Saturday, December 16, 2017

Drastic Isidic/Systems security breach at 504, black alert, grid ratio failure


  1. Sending love and energy to the RM and Light Forces. Now!
    Let's all send them some love.

  2. Are we witnessing the final thrashing about of a dying and desperate animal of the dark side?!

  3. Oh CRAP!! Those darks really just need to give it up now, but of course they won’t ...🤨

    Ok then, everyone - time to get back on that black alert meditation train ... again!


    (I’m starting now, then will continue on schedule for my time zone ... assuming that it will be on the same schedule as before..?)

  4. Happy Holidays. The etheric vacuum cleaner is due to arrive on the 17th to cleanup the plasma anomaly around Earth Prime. Sponsored by the Galactic Central Sun the etheric cleansing is slated to last from the 17th thru the 26th of December 2017 Gregorian. The winter solstice meditation is still slated for the 21st. Check local times for scheduling of this mass meditation. Isis is in charge of humanity's Ascension. For God and Earth.

    1. December 17, 2017
      The Unknown Lightwarrior

      This is a short by me, because of the crisis situation that's also a huge opportunity.

      We have a CRITICAL WINDOW OF OPPORTUNITY to dissolve this plasmoid wormlike entity forever…..

      .... and the entity knows this

      .... which is why the attacks on Lightworkers are so fierce right now.

      December 16, 2017: Drastic Isidic/Systems security breach at 504, black alert, grid ratio failure.

      Tomorrow, December 17th …..a Multidimensional Portal will open.

      For those of you who are able to do this DAILY during this critical window of opportunity, throw your weight behind this powerful Multi-Dimensional Portal Meditation at 2:30 PM GMT starting tomorrow, December 17th and continuing through Monday, December 25th.

      Here's the link that automatically adjusts to your timezone:

      Here's the guided meditation to follow at these times:

      Share this meditation….and help make it viral by committing to posting about it in 10 places (or informing 10 different groups of people). This is what we'll have to do until the 144,000 numbers are manifested under one UNITED email list.

      If everyone reading this post commits to this, we can achieve CRITICAL MASS in a very short time!

      As described in the Situation Update in Cobra's post on December 7th:

      "There is a full scale battle for planet Earth ongoing on the plasma plane in sublunar space right now. The light forces are focused on removing the wormlike plasmoid entity that has entered our Solar system from Orion in 1996 and is now wound up around planet Earth ... "

      Special Decree to help trigger the Event - to be done just before the Multi-Dimensional Portal Meditation:
      The Unknown Lightwarrior

      ... now hit the share button!

    2. 2 hour meditation in a strong wind.
      All is well.

  5. Victory Of The Light. My mind has gone up a notch again. I'm very focused.


  6. The RISIING


  7. Let's take advantage of the multidimensional portal surrounding the winter solstice time to help create the foundation for lasting positive change for our world.
    We will also be taking advantage of the pleiadian Command PB Stardust technology for healing, as well as the 0010110 decree for planetary acceleration, in a group effort and meditation.
    Please join us DAILY if you feel interested, inspired and guided:

  8. Victory to presence.


  9. Earth Fairy
    December 16, 2017 at 12:49 PM

    Winter Solstice / Multidimensional Portal Meditation announced today on "welovemassmeditations"!
    It is suggested to do the meditation "throughout the entire window of multidimensional portal opening at 2:30 PM GMT/UTC", that means every day from 17th-25th of December!

    And there is other important information as well (a DECREE to Source and the Galactic Central Sun to speed up the event!).

    Find all the information here:

    This is the website that Cobra already mentioned several times here on his blog for doing mass meditations.

  10. Etheric Liberation Meditation was made public 10 days before 26th Feb.2017

    "Thursday, February 16, 2017


    The Peace Meditation was announced 4 days before...

    "Friday, April 7, 2017


    Now, 4 days before, we have nothing from Cobra about Solstice meditation...

    1. Yes, we all see Cobra as our human leader here on the surface, but I think we all know what to do. Can you not feel excited about whats happening. I believe Cobra has never been busier. He will do his thing, and we will do ours.
      Remember, dont think about the problem, think about the solution.
      Victory of the light.

  11. Official Winter Solstice

    Meditation Guided Video

    2017 December Solstice Meditation – December 21st at 4:28 PM GMT – This is a CRITICAL Window of Opportunity!

    From Cobra's "Situtation Update" on December7th:

    "There is a full scale battle for planet Earth ongoing on the plasma plane in sublunar space right now. The light forces are focused on removing the wormlike plasmoid entity that has entered our Solar system from Orion in 1996 and is now wound up around planet Earth: A multidimensional portal to the Galactic Center will open from December 17th to December 25th with the turning point on December 21st , that will drastically change the conditions of the plasma plane in most of the sublunar space. On the physical plane, the Light forces are purging all negative Secret Space Program factions in sublunar space. All members of those programs are given an option to unconditionally surrender and accept the Galactic Codex or be cleared out.”

    Here is the link to the playlist for Guided Audios for this Meditation:

    This link will be updated daily as more guided audios become available!

    Here is the link to join the worldwide synchronized meditation at the exact moment of the meditation…and interact with other meditators on PrepareForChange/coeo:

    To find the time for this Meditation in your timezone, click here:

  12. Meditation Instructions:

    1. Relax your body, emotions, and mind by focusing on your breath or in any other way that works for you.

    2. State your intent to use this meditation as a tool to bring peace, justice, freedom, and abundance to Planet Earth and her inhabitants.

    ​3. Visualize a pillar of Light emanating from the Galactic Central Sun, then going through all beings of Light inside our Solar System, through the Sun and the Moon and then through your Soul Star Chakra and through your body to the center of the Earth.

    4. Now visualize another pillar of Light rising from the center of Gaia up through your body and upwards into the sky towards all beings of Light in our solar system and our galaxy.

    5. You are now standing in two pillars of light. The light flowing both upwards and downwards simultaneously. Keep these pillars of light active for a few minutes.

    6. Visualize a vortex of brilliant white Light descending from the I AM presence into the soul star chakra of every Lightworker on Earth. Visualize the higher selves of the 144,000 activating as they awaken to their respective missions.

    ​7. Visualize a vortex of brilliant white Light descending from the I AM presence into the soul star chakra of every human being on Earth and into their energy fields and personalities, awakening them to the reality of Light, giving them the power to finally set themselves free from darkness.

    8. See this collective beam of light expanding itself into the Earth’s Light Grid, and connecting to the heart of Gaia.

    9. See every living being on Earth connecting to their soul families and spiritual guides as this collective beam of light spreads out along the energy grid of the Earth.

    10. See this Light continue to expand throughout the Earth and throughout the entire solar system, connecting to the soul star chakras of the Agarthans, the Ashtar Command, the Pleiadians, the Sirians, the Andromedans, the Arcturians, the Lyrans, the Galactic Confederation, and all beings of light who are guiding and supporting humanity through Earth’s Ascension.

    ​11. See the Goddess energy spiraling down through all these layers of expanding Light, bringing peace, harmony, and liberation to Planet Earth.

    ​​Amplify the amount of Light you channel during meditations to free Gaia faster & heal yourself more quickly, by investing in the 4 Phase Exponential Healing & Clearing System ... all proceeds from sales of the 4 Phase Healing and Clearing system between now and December 21st will go directly into promoting this critically important meditation so that we can also reach many more potential meditators for even bigger success this Solstice. As a participant in mass meditations, you get a 33.33% OFF coupon on the 4 Phases emailed to you by heading over to this exciting new development.





  13. Dragon Heart
    December 16, 2017 at 1:29 PM

    u cant be classified as a room raider although that though did cross me mind .. perhaps a mis and disinformation individual in attempt to bring division or divert people from hope..
    i dont really know what is your problem.

    Get help kid.. cause whatever you keep showcasing in this room.. those fits arent going to fix it...

    and if this is truly a glimpse of your real life personality i urge you to take a closer look n reanalyze your thought process.

    Understand that your selective topics and conclusions really really does not do justice to whoever is your higherself.


    1. would you at least explain in a plain easy English,... if you wants your critics to be understandable...

      Not all of us are English natives...


    2. my problem is to be put into participation all lazi 'souls' (non-incarnates) which are awaiting, on our expense to be done, the planetary liberation. in order (for them) to have what they consider 'the proper condition for incarneting'.

    3. Bunknown: Beyond the ocean there is Europe. We go hiking and people talk very-very strange languages ...


    4. the problem is that we are entitled to be enough about to be put on rack in order to create proper condition for incarnation for this cohort of 70 billion lazy souls who are only awaiting, and nothing doing...

      Who are these unworthy privileged who were nor forced to incarnate, neither did volunteer incarnated in order to participate to planetary liberation and create proper condition for, let's say, another life time (with proper condition) for them...


    5. @Phil Scolari

      We speak to you and to English natives in English. What's the matter?

      What we claim is we need from you to hear the English too. But not strange English instead...


    6. Be respectful for people who came from world wide here and speaking in English.
      We do not claim anything else.
      We do not need translation or anything else.

      We get anything from here in English only, but English should it be!

      We pretend from English native to speak and spell correct their native English,... in order for us to improve ours...

      Please be respectfull with your native English language, and for us as well, we who need and wish to speak a correct English too...

    7. kid, I wasn't born yesterday.

      All i will tell people is to read the ascension plan for themselves ...around 12paragraph and below...

      So are you also saying you did not understand fully Cobra's post? or coincidentally only my comments?

      Does your language barrier explain why there is a tendency of finding someone to blame... to turn conclusions as oppressive and negative as possible.? That is NOT a language barrier issue. that is either a personality problem or you have alterior motives.

      So that card you are playing of language barrier you choosing right now is like trying to cover the moon with a thumb.

      any further comments... i had posted on the previous Cobra post.

      and by the way. I am not an English speaking native.

      tell me which one is your language and i will google translate my comments for you.
      Just to help you out.


    8. @Dragon Heart

      Write in plain English what you have to say or to answer. It is not a barrier of language into discussion. That's all.
      Thanks again for answer.


    9. The problem is:
      who are this cohort of 70 billion of lazy earthling privileged souls, who have escaped or have been prevented to be forced in incarnation, for whom we, a few (a small part of 7 billion), have to prepare a better world with proper condition for them to incarnate.

      We stand up for our right to know!

      Why did not a lot of them incarnated now, in unproper condition, to volunteer, to prepare the future world they desire??

      It's our right to know!! and we stand up for...


      this post from Cobra speaks about the event when those souls were evacuated...

      you people draw your own conclusion.

    11. @unknown In Dragon Heart's defense, he wrote things out in as plain English as possible. Clearly, the language barrier between you and him is the issue. Or moreso your ego.

      The 70 billion souls were people who had already incarnated, suffered, and died here on Earth. You're just fishing for an excuse to complain. I'm with Dragon Heart 100% on this.

    12. is ok Psy. I don't need to be defended. I appreciate it but is all good.

      I am thankful you took the time to read the original Cobra's post to draw to your own conclusion.

      Actually you summarized the info better than I did on prev posts.

      they went thru hell like we all did.

      Those are our ancestors... someones loved one... and personally i am happy they had the chance to be free from the Matrix.

      There are plenty many other able souls... to carry on helping us out... These souls were traumatise like we all are... We will get a chance for freedom as they did someday

    13. Thanks, @Dragonheart. @Unknown is one who makes my eyes glaze over from the prolific, rambling inconsistencies, from whining to cheer-leading, to name-calling, except no one is following. Then he goes and shares a lot of great stuff and reminders. A real head-scratcher. Bipolar maybe?

      At times, so much judgement thrown by some unknown person who doesn't recognize plain English when it smacks them in the face! I can't reach all the way to Europe, so smacking words will have to suffice. Some of us are dealing with REAL problems worthy of comment, but we usually don't. Get a clue, you!

      But I have to say, @Phil Scolari, TOUCHE for this:


      I had a loooong LOL giggle!

      --Because I'm "lazy"!

      --OK, to end with some levity,

      Sing Pharrel's song "HAPPY" but replace the word happy with the word "LAZY". Hahaha, this is the kind of lazy I am.

    14. Phoenix. i never seen that original video .. I like the tune for sure.

      as far as unknown yes. Many contradictions (extremes)...
      I am still unsure if this is a game... multiple individuals or some personal issue... The last one is none of my business. but the first, if is a game/infiltration, all i can do without being certain is to just post Cobra's associated notes when he/she fails to provide it.


  14. Earth Fairy
    December 16, 2017 at 12:37 PM

    Please go to the original source of this information, which is:

    This is the website that Cobra already recommended several times for doing mass meditations. In the article there you will find additional information and illustrations, amongst others a DECREE to speed up the event to source and the galactic central sun!

  15. May all the power of the universe be with the light forces. It doesn't seem good that the grid ratio is gone. Does that mean the New Atlantis grid is down?

    Multidimensional Portal Meditation, 0010110 Decree & Command PB Stardust – From December 17th to 25th at 2:30 PM GMT/UTC

    12/16/2017 03:28:00 pm

    It is time to take action again! It is time to take the destiny of our world in our own hands! We all agree that the process of planetary liberation is taking too long. Here is our chance to collectively speed up the process.

    Multidimesional Portal and December Solstice Meditation

    Over the next 9 days from tomorrow, 17th to 25th December, we as a group of Lightworkers and Lightwarriors have a great opportunity to help the Light Forces in this situation:

    "A multidimensional portal to the Galactic Center will open from December 17th to December 25th with the turning point on December 21st , that will drastically change the conditions of the plasma plane in most of the sublunar space. This portal is partially accurately described here:''

    Also, as described by Untwine, at every Winter Solstice between 1975 and 2025, our solar system is aligned in a straight line with the galactic plane and therefore the Galactic Central Sun. We therefore receive a flash of energy from the Central Sun every Winter Solstice. We can use this to align ourselves with the Light, and let it flow throughout our solar system to help bring the Event.

  17. part 2

    In collaboration with the global Prepare For Change team which has organized a global synchronized meditation at the exact time of December Solstice on December 21st, as well as in agreement with Cobra, we are proposing to do the December Solstice Meditation throughout the entire window of multidimensional portal opening at 2:30 PM GMT/UTC.

    By doing this mass meditation over the period of portal opening, we can use our group consciousness to create a strong intention to speed up the process of clearing all exotic weapons on the plasma plane and in sub lunar space to trigger the mass arrests, disclosure and the Event.

    0010100 Decree

    We received this code through Asian contacts as a key to accelerating The Event It is recommended to use it as a tool for meditation to focus our intention towards the achievement of this goal. Combining it with Light Mandalas also greatly enhances its function. It’s a binary key code to alignment with the power of the central galactic sun. It also expresses a “Zero Point Function” wherein 001 and 110 are mirrored inverse resulting in the central “zero” alignment with the Source centre.

    Command PB Stardust

    After this meditation, which will finish at approximately 2:45 PM GMT/UTC, with our mind still in the meditative state, we can also perform the Command PB Stardust protocol developed by The Pleiadians and which is a gift to humanity.

    You can convert GMT/UTC timezone into your local timezone using the link below:

    Here is the link to join the worldwide synchronized meditation at the exact moment of the December Solstice on December 21st at 4:28 PM GMT/UTC, and interact with other meditators on PrepareForChange/coeo:

    And the link to join this Event on Facebook:

    We have also created a Facebook event for the Command PB Stardust protocol as a reminder:

    Facebook event for the meditation over the multidimensional portal opening period will be announced here when it is ready.

    Guided audios for this meditation have already been created in many languages. Here's the complete YouTube playlist:

    Make this viral! Share it worldwide! Please post it on your websites and blogs. Invite spiritual groups to join us. If you know an alternative media outlet, you can send it to them. You can create a Facebook group for your local group of people doing this in your part of the world. You can create a video about this and post it on YouTube.

    Please also contact Corey Goode, David Wilcock, Benjamin Fulford, Veronica Keen, Justin Deschamps, Kauilapele and Steve Beckow or The Mind Unleashed about the December Solstice meditation if you can.

    Victory of the Light!


  18. Friday, December 15, 2017
    #MASSARRESTS Update From Corey Goode & The Alliance - December 14, 2017

    December 14, 2017

    Update on Current Events

    People have talked about mass arrests for years. What we should really be on the lookout for is Mass Indictments.

    Most of us in the know understand that for mass arrests to occur with the deep state in control of the DOJ/FBI/CIA, the DEEP STATE would have to arrest itself.

    Now steps are being taken by the Alliance to indict many of these pedophiles and sexual predators and Satanists that have been running our country and the west for decades.

    The Alliance is attempting to defeat the Cabal both through the "legal system" that is obviously broken but also via Military Intelligence Operations that have been occurring within the borders of the United States since just prior to the election. These secret grand juries and Military Intel Operatives are working overtime right now.

    Many state and federal representatives have already been informed of their upcoming indictments.
    When all of this reaches critical mass we may see more open activity by the Military and military contractors as many of the arrests will be of federal law enforcement officials.

    The stories of sexual misconduct will soon pale when compared to the number of officials that will be arrested for being pedophiles.

    Will we see more suicides of officials and representatives in the coming year?

    This and more will be covered in my upcoming update. TY, Corey Goode:

    Source Link:


  19. A Storm Is Coming – White Hats Report

    by Disclosure News | Aggiornato il 16 December, 2017 | World


    Two quick but important updates for you.

    1) You may, from time to time, get emails that are not specifically related to the Re-activation of the 144K. Because of AI interference … you may even sometimes get the same notification twice, just as some people don’t receive our email broadcasts.

    I’m sure you’ll all agree, we must insure our membership actually REACHES 144k in 3 months … not 3 years.

    A professional online outreach campaign is needed.

    Because Return To Your Truth is now the chief sponsor for the 144k online outreach campaign (You-Tube & Facebook advertising is NOT free) … and because I don’t believe in asking for donations (receiving & not giving back directly) … Return To Your Truth is relying on people investing in themselves via 4 Phases Exponential Healing & Clearing System to provide the 3D support & solidity for the 144k online outreach campaign, to truly activate the 144k in months … not years.

    Waiting for years over something like the Event and Planetary Ascension is completely unacceptable … as I’m sure you’ll agree.

    Lack of 3D stability & support is one of the biggest reasons why movements like this have failed in the past.

    But I want to make one thing absolutely clear….

    …it is NOT necessary to invest in the 4 Phases Program to be a member of the 144,000.

    The 4 Phases is merely a tool which is available for Lightworkers and Lightwarriors who run into opposition on the way to activating to their soul purpose missions here on Earth.

    2) One of the main reasons why movements like this have either failed or just dissipated in the past, is that there is not enough support for each meditator in terms of: energetic/emotional stability … participation rate … and channeling more light (per meditator) during meditations.

    There are 3 other big reasons for failure in the past, which will be revealed in the soon-to-be released main promotional video which our editor is putting together now.

    The recent release of Phase IV: the DNA Activation phase of the 4 Phase System (which took a LOT of energy shifting to get it edited, produced & launched) serves two critical purposes.

    1) To accelerate the DNA level healing, clearing & unleashing of more light for each 144k member who chooses to work with it … to not only help transform that person’s life … but for that person to channel FAR more light during our upcoming meditations. The benefits of this for Gaia & humanity are ( … needless to say) paramount.

    2) To provide the crucial 3D stability & support (financial) for 144K Re-activation campaign which includes both a new interactive website and an online outreach campaign. Otherwise … we will ALL be waiting a very long time.

    And at the Solar Eclipse Unity Meditation, humanity stood up and said no … to any more waiting for humanities’ freedom.

    We’re working on list segmentation right now, as we didn’t realize that everyone who subscribed either to the 144K Re-activation campaign or to the website itself would receive all the same emails.

    Please bear with us during this process. Sometimes when you activate to your soul mission there are mistakes…and lessons to be learned…but the important thing is to take action and achieve your mission.

    And if you do happen to be one of the Lightworkers or Lightwarriors who experiences unwanted opposition from time to time, you may want to check out the amazing feedback on the 4 Phases System here.


    The Unknown Lightwarrior

  21. light
    December 7, 2017 at 9:57 PM

    Dear Light Forces, Resistance Movement,

    I am writing to urge many awakened community, such as the awakened community led by Corey Goode, David Wilcock, Benjamin Fulford, Veronica Keen, Justin Deschamps, Kauilapele, The Mind Unleashed, Steve Beckow, Prepare For Change.... to organize "Unity Meditation" like "UNITY MEDITATION AT THE ECLIPSE 2017-8-21" to join New Toplet and Plasma Parasite Meditation with daily meditation at 2pm GMT.

    I wish It can be held within 2017.

    We can notice it is the huge success to reach critical mass in "UNITY MEDITATION AT THE ECLIPSE 2017-8-21"

    If many awakened community can hold next "Unity Meditation" like "UNITY MEDITATION AT THE ECLIPSE 2017-8-21", to join New Toplet and Plasma Parasite Meditation with daily meditation at 2pm GMT within 2017, it can accelerate "The Event" and maybe activate "The Event" within 2017.

    I wish Light Forces, Resistance Movement can tell many awakened community for this urge to organize "Unity Meditation" like "UNITY MEDITATION AT THE ECLIPSE 2017-8-21" to join New Toplet and Plasma Parasite Meditation with daily meditation at 2pm GMT and urge It can be held within 2017.

  22. Novusod
    December 7, 2017 at 9:55 PM

    Thank you Cobra and much gratitude to the RM for all the hard work they have done especially in the last 4 months.

    During the Solar eclipse meditation last Summer my "oversoul" reassured me that all is going well but this was not the time. At that moment the Event was still a good deal away in the future as many of the most difficult battles were yet to be overcome. A major window of opportunity would come at the end of the year particularly around the solstice. This message has only become clearer since then that the solstice is the real turning point in the struggle to liberate planet Earth.

    A successful unity meditation on the solstice will break the dam leading to a rapid conclusion of all ongoing battles to liberate the planet. After the solstice it will be fairly smooth sailing into the final take down of the Cabal. Even if it does not happen right away the situation is only going to get better from here on out. The Cabal has thrown all their cards on the table and we have survived their attack.

    As light workers our mission was merely to survive for everyday we live we anchor more light on Earth. The most difficult battles are now behind us. They can not destroy us. Now it is time for the light workers to show our hand by giving all we got to the solstice meditation on the galactic alignment. Success here will bring about complete and total liberation of the planet.

    On Dec 21st I will be meditating every 2 hours until the breakthrough occurs. Even if you cannot make these meditations please try to think about the planet being liberated throughout the day. The more you think about something the more real it becomes. That is the secret of manifestation through the law of attraction which is the mightiest force in the universe. Good things will come to those who think positively.

    Thank you all so very much.
    Peace and abundance be with you.

    1. During these solstice meditations I will be focusing on ending all contracts with the dark forces.

      In a previous Cobra conference, he has shared with us a contract cancellation that I will share here. He advised us to write down this text, fully join our intention to it, declare it out loud, and keep the paper with us.

      "In the name of I am that I am, in the name of divine soul presence that I am, in the name of all ascended beings of light, in the name of the Galactic Confederation, in the name of the Galactic center, I decree and command to cancel and nullify all my past, present and future contracts and agreements made between any part of my being and the dark forces. All these contracts and agreement and all their consequences are now completely erased from my reality. I am now free, all the karma of my whole being is now erased as well.

      I am a free sovereign being of light, from now until eternity."

      So be it, and so it is.
      In Light

      *Sign with your name here*

  23. Ok time to meditate much more. ;) Victory of the Light! Just Let's finish this once and forever.<3 :) Be in the Love and positivity.

  24. Way to early for Yaldi's pms. Aaahhh no worries its trowing a tempertantrum. Mommy got him with his fingers in the cookyjar :-) :-) :-)

    Love to all


  25. Aaah now I see! Cracks in the Kings Throne :-)

  26. With the rythmic tumping of Her left foot She sends ripmles of Green Fire.


    1. December 17, 2017
      The Unknown Lightwarrior

      This is a short by me, because of the crisis situation that's also a huge opportunity.

      We have a CRITICAL WINDOW OF OPPORTUNITY to dissolve this plasmoid wormlike entity forever…..

      .... and the entity knows this

      .... which is why the attacks on Lightworkers are so fierce right now.

      December 16, 2017: Drastic Isidic/Systems security breach at 504, black alert, grid ratio failure.

      Tomorrow, December 17th …..a Multidimensional Portal will open.

      For those of you who are able to do this DAILY during this critical window of opportunity, throw your weight behind this powerful Multi-Dimensional Portal Meditation at 2:30 PM GMT starting tomorrow, December 17th and continuing through Monday, December 25th.

      Here's the link that automatically adjusts to your timezone:

      Here's the guided meditation to follow at these times:

      Share this meditation….and help make it viral by committing to posting about it in 10 places (or informing 10 different groups of people). This is what we'll have to do until the 144,000 numbers are manifested under one UNITED email list.

      If everyone reading this post commits to this, we can achieve CRITICAL MASS in a very short time!

      As described in the Situation Update in Cobra's post on December 7th:

      "There is a full scale battle for planet Earth ongoing on the plasma plane in sublunar space right now. The light forces are focused on removing the wormlike plasmoid entity that has entered our Solar system from Orion in 1996 and is now wound up around planet Earth ... "

      Special Decree to help trigger the Event - to be done just before the Multi-Dimensional Portal Meditation:
      The Unknown Lightwarrior

      ... now hit the share button!

    2. Thank you:) That's more visible. I saw the other one above from you. Cooperation:)

    3. And yes, forgotten. Source

  28. Darks are trying to prevent Portal opening?

    1. Darks can put a pistol in their mouths because the Army of Light is coming

  29. On the day that Star Wars latest movie came out in my area, multiple mainstream media outlets receive and release DOD intel and video footage of ufo's.

  30. This doesn't surprise me. I knew the archons would be going all out to try and derail this portal opening.

  31. December 17, 2017
    The Unknown Lightwarrior

    This is a short by me, because of the crisis situation that's also a huge opportunity.

    We have a CRITICAL WINDOW OF OPPORTUNITY to dissolve this plasmoid wormlike entity forever…..

    .... and the entity knows this

    .... which is why the attacks on Lightworkers are so fierce right now.

    December 16, 2017: Drastic Isidic/Systems security breach at 504, black alert, grid ratio failure.

    Tomorrow, December 17th …..a Multidimensional Portal will open.

    For those of you who are able to do this DAILY during this critical window of opportunity, throw your weight behind this powerful Multi-Dimensional Portal Meditation at 2:30 PM GMT starting tomorrow, December 17th and continuing through Monday, December 25th.

    Here's the link that automatically adjusts to your timezone:

    Here's the guided meditation to follow at these times:

    Share this meditation….and help make it viral by committing to posting about it in 10 places (or informing 10 different groups of people). This is what we'll have to do until the 144,000 numbers are manifested under one UNITED email list.

    If everyone reading this post commits to this, we can achieve CRITICAL MASS in a very short time!

    As described in the Situation Update in Cobra's post on December 7th:

    "There is a full scale battle for planet Earth ongoing on the plasma plane in sublunar space right now. The light forces are focused on removing the wormlike plasmoid entity that has entered our Solar system from Orion in 1996 and is now wound up around planet Earth ... "

    Special Decree to help trigger the Event - to be done just before the Multi-Dimensional Portal Meditation:
    The Unknown Lightwarrior

    ... now hit the share button!

  32. I am here. Even when this has happened to me, I am still here. Bring it on.

    1. It's not me though, it's what happened that I saw. I'm a bit too self-centered. My suffering isn't anything compared to what I saw. Sorry.


  33. Multidimensional Portal Meditation -MAKE THIS VIRAL!

    December 16, 2017 by Edward Morgan

    MAKE THIS VIRAL! Multidimensional Portal Meditation, 0010110 Decree & Command PB Stardust – From December 17th to 25th at 2:30 PM GMT/UTC


  34. December Solstice Meditation 2017
    SacredEarth Liberation•

  35. Just some poking up of the Fire and releasing freedom and truth ;-)

    What do yóú fear the most?

    Happy coming New Moon to everyone.


  36. Visualizing violet pulsar at the center of Gaia, radiating in all directions, eradicating all traces of archonic, plasmic, inorganic, service to self non-beings...

  37. "Alien Days" by MGMT

    "Sometimes the windows combine with the seams in a way
    That twitches on a peak at the place where the spirit was slain
    One foot leads to another
    Night's for sleep, blue curtains, covers
    Sequins in the eyes
    That's a fine time to dine
    Divine who's circling, feeding the cards to the midwives
    Who love those alien days
    The nonstop alien days
    Ooh the alien days

    Must've skipped the ship and joined the team
    For a ride
    A couple hours to learn the controls
    And commandeer both my eyes
    Be quick dear, times are uncertain
    One month crawling, next year blurring
    Decades in the drain
    Monograms on the brain
    Decide what's working and what's moved on
    To the last phase
    The floodgate alien days
    I love those alien days
    Mmm... the alien days

    When the peels are down, it feels like traveling in style
    You don't need wings to hover forty ton stones for a mile
    And in the summer, virgin visions
    Mindless humming
    Numbers can't decide if the day's supposed to smile

    Today find infinite ways it could be
    Plenty worse
    It's a blessing but it's also a curse

    Those days taught me everything I know
    How to catch a feeling
    And when to let it go
    How all the scheming, soulless creatures
    Can't find dreamer's honey in the hive
    If it's right beneath the nose

    And when the light is new
    The sky shows trembling cartoons
    You don't need smoke to cover
    Most of the world in a gloom
    But here comes racer number 7
    Watch my fingers ripping out the lines

    If it looks like we could lose
    If it looks like we could lose
    If it looks like we could lose
    If it looks like we could lose"

  38. Put aside all the descriptions - This is a great opportunity to meet together in consciousness - Join in and share details to at least 10 more people!

  39. Operation Figgy Pudding is underway.

    Hee hee just kidding ;-)

    Its nice to see y'all keeping up with the latest. Bunch of trekkies.

    Tell you what last summer on my way to Florida driving on the interstate I suddenly tuned in to a pleadian ship in the area and like intercepted their telepathic transmissions. It was so F'n cool. Then it was gone. Like I drove past them n my antenni picked up on em. It was like the old days when you were on the phone and another person's line crossed with yours and you can here them talking. There Here.
    Can't help it can't control it. I just occasionally pick up on shit. I got to tell you they are more advanced definitely. How that ship is cloaked and just hangng out is beyond me. I think that is why I picked it up as they send out strong brain signal or something.

    I can't wait to meet them in person.

    Victory to the Light

    Pleabe out

    End transmission

  40. This comment has been removed by the author.


  41. Who of us was giving the list of facebook links where to promote meditations, maybe in February and august?

    We need it again!...

    1. :)

  42. When it's darkest, I look within...Now's the time to let your Light Shine Brightly. My Christmas poem for this year "LET IT SHINE" on YouTube:

  43. to everybody

    in love Andi the light

  44. The site

    is setting the 25th!

    "Event Time Announcer" must be modified in the first window

  45. Successful meditating at 2.00 pm and 2.30 pm utc, the first day, 17th December.

  46. Next one falling...?

    1. guten Morgen, na gut geschlafen? - ist eine Internetseite die zur Unterhaltung dient, die falschen Witz werden von unseren Usern verfasst. Alle Witz dieser Seite sind frei erfunden und fiktiv, es ist alles nur Spaß! Keine der Witz sollte ernst genommen werden oder als seriöse Informationsquelle benutzt werden.

      24aktuelles is a joke site where ppl can make their own jokes and fake news. all news are made by users..


  48. remember about the portal opening today and how much light in entering the planet. it's really their last moves.
    just keep connected to the love and light everyone! feel how big it is inside your hearts.


    Hey COBRA & Community!


    (Germany/ Kabel 1 doku / Ancient Aliens/ Unerklärliche Phänomene / Krieg der Aliens/ 17.12.2017/ 7:25 pm CET)

    There was a lot of talk about ancient alien races visiting our planet and stuff. We maybe being their offspring and things like that. A planet between the moon and earth that maybe exploded. Different alien races fighting over our planet earth.

    There was even David Wilcock speaking about the topic. Well there was a bit too much "maybe" and "could it be, that .." in the documentary but I think, that was for security reasons. The question marks (?) could be away soon and replaced by Attention marks (!)

    I know, it´s an old story, but it took us long to get that on prime time television..

    AND in the end it said: "Could it be, that just at the moment, there is a fight going on over our planet earth while we speak? It could be the dawn of a new aera (of peace...) OR: Our destruction.." End

    Well, I thought: Yes.. Could be :-) And looks like we´re winning folks! Let´s rock this winter solstice!

    Thank you all and




    1. Bist du aufmerksam was du sagst!

      Solst du nicht machen uns um sonst zum glauben...


    2. Warst du nicht betrunken wen das war in deine deutche television?

      Bist du siecherlich?

    3. No unknown, for ONCE I was not drunken ;-) 0,000 %

      They were even talking ab out alien Grey USSS-soldiers and a secret space program...


    The portal is open and the solstice is a few days away. Please spread this created event on Facebook as far as you can, so that we finally bring this battle home! Love & Light ♥

  51. Planetary liberation NOW!
    Victory of the Light NOW!
    SO IT IS!

  52. Can you stop the sun from shining or the galaxy from spinning around? :-) We áll go trough the triple gateway....Please leave your trash at the door, otherwise you will be in for a bumpy ride :-) :-) :-)

    With Love.

    P.s. Triple Gate way: Monday gmt 6.30 Nieuw Moon in Sagitarius (the fiery one ;-) ) on the Galactic Centre, Saturnus in Capricorn (point of choice), Thursday wintersolstice when we lit the 2cnd candle

  53. The End of the wicked one is in plain sight and with out doubt INEVITABLY.


  54. This is! Thank you!

    Thank you, for all of us!

  55. In the name of the I Am and the Source we will all lightworks and lightwarriors enact before the council of light the immediate intervention for the transference of all power of action to the forces of light, to the council of light, galactic confederation, Alliance, MR and GFB demanding the annulment of all the decrees of the cabal on Earth with urgency as it is enough !!

    Vitoria da luz

  56. once again, that the resistance movement enjoy, as it is very exhausting. Vitoria of Light!

  57. An alle Cobra und Transinformationsleser auf Facebook, bitte verbreitet diesen Post um so viele wie möglich dabei zu haben (oder kreiiert einen eigenen, ist ja nur Vorschlag/Bitte.... Danke und Sieg sei dem Lichte!
    <3 <3 <3 Ihr Lieben! Das ist für ALLE! Alle Menschen der Erde (achso, ja, liebevolle Ausserirdische und Innerirdische natürlich auch ;) :D :P <3 ) sind hiermit recht herzlich eingeladen an der absolut magischen Wintersonnenmeditation teilzunehmen! Hey Leute! Aufwachen! Das ist nicht nur einfach wieder eine von den tausend Meditationen und ewig weiter hoffen und warten! Wir sind am Ziel! Lasst Euch das nicht entgehen! Sobald man sich bewusst mit der Gruppe verbindet und GEMEINSAM das Licht AUS DER QUELLE kanalisiert als EIN lichtvolles Mandala rund um Gaia, ist das ganze kraftvoller je mehr starke und alte Seelen mitmachen. Auch wir selbst kommen weiter, da ein multidimensionales Energiefeld entsteht, das uns durch unsere Inkarnationen zurück wieder vereint, schließlich sind wir ALLE hier seit dem Fall von Atlantis! Ich bitte Euch aus tiefstem Herzen dabei zu sein und dies zu verbreiten, da es DIE GELEGENHEIT ist, das nächste Jahr wesentlich mehr von der Manifestation des goldenen Zeitalters zu LEBEN! Schon im alten Persien wußte man um die ganz besondere Energie der Wintersonnenwende. Das hohe Licht des Mitras hatte seine Hauptzeremonie zur besagten Zeit- als der Kult noch rein war und man noch verstand, dass es bei dem zu bekämpfenden Stier nicht darum ging, ein Tier zu schlachten sondern darum die eigene tierische Natur, d.h. die niederen Triebe zu verfeinern und mit dem geistigen Licht zu verbinden. Lasst uns das Licht für die Erde sein in dieser TAT. Danke! Frieden über alle Grenzen! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! <3 <3 <3
    Dezember-Wintersonnenwende-Meditation am 21. Dezember 2017 um 17:28h (MEZ)
    Veröffentlicht am 16. Dezember 2017 von Antares
    Die Meditation zur Wintersonnenwende am 21. Dezember um 17:28h (MEZ)
    publiziert auf PrepareForChange

  58. Share on Facebook please or create own post on Facebook:
    <3 <3 <3 This is for all people on Earth! You are ALL invited to join us in this absolutely wonderful EVENT! 2017 December Solstice Meditation – December 21st at 4:28 PM GMT – This is a CRITICAL Window of Opportunity! Join us and connect together with us to receive the incoming energies of the rising Christ Conscsiousness, spirit of the aquarian age! Let' s create the new world together with all our UNITED efforts! SHARE THIS WORLDWIDE with all your friends! Post it in your groups and on your wall! Invite your friends! This is what we have been waiting for all of our lifetimes! This is OUR TIME CHILDREN OF GAIA! JOIN US IN THE CIRCLE OF RAINBOWLIGHT! VICTORY OF LOVE! <3 <3 <3


  59. may Source be with Cobra and Lightworkers, and Lightwarriors.


  60. NEWS: CNN News FAIL, Pentagon Audit, Corey Goode, Julian Assange INTEL - December 17 2017
    Stillness in the Storm

  61. Remember this (below) from Cobra's Dec. 7 update?

    Some big things are resolving with this clearing of the plasma plane. Certainly things are coming out in the news.

    " A multidimensional portal to the Galactic Center will open from December 17th to December 25th with the turning point on December 21st , that will drastically change the conditions of the plasma plane in most of the sublunar space. This portal is partially accurately described here:

  62. Liberation is so close I can almost taste it. I'm getting a little stir crazy not being able to go anywhere due to lack of finances. I'm shaken to the core at the concept I'll be able to explore the whole universe. I've been contacted by a Pleiadian probe who has informed me more of my role in past lives. It amazes me we have extraterrestrial beings who care about humanity and the Earth.

    The dark forces know their time will be over in a matter of a few months, so they're doing everything in their power to prevent the inevitable victory of the light. Cobra, thanks for everything you do. We all really appreciate it. I don't think we could have asked for a better spokesperson.

    1. Jonathan, none of us really have the $$ to travel, so so expensive credit cards are what people use the majority anyhow. Yes yes, so the other day, a notary came to our home as we were signing loan papers and suddenly he opened up about all of this because he felt or was told he could talk to me and my wife! Ok, I woke up 2 yrs ago as a Catholic and took the fear train, then ran across and it opened my eyes and made all the pieces fit together, how org religion control us and keeps us blind and in fear of "hell" which is a lie.. always believed in ETs. only makes sense all the sightings and pure evidence like Roswell.. the notary said my soul group is Pleiadian! I've tried to awaken people on FB only to drive them away, same for my family on all the false flags, they all think 9ii was real and all since, it's hard because they are clearly staged to promote fear as they want us to avoid the shift!! Not happening right pal!!! Divine Decree from Source, time to shift Earth and leave duality behind for Unity Consciousness. yes, freedom to travel the universe, heal Gaia, change how we live totally, stop killing souls in all life on Gaia, live in harmony, love and peace! Take care, we are so so close!

    2. Has the pleiadian probe given you any indication of what year the Event will take place?...

  63. Lit the candles. Cleansed the air. Said my prayers:

    May the Fire of Love burn away all the dross.
    And welcomed the new into my life.

    I had a beautifull new moon expierence, hope you did to :-)

    From my heart to yours <3

    May the energie of wellbeing and being nurtured expand to all of you @ Going trough the first gate way


  64. I have seriously never heard this first song ever in my life.
    This is so cheesy . . .
    Yet still so true :-)

    Shootin' at the walls of heartache
    BANG! BANG! [Cactus Jack pose ;-) ]
    I am The Warrior - and so are YOU!

    Now this is not cheesy at all - yet just as true.

    We Belong to The LIGHT
    We Belong to the Thunder

    And when all is said and done it will All be Worth It

    WE'll Make HEAVEN A Place On EARTH

    All of Us Together!
    You incredible Warriors! :-)


    1. You are a very inspirational person - no wonder your nights have been warmer and more interesting lately!!! Hah! :-)


    2. Kristin?
      Thank you.
      You just made my night with your kind words of approval.

      Enjoy Your Selves.
      Take only what you need from her.

      Thank you.

      The Management



  65. And can I just say this please.
    Some of these nights have been long and cold and lonely. They have never been dark, that's what I have all those candles and other light giimmicks for. But lately, the nights have been very Warm and also quite Entertaining.

    Thank You, Source, it truly is My Honour to do what you ask of me. The good, the bad and the ugly.

    This is NightShift




  67. Please, no more. I'm in tears, and I beg you, please, no more. No more. Please. No more. No more abuse. Send them back, please, send them back.

  68. You know, more they try, more they loose, can you see?

    I hope so much you as a minion realize they have no chance anymore and I wish you to turn your behavior and come back to light, I will forgive you, no matter what you have done, you are my brother too, doing wrong to all of us, but, still my brother, you need more healing them me, I LOVE YOU!...

    Come back to home dear brother, stop trying push their dark agenda, you are not them... Inside you are a light path, the source seed, feel it. I can see it!

    I know some of you, brothers, will read this, SO, come back to your really true, you are love, part of the love, don't destroy yourself because of what you can't see them doing to you.

    I can see you inner light calling, answer it.
    This good/evil game need to be ended, and you can help it, NOW!

    Help your true nature become real again, you are us, and us are you too... we are ONE, don't you see? You doing bad to yourself first, don't do it anymore.




    1. Yes, we are all from Source, who knows how or why some feel the dark path will enlighten them, control & power over others but in their heart, they know they are not happy and we all have a consciousness that we must follow and answer to. I pray for all of humanity, especially the dark ones who need it most. The really dark ones will have to go back to the GCS per cobra but once the Light shines thru imagine how all people will react when they realize this has all been an elaborate hoax! A 3D construct to keep us blind.. I pray right now that all on Gaia wake up, realize who and what they are, amazing spiritual beings of Light who are in these heavy bodies to experience earth in the 3D and that is changing soon to 5D. Love and Peace All,

    2. Muito bom, muito bom...profunda gratidão !

    3. This was beautiful and very powerful. Thank you :-)

  69. Our Galatic Family seem happy, they showed up flashing their ships non stop last night. I also had a dream that same night that the skys will start lighting up abd my first thought was the wars have come to our skys for the final stages. Maybe? We shall see

  70. What the F*CKIN' hell is the meaning of this...

    1. Apparently it was only enacted in 2015, and the internet was developing OK without it. Many opinons on this, don't be distracted....


    2. Yes....sharing your sentiments.

      Another way the dark are now changing the rules so they are now in control of basic access and limit our internet freedom, transparency, and open communication while they control the information that is made available once again they now have access to dictate the narrative by pulling the strings.

      Please....We likely will require RM and Pleiadian/Galactic Confederation to remedy this backwards authority and their self appointed status as captors/controllers of truth/information here on the surface.

      Enough is ENOUGH ALREADY!!!


      Victory of the LIGHT NOW!

      ~ P.W.

    3. Sorry, guys... is just that such notice scare the shit outta me... sorry...

  71. Yaldi still playing the drama queencard? That little bugger.

    * Nods head and walks away*



    Active Meditations

    Please click on the meditation titles for more information:

    Please also use your Inner Guidance to Feel which meditation you wish to assist with/participate in.



    UTC Period Name Facebook event link Guided audio
    Worldwide Heart Meditation Day

    Daily Meditation for Myanmar

    Daily Meditation for healing animals and plants

    Daily New Toplet and Plasma Parasite Meditation
    2.30pm Jan. 2
    Monthly Full Moon Meditation
    2.30pm Jan. 17
    Monthly New Moon Peace Meditation

    Daily Multidimensional Portal Meditation

    Daily Command PB Stardust

    Daily Alert Meditation

    Daily Return to the Light Meditation

    Sunday Gaia & Yaldabaoth/ Plasma Parasites - Detachment Meditation

    Sunday Weekly Ascension Meditation

    Sunday Meditation for Natural and man-made Disasters

    Dec. 21 December Solstice Meditation

    Tuesday Meditation with Goddess to neutralize negative rituals

  73. That Atlanta airport blackout was interesting, obviously raised rumblings that something big and hidden was going on.


  75. I had a strange feeling a few hours ago. I felt something strong. I do not know good or bad. My head exploded from pain, my heart beat hard. All the colors and the light were sharp and lively. I could hardly stand on my feet, I had to lie down. I measured my blood pressure, hardly anymore than normal. Did anyone else have that feeling? As if something had happened. Around 4pm to 6pm (CET)


  76. There is some activity on the news...

    destroyingtheilusion last video...


  77. Sather says this was an important day... Was it?

  78. Why does it seem like the Portal main picture always seems slightly different but you cant set your finger on it?

  79. not sure if u guys seen this one. particularly the last...

    not sure how old it is... but at least was on the media...

  80. The cabal is doing everything in their power to 1) separate us 2) distract us.

    We are at a pivotal point where the cabal does not want us to succeed in utilizing the Winter Solstice Portal to speed up Planetary Liberation.

    Therefore, they are fiercely, deceptively and very intelligently attacking the entire Lightworker Community from all angles.

    If we have a weak link anywhere it will be seen, so that it can be strengthened, so in actuality it really backfires on them because we are intercepting and each day getting more empowered by putting our foot down which is claiming our Sovereignty.

    There are a lot of dramas unfolding as a result of this and it is up to us now, to GROUND ourselves, and to find PEACEFUL and CONSTRUCTIVE solutions to every conflict.

    Let's work together, communicate without judgements, utilize Non-Violent Communication, express our feelings and needs, and do everything in our power to find that grain of COMPASSION and EMPATHY in our heart to be able to truly listen to what the other is saying.

    - Channeled by Edwana

  81. Why is Isidic grid ratio failure???? WHY? Portal is open. What need to do? Meditate? I do. I am in meditation each day. I believe all awakend people all over the world meditate for Earth Liberation! For freedom! For Love! For Event!
    You know< i can't express how I feel when read about failure. Ok. I just will meditate, no expectation! I will! And I believe very strong that the Victory of the Light is very close!!!! Much Love to All!

  82. Brilhante e reconfortante. Gratidão por me o lembrar ! tenho sido fortemente atacada , o que tem despertado sentimentos intensos de raiva e desespero, seguidos de uma tremenda impotencia e rendição...


  84. <3 <3 <3 We are in the middle of a Powerful Multidimensional Portal in which we have an incredible opportunity....

    ....we now have the opportunity to shift to much more positive timelines for Planet Earth ....

    ......through our collective MEDITATIONS on the WINTER SOLSTICE Thursday December 21st @ 4:28pm GMT/UTC (11:28am EST) (8:28am PST)
    .........(and the following 4 days!)

    with the Multidimensional Portal and Winter Solstice Meditation

    As described in the Situation Update in Cobra's blog post on December 7th:

    "There is a full scale battle for planet Earth ongoing on the plasma plane in sublunar space right now. The light forces are focused on removing the wormlike plasmoid entity that has entered our Solar system from Orion in 1996 and is now wound up around planet Earth - reactions of this entity and all lesser plasmoid entities living inside its body with their exotic plasma weapons are creating brutal scalar attacks on Lightworkers and Lightwarriors - A multidimensional portal to the Galactic Center will open from December 17th to December 25th with the turning point on December 21st, that will drastically change the conditions of the plasma plane in most of sublunar space."

    Here is the link to join the worldwide synchronized meditation at the exact moment of the
    Winter Solstice on December 21st at 4:28 PM GMT/UTC with other Lightworkers and Lightwarriors:



    on Ground Crew Command Radio!
    Tune in to the show at 4:28 PM GMT to join the LIVE meditation!
    Click here starting at 4:00 PM GMT (11AM Eastern USA) to join:

    Here is our own guided audio for this meditation:

    or the official version of this meditation:

    Here is the link to the playlist of guided audio meditations in 18 different languages!

    To find the time for this Meditation in your timezone, click here:

    For more information:


  85. oh dear , thought the light was progressing..oh well another year gone and we all still have hope......just.

  86. I have to convey my respect for your kindness for all those that require guidance on this one field. Your special commitment to passing the solution up and down has been incredibly functional and has continually empowered most people just like me to achieve their dreams. Your amazing insightful information entails much to me and especially to my peers. Thanks a ton; from all of us.

    funny fucked up jokes
