Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Cobra Coast to Coast Interview

You might want to listen to Cobra's first Coast to Coast interview which will be aired in less than 12 hours:




  1. Replies
    1. Hey Prosperity, me too ! I'll bring the popcorn ... will be an interesting event ! <3

  2. Is it on 1/9/13 at 1am EDT? Is it going to be archived?

  3. Looking forward to it :-) Thank you.

  4. Would love to listen, but you have to be a paid member :(

    This information should be free.

    1. The show is on AM radio. Check the coast to coast website for a list of stations. If you have a smartphone you can listen with the iheartradio app. Both methods are FREE. ;)

    2. Goto YouTube - eventually someone will upload it there. Or download it from Coast to Coast archives a day later...it's only $6 for a month and you get EVERY show in the past like 5 years??

    3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bX7tbF7SVvg&feature=youtu.be

  5. Cobra

    Can you get us a link to the show as you have to be a paid mrmbet.


  6. I was listen to most of it. - Thank God Rob Potter was there to smooth things over with John (GUEST HOST!!). Not to be negative - but I think John was kind of flippant to Cobra. I've heard Cobra give interviews on Youtube (Voice Modulated!) and I heard him fine. I could hear Cobra fine this evening and I was listening to the show via webstream for an East Coast station.

    What was more annoying was hearing John (GUEST Host) breathing heavy into his mic and get frustrated. Ascension, Free energy, the aliens, the Pyramids - Heard it all. I think John was LOST & didn't how to control the interview. OR...some dark forces were calling in saying "Get HIM off- we can't hear him". I know John has to do a show but he really wasn't complimentary.

    I advise anyone coming to this sight for the 1st time to goto the Coast to Coast archives and hear Rob Potters interview with George Noorey - MUCH Better interviewer and ALOT was covered and it's what got me curious to begin with. TRUST ME, Cobra & Rob are much better interviews than what John (GUEST HOST) was doing.

    Go to YouTube and search for "Cobra & Rob Potter" & stuff like Red Ice Radio. They've given better interviews. This coast to coast interview was not their best work. Thank God Mr. Potter was there to salvage things.

  7. Unfortunately the show was not that informative since the issue with the voice modulation.I'm a bit disappointed on that since I herd cobra's interview in BBS radio with Alan Steinfeld.And they handled this issue really well.Did not expected Coast to fail so epically.But I guess even pro's have their bad days.Sadly everything sounded very parodied and did not have the power it should had.I synchronistically found dr.Bell's first interview on coast to coast with Art Bell months before I herd mr.Potter on Coast.And the way he spoke...he had me stunned.As if the ideas he presented is 100% real,no matter how far off it is.But congrats on Mr.Potter for holding the front.And congrats to that fellow who(the one that follows cobra's blog) made it trough and called.

  8. For the ppl that wants to listen, this site lets you listen for free, just click on the big play button on the top:


  9. Bogus interview. I stayed up until nearly 2:00 AM for that hooey???

    The voice projection made him almost unintelligible. Except for the 20 seconds they "forgot" to cover his voice and you could hear his "accent".

    Nice job, C2CAM!

  10. Great interview Cobra, all the information was straight forward and I heard you just fine.

  11. Cobras voice was not modulated. I have no idea what was going on at Coast to Coast. I could hear him just fine.

  12. Big RED FLAG appeared to me when Rob told of an artifact craft that Jesus Christ ascended in that would be revealed after the event. Both Cobra and Rob should brush up on a little astrotheology. So what crafts were used by Mithra, Dionysus, Attis, and Horus (all anthropomorphisms of the SUN in addition to Jesus)? Another thing Rob and Cobra should check out is "Caesar's Messiah: The Roman Conspiracy to Invent Jesus."

  13. I like the interview ... and Cobra voice as well LOL
    If it is written, please let us know.
    And Cobra is very very interesting person, hope all pleadians are the same :-)

  14. I was initially disappointed that I could not hear cobra with the tech difficulties with voice mod, but am relistening to the download. My partner said the reception in the replay is just fine. I'm keeping my fingers crossed (am up to Rob's description of Egypt trip), but will look to this website and beyond for all the detailed info the cobra provides..
