Saturday, February 24, 2018

Directed Energy Weapons

Directed energy weapons are NOT plasma weapons, they are NOT scalar weapons. They are physical weapons emitting electromagnetic radiation:

They are used by the Cabal in their attacks towards the awakened part of human population:

By attacking civilian targets, the perpetrators are violating the fourth Geneva convention and this constitutes a war crime:

Perpetrators will be persecuted according to international civil and military law as soon as the planet is liberated.

You can find a detailed list of intel resources about directed energy weapons here:

Weapons most frequently used in attacks against civilians are sonic lasers:

These are usually not deadly, but still extremely unpleasant.

More dangerous are electrolasers:

They are used to trigger cardiac arrest (heart failure) and kill the target, those targets often being holistic doctors:


Company producing those deadly weapons is called Applied Energetics:

It was formerly called Ionatron:

The Light Forces have requested as many people as possible to spread information and awareness of the directed energy weapons and do the following meditation as often as you feel guided:

1. Relax your body, emotions and mind by focusing on your breath or in any other way that works for you
2. Visualize a vortex of brilliant white Light descending from the Soul star chakra of all humanity into energy field and personality of all human beings, awakening them to the reality of existence of directed energy weapons and visualize this awareness spreading like wildfire through the mass media.
3. Visualize all Cabal middlemen refusing to use directed energy weapons anymore and learning to cooperate and joining the human society in a constructive way. Visualize all Cabal members that do not wish too surrender their use of directed energy weapons being removed from the planet as fast and effectively as possible. Visualize all directed energy weapons being destroyed, never to be used again.

Victory of the Light!


  1. Violet light, and 'Violet Flame'...

    How much 'violet',... and how much as a flame...

    What is it?... a narrow band of hardly visible light of the end of the visible spectrum,... or a more brighter and wider spectrum of light?...



      Violet noise[edit]

      "Violet spectrum (+6 dB/octave)
      Violet noise is also called purple noise.
      Violet noise's power density increases 6 dB per octave with increasing frequency[9][10] (density proportional to f2) over a finite frequency range."

      In terms of light, yes, density proportional to f2 (square of f), but it also depends 'how much' over a finite frequency range?...

      What we can say, is that it should be as much as not to reach the end of spectrum (at red bands) with its lowest value, but however as near towards the 'red' band... so that to have a reliable lumen output for the light source...




      "The plasma generator of this invention is capable of producing a relatively relatively long plasma plume or jet in open room air. The generated plasma plume remains at room temperature and can be placed in contact with sensitive materials such as skin, flesh, paper, cloth, etc. without causing any damage. Another advantage of the plasma generator of this invention is its portability."


    4. An educated speculation,... or, let say it even 'assumption' might lead us to the idea by which these colours which we speak about are some kind more alike to the 'colors of sound' in higher dimensions, at least in the way in which might be comparable with 3rd dimensional physics, to be understandable.

      i.e. the pink light we visualize might be a result of a '1/f' of a certain 'higher dimensional band' of 'frequency',... expressed at least in earthling understandable terms...


    5. more detailed, the soft pink healing energy might be considered a king of '1/f' (in 3rd dimensional understandable terms) of a certain 'band' of higher dimensional energy.

      at least this may be our 'educated guess' from a particular point of view to a general one. (from 3rd dimensional to higher dimensional.

      the same might be with the violet and others...

  2. Got it! Just posted the info to my FB page. The mayor in San Francisco may have been taken out with one of these as he died of a heart attack while grocery shopping and he was fairly young. Thank you for this update, Cobra.

    1. Barbara: I thought this about Mayor Ed Lee too, when it happened.

    2. Yes, interesting in the last 3 years of Lee being in office, San Francisco has gone down hill considerably and I have been a resident here since 1991. Trash everywhere, increase in traffic, the serious mentally ill homeless or homeless people on hard drugs, so much so that tourist are going elsewhere. It seems to me there is a concerted effort to create massive urban decay here.


  3. The Eye Intro
    Trans4 mOtion

  4. Gee I wonder how long They have been using These weapons?

    1. yeah it is too shocked, these must be unbelievable crimes....

  5. Thank you Cobra
    Viktory of the Light!

  6. DONE



    He who calls me by my name does not really know me.
    If I identify with my name, I limit myself.
    The important thing is the message, not the messenger.
    The reason is the ego that dwells in the mind and wisdom is the truth that resides in the heart.
    Let your ears hear, your eyes see and your heart receive.
    We are the daring warriors of Love who will not cease to open their hearts until the world is in our embrace. We are remembering and expanding the power of Love on Earth. Keep yelling!
    With infinite Love I AM.

    1. Blessings and thankyou for your wonderful words ‘ yes names are irrelevant in the higher realms ‘ A name is generic within the Command ‘ ifs A form of Rank so to speak as we are all One tho 🙏🏽 In the Ashtar Command they recognise each other by vibrational frequency as each member resonates to a certain frequency ‘ so the name or rank is recognised by the frequency of the being . I believe you allready know this tho ‘ 😌 blessings & Namaste to you dear one 🕊🕊🙏🏽🙏🏽🕊



    Breakthrough Meditation at 2 PM UTC and Emergency Meditation at 3 PM UTC as of March 12th, 2018

    2/25/2018 01:24:00 am

    As mentioned in the previous meditation update on February 17th, Aurora is a project that this blog has been working on.
    The main aim of this project is to reduce the number of daily meditations.
    By doing so, we can reach the critical mass with all of our meditations more easily and help the Light Forces to achieve planetary liberation as soon as possible and as smoothly as possible.



    Laser-induced plasma channel[edit]

    "A laser-induced plasma channel (LIPC) is formed by the following process:
    A laser emits a laser beam into the air.
    The laser beam rapidly heats and ionizes surrounding gases to form plasma.
    The plasma forms an electrically conductive plasma channel."

  9. so which weapon would make you feel both like you're being microwaved and like your heart is going to explode? it felt like i was heating up to the point of combustion while i had a full blown panic attack full of fear that a strange bomb was going off. started getting pulled into the "tunnel" then it finally started to let off and subside.

    1. Yoesh: Yes I'd had same experience in uk, at different locations too it seems. Both at night in bed, would like to know what it is. Suspect microwave weapon. Also had a dream based psychic type attack with hypnosis routines and domination of my will centre to convince myself I was strangling myself and helplessly dying under their control. I forced awake to see a pulsing light filling my dark bedroom (could have been my pulse super-racing in my eyeballs if it was not an energy weapon). I'd have put it down to being a nightmare except for fact it took an intense hour to get my arms to move and then work with my will again. and the top part of my head was an energetic mess... never had sleep paralysis in that way. The top 2 inches of my brain were fried for two weeks and I got much worse symptoms with it every time I tried to look at disclosure info - like I'd been programmed not to by the attack. Only cleared up after two weeks when I saw a healer who said my head chakras were extremely painful to touch. Another healer I knew could "see" it was attack directed by the army. I can sadly understand how people die from these attacks like naturopaths and Cobra's partner Isis who had many attacks.

      I've learned that for my type of psychic attack you have to believe in yourself, your sovereignty and be fearless to prevent any psychic part of the issue because they need our fear to get any control. Well screw fear. They themselves will be fearful when justice comes knocking and karma does it back to them. An unlawful cowardly war on own citizens who they serve to protect, I pray they wake up.


  10. At the same time, please do not forget to fight the sickness itself instead on focussing on the symptons. It's easy to get distracted on your true path.

    And never forget:
    We Will be Victorious!

    From the Nobel Peace Prize Concert, this is

    When Tomorrow Comes

    Love, Light, Unity, Peace, Freedom, Healing and Ascension for All and Forever


    1. Dear RaJah,
      thank you for your constant efforts to spread energies of victory!
      This was the next song that got played automatically:
      Shining Light
      Annie Lennox
      Roman candles that burn in the night
      Yeah, you are a shining light
      You lit a torch in the infinite
      Yeah, you are a shining light
      Yeah, you light up my life
      You've always been a thorn in their side
      But to me you're a shining light
      You arrive and the night is alive
      Yeah, you are a shining light
      Yeah, you light up my life
      We made our connection
      A full on chemical reaction
      Brought by dark divine intervention
      Yeah, you are a shining light
      A constellation once seen
      Over Royal David's city
      An epiphany you burn so pretty
      Yeah, you are a shining light
      You are a force, you are a constant source
      Yeah you are a shining light
      Incandescent in the darkest night
      Yeah you are shining light
      My mortal blood I would sacrifice
      For you are a shining light
      Sovereign bride of the infinite
      Yeah, you are a shining light
      Yeah, you light up my life
      We made our connection
      A full on chemical reaction
      Brought by dark divine intervention
      Yeah, you are a shining light
      A constellation once seen
      Over Royal David's city
      An epiphany you burn so pretty
      Yeah, you are a shining light
      And these are days you often say
      There's nothing that we can't do
      Beneath a canopy of stars
      I'd shed blood for you
      The north star in the firmament
      You shine the most bright
      I've seen you draped in an electric veil
      Shrouded in celestial light
      We made our connection
      A full on chemical reaction
      Brought by dark divine intervention
      Yeah, you are a shining light
      A constellation once seen
      Over Royal David's city
      An epiphany you burn so pretty
      Yeah, you are a shining light
      Yeah, you light up my life
      Yeah, you are a shining light
      Yeah, you light up my life

      Power of my I AM presence I command Cobra being safe from all attacks of directed energy weapons, as well as his dear loving ever loyal love crew and all other innocent beings that get attacked or treated harmfully to spirit, body and soul. So be it and so it is.
      Victory of the Light!


    2. I really appreciate your kind words and the song you sent.
      A few days ago I had the visuals of that video in my head and considered playing it again because I really like it.
      And then the Universe sent it to you :-)
      That gift has really made me very happy.

      Thank You very much for that.
      I will continue doing what I do until the Final Victory of Love and Light is achieved, till then I'll continue bringing Shining Light into even the darkest night. And I do that *every* night.
      It feels good to have people like you on my side supporting my work.

      Team Bring It brings it!

      Lots of Love and Light for All


  11. Blessings Cobra ‘ I will share the information victory to the light dear brother 🙏🏽🕊

  12. Yes, if you’ve ever felt them, you know they are quite unpleasant and agitating. About a year ago I felt them frequently, including heart palpitations, coinciding with a series of peculiar events/interactions.
    (I am in good health, no heart issues)


    1. Do you consider you or your action were so important in order to get an attack?...

      Or is it rather from the general attack of population...

    2. They identify lightworkers at birth and have special "vaccinations" that either kill them (SIDS) or leave their health permanently compromised. Should a lightworker continue on their mission into adulthood, these scalar and directed energy weapons often begin to be deployed. There are a few kinds of weapons other than what Cobra is describing here. Some are merely very unpleasant but not deadly, though the intent is probably to drive the victim to suicide over long-term targeting. Sleep deprivation is regarded as a legitimate form of torture, and these weapons can often deprive the victim of sleep for days, weeks and months at a time. Which actions are "so important" to cause these attacks? Certain individuals incarnated here with the intention of being part (through meditation, anchoring of light, etc) of the planetary liberation. The greater an individual's efforts to fulfill that mission, the greater the risk they'll be targeted. I typically get nailed hard after certain meditations. Panic attacks usually, feels like my heart is going to explode my chest. But on the bright side, they tip their hand and let you know which of your actions are most effective; when I get attacked it tells me what I did was successful. The harder they hit me, the more damage I know I did to them.

    3. LOL, NO, not at all important, and this is why I do not understand. I am bad at meditation...well good at it when and IF I can get myself to do it, but I do not consider my action important.

      I was feeling sudden strange pains in my head etc. before Cobra even told us about DEW attacks, which I found hard to believe at the time, but then having pains and heart palpitations is enough to shake one out of complacency. It was very frequent a year ago. I cannot go into detail as to logistics, which neighbors I find suspicious, and what changes I made to feel safer, but I can say
      I noticed a certain neighbor of the many, looking at my windows through binoculars at 3 or 4 am at that time, and it made me paranoid. The disruptions it causes, aside from sudden pain, such as being unable to sleep, and consequent challenges it creates in functioning at diminished capacity, makes it very hard to MANIFEST, as one's LIFE FORCE is diminished.

      I am good at reading/posting disseminating all kinds of information, from Cobra to Q to uplifting New Age messages, etc. So maybe that makes me a target, who knows? I am not so important in the great scheme of things, just another Lightworker muddlign along and doing my best to help.

    4. Probably just general attack of anyone on this blog, especially those who are vocal. When I am quiet I have less problems -that's when you see me only post links to uplifting or fascinating articles, and not engaging in conversations as much.


    5. @blue bird

      ...and listen a bit to 'the hum'!
      do you hear it? how is it now?
      It is whirring by as loud that it is...

      This is a 'scalar' against the general population...



    But, where is it "the King that has declared the opening of the hunting season.“??...

    What is the status of 'the King' right now?
    And how many hunts has he taken down?...


  14. ...and where are the "physical action towards the planetary liberation, but not yet the Event"?...

    1. Early March, my friend. Be patient. It's close.


  15. ...and where is the implemented Galactic Codex to the end of February?...

    ...and where is the all-hammering Hammer of Thor?...

    1. It has been rescheduled for early March.

    2. unknown likes to troll and challenge everyone unnecessarily....asking me if I think my actions are important. The one who takes the action of making incessant posts filling up the thread is clearly the one who thinks he is important, IMHO. But I answered him anyway, above.

      The Universe knows right timing (and the Light Forces). We do not. Patience people, we are making progress.

    3. @blue bird of this blog

      it's not to underestimate or to challenge you...

      however it's very likely that 'the middle man lightworker' is not a target for these...

      most probable the 'high rank' lightworkers are rather to be the case...

    4. LOL blue bird?
      MOS DEF -not- high ranking, just an old weary soul who forgot to do her de-aging meditation, 'cuz she used to do it on the dance floor and she seldom goes dancing any more
      (miss California and dancing outside!)

    5. @BB might be de-aging even by simply being yourself...

  16. It is so fifficult to say,I,am I under attact.this morning not a heavy head now have I have suddenly a heavy head.sometimes very colt and stay energie have i.Some times I think I gif up.i,am tyred,it is a struckle.i ask can you lost weight from the attacks?Years and years almost 10 years the wil get me,in somanny ways.So many times I call the lightforces arrest them who attack me,i have right to.

    1. Yes, I get malaise, exhaustion sick, can't eat. I felt one coo=me in a while back and I sensed radiation. There is Youtube for detoxing radiation buy Zakos Breedlove, it was taken down but is back up. It helped me during a bad one. Pleiadians said try shower, change bedding, clothing.

  17. Japanese cult Soka Gakkai SGI performs an electromagnetic wave attack to a different citizen of religion and the thought.
    I do not have time to translate it into English.
    I want to translate it into English by a browser and to know the damage contents of the Soka Gakkai electromagnetic wave attack in Japan.

  18. i thought all this would be dealt with by mjolnir. i'm confused.

    1. The final phase of completion means a higher danger for us, the hostages.

      These are not exotic weapons, but a matter of the surface population.

      No factions with space capabilities are affected.

      As the cabal becomes more and more constrained, it is focusing its energies on things that were previously less important to them.

    2. We are not actually the hostages, even if it feels like a prison planet at times. Many are kept as slaves or for negotiation -they are the real hostages.

  19. Cobra give us the Event we need it now! Love to LF and RM ❤

    1. COBRA has no power to deliver the event. it is PRIME CREATOR who will determine when we are ready.
      COBRA is a messenger for the resistance movement.
      if we want the event then need to do what we are asked to do.
      it is difficult for everyone at the moment, most are struggling with their own demons and are being overwhelmed with the "emotional froth" that is bubbling to the surface. it seems our most difficult lessons are faith and patience.

  20. To be honest: I´m a bit suprised, that we still have to deal with this topic, when the galactic codex should be forced with Thor´s hammer onto quarantaine earth in early march.. hit the ground.

    I see, that every single one who dies from those beams is too much. So to be aware of that is surely very important.

    BUT: I thought with this operation Mjolnir, the light forces can trace everyone who is having evil intentions, and take him to the galactic center if necessary? Why then are they still allowed to kill holistic doctors, organize school shootings, "protests", etc. and get away with it?

    Excuse me: Where is the progress?

    Just one, two weeks to go for this operation Mjolnir.

    Btw.: Still nobody, who has enough "pushed the button" for full disclosure as speculated in late 2017..

    Hope we will ever get there.

    1. GOOD NEWS: Personal meditation made it clear:

      We are still making progress towards liberation every day.
      The situation is too delicate for full disclosure.
      World peace is in our reach!

      Victory of the Light!

    2. You sounds like you need healing. You should focus on what you feel.

      I think they are minimizing traumas, they are not doing magic. If it don't look fast "enough", it's because it will be worst.

  21. Thank you dear Cobra for your updating✨🙏🏼 we will continue supporting this liberation process through our daily meditation until the final victory of the light is achieved ✨🌎☀️ we are one unity of eternal light and love ❤️🌈 Víctory of the light is near 🙏🏼✨❤️🌈

  22. Hello , this post in french :

  23. Love and Light to All 💙🌎💚


  24. "Directed energy weapons are NOT plasma weapons, they are NOT scalar weapons. They are physical weapons emitting electromagnetic radiation"...

    FYI (the 'average' human)... :-)

    It's not 'plasma' from a metaphysical point of view,... viz. it works not on the 'plasma plane' (between physical and etherical) to manifest physical effects,
    but it may use physical plasma as long use lasers...

    A laser-induced plasma channel (LIPC) is formed by the following process:
    "A laser emits a laser beam into the air.
    The laser beam rapidly heats and ionizes surrounding gases to form plasma.
    The plasma forms an electrically conductive plasma channel."

    So, some of them seem to use physical plasma twice: one inside the laser to create the beam, and thereafter alongside with the beam (outside the laser):
    "gas must exist between the electrolaser weapon and its target."

    1. It's terrible both kinds of plasma have the same name. It serves the Dark agenda for sure.


    2. No yes, no not!
      You have 'physical plasma' everywhere in nature where a flame is.
      ...Even if looking the stars...

  25. Traducido al Casterllano
    Translated to Spanish


  26. a meditation must be put in place on this subject...

    it might be scheduled on the place of black alert meditation at every 4 hours 3 7 11am
    3 7 11pm UTC.

    Every 4 hours Alert Meditation every 4 hours:

  27. There has been a HUGE increase in lightworkers attacking lightworkers this weekend. Not good. I’ve been doing the goddess meditations to ease this. I hope everyone else can do the same.

    1. A lot of people have been saying this but I haven't found any real evidence of it? I found Google searches (lightworkers attack each other) alluding to these attacks but no real examples of it occurring.

      Do people have evidence of this? Anecdotal evidence or otherwise?

    2. Yes I noticed to. Starting to see hit pieces on cobra and others. Think its just showing how desperate they are getting.

    3. I’m not going to mention any names, but some lightworkers on Twitter went off the rails this weekend. A couple of them attacking Cobra specifically. Others are just voicing general negative comments.

  28. Cobra, which weapons are used to mess with a person's bodily functions and/or cause panic attacks?

  29. I wonder if these weapons are the reason why Ive been having suicidal thoughts for the past months and also attempted suicide already, still everyday is a struggle with simple tasks, and most of the day I think about suicide, there is no escape from this depression and hopelessness, even in sleep, I dream about death, wars and suffering... I only see darkness before me

    1. You must fight it. Just knowing that it is coming from outside is already a plus. Before you go to sleep declare that you do not want to be contacted by anyone except Source, higher self and who ever you choose - but choose wisely this should minimize the attacks in your dreams. Use the protections that have been stated in these articles. I have attacks as well, not suicide but physical pain and extreme sadness and desperation and every time this happens I know and declare that it is from outside. I also declare that this is against my free will and that they have not right to do this. The whole matter gets me angry enough to take on the fight.

      Hang it there, we need you.
      Blessings and Namaste.

    2. Same here, suicide is the only thing I think about. It's similar to how people describe being in love, where it fills their mind so they're unable to have any other thoughts. Or a breakup where it's literally the only thing they're capable of thinking about. That's suicide for me. It's my only passion, to get out of here quick. I'd say you see darkness because that's truly all there has been. Our 2,000 other lives were similarly in darkness so I'm reluctant to believe we'll see anything different. If the Light were facing severe challenges and delays, they wouldn't tell us. They'd keep saying "soon". Yeah well they live thousands of years so forget about their soon.

    3. DEW's (Directed Energy Weapons) from what I understand don't induce negative thoughts.

      Those thoughts that you're having (and other people have) come from other negative technologies (implants, scalar etc) and non-physical entities working together to suppress you and people. It's not your fault.

      Somethings that could be done to alleviate if not remove these thoughts and their source are:

      - Interacting with Nature (Ex: Walk in the park)

      - Invoking Positive Being to help you and aid you in removing negative things.

      - Visualizing/Meditating protective shields/bubbles


      - Don't beat your self up.

      - Telling the thoughts to "Fuck off"

      - And many others I'm sure if you're willing to find them.

    4. Toto,i send love daily. Receive it. It is real.

    5. -Find a suicide hotline and talk to someone or talk to a friend, teacher, boss, or counselor. This is not a time for going it alone.
      -Nature is the great healer that can refresh our perspective.
      -stay busy, make a game of work and tasks, stay off broadcast news and (anti-)social media.
      -spend time with a pet, yours or someone else's.
      -volunteer to help with something... It could be serving meals to homeless or maybe helping a bike organization sign up members by getting bike commuters to stop for free coffee (they do that on Boston)Look into things you like to find what sparks your "yes!"
      -eat as well as you can and make sure you sleep (turn off your cell or set alarm. Mine goes on silent at bedtime.)
      -get creative, draw, go to a library or museum (all museums have free entry periods)

      Just some ideas to get you out of your obsessive thoughts.

      Also try lemon balm (a.k.a. Melissa or Melissa Supreme) It comes in dried herb capsules, tea to brew and drink, or tinctures to take in water. Someone once suggested it to me for having trouble sleeping due to MIND CHATTER -when you cannot turn off your thoughts. It is non-sedative and can be used in the daytime.

      If you can't sleep due to muscle tension, Valarian can help, but it tastes awful so I suggest caps, although tea has other ingredients that mask the strong flavor. It DOES make you drowsy, so DO NOT drive or take in daytime.

      Always ask your doctor if you are on meds already. Most herbs and teas are fine taken as directed.

    6. -Always first of all get help-someone to talk to by phone or in person. NO other suggestion is a substitute for this.
      -Another helpful thing is to use white sage to clear the energy of your room/home.
      -Pray or call upon God/Higher Power for assistance. I often call upon AA Michael as I did last night

      Reading this post around 3 or 4am brought up my memories from last year, so I then looked out the window and saw the same neighbors at 5am,(no binoculars thankfully). I got paranoid and turned off the lights but could see energy or beings moving around my room. After I called on AA Michael, tucked in bed with a guided meditation, and waited for my feet to thaw, I eventually fell asleep, and felt better upon waking.

      -always sleep on it, things often are not so overwhelming in the morning

  30. A directed energy weapon must be how beloved Isis was removed.
    And so many others.

  31. It's going to be awhile until the Event. The "two weeks" was just to clear Earth orbit, which they've been working on for years in a way. Then underground bases before we even begin see anything. The Dark is very technologically advanced, it's going to be awhile.

    In the mean time, experience the plasma plane for yourself. This stuff is the real deal, arrives right away.

    You won't be disappointed. It doesn't just cure pain, emotional and physical, you feel the energy itself, like running your hand under water. It's incredible. Like my dad says "it feels like there's a fan in there!" Except it's like liquid that goes right through you. I've sold or given away 300 Pain Pens all around the world. I've never had a single person say "hey, you just sold me a stupid black coil." But they do say "oh my god you were right."

    1. I purchased 2 of them from you There is a slight sensation, maybe. I ended up putting one in my electrical panel and another under my computer. On a scale of 1-10 I’d give your pen a 5...if you believe in it. I’d give the Lemurian Plug a 6.

  32. It seems to me that the global release is being rescheduled for my life time, at least 20 years.

  33. consider taking the meditation energy during or afterwards to place around one's auric "FIELD" a blue star grid/web of protection, and enhance it with the violet flame- for
    those who 'feel' or sense they are targeted.

  34. This comment has been removed by the author.

  35. I think that not only direct energy attacks has escalated, but other scalar plasma attacks as well. Fore somewhere two weeks I have been feeling strong physical, psychological, and mental weakness combined with some extreme sadness, apathy and desperation. Nice cocktail I would say:) Its so obvious that this is not me, that it is not natural. Feels like an eclipse. But actually I found this all wery encouraging sign. Usually it is getting ugly before it`s over so I asume finish line has become closer. Walks in nature really helps . There`s a lot of fresh prana in wilderness. Highly reccomend. Wish you all patience, strenght and wellbeing.

    1. Yes the attacks has doubled, but that means we are very close to the event now. :)

  36. Thank you very much Cobra for these articles - now we have more info on how to shield. The picture above states exactly what I feel when attached plus the heating of the head, vomiting, extreme sadness and bursting into crying with no reason at all. I will definitely add some of the newly learned of to my arsenal and have been already spreading the news on these.

    Victory of the light!

  37. This explains why I was suddenly shocked awake at 3am. I was sleeping comfortable only to be awakened by what felt like a burst of electricity in my chest. It was very unsettling to say the least and I couldn't go back to sleep for a couple of hours even though I was very tired. This happened last night and the timing of this post is no coincidence.

    Thank you, Cobra. We know that this is very personal for you because you lost a loved one due to these atrocious attacks and we really appreciate you for all your help with educating us to defend ourselves against the effects of these attacks, I remember a while back you posted some links to some sound frequencies that helped against this, when I have the time i'll come back to look for them and post them here but unfortunately I do not have time to do so right now. Again, thank you for all you have done for us!

    This needs to end soon.

    As always, Much Love & Much Light - Peace Be With You

    Victory of the Light!!

    ~ The Light Sharer


  38. maybe i shouldn't but i'm seeing march 8th, international woman's day, with nothing yet. no liberation, no queendom, no hammer hiting the ground. feels like it's taking forever ;-;

    1. I’ve been thinking about this date too, as 3/8 = 11 and 2018 = 11. So 3/8/2018 = 11 11?

    2. u r right! It would be a great date!

  39. The plot thickens...

    WikiLeaks Verified account @wikileaks
    21h21 hours ago

    Full House Intelligence Committee GOP rebuttal to Democrat 'FISA Memo' rebuttal (5 pages, PDF) …

  40. "Heart attack" has happened lately in Sweden on young people involved with criticising the hidden powers.

    (in swedish)

  41. Was this what killed Isis? I did the meditation. I see all the devices gone soon.

  42. Will all these be nuetralized when mjolnir hits the ground in early March? If even this is the breakthroughs you were referring to then this would be amazing . So that we can finally stand tall w/o getting major resistance at the hint of a higher vibrational thought/intention !

  43. It would be good and great, if Cobra could comment on the actual situation. I guess this info spreads fear among people.

    What about the event?

  44. it's a dirty game they play. sounds like they've been taking many beatings lately though. doesn't seem like they stand much of a chance. can't figure out why they haven't joined the light yet



    President Trump Validates QAnon – How Will UFO SSP Disclosure Happen?

    Written by admin on February 23, 2018. Posted in exonews, Featured, world politics

  46. Another recent qhht session amongst others said the event solar flash would be this year and they all seem to be within the same time frame.

  47. Do you all really expect ground operations to Start in march this year ? Come on all the previous calculations have been based on the information how much the enemy had left. But the enemy always had much more left then expected. Ofcourse we wont really know If they say they will not give much information in the last stages.

  48. This comment has been removed by the author.

  49. Thank you!! We keep on shining our Crazy ;) Lovelight, wont we huh?:D I am so happy♡

  50. Nobody wrote about it yet! (I do not know!) Sathya Sai Baba where did come from? It came to the Hindus but it was universal! 5D? He has accurately predicted today's times!

  51. The MMS is controlled they wont disclose these weapons and the politicians are either paid off or clueless I tried to inform about chemtrails clearly visible in our skies to media and elected officials and no one believed me. Dont we need to remove toplet bombs and trigger event to take care of all of the cabal and their minions? Focus on the main solution? Confused as the dark ones wont stop until the vibration forces them or removes them. Trigger the Event enough meditating and hoping..take them out..dont the galactics have ability to teleport anyone off planet they wish? The media is the cabal they wont report anything honest

  52. I know some people that died from heart attack - this topic puts a big question who died from "natural causes" and who from weaponized interference . I think that many people who were killed that way - should be returned back into our reality , if they wish to , as fixing of malevolent Cabal actions and enabling them to fully live their lives as they were supposed to .

    I would see a right move to definetly disable all systems and groups that kill people , even by using force in some cases , if needed .

    As for many people being disheartened here and insisting on Event right now ... the Event will occur in optimal moment . The Event seems like it is also a lot about facing your own shadows - so , if you are not facing them now , then how do you expect it will go in the moment of the Event , when everything is amplified several times ?

    These times are all about PREPARATION , INFORMATION and ACTION . You have more than enough to work on - and exactly that inner-work , is the thing that will be crucial in achieving the optimal moment for the Event . Also , many people do not even retrospectivelly check how much they progressed over time of just few years . It was a massive jump . What needed decades to achieve 30-40 years ago , soon needed only 5-6 years . Now , it isnt measured in years , but in months ... and before you know , it will be measured in weeks ... then days ... then hours ... and then you have the Event .

    Keep your head up and keep pushing , preparing , informing and doing direct actions that are beneficial to everyone . Because when the Event hits , all the preparation will pay off immediately , and you wont have time to say "I-told-you-so" , because happenings will trigger one after another in rapid succession .

  53. So I guess this old information, posted about several times, is supposed to be a substitute for real intel.

    1. "Time to see for One’s Self."

  54. I think the real problem (plasmatopletbombs) is Not going to be solved soon... so don‘t get your hopes to high that march will bring the event

    1. I have no timetable. Sure, it could be years, but Trump wants a Military parade, but if you follow Q, that is partly to have strong protection when the arrests go down... many things are going on behind the word, investigations, a whole lot of disinfo and censorship (YouTube and FB suspensions for posting "False Flag" and "Crisis Actor" posts. Someone came after me on twitter for simply stating my love and support of Cobra. They REALLY are desperate to control the narrative, so I think we are getting closer to The Event. Or it could just get a lot worse before push comes to shove. The best thing we can do is be here now and persevere. Keep the faith. "Trust the Plan" ~Q

    2. let us put our hopes up.. once again.. pushing us to victory finally

    3. we don't have years.. Allison Coe. her clients under QHHT all say 1Q 2018 solar flash arrives.. we need humanity woken up.. those toplet bombs must be gone how else is the hammer of thor happening? if galactics are shooting down draco ships if that doesn't trigger the toplet bombs what would?????

  55. Amazing, thank you Cobra. Whenever I am experiencing something or wondering why something is a certain way, Cobra makes a post about the subject, with answers & explanations as to what is happening. Recently, I feel my neck and shoulders have been brutally smashed so that I cant function properly. Extreme pain when I move my arms and shoulders suddenly happened for no apparent reason. The local acupuncturist and also a body-worker said that at least 80% of their clients had the same complaint over the last several days (weeks maybe) Also, EVERY night before I teach my largest yoga class, I cannot sleep, something is buzzing my energy. All of a sudden, at dead on the hour (1/4 or 1/2 sometimes too) it will stop, and my whole being suddenly relaxes. By this time of course, it is time to get up. On the bright side, I can still teach a class no matter what, or how sick I am. I feel that my divine masters are at my side, guiding every move and word, then before I know it, the class is over and we all feel a whole lot better.

  56. Hoity-toity,,, If the Event is to take place then it will be the problem. Chill out ...

  57. I was hit while sound asleep, about 4am. Something slammed into the side of my head, and nearly knocked me off the bed. In my minds eye, I could clearly see some sort of antenna. Another instance was when I heard a screeching noise through my Bluetooth speaker during the afternoon, and instantly all my electronic devices, including the speaker were fried. It even knocked the AA battery right out of a little alarm clock I have. This must stop now!

  58. Drinking distilled water has help me the most. Ive done every protection protocol but the crap in most foods and tap water enhance these weapons. So eat light natural foods and drink distilled water. It has worked for me to lighten the affects!

    1. Local natural food stores have things like "ionized water" that is described as "almost distilled" but it has a few good things in it.

      I wonder if this type of ionized water is as good as you describe. ?

    2. yes... distilled is pure water.. removes toxins.. only makes sense. good for you!

  59. Helpful Intel Cobra.

    Just a reminder to some people who are frustrated, Cobra can't post Intel until he is given clearance too. I guess the current situation is still too delicate to release any intel, so we have to wait until it is safe enough.

    Just want to say that we need to keep doing our mission, our part, whatever you want to call it, we create our reality. We have obstacles along the way, but we get back up and keep going until the event, if we each do our part the event will come soon enough. It is okay to be frustrated, thousands of years of darkness has to be undone, and we are almost there, we shouldn't give up now. I know a lot of us are tired of hearing "almost there" and just want it to be done with. Just hang in there, we will all be free one day.

    Victory of the light!

  60. Excellent interview of Dr. Jerome Corsi by Lionel. Dr. Corsi covers a whole lot of very current topics.

    Listen before Youtube decides you are not allowed to hear it.


    Its very eye opening. Could this event bring in a golden cage? Not sure what to think yet. I do know that agenda 2021 was moved to agenda 2030. Read through blog before replying. We all have to be discerning.

  62. LF/RM and we have tipped the scales. LF/RM have gone underground and there is evidence in the news. Those bad guys remaining are cornered and dangerous nevertheless. We need to hold the truth of victory already achieved while we keep going to finish the job of removing the bad guys. Fear not, have faith. Warriors let’s shine!
    Check out latest video by Magenta Pixie entitled “Dark Deeds...” and the recent 12 minute video (QHHT excerpt) by Alba Weinman.


  63. There is a Deeper Wave than this, swelling in the World
    There is a Deeper Wave than this, listen to me girl

    Feel it rising in the cities
    Feel it sweeping overland
    Over borders, over frontiers
    Nothing will its Power withstand, I say
    There is no Deeper Wave than this rising in the world
    There is no Deeper Wave than this, listen to me girl

    Love Is The Seventh Wave

    The Swell is Rising.

    Love, Light, Unity, Peace, Freedom, Healing and Ascension for All and Forever


  64. A pillar of pink light has manifested itself in physical reality. Seen by many and even reported in the mainstream press.

    1. We just saw one quite similar to this off the west coast of the US just yesterday. Over the ocean.

      We thought it was part of a rainbow, but it wasn't a rainbow. It had a pink tone.

      I didn't have any devices with me where I could have photographed it.

      A good sign, fingers crossed.

  65. She is attacked with electrolasers.

    "Dr. Katherine Horton demonstrates what mutilation shots to the heart with microwave guns look like on the measuring device…"


  66. The following mudra helps with heart trouble.

    Keep your fingers stretched. Bend the index finger (the one closest to the thumb) towards the base (the fat part) of the thumb. Bend the following 3 fingers towards each other so that their tips touch each other: middle finger, ring finger, thumb. Keep the little finger straight. Do with both hands. You should be able to feel energy flow towards the heart. This mudra is said to have saved lives. You can even do it for someone else if that person is too unwell.

    Sorry for not posting this earlier.

  67. "Perpetrators will be persecuted"

    I think you mean "prosecuted"


  69. Slovenian translation (pinned post in our SOTR and ESG group on Facebook):

    Thank you for your post Cobra.

    Victory of the Light!

  70. If you want to see "direct energy weapons" in action, watch the movie "Eraser" (1996) w/ Arnold Schwarzenegger, James Caan, James Coburn, & Vanessa Williams.
    Eraser -

  71. I wonder why Cobra suggests meditations when BECOMING the Goddess energy by doing loving acts in the world would be more efficacious. Is it because people actually aren't that loving? What does that say about things?

  72. I have been getting absolutely laid out with anxiety attacks lately. I have never had issues with anxiety and this, wow, the last two weeks have almost killed me. Constant anxiety attack until my body eventually gives out and crashes then the mind keeps going making it worse. Last thur felt like my brain was cooking from the inside. Dont know what this is but don't know how much more by body can handle.

  73. Cobra, I respect you of course, but why should we focus on the minions with DEWs when the hammer of thor is in effect and the galactics are taking out draco ships, taking out the implants stations, taking down the veil / toplet bombs, isn't this the key to trigger the event once toplet bombs are not a threat, we were told the Event can happen then all the cabal low vibration humans wont make it thru or will move to the Light, isn't this correct? We can't convince anyone of DEWs much less the fake media, they won't report on chemtrails and those are above our heads for all to see. If I tried to explain DEWs people would have me committed.. I know they exist of course but the sleeping masses still think gasoline cars are the best we can do.. space travel is still done using rockets. the programming has to be lifted via the solar wave for humanity to literally wake the hell up. I am just being honest here, social media doesn't work only a few of us on this blog get it, we need GOD/Source to wake up Earth now.

  74. I think it is time for me to share what has happened to me in 2016 and 2017. I know I'm not alone.

    I was a victim of a directed energy weapon in 2016 by a van parked outside my apartment. Went to the hospital with a resting heart rate of 165 beats per minute. Oh, and while I was at the hospital somebody removed the lock nuts on my car, which would have killed me had the wheel fell off on the highway.

    When that didn't work a city police officer a few days later came out of his car and was about to pull out his gun to shoot me, when I pointed out the park I was walking in might have cameras. This spooked him and he left instantly.

    So I move to a new city with family in 2017. There was a hooded man trying to pry off the lock nuts again, this time from the family car. But he was stopped by a woman with a thick, unearthly accent who said "freeze!"

    I ran inside to let her handle it, only to go into my room and discover my medical paperwork and childhood photos thrown everywhere around my room.

    Whoever ransacked the photos and paperwork were most interested in the photos from 1996 (the same year of the Archon invasion). Because there were tons of photos and paperwork from 1996 missing.

    1996 was the same year I was first given antipsychotic and neuroleptics as a child. I was only five years old at the time.

    I don't know what I've done since I was a child to warrant this much attention, as I haven't accomplished anything of importance. Thank heavens there are good people (and possible ETs) which have my back right now.

    I'm safe but this is all very unsettling.

    1. thx for sharing. Know that you are never alone and we are stronger together :-)

      strength in numbers!

      with gratitude,

      Black Panther <3

    2. I am 75% sure the well know community organizer and radical late mayor Chokwe Lumumba in Jackson Mississippi was a victim of these weapons. He died mysteriously of a heart attack shortly after being elected, perhaps the most radical mayor in the US at the time. He was definitely a lightwarrior and probably a starseed (sirian perhaps?) :-)

      let us end these attacks before more good people are KILLED!

  75. Angry, Fearful, Petulant? All is Well.
    by Brenda Hoffman | Life Tapestry Creations


    VIDEO (recommended)

  77. I have felt that piercing headache. Thank you for the explanation!

  78. Thank you for the headache info. I have been experiencing a piercing headache and now I understand why...It's almost gone now!!!

  79. The defense I believe is in knowing our power comes from the all and commands all power and when I wrap my mind around this effect on the so-called evil side and Affirmed such command it really flipped my understanding completely regarding the resonance and protection involved.
    ... and the one mindedness... of course c, can only come with affirming once again, haha, the All as being the only important!
    And voila!... I have true reasoning behind such command...
    ... or at least a loving calming effect on the evil side (cuz it's melted together). Once for some reason I felt need to reverse exactly back at what seems what was coming at me

  80. I can testify that I have been a victim of this and I have seen this being used on people close to me.

    This needs to stop and the fascists behind it MUST BE BROUGHT TO JUSTICE NOW!!!

    love and courage is my protection :-)


  81. I dont trust Trump. He is clearly a Nazi...

    theres good people behind him but you cant right a wrong. we will never defeat fascism by supporting overt fascists. am I the only one who sees this clear contradiction?

    ...but no one listens to the black guy...ok ;-)

    BERNIE 2020!

  82. High profile targeted individual reveals all by exposing FBI and U.S. Government misdeeds…

  83. The Globalists Are Waging Open War On America! (+ worse)
    | Posted on November 23, 2018 by ForeverUnlimited

    Cobra first told us abut Directed Energy Weapons in 2015. There are a number of blog posts in the archives that discuss their use against Lightworkers, which many of us have experienced. Now the attacks on humanity are blatant! Here are some from his archives: ~PB

    The Globalist Are Waging Open War On America!
    November 17, 2018


    Plan to Burn up Northern California Disclosed
    – Deborah Taveres
    21K 787 Share NEW
    Published on Feb 28, 2018

    2018 02 27 Directed Energy Weapons- Sonoma County Board Supervisors Meeting Infrastructure Recovery Workshop


    New Age Threats Require
    New Age Defenses
    Directed Energy

    Spectrum Technologies

    For 40 years, Lockheed Martin has researched, designed, developed, and captured electromagnetic energy and elevated its power to create innovative Directed Energy solutions. We have developed laser weapon systems, radio frequency and other directed energy technologies for air, ground and sea platforms to provide an affordable countermeasure alternative. We are addressing critical needs such as accuracy, mobility, size, weight and power (SWaP), cooling, and minimal collateral damage.


    – And More Bad News – Deborah Taveres
    9.5K 407 Share NEW
    Published on Jan 12, 2018



    Primary Water is why we don’t
    have a water shortage.

    A recent study documented the presence of vast quantities of water locked far beneath the earth’s surface. That study confirmed “that there is a very, very large amount of water that’s trapped in a really distinct layer in the deep Earth… approaching the sort of mass of water that’s present in all the world’s ocean”

    What is Primary Water? 1985 Interview with Dr. Stephan Riess


    Exclusive Interview with Fire Captain on Origins of CA Fires
    9.4K 334 Share
    Published on Nov 3, 2017

    Highly Decorated Fire Captain John Lord speaks out about the possible directed energy weapons used to start over 16 major fires that began in the middle of the night in Napa/Sonoma/Mendocino Counties. To date, some three weeks after the fires, officials have not gone on record as to the origins of these fires.


    Agenda 21 & Agenda 2030 Exposed ~ Rosa Koire
    5.4K 199 Share
    Published on Aug 9, 2018



    Rosa Koire: Agenda 21. Open Mind Conference 2013
    1.6K 89 Share
    Published on Jan 2, 2014

    “Behind the green mask UN Agenda 21” Rosa Koire is the executive director of the Post Sustainability Institute. Impacting every aspect of our lives, UN Agenda 21/Sustainable Development is a corporate manipulation using the Green Mask of environmental concern to forward a globalist plan. Rosa speaks across the world and is a regular blogger on her website Democrats Against UN Agenda 21 dot com. Her book, BEHIND THE GREEN MASK: UN Agenda 21 is available on, Kindle, and Nook, and at her website.


