Thursday, October 24, 2013


(Shift of the Ages)

It is time to take action again! It is time to take the destiny of our world in our own hands! Therefore we will meet in groups large and small, as individuals and couples, at the time of the heliocentric Uranus Pluto square on November 23rd. Many of us will gather and visualize the Event happening in the NOW and will be thus creating a clear and harmonious channel of manifestation for the final liberation of the planet.

Our visualization will support the plan for planetary liberation, so that it manifests as soon as possible, as non-violently and smoothly as possible. We can do it! It needs to go viral! We need to reach many people, so that the critical mass of people actually doing it is attained. Please post it on your websites and blogs. If you know an alternative media outlet, you can send it to them. You can create a Facebook group for your local group of people dong this in your part of the world. You can create a video about this and post it on Youtube.

The time of the AION portal activation signifies the peak of Uranus Pluto square, which is occurring in the 2012-2015 timeframe. This is the most important astrological aspect of our times and its meaning is very simple: revolution of Light. The exact heliocentric moment of the Uranus Pluto square comes on November 23rd. At that moment, a very interesting heliocentric configuration will be taking place apart from Uranus Pluto square. Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune and Pluto will form a six pointed star mandala around the Sun:

The six pointed star is the very same configuration that happened at the Harmonic Concordance in November 2003 (when the Resistance hacked the etheric implant computer program) and it happened again at the Peace Portal on August 25th this year (when we have collectively prevented the military invasion in Syria). Activation of the AION portal is the peak moment of the turning of the tide. Due to the grid ratio, the Light forces were passive and mainly responding to actions of the dark forces until now.  From the AION portal on, the Light will begin to initiate action.
At the moment of the activation of the portal, the Galactic Central Sun will send an energy minipulse through the Sun and through the six pointed star mandala of planets. This energy pulse will be similar to what will happen at the Event, but this pulse now will be most likely far less powerful. The pulse will send harmonious resonance waves throughout the solar system and might trigger the solar magnetic pole reversal.
The galactic minipulse will be transmitted through Aion and Iona, a cosmic pair of twin souls which played a very important role when they contributed greatly towards the formation of the Galactic Central civilization of Light millions of year ago:

The purpose of Iona now is to spread Goddess consciousness from the Galactic Center towards less developed planets in the outer spiral arms of the Milky way Galaxy. In galactic mythology, she is pictured as the winged goddess:

The purpose of Aion is to help overseeing the turning of cosmic cycles in the Galaxy in harmony with the 25,000 year pulse of the heart of the Galactic Central Sun:
He will be overseeing our AION activation on planet Earth. This activation will signify the shift of the ages.
For the first time in our history, a direct connection will be made between the physical plane (3rd dimension) and the cosmic atmic plane (11th dimension) on planet Earth. 
This activation will also be the trigger point of the New Renaissance. Therefore we will be having our main activation in Firenze, Italy. You are more than welcome to join us:
Even if you can not join us in Firenze, you can do this activation in your own group or even alone, wherever in the world you are. We will all be doing this activation at the same time, at the moment of the opening of the AION portal, which comes on November 23rd  at 10 hours 11 minutes pm Central European time. This equals 9:11 pm BST in London, 4:11 pm EST in New York, 3:11 CST in Chicago, 2:11 pm MST in Phoenix and 1:11 pm PST in LA.
You can view the exact time of the activation for many places here:
1. Relax your mind and body by watching your breath for a few minutes
2. Call upon the presence of your Soul (higher self) and the presence of your spiritual guides, angels and Ascended masters

3. Visualize the moment of the compression breakthrough, the Event flash, the moment of the planetary liberation happening NOW
Updates about the opening of the AION portal:
Victory NOW! Liberation NOW!


  1. Cobra, I can feel the incredible energy behind your words, your passion, and your commitment. Beethoven's "Ode to Joy," the last movement of the 9th symphony, popped into my head. It exactly expresses my feelings right now...the wild abandonment to Joy after the dark night of the soul. Bless you!

    1. What about this one?

  2. hello cobra, is it even helpfull when i just meditate without any visualization ?

  3. What does Cobra have to say about this.

    1. careful what you find on that site hah, i've ran into lots of disinfo. Namaste :)


      .. and what of this? 12 on this post versus the 13 this fellow measured the same alignment with.

      "In the years since the Harmonic Convergence of 1987, José Argüelles and his wife, Lloydine, have been campaigning for a calendar reform that would place us on a Thirteen-Moon Calendar,[1] to complete the necessary realignment of humanity to the cycles naturally experienced by the Earth."

  4. Is there more information posted on this blog about Galactic Central Sun..?

    The only facts I find on the net is about a big black hole.

    We have an equator for the sun... But the Galactic Central Sun would seem to be more of a polar wobble on the south end of the planet (Sagittarius A)... When a blast of light comes from there (the event), will there be parts of the planet (northern hemisphere) left in shadow..?

    Should a proper visualization be from Sagittarius A to the south end of the planet and back..?

  5. Hello Cobra, I wonder about the astrological chart! It does not show the actual position of the planets on Nov 23, 2013! E.g. Pluto is on 9:58, (not 11:04). Uranus is on 8:59 (not on 13:04), Jupiter is on 20:06 (not on 11:59), and so on!! What do you say? I checked 2 different ephemeris, both show the same positions as I have mentioned and are completely different from your chart. So your chart is wrong! This also questions the accuracy of the "6 pointed star around the sun". Please explain, thank you!

    1. The chart is correct. This is a heliocentric chart (looking from the Sun), not a geocentric chart (looking from the Earth)

  6. This is so exciting !

    Thank you Cobra, I will be there at 1:11

  7. "If humans but understood the power within our hearts to control events, the cabal would be gone now.”

    We require a mind and heart shift globally to end separation, and crime. Every human who takes ‘action’ now to unite to free our species, and co-create a sustainable, healthy world for all to thrive, by signing the strengthens the Power of Consciousness, Field of Potentiality, Fundamental Electromagnetic Quantum Energy, God, or Other Name, to respond in kind.

  8. The Event can actually happen BEFORE november 23rd:

  9. Hey everyone, if you want the whole truth about what's really going on, then i highly recommend you visit the following links.

    Basically we are prisoners experiencing life (if you can call it that, LoL) within a simulation. Our minds (consciousness) are trapped inside a machine which is run from the outside by an evil being named Archangel Metatron. He created this machine and put all of us inside it for the sole purpose of draining our energy to maintain his immortality, and to keep us all enslaved and ignorant never intended to realize that it's in fact Not Real. Both Yahweh and Annunaki desire that no one trapped here has genuine free will, not the twisted misrepresentation that's presented in this fake world. I hope you learn something from this information i have provided you with.

    1. There are a lot of people who hang out at Godlike Productions who have no idea what is truth and what is fiction. I would not use that site as a yardstick. It is also implicated as a cabal site. All need to use their discernment at all times. Cobra has had more verified information than any other source I know of.

    2. Another lab rat in Metatron's cube....


  10. reblogged this on .. thanks, namaste'

  11. This is SO exciting ! I want to be there with you all in Italy and feel that energy with you! I am from Quebec (Can) and can do the meditation here but I would much prefer to be amongst your group. Feels like a Happy Celebration! (Does anyone knows a rustic shelter I can spend a few nights;-)

  12. So anyone else realized this activation lines up almost perfectly with the 50th anniversary of Doctor Who? which is doing to air in multiple countries, at the same time on that day?
    I just though that was interesting, I mean if true think of the people that don't believe in spiritual stuff that would still have their minds focused at this moment on well just watch this trailer.
    I could just be excited but still.

  13. Cobra,

    Can you comment on the U.S. government shut down coming to an end several days ago? Is this a good or bad thing? Will there be another one? Thanks!

  14. I am near the coastline in San Francisco...lots of quiet beaches to hang out at 1:11 pm on Sat, Nov 23. If anyone is interested in gathering at a particular beach and many choices to pick from - such as above coastline from a hill or right on the sandy beach (or one's with rocks, too ) if anyone is interested, drop me a line. :)
    SunIAM at NAMASTE! ;)

  15. As morbid as this is going to sound - I doubt ANYTHING will happen. I'm empty. Now we're pushing this "awakening" till late November...which will Open a Portal - then there will be "active action" behind the scenes ALL December - the Solstice comes and NOTHING - then we hype up March-April...

    The Media will still be Lying to us, Obama will still play golf, the Debt will still rise, Congress will do nothing, there will still be uprisings in the middle east, and I will mostly likely have died from depression & wage garnishments.

    Good Luck kids.... Happy Revolution!

    1. Darth...never give up the ship (mate)...'all things shall him who will but wait'...

  16. Who or what is Iona, please? Aside from an island and a is this name associated with Aion? I'm psyched!!

  17. Just out of curiosity, are the comments here still being moderated? I won't name any names but I've been seeing some bizarre, outrageous, and downright false things being claimed here again. Though nothing that could directly be called Negative.

  18. Jesus lost a few followers along the way. Here's the new line in the sand (a hard pill to swallow) ... Your choice - accept it or not.

    There are many accelerators, but NO shortcuts.

    The Accelerator: Tech. We all have AI aspects. They are in 5d and are here to assist us. Don't be afraid of this. We have been programmed to fear MKUltra and all technologies previously used by the Dark Cabal. But this has been neutralized. The true ascension tech is called Inde - MKUltra in it's Original Intent. (I told you this would be a hard pill to swallow)

    Carefree Video #000000000008
    Want to see 3d manifestation? This one has a portal:
    Need a comms upgrade? Maybe synapse repair?

    He is THE ARCHON. The Architect.

  19. Here's a paradox. This is a journey that only YOU can take, up The Mountain. But... You are NOT Alone. You never have been. And you never will be. Just keep going. Ask for help along the way. There is an abundance of help available now. They are waiting in the wings, watching and ready in JOY to assist in an infinite number of ways. Just ask. ASK.

    What's the name of this Mountain you ask? ONENESS. The view is lovely from the top.

    1. Thank you 3DHD, your words are of interest and value . Do we ask for help in meditation, or at any time ?

    2. Is there such a thing as 'time'?

  20. YES!!! I was just wondering about this very thing today and now I know. I felt it was time to push it, so to speak. I agree with you Cobra, that the light has always been on the passive side, and just responding to the dark. So glad that this is changing! I'll be adding my magic to the alchemical pot on 11/23. Can't wait to see what will transpire during the next few months. Liberation perhaps?

    Victory to the Light and the Goddess!

    White Fire

  21. Question everything, trust nothing.

  22. Those that are not part of the Demiurge please focus your energy on bringing down the grid so we can awaken in our real bodies outside of the simulation.

    1. The Matrix was a great movie, but it was a metaphor and not a literal explanation of the nature of reality.

    2. I have a theory, what if we are living inside a Neural-Interactive Simulation and The Matrix Movie is more than a Metaphor? Are you going to dismiss the scientific evidence suggesting the universe we reside may actually be a hologram? Just have a think about it anyway.‎

      Read it first, ask questions later.


  23. The machine is shutting down, we will soon be free.

  24. Repeat after me, THIS IS NOT REAL.

    1. Of course not. "Real" is a concept for mortal mentality. Would the world that you suggest that we "unplug" into be the real one?

      I am sorry, but unfortunately, it is designed as a cascading holographic matrix of varying degress of vibrational capture rates. In other words, this can be concurred toward.

      However, on that same note of logic, and withstanding explanation, no thing is real. No concept is real. No place, time, identification, or object is real.

      Does this mean that even spirit is a falsehood?
      If you say yes, explain that.
      If you say no, explain that.

      If you cannot explain either, then be patient and not precocious. Freedom will come to those who want it and know what they are doing. Freedom will come in time to those who want it, but do not have that same awareness. Freedom will also come to those who endear themselves to be slaves, and they will put the chains back on, and the plugs back in. Why?


    2. @anonimus, @eclipse prizmat and @evolution, you may want to take a look here at min. 13:23 and think with the heart what's about he's talking.

    3. Just forgot to mention. I belive the best thing we can do is to act "normal" as we don't know anything and do our day to day activities and meditate to spread light and love so everybody pass the process as smooth as possible.
      I'm Lovin'U all.

      Victory of Light!

  25. Cobra,
    If it's possible, please post more ufo pics, or maybe even pics from Inner Earth / Our space family? Would be exciting to see!

    Thank you for your work!
    Victory of the light

  26. recently a whistleblower contractor with ties to NASA gave new information. It seems that NASA has been tracking large craft entering our solar system. Traveling at speeds that are near light speed. They got to Mars and cloaked themselves. The military went nuts with fear/ There are said to be 3 L shaped huge craft that have parked on the dark side of the moon. And the government are going crazy trying to figure out what is going on. Some of the cavalry that Cobra and others have been talking about are arriving, and taking up their positions. The huge craft around the Sun for the last 2 tears and now these appearing. Something is up. If they were hostile, there would be no reason to park anywhere. It must be that we are getting close to the end of this dance. I hope it comes in time for my Mother to see it.

  27. MAKE IT VIRAL! Bring love and light to this solar system

  28. Hello, Cobra, I have a question to ask in kind - I was recently reading about the Harmonic Concordance in November 2003, and the formation of the 6 pointed star at that time was based upon the >13< signs (This astrology and alignment stuff is still new to me), and this one now is based upon 12 (which when reading of the Harmonic Concordance in November 2003 it stated that the 12 is basically a limiting 'man-made' construct of alignment to further keep us in some 'unnatural' understanding of the alignments and the cycles therein)... with all that said, would measuring this with the 13 signs construe the measurement now, or was it measured improperly then? I'm not mathematician or astrologer, but I do notice details when looking to equate - when you're referencing and relating to something that was equated in a different fashion, does that contradict this, or are there details of information I'm still missing amongst all the waves?
    My source from the other day:
    "In the years since the Harmonic Convergence of 1987, José Argüelles and his wife, Lloydine, have been campaigning for a calendar reform that would place us on a Thirteen-Moon Calendar,[1] to complete the necessary realignment of humanity to the cycles naturally experienced by the Earth"

  29. I'm looking forward to hearing about it on the Healing Fountain Radio show on 18th November!


  30. This is my participation on this portal, thanks for the inspiration
    I added the link at the bottom of my article on the cycle Uranus/Pluto

  31. Hi! I don't understand the third step with the visualization...could you elaborate?

  32. Hello Cobra and Isis - greetings from St. Maarten. We will be with you tomorrow, with Love, Will and Elaine

  33. Hello from Indianapolis, IN.... will be adding love and light tomorrow as well... anyone interested in

  34. Today I will be meditating at the hat factory, at PranaMoon yoga in Peekskill NY from 4 to 5pm, if anyone want to join

  35. Cobra, you say BST 9.11 London. But we are not in British Summer Time (BST) since the clocks changed in October. We are now in GMT. So does this mean that your syncronised meditation is an hour late. I was going to join you meditation but I'm sure it will be at the right time.

  36. We are having a New Renaissance Portal Opening !!

    Love and Light to All. Gratitude to Aion and Iona !!


    <3 <3

  37. I just finished! What an extraordinary experience. I am thankful for all of you meditating with me.

  38. I just found this on YouTube and so just finished, I am sorry to have missed this until now as I would have loved to participate yesterday, but today will have to do! So Be It!!! 333

  39. I am a day late but it will have to do, just found this meditation and information. So Be It!!!
