Friday, December 29, 2023

Short Situation Update and Ascension Conference in Phoenix

The Light Forces and the Source are clearing the primary anomaly and the primary Lurker with full speed.

In clearing the surface, the Light Forces have encountered two ancient Illuminati networks, controlled by Black nobility and primarily made of Draco and Reptilian entities in human bodies. These two networks are anchors for the huge part of the primary anomaly still extending throughout the Solar system until the heliopause:

The first of those networks is located in India and it firmly established control upon Indian subcontinent after the Draco defeated Aldebarans in a nuclear war in the area of current Rajasthan about 5000 years ago. Since then, Indian Illuminati network has controlled India through dark priesthood network, and it is still the deep force of control behind Indian politics, emanating from certain Indian Black nobility families.

This network is already being cleared, with Resistance Movement and Agarthan and other special forces emerging to the surface from Patala:

The second network exists in subsaharan Africa and is even older, originating in Atlantis. Main anchor of this network in near lake Kivu. Clearing of this network will start after the Indian network is almost completely defeated.

All this will be happening behind the scenes and there will be no apparent progress until Pluto enters Aquarius on January 21st. After that, things will become more interesting again.

There are signs that the financial system is coming closer and closer to its collapse:

And the Cabal is preparing their places to hide:

They are still trying to reinforce the quarantine:

But at the same time, networks of tunnel systems worldwide are becoming mainstream knowledge:

We had a short workshop in Delhi, India on December 20th. You can read the workshop notes here:



The purpose of this workshop was to strengthen the network of Light in India.

Light Forces are asking Lightworkers in India to start creating cintamani Flower of Life grids around major cities in India to bring Light to those cities, improve quality of life of their inhabitants and to help purifying the air, which is in some locations so polluted that it is dangerous for health. People who activated Flower of Life cintamani grid in cities in China have noticed significant improvement of life quality and air quality in those cities.

Lightworkers in India can also investigate and heal the timeline of the Baroda family, which is the key to healing the situation in India:

Also, a network of cintamani stones needs to be placed in ancient temples where Devadasi tradition was practiced, in Durga temples and in locations of Mughal palaces. All those places will be then reabsorbed into the planetary network of Light.

After Pluto enters Aquarius there will be a lot of intense progress, and for this reason we are announcing an Ascension conference in Phoenix, Arizona:



Phoenix is a very powerful double Ascension / Goddess vortex and many interesting things happened in the area:

You are more than welcome to join us on February 3rd and 4th.

Victory of the Light!



  1. Wonderful news COBRA! 👏
    I'm especially psyched about the Phoenix Arizona conference!
    I'll FINALLY have an opportunity to go to one!!! 😃👍


    1. awesome, please share your thoughts about the conference!

    2. gathering for more and my wishes for the new year to everyone

    3. Until them, surface humanity can accelerate the removal of the Lurker by healing their relationship traumas and sexuality traumas, because that is the deepest place where the Lurker tends to hide.

      Anybody can get healing in monthly ascended master and stellar rays healing sessions:

      What the single person can contribute to get rid of the opressors of this Planet, besides the meditation? I mean, in more active way .

      Spread the intel, plant Cintamanis, be kind and loving.

      🖐🏻️ It is time to forget our apparent differences and join forces in our fight for freedom. It is time to admit that nobody among us has total understanding and absolutely correct view of reality. If somebody has a different point of view, it does not mean he is automatically a disinfo agent. So it is time for each one of us to allow others to be who they are. We are all human beings. We all make mistakes. It is time now to forgive. And then join forces. United we stand, divided we fall.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Sono contento che hai postato un nuovo aggiornamento della situazione Cobra e per questo ti ringrazio molto. Alcune volte so di essere un po' ruvido ma veramente con tutto il mio cuore vorrei vedere questo Pianeta finalmente libero dal male. Il livello di insofferenza è molto alto in quanto in questo periodo mi sento un po' svuotato. Non pensavo che l'ultimo periodo prima dell'Evento fosse così duro. È molto più difficile del previsto e la mia energia di meditazione sembra non avere più gli effetti positivi di prima. Il momento in cui però sono più attivo mi accorgo che è durante il sonno, di notte. Soprattutto al mattino presto riesco a pilotare dei sogni/realtà fuori dall'atmosfera terrestre, compiendo azioni potenti per la Luce. La mia coscienza si espande e la mente quantica ha successo perché lavora in un'altra dimensione in fase di sonno leggero. Penso come se fossi sveglio anche se in realtà non lo sono. Posso volare , espandere la mia volontà attraverso azioni mirate contro le tenebre. Sento il mio corpo vibrare , come una scossa elettrica. È estenuante ma ne vale la pena, anzi cerco il momento giusto per intervenire, all'inizio è difficile, ma una volta che prendo quota porto a termine la missione. Ed il momento è così bello che quando mi risveglio sembra di entrare in un incubo perché perdo tutte le mie facoltà ed il mio potenziale svanisce. Non vedo l'ora che arrivi il 21 gennaio per vedere gli effetti dell'ingresso di Plutone in acquario. Vittoria della Luce!

  4. Thank you very much dear Cobra, Light Forces and Resistance Movement!! Happy New Year !! God bless and the Victory of Light!

  5. Кобра, я так понимаю, что в моей стране проведение Ваших конференций придётся ждать ещё долго.Что Вы можете сказать о Мужских и Женских Божественных Вихрях в моей стране? Рекомендую / satuadas. И www. satua. expert. Всем Желаю Счастливого Нового 2024 Года!

  6. V slovenščini:

    Vabljeni v našo skupino Sestrstva Vrtnice in Podpore Dogodka na Facebooku:

    Vabljeni na našo stran na Facebooku:

    Toplo vabljeni na Facebook stran Tahionske komore v Ljubljani:

    Thank you for the post Cobra.

    Victory of the Light!


  8. I'll correct my previous statement on my previous post to this:

    Only God and the Light Forces and participants among the surface population on Earth can clear the subquantum anomaly and lurker. 😅

    I know it's being cleared because of the very high pitched ringing sounds. Pretty sure that's connected. Yes, full speed ahead! 🌌

    1. Nem ismered a lurkert, ahogy a szavaidból látom.

  9. Cobra can you please comment on the fact that their are negative entities attacking lightworkers during the day and night? this has been happening btw since late august and its been constant nonstop attacks! Also if anyone can give me some advice on fight these entities while they are trying to invade my spirit, will be very helpful

    1. I find the best way to stop attacks is to ask your angels to take them immediately to the great central sun for recycling. This will work over several minutes, not immediately. The dark ones will come back two more times (in total they always attack me three times). Each time ask the angels to remove all dark and take them immediately to the great central sun. Thank the lovely angels afterwards. The dark will stop harassing you, for this is clearly suicide. It works for me. I've never needed to use the 1221 command (or whatever it is). When I realised there were Archons on me, all I did was ask that the archons be taken to the great central sun for disposal/recycling. Problem solved very fast!

    2. thanks for that advice, will definitely try this.

    3. Minden támadást el lehet hárítani, ha csukott a szem, csukott a száj, és magadban azt mondod, hogy: "Minden támadás menjen magamba, most." Ha ezt magyarul mondod, akkor hatásosabb, de más nyelvre lefordítva, is hatásos. Ekkor vissza hat azokra a támadás, akik megtámadtak, és nem tudnak kitérni előle.

  10. Thanks Cobra for updating us! That's very interesting about India. I really hope that all goes well! Stupid black nobility... We are getting there!!

    Victory of the Light!

    1. I didn't knew that my country India also have reptilian, draconian politicians and Elite families. I thought it's an western thing. God save India too from these parasites.

  11. 💎✨️💎✨️💎✨️💎✨️💎
    Blessing to all...Light Holders!

  12. We don't need things to be interesting;
    We need things to be solved.

    Only onlookers want the drama to be more interesting.

    1. The cabal is interested in ensuring that no interesting things happen in certain areas in order to keep awareness low.

  13. owner and loc of original tip are btw brackets [ owner cobrapostdate+posttitleinitial ]. View original tip for more content. When providing an error tip please incl. the error msg.

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  14. Thank you Cobra for submitting this information. Here is my brief commentary:
    I've often wondered why those nuclear scars were there. I want this nuclear activity put to an end on this planet now. I am very happy you are confirming the change in atmosphere. We are becoming more passionate about ending the corruption we all know exits. The sky looks very different now. The sun seems to be balancing out and there is more universal and galactic frequency modulation at all frequencies. It is time to initiate the transfer of our economic system into a technologically protected system, end war and begin the clean up of the planet with real advanced technology and prepare as a united planet for a transition into galactic citizenship recognition. Not just the Earth but the whole solar system. In order to have 100% peace we have to remove as much of the underlying cause as possible. The time I have been living for starts on Monday January 1st 2024. If I am understanding what I am thinking right now this day relates to something about the symbol of infinity... I will see you all in the loop!
    'I am just another you' Mayan greeting 531AD Palenque.
    "When will you return the kingdom?" "When all the people speak my name." A dinner conversation a few 1000 years ago.

    1. Még el lesz a sátán is engedve, majd le lesz győzve. Nem olyan egyszerű, pedig annak kellene lennie. Mindenki ide lett hozva, akinél problémák vannak, és minden helyre, rendbe lesz téve.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Maybe Light Forces can conscript a Part of the 70 billion people who have been evacuated from the earth, to increse the strength of combat troops.

    We need more troops, the more the better!
    The final solution to Earth's problems can only be achieved through military means!

  17. H.E.I.R. Hyperdimensional Energetic Informational Relativity

    1) Probability Becomes Area, Local Fields, Transmissions and Transitions of Form.
    TrueSilence Becomes Principal Set Macro Filtration of Light Wave Fractalization Flux as Informational Energetic Localalized Dimensional Field Overlay Creates Probability Pathways for Dimensional and Local Energy Information Differentiation by Cascadent Power Distribution from. Circle/Line by 360° Decompression/Refraction to Sphere/Spire Dialation of 720° Primary Low Axial Filter then Distorted Torus/Spiration of 720° Secondary Low Axial Toroidal Space/Time Filter and Event Flow Finalization of Relative Unit of Hyperperpinicular Expression.
    Cascadent Power is Distributed at Planes of Existence as Local Dimensional Frequency and Current to Open and Form Distribution Pathways for Overall Probability Radiation as Compressed Hyperdimensional Light Spectrum Refration and Decompressed 720° Expression back to Singularity as Field by Inverse Amplitudsl Compression of Information of Local Energetic Expression as Power is Distributed.

    2) ST Relativity of Dimensionality and Electromagnetism as Probability Wave Development are due to Common HD Compressed Origin and Wave Expression of Probability Finalizes as ST Event Flow with Variation Potentiality Optimized with Probabiliyy Pixilation of Remaining Wave Functionality Quantum and SubQuantum Cloud Resolutions as Outer HD Causation Proximity Expressional Edge before Field Envelopment to Silent Result of Primary HD Context.
    All ST Dimensional and Electromagnetic Waves are Hyperperpindicular to 360° Hyperdimensional Compressed Context no matter thier Position, State or Scale of H.E.I.R. Probability so are Relative in ST 720° as they are HyperRelative in HD 360° According to thier H.E.I.R. Filament Ratios of Dimensionally Localized Energy Information Wave Dynamics of Sphere/Torus of Relativity State and Position as Power to Area as Frequency to Current.

    3) Multiversal Compressed Phasing Inversions Define Universal Variation.

    4) Polarized Resonant Envelope Effect. EM Tuning Fork Nodes.

    5) Causation Proximity Defines Ring Expression as D and EI Differentiation Defines Ring Information and Both of those Define Compressed HD 360° Locality.

    AWB 555

    1. Ennyire bonyolultan még nem is olvastam ilyesmit. Ahogy sejtem, sok mindent nem értesz még, és sok minden információt keversz. Elhiheted, nem úgy van, ahogy te állítod, sőt ezzel félrevezetsz másokat is. Fogalmad sincs az energia, és a fény valódi hatásairól, ahogy egyetlen tudósnak sincs. Néhány égi faj sem ismeri pontosan ezeket a hatásokat, és most fognak rájönni sok mindenre. Ha nem tudod egyszerű szavakkal elmondani, akkor biztos lehetsz benne, hogy hibás az állításod. A valóság az, hogy minden nagyon egyszerű.

  18. I realize it's important to keep shining and doing the most we can individually to speed things along here on Gaia. I've had some really vivid dreams and feelings lately about the matrix just melting/crumbling. Linear time is collapsing and glitching heavily lately. I think some sudden awesome Divine Intervention is coming VERY soon...

    1. @Project. It seems like time just skips forward at random. And hour or two can elapse in what felt like 5 minutes. Happens during the day and night. Was listening to the radio and it went to commercials. Switched back to same station a few seconds later and it was right in the middle of a song. People start talking about something else right in the middle of a conversation. This speeding up is accelerating, I think we'll be in 5D/Now moment super soon!

  19. I really hope the light forces aren't going to wait until organic collapse of our economy or the full intensity of pluto to start being nice to us humans. It is physically painful now to be on this planet during this time. Any extensions to the timing of the Event make the light force's job easier but our lives harder and still our reward is to get booted to another planet. 😡😡😡

  20. Candidate for President of the Russian Federation from the All-Russian Officers' Assembly (, the chairman of which is Colonel Kvachkov ( B0%D1%87%D0%BA%D0%BE%D0%B2,_%D0%92%D0%BB%D0%B0%D0%B4%D0%B8%D0%BC%D0%B8%D1% 80_%D0%92%D0%B0%D1%81%D0%B8%D0%BB%D1%8C%D0%B5%D0%B2%D0%B8%D1%87) - Ivan Otrakovsky, captain of the Russian Marine Corps (, was officially registered by the Central Election Commission to participate in the presidential elections of the Russian Federation as a self-nominated person - a person without a political party (http://www despite the intimidation of all notaries who had to certify people’s signatures and administrative pressure on the owners of private premises in which the minimum number of people for registration could gather - 500 (despite the fact that the premises and According to the law of the Russian Federation itself, the notary had to be provided by the Central Election Commission).

    Since from 2020 elections in the Russian Federation are absolutely controlled due to the introduction of an electronic voting system (, you can generate any number of votes for the so-called “Putin” (minimum 6 actors with different earlobes which are passed down from father to son and serve as evidence in criminology and the bridges of the nose), I propose that the so-called Forces of Light use this electronic mechanism (according to “Cobra” all digital systems have already been hacked by the Forces of Light and are waiting for the X-hour) to organize power crisis in the Russian Federation through the victory of the candidate from the All-Russian Officers' Assembly Ivan Otrakovsky in the presidential elections of the Russian Federation through electronic voting and creating a reason for the people's liberation struggle, attracting the electorate to the side of the REAL positive military who want to return power to the Russian people over their territory (as you know the power in After the “defeat” in the Cold War, the Russian Federation belongs to Jewish oligarchs, which serves as a guarantor of control and export of the resources of 1/6 of the planet’s landmass).

    In another case, the Forces of Light can provide resource support by contacting the All-Russian Officers' Assembly using the details on their website

    Thank you!

    1. "...political* crisis in the Russian Federation through the victory of the candidate from the All-Russian Officers' Assembly Ivan Otrakovsky..."

    2. Ez másként fog történni. El lehet felejteni a tiszti gyűlést, mert nem életképes.

  21. “GRU Colonel Vladimir Kvachkov, who spoke out against the arrest of Igor Strelkov, was fined for discrediting the Russian armed forces for the second time. Next time, he faces a criminal case.

    I am publishing an excerpt from our broadcast in support of Igor and Vladimir Vasilyevich: "

    Taken from the Telegram Channel of the wife of Igor “Strelkov” Girkin, who currently represents the interests of her husband and is fighting for his release from prison.



  23. Bonjour 🙂Notre équipe s’envole à présent vers de nouvelles aventures avec la création d’un nouveau facebook et Telegram avec sous-groupes encore plus beau, complet, et intuitif qui diffusera plus largement encore les informations, conseils et outils nécessaires à la transition exopolitique et spirituelle actuelle.
    Nous l’avons nommé « Libération Planétaire et Ascension » et espérons qu’il saura combler vos attentes et répondre à vos questions dans une large mesure. Il est constitué d’un canal principal auquel s’ajoutent de nombreux sous-groupes relatifs aux méditations, aux intels de COBRA, à l’ascension spirituelle, aux protocoles de guérison, etc.
    ✅ LIBÉRATION PLANÉTAIRE ET ASCENSION => canal général de nos émissions YouTube, salons vocaux, échanges, partage et questions.
    ✅ MÉDITATIONS => le canal principal pour les méditations de groupe.
    ✅ COBRA l’Intégral => toutes les intels de COBRA compilées dans un document PDF de plus de 2000 pages couvrant l’intégralité de ses mises à jour et interviews depuis 2012. Pour retrouver n’importe quelle information en un clic, rendez-vous à la FAQ de la page 14.
    ✅ ASCENSION Spirituelle => canal d’informations et d’échanges relatif au processus d’ascension actuel, avec comme ouvrage de référence, « L’Escalier de Cristal » d’Eric Klein.
    ✅ SORORITÉ de la Rose - France => canal relatif aux sororités françaises, selon le fonctionnement et les directives données par COBRA.
    ✅ GALACTIQUE et COSMOS => canal d’informations et d’échanges relatif à la Confédération Galactique, au Codex Galactique et plus largement aux lois universelles et cosmiques.
    ✅ Sessions IMPLANTS => canal principal de nos émissions de dissolution d’implants et de résiliation de contrats d’âme.
    ✅ GUÉRISON et Protections => canal d’informations et d’entraide relatif aux protocoles de commande pléiadiens, aux chambres à tachyon et autres outils favorisant le bien-être énergétique et spirituel.

    Retrouvez toutes nos émissions en intégralité sur notre chaine YouTube :
    Ainsi que les actualités de notre canal sur notre groupe Facebook :
    Pour nous rejoindre, C’EST PAR ICI :

    Liste officielle des groupes Facebook officiels du réseau "Prepare For Change" en Europe liés au réseau


    Groupe officiel Prepare For Change pour la France et les pays francophones

    “Prepare For Change #France#Francophonie" ”

    REPLAY LIVESTREAM FRANCAIS officiel du 1er Mai 2023 chaine youtube "Libération planétaire et Ascension" pour "l' Activation du Portail de Lumière"

    PDF FRANCAIS explicatif pour Activation du Portail de Lumière du 1 Mai 2023
    PDF ANGLAIS explicatif pour Activation du Portail de Lumièredu 1 Mai 2023 (ENGLISH PDF to explain the Portal of Light Activation on 1st May 2023)

  24. Liberating this planet is like working on an archeological excavation. One doesn't know what they're going to find until they dig deeper.

    Many Blessings to all Benevolent Galactic Races who have devoted their lives to, and have risked their lives for, this Great Mission of Service.

    Thank you, Cobra, for your devotion to this mission.

    Victory of the Light!

  25. Thank you for the update!

    Indonesian translation of this post:

    Indonesian translation of India workshop:

  26. Thanks Cobra for the update.
    The post in French / L'article en français :

    Notes of the workshop in India in French / Les notes de l'atelier en Inde en français :

  27. It is really amazing that we in Rajasthan donot awake about it. It is done through the Cobra.

    1. I am also from India. As COBRA said India and Sub-Saharan Africa is the primary anomaly with ancient Indian black nobility families and Indian illuminatis. But right now India is rising in many aspects be it military, financial, economicalll, logistics, infrastructure, communication, gender equality etc. and etc. My question is are all these just distraction to keep the vibration of our huge Indian population low? But spiritual leaders like Sadhguru is also emerging supported by the current govt. Then what's the truth? It's very confusing to understand India when it comes to satanic agendas like west where it's easy to understand cause their culture is very tamasic but we are so full of satvic devotion towards multiple gods and goddesses be it blind or ritualistic.

  28. German translation of the Ascension Protocols Workshop notes in India / deutsche Übersetzung der Notizen des Aufstiegsprotokolle-Workshops in Indien:


  29. Thanks for the update. Portal Discord with over 200 members:
    Come and join us!

  30. Strengthen the fundraising activities of China Light Grid

    Come on please

  31. German translation of this article / deutsche Übersetzung dieses Artikels:

  32. You will continue to be busy next year, thank you Cobra

  33. I guess there will be another update next year, and not too long apart🤣🎉

  34. Mulțumim Cobra pentru aceste informații proaspete pe care le am primit , le așteptam.

  35. We need all of the Galactics to intervene directly upon the surface now! Massive force now. What about that last pit to clear?

  36. Dernière mise à jour de Cobra ( guerre nucléaire en Inde, gaza, etc....) avec liens en français Victoire de la Lumière !

  37. Dernière mise à jour de Cobra ( guerre nucléaire en Inde, gaza, etc....) avec liens en français Victoire de la Lumière !

  38. AZ native here and for what it's worth I can recommend some places to see while you're here. These are places I've visited personally!

    We have the beautiful Japanese Friendship Garden and this was like $5 some years ago. It's cute and not huge but very beautiful:

    We also have the much larger Desert Botanical Garden which is very beautiful:

    We have the Musical Instrument Museum which is amazing and epic:

    We have the Phoenix Art Museum which is very nice:

    We have vegan restaurants that are really good (healthy and junk/comfort food):

    I recommend riding the light rail which goes from upper Phoenix and all the way to East Mesa I believe (this is quite a trip). It's just one track and goes back and forth you can't get lost on it:

    The public transit system is pretty reliable and you can go very far. You can buy an all day pass on the bus or at the light rail stations or at grocery stores.

    We have GREAT hiking trails too which are varied in difficulty:

    There are a lot of other things to do of course if you look online but those are some personal favorites!

    Feel free to ask any questions here! <3

  39. My apologies I forgot to mention that all of the places I listed out are in Phoenix. <3

  40. Phoenix is very easy to navigate as it's mostly a big grid.

  41. 1; Om swami, who says that during tantric Sadhana, I had darahan of Maa,who manifested and took me in her lap. Is this possible for divine mother to manifest here?
    2; what is the truth of npc's, and what percentage of them are among us.
    3; Praveen bhatiya from whom almost al indian new about you, now he said, I am not against Cobra, but I don't want people to depend upon him fully and do nothing and his spiritual master said, tachyon is something against our teaching, using machines for Ascension is something against the divine teachings.
    On new years give us some answers. If you fell guided for it from the light.
    Victory is always to light.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. edited:
      the "do nothing"... is not what cobra conveys here...
      is a perception or maybe an actictude that some take or express. It should be taken loosely if you hear it from someone and analyze on an individual basis. People's personalities, goal and will varies

      i can see how technology could be view as unnatural to spiritual individuals that have worked on thselves to reach where they are... specially when it has been tradition since "known" recorded time (accepted/programmed)

      me question to them is: do they know that technology is the primary factor that has kept us in bondage. Are they aware of all control mechanisms beyond spirituality that is making humanity not to advance/evolve spiritually in a natural way...

      the tachyon tech is just assisting ... it wont do the ascension itself.. the person still has to do clearing is my understanding. Using tech or not is a personal choice hopefully made using inner guidance.

      to be honest. humanity has been oppressed so unfairly for so long... that anything that could help the masses clear the surplus of unwarranted traumas should be a welcome sight not frown upon. there is alot to do beyond the confinememt of a matrix.. why delay it needlessly

    3. btw didnt ancient civilizations use machines? high tech...

      assuming atlantis was real.. i heard the public buildings would provide healing by the use of sound or light etc to the masses.. that was generated by tech right there.

      we have lost much of the old ancient ways.. it was by design. Using tech is only new to us not to the rest of the unmatrix world

  42. Saw some beings with slits in their eyes pay me a visit in between wake and sleep. Big mistake on their part. 🙂

  43. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Sure! Would be glad to contribute, and others can too.

    2. Definitely didn't see that coming (in a good way!) TY, Starlight432. I've been meaning to take photo of a street sign that reads 'Starlight' but it comes and goes quickly to and from my place. I'll try to get it next time and share a photo <333

    3. Is an honor to help a sincere Lightworker! They made a coca cola drink after the name. I'd be much more fond of a street sign! Street signs don't have all that added sugar! 😄

  44. È molto interessante il fatto che la prossima conferenza sull'ascensione sia a Phoenix. Ho una forte connessione con Phoenix ma non capisco il motivo. Credo che possa essere già vissuto lì. In effetti i Cactus di Saguaro mi piacciono moltissimo e mi suonano molto famigliari 😄🌵

  45. Dear Cobra! Here are the links for the translations of this interesting and positive post in Italian and Romanian languages:

    Cobra Italian Telegram channel:

    Cobra Romanian Telegram channel:

    Victory of the LIGHT!!!

  46. The light forces could end all suffering on this planet today but they choose not to. We will not forget.

  47. help a warrior of light buy his cintamani stone please

  48. Thank you very much Indian Lightworkers team for the special and great Notes of the new Cobra Ascension Protocols Workshop hold on December 20th, 2023 in India! I share the Romanian translation here: HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! 2024 will be a very important year for all of us!!! VOTL!!

  49. merci Cobra pour ces superbes nouvelles, oui cela va devenir intéressant et remuant mais Victoire de la Lumière, merci les Forces de Lumières <3 Sandrine Veilleuse des Energies de Gaïa

  50. I feel like most lightworkers don't trust the light forces anymore, and no wonder. I'm not surprised, really, and I don't blame them because of the lack of action and intervention. Unfortunately, there is too much empty talk and not enough action, so I understand how most people are feeling. We have seen zero help from the light forces, no matter what they say. The human suffering gets worse every day, and they seem to be on vacation and not very worried about us. I can guarantee you one thing: the light forces will pay for their sins with their karma, because there is no escaping that. We greatly regret the lack of intervention and integrity. The Galactic Federation has the power to implement change. Humanity has been wrongfully treated with disrespect. If the Galactic Federation cannot hold the Spiritual Law of Oneness, it will no longer exist. In this case, we will replace them with completely new Guardians with Divine Light Resonance. The Galactic Federation has already been put on notice and is fully aware of what is stated here. We will not allow this corruption to go unchecked any longer. Unfortunately, all this is just empty talk and nice stories, which don't serve anyone until there is real physical action taken against the dark forces. This is not helping anyone; we have just more stories with no physical action. We waited for many years to see something. We want big cabal players arrested and a sign to the earth people. It begins.

    The only hope of our free survival is the much-anticipated, imminent invasion of the true Andromedan and Sirian armed forces of the remaining seven inner planets in order to annihilate the Draconians of the Moon and Lilith, North Pole Kronians.

    Andromedan Message

    1. Salvatore Lucania, that video was made 11 years ago. So, your argument of all talk and no intervention could be used against the video's claims. The ones behind the video in your comment - the Group of Hellenic Re-Establishment as they call themselves - their first blog post was December 27, 2009.

      Light can be felt from the meditations, so I'm not going to be preoccupied with who's telling the truth, instead keeping it simple.

    2. Actually Salvatore Lucania, oops, their first blog post was November 13, 2009. That's over 14 years of no action from the Group of Hellenic Re-establishment's 'commonwealth of planets.' And maybe they were saying this stuff before being online - probably. Why make a projection against 2012 Portal when the alternative information you post has been around for over 14 years?

    3. starlight... based on his pattern.. maybe already a year or so or less since he been using this nick.. i would say he has shown the characteristics of someone who is here just to stirr things up not in a fair manner.. whether he getting paid for this i dont know.

      he seems to be wanting to play the role of antaginist toward the light forces no matter if his posts could be or has been debated and or disproof.

  51. Here is Finnish translation of this article / Tässä on suomenkielinen käännös tästä artikkelista:

    Telegram group for Finnish translations of Portal / Telegramryhmä suomennetuille Portal artikkeleille:

  52. Dear all. I live in South India, Tamil Nadu and I'd like to help with cintamani light grid. I've already participated in this project here in Auroville to strengthen the light grid, 5 years back and Last year again. I opened a fundraising at Milaap under the name Strengthening of the planetary light grid. If you feel guided, please support this wonderful cause.
    Thank you Cobra for your guidance, thank you light forces, thank you all lightworkers and lightwarriors for your amazing and dedicated work and especially for keeping the light. Love to all and Victory of the light 🙏

    1. Dear Sashka,

      Can you please send a link for this fundraising campaign?

      This is definitely a service to others project that I would love to support - especially as Cobra asked for people in India to plant Cintamanis.


    1. I took a look at the health information in the video that said to do a bunch of greens like spinach. Such foods are very high in oxalates, making them unhealthy. Maybe boil the spinach and rinse it a few times? That would maybe reduce the oxalates. The fact that oxalates are not mentioned... I give their health advice a low rating.

      I'm asking myself more and more with this kind of information, how does it really benefit people? The health information is extremely watered down. They'll talk about vegetables, but they never talk about plant alchemy. It's always the same with these people.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  54. The fact the light forces keep using wording like "things will get interesting" shows how detached they are from the suffering on the surface. It seems like they can't see our perspective that there is nothing "interesting" about what is going on. We just want it to end and move on. I am glad they find it "interesting" though. Is that why they keep delaying and delaying and delaying? Do they consider us just some lab project they are interested in observing for their entertainment regardless of how much we are suffering?

  55. Thanks Cobra for the update.🌟🙏

  56. Es español, en castellano:
    And a Happy New Year 2024!!

  57. Good update.I wish you all a happy New Year)

  58. Vietnamese translation of this article:

  59. Dear Cobra and italian friends! Here is the Italian translation of the Ascension Protocols Workshop by Cobra, on December 20th, in India: Grazie mille Sabina B. !! Tanti auguri di Nuovo Anno e Vittoria della Luce!

  60. It has already been revealed that it is actually the White/Grey Hats who are delaying the first contact-

    Also, are the humans who are currently present in the Pleiades star cluster misbehaving with the Pleiadeins? If yes then what are they doing? Fighting wars or what?

  61. From Project Camelot : it’s all about who is going to rule the world… WHO IS literally going to attempt to rule the world

    The Aldebaran Conspiracy

    We know that during WWII the Nazis were given off-planet technology from a race from Aldebaran. That race communicated first with Maria Orsic and eventually with the rest of the Third Reich. The Foo Fighters were the result of this secret German space program and their is evidence that a deal was made in which the Germans were told by this group of humanoid beings that they could not use the technology they had been given to win the war. Instead they would need to wait for a future time. It seems that time has now come.

    Recently I released the information learned from a secret whistleblower, confirmed by Gordon Duff, FORMER Editor of Veterans TodayCIA agent. Then further confirmed by 2 other highly trusted sources. The info relates to what was said to be a deal made with the beings from Aldebaran, who had destroyed 2 of their Earth-like planets in the Aldebaran system. Their people needed another place to go and our secret space program agreed to give them the continent of Africa in exchange for help with terraforming and colonizing the other planets for our people.

    I was told that some governments here on our planet objected to this deal (those who were aware of the deal). But their objections were ignored.

    The people from Aldebaran are said to be typical blond haired blue eyed Nordic in appearance but in order to blend in with the populations of Africa they were able to change the color of their skin and hair in essence to shape shift to look like typical Africans. Immigration records showed a sudden up swing in population specifically in South Africa. It was said that hidden runways already in use to move gold off the planet to the Anunnaki were used to transport populations. Once they arrived in South Africa they crossed the border and dispersed into the interior. Exact numbers are not known.

    I was told by one source that these beings are “fascist” following a top down dictatorial form of societal organization and government. And there is some reason to believe that these beings though humanoid on the surface are also reptilian or reptilian-humanoid hybrids. Like the Reptilians, the Nazis aka fascists follow a hierarchical model.

    1. they(good or bad guys) might be feeding her( or contacts) information that is mixed true with lies.. or old info... not applicable at this time. or being misinterpreted (intentional or not)

      if the aldebaran already communicated to the powers that be the intent of removal of bad guys or corruption as posted on previous posts, what you can be sure.. all wheels had been turned to try to create friction and division

      Karry Cassity may mean well but unfortunately you cant be certain efforts to spread disinfo will be attempted even thru those we hope are trying to keep things as honest as possible.

      are we to assume these individuals.. (the trusted sources) are speaking from an "eye wide opened" level..or they still holding prejudices and minimum knowledge as far as the game that has been played for ages...

      you have to remember... we dealing with individuals that would decline good guys suggestion to agree to a cease fire or stopping the war in ukraine.. and the best reason they gave was... that they would not accept the agreement because is against their religion. (the very one thing that has been used to keep humanity in perpetual wars.. and control)

      in other words. we dealing with individuals still holding on to the matrix system...
      whether they realize it or not they may be working truly against liberation as they hold on to old knowledgee and beliefs...

      my understanding.. . Gaia.. or humanity will be guided not by one group.. different beings are part of this operation..

      the aldebarans are next inline to continue this particular phase or break down but all other beings are still part of the project.

      this is me understanding.

      why dont they mention Saint Germain.. the contribution by the other star beings...

      because it does not fit the argument they want to create.. which is division and opposition toward the group that is next inline for contact.. n removal of bad guys...

      basically.. this attempt is a cheat shot.

      if we want truth.. i am hoping when the time comes we willd hear it from different sources that you as individual will trust.. whether is Saint Germain n plaedians and andromedans ...once they all make the information public.. we should know for certain at leats where the truth rest

  62. Look at Peoject Camelots recent telegram posts 12/31

    1. they(good or bad guys) might be feeding her( or contacts) information that is mixed true with lies.. or old info... not applicable at this time. or being misinterpreted (intentional or not)

      if the aldebaran already communicated to the powers that be the intent of removal of bad guys or corruption as posted on previous posts, what you can be sure.. all wheels had been turned to try to create friction and division

      Karry Cassity may mean well but unfortunately you cant be certain efforts to spread disinfo will be attempted even thru those we hope are trying to keep things as honest as possible.

      are we to assume these individuals.. (the trusted sources) are speaking from an "eye wide opened" level..or they still holding prejudices and minimum knowledge as far as the game that has been played for ages...

      you have to remember... we dealing with individuals that would decline good guys suggestion to agree to a cease fire or stopping the war in ukraine.. and the best reason they gave was... that they would not accept the agreement because is against their religion. (the very one thing that has been used to keep humanity in perpetual wars.. and control)

      in other words. we dealing with individuals still holding on to the matrix system...
      whether they realize it or not they may be working truly against liberation as they hold on to old knowledgee and beliefs...

      my understanding.. . Gaia.. or humanity will be guided not by one group.. different beings are part of this operation..

      the aldebarans are next inline to continue this particular phase or break down but all other beings are still part of the project.

      this is me understanding.

      why dont they mention Saint Germain.. the contribution by the other star beings...

      because it does not fit the argument they want to create.. which is division and opposition toward the group that is next inline for contact.. n removal of bad guys...

      basically.. this attempt is a cheat shot.

      if we want truth.. i am hoping when the time comes we willd hear it from different sources that you as individual will trust.. whether is Saint Germain n plaedians and andromedans ...once they all make the information public.. we should know for certain at least where the truth rest

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  63. This comment has been removed by the author.

  64. Belle et heureuse Nouvelle Année 2024 à toutes et tous, une belle Libération Planétaire cette Année, Un Evènement aussi rapide que possible, la Joie, l'Amour, la Santé, la Sécurité, l'Abondance en tout domaine, la Paix pour toute la Planète et la vie Sensible qui l'habite, un magnifique Soutien aux Forces de Lumières sous, sur et au dessus de la Planète, merci Cobra et tous les Travailleurs et Guerriers de Lumière. <3 <3 <3 Sandrine Veilleuse des Energies de Gaïa

  65. perhaps pfc or some organization we can trust... can compile from email members send suggested locations for rental properties at low group prices.. like houses to rent for 2 nights fot 4-6 people (bedrooms doors have locks lol) - ideally minus ghost cryptics and/or minus psychos.

    group rental may be cheaper than paying for hotels = expense can be shared. heck even land for camping (minus cryptics and psychos)

  66. Carry Cassidy seems ti contradict your recent posts is she controlled opposition od gas her information changed

    Víťazstvo Svetla!!!

  68. You can see the phoenix here,
    The lyrics say it all, it was more interesting then

  69. I am from India. But as an Indian I see huge progress in every aspect be it military, economy, GDP growth, diplomacy, infrastructure, logistics, defence etc. and etc. under this Current BJP led Government by PM Narendra Modi. He and his cabinet ministers ses to be holy and spiritual. Are all these just an illusion for us the 1.4 billion Indians?

  70. I was excited to purchase a ticket to the Phoenix Conference BUT - NONE OF THE LINKS WORK so I can't. My friends in Sedona have the same problem. I reported to the conference email link about a week ago, but have heard nothing from them. Can someone please give me an alternative way to buy a ticket????

    1. Hello Leostar,
      I am am Mimi one of the Phoenix conference organizers. We are unsure why the link to purchase tickets isn't working for you since many sales are going through daily? Are you using the Tickets/Shop link to select tickets? One issue may be to try a different browser like Chrome, or Mozilla etc. If you still have issues, please email me at: We can get you and others a ticket via credit card payments asap

  71. Below is my translation of the workshop article in Chinese.


    Disclaimer: I personally did not attend to the workshop so it might be unreliable. Should there be any discrepancies, the original text should be referred to

  72. Arabic translation of this post/الترجمة العربية لهذا المنشور:
    لكي يتم إعلامك فورًا بترجمة جديدة ، يمكنك متابعتنا على تيليجرام:
