Sunday, February 18, 2024

Planetary Situation Update and Phoenix Conference Report

About 15 minutes before Pluto entered Aquarius, the following small asteroid impacted the planetary surface near Berlin:

With Pluto in Aquarius, existence of underground tunnel networks is going mainstream:

As Pluto progresses though Aquarius, the dark forces on the surface are deeper and deeper into fear:

Clearing of the Indian and African Illuminati networks is proceeding with full speed. All their bases throughout the Solar system were cleared a few days ago, and when the Aldebarans were removing their last ships in Low Earth orbit, this was brought to the attention of the surface governments:

And no, it was not the Russians:

Of the Indian and African Illuminati networks, only about 50,000 members in the tunnels below temples in India and about 70,000 members in the tunnel networks below Subsaharan Africa are still remaining. These are expected to be cleared in a few weeks as well.

The main problem aside the surface Illuminati network is a remnant of the Illuminati Breakaway Complex (IBC) that escaped the clearing process between 2018 and 2020, and remained inactive until now:

On February 8th, Orsini family has activated the IBC in order to prevent the Resistance movement starting the surface operations.

The first thing they did was to activate one part of physical biochips that escaped detection of the Light forces and was inactive until now. This part of the biochips is a backup processor that is able to send audio video feed from the brain synapse signals via cell phone tower network into the main processing center which, according to sources, is located in an underground facility near the border of Guinea and Sierra Leone. Although this biochip activity is weak, it does represent an added layer of control upon the surface population and it moderately disturbs the plans of the Resistance for the surface operations. The Light forces will use their technologies to deactivate that part of the physical biochips relatively soon.

The IBC has currently about 18 million mainly Reptilian and Draco members in humanoid bodies on the physical plane, scattered throughout bases in the Solar system, mainly in the Kuiper belt, and with a small base even on Mars. These bases are connected with a network of jumprooms. All this will also be cleared relatively soon.



On the physical plane, the main stronghold of the IBC is a network of underground tunnels in Western Africa, especially in southern part of Senegal, in Gambia, Guinea, Sierra Leone, Liberia, Ivory Coast, Ghana, Togo, Benin and in western Nigeria. This network consists of about 100,000 Reptilians and Dracos in humanoid bodies. Some of them emerge to the surface and are then infiltrated into Europe through southern Italy posing as migrants.

Another smaller stronghold is in a tunnel network beneath Colombia and northwestern Brazil, with about 15,000 Reptilians and Dracos in humanoid bodies. Some of them emerge to the surface and are then trafficked as migrants into the US through the Darien Gap:

Both physical subsurface strongholds of the IBC are connected with Solar system bases with jumprooms, constantly replenishing the supply of Dracos and Reptilians in both locations.

West African IBC stronghold is also connected to the network of secret biolabs in Africa, all of them under the control of the Orsini family:

Guinea and Guinea Bissau are the center of a Reptilian dark vortex portal that suppresses Goddess energy. This leads to the horrible living conditions for women in that area:

The whole area of Western Africa which is now the location of the underground IBC complex was participating in the transatlantic slave trade for centuries, and that led to horrible energetic conditions in that region:

Much healing is needed there, and the Light forces are asking as many Cintamani and Galactic Cintamani stones to be safely planted in the Western Africa where the IBC complex is located (blue ellipse on the map), and in Subsharan Africa in general.

As you can see on the map, very few Cintamani stones now exist there:



Our Ascension Conference in Phoenix was very successful. We have laid the foundation for the energy work that needs to be done for the United States in this year to go through the transition in the most harmonious and peaceful way possible.

The conference notes are here:



Our Chinese team has developed a very interesting app that can connect Lightworkers worldwide.

The English version of the app is here:

And the Chinese version here:

Victory of the Light!



  1. Rejoignez "PREPARE FOR CHANGE FRANÇAIS OFFICIEL " L'UNIQUE chaîne YOUTUBE OFFICIELLE de l'équipe française du réseau "Prepare For Change" (liée au réseau PFC et qui remplace la chaîne "Libération planétaire et Ascension" qui sera supprimée ) avec des vidéos/émissions explicatives+méditations+outils spirituels...
    (Merci de largement partager 🙂) 
    Nous avons perdu une partie des Replay d'émissions mais nous en referons🎥 
    Groupe officiel Prepare For Change pour la France et les pays francophones
    “Prepare For Change #France#Francophonie"
    Page Facebook officielle du site français Prepare For Change “Prepare For Change Francophone”
    Liste officielle des groupes officiels PREPARE FOR CHANGE en Europe liés au réseau 
    vous y trouverez des sous-groupes intéressants y compris des méditations, emissions,articles,salons vocaux…
    facebook "Libération planétaire et Ascension"

    1. Declaration for support the forces of light

      Until them, surface humanity can accelerate the removal of the Lurker by healing their relationship traumas and sexuality traumas, because that is the deepest place where the Lurker tends to hide.

      Anybody can get healing in monthly ascended master and stellar rays healing sessions:

      What the single person can contribute to get rid of the opressors of this Planet, besides the meditation? I mean, in more active way .

      Spread the intel, plant Cintamanis, be kind and loving.

      🖐🏻️ It is time to forget our apparent differences and join forces in our fight for freedom. It is time to admit that nobody among us has total understanding and absolutely correct view of reality. If somebody has a different point of view, it does not mean he is automatically a disinfo agent. So it is time for each one of us to allow others to be who they are. We are all human beings. We all make mistakes. It is time now to forgive. And then join forces. United we stand, divided we fall.

      Archons and their minions will try to provoke you. It is natural and human to feel anger, fear, doubt or impatience. But do not act on it. Just calmly observe your emotions, take a few breaths, maybe play your favourite song and then decide how to act.

      Do not engage in violence, whether physical (rioting, violent revolution) or verbal (attacking messengers on the internet, hateful comments to anyone, relationship quarrels). Violence will NOT solve our problems. Clearly planned and focused action will.

      Focus instead on beauty, nature, meditation. Find calmness within. And when you need to act, act from that calmness.

    2. @Libra
      Like being Qui Gon Jinn, or Mace Windu.

  2. Bonjour à tous🙂
    Nos émissions reprendrons dès le mois de Mars✨.
    Nous prévoyons :
    1)une émission pour Déprogrammer les implants+Annuler contrats d'âmes négatifs+Protections / Méditations
    2) Une émission pour expliquer la conférence de Cobra à Phoenix (avec photos / vidéos autorisées , illustrations, slides, méditations en direct...Nous vous referons vivre la conférence et vous y transporterons géographiquement, intellectuellement et énergétiquement 💖)
    Les dates restent à déterminer📅.
    N'oubliez donc pas de vous abonner à notre nouvelle chaine "PREPARE FOR Change FRANÇAIS OFFICIEL "
    car l'ancienne (Libération planétaire et Ascension) sera supprimée
    Si vous connaissez des personnes qui ont assisté à la conférence et qui parlent français, merci de me contacter en privé.
    Comme vous le savez, nous avons perdu des Replay d'émissions. Si certains d'entre vous ont enregistré des émissions et / ou pris des captures d'écran, merci de me contacter en privé.

    Merci à tous pour votre aide, votre compréhension et votre patience 🌹

  3. Join "PREPARE FOR CHANGE FRANCAIS OFFICIEL" THE ONLY OFFICIAL YOUTUBE channel of the French team of the "Prepare For Change" network (linked to the PFC network and replacing the "Libération planétaire et Ascension " channel which will be deleted) with explanatory videos/broadcasts+meditations+spiritual tools+Livestreams...
    (Thanks for sharing widely 🙂 )
    We have lost some recordings of our broadcasts but we will do new broadcasts 🎥
    Official Prepare For Change group for France and French-speaking countries
    "Prepare For Change #France#Francophonie"
    Official Facebook page of the French Prepare For Change website "Prepare For Change Francophone".
    Official list of PREPARE FOR CHANGE groups in Europe linked to the network 
    you will find interesting sub-groups including meditations, broadcasts, articles, voice chats/ vocal saloons...


  4. Life Source



    1. app邀请码是votl,欢迎来自世界各地的光工朋友!
      welcome light workers from all over the world, app invitation code is votl

  6. Hello everyone🙂
    Our French broadcasts will restart from March✨.
    We are planning:
    1)A broadcast to Deprogram implants+ soul contracts cancelation+Protections / Meditations.
    2) A broadcast to explain Cobra's conference in Phoenix (with authorised photos/videos, illustrations, slides, live meditations...We'll bring the conference back to life for you and transport you there geographically, intellectually and energetically 💖)
    The dates are still to be determined📅.
    So don't forget to subscribe to our new channel "PREPARE FOR Change FRANÇAIS OFFICIEL "
    because the old one (+Libération planétaire et Ascension ) will be deleted.
    If you know anyone who attended the conference and can speak French, please contact me privately
    As you know, we've lost some replay / recordings. If any of you have recorded broascasts and/or taken screenshots, please contact me privately.

    Thank you for your help, understanding and patience 🌹

  7. merci beaucoup Cobra pour ces nouvelles, Gratitude aux Forces de lumières Courage et Victoire de la Lumière
    Sandrine Veilleuse des Energies de Gaïa

  8. Thanks Cobra for the update.
    French translation of the conference notes / Les notes de la conférence en français :

    Jour 1 :

    Jour 2 :

    Victory of the Light! Victoire de la Lumière !

    1. French translation of the post / L'article en français :
      Victory of the Light! / Victoire de la Lumière !

  9. German translation of this article / deutsche Übersetzung dieses Artikels:

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Yeah maybe 999 would be a luckier number to choose ahha

  12. We must win immediately now, and I am worried about the situation of the people on the surface(我们必须马上胜利,我对现在地表民众的情况忧心忡忡)

  13. I am very confused why a starseed website should have this strange number.....

    1. Hi, the number 666 is linked to the Goddess. Cobra has already explained it. All the Goddess symbols are used and distorted by the Cabal in order that you react like this

  14. Recent Light&Hold the light🌇🎆

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Cool to hear that things are progressing nicely. I guess we should expect that the dark would have a few tricks up their sleeves with their last stronghold in this Universe. Seems like less battles lately and more being bait... Luring darkness out of it's hiding states/frequencies here and right to the Great Central Sun for recycling. I'm tired of dealing with evil, and ready to celebrate final victory!🎆🎇🥳😎

    1. To add to my previous comment... I've done my fair share of bitching and moaning about this taking so long. But I think the main reason is that Light beings (positive ETs, Archangels, etc...) can't find all the dark energies/entities. You must have at least a little darkness in your aura/ energy field to locate/sense it. That's why they need us incarnated ones as "demon bait". The dark portals (jump rooms) haven't been destroyed because it's pulling all remaining evil to Earth for a final reconning. Does anyone else want to have to incarnate again on another 3D planet? I sure as hell don't!!! Let's finish this on Earth once and for all!✌️❤️

  17. Czech translation of this article:

  18. For people who are not Chinese, you can go to twitter search 'starseedsland' and get the avalibale link.
    And if you fail in doing all this and have the problem below.
    My gmail is .
    My phone number is 13717644937
    I have Session also you can find me on onion. just leave a comment I will go there.
    We shall work out the problem there.

    Below is some thing of mine
    Put it at beginning. I have to say I'm not that always excited...

    I'm little annoyed about this. The spread of this app is really...poor efficiency. Poor!Poor! And I didn't see the invitation code on the site that means even if you download it successfully you still can't use the app.

    I don't know whether he intionally doing that. Maybe he thinks I just need to give little guidance, and let others work all out themself. And not giving the correct link protect the right one. (probably not, cause I got some resistance too)

    Probably. But,
    Unsuffice communication cause unecessary suspection.
    And I 'm the one on the passive side.

    Even though working this out all by oneself is...not that impossible. Just...need little experience of 'internet trusure hunting' . Or, if you ever watch the movie 'excape plan' you can do what the characters in that did too. But, is ones have to?

    I believe, most workers can't do that and don't have any experience of that! And, I feel the anger of privilege! Did you try that app?
    And seems the people of those famous sites amoung us...Quite have no experience.
    And one day I'll really meet one to see whether they are just the kind 'I love my family and my family love me' but actualy just can't see the damage they are doing by just one glance

    You, in the latest conference. Expressed some kind of 'unsatisfaction' of those on high.

    No. I don't think quite so. They are samely a society that means their spirit level, some are high some are low. And I believe, this delay, was already be seen decades ago, from those not in that specific segment, probably all.

    Maybe this comment is probably the result of that conference

    Maybe is the attact from dark prevent forward progress. But how can know the excatly full knowledge of that? By personally experience it?

    And to my surprise I HAVE NEVER SEEN the really PRACTICAL, a CERTAIN WAY, with really the way, what shall you do where shally you focus by how of dealing several common energy attack. The feature of it, when it happens, and the classification. Not just say, using violet fire ( I'm not saying that's useless, but nobody spread full knowledge)

    For the sake of really giving the way of downloading the app, please not delete this comment.
    Or I can write another one just with the way

  19. There it is, just when you think we're just about there, another obstacle appears. The IBC now enters the Fray.
    This has always been the one area in which doubts about Cobra creep in.
    Why is it that Cobra could not have listed all of the obstacles we need to overcome from the beginning? I understand that things change from time to time but problems such as " the Lords of Karma" suddenly come up having never being mentioned before.
    For me Cobra is the only hope I hold, but because I critically think and don't trust to many I do develope doubts when things are looking good and suddenly another barrier appears. Thoughts do enter my mind suggesting that Cobra is fraudulent and sudden obstacles are just an excuse to keep the deceit going on and on.
    Obviously huge apologies if I am wrong, and sorry but I cannot help think this way.

    1. Without an unexpected obstacle appearing in this recurring pattern, the deadlock wouldn't exist as long in the first place.
      Although ATVOR, Cintamani stones, etc. are just enough of a working proof(most oversimplified) that Cobra's intel holds true.
      Ergo, LFs need to start presenting themselves to surface population more and more. Because people haven't seen any real physical 'abnormalities' yet.

    2. Don't apologise for thinking for yourself,,now I read this blog as it is Santa' Barbara because of reasons you said and nobody can tell me I'm wrong and nobody normal can blame me for it

    3. are u serious?... that even if they had a list of ALL actual threats.. assuming that is even possible.. they should have told us???

      be happy we are even told something..

      what exactly tactical benefit would u have in blurring out all that you know. unless u r certain u got all the threats accounted for and all the
      counter measures without fail then i would see sharing all.

      people please climb down from that ideal cloud of expectations.

    4. I don't think you need to apologize for this comment. Any benevolent Light Force out there that is genuinely trying to gather intel from the ground crews, us, will have to take serious note of what you just said.
      These are thoughts I'm battling with daily, myself. And while I understand that complications do tend to pop up, or the devil is in the details as they say, I have a few questions myself.

      What we focus on is what we get, where the energy goes, expands. It is a Hermetic Law and one law of manifestation. How do these delays keep manifesting? Whose negative focus keeps manifesting? Because we can keep chanting "It is done, the light has won" but if in a practical sense we keep looking for more obstacles to "clear up", based on above-said Hermetic law, we create more obstacles.

      Are the Light Forces aware of this dynamic, and if so, do they understand that the more they're looking for the devil in the details, the more they'll keep finding them? And consequently, they'll themselves, even inadvertently, manifest further delays?
      I understand that we, humans, manifest delays, because our understanding is clouded, information is convoluted, our divine DNA is not active, and we're quite war-torn to hold positive thoughts and energy long enough. But the Light Forces? Their understanding of the Laws is not thwarted, their DNA is free of negative modifications, and they surely are the master of their divine energy?
      Non-intervention because "things aren't cleared up enough and we need to look for more things to clear up" is an ouroboros, the snake that bites its own tail, it's never endingly manifesting delays, which then creates more energy that needs to be cleared to overcome, more pain, and more darkness yet again.

      A manifestation principle is to "know that it is done and act accordingly" - but respectfully, are the Light Forces following this principle? Because if they knew that the "light has won" then aren't they supposed to act accordingly, rather than looking for more things to clear up, thereby creating them - instead of "overlooking" them in the first place?

      Again, your question is sincere, logical, and any Light Force that's evolved would rather have intelligent thinkers as partners than fanatics who blindly chant VOTL without ever questioning anything. It's not the people's fault, we were taught to never question anything, by the Dark, but the Light has taught us to evolve out of sheepdom, so here we are, evolving and questioning everything.

      Not to mention, abuse victims can rarely trust fully, and those who've been burnt by the fire fear even the smallest of flames due to PTSD. We have a severe case of PTSD so while we're really trying to do our best, we can't help but deal with thoughts of distrust.
      Granted, we need to work on this too, lest we manifest untrustworthy Light Brethren who, from our perspective, seem to betray us every time we get near the day of victory.
      But most of us here are actively working on our healing and trust issues, which, again, from being reduced to mere survival game, is a very difficult thing to do.

      So definitely your concerns are valid and should be heard.


    5. That’s the way I am also thinking. But I also can’t help but notice that almost all the people who comment here do not get to go on Cobra workshops or conferences because they are just not well off. So the people who get to these events….? Are they the real lightworkers and we commenters are mostly ai psyops with a few dark sleeper cells who ended up choosing the light ( as a result of which, the light does not trust us yet and the dark is punishing us ).
      The root cause of all the doubts, worries and frustration we have is: lack of a better life, no freedom to travel, no spare time for recovery and recreation, constantly getting the hard knocks of life… and for what? The Galactics will only recognize people who come to the conferences and not me because I am invisible and therefore untrustworthy to them. But complaining is bad as some people in this blog have found out, so we keep mum and try to live out our lives with hopes and dreams and then we die (like the Indian scientist family in the movie 2012 which was left behind because only one man knew of him).
      I won’t be surprised that the event happens and we get updates that the light forces will first help somebody other than us and we just need to wait a few more years for our turn.
      Atleast after the event we will be able to smile without starving a reptilian somewhere (and the retaliation that soon follows will also be removed ).
      Our only hope is this blog because internet is cheap and even if no one comes to our rescue there isn’t “JS” we can do about it.

    6. I must concur the endless obstacles these advanced 5D and higher ETs were unaware of?? I find that very hard to believe. Send the solar flash wonder all the qhht people are radio silent all their clients had the solar flash happening already. Let's be honest we all expected the 1st wave by now as we were told 3 waves must happen before 2025
      How can such a divine plan have so many issues? We have actors in masks playing Biden and others..clearly it's not the original
      Nesara wld instantly raise the global vibration freeing billions from debt slavery and the fear and stress it me that's low hanging fruit the galactics and white hats shouldn't implemented already. Rem cobra telling us the good guys tell the bad what their plans are!!?? Next up vaccines in our food...

    7. Same here. I remember all the mass meditations, entering the 2nd and 3rd transition phase, and the progress in clearing trillions of negative beings attached to all humans.

      If the influence of reaching critical mass in mass meditations, going through the phase transitions, reducing the number of negative parasites from thousands to less than a hundred per human, and dissolving our implants is so subtle that we cannot clearly feel any changes yet, then why make a big deal out of them in the first place?
      If we can't tell that these trillions of parasites are gone now, then they were doing nothing to us. We didn't have to worry about them whatsoever.
      If we can't tell that we're in the 3rd transition phase and not the 1st anymore, then what's the point of showing us that phase transition diagram? Might as well just tell us that we're waiting for the Event and the Solar Flash and that's it. Nothing else actually matters.

      On the other hand, Cobra isn't acting like a cult leader. He's staying anonymous and purposely avoids creating a cult of himself. He's not telling anyone how they have to live. Not asking us to do any weird suff (only mass meditations "if we feel so guided"). Not asking for donations and doing very little monetization (only very sporadically recommending tachyon products). And not trying to grow his following. He's even discouraging people from trying to "wake up" others who aren't interested in this type of information.

      So I'm annoyed and confused about the lack of tangible results as well. But Cobra just isn't acting like a fraudster. Over 15 years of continuing this blog with no contradictions in his story or behavior is also way too long and elaborate for a joke.

      So I guess we have to see if anything significant finally happens this or the next year and then we'll know for sure if everything he said is true or not. From this conference's notes we know that now will be the best and only time for something to happen. Even if the Event gets delayed to the next solar maximum in 12 years from now, we should AT LEAST get the ET disclosure. It's also hard to imagine the system not collapsing for 12 more years, especially after the disclosure. And that is supposed to be the time for the Event to happen. So something just has to happen in 2024 or 2025.

    8. @Tropby
      We should also get LEAST some bones thrown our way. For how many here are going to last another 12 years, if this keeps up?

      I mean, even in the movie, "Escape from New York", the prisoners of Manhattan Island were sent food and supplies.
      WE, on the other hand, DON'T.

      I say send the alien tech, the med beds, free energy and so on, and get on with it. We need SOMETHING to keep going....a solider in the trenches or the front lines CAN'T simply get up, dust himself off and happily march back into no man's land when he's all full of bullet wounds, blood loss, infections and with little to no weapons, or even a bottle of water. Especially when the light forces are up THERE in their safer starships, 'sending their love' to us....which, let's face it, means less than nothing down here, much like a politician's promise or a priest's prayers.

  20. 666代表着女神,实际上是一个正面的数字。仔细想一想,所有重复的数字组合都可以是一个天使数字,凭什么只有666会是邪恶的?这不合理。

  21. OMG an update. I have to take this all in.
    I just came over to reveal, in two trusted places online or sources, I have heard that the Light is coming forcefully within two years! 2 years! You know that they never give us dates. That is when the BIG WAR will happen. According to the Federation of Light. Holy ****. I'll be back later.

  22. I got the app. Anyone who can't download it, connect me at
    Also another way, search starseedland at twitter, you can find another link.
    The invitation code is volt.

    (I believe this app is quite bloat, which cause unecessary extra work......don't know what to say. People have works to do, so do I)

  23. You can hear the message from The Ancient Ones here. I was gonna type it but it is too long. It is very good, like earth-shakingly good. It starts at 9.36...

    I'm excited.

  24. And you can hear Federation of Light also mention within two years! 2 years! Wow, the war of WAR. The Big One. Go to 30 secs here...

    Still excited.

  25. What is a registration invitation code? The software requires a registration invitation code.

  26. might be a misspelling of starseeds [streeseeds?] in the header of the English homepage Is the 666 in the domain name for the English app supposed to be scary?

  27. Light workers in Africa who are able and guided to assist with anchoring more Light to that land can contact our grid work team here:

    We are One Family.

  28. In fact, 666 in it's true essence is a number of Light:

    "The Archons are quite skilled occultists. What they do is to take a symbol of Light and use mass media propaganda to entrain people to associate that symbol with darkness, pain and suffering and to suppress Goddess energy. Thus they prevent an enormous amount of Light from flowing into the minds and hearts of people. They have done so with number 666 (once a sacred number of Goddess Venus, now a symbol of the dark forces in the mind of the masses), with the pentagram (once a sacred symbol of Goddess Venus and now a symbol of black magic for the uneducated masses), with Lucifer (once a symbol of Goddess Venus- Light bearer- morning star, now a symbol of the leader of the dark forces for the unaware), with swastika (once a symbol of spiritual evolution and now associated with Nazism).

    You can read a good article about that here: "

  29. "The hum," which is a new form of tinnitus I've been having, started around the 8th of February, which may or may not be connected to the Orsini family activating the biochip backup at that time.

    I'm looking forward to the demise of the dark forces.

    Goddess energy is stated in the Phoenix conference to be of utmost importance for planetary liberation, and also for a smoother transition on the planet surface.

  30. Starseeds Land good

  31. Originally, "666" had something to do with the goddess. The Dark Ones wanted to abduct it from the consciousness of humans.

  32. 6 is the number of abundance and organization. It can be good or bad. We want abundance for all and light based organization. The cabal wants to organize everything into dystopia and own everything.

  33. Google Play Store in the beta phase, if you can not download through the link, you can scan the following QR code to download~

  34. If anyone has a fair amount of disposable income or is financially well off please consider sending a cintamani stone for those who cannot afford one or sending cintamanis to people willing to plant them for the cintamani grid. You can leave a comment about it and people can email their address to you so you know where to send the stones. I could use a few here as well as my brother who lives out of state. I am saving now and will order some soon. Another option is donating to an operation like the new atlantis project.

    1. "One batch of Cintamani stones is now ready for those Lightworkers and Lightwarriors who do not have money to buy one. They will receive the stone for free, they will only need to pay actual shipping costs. These free stones are only meant for personal use, not for burying. If you would like to receive your stone, please contact "

    2. Oh whoops, I thought you were requesting personal stones/burying stones.

      Our team can supply free personal stones to those Light workers/Light warriors who cannot afford them, without an issue.

      Burying stones can possibly be provided for people who are able to assist with critical grid work missions. But definitely it's encouraged to purchase your own burying stones, if you are able. As our team is always working with an extremely limited supply of stones and have to choose wisely where to send them.

    3. @Tranquil Soul, I live on the east coast of south florida. Its somewhat close to bimini and a point on the bermuda triangle. I have family in south carolina which is not on the old atlantean equator but I still considered sending a stone for them as they are somewhat close to mountains. The Appalachian mountains seem like a good galactic cintamani burial spot because of their location near the old equator and mountains if anyone reading has access to the appalaichin trail. I was just curious if any wealthy people were reading and wanted to help.

  35. NOTES OFFICIELLES CONFÉRENCE COBRA ASCENSION PHOENIX 2024(les 2 journées+documents/liens/videos français complémentaires/audio guides,Emission explicative)
    EMISSION EXPLICATIVE SERA DIFFUSEE et replay , Abonnez-vous à notre nouvelle chaine officielle :
    « PREPARE FOR CHANGE FRANÇAIS OFFICIEL  » L’UNIQUE chaîne YOUTUBE OFFICIELLE de l’équipe française du réseau « Prepare For Change »

  36. This meditation was used to clear the IBC, and is therefore still very relevant:

  37. Mulțumim Cobra , așteptam informațiile tale . Victoria Luminii .

  38. A more accurate description: This meditation was used to clear the IBC, so is very relevant to the current situation:

  39. Thank you Cobra for your intel!

    Here is the blog post translation in Bahasa Indonesia:

    and Phoenix conference note in Bahasa Indonesia:

  40. Strona z polskimi tłumaczeniami Cobry - post i notki z konferencji pojawią tutaj na dniach :)

  41. Why don't Light Forces reveal themselves majorly to surface population? Like an agent goes telecasted live, he invokes LFs, and the LFs present themselves in the skies as a proof to everyone that they are here. Then they may offer assistance to humanity that they can build anything humans could wish for or may even beam up some individuals into the Starships who may volunteer to do so and then beam those indivudals down so that they may share their experience with others, with that revelation of Dark Forces or whatever crucial information that is safe to be released.
    Otherwise, most people are as oblivious as they could be. More and more light revelations before the First Contact will help easing out the cultural shock for most people.

    Such a step may be taken, quickly after the threshold of clearance has been touched. It should not be too far away into the future and it should relatively be months earlier than the Event. It may return an unexpected boost in cooperation among surface humanity.

    1. You've just described the Event. Before the Event I expect just UFO and ET disclouseres from governments, and maybe release of some patents with suppressed technology. If not from the US, then from some other countries.

      This will be a lot less shocking than a sudden First Contact. Yes, an official First Contact would immediately wake up everyone. But since we already have on this planet hidden technologies and classified information about UFOs, this should be the logical start of disclosure.

      Probably some 50-90% of people would wake up from just these major conspiracy theories being officially confirmed and proven with physical evidence. Then we'll need at least a few weeks or months to process this and collectively punish who we want to punish for hiding it. After that it shouldn't be a traumatic experience when the official First Contact happens. Even the 10-50% of people who were denying official disclosure as "just a government distraction so we don't notice rich people stealing from us" will at least have heard about the disclusure and won't be as surprised when ETs show up for the official First Contact.

    2. What about best world hackers =RM put some money on somones account =somone who neeeeeeeeds it very very much and I'm not only one . You speak about big steps and I'm talking about small small ones.But you won't see that till Event if you see it at all

    3. Taken over by the enthusiasm of the moment, true objectivity is often lost. That's obviously the description of the 'just before the Event' period. Such a thing not happening is clear that we're not there yet. Lots of cleansing to proceed. Nevertheless, Light Forces need to provide more energies to the Lightworkers to keep sanity intact to a degree after relentless attacks.

    4. Can we even depend on GOVERNMENT to properly disclose?
      I don't. And what of those who distrusts the government totally if they give disclosure?

      I say the aliens need to SHOW UP, LAND and start contact.
      For those folks who 'freak out', TO HELL with them. WE tried to wake em up for decades.....nothing. And last thing we need are blood sucking government people making themselves into heroes or getting carved into Mt. Rushmore for being the 'disclosure people'. You know they will try to exploit this.

      Stop pandering to joe sixpack and plane jane. Just start contact and be done with it. I wanna go HOME, damn it.

  42. 666 is a number symbolizing Venus or Ishtar in this case.

  43. From the Phoenix Conference Notes, it's clear that the Light Forces are lacking certain insights and are running under a lot of assumptions. More and more interventions may clear those assumptions away. Like manifesting abundance is not an easy task when we're running on a very narrow levels of energies, and lack of replicators, etc.

    Furthermore, excessive delays not only stabilize the situation but also provide the Dark Forces time to create new plots of control. Therefore, there must be a balance between more interventions and stabilization, with slightly higher priority to interventions. Delays greatly benefit the Dark Forces and that is a fact! Hence, more active involvement is a must!

    1. my guess they already know this. my guess they utilize some form of predictive method. statistical analysis etc. where i assume this is taken into account.

      the end results have been similar so many a times one has to conclude such madness was expected.. i.e. a expected side effect.

      sort of end justifying the means.

      in our eyes such methods may seem naive.. or due to lacking insight. But if we take into account that we not dealing with mere conventional methods nor with average humans.. then our eagerness to correct subsides... granted that yes before they have claimed not understanding humanity which is hard to swallowed since they been watching for so long. however this is the 11th hour.. the not understanding human doesnt cut it at this point.. however who they need to understand most are the enemies.

      naiveness about the. at this plint shluld be unacceptae

    2. 我認為越多干預可以消除越多假設,直到假設不再增長從而越來越少。

    3. Exactly. Some information was less useful then my own intelligence. It's clear they aren't close enough to the situation. But I appreciate the camaraderie with our star friends. Use your own inner guidance. Cobra is one man doing his best.

    4. YES. THIS. Direct intervention NOW!!!

    5. @DH No amount of intellectual observation can provide them with what it actually feels like to be here. Assumptions, get clear over time but only after a First person experience. They're quite full of Life and Vibrations, so they mustn't be able to decipher the experience of Bone-Dryness, Absolute Disconnection from Source, and Excessive Anomaly, Subconsciousness Manipulation and Restricted Free Will.

      Already sounds like the most unacceptable thing, but they've way too many idealistic notions that need to be dropped.

      An upgraded ATVOR volume would be the most welcome thing at this point. Maybe when it hits 20-25%(about 1.5 times more than current intensity), will it be touching the true healing point. But prior to that we would need to bear this slow suffocating torture.

  44. Hi, 666 is a number linked to the Goddess as the Pentagram. Cobra has talked about it and all the distorsions from the Cabal about the light symbols.

  45. This comment has been removed by the author.

  46. Same in regards to the manji and swastika

  47. Thank you dear Cobra, Light Forces and Resistance Movement! It is a very expected update, including the important Notes of the Phoenix Ascension Conference, congratulations for the huge success!! Here are the links for Romanian translation, on the blog: and on Cobra Romanian Telegram Channel: Victory of the Light!

  48. These guys keep pulling entities out of their asses. At lest it is only 18 million now, which means hopefully they will be wiped out faster.

  49. I told you everything is infiltrated it doesn't matter anymore things will play out regardless...

  50. So svastika is OK simbol to use ?? I know they take good simbols and corrupt them but again it could be 888 what would be infinity or 333 or whatever. If you guys where correct then nobody would have problems with that and what about new people who get interested in this ,,what will they think?? Nothing good is my opinion


    Croatian standard newspaper = they actually sell them in paper form and there is Internet one,,somthing positive,,but they have republished it from link I've provided,,I'll post Croatian link in next comment so people don't think I'm somone I'm not


  53. V slovenščini:

    Vabljeni na našo stran na Facebooku:

    Vabljeni v našo skupino Sestrstva Vrtnice in Podpore Dogodka na Facebooku:

    Thank you for the post Cobra.

    Victory of the Light!

  54. They have been messing with everyone's dreams with technology recently cobra ,I experienced it myself last week not what's this project dreamland again??? Because I do believe in coincidences but still yet to see one,I just want to make one thing clear I follow no saints...


  56. Yes. No matter what 666 is supposed to represent, it's not going help get the most ppl to come to the light. There are going to be ppl that will be fear to download the app because they have been told that the number 666 represents the devil, Satan, evil, the number of perdition, reptilian masters, etc
    If they want the most ppl, should change the number to 333 or something, 777 which most ppl think of as good luck. Anything but 666.

  57. At present, you can use the following link to download.

  58. the app address cointains 666 sequence ... everyone knows ...

  59. Anyone managed to get the invitation code to the app? I tried to email them but it says that this email address does not exist :D

    1. the code is votl.

      this is their twitter.if you have any problem you can PM them

  60. The registration invitation code is "votl" which is supplied in the web.

  61. Here is the Italian translation link on the blog: and the post on Italian Cobra Telegram Channel: Grazie Cobra!! Vittoria della Luce!

  62. we are still waiting like meat for defeat... no change... 2025... then you can choose another years... or your whole life...suffering still continues -!-

  63. Hello All,

    I own a tachyon chamber and I am guided to sell it to a Lightworker as my living conditions are changing and I will not be able to use the chamber. I believe I and my family have received the healing needed. It has been truly an amazing adventure to have a chamber.

    I am located on the east coast in the US and depending on where you are, I may be able to deliver the chamber to you.

    I can be reached at for more details.


    1. @SummerSun, out of curiosity what state do you reside and how much would you sell the chamber for?

  64. The Conference notes are unclear from over-translation. From the original English into Japanese then back into English. Is it possible to get the original English version?

  65. I feel like most lightworkers don't trust the light forces anymore, and no wonder; I'm not surprised, really, and I don't blame them because of the lack of action and intervention. Unfortunately, there is too much empty talk and not enough action, so I understand how most people are feeling. We have seen zero help from the light forces, no matter what they say. The human suffering gets worse every day, and they seem to be on vacation and not very worried about us. I can guarantee you one thing: the light forces will pay for their sins with their karma, because there is no escaping that. We greatly regret the lack of intervention and integrity. The Galactic Federation has the power to implement change. Humanity has been wrongfully treated with disrespect. If the Galactic Federation cannot hold the Spiritual Law of Oneness, it will no longer exist. In this case, we will replace them with completely new Guardians with Divine Light Resonance. The Galactic Federation has already been put on notice and is fully aware of what is stated here. We will not allow this corruption to go unchecked any longer. Unfortunately, all this is just empty talk and nice stories, which do not serve anyone until there is real physical action taken against the dark forces. This is not helping anyone; we have just more stories with no physical action. We waited for many years to see something. We want big cabal players arrested and a sign to the earth people.

    1. Two things come into mind while reading this: An old friend of mine (long dead) told me once on the question how he keeps humanity relations "Most of them are bad, very few are worth to be cared of." Second: Nothing happens on earth.... . Look at Michael Baxters website If you need all written. Good luck.

  66. Write about reptilians contacting people telling them that they are also reptilians, also reptilians pretend to be Pleiadians or our soul mates while contacting us. How many of them are really incarnated here?

    1. I wish they would contact me,,so boring

    2. Good grief, this is NOT happening. If a reptilian contacted you, you would know it. If reptilians were running around trying to talk to people, you would know it. Being psychic means that - you are psychic and you get all the energy of the reptilians. I've been contacted by Archons long ago, I was 16, and I didn't even know I was psychic. These "two old men" contacted me, and they wouldn't even get me to answer them. 1) they weren't human 2)they were faking it 3)it was VERY obvious.
      Besides, all the reptilians are going. Puff, gone. There's not anything they can do.
      You must think psychic people are dumb. Duh.

  67. Woah, is anybody gonna talk about how Cobra thinks Biden is a real person? Even my 12 yo knows it's a dude in a mask, like 3 different ones and that the real Biden is long gone. Or that Cobra thinks there may be an election? Yeah, no way that's happening....Not that there wasn't good info at the conference, but it's clear that not just one person/contactee has all the answers. Your inner guidance is truly the best borameter. I appreciate Cobras work as a 12 year follower. 🙋🏻‍♀️❤️ Votl!!

  68. Is there a map where you see where the Cintemani stones are, if that is information that can be disclosed? Cobra posted a pic in this post with the Cintemani stones of Africa. But is there a map with all stones?

  69. Rem years ago if the dark ones engaged the Galactics in kinetic warfare it would all be over very quickly many ago did that happen we were told Draco ships engaged the galactic fleet..just saying we have to be honest here.

  70. lets connect together in the app and be thankful for the lghtforces and cobra

  71. 6 protons 6 neutrons 6 electrons make 1 carbon atom,hence the number of man...

  72. Accepted that it was originally a sacred number but it has been profoundly corrupted and is universally understood at the point in time to indicate evil. The absence of common sense in using that number defies belief. By the way, the website is unreadable except for those with x-ray vision

  73. Okay, I am reading the Cobra notes and they are amazing so far!
    I'm at the part where they are removing the subquantum structure, where it will not be supported anymore. Wow. This is how the darkness is leaving... it simply won't be supported in the new reality. Have I read that right? Because THAT IS AMAZING. Goodbye Darkness. So long forever!!

    "Archangel Mikael is very positive being." That is from Cobra. So AA Michael is good :) But why did that article say he was bad, on Cobra's site. Like I thought, some of it is bad info...

    From Cobra. "This is taken from a website of the economist Martin Armstrong. He is a very interesting person who predicted the future based on the idea of “cycles” of events as he understands. Very few people understand that the cycle is everything. His program predicted a collapse in the western civilization in the beginning of September this year. This is just a prediction based on his understanding of the different cycles. But I tell you this for you to understand that we are now in the end of a cycle and the beginning of a new one."

    Cobra says "The moon is a natural object, but it was put here artificially to a synchronized orbit millions of years ago by a very advanced race called galactic central race or builder race. With the orbit, it can create beautiful eclipses to anchor sun and moon energy to this planet. In the moon, there are many underground structures. Some of them are built intensely by reptilian races that are coming to the end with the liberation of the planet."
    Wow interesting.
    His astrology stuff is really worth reading.

    The translators English is pretty bad. There is no way I can understand half of what he says.

    Well, I'm half way through Day 1. It's rough going trying to understand what is going on, but pretty interesting.

  74. Cobra a 3d erőművek fogynak. Hamarosan összeomlik a 3d. Nem tudok várni mert a föderáció által kért csapda 25 ben aktiválodik. A bolygó elpusztul lelkestül együtt. Csak úgy lehetséges hatástalanítani hogy a 3d megszünik.

  75. Can anyone care about the awakening situation in mainland China? The information censorship here is really exaggerated. I think Aldebaran people should give priority to contacting China’s leaders.

  76. Hmm, I can't help it now. I was really, REALLY put off archangel Michael. It was when I used to talk to Kryon, who is meant to be a part of Michael, and there was this whole romance thing going on, and I ran so fast. I can't go back and I don't even want to. I mean, blah. Anyway, sorry Cobra. I just can't go back to AAM. Sorry about that.

  77. invitation code is votl

  78. pls be patient my friend.because this app is develop by only a small group of lightworkers in China so we need more help and advices.Love and Light to you all.

  79. yes the original 666 is connected with Goddess Venus actually.

  80. Arabic translation of this post/الترجمة العربية لهذا المنشور:
    لكي يتم إعلامك فورًا بترجمة جديدة ، يمكنك متابعتنا على تيليجرام:

  81. re: starseeds land

    what about a version for PC (windows) ?

    many thanks!

    p.s. doesn't work

    1. They change the email address cause the ex one was hacked.You can click the english version link and find it

  82. 各位,请坚持到最后。这个世界被劫持了,并且被恶意的污染了。这造成大量的异常和创伤。通过劫持和纂改,坏人得以诞生,病毒覆盖了整个世界。这场战争的结束,是一个新的进化的开始。重新校准对齐光,唯一的解药是自己内在的光。必须让自己开始理解光,显示光,连接光。从自己的周围开始慢慢改变,逆转所有的事情。

  83. Okay I seem to have an okay now to reveal this, and it is about the Pleiadians, and how they have suffered. It is a bit of a story from a few years ago. I had vertigo at the time but I didn't realise yet it was vertigo. I was reading the blog of someone on here, she, a woman, was very interesting. And I was reading her blog one day and she put up a recording, so I listened to it. And it was about her astral traveling. She is the friend of Mr "i" - who I prefer to not reveal secrets. The starman. Anyway, she was astral traveling to a place where they tortured pleiadians, and kept them secret underground. She decided to chat with the pleiadian man a bit. They were being surveilled so it was a sneak visit.

    This man obviously was tortured somewhere around the waist area as I remember. Even though she was astral traveling, she could see it quite well. I can remember her saying "you poor poor man." But he could talk to her. Well she showed her listeners how to rescue this man, and rescued maybe 10 people total. They couldn't escape because even if they eventually died, there they stayed. Then the monsters who caught them would catch them again and bring them back to a new body (a clone or something). And torture them again. But she, because she was an earth person, could save them. So after talking a bit to him, she got some people together and lifted them out, a few at a time. She could do this because she was from earth, and only the galactics were kept out of there and couldn't rescue them.

    So anyway, I thought about it and decided to astral travel and rescue some people. Only I decided not to talk to them, but just lift them out as fast as possible. So my angels put me in touch with some pleiadian commander and then I meditated and went down to where some pleiadian people were, I forget where they were, somewhere bad like Ukraine but I don't remember where - or maybe Iran or something. I could see the shapes of people, or sense them. I could talk to them. Luckily I could not see injuries... I wouldn't want to. I grabbed hold, and an angel had me, and I was lifted up into a ship and let the people go. Then I went down again, down quickly and got some more people. After a few trips I would speak to this commander telepathically. Just asking. And he would encourage me to get these people.

    There were too many people to get all at once. Maybe 120 people in the end. I got them all but it took 3 days.

    I will type the rest now and keep going...

  84. There were too many people to get all at once. Maybe 120 people in the end. I got them all but it took 3 days. I know I was very slow but I needed rests, and I was determined to get them all. And on the 3rd morning I did get them all. There were others but they were too deep and I think that would mean capture (for me).

    Now while this all happened, I could occasionally hear the pleiadians talking, especially women. This happened when I took or carried them up to the ship. I could see the ship vaguely, like in my imagination. I would always hesitate on the ship because it was hard for me to go down - which was the vertigo. It was easy to go up. By the way, since taking vitamin d the vertigo seems to be gone, which is good. Now I just have the strange leg problem.

    So I heard these pleiadian women celebrate and be so happy when I took them to the ship. They were gleeful about it. Hehe. Well, eventually early on the third day, we got all of them. I spoke a little to the commander guy and said my adios. So that was my little bit of an adventure. I was pretty much ignored but I knew they were so grateful! I was so happy to do it.

    Anyway, this is how I know how traumatized they are. Also, I think I speaking to one pleiadian man who blamed himself for being captured. Blamed himself!! (this on another occasion). I think I told him not to blame himself, as it wasn't his fault! Anyway, this entire war is horrible! These dark nothing beings are horrible! We will be so much better when it is over. It will be over soon. We forgive ALL pleiadians as they have done nothing wrong, of course.

    Anyway, I don't remember what else I was gonna say... something... but I am glad this secret is out now. I know I did have other secrets but I can't remember right now. Secrets, secrets, it's a pain. Anyway, that is how I learnt how to astral travel.
    Well, thanks for letting me share.

    You see, she may not know it but she did have a student on the day she taught us how to astral travel...

  85. This comment has been removed by the author.

  86. Greetings Community!
    Only thing i can contribute right now is, that a lot of references about
    spider or spider-beings surfaced at least into my awareness the last 4
    to 5 weeks... i hope, these are just remnants of a suspended and now
    fading timeline!

    total victory of the light!

  87. German translation of Phoenix conference day 1 / deutsche Übersetzung der Notizen zum ersten Tag der Aufstiegskonferenz in Phoenix:

    A big thank you goes to the PFC Japan Official team, whose excellent work - as with the other conferences - provides a really good insight for those who were unable to attend.

    Your service to others is extremely appreciated!

  88. If St. Germain established the United States, whether he was also responsible for the deaths of Indians?

  89. It's inversion. Typical darkness tactic. Inverted numbers, inverted crosses, inverted pentagrams. Inverted the meaning behind aid(s), Isis, 911, the swastika, rainbows... list goes on.

  90. thanks very much mr cobra fine sir and super fierce lightwarrior;for your ongoing brilliant works of all sorts in the planetary liberation operations.....

    and thanks very much for the amazing ascension conference in phoenix cobra;and all the conference team who did a primo job.....

    and thanks very much to all the priestesses who did the goddess ceremony at the phoenix conference;at one point in the ceremonies i felt an activation manifested of very soft yet powerful goddess energies that began to flow.....

    cobras ascension conferences-greatest shows on earth;of course-hahahahaha.....

  91. Constantine cross in the sky vision happened again for those interested:

  92. Significant divine message about Japan for those interested:

  93. I wish to connect directly with Light workers in Finland. If you would, please contact me via


  94. Grazie Cobra! La traduzione in italiano è qui:

  95. Vietnamese translation of this article:

  96. Here's a surprise - they are all lying!!! All the politicians are lying. They are letting illegal immigrants into the country - they just aren't telling us! Last year, 2023, they let 23,000 illegal immigrants come into Australia and live here and, now, they don't know where they are, or rather, they won't tell us where they are!! Sending them back - no, that is a big lie!!! And I heard him say, he's meant to be the good guy, he said Joe Biden is a ... a.... get ready for it.... a Great Man! And he meant it. OMG what? You fools. It's happening again. Apparently Australia is a dumping ground for ANYONE, we just let them in, and our WHOLE GOVERNMENT IS ROTTEN, and they are probably nazis again, like last time!!! Again, it is happening again. I am soooo sick of this. Just come over, they won't send you home. They just "pretend to". They just lie to us the people. Come over, illegally, we will let you in!! Even if you are a bunch of stupid Dracos.


  97. I need a spark
    I need a positive charge
    Plug it into my brain and make me love my life again

    I wanna live, I wanna love you a little longer
    I was invincible many years ago when I was so much stronger
    I wanna smile like a letter from an old friend
    My arms are open oceans
    How I've missed you, and feelin' good to be alive

    And it's good to be alive.


  98. Here is Finnish translation of this article / Tässä on suomenkielinen käännös tästä artikkelista:

    Telegram group for Finnish translations of Portal / Telegramryhmä suomennetuille Portal artikkeleille:

  99. I just got hold of the landlord and apparently everything is okay. Phew. There was a letter that came for the landlord to this address. I just popped it off to the realtors office as it had no return address. But the landlord said he needed more money due to fees going up - figures. And I broached the subject of the new lease I must sign, which I was refusing to sign, and he said that was okay, I don't need to sign that (of course it could change). So I kind of thought it was the realtor, but it seems not. So paying extra rent (first $30 and then this year it goes up $20 a week) well it is fair. So at least I know. They have changed all the leases and it is now massively expensive. So now I know!
    I still only get one word answers from the realtor.
    Hey, landlord's name is Zvonko... I think it is slovenian. Anyway... no stress...

  100. Durango CO, USA

    Spanish Trails is a human trafficking location of the INFRAGARD mason state. 100% true. 1st person witnesses.

    Knights of Columbus is a terrorist organization doing a paid hit for thier church club. State capture of "law enforcement" and military by militant branch of masonry.

    Ute Tribe doing human trafficking with LA Plata Sheriff's Department and FBI who often pose as bikers to chaperone women who usually hold children hostage.

    That's why they "don't want (us) in THIER community" orders from Italy, black nobility Orsini family.

    There won't be any work to starve us out just like the rest of Colorado and in California to dangle the carrot to get us up into Avon for the Emergency Services lynch mob after they chemical "bomb"ed me to frame me as a kook. Klu Klux Klan originated from masonic "brothers of the orient" same tactics against public in general now.

    Alexander William Britton
    Kevin Michael Gordish

  101. Part 1
    International Security Threat Disease X is:
    1) Knock out gasses followed by
    2) WMD chemical weapons
    3) Laced with pathogens (a. viruses to get people in-doors, b. weaponized fungus/neurotoxin airborne flakes (later to be blamed on lack of air circulation of virus protocalls/mandates, c. bacterium last form to be blamed on lack of hygiene by depreciating monetary societal factors and stresses of lockdowns causing real and/or framed "mental illness rise").
    This would be done to hide technologically based pathogen and mostly chemical source and to control "spread".
    Leading promotional campaign would/will be disease being blamed on mainly African migrants through cartel/CIA decoy militant operatives through Securitas and Allied Universal, but mostly followed up with
    4) COINTELPRO/INFRAGARD "looters" partially decoy groups (reason border is open waiting blitzkrieg mixed in with population of normal income motivations). To further burden supply chains and economic destruction.

    The decoy attackers would/will use
    a. Drones to get to windows and doors even open for short time periods. This then would/will be partially self imposed keeping of airways shut by advertised social media video posts actually produced by security company perpetrators, then promoted by big tech including X to exaggerate fear and to lrgitimize government as well as self enforced partial suffocation which also can lower intelligence and decision making abilities.
    Neurotoxic and Fungal Dust Particulate Mixtures would/will be shot by CIs by loosely tied fiber poisenballs from Pepperball/Sweeny Guns through windows, doors to hide HVAC attack modes.
    b. Stab people in public and in bed (low tech hides high tech of HVAC pichpoint, covert vehicle and embedding clothing firing systems) for shock to cause massive panic and distrust of eachother using race/nationality/religion to hide state sponsored domestic terrorist management of pathogenic laced chemical weapons terrorist attacks.
    c. Also abductions (including gang rape and natives taken back across foreign borders as hostages with "cartel ransoms") to pull at heartstrings to initiate self defense response and animosity with ineffectual state to "build up" civil war/slaughter scenario of "rebellious" public that realizes it is being framed as extremists for seeking safety in pockets of new fringes to quickly pick off. Military response across border would then be asked for and consented to by public.

  102. Part 2
    5) "New social distancing". Not just isolating using laced masks, political/religious acceptance of serums (initial waves of selected lacing by profile as mostly areas of dissidents/intellect at first to stop natural warning social system) but lockdown to gas folks in houses, apartments and vehicles as pinchpoints for "safety".
    7) Small emergency monetary payments to positively reinforce isolation tactics with most routed to high-management perpetrators.
    8) Duct tape for windows, doors will/would be suggested (tested 2003) due to mostly drones as decoys with hispanic and other INFRAGARD "gangs" (also false "maga white nationalists"/fake Christian responses) when
    9) Mainly chemical assault will actually come through
    HVAC confidential informant plainclothes technology based guerrilla wafefare system after knock out gasses and intense EMF hold them down. Strong EMF will correspond with initial knockout gas punch to prolonged until leathal chemical gasses and follow staged and scripted "lines of spread" of Disease X from "migrant" scapegoats and actual militants. Deaths of victims will silence good information being spread to combat lies, fraud and violence.

    Orders for Disease X ultimately come from the Orsini family who commands the Knights of Columbus among other branches of the multi lateral state capture for assymetrical warfare (intended to blindside public from several angles of variables simultaneously).

    Weaponised genocidal attack system has already been Dr. Mengele prototyped on Targeted Persons of Interest. Factually established National Security Threat/Issue sponsored by state and corporate multi-state structure.

    PreStaged Issues to Disease X "Battle of the Bulge" Culmination of NWO:

    A) 9/11 set up rights violations precedent as psuedo-legal invasive excuse through fear tactics and assumption government was benevolent (in contradiction to theme of primary legal constitutional document) for profiling the good as bad and initiating distrust within and between hyper-identity micronized and superficial social division for easy manipulation which then becomes partially self imposed due to behavior following belief, at least of others as contextual factor.
    B) The People did not stockpile weapons as the state has and
    C) Cannot peacefully assemble without FBI/FPS/SHERIFF/POLICE/CI infiltration to frame their assembly as criminal
    D) Social and media programming about "patriots will resort to 2nd amendment" to finally protect their families when trouble comes to their doors is a trick because they can do nothing under those conditions about airway assault sequences.

    A) Denial by Cowardice is the foundation of the social imbalances that embolden Covert Attacks and that
    B) Overreaction of fear or false bravery are sought by the attackers to frame and use Overt Violence.

  103. That tells me he has been killed off. I reckon most of the pollies have been killed off. Replaced by clones or dracos. That sneaky, revolting comment about Biden being a Great Man... Where did that come from? No one is Australia cares about Biden. That was a deliberate flick in our faces.

    Also, I decided to sign a new lease (expensive) even though I don't have to. I just plan to keep on living here. It's a nice place and I've been here 12 years. Yeah, they stuffed up the rental market over here, with their continued lies. Big Media Lies Have Everyone Worried.

  104. Below are Chinese-translated reports of the Phoenix Ascension Conference Report for Day 1 and 2:
    Day 1:
    Day 2:

    This is the original, official version of the report, in English
    Day 1:
    Day 2:

    The lightworkers in USA currently needs your support to implement the New Atlantis Project:

    Translator’s suggestion:
    The information in the report is best to digest with the following information from Unveiling33:

  105. To the PIC of New Atlantis Project:

    Could you please update the email on the flyer? My <> could not send any email to your email address.

    1. the email for assisting with the New Atlantis grid work project is:

  106. Thank you Cobra for the update and for the conference links. Thank you also for being brave and made the decision to help humanity with this major quest and being at the forefront of this mission. We are all so grateful for your unvavering committment and dedication. Thank you
    thank you
    Thank you.


  107. Conférence de l'Ascension à Phoenix par Cobra - Jour 1

    traduction par Prepare For Change France Officiel depuis 2013

    Source :

  108. Dear cobra, I must give feedback that the software "starseed land" recommended by you may have been infiltrated to some extent, and there are a lot of comments in the chat room that have no calibrated light and resistance movement information at all. The original intention of this software is very good, but in order for the light workers all over the world to communicate and progress together in a high-frequency and calibrated light environment, it must censor users and dark remarks.

    I hope you can see this comment,thank you,and VOTL!

    1. @Libra
      As long the cabal exists, there will be always a certain degree of infiltration." All the more reason to kill them like dogs.

      "Basically, what I say sometimes could be already a reason for others to ban me." Been in 'facebook jail' many, many times, or at least my posts blocks by their 'independent fact checkers'.

  109. ...2012 was the year of the Dragon. We are entering the year of Dragon again from next weekend in the Chinese new year. There is the rise of dragon families. There will be many hidden societies doing rituals and activations to prepare the positive portal. Some of them might be on the surface, preparing for dissolving the dark portal...

  110. What's up Light Family... how's everyone doing these days?
    I gotta tell you, the latest intel was pretty good... but the real meat and potatoes was the Phoenix Ascension Conference notes!
    I mean... WOW!! I've never felt so close to The Event and absolute Victory as I do now after reading and re-reading them. Damn, a part of me wishes I could've gone, but the bigger part of me is very happy and appreciative for staying home and going through the major changes I had to go through in order to be stronger in my Light and more prepared for my mission.
    The optimism and enthusiasm I feel now is at its highest since 1981-82... that's when I was closest to my higher self and had begun to remember my mission and connection to our Galactic cousins. ✨️🛸
    I can truly FEEL the difference in the air... the energies are continually rising and going through a purification process! 🙌
    I'm VERY EXCITED for all of us and KNOW we're going to make a BIG difference in helping humanity snap out of this amnesiac state and awaken to a beautiful new reality! The nightmare is almost over and the dreams of infinite possibilities are in sight! All we need to do is STAY STRONG, HOLD THE LINE, AND HOLD THE LIGHT! WE GOT THIS!
    I feel bad that many of the Pleiadians got burnt out during this process, and I understand that seeing and experiencing many of the horrific things they did was traumatizing... but how do you think the human victims felt and feel. Unless they are down here in the the thick of it with all of us they truly can't understand what WE as humans go through on a daily basis. I'm grateful for what they have done and are doing on our behalf to liberate this planet! And I'm doublely grateful for the ones in the Ashtar Command that stayed to finish what they started! I truly can't wait for First Contact because I truly wish to work with the Pleiadians and the rest of the Galactic Confederation of Light.
    And Saint Germain.... thank you, thank you, THANK YOU for stepping up to end this stand-off and finish this once and for all. All of us Lightworkers, Lightwarriors, Starseeds have your backs and are at the ready to help humanity awaken, heal, and prepare for their own Ascension process!
    We're very grateful to ALL OF YOU and are VERY PROUD of each and every one of you for your dedication and devotion to the Victory of the Light!! 👏 🥲
    Please understand... at this paticular time until the threat is fully neutralized, we can only do so much as your ground crew. But once you neutralize the threat and we're able to have The Event and access the Project Dreamland funds... you're going to see what beautiful and amazing things your ground crew of Lightworkers, Lightwarriors, and Starseeds can do for the benefit of ALL!! 😉

    In Love and Light...
    Troy (aka) One Of 144k

    1. I've gone through the same symptoms you're experiencing Libra, and I hope and pray that you're able to overcome them. An iron deficiency could be at the root of some of this but as you build up your balance again it may make a positive difference in your overall health. As always, I'll send you my best energies for a quick and full recovery my friend!
      Stay strong Libra... we have alot of amazing stuff yet to do pre and post EVENT!!🫵😉👍
      Love and Light,

  111. Full Moon Meditation and
    International Remote Healing Sessions
    Between February 23rd and 25th

  112. Conférence de Cobra, jour 1, traduction en français compréhensible ( y compris lien et croquis )
    Cobra conference, day 1, translation into understandable French (including link and sketch)

  113. More of my comments are gone. Too sensitive maybe? About the pleiadians. The pleiadians need a rest. That is all I will say since my stuff was too sensitive, or something... But it was a great story. Since I finally had the confidence to say it... Anyway... (shh, quiet lol)

    I'm still really disappointed what is happening in this country...
    The pollies are all corrupt and illegal immigration is rampart. RAMPANT. God help us.

  114. This comment has been removed by the author.

  115. I just found this and it is amazing. The nutrients you need to destroy spike protein. So anyone who got jabbed, including dental jabs, you can take these nutrients and it would be well worth searching through his channel too! Good luck!

    And I think it was deleted in one of my posts, but taking vitamin D (I'm using D3) seems to work to get rid of Vertigo, just like they said. But yet I still have leg weakness, and I'm working to get rid of Mercury. When I had mercury fillings removed, you get flooded with mercury via the procedure, which I had years ago. Chlorella as what I'm using, and you can just add it to juice. Not hot food because I started out using hot food and then it doesn't work. Genius, I know.

  116. Holy Moley, I'm only mentioning the second message of the Ancient Ones because it is good, but also the mention of Australia - which is weird. They only mention a few places, but in Australia they mention scandal, the aboriginal people, and huge protests that lead to a dissolution of everything, including government - whoa. Crap - I can see just how angry people are at this big lie that has some out. The government is lying AGAIN, a big lie. Yeah, I can see us soon overthrowing this government! Damn. (We want blood...)
    And the whole Western world will be in a state of shock...

    The end of the END is upon us. There will be darkness, there will be loud sounds everywhere, the dark will go down. Well, its a good watch, starts around 6.28...

  117. Meaningless updates, still no event this year. It is clear that the Light forces are preparing for events in the next year. If, next year the event still does not happen. Let's hope the light forces stop making any lame excuses.

  118. Whether it's eating meat, or going to war, or (fill in the blank), so many times, people do what they do because they believe they have to, that they have no other choice. This needs to change. Roads can be paved for other options.

  119. At the site there is a section entitled Get Involved to Join The New Atlantis Project as a cintamani planter. It references an email of I tried to volunteer, but that email bounces. Do you have the correct email?

    1. It's not


  121. Rise of Atlantis

    Currently, the planetary body is undergoing a space-time reorganization that ripples out many strange anomalies that greatly influence the quantum field into the subatomic layers, generating confusion and some panic for those entities who were regularly using interdimensional portals or jump gates. Some of the ancient portal systems used for centuries by dark cabal or illuminati groups are no longer working or are sending the entities into spaces and places they did not expect.

    Apparently, located upon the major continent that sank into the North Atlantic Ocean on the outskirts of the east coast of the United States that extends into the Bermuda stargate and up through the United Kingdom, was a large land mass with several sections of thriving Atlantian colonies using Khem codes with many forms of advanced crystal technologies, zero-point energy devices, flying and submersible crafts, portals and jump gates that were lost in the ocean during the Atlantian Cataclysm. Although we can see visible remnants of the lost advanced civilization that was Atlantis all over the planet, the distinction is the underwater technologies found in the sunken lands of the North Atlantic Ocean have been actively weaponized against humanity since the Atlantian Flood.
    顯然,位於美國東海岸郊區沉入北大西洋的主要大陸上,一直延伸到百慕大星門並向上穿過英國,是一大片陸地,其中有幾個繁榮的亞特蘭蒂斯殖民地。使用具有多種形式的先進水晶技術、零點能源裝置、飛行器和潛水器、在亞特蘭蒂斯大災變期間丟失在海洋中的傳送門和跳躍門的 Khem 代碼。儘管我們在地球上到處都可以看到亞特蘭提斯失落的先進文明的明顯遺跡,但區別在於,自亞特蘭提斯洪水以來,在北大西洋沉沒土地上發現的水下技術已被積極武器化以對付人類。

    Since then, these areas around the Bermuda Triangle have been inhabited by alien invaders that are using the many forms of advanced technologies from the Atlantian civilization they found embedded in the main land mass that sunk, and this was subsequently outfitted into the underwater alien bases and tunnel systems in which to supervise and carry out assorted crimes against humanity. Such as administering to the supply routes used for NAA based operations to harvest planetary resources from underwater bases that involve hidden advanced technologies with unidentified aerial phenomenon, submersible naval ships and submarine based human slave trafficking networks that move in and out from Antarctica.

    The Rise of Atlantis means that the advanced technologies that have been hidden from humanity and abused by the dark cabal for centuries for their covert criminal agendas such as the advanced technology stolen to power up Secret Space Programs, above in the skies and under water, have been hitchhiking on the assorted technologies they took from our past Atlantian civilization. This discovery spans into the depths of the Northern Atlantic Ocean where the lost civilization of Atlantian crystal technology and underwater bases will be revealed when it is disclosed that these submarine tunnels are connected to massive cabal run industries organized for off planet human and child trafficking, that extends into several islands owned by the billionaire class of Luciferian elites.
    亞特蘭提斯的崛起意味著幾個世紀以來一直向人類隱瞞並被黑暗陰謀集團濫用的先進技術,用於他們的秘密犯罪議程,例如被盜來為秘密太空計劃提供動力的先進技術,在天空和水下,已經搭上了他們從我們過去的亞特蘭提斯文明中獲取的各種技術的便車。這項發現跨越了北大西洋深處,當這些海底隧道與為地球外人口和兒童販運而組織的大規模陰謀集團運營的工業相連時,亞特蘭蒂斯水晶技術和水下基地的失落文明將被揭示出來,延伸到路西法集团精英分子。 (以‘路西法”為代號的反生命崇拜的個體或集團,,真正的路西法大天使實體,實際上已重新連結神聖萬有。)

  122. Return of Ascended Masters

    There have been Guardian projects directing golden-silver eggs and golden-silver energetic current through the main Twinned Dragon Ouroboros Lines that run from Avebury and through Xi’an City and Mount Kailash’s architecture. There are Starry Night Dark Firmament connector points from the Rasha Body linking into constellations of stars that form into a Cosmic Christos Sun-Star Network in Canopus and Sirius for unifying the Solar Rishi-Reisha template.

    The primary focus is building the Holy Mountain architecture for seating the Blue Rainbow Bridge. A type of Cosmic Christ Consciousness distribution center in which different star patterns that are connected to the Ascended Master Rishi-Reisha identities, can heal their light body and reunite with their spiritual sun-star home and divine counterparts.

    This is the architectural preparation for integration of Paliadorian identities throughout the twelve evolutionary rounds, which collapses the Paliadorian Cell of Personal Christ identities in order to generate the Cosmic Starhuman-Starborn expression of authentic Ascended Master Templates.

    Some of the Ascended Master embodiments began to surface earlier this year during the epiphany window of January 6th 2024. when the Solar Rishic masters connected to the stars in Orion’s Belt began to make themselves known as the Three Wise Men, further explaining their connection to Fisher King ( The Fisher King is a figure in Arthurian legend, the last in a long line of British kings tasked with guarding the Holy Grail. The Fisher King is both the protector and physical embodiment of his lands, but a wound renders him impotent and his kingdom barren. Unable to walk or ride a horse, he is sometimes depicted as spending his time fishing while he awaits a "chosen one" who can heal him. Versions of the story vary widely, but the Fisher King is typically depicted as being wounded in the groin, legs, or thigh. The healing of these wounds always depends upon the completion of a hero-knight's task.)
    divine masculine archetypes. The Fisher King archetype is the Maji Grail King Guardian who holds and protects the cosmic records of the creation, the High Melchizedek Priest that embodies and holds the spiritual knowledge of the soul’s evolutionary purpose throughout time, as connected to his land’s tribe or lineage.

    Due to the severe wounds of the Fisher King, exacerbated by his inability to join in hierogamic union with his beloved solar female counterpart, he is effectively maimed with such grievous injury that he cannot fully heal himself. Therefore, as he suffers from deep spiritual injury, all that is living and natural in his kingdom along with the collective human tribe under his auric stewardship also suffer greatly, as the woundedness becomes like an increasingly painful disfigurement. The spiritual disfigurement leads to disease, which starts to take hold and become infiltrated by parasites and his worst enemies, as they stand on his shoulders and pretend to be him, but in the process are sucking him dry as spiritual imposters.

    Thus, the returning Ascended Masters point to the fact the Fisher King’s profound spiritual woundedness is the reflection of not only what has happened to them during the Dark Aeon, but to all of the human race collective consciousness. The Fisher King is a creation archetype connected to the Celtic-Druids of the Arthurian Grail Lineages in the 11D Essene Tribe incarnated in the United Kingdom landmass.

    The soul wounds we carry have closed down our true divine nature, and each of us must choose to place effort in order to heal ourselves from our personal Traumas and emotional injuries, to open our Sacred Crystal Hearts and reveal the true spiritual purpose and destiny in which we are serving the cosmic order.

  123. This year, [2023] the planet entered the Cosmic Energy Cycle where we have been reconnected with the Sun-Star Network of the eternal Cosmic Christos Consciousness, and this is what the Ascended Masters and Fisher Kings desperately require to finally heal themselves from their terrible wounding. As when they are reconnected to the Cosmic Christos, and fully healed when rejoined with their divine counterpart, the hierogamic union extends their perfected rainbow aura of ascension to nourish and heal the lands and the tribes of humanity under their energetic stewardship.

    Remember that in this context the Maji Grail King is not a tyrant ruler, but an embodied Ascended Master, Solar Dragon King; the Rich Fisher King who flows cosmic consciousness intelligence and an abundance of golden chalice frequencies of the rainbow krystal rivers and Azothian flows which nourish and heal all of life. Bestowing divine blessings held in the benevolent love and compassion in the emerald crystal heart of the Solar Rishic High Priest King who is at one (Aton Body) with God, and serves and protects his angelic human tribe and lands.

    The Christos rainbow masters have been instrumental in the reclamation of Orion’s Belt, Alnilam star, and Pegasus constellation, and are currently working with Emerald Guardian Christos teams to rehabilitate planetary grid systems from assorted AI red wave damage. Whereby they express, as the Ascended Master-Fisher Kings are finally healed and reunited with their divine counterparts, that it is the time to reveal the imposters that have pretended to be them or have used their ancient wisdom teachings of the Law of One to abuse spiritual power in order to gain control over others.

    Thus, through their gentle nudge, they have been pointing to the first Ascended Master Teachings that were introduced to the world in recent times, through the books that formed the Theosophical Society by H.P. Blavatsky, along with many offshoot branches such as Guy Ballard’s I AM Movement. These teachings became the precursor of several new age religions, some tragically developing into harmful Mind Control cults, and thus were aggressively targeted and hijacked by NAA forces in order to derail, attack, confuse and discredit many golden nuggets of truth contained in the wisdom teachings.

    Please be made aware that this is not to demonize or accuse anyone, as this fact has been expressed with deep loving Compassion and understanding for the plight of humanity under targeted spiritual attack by anti-human entities. Many people that have connected with the Ascended Master Teachings in the New Age Movement were and are under the harmful influence of mind control manipulation from fallen entities, yet many of those individuals were doing the best they could with what they knew at that particular stage of evolutionary development.

    Thus, there has been focus upon the previous timelines with luciferian infiltrations connected to the ancient wisdom sourced from the Tibetan and Kashmiri Masters of the eastern philosophies connected to esoteric Buddhism, who are revealing themselves as genuine rainbow guardians of the cosmic intelligence repository of founder records. These particular masters deposited their cosmic consciousness knowledge into the hologram of the planetary grid network in the form of Termas, which are mandalas, symbols, crystal keys and coded light imagery that is utilized to transmit or unlock intelligent consciousness information stored by that master for his particular lineage, adepts, and spiritual students. Termas transcend time and can happen in the current lifetime or previous lifetimes, depending on genetic relationships, personal Blueprint and spiritual mission, whereby the cosmic rainbow ascended master can relay hidden spiritual information and direct it to whom he chooses worthy or ready to receive such intelligence.

  124. These particular histories surfacing now are directly connected to the genetic records of Essene Tribes 8 and 9, who were tasked for DNA embodiment assembly of Paliadorian Starseed imprints from Sirius B, going back to the Orion Wars. Thus, many of the Indigo grail lineage are sourced from Blue Flame Melchizedeks and Sirius B Maharaji lineages that were protecting inner earth portals and Sirian Crystal Temples from the time of 8D Orion Invasion approximately 208,000 years ago. The grail lines of Essene Tribes 8 and 9 were the ancient builders of advanced civilizations in the east that have been long forgotten, their genetic histories are translated and connected to the earliest forms of Buddhism that originated in the regions of China and Tibet. These Essene Tribes practiced an extension of Law of One in the purest form of what is considered to be contemporary Buddhist philosophy, that which radically predates the Bon religion, Tibetan Buddhism or Tantric Vajrayana (hierogamic diamond body) Buddhism and appears to exceed beyond the Ascension Timeline Rebellion of 22,000 years ago. Some Tibetan Masters have retained this specific spiritual knowledge by remaining in hiding, yet they still live in isolation in the Kunlun, Mount Kailash or Kashmir regions, as true bodhisattvas of compassion, quietly meditating on cosmic rainbow body consciousness for the liberation of humankind.

  125. How much is left of the Lurker in terms of time to finish its cleansing? (more or less).. this is the question, because having to remove some previously undetected bases or reptilians won´t make much difference for the timing of the Event, maybe a few weeks..
    But it feels now as if time was needed: for the Cabal and the matrix to decompose by themselves in the face of everyone. Also for the new energies to permeate and help those awakened with their inner work, and make as many sleepers as possible to wake up, along with the exposure of the old system. Probably be to give place almost naturally to the Event, when everything is mature, which now isn´t. So, maybe even without the Lurker we would have to wait too, for those reasons, specially now that we won´t have to rush because of the polar shift.
    Anyway, I would prefer it to happen ASAP..

  126. "Tax his land,
    Tax his bed,
    Tax the table
    At which he’s fed.
    Tax his work,
    Tax his pay,
    He works for peanuts
    Tax his cow,
    Tax his goat,
    Tax his pants,
    Tax his coat.
    Tax his tobacco,
    Tax his drink,
    Tax him if he
    Tries to think.
    Tax his car,
    Tax his gas,
    Find other ways
    To tax his ass.
    Tax all he has
    Then let him know
    That you won’t be done
    Till he has no dough.
    When he screams and hollers;
    Then tax him some more,
    Tax him till
    He’s good and sore.
    Then tax his coffin,
    Tax his grave,
    Tax the sod in
    Which he’s laid.
    When he’s gone,
    Do not relax,
    It's time to apply
    The inheritance tax.
    Accounts Receivable Tax
    Airline Surcharge Tax
    Airline Fuel Tax
    Airport Maintenance Tax
    Building Permit Tax
    Cigarette Tax
    Corporate Income Tax
    Death Tax
    Dog License Tax
    Driving Permit Tax
    Environmental Tax (Fee)
    Excise Taxes
    Federal Income Tax
    Federal Unemployment (UI)
    Fishing License Tax
    Food License Tax
    Gasoline Tax
    Gross Receipts Tax
    Health Tax
    Hunting License Tax
    Hydro Tax
    Inheritance Tax
    Interest Tax
    Liquor Tax
    Luxury Taxes
    Marriage License Tax
    Medicare Tax
    Mortgage Tax
    Personal Income Tax
    Property Tax
    Poverty Tax
    Prescription Drug Tax
    Provincial Income and Sales Tax
    Real Estate Tax
    Recreational Vehicle Tax
    Retail Sales Tax
    Service Charge Tax
    School Tax
    Telephone Federal Tax
    Telephone Federal, Provincial and Local Surcharge Taxes
    Telephone Minimum Usage Surcharge Tax
    Vehicle License Registration Tax
    Vehicle Sales Tax
    Water Tax
    Watercraft Registration Tax
    Well Permit Tax
    Workers Compensation Tax

    Not one of these taxes existed 60 years ago, & our nation (USA) was one of the most prosperous in the world. We had absolutely no national debt, had a large middle class, and Mom stayed home to raise the kids.

    What happened?
    Answer: The KM imposed Babylonian debt slavery on the people.

    It’s time to topple the self-appointed Babylonian god kings."

  127. RFK-jr.-Drops-a-Truth-bomb:

    "It’s time to topple the self-appointed Babylonian god kings."

  128. On the terrible energy conditions in West Africa
    I had, respectively have, several acquaintances from West Africa. They all have one thing in common. They tend to get overly upset about little things. Sometimes they don't give an explanation, sometimes they have long discussions, which makes dealing with them exhausting.

    Videos for e.g. visualising the Violet Flame over West Africa:


    This is their twitter you can find them and ask how to install.

    Questo è il loro Twitter che puoi trovarli e chiedere come installare.

  130. the first contact will take place in the next cosmic cycle when the extraterrestrial will successfully land on the largest graveyard in the universe. VOTL!

  131. Satanism, Satanic ritual abuse and sacrifice thrives in our communities. From high ranking government officials, politicians, and celebrities to lawyers, doctors and even your neighbors.



    breaking news-hysterical levels of panic being heard on matrix tvs everywhere now;as natural law the galactic codex enforcement/restoration process shifts into overdrive.....

  134. enters the wood dragon

    starseeds streaming;the wood dragons dreaming.....

    luck power success tabled.....

    dilligence perserverance enabled.....

    ideas from source above.....

    forming into higher love.....

    honor driven expanding horizons.....

    of the new atlantis surprisings.....

  135. enters the wood dragon

    starseeds streaming;the wood dragons dreaming.....

    luck power success tabled;dilligence perserverance enabled.....

    creative visionary surfs the waves;of the dragon line leys.....

    ideas from source above;forming into higher love.....

    honor driven expanding horizons;the new atlantis surprisings.....

  136. Had a wonderful weekend at the Phoenix Zoo, listening to and absorbing all of the information that was presented. Lots to ponder and act upon. It was a real pleasure.

  137. For those interested, a warning to the Cabal, Black Nobility Families et al., and White Hats. Proof included:

  138. I've got another shocker today. It is only taking one hour (1 hr) to process new refugees in Australia. And they are coming from Gaza. They don't even research them for 3 months anymore. They can come and live in Australia after 1 hour. This is how quickly they are processing them, no research on people, do they deserve to be here, what is their background?? No. They are truly pushing it through with no research. We can see how angry Australians are. I bet they were trying to hide it. The sh*t is really hitting the fan here. Fools. All the Draco Labour party. And they have nothing to say. I didn't vote for them. We need to get them OUT. Quickly because our country is going to sh*t.

  139. I am right there with you, Libra. I have been under attack unmercifully for quite a while now. In different ways, not as severe physically but very 'traumatic'.

    When you present yourself as a lightworker and one who is vibrationally sending out love and peace, it seems the darkies always have a knack of turning it around and justifying their false way with lies and deceit by projecting it back onto us. A lot of good lightwork is wasted and we look like we don't know what we're talking about; dumped on by those very liars/deceivers that say, deceive well meaning regular people who also want what we want but have no idea what exactly is going on. Potential people who want to unite in this terrible war, who are sick of the hate and viciousness but ironically succumbing to hateful rhetoric that succeeds in deceiving them against us time and time again. This apparently leads to additional vicious attacks on the community, affecting even the strongest of lightworkers/lightwarriors. It seems their renewed 'louche' from screwing our work reinvigorates the darks useful idiots and hidden minions to commit more and more 'deceit ops' aimed at discrediting honest, good hearted LW's among others. This has plagued us for a long time and the suffering is multi-level.

    I have read your posts for a while now and it pains me to see you suffer the way you have been suffering. At first, I was wondering why you were so negative in your comments but its understandable. I do hope you feel better and I'm sending good vibrations to you and all in the hopes that they remedy you or anyone who needs healing quick. We deserve better than this...

    Your friend in light. . ' . Lightwarriorrrrr

  140. MAJOR NETWORK OUTAGES | Solar Flare Impact?

    I've been watching and all the outages in America happened after the flares. Looks like it was the flares but they aren't sure yet.

  141. Sick of talking Online fruitless distraction words get twisted blah blah blah bullshit lol ,I just want to wish everyone well and good luck for the future 🙏...

  142. well they must find u a threat... they understand the contribution you making...

    i would keep an eye on your body signs.. it probably will give u at least while awake hints you are being targetted. (check even for subtle changes)

    look out for areas near electrical panels. or electrivity. phone tv n light fixtures. switches

    i would switch location or orientation where u sleep...

    now im not sure how they aim at you if is area wise or they can actually see u in premise n be more direct... either case even if u dont know.. is not far fetch to think those symptoms u described is due to targetting.

    electrical distortion or radiation. whether wifi. power. or what not can recreate those symptoms u described... instanteneous even

  143. i am hoping there are any inventors here that could come up with some monitorng device to check for abnormal ranges of power or emf or discharges. electric what not within a home env... readjnf that logfs and sends data live to a server perhaps

  144. Well, Lib, the light forces need to learn to 'deal with it', like we're forced to. Like Captain Picard said, "What we needed was a swift kick to our complacency".
