.e. Kamala Harris.
    Also Director of CDC and 13 others who I think are in big trouble.

    1. Do not believe everything that is written, this photo of Macron with the two young people dates from 2O18 in the Antilles. I posted the link on Starlight's blog.
      It is like those who claim to be Krisna or Osiris the dead ascend and do not return in a physical body is a teaching of Cobra.

    2. Rephrase the osaris statement please. I did not understand it

    3. Definitely, no more giving power away to Fulford's stuff, and keep going with the meditation!

  60. Cobra interview in Hindi:पोर्टल-ऑफ़-लाइट-एक्टिवेशन/

    Cobra interview in Telugu:పోర్టల్-ఆఫ్-లైట్-ఆక్టివే-2/

  61. Does anyone have notes from the conference in Taiwan?

  62. Why are LF helping the alliance of China, Iran, Russia, Syria and Venezuela? They occupy Taiwan Ukraine etc...? Isn't this suicidal behavior?

    1. It's been previously stated on 2012portal that the LF don't support that.

    2. I think they're helping them see the light, not helping the conquest.

    3. >Starlight, yes, I got to thinking, whatever they're referring to hasn't been mentioned on this blog. Likely intel about the Light forces from a Youtube channel with a name like RealzUFOs6969.


  64. I've been a fool because in the past I too wanted Russia to beat the US because of the corruption. But China and North Korea got involved, and then I said, "Wait, I changed my mind!" 😅

    If NATO hadn't wasted so much resources on Ukraine (Ukraine is a lost cause - no way around it), and instead fortified against China, the US and allies might have stood a chance. Now, it's going to take a miracle.

    As I recall, there was miracle long ago. A tsunami wiped out Chinese fleets about a thousand years ago.

  65. Hey Rockstars!
    I believe COBRA recommended doing the soul contract cancelation in conjunction with the booster meditation tonight so I provided it below. 👇😎👍

    "Primary Contracts Removal"
    (speak aloud)

    In the name of I Am that I Am,
    In the name of divine soul presence that I Am,
    In the name of all Ascended beings of Light,
    In the name of the Galactic Confederation,
    In the name of the Galactic Center,

    I decree and command to cancel and nullify all my past, present and future contracts and agreements made between any part of my being and the dark forces.

    All these contracts and agreements and all their consequences are now completely erased from my reality.

    I am now free, all the Karma of my whole being is now erased as well. I am a free, sovereign being of Light, from now until eternity.

    So be it, and so it is
    So be it, and so it is
    So be it, and so it is

    In Light,
    (speak your name)

  66. Woke up this morning to find out the Reserve Bank Australia (RBA) has lost it's power, they lost interest rate control in a sweeping rate policy change. They have put up interest rates 10 times very quickly and people are now paying on average $1000 more a month for their interest on their loans. I personally have no loan, I've never had a loan. I pay rent and that went up by more than it ever went up. Anyway, the white hats are doing their thing! Bless them! So the RBA has lost it's power. It's brilliant. We are starting to see changes over here! Watch this space.

    Now we have the upcoming booster meditation. All is good right now. I hope it goes really well.

    1. Reserve Bank revolution: how Jim Chalmers will recraft the RBA for the 21st century (it's all over the Internet)

      The review into the Reserve Bank of Australia has just been published by Treasurer Jim Chalmers, and it’s a blockbuster.

      The review has made 51 recommendations including:

      taking away power over interest rates from the Reserve Bank board (which has traditionally been dominated by non-economists, usually corporate executives) and devolving it to a panel of experts

      reducing the number of decision-making meetings from 11 to eight per year

      boosting the transparency of its decision-making process and holding it more accountable for those decisions.

      Chalmers offered in-principle agreement to all 51 of the panel’s recommendations and said he would be seeking support from the Opposition for any legislation needed to implement them. The review has briefed Opposition Treasury spokesman Angus Taylor on its thinking.

      What was the problem?

      While the apparent nature of the problem has changed over time, its root cause remains the same.

      When the concept of the review was first mooted in 2020, the economy was in a bad state with inflation well below the bank’s target band of 2-3% and economic growth anaemic.

      As a result, wage growth was too low and unemployment too high.

      The most likely explanation is that the bank was focused too much on stabilising the financial system and too little on boosting the economy.

      The bank was setting interest rates using its gut instead of its brain, in an almost literal sense – it was not doing what its computer model suggested it should do.

      My take on this. The reserve bank of Australia is a PRIVATE BANK! The Reserve Banks will all go Bye Bye. Interest rates will EVENTUALLY DISAPPEAR. They put rates up so they can make us suffer and put the money in their pockets. They are making us slaves. Down with all Reserve Banks; they are the enemy. And we are starting to take it down. I notice how no one says anything here. Lots of criticism that what I'm saying isn't true. Oh, I question that, oh where is your proof? I don't need truth; I can put what I like.


    3. It's really interesting that no one comments on the partial take down of the Reserve Bank; I mean that is what we are fighting for. As far as I know no other country is doing it, yet. But soon, rather soon, all the countries will be taking down their Reserve Bank. It's brilliant. But instead of commenting on the Reserve Bank, there are all these comments saying I shouldn't post, it is very naughty for me to post. Like I'm going to listen to those sh... I mean people. Like I say almost 80% of people here are just shills, but I actually think it is higher, much higher. Why do you think I want nothing to do with those particular people? It's funny really and listening to them rave about "oh, you're like the masses", as if that is an insult, haha. That won't stop me. You're insane if you think I will stop. Nice try but no.


  68. Hmm, Pope Francis bestows King Charles with fragments of Jesus' cross for coronation. BS. Pope Francis is dead and happily, very happily, so is King Charles. Dead, dead, dead. Let the show continue...

    1. At least the MSM lies by omission. Is it really intellectually satisfying to believe random things by random people? Is that what you want for yourself? The reason I trust Cobra is he has physical proof he is who he says he is, otherwise it would be in the category of "convincing and logical" but can't be known for sure. There's so much good conspiracy information out there, there's no reason to believe rumors. I'd like to see everyone have a higher standard. We think we're better than the masses so we should be.

    2. No, I can write what I like. Who are you to question me? King Charles is Dead. You believe what you like he. I'll believe my version.

      Is this what I want for myself, you ask? Actually, it is. I believe who I believe. I don't care if you believe it or not. If you think the crimes of King Charles are okay, that for some reason he is still alive, walking and talking (and pretending to be King) then good for you, you believe that. However, I do not. Live in your little dream land. You do realise the Queen was dead for years before they admitted it? Hehe, they kept that going for a while.

      Why are you bringing Cobra into this? What does your proof of Cobra actually prove? That you're a good person? I have no idea what Cobra has to do with this, and you might as well leave poor Cobra out of this.

      Make sure you leave me well out of your so called "higher standards" as well. We "think we're better than the masses". I don't. Excuse me, I am part of the masses. Leave me well out of your stupid thoughts of those somehow above the "masses" as I don't wish to be included in THAT. What world do you live in? I AM THE MASSES.

      There's "no reason to believe rumors". Well, according to you. Not according to me. Not a rumor. I'll let you think you are somehow superior to the masses. "We think we are better than the masses." omg you actually said that. You mean YOU think you are BETTER than the masses. Well I'll let you have that theory, that you are better. You don't even realise what you are saying. You think you are above them? Really? Could not be further than the truth, but you believe it.

      Yeah, leave me WELL out of that. And I'll say what I want.

    3. OMG Patrick Kehoe thinks "King Charles is dead" is a rumor. How Hilarious!!!!!!!! What a funny world he lives in.

    4. Oh yes, and the media must be accurate. Fragments of Jesus' cross really will be used. Oh, I believe them. Hahahahahaha.
      Don't forget, he thinks he is "better than the masses". He said it! Right out of his mouth. What a loser!

    5. Sorry I have to copy and paste Patricks words because he may actually delete them and they are so funny. From Patrick he says:

      "At least the MSM lies by omission. Is it really intellectually satisfying to believe random things by random people? Is that what you want for yourself? The reason I trust Cobra is he has physical proof he is who he says he is, otherwise it would be in the category of "convincing and logical" but can't be known for sure. There's so much good conspiracy information out there, there's no reason to believe rumors. I'd like to see everyone have a higher standard. We think we're better than the masses so we should be."

      OMG so funny....

    6. AND I will note, that's exactly what is occurring in the world; gag orders, shut up orders, don't speak orders. Are you really trying to shut me up somehow; that it is so unheard of that King Charles is dead? So beyond the range of possibility that King Charles has carked it? Well I'm afraid to tell you.... hehe.
      And in case you are wondering, I got it from Judy Byington on my fave website right now. So you can take my word for it, the horrible pedophile that loved to torture and eat little children, is indeed quite, quite dead. So glad for it. What are you complaining about trying to shut those of us up who speak truth. Truly, you're a bloody disgrace! I'll say what I want thanks.

    7. Oh, by the way, you AREN'T COBRA. You don't run this forum. Stop taking on airs and graces, like you're somehow important and somehow connected to Cobra. You ain't connected to him. You just pretend to be. Like we all better do as you say because... We better not speak coz YOU said so. Really. This is where we are. Patrick is the BIG BOSS. We had better listen to PATRICK, because he mentioned Cobra's name. Ohhhh. Please you are a fool, we (nobody) is listening to you. No one cares. I WILL say what I want. Who's running this place - you??? Or Cobra? Oh we better be good and we better pass Patrick's rules. Oh no you may get a strike from Patrick. Hehehe. Look how important Patrick is? So important he can judge what we can say and tell us what not to say. REALLY??? At least you have made it clear that someone has no right to make us not say anything. You have no right. Take what you said to me and get stuffed. You can't do anything. In fact, clear off from my posts because I have no interest in anyone telling me what to do. "We think we are better than the masses." Straight from his own mouth. Fool. I've copied that too, hehehe. I have the copy. "We think we are better than the masses." heheheheh

      Random things from random people. Really? You assume too much bucko. Judy Byington actually. And yes I trust most of what she says! At least she says smart things, unlike you. God you're sanctimonious.

    8. At least we can all agree where Zelensky's mountain of cocaine powder went.

  69. Sintomi: forte stanchezza, incubi al mattino (puro orrore), mancanza di concentrazione, nessun desiderio di nulla.
    E così che succede da settimane. Positivo: colori più belli nella natura, sentimenti di felicità semplicemente così, una sensazione più nobile di tanto in tanto come «normale». Si sta facendo qualcosa.

  70. Beautiful Booster meditation! Very proud to be doing this with all of you!
    We're almost home gang... let's get a GR++ on May 1st and set the stage for The Event and First Contact to finally manifest!✨️

  71. @DH

    Twice I have come across individuals claiming to be such and such a God Jesus/Krishna/Osiris or claiming that such and such a Goddess has awakened, I have researched with sororities apart from the Goddess Doumu none of whom have awakened, and according to the teachings of Cobra no ascended being comes back in his physical body but of light
    I think these sentences fit perfectly

    Matthew 7:15
    Beware of false prophets. They come to you disguised as sheep, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves.

    Matthew 24:5
    For many will come in My name, saying, "I am the Christ," and will deceive many.

    Matthew 24:12
    Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold.

    Matthew 24:24
    For false Christs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and wonders that would deceive even the elect, if it were possible.

    This is also true for the public information, the demons are legion and will try to turn you away from the Light to deceive you and keep you from your mission.
    For if they cannot reach your physical body they will go after your mental body.

    1. Ah ok. I understand what you mean now. Thank you for expanding and clarifying

  72. Despite the early hour for us (06:17 in Belgium), it was a beautiful meditation full of promise for this first of May! Thank you to all those who were aware that this was important! And we wish .... millions of participants this first of May! Victory of the Light! Definitely!


  74. Hi cobra finished the loop hopefully last time recently was half way through then realised I had to go back,he said to me at first it's best to walk away and cut what no longer serves you out of your life ,in which I totally agreed but!! And 5-10 min after he took a second look he said to me how familiar are you with the courts?.put it before the courts so you never have to deal with it again,so I had to lower my vibration let them think they had me, reason being so they stop hiding through fear,so I was humble offering peace,a way out yep it's not nice making yourself vunrable to pure evil,.so the attacks started started threatening my family (my dad is suffering from Parkinson's plus three jabs when they attack me he suffers too) so I used the opportunity to tie loose ends they started demonic attacks ,cobra am I allowed to beat the shit out of them what's the protocol with all of this .they think they can handle pain I beg to differ,so yeah good times I never realised the courts were real they're beyond and up past the one's everyone sees,so anyway there was a lot more I wanted to say but that will do it ain't about me,Iam good to go cobra victory of the light ✨...

    1. Tribunais Marciais.
      - ;
      - ;
      - ; ; ;

  75. According to a Mongolian prophecy attributed to the king of "Agharta", the people of the underground caverns will come out to the surface in 2029. Thoughts?

    1. My understabding is that several races will be introduce to the population at diff stages...... also the divine plan has sections sort of in flux. being updated... in addition there has been some efforts to speed up timelines etc.. so to be honest is hard to say with certainty if phrophecies will be followed to the T. There were also other prophesies that did not come to pass.. basiclaly were prevented as it is being said.


    2. Cool. Is that the same one Cobra mentioned?

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Você acredita em um livre arbítrio dentro da matrix dos arcontes e dos Aranha Chimera? Deixa disso, amigo.

    5. Woo i had to rewrite/repost last note. -many typos lol.
      From what i recall. Evil manifested when it interacted with free will?. if free will ever existed in its purest form ..or exercised to its full magnitude was many moons ago. i dont think we can compare the old free will to any levels of today.. there is a whole lot more control and distortion now. the bad guys still must dupe us in order for their plan to come to pass.. maybe that is where whatever is left of free will come into play. We respond to an energy OR suggestion/ idea.. when enough people give it enough energy it gets created.... sO pretty much humanity is being herd to think in a certain way or to accept certain "ideas"... from there when enough energy is added , the idea becomes a reality but only when enough herded people participate in thought and action.

      Bottom line.. the insaned creator gods (bad guys) are the ones that had been laying down the footprint or fingerprint of what they wanted the playground to look like.... to make this work, they made sure those that would be a threat to their delusion gets blocked and making sure of course the old/originalfootprints were to be wiped out.. such as the old practices.. the connection to earth/stars... our ancient knowledge etc..

      As far as prophets... i do believe perhaps some were guided by the light but others by the dark.... and i say some by the dark because if we dont know it by now i am sure the bad guys just as now, back then there were some acting as double agents and or control opposition... whether they were aware or not

      Dont be surprise if some of those phrophesies were the desired outcome the bad guys were aiming for. They knew ahead of time of some of the solar system and earth changes or events that were to happen. They planned their "world to be" helped by the future knowledge they aquired.

      In short... everything has happened by designed. Except what the good guys managed to avert or create.

      Like wwiii... that would have been a certaintly if.. we were still holding to a 20+ years old mentality..or no progress in planet liberation would have taken place. Bad guys were counting on wwiii. It was part of their plan and like other plans they keep trying to bring it to life

      In short we been played. Lets not forget the trick of their trade -deception by all mean necesary or available.. just like Tv/internet now is the main outlet of communication for the bad guys to reach the masses n sell their product n ideas.. you can imagine what other medium of communication they would have used pre tv/pre internet... besides books n other obvious means i.e. .(via high ranking socialites/political/religious figures) i would say prophets n seers were fair game. Imho

    6. All the MORE reason we need contact, DH, otherwise nothing's gonna change for the better.....Galactic Codex and all that, you know.

  76. Meditazione Booster molto intensa...iniziano a fluire delle Energie Potentissime; si aprono i Cancelli e le Porte si spalancano!!! Siamo Luce, Nati dalla Luce e la Luce ci sostiene Fortemente per Portare a Termine con Successo la Nostra Sacra Missione - Ancorare e Radicare la Linea Temporale Positiva sulla faccia della Terra. Ci serve Focus+Concentrazione+Disciplina+Distacco Totale da qualsiasi fonte che potrebbe distrarci dal Nostro Percorso che abbiamo Scelto Consapevolmente!!! Tanti Saluti a Cobra e al Suo Meraviglioso Team!!! Grazie di Cuore a Tutti Quelli che Sono Stati Presenti!!! Vittoria della Luce!!! Victory of the Light!!! P.S. Più che Mai Adesso Bisogna Tirare Fuori e Far’Valere la Nostra Capacità di Modulare/Plasmare la realtà circondante a Nostro Favore!!! Un abbraccio forte e immenso

  77. Thanks, was just looking for this 👍

  78. I woke up this morning after the booster meditation last night and felt kinda crappy 😕
    We must've poked the hornets nest lady's and gentlemen because the attacks are hitting me... not just physical, mental and emotional attacks but from my fiance. I hope these attacks pass soon, because they're trying to push buttons and trigger negative responses. This tells me that we're DEFINITELY over the target and they're retaliating in fear of what's to come May 1st. They know we're going to be successful and they're throwing everything at us... so be on guard guys.🫵😇👍
    Let's hit it out of the park May 1, 2023 and achieve our Portal Of Light Activation with a GR++ and show these darkies they're not welcome here anymore.
    I want this planet liberated...
    I want First Contact!

    1. Yes the "reprisals" are powerful mixed with intense fatigue, pressure on the ears, a feeling of uneasiness, it is difficult but it will pass, I am sure and anyway the work is done! "They" can't change anything anymore. We'll get there!

    2. For sure, the dark forces are trying to push buttons quite a bit lately on myself as well. It's always things we don't see which catch us off guard that can trigger reactions. I've spent considerable mental resources trying to prevent conflicts before they start, and have been unsuccessful many times, but am finally getting to a point where I'm getting better at bypassing such attempts (knock on wood).

      All the best One Of 144K! We got this! 👍

    3. Dreamt about a lot of dead spiders. Was going through old childhood things with dust and such and a lot of small black spiders were also dried up there.

    4. Sim... são ataques de todos os lados, estou tendo problemas até com vizinhos, estou tendo alguns sonhos bizarros... além de muito cançaso ! Mas apesar disso vamos seguir firmes.! essa é a nossa missão, Vitória da Luz !!!

    5. Yes @Starlight432...


  79. In Space

    We Are Ready for TakeOff.


    1. For you my friend: Oliver Shanti in the 2 hour version on yt.
      Best regards!

  80. Andrey Fursov: Capitalism-The Terminal Crisis of the Most Enigmatic Social System (49 minutes)

    (Formatando o Big Bang).
    Whipsaw Parte 6
    De 3D para 4D e 5D
    A Grande Transição Quântica
    Whipsaw (A Serra de Chicote)
    Parte 6 – Por Leve - traduzido.

    Em 20 de abril de 2023, às 18h40 CET, por meio do Canal Hierárquico Único, chegaram as informações mais recentes sobre o novo problema de download da Matriz Causal na Terra 3D (consulte DNI, Whipsaw, Partes 1-5). Neste dia, durante o Maior Eclipse Solar, os Co-Criadores desativaram totalmente o Logos do nosso planeta. Até o último momento, a equipe de terra não acreditou que ousaria fazer isso. No entanto, isso aconteceu.


  83. Andrey Medvedev ( ) asks the question: "It is unclear why the case does not reflect a lot of facts, why only Russian schoolchildren turned out to be guilty. Well, that is, everything is clear that I..."
    What is clear? Did it really become clear to the shrewd deputy how the Tajik diaspora acquired such power in Chelyabinsk and in general in the Urals - the southern gate of the Russian Federation? Is it connected with drug trafficking from Afghanistan through Tajikistan to the Russian Federation?

    As evil tongues say, through the Troitsky customs post in the Black region, dope was imported on an industrial scale, including railways, caravans of trucks, etc. When the TPP was closed in 2011 due to the liquidation of customs borders, the traffic, as can be assumed, increased significantly. Before that, Russian border guards were removed from the Tajik-Afghan border, and the border became a checkpoint.

    Even according to official data ( ?ysclid=lgoz8kfnov213948371) The Ministry of Internal Affairs, the incomes of drug traffickers in the Russian Federation have almost doubled in 2021. At the same time , the Chelyabinsk customs for 2021 withdrew ( ) from illegal trafficking of 16.5 kg of drugs. How much is it from the opium traffic from Afghanistan through Russia, if it accounts for more than 9 million kg of raw opium production, from which at least 1/3 is supplied to the Russian Federation.

    In 2016, there was an explosive increase in opium poppy production in Afghanistan. And as the residents of Chelyabinsk note, 5 years ago there was a seizure of markets, transport services, catering, etc. by the Tajiks. Even the traditionally predominant Uzbeks have been pushed aside, and are already in a subordinate position, taking over from the Tajiks. Even the Tajik infantry openly declares in local markets that our city will be here soon, the Russians – you are not the masters here.

    In Chelyabinsk, in 2011 they tried ( ?ysclid=lgow3ylvsc993441108) three Tajik drug dealers for 2 batches of heroin in 187 kg and 160 kg (nothing so volumes?) and for murder at the same time. The cargo itself, according to journalists, belonged to the nephew of the President of Tajikistan Emomali Rakhmonov. Even then, the diaspora was fully involved: fashionable lawyers, noise support. The Supreme Court even overturned their sentences at first on a formal basis: the defendant allegedly was not allowed to say the last word, despite insulting antics and threats against the participants in the process.

    It is significant that the leader of the Tajik Abu bandits, Ironov, held the position of deputy chairman of the diaspora organization "Somon" for cultural and patriotic education. Another deputy of the Tajik cultural center was convicted of murder in 2009. The head of Somon, Farukh Mirzoev, was an interpreter at this trial for his accomplices. Despite all the tricks, the criminals then sat down because of the publicity of the trial and the mass of irrefutable evidence. Since then, there have been no high-profile trials in the Urals, nor seizures of large quantities of drugs. But Farukh Mirzoev ( ?ysclid=lgp29szydi776822459) has turned into a respectable public figure, whose opinion is of interest both in the regional administration and in the media: "The Middle Urals cannot do without migrants."

    The heads of the Chelyabinsk national cultural center "Somonien" were jailed for heroin trafficking in 2004. But now, the new head of Islamudin Rajabov ( ), also a respected figure of the regional level: "My goal is to build a corner of Tajikistan on the territory of the Chelyabinsk region."

  84. How did this happen? Chelyabinsk is a famous "red city" – the police station, there is not even a fence to paint without the go-ahead of the "red house". But what about the GU of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the Chelyabinsk region, the GUVD in Chelyabinsk? Where is the FSB with Mr. Dmitry Ivanov, who worked for a long time in Novosibirsk, famous for his influential diasporas. And what about the head of the department "K" of the FSB SEB – the famous "Sechin special forces" Ivan Tkachev, who oversees customs and drug trafficking?

    And here's what ( ): in 2019, the police detained Pavel Fedotov, deputy head of one of the operational departments of the FSB of Russia in the Chelyabinsk region, red-handed in drug trafficking. The incident was hushed up thanks to the father of the detainee, in the past also a high-ranking intelligence officer. The head of the criminal investigation department of the police department, Radik Gizdatov, solved the issue. He previously headed the Drug Control Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the Chelyabinsk region. Fedotov continues to work in the local.

  85. UFOs over Kiev seem to have been flown.
    The situation is heating up and getting more and more confused.
    Yesterday's mysterious incident with an explosion in the sky over Kiev is overgrown with rumors, and officials are giving increasingly contradictory information. The explosion was seen and photographed by thousands of people. What it was (a NASA satellite, a UFO or a Russian rocket) no one knows (or admits). What happened (accident, shooting down by air defense means) is similar.

    Officials either do not understand anything themselves, or they are dark.
    • First, the head of the Office of the President of Ukraine urged "not to look for UFOs", and explained that "an air defense system was working over Kiev."
    • But very quickly this post was deleted (more details from the video ( )).
    • Then the air force command announced that the outbreak was connected with the fall of a decommissioned NASA satellite (this was confirmed by the head of the Kiev military administration).
    • However, NASA was not slow to refute this, saying that the satellite continues to fly, and the US Department of Defense sees and tracks it (more ( )).

    It would be possible to write off this murky story as a "fog of war", if not for 3 circumstances.
    1. Kiev has been in the spotlight of UFO experts for almost a year, in connection with the publication of a scientific report by the research group of Doctor of Philology B.E. Zhilyaev (see my post "UFO squadrons fly over Kiev. They are 30 times faster than the fastest hypersonic missiles" ( 2. The debate around the study of B.E. Zhilyaev is contradictory.
    - on the one hand, there are questions about the method of measuring the distances and speeds of these "UFO squadrons" (see comments ( ) an authoritative critic of the methodology – the head of the Galileo project Avi Loeb);
    - on the other hand, a new work published in March ( ) B.E. Zhilyaeva answers some of Loeb's questions according to the methodology;
    - on the third hand, Avi Loeb himself, together with the director of the new Pentagon Office for the Clarification of Anomalies with Flying Objects (AARO), Sean Kirkpatrick, are preparing an article for publication (here is its draft ( /~loeb/LK1.pdf)), which suggests a way to improve UFO registration techniques, allowing you to understand whether it is a UFO or no (that is, I will add, perhaps Zhilyaev is still right).
    3. The day before yesterday, the hearings of the AARO leadership in the Armed forces subcommittee in the US Senate showed a very dangerous situation with the detection of UFOs:
    - the number of cases of registration by the military and intelligence of "unidentified anomalous phenomena" is already 650;
    - there are many cases that Earth science cannot explain (but the very existence of such cases does not cause doubts – see the video here ( ))
    - since most cases are military secrets, even AARO cannot get data on them (a recent example is the February story when American fighters shot down an entire squadron of UFOs over Alaska in a few days ( , but everything (including their wreckage) was classified.

  86. The result of the hearings was a growing scandal over the radical version ( ) explanations of the UFO mess happening on Earth, put forward in the above-mentioned article by AARO Director Sean Kirkpatrick and Avi Loeb:

    That the cigar-shaped "Oumuamua" (Hawaiian for "scout") is the mother ship of extraterrestrials, releasing and coordinating the work on Earth of hundreds of research probes passing under our names: previously – UFOs, and now NAYA (unidentified anomalous phenomena).

    Description of the Senate hearings ( /)
    Video of the presentation at the hearings of Sean Kirkpatrick ( )

  87. Related to the Mongolian prophecy I posted above, there's also this peculiar statement from a famous Sufi (esoteric Islamic initiation) leader, which also seems to allude to the underground realm of "Agartha" (if you like).

    The prophecies concerning a Third World War must of course be understood as a question of probability. Think, for example, of the warning of "Our Lady of Fatima" (Marian apparition) in Portugal 1917, that IF HUMANITY DID NOT CHANGE, but continued as before, THEN another world-war would soon break out after the end of the First World War (which was still on-going at the time). This prophecy, of course, turned out to become fulfilled just as She had said, when WW2 began some years later. She didn't say it was impossible to avert it, if only humanity would fulfill certain conditions, and indeed called for people to do so. But She knew, of course, that there was a greater PROBABILITY that a sufficiently great number of people would NOT change in time.

    1. Hence the need for the Galactic Codex to be enforced regardless of local laws.

    2. When in survival mode, even back then, people had no time/energy to change.

  88. Good luck to you as well Libra! GR++🤞😎👍

  89. The All-Russian Officers' Assembly nominates a candidate for the post of President of Russia.


  90. Angel

    You know.


  91. There is very much a deep state attitude I've recognised in here, whether people mean it or not. There are those who consider themselves above others here. Who go around and try to tell people what they can and cannot say. I must say it is very sickening. Where is the free will? We have free will, as humans, and we can say what we like. They seem to be trying to start a prison system in here, where there are those above the rest of us (and they like to mention Cobra as though he is the boss man and they are somehow identified with him. They are not.)

    So it has been bought to my attention that I am not posting as they like me to. That somehow I am going against this deep state type of people who are above the rest of us. Poppycock. We can say what we like, our opinions are our own. We have opinions, and we come here to say them. If you don't like it, if you want us to shut up and not say what we like, well... too bad. I don't really care if I am not deep state enough for you. I don't care if you think "We think we are better than the masses". No body is better than the masses. Fact. If we have those who think that way, then we are no better than the illuminati.

    This is why I keep to myself and not talk to anyone. I'm afraid we have deep state in here. And the fact they are supporting King Charles, and telling me not to mention King Charles... Clearly that is an absolute joke. Like I could somehow hurt King Charles (who happily is dead already). I'll talk about him as much as I want. What - I might get some dirty looks or you might scowl at me? Oh, I'm scared.

    So basically keep your awful, snobby little attitudes away from me, keep away your snobby "higher standards" and stop trying to control me. I'm free, don't you realise. I can't stand your little club, or little deep state, trying to push me away and shut me up. God knows we have enough of that in the real world.

  92. There is someone on TV in Australia, I remember from last year, a young, happy, free, joyful woman. Yeah, it may be too early to tell but I kinda believe that was too good to be true and I think they have MK Ultra-ed her. They are still doing it! Taking people, torturing them, taking their minds, and then they make them forget. But psychically, they are now COMPLETELY changed. They have the pain and torture all over them. It doesn't look good for her. I knew it was too good to be true. Sad.

  93. Quem, algum dia, não pensou em deixar tudo e ir embora
    Quem, algum dia, já não quis desistir e sair fora
    Quem, algum dia, não olhou para o céu e sentiu uma força
    Que nos renova e faz o coração ficar numa boa, numa boa

    Há uma luz que vem pra me dizer: Tudo vai dar certo
    E os inimigos que eu não posso ver não terão mais força
    E as coisas boas que eu imaginar se tornarão vivas
    E os pensamentos positivos serão minha fortaleza

    Tudo vai dar certo - Natiruts - Brasil

  94. “The wave of the Portal of Light will begin to be felt on March 23rd when Pluto enters Aquarius for the first time after more than 200 years and will reach its peak intensity on May 1st.”

    “This is the most powerful planetary activation of our lifetimes until now!”

  95. Oh, and unless I am mistaken, Cobra is neutral. To fling around Cobra's name is nonsensical, as though he was somehow on your "side". I'm very afraid that is laughable. Cobra doesn't take sides, so hello, he isn't on your side! No matter what you might think, or try to get others to believe. Think of him as pleiadian, so No Sides. And to then use that to somehow force me to your will, to try to embarrass me or God knows what. BIG FAIL. It's laughable. I'll do as I please, get it? That is, not listen to the one acting weirdly illuminati, throwing his weight around. Please. We'll just listen to you even less!


  96. Taking out 5 new Chinese police stations in the United States telling you how to think. Illegal, get out of that country. Oh that sounds like what they are doing here. People are acting like police and telling you what to think, and what to write. It reminds me of RIGHT HERE. What a coincidence.

  97. Do you know what would be easier to get your permission Patrick, to avoid all the fuss? Maybe if we can organize it so that Patrick, in his wisdom, can start handing out Permission slips for those of us who wish for permission to speak. Then he can just decide in His Grand Wisdom who can speak and who is to say what. Then he can go all out to organize and work out exactly what we can and can't say. Brilliant. This way we won't have to read his mind. Obviously, he wants us all to know before hand what we can and can't say. Like some kind of Patrick world, we could all live and exist in this grand world of Patrick. We must therefore know and understand the Guidelines of Patrick. Yes, it's a thing... or we could make it some Grand thing. Then before any of us speaks, or *hushes*, types in this grand world of Patrick, we know already what we must say. Or not say to displease him. For Patrick has taken on this importance for us. Whoa Patrick. He is kind of like a grand "Important" one, one who decides how we may post *snivel snivel*. Remember, he is very much like Cobra, or at least according to HIM he is to be compared to Cobra. No!!! *gets down on knees* *snivels*

    Oh Great Patrick, we ourselves have not the ability to decide, obviously. YOU must decide if we are important enough to post an opinion. We have been informed that we must, not only keep the HIGH STANDARD you have personally kept for us, but we must also "We think we are better than the masses". Oh Great Patrick, you have told us to be better than the masses. How can we possibly keep this great oath to you. No, the masses, yuk yuk. *shivers*

    Can you, oh great Patrick, serve us and tell us what we can and can't say? .....oh please *snivel snivel* Can it be accomplished to Patrick the Supreme's pleasure. Oh how can this be done???

    Oh, wait a minute, this doesn't actually exist! There is no Patrick world, we don't have to obey Patrick's wishes, in fact why not just tell him to get bent? Who the hell is he? So thus thinking that, and honestly having not a damn for Patrick world, I think I will just go my own way. Nice and easy. Why would anyone possibly chain themself to *augh* Patrick. Honestly it sounds ghastly. But you know, you have to give Patrick points for trying, points for being important, points for telling you what to do, and I'm sure there are some other points in there for something. I mean, nice try, but ...

    but .....


  98. And despite the dire, dire error he made actually saying "We think we are better than the masses", I honestly don't believe he has any idea what he said. For him to think of NOT being better than the masses, it's never even crossed his mind. He really has no idea of his error. He is just that superior. Idiot.

  99. p.s. King Charles is dead.

    ***On no, we left him alive. He's out there just walking around. Don't worry, he really won't harm anyone ....***


  100. Oh, has anyone got any more good King Charles stories! I really like sharing those! I'm sure more interesting things will happen as the time gets nearer to the coronation. I'll be sure to report on those!

    Enough already?

  101. “If you leave a link in a comment on a (YouTube) video, it will most likely be deleted. YouTube's algorithm frowns on comments with external links because they redirect viewers away from the creator's page.”

    However, Facebook and Twitter and Telegram are social media sites that still allow external links in their comment sections. So, I’ve compiled a list of these platforms of persons of influence and organizations of influence who may be open to joining the May 1st Activation. The reason I’ve included either their YouTube trailers or their YT playlists was simply to portray their passions and interests. Based on their profiles, they would probably be willing to support the shift of Earth's destiny to a more positive timeline on May 1st.

    - in5d
    - Bridget Nielsen
    - Victor Oddo
    - Greg Braden
    - Isha Foundation USA
    - Eckhart Tolle
    - Shekina Rose
    - Bracha Goldsmith
    - Dr. Steven Greer
    “Dr. Steven Greer is one of the world’s foremost authorities on the subject of extraterrestrial intelligence and initiating peaceful contact with interstellar civilizations.“
    - Gigi Young
    - Elizabeth April
    - Infinite Waters
    - Damanhur Spiritual Community

    Also, here is an update to the list of online influencers composed by Lightwarrior Libra. It now includes Reddit sites that may be suitable for sharing the May 1st Meditation:
    (Please use Google Translator if you do not read German.)

    1. In the above comment, when I said I compiled a list that included "organizations of influence" from social media platforms, I misspoke. I was referring to those spiritual communities that may be interested in joining the May 1st Activation.

  102. Directly because of what Cobra said, I've continued a mission. I say A mission because it wasn't even my mission, I just kept trying at something. It's led to working out at the gym 2-3 hours a day, and learning to make jewelry even though I hated myself. Damn you Light Forces for making me keep living, but also I'm grateful, look what we've done. My forearm used to go straight from my wrist to elbow, but now this. Even in my rock climbing days my arms didn't look like this. I can make cool pendants. You better follow through and lift me out of this some day. Please. I'm doing my part as Ground Crew. Please come see me.

  103. Hello everyone,

    I want to ask you to take a moment and send love&light toward my family situation, and ask that everything will be transformed in the most benevolent way possible.

    In short: The situation is that my family member has registered her animals in another country with her friend who lives there. When the documents for registration arrived, she was accused of trafficking the animals into the country by the customs (they are born and veted here ). Since then, the custom have gathered "evidence" to prove their suspicion and ignored every evidence to the contrary. This situation is so stupid and insane, that the press have written about it as "such crime hasnt happened to this country before". It is like talking to a wall with these people, so stubborn to see the reality.

    Anyway, please send love&light toward this situation.
    Have a good day and a great life.

  104. If the moderator permits, I would like to discuss one of the fundamental claims of Cobra which I have doubts about. Here's an example of a quote from an older article:

    "Since then, the Resistance Movement has infiltrated around 300 of its operatives inside Illuminati network, mostly in top positions in the military and intelligence agencies. Those operatives are undetectable and Illuminati have no idea who or where they are."

    Is this realistic? How is it possible for decent people to 'infiltrate' top positions (no less!) of the military and intelligence agencies to such an extent that they are inside the secret 'Illuminati' network? The secret 'Illuminati' network is characterized by Satanism. You are not allowed inside it unless you are thoroughly corrupted and compromised through engaging in evil acts. And this is especially true of "top positions". They have strong protocols to prevent 'infiltration'. People need to PROVE which side they are on. This is one of the functions of organized child abuse, actually (the other being vampiric). Furthermore, the Satanic Cabal has people with strong psychic abilities working for them, who are able to 'scan' someone's subtle energy field to identify who is who. So if you have an active Heart-chakra, for example -- as is required of anyone who is not to be controlled by them -- it is hardly possible to hide that from detection.

    What's your take on this?

    1. Well i was reflecting on this to, some time ago. I conclude to the same question as you. Maybe they have a very specific protocol to follow and training to not be energically detected. But for the part of how they can prove to the dark side they are one of them this is a way more complex question.

  105. Social media executives refusing to censor independent media and "harmful" content online will face jail time in the UK, said ( social-media-bosses-who-fail-to-censor-harmful-content/) Secretary of Science and Technology Michel Donelan. The threat of jail time will be part of Britain's Internet Security Bill, a sweeping censorship plan that some tech giants claim will also effectively ban end-to-end encryption for private Internet users.

  106. UN passionately kissing ultra-globalists:

  107. 💥 W O W . Was für ein Ausschlag in die extreme Unwahrscheinlichkeit! 💥 Graph des Globalen Bewußtseinsprojekt von Prof. Nelson. Am 19. & 20. April kamen viele starke Einflüsse zusammen. Astrologisch, div. Meditationen, u.a. die weltweite Booster Meditation an 20. um 6.17 Uhr morgens - 😁 mit vielen Aquadea Kristallwirbel Einheiten 😄 - ... Wer mag Aufstellung machen, was da seit dem 18.4 alles zusammenwirkt? - Incl. uns natürlich. Jeder Aussschlag, der den Korridor der zwei inneren Linien verläßt läßt auf eine Veränderung der "Matrix" schließen - unwissenschaftlich ausgedrückt. Und auf ein Kohärenz von menschlichem Bewußtsein. Solch einen Ausschlag hatte ich bisher noch nicht gesehen. 😁 Dinge geraten noch stärker in Bewegung.

  108. Once a small amount of people started actually asking & commenting into the SM of other community members such as goode he reposted the meditation...Now lets go to the others & efficiently calmly invite & provide them with the proper intel...Its does not take much.

    >>The following is not a judgment but "handicap discernment" tip with a hint of tough love to help clarify something that is already common sense

    People always comment on cobra blog (& elsewhere)about various other people,

    Why not ask them to join ** if they are so amazing-lets see if they can unite on the easiest most important tool lightworkers have access to
    even when all the works already done(videos,time,intention etc)

    can they do a simple retweet & spend 20 minutes this year for a real push towards victory ?

    Or is that too much to ask for the following people
    -Edge of Wonder
    -Dr Salla
    -Justin Deschamps via vigilant news
    -Seth via Man In America
    - SO MANY spiritual YouTube out there reaching the critical mass should be easy just from American population

    Please read the following for clarity

    1. Also :

      Alex Collier
      Journey To Truth
      Sandra Walter
      Jordan Sather
      Simon Esler
      Laura Eisenhower
      Ben Fulford

      I made this to bridge the gap ( I understand they & their followers mat not be aware of Cobra & usually unknowing creates fear so I hope this helps)

      Thank You !
      " Good News (From "James and the Giant Peach"

  109. This may be repeating it too much (just fast forward over my comment) but I am just so amazed by what I was told by Patrick.

    So I did what was suggested and I went "out to the masses." At first, I must say, the masses were even surprised I bothered to talk to them. There was all this "why are you talking to us" and "don't you realise we are the masses" and even "wow, you're talking to the masses, this is really good". Obviously it was a revelation that I spoke to them. Some of them wanted a hug, complaining that "nobody spoke to them." There was some crying and I explained that they are ignored too often, and often overlooked as "masses". So I really got to know them. Did you realise that the masses are just PEOPLE? Wow, I was gobsmacked by this. They're actually alright and just like me. I think it rather unfair that Patrick snubbed his nose at them, when HE stated "We think we are better than the masses so we should be". My God, they are just like us!! The masses, by the way, were surprised that anyone thought themselves higher and better. They did not understand this and I explained that Patrick was what's commonly known as a DINOSAUR. A bit of a snob. They were stunned. Did you know that the masses had no idea of this opinion? Apparently it is commonplace by those who like to put themself ABOVE the masses. Well, the masses had no idea of this. They weren't pleased, I can tell you.

    So I eventually talked them down, they were okay. I like these masses, I can tell you. Then I mentioned this HIGHER STANDARD that Patrick spoke of. After some laughter I managed to get them back on track. But I thought about it. I see it as unfair that nobody else gets this speech, just me. And I thought about all the nice people who pop in here to discuss the great things about Satan, and I thought why don't they get this speech? And everyone else for that matter? Shouldn't they too be able to benefit from the Wisdom Of Patrick. I really think they should.

    So I propose we should all put forward this idea of Patrick as a "great leader". He should get to speak down to all of us, after all. And put these great and mighty ideas to all equally of this forum. Wouldn't that be something? And tell us all off. You see, I am worried that his wonderful ideas don't go far enough. We are wasting Patrick after all! We all should get in trouble, after all; you're better than the masses aren't you? We too can be snobby and snooty unto Patrick. Just think of what this can do for this forum! In fact, we should all subscribe to be carbon copies of Patrick. Just imagine...

    A perfect world and Patrick in the center. Wonderful!

    1. I drive a cheap humpback car that is almost 30 years old. I don't do all the things the masses do. I don't drink sodas, alcohol, energy drinks, and I don't eat sugary foods that cause diabetes and obesity. I've always felt like a second class citizen though who gets treated very poorly, and I've always been poor. It just takes too much work to maintain everything. Too much work and too much money. It's too high maintenance, and it just gets worse with time.

      I keep wondering how people have nice cars and live in their own houses. Where does their money come from? I refuse to go into debt. Is debt the only way people own houses and nice cars and the like?

      I don't feel appreciated. I feel like a trashy person because I'm treated like a trashy person - by the masses. Not all of them are this way, but that's the general vibe I get.

      Oh, and uh, keep going with the meditation. Sorry for the sad reply. It's just really difficult to stay positive when I get attacked all the time and the masses won't even believe me and think I'm crazy.

      Sorry psychic. I may not agree with Patrick, but I really don't like the masses. They are ungrateful and spoiled rotten. They take everything they have for granted and then look down upon me because I don't do the same. They think their value comes from superficial nonsense. That's why they got the vax and so forth too.

    2. Oh, wow! Private sellers actually have cars in my price range! I didn't know someone could buy a car that cheap!

      Anyway, carry on. 😅

    3. Na, I don't care what people think. If they don't like my car, that's their problem.

    4. Maybe make the distinction from, "I'm better than the masses," to "I'm doing better than the masses," or whoever it may be. For example, someone who drives a car that others look down upon, but doesn't poison their body with sugars and vegetable oils, is doing better than someone else who has a nice car but has health issues from all the sodas, donuts, alcohol, and so forth.

    5. Ultimately, no comparisons at all is probably the best way to go. Don't even give it a thought anymore. Return to simplicity.

  110. Hi friends, I just listened that old Oliver Shanti song in a 2 hour yt version.... During this time I had the idea to promote the portal activation a bit and started to look for my favorite radio and tv stations. Via the contact page it is fair to be open and informative (because you center attention from someone on you), if the message becomes deleted, ok. But honestly I am very excited to see how they will react. Only as input. Everyone has favorite radio stations, why not informing as much as possible? Have a beautiful sunday! VOTL.

  111. I just updated my website, but it now only gets 400 or so people a day and it really won't work well to get people as they click on other pages there. Then I remembered my Bitchute. I have a some sites saved there. So we need to start putting this out there! I'm getting really excited about it! I think it is building, I actually FEEL it building each day as I keep doing the booster meditation! So I will put it out there, and also make sure you put it out too just before the date, May 1st, so then people are more likely to do it! We can do this! Even go and join places just so you can put the message out. I think I will focus on Bitchute first....oh I just got more ideas...I realised I have people on YouTube I use a lot, and just mention it there and spread it around....whoa, that will work. Let's get going people!!

  112. Sisterhood of the Rose Interview with Cobra
    "Portal of Light Activation"

    Thank you, Debra. Thank you, Cobra.
