Wednesday, April 27, 2016

SUBPHX attempt delay: contextual subfactions shift incomplete


  1. This morning i wake up with a very warm and sweet good mood, so LOVE TO EVERYONE, especially to Cobra!!!

    1. Thanks, is very hard to be positive with all is happening... cheers and hugs to you!!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Thanks Cobra and the rest of the RM. Peace and Victory of the Light!

    I think this should help move things along.

    I call upon my Father in Heaven and the ALL the AA Angels in Heaven and those that are here with us on Earth and ALL the Legion at their command in these moments gracefully and mercifully show yourselves before us and above us ALL. Unmistakably and undeniably present us with ALL of your glory and love in our skys and upon our earth day or night in these moments of NOW to serve to some as a reminder of your eternal, righteous, glorious and loving present presence. Very very many have prayed and now we ALL should know, unmistakably and undeniably know, Just like the others. I ask of you ALL Through us have you not yet experienced enough? Through us Have you not yet seen enough? Current conditions unfavorable. Mercifully In these moments more visible, more abundant, Pleasant and loving reminder(s) of your presence amongst us would be appreciated much needed and would go very very far. In these moments of NOW, unmistakably, undeniably, kindly, Righteously, compassionately and mercifully deliver to us in these moments and in the flesh. Please and thank you! I AM eternally grateful!

    With ALL that I AM.


    1. For there is nobility and honor in equality.

    2. Echo. I read your words out loud. Thank you.

    3. mi familia, IMHO no better time than the present.

  4. Síth-Spraoi-Síocháin----> Harmony-Fun-Peace lads :D

    Be the good, don't just believe. Much Grá

  5. It's day 122 of the Japanese Embassy Hostage Crisis, just when things look bleak and hopium turns to bitter cynicism. Just four more days, metaphorically speaking, four more days.

  6. May This Next Attempt Be With Ease & Glory, And, So It Is!

    1. Let all things take their course into light.


    1. My biggest and warmest love to Venezuela Maria, I do know how much you guys suffer... I hope relief goes to your country now.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Thank you María!!! Yes, Venezuela's situation is real bad. All my family is in there and I cannot tell you how difficult it is to hear that there is not food, medicine or even soap to take a shower. Venezuela is collapsing! Government employees are working only two days a week because of the electricity crisis.

    4. Hopefully The Event will take place soon to end all this suffering. I just don't understand why the Source allows so much suffering in the world.

    5. We all have to remain positive, i know is very difficult... but we have to do our best to not succumb to sadness and anger.

    6. Ask your angels for help. The angels hear your thoughts with unconditional love.

  8. Come on surface population, let's bring much more light, so that no delay

  9. And on and on it goes. I know that these communiques aren't intended for the gen population, but I read everything I can by Cobra, as there seemingly is an ever-decreasing amount of such info. One of these, that was linked to (in the comments section) in an effort to shed light on one of the terms used, made me happy and then sad. I can't recall it exactly, but it was another cryptic description that conveyed (by Cobra himself, i presume) "I have been waiting for this moment for nearly fifteen years," then went on to say that something was active, or some such intel. The more I thought of it,the more it made me realize how many "right up to the edges" of the event happenings, there have been, and how many times the Darkness snatched the victory from everyone, continuing the misery. I thought how painfull it must have been for CObra to have to write another such communique, or intel report, without answering to why "the event" hadn't yet materialized, yet, when all things pointed to it coming about, and I felt his/her pain. The other day I heard ROb Potter say something I've never heard him say, before, and it shook me to my core. In him describing "the event" he said "And it may not happen in my lifetime, but it will happen." WOw, all this new intel pointing to a Crumbling Cabal, failing worldwide economies, spiritual awakenings en masse, yet hope also seems to be dwindling by those "in the know" that we rely on for intel and interface. So, here we are, yet again.

    1. Do not worry brother/sister.

      Don't let the feelings and the assumptions of others let you down and make YOU loose your hope.
      Everybody is on the evolution scale where they are supposed to be.

      How about YOU? Are YOU ready to see The Event taking place in YOUR lifetime?
      Then do not wait for it....
      Envision it; create it; materialize it - and in your world - it will happen in YOUR lifetime!! ;)))

    2. Potter must mean his own lifetime ... not ours. Perhaps he feels he will die before The Event.

      I just want to see the end of the suffering around the world. It breaks my heart. Sometimes it's very hard to deal with. It eats me up inside.
      If the Source won't cause The Event the least that could be done is to ease some of the suffering world wide.

    3. Agreed. For a while it seemed as if everything was in place except for the removal of all the strangelets and toplets. Then the funds were ready to be transferred to everyone but to no avail as of yet. Then I was reading about this General Dunford taking over but nothing concrete ever surfaced. Im still remaining postitive and meditating but when does positivety become stupidity?

    4. Be not dismayed by Potter 's potty talk. Not sure why he would say such a thing. thank you Hye Angel for being a High Angel for us all

  10. For those who STILL believe corey goode is authentic, check out this image:

    It's the cabal's all-seeing eye. They put this symbol in pretty much everything that belongs to them.

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    3. I believe that symbol is known as The One Eye and just like all symbols it can used for positive or negative agendas. Just like they have done with many symbols the Cabal has distorted it. That doesn't mean we can't reclaim it for the Light though. It's a beautiful symbol really

    4. ok, it's the all-seeing eye...

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    6. I can't let go of how stupid that is.

    7. It's NOT the all seeing eyes of the cabal (illuminati), it represents the source. The cabal is very professional in arcane. They use all method to discort the positive meaning of that symbol and turn them to negative. E.g. Isis goddess vs Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham

    8. I noticed that as well. But it's hard to say if it's really the Cabal behind every one eye'd image you find. Remember, the Cabal hijacked many of these symbols so they could manipulate the energy behind them. The pentagram and swastika are other examples.

      The one eye can also be interpreted positively, as it represents awakening, or the activation of the Pineal Gland (3rd eye).

      Lots of Love :-)

    9. I know your optometrist - he *is* cabal. But seriously, not entirely convinced of Corey Goode. The logo doesn't *not* reinforce that feeling.

    10. For those who offended me, I say, try to be a little bit smarter, you are in a place where people debate politely, if you are impolite that way, it becomes pretty obvious that you are a cabal troll ;)

    11. And to the true light workers/light warriors whom answered politely, I say, even if this symbol was hijacked, it would be very strange to see it in a anti-cabal place, because the subconscious of the masses tend to relate it to something evil.

      In other words, it wouldn't be very inteligent if cobra created a banner with the all-seeing eye for this blog, right? Not even if he made huge explanations for it, because new people always tend to arrive, and they wouldn't know.

    12. @Anami

      It's not always that the all-seeing eye comes in a triangle, you should STUDY MORE before being rude to random people on the internet.

      check out this example:

    13. On the bottom right hand side of this page are links to websites provided by Cobra. Among those are Corey Goode as well as David Wilcock's pages. If they were part of the cabal would they be listed here? If Corey's work does not resonate with you that is fine but to try and destroy his reputation is an different matter and makes me suspect of your intentions.

    14. You must be new to observing the occult world.
      At this point in time wether Cory Goode is authentic or not
      His conversations are on secret space programs that are hidden from the public . His conversations make people stop look and listen and question !

      That alone is creditable enough.
      Dont waste time questioning any body that is shedding light in the occult world and bringing it to the attention of a larger audience.

      Do your part to bring positive light.

      The tides are turning folding in ,on itself the hour glass of negative is almost completely turn over so the positive sands of time flow continually and bury the past darkness.

      Dont spend time condeming the likes of corey goode , even the bush cartel ! At this point in history we should be doing our positive share and look ahead what is the New World To Look Like .

      Globally healing gaining strength as one , not wallowing in what was wrong and what bad has happened .

      But let us together forge a new path , to grasp the global challenges of free energy , feeding the hungry , ending poverty , rebuilding infrastructure much bigger thoughts to move ahead and think about.

      Dont waste your time in negative nit picking and move forward into the light and join this global unity effort.

    15. @Yssop Yot

      You know nothing about me...

      @Deb Purcell

      It's not because Cobra (apparently) believes him that I also have to. By the way, I'm not sure that Cobra believes him 100%.

      Don't forget that they don't agree all the time with what each other say, Coorey said that the pleiadians are earth humans from the secret space program, but Cobra stated clearly that they are genuine alien humans from the pleiades.

      I'm not destroying anyone's reputation, Corey is a liar and untill proven otherwise, I won't believe him.

      Check it out how he stutters in this interview:

      (06: 28 minutes to 08: 05 minutes)

      If he was authentic he woudn't have done such bizarre thing. I hope you change your mind after seeing that, otherwise, the one to be suspected because of the intentions, will be YOU.


      It matters not if i'm new or old observing this stuff, I paid attention to something and decided to share. To allow people to lie is wrong, because desinformation is a very dangerous thing to the ground crew (they believe in everything).

      Any descent cabal desinfo agent would act as if he had classified documents, hidden from the public and etc. There is no proof of the authencity of the things he says.

      That IS positive light, i'm helping other people to detect and avoid desinformation. If people still keep believing in lies, it will take much longer for our liberation to arrive.

    16. It was just a dumb joke, let's forget it.

    17. The joke wasn't even aimed at you. Now I trust you as much as I do Corey Goode (that one *was* aimed at you.)

    18. @Yssop Yot

      If you said I was a optometrist (a doctor who takes care of the eyes of patients) it WAS aimed at me.

      But I agree with you, it was a dumb joke. And I never trusted you anyway...

  11. Replies
    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Magic Scroll and 33 Key

    Posted on 26 April, 2016

    The new dispensation of galactic culture has already been deposited on Earth. It is now awaiting the study of humanity. CHC Vol. 6

    Our energy is scattered in too many directions at once. Limited belief systems create fences around our electromagnetic fields keeping us from that which we want most: Full Reconnection with our Creative Source.

    People often ask: Why should I follow the 13 Moon calendar or learn the Law of Time? The answer is that you shouldn’t, unless you want to. If you are depressed by what the media has to offer, tired of running the same old tape loops through your mind, in a creative rut, looking for fresh perceptions or want to gain more memory, then you might want to give it a go.

    The path of the 13 Moons reveals the synchronic order, a parallel universe that exists alongside the mainstream narrative. In this Universe synchronicity and art reign supreme. The lens of the synchronic order allows us to view the connections between seeming random events, tuning us into a hidden stream that was always there but we just didn’t have the tools to recognize it. But it’s more than that …

    I offer this sharing with the intention to tap your own memory circuits and with the realization that everything is happening simultaneously within one vast radial matrix of intersecting time waves.

    1. Well said makes perfect sense.

    2. Greetings

      I would add that all of our thoughts and intentions can be reflected on and owned to be seen and felt to reflect in our manifestations within our individual words. A lovely barometer to our progress is how often are we saying Thank You I love You to Self.

    3. Im glad you posted that a few years ago tbere was a youtube channel soundlessdawn
      He would show synchronicity
      In movie in images in a frame in a film the actor that was in it and how the symbols

      All were subliminaly linked to a consciousness
      Just as I was starting to under stabd the matrix he was veiwing and hiw he arrived at his thinking in this manor

      He stopped making videis on his channel

      I had no other source thru the years till this post thank you

    3:50 PM ET

    Deep Source (RV/GCR):
    "Code process has begun. M1 is present. All respective parties are present. Awaiting transition of fund release from immanent to imminent."

    Deep Source (Resistance):
    "White House on lock down. New Republic Special Forces alongside General Dunford had entered the White House via JFK's tunnel. Papers of surrender and resignation have been issued."

    Deep Source (The Alliance):
    "All malevolent extraterrestrial beings have been deceased in an attempt to exit the Solar System. All destroyed craft salvaged, no debris to enter Earth's atmosphere. Cleanup of malevolent bodies throughout portals, star gates and destroyed craft in progress. Precision strikes against remaining Orion-built Earth Defense Grid Shield generators in progress. Density of Galactic Central Sun energy waves increasing rapidly. Magnetic disruption anomalies to occur throughout Earth, standby for breakthrough. Victory to the Light."

    Note from Deep Source(s):
    "Please note: Intel that is being provided from us to you is indeed accurate but completely raw and does have a tendency to not follow through. There is no denying that we are all in frustration and loss of patience. It is entirely a fact that intel being provided is real, but there are constant on-going activities that change the situation. This is agonizing but you mustn't lose hope. Nothing lasts forever."


    1. The energy of your words sent chills through my body. Victory of the light. Namaste to all.

    2. Hey Marc, passing on your 'deep source' news above is mighty interesting for sure. Reads like a 'thriller' indeed.

      Were the White House lock down news for real, a slew of folks could be dancing in their streets, wouldn't ya' think?

      Guess we all just have to sit tight and imagine the best of the best outcomes for all Beings in all realms, on this planet and off into space.

      Yes, let's hold LOVE and LIGHT in our hearts for our positive desired outcomes - sooner than later.

    3. Hello
      Where you take this information?

    4. well I have my doubts I must say....
      And I must say I will not live to see Hilary inaugurated. If such disaster-farce becomes imminent, this planet will officially be not worth inhabiting.

    5. Really?.... I heard THIS from another source:

      Nagiichi @ 10 Million quantum intervals
      Kawaii constant to the "infinity" Nyaanth Power
      Mi + Yuki = Milky
      It's all right here:

      I'm telling you MAN- this Source is Sourceful bro

      It was foretold in Osaka, Japan like 4 years ago - Osaka...yep. You know what that means.

    6. Child Safety locks please.

    7. oh, and also on this: I noticed a new cultivar of Canibus - Colorado Gold. That went straight to my heart. I'm hoping soon to partake in other ways also.

      Thank you growers. I appreciate you more than you can imagine at this moment.

    8. Is the good authority rumormillnews?... that's where I saw the link to this same info


  14. This was recommended to me today, and I agree.

    We Don't Want Your Civil War


    Love, Light, Unity, Peace and Freedom for All Mankind


  15. Are those underground attacks of the Cabal that created all those earthquakes in Japan still in line with what is acceptable?

    1. Source / Benjamin Fulford:
      The battle for the planet earth has taken a dramatic turn with the destruction of three major Japanese underground bases.

      The bases hit are all located close to the Korean Peninsula where it would be easy to move large numbers of troops to the Asian mainland for a war with China. It thus appears there was a pre-emptive strike, by forces unknown, to prevent any Japanese attempt to start World War 3.

  16. It want be to much longer now. The time draws near. Hang on everyone it's gonna be out of sight.

  17. Listen to all the curious things Iran has to say right now..

    Being backed into a corner?

    Or got an early "go"?


  18. Ricochet Rainbows ;-)


    Love And Light For All


    1. What? I thought your wings were broken. I guess you were playing Possum. LOL - good one.


    2. And once again you impressively show that you have got absolutely NO idea what I am posting.
      My Code is Not For You, and you understand everything wrong, Kathryn.
      I really mean it when I say I want nothing to do with you. So one more time: Just SHUSH!
      Your lack of knowledge is only surpassed by your arrogance and lack of good behaviour.



    3. Get Out Of Denver


    4. Playing with ego guys?
      We need to learn to overcome ego voice sometimes ;)

  19. Nobel prize while limiting young minds in front of a big screens.Experiments and keeping future for themselves.Fluor toothpaste can make things shiny your brain is off.Choose wisely with who you communicate its secure mainstream off.It`s the best protest with police that is happening the moment I speak.This is how they builded those `shelters with rewards and no pollution vehicles.Technology heal all.

  20. Habitual child abusers are hereby banished from all of Nebadon.

    Domi NIC N for NOT acceptable!

  21. According to Fulford, the earthquakes were a result of the destruction of cabal DUMBs. If that's true, it's good news, not bad.


    Folks sign if you can

    1. My dear, why are you still using that moniker? I thought you sent all your possums back to us. Apparently you are still learning from them. Good on you.

  23. Hey guys, wanted to bring attention to this organization which helps refugees from North Korea (one of the worst and most enslaved regions on the planet) make the dangerous journey through China to safe countries, and sets them up to succeed. Any help, money, and publicity you can offer to this cause is greatly appreciated! Much Love and Thanks to everyone here!

    1. There are many "the worst enslaved regions.." - anyone remember Haiti? this is why we do mass meditations.

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. Still no word on the magnetosphere collapse?

  26. You know, after years of the same kind of talk and the same promise one can help but wonder, if The Cabal power had been diminish, why is Hillary Clinton on her way to become the next USA president, why nothing has changed? Doctors still killing people by the truckloads because Big Pharma still owns and controls the system. So more of us are awake but not palpable difference is same old same old

    1. I CAN TELL YOU WHY! IT is because GOD wants these sheeple to WAKE UP!!!!!!!!!I just read that 50% of voters in the U.S. want to vote for Hillary Clinton, my god what happened to these people, are they on drugs !

  27. My eyes can see the event .muy eyes can see you .

    Somebody sent me this video of ufo sightings at the beach in Puerto Rico. Then ets make contact and abducts one of the guys. Hoax? It was filmed with a phone camera

    1. lol fake, you can tell towards the ending of the video.. when camera man's camera moves, the UFO move with the video... there for fake!

  29. Lovely insights to help us fathom the shifts:

    Ascension Notes: Expanding the Divine Feminine
    by Kara Schallock - 25-Apr-2016

  30. Occupied land: Following the Event we should move into a harmonious and free and peacefull united planetary society but still we will have positive differences among different regions and peoples (food, music, dance, etc.) and we should expect a great change in the political map of the planet and many changes in 'boundaries'. How soon will the stolen and or illegally occupied land be restored to its 'owners'? The way I see things no one should own any land and the land should own itself. But will there be a transition period when, for exemple, the 'old colonial powers' return the stolen and illegally occupied land? Will the soon to be restored Republic of the United States return the land that was taken and then occupied by the 'illegal' US Corp? Islands in the Carribean and Pacific, including Hawaii and Puerto Rico? Alaska (a cabal arrangement) and large portions of continental south-west that was taken from Mexico? Very interesting situation.

    1. Send question to

  31. I guess the light workers assigned to candidates have not been keeping an eye out for the rampant voter fraud in the United States...................

    1. Election fraud is here to stay until the cabal ... aka ... the circle is taken out of power. Until then the elections are nothing more than a show.

  32. I don't know if I've been able to identify a SMAD ship this year in any footage..

    I'm not sure anyone has seen one for a while.

    5 left now..?

  33. I actually believe just about everyone has at least one thing in their household that's on the fritz right now..

  34. This is a whole list of the songs I've compiled that either say or reference the "truth". I've reviewed every song in this playlist multiple times and I can guarantee that every song in here has, at least, some truth/disclosure. Now, you may have to listen closely, as some of the songs have deep (hard to understand/see) meanings. It is absolutely stunning that there are this many songs, most of which are mainstream, that all sing about what's really happening on Earth; including corrupt governments/corporations and the illuminati, to far-reaching subjects like aliens, while sprinkling in a few songs that strive for freedom. This playlist will awake anyone; The number of famous artists who speak truth is simply not ignorable, even by the most sheltered of minds. Enjoy!


    1. An incredible playlist Nic, well done! I’ve added a link from one of the songs, to a new FaceBook page I’ve created that may be of interest to everyone: Cheers!

  35. Finding out about my life be happy! Wish everyone to be happy!
    Love one another! Forgive one another, overcome fear, hate and doubt!
    Infinite peace, infinite freedom.
    Liberation is ours!

  36. I purchased a "cintamani" stone ring from Rob Potter which curiously looks exactly like the Thailand black stone spinel. I think this is a huge rip off- don't buy the jewelry!! Also, my sister purchased a ring in December and has not received it yet despite numerous attempts to find out why. I don't trust Potter at all anymore- I think he is a con artist.

    1. I purchased my stone through a website Cobra provided. Also I noticed Mr. Potter prices for the stones were more expensive than the site I went to. Do you have a way to verify your suspensions?

    2. Wow...really? I got mine last Spring for FREE! It's beautiful & I love it. It looks like the pics you see on the Internet. All I did was pay postage. The guy was very nice, we communicated thru E-mails - Paid w/ Paypal. I had inside a week. I just got a Stone, I didn't get a "ring" or jewelry...It was one of the smaller stones from the "first Batch".

      I'm happy with it- I used the e-mail Cobra gave on this page- I don't think I dealt w/ Rob Potter but an Associate of his. I'm only saying this because Rob mentioned in an E-mail (When I E-mailed about a topic related here once) that he doesn't really read the comments on "This" site so I doubt he'll see it here.

      I would take your "Customer Complaints" to Robs site (PromiseRevealed)

    3. Unfortunately , that seems to be the case, so some
      people are carried away with making money at any cost.I bought one from him and it had no energy
      whatsoever , so I returned it , demanding a refund.

  37. I just attended a Black Swan event. It jerked some tears out of me - but not too many.

    It was lovely.

  38. Lord, This is my prayer for the missing Links: A closer walk with Thee. I am always amazed and blessed when I ask that for myself.

  39. <3 Let's come TOGETHER and COMBINE our efforts! <3
    Join us NOW in our weekly GUIDED GLOBAL MEDITATION to Speed Up the transformation of this WORLD.
    Please join us today, and every day at:
    - 18:00pm GMT for the Emergency Europe/Syria Meditation
    - 19:00pm GMT for the Event Speed-Up Meditation, immediately followed by the Liberation Movement's Weekly Meditation on Sundays
    Web location:
    Skype channel:

  40. For LIVE interactive conversations with fellow beings of light that are geared towards the aspirations of the Prepare For Change Network, we welcome you to join our Skype group:

  41. Dear fellow travelers;
    I went through two weeks of quantum leaping and timeline jumping and experienced THE EVENT in my Universe. I just wrote a newsletter about it, as a signpost for others.
    You can read the 3-page newsletter here:

    I came out of it as a different person!
    Greetings from the fifth dimension!

    1. Woow... messages like this one really helps through this difficult times, and... i'm kinda scared 'cause don't know when gonna' happen that "leapin" and if i'm ready for it, i... love the Pleiadians so muuuch, the fact that a almost 99,9 % aliens be interested in us after all this time of war and/or suffering just... i'm a normal guy with a truly boring life, life that can CHANGE in matter of, who knows when "The Event" wants to happen to me... i... i don't know... my mind becomes stupid when tries to imagine it what i read, i mean, i understand it but, imagine it... ? Impossible, not for a mind that almost always recieve such tremendous negativity; how my family treat me and the negativity in the actual world, that almost becomes the rule, almost destroys me... so... thanks for share this experiences here, in Portal 2012, wich to be honest is the only place i trust. White Hat, Dark Hat have the potential to be a reliable website.

      PD: Sorry for such poor english, i'm Spanish.

  42. To me,... the more interesting question is,... Why, after all of this time, & specially at this time, after everything that is going on & is supposed to be going on,... Why did Rob Potter & Cobra split,... Why NOW ???

    1. If you read what Rob wrote I think you may see it was more a clarification and a redefinition of his area for Rob....just a change of directions, everyone still on the same side so to speak....

  43. The more the veil gets resolved the more visible the real situation gets. It is not so nice. The good thing is, after the Event restoration of just everything will go extremely fast. Nobody said it would be easy.
    By the way: Does a woman have to be focussed in the same way as a man?
    Is it the right focus wanting to be focussed as a woman?
    (Real questions, no sarcasm ;)).
    Keep focus on Syria guys, please.
    I love you (all) and I stop trying to do things right. I just like to express myself also some day, maybe, I mean, just being who I am or.... well, playing....let us be dolphins...

    1. Looks like Vice news wants to show how thoughtful and courageous ISIL is by having a new documentation video on their YouTube channel..

      I advise you not to go see it. I won't be posting a URL.
      It's early propaganda so the "charities" can say, Hey! I mean, yeah we funded them but they're so polite to one another!

      Because, I mean, if there was a single person who *did not* get along with them, they wouldn't be there to show...


      Anyways, if you happen to see the video, have seen it, or not, I'm just gonna let you know the sure-signs these fatigues and helmets are US. Around Desert Storm era. (Just watch Blackhawk down or something)

      3 things.
      1. The types of plastic buckles and straps on the fatigues and helm. Especially their color.

      2. The chassis of a HUMVEE was used for that vehicle, but the over-excessive use of reactive armor and the cockpit of the vehicle shows signs of refurbishment.

      3. The whole video was filmed on GoPros dedicated to field footage for the M-type helmet..
      The brackets used for those are one of a kind as well.

      3.5 This one is a possibility, but the helmets they use (looking at those without the rag-skin on)
      have very precisely places air holes and a special kind of lining to seal the seem between the outer shell and the rest. Right at the bottom edge.

      Just uh, yeah.
      That's about it but it's still all sickening no matter what or how you look at it.

  44. Those who have highest consciousness determine the most. Victory-of-the-light-warrior-question: What does this mean?


  45. Kann so stehenbleiben.



  46. FYI:
    There will be NO immanentizing the eschaton.
    Quite the Opposite, as a Matter Of FACT.

    "Customers are prohibited from spitting on the floor and pissing in the Gene Pool.
    Thank You

    The Management"

    We All Give The Power, We All Give Our Best
    And We All Get The Power, We All Get The Best

    Victory Of Love And Light And LIFE



  47. Memo to #All

    Aus Mangel an AllGemeinem Interesse im gesamten Universum wurde die Immanentisierung des Eschatons abgesagt.
    Auf AllGemeinen Wunsch und im Interesse Aller wird die InitialZündung veranlasst.

    The Management

    We've got The Power
    We've got The Touch


  48. Cobra is a guy who thinks that a psychopath-serial killer Muhammad is an ascended master but Donald Trump is an evil jesuit`s agent. Doesn`t make sense for me.

  49. News alert (ben fulford)

  50. Is there going to be an April interview with prepare for change, Cobra?


  51. GaiaPortal earlier today:

    "Sensationals appear when least expected by the hu-being.

    Calmings are presented and accepted.

    Masteries of flights are anticipated and seen.

    Creations of Light are pronounced."


    I've found what I'd been looking for, and All I want is You.
    In this City Of Blinding Lights.
    ♥ ∞ ♥

    Love, Light, Unity, Peace And Freedom For All


  52. Probably the idea of misusing and abusing nature was inspired by negativity or pushed by the archon to disrupt our natural flow.... as everything else...

  53. Angels of Lumessence:

    Moos letter #75

    Welcome to the Spectral Serpent Moon of Liberation! This is the eleventh moon of the Planetary Service Wavespell.

    Our life moves in the direction of our most dominant thoughts. Getting caught up in the world of disputes and dramas entangles us in the symptoms of the world rather than directing our energy within to listen again for a new understanding.

    The Spectral Moon calls on us to dissolve and transmute lower emotions into higher states of being and action.

    Blocked emotional energy keeps us from accessing higher states of consciousness. Emotions are fluctuating energy patterns. Emotional energy is the subtle energy that is transduced from our fourth-dimensional body to our third-dimensional body. This energy operates through our seven chakras, the emotional centers of the body.

    When we ask for "emotional support" we are asking for support of our subtle energies that we each must process through our chakra system. To balance our emotional energy is to balance our chakra system and realign our energy with the new beam frequency.

    The Spectral Moon reminds us that impermanence is instantaneous, so it is wise to remember how precious life really is.

    In this Planetary Wizard year, we have had the passing of two prominent artists: David Bowie and Prince, who passed away 100 days apart.

    Bowie was Blue Electric Eagle, Kin 55, signature of the Harmonic Convergence. Prince was Yellow Galactic Sun, Kin 60, signature of Pacal Votan. Both were born in the Skywalker wavespell of prophecy.

    The totem for this moon is the Serpent. The 13th sign of the zodiac, Ophiuchus - "the serpent bearer", is positioned northwest of the center of the Milky Way, opposite Orion.

    In the pulsar cosmology of the wavespell, the eleventh position or tone completes the second dimension sense pulsar that began in the third moon, the Electric Moon of Service.

    In this 11th position we dissolve and liberate all thought-forms that do not serve the highest good. Remember that living with paradox is a stage in the process of our own self-transcendence.

  54. From July 2014 interview:

    Rob – OK. someone asked would you to answer about alcohol and recreational drugs if any on spiritual development.

    COBRA – Alcohol and drugs in most cases have a negative effect on consciousness. If people use alcohol or certain other substances very consciously they can assist temporarily reaching higher states of consciousness. But in most cases the Archons are manipulating those substances to enslave people and tie them with lower astral plane.
    ---ref rp0714

  55. There has always been some interesting information, resources, and events used to create the outstanding story lines for the Uncharted video games..

    Yeah, it's a game, but the info comes from somewhere..

    I mean, it's got everything to do with Nazi Germany's quests of oddity, cintamani stones, Shangri-la, Knights Templar, Knights of Saint John, Chinese treasures, lost underground locations, and even the most important milestones seem to connect...
    Even Chinese treasure ships washed onto mountains and guardians of old?

    Some of these game developers have the funds, sources, means, intuition, and aptitude to get some intriguing background information..
    And let's not leave out their reputation.

    But I just had to bring this up because I saw the new trailer and, well.

    Interesting connections.

    Just going out on a limb here, maybe this sort of mysticism and history suits our fancy, but I've played them all, several times.

  56. Ich versuche mir beim auf-die-Schulter-klopfen nicht den Arm zu brechen, aber das hier ist TIMING:

    Ich hatte um 4:44 Genesis’ Follow You Folow Me gepostet
    Die englische Info um 6:56 – das sind genau 132 Minuten oder 11 x 12
    Die deutsche Version um 9:01 – 125 Minuten oder 5 x 5 x 5 = 125 Minuten später

    Für das was gerade geschieht hab ich mein ganzes Leben lang trainiert.
    Dies ist das Ende einer Geschichte. Und der Anfang einer Neuen.
    Dies ist DAS FINALE

    Anpfiff bitte



  57. News alert: Mushroom cloud appeared in Kagoshima, Southern Japan at 1615 Japan Standard Time.

  58. Pay attention to all the things the CIA has been letting out of the bag.

    Now we just need the cat.

    Ticky tock.
