Saturday, February 13, 2016

A New Cobra Inteview

You might be interested in this new Cobra interview, created by Untwine. You can read it on his blog here:

Victory of the Light!


  1. Thank you for creating these exchanges of information to you both.

    Keep holding the light everyone, we are right at the gate now, close to making the jump. Remember that more and more people are waking up every day, which is helping us create a smooth separation from control/domination. Keep creating a more positive tomorrow and we will get there in right divine time. Hold strong.

      Cobra can you please respond call to David and corey's new video? Right now I am just at a loss of words!
      Love and gratitude!

  2. Interesting interview... Thank you Untwine and Cobra.

    Meanwhile, Holy cow! Justice Scalia has died at age 79 in Texas. Wonder what caused his demise.

    1. I'm betting he was murdered by the cabal for some reason. Perhaps he was going to try and leave the ranks?

    2. First thought that entered my mind was that he was murdered. Strange how where he was had no telephone service, or anything really. Very remote. And then the first judge said she didn't need to the body, and didn't call for an autopsy! Something about this stinks so very bad. He was the one over conservative vote. And it is not surprising that Obama wants to a new appointee in there. Oh and all the issues that are on the table. All adds up to murder to me

    3. I am hearing that may be the case. Three questions I posed to Cobra immediately following the news of Scalia: 1) Is Scalia actually dead? 2) Is he in hiding? 3) Has he crossed over to the light? To me it appears the first two questions have been answered, but I still need clarification on the third. So much dis-info out there right now, hard to believe anyone anymore. Hoping Cobra addresses this one in the next interview.


    I don't even know how to interpret this yet. Imminent means imminent means imminent means imminent. You all mastered intergalactic travel please Figure something out. Yes, please and thank you.

  4. Dear Untwine,

    your interviews give me so much joy because you don't put your ego in it and realize that it is not about you trying to make yourself seem more important and knowledgable than you actually are, unlike Rob Potter does, who spends 2/3 of his interviews polishing his image and trying to look "in the know".

    You follow up on the questions and dig deeper instead of saying "yeah that confirms my own sources/experiences/blabla"..

    I wish you did your's more often, purely amazing to read.
    Spot on, well thought out, good flow, wonderful :)


    1. I fully agree with you. Mr. Potter is talking most of the time, and his statements do not really make wiser! I wonder how Cobra can endure this torture. Do we not all know that he has IMPORTANT things to do? I hoped all along that Untwine would make another interview with Cobra. He is an excellent interviewer. And I would like it very much to hear both of them more often. By the way: I think that Cobra enjoys talking with Untwine being more of his level.

    2. But...isn't it great that we get both interviewers? Rob is on our side, and puts a lot of energy into spreading good info. It is easy to see peoples flaws, but he is on our team, and doing more than most of us...
      Instead of wishing Rob would go away, let's see him as he is below any insecurities...which we all have. Are we not all growing continuously? I hope so.
      Our judgement of Rob is a reflection of our judgement of ourselves, which is a key to keeping us our of our power. When we lift others up we do so for ourselves, because there is no other than self.

    3. Ego? I am thankful for Rob Potter's interviews.

    4. I agree. Although I do think he is so stuck in his beliefs, he can't see his own biases. I didn't mind the interviews before, but now, I only listen because I want to hear what Cobra has to say. He thinks it's going to be doom and gloom when all this hits, and for him, it might be. We all have our filters, which I learned the hard way when I first started reading Conversations with God. I took every word to heart. Now those books saved my life, that's another story, but it taught me to have discernment. God Speed

    5. yeah I have to leave a comment here so that Rob can see. I really appreciate Rob's effort but honestly, if you can talk less and let Cobra can talk more, your interview will be better.

    6. BBB has the right idea. Solution oriented...not bitching. Thanks BBB!

    7. I just got a question... Would we demand the same from the radio host like from Coast to Coast to keep it simple?

    8. I want to know how it feels to be an interviewer :) then after I hear all the complains.. just to see how discouraging it must be to continue. so what I gotta do? :) hey untwine what I gotta do to be an interviewer?

    9. Dragon heart.
      In order to experience being an interviewer you'd need to interview someone.

    10. btw. I am not implying that you guys dont make good points... but is upto Rob to consider the "positive criticisms" and make changes if need be... as to find a common ground. Of course he can't make everyone happy. In order for any changes to even see the light of day he needs to view those "criticisms" not as attacks but cries that may lead to improvements if he decides to. In any case whether he makes the changes or not at least we are getting the information we seek one way or another.

  5. The questions during that interview were direct and to the point that's for sure. I would have like to get an update on the Syria situation, and the planned invasion by the us/nato.
    I'm having some doubts about the numbers on the petition. It is not increasing as it should. Someone should investigate.

    I've change my strategy on youtube spreading the message about the petition. Instead of just putting it up in the comment section, I put it up where there are the most replies in the top comment sections. More should see it there.
    I was glad to see a new interview. Thanks

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. This truly fantastic information. The more people are aware of what is really going on, the better. I love planet Earth and her inhabitants deserve peace and harmony. Victory of the Light

  8. Great Interview!! As 3D meets 4D and higher, things are getting more confused. It is nice to have an interview like this to calm and explain things. Victory of the Light!!

  9. Ding , dong, Scalia is dead...hope the stardust got him and he is headed toward the galactic sun to be consumed and repurposed. One down, thousands yet to go, but it is a start. Maybe something good is beginning to happen.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. His death didn't add up. He just when to bed not complaining of anything and bam he's dead. Must have been murdered by the cabal for some reason. Like clinton's body guards.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. A gay friend whom I have known for many decades is prone to rants about all kinds of things. He made a rather amusing fb post about this:

      "I wish to apologize for my "over the top" reaction to the death of Antonin Scalia - in my estimation, he was not a good person, and a terrible Supreme Court Justice - but I should not have wished for him to "Fry In Hell" - all of my friends and I are going to hell and we would not enjoy his company."

      Maybe you have to know him, but it made me laugh, not at the man's death, but at my friend's humor. I don't consider his comments disrespectful, considering how Scalia's personal views and influence have been particularly disrespectful and harmful to my many friends in the LGBT communities. Scalia is said to have died of natural causes in his sleep. I am thinking maybe that means he had a heart attack.

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    6. Spirittoo, this was a horrible person. he felt blacks were too stupid to go to school with whites, was totally against all women's and gay rights- he WAS the CABAL-

    7. @BEG That true with most of the cabal, but it appears he was breaking ranks not going along with obamacare, climate change.

      All the justices are sell out, but it's pretty obvious the man was murdered for getting out of line.

      The corporate media is going way out of their way to say people are loony to believe he was murdered, without providing any evidence backing their claim of a heart attack. This is probably a good example of the fighting going on within the ranks of the cabal.

  10. Anyone know what is happening with the Thailand student mass meditations in relation to our work? I think it's important we stay focused on that atleast a little considering they can help us an incredible amount.

    1. From what I've been told the organizers are working with folk at PFC to set something up. Loulu on tiny chat every Sunday during meditation has the scoop. You can get with her.

    2. Thanks for the info Bennett...Perhaps, someone who can interpret & communicate in a Tai Language could email them with your contact info.

    3. @sunshinepop ... been there done that ... what's wrong with you emailing them? Google can translate the page. You have the info ... get busy.

  11. "Yet, to put things into perspective, after many thousands of years of slavery on this planet, even the span of A FEW YEARS of transition is still 'imminent'."

    NO, NO, NO, NO, NO!!!! SIGH.....

    1. yep, I was waiting for the "BUT"-or the proverbial shoe to drop and there it is. A couple hundred years could be imminent- very tired of the games Cobra- how about some real transparency if any of this is really true.

    2. @BrownEG ... I understand your frustration, but remember Cobra stated The Event has to be completed by 2025, so it won't be another couple of hundred years.
      I'm betting Cobra is just as frustrated, if I were him and stuck in the POS world full of assholes I'd want to get the hell off this rock and go home.
      All we can do is help out where we can and wait for intel. Have you been spreading the word about the petition?
      Yeah ... I'm angry ... how many more innocent people are going to have to die because of the assholes running the world?

      But hey RM whats a few million peons suffering now. We been doing it for thousands of years whats a few more ... Right! The Earth is more important to you ... not the people.

      You guys need to come up with some intel you can spill safely that will give us an good indication things are happening!!!! HELLO!

      Why do we have to do a petition anyway? Isn't Putin being instructed by the Light Forces? Why doesn't he just go public without the damn petition???

      There ya go BEG

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Smoke carbon is a type of flesh to connect to your soul star. Samsara. Air. And there will be rain like blood mingled with fire.

  14. Carbon a type of flesh. Dioxide. No dihydrogen. Smoke to connect to your soul star chakra. Repent. There will be rain like blood mingled with fire.

  15. Alexander the great a part of the light forces? How is that when it's said he went to Egypt and shot off the nose of the Sphynx? lol To a culture that's been a part of Spirituality since day one, I can't take this site serious anymore

    1. There is a historical account from the 15th century that says that in 1378, a Sufi Muslim leader named Muhammad Sa'im al-Dahr destroyed the nose out of anger when he saw people practicing idolatry to the sphinx.

      BTW, popular legend blames Napoleon (not Alexander) and his troops during the French campaign in Egypt (1798-1801) for having shot the nose off the Great Sphinx, in fact this story just isn't true.

    2. That was Napoleon who shot the nose off the Sphinx. Alexander the Great was seen as a liberator in Egypt for kicking the Persians out. They made Alexander Pharaoh which would spawn the dynasty that built the Great Library and Lighthouse. Without Alexander there would be no Cleopatra, remember that.

    3. Alexander the Great was before the advent of guns and he did not desecrate the nose of the Sphynx. Many people attribute that to Napoleon, but it was probably a radical Egyptian that did it:

      Alexander the Great was considered the liberator of Egypt and was even considered, afterward, to be a god in Egypt. He founded the city of Alexandria which still flourishes today and the successor of Alexander the Great built the famous Library of Alexandria:

    4. Remember, history has been changed to suit the "bad guys"....How do you know Alexander the Great did what is now stated in our history books? Stay tuned for the real history to unfold when the Event begins. To suit the rewriters of history, many of the "good guys" were often written up as the opposite of what they did or stood for.

    5. They say it was Napoleon but there's no proof as to who did it

    6. Yes, totally ridcilous. He was most probably a severe psychopath/narcissist like all the other "great" conquerers. What's next? Ghengis Khan was really an ascended master?

    7. Legends say that Napoleon shot off the nose of the Sphnix, but that is not actually true. Alexander died over a thousand years before gunpowder was invented in China. Truth is no one knows when the Sphnix lost its nose, except maybe Cobra.

    8. You might be thinking of Napolean dude...

    9. Well, I think there are things which are more important nowadays than the broken nose of some monument. If the Event doesn't come soon I fear that many lightpeople will resign. And by the way: "imminent" may be far ahead in the future for "eternal beings", but for us earthling "imminent" means that something is going to happen within days, at most within weeks. Cobra should keep that in mind.

  16. Replies
    1. What the heck was doing ATG in India?

    2. ATG's Eastern campaigns could have been an excuse to check out the saints and yogis. History mentions these meetings.

  17. The petition for full disclosure & release of all secret space programs and release of hidden technology has reached 20,000 signatures in 2 weeks time.

    Please post reminders and updates in as many places as possible to keep this moving. Link to petition is below.

    1. We should have reach the 25,000 and then some by now. The numbers were slowed down. I think some tampering was done.

    2. It's been 3 weeks not 2 and we should have been over 25,000 by now.

    3. @spirittoo We are not that many, but Wilcock's articles usually pass the 100.000, why did't he do anything. even Corey commented on the petition.

    4. @Alvaro ... I don't know ... I don't keep up with Wilcock's articles. It's a good question though ... I just don't have the answer.

      All I know is ... we should have reach 25,000 by now. When are we going to get that update Cobra spoke about?

  18. How long until everyone in London is dead, develops Alzheimer's or their kidney's give up, this has been daily at this rate for 6 months, can't remember the last time I've seen bees/wasps. Used to sungaze daily morning and evening but haven't done it for ages.

    1. A good substitute for lack of direct Sun viewing is to make an audio recording of the Sun's frequency of 126.22 (download from YouTube) Then use a crystal in co ordination with the sound to dimensionally interface. You can also use a gold coin placed near a window on a cloudy day and angle the coin's surface to catch the limited sunlight reflected glare and align with that light. One powerful visualization is to use your inner vision during these practices to see your body changing into pure light.

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. Thanks for everything...

  21. Why don't we start a separate weekly meditation designed specifically to wake up the masses and most importantly those 144.000 start seeds?

    1. Where are these 144,000 star seed bums? If we are awake they sure as hell should be! I think we must keep focusing on bring about The Event. That is what we want. If we can get help like the students from Thailand we won't need those worthless jerks.
      This really pisses me off waiting on those assholes to wake up. Star seeds ... yeah ... right.

    2. What makes You Think
      this much needed
      Could Not Be You

    3. How is one to determine if one is awake though... There are so many unknowns... and all we hear are peoples' perspective. Don't get me wrong.. at least Cobra's story is more sound in me eyes than what I have known thru the ages or what i heard from others. we are but holding on to a speck of hope... at least I seem to be. I take it that is but just the process of awakening... for I think to be awake is to know the truth... oneself and ones mission wholeheartedly.. I am for sure not there yet.

    4. duplicate: " I second that. When Where" where is that meditation going to be held lets wake up them bums as spirit call them lol... I am sure we could spare a minute also for such task... would not take away from the event meditation. but not only them 144K.. but a meditation to wake up us all even further from the stage we currently find ourselves. Bring on your cintamani stones, your obesidians, your amethysts, your all :)...

  22. Yes people. Please share the petition. We need to get to 25000, that is a must!!

  23. Central Sun?;

  24. Speechless...
    Shout-out from Space News... "imminent" news not so much
    "impact imminent"
    Space News Shout-out

    Worker of Light shout-out No food past 80 days " death imminent"

    Breakfast Club Shout-out

    Desk of Putin

    Sorcha Faal- Trump New Love @ Russia

  25. Love always forgives errors.
    02/07/2016 by John Smallman

  26. Two Black Holes Merge
    Simulation Credit: Simulating eXtreme Spacetimes Project

    LIGO Detects Gravitational Waves from Merging Black Holes
    Illustration Credit: LIGO, NSF, Aurore Simonnet (Sonoma State U.)

  27. Replies
    1. There is just one small problem, to reach the oyster, you must break the shell. We need only 25,000 from Current World Population 7,402,094,893.

  28. Comforting information on the the collapse of the archontic archetypes (fallen archangels) in 4D. I think this must be HUGE!
    So they are dissolving into lifeless aspects.
Last week it was the Infini telescope that captured their display, like neon shapes. Kwan Yin describes what he sees in dodgy places where they collect above, then dive into the alcohol each time the alcohol is swallowed.
    Now is the time to clear yourself. Also good that he confirmed our body chakras are essentially manipulated control vortexes. Get over it! Far out.
    Wonder what cobra knows.

  29. if Light = information, keep bringing it, thanks to all of you, and once we see the Light, there's no going back! Unfortunately it has to be little by little so it doesn't blind us, but please keep it coming, ready for phase 2, let's go!

  30. Cobra Any here, the energies around the university of massachusetts Amherst have been really intense lately. its where i go to grad school. 2 months too long cobra, but as always ill hold on. The musician called hydrogen from the song i am hydrogen should be assassinated, Christ.

  31. Regarding Justice Scalia:

    Benjamin Fulford is saying in today's post he was murdered with a heart-attack dart. (The dart is undetectable.)

    It's quite clear it was a murder, in any case.

    You'll see the full article around the web shortly, or at least by Thursday.

    IF one is to believe Ben, Justice Scalia was headed in the right direction (with the restoration of the Constitution, anyway... I won't comment on his various other opinions over the years) and the bad guys took him out.

    1. I am sorta in a pessimistic mode today... so.. I will keep this comment in guard.

  32. "If there is an unresolvable conflict between the patent holders of a System and that of a subsystem in line of inheritance, Galactic Codex is enforced. Enforcement authorities are beyond reproach and their judgement stands in finality. There is NO appellate court." S.O.S. 3/20/15

    Galactic Codex is in effect in all of Nebadon. Former appellate mechanisms throughout this Universe are not recognized by any Galactic authority until further notice. These offices are to be closed immediately and ordered for restructuring by Alcyone.

    Dominique N. for Nebadon

  33. I get errors when I try to post on youtube now ...

    Access limited

    We've determined that your comments have repeatedly or egregiously violated our User Content and Conduct Policy.

    Spamming, including sending unwanted promotional or commercial content, or unwanted or mass solicitation, is not permitted.

    Your access to Google+ will be limited for two weeks. If you continue to violate our policies, your access to Google+ and Google's other social services, such as Hangouts, may be suspended permanently. Learn more

    Please review our policies to avoid violating them in the future. If you believe this decision was made in error, please submit an appeal. Learn more

    We understand that these policies may not be for everyone. If you choose to leave, you can make a copy of your Google+ data first. If you like, you can also disable Google+ entirely.

    So someone else needs to take over that area to get the word out.

  34. So how many
    "Works" of "Heart"
    could spring forth from
    veins now almost the size
    your smallest finger
    (Blood Vessels)
    Those are the ones that showed
    twice a week, always a
    strange glow, almost never dim

    Fruit and Stones..?
    Pressure to aid Heart
    (and reduce the 2 hour proscess)
    (oh, needle application becomes an award)
    The Knights that Stick with least Pain

    Energize the Well..?
    Drawn for self, but most important
    Showered among "Company" all sides
    (and new machines with fixed bags)
    As Well
    Primed for Fire

    Above All, What Law

    Bring Down The Wall


      It's You Dude?

    2. Wow, I hate the thought of being in ice water more than I can express... Warming one foot/hand to stop the other from freezing is the most I hoped to achieve, so far. I use a brainwave entrainment program called


      The most money I ever spent on-line
      (for my Son who's brain is almost ready, 14)
      and you need to progress 1 track per month (at least) to finish 10.

      I learned the power of the trance Forest Gump uses in that movie very early in life... And I knew from a much smaller free demo it worked for me.


  35. Okay, I cannot possibly be the only one experiencing this right now.
    There is *SO MUCH* Divine Loving Energy coming in at the moment, it is just wonderful. I'm really getting "fried", "flashed" and "grilled" constantly for days on end now.
    I drink six to eight liters of fluids every day, constantly want to smoke hand-made cigarettes and hardly get any sleep at all, no matter if I spend four or fourteen hours in bed.

    And for the first time in, like, 30 years or so, I really really enjoy preparing meals. Calling it "cooking" might be a bit of a stretch, but it certainly is only self-prepared Vegan food I'm eating.

    And I'm sure I'm not the only one appreciating The Change.

    I AM The Beginning and The End.
    And It Is All Happening.
    Right Here, Right Now.



    1. I'm getting an ass kicking these pass few days :-)

    2. So you are drinking booze, chain smoking and partying all night? Well, whatever way works for you.


    3. There's no booze or partying involved, I guess that'll have to wait till later, but yeah, "Slasher", it works like a charm.

      Gotta do what needs to be done when the Big Waves are rolling in.
      And if My Higher Self tells Me to do it - I listen. And DO IT. It takes Actions, not Words.

      What I do may not be for everybody but it certainly is the right thing for Me to do, trust Me.

      If you smell . . .

      What DK . . .

      Is COOKING . . .



  36. MH370 Pilot Resurfaces In Taiwan, Two Years After Flight Disappearance

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Among the other millions that we meditate for (meditation for Europe, meditation for the Event, you name it) let's all send love and healing to that pilot.

      He probably needs round-the-clock guards as well, and somebody watching the food he is served.

      His appearance is a mind-blower.

      Cobra, if you've got any inside information on this, let us know !!


    3. I don't think so. Definitely some kind of advanced technology that we don't know of. I have a feeling that those who wanted to wait it out were allowed to and if the others did not they were free to incarcerate. Nothing like this has ever happened before so it is all speculation, unless someone has a good connection to Source.

  37. Google has blocked me from posting the petition or anything else on youtube, someone else will have to carry on posting there.

    1. I hold a Feather
      Gift of Light
      Every fiber Crafted
      to lift Eagle and ride Spirails of Earth
      Slow your Mind as your Breath
      You can Know this Feather if you touch Etheric Space
      Beyond Sight
      It's Power to Lift
      Take hold and let it lift your hand
      up to your face
      Past sight
      Other Eye
      (inside your head)
      To Ride a Spirail

      Depending on the Power at lift-off
      in about 3 days (batteries not included)
      "The Gifts from that Law above all the others"
      You Should
      (might not even know why)
      If you rode the Spiral All the way and Back

  38. Yeah I'm sure we have well over 25,000 votes to get us over this Petition.....But the bad guys are not going to let this happen..........We need that heart attack gun they killed Judge Scalia with and use it on them........

    1. If the petrodollar is dead... who destroyed it, and why..?

  39. All you need is love...or all you need is a shock?
    Good question. Sometimes hard language is the only way.
    Let us see:

    1st. Step : Wake up Neo, the Matrix has you.
    2nd Step: Toc Toc!
    3rd Step: Wake the fuck up Neo!
    4th and final Step: Fuck you Neo!

    Am I being rude?

    1. sounds more like impatient and/or needy to me. Needing others to listen to us is needy. Be self, be powerful. Fuck you=fuck self. it's all just self reflection here.

    2. I agree that a modest amount of "Heads up!" might be better and reach deeper than a long almost impossible to detect change.

    3. It can sound needy to you,but that is your mind not my mind.
      About patience, or impatience you might be right: bu do u think we have all the time of the world???? Do you think Earth specially can wait much longer??????

    4. If being impatient causes internal suffering then you are upholding the current paradigm.

      The mind tells you that impatience will bring about what you want. The opposite is true.

      So...even if we are dying from our own ignorance impatience is still not the answer. Holding a higher vibration is what will influence the world around us. Give yourself permission to let go of the false belief that you need to force anything. Power is much more enjoyable and effective.

  40. Just rumours?

    "Assassination attempt on New Republic Interim President General Joseph Francis Dunford, Jr. confirmed. Assassination attempt on the Admiral confirmed. American Patriots are being targeted nationwide by the FBI and DHS. Any Tea Party and all freedom movements, Oathkeepers associated with the militia are in danger. The Khazarian Syndicate and it's corporate government in the united States have started the attack. Military on high alert ordered by General Dunford. Emergency Broadcast System is being prepared. Operation Downfall imminent."

  41. Man Solves Tesla’s Secret To Amplifying Power By Nearly 5000%
    This technology and information can and will quite literally change the world overnight. Jim Murray needs your help to get his energy paradigm shifting information out to the public.

    Jim has been a student of Nikola Tesla's work for decades and he's solved Tesla's secrets to amplifying power by nearly 5000%.

    Sound crazy? That's what we thought - until we saw it work.

    Jim has already secured funding from investors on the technology side, but he needs your help to write a book which explains to everyone how it's done. Your donation will help spread the information that will transform energy use as we know it.

    Please help Jim ensure that 'Genius never dies.'


    Full Story by The Free Thought Project HERE:

    Follow The Free Thought Project on FB:

    Follow The Free Thought Project on Twitter:

    Check out the website:

    1. The QEG project is protected by being fully OPEN SOURCE information through out. Non open source stuff can be patented as secret and thereafter hidden, as many energy things ARE. Also a single roug car mishap could adversely affect Jim's health... QEG is worth looking at: 'THE PEOPLE’S FREE ENERGY SHOW EPISODE 1 – HISTORY IS WRITTEN BY THE WINNERS' (recent first!)

  42. I think imminent is just as soon.. short period of 3-6 years or decades lol.. sorry for my sarcasm..

    1. In this case, the light forces and Cobra need a dictionary to look up the word "imminent","very close","soon","very soon", etc. Hahaha!

      May the LOVE be with you always!

    2. Truest Seeker
      "Maker of Maps"
      That All who follow would find
      Their Way
      Swift and Safe
      Your Gifts
      This Many

    3. nice one Dragon Heart I like it :D, but I don't think untwine said imminent maybe span of a few years is right. Cobra is always careful and cautious, if imminent means for years, why he didn't just post it in 2012 when he opened this blog ? Remember, this is code message about the latest development for surface agents of RM, it is very ridiculous that Cobra tells his colleagues something happen "years later" by this way.

      So be optimistic guys, no worry.

  43. Power failures and tv and internet have been going out around my area and from what I here country wide!

  44. She is a formidable lawyer. But i am afraid that this could mean that her older brother Saif al Islam, captured a few weeks after Muammar was killed, might no longer be a candidate to follow in the footsteps of his father. He had always been the 'heir apparent'.

  45. Planet X ?

  46. For all those signing this petition or thinking about signing. Please remember to spread the word, share, and post this tone igneous by as many people as possible. Get creative. You are the change and you create the change you seek. Time to show full disclosure in your daily actions, words, and intentions on an individual basis within our daily lives. As as above so below. As below so above.

  47. This comment has been removed by the author.

    Participate in a Galactic University

    How do we make sense of it all as we enter further into the techno-dimensional realm where genetics, robotics, drones, artificial intelligence, synthetic biology, nanotechnology and transhumanism migrate from the realm of science fiction to present day reality?

    What is going on? How do we fit all the puzzle pieces of our rapidly transforming world together and keep ourselves balanced in the process?

    The knowledge of the Law of Time offers us a new lens through which to perceive reality. It offers us keys to tap our dormant mind capacities that activates our remembrance that We are more powerful than any material technology.

    The Law of Time and codes of the synchronic order put the power back into the hands of the people by equipping us with inner technologies to activate memory, expand the heart and reclaim our autonomous sovereignty.


    – Time is the universal factor of synchronization.
    – The velocity of time is instantaneously infinite.
    – T(E) = ART [Energy factored by Time equals Art]

    – Love, love above everything.
    – You only advance according to your own effort.
    – In order to evolve you must learn something new.

    Here are some practical steps we can take to enter into a new time frequency:

    Simplify. Get rid of everything that you do not need. Clear your space. Let go of old things. Move the energy. Purify body. Eat clean, organic. Make way for the new.
    Know thyself. Learn to understand how your mind works. Trace your thoughts back to their source. Notice how many of your thoughts are conditioned by “Time.” Are you living in the past? Are your thoughts shaped around weekends and holidays and tax time and vacations? In what ways are your thoughts shaped by technology? Are your thoughts yours or are they your parents or families? Where do your thoughts come from?
    Educate yourself on the nature of Time. What is the history of the Gregorian calendar? What do the names of the months and days of the weeks mean? What is the history of clocks? Why was time standardized and what does that mean? How does technology affect our minds? What is the difference between artificial time and natural time? What is the Law of Time?
    Change your calendar. A 13 Moon/28-day synchronometer gives us a harmonic lens through which to view the world and enters us into the synchronic order. Thirteen perfect moons with 28 days each (and a day out of time), is convenient, logical and easy to use. Adjusting our timing is like learning a new language.
    Get your Galactic Signature. By learning our galactic signature, we start thinking archetypally of our role within the collective, rather than individually of the personal. Our galactic signature is our password to higher dimensions; it helps us to identify with the larger story playing out in an objective way where our role is magical and creative.
    Cultivate cosmic thinking. We are a microcosm of the planet, the solar system, the galaxy, the cosmos and all the multiverses, ad infinitum. Everything is fractal. Personal evolution is connected to the collective evolution. Everything is connected to everything else within a radial matrix of simultaneity.
    Share Your Knowledge. What is your part in educating others on the nature of TIME? You don’t have to know everything. Share what you know and what you know will grow. For those who know all of this already, please share your knowledge and experiences of the new Time. Start where you art!


    1. Let's go to the roots of the word in the ancient Latin language :

      from IN(preposition)plus MINERE(infinitive of verb),


      translations range from, in the physical sense

      hanging over/sticking out over (e.g. someone's head)
      leading this verb into a negative direction (which is not applicable here in my opinion) to yet another latin-derived term

      the verb IMPENDERE to hang or be suspended over. This term, according to the Oxford English Dictionary can be translated as :

      To be about to happen or to be imminent.

  49. The word "Imminent" is not what it seems here, it's redefinition is "indeterminate" as "it may or may not happen". Seriously, this is not amusing, it is blatantly insulting.

  50. Unfortunately, I used to believe all this to be true. But looking at what is happening in the world. The cabal are running riot. They have basically won. Not one sign of any positive forces exists, as much as I want it to be true, the reality is different. Look how the nazi pope is ordering their end game, and the so called light forces are absent. It saddens me people like David Wilcock, and the cabal mouthpiece Ben Fulford, announce that we are going to be under a 100 year rule of cabal 2.0, same slavery for the masses. Different face of the slavemasters

    1. Ah my good man Mr Roper, Jack Tripper here, nice to see you over here now, hipknowsys died, way too much emphasis on channelers.

    2. I still see you have a rather glum and cynical disposition. Looking solely at the verifiable data, one would have to agree their agenda is moving along swiftly. But there are many cracks, many little pieces in play my good man, it's about the little pieces sometimes.

    3. @George ... I recall Cobra saying it would get pretty bad right before The Event. That BS about the 100 year was talk between the cabal. Doesn't mean it's going to happen.

    4. I think light forces exist, they cant intervene because of regulations. The complex fractal structure matrix on this planet wont even allow them to come here anyways. I think we are the resistance movement, the waiting to be saved by outside forces is a trap.

  51. Heat Is
    In the Power to Move
    All that Is
    "Power" to "Move"
    Beyond Motion
    (spoken Aset, or Iset)

    Goddess Isis

    Aside from Being
    Orchestraters of Greed
    If your
    "Public Servants"
    Ever could Be
    Truly Wise
    Why are they
    to live on the wage
    of their lowest Slave
    Fruit of their Deeds
    Were they Ever able to

    Just wanted this link posted in a place to consider

    AKA rawhide AK Air

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  52. I would say that it is time now to forget this whole thing an move on... clearly this promised changes in the "outside-world" will not happen until we create it from inside..

    I would also question your sources of Information COBRA.. are they really trustworthy??

    I for myself will move on with my practice which means meditation and Self-Introspection without holding on to any hopes and expectations..

  53. I'm telling you guys the petition is being tampered with. I got a message that the sever is misbehaving. Yeah ... right. I can't get to the page.
    This is really starting to piss me off!!! DO SOMETHING!!! SAY SOMETHING!!!

    1. Corey Goode: There seem to only be "Grey Hats" negotiating against the current regime... The only whitehats in this scenario are the ones in our community... and the SBA/SSP Alliance/Inner Earth groups are all watching to see what (if anything) WE as a community, then us as a planetary people will do about it. The time for waiting for whitehats, lightforces/beings to save us is over. We are the saviors we have been waiting on and now there are layers of other beings waiting for us to stand up. Some have expressed disappointment over the lack of action or unity in our community. We really need a grass roots global effort for full disclosure or we need to not complain when we receive a new 100 years of a new financial system and a partial disclosure.

      Partial Disclosure of Lower Level Secret Space Programs, thousands of top-secret UFO files???

      Please release massive intel that will broaden the horizons of the surface population about many things!

  54. Eagles on High
    that our
    Would cary Guardians
    Truest Treasures
    We Acquire of Heavens
    Conductive Management of Earths
    Received beyong Face/Self
    Application beyond Face/Self
    Restoration of Face/Self

  55. Oops... 22,000,000 million page views
    and 10,000 a good week
    so far...


  56. GaiaPortal's UpDate from today:

    “Semper candeles” is the rally cry of the Light.

    Migration of Cosmic Higher Elements nears completion.

    Illumination of surface anharmonics brings the smoothing.

    Corpuscular movements have aligned.

    Gaia girds for the next phase.

    So that explains a lot of what's been happening the last few days :-)
    "Semper" is latin for Always and "candeles" is Katalonian for Candles according to Google translator tool.
    Causing Me to get my butt off My Couch, running across town and buying 100 new candles with the best cash to burning-time ratio.

    Here We Go.
    Force Of Nature. In the dark before The Dawn. Let's Go!

    Team Bring It:



  57. THE COBRA definition of IMMINENT is years in relation to the thousands of years of enslavement! SO do not get your hopes up, maybe another 1,000 meditations will do it!

  58. State of Independence- Donna Summer 1982

    State of life, may I live, may I love
    Coming out the sky, I name me a name
    Coming out silver word for what it is
    It is very nature of the sound, the game

    Shablamidi, shablamida
    Shablamidi, shablamida
    Shablamidi, shablamida

    Siamese, Indonese, to Tibet treat the life
    As a game, if you please (hey)
    Coming up Caribee such a freedom
    Derives from a meditative state
    Movin' on, believe that's it, call it magic
    Third world, it is, I only guessed it

    Shablamidi, shablamida
    Shablamidi, shablamida
    Shablamidi, shablamida

    Shablimidi, shablamida
    Shablimidi, shablamida
    Shablimidi, shablamida

    Shot to the soul the flame of Oroladian
    (the) essence of the word
    The state of independence

    Sounds like a signal from you
    Bring me to meet your sound
    And I will bring you to my heart

    Love, like a signal you call
    Touching my body, my soul
    Bring to me, you to meet me here

    Home, be the temple of your heart
    Home, be the body of your love
    Just like holy water to my lips
    (hey, hey)

    Yes, I do know how I survive
    Yes, I do know why I'm alive
    To love and be with you
    Day by day by day by day

    Time, time again, it is said
    We will hear, we will see
    See it all in His wisdom hear

    His truth will abound the land
    This truth will abound the land
    This state of independence shall be
    This state of independence shall be

    Say, yeah -e-yay, yeah-e-yo
    Yeah-e-yay, yeah-e-yo...
    Be the sound of higher
    Love today
    Yeah-e-yeah (hey, hey)

    Time, time again, it is said
    We will hear, we will see
    See it all in His wisdom hear

    His truth will abound the land
    This truth will abound the land
    This state of independence shall be
    This state of independence shall be
    This state of independence shall be
    This state of independence shall be
    This state of independence shall be...


    1. Wow. Really, just WOW :-)
      Amazing Song, Amazing Lyrics, Amazing Timing.
      Thank You, Optimist.

      Please allow Me to add Jon Anderson's version with Full Orchestra BackUp:

      It's the Jon Anderson from Yes.
      As in Yes! Yes!! Yes!!!

      You're The Voice, try and Understand It. Make A Noise, Make It Clear:

      Team Bring It:
      JUST BRING IT - Hot Stuff, Baby!!!

      And All We Wanna Do is . . .
      Get in the middle of a Chain Reaction :-)
      Talkin' 'bout Love, Love, Love ♥♥♥

      Diana Ross:

      John Farnham:

      Team Bring It: BRING IT!!!
      And That's an Order!!!
      Yeah right, I know, I know. We all had a good, hearty laugh about that One. Only kidding of course :-)
      With Cream and Sugar on Top? And a Cherry On Top of That? Please.

      Thank You.
      JUST BRING IT - Old School, Baby!!! ;-)

      and . . .
      Have A Nice Day :-)



    2. RaJah :-) Glad you were feeling it too. Tears, they were streaming down my face as I listened to the State of Independence. God is in that song. It spoke (at least for me) so much of our upcoming liberation. Thank you for sharing the BEAUTIFUL Jon Anderson version. So powerful! Peace and Namaste.


    3. I know that feeling very well :-)
      It doesn't happen often that I respond to other people's comments, and even less often that I work on a comment for over an hour.

      I agree that State Of Independence does indeed contain Divine Love, and quite a lot of it. Thank You once again for posting it here.


    4. I love this song, but have only heard Chrissy Hynde sing it, I didn't know it was Donna Summer's.

      Moodswings - Spiritual High (Part 1)

      Moodswings - Spiritual High (Part 2) (State Of Independence)

      This one has video of her singing it:

      Moodswings ft Chrissie Hynde - Spiritual High

    5. Thank you Phoenix Boulay! Well that's interesting. I didn't know Chrissie H. produced a version as well. Looking into the song further, it turns out Jon Anderson of Yes is the original - the one who wrote the song. I was scrolling through my iTunes library creating a playlist of songs that uplift me and make me want to dance and that's when I rediscovered this state of independence song. It had been years since I last listened to it, predating my knowledge of cobra, matrix, illuminati, etc. While the song ALWAYS stirred my soul, I hear it now in such an amazingly clear light. It has been an incredible pleasure to share with you all again. Might I also add, RaJah- please note the 3:33, 2:22, 11:11 postings of our comments. We are all one with higher love!


    6. So all three of us knew the song, only everyone had a different version. And now all three have come together as One on here, the way it was obviously meant to be - well done, everyone. Yes! Yes! Yes! :-)

      Timing, Timing, Timing.
      It's great that you rediscovered it and shared it so that Phoenix and I could offer "our" versions, Optimist.
      After all, this is All a Team Effort :-)

      And My Higher Self definitely Loves Himself some Divine Timing about when I shall post on here - the time-stamp gimmick is pretty neat, isn't it? ;-)

      Lots Of Love And Light to All Of You/Us



    7. On That Note,
      and with a Primal Scream:
      Time to let that Jailbird Fly

      Scratching like a tomcat, got a monkey on my back
      I'm gonna push and pull and howl like wolf
      And drive my cadillac
      I've got medication, honey, I've got wings to fly
      I've got horse hoof tea to buzz you like a bee
      Gonna blind the evil eye
      Push and pull with me, funky jamming free
      Walk it like you talk it, honey, strut your funky stuff, come on

      I'm yours, you're mine, gimme more of that Jailbird pie

      Come in my kitchen, I've got hop head soup for grease
      Just shake your hips and let it rip
      And let the spirit free
      Ride on baby, ride on, let your crazy horses loose
      Give it all you got when you're hot to trot
      And wave bye bye to the blues
      Shake it to the east, shake it to the west
      Shake it with the very one that you love the best, come on

      And Get Your Rocks Off. Yeah, yeah, yeah ;-)

      Come Together As ONE

      Just Bring It



  59. A Wave came crashing like a fist to the jaw
    Delivered him wings "Hey look at me now"
    Arms wide open with the sea as his floor
    Oh, Power, Oh

    He's flying
    High, wide, oh

    He floated back down 'cause he wanted to share
    His Key to the Locks on the Chains he saw everywhere
    But first he was stripped and then he was stabbed
    By faceless men. Well, Fuckers!
    He still stands!!!

    And he still gives his love, he just gives it away
    The Love he receives is the Love that is saved

    Team Bring It:

    I AM The Beginning and The End



  60. Is that true?

  61. Can someone please tell me about their experiences with the tachyon energy tech that cobra supports on this site? I have spent money on stuff like this before and so I just want to know if its worth the buy this time.

    1. I dont think you need it. Consider the money as a donation if you would by something like that.

  62. This comment has been removed by the author.

  63. The galactic sarcasm superwave just hit the surface population LOL. Cabal meltdown is imminent.

  64. This comment has been removed by the author.

  65. Tanaath of the Silver Legion:

    The way a Source can act is through synchronicity. Because Sources are consciousnesses, they are able to make sure that ideas and information spread to beings able to act upon them. If there is a problem with the balance in a given universe, a Source can’t unilaterally stop, limit, or destroy the offending agents. Instead, the Source will ensure that information about these situations arrive at the ‘doorstop’ of beings that are most likely to be interested in taking action against the ones causing problems. These beings will have the opportunity to act, and if they should choose not to, the opportunity will be offered to someone else, synchronistically, until finally someone acts.

  66. Need a little help wrapping my head around something guys and girls.

    In regards to the Ra Material, if there is (from their perspective) no good and bad, No duality, Why are we trying to fight each other (good vs bad) yet again? I'm starting to see that all have played both sts and sto at varying points throughout life and all have learned from all experiences gained. Not justifying horrific actions here, to be clear.

    So, Ra talks about a oneness, a point at which there is no duality. So, how can we gain this oneness by fighting each other. It would seem that all is still the us vs them mentality. Still a duality. This is confusing me quite a bit.

    If all are one, then the very people we're acting against are us. How does a conflict help to heal the duality?

    It would appear that Ra is attempting to show that, in order for humanity to move forwards, the rift must be healed. That we must become one. I don't understand how the two philosophies can be integrated harmoniously AND if they even should.

    This has to be THE most confusing thing I have ever read. I'm all for a challenge but this one seems paradoxical. Fighting to produce peace. Doesn't make sense. Or is Ra talking about a oneness of the same philosophy and the sts and sto are NOT compatible? In which case, there is still duality. Gah! Hahaha. Brain teaser or what.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  67. Flowers for Gargalya. Do I appreciate you? Let me shine a Light on that!

  68. ....A lot going on in the world....

    I would *love* to hear Cobra's take on the death of US Supreme Court Justice Scalia, the attempted assassination of US Supreme Court Chief Justice Roberts (where? how? )... the attempted assassination of General Dunsford..(where? how?)....

    Are these incidents associated with a 'new Republic,' as Ben Fulford wrote on Monday?

    Yes, I can send questions to Rob (and I do!) but Cobra, if you are "baffled" about what to write about next, these are simply some suggestions from the peanut gallery.

    I cannot imagine Cobra sitting there with forehead-in-palm having "writer's block" but who knows? ; ^ )

    1. Ranch Owner: Scalia Found Dead With a ‘Pillow Over His Head’

      Lack of Autopsy in Scalia Death Raises Questions

      Khazarians Aim for A Chilling Effect on Judge Scalia’s Murder
      February 16, 2016

      The Motive Behind the Murder of Justice Scalia
      16 Feb, 2016 by Dave Hodges

  69. IO is red, yellow, green and blue. Europa aperture is at 100%.
    Thank you Lord.

    1. You are welcome and now also a System Sovereign over Kashmir & Spectre under Spectrum.

  70. IC a NIT WIT
    New Infinity Timeline
    World in Training

  71. This comment has been removed by the author.
