ππ✨ππ❤ Join us every day whether it is to meditate, chat with other like minded individuals, participate in Healing Circles, get updated on the latest intel, clear your mind by attending our mindfulness meditations ... there is something for you.
We have a NEW MEDITATION SCHEDULE that started on March 12, 2018. The origin of these changes was part of a unified initiative to reduce or compact the number of meditations so that we can focus more effectively in less time ...
Our π MEDITATIONS-ON-THE-GO Platform: πππ http://tc.hitart.com/pfc/redirect.html will also be introducing a combined meditation that combines all meditations into one and to be hosted 4 times a day/night to cover as many areas of the world.π
We are now hosting a selection of mindfulness meditations 4 times every day. A randomly selected meditation is played at 1am, 7am, 1pm and 7pm UTC to further ground our own light in this realm so that everyone can experience more aliveness and empowerment. π
We also have many rooms that talk about intel as in the current events rooms, for those keen on getting their fix π
Here is the current roster of Meditations that are hosted daily on our π MEDITATIONS-ON-THE-GO Platform: πππ http://tc.hitart.com/pfc/redirect.html
πΉ = important meditations
D A I L Y:
02:00pm UTC (10:00am EDT) πΉ Breakthrough Meditation πΉ 02:20pm UTC (10:20am EDT) Recite 0010110 Decree 02:25pm UTC (10:20am EDT) Simply repeat "Command PB Stardust" 3 times in your mind/vocally. 02:30pm UTC (10:30am EDT) πΉ Goddess Meditation πΉ 03:00pm UTC (11:00am EDT) πΉ Emergency Meditation πΉ 03:15pm UTC (11:15am EDT) Expanded Chimera & Primary Anomaly Meditation (Toplet & Plasma Parasites) 03:45pm UTC (11:45am EDT) Primary Anomaly Detachment Meditation for Gaia (Gaia & Yaldabaoth/Plasma Parasites - Detachment) 09:00pm UTC (05:00pm EDT) πΉ Meditation for Removal of Directed Energy Weapons πΉ
P R I O R I T Y Meditations: the following are hosted in the special Priority Meditation AUDIO Room otherwise Main Meditation AUDIO Room
Light Forces Support Meditation (Alert Meditation) being replaced with the πΉ Breakthrough Meditation being done at the following times: 02:00am UTC (10:00pm EDT) 06:00am UTC (02:00am EDT) 10:00am UTC (06:00am EDT) 02:00pm UTC (10:00am EDT) hosted in Main Meditation AUDIO ROOM 06:00pm UTC (02:00pm EDT) 10:00pm UTC (06:00pm EDT)
W E E K L Y: (also hosted DAILY here)
TUESDAY 11:00pm UTC (7:00pm EDT) πΉ Meditation with Goddess to neutralize negative rituals πΉ 11:17pm UTC (7:17pm EDT) πΉ The Goddess Vortex Meditation πΉ
M O N T H L Y: 02:43pm UTC (10:43am EDT) πΉ New Moon Meditation next March 17 πΉ πΉ Full Moon Meditation next March 31 πΉ
Join us here to connect with like-minded individuals on our π MEDITATIONS-ON-THE-GO Platform: πππ http://tc.hitart.com/pfc/redirect.html and to raise the Planetary vibration. πππ✨π
“So the key is to think about it in a multidimensional way... there is no one linear step by step path to the Event. There are many different timelines shifting in probability and alternate ways it can happen. By disclosing these projects they are co-created in the field created by the RM and all of us. This timeline stabilization then raises the overall vibration and quantum field which then supports all positive timelines. Including the one where the Event happens.“
“0” also meaning/suggesting more than just The Surface but also including all of the “0” or the “Void that contains All Potentialities” for All of us, you know, Hyperphase style ;)
All of Creation is about to shift fast now into this new embrace of Pure Love with no distortions in it ;) What an extraordinary concept for us “Surface Humans”, hey?
It’s All of Creation that is now about to begin its final “labour pains” & then be “birthed” into its new form/forms....
Lets get ready to make this “all of the way for real” my fellow folks of The Earth & The Great Beyond...
And what a wondrous Creation & Great Beyond, or shall I add Great Within as well, that we All indeed exist & play within ~
Welcome to The New Dawn
Wonders beyond wonder about to be “Un-Veiled” for us All to see and In-joy ;)
Also see this guy videos, he claim he is in contact with some insider of WH.. he's informer say that a phase 5 of 5 has started there... Before Q post about it... And say others things too, it's nice to see all sources correlates...
»Right Of Offset. Banks have long enjoyed the privilege of offset as prescribed to them by statute and common law. That right allows the bank to take money the bank owes you and offset it against the loan you owe the bank. Thus they can pull money from your savings account to pay off your car loan. I am sharing this with you because Karen Hudes briefly mentions this right in her latest interview, but in reverse. She mentions governments that owe the bankers offsetting for the gold the Federal Reserve owes those countries but refuses to give back to them. The Fed also refuses to honor the bonds they gave those countries for their gold prior to WWII. So Hudes is suggesting that those defrauded countries just offset the debts and call it even. So why hasn't it been done yet? It hasn't been done yet because the Fed Reserve has been playing a shell game with the world. The money lent to countries have been done so either by the IMF, the World Bank or another Central banking system. But what is happening now is that the world is awakening and realizing that all of those individual banks are just parts of the whole – the Cabal's network of global banking system. Each week that passes countries are getting madder and madder about being defrauded by that global banking system. The day is near when they start mailing in letters to the banks with just one statement on it, “ Accounts Offset. All accounts settled.” When that happens those countries will keep one third of their revenues and all of their natural resources to provide for their own citizens. All of that will be realized by the cost of just one postage stamp. The time is coming folks.«
Thank You Cobra, Resistance Movement & Light Forces for pulling Us out the Crap! Much Gratitude to You Guys ππΌ. Looks like We are getting so close. Holding my ground and the Light... Come On! Let's do this, right here, right Now. The Light is Victorious!
We’re at L0! This gotta be great news! We’re winning, people! Thank you very much, COBRA, LF, LW, Galatic Confederation, RM. Much love to you all! Let’s bring the Event to the now! Goddess send her ocean of rainbow love light upon us and fill us with the Love you were meant to never get separated from it! Peace! We are that we are, ALL, ONE! ❤️
The Beauty of Devotion Takes Place In Inner Silence With Our Highest Spiritual Self and God Oneness With All
Part 1 of 2
"Devotion is the keyword for success in life. Everyone to one degree or another is devoted to something according to where they are in consciousness and the nature of their mind. Also, their nature and intensity of desire has a great deal to do with devotion. Devotion means to fix on something, to focus one’s effort on something specific and pursue this course with great intensity.
The main thing we need to consider, or have an awareness of, is whether or not what we are devoted to is productive or not productive, life-supporting or not life-supporting; In low consciousness there is little consideration for one’s actions.
We should always give due consideration to anything we have a feeling for and feel a certain devotion toward. If, after exploring the situation carefully, we find it to be good and that it serves our purpose and the purpose of life, then and only then should we become devoted to that particular pursuit. This is what is known as planned existence.
We may only be devoted to one thing, while with others, their devotion may be to numerous things. What takes most of humanity’s time and devotion is the drive for success.
But by what yardstick do we measure success in life? The yardstick varies greatly based on our consciousness. If you were to ask people what is success, many would answer that it was the acquisition of wealth or fame. However such a focus becomes a devotion to greater bondage. There is nothing wrong with having money. It is only how we view and use money that counts. As a tool for our own higher development and for the upliftment of those in need, money is good. When it is used to control or hinder the lives of others for the sake of power, it is evil.
So, again, it is good to know by discrimination what we should become devoted to and to what degree.
Down through the ages we have been taught that a very high purpose in life is to be devoted to "God". It is very true that we should be devoted to God, but we should be devoted in the right way. The way of devotion to God is by love and by infusion of Being. By surrendering to God in this way we will be giving maximum devotion for all good because we not only place ourselves on the path of perfection and liberation, but we are also helping humanity to rise up much higher than it otherwise would. Thereby, we embark on a selfless crusade for humanity and by so doing we serve the purpose of God and the purpose of life which is evolution and perfection. This is right devotion.
The Beauty of Devotion Takes Place In Inner Silence With Our Highest Spiritual Self and God Oneness With All
Part 2 of 2
Devotion also means that no matter how hard the way seems and how little we seem to be gaining, we just keep on going.
Then, when we least expect it, we will come out of the darkness, out of the pain and out of the shadows of life and into the glorious bliss and light of the Eternal. By our concentrated devotion we overcome and then we stand as pillars of light.
We then express our true divine Self. By our devotion to God, we merge into God consciousness; we come into the oneness, the all-knowing, all-experiencing, divine and eternal Self.
So, devotion to our spiritual development is the paramount consideration of life’s journey. As we climb higher and higher on the ladder of life, "we gradually vanish" (that is, our constantly changing identification of self thoughts, emotions and sensations) in a blaze of light and into our Eternal Kingdom, the land of the glorious "NOW". We pass beyond all sorrow, all shadows and tribulations of human life, and through our true devotion we become the eternally devoted, never again to feel the sting of death or the pain of birth."
May This and THE EVENT "Now" Manifest Divinely On Earth.
You are most welcome! There are more to meet the eyes - one example is the logo Hitler used in the 2nd world war - it is the opposite of the Buddha symbol. And if you turn the David star upside down, it is the Satan star. Hahaha!
Piperon, Yeah, I've seen this before, yet I forgot. Thanks for reminding, Brother. However, if we flip the word "wow" over, then it becomes one of the sweetest words in the world ----- MOM!!! πΉ
Yes, totally agreed - MOM is the force behind all creation. Now, here comes the silly question - do we have egg or chicken first? Hahaha! Just kidding!
But there is one word that puzzle me in reverse - GOD
All what some of us still can do for "make the surface of the planet more bearable" is to give work and expertise under the auspices of this Movement, as previous discussed, to be in benefit of Light Communities development.
It might be the case that the nowadays society do need peoples efforts for 'a better world'... so this might be the single one possibility to 'do something' without loosing life force...
We consider that Light Comunnities (sooner or later after the Event) should be followed by the rest of the world in the way of 'Ascension'... But not the Light Communities will follow the rest of the world in it's rules and disgusting technical standards or products...
So we need to develop our own standards and products, from the lower to the most important of aspects. We shall only to keep what we consider good from the nowadays tech and standards, and develop ours, as the case may be...
UK Reduced low voltage (RLV)[edit] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Extra-low_voltage
"The IET / BSI (BS 7671) also define Reduced low voltage (RLV) which can be either single phase or three phase A.C. This system has been used for many years on construction sites. Both single and three phase. The single phase voltage is 110 V a.c. though having a "centre tapped Earth" reducing the voltage to Earth to 55 V a.c. The three phase is 110 V phase to phase, 63 V to Neutral / Earth. This system is slightly outside ELV but still very commonly used for cord powered hand tools and temporary lighting in hazardous areas."
You know, I was wondering about something... They say that after The Event and Ascension there will be “1000” years of peace embodied as The Golden Age. Why only 1000? Will there be another war after that? Another period of darkness? Say it ain’t so...
No - the 1000 years of peace is meant to be the last phase before complete Ascension into non-physical . From that on , the humans wont incarnate anymore .
I would say , its completely unimportant , whether it is 1000 years , 900 years , or even just few years ... the time will become unimportant within a society that isnt programmed . Also , Im very sure ( from my own experiences ) that once beings become non-physical , time simply ceases to exist - all timelines and all possibilities are accesible to everyone . Also , I have thinking that those "1000 years" could actually even be the time when humans will prolong their lives drastically , even to full extent , which is exactly 900-1000 years in physical body . The mind and experiences are left untouched , theyre not blank-slated ( "BeASt machine" - blank-slate technology , reincarnational amnesia ) , only the body is kept continously young ( reverse aging , age regression ) . That would actually mean that ALL generations that are now present , could decide to live indefinetly as they see fit to them .
No, let me explain... the lasts Corey G. update say about this...
During a 1000 years, the energy around earth surface will be like a poison to those with low vibration/intentions...
They say that, dark ones will run to deep underground to protect them self from this atmosphere of light using some temporal bubble technology... and in that time we will have to go after them down there and clean those bubbles, if not, they could come up again after it... but a system of light and love will be placed in our galactic home system area to prevent IA and low energy beings to enter here and try something...
Those temporal bubbles is separated from the reality, out of time, something like that, so they could mimic any energy they can, but they will be trapped there, and we will pop their bubble any way...
A window of a 1000 years without any darkness, so we can direct humanity life and spirituality without external bad influences, only good ones... after that we will be ready to face anything... we will have this time to full understand our nature.
It's like a 1000 years of shield. And we will not be fooled again in this time... No more duality here on Gaia. NEVER AGAIN! Only light will be!
*NOTE that this information is a compiled work of many different esoteric writings both new and ancient. Exercise discernment accordingly.
Essentially there will be 1000 year grace period after the initial ascension in 2025 in which there is a sorting out. Not every soul will ascend and the fate of all remaining souls will have to be decided. The process is estimated to take 1000 years.
After 2025 the 3D planet of Earth will no longer exist for Gaia will have ascended into the 5th density. It is a vibrational thing. When Gaia ascends to 5D those who cannot match the 5D vibration to ascend with Gaia will have to go to other 3rd density worlds because 3D Earth will no longer exist.
Think of it like a fish in a pond and then all the sudden the water evaporates in an instant. The fish will have to be rescued and put in another pond of water. In terms of humans that pond of water will be an entire planet.
The new planets that have been prepared have low populations and clean environments and never experienced war for they were never under the occupation of the dark powers. Some light workers will choose to go to the these 3D worlds of their own free will in order to help uplift the stragglers. Understand it is not a punishment and there will be no karmic repercussions for those that did not ascend.
In all there is nothing to be afraid of. All will work out well for all beings concerned. Some will ascend immediately in the 2023-2025 window while others will ascend at a later date on another planet. All beings will be entitled to their rights under the Galactic Codex whether they ascend or not.
There will be a long period of grace given to the people who transferred.
This grace period is to last at least 1000 years before the next 26k year cycle begins. During this grace period people may ascend at any time to the 5th density. After the grace period expires only then will people be locked into another 26k year cycle of duality.
It should be understood that future 26k year cycles will never be as dark or as difficult as the cycle we have just been through. That kind of suffering is simply forbidden under the laws of the Galactic codex. There will be no more war and no slavery, torture, debt, or otherwise allowed. The karmic system where souls are punished lifetime after lifetime in rigged games they cannot possibly win is a mechanization of the dark powers.
Earth was the last planet this was permitted under and it only happened because Achons held the planet hostage with toplet bombs. After the event this kind of darkness will never be allowed anywhere in the entire universe.
Duality will still exist on the replica planets however it will be balanced towards the light in such a way that favors spiritual growth and ascension. Duality will only be manifested in the form of the natural life and death cycle of mortal life for that is all that is needed to facilitate spiritual growth. There was never any need to torture souls and make people's lives miserable. Life is meant to be a journey of joy and creativity. https://i.imgur.com/yvqJ5tH.jpg
After the event no matter where people end up going (3d or 5d) the laws of the Galactic codex will always apply.
Tonight I had a dream that I saw a beautiful show of lights in the sky. The lights worked like a set of pixels that made small shapes that flown in independent groups. In the dream somehow did I know that the technology was liquid light (or crystallized water?) Of the Pleiades. There was a moment I touched one of the forms and it disintegrated like water.
I've been seeing the light ships in my meditations and they twinkle like diamonds of light! They say we are sooooooooo close!! Final decent!! VOTL!!π
"Eltern" is the German word for parents. "novenas" may mean newborn. Isis Astara said in Konstanz (Germany) in 2015 that crystal children are being born right now. In any case, it is clear that especially small children can handle the new energies easily.
Last time I have seen Isis was in Glarus Conference, at the end she stood with her arms raised like a V, her fingers also like 2 V's. She said "Victory of the Light!" with a soft airy voice and lightful clear intent. It felt very convincing in a gentle way.
Fly on the winds of change with grace and ease. To be true masters of alchemy of form takes greatest courage, for in so doing, one must create with wisdom from the heart. Watch video here
For instance,... you may obtain one way or other the aquamarine color light source, more or less difficult, let's say... The same for other ones...
But, to have some light in the environment which passes trhough an aquamarine gem is something else...
And,... don't forget,... In outdoor environment you need thousands of thousands of lumens output.
This is why real gems might not be used...
An ideea, on moment, might be to propose a research in which in the large sized outdoor units in discussion to be placed, circle around inside the lampshade, an OLED panel which may project a light with a color distribution similar the pattern we want to resamble...
The problem is if the light which passes a cristal wich has a certain geometry, might be resembled or not with the same esoteric effect on a screen, OLED or PC display, with having the same effect onto the environment?...
For instance,... if you give us an image with a certain mandala of light (from a light source you consider) to rum on our PC display,... does it have or not the same or at least an appropriate effect with (the case of) the original light source in our indoor space??...
Dear light family, I know it is hard to see proof of positive changes. I have been following the hope of the fall of the canals power. The federal reserve bank gives the power to print money out of thin air. On the 26th of March 2018. Oil is to be traded with gold backed Chinese yuan. This could be a major trigger to remove the world from the slavery of the central bank's and removing much of the canals power. Its not the event, but something tangible which I have watched since 2011. Please hold the light I believe we are close. Victory of the light.
Misuse of symbols to manipulate people | Pentagram
The 5-pointed star seems to be very popular with the rulers of this world - why?
It has a great spiritual significance. Among many other things, it depicts the human being and also the ascension of man - and much already becomes clear:
Crop circles and mystery schools usually show the star in a protected area.
On flags and tanks, for example, it is usually not the case. This is supposed to influence the consciousness of man to turn himself unprotected to the rulers of this world. Their success can be seen in the boundless trust of people in governments, laws, media, etc.
Light forces probably counteract this energetically by crop circles. Likewise, the dark ones' desire loses power through the information of the people.
Someone traveling to Kauai is invited to participate in the Hawaii cintamani project. The grid here is almost finished. This is a great opportunity to do something wonderful for Gaiai and to participate in our liberation.
I already have the stones. Feel free to reply with contact into and I'll be in touch.
Tommorow , 26th of March , the China is starting their trades in gold-backed Yuan . Thats , technically , a death of petrodollar . If you check the DOW Jones , there is a huge potential for stock market crash tommorow , as even the Thursday and Friday had decrease in 1000 .
L0 is surface ... Im not going to speculate what this means . I know some intel about what could happen tommorow - but we will see if its only a guessing game or something more concrete .
Also ... to COBRA ... Was the "OS: VTXC.LSIP. Simple theme." always here on this portal , on the bottom of this page ? It just caught my eye now ... I dont think that was before there .
My Galactic friends told me the next 48 hours will change our lives forever. I hope it's true. I trust them with all my heart!π I don't think it's the event but U.S.A being turned on its head! I'm ready!
Jennifer.. I hear so much.. channelings about this is happening, expect this to happen, gold backed yuan did start trading today.. the Dow is up 440 pts.. go figure. I listen to Allison Coe.. her qhht client's higherselves, the majority indicating the Event will come end of March.. who are your galactic friends and are you sure they are of the Light?
Jennifer and Unknown - I understand you both , there are very good points from both of you .
But lets put it as this ... lets "expect the unexpected" . Lets change , shift , what we can change now , whats seemingly "small" in our lives . No matter how tiny such change would seem - multiplied with thousands , millions of people ... and you have a trigger . Ultimately . When exactly will Event happen ? Not sure ... nobody knows expect the Source , the One True Prime Creator itself . I have my own thoughts when it could happen ... but Im 100 % sure it ultimately will occur .
I dont even trust some of people I respect the most and love the most 100 % - because we are all humans , we have mind games put against us . I dont trust COBRA 100 % either ... there is no source I trust 100 % , but instead of mind speculating - we need to let ourselves feel more again . Even if that feels would make us vulnerable sometimes ...
Are the Pleiadians aware of the Andromeda Council and Tolec, MsM and M?:
Tolec, DEEP DISCLOSURE, Down the Rabbit Hole, Segment 1 https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=UTzsk6NuYUo
Tolec, DEEP DISCLOSURE, Segment 2 https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=kyzX6qLyaJY
Maybe the Pleiadians and the Andromedans would get together, pool resources and finally dissolve the banks and the other deadly financial systems by buying out all mortgages and providing suitable accommodation for e v e r y o n e and establishing vertical farms to feed e v e r y o n e ~ you know take away their leverage, level the playing field and create spiritual abundance. Just a thought of higher conscience.
Galactics thank you! Cobra thank you! Amazing, this is all so amazing I am super positive living every day to the fullest! We are 1 Unity Consciousness! The New Golden Age is upon us now! Victory of the Light!
If you have chronic immune or fatigue issues please look up hydrogen peroxide food grade dosing therapy. I feel so much better dosing 12 drops 3% in cup of mineral water every 3 hours. Not tap water. It kills bugs and yeasts in digestive tract and blood.
I then dose 1000mg of the anti oxidant vitamin C 30 min after each dose to stop over oxidation of general body cells. Hope this helps some people, life is such a struggle when super ill.
35% food grade HP is a great cancer protocol, several utube videos where you start with a couple drops in distilled water, each day you increase the drops.. up to like 26 or so.. check video.. basically O2 kills the cancer.. viruses etc.. we get cancer when we are too acidic.. our ph drops.. sugar feeds cancer.. hmm isn't it odd how all foods now are loaded with sugar..
Since new moon i feel like tripping every day, high spirit, full of energy and light at heart and head plus colours seem brighter, more vibrant, perception changed slithly but definitely. Time to plant some potatos soon and I invite all of You to homemade french fries;)
The Spiritual world will come into ACTION, the Material world will come into FEELING
Until now it was like that: Spiritual world and Material world were separated For the SPIRITUAL world life was strenuous. Nothing was working out that well, the flow of money was low, projects could not be realized, too many stones on the way. Struggle, much healing, blockades.
For the MATERIAL world however life was comfortable. I call it Mainstream. Fighting was not a big necessity. Letting yourself go, wanting to feel good, having fun. All of those things were important. People who got confronted with the truth could ignore it and look away. They were not able to feel the truth. Going the way with the least resistance possible, that was their motto. They hat the conviction that they do not neet the Spiritual world, that they can cope without it easily (yeah for sure haha).
From now on it will be like that: Spiritual and Material world are now connected. There is a constant energy exchange between those both worlds. They mix more and more.
That means the SPIRITUAL world will have more and more support from the Material world. Projects that were only in planning before will manifest now. The flow of money will be increased. We will feel more and more supported by life and it will show us in an easy way, literally by fate, ways and possibilites how to realize our aims and visions. We will have more energy. We just need to be in the moment, follow our intuition, pay attention to the signs. Follow our joy.
The MATERIAL world however (Mainstream) will not have such an easy way. The truth will come to the surface more and more and they will have to deal with it. Looking away is not an option anymore. Because the light is that strong, so that all shadows will be revealed. All the lies, crimes, misdeeds that were taking place in course of our history will come to surface. The refusal to confront with the bitter reality will only result in suffering and pain. Because the truth will be perceptible. Real and visible for everyone. It will come into the Mainstream. And nobody, really nobody will be able to close their eyes to this. Many will have to face the consequences of their unconscious behaviour in the past. It is a big learning task, and it needs a lot of honesty for that. To admit to yourself that you were not right, although you were convinced of it that much, is not easy. Only because everyone said so, and everybody did it, does not have to mean that it is the truth and the right thing to do. That will be more and more apparent for everyone. In an uncomfortable way. The Material world will look at the spiritual world and think: „Somehow they look much happier. They are more successful. They have an easier way. They feel better. They have more energy and realize greater visions und plans. They have more lust for life. They are helping each other, are more loving. They are more connected, wiser, more intuitive.“ And if they are honest to themselves, they will allow themselves to be inspired by them. If not, then they suppress this truth and stick to their old habits of thinking and living. Which will result in suffering. They are asked to rethink, to arrange their view of the world anew.
Part 2 All that will happen during this year until next spring. It is really important to look closely. To face reality. To not look away. To feel your feelings, everything that wants to come up, it is all permitted. There are a lot of collectively suppressed emotions that want to come up. And will have to be integrated. There is a lot of healing needed. Also the lightworkers are asked to help as much as they can. It is not about instructing, waking others up, open other people's eyes. No, it is about helping others to handle the situation. With all the things that want to come up. With suppressed emotions. Very important: Embracing the feelings lovingly. Be a light that shows the way. So that as many as possible find the right path to give themselves to love and life. So that they can recognize the TRUTH! Because there is ONE truth! That, which has happened to us in the last thousands of years, is our history. And that is real. No game! Just bitter bitter reality! A deeply sad tragedy. What has happened here on earth. No one of us wanted that. Suffering, pain, wars, all that should have never existed. No kind-hearted God would have done this to us, just a deranged one. And he just doesn't exist.
So be willing to to look at the story. The truth. And it is about every kind of truth. Political or private. LOOK CLOSELY! Look closely! Look closely!
The Mainstream is a master of suppression. He has such a strong EGO, that he does not want to see the truth, even if you show it to him directly. It is important to have compassion with him. All that, he did not want to happen. It happened a long time ago. When we were all still beings of light. When the dark forces ran over the earth, they took something from the Mainstream that he loved deeply. It resulted in a collective Trauma and suppressing. That is why the Mainstream does not recognize the truth anymore. He has suppressed his intuition. Now it will be time for him to come into feeling. He will feel the truth deeply inside of him. He will have to deal with what has happened. Even if that is very painful.
The Spiritual world will manifest beautiful things and achievements that will bring positive changes for all of humanity. The Mainstream will love it, but he will not admit to himself that the spiritual world is responsible for that. That does not matter.. he will feel his love and gratitude for the spiritual world more and more and some day he will want to show it to her. We take them into our boat. Sooner or later. And then we will free ourselves completely from the Dark Forces together.
That is the plan.
What will happen this year is not yet the great Breakthrough, that will probably be next year. But it will become more exiting, finally easier, thrilling on earth. Just the way we have been wishing for years. I am happy about everyone who joins in. We will turn this earth into the beautiful Paradise it once was. With Peace on earth. Happiness, joy, community. Where we help each other. Victory of the light! Much love, Namaste
"If you find it hard to experience comprehend and experience Being here NOW directly, start by observing the habitual tendency of your mind to want to escape from the Now.
You will observe that the future is usually imagined as either better or worse than the present. If the imagined future is better, it gives you hope or pleasurable anticipation.
If the future is worse, or an unpleasant past is re-visited, it creates anxiety. Future and past are illusory, in the sense that in themselves they do not provide us the experience of our everlasting Self, NOW, as Oneness-With-God.
The individual’s truest everlasting State of Being is ONE, Full, Timeless, it is always NOW, irrespective of the comings and goings of experience.
However, we don’t wish to get rid of “duality,” meaning the sense of diversity and multiplicity in the world. Duality in this sense is necessary for there to be an “individual” in the first place, who is capable of experiencing life’s diversity.
Instead, we can realize our Eternal, Ever Present Self, in the midst of our individual "changing" experiences. This is where prayer, meditation, devotion to our God, and following our innermost role and destiny comes into play.
When we experience and realize our Ever Present Self NOW, we do not experience our Self as separate from experiences which change; we are not “dual”; BUT at the same time, we are still an individual human being (or whatever being) in a dualistic world of diverse creation.
As a human being, we have two aspects to our identity:
One that is forever non-changing and ever present NOW; and One that is forever changing NOW.
They are ONE self, One With the ONE God, Oneness, Source of All.
THE EVENT promotes Divine realization of our Everlasting Self on earth through its "compression breakthrough" (COBRA) transformation from darkness, negativity, and destruction, to age to Light, positivity, and construction.
THE EVENT promotes Divine realization of our Everlasting Self on earth through its "compression breakthrough" (COBRA) transformation from darkness, negativity, and destruction - to Divine Light, positivity, and construction. Our immediate environment becomes conducive to realizing our Divine Self NOW.
Until The Event transforms earth, we can pray, meditate, and follow your heart and soul to realize our Everlasting Self Awareness and God Awareness in all.
"Within you is Unimaginable Beauty. Discover this today. Dive deeply into the peace that does not change. Do this every morning upon awakening and just before sleep. Here you will find refuge in That Peace Eternal. Here you will find the Unimaginable Beauty. It will last longer and longer until one day, it never leaves you."
"Peace. Peace. Peace."
"I am not a guru. You have asked me to share my experience. Try it and see if it works for you.
You can experience the fathomless love, peace of God, today. Now. Meanwhile, your job is to become a living embodiment of loving kindness, of The Three Virtues; love, compassion, humility to all. For this is your true Self."
"The happiness of this life, with a loved one, a beautiful sunset, a selfless act, is real, yet it is a glimmer of the eternal indescribable joy that never fades."
"My friend, the time will come when you realize that you have to make a choice. This choice-less choice will come to everyone. At some point in your life, everyone is given the choice. Its arrival is pre-ordained by the Supreme. What you do with this choice is entirely up to you. For it will dictate your destiny. And yet you have to ask yourself, is there really a choice? For I AM That. Forever. Eternally. And this is what I wish to experience consciously. Magnificently. Honestly. This is the shining Supreme Truth upon which all else is superimposed. We must resolve the human predicament, we must actually live in this reality all of the time, beautifully."
Which God are you talking about? What is God? Is he not the very light by which you ask the question? ‘I am’ itself is God. The seeking itself is God. In seeking you discover that you are neither the body nor mind, and the love of the self in you is for the self in all. The two are one. The consciousness in you and the consciousness in me, apparently two, really one, seek unity and that is love.
*** ‘I am’ and Love What do you love now? The ‘I am’. Give your heart and mind to it, think of nothing else. This, when effortless and natural, is the highest state. In it love itself is the lover and the beloved.
*** Life is love and love is life.
What keeps the body together but love? What is desire, but love of the self? What is fear but the urge to protect? And what is knowledge but the love of truth? The means and forms may be wrong, but the motive behind is always love — love of the me and the mine. The me and the mine may be small, or may explode and embrace the universe, but love remains.
*** Is love a state of mind?
Desire is, of course, a state of mind. But the realization of unity is beyond mind. To me, nothing exists by itself. All is the Self, all is myself. To see myself in everybody and everybody in myself most certainly is love.
*** Above the unity of being is the union of love.
Q: Can there be happiness in unity? Does not all happiness imply necessarily contact, hence duality?
M: There is nothing wrong with duality as long as it does not create conflict. Multiplicity and variety without strife is joy. In pure consciousness there is light. For warmth, contact is needed. Above the unity of being is the union of love. Love is the meaning and purpose of duality.
"If you stop fearing god it is more than likely that you will start loving God. The greatest to find is freedom from the fear of God: I do nothing; he does everything."
We are going to discover by understanding what love is not, because, as love is the unknown, we must come to it by discarding the known. The unknown cannot be discovered by a mind that is full of the known. What we are going to do is to find out the values of the known, look at the known, and when that is looked at purely, without condemnation, the mind becomes free from the known; then we shall know what love is. So, we must approach love negatively, not positively.
What is love with most of us? When we say we love somebody, what do we mean? We mean we possess that person. From that possession arises jealousy, because if I lose him or her what happens? I feel empty, lost; therefore I legalize possession; I hold him or her. From holding, possessing that person, there is jealousy, there is fear and all the innumerable conflicts that arise from possession. Surely such possession is not love, is it?
Obviously love is not sentiment. To be sentimental, to be emotional, is not love, because sentimentality and emotion are mere sensations. A religious person who weeps about Jesus or Krishna, about his guru or somebody else, is merely sentimental, emotional. He is indulging in sensation, which is a process of thought, and thought is not love. Thought is the result of sensation, so the person who is sentimental, who is emotional, cannot possibly know love.
Again, aren't we emotional and sentimental? Sentimentality, emotionalism, is merely a form of self-expansion. To be full of emotion is obviously not love, because a sentimental person can be cruel when his sentiments are not responded to, when his feelings have no outlet. An emotional person can be stirred to hatred, to war, to butchery. A man who is sentimental, full of tears for his religion, surely has no love.
Is forgiveness love? What is implied in forgiveness? You insult me and I resent it, remember it; then, either through compulsion or through repentance, I say, "I forgive you". First I retain and then I reject. Which means what? I am still the central figure. I am still important, it is I who am forgiving somebody. As long as there is the attitude of forgiving it is I who am important, not the man who is supposed to have insulted me.
So when I accumulate resentment and then deny that resentment, which you call forgiveness, it is not love. A man who loves obviously has no enmity and to all these things he is indifferent. Sympathy, forgiveness, the relationship of possessiveness, jealousy and fear - all these things are not love. They are all of the mind, are they not? As long as the mind is the arbiter, there is no love, for the mind arbitrates only through possessiveness and its arbitration is merely possessiveness in different forms. The mind can only corrupt love, it cannot give birth to love, it cannot give beauty. You can write a poem about love, but that is not love.
Obviously there is no love when there is no real respect, when you don't respect another, whether he is your servant or your friend. Have you not noticed that you are not respectful, kindly, generous, to your servants, to people who are so-called `below' you? You have respect for those above, for your boss, for the millionaire, for the man with a large house and a title, for the man who can give you a better position, a better job, from whom you can get something. But you kick those below you, you have a special language for them.
Therefore where there is no respect, there is no love; where there is no mercy, no pity, no forgiveness, there is no love. And as most of us are in this state we have no love. We are neither respectful nor merciful nor generous. We are possessive, full of sentiment and emotion which can be turned either way: to kill, to butcher or to unify over some foolish, ignorant intention.
So how can there be love? You can know love only when all these things have stopped, come to an end, only when you don't possess, when you are not merely emotional with devotion to an object. Such devotion is a supplication, seeking something in a different form. A man who prays does not know love. Since you are possessive, since you seek an end, a result, through devotion, through prayer, which make you sentimental, emotional, naturally there is no love; obviously there is no love when there is no respect.
You may say that you have respect but your respect is for the superior, it is merely the respect that comes from wanting something, the respect of fear. If you really felt respect, you would be respectful to the lowest as well as to the so-called highest; since you haven't that, there is no love. How few of us are generous, forgiving, merciful! You are generous when it pays you, you are merciful when you can see something in return.
When these things disappear, when these things don't occupy your mind and when the things of the mind don't fill your heart, then there is love; and love alone can transform the present madness and insanity in the world - not systems, not theories, either of the left or of the right. You really love only when you do not possess, when you are not envious, not greedy, when you are respectful, when you have mercy and compassion, when you have consideration for your wife, your children, your neighbour, your unfortunate servants.
Love cannot be thought about, love cannot be cultivated, love cannot be practised. The practice of love, the practice of brotherhood, is still within the field of the mind, therefore it is not love.
When all this has stopped, then love comes into being, then you will know what it is to love. Then love is not quantitative but qualitative. You do not say, "I love the whole world" but when you know how to love one, you know how to love the whole. Because we do not know how to love one, our love of humanity is fictitious. When you love, there is neither one nor many: there is only love. It is only when there is love that all our problems can be solved and then we shall know its bliss and its happiness.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=5268&v=ldCN5fgbBN0 you find this interesting in light of what is going on with the incoming energies at the moment. there is another vid from magenta pixie also that i will try and find.
Thank you, Cobra for everything you do for the liberation of humanity! Regarding the countdown timer for ascension meditation on your blog, it seems to me that it erroneously shows starting time for 1 April 1 hour earlier than it should. Maybe it's related to the shift to Summer time in Europe, but GMT remains the same. Regards!
Does this mean the final clearing of toplet bombs is about to take place on the surfacd? I think they were taking out implant stations before. I don't think there are implant stations to clear on the surface, L0.
this is an interesting thought. however it could be referencing the implants themselves. if that is the case, clearance for this may be very fickle to come by.
i feel this refers to using stardust (SD) technology to clear the surface of negative entities who have refused to surrender. just a thought that popped into my head. anyway things are moving along faster now than ever before and we know LO is surface level. so SD along with mjolnir the suckers don't stand a chance.
I could use some advice from my fellow lightworkers.
The people who live above me are agents of some kind and are using energy weapons on me every day. It's affecting my every day life, my health, and my ability to fulfill my mission as a lightworker.
Does anyone have suggestions on how to protect oneself from energy weapons? They are using at least some kind of RF frequency (I can normally feel RF signals in my head like microwaves, cell phones, and Wifi routers), and the devices sometimes make a "wom wom wom" vibration sound and other ones are silent. They are moved around depending on my position (I can hear the agent's footsteps and the cords dragging on the ground). Sometimes I make them chase me around the house by changing where I sit every 5 minutes until they get tired of it lol
I'm sorry if I've asked this before. RF affects my memory.
I want to go upstairs and knock on their door and ask them why they are doing this but that seems like a bad idea!
how to protect yourself https://everydayconcerned.net/2015/08/13/holistic-doctors-sudden-cardiac-arrest-targeted-individuals-remote-radiation-heart-attack-weaponry-how-to-protect-yourself/
Go to: Techno Crime Fighters Forum, Episode 47 on youtube. At 57:30 Dr. Horton talks of a list she is constructing of such info. The whole show is interesting though. Ella Free pod castes on youtube is also good. She has a show where an expert talks of this. Easy to find in video lists.
Some time ago, Cobra talked about magnet doing a good job. 1- Get magnetic bracelets, (they're very cheap), and wear them. Also get some magnets and put them, somewhere, on your light/chandellier, i.e. under the ceiling.
2- Get black turmaline, (also cheap), and carry them in your wallet/purce. Put some chunks under the corners of your bed, or next to your bed. And if you can get a necklace, (plenty on E-bay), then wear it at all times.
3-Make a pyramid shaped hat out of aluminum foil and wear while at home.
4- Take hot baths with sea salt and/or epsom salt. NO LESS than 40 minutes long. Good luck!
Excellent progress! π Time is on OUR side now... Full speed ahead, Ashtar Command! ππΌ❤️ And blessings to ALL who participate - above and below.
And I want to end with a prayer. Let Love and Heavenly energies heal and bring out from slavery all those people, who are forced, threatened doing things against their FREE WILL. VOTL!
For those who want to know, the only thing we can relate to the lagrange points are implant stations and that info may not be related to all of them.
Assuming its related to the soul net aspect of the veil, it might be reasonable to deduce that this operation does a lot more for the etheric\metaphysical. Meaning yet more loosening of the grip on the proverbial balls of humanity XD
"The Ashtar Command is the airborne division of the Great Brother/Sisterhood of Light, under the administrative direction of Commander Ashtar and the spiritual guidance of Lord Sananda, our Commander-in-Chief, known to Earth as Jesus the Christ. Composed of millions of starships and personnel from many civilizations, we are here to assist Earth and humanity through the current cycle of planetary cleansing and polar realignment. We serve like midwives in the birthing of humanity from dense-physical to physical-etheric bodies of light, capable of ascending into the fifth dimension along with the Earth."
"We of the Brotherhood of Light, and we who serve in the Intergalactic Fleets and Cosmic Federation Councils, come forth to bring you knowledge for a most eventful and confusing transition ..."
"The Ashtar Command is an etheric group of extraterrestrials, angels and light beings and millions of "starships" working as coordinators of the activities of the space fleet over the western hemisphere. Under the spiritual guidance of Sananda (the Most Radiant One), the ascended master who walked the Earth incarnated as Jesus the Christ, Ashtar, the commander of the galactic fleet and representative for the Universal Council of the Confederation of Planets, is currently engaged in Earth's ascension-process."
"There are 144,000 light workers called Eagles connected to the Command. That is the minimum of souls required for the ascension process. These Eagles are a group of souls who don`t identify with a special planet. They know they are one with all, and that they are Christ (fundamental to any discussion of New Age Christology is the recognition that New Agers distinguish between Jesus, a mere human vessel, and the Christ consciousness (variously defined, but always divine, and often a cosmic, impersonal entity))."
"They serve like cosmic midwives in the ascension process; the birthing of humanity from dense-physical into physical-etheric bodies of Light, capable of ascending with the Earth into the fifth dimension. Light work is incorporating Jesus' message of Love and Light into our daily lives, ultimately connecting with our Higher-Self which is Everlasting Awareness, Divine, NOW."
Victory of the Light is Guaranteed as the Expression of the Everlasting Divine ONE. The Creator of All is naturally greater than His own Individuated Creation. We are living out His Supreme Governance and Enactment of this Reality. We must Trust in His Way and Wisdom of All things past, present, and future, as this transition is Fulfilled. We have "free will" to a degree to do our part through prayer, deep meditation, actions and listening to our Highest voice within our Heart and Soul.
The 144k is actually Star Nobility. The 144,000 came through Milky Way Galactic Central Sun portal after angelic evolution and settled in the Pleiades star cluster. They have begun to incarnate on Earth for mission, as Cobra stated: “Lightworkers are the biggest security threat to the quarantine”.
This is a cool post.. yes.. Christ is Sananda.. for many they can't see how Christ was a divine messenger to teach how to ascend.. they made him God.. and worshipped him.. happened a lot and then you have the Bible that's edited to promote this agenda by the dark ones.. Ashtar, keep hammering away! Sananda, thank you for everything! We are all amazing spiritual beings, we all need to remember who and what we are.. but I must say, a catalyzing EVENT would sure help wake up the masses. :)
Kim Dotcom @KimDotcom . Do you realize that all it takes for their entire conspiracy to fall, their immunity to fail, is a single person with knowledge to become the star witness. One domino piece that will bring them all down and they all go to jail. I’m working on it π
I believe The Event already happened (at least for me). Go home everybody, the show’s over, lmao just kidding. No, but, really, on the 26th at two in the morning I saw some intense light flashes over the mountains in the darkness. This did not appear to be lightning in the conventional sense. It felt like The Galactic Confederation was in those large clouds. At one point during the light flashes I saw the outline of some type of planet. The moon was on the other side. It felt like they were warming up for the real big solar flash to come any day now. Even those mini flashes felt like The Event to me, for I feel different now. My friends, the way to salvation and eternal paradise is, simply, respectful love and compassion, including for yourself. At times it is difficult to practice this, I know, but, as long as you don’t give up the positive dream, it is enough. I know we are extremely close now. I am ready for the official solar flash that will engulf the entire planet. I am ready for the supreme wave of love.
I saw a remarkable pink sunset a few weeks ago. I had never seen that before in my life. Not in that hue. I had noted that as the return of Goddess energy, and I believed that was the beginning.
Its hard not being in the know, otherwise you would understand what is taking three days to liberate a planet thats been enslaved for millenia and how complicated and intricate a process to ensure that billions of people arent killed by plasma toplet bombs. You don’t know the work involved, hence you are complaining when you don’t have all the facts.
Three days is stressing you out after all the progress that has been made? Are you serious? Have you been following this blog for long? I find your comment very amusing though I doubt that was how you intended it. We’re getting there.
We planted cintamani stones at our home.. does that mean an angelic being is now there helping to anchor the light and the energy grid needed to help facilitate the Event?
Either that or he is trying to figure out a way out... or making a clone take his place... well i could think of different scenarios. Or was agreed that he would move out of political power by claiming disability... etc etc. they could just make themselves sick temporarily too.. many possibilities
The bad guys have the cure to i am sure all sorts of illnesses.. if they parade before us with some sort of ailment.. imo most likely is to build an illusion to the public.
Some possibly go 'underground' ... thru some high tech transportational tube n regroup with those looking for escape... while their clone is left deteriorates
Just made up the high tech tubing... but u can possibly imagine sinve they cant fly out... they travel down.. on their own high tech personal bunker or group bunker...
Awaiting for their opportunity. Wuldnt b surprising...
Corey probably sees the complete ascension as what the Event and disclosure is. That's by 2025. We will be liberated before then by the end of this year in 2018. Don't worry. Lol.
I think the key to that question is 'No one knows'. Which means, could be tomorrow, could be 10 years from now, best not to attach oneself and do the work as best we can. I personally think we're closer than that. Not that I really know.
" Let me just say that the hostage situation on the surface of the planet is very difficult and liberation might take a little bit longer than expected.
This is the reason the Light forces advise against any speculation about the timing of the Event to avoid disappointment and suggest you rather start focusing on your mission and living your life to its fullest in the Now"
"If you are depressed, you are living in the past. If you are anxious, you are living in the future. If you are at peace, you are living in the present." ~ Lao Tzu
That depends on the advantages that the galactic codex can give us in that 6 or 7 year period. If not, it can not take more than a few months (a few months is a maximum of 11 months, just to clarify). This is my call to the listener. If the event is still going to take a while, then let the galactic codex be fully implemented on this planet, bringing us true abundance, ease of living, advanced healings, general harmony, and everything else that is possible for the good of all. This is what I hope for all of us.
Hello Jennifer, please use your discernment on ANY kind of information that comes to you. If you feel good about it, it is then true to you. If you don't feel good about it, it is then false to you. Within yourself, you already know the answer ! It is now an opportunity for you to master your discernment abilities ! ;) I hope it is guiding you on your path at best !
why would he say that? ug.. we all know too much.. we need the Event to wake up humanity and to take out the AI! if surface operations are ongoing now.. and space above earth is under Galactic control.. and now the surface has been deemed their domain.. what else needs to happen top trigger the EVent? Many on utube are claiming they've experienced the event.. I hope not.. energies yes.. but not The Main WAve.. that should take down our E grid and leave no doubt something has happened divine.
Cobra has repeatedly said there can be no time table. Do you understand the magnitude of cleaning up our Solar System of archonic influence, plasma weaponry, freeing slaves from sublunar bases, shutting down implant stations, destroying underground bases on Earth, sending the Cabal to the Galactic Central Sun, all while trying to protect the billions of humans on this planet from plasma toplet bombs? On a soul level this would be catastrophic if the light forces failed and the Cabal set them off. This is the greatest most delicate hostage crisis EVER and most people are asleep and don’t even imagine the work that is taking place to free them from bondage so they don't end up back in the plasma plane after each consecutive incarnation over and over....PLEASE understand that no matter what is happening right now to delay the Event, it must be for a very good reason. So do your part to spread love and help form a grid upon this planet. Don’t worry about things you cannot control. Focus on your blessings. Appreciate all the beauty and love in your life. Express your creative and sensual side as this is another way of manifesting love and being heart centered. But do not stop living. Do not sit there waiting for the Event. Live as though you are preparing for the Event by doing all you can to be a resource for everyone who will need you DURING and AFTER the Event. The Light Forces will need as many calm people of poise and inner strength as possible to guide and support everyone who will be confused and scared through this incredible transition. So you have plenty of work to do until then. Don’t waste any more time, because if the Event were to come tomorrow you will need to be prepared to move into your role quickly. Take this time to prepare for the Event rather than worry about when it will come.
Because he overplayed his hand like nearly everyone in 2017/2018. He was basically the only public Source for the sphere being narrative and after a lot of unfulfilled potential he removed them from the occasion. Now there are the ancient builders and they of course told him that people of earth had to put fate in their own hands ... which is the basic message which basically allows a relaxed timeline for more stories to come. did you never wonder, why there are thousands of aliens/spaceships/unknown race in space and below our surface and there is basically no impact all at what we can see ... no real artifact, no images ... nothing .... ?!?
@jennifer morales - think you have misheard what corey goode said. he said that we are in a process of disclosure and the "big event" would be in 5 or 6 years. this does not mean that no disclosure will be happening. the blue spheres have left because we are now deemed strong enough to take control of our own destiny without interference. we can see the deep state is being demolished systematically and we can also see that more and more is being revealed. i do not know why people are waiting for disclosure from government because the great awakening is underway and more and more people are having direct contact without having to wait for "official" statements from our governments. we know they lie and deceive so who says their version of disclosure will be true. if we do our own work we will know in ourselves what is true and what is not. tune in your bullshit meter and you will get an accurate read on the truth. it is really up to us to find out the truth and choose to just let government continue with their reality until they are removed because they are really the only ones believing their own bullshit. the 3D reality of politics is nothing more than a distraction and should be ignored as much as possible. if you are on this blog, presumably you know the difference between truth and the matrix. VICTORY OF THE LIGHT.
ππ✨ππ❤ We have a NEW MEDITATION SCHEDULE that started on March 12, 2018. The origin of these changes was part of a unified initiative to reduce or compact the number of meditations so that we can focus more effectively in less time ...
Our π MEDITATIONS-ON-THE-GO Platform: πππ http://tc.hitart.com/pfc/redirect.html will also be introducing a combined meditation that combines all meditations into one and to be hosted 4 times a day/night to cover as many areas of the world.π
We are now hosting a selection of mindfulness meditations 4 times every day. A randomly selected meditation is played at 1am, 7am, 1pm and 7pm UTC to further ground our own light in this realm so that everyone can experience more aliveness and empowerment. π
We also have many rooms that talk about intel as in the current events rooms, for those keen on getting their fix π
Here is the current roster of Meditations that are hosted daily on our π MEDITATIONS-ON-THE-GO Platform: πππ http://tc.hitart.com/pfc/redirect.html
πΉ = important meditations
D A I L Y:
02:00pm UTC (10:00am EDT) πΉ Breakthrough Meditation πΉ 02:20pm UTC (10:20am EDT) Recite 0010110 Decree 02:25pm UTC (10:20am EDT) Simply repeat "Command PB Stardust" 3 times in your mind/vocally. 02:30pm UTC (10:30am EDT) πΉ Goddess Meditation πΉ 03:00pm UTC (11:00am EDT) πΉ Emergency Meditation πΉ 03:15pm UTC (11:15am EDT) Expanded Chimera & Primary Anomaly Meditation (Toplet & Plasma Parasites) 03:45pm UTC (11:45am EDT) Primary Anomaly Detachment Meditation for Gaia (Gaia & Yaldabaoth/Plasma Parasites - Detachment) 09:00pm UTC (05:00pm EDT) πΉ Meditation for Removal of Directed Energy Weapons πΉ
P R I O R I T Y Meditations: the following are hosted in the special Priority Meditation AUDIO Room otherwise Main Meditation AUDIO Room
Light Forces Support Meditation (Alert Meditation) being replaced with the πΉ Breakthrough Meditation being done at the following times: 02:00am UTC (10:00pm EDT) 06:00am UTC (02:00am EDT) 10:00am UTC (06:00am EDT) 02:00pm UTC (10:00am EDT) hosted in Main Meditation AUDIO ROOM 06:00pm UTC (02:00pm EDT) 10:00pm UTC (06:00pm EDT)
W E E K L Y: (also hosted DAILY here)
TUESDAY 11:00pm UTC (7:00pm EDT) πΉ Meditation with Goddess to neutralize negative rituals πΉ 11:17pm UTC (7:17pm EDT) πΉ The Goddess Vortex Meditation πΉ
M O N T H L Y: 02:43pm UTC (10:43am EDT) πΉ New Moon Meditation next March 17 πΉ πΉ Full Moon Meditation next March 31 πΉ
Join us here to connect with like-minded individuals on our π MEDITATIONS-ON-THE-GO Platform: πππ http://tc.hitart.com/pfc/redirect.html and to raise the Planetary vibration. πππ✨π
Love and gratitude.
ReplyDeleteππ✨ππ❤ Join us every day whether it is to meditate, chat with other like minded individuals, participate in Healing Circles, get updated on the latest intel, clear your mind by attending our mindfulness meditations ... there is something for you.
ReplyDeleteWe have a NEW MEDITATION SCHEDULE that started on March 12, 2018. The origin of these changes was part of a unified initiative to reduce or compact the number of meditations so that we can focus more effectively in less time ...
Our π MEDITATIONS-ON-THE-GO Platform: πππ http://tc.hitart.com/pfc/redirect.html will also be introducing a combined meditation that combines all meditations into one and to be hosted 4 times a day/night to cover as many areas of the world.π
We are now hosting a selection of mindfulness meditations 4 times every day. A randomly selected meditation is played at 1am, 7am, 1pm and 7pm UTC to further ground our own light in this realm so that everyone can experience more aliveness and empowerment. π
We also have many rooms that talk about intel as in the current events rooms, for those keen on getting their fix π
Here is the current roster of Meditations that are hosted daily on our π MEDITATIONS-ON-THE-GO Platform: πππ http://tc.hitart.com/pfc/redirect.html
πΉ = important meditations
D A I L Y:
02:00pm UTC (10:00am EDT)
πΉ Breakthrough Meditation πΉ
02:20pm UTC (10:20am EDT)
Recite 0010110 Decree
02:25pm UTC (10:20am EDT)
Simply repeat "Command PB Stardust" 3 times in your mind/vocally.
02:30pm UTC (10:30am EDT)
πΉ Goddess Meditation πΉ
03:00pm UTC (11:00am EDT)
πΉ Emergency Meditation πΉ
03:15pm UTC (11:15am EDT)
Expanded Chimera & Primary Anomaly Meditation (Toplet & Plasma Parasites)
03:45pm UTC (11:45am EDT)
Primary Anomaly Detachment Meditation for Gaia (Gaia & Yaldabaoth/Plasma Parasites - Detachment)
09:00pm UTC (05:00pm EDT)
πΉ Meditation for Removal of Directed Energy Weapons πΉ
P R I O R I T Y Meditations: the following are hosted in the special Priority Meditation AUDIO Room otherwise Main Meditation AUDIO Room
Light Forces Support Meditation (Alert Meditation) being replaced with the πΉ Breakthrough Meditation being done at the following times:
02:00am UTC (10:00pm EDT)
06:00am UTC (02:00am EDT)
10:00am UTC (06:00am EDT)
02:00pm UTC (10:00am EDT) hosted in Main Meditation AUDIO ROOM
06:00pm UTC (02:00pm EDT)
10:00pm UTC (06:00pm EDT)
W E E K L Y: (also hosted DAILY here)
11:00pm UTC (7:00pm EDT)
πΉ Meditation with Goddess to neutralize negative rituals πΉ
11:17pm UTC (7:17pm EDT)
πΉ The Goddess Vortex Meditation πΉ
12 noon UTC (8:00am EDT)
πΉ Violet Heart Meditation πΉ
4:00pm UTC (12 noon EDT)
πΉ πΉ πΉ Weekly Ascension Meditation πΉ πΉ πΉ
4:30pm UTC (12:30 pm EDT)
πΉ πΉ πΉ Goddess Meditation πΉ πΉ πΉ
M O N T H L Y:
02:43pm UTC (10:43am EDT)
πΉ New Moon Meditation next March 17 πΉ
πΉ Full Moon Meditation next March 31 πΉ
Join us here to connect with like-minded individuals on our π MEDITATIONS-ON-THE-GO Platform: πππ http://tc.hitart.com/pfc/redirect.html and to raise the Planetary vibration. πππ✨π
Oh. My. God.
ReplyDeleteThursday, March 22, 2018
“So the key is to think about it in a multidimensional way... there is no one linear step by step path to the Event. There are many different timelines shifting in probability and alternate ways it can happen. By disclosing these projects they are co-created in the field created by the RM and all of us. This timeline stabilization then raises the overall vibration and quantum field which then supports all positive timelines. Including the one where the Event happens.“
I made a meditation song for Command PB Stardust!
Well that's some good news.
ReplyDeleteExciting!!! Thank you so much♡♡♡ Hold on to your hats :D and try to stay calm! LOVE and LIGHT to ALL♡♡
ReplyDeleteThank you.
ReplyDeleteVictory of the Light!!!
Next on the Cosmic Shift of The Ages Menu:
ReplyDeleteStardust Layer 0 ~ Right Folks!
“0” also meaning/suggesting more than just The Surface but also including all of the “0” or the “Void that contains All Potentialities” for All of us, you know, Hyperphase style ;)
All of Creation is about to shift fast now into this new embrace of Pure Love with no distortions in it ;)
What an extraordinary concept for us “Surface Humans”, hey?
It’s All of Creation that is now about to begin its final “labour pains” & then be “birthed” into its new form/forms....
Lets get ready to make this “all of the way for real” my fellow folks of The Earth & The Great Beyond...
And what a wondrous Creation & Great Beyond, or shall I add Great Within as well, that we All indeed exist & play within ~
Welcome to The New Dawn
Wonders beyond wonder about to be “Un-Veiled” for us All to see and In-joy ;)
There are many different words for „pending“ in the dictionary :-)
ReplyDeletefloating, suspended, pending, hovering, undetermined, undecided, imminent, approaching, upcoming, forthcoming, undone, unsettled, unfinished, outstanding, unanswered
I take the „imminent“ because that´s how it feels..
Victory Of The Light!
ReplyDeleteI don't know whether it was truly integrity from him. He was probably heavily compromised by Cabal in his surroundings.
But great video.
Synchronized with Qanon update?
ReplyDeleteClock activated.
GREEN_CASTLE. (GO) -> Green light
Stage_5:5[y] -> final stage
Qanon counts up while Cobra counts down. May zero hour have arrived.
Peace be with you.
Also see this guy videos, he claim he is in contact with some insider of WH.. he's informer say that a phase 5 of 5 has started there... Before Q post about it... And say others things too, it's nice to see all sources correlates...
Brig it on, let's only light be!
ReplyDelete»Right Of Offset.
Banks have long enjoyed the privilege of offset as prescribed to them by statute and common law. That right allows the bank to take money the bank owes you and offset it against the loan you owe the bank. Thus they can pull money from your savings account to pay off your car loan.
I am sharing this with you because Karen Hudes briefly mentions this right in her latest interview, but in reverse. She mentions governments that owe the bankers offsetting for the gold the Federal Reserve owes those countries but refuses to give back to them. The Fed also refuses to honor the bonds they gave those countries for their gold prior to WWII. So Hudes is suggesting that those defrauded countries just offset the debts and call it even. So why hasn't it been done yet?
It hasn't been done yet because the Fed Reserve has been playing a shell game with the world. The money lent to countries have been done so either by the IMF, the World Bank or another Central banking system. But what is happening now is that the world is awakening and realizing that all of those individual banks are just parts of the whole – the Cabal's network of global banking system. Each week that passes countries are getting madder and madder about being defrauded by that global banking system.
The day is near when they start mailing in letters to the banks with just one statement on it, “ Accounts Offset. All accounts settled.”
When that happens those countries will keep one third of their revenues and all of their natural resources to provide for their own citizens. All of that will be realized by the cost of just one postage stamp. The time is coming folks.«
Thank You Cobra, Resistance Movement & Light Forces for pulling Us out the Crap! Much Gratitude to You Guys ππΌ.
ReplyDeleteLooks like We are getting so close. Holding my ground and the Light... Come On! Let's do this, right here, right Now.
The Light is Victorious!
We’re at L0! This gotta be great news! We’re winning, people! Thank you very much, COBRA, LF, LW, Galatic Confederation, RM. Much love to you all! Let’s bring the Event to the now! Goddess send her ocean of rainbow love light upon us and fill us with the Love you were meant to never get separated from it!
ReplyDeletePeace! We are that we are, ALL, ONE! ❤️
And So It is! Love and Light
DeleteThe Beauty of Devotion Takes Place In Inner Silence
ReplyDeleteWith Our Highest Spiritual Self and God Oneness With All
Part 1 of 2
"Devotion is the keyword for success in life. Everyone to one degree or another is devoted to something according to where they are in consciousness and the nature of their mind. Also, their nature and intensity of desire has a great deal to do with devotion. Devotion means to fix on something, to focus one’s effort on something specific and pursue this course with great intensity.
The main thing we need to consider, or have an awareness of, is whether or not what we are devoted to is productive or not productive, life-supporting or not life-supporting; In low consciousness there is little consideration for one’s actions.
We should always give due consideration to anything we have a feeling for and feel a certain devotion toward. If, after exploring the situation carefully, we find it to be good and that it serves our purpose and the purpose of life, then and only then should we become devoted to that particular pursuit. This is what is known as planned existence.
We may only be devoted to one thing, while with others, their devotion may be to numerous things. What takes most of humanity’s time and devotion is the drive for success.
But by what yardstick do we measure success in life? The yardstick varies greatly based on our consciousness. If you were to ask people what is success, many would answer that it was the acquisition of wealth or fame. However such a focus becomes a devotion to greater bondage. There is nothing wrong with having money. It is only how we view and use money that counts. As a tool for our own higher development and for the upliftment of those in need, money is good. When it is used to control or hinder the lives of others for the sake of power, it is evil.
So, again, it is good to know by discrimination what we should become devoted to and to what degree.
Down through the ages we have been taught that a very high purpose in life is to be devoted to "God". It is very true that we should be devoted to God, but we should be devoted in the right way. The way of devotion to God is by love and by infusion of Being. By surrendering to God in this way we will be giving maximum devotion for all good because we not only place ourselves on the path of perfection and liberation, but we are also helping humanity to rise up much higher than it otherwise would. Thereby, we embark on a selfless crusade for humanity and by so doing we serve the purpose of God and the purpose of life which is evolution and perfection. This is right devotion.
The Beauty of Devotion Takes Place In Inner Silence
ReplyDeleteWith Our Highest Spiritual Self and God Oneness With All
Part 2 of 2
Devotion also means that no matter how hard the way seems and how little we seem to be gaining, we just keep on going.
Then, when we least expect it, we will come out of the darkness, out of the pain and out of the shadows of life and into the glorious bliss and light of the Eternal. By our concentrated devotion we overcome and then we stand as pillars of light.
We then express our true divine Self. By our devotion to God, we merge into God consciousness;
we come into the oneness, the all-knowing, all-experiencing, divine and eternal Self.
So, devotion to our spiritual development is the paramount consideration of life’s journey. As we climb higher and higher on the ladder of life, "we gradually vanish" (that is, our constantly changing identification of self thoughts, emotions and sensations) in a blaze of light and into our Eternal Kingdom, the land of the glorious "NOW". We pass beyond all sorrow, all shadows and tribulations of human life, and through our true devotion we become the eternally devoted, never again to feel the sting of death or the pain of birth."
May This and THE EVENT "Now" Manifest Divinely On Earth.
WOW! I hope this is the ground breaking surface clearance you had been talking about. Let's do it.
ReplyDeleteLive - Evil
Lived - Devil
Wow - Wow (No matter how you spelled in it reverse, it is still WOW!)
May the LOVE be with you always!
I have never seen this before. Quite interesting. Thank you Piperon.
DeleteMay the love be with you always.. too! <3
Beloved Megan,
DeleteYou are most welcome!
There are more to meet the eyes - one example is the logo Hitler used in the 2nd world war - it is the opposite of the Buddha symbol. And if you turn the David star upside down, it is the Satan star. Hahaha!
May the LOVE be with you always!
DeleteYeah, I've seen this before, yet I forgot. Thanks for reminding, Brother.
However, if we flip the word "wow" over, then it becomes one of the sweetest words in the world ----- MOM!!! πΉ
Beloved Angel,
DeleteYes, totally agreed - MOM is the force behind all creation.
Now, here comes the silly question - do we have egg or chicken first? Hahaha! Just kidding!
But there is one word that puzzle me in reverse - GOD
May the LOVE be with you always!
i dont know what mean but vol!
ReplyDeleteAll what some of us still can do for "make the surface of the planet more bearable" is to give work and expertise under the auspices of this Movement, as previous discussed, to be in benefit of Light Communities development.
It might be the case that the nowadays society do need peoples efforts for 'a better world'...
so this might be the single one possibility to 'do something' without loosing life force...
We consider that Light Comunnities (sooner or later after the Event) should be followed by the rest of the world in the way of 'Ascension'...
DeleteBut not the Light Communities will follow the rest of the world in it's rules and disgusting technical standards or products...
So we need to develop our own standards and products, from the lower to the most important of aspects.
We shall only to keep what we consider good from the nowadays tech and standards, and develop ours, as the case may be...
DeleteDiscussion must take place in respect of the power distribution.
Even you will have 'free energy' you will have to have some networks in the community up to the last consumer.
UK Reduced low voltage (RLV)[edit]
"The IET / BSI (BS 7671) also define Reduced low voltage (RLV) which can be either single phase or three phase A.C. This system has been used for many years on construction sites. Both single and three phase. The single phase voltage is 110 V a.c. though having a "centre tapped Earth" reducing the voltage to Earth to 55 V a.c. The three phase is 110 V phase to phase, 63 V to Neutral / Earth. This system is slightly outside ELV but still very commonly used for cord powered hand tools and temporary lighting in hazardous areas."
DeleteAn example of power distribution might be the three phase of 110 V phase to phase, 63 V to Neutral / Earth.
As described, this system is outside ELV (extra lov voltage) and there are countries where are voltage supply of 110v.
Or, the 120V voltage might be used in the 3 phase form with 120/1.73 phase voltage.
The 3rd harmonics might be very low in case of short networks an in Light communities, so might be not a problem...
DeleteMore discussion to come about power distribution in Light Communities...
Until then, some more details on the blog pages:
You know, I was wondering about something... They say that after The Event and Ascension there will be “1000” years of peace embodied as The Golden Age. Why only 1000? Will there be another war after that? Another period of darkness? Say it ain’t so...
ReplyDeleteThere would not be darkness in the sector..
DeleteNo - the 1000 years of peace is meant to be the last phase before complete Ascension into non-physical . From that on , the humans wont incarnate anymore .
DeleteI would say , its completely unimportant , whether it is 1000 years , 900 years , or even just few years ... the time will become unimportant within a society that isnt programmed . Also , Im very sure ( from my own experiences ) that once beings become non-physical , time simply ceases to exist - all timelines and all possibilities are accesible to everyone . Also , I have thinking that those "1000 years" could actually even be the time when humans will prolong their lives drastically , even to full extent , which is exactly 900-1000 years in physical body . The mind and experiences are left untouched , theyre not blank-slated ( "BeASt machine" - blank-slate technology , reincarnational amnesia ) , only the body is kept continously young ( reverse aging , age regression ) . That would actually mean that ALL generations that are now present , could decide to live indefinetly as they see fit to them .
No, let me explain... the lasts Corey G. update say about this...
DeleteDuring a 1000 years, the energy around earth surface will be like a poison to those with low vibration/intentions...
They say that, dark ones will run to deep underground to protect them self from this atmosphere of light using some temporal bubble technology... and in that time we will have to go after them down there and clean those bubbles, if not, they could come up again after it... but a system of light and love will be placed in our galactic home system area to prevent IA and low energy beings to enter here and try something...
Those temporal bubbles is separated from the reality, out of time, something like that, so they could mimic any energy they can, but they will be trapped there, and we will pop their bubble any way...
A window of a 1000 years without any darkness, so we can direct humanity life and spirituality without external bad influences, only good ones... after that we will be ready to face anything... we will have this time to full understand our nature.
It's like a 1000 years of shield. And we will not be fooled again in this time... No more duality here on Gaia. NEVER AGAIN! Only light will be!
This is how i see it!
*NOTE that this information is a compiled work of many different esoteric writings both new and ancient. Exercise discernment accordingly.
DeleteEssentially there will be 1000 year grace period after the initial ascension in 2025 in which there is a sorting out. Not every soul will ascend and the fate of all remaining souls will have to be decided. The process is estimated to take 1000 years.
After 2025 the 3D planet of Earth will no longer exist for Gaia will have ascended into the 5th density. It is a vibrational thing. When Gaia ascends to 5D those who cannot match the 5D vibration to ascend with Gaia will have to go to other 3rd density worlds because 3D Earth will no longer exist.
Think of it like a fish in a pond and then all the sudden the water evaporates in an instant. The fish will have to be rescued and put in another pond of water. In terms of humans that pond of water will be an entire planet.
The new planets that have been prepared have low populations and clean environments and never experienced war for they were never under the occupation of the dark powers. Some light workers will choose to go to the these 3D worlds of their own free will in order to help uplift the stragglers. Understand it is not a punishment and there will be no karmic repercussions for those that did not ascend.
In all there is nothing to be afraid of. All will work out well for all beings concerned. Some will ascend immediately in the 2023-2025 window while others will ascend at a later date on another planet. All beings will be entitled to their rights under the Galactic Codex whether they ascend or not.
There will be a long period of grace given to the people who transferred.
This grace period is to last at least 1000 years before the next 26k year cycle begins. During this grace period people may ascend at any time to the 5th density. After the grace period expires only then will people be locked into another 26k year cycle of duality.
It should be understood that future 26k year cycles will never be as dark or as difficult as the cycle we have just been through. That kind of suffering is simply forbidden under the laws of the Galactic codex. There will be no more war and no slavery, torture, debt, or otherwise allowed. The karmic system where souls are punished lifetime after lifetime in rigged games they cannot possibly win is a mechanization of the dark powers.
Earth was the last planet this was permitted under and it only happened because Achons held the planet hostage with toplet bombs. After the event this kind of darkness will never be allowed anywhere in the entire universe.
Duality will still exist on the replica planets however it will be balanced towards the light in such a way that favors spiritual growth and ascension. Duality will only be manifested in the form of the natural life and death cycle of mortal life for that is all that is needed to facilitate spiritual growth. There was never any need to torture souls and make people's lives miserable. Life is meant to be a journey of joy and creativity. https://i.imgur.com/yvqJ5tH.jpg
After the event no matter where people end up going (3d or 5d) the laws of the Galactic codex will always apply.
Peace be with you.
Thank you, Novusod.πΉ
ReplyDeleteGodfre Ray King The “I AM” Discourses
"Iruka: Can you please comment on Guy Ballard or Godfre Ray King's books and I AM activities?"
"Cobra: Both are very good books to connect you with your I AM presence and with ascended beings."
DeleteThe “I AM” Discourses
by Godfre Ray King
DeleteUnveiled Mysteries
by GodfrΓ© Ray King
Good news
ReplyDeleteL0 now
I feel it, 2018
no more years to wait for
Great update. Victory to the Light! Much love Cobra
ReplyDeleteI'm pending, too !! VOTL!!
ReplyDeleteLets push it all together till Victory of the light and The Event is achieved.
ReplyDeleteThank you Cobra, this sounds very promising ❤️ I think L0 is the earths' surface? Thank you, Love & Light and Deepest Gratitude always πππ✨✨✨
ReplyDeleteWoo hoo!! See you soon guys!! VOTL!π
ReplyDeleteThank you dear Cobra for this update ✨ continue meditating to support light forces ✨ Much Love and gratitude ✨ Victory of the light ✨ππΌ❤️π
ReplyDeleteSoon no more layers to be cleared!
ReplyDeleteSoon no more layers to be cleared! <3
ReplyDeleteLet's do this,the hostiges have held there light. Victory of the light.
ReplyDeletec est juste un avis personnel , « La ConfΓ©dΓ©ration Galactique Γ©liminera toutes les factions nΓ©gatives ayant la capacitΓ© de voyager dans l’espace, qu’il s’agisse de programmes spatiaux extraterrestres ou secrets, qui n’acceptent pas le Codex Galactique, dans les deux prochaines semaines [du 5 au 18 fΓ©vrier 2018].
ReplyDeleteEnsuite, ils procΓ©deront Γ un nettoyage mΓ©thodique et systΓ©matique de tout ce qui se trouve sous la surface de la planΓ¨te (L0) et ensuite, les opΓ©rations de surface commenceront. » victoire a la LumiΓ¨re
At the last obstacle,...
ReplyDeletethe Light
Tonight I had a dream that I saw a beautiful show of lights in the sky. The lights worked like a set of pixels that made small shapes that flown in independent groups. In the dream somehow did I know that the technology was liquid light (or crystallized water?) Of the Pleiades. There was a moment I touched one of the forms and it disintegrated like water.
ReplyDeleteIs This Possible Cobra?
Thanks for the update! Victory of the Light!
I've been seeing the light ships in my meditations and they twinkle like diamonds of light! They say we are sooooooooo close!! Final decent!! VOTL!!π
DeleteHi good guys (and gals). Just want to wish you well. Thank you.
ReplyDeleteL0 = surface ?
ReplyDeleteSD = ?
Bless you
Surface Domain? =P
DeleteGaiaportal seems to me to be talking about crystal children.
"Eltern" is the German word for parents.
"novenas" may mean newborn.
Isis Astara said in Konstanz (Germany) in 2015 that crystal children are being born right now. In any case, it is clear that especially small children can handle the new energies easily.
Last time I have seen Isis was in Glarus Conference, at the end she stood with her arms raised like a V, her fingers also like 2 V's. She said "Victory of the Light!" with a soft airy voice and lightful clear intent. It felt very convincing in a gentle way.
DeleteIMHO: Surface Domain Level 0 clearance pending. I dare say that's where we live.
ReplyDeleteVitΓ³ria da luz...
ReplyDeleteGratidΓ£o pela sua luta incansΓ‘vel..
VocΓͺ tem todo meu respeito..
VitΓ³ria da luz...
ReplyDeleteGratidΓ£o pela sua luta incansΓ‘vel..
VocΓͺ tem todo meu respeito..
please review the WAM clock (on right of the page)
ReplyDeleteit shows Mar, 18, and 3pm utc, instead March, 25 and 4pm utc...
Victory of the Light
ReplyDeleteFly on the winds of change with grace and ease.
ReplyDeleteTo be true masters of alchemy of form takes greatest courage, for in so doing, one must create with wisdom from the heart.
Watch video here
@11:33 Good job. Stay well.
ReplyDeletemagnificent update. I am happy and crying of emotion. Victory of light
ReplyDeleteAn aquamarine light source emission might be also useful for our esoteric purposes...
It might be not too easy, nor too difficult...
Delete...in any way much more easy than a continues spectrum one of f, 1/f, f2,... so on...
DeleteWe have to find here some solutions to resamble a kind of 'gem lights' lighting for outdoor lighting too.
The outdoor lightt units have to spread on lampshades a kind of similar light patterns from light sources used in indoor lighting.
DeleteFor instance,... you may obtain one way or other the aquamarine color light source, more or less difficult, let's say... The same for other ones...
But, to have some light in the environment which passes trhough an aquamarine gem is something else...
And,... don't forget,... In outdoor environment you need thousands of thousands of lumens output.
This is why real gems might not be used...
An ideea, on moment, might be to propose a research in which in the large sized outdoor units in discussion to be placed, circle around inside the lampshade, an OLED panel which may project a light with a color distribution similar the pattern we want to resamble...
DeleteThe problem is if the light which passes a cristal wich has a certain geometry, might be resembled or not with the same esoteric effect on a screen, OLED or PC display, with having the same effect onto the environment?...
DeleteFor instance,... if you give us an image with a certain mandala of light (from a light source you consider) to rum on our PC display,...
does it have or not the same or at least an appropriate effect with (the case of) the original light source in our indoor space??...
Uhuuuuuuuuullllll bring on!!!
Beloved I am
ReplyDeleteBeloved I am
Beloved I am
Dear light family, I know it is hard to see proof of positive changes. I have been following the hope of the fall of the canals power. The federal reserve bank gives the power to print money out of thin air. On the 26th of March 2018. Oil is to be traded with gold backed Chinese yuan. This could be a major trigger to remove the world from the slavery of the central bank's and removing much of the canals power. Its not the event, but something tangible which I have watched since 2011. Please hold the light I believe we are close. Victory of the light.
ReplyDeleteMisuse of symbols to manipulate people | Pentagram
ReplyDeleteThe 5-pointed star seems to be very popular with the rulers of this world - why?
It has a great spiritual significance. Among many other things, it depicts the human being and also the ascension of man - and much already becomes clear:
Crop circles and mystery schools usually show the star in a protected area.
On flags and tanks, for example, it is usually not the case. This is supposed to influence the consciousness of man to turn himself unprotected to the rulers of this world. Their success can be seen in the boundless trust of people in governments, laws, media, etc.
Light forces probably counteract this energetically by crop circles. Likewise, the dark ones' desire loses power through the information of the people.
We are united to make this happen. Go! Go! Go! Immense Love + Light along the way. Victory shall manifest soon!
ReplyDeleteAn Invitation:
ReplyDeleteSomeone traveling to Kauai is invited to participate in the Hawaii cintamani project. The grid here is almost finished. This is a great opportunity to do something wonderful for Gaiai and to participate in our liberation.
I already have the stones. Feel free to reply with contact into and I'll be in touch.
Aloha and Victory of the Light!
I burnt my Hawaiian pizza last night. I must use aloha heat next time. Victory of the light (just a little humor to cheer us up)
DeleteMy wife and I are going to Hawaii in September for our honeymoon. Does this timeframe help?
Deletethank you!
ReplyDeletePending for what?
ReplyDeleteMay the FORCE of LOVE be you!! VOTL!!
ReplyDeleteenergies are getting crazier daily. but in a good way :)
ReplyDeletelove and hope to all!
let's keep holding the light and letting everything else go <3
spread love everyone!
Tommorow , 26th of March , the China is starting their trades in gold-backed Yuan . Thats , technically , a death of petrodollar . If you check the DOW Jones , there is a huge potential for stock market crash tommorow , as even the Thursday and Friday had decrease in 1000 .
ReplyDeleteL0 is surface ... Im not going to speculate what this means . I know some intel about what could happen tommorow - but we will see if its only a guessing game or something more concrete .
Also ... to COBRA ... Was the "OS: VTXC.LSIP. Simple theme." always here on this portal , on the bottom of this page ? It just caught my eye now ... I dont think that was before there .
My Galactic friends told me the next 48 hours will change our lives forever. I hope it's true. I trust them with all my heart!π I don't think it's the event but U.S.A being turned on its head! I'm ready!
DeleteJennifer.. I hear so much.. channelings about this is happening, expect this to happen, gold backed yuan did start trading today.. the Dow is up 440 pts.. go figure. I listen to Allison Coe.. her qhht client's higherselves, the majority indicating the Event will come end of March.. who are your galactic friends and are you sure they are of the Light?
DeleteJennifer and Unknown - I understand you both , there are very good points from both of you .
DeleteBut lets put it as this ... lets "expect the unexpected" . Lets change , shift , what we can change now , whats seemingly "small" in our lives . No matter how tiny such change would seem - multiplied with thousands , millions of people ... and you have a trigger . Ultimately . When exactly will Event happen ? Not sure ... nobody knows expect the Source , the One True Prime Creator itself . I have my own thoughts when it could happen ... but Im 100 % sure it ultimately will occur .
I dont even trust some of people I respect the most and love the most 100 % - because we are all humans , we have mind games put against us . I dont trust COBRA 100 % either ... there is no source I trust 100 % , but instead of mind speculating - we need to let ourselves feel more again . Even if that feels would make us vulnerable sometimes ...
Aloha brother, I am from Maui—please email me at mirandamcastel@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteI emailed you. Hope to hear from you soon. Check your spam folder just in case.
ReplyDeleteSimcronizado: 11:33
ReplyDeleteEssa Γ© a nossa Vontade
Essa Γ© a vontade de Deus
E portanto Γ© lei
E assim Γ©
E assim Γ©
E assim Γ©
beautiful energies today! I can't remember the last time it was this good. Has anyone else met Annasol?
ReplyDeleteAre the Pleiadians aware of the Andromeda Council and Tolec, MsM and M?:
Tolec, DEEP DISCLOSURE, Down the Rabbit Hole, Segment 1
Tolec, DEEP DISCLOSURE, Segment 2
Maybe the Pleiadians and the Andromedans would get together, pool resources and finally dissolve the banks and the other deadly financial systems by buying out all mortgages and providing suitable accommodation for e v e r y o n e and establishing vertical farms to feed e v e r y o n e ~ you know take away their leverage, level the playing field and create spiritual abundance. Just a thought of higher conscience.
Galactics thank you! Cobra thank you! Amazing, this is all so amazing I am super positive living every day to the fullest! We are 1 Unity Consciousness! The New Golden Age is upon us now! Victory of the Light!
ReplyDeleteIf you have chronic immune or fatigue issues please look up hydrogen peroxide food grade dosing therapy. I feel so much better dosing 12 drops 3% in cup of mineral water every 3 hours. Not tap water. It kills bugs and yeasts in digestive tract and blood.
ReplyDeleteI then dose 1000mg of the anti oxidant vitamin C 30 min after each dose to stop over oxidation of general body cells. Hope this helps some people, life is such a struggle when super ill.
Thank you for sharing this. I will try this.π€§π·
Delete35% food grade HP is a great cancer protocol, several utube videos where you start with a couple drops in distilled water, each day you increase the drops.. up to like 26 or so.. check video.. basically O2 kills the cancer.. viruses etc.. we get cancer when we are too acidic.. our ph drops.. sugar feeds cancer.. hmm isn't it odd how all foods now are loaded with sugar..
DeleteSince new moon i feel like tripping every day, high spirit, full of energy and light at heart and head plus colours seem brighter, more vibrant, perception changed slithly but definitely. Time to plant some potatos soon and I invite all of You to homemade french fries;)
ReplyDeleteSounds like they will be delicious French fries. Let us know. π€
DeleteI have had intense ringing in my right ear for the past month. It comes and goes in frequency....anyone else having strange body changes?
DeleteThank you
DeletePart 1
The Spiritual world will come into ACTION, the Material world will come into FEELING
Until now it was like that: Spiritual world and Material world were separated
For the SPIRITUAL world life was strenuous. Nothing was working out that well, the flow of money was low, projects could not be realized, too many stones on the way. Struggle, much healing, blockades.
For the MATERIAL world however life was comfortable. I call it Mainstream. Fighting was not a big necessity. Letting yourself go, wanting to feel good, having fun. All of those things were important. People who got confronted with the truth could ignore it and look away. They were not able to feel the truth. Going the way with the least resistance possible, that was their motto.
They hat the conviction that they do not neet the Spiritual world, that they can cope without it easily (yeah for sure haha).
From now on it will be like that: Spiritual and Material world are now connected. There is a constant energy exchange between those both worlds. They mix more and more.
That means the SPIRITUAL world will have more and more support from the Material world. Projects that were only in planning before will manifest now. The flow of money will be increased. We will feel more and more supported by life and it will show us in an easy way, literally by fate, ways and possibilites how to realize our aims and visions. We will have more energy.
We just need to be in the moment, follow our intuition, pay attention to the signs. Follow our joy.
The MATERIAL world however (Mainstream) will not have such an easy way. The truth will come to the surface more and more and they will have to deal with it. Looking away is not an option anymore. Because the light is that strong, so that all shadows will be revealed.
All the lies, crimes, misdeeds that were taking place in course of our history will come to surface. The refusal to confront with the bitter reality will only result in suffering and pain. Because the truth will be perceptible. Real and visible for everyone. It will come into the Mainstream. And nobody, really nobody will be able to close their eyes to this. Many will have to face the consequences of their unconscious behaviour in the past. It is a big learning task, and it needs a lot of honesty for that. To admit to yourself that you were not right, although you were convinced of it that much, is not easy. Only because everyone said so, and everybody did it, does not have to mean that it is the truth and the right thing to do. That will be more and more apparent for everyone. In an uncomfortable way.
The Material world will look at the spiritual world and think: „Somehow they look much happier. They are more successful. They have an easier way. They feel better. They have more energy and realize greater visions und plans. They have more lust for life. They are helping each other, are more loving. They are more connected, wiser, more intuitive.“ And if they are honest to themselves, they will allow themselves to be inspired by them. If not, then they suppress this truth and stick to their old habits of thinking and living. Which will result in suffering. They are asked to rethink, to arrange their view of the world anew.
Part 2 All that will happen during this year until next spring. It is really important to look closely. To face reality. To not look away. To feel your feelings, everything that wants to come up, it is all permitted. There are a lot of collectively suppressed emotions that want to come up. And will have to be integrated. There is a lot of healing needed.
ReplyDeleteAlso the lightworkers are asked to help as much as they can. It is not about instructing, waking others up, open other people's eyes. No, it is about helping others to handle the situation. With all the things that want to come up. With suppressed emotions. Very important: Embracing the feelings lovingly. Be a light that shows the way. So that as many as possible find the right path to give themselves to love and life.
So that they can recognize the TRUTH! Because there is ONE truth! That, which has happened to us in the last thousands of years, is our history. And that is real. No game! Just bitter bitter reality! A deeply sad tragedy. What has happened here on earth. No one of us wanted that. Suffering, pain, wars, all that should have never existed. No kind-hearted God would have done this to us, just a deranged one. And he just doesn't exist.
So be willing to to look at the story. The truth. And it is about every kind of truth. Political or private.
LOOK CLOSELY! Look closely! Look closely!
The Mainstream is a master of suppression. He has such a strong EGO, that he does not want to see the truth, even if you show it to him directly. It is important to have compassion with him. All that, he did not want to happen. It happened a long time ago. When we were all still beings of light. When the dark forces ran over the earth, they took something from the Mainstream that he loved deeply. It resulted in a collective Trauma and suppressing. That is why the Mainstream does not recognize the truth anymore. He has suppressed his intuition. Now it will be time for him to come into feeling. He will feel the truth deeply inside of him. He will have to deal with what has happened. Even if that is very painful.
The Spiritual world will manifest beautiful things and achievements that will bring positive changes for all of humanity. The Mainstream will love it, but he will not admit to himself that the spiritual world is responsible for that. That does not matter.. he will feel his love and gratitude for the spiritual world more and more and some day he will want to show it to her.
We take them into our boat. Sooner or later. And then we will free ourselves completely from the Dark Forces together.
That is the plan.
What will happen this year is not yet the great Breakthrough, that will probably be next year. But it will become more exiting, finally easier, thrilling on earth. Just the way we have been wishing for years. I am happy about everyone who joins in. We will turn this earth into the beautiful Paradise it once was. With Peace on earth. Happiness, joy, community. Where we help each other.
Victory of the light!
Much love,
Please share if you like this :)
Nice! Do you have a blog or website?
DeleteNot yet.. I am working on making a German one first. So the English one will be in a few weeks I guess. I will post it as soon as it is available.
DeleteThis is it??
ReplyDelete"If you find it hard to experience comprehend and experience Being here NOW directly, start by observing the habitual tendency of your mind to want to escape from the Now.
You will observe that the future is usually imagined as either better or worse than the present. If the imagined future is better, it gives you hope or pleasurable anticipation.
If the future is worse, or an unpleasant past is re-visited, it creates anxiety. Future and past are illusory, in the sense that in themselves they do not provide us the experience of our everlasting Self, NOW, as Oneness-With-God.
The individual’s truest everlasting State of Being is ONE, Full, Timeless, it is always NOW, irrespective of the comings and goings of experience.
However, we don’t wish to get rid of “duality,” meaning the sense of diversity and multiplicity in the world. Duality in this sense is necessary for there to be an “individual” in the first place, who is capable of experiencing life’s diversity.
Instead, we can realize our Eternal, Ever Present Self, in the midst of our individual "changing" experiences. This is where prayer, meditation, devotion to our God, and following our innermost role and destiny comes into play.
When we experience and realize our Ever Present Self NOW, we do not experience our Self as separate from experiences which change; we are not “dual”; BUT at the same time, we are still an individual human being (or whatever being) in a dualistic world of diverse creation.
As a human being, we have two aspects to our identity:
One that is forever non-changing and ever present NOW;
and One that is forever changing NOW.
They are ONE self, One With the ONE God, Oneness, Source of All.
THE EVENT promotes Divine realization of our Everlasting Self on earth through its "compression breakthrough" (COBRA) transformation from darkness, negativity, and destruction, to age to Light, positivity, and construction.
Correction to above post:
DeleteTHE EVENT promotes Divine realization of our Everlasting Self on earth through its "compression breakthrough" (COBRA) transformation from darkness, negativity, and destruction - to Divine Light, positivity, and construction. Our immediate environment becomes conducive to realizing our Divine Self NOW.
Until The Event transforms earth, we can pray, meditate, and follow your heart and soul to realize our Everlasting Self Awareness and God Awareness in all.
"Within you is Unimaginable Beauty. Discover this today. Dive deeply into the peace that does not change. Do this every morning upon awakening and just before sleep. Here you will find refuge in That Peace Eternal. Here you will find the Unimaginable Beauty. It will last longer and longer until one day, it never leaves you."
Delete"Peace. Peace. Peace."
"I am not a guru. You have asked me to share my experience. Try it and see if it works for you.
You can experience the fathomless love, peace of God, today. Now. Meanwhile, your job is to become a living embodiment of loving kindness, of The Three Virtues; love, compassion, humility to all. For this is your true Self."
"The happiness of this life, with a loved one, a beautiful sunset, a selfless act, is real, yet it is a glimmer of the eternal indescribable joy that never fades."
"My friend, the time will come when you realize that you have to make a choice. This choice-less choice will come to everyone. At some point in your life, everyone is given the choice. Its arrival is pre-ordained by the Supreme. What you do with this choice is entirely up to you. For it will dictate your destiny. And yet you have to ask yourself, is there really a choice? For I AM That. Forever. Eternally. And this is what I wish to experience consciously. Magnificently. Honestly. This is the shining Supreme Truth upon which all else is superimposed. We must resolve the human predicament, we must actually live in this reality all of the time, beautifully."
From the experience of Robert Adams
Nisargadatta Maharaj
Deleteabout Love
December 25, 2013/
Pure Love from the Advaita Vedanta Perspective
God and Love
Which God are you talking about? What is God? Is he not the very light by which you ask the question? ‘I am’ itself is God. The seeking itself is God. In seeking you discover that you are neither the body nor mind, and the love of the self in you is for the self in all. The two are one. The consciousness in you and the consciousness in me, apparently two, really one, seek unity and that is love.
‘I am’ and Love
What do you love now? The ‘I am’. Give your heart and mind to it, think of nothing else. This, when effortless and natural, is the highest state. In it love itself is the lover and the beloved.
Life is love and love is life.
What keeps the body together but love? What is desire, but love of the self? What is fear but the urge to protect? And what is knowledge but the love of truth? The means and forms may be wrong, but the motive behind is always love — love of the me and the mine. The me and the mine may be small, or may explode and embrace the universe, but love remains.
Is love a state of mind?
Desire is, of course, a state of mind. But the realization of unity is beyond mind. To me, nothing exists by itself. All is the Self, all is myself. To see myself in everybody and everybody in myself most certainly is love.
Above the unity of being is the union of love.
Q: Can there be happiness in unity? Does not all happiness imply necessarily contact, hence duality?
M: There is nothing wrong with duality as long as it does not create conflict. Multiplicity and variety without strife is joy. In pure consciousness there is light. For warmth, contact is needed. Above the unity of being is the union of love. Love is the meaning and purpose of duality.
Delete"If you stop fearing god it is more than likely that you will start loving God. The greatest to find is freedom from the fear of God: I do nothing; he does everything."
Ramesh Balsekar
Jiddu Krishnamurti
Deleteon Love
Part 1 of 2
Question: What do you mean by love?
We are going to discover by understanding what love is not, because, as love is the unknown, we must come to it by discarding the known. The unknown cannot be discovered by a mind that is full of the known. What we are going to do is to find out the values of the known, look at the known, and when that is looked at purely, without condemnation, the mind becomes free from the known; then we shall know what love is. So, we must approach love negatively, not positively.
What is love with most of us? When we say we love somebody, what do we mean? We mean we possess that person. From that possession arises jealousy, because if I lose him or her what happens? I feel empty, lost; therefore I legalize possession; I hold him or her. From holding, possessing that person, there is jealousy, there is fear and all the innumerable conflicts that arise from possession. Surely such possession is not love, is it?
Obviously love is not sentiment. To be sentimental, to be emotional, is not love, because sentimentality and emotion are mere sensations. A religious person who weeps about Jesus or Krishna, about his guru or somebody else, is merely sentimental, emotional. He is indulging in sensation, which is a process of thought, and thought is not love. Thought is the result of sensation, so the person who is sentimental, who is emotional, cannot possibly know love.
Again, aren't we emotional and sentimental? Sentimentality, emotionalism, is merely a form of self-expansion. To be full of emotion is obviously not love, because a sentimental person can be cruel when his sentiments are not responded to, when his feelings have no outlet. An emotional person can be stirred to hatred, to war, to butchery. A man who is sentimental, full of tears for his religion, surely has no love.
Is forgiveness love? What is implied in forgiveness? You insult me and I resent it, remember it; then, either through compulsion or through repentance, I say, "I forgive you". First I retain and then I reject. Which means what? I am still the central figure. I am still important, it is I who am forgiving somebody. As long as there is the attitude of forgiving it is I who am important, not the man who is supposed to have insulted me.
So when I accumulate resentment and then deny that resentment, which you call forgiveness, it is not love. A man who loves obviously has no enmity and to all these things he is indifferent. Sympathy, forgiveness, the relationship of possessiveness, jealousy and fear - all these things are not love. They are all of the mind, are they not? As long as the mind is the arbiter, there is no love, for the mind arbitrates only through possessiveness and its arbitration is merely possessiveness in different forms. The mind can only corrupt love, it cannot give birth to love, it cannot give beauty. You can write a poem about love, but that is not love.
Obviously there is no love when there is no real respect, when you don't respect another, whether he is your servant or your friend. Have you not noticed that you are not respectful, kindly, generous, to your servants, to people who are so-called `below' you? You have respect for those above, for your boss, for the millionaire, for the man with a large house and a title, for the man who can give you a better position, a better job, from whom you can get something. But you kick those below you, you have a special language for them.
Jiddu Krishnamurti
Deleteon Love
Part 2 of 2
Therefore where there is no respect, there is no love; where there is no mercy, no pity, no forgiveness, there is no love. And as most of us are in this state we have no love. We are neither respectful nor merciful nor generous. We are possessive, full of sentiment and emotion which can be turned either way: to kill, to butcher or to unify over some foolish, ignorant intention.
So how can there be love? You can know love only when all these things have stopped, come to an end, only when you don't possess, when you are not merely emotional with devotion to an object. Such devotion is a supplication, seeking something in a different form. A man who prays does not know love. Since you are possessive, since you seek an end, a result, through devotion, through prayer, which make you sentimental, emotional, naturally there is no love; obviously there is no love when there is no respect.
You may say that you have respect but your respect is for the superior, it is merely the respect that comes from wanting something, the respect of fear. If you really felt respect, you would be respectful to the lowest as well as to the so-called highest; since you haven't that, there is no love. How few of us are generous, forgiving, merciful! You are generous when it pays you, you are merciful when you can see something in return.
When these things disappear, when these things don't occupy your mind and when the things of the mind don't fill your heart, then there is love; and love alone can transform the present madness and insanity in the world - not systems, not theories, either of the left or of the right. You really love only when you do not possess, when you are not envious, not greedy, when you are respectful, when you have mercy and compassion, when you have consideration for your wife, your children, your neighbour, your unfortunate servants.
Love cannot be thought about, love cannot be cultivated, love cannot be practised. The practice of love, the practice of brotherhood, is still within the field of the mind, therefore it is not love.
When all this has stopped, then love comes into being, then you will know what it is to love. Then love is not quantitative but qualitative. You do not say, "I love the whole world" but when you know how to love one, you know how to love the whole. Because we do not know how to love one, our love of humanity is fictitious. When you love, there is neither one nor many: there is only love. It is only when there is love that all our problems can be solved and then we shall know its bliss and its happiness.
Some people write that The Event and Ascension will get rid of "duality." It depends on what we mean by duality:
Delete"Without two (duality) there can be no creation. Love is the power that changes this notion of duality to the experience of oneness."
Amma (Sri Mata Amritanandamayi Devi)
ReplyDeleteyou find this interesting in light of what is going on with the incoming energies at the moment.
there is another vid from magenta pixie also that i will try and find.
Thank you, Cobra for everything you do for the liberation of humanity!
ReplyDeleteRegarding the countdown timer for ascension meditation on your blog, it seems to me that it erroneously shows starting time for 1 April 1 hour earlier than it should. Maybe it's related to the shift to Summer time in Europe, but GMT remains the same. Regards!
ReplyDeletemagenta pixie as promised.
Does this mean the final clearing of toplet bombs is about to take place on the surfacd? I think they were taking out implant stations before. I don't think there are implant stations to clear on the surface, L0.
ReplyDeletethis is an interesting thought. however it could be referencing the implants themselves. if that is the case, clearance for this may be very fickle to come by.
Deletei feel this refers to using stardust (SD) technology to clear the surface of negative entities who have refused to surrender. just a thought that popped into my head. anyway things are moving along faster now than ever before and we know LO is surface level. so SD along with mjolnir the suckers don't stand a chance.
DeleteThis sounds very good!
ReplyDeleteI could use some advice from my fellow lightworkers.
The people who live above me are agents of some kind and are using energy weapons on me every day. It's affecting my every day life, my health, and my ability to fulfill my mission as a lightworker.
Does anyone have suggestions on how to protect oneself from energy weapons? They are using at least some kind of RF frequency (I can normally feel RF signals in my head like microwaves, cell phones, and Wifi routers), and the devices sometimes make a "wom wom wom" vibration sound and other ones are silent. They are moved around depending on my position (I can hear the agent's footsteps and the cords dragging on the ground). Sometimes I make them chase me around the house by changing where I sit every 5 minutes until they get tired of it lol
I'm sorry if I've asked this before. RF affects my memory.
I want to go upstairs and knock on their door and ask them why they are doing this but that seems like a bad idea!
Time to move.
DeleteThere were a Cobra's post about this
Deletehow to protect yourself
Go to: Techno Crime Fighters Forum, Episode 47 on youtube. At 57:30 Dr. Horton talks of a list she is constructing of such info. The whole show is interesting though. Ella Free pod castes on youtube is also good. She has a show where an expert talks of this. Easy to find in video lists.
DeleteSome time ago, Cobra talked about magnet doing a good job.
Delete1- Get magnetic bracelets, (they're very cheap), and wear them. Also get some magnets and put them, somewhere, on your light/chandellier, i.e. under the ceiling.
2- Get black turmaline, (also cheap), and carry them in your wallet/purce. Put some chunks under the corners of your bed, or next to your bed. And if you can get a necklace, (plenty on E-bay), then wear it at all times.
3-Make a pyramid shaped hat out of aluminum foil and wear while at home.
4- Take hot baths with sea salt and/or epsom salt. NO LESS than 40 minutes long.
Good luck!
Thank you for the recommendations, everyone.
DeleteSome of these I already incorporate, and some of these are new ideas I'm looking into.
So far it seems like the best medicine is never being at home. It's a good excuse to go out and socialize more.
Excellent progress! π Time is on OUR side now... Full speed ahead, Ashtar Command! ππΌ❤️ And blessings to ALL who participate - above and below.
ReplyDeleteAnd I want to end with a prayer.
Let Love and Heavenly energies heal and bring out from slavery all those people, who are forced, threatened doing things against their FREE WILL. VOTL!
After the completion of MOSS (multidimensional operations solar systems) and subsequent sublunar operations, the EVENT will follow.
ReplyDeleteNot until all Toplet bombs have been neutralized.
DeleteThis isn't an exact quote from cobra.
DeleteSupposed to say this is a exact quote from cobra. This is not my quote.
Deletehe has not states that the MOSS Is complete.. part of MOSS if i recall entails clearing of higher planes entities.. etc.
DeleteFor those who want to know, the only thing we can relate to the lagrange points are implant stations and that info may not be related to all of them.
ReplyDeleteAssuming its related to the soul net aspect of the veil, it might be reasonable to deduce that this operation does a lot more for the etheric\metaphysical. Meaning yet more loosening of the grip on the proverbial balls of humanity XD
Not the only thing we can relate to These implants have kept us in amnesia for >25k years
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In case someone is missing....
ReplyDeleteSaturday, March 24, 2018
SD L0 clearance pending
Wednesday, March 21, 2018
SD L1 clearance approved
Tuesday, February 27, 2018
L2 clear, wipeout L1
Wednesday, February 14, 2018
L3 clear, wipeout L2
Saturday, February 3, 2018
COBRA velocity is set to maximum speed that does not produce L0 shockwaves
Tuesday, January 30, 2018
Wipeout sequence L3 to L0 approved
Wednesday, January 24, 2018
L4 clear, wipeout L3
Friday, January 19, 2018
Wipeout L4
Victory of the Light!
Thanks for sharing !
ReplyDeletePart 1: Kevin Shipp, CIA Officer Exposes the Shadow Government
"The Ashtar Command is the airborne division of the Great Brother/Sisterhood of Light, under the administrative direction of Commander Ashtar and the spiritual guidance of Lord Sananda, our Commander-in-Chief, known to Earth as Jesus the Christ. Composed of millions of starships and personnel from many civilizations, we are here to assist Earth and humanity through the current cycle of planetary cleansing and polar realignment. We serve like midwives in the birthing of humanity from dense-physical to physical-etheric bodies of light, capable of ascending into the fifth dimension along with the Earth."
ReplyDelete"We of the Brotherhood of Light, and we who serve in the Intergalactic Fleets and Cosmic Federation Councils, come forth to bring you knowledge for a most eventful and confusing transition ..."
"The Ashtar Command is an etheric group of extraterrestrials, angels and light beings and millions of "starships" working as coordinators of the activities of the space fleet over the western hemisphere. Under the spiritual guidance of Sananda (the Most Radiant One), the ascended master who walked the Earth incarnated as Jesus the Christ, Ashtar, the commander of the galactic fleet and representative for the Universal Council of the Confederation of Planets, is currently engaged in Earth's ascension-process."
"There are 144,000 light workers called Eagles connected to the Command. That is the minimum of souls required for the ascension process. These Eagles are a group of souls who don`t identify with a special planet. They know they are one with all, and that they are Christ (fundamental to any discussion of New Age Christology is the recognition that New Agers distinguish between Jesus, a mere human vessel, and the Christ consciousness (variously defined, but always divine, and often a cosmic, impersonal entity))."
"They serve like cosmic midwives in the ascension process; the birthing of humanity from dense-physical into physical-etheric bodies of Light, capable of ascending with the Earth into the fifth dimension. Light work is incorporating Jesus' message of Love and Light into our daily lives, ultimately connecting with our Higher-Self which is Everlasting Awareness, Divine, NOW."
Victory of the Light is Guaranteed as the Expression of the Everlasting Divine ONE. The Creator of All is naturally greater than His own Individuated Creation. We are living out His Supreme Governance and Enactment of this Reality. We must Trust in His Way and Wisdom of All things past, present, and future, as this transition is Fulfilled. We have "free will" to a degree to do our part through prayer, deep meditation, actions and listening to our Highest voice within our Heart and Soul.
Beautiful, i believe I Am one of the 144k souls. Victory to the light
DeleteThe 144k is actually Star Nobility. The 144,000 came through Milky Way Galactic Central Sun portal after angelic evolution and settled in the Pleiades star cluster. They have begun to incarnate on Earth for mission, as Cobra stated: “Lightworkers are the biggest security threat to the quarantine”.
This is a cool post.. yes.. Christ is Sananda.. for many they can't see how Christ was a divine messenger to teach how to ascend.. they made him God.. and worshipped him.. happened a lot and then you have the Bible that's edited to promote this agenda by the dark ones.. Ashtar, keep hammering away! Sananda, thank you for everything! We are all amazing spiritual beings, we all need to remember who and what we are.. but I must say, a catalyzing EVENT would sure help wake up the masses. :)
DeleteKim Dotcom @KimDotcom
Do you realize that all it takes for their entire conspiracy to fall, their immunity to fail, is a single person with knowledge to become the star witness. One domino piece that will bring them all down and they all go to jail. I’m working on it π
10:16pm 26 Mar 18
BTWBKim Dotcom loathes HRC and claims to have knowledge about Seth Rich that nobody else has.
ReplyDeleteChina launches highly anticipated petro-yuan to challenge USD dominance https://t.co/1H3N8Tavl5 https://t.co/H1psiZMvNE
Hello Gentle Cobra
ReplyDeleteY O U R W O R K
T H E N A B O V E E X E L L E N T ! ! ! ! !
Hello Gentle people
ReplyDeleteyou won't believe how much i want to know, who my biological parents are and where they are.
Cobra, can you tell us your opinion on Billy Meier and his Henoch Prophecies?
ReplyDeleteCobra told Alexandra Meadors on 3 December 2013 that he would not answer her questions about Billy Meier for the time being.
DeleteCOBRA "BY FEBRUARY SOMEONE WILL HAVE HAD ENOUGH" and i believe he said this will begin the disclosure process.
Take these hoggs down hard.
ReplyDeleteI believe The Event already happened (at least for me). Go home everybody, the show’s over, lmao just kidding. No, but, really, on the 26th at two in the morning I saw some intense light flashes over the mountains in the darkness. This did not appear to be lightning in the conventional sense. It felt like The Galactic Confederation was in those large clouds. At one point during the light flashes I saw the outline of some type of planet. The moon was on the other side. It felt like they were warming up for the real big solar flash to come any day now. Even those mini flashes felt like The Event to me, for I feel different now. My friends, the way to salvation and eternal paradise is, simply, respectful love and compassion, including for yourself. At times it is difficult to practice this, I know, but, as long as you don’t give up the positive dream, it is enough. I know we are extremely close now. I am ready for the official solar flash that will engulf the entire planet. I am ready for the supreme wave of love.
ReplyDeleteI saw a remarkable pink sunset a few weeks ago. I had never seen that before in my life. Not in that hue. I had noted that as the return of Goddess energy, and I believed that was the beginning.
DeleteI am hoping it happens soon! This 3D matrix is a waste of time.. we all need truth, love, abundance, joy, beauty and reconnected with God/Source
Delete3 days later and these people are still waiting for clearance? No wonder nothing ever gets done here on planet earth.
ReplyDeleteIts hard not being in the know, otherwise you would understand what is taking three days to liberate a planet thats been enslaved for millenia and how complicated and intricate a process to ensure that billions of people arent killed by plasma toplet bombs. You don’t know the work involved, hence you are complaining when you don’t have all the facts.
DeleteThree days is stressing you out after all the progress that has been made? Are you serious? Have you been following this blog for long? I find your comment very amusing though I doubt that was how you intended it. We’re getting there.
Peace brother.
We planted cintamani stones at our home.. does that mean an angelic being is now there helping to anchor the light and the energy grid needed to help facilitate the Event?
ReplyDeleteIs it you guys!!!!!!!???????
Does this mean?!!?!?!?!?!?
Netanyahu of Israel....Stardusted?
Either that or he is trying to figure out a way out... or making a clone take his place... well i could think of different scenarios. Or was agreed that he would move out of political power by claiming disability... etc etc. they could just make themselves sick temporarily too.. many possibilities
DeleteThe bad guys have the cure to i am sure all sorts of illnesses.. if they parade before us with some sort of ailment.. imo most likely is to build an illusion to the public.
Some possibly go 'underground' ... thru some high tech transportational tube n regroup with those looking for escape... while their clone is left deteriorates
Just made up the high tech tubing... but u can possibly imagine sinve they cant fly out... they travel down.. on their own high tech personal bunker or group bunker...
Awaiting for their opportunity. Wuldnt b surprising...
I would like to tap my "Inner Pleiadian."
ReplyDeleteHas anyone here figured out how to do this?
I come up with the following. I am open to additions to this list.
1. Try to solve everything with Love.
2. Try to throw light on situations in a loving way.
3. Be kind.
4. Have no agenda other than being kind and trying to help.
5. Work to create a positive living environment in my home and in my community.
6. Decide that I can manifest ANYTHING if I work with my "I AM" presence.
Tap your Pressure points.
DeleteCobra! Corey Goode says the event and disclosure is 6/7 years away from now!/PLEASE tell me this is not true!I can't wait that long. Please respond?
ReplyDeleteCorey probably sees the complete ascension as what the Event and disclosure is. That's by 2025. We will be liberated before then by the end of this year in 2018. Don't worry. Lol.
DeleteI think the key to that question is 'No one knows'. Which means, could be tomorrow, could be 10 years from now, best not to attach oneself and do the work as best we can. I personally think we're closer than that. Not that I really know.
Delete" Let me just say that the hostage situation on the surface of the planet is very difficult and liberation might take a little bit longer than expected.
DeleteThis is the reason the Light forces advise against any speculation about the timing of the Event to avoid disappointment and suggest you rather start focusing on your mission and living your life to its fullest in the Now"
"If you are depressed, you are living in the past. If you are anxious, you are living in the future. If you are at peace, you are living in the present." ~ Lao Tzu
DeleteThat depends on the advantages that the galactic codex can give us in that 6 or 7 year period. If not, it can not take more than a few months (a few months is a maximum of 11 months, just to clarify). This is my call to the listener. If the event is still going to take a while, then let the galactic codex be fully implemented on this planet, bringing us true abundance, ease of living, advanced healings, general harmony, and everything else that is possible for the good of all. This is what I hope for all of us.
Hello Jennifer, please use your discernment on ANY kind of information that comes to you. If you feel good about it, it is then true to you. If you don't feel good about it, it is then false to you. Within yourself, you already know the answer !
DeleteIt is now an opportunity for you to master your discernment abilities ! ;)
I hope it is guiding you on your path at best !
why would he say that? ug.. we all know too much.. we need the Event to wake up humanity and to take out the AI! if surface operations are ongoing now.. and space above earth is under Galactic control.. and now the surface has been deemed their domain.. what else needs to happen top trigger the EVent? Many on utube are claiming they've experienced the event.. I hope not.. energies yes.. but not The Main WAve.. that should take down our E grid and leave no doubt something has happened divine.
DeleteCobra has repeatedly said there can be no time table. Do you understand the magnitude of cleaning up our Solar System of archonic influence, plasma weaponry, freeing slaves from sublunar bases, shutting down implant stations, destroying underground bases on Earth, sending the Cabal to the Galactic Central Sun, all while trying to protect the billions of humans on this planet from plasma toplet bombs? On a soul level this would be catastrophic if the light forces failed and the Cabal set them off. This is the greatest most delicate hostage crisis EVER and most people are asleep and don’t even imagine the work that is taking place to free them from bondage so they don't end up back in the plasma plane after each consecutive incarnation over and over....PLEASE understand that no matter what is happening right now to delay the Event, it must be for a very good reason. So do your part to spread love and help form a grid upon this planet. Don’t worry about things you cannot control. Focus on your blessings. Appreciate all the beauty and love in your life. Express your creative and sensual side as this is another way of manifesting love and being heart centered. But do not stop living. Do not sit there waiting for the Event. Live as though you are preparing for the Event by doing all you can to be a resource for everyone who will need you DURING and AFTER the Event. The Light Forces will need as many calm people of poise and inner strength as possible to guide and support everyone who will be confused and scared through this incredible transition. So you have plenty of work to do until then. Don’t waste any more time, because if the Event were to come tomorrow you will need to be prepared to move into your role quickly. Take this time to prepare for the Event rather than worry about when it will come.
Deletewhere did he say?
Delete"You need to understand that we still live in a free will universe and therefore no guarantees can be given about the timing of the Event."
DeleteBecause he overplayed his hand like nearly everyone in 2017/2018. He was basically the only public Source for the sphere being narrative and after a lot of unfulfilled potential he removed them from the occasion. Now there are the ancient builders and they of course told him that people of earth had to put fate in their own hands ... which is the basic message which basically allows a relaxed timeline for more stories to come. did you never wonder, why there are thousands of aliens/spaceships/unknown race in space and below our surface and there is basically no impact all at what we can see ... no real artifact, no images ... nothing .... ?!?
DeleteJennifer Morales and in 7 years,the will say you wait other 7 years
ReplyDeleteThanks Cobra! Thanks Galactic Federation!!❤️❤️πππ‘π‘ππ✨ππ‘πππ☯️☯️
ReplyDelete@jennifer morales - think you have misheard what corey goode said. he said that we are in a process of disclosure and the "big event" would be in 5 or 6 years. this does not mean that no disclosure will be happening. the blue spheres have left because we are now deemed strong enough to take control of our own destiny without interference. we can see the deep state is being demolished systematically and we can also see that more and more is being revealed. i do not know why people are waiting for disclosure from government because the great awakening is underway and more and more people are having direct contact without having to wait for "official" statements from our governments. we know they lie and deceive so who says their version of disclosure will be true.
ReplyDeleteif we do our own work we will know in ourselves what is true and what is not. tune in your bullshit meter and you will get an accurate read on the truth. it is really up to us to find out the truth and choose to just let government continue with their reality until they are removed because they are really the only ones believing their own bullshit. the 3D reality of politics is nothing more than a distraction and should be ignored as much as possible. if you are on this blog, presumably you know the difference between truth and the matrix.
ReplyDeleteππ✨ππ❤ We have a NEW MEDITATION SCHEDULE that started on March 12, 2018. The origin of these changes was part of a unified initiative to reduce or compact the number of meditations so that we can focus more effectively in less time ...
ReplyDeleteOur π MEDITATIONS-ON-THE-GO Platform: πππ http://tc.hitart.com/pfc/redirect.html will also be introducing a combined meditation that combines all meditations into one and to be hosted 4 times a day/night to cover as many areas of the world.π
We are now hosting a selection of mindfulness meditations 4 times every day. A randomly selected meditation is played at 1am, 7am, 1pm and 7pm UTC to further ground our own light in this realm so that everyone can experience more aliveness and empowerment. π
We also have many rooms that talk about intel as in the current events rooms, for those keen on getting their fix π
Here is the current roster of Meditations that are hosted daily on our π MEDITATIONS-ON-THE-GO Platform: πππ http://tc.hitart.com/pfc/redirect.html
πΉ = important meditations
D A I L Y:
02:00pm UTC (10:00am EDT)
πΉ Breakthrough Meditation πΉ
02:20pm UTC (10:20am EDT)
Recite 0010110 Decree
02:25pm UTC (10:20am EDT)
Simply repeat "Command PB Stardust" 3 times in your mind/vocally.
02:30pm UTC (10:30am EDT)
πΉ Goddess Meditation πΉ
03:00pm UTC (11:00am EDT)
πΉ Emergency Meditation πΉ
03:15pm UTC (11:15am EDT)
Expanded Chimera & Primary Anomaly Meditation (Toplet & Plasma Parasites)
03:45pm UTC (11:45am EDT)
Primary Anomaly Detachment Meditation for Gaia (Gaia & Yaldabaoth/Plasma Parasites - Detachment)
09:00pm UTC (05:00pm EDT)
πΉ Meditation for Removal of Directed Energy Weapons πΉ
P R I O R I T Y Meditations: the following are hosted in the special Priority Meditation AUDIO Room otherwise Main Meditation AUDIO Room
Light Forces Support Meditation (Alert Meditation) being replaced with the πΉ Breakthrough Meditation being done at the following times:
02:00am UTC (10:00pm EDT)
06:00am UTC (02:00am EDT)
10:00am UTC (06:00am EDT)
02:00pm UTC (10:00am EDT) hosted in Main Meditation AUDIO ROOM
06:00pm UTC (02:00pm EDT)
10:00pm UTC (06:00pm EDT)
W E E K L Y: (also hosted DAILY here)
11:00pm UTC (7:00pm EDT)
πΉ Meditation with Goddess to neutralize negative rituals πΉ
11:17pm UTC (7:17pm EDT)
πΉ The Goddess Vortex Meditation πΉ
12 noon UTC (8:00am EDT)
πΉ Violet Heart Meditation πΉ
4:00pm UTC (12 noon EDT)
πΉ πΉ πΉ Weekly Ascension Meditation πΉ πΉ πΉ
4:30pm UTC (12:30 pm EDT)
πΉ πΉ πΉ Goddess Meditation πΉ πΉ πΉ
M O N T H L Y:
02:43pm UTC (10:43am EDT)
πΉ New Moon Meditation next March 17 πΉ
πΉ Full Moon Meditation next March 31 πΉ
Join us here to connect with like-minded individuals on our π MEDITATIONS-ON-THE-GO Platform: πππ http://tc.hitart.com/pfc/redirect.html and to raise the Planetary vibration. πππ✨π