Friday, October 30, 2015

Meditation for Europe Report and Two Cobra Interviews

Meditation for Europe was a partial success. Although many people participated, we were far from achieving the critical mass.

It is true that Russian intervention in Syria has triggered a wave of refugees returning back to Syria, as it was reported by Iranian news agency just hours after our meditation:

On the other hand, there is far from enough awareness about the severity of the refugee situation among the Lightworkers and Lightwarriors. The whole situation is a mixture of a genuine great humanitarian crisis as masses of people are fleeing the war, and an attempt of the Cabal to destabilize Europe and trigger WW3 by igniting religious hatred between Christians and Muslims. About three quarters of refugees are people who escaped the horrors of war and they deserve all our love and support. But, it is estimated that about 4% of migrants entering Europe are Islamic State mercenaries that are being infiltrated into Europe. It is also estimated that additional 20% of migrants have been given large sums of money to enter Europe, posing as economic migrants, but actually serving as a backup for the mercenaries. Some of them have been trained and mind-programmed in military camps across Middle East, logistically supported by CIA. This whole operation, costing a few billion, has been financed with Rothschild and Saudi money. This segment of migrants has been given easy access to fake or stolen Syrian passports to make their infiltration into Europe easier:

Most top European politicians are aware of the invasion plan and support it willingly or unwillingly under the dictates of the Cabal. The agenda of the Cabal is to annex parts of Europe to the Islamic State caliphate until 2020 and their plans are serious:

The Cabal has plans to repeat the same process later in the USA after Europe is taken. Last week, tiny alpine country of Slovenia has been receiving a steady influx of 10,000 refugees daily. If we compare this to the United States, the flow of refugees is comparable to 2 million migrants entering the States daily across the Mexican border through a few entry points in California, Arizona, New Mexico and Texas.

Although thanks to the Russian intervention the plans of the Cabal for Europe and USA will NOT be successful, it is still very important for Lightworkers and Lightwarriors around the world to support peace in Europe with mass meditations. This is the most serious geopolitical situation on this planet since the end of WW2. Meditation for Europe might need to be repeated again and announced on my blog if the situation will require, and I would ask that more people support the Light at that critical moment. Also, it would be good if people who feel so guided would do this meditation daily. Aside from our meditations, what is urgently needed on the surface of this planet is a spiritual intervention of the Light forces, which will occur, as soon as the strangelet bomb threat is reduced to a manageable level. 


On a brighter side, you might wish to read this Cobra interview by Prepare for Change:

Or listen to the Youtube version here:

The October monthly update Cobra interview by Rob Potter has been posted, together with the transcript, which you can see if you scroll a bit further down this page:

The Youtube version is available here:

You can send your questions to and many of them will be answered in the next monthly update interview. 

Victory of the Light!


  1. As some of you may be aware of this, I made a significant effort on both Prepare For Change as well as Facebook to focus on a meditation for Hurricane Patricia roughly two days before this meditation for Europe.

    I asked Cobra if this was successful, and while he confirmed it was, it was also a partial distraction to the meditation for Europe and Syria.

    I wanted to use Cobra's post on this as an opportunity to apologize for taking the focus away from the greater issue, and to also stress that we need to come together as much as possible to focus on planetary liberation when these meditation requests come from the Resistance.

    This is not "child's play"...the Cabal is fighting tooth and nail until the EVENT itself...and we must demonstrate our collective will for peace and a brighter future for humanity.

    Thank goodness for the Russian intervention in Syria, as otherwise the unthinkable may be occurring.

    Nonetheless, Victory of the Light is near, and we will ultimately have freedom. Let's collectively do as much as we can to assist - no matter how hard our personal lives are.

    1. I am a person of integrity above all else - if I am truly at fault for something, I will own up to it and rectify the situation.

      This process is obviously much easier elsewhere in universe than Earth, however.

    2. I myself encouraged people on the Friday (day of the hurricane, 2 days before the meditation for Europe) to meditate to visualize the hurricane dissipating and dissolving before it hit the shore of Mexico.

      I was scared for the people of Mexico and scared for everybody visiting Mexico at that time.

      I figured we could clean up the hurricane on Friday and then go back to working on Europe!

      But ! I will now resume my focus on Europe and... we can all "double-down" our efforts in this regard !!

    3. Too much scared scared fear fear

  2. I feel that Keshe foundation is the start of the new life with free energy. This change everyting and is happening right now!!! Build your own plasma energy genetator and be total free!!!

  3. Dear Cobra,

    For who is motivated do this meditation daily, should we do it at the same time it was programmed originally or can we do it at different times according which is more suitable to each one individually? Thank you.

    Victory of the Light,

    1. Hi Ana! There's a timer for the daily meditation on the top right of the page but I would think anytime would be helpful.

    2. Hopefully! In my time zone, it was 4 am and I didn't wake up.
      However, I am focusing all the time on a positive outcome, and I am out of the fear mode, I'm pretty sure it does help greatly.
      Hard to fathom, at the beginning, that we have such great personal power within the collective human free mind, to bend things in our favor.
      Thank you Cobra and team! :-)

    3. Hi Comm! Thank you, I didn't look at that detail. I think also that any time is good, but when I do it, I have the care to synchronize with global consciousness. :)

    4. Oh, I know why I didn't see it. Is because sometimes I have the flash off when firefox starts, and then this applications appear disabled.

  4. Here is a link where we can join together from all over the world:

    Peace in Syrira, Peace Everywhere, PEACE !!!
    In Light and Love for the Victory of Light

  5. i knew a good portion of them were paid. nice post here. cant wait to listen to your voice on the october update cobra. you never slip man. keep up the amazing work.

  6. How is this spiritual intervention going to manifest?

    1. I don't know if you directed your question to Cobra and/or all of us but I felt inspired to reply to your question regardless since you're the only person thus far who has mentioned the part of the post that to me is not only the most positive but the most significant. After contemplating what Cobra is referring to when he said the Light Forces are going to intervene on the surface of the planet once the strangelet bomb threat is reduced to a manageable level I think it's possible that he's referring to the fact that the Light Forces might trigger the Event prematurely since the Europe refugee crisis is as bad as it is (worst geopolitical situation on the planet since the end of WW2). It occurred to me that if the Light forces are going to intervene on the surface of the planet in some way, shape or form and thus at the very least risk the Chimera Group detonating one or more strangelet bombs it makes sense to me that they might as well intervene by triggering the Event. I also remember him saying in one of his last interviews with Rob Potter that he said if for example martial law was enforced all over the United States that the Resistance Movement would consider triggering the Event even though doing so would cause some strangelet bombs to go off. So it's definitely a possibility that the Event could be triggered prematurely. I know there's probably other possibilities as to what Cobra is referring to but and I'm sure I'm speaking for all of us when I say I hope I'm right. I'm curious as to how you think this spiritual intervention is going to manifest.

  7. dear Cobra. as you might be aware there are continous reports regarding brics being a lure towards movement of wealth towards east. sites such as provide us with an insight of a possible outcome where the current 'cabal' is simply replaced by the next one. a lot of public lightworkers claim that there is noone to help humanity but ourselves. apparently the benevolent ETs are fully aware that by actively assisting earth humans we wont learn our lessons as shortcuts would be made. therefore its a possibility that those that actively participate in 'liberation' are simply following an agenda.
    could you please be so kind to comment on these raised issues?
    as always, victory to the light and see you in the next meditation.

    1. Lessons???
      This planet is a prison, buddy! A horrible and gross slaughterhouse!!!
      And our "teachers" the Archons, nothing mote and nothing less
      No man or et with an inch of common sense can call this Matrix a "school".

    2. I could not agree with you more.It is indeed a horrible and gross slaughter house in every sense and if the benevolent ETs who incidentally seem, apparently to have had an involvement in this state of affairs in the past, well then they can start moving their backside instead of observing and help out! Everything in the universe is interconnected, maybe that is the lesson they too have to learn!

    3. Sorry but it's a prison and a school. If you don't think it's a school, it's your fault for not paying attention in class!
      Read Michael Newton's two books Journey and Destiny of Souls for a description of the reincarnation process. Karma is an automatic feedback mechanism to tell you how you're doing. Learn faster and life gets easier, a beautiful system, really.

  8. Cobra and RM, I humbly request not to let us stay so much time without updates, specially if these updates are reports about the sucess of our meditations.

    Victory of the light!!!

  9. What can be done to protect ourselves from the negative attacks following meditations? The more powerful the meditation, the more violent the mind and body attacks become. I have tried to surround myself in love and light and ask for protection, but it is not helping. Sometimes my mind is reduced to mush and I feel angery to the core though that is not who I normally am. I need to be focused at my job and i don't like feeling angry or defensive. I have considered stopping my daily meditations due to this. Anyone have any suggestions?

    1. People usually say "I have to see it to believe it". What if the truth is the other way around? Like this "I have to believe it to see it !"

      If you succeed to have faith in yourself you can unleash great protection knowing that what you do is for the benefit of all and you do it for DEFENSE and PROTECTION just by stating what you NEED with loud voice. Being in a state of Balance with yourself and with whole Universe also helps a lot. Being Connected with the Central Galactic Sun also helps a lot. Expanding your fields (or energetic bodies) only horizontally at the surface of the planet and not to high to not be detected is also of great help. You can use always in your meditations the loud voice statement: "All energy synchronisations and interactions with other meditators remain Undetected by negative entities and their technology".

    2. I find the meditation technique in this post ( to be quite effective. However, I know what you mean, I get so drained that I don't feel like meditating. A lot of the time I feel so down I don't even have the energy/will power to use the protection technique. But when I do use it, I always feel better. Stay strong sistar!

    3. I use orgonite to stop EM radiations which Cobra says are on overload and use the one way white light bubble that he recommended, sending negative energy back to the source.

    4. When we meditate we open up our 7 'main' chakras.

      It's important to 'close down' at the end of meditation -- otherwise we are vulnerable to lots of negative.

      You can do this by visualizing yourself in the middle of a ball of white light -- above, below, all around you, with you in the center... close each of your hands into a fist as you visualize this protective ball of light.

      This will give you a big buffer zone and ward off the negative stuff. It works if you have to go out into the world after meditating... which most of us do... It works to take you out on a higher energetic plane if you meditate right before bedtime.

      Most people are not taught this 'closing down' technique.
      And I don't believe (for example) that TM teaches people to close down at the end....

      I was lucky enough to be taught it by an excellent teacher, who explained to me it is 'ancient Egyptian.'

      Try it. You will maintain much better energy throughout the day if you close down. And meditation is all about energy.

    5. People complaining about being attacked is a reason many other people choose not to do the meditations. Believing you might be attacked actually can provoke an attack, a guru told me this.

    6. A trick I do is... try to deal with the attacks in "Matrix, bullet-time"...

      I would keep in mind, part of your job might be to run interference for covert light operations to be implemented near you..? might not be the biggest part of the mission- but still... The only cover for light operations would be light.

      Breath of a Portal.

    7. I meditate now for years and I also get attacks after have joined the liberation meditation. What I have learned to manage this, is to meditate for a peaceful world on a daily basis. Instead of sending your light directly to the cabal (which is getting personal), send it instead to the whole earth. Embrace Gaia (literally imagening your arms around her) so you can fix your timeline for a peaceful outcome (There is really only one you in this world, connected to a ego-system). So free yourself!
      This protection invocation which I do on a daily basis is very effective. First, ask AA Michael to put a golden dome around you, around your house or building. Then start with this invocation. You say it 3 times out loud, cause you will sense a vibrational field starting within you and around you. Here it comes:
      All acts of negativity sent to me will now return to thee with LOVE. All bad anyone tries to send my way upon their own self, the dark fades away. All actions, thoughts and words of hate become healed by my Love and Light.
      I AM energy, I AM protected Universally with Love and Light. I AM a Divine Light Being who is ONE with the Prime Creator Source, The Lord of Hosts, The Lord Most High, the Worlds and the Wise. By the Power of the Prime Creator Source and the powers within thee, no harm to none, nor returned to me. This is my will and so it is! Namasté.
      ...... Do this before you do a meditation and afterwards and ask AA Michael to close any hole, stargate or door you might have opened after every healing or meditation.
      Victory to the Light!

    8. Hey Brown Eyed Girl: R u being attacked by psychotronics? There r many effects from many frequency combos; effects r both physical & psychic, including extreme fatigue, depression, fear & rage-stimulation. U r right, this is not ur authentic self.

      If I understand Cobra's info correctly, psychotronics is hooked in2 the Veil scalar plasma tech & cannot b shut off until the Event. Been researching.

      I sure w/ like 2 b wrong about this. Cabal-minion sociopathic neighbors in rural E AZ, USA. I seem 2 b an experimental target. &/or Archon food? & all law enforcement in Navajo County pretends that this tech does not exist. I am not enjoying this experience. When did I sign up 4 this shit?

      Try 4 some electromagnetic shielding, as u can afford? Small orgone pieces r more affordable. Rob's Promise Revealed site has some ideas.

      Many Lightworkers & Lightwarriors r targeted, usually in multiple ways. Electromagnetic harassment. Poverty. Distraction problems in daily life. Obviously the Cabal is scared shitless of us, but this is not much consolation.

      Being aware of the problem on whatever level it manifests thus does help in resisting this programming. Bc it is attempted programming: the Cabal still wants 2 own u.

      So work on owning ur own mind & ur own energy. Research solutions.

      BREATHE LIGHT, EVERY1! Be well all.

    9. Great suggestions, thank you everyone. The closing down after meditation was very eye opening- that really resonating with me. I really appreciate the support!

    10. I tried the suggestion from WestCoastUSMegan this morning and I felt more strong after. I can only hope that this keeps on working. Usually I have the problem that a technique stops working for me when I find it.

    11. Hi Brown Eyed Girl, this state of affairs is unfortunately very common. On one hand if you are under severe attack it means you are worth your salt, otherwise the dark forces would not bother with you, on the other hand I often experience too what you are describing in spite of the fact that I know I have tonnes of protection due to the healing and planetary work I do.
      Give it a break for a couple of week and regroup inside. If you are working with spirit helpers do make sure they are shielding you when you do this work. Do not fear , this is imperative although difficult. Channel your energy in some type of down to earth activity, a manual hobby even making bread helps grounding. It would be good if you could consult someone that can performs energy clearing and discuss protection techniques, there are
      many modalities of psychic protection and you have to choose what works for you. Ultimately keep in mind that these negative entities hit where it hurts but there is a limit to what they can do if you do not fear them. Also avoid eating all animal products and try to be as fit as possible under your circumstances, flesh and spirit intertwine, they are not separate entities.
      If you can take a little time two do something you like or go out and have a little fun, it will help a lot to keep you balance and clear your mind

      Much Love

    12. Again great suggetions! I feel much more connected to everyone! I worked with my guides to close down my chakars at the end of my meditation, and began and ended in protective light and it has made a great difference! I spend as much time outside as I have always known this connection is scacred and cleansing. I'm trying hard to eliviate as much animal in my diet, down to fish and chicken and the rest organic, no glutin and no dairy- hard with a family but we have come a long way. Thanks everyone!

  10. Thank you Cobra for releasing info.

  11. Yeap, Cobra, i will put more effort and intent!! Thanxs!!!!

  12. COBRA:
    Keshe released what he calls "Blueprint"

    Download (12 Mb's)

    It's few PDF's explaining how to create PART of the device

  13. The Archon won't self-destruct. It is not self-destructive. I am not denying the existence of strangelet bombs. Double-check the trigger mechanism. They are THE master manipulators and will fool anything and anybody to the end of time. Their nature is not to vanish from random explosion if something goes wrong. That does not fit into their behaviour, which is to keep all the cards at hand. They like to play their games 'till the end no matter what. The cabal groups and chimera may be self-destructive, but the Archon entity definitely is not. Double-check the trigger mechanism, there is something fishy going on there and we're doing over-time because of it. You think there is a possibility for a huge explosion just before the Event and all this was for nothing? Think about it. A second before the Event would happen, someone would do something wrong which would trigger a strangelet bomb. Think about it. I can't be the only one who questions this. There can't be an unanimous opinion about the trigger mechanism among the Resistance and Light Forces. You think one wrong move that could destroy this planet could be allowed and the Divine Plan would fail? Bybass your egos and use common sense.

    This message is not directed to Cobra.

    1. good on you for using common sense and your right on the money

    2. i think they take precaution at all times dealing with this esoteric threat just like the police would when dealing with a bomb threat fake or not.

  14. cobra...ask others for help aliens to help eliminate bombs strangelet..!!!!!!!

  15. What's classed as manageable level and are we near it
    Glad I live away from Europe
    I meditate / intend all day every day with the rotating pottery I have forgotten the name
    We don't need this brutality in our lives at all and 2020 let's hope it wi be all over by then
    Love to all keep meditating

    1. Hey susan: Yes indeed, inquiring minds under pressure want 2 know:

      What's classed as manageable level and are we near it !

      BREATHE LIGHT EVERY1! Be well all.

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.


  17. Lars B. 4_20 says:
    "Du hast MILLIONEN LEGIONEN hinter Dir."


  18. i made a meme to share hallow's eve:

  19. this will allow it to be more personal:


  20. Der Schläfer Erwacht.
    Jetzt gibt es KEIN ZURÜCK.

    WIR sind EINS auf EINER WELLE.
    Tausend Eine Milliarde Million Prozent :-)

    Und WEISS ES

    Der Zauber Wirkt
    Du Wachst Auf


  21. I have not had internet access for days, but things are sorted out and I was able to read email and articles on my smartphone, although I was not able to comment, share or post. I still need to catch up on things, including this post, but I wanted to express to Cobra and Rob how inspiring I found your conversation. I listened to it twice in bed while falling asleep, (probably missing parts). Perhaps it was due to the relaxed state I was in, or the lovely song at the end, but when it ended, I felt extremely optimistic, hopeful and happy. For the first time in a long time, I felt a spark of magic, excitement and possibility for the human collective, and for fulfilling my own potential, something that had become lost in the daily struggle. Clearly, change is happening all around the globe, and within us. Thank you Cobra, Rob, RM, Light Forces and all for keeping that spark alive. Much love <3

  22. Oprah Winfrey talks with Thich Nhat Hanh Excerpt - Powerful

    I'm not a big fan of Oprah, but she does a lot of good, both directly and by introducing us to wise, proactive leaders, such as in this interview with Thich Nhat Hanh from 2 years ago, before his incapacitating stroke.

    Thich Nhat Hanh Health Update

  23. Without expanding too much, I'm not sure Cobra is 100percent on surface population never living in advanced civilizations. Also may not be 100 on the part about once youre human you don't go back to animal. I believe this is also incorrect. Not trying to discredit Cobra, and I dont have a blog or following lol, I'm just trying to shed light on reality. Hope this helps in short

    1. Cobra is not going to tell people the whole truth all the time because quite frankly people can't handle the truth due to imprints (what you see in the mirror and what's in your brain). The truth would create negative 'vibes' and separation of the masses. Even the so called awakened one's can't handle it due to indoctrinations and lash out as it bursts their bubble of 'love'.

      To beat an enemy you have to understand it's agenda. You mentioned regression into animal, well it says the same in the 'protocols of the elders of zion'.

      People just can't handle truth as I post things which are true but people criticize. Humanity are not all derived from the same specie but people can't even handle that even though it's not a big deal as there apparently are millions of specie out in the galaxy.

      Once you have burst your reality bubble and realize we live in the twilight zone or a movie nothing is off the table, there are not many people around on this planet that have shattered their bubble to be open and happy to accept all kinds of craziness and cross reference information with tonnes of research that they have done.

      What is interesting is the non humans act out in the 3rd dimension on the surface but the so called light forces don't really do that . How can the draco be defeated or even challenged by limited action on the surface. The surface people have no cash or status to do anything, there is no learning other than the challenge of the 'game' of watching.

      People are more of a doer in the practical sense but today there is not much we can do and this leads to frustration. The disclosure group drip feeds information like a soap opera!

      What can we do about the insane amount of heavy metals being sprayed when you have to go work everyday, no crystal or rock is going to prevent the uptake of it. I feel it at the end of the day the mind is underwater.

      On a positive note be thankful you do not live in London, they have kindly allowed the sun to be out today but only with fresh spraying, usually they spray day and night above a held cloud cover over the city for 7-10 days. I haven't been able to sungaze for about 2 weeks! Over the past 8 months I have looked at the sun for 44 minutes numerous times and mostly 30 mins (ish). Eyesight is perfect and whenever I close my eyes I have strobe lights going off......(trying to activate 3rd eye....experimenting).

    2. True about the spraying, everybody is coughing and feels dizzy. As far as not been able to handle the true... well according to who and to what.. I frankly do not care who can or cannot handle the truth, we cannot afford to wait for critical mass to have a conscience in the state we are in right now.

    3. Soul expands, evolves it's awareness. Since everything is in the present you can choose to become an animal if you want. But think of it this way. Do you want to become a baby again? The answer is why we don't become animals after being a more highly evolved being.

    4. I believe the importance of preserving gaia/earth/terra3 is of more importance to the shock on humanity's ego. That being said I believe we are either about to be liberated, or will have to liberate ourselfs at whatever pace we choose as a collective. However with the ammount of corruption, I believe its only logic we would be entilted a reset eventually right? Humanity is more than ready, the "light forces" believes arent ours. Down here on the ground I dont know of anyone who hasnt heard the word alien or intelligent off world life, or however you choose to form your 3d linguistic.. Namaste friends

  24. The last several meditations didn't reach critical mass if I remember correctly. I feel like everyone is getting burned out and losing hope. What can we do to reverse this!? I feel like The Event could still happen this year if the alliance of lightworkers were to happen. I has high hopes for the site but they have yet to even reach 3000 members.

    1. Mediation has not been successful yet for myself (practicing). But I do say humbly that the past few weeks has been quite flat and negative and I get the vibe that there is a long way to go before this BS is over...years? I think the controlled disclosure is in control so we are in for years of slow release of Intel like a entertainment tv show.

      Any real disclosure from a normal human would be wham here is it but as the DW and 'mob' has said he has only released 5% of his information.

      Spherebeingalliance is controlled disclosure and Corry/DW post articles the same time to keep their 'fans' sucking on the teet. Some of their work is real of course, but the drip feed is plainly obvious for anyone who is not a brainwashed fan.

    2. As an idea, approach the Oneness University in Southern India. There exists a large global network that, once presented to them, could increase awareness among the millions of Awakened to join in with the daily meditations.

  25. I don't know why this 5 minute video clip is so funny to me..?


  26. Most people are concerned with making ends meet.
    Some work 2 jobs.
    It is very taxing to ask them to do a meditation.
    Some would laugh in your face. "Will that put bread on the table?".
    I am not just about to blame them.
    The system is geared towards cornering us into survival mode.
    This is how it works.
    But once we understand that, we defeat their purpose, because the light comes in.

  27. Dear Cobra,

    There is something very important I want to show you. I used a powerful remote viewing technique to locate another ancient artifact more intriguing than even the Halaf Pottery. This Sumerian cylindrical seal and tablet imprint contains the sacred knowledge to defeat the Toplet bombs.
    The upper diagram is our modern understanding of quantum mechanics. The lower diagram is the much more detailed Sumerian understanding of quantum mechanics.

    The common ring model of an atom (also called the Bohr model) is false. Electrons do not orbit around a nucleus like a planet orbits around a star. The diagram above is the true shape of an atom. Electrons can only exist in certain valances and never in between. Electrons teleport between valances in what is called the quantum leap. The area between the valances is called the quantum void.

    What is pictured on the clay tablet is advanced quantum mechanics. The larger bow tie shaped imprint is exactly in proportion to the valance signature of Oxygen while the smaller cross imprints are hydrogen atoms. This is a textbook quantum mechanical model. It even shows electron sharing and entanglement. A modern scientist would be hard pressed to draw a better picture of entanglement and valance structure than what is imprinted on the 4000 year old clay tablet.

    The Sumerians were and still ARE smarter than us. They understood sacred geometry and could remote view into the infinitely small. They had knowledge of even older secrets.

    Size is circular ; physics is unified ; Holy Grail is found
    Harmony - Destruction - Beauty

    If the positive ETs are waiting for a sign that humanity is waking up, then here it is. With a proper meditation used via the Sumerian tablet we can visualize harmony and beauty over destruction which would render all the toplet bombs useless. Our minds and meditation co-create the universe at the quantum level. If we visualize harmony, and beauty then neither the cabal nor the archons will be able to prevent it from manifesting.

    Talk this over with the RM.



    1. Just to clarify here both artifacts are needed.
      The Halaf Pottery contains divine feminine goddess energy.
      Sumerian Tablet contain the divine masculine god energy.

      Both can be used in perfect balance to heal the situation in Europe and to conter the toplet bombs.

      Feminine and Masculine aspects

  28. The latest meditation requests have been difficult I feel. I feel unconcentrated, lack of focus etc. at that time. I feel no connection to other meditators. Personally I think my meditation focus has become worse over the latest years. It was best when I started.

  29. Hi, I would like to share some experience we have here in Prague, Czech Republic, Central Europe, with getting the Cobra info out to the public. Since we started our blog with Cobra meditations, cornerstone articles and current articles about a 4 weeks ago, we have received 9 442 hits on the blog. Our FB group ( doubled to 337 people in one month. We have so far also 978 hist on Weekly Liberation Meditation ( and we have 6702 hits on Meditaion for Europe ( Countless FB view – have no stats for that. We run all that fo Czech as well as Slovak Republic as the languages are similar. That is about 15 milions of people of this theritory. What I have learned from this is, that having translations put on a blog, does not wash them down as on FB. So I keep the blog and just post links to new articles to our FB group as well as to other FB groups working with Light or now also FB groups dealing with the refuges crisis. I would recommend for every non-English countries to do the same. This is link to our blog with Cobra posts: for your inspiration. What was also successful was to reccord and post audio guided versions of the meditations. ENGLISH audios are here: I love you all.

  30. Tx, Cobra, 4 another awesome interview w/ Rob. Always so interesting! & relevant.

    [Dyson spheres & supertech:] "So ... when a civilization is liberated from darkness & liberated from all limitations of -- that arise from the primary anomaly, huge things r possible ... "

    "& then after, I w/ say, 1999, when the Resistance Movement came 2 this planet, the RM had a quite strong force inside of the solar system, especially the asteroid belt, & they were beginning a house-clearing operation."

    "Yes, bc the implants now *r not the same as* the implants b4 ’96. They have been *drastically improved. *It is much more advanced negative technology.* [Psychotronics 2?] That’s why it’s taking so long. [2 clear the bombs & the tech, 2 prep 4 the Event.] (Rob – OK.)

    "The implants b4 1996 – we had technologies already on the surface that could remove them almost completely. What we have now is *different bc it is tied 2 strangelet bombs & plasma fields.* It is a little bit different situation now."

    [WHOA! Then -- When we all signed up -- b4 this life /b4 any Earth life -- 4 implants & 4 crap life-situations, was this recent 1996-invasion tech NOT what we all signed up 4? ... Bad contracts: Of course the anomaly minions, Archons et alii, all have been tremendous liars all along ... ]

    [Working Keshe devices:] "Bc when this happens, it will be an explosion. It will be a chain reaction of positivity. It will be a chain reaction of light."

    "Rob – Have they removed any of the strangelet or toplet bombs @ all? Have any of them been dismantled?

    COBRA – Oh, yes. Many, many, many have been removed.

    Rob – Oh. Wow. OK. When all of them r removed, will this immediately activate the Event.

    COBRA – Yes."

    "Actually, [Christ] came from the Sirius star system & the purpose of that being was *2 anchor *the energy of unconditional love & *the energy of divine grace* on the surface of the planet. He was the 1st 1 2 introduce the concept of unconditional love. The image of unconditional love. Bc that concept was virtually unknown on the surface of this planet in the cultures of that time. So it was a very important energy that was opened @ that time. *& this energy is the energy that will actually transform the planet.*"

    [& !!!!:] sara: what do these Andromedan Archons look like?

    babarob: bush cheney rumsfeld kissinger

    BREATHE LIGHT EVERY1! Be well all.

    1. Important point you made, about CONTRACTS! If you downot like to be attacked, to feel drained after meditation, etc, then create for yourself (or find on-line) a document in which you formally and absolutely cancel any and all contracts with the dark. You will find your life goes much MUCH better!!

  31. Keshe battery blueprint

  32. Which civilizations are helping in the release process of this planet? We should get the help of all existing beings, I believe that most do not know that the Earth exists.

    1. My dear, they all know and many are already here on ground and above but there is a rule of non-interference. So, the liberation has to be done indirectly. May the LOVE be with you always!

  33. This comment has been removed by the author.

  34. Please pray for romanian people:

  35. The 5 Light rules

    - Every being has to be free.
    - No being is allowed to do illegal harm on 3rd beings.
    - Every being has the right to get the energies which are necessary for its own existence.
    - Every being has the unconditional right of own integrity.
    - Every being has an unconditional right of individual evolvement.

    (Note: All rights must of course always be used only in the context in which they don't violate other rules or rights of others.)

    More here...

  36. I was lucky enough to know a teacher of meditation who was a mystic and a psychic and a channeler, who I met when I was 18. This was a number of years before the 'Great Forgetting of 1996' and she had a direct line to the masters.

    I mention this because some of you don't understand meditation and 'what it does for you.' Besides what it is doing to help Europe.

    You see, meditation energizes body, mind and spirit. Once your energy is high enough -- toward the end of a 20-min period --- you have a lot more focused- mind power and you can use this mind power to create and manifest the things you want in your life.

    You are focusing your mind like a laser to create, to manifest and it really works.

    This is what Corey Goode also talks about in his gaiam tv episodes.

    Meditation improves all 5 of your senses and brings in the 6th sense, your intuition. So you see, if you do the meditation every day, you will improve yourself and your own health and your own life.

    You can manifest what you want for yourself, you can solve problems that previously you couldn't solve.

    Meditation helps you see yourself so you can "tame your inner barbarian," as Cobra put it in a recent post.

    You can reprogram all your negative junk and heal it because meditation makes you very self aware.

    AND if you do the meditation for Europe you will be focusing your energy to help all the European countries, who are being overwhelmed by these refugees.

    It is a win-win situation for everybody.

    So: put on those meditation slippers and LET'S GET SITTING.

  37. you know whether the cabal can influence the outcome of football games based on the quality and quantity of lightwarriors that could be affected by the results?

  38. The 1st Europe Meditation I think was successful......... But I do agree hat many people are becoming exhausted with constantly being put down that we are not doing enough ...... I'm still doing whatever I can but I do understand the exhaustion.......We need to be shown something from the light besides fear of Strangelet Bombs.......that would recharge some hope and energy within.

  39. COBRA.. do you hear the difference in audio quality between the first and the second interview by Rob? Surely you do!!

    This is what we have been complaining about for a long time now! And you have done nothing. NADA.

    I can hardly hear what the **** is being said in your monthly interview with Rob, but contrarily I can hear what you are saying just FINE in the other - without the need for headphones!

    This PROVES it is possible to put out a higher standard of audio quality for our much beloved monthly interviews... dude, just get someone else to do the audio! Why is that so difficult Cobra?? Get the Pleiadians to pay for a professional service if you must!!

    Come on mate, it can't be that hard, can it?? Put out a request on this blog and say you will pay them.


    1. I always listen to Rob's Soundcloud version, one, because Rob generally posts it before Cobra does, and two, because it is so much easier to hear. For me, it has much more clarity and depth than the YouTube version that comes with Cobra's post. so go to Rob's site and listen or click on the Soundcloud icon to bust it out on a separate tab. I think you have to have a Soundcloud account, which is worthwhile since many of my DJ and dance community friends use it.

  40. The new dawns light , cast upon the chimera, they falling over, got but one brown leaf left on their four leaf clover

  41. Find out what's happening #BobbyBare:

  42. Oct 31st and it appears this new generation of royals and ancient family members picked up right where the old group left off. Tomorrow the gloves come off. I really don't want to go there and many would wish that I don't. Not in this forum. By tomorrow If nothing changes as promised that it would I will take that as sign from Heaven!

    1. When does humanity get to take its vote of no confidence?

    2. I call upon Heaven and all its mighty legions of merciful Angels immediate direct unmistakable and undeniable full loving presence and intervention in our affairs. Many have lost the full faith and confidence required in those you have sent here and those in their employ for the greater good of all to effectively and efficiently effect great change in your name in these realms. In these matters your loving presence and the immediate direct unmistakable and undeniable intervention of your mighty legions of merciful Angels is needed, required and welcomed. I ask of you have you not seen enough?

      For very much time those that you have sent and those in their employ have shown orders of magnitude more respect, dignity, transparency, love, kindness, compassion and mercy to the evil, dark and wicked than to us. I fear very many of those employed by those you have sent to do great things in your name are unworthy, undeserving and lack the necessary standing to even attempt to effect such great change in your name in these realms. In these matters your full loving presence and the immediate direct unmistakable and undeniable intervention of your mighty legions of merciful Angels is needed, required and welcomed. Again, I ask have you not seen enough? Through us have you not experienced enough?

      I trust your responses, as desired, will be here, in these moments of now and in the flesh. Delivered in our NAME with the same frequency and on the same level as what we have done in yours. The time is NOW.

      With all that I AM

    3. Let us have it Matthew! I's time we got a bit more aggressive cause the ol "Lets hold hands" tape recording is getting played out

  43. I agree with New Age Bisquit, this is all very real and very serious. The Cabal are desperate to stay in power and will go to any length necessary to keep that power!

    As Lightworkers, we can help the situation by meditating as often on the refugee crisis as possible, as Cobra requests. I also agree with WestCoastUSMegan that meditation has many, many benefits beyond just helping Europe and the world, it will also greatly help the practitioner!

    So, even if you aren't sure this is all real or really happening, meditating is going to be good for you as well! So, let's do our best! Victory of the Light!

  44. This comment has been removed by the author.


  45. An Alle Krieger Des Lichts:



  46. If someone would get me out this kindergarten I was programmed into I could make a difference. In the meantime we will all be shackled the money system and subject to lies. The intergalactic presence is unfairly selective and ineffective. In addition all the channels and seers have been flat out wrong. If this intervention was to be graded it would be a failure. Someone needs to man-up and get the right people on the job.


  47. The Time Has Come
    to say
    "Fair's fair" - to Pay The Rent Now!!!

    I'm down 27.000 Euros for "money" I lent to people who turned out to be dishonest and untrue. And now *I* am the one supposed to be in debt and worried about lack of funds?! Not in My Reality - NO FRICIKING WAY!!!

    PAY THE F*CKING RENT, dark dumbshit dingbat donkeys.
    I'm Tired of this smoke and mirrors, bells and whistles crap
    It's Time To Get Real.
    Time to Face The Facts !!! Pants Down and Cards On The Table !!!
    Your "money" belongs to US - Give It Back !!!

    IZ REAL, GodDangIt !!!



  48. We All Give THE POWER
    We All Give OUR BEST

    And We All *GET* THE POWER

    Come On !!! :-)))
    Stand Up And DANCE


  49. Both these videos seem to verify or support what MT Keshe is teaching.

  50. first of all its very important to ground ourselves. like a shaman would call all the power of the elements and destinations and ask for guidance and protection- we should also create a light circle around us. actually we should work on this everyday- for protection. it will stay around you- and as ur frequencies are higher- noone will ever reach or harm you with bad attend or low frequency. and like the shamans its very important to end the meditation like a ceremonie. thank your guides and close the portal youve created- you can also always ask your higher self-your angles- other light spirits to continue the protection. and also to continue the meditation for you- when you haver work and other things to do. this is VERY powerful. we should all remember how powerful WE are. its just all about being and staying focused and for sure believing in us and our POWER! also another reason might be- that you are not connecting to 'the grid' or 'the source' properly. again the shamans for example never only use their own power. they work with mother earth power. so maybe you need just concentrating more on this to have it flowing and protecting- nobody can tell- just yourself and your higher self what the reason is. and also it sounds like theres a bit of fear triggering. fear always lowers frequencies and its pretty simple you attract what u fear. simple magnetism here on earth. wish u luck for protected freely meditations. they actually give us so much power -balance and wisdom...

    1. this message was for Brown Eyed Girl ;)

    2. :) thanks, I knew it was for me when I read it- I appreciate the advice. Seems to be working well.

  51. This is an important update from Therese Zumi on Prepare for Change!

  52. Replies
    1. It IS unconditional by definition. If you offer love with the intention of gain, you do not love in the true Spirit of same. Is it a subtle difference? Not in the least. Light and dark can perceive it. And do.

    2. this world matrix is the antilove!

  53. Wake up Cobra and LW-community... there will never be enough people to join the mass-meditations... there needs to be a trigger for that to happen. And because of all these bombs there won't be such a trigger. An Intervention of the light Forces needs to take place but that won't happen either because the people of planet earth don't have enough awarness.... do you see the Dilemma?

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I do see this delimma very long time ago and actually Cobra has explained it more or less, he mentioned (not exactly words) if there are enough people to join meditation, the whole liberation process will be accelerated much more, if not enough then liberation will take much longer.

      In the other hand ,the operation of boom removal is not involved surface population but it is still going ,sometimes fast sometimes slow. Apparently the light force can do their job solely.

      And also long time ago we achieved to reach the critical mass in Mid-East meditation to help the nuclear issue of Iran(search cobra's blog if you forgot). So even it is difficult to make it again, but I still have to do my part because I believe enough critical mass people are there but they need a chance to unity . When and how the "chance" comes that depends on the light force process indeed.

  54. Reminds me of this Infowars stunt where they dressed up like Islamic State fighters carrying big black flags crossing the border from Mexico to the US. Not surprising the Cabal forms the same unhinged ideas as Alex Jones (who I can't help but love).

  55. How much longer is it going to take to free the planet ? How come it is taking so damn long ? Thank you.

    1. Why can't we meditate to accelerate events to "Compression Breakthrough" & thus to the Liberation event,... ??? & please, do not just answer "Because it can't be done". Clearly explain why it can or it can't be done. I'm sure there are millions (if not billions) of people tired of this "Wait Game",... It feels like we are being played with. Enough is enough. Let's get this done. Thank you.

    2. If those that heaven sent and their chosen associates exuded and embodied the greatness needed and required to effect great change in heavens name in these realms we would have been free by now.

    3. Yes Jimmy but the bombs are in the way.. we need to come together.. it's the only way.. LOVE LIGHT

    4. Exactly! The old "Donkey following the carrot on a line" trick

    5. It's because the Game is really big. Everyone's competing intentions cause this stalemate.

  56. The wave of sorrow is now the Wave of Love (and Grace).

    Blessed is the Spirit that overcomes.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  57. This last meditation was indeed particularly difficult to to the nature of the problem involved. But then we must have indeed pushed a few buttons so to speak. I fully understand those who are getting discouraged and angry, and I personally too am getting angry as we are braving the sand storm trying to do something positive about it. We can continue meditating until kingdom comes, but if no substantial action is taken the only result we get is psychic attack on a massive scale. Again, I have said this and I say again, the time has come for the light forces to join those on the surface of the planet who are doing work to help them, even partly disclose their identity and take the risk to give some more information and use their technology to stop the psychopath's agenda that is gaining more ground every passing day. If we wait for critical mass to take part in this mission, we can go on dreaming, and not so blissfully. Too many have a vested interest in maintaining the" Status Quo", even more so if they have to renounce their little luxuries. They could not care less if animals and people are killed or tortured on a daily basis as long as they can watch the latest soap opera on the idiot box. I might sound arrogant but I am sick and tired of seen the effort and sacrifices of those who are battling this state of affairs, being jeopardised by those who do not give a brass tuck!


  58. You were The FIRST ONE
    You'll be The LAST ONE
    And ONLY ONE


  59. You many have noticed, during this last intereview:
    “Aside from our meditations, what is urgently needed on the surface of this planet is a spiritual intervention of the Light forces, which will occur, as soon as the strangelet bomb threat is reduced to a manageable level.” MANAGEABLE level, not totally removed. We can help with our energy, our intention, we can and will manifest this!!!

    1. But what is manageable, and what is the time frame to achieve manageble?
      It would certainly inspire people to push on and have hope if we knew something good could happen within the near future (based on our 3D version of "future") Is" manageable" likely by the end of November??


  60. Hizoly Shizit !!!

    It was suggested I calmly listen to a song, which I did.

    My Amplifier is set on a very calm, relaxed Volume of -33.0
    Song starts, cool calm relaxed.
    Sond of my Sound System: *CLICK*

    And The Song gets f*cking DEAFENING - WTF???
    Volume sounded like The Maximum Of +12.0
    I was almost blown off my couch, Pure Awesomeness :-)


    I know who I want to take My Home



    1. And *this* is the one I *really* listended to ;-)
      SWERVE, Sweetie :-D

      So gather up your jackets, move it to The Exits

      CLOSING TIME !!!
      And That Is FINAL


  61. "Mindfulness must be engaged. Once there is seeing there must be acting.
    Otherwise, what is the use of seeing?"

    ~Thich Nhat Hanh

  62. I have been wondering about the Russian flight 7K9268.

    Cobra, was this a retaliatory action against the Russians for their intervention in Syria?

  63. the system is down... John Williams/FED: " I see this as more of a warning, a red flag, that there’s something going on here that isn’t in the models, that we maybe don’t understand as well as we think". Now, Mario Draghi/BCE:"The conditions in the economies of the rest of the world have undoubtedly proved weaker compared with a few months ago, in particular in the emerging economies, with the exception of India … the potential slowdown in the United States, the causes of which we need to understand fully …
    We expect inflation to remain close to zero, and maybe even to turn negative, at least until the start of 2016″.

    More here:


  64. Bookmark the permalink.
    Half of US workers make less than $30,000 per year
    By David Brown
    29 October 2015
    Posted Oct 29by DJ Apollo

    1. OMG poor US workers... I live in Hungary, work as an English teacher and I make $5,000 a year... Lots of people make even less than that working 12 or more hours a day... And not to mention the gas price: $4,6/gallon in Hungary... So your problem is?....

  65. So many misfortunes ON EARTH ..... AND WE helplessly ...!!!!!!

  66. I agree. It is all about intention and the state of mind in order to manifest. Alerts which talk about the bad that is happening, after-comments that talk about how short it falls...this is not conducive to a positive energy, or a positive outcome. I spend more of my time reading about all the amazing, positive changes in the world, the people helping others, becoming free and independent....and that keeps me high-vibration, with joy in my heart, because, as you say here, things ARE improving, the vibe IS rising and it's not from just IS!

  67. So... Are we there yet?

  68. This comment has been removed by the author.


  69. Next public KFSSI Blueprint Teaching on Wednesday November 4 2015

    The next public KFSSI Blueprint Teaching will be on Wednesday November 4 2015 at 10 am CET.
    We will see some of the completed energy units that various people have replicated...and all the latest news from Mr Keshe!

    We will broadcast live on Zoom, Livestream and Youtube.

    Zoom Meeting at

    Livestreaming at

    Youtube (when live)

    (Note to KFSSI students: Private On-line Teachings for students of KFSSI continue as usual on Monday Nov 2 and Tuesday Nov 3.)

  70. why dont you just organize a mediation for the removal of the bombs??

  71. All important blueprints to last week's teachings with Mr Keshe:

  72. I can feel waves of positive energy is rising every day. Stay focused on good and light. Love you all.

  73. Try not to cry
    Because of this i ask you to rise and be bigger after every fall.

  74. I think I might be getting attacked by negative entities. I think this is the case because I remember my astral events with them as clearly as remembering how to dress one's self.

    Very recently this happened the other night. I was falling asleep, and was in between waking and sleeping. I "thought" I was awake but I wasn't. I think I was astral, when I was in astral I heard footsteps coming from outside my room and thought "Who's up at this hour?" and then I saw a black hooded shadow glide into my room like a statue on a hoverboard while on rails. It glided over to my bed, then it stopped at the foot of the bed, turned to face me, then made me...afraid? It was an odd sensation, unpleasant. It froze me paralyzed. It stared at me while I stared at it.

    During this attack I could "hear" the room shake, loose items on my headboard rumbled and shook and my fan that I always keep on when I sleep was doing weird oscillations that were not normal.

    I tried shaking myself free from the attack but failed in doing so, so I just woke myself up instead. I found myself upon waking up afraid, staring out from under my covers toward the area which the thing was in. As well as feeling out breath.. I reached over and turned on the light, nothing was there. This event probably lasted only a couple of seconds total. It wasn't very nice. Thing is these attacks are happening with such regularity that I think I feel confident in categorizing them, I say this one was average. Compared to what I experienced long time ago.

    Some advice that could help others based on my experience:

    1. Visualize Golden Light, I was "punched" in the astral gut once, visualized golden light radiating outward. Then the "punch" went away rather quickly.

    2. If your paralyzed and getting attacked "shake it off" actively struggle and "go crazy" as it were, astrally. From what I read online where people get attacked by these things they just sit or lay there because they don't know how to respond it seems, from what I read most the attacks happen to children which obviously don't know what's going on and thus easy prey. The paralysis web however or whatever itself isn't that strong. They have a hard time keeping up with shear will power. Dig in and cut loose.

    3. Don't get black out drunk, ever! I was celebrating January last year and got black out drunk. Huge mistake. I was attacked astrally, mentally, emotionally. I was completely non-functional for months. Getting drunk does open you up for assault. So be aware of that.

    4. Proper anger can help you. Anger in my opinion is like a wild energy, it needs direction or else it scattershot everywhere wasting potential. It can when directed properly be very powerful when paired with good intent, especially when meditating.

    One time I was meditating angry. Upset with the cabal, and then I saw this shadowy thing in the corner of my room approach me, big mistake for it. Cos' I stared it down, and it's reaction was like "Oh shit!" and shrunk away back into the corner of the room. Then I got an interesting telepathic message from it. (at least I think it was telepathic it sounded like a wet, ugly voice in my head) "You don't deserve freedom" which just strengthened my resolve.

    Side Note: Go after Yalboaloth at your own risk, I was meditating angry, anger directed at that "thing" and woke up with a major bloody nose. So while there's a chance it was a coincidence, there's also a chance that it wasn't so... At your own risk.

    1. That's a textbook example of what scientists call "sleep paralysis" but is indeed an astral event, with the body being affected. There's a million names it goes by, one is "old hag" because people would see an old witch instead of the hooded figure. The creature can be anything, but the rest is the same.

    2. Also the "proper anger" is great. I've heard it described as the energy of a cat trapped in a box until it gets pissed and let it out. Our species has a collective rage that can be harnessed. I've been okay using that, but if I attack them myself... retaliation for sure.

  75. This comment has been removed by the author.

  76. I respect your rant because you mentioned alot of what others on here are afraid to speak about. I know for sure it's in their mind too but won't speak up. I'm tired of the games and I'm sure we all are doing our part to make things better so I don't want to hear them say "Well what are you doing"? As a matter of fact, what ever happened with the situation where we were given the option to accelerate the Event or not. Remember that? And they can't blame us for getting upset and agitated, we're the ones living here in this hellish realm and they can't blame us for not trusting a single soul anymore.

  77. Dear Cobra- the Facebook page 'Cobra Etheric Liberation' is managed by the admins in a way that is hardly what one would expect from 'awakened beings'. I have had several interactions with the admins in that room and they seem to be of a very authoritarian mindset that shows zero tolerance for disagreement even when done so in a civl manner. I have been banned from the room - the last comment I made in that room was on a post that ws clearly disinformation from a known disinformation site- I intentionally drew the attention of one of the admins to the post in hopes they would delete it or ask the poster to delete it. I also myself reached out to the poster informing them the information was false and the site was a disinfo site designed by the cabal to make truthers look silly by spreading their disinfo. Next thing I know I am banned from the room. The admins in that room do not honor free expression and on more than one occasion my comments or posts have been deleted even though they contained no profanity and were respectful to others. If you have any influence over that forum I respectfully suggest that you take an active role in clarifying to the admins that in order to maintain integrity they should support free expression and transparency as opposed to the authoritarian heavy handed approach they take with some. Their behavior is not in alignment with love for their fellow beings nor is it tolerant of true free expression- hardly what I would expect from so called enlightened beings and smacks more of a cult mentality than anything.

    1. I wasn't aware of an Etheric Liberation facebook page.... found more info about it when Cobra first introduced it to the blog.... well I am not sure if it was the first time.. but in any case there is also a couple of healing links there too

  78. GAIAPORTAL: Festivities are in process
    3 Nov by Éireport

    Festivities are in process.

    Plannings are made in the moment.

    Higher Energetics now fully permeate the Gaia consciousness sphere.

    Specializations have completed, and new modes are input.

  79. On October 30th, Prof. Keshe made the following statement; "The biggest mistake I ever made was to be born in the body of a man."



  81. Join us in raising your vibration:



  82. A while back (couple of years) someday gave me a lethal dose of acid.....I took it, thought I'd died and gone to heaven but when that didn't come to fruition I just sat down and started triggering the Event. Probably pissed Cobra off, but I didn't know him back then...the way I do now.....I went on a bad trip I guess, cause I couldn't trigger the Event...something was in the friend recommended that I plug my headphones in and listen to some music....I hit play on an album called Shangri-La by Mark Knopfler.....the first song, which took most of the brunt of the shattered crystal in my a song called 5:15 A.M.....The night came to pass....and now.....finally....after all the blood,(sweat),(and tears), I feel as if it is 4 A.M.....Time isn't linear I guess I don't know.....but it's never too far away is it?

  83. put that perfectly. Well said! I think that many of us are of the same mind and opinion.


  84. 4.11
    Das ist die Perfekte Welle, das ist der Perfekte Tag
    Sie ist da.
    Wir Sind Hier, Wir Sind Frei

    Live Clean, Surf Mean
    Lighters Connected
    Light Connection
    IZ - LC 1111


  85. New breakthorugh in free energy?

  86. Dear Cobra:
    anything new about t bombs and s bombs, thank you!

  87. hmm i just read on a couple of websites.. the Keshe Plasma Generator being sold.. the 3-4kw €5,000, and some other KW €10,000.. (it might be old news) but. ok...

    So we are back in the drawing board.. where devices are almost unreachable (to average individuals) unless you can build them yourself of course (i will ask grandma to get on it)...

    By the way... how is the Healing Tech device Funding going? I read some people were eager to pull their resources together to work in acquiring such device... where is the widget so i can donate me $1 dolla...

    where is the bottleneck.. unfeasible.. unprofitable?

  88. If Cobra is away then these workshop links won't be getting to you in time. Don't worry they do go up on youtube and you can catch up with them all on the livestream link. Cobra, what have you been up to young man!? lol

    The 86th Knowledge Seekers Workshop will be held on Thursday November 5th, 2015, starting at 9:00 am CET Euro time (1 am Pacific time Thursday)

    Special announcements from Mr Keshe regarding Belgium and Holland hacker and harasser groups.

    We continue with Blueprint Teaching Week, with Mr Keshe of the Keshe Foundation Spaceship Institute (KFSSI)

    More news about the new Magravs energy units...and plenty more about Plasma!

    Livestream will be at:

    Knowledge Seekers Workshops Zoom Meetings are held at:

    On Youtube Live at;

    KFSSI Blueprint Download Page:

    KFSSI Blueprint Upload User Page:

    Here's the link for the new Keshe Foundation Youtube site...subscribe now!

    Knowledge seekers Workshops playlist:

    Folks are encouraged to show support for the KS Workshop series by donating to the Keshe Foundation at:

    Spaceship Institute website:

    Keshe Foundation website:

    1. This is very interesting but have anyone received a response from Keshe after paying for the device?
      For me, the purchase is only for a checking and testing purpose but I have received only an automatic message to the payment acknowlegement, stating they are too busy to respond.

    2. Terry, I did some digging around. Nobody has received a unit yet but please check out the admin's response to people querying their units. (Post number 23.) I get the impression that timing is of importance, please be patient. :) If I hear anymore I'll let you know. I'm just trying to catch up on all the recent Keshe videos. If he mentions anything I'll post it up.

      Admin says: If you need to confirm a genuine order please contact:

    3. Hi Kate,

      Thanks for the information. It's curious why everybody will receive the following messages always when we send a required payment confirmation mssage to the e-mail address of ;

      Thank you for sending your payment information regarding your order. Due to the high demand, payments are being processed as quickly as possible.

      Please be patient for your order to be set to paid. We will contact you if there is any more information needed.

      If not done already, please send a scan or photo of the bank receipt, so we may update your account.

      Thank you,

      Customer Service
      Keshe Foundation

    4. Have they actually taken the money from your bank account? It is unusual for a payment to be taken before goods are received. It should just show the money waiting to go out (earmarked) on your bank account.

      I did notice that people had been waiting up to two months for the pain pad. Obviously with the latest Magrav device they are going to be absolutely snowed under. I know they are honouring the oldest orders first plus Italy will get theirs first, being the 'host' country.

      Hang in there, if I hear anything I will post it up. I'm always checking the Keshe forums and he does give announcements in his videos. lol, there are many hours of catching up for me to do.

      You could always leave a message to admin on the forum. Let me know how you get on.

    5. Sorry, I should have said it's unusual for payment to be taken before goods are *dispatched*.

  89. At our meditation center in Baner, Pune ; mantra chanting is the most preferred and easiest technique for reaching that silent, meditative state.

  90. My country's military is attacking its own people!
    Everyone is mentioning Syria and Europe but everybody is passing by the emerging signs in Turkey! Please note. Please do

  91. Thanks for sharing this wonderful article,
    visit europe
