Saturday, February 3, 2018

Situation Update

Isis Astara, my beloved soulmate, has left the physical plane. She was often brutally attacked with directed energy weapons and the attack on January 25th was one attack too many. We could not protect her, her heart could not make it. The Resistance could not intervene directly otherwise toplet bombs would be triggered.

She has successfully transitioned through plasma plane and is now with her spiritual guides, surrounded by Love, joyful that she is finally free. After the Event, she will return in a cloned body that will look exactly the same as her physical body looked in this lifetime. She will be living in an area of Light, anchoring energies of the Goddess and living a joyful life in the Golden age she always wanted to live.


This was a direct attack on loving feminine Goddess presence with serious exopolitical implications.

Until now, the Light Forces were using a slow cautious approach to planetary liberation not to trigger the dark forces killing too many hostages (surface population). In a hostage situation, this phase is called negotiation phase (or standoff phase):

During negotiation phase, there is not much apparent progress and there are many delays, because the longer hostage negotiations last, the more likely it is that hostages will survive unharmed:

With killing of a key person such as Isis Astara, the hostage liberation has shifted in the final, termination phase. During termination phase, there is swift physical action to liberate the hostages.

On January 27th morning, the Galactic High Command has decided to deploy its fleet in Medium Earth Orbit:

This information has come from two sources independently, from the Pleiadians and the Resistance. Dragon sources have confirmed this by stating that “ET invasion has begun”.

Medium Earth Orbit is a curious zone between Low Earth Orbit and High Earth Orbit with very few satellites positioned there. The only exception are a few satellites in Molniya orbit, among them Russian telecommunication satellites and Trumpet class of ELINT reconnaissance satellites:

The reason why Medium Earth Orbit is almost empty is because the region of altitude between 1000 miles (1600 km) and 8000 miles (12750 km) is the region where the innermost ring of Chimera-controlled Draco fleet was guarding quarantine Earth since its arrival in 1996.

This Draco fleet defense ring was penetrated on January 27th late in the evening by Galactic Confederation fleet and most of Draco forces eliminated in the following days. 


Here you can see cloudships that are cloaked Confederation motherships which were participating in “special operations” on January 28th in key exopolitical region in central Europe:

The Galactic Confederation will clear all negative factions with space travel capability, either extraterrestrial or secret space program, that do not accept the Galactic Codex, within the next two weeks.

Then they will methodically and systematically clear everything below the surface of the planet and after that, surface operations will begin.

Due to changed hostage situation dynamic, the original plan for the Event has been expanded and is now more robust. Top brass in Positive Military in USA, China and Russia have been contacted and given instructions.

There was too much classified intel about Event operations flying on the internet until now.

The hostage situation on the surface is simply too delicate and there will be complete intel radio silence (EMCON) about surface operations from now on. There will be a lot of speculation but no real intel about the surface operations will be released by the Light forces.

The only thing I can say is that the Event will still include:

-Removal of the Cabal
-Full disclosure and full exposure
-Financial Reset

Mass arrests of the Cabal may, or may not happen. You will be informed about the Event operations in real time as they happen, through the mass media.

During this critical time of planetary transition, it is of the utmost importance to connect with the feminine Goddess presence and nurture qualities of love, compassion and tenderness to stabilize the transition and counteract the cruelty so prevalent on the surface of the planet.

A special blog post will be dedicated to this.

Goddess wants Love and Love it will be. 


  1. So happy about Isis Astara! Will be emanating as much feminine Goddess energy as I can... Love you all :)! *hugs and squishes*

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. No he is not ‘ but he comes from another lifestream of an Ascended master 🌸

    3. God bless you and isis heart goes out to you,but you will be in glorious reunion again..thankyou with love and gratitude for all you are doing..we are here,ready and grateful..God keep you safe 🌟💕

  2. Our thanks to you and to your Beloved


    I know myself,

    I expand my understanding daily,

    I see the situation before me as it truly is,


    I do not consent to your presence,

    I do not consent to your will,

    I do not consent to your dominion.

    I proclaim the current world-system illegitimate & an aberration,


    I pronounce any and all contract null & void,

    I pronounce any and all oath null & void,

    I pronounce any & all bloodline & lineage affiliation null & void,





    Now, get out of my temple!

    1. This is AMAZING. I would only add one thing. After the last “I do not consent” line

      I DO NOT CONSENT TO YOUR PRESENCE in my Universe. Get out now.

    2. HaHa Yes! I think Its Perfect!

      Saying This All The Way Through Without Any Mistakes in your Speech is Very Important.

    3. Saying this passage All the way through, WithOut Any mistakes is important in feeling and experiencing the complete effect:)



  4. Congratulation!!
    This is You! We wait Yow!

    With kindest regards! grace and love!

  5. My deepest condolences my good friend... even those who are gone are with us as we go on, you will see her again

    - Fates


  6. Isis & Cobra - The Goddess Spiral Meditations (Full Album)
    Healing Songs Space

    Three superb Goddess meditations – visualisations, complete with music only versions.

    Get this in high quality on the artist's website:

    or on iTunes:

    “Dear Ones!
    Listening and meditating on The Goddess Spiral CD you are receiving Goddess Isis blessings through the Key of life, as a Breath of life given to you, and the Mother Earth, through the Goddess Spiral for you to remember who you are – Goddesses and Gods perfectly balanced in Divine Union of Love, together creating Victory of the Light!” – Isis
    With specially created music by Medwyn Goodall designed to transport the listener with high vibrational tones and frequencies.

    Track list:

    01. Return of the Goddess
    02. Golden Spiral
    03. The Central Sun
    04. Return of the Goddess (music)
    05. Golden Spiral (music)
    06. The Central Sun (music)

  7. I went breathless twice reading this post. THANK YOU so much, Cobra, for this situation report, and renewal of our hope. Be blessed, you and your soulmate, for your missions. And we want to hear from you soon again. The Light is Victorious!

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Thank you dear Cobra for this update and thank you very much for your service dear Isis Astara. I want Love too, so... let's get to it. :-)

  10. Love is opening to all of us AS all of us. Victory of Light!

  11. Understanding the Pink Light

    What it is from a 3rd density physics point of view.

    How may look like a very 'pink light' from a spectral point of view...

    What is the pink light and what is the 'pink sound' from that point of analogy...

    Details to come:


    1. It may be worth to be taken in consideration, and are we also entitled to consider, that in order to visualize properly the Pink Light, we have to understand it at least in 3rd density terms.

      We are also entitled to consider that the 3rd dimensional visible veritable Pink Light is to a great extent the 3rd density counterpart of the metaphysical Pink Light which carries the energy we consider to anchor on the earth...

      So, a proper understanding of it in the earthling physical terms, concerning its visible spectrum, will help us at an unconscious level to visualize what it in fact should be.


    2. Think at first that the power of light frequency emission is proportional to 1/f (frequency). The more the light emission to the red, the less that is to the violet...


    3. For the average person might seem very interesting the definition of 'pink sound', definition rooted on the analogy of what is from a spectral point of view the visible pink light.

      "Pink noise or ​1⁄f noise is a signal or process with a frequency spectrum such that the power spectral density (energy or power per frequency interval) is inversely proportional to the frequency of the signal. In pink noise, each octave (halving/doubling in frequency) carries an equal amount of noise energy. The name arises from the pink appearance of visible light with this power spectrum.[1] This is in contrast with white noise which has equal intensity per frequency interval."

  12. Dear Cobra and Isis Ashtara, thank you both for your great job to help people to be free.
    We love you both and let you don't wait long to see your beloved again.

  13. Sorry for your loss cobra, happy to hear that you will be reunited soon.
    Victory of the light.

  14. Victory of The Light! Love is beautiful ;-)

  15. Bless You Cobra. I feel again this weekend heavy attacks on my body. I'm so tired of this. That we have to endure this, I do not understand. This has to end soon.

  16. Mi dear Cobra, I have no words to express my condolences and compassion for this lost, but to say, thank you for showing your strength and courage to come up even stronger after such event; thank you.
    Isis Astara Love is always present and within us.
    Much love to you my friend!

  17. Much much love and wholehearted thank you toyou both, Isis and Cobra 🙏🙏❤❤❤

  18. Ok great sorry isis had to leave the physical for this to happen but if it speeds up the event then I'm joyful thank lf rm cobra let's finish this asap

  19. Ok great sorry isis had to leave the physical for this to happen but if it speeds up the event then I'm joyful thank lf rm cobra let's finish this asap

  20. Thank you Cobra, for explaining what happened to Isis Astara and how the liberation process now has intensified. We are all so sorry for your loss but also happy to hear that you will soon be reunited here on the surface. Goddess wants Love and Love it will be.

  21. Thank you so much for this information. Love prevails. I’m so thankful. Tears of joy and so much gratitude. Namaste

    1. PS, also, thank you so much for telling us how Isis Astara is doing. I’m so glad she is safe, FREE, and living in Love. Someday, I hope to meet her.

  22. Gracias Cobra, a pesar de su dolor,sigue trabajando para la humanidad, que su ser superior le otorgue toda la Luz.

  23. Good news, it seems. Cobra, I'm glad to know that you will have the chance to unite with Isis Astara again soon in the future. Let's go on!

  24. "Mass arrests of the Cabal may, or many not happen."

    Many not happen? I wonder if this typo is intentional as it could convey a triple meaning similar to the military's unknown unknowns terminology.
    - There are things you know
    - There are things you know that you don't know
    - There are also things you don't know that you don't know

    With the sentence having a typo it becomes a total unknown. Mass arrests may or may not happen OR this intel could be totally false because it says "many not happen."

    Hopefully this is the LAST major update before the event with the hostage situation entering it's terminal phase. Expect casualties but please understand...

    Death is an illusion. Death is just a gateway to another plane of existence. As Isis Astara crossed into the higher planes so shall we if we perish in the coming battle. Do not fear death. What we should fear is suffering because suffering drives souls insane and causes them to flip to the dark side if their suffering becomes more than they can handle.

    The event should be initiated immediately regardless of causalities. If I am numbered among the dead that does not matter. It is for the greater good. What is important is the suffering ends now. What is important is the event happens now rather than later. I lay down my life in service to the light.

    This is the role of the divine masculine or the positive masculine energy to lay down their lives in service to others as the great prophets and holy men have done throughout the ages. Service to others and the greater good is the way. May the end come quickly is all I have to say.

    Peace be with you.

    1. The Cabal is going to be removed, but might not be arrested to accomplish this objective. It might be considered too risky to arrest the Cabal and just easier to take them off planet without a public trial, which is what an arrest implies.

    2. I completely Agree! INITIATE the Event Now. SO BE IT!
      I command this so! This suffering Ends tonight!

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Dear Novusod, I think you may want to read that sentence again - it most definitely says ‘may or may not’.. not ‘many not’..🧐

      “Mass arrests of the Cabal may, or may not happen. You will be informed about the Event operations in real time as they happen, through the mass media.” ....

      No typo there.


    5. The typo was corrected after I made my post.

  25. Cobra, I'm truly sorry for your loss. I do no knows w what it s like to have a soulmate. What I'm about to say may come across as insensitive , but know that none of it is directed at any individual.

    So you're essentially saying ONE person is responsible for anchoring this goddess energy, whatever it is to the earth. Now that she has moved on, it somehow causes serious political repercussions.. is it correct to infer that the anchor is the only person who matters? Frankly speaking I'm sick and tired of this goddess and feminine energy stuff. It seems as if this is all anyone talks about . Balance be damned. I don't want to have to serve gods and goddesses in the next world too. And no, please don't tell me that we're ALL gods, if we were, there would be no need to use the term in first place.

    Even if this message doesn't make it past the filters, I hope SOMEONE reads it

    1. he said a key individual... I assume there are others dedicated souls anchoring goddess energy within the population...

      I think we(population) do so in a way that is as far as our control mechanism allows us to... but there are some individuals that are fully committed into the liberation... are initiated and knowledgeable into the mystery school teachings...

      Although lady Du Mou is not from this planetary system... she is one good example of a high spiritual being achoring the goddess energy(asisting Gaia).

      I am sure there are many here that feel they are doing their part in their own way and that might be so... but also lets acknowledge that there are some unknown to us that are carrying extra load in order to assist and or fully committed...

      Anyways... This is what i gather...

      One reason why they talk about goddess energy is because for the most part Such energy had been hijacked.. the masculine as well.. both twisted to bring us to this polarity situation but mainly the goddess energy which under normal circumstances(no hostage situation) it would have been part of us males or females in a balanced manner...

      So this is not an issue of pushing for female power to rule.. is about bringing balance that was lost.. within each..

      i can tell u.. i aint one of them advance beings :).. i am just an observant

  26. Wonderful news the Victory of The light iOS finally within reach patience prayer and vigilance is still required

  27. thanks alot. from now on i will watch each of my steps twice.

  28. Everyone don't forget get your money out the banks and have food for the reset.

    1. May everything flow in abundance so you can bless the ones around you yourself!

  29. What a brave warrior you are, Cobra. Even through your loss (glad to see it's only temporary!) you keep fighting the good fight. Thank you and thank you to Isis.

    This is a bittersweet moment as this good news comes in the wake of Isis' passing. So pleased she is safe. Deep love and gratitude to you both. xx

  30. OMG! It looks that the Event may happen soon.
    Thank you, Cobra. I am so glad you will see Isis Astara again, hopefully soon!!! I am doing my best holding and promoting Goddess energy anywhere I can. I do it for myself, I do it for Isis Astara, and I do it for every living being on this planet.
    Victory of the Light!

  31. ... and relieving information about your soulmate. i saw her travelling within a shield of light, that blocked all kind of vicious attacks successfully.

  32. Last night there was full scale battle in astral. I saw and felt both lower entities and light forces. Lower entities tried to make me feel like i'm a slave then i ran away and banded together with light forces. It is fun actually, like a video game. I feel light gets brighter and presence of light beings is intensified as dark attacks intensified. Call Archangel Michael's blue flame to purify astral entities. Lets focus all of our light to this last battle.

  33. Again, something happened that I lost the message I was writing and had to re-write it. This is a second attempt at the message with some of the original content missing, but the message remains intact.

    "With killing of a key person such as Isis Astara, the hostage liberation has shifted in the final, termination phase. During termination phase, there is swift physical action to liberate the hostages."

    There are two messages seeded here.

    1. Isis Astara, the lovely divine goddess of peace & love, seeing the suffering on the planet made an agreement with her higher-self to sacrifice herself in self-less service to speed up the proccess of planetary liberation. She is a brave warrior/heroine for doing this and should be treated as such upon her return. (I wrote this much more elonquently in my original message with deep, impactful emotion motivating me, now as I rewrite it I try to remember what I wrote but my only emotion now is frustration from losing the message earlier and as a consequence now as I write this, the message is sullied.)

    2. This means there is only one possible timeline left for the Cabal with two possible conclusions. A) Accept the light & Surrender within two weeks and be spared. (i.e Mass Arrests) or B) Mass Executions. The choice is yours to make. Either way, your actions will be exposed to the public, but surrender now and your identity & person will be kept safe in a secure location (Gitmo).

    People of Earth

    1. Maybe you should try to write down the message on a piece of paper firstly. No one will then be able to steal it from you. Thank you.

    2. Wow, I didn't think of it like that. It might be very true that the reason they won't be arrested is because they'd be executed.

    3. Great suggestion Anonim. I will endeavor to do that from now on. Thank You! (∩_∩)

    4. I have an app on my phone. its like an old fashioned dicta phone, just speak into it and your thoughts are saved, quicker than writing things down.

  34. Hello,
    This post translate in French :

  35. Much love and gratitude Cobra, RM, Light Workers everywhere. Be safe, be strong, centred in the heart, LOVE, LOVE, LOVE xxx

  36. Thank you Cobra. Enough is Enough❤️✡️

    1. I couldn’t have said it better if I tried. 🌸🌟🌸🌟🌸 I’m so sorry Isis.

  37. ♡ I'm so happy to read that Isis Astara will be back after the event! :)) I'm really happy for her and you Cobra, really! ♡

    I <3 all!

    ·*♥*·.¸(¯`*.¸*.Victory of the Light.*¸.*´¯)¸.·*♥*·

  38. omgoddess i'm so thrilled isis will come back after the event! imagine how cobra is looking foward to it. i am. i will want to meet her cause i've always identified so much with the feminine and i'm practically a great mother full of compassion for every living being in this hostage state. this really was the best news i could have!
    besides i'm happy and confident it's gonna speed up. it nothing but fair to bring it quick on!
    love love love and gratitude to all light forces in, on and over surface. physical and non physical beings <3

  39. With deep gratitude for Isis Astara safe journeying to her guides and here contribution to planetary liberation mission. Its conforting to know your soulmate will return at the appointed time. Bravo to all Light Forces for their steadfast intervention.
    Victory of the Light!

  40. Tears, more tears, from sorrow to joy.
    Dearest COBRA, you and Isis Astara are the Wayshowers of The Phoenix Rising. Words can not express the Love in my Soul for you and Isis and for your dedication and sacrifice for the Light Victorious, that we may all experience The New Atlantis.
    I AM connected to my I AM Goddess presence.
    I AM connected to Love
    I AM connected to Compassion
    I AM connected to Tenderness
    I AM THAT I AM...

    And so much love and gratitude to The Pleiadians, GF, RM Operation Mjornai , and all Light BEINGS working together for Gaia’s Liberation.

    I feel the sweetness of HOME...

  41. Great news about Astara, we were worried about her making it past the Archon's technology...

    Roger that about the intel blackout. May those who are in harm's way be protected as they clear everything out, including you Cobra. Much love everyone <3

  42. I'm so sorry for your loss,Cobra💖.Thanks both.🙏.


  44. I feel your pain, I know your loss. Love IS the final victory! Many blessings to you and yours Cobra. We are ONE!

  45. I feel this deeply and also feel a sadness that they attacked your soul mate Cobra. I'm also relieved that she will be back after the event reunited with you and us as a whole. Victory of the light and always sending healing light and love to you and all of us on this journey of liberation.

  46. Focused Intent, Love and Light to all!
    Victory of the Light!!!!

  47. wonderful... Thank you for the update... Victory of the light! Love to all

  48. Dear Cobra,

    My heart goes out for you, please accept my depeest condolences, Isis was so young and I could see on your shared photo how much you belonged together..heartbreaking..
    I also lost my grandma this January, while grandpa had a stroke, both of them intuitive, instinctive light anchorers, very pure and loving humans..

    I have the most respect for you for being able to carry on with your mission, truly admirable persevarance from you.

    Stay safe and Light shall prevail.


  49. With love and gratitude to you and your beloved for your service to us. I am so happy to hear that you will be united with Isis soon :D Victory to the light!!!

  50. Thank You, Beautiful Man. You have paid the Ultimate price for us all and Your Strength overwhelms all sorrow and Your Love Light Still Shines On! Power To The Light! God Speed The Light! Victory of THE LIGHT! Most of all....please FEEL the gratitude of us all who Love You.

  51. I cried tears of Joy, knowing Isis's Transistion is Complete & that she and our Brother Cobra will soon again be reunited in the Physical. That is sooo Awesome!!!!
    And yes, Isis, on a Soul level, probably sacrificed her life to Speed Up The Event for Us All.

    God Bless Isis!

    Adami I Am ��

  52. Her loss on the physical plane was not in vain, I'm sure! She has become more powerful and now the dark alliance will have a taste of their own medicine! Liberation now,and when you both unite it will be Beautiful! On my part, will keep vibrating in the Love frequency, even going through physical pain and family issues! Mother Earth and all her inhabitants will be free,Victory of the Light! ❤

  53. Cobra, much love and gratitude being sent your way.

    May the abundant Love of the Goddess guide us HOME... Visualizing and grounding it in NOW.

    Victory of the Light.

  54. Sending peace and love to you, to all and to my galactic warrior friends, finish this please

  55. I will do as asked, meditating on goddess energies. Much love to Cobra and Isis Astara.

  56. Got some intel regarding something potentially related to the 2/4 false flag and a possible new false flag plot. Far leftist protest in Minneapolis on 2/4. Culminating with a march on the stadium. "Next Waco" is on Trump. Likely motive being revenge for releasing the memo. FBI is likely plotting a false flag killing law enforcement officials.

  57. Thank you and your beloved from Brazil. Victory of the Light!!

  58. I want to post this for my friend, since she needs to remain completely anonymus:

    So HAPPY to hear that Isis Astara will be back after the Event with a cloned body. It doesn't surprise me, that she was attacked so brutally and that her heart couldn't make it, since a lot of very important female key ligtworkers where attacked within the same timeframe last week and most of them had almost heart attacks, followed by constant energetical attacks at night which are still continuing.

    Regardless of the ongoing attacks our sisterhood united and together we did the required healing meditations for Isis Astara. Within the last two days we felt and we saw ( we are all highly clairvoyant and gifted with all kind of spiritual gifts and "weapons" ), that everything was o.K. with her and that she had arrived safely in the realms of light. With tears in our eyes we saw her and she told us, that she is o.K.

    We are sending you lots of LOVE Cobra, our dear Brother. Words can not even describe our deep feelings for the liberation of planet earth.

    Victory of the LIGHT.

  59. does that mean no Qanon or meganon discussions?

    1. Interesting question, penny and brandon.

      Meganon hasn't been around for a few weeks at least. Q has been quiet in the last few days.

      I'm also thinking when Cobra says we need to increase our forgiveness and love, perhaps he is referring to this situation (esp. right now in the US) with "THE MEMO," with people being exposed all over the place.

      (Problem of course lies on both sides of the aisle in the US -- the Demo vs. Repub. is a phony construct).

      Also, Q has reported recently about so many "big shots" who have stepped down from their jobs -- across all industries and organizations (incl. government).

      A big guy at SONY very recently stepped down, for example.

      The energy is definitely up!

      (PS. Sending you some love up there on your beautiful cloud, Isis !)

  60. Sorry for your loss, my condolences to you!

  61. Victory of the light! I guess now moving forward, we will know who the false actors are. If the intel is on lockdown, we wont see any legitimate insiders talking anymore about what’s going on, right?

    1. I realized that I neglected to include my condolences for what happened with Isis. I guess, I just know cobra and Isis will be okay and always together.

  62. Thanks for the update cobra! and sorry for your lost

    Translated to spanish
    Traducido al castellano

  63. VOL 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜im so ecstatic!!

  64. I love you cobra i feel your pain and send much love to your family always 💜💜💜

  65. Thanks astral for saying it so eloquently.

    Cobra, you know you and Isis have "gone beyond the call of duty" and humanity is eternally grateful for you both.

    I'm glad she can return and live in a special place of light. And I hope you can too.

  66. "It was the year of fire,
    the year of destruction,
    the year we took back what was ours.

    It was the year of rebirth,
    the year of great sadness,
    the year of pain,
    and the year of joy.

    It was a new age.
    It was the end of history.
    It was the year everything changed."

    -Babylon 5

    1. Hi Jonathan. I do hope you get guided to create another one of your films. They are so inspirational, I like the humorous ones too.

  67. Peace and Blessings to Cobra and Isis Astara, for your sacrifice in bringing us closer to The Event. We are indebted to you, and look forward to your reunion.

  68. Keeping the vibration high!

    Does this mean I'll get to see my mum again after the Event? 😀

  69. I was so sad about your loss of Isis, thank you and her for your lifelong dedication at our liberation. But now that you will be reunited with your great love I am so happy.
    Bless you, the Light Forces and RM. Your precious leadership has inspired me to do my best to follow your request at anchoring the soft, patient, forgiving, love of the Goddess energies, now and forever.
    Victory to the Light

  70. I was sobbing tears of joy upon reading this, so happy that Isis Astara is safe and happy!...that you and she will be reunited after our liberation!...and so much love and thankfulness to the both of you for continuing to fight the good fight for us!❤️
    To speak those words.. OUR LIBERATION.. feels even more real now after reading this report - we are almost there!!
    And tonight, for the first time, I was actually able to break through part of that wall of denial my daughter has put between us, regarding the truth of the planetary situation humanity faces here... I was emotional but brief, not overwhelming her with alot of detail, and for the first time, she finally listened without shutting me down! I assured her that life was going to be SO much better for everyone very soon, with a beautiful future that she couldn’t even imagine yet, just around the corner. I thank the Divine Feminine presense for softening her mind and heart in that moment, allowing her to be receptive of what I was saying. My heart is full with gratitude and joy.
    Thank you Cobra for this blog, and for carrying on in the face of your recent loss.❤️


    Victory of the Light!

  71. We are ready to go through this transition and help to stabilize the situation.. Let there be love on earth ❤ Victory of the Light!

  72. Vitória da luz!! Freedom! Forever... Om Isis Astara Namah.

  73. Does anyone know if there are Toplet Bombs in the upper atmosphere- surface- underground?

    Are all TB’s in space?

    This is very important data!

    Please post a link if cobra has shared anything like this .

  74. Much love and light to every party of this "war". Don't forget to love the bad guys too, that's part of unconditional love. Light ALWAYS win and corruption is always repaired and return to light. By focusing all their attention to hating love, the "bad guys" worship love without knowing it, that's how corruption is repaired, that's how light always win.

  75. Oh Thank You Thank You for your generosity in sharing this with us Cobra. Your kindness knows no bounds that you have cared so much to reach out and comfort those of us traumatized by the news of your loss. You are the very finest of souls, the one I trust above all others. I'm so happy to know she made it!

  76. Oh Yea! Great News Cobra all round. Soon the whole World will be getting a big "WAKE UP" call, when the Knights of Light come bursting through the veil to deliver Our FREEDOM!
    Holding the Light here, lets get this done. Thank You Cobra & Isis Astara, LF & RM. Love and Light be with us All. The Light is Victorious :-) <3

  77. Love and Light to All💙🌎💚

  78. Eternal Victory of the Light! Coming soon!⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️

  79. Here is an old video that I never uploaded to Vimeo and was blocked on YT so it was only up for a week or so. Hope those who feel guided to see it enjoy it! <3

  80. Peace and Love be with you Cobra. May you feel blessed. Thanks for all you do.

  81. So much love ❤️ thank you thank you thank you

  82. Ahhhhh Cobra my brother, this is the best news I could have heard. I've been feeling it, this just corroborates what I've been sensing. Let's "git 'er done"! This has been so physically draining there are days I can barely get out of bed anymore.

  83. Cobra, your loss is, as you know, a temporary one, that will yield total peace and happiness for both of you.
    "Love withheld is a burdened Heart", so Cobra, I send my LOVE to YOU and your FAMILY

  84. Cobra- my sincere sympathy for your loss. I'm delighted that you two loving souls with again be united. Upon learning of Isis leaving the earthly plane my Empathic soul was grieving with you and sending love and compassion to you Cobra....bless you brother and thank you for all you do and your unwavering devotion to our liberation. With great love and light for all.

  85. It didn't have to come this far. But predictably the only tool they have is pain. It didn't matter she was attacked, this place is an attack.

  86. This may sound strange but on the 27 January Saturday i experienced terrible pains in my heart all the way to Monday evening. I have no history of Heart problems. On Tuesday i was back to normal but feeling very sad and a great Loss. Now i feel Peace and see Great beauty everywhere i look when i think of Isis Astara. One day soon Mankind will realise our Great connection to Each other. Love is the Secret that holds the Keys....

  87. good to hear about Isis. Curious as to why Cobra says we will be notified of the Event through the mass media. I thought we would percieve it instantly through the flash/pulse from the GCS.

    1. He means the rest of the clearing of our dark brothers, of course you will have the galactic wave that's after they are dealt with.

    2. I think some of us will be notified with a "big buzz."

      Are you familiar with those lighted, buzzing things that restaurants give to you, when they are crowded?

      You enter the restaurant, you put your name on the list. They tell you you have to wait for 30 minutes. Of course, they want you to sit in the bar and order an $18.00 fancy drink


      They give you a buzzer that BUZZES when your table is ready. I think we'll all be buzzing.

      My theory, anyway. :)

  88. big relief and preparing...
    Victory of the LIGHT!

  89. All lightworkers/warriors can agree that enough is enough.

    We've all experienced the brutal attacks that these scalar weapons have inflicted on Isis Astara, as well as many other lightworkers/warriors.

    I can attest to this with my own personal experience with dealing with these horrible energy weapons and harrasment.

    I remember a particular moment in times past when these attacks were quite constant in occasion. Oftentimes, it felt as if my heart would burst as it pounded and I felt extremely fatigued and struggled to move around. I remember walking into a room and hearing a comment from someone as I suddenly walked in that their heart started to hurt.

    I've had random phone calls in the early hours of the morning and middle of the night harrassing me and keeping me from getting sleep. I remember putting one phone on silent as it stopped ringing only for the other one to start ringing moments later (I own two phones).

    I remember seeing a big white trailer truck parked blocks away, positioned directly in front of my house through my window in the middle of a residential street. What is a trailer truck doing parked there, let alone in front of my house!?!

    I remember having cars with fully tinted windows suddenly slow down as they approached me, come to a complete stop then drive slowly away as I walked along the sidewalk.

    What i'm getting at is, we've all experienced some form of attack one or another by the cabal. We can all relate to our lovely resident goddess Isis Astara and the gull they had to take her away from us and are equally apalled by the fact that they succeded in doing so.

    It's great news and music to all of our ears to finally have the much awaited confirmation that operations have shifted to the final gear. With that, we applaud & thank all of your efforts, Resistance Movement/Light Forces/Light Alliance/White Hats/Positive Military etc. and especially our esteemed Host, Cobra for providing us valuable information, giving us much needed Hope & preparing us for The Event as best he could.

    We look forward to the day when our children will be able to walk the Earth fearlessly, with pride & integrity to do as they please without us having to stay up all night worrying wether we'd lose them or not.

    We look forward to the day when we will be free of all debt.

    We look forward to the day when we can embrace our galactic brothers and sisters in the flesh.

    Finally, We look forward to the day when will be free from pain, suffering & lack and get to live as a happy people!!

    We stand ready and at your disposal for the final push. Call on us when you need to. We Will FIGHT!!!

    Victory of the Light!!!!

    ~ The Light Sharer ~

    ~ The Soverign People of a United Mother Gaia Sophia/Earth a.k.a EARTH ALLIANCE ~


  90. Victory to the Light. Sending Love all over the Planet. Much love to the Resistance , Light Workers and Light Warriors . Cobra you are not alone we All of Light stand by You. To All our Star Brothers and Sisters out there Thank you for Your Dedication and Love. Isis Astara you will never be forgotten much Love to You too.

  91. Great news! I am also so glad Isis Astara will be returning one day soon~~I hope I will be able to meet her divine Light self and you as well dear Light Warrior Cobra~~ Love and Light in the Victory Of The Light! 🐬🐬❤️❤️



    Video explaining how to do the Goddess Vortex

    11/11/2017 10:56:00 pm

    Here is the guided audio for the Weely Liberation meditation recommended by Cobra in the past, which is now replaced by the Weekly Ascension Meditation.

    The instructions on how to anchoring the Goddess Vortex can be found in the video at 5:55 minutes mark.

    Here are the instructions to anchor the Goddess Vortex:

    1. Lift your hands above your head and begin to rotate your body clockwise

    2. While doing that, sing mantra iiii (pronounced ee-ee) so that it vibrates throughout your body and visualize your body morphing into a brilliant pillar of Light, with millions of rainbow coloured stars scattered within that pillar of Light

    3. Keep singing the mantra and rotating. After a few minutes, drop your hands close to your body and continue rotating clockwise

    4. While doing that, start singing mantra eeeaaa (eee is pronounced as e in "America" and NOT as e in "Venus", and a is pronounced as a in "America") so that it vibrates through your body and visualize a rainbow vortex of Light expanding from your heart outwards throughout the whole planet. Call upon the presence of your spiritual guides, Ascended masters, Pleiadians, angels, twin souls, soulmates, soul families and other beings of Light.

    5. Keep singing the mantra and rotating and stay in the presence of all those beings of Light for a while.

    Please note that in step 4, mantra eeeaaa (eee is pronounced as e in "America" and NOT as e in "Venus", and a is pronounced as a in "America")

    You can do this at any time or after the Weekly Ascension meditation.

    More information about Goddess Vortex can be found here:

    Victory of the Light!


  93. We have to introduce the Goddess Vortex Meditation at the 4 hours schedule of Alert Meditation, due to the particularity of the situation...

  94. Meditation Update

    2/03/2018 10:37:00 pm

    First of all, thanks again to everyone who has participated in any of the meditations for Isis Astara over the past week.

    According to the latest update from Cobra, "She has successfully transitioned through plasma plane and is now with her spiritual guides, surrounded by Love, joyful that she is finally free." and it is very good to know that "After the Event, she will return in a cloned body that will look exactly the same as her physical body looked in this lifetime. She will be living in an area of Light, anchoring energies of the Goddess and living a joyful life in the Golden age she always wanted to live."

    Therefore, we are very happy to announce that the Meditation for Isis Astara every 4 hours has now ended as she is with her spiritual guides.

    However, the Alert meditation every 4 hours is still ongoing in order to support the operations of the Light Forces.

    You can find the details of the Alert Meditation in the following page on this blog.

    As mentioned by Cobra, during this critical time of planetary transition, it is of the utmost importance to connect with the feminine Goddess presence and nurture qualities of love, compassion and tenderness to stabilize the transition and counteract the cruelty so prevalent on the surface of the planet.

    We can help by performing Goddess Vortex whenever we feel so guided. Description of this can be found in the following posts:

    Victory of the Light!


  95. Video explaining how to do the Goddess Vortex

    11/11/2017 10:56:00 pm

    Here is the guided audio for the Weely Liberation meditation recommended by Cobra in the past, which is now replaced by the Weekly Ascension Meditation.

  96. That’s very positive news! Isis Astara will never be separated from you. It is like taking a “break” until the final liberation of the planet , though she will continue to transmit Godess feminine energies and thus contribute further to liberation until you meet again in physical plane. I wish LF and all HUmans a safe transition. With much love & gratitude. 🔆🌀💗

  97. Eternal Gratitude Dear Isis & Cobra




  98. Eternal Gratitude Dear Isis & Cobra 》》》》》♥《《《《《




  99. very sorry to hear of your loss Cobra and wish you a return to a self in balance, positive and inspired.
    Thank you too and the LF for the brave work in liberating Gaia and her life beings of many many sorts.

  100. Thank you so much, dear Isis and Cobra and all the Light-workers..
    Victory of the Light and Love!!!

  101. The Mark in Time
    of True Gold
    when all eles is left
    And even Angels
    stand amazed in envy

  102. "Mass arrests of the Cabal may, or may not happen."

    So there won't be public trials of the Cabal, and the Cabal will instead go immediately to the Galactic Center?

    "You will be informed about the Event operations in real time as they happen, through the mass media."

    Do you have any recommendations on what mass media sources are going to be most accurate? (cable news, online, radio, etc)

    I'm wondering whether the news will be galactic in origin or not. Whether the news presented will inform people that extraterrestrials are here to assist or not.

    To summarize for people in case it was unclear: Next two weeks galactics will clear hostile outer space sources (complete by February 17th-18th). Then they will clear underground sources (most likely done by early March) which will result in the completion of Compression Breakthrough. Then surface operations (the Event) will happen.

    I recommend people start prepping now by getting the following items:
    -> flashlights
    -> candles
    -> batteries
    -> hand cranked radios, flashlights, etc
    -> generators
    -> canned food
    -> water (lots of it)
    -> full tank of gas in car
    -> withdraw money from banks

    Did I miss anything? What else should people buy my fellow lightworkers?

    1. Medicine, vitamins, supplements. :)

    2. Pet foods!...they will be going through this with us.😌

    3. I am a 'wait to the last minute type of being'

      Although i believe these operations are in the process... It is still undefine when the clearing of the surface will happen...
      It is getting there.

      For those prepping... dont forget to add extra for strangers... just saying... if u can afford it of course.

  103. Thank you, Deep Gratitude Cobra and Isis for everything you do for us. I'm happy, happy, a huge brother joy that Astara returns after the event.
    The Goddess wants Peace and so Is!
    Let it be light in everything you do, Cobra, RM, Plenadiens and all the ambassadors of light.
    We are ONE!

  104. We're supposed to be inside the Photon Belt now. Isn't this destroying the dark forces?

  105. Truly sorry, but unfortunately it seemed to have to come to something like this to happen......... but we all could not take anymore........Go get um and lets finish this!

  106. This message really speaks to me where I am in my life at this moment. I know many of us will appreciate these insights. Innately, my body knows that I need to move, to be in nature, to hang out with no timetable and just be. In doing so, I can let go of the mind and allow deeper relaxation and connection to my Inner Child. Feeling into the body this way fosters inspiration and creative solutions. ~PB

    Pamela Kribbe: The Interplay Between Soul and Earth
    Pamela channels Earth


    This message also resonated. I enjoy listening to Natalie's voice as I read. Her words and spirit are so gentle and wise.

    Insights into the Ascension of Mother Earth and Humanity
    by Council of SiriusChanneled through Natalie Glasson – 2nd February 2018


    WE ARE
    SO BE IT....SO IT IS



    INDEED !!!

    WE ARE!!!

  108. Hurray,Hurray,our Light Forces!

    Victory of our Light!!!

  109. At least we succeeded on helping her be with her ascended masters. I am very glad to hear that you, CoBra, will be reunited with her (physically) after The Event.

    Awaiting Goddess energy anchoring instructions now.

  110. Courage my brother, we are going to win the battle together! Victory of the Light and thanks for this good update!

  111. Dear Cobra, I am so sorry for your loss!! It must have been very horrible for you to go through that! The Dark Forces are very concentrated on attacking and destroying the goddess energy. I am glad that you are staying strong; I will try to stay strong with you! The Victory of the Light is very near! Thank you and Isis for your selfless service to us.


  112. It might be for our WAM rainbow vortex visualization...

  113. I have sang a song for cobra in memory of his beloved isis ‘ 💕🙏🏽🕊🕊🌸❤️ Go to my YouTube channel
    ( AthenaAsh Ashtar Command ) the song title is :
    ( In loving memory of Isis Astara) my she rest in love 💕❤️🕊

  114. Styx - One With Everything

  115. Thank you so much for your intel Cobra,
    Goddess sweet will tells us, if we keep on our path with determination and discernment, allowing for the natural course of events to unfold, success is assured.
    Goddess wants Love and Love it will be !!!

  116. Estamos cansados, as forças trevosas, a Cabala drenaram as nossas forças. Agora não necessitamos apreciar julgamentos em tribunais, para punir os trevosos. Já está suficiente visto e provado o que não tem recuperação, quem não aceita a Luz, e, luta e continua com as atrocidades, para manter o império das Trevas. Portanto, faz-se necessário a aplicação do método da execução da cabala. Não quero morrer nas mãos sujas de sangue da Cabala, o que tantas vezes tentaram. Por ser uma trabalhadora e guerreira da luz.


    This is my constant prayer/affirmation/intention.

    Blessings to you Cobra and to all Light Forces participating in liberating Gaia Earth Mother.

  118. Our candles will burn with Pure Love and Light...Oh, sweet Victory of the Light keeps beckoning us on!

  119. Medium Earth Orbit is a curious zone between Low Earth Orbit and High Earth Orbit with very few satellites positioned there. The only exception are a few satellites in Molniya orbit, among them Russian telecommunication satellites and Trumpet class of ELINT reconnaissance satellites:

    The link posted didn't work Cobra. This link does. :)

    It is interesting that there are Trumpet satellites. Check this video out from Kim Clements prophesying in April 2007 that "Trump shall become a trumpet."

    Not sure about the Bill Gates prophesy, but stranger things have happened.

  120. The following I put forth in the spirit of sincere inquiry regarding the toplet situation: My apprehension of the situation may lack subtlety here, but I'm having trouble understanding the real nature of this toplet threat. An intervention on the level of helping Isis would cause toplet retaliation. But breaking into middle orbit and wiping out the draco fleet somehow will not.
    And the bigger question; If the toplets have been peppered all throughout the earth's atmosphere for the purpose of an invasion deterrent, why is the chimera allowing them to be dismantled systematically, are not the toplets there to be detonated when invaders start to overwhelm ?

    1. A fuzzy logic algorithm decides when the bombs go off.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  121. Dear Cobra, we are so happy that you will soon see Isis Astara again and be again in your great love and your complicity. We were so sad for you and her this week. We were also sad to live on this land of misfortune. Everything is possible again! Our heart is relieved! Thank you for your work. We love you both (Vincent and M-H)

  122. My thoughts and prayers are with you Cobra. Losing your soulmate can be highly intense. I know when Julian passed it was a major cosmic activation, one that is still reverberating through me to this day. My love and appreciation for you and be well in this time of transition.

  123. Translation for Slovenian readers (pinned post in our SOTR and ESG group on Facebook):

    Thank you for the update Cobra, RM and the Light Forces. We now go radio silent.

    Victory of the Light!

  124. We are finally at the door back into our fathers house, I'm so excited 💃😁😄🙏

  125. This comment has been removed by the author.

  126. I am really excited for this news! I just hope everything goes according to plan.

    It feels like earth could be a dangerous place in the next few weeks, because the light forces take a less cautious attempt in rescuing the hostages. I hope we are not in danger here on the surface. Or should we maybe avoid crowded places?
    What I don't quite understand.. Aren't there still toplet bombs around? Won't the negative ETs trigger them when they realize they are being eliminated?

  127. Are the toplet bombs still unarmed?

    Jesus Christ! This is getting exhausting.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I agree with Nic, " COBRA velocity is set to maximum speed" and "Top brass in Positive Military have been contacted and given instructions" . I think we the ground crew should get ready at any moment.

  128. I want to go to war with these fools but i know we must forgive them. It's perhaps one of our greatest challenges we face as a collective. VOTL, Cobra.

  129. Just felt a rush of energy throughout my entire body, like an electric shock which startled me. It was quite strong.

    Something indeed happened. I think that one of these "veil generators" got taken down. It's quieter now and my head feels clear for like the first time ever. The ambient background noise (silent ear ringing) has subsided to a great degree. It felt as if the center of my body recieved a jolt of energy, like an electric shock that spread throughout its entirety.

    I'm just hoping it's not a directed energy weapon. Sure doesn't feel like one. Feels more helpful if anything. In any case...

    Well done, Resistance Movement, Light Forces, Earth Alliance, White Hats, Positive Military etc...

    I definitely felt a dramatic change this time.

    As always, Much Love & Much Light - Peace Be With You

    May the One Infinite Creator's eternal & healing warm light of love, guide you & protect you.

    ~ The Light Sharer


  130. Victory of the light! Beloved Cobra. You r Strong.

  131. Some kind of etheric or plasma clearing took place didn't it? It feels like a great amount of negative plasma anomaly was removed.

    Did Phase III of Mjølnir go off? It would explain the sudden shock of energy I felt which almost knocked me back. It was like having one of those electric shock pens or fake electric joke gum packs go off inside the center of my body (chest area) and spread throughout the rest of it, very odd indeed as I have never felt this type of energy before except during meditation. It was quite a strong & startling sensation.

    Must be a good sign!! ( ^ω^)

    Victory of the Light!!

    As always, Much Love & Much Light - Peace Be With You

    May you feel the warm healing love that is the Light of the One Infinite Creator.

    ~ The Light Sharer


  132. I know, I know.
    I'm supposed to forgive people such as the Unholy Four.
    Good grief.
    The challenge of a lifetime.

    1. Imo..we should first deal with the gaining of freedom .. this forgiveness part can wait until we are out of the dark hole... then we will be better equipt to understand and whatever else is needed to move on individually...

      Shine ur light to bring the freedom that all.. (regardless of good or bad choices made in lives) deserves.. free from any unnatural grip.. free from this 26k of slavement.

      It may just turn out that once you are out of darkness.. u may not bother to waist one more minute in nurturing remorse and anger... u may be showered with so many nice surprises that u would opt into looking forward instead of back...

      So do not struggle at this moment.. into 'forgive or not to forgive'

      In my humble opinion.

    2. @ Megan
      Sorry, I couldn’t help but chuckle when I read this!😂....
      But you are right about “the challenge of a lifetime”...
      Good grief indeed!

  133. je suis egalement attaqué depuis environ le 19 décembre surtout sur le plan éthéré émotionnel, je demande de l 'aide en permanence et ont me la fournie dans ma prière je m' adresse directement a la lumière sombre avec l' aide des forces de lumière en leurs disant " je suis sur le chemin du retour vers mon père et par son appel nul ne peut s'y interférer mon père m'attend il est par conséquent au nom des lois divines interdit de s'y opposer aussi j 'ordonne au nom de mon père que chaque implants sur plan physique comme éthérée ne viennent interrompre mon ascension,, amen" ' (avec beaucoup de conviction) si cela peut vous aider mes très chères frères et sœurs . En revanche je ressent l' événement très proche suite a mes attaques et celles de mes frères et sœurs éveillés , il est important en ses temps de maintenir nos prières plus que jamais et surtout de finir son chemin de vie ce pour quoi nous sommes venue sur terre . ne pas juger , pardonner, aimer et profiter de notre entourage ils sont venues s 'incarner en groupe d'âmes pour la plupart pour profiter de notre éveille et vivre l ascension. Beaucoup d' amour a chaque être vivant sur cette planète qu' elle qu'il soit, et a toi mon très chère frère et ton âme sœur isis astara et ton travail formidable. à bientôt

  134. So if I understand this report right ...
    All Cabal/negative entities that are up in the sky or space, will be removed within 2 weeks.
    Then it's just the Cabal members underneath the Earth's surface that need to be cleared after that?...

    Also obviously not to mention the Toplet bomb situation which is seperate to the above I've stated. Your thoughts ? ...


  135. This is Rock'n'Roll Radio

    We can hitch a ride to Rockaway Beach


  136. Thank you Cobra for this very informative update, it has shed so much light on the situation we presently face.

    To all the grossly negative people commenting on this blog, I don’t think you comprehend the gravity of the dangers we all face by the hands of the Cabal, one day when all is revealed you will understand the enormous risks that were taken and lives lost on our behalf in bringing us our freedom. Beloved Isis Astara is one such example of selfless service to humanity. Please don’t be so rude and ungrateful.

    Be prepared and safe everyone…….
    Victory of the Light

  137. whoops-a-doodle

    looks like Trump and Putin are backed by the same dudes

    There will be an Event and it will be more spectacular than what has been promised here.


  138. Ah, memories of my awakening.

    This reminds me of my very first Cobra Blog Post:

    And of course, the follow-up post.

    I hope this information helps.

    Victory of the Light!!

    ~ The Light Sharer


  139. Spring cleansing above
    swamp draining below
    return of the Goddess
    my heart is relieved and so are all.
    Godspeed for Ashtar & his Alliance.
    God bless Cobra & the Resistance Movement.

  140. Much love to you Cobra, and all Light workers and all Galactics and Resistance and all who read this, Blessings be upon you. XooX

  141. Great article from Hollywood star Keanu Reeves saying we are about to break free from the matrix. He is WOKE AF. Great to see.

  142. More Fun With Numbers, Other Synchronicities

  143. First Aid Kit

    My Silver Lining

    keep on keeping on

  144. Goddess wants Love and Love it is
