Thursday, October 12, 2017

Situation Update

Since October 11th, the Light Forces have begun to open decompression valves of the Tachyon membrane (outer barrier) at the heliopause.

This means that Ascension energies from the Galactic Center have begun to enter our Solar System for the first time since 1995 and the Light Forces are now focusing these energies into the sublunar space, thus accelerating the purification of the remaining plasma parasite entities that are still clinging to the surface of planet Earth:

Some of you might remember that before 1996, sublunar space was full of motherships of our positive space bother races, full of angels and positive beings of Light. Now the parasite plasmoids near the Earth surface have been cleared enough that a certain amount of the Pleiaidian fleet has returned to the sublunar space (hopefully permanently), without any possibility of triggering the remaining toplet bombs:

A large segment of the Chimera group has been removed from the planet in the last week and the remaining members are beginning to realize that their defeat is possible. One of their plans now is to allow limited Disclosure and limited space travel for humanity, allow the mass arrests of the Cabal, but hide any traces that would lead to them, leave the planet and hide somewhere in the Kuiper belt. Needless to say, this plan will not be successful.

They are now trying to control the Disclosure process through the following project, behind the scenes, without some members of the project even being aware of that:


Tom DeLonge, the leader of the project, is cooperating with John Podesta, and we all know what that means.

Diminishing power of the Chimera group is the main reason for many initiatives currently being carried out that will break the quarantine status of planet Earth sooner or later. The first one that succeeds will trigger an avalanche of more breakthroughs that might well be synchronized with the timing of the Event. These initiatives are NOT a prerequisite for the Event, but each positive initiative that pierces the Veil accelerates the process towards the Event.


This is the most promising one as it could become reality within less that a year:

There are many initiatives that could make travel beyond the surface of the planet more affordable:

When a certain critical mass of surface humans goes beyond the Veil, the Chimera will not be able to control the Disclosure and First Contact process anymore:

You can start piercing the Veil right now if you put your name on Mars:

Speaking of Mars, there are many initiatives that are attempting to put humans on the red planet in a few years:

Here on Earth, until then, there are many mass meditations in which you can participate:

Victory of the Light!


  1. Whoa, Nelly. Thanks for the update Cobra.

    1. No !Tom Delong ,group ,guided by sleaze ball John Padesta should tell you the rotten foundation of his new "Corporation"
      Ex deep state government employees from intelligence to skunk works ,scientists , talking about threatening ETs.
      Already beating war mongering in Space. Sorry TOM DELONG you need another Band .This Band of deep state guys Corporate (sign gag orders for all employees)they feed the public what they want you to hear.
      NO THANKS !
      Only Global OPEN SOURCE will do


  2. Let's begin again then :-)

    Begin The Benign

    Victory of Love and Light


  3. So many steps forward, this is great news. Light and love everyone. <3

    1. Yes it is nice to hear this update, thanks Cobra. It sounds like we are at least a year away from the Event, but that is still in the foreseeable future✨ Keep up the Light Work everyone

  4. Translated to spanish
    Traducido al castellano

  5. I've sent my name to Mars ;) Victory of the light!

  6. Cobra, You're baaaaaaaack !
    Thanks for letting us know all this positive stuff.

  7. Ahh the light breaks through! Things have felt so dark... thank you all 🙏🏼 We continue to support with daily meditations of the Toplet bombs and plasma clearing with the White AN light. Victory of the Light!

  8. Thank you Cobra. Interestingly nothing about Trump having the US military prepare for a first strike against North Korea. So I conclude his doings and intentions are not of any serious danger to the world and the mission (?)

  9. Great News and Progress! Victory of the Light!!!!!

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. On Friday 13th, October, 1307, King Philip IV of France, in league with Pope Clement V ordered all Templars to be rounded up and thrown in prison, including Jacques de Molay....wonder what they have in store for tomorrow, since we have a friday 13th on October again...

    1. 710 years ago
      71 and 17 are both prime numbers
      I posted the same idea in Cobras last post
      popcorn anyone?

  12. Just one minute before this article went up I had posted the GaiaPortal that Cobra mentioned (on the other thread.) Now, that's timing!

    Looking forward to GREEN LIGHT. Great news. Thank you Cobra.


    1. That was absolutely perfect Timing indeed, I love it so much!
      When I saw the UpDate on tuesday I wanted to share it but was told that "it's not time for that yet, kid. Not quite yet." - Okay.
      And now it got shared by not only you, Kate, but also by C.bra almost simultaneously.
      Now THAT is TIMING!

      I'll totally repeat what I just wrote on the other thread as well. Kenn' ich ja nix ;-)
      In 2014 I started my PC and to my huge surprise right there in the Firefox bookmarks was a brand-new link to a website that I had never seen before. The link was inserted on my computer overnight - and not by me. It was very obviously a gift from the Universe for me.
      And it was of course :-)

      Because of how it was given to me it is the only website I fully trust, and I love sharing their UpDates and am always happy when others on here share them. The more the better as I always say. When I first saw it, the site had 3.135 subscribers - by now they're up to 5.162 :-)
      And that doesn't include me; I don't subscribe to the site, it is my starting page. And I never close its tab.

      And now it's even become part of a Situation Update - you have got no idea how happy that makes me!
      It really is ALL Coming Together now!

      Thank you so much, everybody.

      We'll take it all Home now.

      Love, Light, Unity, Peace and Freedom for All and Forever



    2. And on the topic of Going Home:

      I was feeling part of the scenery
      I walked right out of the machinery
      My heart going boom, boom, boom
      "Hey," he said, "Grab your things
      I've come to take you home"
      Yeah, back home

      (. . . )

      Today I don't need a replacement
      I'll tell them what the smile on my face meant
      My heart going boom, boom, boom
      "Hey," I said, "You can keep my things
      They've come to take me home"

      So Let's GO HOME

      This is Peter Gabriel.
      The first song I learned by Heart because I loved it so much when I first heard it back in 1987.

      Solsbury Hill

      Love, Light, Unity, Peace and Freedom for All!


    3. Thanks for the music Rajah! Read your comments here and on the other thread. It's funny I saw the GaiaPortal a few days ago and didn't post it til yesterday. I can't remember how I came across the GaiaPortal website.

      I do remember how I came across Portal though. I was reading a David Icke forum (never posted there)and someone mentioned Cobra. They put a link, I went there (here) and the rest is history. Been here since the very beginning. Strange how we are lead to the sites we go to.

      Think we are pretty close to The Event now. My OH heard "January maxim" and it can't come soon enough! We just have to keep going. :)

  13. Funny, I received my cintamani stone a few days ago. = ) This is the beginning my friends. Sent chills up my spine reading this. Keep up the good work. Love and light to all!

    P.S. Anybody else feel a pillar of light emanating from the top of their head constantly and "tickling" the hair? I have a feeling this is relatively common...

    1. I do feel it too; sometimes it feels as if someone is playing with my hair :)

  14. thanks for the mass meditations everybody.

    Reports are coming in re. the Wine Country, California fires that "wind came out of nowhere"... and... "blue streaks" appeared in the sky and then the fires started.

    They seemed to start all at once, at about 11 pm or midnight, Sunday night, Oct 8.

    And this: Local county officials decided AGAINST warning everyone through cell phone alerts. They didn't want people to panic.

    I guess they wanted people to sleep?

    And power is out so fuel could not be pumped to the planes that do moisture/water dumps to put out the fires (though I understand some planes are there dumping water now).

    My body seems to feel it all: Hurricane Harvey, Irma, Las Vegas and now these fires.

    I am tired.

    1. Agreed I felt like this fire was an attack, I'm in Napa and I have a cintamani planted in my backyard, the fire could be seen in three directions from my house and with the wind you would have thought it would all burn, but the flames never got closer than what cobra said was the size of the angelic presence anchored to the stone,and so I would also say thank you everyone for the meditations,it's OK to be tired just don't stop being you.

  15. ¡Espero ver los cambios pronto!¡GRACIAS por la INFO!

  16. Why so much focus on space travel initiatives. I could care less about going to space when I have to worry about having a place to live and paying my bills. We should be focusing on initatives that feed the starving and housing the homeless. Getting rid of property taxes, building permits, buildind codes and regulations. Bringing back the homesteading act of 1862. We need to be focused on being grounded before flying off into space.

    1. Beloved Robert, there was exactly what I thought. What focus on advanced technologies that couldn't help us over the night. What we need are the advance medication (so many are suffering from cancer, etc), financial changes, governer, etc. The more local issue than space travel. You got my vote. I think the Light forces always got the sequence wrongly. Hahaha!

    2. @Robert Tomkinson,
      Thank You, brother!
      Exactly what I've been saying for years. After going through ALL these sufferings, why leave Earth when it's SAFE? Our priority should be staying here -ON EARTH - and healing, cleansing, rebuilding our society and the NEW Atlantis. And that is exactly what I PROMISED I'll do! I don't think there's a better, a more enchanting and magical place than our tiny "blue dimond" Terra. I'm in LOVE with HER!!

    3. Because we need to the event for that to happen. 😘 And we need to go beyond the veil.

    4. is about making the rest of the population to start thinking beyond the current parameters.. via the playbook. we r not out of bondage so those initiatives have to be in line w the current paradigm.

      frankly.. better to see this than another year hearing about the flatearth mambo jumbo....

      is like those working on those elusive free energy products... is meant to bring people out of the complacency state.. if they get it working of course.

      us telling people about secret space programs is not mainstream yet for people to believe...
      at least these initiative r out there in the mainstream.. n that is progress.

    5. recall.. the bad guys sabotaged those previous rocket launching attempts... so that step was obviously a threat to their plan...

      if is going to happened.. or allowed to happen.. is not that the threat for them is gone.. is just that they will use such avenue to try to escape...

      lets see.. they just change avatar as one of the crew members or buy tickets like everyone else to first destination.. hook up with their contact.. (probably someone still infiltrated among the good guys up in one of those stations... etc etc n proceed with next redezvous point.

      however pikachu will be there to apprehend them.

    6. I want off this planet and explore the stars.
      Some of us never found earth to be home.

      There's a universe out there and I need to see it.

    7. Brave people, have you thought that if you were rid of etheric implants, all your economic, social, and relational system would turn round.
      And these implants you wear them for tens of thousands of years

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I'm not sure why you don't find this encouraging...the message is quite positive about the dissolution of the remaining plasma parasites and piercing of the veil. Remember a previous update described the deactivation of the 'Evil Lodestone' that lived underground in Long Island. . No one can ever give you an exact date. Some of us have been waiting since before 2012. We are definitely making progress. hugs!

  18. So does this mean the Event won't happen in 2017?


    1. One moment,... be quiet,...

      You may have part of it...

      arrests enmasse, disclosure,... space initiatives...
      as resulting from the post


    2. You will not have the Compression Breakthrou, all at once,... you will have it 'by pieces',...

      What's the matter?

    3. Certains clairvoyants pensaient Novembre de cette années, mais maintenant, plutôt vers Avril.


  20. I have a little question about the piercing of the Veil. If i already signed for the Asgardia space colony, is it helping to pierce the Veil too?


    1. No! Asgardia is still under construction...

      Ask rather Cobra and RM to open a list to subscribe on pleiadean fleet who is beyond the veil...

      This is what must to be done now!...

    2. Vos sauveurs d'aujourd'hui, sont vos bourreaux de hier. Soyez prudents dans vos retrouvailles.
      L'habitude ne fait pas le moine, et "Quasimodo" est moins dangereux que "Fraulo"

  21. I honor all of those in the RM, Galactic Federation, all of our star family and ESPECIALLY those of us who came here to brave this reality.

    I intend there will be many more ballads like this written of our cause and our determination to see this through!


    doing a slow dance to the fate of the earth, planted a seed of fire in her womb for a clean rebirth
    shadow figures don’t pass go, straight to the dirt, indivisible hearts connect likened to a pace-maker verse
    So it’s safe to say it works, give em heaven for their troubles
    Im making a case for the pain to be a learning lesson puzzle
    I lost half a million at 23 and wouldn’t change a thing
    Clawed my way out of that black hole with the strength to save a king
    So now I’m broke and I love it for the way it raised the tone I sing
    To be grateful to have what matters and avoid the gravity of consumering
    Yea I’m hip to the cause, with $20 IN MY POCKEETTT
    the dark shows over so i give em applause
    unbeknownst to most living with jaws lost in the depths of the sea
    straw men resurrecting birth certificates to let the freedom ring, youll see
    Like 10/10 vision, yea it’s as clear as can be
    their hell-bent for prison, the soul recyclings free
    I send them love when their going down with the ship they seized
    gangsters with lost souls in a dark navy - u.s.s. apollo G’s
    Get it? Ha? Man it’s time to dance
    The birth of a new earth the whole globes romanced
    heaven holds those plans we came to unfold like pants
    fresh out the wash, getting our fair cher like sonny bono man
    Damn, doesn’t it feel so good? To know you came here to feel misunderstood
    and to feel confused and experience the tough
    just to turn it on its head and say enoughs enough
    fliped the script now once lost boys & girls are flying high on fairy dust
    from a Chinese dong and dim sum in hong kong
    to a Jamaican rasta and his billy-bong
    to a native American dance or a French romance
    a Russian roulette where every contestant had to stand for the resitance’s chance
    If the devils in details I guess God was the plan
    throw em for a loop like a boomerang, self inflicted dam,nation
    the flood waters released true power in the form of truth in hand
    the shadows easily spotted hiding like that little man behind the cur-tain
    To the truth of hu-mans, star dusted DnA in a unified stance
    only misguided judges get a cell in this new family plan
    a family of different colors, creeds and breeds
    we cut off the cancerous actors and seized the deeds
    Truth setting us free and the loves pouring in
    star families from the sky come to reheart us of our cosmic origins
    the new earth is teeming with the potential of infinity
    a limitless evolution in your mirror sense divinity


  22. "One of their plans now is to allow limited Disclosure and limited space travel for humanity, allow the mass arrests of the Cabal, but hide any traces that would lead to them, leave the planet and hide somewhere in the Kuiper belt. Needless to say, this plan will not be successful."

    LOL Run and hide is their brilliant last-ditch effort, huh?

    My my what you Chimera have reduced yourselves to. Shame.

    Oh well, I guess we will be having our Planet back now. Thank you for the invaluable lesson(s). One of our own, coming up! Please accept this gift with all our Love!


  23. A very positive update for sure. We were told once the black stone was gone (it is) and once yaldoboath is gone Event can be triggered, so now Galactic Central Sun light is also hitting the veil and sublunar areas..does this mean we are close like very close to Event?? Thanks for any replies. Victory of the Light

    1. I am glad your hope has been restored.

  24. I hope and pray that what you say is correct Cobra about the return of the 'angelic' ones finally. I so enjoyed working with them very closely in 1996-97-98. By 1999 we thought we had made the big breakthrough, then suddenly they were no longer around, and we slipped backwards a bit...but continued to raise the planet in frequency nevertheless. How I miss those days of direct communication with them and their wonderful joy and tremendous sense of humor. Since then my topside 'handlers' have been of much lower vibration, not to fault them, but their technology is definitely inferior.

  25. (Part 1 of 2)

    Would anyone here be willing to loan me some money, so that I can go to the Tachyon Healing Chamber in Virginia? I have had a chronic painful ear condition for 2 years now with no medical cure (other than a risky surgery). It is an inner ear condition (behind the ear drum) called tonic tensor tympani syndrome, and the two worst symptoms I have been experiencing are plugged ears 24/7 (like you get on an airplane), as well as hyperacusis, which is literally physical pain in relation to all sound.

    Last year was the worst, and I literally could not handle the sound of my own voice or even running water without experiencing major physical pain, so much as music. It felt like burning acid in my ears and running down my cheeks. I remember when I dropped a knife on the ground, and how traumatic the sound of that was for me. I spent days in my bed cowering in pain. Also when my dad's iPhone was ringing. I came really close to suicide due to this condition. And considering music is my number 1 passion, you can imagine how awful that was for me. I saw two ear doctors at the time, and they said they saw nothing wrong. :(

    I began a slow recovery process over the span of months following one session with a Biocharger machine, but I could not afford to keep traveling, especially since I don't drive.

    I also have been abused by my mom who has Narcissistic Personality Disorder for the entire 24+ years of my existence, as has my sister who is 30. We are both still living here and the abuse is still ongoing. I have recordings over the span of 2 years now that I can offer as proof, although the yelling and abusive language is in Russian and Ukrainian. I have never had an entire month of my life free of yelling and abusive language. My dad is awesome, but he does struggle to make the ends meet, while my mom doesn't work, and just whines and complains and fabricates lies. Someone always has to be to blame, and not her.

    As you can imagine, I have a lot of PTSD and trauma and anxiety I have to recover from. I have had friendships destroyed, and an awful public school experience. I struggle with thoughts of suicide on a daily basis, but just cannot bring myself to do it. I do want to stay alive. These feelings are not chemical, but very much purely to do with my environment. When I finally had the chance to spend a few days at my best friend's place back in June, I had the best few days of my life. Unfortunately, they are currently dealing with a family emergency and living somewhere else.

    All I ever wanted to do was make music and change the world with my music. I have music come to me into my head that literally no one else is doing.

  26. This is the greatest news yet. Thank you Cobra for making my day - otherwise things are starting to happen now. Today I heard for the first time from a presenter in a military conference acknowledged that some of the Nazi war criminals did not face the Nuremberg war tribunal but were brought to America and elsewhere. We already knew this but being stated in a place like this and event like this was fascinating.

  27. (Part 2 of 2) Continued from previous comment

    I had a check someone gave me recently for $2,500, but unfortunately he gave me a faulty one and it ended up reversing, so I don't have the money anymore. He told me to take the money out of my credit union account before it reversed, but the legality of such a thing had me feeling uncomfortable, to say the least. By the time I had decided to do it, it was too late anyway.

    I have spent money already to buy a non-refundable Greyhound ticket to Charlottesville, Virginia, which is near Waynesboro where the Tachyon Healing Chamber is. I would like it to not go to waste.

    I do make AT LEAST $60 a month, and within a few months could be making a lot more, but I cannot stand the waiting anymore. I am suffering every day, and wish to heal and have direction in my life. I can explain about my income further in private.

    I tried applying for a loan at my credit union, but I got rejected, as I do not have any established credit.

    My email is (just copy and paste it), and I would be glad to provide my phone number there as well.

    I will shortly be creating a GoFundMe account, and I will post the link here when I do, but I figured I would immediately ask here first. I am at my wit's end here, and I figured someone here would understand and may be willing to work something out. I promise to be 100% honest and transparent. I am fed up of complaining and feeling stuck in my life, and I figured it would not hurt to ask for help, especially since we are all on the same page here with our beliefs in this kind of technology.

    One last thing I would like to add, the Virginia clinic added a new healing modality at no extra cost called the Andromedian Hilographic Projector, invented by Dr. Fred Bell, which is supposed to be really powerful for manifesting purposes. I certainly intend to put this to use, which is another major reason I want to get to the Tachyon Healing Chamber already.

    Thank you for reading and considering. And apologies for my previous outbursts in the comment section. I really am sorry. I just want to be a source of encouragement for others, especially those closest to me. At this point, this is not so much about me, but about my loved ones. Peace and love.

    1. I think you are precious and I'd give you all my money if I had any. I have the feeling things will work out for you though, and I shall put forth my intentions to help you. It's not much, but it's all I've got. Hang in there sweetheart. Where there is a will, there is a way. I hope some day to hear the music that has been brewing in your brains for so long 💞

    2. @ Psychedelicpiper
      I just posted a reply considering this issue. Please take a look at it.

    3. @CydniPhoenix I appreciate the fact that you took the time to reply to me. It appears everyone else is so fed up of me and my story, they are pretty much ignoring me now.

      Oh man, how I would love to see someone else handle being in my shoes for a day, for a week, for a month, for years. Most would barely last a few hours, yet i have had to deal with it for my entire life. They cannot handle a few very mild temper tantrums from me in the comments, yet I have to handle the worst possible verbal abuse imaginable several times a week, with never an entire month free of it for my entire existence on this planet.

      I will always remember the feeling I got from others when I finally tell my story to the public, in some distant future. The problem is most people believe I am exaggerating. They need me to be successful and for things to be 'official' to finally get around to expressing empathy. And that is what really hurts the most. To have one's pain go unrecognized. It's a big reason I wish I never came on this planet.

      I appreciate the fact that you do believe me, though, and that you would offer help if you could. It seems like the people who are actually struggling with something are the ones who understand.

      I also believe the dark forces are constantly monitoring and targeting me, sabotaging my life. It would take a miracle for me to actually receive help. The lack of replies on this post is solid proof of that. But hey, I guess I will still give things a try with that GoFundMe campaign.

      Thank you for your intentions, I need as much help as I can get. I will post my GoFundMe or something similar shortly. Peace and love.

    4. You do not need money, Psychedelicopter, you have an urgent need to get rid of hearing assaults from some people. It is these people who provoke your chronic otitis, and if you do not manage to "cut the sound" with these people, your ears will be destroyed, especially the left; then react and shout your anger in a voice gate, when someone verbally assaults you

  28. Yeah. Always optimistic, as i am a pleiadian star seed. But I'm with a lot of you. I'm never really seeing the light at the end of the tunnel with these updates. Seems like the timing for the possible breakthrough of the event is always close, then so far away... that mars mission that is taking names to pierce the veil doesn't event start till may of 2018. What happened to the talk about towards end of the year for the event? These updates give positive aspects but still seem to leave a hole in us and leave us questioning if it will ever happen... I know the truth, so giving up isn't an option but this game is old.

    1. Agreed. I don't understand why The Event cannot happen already, while saving ET disclosure for a later date. In fact, I assumed this was what was going to happen.

  29. I guess that explains the Trump/Kissinger meeting

  30. Two things to note:
    1.) In this March 2017 post Cobra stated:

    “Now there are only about 180 members of the Chimera group left on the planet. They are a small and yet very powerful and dangerous group that maintains the quarantine status of planet Earth through a top quark-antiquark condensate located in Long Island, tied to plasma toplet bombs.”

    Then, in the August Unity Meditation report Cobra stated:
    “The Light Forces were very active in the last few months to remove the Black Stone, and our Unity Meditation gave the needed energy support for the final push, and now the Black Stone is nearly gone. It will be completely cleared within a week, and all anomaly associated with it within a month. When that happens, the RHIC collider on Long Island will lose any meaning for the Chimera Group and they will stop using it. Thus it will become just one of many colliders around the world, incapable of doing serious harm to humanity. All this has put around 80 remaining members of the Chimera Group into the panic mode. Two groups of them have already left Long Island, feeling that their location is now too notorious.”

    And today’s post:
    “A large segment of the Chimera group has been removed from the planet in the last week and the remaining members are beginning to realize that their defeat is possible.”

    This most powerful and weaponized group’s numbers have gone from 180 in March, to 80 in August, to some number less than 80 as of last week. This seems significant.

    2.) For further reference to today’s post, post Cobra once stated:

    “The Resistance defines sublunar space as the space below the Moon orbit and above the orbit of the lowest man-made orbiting satellites.”

    1. En 2017, les chimères sont plusieurs milliers et pas 180 entités...

  31. Also reading this makes it seem, that we can't expect the breakthrough until we see people physically travel to space...???

    1. is just another way to puncture the veil... unless out there is a hallogram.. it would or should open peoples eyes.

    2. My guess is, Cobra points out about possible space travel which could be an approach to First Contact, because First Contact is Nummer 1 of things Chimera absolutely does not want, as this would be the End of their control. It does not mean the Event could not happen before we have all been to Mars. I suppose he just wants to spread hope in giving some real evident that tabu areas like real spacetravel officially are treated different than a few years ago which could convince us that drastic progress musst have been made behind the scenes already.

  32. I signed up to help open the veil! A long long time ago as well 💖;) Thank you for the good update!

  33. Aloha Everyone,

    I’ve been following Cobra for many years. I haven’t commented here for various reasons but it is time for me to speak out. One of the main reasons I’m guided to share this with you now is to reassure those who doubt that progress is being made behind the scenes.

    Like many of you, from a young age, I knew I was here for a very important purpose, or mission. I’ve called Hawaii my home for over 2o years and worked as a holistic doctor for the same amount of time. I’ve been training with our Kahunas and working with sacred sites for a long time.

    About one year ago, my mission became clear. At first, it was to establish a cintamani grid in Hawaii. Once I started, I sensed that Maui needed a robust grid. So I placed stones on Maui, Lanai, the Au’au channel between Lanai and Maui, along with a couple other locations in the oceans here.

    A few weeks before the eclipse, Cobra left some intel for me during the Taiwan conference. Like most of you, I’m not privy to the meaning of the coded messages. Nonetheless, he leaves “bread crumbs” for people like me. The intel was that the 2 largest cabal radar installations are located on Diego Garcia and Maui.

    I approached the Unknown Light Warrior (ULW) with this information, which we both considered to be actionable intelligence. We hatched a plan to reopen the portal in Haleakala before the eclipse to allow as much light to penetrate to the surface. We knew we were on target when we were both severely attacked just one day before this mission, nearly disrupting our plan. By the way, there is a grid connection between the portal at Haleakala and the Congo portal. They are antipodes (opposite points on the surface).

    It was a very challenging task, lasting many hours. Fortunately, with the help of the cintamani grid here, the Light Mandala rainbow Star, and our ascended teams, we were able to open the portal and establish contact with one of our higher dimensional families, specifically the Arcturians. On the morning of the eclipse, I saw definite confirmation of success.

    I’m sure that there were many other light warriors doing similar work ahead of time as well. We are akin to Special Forces that go in before a major tactical maneuver begins. Hence, my necessary silence due to the sensitive nature of our missions. Not to mention that I needed a month to recover from the backlash aimed directly at the ULW and me.
    Part 2 to follow

  34. Now that I survived, there is no need for secrecy. We also did soul retrieval after the Las Vegas event, which led to soul retrieval for Maldek and her beings. An event like that or a nuclear detonation is a multi-dimensional event, which fragments the souls and sends them to limbo. It also creates a psychic wound to all those who survived.

    The fear created by this event, which is still remembered in our DNA, has been perpetuated by the nuclear fear, pandemic biological fear, and even the fear of toplet bombs, which is the main obstruction to compression breakthrough. The higher dimensional beings can’t intervene as much as we want due to this threat. Many of us consider this to be top priority for mass meditations aside from acute events such as the Las Vegas tragedy.

    I am here to tell all of you that there is indeed much going on behind the scenes, even if we don’t hear about it. After such missions, the dust needs to settle before anyone can assess the situation and provide updates. This is one reason why intel can be sporadic.

    My unsolicited advice is to get out of the ego mind control mechanisms as much as possible. Cooperate with others even if you don’t agree on all the details. Read between the lines when you read posts from Cobra, etc. Continue to meditate, but also act locally! Plant cintamani stones. Be kind to EVERYONE. You never know if the homeless guy you see every day on your way to work is actually a very powerful being, hobbled by scalar attacks. And laugh!!! I watch funny animal videos several times per week for a good laugh.

    Currently, I am offering affordable remote healing sessions using the Mandala Light systems in conjunction with the Russian healing pyramids. If you are interested, please go to:

    Blessings to all. Victory of the Light and honor to the ground crew!

    Warm Regards,

    Dr. Mike

    "We may have all come on different ships, but we're in the same boat now."
    Martin Luther King, Jr.

  35. Great news but we have to keep meditating for the Compression Breakthrough, i will not rest until i know the Chimera is gone for good, cause as in Asgardian, I'm Ready to be in space as soon as possible.

    Transformed or disappear your choice.

  37. sounds like mothafuckin checkmate! I'm SO ready!!

  38. I'm so Confused, if the chimera know with 100% certainty that they will be defeated, then why don't the light forces just trigger the Event this very second, the plasma toplet bombs will not be triggered, and if they were triggered the Light Forces have the technology to stop it from spreading and eliminate it, Cobra, Resistance Movement, Galactic Confederation, Ascended Masters, and Source, please, please, please, trigger the Event now, it is no longer necessary to delay the Event a second longer, We have defeated the Chimera, it's time now to trigger the Evebt and Start the Mass arrests, and Begin the Full Disclosure through the Media, I speak on behalf of all of the Awakened Population when I say that we are ready Source, please send the galactic pulse beacon and trigger the Event, please I'm Begging you , I can't wait any longer, this global suffering of humanity must end now Source, we are your children Father Source, do you not feel our pain? Do you not see us suffering? Do you not see us crying? Do you not see us Praying to you and begging to save us from the Evil Chimera/Archons/Yaldabaoth/Primary Anomaly? We are tired Father , I am tired, I write this with tears running down my face, because I am overwhelmed with this pain in my heart, with the suffering that I live through everyday of my life, I'm tired of these Evil ones destroying our lives, our planet, corrupting our hearts, corrupting our minds, corrupting our soul, 25,000 years is enough these Evil ones don't deserve another second on this Earth, they must all be removed this very second, I refuse to live on the same planet that these evil ones are living, they have no place in this world, and they need to be all removed now Father, We are ready, All of your children our ready, I AM ready NOW, Send the Galactic Pulse Father, I beg of you please, give me relief from my suffering, give humanity relief from our suffering.

    1. *hugs* I so understand you. Read the 2-part comments I posted telling my story. I'm trying to get a loan to the Tachyon Healing Chamber, because I can't stand the suffering in my life anymore either. I'm pretty much over expecting The Event to happen anytime soon. I wish The Event would happen just as much as you do, but it seems to fall on deaf ears.

      I experience PTSD, depression, anxiety, and suicidal feelings on a daily basis. Have to listen to yelling and verbal abuse on a weekly basis. And I struggle with physical pain and chronic illness, as well. And I'm isolated from my friends due to distance and lack of money.

      The Light Forces, for better or worse, are taking their time, and I can understand why they are, I guess, from their perspective. I'm sure they are really frustrated themselves, and working long hours. I don't know what else to say, other than I really feel for you and empathize. I wish no one had to suffer. Hang in there.

    2. Message to Psychedelicpiper:
      It is not permitted to bear such a condition without undertaking a minimum of exercises of reparation for all these sufferings. So, at least, do some sungazing before the sun goes down, and exercises with visualizing the colors in the body physics. This does not require any financial investment, and these are two effective techniques that I use regularly in times of discouragement

    3. You have to understand the nature of your opponents, to estimate the complexity of the situation. The chimeras are like samurai, and they will never surrender. preferring to do SEPPUKU, if they know they are defeated. So in order not to have their Hara-kiri, encompass this land and its humanity, they must be defeated at once and globally. This is a delicate operation that will require a little time, but not too much anyway

  39. I'm so Confused, if the chimera know with 100% certainty that they will be defeated, then why don't the light forces just trigger the Event this very second, the plasma toplet bombs will not be triggered, and if they were triggered the Light Forces have the technology to stop it from spreading and eliminate it, Cobra, Resistance Movement, Galactic Confederation, Ascended Masters, and Source, please, please, please, trigger the Event now, it is no longer necessary to delay the Event a second longer, We have defeated the Chimera, it's time now to trigger the Evebt and Start the Mass arrests, and Begin the Full Disclosure through the Media, I speak on behalf of all of the Awakened Population when I say that we are ready Source, please send the galactic pulse beacon and trigger the Event, please I'm Begging you , I can't wait any longer, this global suffering of humanity must end now Source, we are your children Father Source, do you not feel our pain? Do you not see us suffering? Do you not see us crying? Do you not see us Praying to you and begging to save us from the Evil Chimera/Archons/Yaldabaoth/Primary Anomaly? We are tired Father , I am tired, I write this with tears running down my face, because I am overwhelmed with this pain in my heart, with the suffering that I live through everyday of my life, I'm tired of these Evil ones destroying our lives, our planet, corrupting our hearts, corrupting our minds, corrupting our soul, 25,000 years is enough these Evil ones don't deserve another second on this Earth, they must all be removed this very second, I refuse to live on the same planet that these evil ones are living, they have no place in this world, and they need to be all removed now Father, We are ready, All of your children our ready, I AM ready NOW, Send the Galactic Pulse Father, I beg of you please, give me relief from my suffering, give humanity relief from our suffering.

    1. Nobody has defeated the Chimera, and only the ET fleets can do it. No need to look up, at that moment, because the ground will tremble very strong, under your feet, and therefore you will know that this is the beginning of the general liberation

  40. Thanks a lot, Cobra, for the good news!

    >>A large segment of the Chimera group has been removed from the planet in the last week and the remaining members are beginning to realize that their defeat is possible<<.

    Wonderful news! Although I had my own assumptions, and thoughts about the events happening.... But that news explains a lot! That's why they're triggering all the chaos and insanity, especially, in the USA. It explains the official, open Kissinger and Trump meeting, and many more "circus" played behind the curtain.

    But if we look carefully, we can see NOW a spark of "CoBra" Light at the end of the long and dark tunnel, moving towards us......

    Our patience and HOPE make us even stronger, and more powerful than we were before. So please, let us BE a little more patient, and more proactive.

    1. You are spot on, but it does not mean it can't happen tomorrow love.

  41. The way I intetpret this is that the event is still pretty far away...


    1. The end of the Event, but it's start (arrests a.o.) may be tomorrow...
      It's unfolding may last longer

    2. Then wish fornit now love. (:

  42. Thank you!
    By the way, I am sorry for putting unpleasant story in between, but in Japan it is now in the midst of election to choose members of the diet. There is a possibility that illegal election (manipulation of vote) will be held this time, too. It will adversely affected the political situation of Japan.

    The lighting of the green lights is a good thing, so I'm happy, too. However, we Japanese must pay attention to this election so that the situation will not get worse.

    I do not know whether paying attention to Japan's fraud election is one of the tasks of the light forces. But if it is possible, I would like them to engage in this issue.

    The voting day is October 22 in Japan time. Thank you.

  43. So we have to pierce the veil (physically) to trigger the event...?? my oh my things always seem to get further away

    1. I hope that is not what Cobra is saying. Technically, shouldn't go to a Tachyon Healing Chamber be equivalent to piercing the veil? So that means just more of us have to go to one? Or perhaps Cobra is saying our space programs are necessary for positive ET's to be able to finally reveal themselves to the public. But can't The Event already happen before that? That is what puzzles me.

  44. Victory Dance 432Hz

  45. I know Tom DeLonge has been pushing and researching this information for years. I did find it odd however this all out of all sudden this stunt or what ever came out of no where. Now it makes whoops sense. :)

  46. Sorry but I dont understand that:
    "When a certain critical mass of surface humans goes beyond the Veil, the Chimera will not be able to control the Disclosure and First Contact process anymore:", "humans goes beyond the Veil"!! So does it mean now to pierce the Veil or more exaclty trigger Event we not only have to remove toplet bombs but also send people in space! Does it mean that we not only have to meditate but also create some space agency? Im confused, I though that Event happens before discolsure? After removing remains bombs Solar flash occurs triggered by Source and we have reset of system, not we put you on rocket and pray to god no one shoot you down! Sorry but either is to early for my mind to digest it or its a change in narrative


    1. You have to consider it this way:

      "humans goes beyond the Veil"!!

      So, it means now to pierce the Veil or more exaclty trigger Event we not only have to remove toplet bombs but also send people in space!

      It mean that the time is right to meditate
      in order to help Cobra and RM to create some space agency, yes!

      I'm not confused, because I understand now that Event happens not necesarly before discolsure, or that it can also happen between the partial and the full disclosure!

      I see that there is no longer a big deal the removing remains bombs, I do not longer await endless the Solar flash... but to stand up and ask for our own space agency, because I trust our initiative will be considered by RM and LF!

      Sorry but it is not at all too early for my mind to digest, I don't consider it as a change in narrative,
      but I ask RM, Cobra and Plejadeans to have at disposal their own space agency, and to make the list of subscription Asap!

    2. I have a feeling just going to a Tachyon Healing Chamber clinic would accomplish this. Someone correct me if I'm wrong here.

    3. dear, i believe he is talking more about the veil inside, like dissolving that chip that keep us feeling separated from the source. don't worry about the outside, do your own inner work, cause you know, there's no separation. when you work on you you're doing the same to everyone else.

      lots of love for you!

    4. What you call the event is, first of all, the wave coming from the galactic eye, and it is this wave that will destroy the veil.While this first wave has not reached us, (there will be three), no modification will be made to the status of "archontic food" of the homo sapiens, and the coalition forces of the Cabal will continue to control the planet with an iron hand.

      This event was scheduled for 05/11/2017, since a year, but since 23/09, it seems to be shifted a few months, because blacks are experts in the art of modifying the LINES OF TIME


  47. "their plans now is to allow limited Disclosure and limited space travel for humanity, allow the mass arrests of the Cabal"

    Cobra, look here... if there is allowed limited space travel for humanity,... then let's Plejadeans come and keep us one by one...

    We want to put our names to RM rather than to

    1. Yeah, I kind of feel sketched out about giving my name to NASA, honestly. It's unnecessary, imo.

    2. Mars is under full control of the forces of light for several years now. do not be distracted by chimerical ads. The fight is here and now


  48. Cobra, you have opened a box... you even don't imagine what...

    You will no longer even get rid of us...

    1. We have already put a too much amount of energy here, and there is already a too much energetic ling to RM and Pleadeans, so that in unpropper to try to move us from here towards another initiative.


  49. Send messages to massmeditation open a meditation for an initiative of RM and Plejadean Fleet for subscription.

    For many of us, our place is here! and Cobra should understand it.
    Nor is it on Asgardia, neither in

    We have already a too much amount of energy put here, and there is already a too much energetic ling to RM and Pleadeans, so that in unpropper to try to move us from here towards another initiative.

    Letters to RM must be given on PFC webpage!

    They have to repurpose a bit and develop their own initiative, at least for us, and... later for many other newcomers.

    A page of letters to plejadean fleet must be also be opened beside of the page for letters to RM.


  50. What we find out in this post looks, in a metaphoric way, like a partial uncover with undecided circumstances of the full uncovering...


  51. Cobra, but you have also a tachyon membrane (the inner) inside the Moon orbite. When would you break it, too?

  52. Well as sounds good but we shall see


  53. "Since October 11th, the Light Forces have begun to open decompression valves of the Tachyon membrane (outer barrier) at the heliopause.

    This means that Ascension energies from the Galactic Center have begun to enter our Solar System for the first time since 1995 . . . "

    Are you serious? 'Cause if you are that would mean that the "light forces" have been blocking incoming energies for over 20 years, right?
    Really? Well, if that's true then no thanks for that.
    I'm not even gonna get into the "billionaire-funded space travel required" to send "a certain critical mass of humans beyond the veil" to maybe, someday, if-it-seems-right trigger the Event.

    I'm sorry and I'm not sorry. I've said it a few times before: I'm a stickler for details, and the details in the story being told on here do not add up at all. And they haven't for over three years now.

    Gosh, I'm glad I mainly come here to just write my things that need to be said and not pay too much attention to the ever-changing narrative...

    It is what it is.

    I'm The Ocean


    1. I think there were 2 barriers, chimera first then LF completed another around that one for containment around 2015. Can't recall off hand if we heard about the chimeras one being removed though. Cobra has said the LF support all potential positive narratives so it doesn't meet humanity has to wait until branson sends his piece of crap in to space. Chimera will play by the rules if winning, when losing they will pay, destroy, kill to keep control, so technically all these space things do is raise humanity consciousness a tiny bit with potentials. Certainly we won't be waiting for a "private" space agency.

      Also maybe they don't want to take down their barrier completely as the virus might escape, so they want to try and 'cook it' where it is, here earth, archon's, yalda e.t.c.

    2. @Artist formally known as Dave: excellent comment


    3. I see.
      I guess I'll buy that explanation concerning "the barrier(s)" for now. Let's hope it turns out to be true in the end.

      I still stand by what I said earlier: Much of what has been written on here doesn't add up and/or make much sense when you follow the story and pay attention to details over the years.
      To make this VERY CLEAR:I'm not blaming you, C.bra, you're only the messenger.
      It ain't your fault that the messages you've been sent have been faulty sometimes.

      As you have said yourself: There was some shocking, totally unexpected contamination of intel at even the highest levels of the Light Forces and Resistance in the past.
      So I cannot completely trust your intel, sorry. I trust My Higher Self and My Heart, and they both tend to disagree with your posts sometimes. I only accept 100 per cent Truth, 90 per cent just won't do it for me in this stage of The End Game.
      Sorry, 'bra. Please don't take it personal. I know you only mean well.

      It is what it is.

      Let us agree to disagree on some things, 'bra, but we'll never stop believing in the Final Victory of The Light!

      Love, Light, Unity, Peace and Freedom for All


    4. I really appreciate your honesty here Raj, as I have many unanswered questions myself. I've heard several times that what is being done here hasn't been tried before. That means it's going to rub some of us the wrong way, plain and simple. Please continue to be open and honest (you are SO GOOD AT IT) even if it might ruffle feathers. You are a beacon in the dark, and many people find comfort and safety through you. You don't even know, but you will 💞

    5. No offense here Cobra, you are doing an fabolous job. What I don't get is the way you sometimes put your situation updates together. It creates much confusion. For example:

      Diminishing power of the Chimera group is the main reason for many initiatives currently being carried out that will break the quarantine status of planet Earth sooner or later. The first one that succeeds will trigger an avalanche of more breakthroughs that might well be synchronized with the timing of the Event."

      Many will Interpret your phrasing that these initiatives of private space programs will break the quarantine status of planet earth.. of course you could say that everyone should use their own discernement.. but honestly It just creates more confusion and frustration (at least for me). We just don't have any clue about what is really happening and what are the real triggers for the breaktrough. We are just expected to follow our mission (whatever that may be, in my case I have no clue whatsoever) and meditate en masse... sorry but I cannot even begin to tell you how frustrating that is!!

      On the other hand, I must say that the energies seem to be really high these las few weeks.. I feel very elevated and connected with "higher reality" in quite times.. so thank you for that LF!

    6. @Beck Jack, I fully agree with what you say. My personal reason for freaking out on this intel was my personal outdated vision how The Event will unfold. It was based on old Cobra post 2014 and older so I now after time understand that many of those things could change just like situation here on Gaia,

      I had a false belive that The Event will look like:
      1.Solar flash created from the Source after signal from M87 (
      2.Short before or short after that flash a mass arrest of Cabal which lead to financial depression creating financial reset.
      3. Trials of Cabal members and then advancing Disclosure
      4.1-2 years after that a first contacts begins.

      But now I realized that maybe saying to most people to read old post arent good cause could create perplexity.

      I still remember RM2m anybody else?

      OR how the Omega grind was the only factor preventing Event:

      But it was before we learned about Stranglet and Toplets bombs, before we learned about Chimera, then Yaldaboth and black stone,

      So ITS IMPORTANT to remember everything changes even masterplan for our ascesion.


    7. @CydniPhoenix and All:

      Thank you for your kind words of encouragement. I will continue doing what I'm meant to be doing till the happy end for us all. And that#s a Promise.

      You are right, what We are doing here has never been done before. In each and every single Universe in existence the goal is always to transform the dark into Light - and that is ALWAYS achieved.
      Now, over here in our little Universe things are a bit different than ever before because The Source of "our" Universe decided that "the transformation can be achieved faster." To which all other Sources just looked wide-eyed, shook their heads and said "You're Nuts!" - "I know I am. But it can be done."

      So the dark got more "power" and a bigger heads-up than in any other Universe, and that's why things are so bad in this final stage of The End Game here on Gaia. Our Source has made it Her goal to complete the transformation of dark into Light one FULL CIRCLE faster than has ever happened before. Not just to prove a point or as an ego-trip but to help future Universes clear out the dark faster as well.

      So yes, much of what is happening here is completely new because it has never been done before in the history of existing Universes.
      Amd all of US have volunteered to be the players in this game - ALL of YOU are SUPERSTARS!

      And We will show the Multiverse that The Source is right: It can be done. And it WILL be done.

      NO SURRENDER :-)



    8. Finally, here is someone who follows his own logic. not current on this site

    9. Good remark. It should not be forgotten that the Pleiadians themselves participated in the construction of the quarantine barrier, without worrying too much about the fate of all the contaminated fish that would be imprisoned in the trap


  54. Cobra, you have missed among the labels of this post "cobra space program"...

    Repost it so:

    Posted by Cobra at 2:53 PM

    Labels: Chimera, Pleiadians, PrisonBreak, Veil, Cobra Space Program,

    This is where we will subscribe, to pierce the veil: the Cobra Space Program

    You have it also labeled in previous posts:

    Posted by Cobra at 9:25 AM

    Labels: Cintamani, Cobra space program, Yaldabaoth


  55. Is important for mass arrests to unfold, regardless of anything...

    A space prison must be established.
    It will also contribute to the piercing of the veil due to the prisoners awaiting for back on earth.

    It will also 'rebalance' in a way their past actions due to they piercing the veil, built up by some of them in previous life times...


  56. AN OPEN LETTER TO COBRA, RM, and Pleiadian Fleet:

    A mass meditation must be open with a meditation for an initiative of RM and Plejadean Fleet for subscription.

    For many of us, our place is here! (alongside with Cobra, RM, and Plejadean Fleet) and Cobra should understand it.
    At this stage of development, nor is it on Asgardia, neither is it in

    We have already a too much amount of energy put here (alongside with Cobra, RM, and Plejadean Fleet), and there is already a too much energetic ling to RM and Plejadeans, so that it looks unpropper to try to move us from here towards another initiative.

    This energetic link passes already through the veil.

    Letters of call to RM must be given on PFC webpage!

    They have to repurpose a bit and develop their own initiative, at least for us, and... later for many other newcomers.

    Labels with "Cobra space program" were found in Cobra's previous posts.

    A page of letters to plejadean fleet must be also be opened beside of the page for letters to RM.

    With kindest regards.

  57. Crazy people.what are they doing?they already lost,there's nothing left,not even 'the Alamo'.Down to the last man? -what's the point?

  58. Ok, didnt the Light forces parked their ships in final position around 12000km above earth(quote from your conference)? I expected some status about financial reset? With this speed i guess first contact will be within 2023-2030 time frame.

    1. '23-30 ?? that's far away, remote, faraway ...

    2. If that is correct, only six to seven years till first contact! After the Event, we never be able to see rare world that is named hell. That will exist nowhere in the Universe. Until then, let's enjoy hell vanishing one by one, hahaha.


  59. Cobra, what is describe here is very affordable by RM and Pleiadians, right now.

    We have not to wait till 2018 to put our names in outer Space...

    Cobra, what happens??...

    1. Yes, I want to ask Cobra the same question, what is happening ? Disclosure must happens after the Event, not before, because of the energies of the Event (and mass arrests of the Cabal), that will help the humanity to handle the Disclosure process and that all truth, which was held in secret from us... :)

  60. This is great news! I've noticed that things are getting a lot easier lately, that the archon attacks doesn't really work on us as much as they did previously. I can still feel attacks coming, but they don't seem to be able to keep the intensity up as much. They feel desperate now.

  61. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I feel you, dude. I spend every day feeling suicidal. You can read my story above. Don't blame Cobra, though. I commend him for dealing with these stubborn and naive non-human types. I honestly was expecting public ET disclosure to occur much later than The Event. The Light Forces now think they can afford to sacrifice more human lives and suffering, just so that they can add more 'oomph' to The Event by having everything occur all at once.

      And of course, they absolve themselves of wrongdoing, since they aren't the ones causing the suffering. But hey, they are still allowing it to continue while they concern themselves with putting on their show, so I don't see them as innocent and full of light. Moreso like negligent stoners. Mind you, I'm typing this while high, so there's some irony.

      I understand what Cobra is saying may be necessary for ET disclosure, but why do we need public ET disclosure right now? We need the arrests of the cabal and the financial reset ASAP. Then WE can actually take more action, actions that will lead to first contact, rather than being sitting ducks waiting for the Light Forces to put on a show for us and do everything for us.

      Anyway, hang in there. I know how you feel. I have learned to numb myself to it all, and not expect anything anymore. Time will tell whether they wise up, and decide to listen to us and shift their plans. Heck, time will tell whether The Event will occur at all!

    2. Lao Tzu, I send you loving beautiful healing intentions as you clear these frustrations and feelings. As these energies build up in ONE, they must be purged. You are purging these frustrations/energies for all past future and present for you and everyone and the planet to. When these frustrations become overwhelming I at least am a safe space to clear. Imagine that I am holding you up when you are down, that I am gently and lovingly washing your feet. See it in your mind and it will be so. Compassion is key in all of this. Namaste

    3. i feel you man. but im making a deal the 18 of october to finish the deal with the land. i found a 2 hectar place in the forest. if you dont kill yourself before the 18 of october you can join my community.

    4. "Simplicity, patience and compassion. These three are your greatest treasures." Lao Tzu

    5. i understand where you all are coming from. However Remember the keyword here is "being" allowed by the bad guys.
      these attempt ... are probably set in motion by people who probably for the most part still caught in the illusion n been made to work on teaspoon projects... n these initiatives are "advancements" in their eye.. is not of course that someone in higher up are orchestrating what is allowed... is not really that this was chosen by the light.. the light works in removing the blockages impeding "progress" whatever comes out from removal depends on what chains have loosen up.

      for example i have heard as far as pharma goes.. there r some drilling away trying to research for cures... n when a group had been close to in discovering the "cure their findings get sabotaged or someone experiences a "suicide".. this all in order to keep the drama to go on... so u got people outthere really caught up in this endless trial n error who will never find the right answer unless allowed...
      so when more blockades get removed... it may result in.. "new cancer" cure found or "alternative healing" being allowed...

      when n if that happens we probably would complain then why the true cures not being shown etc..

      in short.. what you r seeing are just the result of of "projects" being allowed to proceed.. this will help in awaken society to possibilities..

      we r not there yet where the true unveiling is allowed.. the breakthrough not at full.or here yet...

    6. this is how the game gets played imo.. we already know this...

      full disclosure cant happen because we not there yet.. we may belief in abundace.. free energ.full health.. but that is not the stage this playgrlund is at for reasons we already know... we still hostages..

    7. You are cool people, Stay Alive. Listen to Falco Rock Me Amadeus on Youtube. Peace, Love, Kindness, Sex.

      From Zandra

    8. I was suicidal in 2010 and Archangel Michael saved my life. You need more patience but I will Lead you there My dearest friends.

      Love, the Messiah.

    9. You are intelligent and Beautiful Creatures. Stay ALive, I will meet you in a couple of years.

      The Messiah


    11. I am your guardian angel and I am here to rescue you. You will make it. But it will take some more time before the Event. Just keep your feet on the ground. I am the Messiah and I have Suffered more than Anyone. I will make it and You will make it.

      Hugs and Kisses from Your Guardian Angel and Ashtar command

    12. What if we are ever-faster waking up to who we are as God Source Creator (and this waking up process happens to be the often tedious journey Cobra keeps mirroring/informing us about)? -
      I know how frustrated you feel*** (omfg), and I have this intuition, very strong at times, that when we remember that WE ARE THAT ONE GOD SOURCE CREATOR NOW - it/he/she WILL take final action and end the illusion of pain/suffering/separation and create a heaven on earth(heart) reflection(life).
      Hang in there... just a few more ah ha moments to go... and then we will finally get it that it is ALL my(I/eye/one) DREAM!

    13. I am Your guardian angel and I command that You stay Alive. Try to be creative. Stay cool, Love you always, and I will see you in a few years from now.

      I am the Messiah.

    14. Look at something funny. Take a funny picture and look at it. This helped me in 2010, it will help you. I am the Messiah and I have gone through more PAIN than anyone. I will meet you in a few years from now. This is no joke, you just need to stay alive and you will see me in the future.


    16. Do not hate yourselves, you are lovely and full of Joy. Greetings from a Swedish goddess.

    17. You have better voices than most People. Better inner voices. So you need to stay Alive. I need you and We All need You in the Fuutre. But some more patience, and Stay grounded Man. Listen to MUSIC.

    18. If you like rock music or Heavy music, this will help.


    19. Play an instrument, if You can. Or paint, sketch or draw. You will make it.

      I was sent here today to SAve your Life. I am writing a book. You will read this book in the future. It is the New Bible.

    20. Use your inner voice until I will meet you.

      Keep this message in your Heart.

      Keep it there. I must go now, but keep it there.


  62. Slovenian translation:

    Link to our ESG and SOTR group on Facebook:

    Thank you for the update Cobra and RM.

    Victory of the Light!

  63. RE: Now the parasite plasmoids near the Earth surface have been cleared enough that a certain amount of the Pleiaidian fleet has returned to the sublunar space (hopefully permanently), without any possibility of triggering the remaining toplet bombs

    looks like they visited here today for like 6 hours:

    Visible in plain and IR light on meteo sats, nothing or radars.

    Victory of Light!
    PS Thanks for showing up

  64. This is good news. Thanks COBRA and RM

  65. in less than 24 hours...17

  66. Something is wrong here ...Cobra, nothing promising or good can happen coming from a guy like Richard Branson ! He is on the Cabal's side . He could be enjoying his fortune, enjoy the company of his wealthy friends but no, not only ! He is very pro-EU , long time friend of Obama and whatever else we don't know yet. This has been revealed in French mainstream magazines, they love him !. Here is one very recent article published by RT yesterday, too .It's in French, sorry but worth reading even with Google translate.Something tells me that my comment won't be published, well at least I tried

    1. marie: Yes, you bring out good points about Ricihard Branson, though sometimes something good comes out of evil plans. In other words, perhaps the space penetration of the veil and possible disclosure of super fast space travel (developed already in the secret space program) will become evident and result in what Cobra said can happen.

      Also, as commented on in this blog, The Event isn't dependent upon humans breaking through the veil in space; that will just be HELPFUL. Cobra commented after that post, that it was an excellent comment.

    2. Good discernment. Richard Branson, Elon Musk, and Jeff Bezos are the main driving force behind these private "partial disclosure" Mars exploration projects. These guys are deep cabal up to their eyeballs. Just Yesterday there were huge sex scandals being leaked about Jeff Bezos. If these men are trying to buy a ticket to Mars it is because they are trying to get off world to escape justice and avoid arrest. Their projects should not be supported even in spirit.

      Under no circumstances should anyone give money to NASA to fund more of their lies. Even before NASA existed the powers that be had access to anti-gravity and space travel since at least the 1940s when it was developed by the Nazis. Nasa is a fake space program designed to cover-up the REAL space program and fool the masses. NASA is a pure 100% scam. The hidden technology is at least 100 years more advanced then anything NASA has disclosed to the public. The cabal thinks we are stupid ignorant cattle to be exploited. We will not put up with this anymore. It is time to let the cabal know we are no longer fooled and will not continue to buy the lie. We want full disclosure. Accept no substitutes.

    3. Elon Musk is also on the Cabal's side, and a strong proponent of trans-humanism. At the least, he is playing both sides. I guess the Light Forces have to work with what they've got.

  67. I am just throwing this out there...Perhaps it will help's important to remember that we are in war and I believe we have to think like battle strategists with these updates sometimes.

    If I was the alliance/light forces, I wouldn't want to write something that would give the Cabal/Chimera any kind of solid timeline. They could easily prepare and delay, as they have always done.

    Meaning, if I was the alliance/LF I would write something like this, to make the Chimera think they have more time than they really do, and lure them into a constant state of fear or relaxation, so when the Alliance would make their move, it would be when they least expected it.

    This strategy would ultimately give the Alliance the upper hand in case the Event was ready to be triggered and the Chimera would no doubt be in a state of unpreparedness due to them believing they had more time to come up with a plan than they realized.

    Of course, I am not a military strategist, but I have played video games and watched TV shows where this was the case.

    No doubt the Chimera and Cabal read these posts and listen to Cobra's interviews...

    Light and love everyone.. <3

    1. Jonathan Carty: A wise "possibility" to have in awareness" when trying to understand Cobra's communications.

  68. This comment has been removed by the author.

  69. For those who are frustrated I can assure you that we are very close now and everything is ready to happen and there is a big possibility that the Event will happen before the end of this year so just know it will not take that long before big changes will manifest.

  70. Interesting update. One aspect not clear though. So the Chimera is willing to give up this planet and just go hiding somewhere in Kuiper Belt?


    1. It seems like, they want to escape, maybe in the negative side of Andromeda galaxy, rather than in K belt...

  71. instead of sitting on their asses complaining why don't these sorry asses free themselves? why some commentators here think they have the right to complain and reflect on others while neglecting their responsibility to free themselves? Is freedom not within? why look for it from others?...utter stupidity!

    1. @Unknown Because not everyone is privileged enough to afford the kind of lifestyle you take for granted. I, myself, am actually making some effort. I posted a long 2-part comment here asking for a loan, so that I can visit the Tachyon Healing Chamber. I only got one reply, and it was from someone who is struggling financially as well. The lack of replies doesn't mean I am giving up, though. I will be creating a GoFundMe or something similar later tonight, and then posting it here. I expect to have some success with that.

      Instead of putting others down who clearly have it so much worse than you, you could, I don't know, perhaps offer some help? Freedom may come from within, but we still need to survive and interact with others right here in the physical world. Perhaps you should reflect on why these 'complaints' offend you so much. You could learn some empathy in your life, rather than assuming that people are exaggerating. Your comment is in itself a complaint, believe it or not. We're not all that different, me and you, though we may be separated by class.

    2. who is complaining about others then?
      try freeing yourself before your need to contribute to your judgement of utter stupidity.

  72. Sublunar space before 1996:

    From 1982 to 1994, I have had some amazing experiences that may be due to this. Then never again.

    1. Yes, same with me. I used to have magnificent dreams. I'm hoping those return.

      I think I did have a light ship blink on and off at me a month or two ago, however. It happened when I was half-awake and I was aware I was looking up at it, at its underbelly, as it went by.

      The ships are coming back! Maybe we'll all get to meet Semjase.

  73. Perhaps disclosure is taking place on many levels.
    It is multidimensional - on many planes and on many levels of consciousness.

    As the earth's energies rise from Galactic Central Sun, as the Pleiadian ships enter sublunar orbit (this means the Pleiadians are between the moon and us!! Yay!!) everything is becoming clearer -- everything is being washed clean.

    Phony stories aren't working very well any more.

    Harvey Weinstein's (creepy, way too powerful Hollywood producer very tied into the Democratic party) story is coming out and it's awful.

    He is probably the first big domino to fall in Hollywood.

    Various narratives are falling apart -- this Tom DeLonge-Podesta "disclosure" project will probably be disclosed itself. Podesta himself has been exposed in the past year through Wikileaks.

    Podesta must be Chimera connected. Chimera group uses Podesta, in other words.

    The Las Vegas "official story" keeps disintegrating.

    People are figuring out Hurricane Harvey and Irma were engineered.

    The 'wine country fires' of Northern California are finally getting contained...

    (Note to Pleiadians: Now that you're in sublunar orbit, you are invited to come in closer to blast down some of these fires...I'm sure the west coast of the US would be grateful).

  74. ‘The first one that succeeds will trigger an avalanche of more breakthroughs that might well be synchronized with the timing of the Event.’— — — -so we’re looking at the event being year out?

    1. we living in a free will zone.. whatever that really entails..

      it depends much on what some people might do.. in a grand acale that might affect the consciousness of men. it might depend if those bombs get clear first sooner than they think.. point is... is best not to put a date on the event... do not guide utself by it.


    2. You need the mass arrests (allowed) asap, and would you see thereafter....

  75. I am the Messiah, and I wish All of You the Best. I believe I will cure blindness on one eye using an ordinary oil and crystals. I am not a Man.

    1. u "believe u will" or u do?... we all think we believe but we dont necessarily do.

      u would do us a better service if u would cure the "stupidity" of men.. that i can assure u is the culprit of much blindness.

  76. This comment has been removed by the author.

  77. Regarding Cobra's Communication To Us:

    I think if we consider Cobra's writings and verbal communications during interviews since 2012 (when this blog began), there always remains a need for further clarification on what he has communicated.

    People interpret what Cobra has said in different ways. Cobra himself has a certain intent in his communications (like all human beings have) that may not come across as he intended.

    The positive aspect to Cobra's communications is that we ARE receiving updates on his Intel and perception of the ultimate EVENT on earth.

    A "drawback" is that we have to wait until the "next" communication from Cobra in order to hopefully receive clarification on his previous postings/talks. Or we have to hope that clarification and interpretation comes out in an interview that contains more extensive questions and elaboration. Or perhaps some relatively few attend one of Cobra's extended gatherings in person and receive more understandable comprehensible intel.

    With the above understanding, we can continue on as best as possible, with our UNIFIED intent for The Event, Harmony, and Liberation for the inhabitants of planet earth.

    If something seems "off" to our personal understanding at times, in time clarification will come to us as with all matters of gaining knowledge and experience.

    At the same time, I think upon reflection we can see, Cobra has proven himself to be consistent in his dedication and motive to be a spokesperson for the Light Forces, The Resistance Movement, for Truth, and for the best outcome of Light for all of us. So his intent appears to be pure and we can be confident with that.

    That doesn't mean that anyone has to hold back their comments of critique or disappointment. We're in the midst of a major battle now and we're all human, having the whole range of emotions. Let us support one another for

    Victory of the Light.

  78. Speaking of soft disclosure, look at this:

  79. I'm posting this in here, so people with a similar conditions might see and use them.

    PsychedelicpiperOctober 12, 2017 at 6:05 PM
    (Part 1 of 2)

    Would anyone here be willing to loan me some money, so that I can go to the Tachyon Healing Chamber in Virginia? I have had a chronic painful ear condition for 2 years now with no medical cure (other than a risky surgery). It is an inner ear condition (behind the ear drum) called tonic tensor tympani syndrome, and the two worst symptoms I have been experiencing are plugged ears 24/7 (like you get on an airplane), as well as hyperacusis, which is literally physical pain in relation to all sound.

    I'm really sorry to hear this.

    Although I'm not sure if these home remedies would be any help for you, I'm SURE THEY WILL NOT DO ANY HARM, either.

    My son was 4 years old, and he was suffering from ear problems day and night. The doctors were unable to CURE it. So I did what my neighbor told me she did for her ear problem/infection. It was the best home ready for my son! After a few weeks, it was all gone, and finally he was sleeping and so did I.....

    Take a single garlic clove, and cut it into 5-6 pieces. Pour into a TABLE SPOON any kind of vegetable oil, (not full), add the sliced garlic into it, and keep the spoon over the low buring gas stove. Cook until the garlic turns GOLD, (or not too dark brown). Pour the whole staff into a small GLASS, or a small glass jar.
    At least twice a day, with an eye dropper, drop 4-5 drops into the affected ear.
    Note: The reason of using a spoon, and making small amounts is because you should use it when it's fresh.

    This next one was used by many people with great results. Elvis Presley had a chronic ear problem, and her mom was doing this same home remedy, (just google it).
    Early in the morning, (between 4-7AM hours), you need to collect a little amount of your very first urine, and during the day, put a few drops into the ear.
    The FIRST urine is the cleanest one, with little, or no harmful substances in it.

    And lastly, please, watch these 2 videos. Read the comments to see if this is right for you, and what others are saying about their own experiences.

    Hydrogen Peroxide for Ear Infections

    Hydrogen Peroxide for Ear Infections

    I hope some of these will be the helpful one for your problem.
    I wish you good luck, and fast recovery.


  80. And now for something completely different (blatant steal from Monty Python)

    "Welcome once again to the ceremony
    Briefly, this is my testimony
    I see Genius in Everybody
    To perceive it in yourself is the difficulty
    Where you come from
    Really makes no difference to me
    Whether country or just another lonely city
    Like a lotus
    You posses the ability
    To produce flower and fruit

    So drop your pebble
    In the mainstream
    Start a ripple
    It will buzz you
    Like a tweak on your nipple
    Tickle your sensibility
    Speak just a little
    The words have enough weight
    To turn rock to metal!!!"

    This is Our Church
    And this is where We heal our hurts!

    BOOM! Realest Girls and Boys in the room :-)

    Love, Light, Unity, Peace and freedom for All
    We Will DO THIS!


  81. Let's continue the momentum of positive lasting change by joining our MEDITATIONS ON THE GO initiative!
    These daily meditations are instrumental in ensuring that we continue to Divinely stear the energies in the direction of our highest visions for all.
    Please join us on our own online meeting platform here:
    Or alternatively: (different schedule/meditations
    Let's meet together with kindred spirits and forge long-lasting and blossoming friendships!

    Our DAILY Meditation SCHEDULE:
    2pm UTC (10am EDT)
    Expanded Chimera Meditation (Long Island Violet Flame)
    In this customized meditation we dissolve the Chimera stronghold on Long Island and the Antarctic
    Preview here:

    3pm UTC (11am EDT)
    Primary Anomaly Clearing Meditation (Clearing Toplet bombs)
    In this meditation we dissolve the plasma toplet bombs and the plasma anomaly entities Yaldabaoth and its plasmoids.
    Preview here:

    3:30pm UTC (11:30am EDT)
    Geophysical Anomalies Meditation (Natural disasters)
    In this meditation we dissolve any manipulated weather situations and reduce the suffering from natural disasters.
    Specific focus: Wildfires in Northern California, Shinmoe-dake Volcano in Japan, Puerto Rico and Vieques support, Volcano Aguing in Bali, Hurricane Nate in the Gulf of Mexico.
    Preview here:

    4:00pm UTC (12pm noon EDT)
    Expanded Ascension Meditation
    In this customized meditation we accelerate our Ascension process including The Event.
    Preview here:

    4:15pm UTC (12:15pm noon EDT)
    Light Forces Support Meditation (Black Alert)
    In this meditation we bring more harmony and unity to planet Earth and her inhabitants and empower the light forces in their work.
    Preview: (using the suggested guided audio of August 21st Unity Meditation at the Solar Eclipse)

    We have humbly been given this task in this Divine window of opportunity and we would be honored if you could join our efforts to herald in the light for the New Age that is about to commence!
    Your support and participation have an ever-lasting effect, so this is a grand Return On Investment of your highly valuable time and energy!

    Victory of the Light! <3

  82. "You can start piercing the Veil right now if you put your name on Mars:"

    Let's send our names on the Mars!

    I already did it!

  83. Hang in there people! The bad guys have been keeping us in the dark for thousands of years. I think it is normal that it takes time to clean their mess and get rid of them. Cobra is a warrior of the light and I am very greatful for his courage and work. I am very tired of the Cabal shit but we have to stay in the light and pray and meditate. Peace and light to humanity!

  84. In this situation we are in we need freedom from the evil ones who are making us and this world suffer for the past 25,000 years,

  85. David Wilcock Updates, Pedo Arrests, Syria Update


    Is the Event a cup or two faces? Or both?

    Well, think of the Event as a cup with the nectar of life which we are beginning to sip slowly and taste fully. But also think of the Event as two faces, that is, as a transition between two phases or two universal cycles.


  87. Oh My . . . Here we Go.

    Where there's Lightning there is Thunder


    How far off is it? Count the seconds.
    1 . . .
    2 . . .
    3 ! ! !


    Gettin' pretty close, huh? ;-)

    Gonna make a JAILBREAK

    Victory of Love and Light!


  88. Regarding the Henry Weinstein story: Clearly this could be the start of the fall of the "Hollywierdness". Another group that needs to have light work is Scientology. Many celebs are members. Leah Remini is doing an expose revealing the truth. We can support her 3D efforts and really push for disclosure of these horrible acts against humanity. This is another opportunity to "press in" and not rest on our laurels!


  89. Reading this update it seems that important actions were taken in order to improve the conditions for the surface population and to ease and speed up the process of ascension.

    Thanks Cobra, and gratitude to the Resistance Movement, the Light Forces and all surface groups involved for the Light.

    We do not need to remain trapped in duality schemes, we can see those who follow the Light as doing their work, and those who follow the Dark as doing their work.

    We, the Light Community, by focusing on the good that there is and that there is going to be, we can choose it as our reality. The good is all that matters. For Us, For All.

    Pure joy, self fulfillment, harmony, peace, Love.

    Victory of the Light!!!

  90. I Feel It is so, So be it, I am going to prepare for The Event Now!!

  91. A question for COBRA. Today I heard the news report about the Sonic weapon that was used on US officials in Cuba. They released the audio. As it turns out that is the exact sounds I have been hearing for at least 12 years thinking it was Tinnitus. I was always a little confused because people said the Tinnitus was a ringing sound. Mine is the sound in the audio tape. Can you reveal tell us more about this? Also this is on you tube, should people avoid hearing this? Thanks COBRA for all you do. Love and Light5. namaste


  92. Here's an analogy for you ;-)

    You know how this all feels?
    Like going to a rock concert. I'm sure most of you have all been there. You sit and wait, or stand and wait...there's a support group that you listen to and politely applaud. But you're glad when they've finished because you came to the venue for one reason. And ONE reason only. To see THE BAND. Whatever band it is thata you came to see :-)

    So the lights in the arena are on, you're chatting with your friends, having a drink and maybe a smoke, and you're having a good time waiting for THE SHOW to start.
    And then it happens! The most magical moment ever: The house lights go out, and you know, you KNOW that THE SHOW is about to start.
    I just LOVE that moment. The entire venue goes dark. All conversations stop, and ALL EYES turn to THE STAGE.
    There is this electricity in the air, the entire room is just buzzing with anticipation. The crowd (all of US) builds up a huge amount of Energy 'cause We All know that The MAIN EVENT is about to happen.

    Can you feel it?
    I know that I can FEEL IT just writing about it.

    And then it happens.
    Somewhere in the darkness the BAND MEMBERS enter THE STAGE.
    You can kinda see them, but not really.
    The Buzz gets louder and louder. The CROWD wants THE MUSIC, they know it's about to HAPPEN.
    And then the STAGE LIGHTS go on , THE BAND plays the first chords and THE CROWD (you, Me, Everybody) just loses their shit!


    Apart from making love to the person you love those are the most magical, brilliant moments EVER.

    So HOUSE LIGHTS down.
    BAND enters STAGE.


    Turn It On Again!



  93. Check this out! Weinstien checks into scientology rehab. Can't confirm yet but… Look into Leah Remini and her documentary series. She is uncovering similar allegations within scientology.


  94. This is for EVERYONE out there bringing LIGHT to the NIGHT.

    Gonna be a long Night, it's gonna be All Right.

    This is


    At the end of a long day it's gonna be O-Kay.
    On The Nightshift.



  96. Keep in mind that it took from march 28th to late august for the light forces to remove 100 chimera members . ONLY 5 Months! With 80 remaining just 7 weeks ago with the addition removal "a large portion " . I have much hope that the light forces will handle these issues within an additional 3-5 months at the max, they will get the job done. Meanwhile just ground yourself and relax all is well, there will be heavy scalar on us until the event have faith that if you trust (now that the chimera will obviously be removed shortly) and start using your time to bring more attention to what brings you joy so you don't look like a mess when contact is finally made in the near future :)

  97. This comment has been removed by the author.


  98. Five years ago almost to this very day I looked Nadine straight in the eyes and said
    "Nichts in dieser Welt kann mir gehören ohne dass es nicht mindestens zur Hälfte Dir gehört." - Nothing in this world can be mine without belonging at least halfway to you.

    She looked straight back at me and without even the smallest bit of doubt or hesitation she said
    "Stimmt." - Correct

    And the Deal was Sealed FOREVER.

    So let's head for HOME now
    Everything I have is YOURS

    Anschnallen bitte, der Flug könnte jetzt ein wenig ruckelig werden.

