Friday, November 18, 2016

Situation Update and Monthly Cobra Interview with Prepare for Change

Clearing of the Chimera group continues. The Light forces are quite successful in severing the tentacles of the Yaldabaoth entity from its main body that is attached to Earth. On the other hand, clearing of the main mass of Yaldabaoth is a serious challenge and there is a severe war taking place on the plasma plane around the surface of the planet. In a desperate move, the Chimera is using military contractors to strengthen the technologies of the Veil to defend quarantine Earth from liberation:

The Pleiadians have achieved some further small victories in removing plasma scalar weapons from low Earth orbit satellites.

There is a lot of activity in Antarctica. The Light forces have increased their presence there and the other side has received a „warning.“

Soft disclosure process is slowly preparing the masses for the Breakthrough:

Misleading myths of modern physics about dark energy and dark matter are finally beginning to dissolve:

Many factions are fighting to win their influence over Trump.

First there is the Jesuit-educated Georgetown University graduate Steve Bannon:

The Rockefeller faction is trying to install their Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) people:
The link above might have colorful language, but intel there contains a kernel of truth.

Then there are the Unholy Four, putting their neocon representatives such as the war hawk John Bolton:

Hopefully the Light forces will manage to reverse that negative trend:

Alternative media are far more powerful than most people imagine:

The Cabal, realizing this, has unleashed their attack:

Also, the Cabal banksters have managed to put enough pressure on Narendra Modi, the Prime Minister of India, to make him eliminate 80% of cash supply in an insane move:

This is part of the global war on cash, a part of Cabal's effort to ensure total control of people's finances:

What India did, your country can do, so better get ready:

One possible strategy is to convert the majority of your cash into gold and silver.

Regardless of all this, the world is becoming a more peaceful place:

And now, you can listen to the November monthly update Cobra interview by Prepare for Change. The transcript and the audio version are available here:

You can submit your questions to and many of them will be answered in the next monthly update interview. 

Answered questions from past interviews are gathered here:
Victory of the Light!


  1. There are no explanations for a 'Flat Earth' with Agartha.
    I made a video of a possible scenario:
    (Fat chance of this getting posted!)

    1. How bout - the earth aint flat!!!

    2. Humans of flat earth are good people.
      Go back to sleep .

    3. Look!! Flat Earth Square!!! 4th Dimension! :D !!

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. Cobra said on one of his interviews that Earth is a sphere and not flat.

    6. The dome, or firmament, is a sphere. What would it look like from outside the dome? Perhaps it would be mistaken for an Alien space ship?

    7. It's a fact , dude invented Flat Earth with Flat Agartha ! Thanks dude . You rock and roll in all dimensions in the multiverse .
      You are the 2D guru. Master of flat .
      We are still far behind you, please continue and don't wait for the rest to catch up.

    8. Do You Speak Spanish?!! :D !!! I'm italian! :D !! Ciao! ;)

      Egli (lo youtuber: "freeanergy"), propone il Corpo Luminico degli oggetti, situato in 4 Dimensione, come Causa del Formarsi dell'Orizzonte. E dice che, questo Corpo, viene "attratto magneticamente": verso il basso, dalle Fondamenta della Terra. Ossia: dal suo Magnetismo. Quindi; sembra logico pensare, che.. una volta "elevatisi" oltre... questo Magnetismo, prodotto dal nostro "Piano Terrestre", il Corpo Luminico.. cambi: la propria forma e struttura. E quindi, di conseguenza, anche... la maniera di Percepire: l'Orizzonte, Punto di Fuga, ecc. --

      Se seguiamo questo Ragionamento, viene più logico supporre, che quindi: Giannini, avesse ragione. E che, proprio per questo motivo, la Terra, dopo una certa Altezza, ci appaia dunque.. veramente Rotonda, ovalata, ecc. Ma, quello che cambia, qui: non è la Terra; è il nostro Magnetismo, di cui è costituito: l'intero nostro Essere!. ---


  2. I said this once before, and I'll say it again:
    The most effective way of killing an octopus of any kind is to cut out its brain.
    And if there's one thing I have learned in all of these LifeTimes it's that We only get presented challenges We can cope with.

    We Can Do This.



  3. Only had 2 minutes for the first comment, same deal here...

    This is A Call
    Do not be afraid. Fear is the only enemy that we still know.
    We've got this, and it is the dark that is scared. Very very scared.

    Song For Peace



    1. It has been a while since I was powered up to spend all of the night doing what I do. Tonight was one of those nights again - and it was awesome!
      Oh, look: The SUN is up and shining brightly :-)

      It has been an even longer while that my not-so- smart phone has done anything but display a photo of Dini's beautiful face. And less than two hours ago it switched off the display for the first time in over three months. A Cycle has ended and a new one has begun. What it exactly means I am not not told to know, but I felt incredibly happy and was flooded with LOVE when that happened.

      Weiter geht's!
      Oh, and since it was mentioned twice before in other comments: I regularly see a bright Blue Light flashing in the corner of my left or right I - happens all the time ;-)

      So Here We Go Again:

      Two Strong Hearts

      That's Freedom

      Lots Of Love and Light



    2. And now this :-)
      After switching off the display for a while the "phone" now is back to constantly showing Dini's face - if I was feeling any happier I'd have to be twins just to handle it :-)

      She's The One

      The One and Only

      My Only ONE ♥ ♥ ♥




    3. Et ess paar Johr her, doch die Erinnerung fällt nit schwer.
      Hück kütt mer vüür, als wenn et jestern wöör.

      Verdamp lang her

      Alles wird gut



    4. Wow, this time I've been given three minutes to write a post - amazing ;-)

      So here it goes. Three Minute Warning.

      @Starship: Nothing's Gonna Stop Us Now

      Lots Of Love And Light.


  4. The real "problem" of the people is wait for "evidence" outside of themselves. All the illuminated persons of earth(live or not) don't answer any questions, just offer a smile and the silence. Stop searching for "things" outside of yourself, just go to silence and let the answers come to you.

  5. So i heard this right? removing the counterfeit money from the streets was a cabal move?

    1. That's just a front. Actually the Cabal is trying to get the money on the street back into the bank. The demonetization move is to frustrate Cobra/ RM's move to get the money out of the banks and collapse the system.

  6. Thought money was going to be gold based.

    1. Hi Dragon, I keep reading about "large bills are removed" from all these different places around the globe. Lots of problems created and overnight, $2800 gold all of a sudden in India -- right after their annual Diwali festival, when people of India celebrate and buy gold.

  7. Thank you for the update cobra! Keep it up!

  8. Yaldabaoth is a common threat, both to free people and to the dimension. It is the single forefront hindrance in planetary ascension, for both the living and the dead...

    Remember that the demiurge is but a reflection of truth. The shadows on the walls of Platos cave have no originality. That is why it is contained to this pleroma.

    This physical realm of 3 dimensions, and as we know, is not the only realm we traverse. This entity can and will use the next moment in linear time against you, but remember, there is originality from your 5th dimensional self.

    Yaldabaoth I have likened to a machine, an automation, a mechanation. Sophia did contain it within the cloud of this Pleroma, such that it does not reach the immortal realm of The Barbelo. Use your mind to outthink reality from the god consciousness within.

    It will use your expertise to think forward in linear time to project reality, like a dream does the consciousness of the self. Therefore, expect physicality responses; do not show fear...

    Influence passes through a web of consciousness, into all of us. Pushing our hand of action forward. This is why elites fall for the hall of mirrors.

    Be strong, and know that you have strength in allies. AmenRa.

    - Fates

    1. hmm... 3D traversing
      Dreaming in 3D, or just not at all..?
      I need help with a book I'm reading, Genesis
      "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth" and goes on to create Light, and then creates dark... but wasn't the reason for Light
      2D jump to 3D- shadow..?
      (I always seem to stop after "herbs"- not just plants part... and what about posting an answer, way before the question is asked..?)
      (I'll be right back... checking the bowl of offerings)

    2. Barbelo is the universal womb humanity is being birthed in. The "Church" (huamanity)was aware of the Infinite Spirit but did not have a concept of it or themselves. The knowable God, Only Son, was put forth by the Infinite Spirit to remediate this. Known as the "Self-Generated One and Father of Himself," God moved the church/humanity to the lower aeons to learn the objective.
      The story of Adam and Eve and the creation of earth tell what happened, although one must understand that it is told by the mind still in ignorance of what was happening.
      As the unified Church was moved into the womb of the lower aeon, Adamantine Land, it was the pure light of the perfect human. But because it did not know itself or God, it looked down not up. It went into Astonishment (Fear) and used its eternal power to create thoughts of evil things. Thus the darkness created by man (Not God). So the womb (earth) was created and then light entered and then darkness.
      Sophia is the mind! Sophia created evil thoughts from herself as she did not know her husband (God/Truth) to create with. Was not possible at that point. The darkness created in her mind (heaven) rejected the insight of the perfect human shown her by Divine insight. (Cain killed Abel.) So a restructuring of the mind occurred.
      Sophia of Adam was put to sleep and the mind was divided into good and evil polarities. That is, Eve of Life was taken from the side of Adam and separated from evil. Evil had lost its power to create. The Unity of the mind was broken up into souls (Seeds of Seth) and their copies (minds) came into bodies, yet they were totally ignorant but had minds that were dual in nature. Their goal is to remember and cease giving power to negative thoughts by healing. They heal by seeking in earnest the Divine Love which gives Truth and erases falsity.

    3. This video is a accurate depiction of mental pineal visualization, in a dimensional trance. I perform this form of physical and logical movement when translating 3d to 5d, in order to traverse the beyond.

      This ability does not make me special, it is a capability of many spiritual beings in meditation and trance to reach such states of mind.

      My strength steams from The Logos, which is the Written Word of God. It is the driving action to move forward, into the Rhrema, or Spoken Word of God. (John 1:1).

      So, rather than say I am God, it is more accurate to say I walk with God. All people have this deep within them, yet some have been lost to the light of God.

    4. Toto, you have astounding accuracy in the nous of such mysteries.

      That is correct, we are being birthed into the Barbelo; exactly, and very soon. The restructuring of the good/evil thoughts the mind which gave rise to this Barbelo, is the manifestation we experience to some extent here on the physical plane.

      We will have a chance to echo our souls, so to speak, as a positive or negative vibration to either move forward into light, truth and love; piercing the veil, or, become consumed by the demiurge and lower their vibration.

      Darkness will eventually distort your frequency and thus your physical construct, the Khat, or body. It is tipping the Scales of Ma'at, towards the favor of Ammut; so to speak. Bad karma is a factor of the Ib (heart) as well. The Scales or Ma'at calculate Truth based on the Aura of the Heart. If the heart is heavier than the Feather of Truth, ones name and existence, is lost. Basically, pulling you into a lower, less desirable, dimension.

      Keep in mind, a Feather is used for writing The Word in the Book of Life...

      "The Psalmist likewise speaks of the Book of Life in which only the names of the righteous are written "and from which the unrighteous are blotted out". Even the tears of men are recorded in this Book of God. "Every one that shall be found written in the book . . . shall awake to everlasting life"."

    5. Oopsy... I only replied because the word "not" was moved from my sight
      "This physical realm of 3 dimensions, and as we know, is not the only realm we traverse."

      Too much coffee or, something...
      Not gonna do the whole book report... but I skimmed to Genesis 2... man is made, image of God... 2 sexes, No Body (Gen 1) and given dominion... Spirit has dominion, not flesh.
      "But there went up a mist (98%) from the earth, and watered the whole face of the ground"
      "and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life"- mouth shut... sleeping..?
      then the rib... or X of XY... x2
      water and carbon, to move about the firmament
      Gen 1... no flesh-
      "And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth."
      Then B 4 that even...
      "And God blessed them, saying, Be fruitful, and multiply, and fill the waters in the seas, and let fowl multiply in the earth, everything "but no man walking Earth yet"... skim back to Gen 2
      No Blessing "of this flesh", to Be fruitful...
      I know, 'should've blogged it... sort of shows what a Blogger up-date (3D..?) could look like
      (this thread along side The Portal, not of it)
      (for a Blogger account "following" this blog... with all comment archived)

    6. yep... was just there yesterday, and didn't bother to check ahead...
      Moon Day 6, way more general affirmation, but still

      Tools of Ascension
      Red Button Report (to be blogged soon)
      was an exorcism
      (answer before the question)
      (before topic- this interview)
      Other Tools of Ascension
      Idiot Box- your new best friend (mute button)
      And PS4... to include New Max Headroom, how much for a Zika Body (VR for head transplant)

    7. Nag Hammadi tractate: The Thought of Norea (First daughter of Adam and Eve)

      "Norea called out to the Eternal Realm. They granted her the Father of Mind, and the voices of the Holy One's Word which rest in the Divine Self-Generated. She generated herself and took possession of what she received before the world came into being. She has four holy helpers who intercede. A spark of the Perfect mind in within all Adams."

      All is the story of the human mind. Our unity comes from the fact that we are, when in perfect eternal expression, the embodied "Principles of God." Not God, but containing the undiscovered attributes. As the Church (Pigerdamus), we as one unit were aware of God but not of ourselves individually or of the Truth of God's Love. The story is how God wanted to provide that knowledge to us and give us a tool to do it with - Sophia/mind. She is called feminine because the knowledge provided is masculine and the conception and birth is the feminine; so the mind conceives thoughts (children) with knowledge. If she creates by herself, she mates with false knowledge and is the whore. If she creates with Divine insight, she is the virgin and creates children that inherit (Soul growth.) Our real "bodies" the soul, remain in the Aeon of Eleleth of Adamantine Land (the lowest of four levels). Are we dreaming our life, or is this real?


    8. Age 1: The Movement (1st Age)

      The Church as a whole androgynous unit is moved into the spiritual womb below the Eternal Realms to the Lumanary Harmozel. Do not blame this mind for going into fear because of the movement as it did not have the concept of self or of God - Nothing! Yet it had the power to create with thought - so instantly it did. Sophia of Adam (light) turned into Sophia of Yaldabaoth (God of Fear/dark) and created phantoms, shadows, and demons.....Archons. Adam's first wife, Lilith, devours her children. That's why it is our job to clean-up this mess: we made it and sustain it. Time to stop giving that creation our power.

      Sophia of Yaldabaoth (as Adam is effectively dead at this time and did not move) created a womb around it that was made of a placenta of fear, used the power for fearful thoughts, and the water of the womb brought forth polluted creations. Insight pressed on the womb to show the image of the perfect androgynous human, but the hymen was sealed with fear (Yaldabaoth defiled the mouth of "Eve of life") and rejected it (Cain the planter of envy killed Abel the reception/Sheppard of insight). Imagine the womb of fear around this egg as the lion's mane and the eternal power to create as the snake's body attached. Wrapped in a cloud of confusion, the embryo must be reorganized or it will die.

      The Paraphrase of Shem

      The first born was a demon who appeared in the celestial framework of Nature with many faces in order that Faith might be manifested in him.

      Luminary Oriael

      The child was put "to sleep" and the eternal power to create was removed so the child would stop hurting itself (Eve of Life was taken from Adam's side). Here is where the symbol of the cross comes in. Sophia of Yaldabaoth was put into forgetfulness. Sophia turns into Sophia of Norea and cries for help. The cross is formed in the mind and evil is placed on one side and good on the other. This contains the 7 lower heavens of attainment with the boundary and the straight and narrow path at the top for ascension. (Sophia of Norea represents Eve of life eating the apple of good/evil.) Mind is arranged for choosing. There was war in the heavens!

      Luminary Daveithe

      Sophia of Seth was broken up into individual souls (seeds of Seth) for so great is the knowledge of God that it would destroy the highest Aeon if given all at ounce.

      Luminary Eleleth

      The souls were each given a Sophia of mind with a spark of Adam's original perfection to learn and choose with (copies of the soul). Sophia was blank slated and put in the middle of the cross of the mind for choosing. The flood occurs after Sophia of Noah can name the difference between good and evil concepts (Adam knew the names of all the animals and knew he was naked (ignorant). The ark of the mind was ready to go into flesh as it takes two of every concept with it - good and evil of each and is ready to learn what is real and what is not.

    9. Age 2:

      The flood occurs as the spirit Sophia of Noah gives birth to Sophia of Shem. Shem ----- the first earthly human. So there is there was the Spiritual Adam, the physical Adam (spirit body), and the earthly Adam. - the fall.

      Keep in mind that the mind dropped (fell quickly into darkness (ignorance) and as tried to relate the story of what happened the best it could under conditions. Oral traditions and then written traditions have all pieces of the puzzle. The unshakable generation in the 4th Age "gets it."

      The soul is split from androgynous into two bodies - one with dominate masculine traits and one with dominate feminine traits. Btw, that includes the overly masculine souls that form two male bodies and the overly feminine souls that form two feminine bodies. Yes, the majority fell into a male and a female body but the others are equal to the rest of the children. The arrived on earth as "dead fish." This meaning they do not, yet, contain the Eternal Divine Love that gives immortality. Jesus came as a fisher of men.

      During this age, some worshipped the god of fear, wrath and punishment. They accused the children of the Sophia of Shem of trying to reach another God. They were destroyed by fire and brimstone (Atlantis?) But Lot still had the configuration of the mind to choose and slipped into the 3rd age.

      Age 3:

      All evil hangs over like a dark cloud. Religions are made that misrepresent the Father/Mother of Love. Man is forced to learn what is good and what is not. But wait.............. One man is born of a human couple and has ears and eyes to hear God's loving insight ever reaching to him. He reaches for the loving arms of the True God and Parent and ascends the lower heavens to the Christ knowledge of the Knowable God of the Infinite Spirit. The first thought of Adam makes at-onement with the Eternal Love and Truth of God. Now that our unified brain has done it though one thought, the rest of us can do it, too. The 100 monkey effect.

    10. Age 4: Transitioning now

      The chaff is divided from the wheat as Sophia of men and women decide between the Anti-Christ of a Fearful, demanding, and punishing god as created by the ignorance of man, or choose the Divine love of Truth offered by the God of love and mercy. This is what is meant by the Goddess coming. The nurturing milk of the 4 Luminaries of Adamantine Land ever feed the truth of Divine Principles to the hearts of men. Stand at rest. Desire to his Love of God with your whole soul, and the transformation will do its work step by step. The Archons (false thoughtforms created by man) will cease to exist as man stops believing in them, and Yaldabaoth transform as a unity into Pigerdamas (the Church). 1st Baptsim - knowledge of Good/Evil. 2nd Baptism - Knowledge of Everything, 3rd Baptism - Knowledge of Fullness, 4th Baptism - Knowledge of Unity, 5th Baptism - Mystery (The mind cannot know but the Soul will take over at this time).

      So yes, the RM needs us to do our part or it can't happen. Each must take personal responsibility and clean-up our own acts via God's

      Eternal Love if we wish to be restored.

  9. I know we were only given help with the things we cant do on our own. But god.... this is taking so much time.... patience yes, but damn I just cant shake the feeling that this is taking sooooo much time.... difficult being human today. Even worse, difficult knowing so much yet not being able to talk to anyone about it locally. This stuff is too taboo in my country. FUCKERINO!!!!

    1. Hi Jason
      I believe everyone here can say 'there's no one to talk to locally'.....
      I learned about our fraud world 23 years ago and I still gave no one to talk to, locally ... just on the most basic level. I so thank the internet! .....And wish you were my neighbor. :)

    2. Hello Jason and Marilyn
      I got into meditation and learned about Cobra and everything not even a year ago...I guess I am lucky since I have four people here in France with whom I can talk and share . We all know (I hope you do ) people who are not brainwashed, have a different outlook on life and society, feel like you "a little bit out of this world"...then it is worth it initiating a talk. I always start with the meditation topic, how it has helped me and so on..And then with some, you realize that they are too interested in what's going on in the universe, energy, souls, ETs...Maybe, you don't dare but why not try softly with someone you feel could be opened to that.You don't need to talk about Cabal, Archons, talking about meditation and energy is a good simple start and who knows? You might be able to talk about more later...

    3. Beloved Jason and Marilyn0317,

      If you think it is a taboo subject to talk to your people about ET, Cabal, etc. Then you should try to talk to the Asian and you will get the most nasty name you ever have in your life. I had been telling people about these and yet most called me a physcopathic and make up all these myself. I was even scolded very badly after 2012 when the event did not manisfested. BUT I did not give up, I continue to do it till today even they laughed at me. I hope you will get the courage to do it no matter what is the cause.

      May the LOVE be with you always!

    4. Every PC/phone (store/library) pull the blog up... and book mark for them, web address to scrap note anywhere... not to forget Portal Art
      (Bob Dylan... good thing he was still alive)

    5. Answer... Time is Art, and Time was reversed
      to re-started after the bombs of
      re-claim the
      "false promise"
      of a future
      "And it's 1 2 3, what 'er we fight-in 4)"

  10. Thanks for the update, SITS is a great source for info. We wish the Light forces well. Some sources are saying the recent plane that was circling Denver airport (underground base) was in fact the positive military

  11. Any comments on the possible positive military involvement with setting fires to smoke out cabal members in DUMBs and using advanced weapons on Denver airport underground base?

  12. Who wrote this update? A lot of it doesn't sound like previous cobra languaging

    1. I agree, I had the same feeling when reading it

    2. I agree. Some of his comments were vague and I read a few answers as psycho- babble placation...much was very good though. Very good! Thank you.

    3. I agree. Same thing I was thinking.

    4. Here we go again! Someone implying Cobra isn't posting these messages ... it always has and always will be Cobra posting the messages. Stop making up things that are not there.

    5. That's Zebra - Cobra's evil twin brother. Zebra stands for Zero Breakthrough.

  13. Cobra, I am picking up nuggets of wisdom from your postings and interviews that are life changing for me. Please don't think your messages are falling on deaf ears. In my 61 years I have only unconditionally trusted two individuals, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi and you. Please realize this individual deeply appreciates what you are doing for humanity.

  14. I'd like to put to your attention a new that was put in all the italian mainstream media yesterday :

    In a very accurate research, published also on "Scientific report", hematologists staff at Niguarda hospital in Milan has discovered that 56% of people affected by acute myeloid leukaemia possess genetic material NOT HUMAN in their dna

  15. Cobra, is it true that, due to your last interview and this post, may we logically understand that strangelet and toplets are no longer so a threat, and that the main problem is now the main of octopotus and 'some technologies'?
    And that the way is neated to a peaceful transition now, but there is only remaining the necessary time for this?

    1. I believe Cobra is talking about the bombs inside the implants of important Lightworkers. Otherwise the bombs are very much out there and is still holding up the Event.

  16. A few things happening in recent days and a BIG ONE from today! I too as I have seen others mention have started to catch more in the corner of my eye!

    Only the last two days I have again worked on keeping up my vibration, today as i look up at the moon three bright white orbs appear to its left and start travelling downwards at extreme speed, as they move down they begin to merge until they are one orb, the orb continued to move down slowly disapeering. The more I looked at the orb the more I could see sparkles in the sky (I see this when looking at the sky anyways?) But they seemed to intensify!

    Sure I read a similar comment about the orbs on this blog not long ago, if anyone knows who they were I'd love to know... cobra?reminders like that keep our vibration high.. more orbs please ��

  17. Dit keer in Nederlands , eerlijk gezegd weet ik niet meer wat ik van al deze berichten moet denken,Yaldaboath is een zware lage energie en volgens mij lost dat vanzelf op door de binnenkomende hogere energieën hoezo moet dat"bevochten" worden,alles is evolutie sommigen evolueren verder misschien wel tot in hogere dimensie's echter sommigen (nou ja wie weet velen) niet.Ja ik geloof wel dat de aarde een periode van bliss in gaat juist door die inwerking van hogere energieën en ja ik geloof dat het D.N.A hierdoor veranderen kan en dus ook onze denkwijze en daardoor handelwijze ,maar of dit alles door een zogezegde resistant movement van de grond moet komen betwijfel ik.Het gaat een beetje voelen alsof zij met de eer (macht?)willen gaan strijken van iets dat al lang geleden door de schepper in werking is gezet ,dus automatisch gaat ,iets dat al het plan was en gewoon zal slagen no matter what .

  18. ...COBRA needs to check into the "'Donald Trump and Mike Pence are time travelers theory'" ..that recently posted ..might be more that a few "grains of truth" there (Mike is from the RAPTURE universe?)..ahem, and of course good ol' Henry K. shows up. Not sure if David R. is gonna call any shots on Trump, but IF certain underground bases have actually been shut down...they may know. Someone in this mess may get caught with their pants down ..or at least their "big green tail" showing...I had a vision of Cheney or someone similar "shape-shifting into Godzilla form" on CNN's cameras live at the Lincoln Memorial. Nice touch for the end of this election cycle anyway. WW

  19. dear people of cobras teachings!

    it is true that we are in a very delicate situation. there is indeed a faction defending planet earth, that wants to keep us in the not-knowing.

    on the other hand the galactic federation is definitly fighting, and opposing a part of a value frequencyband that i support.

    as i support values like peace, truth, wisdom, learning in an appropriate manner and not under force, believing in a wisdom that can teach without arrests, arrests are pretty nasty and against the corevalue of freedom. i really regret believing, that attacking a planet, teaching them by force, and deport all "so called not believers" by means of death. this pretty lacks wisdom and love.

    i got help performing a cosmic defense action, and i came to this peaceful solution, that would help earth interessts and the interessts of the galactic federation.

    this would lead to a peaceful earth, without pollution and hurting each other, and to an end of the monetary system:

    Olymic Rules of Competition:

    1. do not start a competition
    2. if one competes you, tell them to stop (resistance)
    3. never take a dominant stance, and never accept a dominant stance over you
    4. do not arrest :)

    may the wisdom of universe guide us to solve this in a cosy way.

    peace with a pink cosy teddy :p

    1. I think you are confused. In a civil society, behavior such as that of the cabal is the problem, not actions taken to stop them, to re-educate them or to recycle them if THEY so choose (if they refuse to take responsibility for the HARM they have caused, refuse healing so they can assimilate into society without harm to others, then they limit their own options).

      Nobody is "attacking a planet". If the Galactic Federation wanted to attack, they could have done so long ago. This is not their nature. They must follow and respect Divine Law and the Non-Interference Laws on Earth. This is why they must be INVITED in via Disclosure, official acknowledgment of their existence, so we can WELCOME them AND PREPARE FOR CONTACT. They bring gifts of healing, technology and wisdom to share with us so WE can lift OURSELVES up and so WE can heal OURSELVES and so WE can clean up the mess WE'VE made of the environment, etc. THEY are NOT coming to SAVE us, but they can helps US to save OURSELVES. They do so out of love. THEY and WE are family, related in more ways than we realize.

      The Galactic Federation also supports peace, love and learning. The Light Forces do not FORCE themselves upon us, we welcome them. You cannot possibly FORCE someone to learn. Each soul grows at his own pace. Its not a contest, there is no wrong. Its just this marvelous journey of co-creation we're all on together.

      Victory of the Light!

    2. As far as I have understood Cobra "arrest" does not mean "punishment", but serves to protect us from any further harm done by the insanes. Thus, if following the arrest any insane Cabal member agrees to join the Light I fully agree that action be taken to heal them, if not I fully agree that they be taken to the Galactic Central Sun.

    3. hehe yeah. sometimes it gets confusing, very true. my point is, that this "liberationplan" involves killing. i regret wishing for something like this, because i was not aware the consequences.

      eating up the pie of a "deathwish and massive pressure "cake is a pretty heavy stuff itself.

      so i came up with this conclusion. what do you think about it? please let me know. from my perspektive this would change many earthproblems, on a consciousnesslvl to responsability and well beeing.

      not victory, lets call for love and wisdom, and lets not make wishes with hidden deathtraps. :)

      wish you well phoenix

  20. Most of those 144,000 as still asleep at the wheel and content to be so. They are not going to wake up until after The Event. At this rate it's a good bet we won't see The Event until 2020.

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  22. Cobra, is this a pre-Event or a post-Event era tech?

    And, what improvements have the plejadians, as case may be?

  23. Thanks for all the information, Cobra.

    I had not specifically researched all these Trump people, so I appreciate Vinnie Eastwood doing it for me. I had assumed his top picks are connected with these groups. I actually didn't need to research it.

    Just saw Pompeo (big Monsanto guy) is now in Trump's administration.

    Okay, so the beat goes on.

    Let's send some love to the light forces. They are doing an awesome job, wrestling with that creepy octopus.

  24. why isnt anyone mentioning that trump prevented ww3?!

    1. ugh he really seemed genuine but i dont see the evidence yet so im cautiously optimistic. If he delivers 10% of what he pledged than he will be far better than killary who wouldve destroyed this country. she makes him look good and he was the only peace candidate.

    2. Trump isn't genuine at all I'm afraid. As people on here have said many times, he is just another puppet in the process.

  25. Sending love to the Light Forces! You are beautiful, amazing and kick assss! Smiles and hugs of infinite gratitude. Shine On!

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I grow Rainbow Skittles
      (magic beans from last Feb. stolen by u.s. fed.)

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  28. Hi I just wanted to let you know The NSA Chief Says Russia Hacked the 2016 Election. Congress Must Investigate.
    It's up to Capitol Hill to protect American democracy. We need congress to take action to stop Trump!

    1. don't worry about Trump or any other US corp spokesperson
      Ask yourself what did not change pre and post election...what did not change is the important part - the magicians have you looking elsewhere it seems

    2. The NSA chief is lying. Russia had NOTHING to do with the mock elections. Clinton backers(Soros, Bush, Rockefeller factions) tried to steal the election and it didn't work. You'd rather have a war criminal/murderer in office? Someone that has committed treason against this country? As Cobra has stated many times ... it doesn't matter who is in the WH as long as the cabal is in power. Time to wake up.

    3. Rubbish. Putin is a Lightworker.

  29. Matt Bomber is cumming to Bainbridge Island

  30. The synchron needs to get put in the divine centrifuge in Slovakia. It is alien galicia

  31. And then I check to see if any of what I just posted aligns with Law of Time 13 Moon Calendar

    Blue Planetary Eagle
    Kin 75
    Moon Day 5
    Saturday 19 November 2016

    I Perfect in order to Create
    Producing Mind
    I seal the Output of Vision
    With the Planetary tone of Manifestation
    I am guided by the power of Abundance

    Anything I posted would align there..?
    Then I sit and question..? aligned only in...
    Up in your face "in my mind"
    (after questioning how this group could not like Tod, my posts would not be approved there... Red Cat as Trophy)

  32. ❤ Let’s come TOGETHER and COMBINE our efforts!❤
    Please join us here
    every SUNDAY in our weekly GUIDED GLOBAL MEDITATION to Speed Up the transformation of this WORLD:
    – 11:00am EST (4:00pm UTC/GMT) for the Weekly Ascension Meditation, immediately followed by the Liberation Movement’s Weekly Meditation, and optionally the Yaldabaoth removal invocation
    Web location:
    Skype channel:

  33. This comment has been removed by the author.

  34. Discernment advised: SOROS - source:

  35. for what it is worth, Ben Fulford is reporting that Soros is dead
    He has also previously posted that Hillary was dead so....

  36. Thank you Cobra for the update.
    Cobra can you comform this, George Sorros is dead?

  37. For all you Shemitah fans out there today (Nov 20) is the official end of the Jubilee Year of Mercy declared by Pope Francis last November.

    Also I find it a bit surreal Cobra is referencing some of the economic websites I read regularly...we must be getting close!

  38. NEW SHOCKING INFO: FALSE FLAG COMING! Dr. Steven Greer 11/18/16

    FAKED stories of alien threat; Faked abductions; Faked mutilations;

    1. Blossom Goldchild of Australia also channelled a new message about the Project BlueBook (False Alien invasion using Holographic images on the skies) that will be occurring soon.

      Read it at :

      May the LOVE be with you always!

  39. I Deborah L Dickson 08225503:38 Cleveland Oh right here and now do hereby officially ask for assistance from the Light Forces and Resistance Movement to intervene on my behalf to override the effects of Archon implants, the veil, and other dark force technology. I ask that any assistance you can give regarding any issue I face be implemented.

    And so it shall be, and so it is. Thank you, thank you, thank you.



    Bashar - Recorded 12/14 - Bashar talks about changes beginning in the Fall of 2016. Bashar is a multi-dimensional being who speaks through channel Darryl Anka from what we perceive as the future.

    1. All those predictions make a fool out of all of us. At the starts it gives a glimpse of hope as time drags it morphs into a devastating helpless state of mind.

  41. Situation Update? yes? where it is??
    Yes I see that everything continues, but i am missing real Situation Update.


    1. You need a blue alien girl... with blue bobs, blue thighs, blue hips and blue asscrack as well... :-)

  42. I found this post just as I was beyond exhaustion, sitting at the computer about to go to bed..but I read the transcript and re-posted it in numerous places, and also posted the PFC post with the full transcript.

    Thank you so much, Cobra! There is much uplifting news in this post and in the interview!

    As one who has struggled with meditation and using the tools I learned long ago, I really appreciate the discussion about meditation. Lately I have not felt scalar weapon attack like I did before, it was frequent and debilitating. Lately I can meditate with ease. In general I have stayed out of the fray of public opinions and kept to myself more, feeling calm and content despite the many challenges I face in my personal life.

    I finally started using a meditation app I installed last year. It's called Insight Timer, there is a free version I use. You can see how many people are also simultaneously meditating with you. There are groups, but I have not figured out how to start a group, it may require a paid version. We could start a Cobra Etheric Liberation Group on there and all check in whenever doing Ascension meditation or any Cobra-related meditations. Just an idea.

    I feel no matter how rocky it gets, I can persevere, and it is our job as Wayshowers to hold the space for the many who will become confused, scared, ungrounded, and upset. This is a great opportunity to share our information and offer a new perspective, because even if people are not clear on what kind of change they want, or how to bring it about, they definitely want change!

    I also appreciate the heads up about the power play transpiring for recognition/participation in the Trump administration. I did spend 1 day shocked and dismayed, in mourning for the world that might be, had the entire campaign run more to my liking. Bernie would still make the best POTUS, IMHO. He has not stopped his tireless advocacy for human rights, however. I was inspired to hear him speak on Stephen Colbert this week, promoting the release of his book, OUR REVOLUTION.

    But apparently the Universe knows better than we do, and there is a Divine Plan at work here, even if at times it seems like a Cosmic Joke has been played on us. Time might not wound all heels but it does heal all wounds. Now it not a time to sit back and observe, it is a time to be proactive, and speak our Truth. Like it or not, we are all in this together, and it's not the end of the world(to borrow a phrase from R.E.M.), it's the end of the world as we know it! (and I feel fine....)

    R.E.M. - It's The End Of The World

    Victory of the Light!

    1. Better and better... that Insight Timer seems to be just what I am looking for...


  44. Is it possible to invent a home-use light bulb that switches to a healthy mode when the lamp is turned on? When the body feels uncomfortable, it restores health for a while.

    1. You can rather invent a discharge lamp which may spread beneficial radiations beside of light.

      The most common were the mercury lamps, and fluorescent tubes as well, but most probably it may be made a lamp by which the gas mixture discharge would give emission of other useful wavelength beside of the visible ones.

      [Cobra ?, Plejadians?]

    2. A start point to have research in a healing bulb light are rife ray tubes:

      Probable it may be achieved a double arc discharge lamp with one arc tube for lighting, and the other for healing waves emission.

      You have nowadays discharge lamps for plant grow and for aquarium applications, but there are based upon a selected wave spectrum of light emission, but not still on beneficial waves outside the visible one.

      But most probably it may be a subject of research.

      [Cobra ?]

  45. Electricity only exists in the wire? Did not see the real power?

  46. If we return to the relativity before Einstein was born even before,Time travel will come true?

  47. black people have cancer? (including Africans)?

  48. I have come to the conclusion the remaining missing 140,000 will have to be bribe with pizza to get them to participate.

  49. There is a tweetstorm over #NoDAPL water protectors fired upon with rubber bullets, and sprayed with water cannons in sub-freezing temperatures (27) with wind chill (16). Many are becoming sick with hypothermia, losing their bodily functions, medical help is not getting through, there was a small fire. The water cannons were pretty intense.

    I am appalled and disheartened that people can do this to other human beings. $$$$$ rules, not heart. Do not wait till the ecological disaster comes. Speak up! This has to change! POTUS needs to step in and stop this! Major organizations are speaking out against the militarized police action.

    #NoDAPL Highway 1806 Standoff 6+ hours nonstop so far

    #humanrights #NoDAPL #DivineInterventionNOW #PrayforPeace

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    5. Demilitarize Standing Rock
      American Civil Liberties Union Call to Action

    6. They also used tear gas and concussion grenades, and 1 person was said to have had their head split open. There were reports of over 160 people injured, and it was difficult to get medical treatment to them. The fires were supposedly small fires to warm themselves after the water cannons sprayed them. This was described in the mainstream news as "rioting".

      Pray for the Water Protectors...theirs is a tough journey.

  50. I hope those working to remove Yaldabaoth know what they are doing. Hopefully, Yaldabaoth is not some sort of hydra which can regenerate any severed limb into a new individual.

    1. It will no regenerate at moment having no tentacles... Read the post.

    2. If it is.. We had been so screwed in so many ways.. Would a new head make us feel any different?... :)


  51. Robert Wood and William Tompkins Interview:

    William Tompkins and Dr. Robert Wood, we discuss life extension studies; research at TRW and the telepathic extraterrestrial help they were receiving from the Blues – not to be confused with Corey Goode’s Blue Avians

  52. ExoUniversity: ExoSciences, PsiSciences, Exopolitics

    OMNIVERSE/OMNIVERSO - launches a bilingual series on the discovery of the Omniverse by Alfred Lambremont Webre

  53. Thanks Cobra and RM,
    we are very fortunate, to get your intels.
    Now most things are clear. Breakthrough is near.
    We are just marching on, spreading our infos and developing our own spiritual growth, as much as we can. Ascencion is our life long attempt. Event is the divine gift from above.. Everything will be all right! Victory of the Light!
    Smile, ...


  55. Cobra.... so is it true that Soros has been taken out? According to Fulford and Cia sources?

  56. I highly recommend checking out #PizzaGate everyone. It is trending on Twitter and it is a compilation and expose of the pedophile ring that is being uncovered in real time by the people thanks to the Wikileaks e-mails.

    Reddit and 4Chan users and myself are doing a lot of research to uncover this:

  57. Tweet from Clif High ("web bot")

    clif ‏@clif_high 16s16 seconds ago

    Ack! Jewish claimed 'biblical history' 2b shown 'false' by upcoming 'planetary revelations'! Big info dump by late May!


  58. David Wilcock Update via Fulford Blog - November 21, 2016:

    "Pieczenik is the first-ever high-ranking official to come forward and officially introduce us to the Alliance."

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  60. I don't know if this happening to only me or to others as well.
    It's not the first time that has happened but for a few days now my body is getting rid of poisonous matter that has been accumulated in it over time.
    First, in 2013, it was some white/grey stringy matter in my lymph nodes, a year later I spent three days only drinking water and immediately throwing up anorganic matter from my solar plexus. Drink - throw up, drink - throw up. Again and again and again, over a hundred times a day...

    And now there is this grey-brown, really evil-smelling fluid dripping out of my left nostril every once in a while. I have honestly never smelled anything as disgusting as that, in comparison to that dog poo would smell like roses or perfume. Shit like that doesn't belong in anybody's head and I'm glad to get rid of it.
    But Man Oh Man, what a smell...

    All right. And now for something completely differrent ;-)
    Three and a half years ago I took two friends to a Springsteen gig in Hannover. Got the tickets (block B2), booked and paid for the hotel and then drove them there with Dini's Pumuckl. All-inclusive except for food and drinks.
    Love was in the air, the Mighty E-Street Band played for three and a half hours and a great time was had by all involved.
    Towards the end I heard the first notes played on the piano by Professor Roy Bittan, and my kundhulini just went nuts with joy.
    "It's the Freeze-Out! They're playing the Freeze-Out!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs in my friends' faces.
    "I think you just busted my eardrum."
    "Sorry. It's the fucking FREEZE-OUT!!! YEEEES!" ;-)

    So the Freeze-Out it is.
    Ah One, ah Two.
    Ah 1 - 2- 3 - and

    Lots Of Love And Light



    1. Played LIVE it goes something like this:

      Kids, You better get The Picture :-)
      And We ALL GO HOOOOME!


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  62. Timo is going to take the synchron in Saint Germain's lab and put it back into the divine sentrifuge by himself.

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  66. I care what happens to Wikileaks staff and Assange . I hope that RM Or someone has their backs and is able to keep them safe.

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  68. NESARA - interesting twist...



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  73. Hey everyone just wrote up an article that is a compilation of intel, current events and a conglomeration of research that is #PizzaGate which I believe could be the thing that will trigger the mass awakening. It's big, ugly and can't be ignored. Roseanne Barr and Dr. Steve Pieczenik have already tweeted about it, I included proof of this in the article. Much love everyone and get ready for an ugly and beautiful ride.

    1. Jonathan, very nice article! Thanks for sharing it.

  74. Cabal in panic (pizzagate): RED ALERT: They are shutting down the research at the #PizzaGate Sub-Reddit on Reddit today. Apparently, it's been deemed "Fake News".

  75. As a personal note - not a competition or the space for argument, just a recognition and sign of respect for their tireless work spanning decades- just a note of gratitude to the people named below who changed my life and my conscious reality, my teachers and mentors…
    Most likely won't mean anything to anyone else and is not meant for "cross-examination" and "dissection" of "who-is-who-and-what", 'I know', what is my personal testimony based on my experience, my history and what happened, I Woke Up.

    Cobra, for his message of Hope and Love - in a world of war and horror beyond belief of anyone.
    Robert (Bob) Dean with Project Camelot
    Dr. Steven Greer / The Sirius Project
    Dr. Carol Rosin, and the message warning she openly shared from one of the Greatest, Wernher von Braun.
    And last but Most Definitely not least, Paul Collin /UPI/ Kentron

    Biggest Thank You to All of You and May the Force Be with You Indeed


    We do need Travel Music ;)

    Röyksopp - Triumphant Video

    Melancholy as the song may sound it's happy music. it's a triumph over death, victory over attachments and beginning of new Life. You close a chapter and open a new leaf. It's a wrap, with memories of a different reality.
    Nothing is forever. It's dreamy, it's detachment, it's about mindful good-bye to everything you held dear and dedication to the beauty of Eternal Life.

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  78. Can anyone report me interviews in which Cobra talk of "Human Free Choice", Anomalous Primary, Creation, etc? Thank you! :-D !!!

    Qualcuno: può segnalarmi le interviste in cui Cobra parla del Libero Arbitrio, Anomalia Primaria, Creazione, ecc?! Grazie! :D !!!

    Alguien, podrìa decirme.. en cuales de sus Entrevistas, Cobra... nos habla: del Humano libre albedrío, la Creaciòn, la "Anomalia Primaria", etc, etc? Gracias!! :D !!!!!!!!

    She -


    2. Answered questions from past interviews are gathered here:

      You can search in the index on the left side of the above site.

  79. This is for the folks that claim nothing is happening.

    10 Signs That The Global Elite's Ship Is Sinking

  80. Corey Goode's August 2016 Mt. Shasta presentation is now on his webpage. You didn't have to go to Mt. Shasta after all to see this.
    Part 1 is there now.
    Part 2 will soon be there.

  81. Alex Collier 2016 Webinar on November 20 Alex is clear that nibiru, planetX etc is near and coming & will have a significant effect. Anyone - comments please?

    1. Nibiru was misinterpreted incorrectly by whats his name zach stiching? (I think intentionally).. I believe it was meant to be a disinformation scheme.. You would need to check on that

      Nibiru is actually referred to a group of extraterrestrial from a time in history if my memory serves me well. Nibiru is not a planet. Although i believe i think they confuse nibiru with Planet X... No Planet X is not going to crash .. Is actually the home of the resistance Movement that came over after they rebeled and liberated theirP own Planet X.

      When i get a chance i will provide the links to Cobra posts on this.. Or just make a search on this site. The search field is usually located on the top left corner of this page

    2. Ah just seen this: goldfish report 65, including Cobra i/v (there is no nibiru earh crossing planet in solar system). PDF version page 8: 'Cobra: Ok, first, Planet X is not Nibiru. The whole concept of Nibiru is intentional disinformation which was released by the cabal to confuse people. There is no object in our solar system that will cross the earth orbit and that would disturb the situations here, that does not exist. Planet X is officially an undiscovered planet, in the outer outskirts of the solar system, which was and still is inhabited below the surface with
      underground bases and the source of the Resistance Movement.'

    3. That's why I ignore any altmed intel on Nibiru ... :-) here are two more links: (just search for "Nibiru")

  82. This comment has been removed by the author.

  83. What's this about technology potentially coming to the site?

    Also I think JustBe drunk-dials the 2012 Portal then sneaks back in to delete the messages.

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  84. Many Thanks (and on this day) "Blogger"
    (Blogger seems to have pinged us, for non-Blogger users)
    Message Board- most powerful tool on the net
    merging into- Blogger..?

    And the Blogger of Light...
    I post to a blog
    the World is watching
    and not all need be
    Only by "your" Grace
    (post to note pad, check Moon Day)

    Blue Magnetic Storm
    Kin 79
    Moon Day 9

    I Unify in order to Catalyse
    Attracting Energy
    I seal the Matrix of Self-Generation
    With the Magnetic tone of Purpose
    I am guided by my own power doubled

    Immigration... you're joking, right..?
    Spend too much on Zikas...
    "A living wage" for every citizen
    "Multi-Pass", (5th Element)
    become a citizen= receive the wage
    Instant Wall... Every Side
    Solved with the touch of a "key"
    (what cops..?)

    1. rats...
      "Living Income", not wage
      for a 4 hour work wages
      (still like the solar Lego wall better)

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    1. Thought i read. Elisa lam's true story..

      Good tune btw for u lightworkers

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  87. Steve Pieczenik claims: TRUTHERS HAVE WON

    David Wilcock claims:
    "Pieczenik is the first-ever high-ranking official to come forward and officially introduce us to the Alliance."

  88. The GoldFish Report No. 65, “The Pleiadian Interview”
    with Cobra and A’drieiuous
    November 11, 2016


  89. Up, Up and Away, SuperGirl :-)

    Onwards and Upwards We Go



  90. " . . . abba, abba. . . Du kannst doch jetz' nich' ABBA spielen - geht ja mal gar nich'."

    Abba doch, ABBA geht - volle Kanne, Hoschi.





  91. The Festival Of Lights begins again - happy 1. Advent to All

    Saturday to sunday's waste
    Then monday's soon around
    It's time to leave the nightlife first
    And catch the last bus out of town
    And the sentiment of the last song that I heard
    Stays with me as if I'd written every word

    I thought I saw an open door
    With a bright Light Shining Through
    But what it was I don't recall
    But I think You've seen it too
    And these are the days and the ways I've known
    Dreaming that this bird has flown

    And if you burn your fingers in the fire
    Remember me and my desire

    It might be easier this way
    If you're trying to change the world

    I saw a film just made for me
    Said you've got to Walk The Line
    The day will come when I feed the Flames
    I'm just biding my time ;-)
    These are the days and the ways I've known
    Dreaming that this bird has flown

    And if you burn your fingers in the fire
    Remember me and my desire

    It might be easier this way
    When You're trying to Change The World

    So Light those Candles, and don't be afraid of The Flames.

    Love, Light, Unity, Peace and Freedom for All


  92. ❤ Let’s come TOGETHER and COMBINE our efforts! ❤
    Please join us every SUNDAY in our weekly GUIDED GLOBAL MEDITATIONS to amplify our impact on the transformation of this WORLD now!
    At 11:00am EST (4:00pm UTC/GMT) we will host the Weekly Ascension Meditation, immediately followed by the Liberation Movement’s Weekly Meditation, and optionally the Yaldabaoth removal invocation
    Web location:
    Skype channel:

  93. For LIVE interactive conversations with fellow beings of light that are geared towards the aspirations of the Prepare For Change Network, we welcome you to join our Skype group:

  94. up folks-Cobra called this months ago---. Heads up to Cobra-Trump was friends with a mentor-friend of mine who was murdered in Jerusalem a couple of years ago-trying to help with that situation. Trump and him and Merv Griffin used to play poker together up in Trump tower-he just MIGHT have gotten thru to him-in fact, he might have been the one that introduced him to his current wife-just a guess based on where she is from. HE MIGHT HAVE A WHITE HAT UNDER HIS ORANGE HAIR.

  95. Please read my info with an open heart and please use your gift of discernment of whatever my info resonates with you or does not resonate with you? My intent is only to bring to you a change that is positive... I think we had enough of being screwed with like puppets and zombies... ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!!! It's now our turn to be the change!!! It's now time for us all to stand in the power of our higher light, unconditional truth, unconditional understanding, and our gift of discernment!!! So we could be the light bearers to shine so bright to brighten the darkside!!!

    The dark side is changing and is losing it's momentum... There have been a lot of other major dark beings that have changed their ways since, June of 2014...

    Everyone is exactly where everyone is suppose to be... When the time is right? Many people will begin to awaken and to begin whatever their task is that they are needed to fulfill their destiny, by bringing in more of a consciousness shift... While, others may decide to stay in their comfort zones and maynot wish to participate? And that's ok... The change will still happen on the Infinite's divine time...

    Remember, fear is only the shadow side of us all? Fear is losing it's momentum and control...

    The dark ones are in for more of a huge surprise... The change have started on June 7th 2014... On November 22nd, 2014 became, a point of no return... Which means everything in the Universe and the other Universes and all of the interdimensions are changing in a different light spectrum then what we thought... The interdimensions are balancing out simultaneously while, our consciousness in this reality is changing and becoming more aware, as the veils are losing it's mind control over everyone... Believe it or not?

    The question we need to ask ourselves? Which ego do we wish to feed more? The lower shadow side of ourselves or the higher light side of ourselves?

    Thank you, and I am Anthony TwoFeathers... Please google my name and you will see what I enjoy the most in life? I love playing my Native American flutes... Good luck, stay brave and continue to be the change that is needed... Thank you...
