Thursday, October 11, 2012

Day of Decision Update

Groups are being created worldwide for this event. You can also create your own group or join on facebook:

Or watch the youtube videos:

It is interesting to note that just one day prior to our event, a large group will gather on the top of Hot Springs Mountain right in the center of the Arkansas vortex, people joining hands and creating unity and harmony between different religions:


  1. YEEHAAAAAAAAAA,,,,,,,,,!!!!!!!

  2. Dear fellow lightworkers,

    I am very excited. I look forward to connecting with you all.

    Love and light,

  3. Cobra,

    please could you clarify what you exactely mean by this part? Why/how will you have many opportunities to implement your decision in your daily life? Elaborate a bit please, it sounds good and mysterious but absolutely not clear how it would manifest into reality. I think I'm not the only one with that question.
    Thnaks in advance!

    "3. Visualize ways how YOU can contribute to the liberation process. Discover your talents and make a decision about how you will use those talents towards our final goal of setting people and our planet free. Make a decision that you will support other people dedicated to this process so that we are stronger together.

    After the Day of Decision you will have many opportunities to implement your decision in your daily life. You will be guided by your inner voice how to do that. Know that your dedication will be tested in real life. Some outer circumstances or non-physical negative entities might try to make you change your mind. The key here is simply to stick to your decision regardless of the external circumstances. Each person making a positive decision towards the planetary liberation will make a valuable contribution towards the Victory of the Light."

    1. The clay pigeon's yapping again, just ignore it.

    2. "Why/how will you have many opportunities to implement your decision in your daily life?"

      You decide that you will help people and the next day many old women need your assistant to go trough the street.
      You decide that you will safe the nature and the other day you receive an invitation to go in a park and plant trees.
      You decide that you will give more to others and less to yourself and the next day your neighbor asks you to take care of his child for one day and you hate this, you prefer to stay before the computer.
      Is it clear now? :-))

      In fact we have been tested this way whole life.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. @Evolution,

      you mistake me with somebody. Is it a sin now to ask a legitimate question? I simply want more clearance. That's it.

      You couldn't really find anybody more supportive of CObra, so why don't you just shut it? Im not Claydog/TechFormer/cooter type, anybody here following comments knows that. There is a saying, it's sort of sounds like that: "Before you say something, consider if it's more worthy then the silence you are about to break with it."

      @ Thank you Ananda, but I sense/feel that Cobra means something else, something more specific here, he just hasn't elaborate on it yet. We'll see.

    5. Evolution was responding to already deleted claydog post

    6. Sorry for the confusion, I was in fact responding to Claydog, not you. His posts just keep getting deleted, which is fine with me.

      I'll just come right out and say it, I firmly believe he's a very skilled forum troll who's learned how to talk like a lightworker while his only real purpose is to cast fear and doubt on everything Cobra says.

    7. @Evolution,

      I totally agree. He has some serious issues. I think he convinced himself that Cobra is the Antichrist so to speak and now he just trying to to prove it for himself. Because of same type of commenters, American Kabuki/Kauilapele/David WIlcock premoderates comments, I'd definitely support this option here too if the Claydog types are persistent.

      Forgive me for the little bit cocky response, I am just really bad at tolerating unjust accusations.


      would be glad if you could elbaorate a bit here/in your next post about the thing I asked. Hugs brother

  4. i really wanted to post the following message
    regarding what we can do to prevent a likely coming bank holiday, along with information from george kavassilas and the 'false light' that many channelers are being deceived by right now. if you aren't familiar with his work, it's brilliant, and he has multitudes of 'free content' at his website, with extremely enlightening interviews that will rock your world

    i listened to an interview with him today wherein he spoke about the ceremonies going on (and particularly on 12/21/12, etc., which will help in anchoring in the false light)...REALLY amazing stuff:

    lots more interviews regarding the truly higher dimensional light and liberation (coming from the heart, not the heart chakra) on his website under 'free content'.


  5. "I have received clearance to start releasing new intel about the Plan after October 7th as certain opposition from the dark forces has been removed."

    I don't see what's new in this information? It was inevitable on this date that you have provided in this diagram before that you would conduct another of your beneficial mass meditations.

    1. Yes, I'm still patiently awaiting the new intel.

      In my view, this would include detailed information about the reported clearing of multiple billions of reps from the astral by now, and, apart from participating in group meditations, substantial information that can inform our navigation of this present moment.

      My opinion about Cobra's intel remains undecided for now. I have no need to pan it as fiction; however, I am wary of accepting it at face value at the same time. Instead, I merely observe the ongoing narrative, while noting the stylistic changes over time (ads, mass events).

      What initially piqued my interest about this material was the concise, no-nonsense delivery style that suggested a dense context of information of which the reports were a reflection.

      Now, it seems that quality is visibly reduced, replaced now by participatory mass-events.

      Where did the context-rich narrative go? Was it fiction all along, or is there a reason why this quality of information is not being shared at this time? I would have thought it would be by now.

      Still, I will hold all in uncertainty and continue to observe with real discernment.

    2. "What initially piqued my interest about this material was the concise, no-nonsense delivery style that suggested a dense context of information of which the reports were a reflection.

      Now, it seems that quality is visibly reduced, replaced now by participatory mass-events.

      Where did the context-rich narrative go? Was it fiction all along, or is there a reason why this quality of information is not being shared at this time? I would have thought it would be by now.

      dear philavox :

      The Plan Expanded

      The original plan for the liberation of this planet has been expanded. There will be less talk and more action:

      1. Less intel will be declassified and given to the general population. The reason for this is that the awakened part of the general population has underperformed regarding what it did with the intel received. It is not strategically wise to release intel that even the awakened population laughs at and at the same time the Cabal uses it to the disadvantage of the Light.

      You will still receive intel and updates, but certain things will be withheld until the appropriate time.

  6. WOW, ClayDog is back! You Rock, man! You should write, your posts are always inspiring, I'm sure there could be a book coming out of them!

  7. Thanks for this Cobra. It feels as if things are continuing to shift in a very positive way, and no news is good news :-)

    1. Well that's an optimistic approach :D Classic IAL ;)

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. WHat a JOKE. EU as Noble Prize winner ffs. Steaming..:

  9. I don't know what's up today, but 'they' are laying out some very thick chemtrails above the cloud cover in Athens, Greece. This is a full on operation. Multiple planes up in the sky at any one time. It's been going steady since this morning (at least 9am when I noticed).

    1. 4:44 local time and they are STILL laying out trails. The sky is choked out.

  10. Yes, "things are shifting", does anyone else feel it ? I woke up on the 4th October with this particular phrase in my mind. Since then, not only does it feel lighter in the atmosphere, but sleeping patterns have also changed.

    For the longest time, I would wake up feeling exhausted, and many times my physical body felt 'beat up'. The last week in September I could barely sleep at all. But now, even though the cycles are still 2-3 hours, since the shift last week, I wake up feeling ... hmmm... almost refreshed, but at least rested.

    I am wondering if this has anything to do with the astral planes being cleared of billions of archons. Cobra had said that by October 7th this would be the RM's goal. Also, I have no memories of doing this, but could it be that we also volunteer our services and now this portion of the mission is complete and we can finally get some rest ?! :D

    Anyone else experiencing this ?

    1. Yes, sleep has been a bit better. But more so only in the last couple nights. Leading up to the portal I was having trouble. I've had trouble from the energies for a long time too, like you. I also think there is the possibility that the ascension codes have lighted up in anticipation of the stresses of the Time lines collapsing into our ascending one. I'm referencing Sheldan's message 2 weeks ago mentioning this. But yea in general things feel a bit lighter like the collective has gotten over a hump of sorts.

    2. @I am love,

      Not at all, no.. I think it's all just in your head ;-)

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    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. As the Universe is mind, it cannot be anywhere else but in the mind, can it?
      @IAL, I still feel hellish with dark night type intense clearing/healing of my chakras, yet... Yes..much more sleep. Gone from 4/5 to 7/8. Still wake but can get back to sleep. My friend has noticed this also but I attributed mine to other things such as deleting a self program that I could not sleep and better connection method to universal energy.I don't know what has effected the change now.

    6. One big layer of reptilians removed from the astral plane by Oct 7th

  11. Thanks Cobra ~~ here is an inspiring conversation with Foster Gamble creator of Thrive, and Michael Tellinger in South Africa

  12. Blessings Cobra.....yes, silence is golden! ;)
    Meditate, long walks in nature, breath, listen, my friends you will be guided, not to worry, you will know when the time is ripe. Breath, listen, nurture the hearts within, trust.
    We are ready for the Day of Decision and beyond~~with Love and Light~~

  13. Instrucciones en Espanol:

    1. Relaja tu mente y cuerpo observando tu respiración durante unos minutos.

    2. Visualiza una columna de luz azul eléctrica que emana del Sol Central Galáctico, pasando por su cuerpo hasta el centro de la Tierra. Manten este pilar de luz activa durante unos minutos. A continuación, toma la decisión incondicional de que nuestro planeta será liberado y la gente será puesto en libertad.

    3. Visualice maneras de cómo Puedes contribuir al proceso de liberación. Descubre tus talentos y toma una decisión sobre cómo vas a utilizar esos talentos hacia la meta final de dejar a las personas y a nuestro planeta libres. Toma la decisión de que va a apoyar a otras personas dedicadas a este proceso, de modo que seamos más fuertes juntos.

    Después del Día de la Decisión tendrá muchas oportunidades para poner en práctica su decisión en su vida diaria. Usted será guiado por su voz interior cómo hacerlo. Sepa que su dedicación se pondrá a prueba en la vida real. Algunas circunstancias externas o entidades no-físicas negativas podrían tratar de hacerle cambiar de opinión. La clave aquí es simplemente cumplir con su decisión sin importar las circunstancias externas. Cada persona que tome una decisión positiva hacia la liberación planetaria hará una valiosa contribución para la Victoria de la Luz.

  14. Hello and God bless, Ive been spreading light for years and Im so thrilled to meet more of us!
