Sunday, September 24, 2023

L0 DRY EVENT lock secure


  1. Replies
    1. In the name of the divine spirit I am
      We hereby request that the Divine Source accelerate the initiation of events to free the Earth as soon as possible
      The above declaration, as desired, must manifest in the Light

  2. Trigger the Event! I can't wait!

  3. Replies
    1. Nem lehet harccal győzni, csak veszíteni lehet harccal. A mgoldás az, ha jelentősen megnöveled a tiszta feltétel nélküli, energia mentes jóságodat, szeretetedet, és a szerelmedet.

  4. Can the lightworkers be physically attacked by cabal agents if they continue?

    I feel that they are panicking to much and can actually send agents to kill us before the event.

    I hope people on the ground are okey.

    Please update us when you can Cobra. And i hope you are safe to!

    1. Don't react in fear. They are dust under our feet. Stand up and stand tall as the child of God you are!!! Armour ready? WWG1WGA!!!!🙋🏻‍♀️❤️

  5. Let's go LF and RM... YOU got this!
    Let's bring on THE EVENT!🫵😎👍

  6. I wonder if this is a "dry event?"

  7. Hello community!
    So these are some of the last attacks in chaos-mode now! Be aware to be attacked severely, cos right after getting some funds in a camouflaged way as private insurance through the "vibes" of the st.germain trust, one pet got terminal ill ridicously fast almost the same day(!)..., dead for now as retaliation for gaining some money! So this is very bitter money right now, but again: we're closer to the event and "all will be undone"!

  8. I agree... time to get down to business ( the LIGHT kind).


    May the LIGHT be with you all

  9. Oh Yes!! We are Almost There!!! We are Ready!!!
    Event Now💫💫💫 We are holding the Light for you down here, the Best We Can💫💫💫☀️☀️☀️🌅🌄☀️🌅🌅🌅

    1. I am not familiar with these terms, can you please explain what is 504?

    2. The term 504 is explained better in cobra’s blog posts and his comprehensive book. It takes a bit of digging but you will find it.

  10. Sembra andare sul finale del processo, ovvero la svolta definitiva, speriamo ...



    2. 2.0

      A L L Cobra Updates

  12. Say the birds of paradise

  13. @Libra
    If that is the case, 'wet event' probably would mean the shit's going to hit the fan, hmmm?

  14. Vše co kdysi padlo do temnoty už se nikdy nebude opakovat. Stvořitel(bůh) zajistí bezpečí pro všechny na vždy. Už nikdo nepadne do hlubin kde zešílí a stane se temnotou která ve stvoření přivodí utrpení všem kteří se dostali do pasti v které živili temné duše energií kterou oni vysávali z nás aby přežili když se nadobro odpojili od Světla. Po milionech let konečně poslední temnota která se brání v poslední pevnosti zde na Zemi. A my lidé jsme poslední jejich vězni. A máme sílu podpořit a urychlit naše osvobození a návrat do skutečné reality

  15. Good news Dear Cobra we hope!!!!! Thank you Light forces! Victory of the Light!


    FRENCH TRANSLATION for Ascension Protocols Workshop with Cobra on September 10, 2023, in Germany

    Atelier sur les Protocoles d'Ascension avec Cobra le 10 septembre 2023 en Allemagne (Notes, avec liens français complémentaires )
    Meditations+Cintamanis+Énergies+Allemagne +Outils pour se connecter au forces de la Lumière(nouvel ATVOR, méditation du pardon, meditation pour connexion avec Soi Supérieur, processus de manifestation)...

  17. REPLAY (French clearing implants session)
    Meditations/Protections ( Flamme violette, Bulle bleue, ATVOR RENFORCÉ, méditation de la Lumière, Protocole pléiadien "Command 12 21") +Annuler contrats d'âmes+ Affaiblir implants...


    "Until physical intervention occurs, Lightworkers and Light Warriors should HOLD THE LIGHT GRID as much as possible:

    a) The construction of the Cintamani grid:
    COBRA | 29th may 2017 : The Cintamani Network
    people who are involved in the surface cintamani grid, to refrain from having physical contact with their own cintamani stones at times when they are in conflict with other surface humans, or when they are in an extremely negative emotional state, to avoid contaminating the grid.

    b) The construction of the Tachyon chamber grid

    c) The construction of the Soul Family connection grid:
    COBRA | 2nd april 2018 : soul families

    d) The construction of sisterhood of the rose (with physical meetings)
    COBRA | 16th june 2018 : Planetary Activation of SOTR

    e) Prepare for physical contact with the Light Forces according to the internal guidelines:
    COBRA | 18th March 2018 : Contact
    COBRA | 9th May 2018 : Protocols of entry

    F) Refrain /Avoid From Interpersonal Conflicts By Choosing Non-réaction and Conscious Positive Action Over Reaction .

    Let's Continue to hold the Light together 🙂

    You can find some useful healing tips/meditations here :
    "Let’s Heal Together: Preparing Ourselves for Liberation and Ascension"
    We are so much stronger together💫

    ✨DON'T MISS: Wednesday, September 27, 2023 at 7PM UTC! After a summer hiatus, the free international healing and implants clearing sessions "Let's Heal Together: Preparing Ourselves for Liberation and Ascension" will resume on September 27th, broadcasting live on the Sisterhood of the Rose YouTube channel. We will do powerful meditations together and begin to do our SHADOW WORK! Mark your calendar and stay tuned for links and more information coming soon!✨

    1. @Libra
      Wish I could get some rewards or something, showing I'm doing something right, feels like I'm just spinning my wheels, like a car stuck in the mud.

    2. Nice... right there with you! It's not easy, but VERY worth the time and effort. My responses are changing for the better and feel lighter everyday because of the dedication and devotion I'm putting into the process!
      Good luck everyone... our time to represent The Light on behalf of those who need guidance to snap out of their amnesiac slumber is almost upon us!

  19. Bonjour 🙂Notre équipe s’envole à présent vers de nouvelles aventures avec la création d’un nouveau facebook et Telegram avec sous-groupes encore plus beau, complet, et intuitif qui diffusera plus largement encore les informations, conseils et outils nécessaires à la transition exopolitique et spirituelle actuelle.
    Nous l’avons nommé « Libération Planétaire et Ascension » et espérons qu’il saura combler vos attentes et répondre à vos questions dans une large mesure. Il est constitué d’un canal principal auquel s’ajoutent de nombreux sous-groupes relatifs aux méditations, aux intels de COBRA, à l’ascension spirituelle, aux protocoles de guérison, etc.
    ✅ LIBÉRATION PLANÉTAIRE ET ASCENSION => canal général de nos émissions YouTube, salons vocaux, échanges, partage et questions.
    ✅ MÉDITATIONS => le canal principal pour les méditations de groupe.
    ✅ COBRA l’Intégral => toutes les intels de COBRA compilées dans un document PDF de plus de 2000 pages couvrant l’intégralité de ses mises à jour et interviews depuis 2012. Pour retrouver n’importe quelle information en un clic, rendez-vous à la FAQ de la page 14.
    ✅ ASCENSION Spirituelle => canal d’informations et d’échanges relatif au processus d’ascension actuel, avec comme ouvrage de référence, « L’Escalier de Cristal » d’Eric Klein.
    ✅ SORORITÉ de la Rose - France => canal relatif aux sororités françaises, selon le fonctionnement et les directives données par COBRA.
    ✅ GALACTIQUE et COSMOS => canal d’informations et d’échanges relatif à la Confédération Galactique, au Codex Galactique et plus largement aux lois universelles et cosmiques.
    ✅ Sessions IMPLANTS => canal principal de nos émissions de dissolution d’implants et de résiliation de contrats d’âme.
    ✅ GUÉRISON et Protections => canal d’informations et d’entraide relatif aux protocoles de commande pléiadiens, aux chambres à tachyon et autres outils favorisant le bien-être énergétique et spirituel.

    Retrouvez toutes nos émissions en intégralité sur notre chaine YouTube :
    Ainsi que les actualités de notre canal sur notre groupe Facebook :
    Pour nous rejoindre, C’EST PAR ICI :

    Liste officielle des groupes Facebook officiels du réseau "Prepare For Change" en Europe liés au réseau


    Groupe officiel Prepare For Change pour la France et les pays francophones

    “Prepare For Change #France#Francophonie" ”

    REPLAY LIVESTREAM FRANCAIS officiel du 1er Mai 2023 chaine youtube "Libération planétaire et Ascension" pour "l' Activation du Portail de Lumière"

    PDF FRANCAIS explicatif pour Activation du Portail de Lumière du 1 Mai 2023
    PDF ANGLAIS explicatif pour Activation du Portail de Lumièredu 1 Mai 2023 (ENGLISH PDF to explain the Portal of Light Activation on 1st May 2023)

  20. Seeing the word "event" makes me excited :D

  21. !!!!!!!!!
    I will anchoring more light this time to support it and 🍀🌴🌳🌵🍀help more people and beings on earth more easier during this process!!!!

    Thanks for many beings in many levels and dimensions working for this day...



  22. Workshop of COBRA in hermana? AMAZING MAN, thanks @Libra for links 💓

  23. the first thing that comes to mind
    dry: testing phase of a complex process, beta type
    wet: full scale process itself without delays

  24. Be patient everyone, if you don't like being woken up 3 hours early in the morning, imagine 4 billion people being woken up prematurely by the neighbor's lawnmower... Look at your neighbor full of tattoos who is released from prison 3 years ago and who seems so nice when you meet him. Juste imagine him if he have'nt eaten for 2 weeks. :)

    1. One can be TOO patient, you know. I've taken MORE than enough ridicule and fists from them to bother being any more patient than I already have been with them. I'm DONE. My patience is empty.

  25. Let it be the LAST contract violation ! Victory of the Light

  26. Madness on Earth. The sheep broke into a Greek greenhouse and grazed 272 kg of marijuana ...

  27. What a happy news!We wait the event from 2012 to now.wish it will happen ASAP.Victory of the light!

    1. Not just waiting for it, but working as hard as we could for it, meditating, trying to improve ourselves, getting hammered to lower our vibes constantly, keeping the light up as often as we could...its been a real struggle and its not about complaining.

      But it will be the last time, for sure.

    2. @Juarez
      We need a lot more than motivational speeches. We need intervene and aide.

  28. 8 billion planets earth and one will remain, the white planet, the planet where man loves man.Where man's saying that he likes to work with the man who likes to work with the man who likes to work ⚜

  29. I guess what I find interesting is if you look up AA Michael, he is TOTALLY accepted. Pages of stuff go on about him. I also find it interesting that we call him "archangel" which sounds pretty similar to "archon". That couldn't be a coincidence. The word archon at this point makes me feel physically ill. They are such creeps.
    Well I'm going to go off to be sick I think...

    1. Anything that the BIBLE mentions I don't even bother with. Remember, the Bible's been edited, censored and CHANGED over the centuries for both political and material gain. The blood of many innocents are scrawled upon the Bible's pages as well.

      Shit, I would NOT be in the least surprised if THIS is the real truth regarding the Bible. ---->

  30. Hopefully not this kind of event because the darks planning their own event and that would be far worse then everything they dun until this day


    1. I wonder whether Cobra will touch on CSRQ-SM at some point?

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. Also the idea of Cognitive Dissonance... Where two ideas, two opposite ideas are held at once. It's pretty damn destructive! My God this is destructive. I wouldn't be playing with this.

  34. Grey Pope probably not happy about this divine message which came true:

  35. We must be close!! Dry Event ..Dress rehearsal is how i see this post!! VOTL!! Let's go!

  36. Dry Event? Could that mean a dry run for the Event? If so that means the Event is very close now. I think L0 means surface, so it looks like something significant is about to happen.

    1. I do believe that L0, Level 0 is the surface as well! VOTL!!

  37. Paniced right out of their frigging minds. Of coarse, they are very dangerous now. Expect the unexpected.

  38. @Libra
    Faz sentido o que você falou. Talvez uma espécie de teste que foi homologado pela LF.

  39. In the name of the divine spirit I am
    We hereby request that the Divine Source accelerate the initiation of events to free the Earth as soon as possible
    The above declaration, as desired, must manifest in the Light

  40. Full Article:

    SaLuSa (Shalashian) –
    “Important message for allies on the surface regarding upcoming events” – By Rafael (Neva/Gabriel RL)

    There is a lot going on behind the scenes and this has affected the way many of you have seen this reality. For days now, I have been close to Neva waiting for the communication channels to open, while the agitations of energies on your planet seek a point for harmonization. It is to be expected that channels transmitting our messages around the world will feel a need for pause, especially now when long-awaited events are on the threshold.

    The way many of you have seen reality may seem a bit smoky or “distorted” and this is due to the fact that there is actually a “melting” of time and reality as you know it. It does not mean that they will stop living or having their usual experiences, but it will change the way their bodies respond to this reality. You are entering ever more subtle layers, and as you do so, you may find yourself observing physicality in a way that appears to you to be clearly like a holography. In other words, your bodies, and especially your vision, will notice that something is no longer the same as before, and that is a fact.

    Lightworkers, who are increasingly aligned with their life purposes, will notice a considerable increase in their sensitivity, in order to more easily capture the frequencies around them. Extraphysical presences will become more noticeable and the way you deal with these energies will become safer, as you are becoming what you always were. It is normal that you also notice attempts by those who wish to maintain the status quo, pulling you towards the other extreme of the old reality, but it is unlikely that you will return to the old vibratory patterns, as you have reached a point where there is no return to the old ways.

    It is also important to emphasize that, due to the intense turmoil behind the scenes on Mother Earth, many of the Lightworkers will find it difficult to connect with us, not because we are far away, but simply because there is a sweep of poorly qualified thought forms throughout the world. planetary grid, and this causes considerable “noise”. Therefore, it is necessary for you to preserve the time dedicated to your social networks and seek, more and more, to be in contact with nature. Of course, you know that one of the intentions of us – the Galactic Federation – when implementing the Internet on Earth is, and has always been, to strengthen ties and remove borders, in addition to many other aids. However, Those who work in darkness tried to hijack your technology to make all of you on the surface of the planet dependent and in “dopamine” imbalance. Such things will be readjusted as many of you become aware of what is really happening, and as we move towards full disclosure of our presence.

    This is a point that we also inform now: there are many of our allies infiltrated in their governments, and they have more than enough informative documents to release on the WEB, in places that are freely accessible to everyone. It is a matter of time before more information about us is revealed. Of course, there are also those with bad intentions who will try to usurp these outreach programs in an attempt to fit their own nefarious agendas into them. What we are quick to inform you is that this will not be tolerated by the fleets of Ashtar Command. Keep in mind that there is more Light and Security around the Earth than ever before, and no plan that violates the originality of the protocols decreed by the Supreme Creator will be implemented.

    1. Was it not reposted from long time ago?
      Is known that GRL make often repost from long ago channelings in order to seem from now.

  41. 牛逼眼镜蛇(Awesome Cobra👍👍)
    Kick the dark force's bad ass and we goona win!!

  42. I wonder what they did to breach the contract. Wonder if this means the event will be sooner rather than later.

    1. Galactic Courts are awaiting several at this point.

    2. @Richard
      I'm wondering how all the BS they did PRIOR was not considered a breach of contract.

      But, as I always have said, bad guys NEVER follow the rules, not even their own.

  43. is there a reason why the light forces have any expectation that the rest of the cabal would cooperate with their own systematic extinction?

    1. Exactly expecting satanists to comply is a fools errand...remove them post haste and let's free humanity from this prison planet now.

    2. @Douglas
      Beats me. I always found THAT idea to ludicrous. IF bad guys agree to some cooperation, or cease fire, or truce, it just means they need time both catch their breathes, and to reload their weapons.

  44. Compromised grey hats are stalling to the point of complicity. Humanity has had more than enough and cannot rely on the military. Our Starseed groundcrew has created a lawful divine intervention agreement with the Galactic Confederation nearly 21 months ago. We are ready and well prepared to guide and soothe the native Earth souls during the collective awakening from mainstream disclosure. Grand rising. Trigger the event.

    1. Awesome... happy to hear that @LightWarrior

    2. I can't wait to see this great moment. People will be released from the suffering, misery and pain. Victory of light!!!

    3. Agreed that the gray hats have been stalling for way too long.

    4. Hope the gray hats, who been lollygagging and just extending this crap, for their own benefit, gets what's looooong coming to them. I compare them to Richard M. Nixon, unclassified documents shown he met with Vietnamese leaders and artificially extended the Vietnam war, for the purpose of him being the one to end the war, to make himself in to a hero. Same with the gray hats, they'll go and keep this crap going on as long as possible to elevate themselves more and more.

      I personally feel they are much more deserving of a sniper's bullet.

  45. Then, it could be a dry run on the surface of the planet. I assume L0 means Lagrange point zero which could be the surface of the planet. If the dry run is training right before the actual event, we might experience some major moves in geopolitics.

  46. We will have to be very alert for now for whatever the reasons: attacks, the event.. The cintamani(s) always in the pocket, don´t do anything risky and see how it resolves..
    Song: Setembro (Ivan Lins). After so many strata it all resolves... in September (hopefully)

  47. Pink light is needed for more balance and harmony when doing the other two flames.

  48. Dry for events can mean two different things depending on the context. It can mean that no alcoholic drinks will be served or allowed at the event, which is often the case for events involving minors or religious groups. It can also mean that only the space is provided for the event and the organizer has to arrange everything else, such as catering, furniture, entertainment, etc. This is also known as dry hire.

  49. Could you tell us more about Pleiadians?

  50. Yessss Victoire de la Lumière, merci Cobra, merci les Forces de Lumière, Sandrine Veilleuse des Energies de Gaïa

  51. Can you tell us something about Pleiadians?

  52. Could it something more simpler? Clear skies to see what is coming...

  53. Critical juncture soldier. Remember the way which you've come. Those who you watched remain where they did. Dead or amnesiatically indifferent, perhaps just tired of it. This point don't forget or start assuming you see the endpoint. Remember the journey, pointman remember your partner/s, remember those you left behind.

  54. With management removed... maybe this goes a little quicker. However... could be a bit nastier. I assume a huge portion of the darkies "future planning" left with the Chimera. COBRA once said that the Chimera were too intelligent to just go "F it and react (not his specific words). I wonder if that ability is now gone. We may see a quicker ramp up to the Event.


    Gideon: “I was shown that in 2025 the Earth's magnetic field will shift and quickly flip. It was the most destructive thing I've seen. It was so shocking that I had a hard time believing it, but it was as real as everything else they showed me, so I believed it.

    The actual poles have not flipped, however,
    not physically; but the disruption was so severe that 1 billion people would die within two or three weeks. The ultraviolet rays of the Sun will become so intense that many will die from it.

    Eventually, Earth stabilizes, but most of civilization fails to recover.
    This is when the Cabal comes into play with new technology, including a type of free energy, and fully implements CSRQ. Everyone will be a slave to this, because if you refuse, you will starve and be left without electricity, water and other services.”

    1. 1221.. this is assuming there are no good guys above or below or at the surface... ..
      so whoever was influenced to write this article. gives me no confidence that is trying to be thorough.. just be a fear mongerer

    2. cobra please delete his comment

    3. They tell you the truth and you prefer not to know it!

  56. This comment has been removed by the author.

  57. September isn't over yet. I would aim for October 3rd, which is Tuesday next week. What surprises will we find around the corner? We'll see.

  58. Pink Light and Ascension Bodies

  59. Decree for First Contact and Divine Intervention

    I decree and Veommand physical First Contact with benevolent Galactic beings now!
    I decree Divine intervention now!
    I decree and I command physical First Contact with benevolent Galactic beings now!
    I decree Divine intervention now!
    I decree and I command physical First Contact with benevolent Galactic beings now!
    I decree Divine intervention now!


  60. Cobra...Oct 4 FEMA to test EAS system..many are stating put phones in your microwave to protect them etc..what is really happening that day??

  61. You could say that a dry run is a type of rehearsal. Specifically, the type of rehearsal where you run through a show without stopping to actually work on issues, for the sake of testing where the ensemble's cohesiveness and preparedness is. For us non English speakers

  62. A inteligência artificial IA está avançando assustadoramente.

  63. 趕快發生吧,還沒開始都是零

  64. The knowledge of the chimera removal surely has permeated the need to know basis of the cabal. Now the shivering feeling of being absolutely exposed and at the mercy of the LF is spreading beyond those at the top or direcly related to most of their echelons. The only ones they could go against now is just us, so it´s no wonder if there are contract violations, or just anything they can do. Maybe the threat of a more dire punishment could refrain them, but probably it can´t be done in the light.. then maybe they leave no other option than to trigger the event

  65. Cobra will we be able to see the effects of the DRY EVENT in our reality?

  66. Well I went back to look at Cobra's "blue" post, and it still states the AA Michael is evil. I did this as I believe the dark side is now pretending to be Father Absolute and is telling us how Light AA Michael is. I would really like the truth here. Which is it? I'm on the side of evil. But they are really pushing it.

    1. I'm 100% confident AA Michael is good, and in fact AA Michael has helped me greatly.

  67. The Seven Hermetic Principles

  68. I have not commented before as there has been nothing to say, but now i speak! this is very difficult but i ask you to hold love in your hearts for the dark forces; they are fueled by hate and the more that you wish violence on them the more it feeds them. no war has been won and finished with violence, violence has only begotten war. violence and hate are weapons of the matrix to keep people in low vibrations. if you feel hate in yourself towards an other then you are hating god/yourself, for what you see that disgusts you in the other is a reflection of that which you have not met and integrated in yourself.
    may you see with the eyes of truth and be shielded by love.

    1. So true. And those we identify as the enemy may indeed have voluntarily chosen to assume those roles prior to their incarnation in this lifetime and if true, then they should be viewed as 'courageous heroes,' as difficult as that thought might be.

    2. There is an old saying in China: Punish the evil and promote the good!

    3. 17 Repay no one evil for evil, but give thought to do what is honorable in the sight of all. 18 If possible, so far as it depends on you, live peaceably with all. 19 Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave it to the wrath of God, for it is written, “Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord.” 20 To the contrary, “if your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink; for by so doing you will heap burning coals on his head.” 21 Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.

    4. I agree. I feel deeply sorry for those, especially humans, maybe even a bit for archons and how very damaged they have been. So don't hate them or you turn into hate. They will go bye bye soon anyway. Anyone feel like celebrating yet? It's too soon for that but...

  69. It seems we are right at the end. This is a wonderful Ashtar message. We have pretty much done it! Hooray!!! Disclosure is coming!

    Yale Researchers Develop Air-Borne Inoculation Method for mRNA Vaccine. In other words, they apparently intend to carry out a plan to let mRNA vaccine airborne.

    Do something please, Light Forces. Thank you.

  71. This comment has been removed by the author.

  72. Last night was a particularly rough night with attacks, possibly connected to the lurker.
    Who's blog is it that's disappearing the comments?

  73. Dear Cobra
    Vincent and I don't understand, now that Chimera and the toplets have been eliminated, why the Forces of Light don't start helping us Lightworkers in a more concrete way! We've suffered so much (attacks, sticks in the wheels) on every level: we're waiting for healing, financial abundance (deamland), emotional healing, physical contact etc.... We are damaged, annihilated, diminished.... Give us a reason! Valid! We'll accept it! (Vincent's question)

    1. It´s true, we could be helped much more now. The last biggest hindrance was te DARPA computer and exists no more. The remainig Lurker is too diffuse to worry about specifics like this help

    2. Many have perished in this hope..The word "Limit" is perhabs the most abused word in the history of universe!

  74. That's AWESOME Libra!!
    I'm sure this paticular one traveled all this way through time and space just to be with you!🫵😉👍


  75. At the end of a long night
    It's gonna be All Right.

    On the Nightshift.

    Love and Light


  76. I'll just note, they got rid of Dan Andrews in two days. He was just totally replaced in 2 days. He's the clone they had in place who got rid of the Commonwealth games. Not that there is any commonwealth. He was in power for 9 years, which at the start of the pandemic he was killed, totally disappeared for several months, then replaced with a clone. Back when Australia was totally evil. Anyway, they got rid of him or maybe the clone broke. He wasn't even on TV, he just disappeared. 2 days and they replaced him. Apparently quit.

    Anyway, yesterday was big. They tried several times to make out what a great guy AA Michael was, which I tend to believe Cobra that he is evil, Well I never spoke to AA Michael over 20 years. They took over When Truth Can Change Your Life on you tube... I ignored them, they sent attacking emails to me from some place, well several places I never heard of, which I deleted and never opened. So just a boring day.

  77. I got my galactic cintamani when they first came out... ages ago. Before even we did that big meditation to save/change the world I think. Why so slow I wonder?

  78. Oh, kiss kiss everyone. 😘 😘 😘 😘 😘 😘 😘

  79. Oh yeah, I wanted to get Cintamani stones for burial real soon. Maybe in a few weeks...

  80. Recent exposure on UAP in the US should make people wonder how come the advanced alien technology hasn't been introduced to humanity, is it due to governments fear of the aliens's intentions?

  81. Possible Information from Another Source Regarding the Lurker!

    In Chapter 1 of the book "Stellar Man," H.P. Lovecraft's book, "The Lurker at the Threshold" is mentioned. This was the entity Moses channeled through, believing it to be positive, only to later learn that it was evil. Also according to Chapter 1:

    When a person successfully reincarnates with full memory enough times and gains enough spiritual power, the physical body is no longer sufficient to house such power. It is at this point that the person's essence incarnates into an entire planet. Planet Earth originally had such a positive person within itself, but when Moses accidentally channeled the evil entity, it removed this person from the planet and took his/her place.

    The mission of Christ was to remove this evil entity from the planet and take its place, but this was only a partial success. Earth is said to now house both Christ and the evil entity. The Christ within Earth is the force that influences people to love one another and be in harmony. The evil entity within Earth is the force that influences people to be greedy, lustful, envious, vain, tyrannical, abusive, and so forth.

    Chapter 1 also states that the evil entity is a very old being with "unknown origins."

    Since H.P. Lovecraft has a book about this entity, referring to it as "The Lurker," and it's stated that this entity is very old, I wonder if it's the same entity that 2012 Portal is referring to...

  82. The Universes are like children to the Source
    Involved subtly or not while regarding with loving thoughtful surprise
    The Creation gives insight to Self
    Looking outward is to look inward
    The lensing within
    The spectrum of light
    Through planes of existence
    and their corresponding scales of probabilities
    Become the Galaxies and Stars of Causation within the Torus shape of Space Time
    By the pathways
    and the finalization into event flow as existence is
    streaming decision
    Energy and information in the context of dimensionality
    A silent light of being conscious
    Opened this within
    When considering the void
    From before time or sequence

  83. Dear 🌠Star🌱 Seeds

    I would like to thank my 🌠Star🌱seed friend from China.

    I met on this blog comment section. Thank you Cobra that I met her here :-). I posted th link of my telegram channel and so we are in contact now. So cool.

    She sang and sent to me an English song which I shared here in my channel.

    As well as she translated and sang this song in Chinese. I was very happy about that and I keep listening to her Chinese version. I don't speak Chinese and I feel her light galactic energy.


    Such beautiful galactic vibrations. We are all working together. She has given me permission to share these 2 versions as well. One version is in Chinese and the second is in English.

    Here are the two texts:


    Translation via

    Today I sang a song
    We are the presence of love
    Toward the light, toward the light...
    Toward the light, toward the light...

    Lyrics in English:

    Today, we sing a song.
    Loving beings, we do belong.
    To the light. To the light.
    To the light. To the light.


    Singing is a very powerful energy work.

    You wanna here the Song and singing?
    The singing is in this Channel.

    Many thanks and galactic greetings.

  84. @Jonathan.
    I say 'boo hoo hoo', they made their beds, time for them to go night night, now, permanently.

    I only hope I get a chance to personally grease some of them.

  85. Waiting is not their path

  86. The LBRP uses Michael and Gabriel. I don't think they are negative. It's time for some serious clarity from those who make claims that Gabriel and Michael are negative. They need to back it up with proof and explanations instead of just being 'poetic.' This is a very serious matter.

  87. Os links e artigos externos, colocados pelo Cobra, não são 100% confiáveis, pois são escritos pela população da superfície onde praticamente ninguém conhece toda a situação. Devemos usar o dicernimento para ter uma boa compreensão.

  88. Thanks Libra. I was referring to this quote earlier which caused confusion, which was linked in the last Cobra update towards the end:

    "Farewell to you the dark overlords eli-jehovi and to your mis-spent youth
    Farewell to you dark angels Michael and Gabriel for your deceptions shall be no more
    Your divide and conquer through the many religions and gods is now coming to an end"

    I'm glad to have this cleared up, as Cobra states that Michael and Gabriel are positive. It's important because these two archangels, along with Raphael and Auriel, are a part of the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram, which is a ritual that clears one's space and connects to archangels.

  89. I've been watching on TV all the sorry movies coming up, and I don't wanna watch any of them, no surprise. BUT what I would love to see is a true life story about the archons and reptiloids. Yeah why not throw in some Chimera even though they are gone. It would be truly refreshing I think. Watch them the control slip out of their fingers. Watch the panic. THE PANIC! Well that is one movie I would love to see. Hehe.

  90. A divine message addressed to Domenico Napoleone Orsini, 22nd Duke of Gravina:

  91. Where can i order galactic Cintamani stones?

  92. This comment has been removed by the author.

  93. Hakann: We Will Likely Intervene in 2024 or 2025

  94. Cobra please update what is going on? It's been a week since the DF crossed the line and correspondingly, my life has gone to hell the same exact day, it's been slowly improving the past months with great conscious energy effort - and now it's all ruined. I am being attacked from every angle all at once in sync, for nothing I have done, I've been meditating, praying, healing my darkness, even right now I am on a mission journey and grid working abroad and in physical closeness with my twin flame in the same country after so much wait. I am being attacked from every angle and I have nothing to hold onto. Everyone who seemed friendly and loving is now turning against me for no reason, they're showing their true nature, just when I finally believed that all is going to be well and I am transcending family traumas and separation consciousness..I have nothing to hold onto in 3D, I am clinging to Source and Source is quiet...Please, is there any update on what's happening? I am checkmated 100%...I've been a lightworker since childhood, 40+ years...I need assistance!!!! If the DF has crossed the line, we need immediate help down here, not tomorrow or next week...Please give us an update what's going on, please! :(

    1. blue. perhaps you could describe a lil what ur situation is.. some people might have some ideas to provide. for example maybe someone could point out to protecrton protocols. etc.. .. who knows. etc

    2. It's hard being in a free-market game where anything goes and you're on your own. I often wonder how I can be left with such suffering, then remember the game will even deny you water, letting you die in a way that seems confined to movies. I guess that's what's appealing about a wild west planet like Earth, it's so dangerous. No one wants to watch a boring show. The hardcore nature of this place is a reminder that it's not real, just a temporary challenge, helping me have courage and dive in, because how can I be afraid of a game?

    3. @Libra
      I have a similar problem. Each time I see words, text, etc in dreams, the moment I begin to focus on reading them, they automatically begin to dissolve. IF I am lucky, I can read maybe ONE word or so, but that's about it.

      Also, trying to log onto your blog, but keeps saying 'log in with google!', and nadda.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. I too was attacked last night during a nightmare... and I rarely have nightmares.
      All I remember from it was the lights went out and an ominous shadowy figure loomed over me in a threatening posture. It was frightening in the moment but awoke quickly and moved out of the feeling of fear in mere seconds.
      I believe the Lurker is coming directly after the Lightworkers and trying to feed off of our fears through our subconscious.🤔
      Don't be afraid my Light Tribe, I see this as a desperate attempt.
      We got this!🫵😎👍

    6. @BlueStar

      Sorry I can't help you, but just wanted to say that I can fully sympathize since I'm exactly in the same shoes as yours.

      Despite meditations, prayer, using the 1221 and 771 protocols and sending messages to my 1221 team almost daily, things have been growing gradually worse for years. But attacks have turned up to 11 since early this year, and turned up to 12 from every angle in the last few weeks. I have no peace anymore and I'm in constant anguish. The DF haven't just crossed a line with me, they've been crossing the line several times since last year, and then cross new lines again, apparently without any payback.

      Seeing all these positive news, feels like I'm in a different reality since I'm not seeing improvements. Clinging to the source, and begging and screaming for help for my 1221 team often has little effectiveness. They only seem to act reactively when I'm really desperate and at my wits end. If it's due to incompetence or lack of effort on the part of my 1221 team who is too busy partying on their ships to watch over me, or if I'm really a heavily targeted individual and my case is difficult for them, I don't know.

      At least you have your twin flame, be grateful for that. I don't even have met mine yet or know anything about them, not that I'd want to meet my twin flame in the state I'm in.


      I also had a bit disturbing dream these last few days. I met two very dear beloved dogs of mine who have passed away (one years ago of old age, the other when he suddenly and unexpectedly became ill early this year and died last May - one of the many lines the DF crossed with me), in the dream they looked well but they were angry with me and bit my hand when I tried to touch them. I thought, even if they are angry with me, what's important is that they seem to be well wherever they are, but still it was disappointing and disturbing ofc.

    7. @One Of 144K

      Interestingly, I had this same vision of an ominous shadowy cloaked figure looming over me in my bed a couple years ago, the first time I tried the 771 protocol. It wasn't a nightmare, because I was still pretty awake and conscious - I had just laid down a minute before and invoked the protocol. It lasted just a glimpse, barely a second, but was pretty clear, the figure looked similar to the Nazgul wraith from the LOTR movie. I was more puzzled than fearful.

    8. @arrowflashbr
      Your description sounds pretty close to what I experienced. I wasn't fully asleep but nodding off when this was all of a sudden and purposely interjected at that time. It was definitely meant to cause me fear, but as with your vision, it didn't last but a fleeting moment and the fear subsided instantly. As I said before, this seems like a very desperate attempt to push back on the Lightworkers, but it just makes me more emboldened to push ahead, do my inner work and healing, and prepare for our First Contact, The Event, and ultimately our Ascension!

  95. Galactic intervention timeline and the explanation.

    1. I wrote my reply there, I wait for it to show up:

      My suggestions to help to liberate Earth effectively once for all.

      Earth IS under intervention of galactic dark ones, currently the Archons from Andromeda and the Lurker and their dark technologies. Its not the humanity gone into self suicide mode like mindless zombies for no reason!

      What can help the humanity is to remove those dark ones, any dark influence whatsoever including their dark technology that influence human minds. Expose humanity to the real history and show the humanity how a healthy society function.
      Humanity needs compassion, love and healing from trauma, and education.
      Reforming the corrupt legal system to be effective and compassionate is very important. Many people in prison systems are incarnated unfairly, like people guilty of petty theft that happened from poverty in first place. And also there are people who killed in self defense like battered wives stopping their husbands from killing them. And the ones who are really guilty of crimes, there are root causes that have to be addressed. And the true criminals, most of them can be helped when the root cause is taken care of.

      Also there are about 500 million psychopaths in the world who walk free in the world, and many of them are in power positions like the politicians, doctors, lawyers, judges, military generals etc etc.. They can cause many problems. They have to be addressed. (and maybe be removed from the planet for reeducating them or healing them or eliminating them, depending on their situation, just as R'kok was one of the psychopaths guilty of killing millions he was helped and he is turned to the light.)

      And the rest of the humanity the once they are educated, they won't let anyone else to oppress or exploit them.
      The once the psychopaths will know they can't pull their acts without being immediately removed from the planet, they will keep a low profile and avoid doing any action that can trigger their immediate removal from the planet. And as time passes and everyone is reached, everyone of them will be healed including the ones who remained low profile psychopaths in closet.

      And remember that Atlantic fall didn't happen because of over intervention of positive galactics, it was caused by the dark ones controlling humanity and using Earth as their base for their wars, and the humanity were implanted with implants that lowered the consciousness turning them into mindless slaves.

  96. Been detoxing the body from heavy metals and parasites removal been sleeping heaps it's been weird, this full moon is sending me crazy it must be the Luna-TICKS in my head lol...

  97. Something is wrong, he his feeding himself by negative emotions

  98. Cobra Germany Worksop

  99. Cobra is the lurker attacking people right now?

    1. Exactly..I mean that crap "Blue Poem" describing Michael as "Evil" was useless and unnecessary post! It doesnt do any good rather creates more confusion & feeling of betrayal! Inshort "Schezophrenia" ! I dont know why cobra posted it & didnt clarify!!

  100. Its too late now..Damage is done beyond repair..No "Event" or "Solar Flash" can fix that! Thanks both LF & Most Importantly "The Source" !!

    1. @Spiritualneoplatonist Best Of Luck To You..

    2. Yeah the reason says this is true. The situation is unbearable. People dont understand

  101. This comment has been removed by the author.


    1. Well the gray hats better get moving (hopefully!)
      Intervention in 2024-2025 sounds good to me.

  103. Has anyone read David Wilcock's Michael Prophecies?


    Russell Brand on global domination etc exposures, he's got 6.6 million supporters

    1. The tattoo on his forearm a number 33, does worry me a bit, though.

  105. Theoden, from Lord of the Rings quote, "So it begins."

  106. A inteligência artificial já está dominando o planeta. Tarde demais.

  107. That message from Hakann was AMAZING. Thanks for bringing it to us!

    About Trump, I'm not sure if he is a little narcissistic (may be or not) but I do sense a big amount of ego there. He's got ego and it isn't the best part of him. So let's hope the gray hats can improve. Come on, we want to see the best of them! Come on, gray hats!

  108. Real Art- Music which comes from the soul is beautiful and healing.
    If you feel stay with it it, as is getting more and more beautiful .
    6 min.
    Youth Orchestra

  109. Epic Ascension dream (Jesus, too) and another prophetic message that came true:

  110. Seeing all the bad comments here about attacks (yes I got rid of the archons, all I did was call my angels and ask them to take them to the great central sun to recycle, quite a few times over many days). Worked very well. And you would think by some accounts that it is fun. It isn't. They will make a total laughing fool out of you. And who can you blame - only YOURSELF of course.

    Well today I put on football grand final, and the Collingwood captain is 6 ft 8 in tall and has dark hair and bleached it blonde white, at least right now (you can google him. Darcy Moore.) And I thought instantly of Mr "I". I don't know if this is something galactic people do to each other (which I doubt) but as soon as I thought of him after ages, what I got in the left hand he always used to "twang" the thumb, well I got this weird sensation of pain and a feeling. I mean he spent over 6 months twanging me, stalking me, and it was only that he was there at my car accident that finally got rid of him, cause I could prove what he was doing - I had to go through a kind of pleiadian court (for galactic citizens who are kinda bad.) Haven't seen him since, and I think they kept him away from me. Like court justice maybe.

    Anyway, now he kind of hates me enough to hurt my hand. Which was surprising as I was only contemplating Darcy who is 6ft 8in and white haired. A resemblance yes? So that is my news; seems he's a bit bitter. Bit bitter lol. Good riddance to him finally.

  111. This comment has been removed by the author.


    Devine Intervention is around the corner.

    Victory of the Light!

  113. I wonder when it will finally start....... . I have a little daughter and I am absolutely against her being vaccinated against "childhood diseases". Unfortunately, there is a vaccination obligation in Germany. She is not allowed to go to kindergarten and school if she is not vaccinated.
    I wonder if toxic vaccines will finally be banned after the event.... .

    1. I wouldn't fear this. It would be a blessing for her to not go to the schools.

    2. Well done Andrea, no to poison 🙂

    3. Andrea.. if the advanced healing techs will be release.. i dojbt vaccines will be needed at all

  114. These last months Im feeling a mixture of total Faith in the Victory of Light, and at the same time a very strong desire to withdraw from people and modern noisy life. A very intense perception of the falsity of this show, all presidents and the Elites more than never look like impotent clowns.

  115. Actually, nothing wrong with the LBRP. Rose cross ritual may be better in this situation though.

  116. Some might recall Cobra posting a video sometime ago by the below artist (titled Wanderer):

    Erik has released a new short film which is beautiful and uplifting for those who are interested:

    ONE REVOLUTION PER MINUTE - a short film by Erik Wernquist

  117. Cobra, could you explain about the new advanced ATVOR and all its abilities (the one given in the German Conference)...

    If certain healing protocols and Mental Deprogramming protocols be given, that would be highly beneficial.. especially when it's really hard to get something out of our sticky Subconsciousness...

  118. Concerning Dreamland or any other physical assistance in form of healing modalities, should we be expecting something to be provided prior to the Event in the recent future..?
