Thursday, July 7, 2016

Thailand Ascension Conference Report

The location of our Ascension conference in Thailand was strategically chosen on an important Ascension vortex near Chiang Mai in northern Thailand.
The conference was a wonderful success. We had a very dedicated and pure group of participants, mostly from Asia. Representatives of many "factions" were present at the conference. People in Asia are very open to the Goddess presence and much important work was done on subtler planes of creation. We were not alone, our star brothers and sisters were with us.

This conference has opened many important doorways for the future. 
Victory of the Light!


  1. Awesome cobra. Congratulations to all of you (us)

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  3. What a stunning cloudship! Victory of the Light!!!!!!!

  4. Those who continue to cling to false power-a huge shift has occurred. ...time to accept reality.

    Victory of the Light!!

  5. When we could have a conference in Brazil?

  6. Thanks Cobes !

    Thailand is such a beautiful place with *splendid* people.

    What a beautiful light ship !

    We had a fleet of them over here recently at dusk, too.

    It's summer, you know. They go out in groups together, find a campground in the sky, and then put on a show this one.

    Fifth Dimension "....Up Up and Away..."

  7. Will there be any meditation tomorrow, 7/8/2016 for the disclosure?

    Does anyone know of anything re this? I was under the impression after the Cobra/Corey interview that we would have an organized meditation for the disclosure on that specific date.

    1. check the usual places for info. I would think so. I do the Sunday ones

    2. Wasnt disclosure supposed to occur on the 8th of july ?

    3. Is my understanding the Disclosure they were referring for the 8th is not the Full Disclosure we expect to happen at the Event.

    4. My understanding of July 8th is it is named as Disclosure Day (by humans for humans). However, that is like setting an intent. It is meant to energetically move the concept forward. Actual disclosure did not seem to happen on this day (although the masses are waking up at a quickening pace... so they themselves are their own Disclosure). We may not need to wait for "The Event" to experience disclosure. Disclosure is like petals unfolding on an enormous flower when the sun hits in the morning. Little facets are opening up all the time. Soon the percentage of those knowing what Disclosure means will be higher than those not knowing it, which makes my heart happy.

    5. watching Corey on Gaia TV: it is already happening for those listening...

  8. I thought that was a ship when I first saw the picture. :) It will be nice when they will be a common sight.

    Victory of the Light!

    1. Well, to be honest I would prefer blue sky with natural clouds instead of a lot of space ships.

  9. THANK YOU to all involved in this. A big fat hug to our benevolent Star Families! ok a virtual hug:-) Much love!!

  10. Beautiful cloudship, thanks for the photo! Keep up the important work!

  11. Oh, that makes me smile <3 <3 <3 , blissful times ahead! Thank you people of Asia, after the harsh energies in the western world, it must be like super holiday feeling to be in Asia. Here in Europe we have so many foreigners from all over the world, but people of Asia are always friendly, soft and pleasant contemporaries.
    Victory of the Light!

  12. LOVE & Light, wish I could of have been there. -M7x

  13. Últimamente yo no entiendo nada, no te puedo dar las gracias cobra porque nome ayudas en nada, también te afecto el ego?? Se dijo que el día 8 de julio sería la fecha de la divulgación, ya nolo creo..,,

  14. I need to ask something.
    Is the tv show called 'Mr. Robot' made by the Light Forces?

    1. Mmm... interesting question, also... the Mandela Effect is real or a hoax from the Cabal?

      Thank you to everyone.

    2. Love that show. I wondered the same.

    3. You don't even have a clue as to the actual degree of things...

  15. Wonderful, thank you Cobra. I loved the picture!


    Read the comments in video then watch.

  17. Rhythmic Primal Yell...
    Tool of the first People...

    And You Rock

    Much Joy

  18. Same cloud in Columbia 30 of June:)

  19. Simply beautiful :)
    Victory of the Light!

  20. but you already know that 4D is like this, once we pop out on the other side of this chaos, we shall resume above normal activities. Hang on and keep moving forward.

  21. How many Cobra followers are expecting the'Disclosure' on this day. July 8th 2016?

    1. It's suppose to be a day to focus on disclosure ... not expect it.

    2. At the rate these predictions are coming to fruition, I am not expecting anything at all. Really. I truly wish I could say otherwise,... but I am personally extremely disappointed w/ so much agitation, followed by long periods of "nothing",... Ok,... so that was another "empty" titillation,... & another,... & another,...

    3. No disclosure here, do you see any? lol

    4. Technically we're getting disclosure all the time. (UFO sightings, Panama Papers? Wikileaks just unloaded a ton of Killary emails and so on)

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  23. A fascinating small update to Simon Parkes' website. It has apparently been blocked for a long time, maybe now available to him again. 1)reptillian soul father picture - gone 2)mountain photo 'Celebrating the strength of Agarthan Humanity'

    1. Thank you for this heads up! Within our soul group and soul history paradigm, we are able to make choices for growth and spiritual upliftment. Simon is a spiritual candle in a dark world, and the fact that he chooses to transform into his future and remove negativity from his past is all the more enlightening.

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  24. I was too, they whispered it to me. I wonder if that's VOG technology?

  25. Oh boy ... another false flag in Dallas. 5 cops dead and they are blaming it on the Black Lives Matters group that was created and funded by the cabal. I wonder how many people are going to fall for this one? Obviously another distraction. An indication The Event is getting closer??? Hope so. Would be nice to see it come this year. Before the presidential reality show is finished. Maybe?


    1. I ask and pray hourly to the Source to start the Event before Election or before Martial Law comes to the USA.
      It would be great if all the groups working on resolving and informing would be together with information: I once asked Drake Bailey why cant everyone get together and he said all the groups have ego problems. We get so much info that is false and even from those that we thought were really in the know. Drake, Fulford, Keenan, Goods, Wilcoch, Parks, Cobra all seem to be similar but different info. Very confusing.

    2. According to Cobra there isn't going to be any martial law in the US. Perhaps if it did happen that would be enough to trigger The Event.

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    Pumuckl was taken on its Last Ride today. Not by Me but by its rightful Owner and Proprietor. And in the Middle Of The Night as well, something I have never done.

    THE CHASE is ON, beloved Brothers and Sisters


    Lots Of Love And Light And Peace



    1. Mitternacht und wunderschönes WetterLeuchten im Himmel über Norddeutschland.
      Nicht lange her und PUMUCKL ist durch die dunkle Nacht gefahren - heute wurde der Underdog Portgal EuropaMeister.

      Und wer hat's Siegtor in der Verlängerung geschossen?
      Na der Meister EDER natürlich!!!
      Symbolik, BABY, SYMBOLIK!!!

      Victory Of Love And Light And Peace



    2. Inbetween those two things, something else happened.
      A few days ago somebody posted an advertisement for UFC 200 in the comments, and for reasons I don't understand it was actually approved and published. Whatever.

      So after Pumuckl's Drive Through The Darkness I was kindly but very definitely asked to stay up All Night the next night till way past Sunrise. And it was demanded of Me to watch ULTIMATE FIGHTING - something I have never done before. I'd heard about it, I had a preconceived opinion of it, and I was really scared to watch it.
      Guess what? It really wasn't all that bad and not nearly as brutal as I had invisioned it to be.

      I consider fighting in any way, shape or form to be absolutely horrendously stupid, make no mistake about it.
      However, at least the participants knew what they were getting into and hugged each other when their respective fight was over. Plus it was hand-to-hand and man-to-man combat, no weapons and dirty tricks used. And I have to admit that it was really breathtaking and time just flew by.
      Am I an MMA fan now? Do I appreciate fighting now? Hell No! It's still fucking stupid on every conceivable level.

      But if it's Fighting we gotta do to Liberate Our Earth, Fighting it is that We will do! And I learned quite a few things watching Ultimate Fighting.
      So be aware, dark dipshit dingbats: We're comin' to getcha - KO, TKO or Submission!
      And there is no shame in tapping out to the better man before getting your body broken or choked into unconsciousness. Just saying.

      I Love The World

      Victory Of Love And Light And Peace



    3. On that note, darkies:
      Let it be known that I do not take anything that you do personal, neither on a Global scale nor in my private life where you are forcing my Girl to do things she would never ever do voluntarily. As disgusting as everything you do is, I don't take it personal.

      I view the shit you are doing from a strictly professional standpoint, no personal hard feelings because you just don't know any better. It is what it is, and you are what you are in this Universal Game.
      What you are doing is abominable and disgusting, no doubt about it, but you are doing what you "think" (and I use that term loosely) you have to do. You're playing your role, and you have taken it too far.

      I will do what I have to do. I'm gonna KNOCK YOU the fuck OUT. Or make you cry like a little girl and TAP OUT.
      Don't take it personal, darkies. I don't hate you, I really don't. But Enough Is Enough, you have taken it too far. Just saying this as the Professional that I am: You do not belong in My Universe anymore.

      Your TIME IS UP.
      There's no looking forward with the way you are behaving anymore - and there's NO TURNING BACK.
      Still, always remember that you can change and are welcome to join The Light.

      "We belong to the Light
      We belong to the Thunder
      We belong to the sound of the words
      We've both fallen under

      Whatever we deny or embrace
      For worse or for better
      We belong, we belong
      We Belong Together"

      And as such, I touch your gloves and look you in the eyes. And I promise you that I will Knock You THE FUCK Out and/or make you tap Tap TAP OUT.

      No Mercy

      I AM The Beginning And The End
      Say "I QUIT" or WE WILL MAKE YOU!!!




    4. And if it comes down to that, yo can beliieve Me:
      I am not just gonna Knock You Out and Make You Tap Out because I *want* to, I'll DO IT because THAT IS MY JOB.
      You see, darkies... I don't just talk about it, I DO IT !!!

      Tell 'em, Rollins!

      VICTORY Of Love And Light And Peace


    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. <3 Let's come TOGETHER and COMBINE our efforts! <3
    Join us NOW in our weekly GUIDED GLOBAL MEDITATION to Speed Up the transformation of this WORLD.
    Please join us today, and every day at:
    - 2:00pm EDT (6:00pm UTC/GMT) for the Emergency Europe/Syria Meditation
    - 3:00pm EDT (7:00pm UTC/GMT) for the Event Speed-Up Meditation, immediately followed by the Liberation Movement's Weekly Meditation on Sundays, and optionally the Yaldabaoth removal invocation
    Web location:
    Skype channel:
    Check your local time here:

  30. For LIVE interactive conversations with fellow beings of light that are geared towards the aspirations of the Prepare For Change Network, we welcome you to join our Skype group:

  31. Results have Quickened – Quan Yin
    Posted on July 6, 2016 by Jenny Schiltz

    1. Really thank you Phoenix, it helps too much what i already read... thank you!!

    2. <3 Yeah it was a tough week, but I kept my chin up most of the time

    3. I also found this one helpful:

      “Rapid change, uncertainty, and chaos oh my” by Taryn Crimi | Angelicguides

    4. As i said before... thank you Phoenix, sincerely... it had been a nightmare, sometimes the guilt; why?, all the suffering in the world..., was just so strong that almost eat me.

      Bless you Phoenix, best wishes to you!!

    5. It helps me to keep hope high in the sky... when things looks darker than ever, this without any doubt helps too much to not lose hope!!

  32. Talking about cloud mothership, here are some of mine taken in Singapore :-

    They said "Seeing is believing and yet so many still doubt it even when you see it with your own eyes!".

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. which fbpage? cud'nt find it.

    3. Well, it doesn't matter whether they believe it or not. I know what I saw and this is my truth. Human has the tendency of fearing the unknown and they usually killed them instead of saying HELLO!

    4. Beloved Bro G,

      Just copy this link and you will see it on my facebook page :

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    6. For some reason I couldn't find the photo at the FB link provided. FB seems to be like that sometimes where some can see photos and postings while others can't. I don't know what is up with that.

    7. Beloved B M,
      Yes, I had the same experience of seeing 3 triangular ships emitting green light and yet the other two humans beside me didn't see them. Thanks for sharing such info.
      May the LOVE be with you always!

    8. I don't see any ships photos on your fb page, Piperon. Did you remember to "SAVE" them in the upper right corner of the post? I usually have to save things twice as the next day my posts often mysteriously become unsaved, especially Geopolitical and Galactic stuff.

    9. It was a video posted on my facebook page at the same link :-

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  33. Why is a photo of cloaked mothership removed? Is it not genuine?

    1. Good question ... why was the photo removed and reference to it taken out?

  34. What is connection between black nobility and chimera group
    for cobra

    1. black nobility is connected more with the Archons... physical archons use black nobility member's avatars.

      The CHimera group I believe they come from same galaxy as the ARchons and or are hybrids.. but they deal with the technological part of keeping the Veil/Quarantine up and running.

    2. The Chimera

      -the force behind the technologically advanced negative military
      -focused on maintaining the quarantine Earth status

      The Archons

      •at the top of the food chain
      •black nobility families behind the Jesuits

      -focused on keeping humanity as religion-programmed slaves in reincarnation cycle

      Read more:

    3. I believe that Quimera group is composed w Archons that throug hi tec they can control others powerfull Archons and these powerfull archons control all evil activities non phisycal . Quimera can control all evil. The black nobles are a phisycal anchor for all that evil so the afiliates archons in Quimera come to phisycal plane.

  35. Wait, were we just mandela'd. I remember this post referencing a cloud ship being above the conference on the first day and a picture of said cloud. Now their is a galactic reunion pic and no mention of the cloud ship. Help.

    1. I think it was just taken down. Although it was possible to just dismiss that photo as a cloud, it was the most clearly defined cloudship picture I've ever seen. I wonder if that's why it was removed.

    2. I have noticed this as well. Did Cobra remove the picture? Why would he do that?

    3. Noticed that as well. The new picture with the cute female ET is nice as well, but I wonder if there was a reason behind the cloudship pic's removal, or just something Cobra decided to do randomly.

    4. Cobra doesn't do anything randomly.


    6. I reblog Cobra posts (in many places). I have both images here:

  36. Cintamani report from Iceland: to day july 9th Cintamani stone has bin here for a year or 365 day´s and I carried him around the neck every day since then <3 and from that day my life has bin a magical rollercoaster ride since <3 and it has gotten me here to the center of Trolls peninsula ware me and friends have made area of light on a small farm in the mountains, and are creating light grid with crystals and orgone, I created a spring pond and built a pyramid over it, and made a orgone 7 point tower on top in merkabah form, more people are joining us and hope to make this farm our own <3 ready for the next step on this journey,(Hope to see more of the cintamani stone´s reach here soon with help of Untwine) thank you all for what you do for the light, and thank you Cobra for being <3 Victory of the Light

  37. Cobra, don't you think it would be nice to have these conferences in all areas of the America's. 99% of us don't have the funds to attend these sort of functions and we've been doing the necessary light work the majority of our life's without noticing. New information would also be helpful.

    1. If he did have a conference in the states I would still not be able to attend due to finances ... More than likely he would have it on the west coast.

      Even if he had it on the east coast I would not be able to go. I'm sure there are a lot of us in the states that are financially embarrassed.

      The cabal has us over a bag when it comes to travel, just like they planned it. Slaves are not allowed to travel freely.

    2. you are not alone, most of us are financially strapped and on retirement income that has not been increased, only inflation has increased at least 100% since retured,

  38. THANK YOU Cobra for the new picture!!!

    I love the way YOU tell stories through the pictures!!!

    I hear YOU saying:
    >>Forget about visualizing what is behind those un-usual clauds.... Get ready for a SURPRISE Galactic reunion!<<

    So BE IT!!!

    In fact, it's well overdue. Day-by-day this place is getting worse and worse, because some insane people are getting more "creative" in staging false flag fear porn.... in order to distract people from following up THE REAL stories about her e-mail scandals, and how people who she knows, keep mysteriously die....

    So if it's true, i read that last WEDNESDAY (hmmm....), Guccifer, the Romanian hacker, has been found dead in his jail cell..... THIS is what makes me angry and I start feeling hopeless.... again.....

    Without Heavenly assistance -soon the whole planet will become a FEMA camp.

    They were suppose to interfere, to protect and NOT LET any more of these BRAVE Light Warriors to become cabal's victims. Well..?

  39. Earth is no longer a Playground for souls.. it is now what some call a "crime scene"...

  40. Triangles cause everything and through them all GOoD things persist.

    The Candy Store has merged with The Butcher, the Baker and the Candle Maker. It's a Family conCERN.

    Chimera is now a bunch of Blue Peruvian Potato(e) Flakes. LOL

    CerVerUS access 777. Much Gratitude and Mucho gusto TI land.

    Solar Warden along with Summit(sphere) Alliance is full of Turkeys and Falconers dressed up like Eagles. They are properties of House Karistus. We are not looking backward. Motion is forward. Ho!


    1. Thank you for ALL. I mean it. Looking behind the curtain I finally understand.

    2. You are so very welcome.

    3. ... "parts".... RPYs.... Not mean U now: just coming home (at that time) from a talk with a team-mate who *finally* understood after the wood on the head.... I do not understand some or most men on this earth.... it makes me sad if they do not respect my barrier and they force or long for "strict" behavior .... only to defend my truth/borders....this is not how and who I am... on the other side we have a job to do here, together.... I mean we "tried" (which was extremely stupid from me).... it makes me just so sad to never experience who I am in full and people want me to deny who I am by pushing me into a role of being harsh... why can they not just accept one single word? Do they not feel? I imagine in the free universe, one feels "resonance", there is no such thing like here.... and then this RPY thing was just too much..... it was so deep into the black..... I am so sorry..... it true, the thing with the "grandpa" and why all this "its not him", hm? I am so tired of all this guessing, but I want your wish for connection to be fulfilled, because this is what I want too.... What is it that I have not understood yet? Can you not speak clear with me? What is wrong with me? I am not jealous, I wish you happiness, really...... I long for the day, when... we can look in each others eyes..... it is true, I wonder if it will be before ascension has happened.... I trust in the Divine everything will be allright.... is allright... oh, I am the one who is attached to the physical, right? Is this the message? What is it, that I have to do, so the guessing can stop? Stop thinking?

  41. Dear Cobra: I am not sure you read these comments but thank you from the one you just met. Your help meant so much if there is ever anything you need just say the word.

  42. Things are getting harder and harder,-warns-journalists-of-war-i-don-t-know-how-to-get-through-to-you-people-video

  43. Cobra says,... "We had a very dedicated and pure group of participants, mostly from Asia." How did he attend the conference ?

  44. RM: hey Cobra why did u share that pic of our Cloudship on your blog? It's too soon for that!
    COBRA: Oops!!

  45. Why has this EVENT not happened yet! All of it is BS! We have millions of ships but there is no help! There is no help now for the poor people and the elderly! Where the fuck is GOD NOW !

    1. God is probably busy watching Games of Thrones.

    2. If you had been paying attention to Cobra's updates you would know why The Event hasn't happen yet. The BS is that too many surface people are asleep at the wheel. The Event would have been here by now if not for the sheeple not doing the meditation that would trigger The Event. So if you want to blame somebody, blame the people of Earth. Just thank The Source that the surface dwellers are not needed to bring about The Event. There is a lot going on behind the scenes we are not being told about.

  46. Now they do not just feel the thunder,
    Nigh, they feel the utter lightning.

  47. Hey COBRA maybe u can give us a date now for the big EVENT, why are yu holding back like our millions of brothers in arms OUT THERE waiting to help us out!

    1. Why don't the RM just hand over their plans to the cabal it's the same thing. I believe Cobra stated no one know exactly when The Event will take place not even the RM. He said it would be a surprise to them as well. Only The Source knows when The Event will take place.

      And if we really did have a million brothers in arms where the hell are they during meditation? With that number we would have surpassed critical mass and triggered The Event.

  48. Hey COBRA did u meet the PUNISHER DUTERTE! in your travels, and since DUTERTE is kicking so much ass in the PHILLIPINES I got to ask u what do yu think! Well u never tell us anyways, whatever!

  49. In short: We are all of them and intervene anyway, inside (forgiving our aspects) and outside (resist)...

  50. This is a beautiful message to help us see beyond the current unreality inflicted upon us, and to remind us to tap into the Higher Light vibrations available to us, to heal and usher in a new world that works for everyone.

    A Message to Lightworkers - July 6, 2016
    by Caroline Oceana Ryan

  51. Wisdom: Gregg Braden interviewed by Lilou Mace

    He talks about 3 convergent cycles that are intensifying life on earth, culminating in 2017 before a gradual settling down. The awakening is occurring as both a macrocosm and a microcosm, as we move out of duality and conflict into multidimensional consciousness and new awareness of our interdependence and our natural gravitation towards cooperation and connection.

    Solutions to shift extremes conditions - Gregg Braden

  52. Phoenix, thank you so much for sharing this.
    I'll pass it on as well..

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  56. the event it will happend at this Saturday hope so ! between hours 1-2 in the night.

  57. So, regarding the exquisite Imperial automatons, the metal-man himself, and the white stone...

    When shall there be some information about what that all pertains to?

    And maybe throw something in there about the Smoldered and perhaps the situation?

  58. So, regarding the exquisite Imperial automatons, the metal-man himself, and the white stone...

    When shall there be some information about what that all pertains to?

    And maybe throw something in there about the Smoldered and perhaps the situation?

  59. Sounds good :-D victory of The light...

  60. What wonderful news! Gratitude and blessed thanks for this light- and love-fest! I am blessed with guidance and protection from Divine Mother Mary, a truly grand manifestation of the Divine Feminine! Many blessings to you all!

  61. Something is different. It feels like a timeline has shifted. No joke. Anyone else feel the same way?

  62. Belightful beings:

    The Galactic New Year on July 26th, 2016 
launches us into
    The Blue Spectral Storm Year!

The Galactic Affirmation for this Year 2016 is:

    “I Dissolve in order to Catalyze
Releasing Energy
I Seal the Matrix of Self-Generation
With the Spectral Tone of Liberation
I am Guided by My Own Power Doubled.”
    This cycle brings the forces of Pure Transformation, calling us to let go and surrender on all levels...

    The vibration of Spectral is here to liberate us into new realms of possibilities by urging us to allow energy to travel as it needs; to embrace seeming chaos; to release rigidity, control, and fixations; to dissolve old structures and routines; to shed limitations, fears, and identities from the past.

    This is the Time to welcome a new freedom, and celebrate the emergence of a greater, full-spectrum wholeness!

    Blue Storm calls us to be awakened Thunderbeings; agents of electric passion and purpose; alchemists of energies; empowered self-generators; embodiments of stillness dancing; lucid World-Changers living from our centers of calm resilience.

    The energies brought by the intensity of The Spectral Storm may not always be comfortable, but we can be assured that this year is bringing a Storm of Liberation, catalyzing necessary changes that ultimately allow for greater well-being.

    We are reminded to embrace and celebrate purification, catharsis, and upheaval as cleansing forces that clear the way for regeneration and renewal. Let us trust in the constructive de-construction process that may unfold this year. Let us welcome a new circulation of energies, rejoicing as it brings new configurations and empowering breakthroughs.

    This is the Time to access the force of your inner spark as your ultimate source of power; to unleash the lightning of your soul; to be the calm eye of the storm amidst potent inner and outer transmutations and shifts of all kinds!


  63. Ooh, Baby Baby!
    Dance The Night Away ;-)

    And this is just really really nice:
    A Tribute

    VICTORY Of Love And Light

    And Peace

    And Unity


  64. On This Day In History: Spanish Priest Diego de Landa Burned The Sacred Books Of Maya – On July 12, 1562
    -Yo dawg that move was stupid hella dope retarded son.

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  69. I feel in the back ground a big movement thrusting us forward about to happen , I FEEL IT ....
    Let us be Victorious with all that is light ...

  70. I am so happy to see this and to hear from friends who have been up to Vermont that the fireflies I seldom see in the city have not disappeared, they are alive and well!

    Magical Photographs of Fireflies from Japan’s 2016 Summer
    by Christopher Jobson on July 7, 2016

  71. I neglected to thank you, Cobra! THANKS!

    I love this: "This conference has opened many important doorways for the future."

    As they say,

    "Walk through doors that open,
    learn from doors that close."


    In Lakech,
    Red Lunar Serpent

  72. #PeaceLoveWisdom


  73. *wink wink*
    *nudge nudge*


  74. Did I post this? Sort of tongue-in-cheek but she has a point.

    Pokémon Go Is a Government Surveillance Psyop Conspiracy

  75. There is only one reaons i would want to go to Thailand... If you know what I mean *wink wink

  76. It would be rather interesting to know what Cobra meant by "factions" I am so curious!!!!!

  77. If this is a report of the conference, where are the details? This "update" tells us nothing.

  78. Ave' they truly seen the face of DOOM?

  79. This comment has been removed by the author.

  80. It may be the beginning of disclosure?

  81. Obama writes executive order that all troops can fire upon US Citizens.......... time to bring the Light boys and girls down an end all this stuff!

  82. e!ightful beings:

"The Day out of Time" is always synchronized with July 25th. Based on The Galactic Calendar, this is the 365th day of the year, but this day is no day of the month, and no day of the week. This is a day for sacred pause and celebration before the dawning of The Galactic New Year which is always July 26th!

    Around the Planet, the Day Out Of Time is reserved for festival and community, celebration of being alive, and the experience of true timelessness. Central focuses of The Day out of Time are: Planetary Peace through Culture * Universal Forgiveness * "Time is Art!" * Atonement * Freeing of Debts * Purification * the Art of Peace *

    We invite you to join the festivities and celebrate a Day out of Time in whatever ways you feel called - whether gathering with your community or simply observing the occasion with your intention.

    Regardless of your responsibilities on this day, please focus on "stopping business as usual" and tune in to the telepathic field as we collectively energize the Victory of Love!

Also known as "Galactic Freedom Day," this is the biggest holiday within the international Galactic Calendar community. Celebrated annually since 1992, this day offers an extremely powerful opportunity for global focus with planetary kin who are dedicated to establishing a New Time of Peace on Earth and the Creative Emergence of Galactic Culture and Planet Art for the Benefit of All Beings!

    The Day Out Of Time is the perfect moment to share the power of The Galactic Calendar with your community - to decode galactic signatures, and invite others to celebrate Galactic Time and prepare for the start of a New Year!

~Message from The Galactic Research Institute~ "In the new time, time is not money, time is art. So the day out of time is the day to celebrate time is art. This is what hundreds of thousands of people who follow the new calendar do every year on Gregorian calendar, July 25 – they celebrate time is art. And since art is the basis of constructive peace, this day is also celebrated as International Peace through Culture Day. When you celebrate time is art you are promoting peace through culture..."

The offical flag for the Day out of Time is the Banner of Peace. This flag is flown in 71 Brazilian cities alone, where it is recognized as an official municipal holiday. In Japan, over 100 Day out of Time Festivals displayed this symbol to unify our intentions of "Planetary Peace Through Culture." The 3 circles on this banner represent the unification of Art, Science and Spirituality, surrounded by the one circle of Culture. The red represents our one universal human blood. On The Day Out of Time, join us in activating the "World Protection Belt" by simply visualizing a Rainbow Bridge around the Earth!

    Here are Day out of Time event listings from around the World!

    See you in the Magic!


  83. Thank you Cobra.

  84. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. JustBe,
      I am so sorry to hear this about your grandpa... my heart goes out to you and grandma and your family. I have people in my family transitioning too... some who very recently departed... some about to go... it is heartbreaking.

      I long for the Event, for new healing technologies that will correct all these illnesses and clear out what is making us sick.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    6. This comment has been removed by the author.

    7. Sending light and positive energy to you and your grandmother.

  85. Soon we will force and speed up the cleaning of inner cores/OCs (you may call it souls) of all individuals/people on global level.

    About 3/4 of all people will be affected by this!
    (About 1/3 of C's followers)

    We expect all kinds of cleaning side effects, such as:
    sudden pains like stabbing or similar, dizziness, feeling sick in general for no apparent reason and so on. This list is endless, as each bodies reacts differently.
    These are often not so nice ones, as removing pollution is often irksome. Even if the cleanings are running in "higher" parts/bodies, they often affect the physical body and wellness. So don't panic, this will pass, and your health on all levels will be much better after it.

    If you have too big troubles from this, pls post here:

    1. I haven't seen you post here in a while, Hamourapi2012... welcome back. :)

  86. This comment has been removed by the author.

  87. Can ufos show up during every pokemon go operation please! so we can move into the event faster

  88. What is food under ALL treaties involving Earth, the Meta-Omniverse she resides and works
    in and all Realms wishing to remain at Peace within.

    All food sources are Contractual and under constant and incessant review by THE Michael and His Golden Hordes.
    Following is a short list of that which is forbidden.


    * Humans
    * Cephalopods
    * Elephants in all their iterations
    * Living Beings of the Rainbow. Birds, insects, mammals et al.
    * Pets

    Talk to THE HAND of First nations if there is any question on this issue. He is the Wraith King known as ShaTau.

    Surprise! Royalty is now only chess pieces played by CM Christ Michael of Nebadon - The ChessMaster. The Dream is

    real - or the nightmare as the case may be. It's a choice.

    SOBE it and So it is.

    I AM Dominique N. for Nebadon in perpetuity.

  89. Anyone knows how the meeting with the Rothchild went. So the lightworker community that are female can prepare their eye-rolling or "I told you so's" or "say what's" or "Whateva's" while the male group most likely some would prepare some hand gesture?

    Or did this meeting truly had a new and amazing "valid" world-soul turning positive result... well one can always... h.... nm.


    1. LOL! Im thinking maybe they took them out for lunch to the Olive Garden and disgust there strategies from an earlier game of put-put golf!

  90. Some progress is being made:

  91. You are right, when humanity is monitored as we will be sometime before the end of 2017 for consciousness quotient and intention and commitment to upward spiralling conscious evolution, the aspect which will be weighed is the truth in our hearts. Just keep true to that, keep that light intensified in the lovely, amplifying heart, and all will be well.

  92. You are a smart and thoughtful poster, Astral Traveller. Thank you for your clarity on the disgraceful media session with David Icke on Australian TV today.


  93. GaiaPortal's newest UpDate :-)

    "Carillons remind all Gaia inhabitants that Light is their home.

    Fluorescents increase.

    Spartanized conditions are abandoned.

    Gleanings of Star Beings connect.

    Hue-Manity is formed."

    Philadelphia Freedom

    In other news, this morning I found another feather, the Phoenixes now have all their Feathers as they are sitting proudly on top of two of my five World Championship belts.

    See, The Universe sent Me on a bike ride and then on a walk early in the morning. What We Need is less talk and more Action.
    No idea who had the bright idea of negotiating with the cabal, but that is pointless as nothing but Complete Surrender of the dark will do for The Universe . It is EndGame.

    Und Wir kämpfen. Friedvoll wie ein Krieger.

    I AM RaJah


  94. The Universal Anthem, true for each and every single on of us: I AM

    "I am what I am
    I am my own special creation
    So come take a look
    Give me the hook or the ovation
    It is my world
    That I want to have a little pride in
    My world
    And it is not a place I have to hide in
    Life is not worth a damn
    Till you can say
    I am what I am

    I am what I am
    I don’t want praise I don’t want pity
    I bang my own drum
    Some think it’s noise I think it’s pretty

    And so what if I love each sparkle and each bangle
    Why not try to see things from a different angle
    Your life is a sham
    Till you can shout out
    I am what I am

    I am what I am
    And what I am needs no excuses
    I deal my own deck
    Sometimes the aces sometimes the deuces
    It is one life and there’s no return and no deposit
    One life so it’s time to open up your closet
    Life’s not worth a damn
    till you can shout out
    I am what I am

    I am what I AM !!!"

    Thank You, Gloria.

    Lots Of Love And Light

    I AM RaJah

    and YOU ARE amazing, whoever you are

  95. I can't believe what I have just read
