Friday, January 20, 2017

Two Cobra Interviews by our Asian Team

You might want to read the transcript of this Cobra interview by Chinese Prepare for Change group:

Or the second interview that was conducted by the Taiwanese team a few days later:


The Light comes from the East.

Victory of the Light!


  1. "If everybody would do their mission 100%, the Event would happen in 2017"

    97% Of humanity is still unaware of what is really going on, they can't do their missions!
    Event 2069 confirmed...
    No, seriously, i thought this year was going to be it, but the bigest majority is still "sleeping sheep", and i don't see anything changing yet, even though the new energies are in...
    But really, how much longer can this suffering take?!?
    Well, let's hope you think of something, cause i can't wait till 2025
    Even in that year, the Event could not take place for various reasons...
    The plan is to end this till' 2025, but all i see is :
    Dark has an advantage here
    Dark has an advantage there
    Dark has more stuff than we thought
    Light is unaware of darks plans
    Oh, look, another advantage of the dark...

    Im sorry im negative, but really, how much longer can this take?

    Ok, seriously now, i want to ask a question. Can a soul NOT return to the source when it finishes its evolution? Because why even individualise in the first place, if you only return back there later, with no real reason whatsoever? Does the soul become a source after its evolution?

    1. I see changes with people around me but it is going very slow. We should however realize that it can be very fast instead when a critical mass is reached.

    2. You can live in this difficult times in total exctacy.. despite Archons, dispite chimera, despite primary anomaly and dispite all this other stuff. There is a way but it is kind of a secret.. find it out for yourself... search for it and never give up.. do the right things and then when you have gathered enough intelligence to see what you have to do (and what not) .. you are nearly there.. it is really easy then..

    3. I have been wondering the same thing. Why did we separate from this source in the beginning? The only explanation that I could come up with is that we wanted to experience pain and suffering. Lets be honest, that's the only way any meaningful growth occurs.but then again, why seek growth if we were already perfect? At the end of the day, thinking about all of this only results in a headache, so don't even bother. The simple answer Is that fragments of this source (our souls) were bored and wanted to experience something other than Utopia and that's why we're all here.

    4. Th3N1njaG0bl1n: My understanding is that there is no end to evolution and realization (with the exception of souls returned to the Central Sun and rendered "non-existent," "non-created," so to speak). There IS a purpose to the soul to gain divine mind, adding to one's LIGHT BODY that is known after the physical death of the body. The individual soul goes where it has not been and gains mastery, continuing to "mirror" the image of the Almighty Father, Source. "God" has apparently setup creation infinitely, to continue forever. As far as we can tell, life goes on ad infinitum. But I think we can be assured that Source did not create anything meaninglessly. It all fits together in "His" majesty of splendor, beyond comprehension. Peace.

    5. Ryuga, we came from a perfect working unity within source. Yet, as individuals within the group, we had no conception of personal unique identity (no free will). We were brought here and given freewill to recognize our true selves. We created fear based concepts (archons). As we remember our own true nature, we quite feeding the fear based ones. They disappear. The darkest souls have a long road to crawl back on. They embraced the fear too much. Being blank slated and starting again is merciful.

    6. Waking up? I literally tripped into my mission by following my inner voice. Follow the yellow brick road

    7. This comment has been removed by the author.

    8. @toto: Why try to fix what isn't broken? Why bother with free will if the ultimate purpose of existence is to learn to give it up? Going back to the source essentially means letting go of personal freedom. A perfect working unity can only come about where the will of the individual does not matter.

      I also disagree with the blank slating. Sure those who undergo this process may have to start all over. But it's still a 'get out of jail free' card, in my opinion.

    9. Ryuga, We do not lose our freewill. We grow in truth and love and align it with source's will by choice. What do you think the whole purpose of this adventure has been for? And.... before we broke down into individuals, as a whole, we went into fear and froze our development. Our minds where configured to allow choice on a fresh playing field so we may move again. A loving move.

    10. Don't wait for happiness to happen. You can be happy now. Stay in the moment and stop thinking so much. It is a difficult task but can be achieved. Read or listen to the autobook on you tube "The Power of Now" by Elkhart Tolle.

    11. Toto, I do not believe there is a single, all encompassing truth. Everyone has their own 'truth' that defines who they are. If you HAVE to align yourself with Source's will in order to progress, then you may as well not have any free will at all. who the hell wants to be stuck? Therefore, the choice is an illusion. Not to mention, no one knows what the source's will is. So I think it's kinda pointless to try to align oneself with it. In my opinion, there is no 'right' or 'wrong' way to live. Only actions and consequences.

  2. cobra, you do realize that this primary anamoly is a fractal virus inserted by hostile EDs during the brith of this universe?! it was mentioned in the return of the light! The fractals are flawed that support this universe.

  3. Wonderful and most lightful interview! Thank You so much!
    Love and appreciation to Cobra and all Lightworkers!!!
    Together we can move the unmovable ... global spirit and transform it by the Violet Flame of Lord Saint Germain!
    Victory of the Light, dear family of the Light!

  4. Virus checker, Sophos says
    "High Risk Website Blocked
    Access to this page is blocked as the threat has been found on this website."

    Is it safe enough?

    1. The site is unaccessible, it's so!

      Should the transcript be put on PFC website.

  5. The interviews were great and very insightful as always. Lots of new questions and minimal duplicates. I'd like to supplement this information with a compilation of current events. Much love everyone <3

  6. Thank you everyone involved for two great interviews!

  7. 你 存在,我 深深 的 脑海 里,我 的 梦里,我 的 心里,我 的 歌声 里

    look for me in

    *Lachan ai Oshev*

  8. I want to make the official. I Deborah 08225503:38 Cleveland Ohio, do hereby give my complete and total permission for the Pleiadians to land on my property and assist in any way I can to prepare humanity for the First Contact.

    Victory of the Light

    1. I Doug James also consent to any help the positive ETs can deliver on the physical plane. Time for change is now

    2. Wellsir ... I buried the extra Cintamani stone I just purchase.

      Just before Christmas my 4 year old Chihuahua Terrier mixed murdered my 14 year old Cockatiel. I was devastated.
      How does a parent deal with one of their children killing another and you love both?

      I buried my little bird buddy with the Cintamani stone so the huge angelic being is anchored in that spot blessing the spirit of my boy Sunshine.

      I hope after The Event we will meet again Sunshine where I can ask you for your forgiveness for what happened.

    3. I don't have a garden big enough for a lightship to land on... so, I hereby give my permission for the Pleiadians to use my Wi-Fi.

      Just ask if you need the password.

  9. Hi Cobra,

    Please copy paste page 10 of the PFCC interview here.

    What was Source up to while prime anomaly was waiting to pop up ?

    1. Source created it as part of setting up the 3D-Free will universe. Source did not entirely know what would be - could be done with the anomaly, since it was part of Source Letting Go of control and granting free will. Source created some rules and a playing field, not knowing exactly how the game would play out.

    2. No way... Cobra clearly stated that Prime Anomaly was NOT created by Source and Creation was a result of Source attempting to deal with Prime Anomaly.

      Next time round Source might make a more horrendous mistake. We need to know more about Source's activities in general. And specifically : the circumstances leading to the formation of Prime Anomaly.

      I am sure that Source won't repeat this particular error but I would still like more info about it.

      In order to prevent future errors of an unknown nature, all Source's activities may need to be suspended forever except perhaps endless iterations of the current creation program which will soon be free of Prime Anomaly.

    3. I was unable to find a way to copy and paste the interview. There is no option to copy the first interview so I am typing it out myself. Please forgive any typos I've overlook.

      The First Interview with Cobra from PFCC

      PFCC: We are honored to have COBRA for the very first interview with PFC-China. China is a country with 1.4 billion population. China’s spiritual growth and awakening progress might have great significant impact on the ascension of this planet. From now on, we are extremely excited and grateful to be able to build up the bridge between Chinese people and international awakening community. PFCC has collected some down-to-earth questions for COBRA. So let’s welcome Cobra.

      COBRA: Thank you

      PFCC: Now, let’s start with the first question. “What is the most important factor that prevents the event from happening?’

      COBRA: Plasma toplet bombs

      PFCC: What is the current progress of disarming the plasma toplet bombs by a percentage?

      COBRA: I will not put this into percentage, but there is significant progress.

      PFCC: The plasma toplet bombs are the last obstacle to the liberation of the earth and it seems a tough job. People ask whether the Galactic Federation provides reinforcement of light force to put extra efforts on dismantling plasma toplet bombs? If the Galactic Federation can not accomplish this mission alone, are there any beings from higher dimension will get involved in doing this?

      COBRA: Beings from very high dimensions are already involved with this.

      PFFCC: Could you explain how the group meditation helps to dismantle the plasma strangelet and toplet bombs? How does it work?

      COBRA: Group meditation connects physical plane with higher spiritual planes and creates a multidimensional bridge that helps the Light forces who deal with plasma and with toplet bombs.
      To be continued ...


    4. PFCC: Galactic Federation and ascension masters come from higher dimension, but they seem to have every limited measures to deal with the dark forces which are probably only from or below 4th dimension?

      COBRA: It is because they do not have a full understanding of the primary anomaly. Also, vast majority of them ascended before the archon invasion of 1996 and thus have a limited understanding of how it is to be incarnated on the surface of the planet Earth after 1996. Therefore it is good that you talk to the ascended beings and explain to them what your life looks like for your perspective.

      PFCC: According to your recent information, the light forces all of a sudden found more implants in the human body. So have the light forces underestimated the dark forces power of control over the planet? And are there any more potential unexpected problems of incidents pop up during the planetary liberation transition?

      COBRA: Yes they have underestimated the power of the dark forces. Now they want to prevent any unexpected surprises during the Event and thus they want to prepare it as perfectly as possible.

      PFCC: Human being is from the Source, and has the equal right with other beings. In particular, human being understands better about his own nature than other beings do.. Some people think that strategic decisions made by Galactic Federation may not be perfect, even wrong, which lead to delay of the Event. In fact, they want to offer their own suggestions and submit them to Galactic Federation, so is that possible? If yes, how can they do that?

      COBRA: Just talk to them mentally, they will read your thoughts.

      PFCC: Next we talk about new energy: Did Tesla die on the surface of the earth? Or his death is not real; he just fabricated his death and fled into the inner earth civilization?

      COBRA: Yes he died on the surface of the planet.

      PFCC: Apart from Tachyon Technology which has been utilized in a limited area so far, are there any other Tesla inventions that we can use now? If yes, how can we get those?

      COBRA: Unfortunately most of Tesla’s inventions are still blocked by the Cabal.

      PFCC: Is Mehran Tavakoli Keshe, the founder of Iran’s Keshe Foundation, related to light forces?

      COBRA: You need to use your inner guidance to answer this question.

      PFCC: What are your comments on Keshe, his free energy technology, and his anti-gravity technology?

      COBRA: You need to use your inner guidance to answer this question.

      PFCC: Does the Gans that Keshe is promoting have some amazing effects of characteristics as he described? What is Gans from your perspective?

      COBRA: Try it for yourself and you will see.

      To be continued ...

    5. Post 3 ...
      Questions on some spiritual aspects.

      PFCC: Is the source omnipotent and omniscient? Why does source began to interact with prim anomaly to co-create things in order to expand itself? Is it because the source feel bored, not a completeness, not omnipotent and either not omniscient?

      COBRA: Source began to interact with the primary anomaly to heal it and not out of feeling of incompleteness.

      PFCC: Another point is that if the source is absolute, why can the prime anomaly referred to as a type of occasional emergence exist or be hidden in this absoluteness?

      COBRA: The primary anomaly is not hidden to the absolute, the Source, but only to relative beings.

      PFCC: Cobra, those souls, who stay on the astral layer/plane without reincarnation, what are they doing now?

      COBRA: They are working on their spiritual growth. Some of them are spiritual guides for incarnated humans. Some of them are cooperating with the Light forces in removing the plasma scalar grid.

      PFCC: Can souls recover full consciousness after physical death? Some said that people immediately after death would recall all the incarnations … … while some stated that some souls do not realize they have died already and still wander around … … What is the truth after death?

      COBRA: After death consciousness does expand, but you do not suddenly become enlightened. You still need to transform your personality.

      PFCC: In China, the number of awakened people is increasing; however, many course or workshops on spiritual teaching seems to cost a fortune. Is this a kind of infiltration of cabal group deliberately disturbing the spiritual progress in China by commercializing or defaming benevolent spiritual ideas in order to prevent this knowledge from spreading?

      COBRA: No, it is a part of the global trend for commercialization of everything. On the other hand, spiritual teachers also need to live and earning money through workshop is a legitimate way for them to survive.

      PFCC: There is a nine-uear-old child from Chong Qing, who claims that he can have out of body experience or astral projection once he meditates to communicate with the blue Avias, Ashtar Command and the inner earth civilization. Quite lately, Ashtar imparts him that between April and September 2017, the plasma toplet bombs will be disarmed and the event will occur straight away without delay.
      On 24th of December 2016, the kid communicated with Resistance Movement and he claimed that you were allowed by the Resistance Movement group to record a video of the base. Corey was allowed by Kaaree to record a video of the inner earth cities without exposing their faces. Can you confirm on the accuracy of his source? Or this can be some sort of interference or set-up trap from the cabal?

      COBRA: His statements about me and the Resistance are not correct. I will not comment on his other statements.

      PFCC: During Chiengmai conference, Thailand in 2016, you mentioned that the Cintamani stone bury task in China was accomplished with great success. Actually, many people are willing to do more in certain places. So are there any other important sites in China or anywhere in Asia?

      COBRA: Yes, many.

      To be continued ...

    6. Post 4
      PFCC: The holders of transparent Cintamani stones are more inclined to spiritual development, while the holder of opaque Cintamani stones tend to keep the foot on the ground, I mean more practical in life. Is this what you have said? Or someone twisted the statement?

      COBRA: I never said that. I only said that transparent cintamani stones support more the spiritual growth when the opaque ones ground that spiritual energy.

      PFCC: Someone said that the occurrence of the Event depends on the collective consciousness and the overall planetary energy reaching to certain critical threshold. Therefore, encouraging more people to raise individual consciousness and energy level and living a happy life world help the Event.
      However, current disclosure process may stimulate people into fear, anger, even hatred, which might lead to a lower level of consciousness and energy. So how do we deal with this kind of dilemma? Is it essential to accelerate the spreading of disclosure?

      COBRA: Yes, spread positive energy and intel about Disclosure as much as you can.

      PFCC: The messages from Bashar seem to have quite o lot in common with yours. What is your comment on this information?

      COBRA: You need to use your inner guidance to answer this question.

      PFCC: Corey has made it clear that RA in Law of One is the Blue Avian, how do you consider the content in Law of One? Is the Law of One a message delivered to us by galactic central civilization?

      COBRA: The Law of One is a human interpretation of certain spiritual ideas and as always you need to use your inner guidance to see if it is aligned with the truth.
      PFCC: In Law of One, it states that half of population on the earth came from Mars, one quarter from Maldek, and another quarter from somewhere else in this universe. The total number of star seeds is about 65 million. In the past, you stated that most souls on this planet are native earth souls and there are estimated only 10 million star seeds on the earth. Anyway, where the souls on earth come from? How many star seeds are currently remaining on this planet?

      COBRA: A little bit less than 10 million.

      PFCC: Is the density mentioned in Law of One the same as dimension you have described? What is the difference? In Law of One, it says that there are some negative entities existing in sixth density, but you have said that the fourth dimension is the highest dimension that negative being can reach, what is your view on this matter?

      COBRA: Density=dimension. There are no negative beings in the sixth dimension.

      PFCC: Next let’s talk a bit about disclosure. Benjamin Fulford’s messages are a bit weird, sometimes made us confused, and sometimes sounded reasonable. Recently, he has repeatedly attacked Putin, which seems like turning white into black. Is this some kind of trick from the loyal members of the White Dragon Society to implement partial disclosure?

      COBRA: No

      PFCC: On the internet, some people posted photographs with two suns. What do you think of it?

      COBRA: Lens reflection

      PFCC: Many people and me have dreamed about two moons, what do you think?

      COBRA: Memories from lives in other solar systems on planets with two moons.

      PFCC: Are both David Wilcock and Corey Goode protected? Why would they stand out in public to reveal the truth?

      COBRA: They are protected to a great degree.

      To be continued ...

    7. Post 5
      PFCC: Some people are more practical and they would pay more attention on their own financial status rather than information on other aspect. Currently some Event Support groups are running a company in order to earn money in the name of spiritual healing. What is your comment on this situation?

      COBRA: Nothing is wrong with people being paid for their spiritual work.

      PFCC: Are the earthquakes happened recently in southern New Zealand a natural phenomenon or a kind of attack from Cabal by using HAARP weapon?

      COBRA: They are a result of the increased activity from the Galactic Central Sun.

      PFCC: In the 58th and 59th episodes of Cosmic Disclosure series, Corey Goode has mentioned that the crust faults of earth extended from south to north beneath the seas is because mother Gaia wants to reduce the damage to the life on surface. So far, earthquakes occurred successively in New Zealand, Argentina, Taiwan, Japan and Salvado, which seemed to have verified what Corey has said. So what is your point of view on this one?

      COBRA: I agree.

      PFCC: Some economists said that unstable factors always exist since establishment of Eurozone. Greece is a Trojan hose settled in Eurozone by Goldman Sachs and also the first factor to trigger crisis in Eurozone. After Brexit, Italian referendum of constitutional amendment obtained NO vote. How do you look at current situation and future prospects in Eurozone?

      COBRA: The Cabal wants to destabilize Europe, but they will not be successful as they hope, because the Light forces are preventing that.

      PFCC: Under the downturn global economy, many countries are printing more paper money, especially in those dictatorship countries such as North Korea, Venezuela, Zimbabwe etc. If we can not purchase precious metals as hedge, so which kind of currency can be best choice to purchase as hedge method against inflation.

      COBRA: Paper currency can not be hedge against inflation. Precious metals such as gold and silver are hedge against inflation in long term if we neglect short term price oscillation and short term price manipulation.

      PFCC: From history, Chinese people always think of themselves as “Descendants of the Dragon”. Some people said that the dragon inheritors in China are not from Draconis but from a higher dimension of Dragon. So Cobra, is the Dragon in China a branch of Draconis group? Is there any difference between Chinese Dragon and West Dragon?

      COBRA: Chinese Dragon is coming from Thuban (alpha Draconis), the most prominent faction of the positive Draconians. They are one of the founding sources of Chinese culture and one of the main reasons why dragon as a symbol has positive connotations for Chinese. Thuban was a polar star 5000 years ago when Thuban Draconians descended on Earth, using Chendgu vortex as the entry point.

      PFCC: Where do most Chinese souls come from? Is it true that these souls come from Do Mou’s hometown, Big Dipper? And when did these souls began to get controlled under Dragon? Did genes of Chinese people have been modified by Dragon?

      COBRA: Thuban Draconians used genetic engineering to insert part of their genome into the native Han population. Most Chinese souls come from Earth. Extraterrestrial Chinese souls come from many star systems, including Big Dipper.

      To be continued

    8. Last post ..

      PFCC: There’s a very ancient Chinese legendary story named “NuWa Creates Human” (NuWa is a goddess in Chinese mythology). Is NUWA a lizard being? What is the truth behind this story? Are Chinese people made by these lizard-like beings and became offspring of he reptilian beings?

      COBRA: NuWa belonged to Thuban Dracos and has actually defended the Chinese against the Reptilians. Chinese legend actually says that she killed the black dragon to provide relief for Ji Province.

      PFCC: Qian Xuesen, a very famous Chinese scientist, who co-worked in 1940’s with scientists that participated in the “Paper Clip” project in United States, and came back to China in 1950’s and became father of missile and rocket in China for his remarkable contribution. In his later years, he greatly promoted the research of QiGong and psychic ability.

      So was there any support from light force behind him? Was there any connection between QiGong exploration tide in China and awakening wave of western countries in 1980s?

      COBRA: Yes he had support of the Light forces. QiGong exploration tide in China and awakening wave in the West were part of the same Galactic wave of awakening that surrounded our planet between 1987 and 1995.

      PFCC: Several decades ago, Chinese military did a lot of nuclear tests in Lop Nor located in western desert of China. It was said that there are entries to the center of earth and zombies in Lop Nor. Could you tell us whether there are some secrets there?

      COBRA: There are many secrets there. Underground bases, secret space program, entrances to Agartha..

      PFCC: Which extraterrestrial group was foremost race who initially designed the physical body of human beings? And how many modifications were done on the physical body afterwards? How many civilizations the earth has gone through? And what is our current one right now?

      COBRA: Many races took part in creating the human design. After Lemuria and Atlantis, this is the third major human global civilization on this planet.

      PFCC: In Anastasia’s book, she mentioned that “In which times people will feel most happy, and what bring them these great happiness?”

      COBRA: You need to specify this question.

      PFCC: Last year, you mentioned that the dark magic stone is currently located on the Long Island of Chimera underground base, New York, United States. So after the Event, how shall we deal with this rock?

      COBRA: That stone has been removed.

      PFCC: What is the current situation of the underground base and laboratory on Long Island, NY?

      COBRA: That is classified information.

      PFCC: What is the current situation of the energy vortex located in Chendgu, China?

      COBRA: That vortex is in rapid expansion and growth.

      PFCC: There is a solid proof that genetically modified food would seriously damage the human immune system and also cause major diseases such as cancer. However, China’s State Council has announced the 13th five-year plan to promote transgenic industrialization. So could you tell us if there is certain connection between cbal and this GMO promotion activity?

      COBRA: Yes

      PFCC: This is the last question. Some people feel that humans can not afford the delay of liberation any longer. They want to be reassured of the Event as well as the full disclosure. They wonder if earth and humans would transform into the ascension status before 2026. Besides, what can we do to make sure the Event occurs in 2017?

      COBRA: If everybody world do there mission 100%, the Event would happen in 2017. I will not give any time estimates apart from that statement.

      PFCC: Finally, Cobra, would you like to say something to Chinese people, especially to the light worker/warriors in China?

      COBRA: Do what ever you can to carry out the mission that you were born for.

      PFCC: Thank you.

      COBRA: you are welcome and Victory of the Light!

    9. Thank you! They seem to have fixed the problem. Page 10 is visible now.

    10. time missionary - there's some contradictions in your argument...(prolly some tongue-in-cheek too...) so... IMU - Source had to create Prime Anomaly, albeit accidentally - because there is nothing before Source, as I understand the use of the term. And if there IS something besides or before Source - what is it? But it's not a repeating mistake or something that would get worse in further iterations - it gets better in further iterations. This is the breath of a universe - or - ascension and descension are the breath - but the whole lifetime of the omniverse - is from the moment of creation to the ascension of the entire omniverse, which can't happen until all errors of prime anomaly have been assimilated back into source. This would be like the entire epoch of creation- including of God/Source itself.
      Hunduism postulates something like an omniverse complete cycle of something like 92 quadrillion years. I think Hinduism got a lot of metaphysics right - esp. the most esoteric of it, hence it was a threat so the Dark Ones did a spoiler (mind programming) to it with the caste system idea, to get people to internalize the futility of resisting poverty with the idea that you are basically a different species from others and your inherent value is determined by this hierarchy. Draco reptilian hierarcy was sustained by the many different species, each with its proper place. I theorize that the level playing field of all humanity being one species that can interbreed was a divine intervention, its genetic basis was almost complete by the time of Christ, as it was necessary for the New Covenant. The Dracos never got over this, they can't stand it, hence the ideas of castes and the racism they try to foment. But they set that up so now they can demonize/ostracize the racist, since they had no choice but to move on out of racism. This is their pattern of stirring up the chips then positioning themselves in the ideal spot when the chips fall - it's the "making lemonade" the NAA Dracos do as Morgan talks about in this article on PFC:

    11. Exhibit A : Source - All There Ever Was, Is & Will Be.

      Exhibit B : Prime Anomaly.

      At first PA was just a random function. It just popped up into existence. No harm done yet as it is still like a design on paper - a mathematical equation...

      (Worrisome that Source did not work it out at this stage mainly because PA is the very anti-thesis of Source.)

      Then comes Creation as Source tries to get a grip on PA.

      Source still has no clue about how dangerous PA can get...

      Still no danger yet...


      Free will (gasp!,ooh!) comes into the picture.

      Free will + PA = Pure Havoc.

      (Hope I got the crime scene right based on the very, very sketchy details provided in the Cobra files... )

      What I am trying to find out is the same as what you are speculating about... more details of how exactly PA popped up into existence...

      Cobra says Source is not responsible for PA... but what were the exact set of circumstances that led to it's formation and how much did Source have to do with that... Source was definitely in the neighborhood when PA popped up...

    12. Exhibit A : Source - All There Ever Was, Is & Will Be.

      Exhibit B : Prime Anomaly.

      At first PA was just a random function. It just popped up into existence. No harm done yet as it is still like a design on paper - a mathematical equation...

      (Worrisome that Source did not work it out at this stage mainly because PA is the very anti-thesis of Source.)

      Then comes Creation as Source tries to get a grip on PA.

      Source still has no clue about how dangerous PA can get...

      Still no danger yet...


      Free will (gasp!,ooh!) comes into the picture.

      Free will + PA = Pure Havoc.

      (Hope I got the crime scene right based on the very, very sketchy details provided in the Cobra files... )

      What I am trying to find out is the same as what you are speculating about... more details of how exactly PA popped up into existence...

      Cobra says Source is not responsible for PA... but what were the exact set of circumstances that led to it's formation and how much did Source have to do with that... Source was definitely in the neighborhood when PA popped up...

    13. time missionary: I'm sorry but your original premise seems flawed:

      You state correctly: Exhibit A : "Source - All There Ever Was, Is & Will Be."

      Then the following statement does not hold up to the above statement COMPLETENESS:

      "Then comes Creation as Source tries to get a grip on PA (prime anomaly)."

      All is All. Source is ever present and all knowing. The prime anomaly is NOT outside of its awareness or knowledge whatsoever. Nothing is. Otherwise the Source could not be said to be ALL.

  10. These interviews were amazing!! I am so grateful to the Chinese and Taiwanese teams for their thoughtful, probing, and insightful questions. I learned a lot. Thank you so very much!

  11. I recommend awake people check out the protoi:
    They could use support

    1. Muhibster!
      Who is this group?
      I have tried to figure it out in the past with no luck.

    2. Yes, do check it out... laughing raises your vibration.

    3. I have to warn anyone who clicks the link, The forum is a red pill and will alter the way you percieve reality if you are open minded. The truth may not taste great at first but it will heal you in the long term (Frank reminds me of morpheus so i had to include the re pill reference lol).
      The forum goes much in depth on who these fallen angels are from the 25k war history and the nature of reality in more detail than what you will find here at Cs(no offense). If you want to know more details, dont hesitate to comment below!

    4. Come on mate... with a bit of time spent looking at the Protoi forum, you can see the Protoi are a nonsense spiritual group.

      The group was apparently created by - and is lead by, Hamourapi2012 - who has been promoting the Protoi for years on COBRA's blog.

      Luckily, humanity appears to be wiser than we generally give them credit for - and despite his repeated attempts to gain a following from COBRA's blog; the Protoi forum continues to be as still as a graveyard.

      Copied from the forum's glossary:

      "The Executives are juridical parts of the belonging Prime, Odigos or ID.
      They always consist of a "Core" and an "Outer Core" (OC). This Core / OC structure is the same also in non angel species Executives, but their inner structure inside Core and OC is totally different."

      "Fractal-Protoi is a new kind. It is what we (e.g. Frank and Dynamis) are now.
      Our structure is still like the OC, because we are incarnating beings. But no more Core or IDs are connected.
      So we are no more Executives.
      We are hybrids, half fractal, half analog. The first ones of this kind.
      Both parts of the hybrid has full lvl2 entity size of 1.500.000 BCS.
      Unluckily we "down here" have only limited access to the big fractal CF.
      Fractal-Protoi have the same extra rights as Primes have."

      If this information resonates with you, I guess you belong there ~___^


    5. @divine lol, this displays your lack of intellect in the real world of spiritual science. Everything is science adn physics. They distinguish themseves from the others by being out of the box thinkers and realists. You wont find spiritual nonsense there. Sure it may not sound appealing to you but thats not his fault for sugar coating it. Most stuff you read is dark lies like channelers, how can you tell their source is correct? The forum is based on truth and reality principles.
      Ive personally experienced most of what frank has described in his forum. I think the protoi need a chance too, we can all work together to save this world so why fight and give evil more time to do more shit?

  12. Both interviews contain interesting questions and answers. Thumbs up! :)

  13. thank you for these

    today is probably a good day for some extra peaceful meditations - for some reason some folks think it is ok to break other peoples stuff because they don't like Trump

  14. Thank you Cobra for this information, The Anchient of Thuban did indeed tinker with human DNA, in collaboration with the entities you know as the ancient Egyptian gods. There is a deep bond between the Alpha Draconians whom are resonating at the higher dimensional frequencies and the ancient god archetypes from outside the physical spectrum.

  15. Guys! We really have to focus on doing our missions 100% :)

    1. would be nice if we remembered what the mission was :).

    2. I hear ya DH ... I have no idea what my mission is... my only guess is to help bring about The Event. If we all knew what our missions are we would have brought about The Event long ago. Most of us simply don't know what our mission is.

  16. Thank you for the update! Where can I find cintimanti stones. I don't have much money.

    1. Look to the right side of the page and you will see this link ... ... go to products and scroll to the bottom of the page for the stones

    2. Those who are using phones may not be able to view the entire page unless they force desktop view in their browser or... better still, access this page on a laptop.

  17. Galactic Federation of Light

    Ascended Twin Flame André, The Secrets of Saint Germain’s Plan, November 3, 2016

    by Christine Preston (Swansea, UK)

    "the Candidate for the American Elections of 2016, Donald Trump, was the one who would be elected and that he is a soul extension of Saint Germain."

    Transcript and Video (13 mins 28 secs):

    1. Really?? You believe this stuff? .. not awakened yet tststs

    2. We need to build a wall DivineNewAge!! Will you help me??

    3. divinasion: It's interesting to note that key proponents of the cabal new world order, Obama and facebook's Zuckerberg, have built large walls around their residences.

      Trump right recognizes, along with Michael Savage radio host, and many many others, that the strength of the nation's border is paramount to having, defining a nation. To accomplish this, a wall could be most effective.

      Don't know if your comment was being sarcastic or what its relevance is?


  18. Galactic Federation of Light

    Ascended Twin Flame André for Archangel Michael, Post-Election Victory Celestial Communication
    November 10, 2016

    by Christine Preston (Swansea, UK)

    "Donald Trump is now the President Elect and it is important to remember that we have on our side some great masters such as Lord Sanat Kumara, Jesus Christ, Gautama Buddha and Saint Germain, as well as a multitude of Angelic Forces and Galactic beings, who are providing assistance to mankind and this beautiful planet called Earth, so it can gain the same status as the stars and worlds in the vast region of space that are now at peace because a great many battles have been fought in the past decades against the vortex of darkness that invaded our galaxy as well as our solar system."

    Transcript and Video (12 mins 38 secs):


  19. "The Light comes from the East."

    I have been incarnated in Asia quite a few times and have fond memories of my LifeTimes there.
    I hardly ever touch them as two are laying on the ground and one is stuck in the floor in the Middle Of The Room, but I really really treasure my three Samurai Swords - the Sword Of Love, the Sword Of Light and the Sword Of Peace

    Do you see Me when you look from the East?
    'Cause I feel You when I look from the West.

    West One - Shine On Me

    Lots Of Love And Light


  20. Thank you, Cobra, for your information in the two recent interviews.

    2017.1.11|PFCC-The First Interview with Cobra(EN)

    (reference: Pages 4-5 of transcript)

    Posted on this blog: January 20, 2017

    On the All-Knowing, All-Powerful, Everywhere-Present Source, the Absolute, which is also referred to as The Almighty Father and countless other names:

    PFCC: Is the source in a kind of state of completeness with omnipotent and omniscient power? Is it possible that the source is feeling not entertained, not a completeness, not omnipotent and either not omniscient? As a result, the source began to interact with prime anomaly to co-create things in order to expand itself?

    COBRA: Source began to interact with the primary anomaly to heal it and NOT out of feeling of incompleteness.

    PFCC: Another point is that the source is in an absolute status, why the prime anomaly referred to a kind of occasional emergence can be held or hidden in this absoluteness?

    COBRA: The primary anomaly is NOT hidden to the Absolute, the Source, but only to relative beings.

  21. 2017.1.11|PFCC-The First Interview with Cobra(EN)

    Reference: Page 16 of transcript

    Posted on this blog: January 20, 2017

    COBRA: If everybody would do their mission 100%, the Event would happen in 2017. I will not give any time estimates apart from that statement.

  22. For the Italian Readers both translated in italian International Golden Age Group AND Chinese Prepare for Change Buona lettura e Vittoria della Luce!

  23. All References to "Climate Change" Deleted
    From White House Website at Noon Today, January 20, 2017

  24. Really interesting interviews! Thank you.

    As I was reading the questions and answers, I was thinking how much "The East" and "The West" really are. We have the same goals and hopes and dreams. I like this idea.

    1. correction: I was thinking about how much the East and the West are ALIKE. We all have the same goals, the same hopes, the same dreams. I like this idea.

  25. Hello everyone ,

    Im keeping this as short as possible.

    I think that it would be of a great importance if everyone of us who feels guided would create its own way to express matters of utmost concern or whatever he feels deeply in his heart as smth that should be conscious for everyone to know.

    I feel that there is so much going in the background and people are so ignorant of , so much ignorance . If we would be able to add that little spark in peoples life , to make them get their own "fish" out of the water , It would be more amazing than any technology ever disclosed or any "event" . Don't you get it guys , the times when we were afraid of things we couldn't see are well beyound .

    I get frustrated to think that there are so many clues now everywhere that smth is happening and people are so blind , because of everything we've been feed ever since we were little undeveloped minds.

    I created my own facebook page and I hope to inspire everyone with that need of doing smth to help the situation to create a whole network of such pages , or if it's better of blogs . These blogs to be similar in name so to create the idea of an unity and to ensure people that what they are hearing in the alternative world of these pages it is not smth fake , and in fact it should have almost no personal interpretations but just conveyance of these ideas from heart so to TELL THE TRUTH.

    I hope everyone takes the initiative to do such thing and if you are interested please contact me in the email :

    1. Good idea! Since soulmates are expressed variations of a major eternal concept, the contribution of each helps to build a clearer picture of the whole.

  26. On my meditation, I went to some planet which looked like uninhabited. But the core was alive, it was showing some life but in bad condition. I had some tools which look like pipes, 8 of them I thrust in to the sand surface. After that my picture quality changed from black and white to HD. Big blue light ray came out from the core, I sent it to Earth. And Now its Part of earth energy grid. I feel like it was kind of rescue mission for that dying core. And i start realizing that I'm some kind of technician who work with energy of planets. Now I feel like i'm waiting for another operation, but i dont know what it is. if someone has more information please share. Thank you.

  27. Can't open first interview link as it's being blocked by my telco Telstra Australia claiming malicious content

    1. Give me your mail - write to purplenectarine(at), I will send you screenshots if you like

    2. I typed out the interview and posted on this blog ... don't know if Cobra is going to post it though ...check when you see this message.


  28. Ach Leute . . . :-(

    I really really thought that we could all resolve this thing peacefully (well, more or less) when I started all of this way back when.
    I really thought there would be both a faster way and a more peaceful way to win the Game than ever before. But apparently I can't have both at the same time. Shucks.

    Well, choices, choices . . .
    We're all tired of the Game, and it seems the peaceful solutions have all been rejected by the dark. We're not gonna hang around another 26.000 years for the next cycle, screw that. I'm tired of getting tortured, raped and killed over and over and over again. And so is everyone else.

    Which leaves Me only ONE option.
    Like it or not, here it comes.
    Sorry, folks, but I've been left with no other choice.

    I hereby OFFICIALLY DECLARE complete full-tilt, on-scale, open WAR on the dark side.
    Whatever it takes, WE BRING IT.


    Jah War

    All consequences are on Me. Whatever they may be.

    I AM The Beginning and The End


    1. Try this. "I declare by my creative choice to increase the loving light of the planet by x% times the negative input applied by the dark. As the light increases, the dark diminishes. "


    2. That's what I've been doing for millenia, Toto.
      You're right of course, and it is Time to increase The Light to The Next Level.

      It is Time for Full-Scale WAR on the dark. It is Time for The FLASH of Light and The BANG. Universal FLASH-BANG if you will.

      I made those guys. I allowed them to do what they have done because it's part of The Game.
      And it is up to Me to destroy them. Once and For All.

      They will be fried by Light.
      It's ON, it is ON!!!
      No More!!!

      Who Made Who



    3. Das ist was ich vorher sagte! Krieg! War! This is what i already being saying for a while! War! Just look what an hippie attitude brought! NOTHING! Therefore i declare my War against the god of this World and i know i am not alone and there are a lot of warriors in this world, and we are backed by invisible ones, and the Warriors of Agartha!
      Our patience is finished
      Like someone said: " Einmal wird unsere Geduld zu Ende sein!"
      And it is so!
      War! Time to take the sword out and fight! Dead to these f'n parasites!

    4. 'War against the god of the world", good choice of words. Draw this....... A head with a crown. The crown is the Infinite Unknowable Spirit referred to as Forefather.. Make it radiating out. The head is the part that has been pushed out to be known. We call this God, Christ, Only Son, Source, the eye of God. Under the neck, draw four breasts. These feed insight. In the heart, place us, the church, the unity, the fullness. Then the lower area is where creation exists in the dress. The infant, us, was placed there to develop awareness of ourselves and our true parent. Some call us Adam in this state of unity.
      We started in fear as we did not understand anything. We created our own gods and we have worshipped them. Time to un-create them. We must see the True God beyond them . That is the one to co-create with. not any god of this creation. We are the Prime Creator as whole. That is not the same as Source. We are doing the creating.
      Look at the stages we have already gone through:
      1. I am god
      2. There must be many gods.
      3/ There is only one God
      4. Insight/Jesus - What are the attributes of God?
      5. Time to choose between true Source or our own creations.
      The baby is starting to open its eyes and see its parent:)


    5. Well said, both of you.

      The Baby Awakens.

      I never thought I would have to play this, I really didn't.
      But I've been left with no other choice, and this is MY CHOICE.

      Give Us Our Fair Share.
      Give Us JUSTICE!!!



  29. Thank you for the positive, very informative interviews! Please, each of us can do our mission and we can continue to plant the cintamani stones as well as our meditations. It is making a difference! Love and light. ✨✨🌎✨✨

  30. Cobra you had a better PR now!

    You was the first advertiser of your interviews now. Before we found them.

    Kind regards!

  31. Cobra, the GoldfishReport is preparing an Ascension round table for February.

    Be in touch with them, and should you be participating to the roundtable...

    1. You should contact Cobra by email for something like this. Hopefully you have already.


  32. Trump may disclose beneficial quantum technologies & ET presence, unlike Obama:Alfred Webre.

    by Alfred Lambremont Webre

    1. "I am committed to help organizing an actual group of former US Chrononauts & Mars Experiencers - actual Supersoldiers to meet with President Donald J. Trump and persuade the Trump team to do real-time disclosure of the Secret Space Program. I think there is a Black Hat conspiracy in the intelligence community to keep President Trump from knowing about the Secret Space Programs,” Webre said.

    2. That video is no longer unavailable ... I wonder why?

      Since Trump's admin and advisors are lined with cabal members I have my doubt he will disclose much of anything. I would think it will be someone else giving this information.


    1. rule of thumb. anything that uses.. all everything always... in this 3D is hardly 100% accurate

      at least thats how i take it... i might b wrong this time

    2. This is really weird ... I don't see anyway to sign the petition ... I have options to posting and sharing on facebook, but no place to sign.
      Am I the only one or anyone else having problems???


    Access to this page is blocked as the threat Mal/HTMLGen-A has been found on this website.

    1. I would do a search of the web and see if there is a way to by pass that block.

    2. I typed it out ... check to see if Cobra posted it in this comment section.

    3. I posted the transcript in this comment section.

  35. The 2nd World War was a war between dracos and the Confederation of Light
    Mmmnhhh Cobra mmmmhhh
    Cobra are you serious??
    So Russia, the Usa and England where of the Confederation of "Light"
    So Hitler was the Demon and Stalin, Roosevelt and Churchill where the good guys uh? Well well well...something is terrible wrong here! Terrible wrong.
    The "perfect" communist regime is known to have exterminated about 60000000 russians,not talking about China, Laos, Cambodia and Cuba!
    I am not going to mention the barbarities commited by 'Sir' Winston the Pig and Churchill as well. And the supposedly 6000000 jews exterminated by the gas chambers are well known to be a hoax. Who started the War? Hitler? No Sir, Judea started the War. Why? Because Hitler quit usury in Gernany and started a fair, healthy and "for the people" (not marxism, Marx was a demon) system, which he called: NationalSocialism. And of course, the International Jews felt threatened that this could expand and screw their bloodsucking so Judea started the War! Any intelligent perspn nowadays know that! Hitler was opposed to take his country to war at the beginning.
    I am not ashamed to say that i have a lot of respect for Adolf Hitler. And i am not a stupid neonazi wearing swastikas and beating jews on the street , and i am not for violence. But Truth is Truth, no matter that the "winners of the War" wrote that bs called "history". Truth will prevail.
    Not willing to cause disrespect, this is my word.

    1. we are not allowed to know stuff because of reasons...
      good guys are not that good, bad guys are not that bad, anyhow , deep rabbithole you got there...


    2. There's a few other things that the fabricated "history" of the winners doesn't want you to know.

      Such as:

      - Before the start of the war Poland blocked all access to the far-East German provinces where most of the agricultural products came from. After that access to food was reclaimed Germany immediately offered a peace treaty. England and France, which had declared war on Germany on September 2 and sent troops onto German soil, declined.

      - By 1941, before things got really really bad, Germany had made 13 offers of a peace treaty. All pleas for negotiations were declined.

      - Because of negotiations constantly being denied, German vice-chancellor Rudolf Hess got on an airplane and actually parachuted into London to speak with Winston Churchill. Despite being a politician and official representative of the German Reich he was arrested on the spot and spent the rest of his life in prison until he was killed in his Berlin/Spandau prison cell in 1988.

      - Over 6.000 armed soldiers in plain-clothes were sent between the fronts with a single mission: to kill as many farmers as possible, so that they could not harvest their crop and cause famine in Germany.

      - As was officially ruled by the German constitutional court in 1973, the German Reich did *not* go under and still exists - it is just unable to operate. Taking over the governing duties is the "Federal Republic of (in) Germany," a corporation registered in the Brussels trade register.

      - In 1942 over 60 nations officially signed the S.H.A.E.R.F. treaty, thus handing over "all government control" over their nations to the USA "until a peace treaty with Germany and Japan is signed." To this day there is no such peace treaty, and the Charta of the United Nations still lists Germany and Japan as enemy countries.
      Check the colour of your passport. If it's blue: congrats, you live in an independent country. If it's red: too bad, that signals "a non-souvereign country, ruled by another country." Mine is as red as can be.

      - After the war had ended over 1.5 million prisoners of war were kept in a camp in Cologne without water, food or shelter from the weather. Over 750.000 people died in the "Rheinwiesenlager."

      And there is *so much more* that the official propaganda refuses to acknowledge. It's all just lies, lies, lies and lies. And then some more lies.
      Thankfully all of this will soon be over.

      Lots of Love and Light


    3. WOW...thanks for the detailed list of bullet points. I certainly hope disclosure comes soon to the people.

    4. Thank you Rajah for your support, its very much appreciated specialy since you are german! God bless the Truthers!


    5. Tja...

      By the way:
      Despite what other people are claiming, the Germans who went to Antarctica were not evil and met with the dracos there. They were fleeing from the evil forces about to win the war.
      Over 30.000 families were evacuated via submarines, which travelled through the underground tunnel system there. It was an operation which took place for years, and entire factory compounds were disassebled, transported via large transport-submarines and rebuilt under Antarctica.

      Eventually they were greeted and welcomed by the Agartheans who knew exactly what was going on on the surface.
      Also evacuated before the coming invasion of the Americans were thousands of families of Japanese scientists - also via German submarines on rescue missions.

      No wonder that the Americans were so disappointed that they couldn't find any of the German "miracle weapons" and the construction plans. All high-ranking scientists had been evacuated, six of the seven Vril-technology-factories had been disassembled, and the seventh one was destroyed. All they could get for "Operation Paperclip" were the lower-ranking ones.

      In 1947 they sent poor Admiral Byrd on the "Operation High Jump" with a fleet of ships and some 5.000+ troops. The operation against the remaining Germans was supposed to last 9 to 12 months, and after jsut three months the fleet was back - soundly defeated and scared shitless.
      "We were attacked by flying saucers with energy weapons. They have the ability to ascend through water or tthe pole openings" Admiral Byrd officially stated in his report.
      He was sent to a mental institution soonafter, where they kept him locked up until he died.

      So, yeah, I definitely support your opinion, Ger Sey.
      Not gonna get into the Hoaxocaust thing, though. But you're right about that as well.

      Lots of Love and Light



    6. And this has to be said as well, because it's The Truth:

      It's one of the ugliest deeds ever. The archons / chimera really enjoy starving humans to death. Many of the photos allegedly showing dead jews in German concentration camps in reality are of German P.O.W.s in American and British camps.
      "Let's starve them to death, and then we'll sell the skin-and-bones dead bodies as THEIR doing."
      And they did.
      Fucking disgusting!!!

      And it's not the first time that happened either. Using famine and starvation is what those fuckers have done time and time again!

      Here's two more examples:

      During the British invasion of India, the invaders purposely caused famines all over the country, and an estimated 30 million Indians starved to death.
      "Obey and we will feed you. Otherwise you will die."

      During the conquering of the landmass known as the United Staes of America, they did the exact same thing. The native Americans were forced to be contained and live in selected "reservations." Specifically selected because the soil there was unfertile, so that they could not grow any crop on that land. The result: once again famine and death.
      And when winter came and it got cold, the invaders supplied the native people with blankets. Blankets infested with small-pox virus so that they would get sick and die.
      Due to this genocide over 35 million native Americans died, either starved to death or due to deliberately caused illnesses.

      As I have said before:
      I am a Vegan, I do not eat any animal products and go out of my way not to harm even the smallest insect. And I certainly do not harm another human being, instead I smile and laugh in people's faces whenever I can to spread positivity, love and joy.

      But I will say this, and I mean it from the bottom of my Heart. If anybody wants to tell me that the afore-mentioned actions of genocide by starvation are those of people representing the Light, I want you to come to my door and look Me in the eye - and I will knock your fucking teeth down your throat because you would be a God-Damned Liar!

      Try to infiltrate Me with your lies, I DARE you!




  36. If the extra terrestrial entities who are here to help humanity (not hurt them in anyway) need a place to land a small craft I have room on my property in Washington state.

    1. I have some private property with an empty lot next to my house. They can land there if they would like, I would certainly dig that. How do I claify this permission and the location? It's on the highway, although it's pretty rural, authorities could not come up after them that quickly, but still I'd imagine it's not an ideal spot as it's not very private. They'd have to be quick and hide their ships right away and come in for some tea pretty quickly.

    2. zowie i think by the time the landing starts the conditions wont be the same as it is now... landings would probably be expected and authorized

    3. Do they need to land? Can't they just hover above and beam themselves down .... or beam us up.... makes it convenient for old folks who can't travel to the contact sites...

  37. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Wow. Thank you. Very Much.
      I was listening to Michael Talbot when i came here to check the comments.....

  38. I'm moving on now.New times are here it's only a matter of time till the event the scales have tipped everyday more cabal are being exposed to the light.The world has finally opened its eyes and more and more are no longer fooled.
    Now is Trump the answer ,NO ,but he is the better choice over the criminal Clinton's. ( There is so much criminal activity the Clinton's have been involved in ,just one of the many accusations would have any one of us in jail . Just ask the people of hadi where the world's releif money went to help those suffering during the devastation of hurricanes past.Clintons put them selves in the middle syphoned all the donations into there Clinton foundation ,even appointed her brother in to a position to control hades assets.The people of hadi are still living in the same rubble as the day the hurricane hit.NO MONEY no AIDE .Clinton's left like threives in the night,that's just one example ,but it really ,should be ,enough to imprison that gang.)
    But the sky is prestine everyday for more than a year last few months it's been more exquisite than ever before.I feel the heaviness dissipating ,I feel alot has already been lifted. If we can only help in this plain of existence by meditation and passing on the truth and the light,than I'll just carry on as I always have doing ,just that.
    I've pulled the plug on my energies as they were trampled on my the dark ,I've put myself on survival ,the time has come to power up again ,And rocket to the top,we are ahead,we are winning,we ARE Victorious .

  39. AMAZING: President Donald Trump Oath of office and Inaugural Speech

    January 20, 2017

    Video (19 mins 11 secs):

    1. just my observation...

      i listened to the speech... there was something missing. the heart.

      in contrast... when you hear jfk old speech ... there was heart... it seemed. imho

      regardless... i wish him well

    2. Dragon, yes, less heart than I would have liked. The elders in my family say "He needs to take a Dale Carnegie course."

      It would help if he could soften himself a little and sound less like Adolph Hitler.

  40. I've planted a cintamani stone in the middle of the island on which I live. Does anyone know precisely, how big an area the angel covers and also do the stones need to be buried at certain depth?

    1. I don't know if there is a certain depth, but I buried mine a little over a foot deep. I also put it in a container so I can recover it after The Event and give it to a lightworker that doesn't have one.

  41. Dear Cobra, as you may know, a few days ago a plane crashed in Paraty, in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Inside was the main judge responsible of analyzing huge amounts of information regarding an operation that is going on in Brazil against all major politicians. My question is: was it a real accident or there were cabal/politician's participation? Thanks and victory of the light!

    1. I am wondering this too.
      Glad you asked this.

    2. i dont think we need to even flip a coin on that one.

    3. ya he should NEVER have gotten on that plane (probably a small commuter plane?

    4. Hello, a cabala tem derrubado mais que esse avião em nosso pais amigo.


  42. Stretch Detox Massage

    1. More about:



    1. I'm not banging sex. It's a bang! But true sacred sex related to intercourse in the mind. Either one bangs with evil or true thoughts and creates bastard or true children.

    2. Om Krim Kali Namah

  44. This comment has been removed by the author.

  45. I think the below that I refer is very important message.

    Cobra : Yes I would say that there are some interesting developments lately that are bringing us much closer to our final goal, and it is very important for everybody to be alert, not to do things by default, be awake, be alert, and do our mission because every deed every action counts, now especially.


  46. It was 2:30 in the middle of the night, and some people thought it was a good idea to light some left-over fireworks. Splendid ides, guys!
    All of a sudden this multi-rocket contraption started firing away for over two minutes. That was just so awesome to watch while I "did my thing."

    And now this popped up outta nowhere :-)

    "Bruce Springsteen & the two coolest kids on stage EVER"


    I wanna sleep beneath peaceful skies
    In My Lover's bed
    With a wide-open Universe in My Eyes
    And these romantic drems in My head

    We made a Promise We swore We'd always ReMember
    No Retreat, Gaia!

    And as far as the dark is concerned?



  47. Staying on topic here:
    Never Surrender!
    Never Surrender!

    Staring at the Rude Boys



  48. Trump Inauguration Speech Hints at Official Disclosure of Secret Space Programs

    Written by Dr Michael Salla on January 21, 2017

    1. There were similar reports out about Obama and Clinton doing that, but it never happened. In other words ... I'll believe it when I see it ... which I doubt.

  49. We are getting to the point much closer
    to our final goal, the Event! So we have to be more careful to do our mission!

  50. These are great interviews and questions, I'm grateful for the Chinese/Asian perspective. I mean only respect and admiration for their spiritual awakenings, but the information on Thuban and positive Dracos leaves some things unclear for me. Pardon me but there is a pretty obvious negative Draco influence on the billions of Asian people, namely that their authorities clearly do not want them to be free, especially in China at least. At what point did the positive Dracos break away from the negative and how? Could we have some accounting for the Empire's role in subjugating the Chinese people and virtually outlawing individual identities?

    1. I think it is safe to say the neg Draco influence has hit many nations hard. That being said....there are many enlightened people and awake people in many countries. Do you think the US govt is any different? They did a good job of pretending to do so, that is why we are in this mess, they pretended so well it has really messed people up. Love and light to you.

  51. Which companies are runned by Event Support groups around the world??



    Nobody has uploaded an audio recording for interview 2 yet..

  53. COBRA answers a question about St. Germain manifesting his considerable fortune... does anyone know how it was actually done??

    I am guessing Germain did something along the lines of using the Law of Attraction to imagine himself finding a room full of money..?? Wouldn't that be nice!


    1. St. Germain was fond of jewelries and crystals. If he could manifest them and sell them to the European nobles, then you can figure out how much he was probably earning at that time.

    2. Yes, Saint G, please become an active commenter, and post your method here. :)

      Meanwhile, my meditation teacher used to say, "Visualize dairy cows, all lined up, and the milking machines are helping them produce gigantic containers of $1,000 bills."

      Well, these days, we probably need our cows to produce gold and silver coins, but... you get the idea.

    3. For me it just sounded like a polite way to say he got money from rich people or in other ways scammed his way forward. Well, as long it was made with good heart it is still ok, just like Robin Hood. How it really is I dont know.

    4. Perhaps he could see where all treasures were hidden.

  54. Love the face in the rock watching over the house, in the picture. So beautiful to see.

    1. What rock, what house, what picture?? :-)

    2. I looked for a long time...
      just today... are you seeing the tree as hair of a profile
      with hands palms-up holding the temple above the dark tunnel..?
      and all the lines of all the rocks are shifted to
      The Portal
      (just before the Heart)
      and then... a little above the ear (a whisper)

  55. The change is coming:

  56. we light worker, do our job try our best. we can not wait.go ahead.

  57. This comment has been removed by the author.


  58. You know who you are.
    and you're outta here.

    The Management


  59. This comment has been removed by the author.

  60. Donald Trump expresses intent for DISCLOSURE on intentionally suppressed health cures, advanced technologies for space (Secret Space Programs - SSP),
    and more:

    Sunday, January 22, 2017

    Alex Jones (FULL SHOW Commercial Free): Trump's Speech, Washington DC Women's March

  61. "Trump's Spokesman Rips Fake News! Wow!"

    January 22, 2017 (5+ mins):

  62. Cobra, I would like to know if the resistance movement is connected with the group known as 'The Succubus Collective' in any way. Here is their website.

    And here is the post where the author talks about this blog.

    The reason I'm curious is because they don't seem very 'love and light' friendly. So why would the RM work with them? They want to rule the world or something:

    Of course the assumption I'm making is that this group actually exists and is a figment of the author's imagination.

  63. ----------------------------------
    "P : What is the exact relationship between chimera group and archons?

    C : Basically chimera group is the one who are issuing commands to the archons, the chimera group is the top of the food chain of the other side."

    Interesting reveal, the master chimera group are the main administrators of this nightmare, also in conjunction with this excerpt:

    The Hive

    Rob - When the dark force has a plan and they want to work through a lower level Cabal or Draco reptilian member, people are wondering, how are these plans coordinated? Is there some master AI intelligence that’s kind of feeding the implants in multiple groups of people towards an end and none of them know what’s going on they’re just kind of moving towards this as a hive unconsciously heading towards an agenda? They want to know how it works. How do the non-physical negative beings get their instructions and how does it works?

    COBRA – The master Chimera group, a small group and master Archon group, they are the ones who coordinate the plans and they give input for those plans in their master computer, which gives possible solutions. So it’s an interaction between actual beings and the AI (Artificial Intelligence) computer network that is called The Veil. But this computer network and this AI is always subjected to the supreme real and decisions of the Archons and Chimera entities. They are the ones who make the decisions and the actual implementation of those decisions is done through the sophisticated computer programs which create models of behavior of the masses, of the trends, of the most advisable course of action for those beings.
    ---ref rp1015


  64. Yaldabaoth Tentacles Removal proceeding. Today Tentacle 2 @ 20%

  65. This is my first time to post my comment here. And I believe, this is the time that more people should be awakened. This is also a sign that I have to perform my mission.

    I have been following this blog since 2014 and I have been silently reacting to the comments here. I am happy that commenters use their free will to share their thoughts and reactions but heaps of negativity could thwart the essence of the messages.

    I am happy that Asia has been gradually awakening and has been helping to the transition process leading to the Event.

  66. I understand that people have been impatient about the Event not yet happening. But I believe that they have failed to realize that before a large-scale transformation should take place, the transmutation should start within. People should learn more about inner alchemy so that they can properly perform creative manifestation. By starting the alchemical transmutation within, the lightworker can help in attaining multiplication effect without resulting to manipulation or fear-mongering tactics. This can be exemplified by living a life with positive vibration. Having a positive vibration can affect the auras or energy field of other people in a mostly positive way. Healthy people with healthy,positive attitude and personality are infectious. They may be cause of envy of other people but they can be models for other people to undergo transformation.

    More people should know about St. Germain, who was a grand master of a mystery school in Europe, and about alchemy. This is so people can learn that they too can become co-creators with the Divine, the Source and that they can create abundance in their lives.

    Also knowing about alchemy makes you more aware of your body and the techniques to help you in living in a disease-free life. This would also help you discover the fountain of youth that only resides within. The pineal gland and the pituitary gland are the most important chakras in the human body. If people learn how to fully activate them, people can attain tremendous benefit and can attain the Ascension process. Of course activating the heart chakra in this process because it helps people to be more compassionate beings.

    I am happy with what I have learned in mystery schools in a country mostly controlled by the Jesuits, the Philippines. Although Cobra mentioned in previous posts about the authenticity of mystery schools, I would say that this is something that people should be aware of in joining mystery schools. Use intuition and learn to enhance the intuitive abilities through certain meditation techniques so that they can activate the chakras and can communicate properly with the higher self, the true higher self within and so that they can be more guided. As for picking the mystery school, know if the Imperator running it is already an Ascended being and has attained Cosmic illumination.

    Among the ways for us to help in the manifestation of the Event are to raise our vibration, to practice creative visualizations technique and apply it to the materialization of the Event in attunement with others to derive at collective consciousness and to be more loving, co-creative beings. I believe Cobra has already mentioned them but it is important to be reminded of our roles as Lightworkers.

    The Philippines, in which I am living, has a role in the Event and I think every country does. The dog-shaped archipelagic form of the country is an implication of its guardian role. I believe that the Philippines is Ophir, the land of gold that Solomon talked about in the Bible.

    Before the arrival of Spaniards, who consisted mostly of the Cabal, the Filipino people were trading here using gold. The Philippines is a big goldmine despite being an archipelago. That's the reason why America bought the country and exploited the gold.

    Despite its location not strategically within the major leylines, it is regarded to be a positive vortex. But the country has been infested with great amount of negativity including the insurgents connected to ISIL in the south and the predominant religion controlled by the Jesuits.

    1. Toth Heshrem: I had heard years ago that mystery schools that offer teachings of spirituality, that were prevalent in the past, will not be necessary now and in time to come. Because all that was "hidden" and taught secretly will now be in the OPEN and expressed in daily life.

  67. The Filipino Lightworkers have great challenges in their country. Their challenges include barring and minimizing the effects of the typhoon occurring yearly in several occurrences and in radiating the Filipino people with positivity to counteract the effects of the negativity brought about by the war on drugs and to prevent the looming civil war.

    It is only after typhoon Haiyan(Yolanda) that I have come to learn about my role as a lightworker. And I have gone through awakening processes including losing my religion, Catholic, without any remorse.

    If my mission is to help in the awakening of more people, then so mote it be.



    I am glad that Cobra differentiated esoteric and occult. This would help erase the notion that occultism is mostly negative. The free will of the people is a factor in the use of sacred symbols for their egocentric purpose, deriving a connotation that is seemingly disadvantageous to those who use the similar symbols for Divine purpose. An example of this is the word Illuminati, which already has negative connotation thanks to the Jesuits who infiltrated the Bavarian Illuminati founded by Adam Weishaupt, who in the first place was not illumined to lead a secret society. He used the Illuminati name for political and egocentric purposes. The term Illuminati is already tainted despite the esoteric meaning relating to divinity and ascension.

    Anyway, what is important is to raise the vibration to achieve a rainbow-like aura to help in raising other people's vibration.

    And yes!


  68. More than 1000 cintamani stones have been buried in Japan!

    Positive light energy tastes good, and
    it heals me well!

    Victory of the Light!

  69. FULL SPEECH: Donald Trump talks to the CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) - Headquarters Statement

    January 21, 2017 (15 mins 50 secs):

    *********** ***********

    "Trump Spokesman Ripped Fake News! They’re Furious!"

    Sean Spicer, Press Secretary - January 22, 2017 (5+ mins):


    There was a 5 minute standing ovation for President Trump
    from over 400 members (all that were present) of the CIA, contrary to the false media (cabal) coverage of Trump as being in conflict with, or in "feud" with, the Intelligence Agencies. The actual agents, the people comprising the CIA, are mostly (if not all) positive people of LIGHT, while it's the cabal, chimera, archons and other related hierarchy at the "top" who have been perpetrating an evil, destructive dark agenda towards mankind for years and years. LIGHT is increasing NOW to dispel all darkness and remove the negative forces from earth for a New Divine Age of "Source" emanating powerfully on this planet and beyond.

  70. Here is a video I made that I thought would help uplift those who are maybe feeling a bit down in the dumps.

    There is a lot of negativity around this election and the media is trying throw everything they have into lowering our vibration.

    I hope this video will raise you vibration and give you the strength to carry on and complete your mission here on Earth despite everything going on.

    These are the birthing pains we are seeing as we traverse our way our of 3rd Density into higher Densities at this time.

    Things seem very volatile and crazy right now but through this chaos and madness there will come order as we are near the end of the tunnel. We can see the light shinning brightly and our Galactic Family awaiting our arrival.

    Thank you for watching and much love!

    1. Jonathan Carty: Thanks for the soothing music and content in the video you made available. Gets to the gist of who we are as Love.

      Only comment I would like to make is regarding "the end of the age of duality." I take that to mean that unity, harmony, love and all positive qualities of the everlasting oneness we are, will prevail.

      I think that as long as there is an "individual" who experiences, there will be a "world" of diversity and duality, in order to experience in the first place. If there is an experiencer, there must be an object of experience. If the individual is always "changing" in body, mind, heart, then similarly the environment and world is also always changing. That constant change occurs in a diverse manifestation or world we call duality. There is "some appearance" of form for us to appreciate the basic everlasting truth of the formless, absolute oneness we are. Otherwise, how would we even know that we exist as an individual. We would only have the "awareness itself" Being, without any sense of an "I" whatsoever. I don't believe that is a final state to be achieved, though it may be an interim along the way.

      The New Age of Enlightenment and Abundance will come IN THE MIDST OF the earth plane and reality of diversity which is "dual."


      So I think the accurate interpretation to "the end of an age of duality" is the predominance of UNITY.

  71. Where are these notes? Would someone please share them?

    P : You once said to me that new finance group can manifest abundance before the Event. I really want to know what it can do to help our members achieve financial freedom before the Event.

    C : Actually I was speaking a lot about this in Taiwan conference, if you go to the notes I have explained the whole manifestation process, I have explained how to manifest abundance in your lives, within the group and how to spread it around, and you can just go to those notes I have answered this question with many hours of talking, so you can just go to that and you can get this understanding and spread it in your groups.

  72. Thank you Cobra for your 35 years and more of staying in the Path of light for Truth and Humanity. You Truly are a Amazing person. Your dedication to your mission is a reminder to the Rest of us to have Patience and Love To stand in front of the Prime Creator one must have Courage, Love, Belief in overcoming Obstacles, Strength and Dedication to our Missions set out for us. When we stand together we can do anything....

  73. Wellsir ... Israel plans to steal more Palestinian land. Trump like Obama condoning this illegal action.

    Israel approves settlement homes following Trump inauguration

    "Jerusalem Deputy Mayor Meir Turgeman told AFP: "Now we can finally build."

    Israel's PM reportedly delayed approval given the opposition of Barack Obama, who infuriated Israel by allowing a UN resolution against settlements to pass.

    Settlements in East Jerusalem are considered illegal under international law, though Israel disputes this."

    Business as usual.

  74. Anonymous - Message to president Donald Trump
    "“Now that Donald Trump won the presidency, now it’s time that we the people apply political pressure at every level of government to make sure he does what he promised, and that populism continues to spread at every level of American society. The globalists view this new powerful populism that has emerged as a vicious enemy that will destroy them unless stopped…”

    [snip]Whether you agree or disagree with their messages, one thing is for sure; the loosely associated international network of activist and hactivist entities known as Anonymous has been extremely vocal over the last year issuing a series of messages to global citizens, and warnings to various governments.

    Recently, on January 20th, Donald J. Trump was sworn in as the 45th President of the United States, and as you might imagine, Anonymous has a few things to say about it. I have not always agreed with many of the messages Anonymous has published in recent months, but this one in particular I believe is right on the money.

  75. An excerpt from Ben's latest post, January 23, 2017:

    "Overall, it does not sound like we are being set up for a world war or a clash of civilizations but rather we are seeing reasonable bargaining positions being laid out by both sides in advance of final negotiations for setting up a new, improved system of running the planet."

  76. The rain continues to drop out here in the West Coast of the US in absolute BUCKETS.


    It is unbelievable.

    Just thought I'd let y'all know.

    I think the rain is a very good sign that things are clearing.

  77. Why fog can tune radio to other realms frequencies?
    Is possible existence of cintamani quant of light?

  78. Moon Day 12 "Resonant Moon"
    (Channel, Inspire, Attunement)
    I was afraid to look...
    "So, what did you wish for..?"
    "well, um... 10 more Galactic Activation Portals"
    (in a row, side by side)
    Law of Time 13 Moon Calendar

    The Burn of Bridges mending Heart
    (snow pigs in a blanket... Siberia..?)

    I've only looked at the interview posted here, so far

  79. Here's another consideration of "doing one's mission 100%":

    On one level, for example, I could say that I have a talent to play the piano. So it could be said that my "mission" may be to practice, play piano and make music.

    On another level, what if I DON'T practice, play piano and make music. It could be said that I'm NOT doing my mission 100%.

    However, is that really true?

    I think EVERYTHING that happens is ultimately the Will of God, Source, the Almighty, referred to by many names. Everything that happens ultimately is the 100% mission of God. Therefore, once something ACTUALLY happens, it has to be the Will and Mission of God, because nothing whatsoever operates anywhere, at any time, in any universe, that is not governed, directed by Source, the Almighty Will.

    Yes, we have "free will." But our free will is subject to the circumstances and conditions in each moment. What decides whether I will practice, play piano, and make music in any one given moment? You could say, whether I decide to, whether I use my free will to make it happen. Yes.

    But at the same time, WHAT decides whether I will choose one thing over another in any given moment?

    There's something deeper at work than ANY action by any creature or any event in any universe at any time. I believe that's the omnipresent Will of God, directing EVERYTHING "He" has created for His own fun, volition, playful expression of his totality.

    So when Cobra says the event could happen in 2017 if everyone does their mission 100%, one could respond: Well, I better make sure I'm vigilant and "do what I'm supposed to do according to my nature, my "mission." That will satisfy my mission and help bring about the Event quicker.

    Or, one could respond, is the Event really dependent upon what anyone does or when anything happens -- except ULTIMATELY when the Will of God enacts it?

    In other words, we try to do good things and live constructively. But if we don't, did we really have ultimate power over any situation?

    Or is it God who has the final say, so to speak.

    We could advance a point of view that no matter what I or anyone does, it ULTIMATELY IS the Will of Source, because how could it be possible for anything to stand on its own and "go against" what is Almighty and directing EVERYTHING (even allowing for the consideration an,d sense of "free will" choices).

    I think everyone following their inner promptings each day is one's mission. But I think ultimately it is impossible for someone NOT to do their mission 100%. They can go against their inner sense and prompting what is right to do. We could say that's NOT their mission. But if one did go against their mission, is it ULTIMATELY going against the Mission of All missions, the Almighty Father's mission for all of creation. Now "THAT'S" fulfilling one's mission 100%:
    the Almighty doing as He pleases, through his creation, in each second of existence.

    My attitude is to relax about it all. We think of ourselves as so important sometimes. We are very humble in the whole
    picture we call God.


    1. There must be a creator, in that, this 'hell-hole' couldn't have happened by chance!

    2. James Farrell: Yes, there must be a creator. Because even the element we call "chance" emerges from SOMEWHERE, as is true for ALL things in motion, in the realm of cause and effect, "birth, life, and death."

      But more basic is the reality that does NOT change. It is ever present and full. It has no beginning or end, no cause and effect, no birth, life and death. This is the KNOWLEDGE that is Absolute and True that has been spoken of throughout the ages, and even more "palpable," can be experienced Here and Now, in each and every moment. The Here and Now ever present non-changing Absolute reality is the Ultimate Creator responsible for all the laws and interactions perceived in the "manifest" / physical world (which even includes subtle manifestations such thought and emotion). That is my understanding, when looking at the foundation to all duality, diverse experience in life.



  80. These are Better Days, Gaia.
    These are Better Days, it's True.
    These are Better Days, Baby.
    Better Days for a Girl like You.

    Better Days are Shining Through.




  81. This is a brilliant example of how to work a crowd:
    You practice something ad nauseum. Then, when you're in front of the Audience, you pretend you did not see this coming *at all* and have to learn it on the spot.
    Only to have everybody do their thing absolutely perfectly when the Time Is Right.

    And just like The Boss and The Band, WE will do the same thing. Only completely different, of course ;-)

    So let's get to Work

    "C'est La Vie" say the old folks
    It goes to show You Never Can Tell

    Und die so: "Meeensch..."
    Und ich so: "Tja." ;-)


  82. Lord (Archangel) Michael: "It’s not as you think"

    Perception: Discernment between The Light and the dark.

    by Christine Preston (Swansea, UK)

    August-19-2016 (14 mins 28 secs):

  83. Replies
    1. Yaldabaoth is not an octopus, it's an octopus-like entity, and it probably has way more than 8 tentacles.

    2. Dear Sister, Brother,
      My inner voice TRUSTS you.
      Please, keep us informed.

    3. This is even better than the Flat Earth topic.

      Unusual activity was detected at 5.26pm yesterday with tentacle numero 8, there was seizure activity right after fapping was done with tentacle numero 5 at 300 rpm.

      Like realy people?

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  84. GoldFish Report No. 72, Weekly POTUS Update with Kent Dunn

    GoldFish Report No. 72, New: Draining the Swamp: Weekly POTUS Update with Kent Dunn. This segment focuses on weekly reviews of the POTUS (President of The United States) his policies and their impact on 'We the People' and Geopolitics.

  85. can somebody kick "st germains" ass ?

  86. Issue an International Arrest Warrant for George Soros

    George Soros is a menace to the free world and stands in the way of making America great again. He is guilty of the following crimes:

    1) Financially supports open sedition in major American cities resulting in millions of dollars of property damage as well as loss of life.

    2) Attempts to manipulate democratic elections by donating millions of dollars to his preferred candidates.

    3) Seeks to curtail American sovereignty. In his own words: "The main obstacle to a stable and just world order is the United States ... Changing [the] attitude and policies of the United States remains my top priority."

    4) Is a currency manipulator. Soros initiated a British financial crisis by dumping 10 billion sterling, forcing the devaluation of the currency and gaining a billion-dollar profit.


    The man who lied for the war criminal Clinton as usual.

  88. This Yaldabaoth guy,is there a race if them or just one 'guy'?
    How create it?

  89. This comment has been removed by the author.

  90. astral traveler: If there is an evil, darkly guided ISIL force infiltrating the world destructively, the most effective way to remove them is by FORCE (what you call war), in the absence of a large population meditating or creating harmony that could dispel that negative vibration.

    The positive ET intelligence are doing their part to liberate earth, just like each person is playing their role on earth, including this new administration. I think the positive ET operate out of LOVE, rather than think in terms of being "not pleased." Peace.

    That does NOT imply that the new administration is in favor of an endless war policy. Quite the contrary. Reagan spoke about PEACE THROUGH STRENGTH.

  91. OK COBRA Fans, not even a whole week into the new administration of Donald Trump and we can clearly see that the man is a wrecking ball, much worse than even the Obamer.... why don't we admit to ourselves that if there is a so called Planet -X Resistance Movement they totally dropped the ball on the intel of Donald Trump. has only taken me a few weeks to confirm this in my mind but lets look at the reality of the situation...he is a former Piece of Crap Casino Hotel Owner who is now President of the Good Old USA with no more qualifications than your average Motel 6 Manager. If he was not officially part of the CABAL before he was sworn in, he will be very soon, like maybe last Friday.... Everything this guy is going to do is for himself and the rich scumbags who he is loading his Administration up with, and they are all the proof I will ever need.... If COBRA and his crew really do exist in the capacity they claim to be, they totally missed the forest for the trees. Trump will be no different with his foreign policy than Obama, and actually he may be much worse... China is now in the cross hairs and Trump has an axe to grind with China for some reason...and so will all nations who oppose Trump. If the Resistance Movement preferred Trump over Hillary they are either one of two things, working for the Cabal, or very uniformed. I just don't understand how anyone could miss the bait and switch that Trump represents, and if you believe this man is going to help mankind in anyway you are very uninformed. Resistance Movement folks...lets be real, the time for the resistance movement to do anything was during the early phase of the Democratic Primaries, why wouldn't the Resistance Movement helped Bernie Sanders win over Hillary...? Hillary or Trump were equally catastrophic monsters. I have a lot of love for COBRA and all you folks who believe in nonviolent change but I have to be honest the Resistance Movement does not seem to be doing much of anything on the surface of the Planet... We are basically watching the Neo Conservatives and the Neo Liberals expanding their grip on everything. George Soro's may hate Trump personally, but in the end he will get inline and make huge profits on Trump's policies. Hillary did not kick up a fuss on the vote recount because she knew that Trump was picked to be President by the Cabal over her.... Face it people this is George Bush beating Al Gore all over again..... Hillary would have been bad but compared to a Trump Administration she would have been slightly better for Americans....we are just being tricked again... If there is going to be some assistance here for the majority of earth's human population it better come soon because this piece of crap we have in power is going to act very quickly.... He is a power hungry stooge just like the Fascists of old.... His name is not Bush or Clinton but his policy will be the same...if not worse....

  92. Cobra, Put the Cintamani stone at Standing Rock please. It's very urgent !!




  94. Nothing's Gonna Stop Us Now

    ACTIONS not words


  95. I have just received a message from my soul group. They warned that disclosure will happen soon and that it will be a very difficult time for humanity. People will begin freaking out once disclosure is finally achieved. What my soul group warned me of was the massive awakening that would take place and cause people to go mad. They warned me to stay safe during this time.

    Their messages come in dreams and intuitive thoughts in my mind. Dreams include visions amd symbolic language which I somehow understand the meaning of.

    In the dream I received, I was watching a YouTube video. In the video (in my dream) the person filming with a screen recorder was talking about and showing off their new website. Suddenly, the narrator got very silent as he scrolled down towards a GIF which was switching through different faces, the narrator started breathing heavily and circled over this unrecognizable face. I first saw the face of a grey, then it switched over to a face I didn't recognize, yet somehow did. My heart started pounding when I saw this face and I got very freightened and I woke up from the dream. This was a message from my soul group to be very careful in the chaos during the coming days, they are very excited about disclosure, yet mindful of all the events that have to take place beforehand. Stay safe everybody.

    As always,
    Much Love and Much Light - Peace Be With You
    ~ The Light Sharer

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.
