Sunday, August 12, 2018

Preliminary Key to Freedom Meditation Report

Although we have not reached the critical mass, important breakthroughs have been achieved. Full report will be posted next week.


  1. Its abit shocking that its now late 2018 and we still are not reaching critical mass however we are heading in the right direction and inhave faith in you all.. we are simply unstoppable! Victory to the light

    1. Gaia Portal
      Explosive Light remedies are presented and applied to all Gaia conflicts
      Happenings of “entertainments” are recognized for the “entrainment” intentions
      Humility is requested. No one is denied
      Planetary healing to follow
      Missions change as of this moment

      (Pulsars in motion)
      Coronal Hole Quake Warning, Cosmic X-ray Flash | S0 News Aug.11.2018

    2. completely agree. definitely, there are enough people who want to move on to what comes next, but we're all very fragmented now. on that note, Corey Goode, David Wilcock, et al will be having a mass meditation on 8/18. as usual, the more the merrier. details are on the Sphere Being Alliance FB page.

  2. How much people need for the critical mass now? This service only brought more than 162k people!

    He says in the first minute, and this doesn't counted lot of us who meditated using different guide like Youtube, Discord or another websites or formed a circle locally and did there.

    So 144k not enough anymore seems like...

    1. Hola Arpad, I see 132 views on that link. Where do you see more than 162k? Thank you

    2. Hi. This meditation went trough phone, so not youtube meditation. People need to call a number and they play they guided meditation to them. Please listen the video, just the first minute, and he says more than 162k. And I'm sure they can easily measure how many incoming call they got.

    3. Many of us didn't call a phone number we just did the meditation. IF all this e people were counted I am sure we had enough.

    4. Is it not possible the focus & attention of a portion of those participating was lacking & therefore possibly they were not really meditating at all? Distracted, unfocused, preoccupied with other concerns, fearful, etc. Numbers don't necessarily add up to quality of the focus or energy needed for critical mass. Just a thought.

    5. Eu meditei fora dos grupos. Até mesmo recebi a presença de um Ser de Luz, um Pleiadiano, conforme confirmou, usando a telepatia. Após o horário do eclipse, continuei a meditação e a oração. Havia muita energia trevosa para ser dissipada. Depois tudo se modificou para uma dimensão melhor. Edith Olga Petsch

  3. Actually it's no surprise critical mass is so difficult to reach. I felt completely anxious, tired in the days and up till the meditation. I went jogging in the morning before the meditation and when I encountered another woman who rolled here eyes because I starred a bit to long, I felt an almost irresistible feeling of punching her in the face.
    Did not do it, but felt an extreme anger. I participated in the meditation. But I really had enough of this always when something important or so happens. Really enough of it.

    1. I was right there with ya. The time pre and post meditation I felt heavy/off as if something wasn't right? Very strange

    2. "I went jogging in the morning before the meditation and when I encountered another woman who rolled here eyes because I starred a bit to long, I felt an almost irresistible feeling of punching her in the face. Did not do it, but felt an extreme anger. I participated in the meditation. "

      EGADS - are we not hearing our own voice enough to reflect back upon your own anger and see all the strikes you have given yourself before you even get started? Your anger and thick-headed-ness is the virus. (inner reflections my love)

    3. yep, supposed to be a peace meditation and the majority of people are far from peaceful, strange things happended that week

    4. agreed , strange week, lots of anger in society

  4. i'm honestly disappointed ... we've been so eager to invite others to this meditation ... why david wilcock or fulford do interviews with cobra but they do not even post this important meditation ... i do not understand that.

    1. Because they don’t think it is important. That is simple.

    2. Yes, the question is what has happened to networking?
      I will surely do the August 18 meditation just to make sure do my part before expecting the others to join us...

    3. A Nash equilibrium. Different game participants have their own different strategies from their own benefit or perspectives and it makes the situation neither the best nor worst but medium.

    4. Corey Goode posted it beforehand.

  5. It is not easy without media.The Facebook ( CIA spy-programme ) censored every posts I shared about this meditation and denied access into my profile for 30 days. In my country in Hungary the larger percentage of people know about illuminati, like George Soros, Rothschilds, etc. But too many people do not know anything about Cobra, the light workers, pleiadians, etc. So it is very hard to collect 144.000 people to reach the critical mass. Cabal will do everything to stop us, and the light also.We have stucked this situation.No step backward, no step forward.....

  6. I kind of felt, we didn't reach critical mass. But I am looking forward to hear about the breakthroughs...

    Again heavy dreaming last night of aerial combat (dogfight) with stealth planes over sea including an aircraft carrier, and also over a kind of huge NASA like spaceport with huge rockets in a tropical or desert region, and also over a huge mountain range with mobile anti aircraft firing at the sky while the sun sets...

  7. I wonder about the 144k: is that just about lightworkers or about the total of participants. And can it be bullied by Cabal?

  8. And o Thank you Cobra:) You did your very best.

  9. Maybe we could do this meditation regularly, for example during New Moon.

  10. Thank you. I felt the calm that settled in.

  11. We are disappointed! As it is still difficult to gather 144000 people on a population of more than 7 billion inhabitants! Let's keep hope however! We will arrive at the goal sooner or later! The earliest would be best! It has become unbearable here! Among those who did the meditation there was a good cohesion though and surely a good job was done but it was not enough. Let's continue and finish the job! Thanks Cobra! Thank you to all of you! Victory of the Light! Always!!!!

  12. No, we must not give in, I'm front and center on the could we have not achieve critical mass...well.....just happy we made more progress.

  13. what a shame that the critical mass has not been reached.Where were all these people who are (reportedly) awake? Everybody wants information, but so few are prepared to do what is necessary. Not to speak about the fact, that it was Saturday, not a normal working day. Thank you Cobra for your report, it brought me a bit of consolation.

    1. I fear too many are awake but merely WATCHING, waiting for the breakthrough without knowing that they were aree to help.

    2. Dear Cobra and friends, thank you all for trying your best. Im sharing in my groups and reach potentially 1 miljon people, but I had a hard time to find the guided meditation on Portal and Prepare for Change. Still I used the Key ad without voice, its better with voice so one can close eyes. It was not 15 minutes so I found some nice music and kept going. For me is was amazing with the An fire blazing around our planet forzing the last of Chimera to surrender to Love of Leave. All overseen by Arcangel Metatron and other angels leading away those who couldnt surrender. I saw it clearly, and since there is celebrations in the higher realms, surely it has happend already. We only see linear time, but their timeperspective is different. There is no time at all in the trancsendental world. I feel very happy, we should have faith and keep on going, happy of what has been achieved. We have nothing to gain by giving up. We can be the best version of ourselves right now, ask for protection and it will be given. Love to all my soul family

  14. Dear Cobra, now I MUST say something about the words "critical mass": I CANNOT imagine, that this important goal was not reached....and I am wondering,if you just counted those people, who put on the LEADED meditations? I for myself meditated without leading and
    I read the text make sure not to be disturbed by pics and music. And I did it in a dark room...perhaps there is an answer possible? Thank you so much for your work and thank you all for supporting the breakthrough, which hopefully now will come very soon....VICTORY OF LIGHT !! <3 <3 <3 Love and peace to everybody on our planet...Elisabeth

    1. I did my own 10-15 minute meditation on Aug 11, by myself, alone in a quiet room. Knowing that the energies were going to be high all day and that people around the world would all be meditating at some point. I missed the early morning time when everyone was doing the mass meditation.

      I will assume there were a lot of others who did the same as me.

    2. @Unknown: If you're not *synchronized* with everyone else by meditating at the correct time it won't be as powerful or count towards the critical mass.

  15. being good is not selling.. we have to change the marketing.. they know how human mind works and a dj can bring together 1 million people, and we can not reach the critical mass number to save earth, humans and animals? pure humans... this make me no pity for no one now ... farvel

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Yes! The Results are worth it! Victory of Light!

  18. Thank you for your update. A little bit disappointed, but we alI tried our best to ask for colleague, relatives, friends to join in the meditation: we all did the best we can, we all put our heart there, bravo to all the light workers.

  19. Yeah, no offense, but I expected this. The Light Forces and RM did not give us enough time like they did for previous meditations. They only gave us 2 weeks.

    It's incredible how they supposedly have so much experience liberating other planets, but are completely incapable of liberating Earth. Quite sad really. It's a shame most people following this blog will either be dead or old by the time it is.

    No offense, Cobra. I know you were dealt a major blow with the loss of your significant other, and this must be frustrating for you more than anyone.

    But I seriously don't trust The Event will happen this year or next. In fact, I'm prepared for the possibility that it may take another decade or more.

    Clearly there is a major disconnect between us humans, including starseeds, Indigo and crystal adults, vs. actual extraterrestrials and Agharthans.

    As much as I have felt alien compared to most of humanity, I still feel a connection and understanding between my friends and loved ones that I could never feel with an actual extraterrestrial or Agharthan. Why? Because the ET's and Agharthans are just far too removed from our suffering. I don't care if I was a Pleiadian in a past life or not. That's seriously the way I feel.

    Here's an idea, Cobra: Why can't the Light Forces perform healings on people, but then wipe people's memories of the encounter? So that they'd just wake up in bed completely healed 100% without even knowing what had happened? Now that's an idea worth chewing on, don't you think?

    Something's got to give. There need to be major shifts in Galactic policies on how they're handling our liberation. It's a shame that just because we didn't reach critical mass, they interpret that as humanity not wanting to be liberated.

    I'm grateful that important breakthroughs have been achieved, but they need to actually experience what 3D quarantine life is like. Otherwise, they'll never understand. Without them knowing what it's actually like, our words fall on deaf ears.

    Perhaps some of them do need to risk descending into 3D, and remaining stuck in 3D for a while, with the same resources as we have, so that they actually know what it's like, and can report their findings back to the rest of the fleet.

    I'm broke as hell, but these are real gold nuggets I'm offering here, Cobra. Please make sure this post gets through to the necessary contacts. Victory of the Light!

    1. I thoroughly enjoyed reading that and wished i wrote it myself.

    2. It is us. We are experiencing what the quarantine is like. They know through us, we are them.
      Let's keep breaking it until we break it. It has to break

    3. Psych:
      It occurred to me after reading your post that perhaps if too much time is given before the meditation (more than 2 weeks) the bad guys can get their ducks in a row............

      The spiritual equivalent of smug-and-sarcastic Bill Maher, in other words, will be out on the mass media airwaves talking us down...

      I am just guessing, as usual.

      In any case, in the past, when we have made a big effort but have not reached critical mass, we HAVE helped achieve other big things that have been really good.

    4. I may be wrong, but it is possible that most if not all of the more evolved beings went through the 3D phase and actually experienced it all. It may be also possible that we have it somewhat more difficult due to the occupation of the dark forces but odds are really small for us being the only ones under the influence of the dark ever. And what if delays of the Event and liberation are that the more souls awaken here and now? So that the more of us will actually ascend and not repeat this plane of existence. Also it was stated many times that the occurence of the Event depends on the Source and even the Light Forces don't know when will it happen.
      I know you are all worn out, so am I. Please be strong. I believe we will all experience peace and freedom, one way or another, sooner or later.

    5. feel the same EXACTLY..count for me to sign this too..

    6. "The Light Forces and RM did not give us enough time like they did for previous meditations. They only gave us 2 weeks."

      I think the time is not the problem, the problem is that we lost the unity from the last year.

      We reached a critical mass 1 one year ago? why? and why we don't reached the same in this meditation?

      We need to recover or build a new "unity" similar or better than we had from the "unity meditation" in August 21st 2017

      Anyway, what about to create a "second unity meditation for September 21st 2018"? now we/they have more than 1 month to be really ready

    7. Deadline is 2025, 7,7 around 7 -8years from now, I don't think it takes up to a decade. According to the ascension plan article that Cobra posted.

      Sure, human population, the collective consciousness is the key of the shift, it decide s the exact time when the event trigger.

    8. Man, there is something called free will. I know it's not valued by most, but it must be really important to our alien friends.

    9. you don't seem to understand that we are in a hostage situation. they can't come in and heal us because bombs would be triggered and it would be quite counter-productive. Command PB Stardust was released so that we can choose to help ourselves within the confines of this prison planet.

      " It's a shame that just because we didn't reach critical mass, they interpret that as humanity not wanting to be liberated."

      again, it seems you are not understanding the situation we are in. they are not using the critical mass number as a voting mechanism. They are going to liberate the planet regardless of how many of us want them to do it. But the more of us that work together with them, the more graceful and easy this transition can be.

    10. Great thoughts. I feel the suffering too, there's a lot wrong with me. People who say "be patient" just don't get it. I don't need the Event necessarily. It's that existing is unbearable. Life needs to be tolerable at least a little, and it's not. I'm not bumming about starving children or what's on the news. I don't need the planet to be fixed and the elite arrested, just the torture to stop. It's going to be a couple years for the Event, and nothing is going to get better in the mean time. It will get worse I bet. The reason ET's don't intervene more is the archon etheric grid that's connected to every human. It monitors our perceptions and energy. It sees what we see and hear, and measures our energy body. If we come in contact with ET's or any kind of healing tech from them, it will alert the control grid and retaliate.

    11. I feel the same... I've never seen an UFO nor had any "spiritual experience" (I can remember 90% of my dream after I woke up, sometimes I can remember the whole story line... but I don't think I had any "meaningful dreams"). When I am awake... I never seen any "weird things, so I guess I am "normal"? according to the human definition?

      When I was a kid, I have a strong dull feeling about myself and everything surrounding me, it has been last for 23 years since I was born in 1995(kinda blurry, never felt strong connection with anyone or anything).

      To be honest, I know I am different from other "human being", but I have absolutely no clues/feelings about my "mission"(not knowing bits of it) , everything regarding to this is blurry as I mentioned... I did joined the last few "big" meditations, I was putting a high expectation that something was gonna happen in the media next day/the week/months after the meditation... but years passed by... it seems like a wishful thinking and my patience is slowly running out... I dunno how long will I be able to keep telling myself, I am a starseed/lightworker, I am here to help the humanity (sometimes I just feel like I can't even help myself, how can I help the others?)

      Patience is a COST too! (at least for me it is!)
      I am writing this to anyone who is working behind the scene for the light, white hats,alliance, positive ETs, RMs members etc. Please do something human can feel with our limited senses(let us know something has changed), so I can convince myself that the meditation is working and continue to carry on(its hard for me spread the meditation info.. when I can't even convince myself the meditation is helping...)

      At the end, I think I should throw an idea out about how can we become more connected internationally, I think WE-lightworkers/starseeds should really know each other in other countries(making foreign friends through the lightworkers community<- create a platform for that or using the existing ones? like an exchange program in university? (for those who can afford, maybe try to visit different countries and meet the local light workers next time when u try to plan a vacation?)

    12. If the only people being counted were those who called in then the numbers are wrong. A lot of people did the meditation without calling in. I for one am one of those many people.

    13. @V.A. Dold: I believe it was stated that the number is not exact and it is only an estimation. I mean if there were, say, 100,000 individuals of a "strong will" the treshold would be satisfied. It would take even less people were they "stronger" in terms of creative will. It also means that they are not counting people at 1:1 ratio. We are all different, have our own disortions and imbalances and this hinders our power of creative will. So one would have a power factor of 0,75 another of 0,1 and so on. Then it's best to start the change at yourself, loving and excercising love. At least that's how I understand it.

    14. I didn't even know about the call in. Are you sure that is what they are counting? I kind of thought it was an energetic measure by methods most of us wouldn't understand.

  20. Thank you all and well done to everyone taking part, please focus on the benefits this work gives to the world, not the lack of critical mass. And kudos especially to everyone getting up in the middle of the night etc. You're all wonderful people please congratulate yourselves in this moment, even if it feels hard.

    Quan Yin Angel posted a link recently of a guided meditation from ascended being Quan Yin. It is so simple yet so powerful I found.

    I'm convinced it's the missing link in our meditation work that will now quickly awaken others. This in turn will bring more to our eclipse meditations and disclosure on general. Please try it, it is so easy and enjoyable! Please share your feelings on it (yes it's repetitive but necessarily so imo)

    Doing it just now, the loving vibrant connection it created in me also felt like a reward for perseverance and made me cry. In a good way lol. Much love to all of you xx
    Copy this into YouTube app:
    Quan Yin: Planetary Experience of Enlightened Support

  21. Thank you Cobra!
    During the meditation I felt that something was off. I almost felt sort of cup put on us (the meditating group) to prevent the success of it. Anyway, any positive outcome counts.
    Thank you again!
    Victory of the Light!

  22. 😒 I do not understand that people do not get that there was nothing more important to do yesterday than to participate to the meditation. For me it went by as if it were 3 minutes.

    1. I feared that too many people would not have the inclination to get out of bed so early for this meditation. Very sad. I could feel during the meditation that we weren't close to critical mass.

    2. In Asia where the population of the world is densest it was 4-5 in the afternoon. I don't know how to spread the word to that area and don't speak the languages but I assumed someone did!? I can't believe we didn't reach the critical mass with ten days of prep time.

      I woke up to my worst fear today, ...another normal day.

  23. I think that it is not the critical mass that counts, Cobra has said several times in his meeting, 200 people are enough, if they are stable enough and united to send their intention with determination. What I saw yesterday and that those who participated have also felt is a great energy and a union of people from all countries that do not know each other, but who work together regardless of gender, race, from as you can see in the comments here:
    So I say to all these people, stay focused, do not give up, be stable in our visions and intentions, act every day to plant a little seed so that someone else awakens.
      The end of the tunnel is near, very close!

    1. Zgadzam się Nathalie
      najważniejsze jest to co Kobra napisał : osiągnięto ważne przełomy
      nasza medytacja dała efekt a z narzekaniem poczekajmy aż dowiemy się jakie
      serdecznie wszystkich pozdrawiam

  24. We have trying our best but mass population is yet unawaiken and into sleeping mode. So we are not yet 100% ready for the break through. Our compassion and love could spread more light to our brothers and sisters and spark their hearts to awaik .Love to all.. Victory of the light is very near.

  25. And... Cobra... Congrats again. I don't think you have expected this in the beginning of your quest. Bravo bravo bravo, also to your RM. And thanks a lot.

  26. sorry lads, been smokin' too much of the reefah !

    fell asleep again ...

    1. Well thanks for checking in, Unknown. I was wondering where you were.

  27. I am very glad and heartened progress was made - we did that together well done everyone. Let's keep our focus on that.

  28. Cobra, I think it's bcoz of lack of organization in our group. We need to create a group or something where all Lightworkers can communicate and add people who wants to join. It's not easy when people ask who are you, are you sure you are on the side of Light, we need to show them that we have a group to encourage them to join.

  29. And also can we improve this site,

  30. I meditated and it was great, with lots of Light. When it was over I continued doing it and then I did it once again. As they say: Two times is two times ;)

    However, I did not feel so great for the rest of the day, felt like there was more work to do. Some would qualify the feeling as "attacks"... it was not easy to stretch my antakarana all the way up, there were obstacles and interferences. It felt as if somebody was twisting parts of my head and trying to impose something on me, like a helmet or something. My heart also was not happy. I kept fighting and working all day long…
    My conclusion is that 15 minutes is not enough, it is an ongoing process, at least for me.

    In order to reach the critical mass in future: let's do our advertising differently. The dates of the eclipses and other important moments are known years in advance. Let's start now for the next best occasion. Cobra, what's the next opportunity in your opinion?

    In the meantime I will join August 18 as well as all other meditations that aim at the wellbeing of our beloved Earth and her inhabitants. One mass-meditation per week is really not that much...

    Let's learn and include our teachings in our future moves. Let's be patient and persistent, that is how we'll reach the tipping point and that's all we need.

    Love to all of you my siblings here :)

  31. Fulford says negotiations between global elite factions (P2, Chinese Dragon societies, Gnostic Illuminati etc) would continue into this fall. Even if agreement is reached, implementation of a global reset would occur in 2019 at the earliest. I also think the U.S. stock market might not collapse until 2019 and no major events such as unsealing of the supposed thousands of secret indictments will happen before the 2018 midterm elections. All which points to 2019 for the Event in the most optimistic scenario.

    1. It is looking to be as such, some things have moved forward, but more delays in the economic reset! I have been told by my sources whom should be the "implementers" that it has been delayed into the latter of this year... ive been very frustrated and tired of this false hope from AO; delays delays delays and more delays..!

      Im tired, i only want the truth from them...

    2. Take heart ♥ everything that is 'put into the future' stays there....
      until we rest in the NOW, present moment and bring all time/space-No Time/Space to the Now; to us resolutely abiding in the present. Everything else is 'program'.
      Hence, the controllers dangle the GCR carrot to those who 'buy in' to the infinite and incessant journey of the carrot and stick.
      Gods live in the Now moment.

    3. The emphasis on a specific number (144,000) is going to make people fixated on the number rather than focused 100% at the task at hand. This is natural human nature. We are goal orientated. So giving us a number to attempt hit and repeating it is not helpful.

      It's not in our best interest to think about the number of participants before or after the meditation. It sets up a tension (I hope we have enough people participating. I fear we won't have enough people participating). Tension interferes with the meditation. I love everyone here (!!!) and think it's in our best interest to completely and totally let go of the concept of a number to hit. If you have a process that allows you to let go of a belief or concept that is not serving you, it's my suggestion that you engage that process now. This will also allow the disappointment to fade. The number does not matter. Cobra has even said this. A critical mass of participants may be true from one perspective, but it's actually disempowering from another. So best to let go of this number concept all together and exclusively focus on the reality we want to create. We are each creators.

      I also advise against the use of the phrase "make this viral" in the future. Things go viral because the time is right and people feel emotionally inspired to share, not due to "making it happen." "Share if you feel inspired" is better advice than "make it viral." Having worked in advertising where every single client's objective is a viral video, I have learned that virility is not truly within our control unless we pay and and manipulate view counts (fake virility). Content inspires and connects or it does not. The time is ripe or not.

      Like a perfect movie ending, although there may be some impatience now, when the Event happens we will feel deep in our bones, "This is the most perfect way for it to have happened."

      We are each enough. We are doing enough. Be at peace and trust the timing of the universe.

      Allow things to be as they are and then (paradoxically) they can be transformed.

      Love to all.

    4. I agree, thank you sojounerbe; it is inevitable, the Event breakthough and economic change shall come..

  32. As the old saying goes, count your blessings. We have achieved so much already, I feel we are closer to one another as a species than we have ever been. It seems through all of this I have had a more loving energy for humanity. All the meditations have had a positive effect on me. So lets hang in their and as we say in the south, we'll have to rare back and get it. Victory of the light! Truebeliever

  33. Many times I wondered... When I looked at the news yesterday morning I would have said that it's not yet the right time according the worldnews, for the event. The Vatican is still marching on and politically things are not yet right.
    I don't know if more people thought that.
    So, no critical mass, no event.
    I think that there is a similarity in the facts and developments like meditation. It sets things in move but cannot do more than the energy admits.

  34. Za slovenske bralce:

    Vabljeni v našo skupino Sestrstva Vrtnice in Podporo Dogodka na Facebooku:

    Victory of the Light!

  35. I am more disappointed by all the negative comments I am reading here than any news about not reaching critical mass. It is instructive.

    What is missing is not more people but the focused positivity of those who are participating. We must work on the practical application of creating, sustaining and infusing hope into society and ourselves that will create the change we wish to see. That is Law of Causality. We are the light workers and light warriors. Once we become aware what we are putting out, it's a minor adjustment to self.correct. Other light workers and warriors will definitely awaken and join us.

    1. I agree. I'm sure the meditation was successful and we have no reason to be sad. Cobra, you shouldn't be discouraged! It is very difficult for us who has to live without his/her soulmate as well. We work until we win! I don't care any choices just VOTL!

  36. There is a Weekly Ascension Meditation in a couple of hours today: let's do it with lovin' care and focus. Maybe this is what the situation needs… ;)

  37. I am tired of delays (The Event is coming but we are not there yet) but I would suggest re-grouping and re-organizing and doing another meditation at the end of this month.Lets finish this.

  38. I'd love for Cobra to enlighten us on the importance of reaching 144,000, because it is an odd number to count.

    According to Simon Parkes who had lifelong interactions with benevolent Mantids and service to self Dracos (he's turned his back on the Draco for humanity), 12 and 144 (which is 12 x 12) are Draco reptilian counting methods. Their fighting battalions are 144 in number. Then we have it as a control number in religion of jehovah witnesses, taken from the Bible, that only 144,000 will be saved. By who? The Draco most likely eh.

    I pity the rest of them vying for spots in heaven already taken as there's more JWs than that.

    So let's face it this 144,000 could just be a number more relevant to the old control system we are breaking away from based on elitism, chosen people (chosen by service to self aliens back in the day ) and scarcity when unconditional love and ascension are available to all.

    As someone reports on here Cobra has said 200 could possibly sustain critical mass.

    So can we please drop the 144,000 number now please which is likely total MISINFORMATION.

    1. The number came from Cobra. He said something like 120,000 could do it but people have imperfect focus so 144,000 is a good number. But ultimately it's a drop in the bucket either way. Universal energies and ET's are the ones making it happen. Something tells me they could dismantle toplet bombs just fine if there were 0 people aware of the situation.

    2. It was something about 103.000 or 108.000 for the critical mass , CoBra told, which is needed, when they would do the meditation 100 % correct ...

  39. Sorry I missed the meditation, my stalker came back on Friday which really upset me so I took a nap and woke up at 230am right after it was over😢

    1. There are daily mass meditation that you can participate in

      And please next time be more responsible,our future is at stake

  40. I know I was being attacked during the meditation which disabled me somewhat. I tried my best to breakthrough this, it was exhausting. We are all doing our best here. I hope the breakthroughs are substantial, am hoping for positive news about this. In the mean time I am watching Aluna Ash on you tube, she resonates with me so much. I will keep listening to my solfeggio frequencies and will keep meditating, what else can we do? Love & Light to all xxx

  41. I participated in the meditation but something was blocking me envisioning the electric blue light, I could see the white light engulfing the earth but for me I was somehow taken out

    1. Interesting, David Chicago also mentioned this.

  42. Ce sa intelegem Cobra, ca daca aceasta masa critica de 144000 nu v-a fi atinsa ,Evenimentul nu se v-a produce, ne poti explica !!!

  43. Dear COBRA.

    I am here asking myself: to create the quarantine on Earth, and to bring the plasma octopus here did not need our help. But now a help is required that you always place as unreached by us humans from the surface. How can this disparity be explained?
    Why do we carry a greater weight than our shoulders can carry?
    No. This is not a banana comment. I apologize for asking this.

    I still crave and reinforce
    Victory of Light.

  44. I also had x2 dream state attacks last week and there has been a dark presence in my home for days. I'm waiting to see if it has left now that the meditation has completed.

  45. To the people who feel disappointed, let me explain once again: the lack of participants to do meditation is Nash equilibrium. Go to Wiki to learn about what is Game Theory so that you can understand better.

    Here is an simplified example that how nash equilibrium works : believe this "Earth liberation fiction" and participate in is first strategy, know this fiction but not participate in is second strategy, ignore this fiction and focus on daily life(find a job, pay the bill , marry with someone ,feed the child , earn money etc.) is third strategy. Now apparently most of the people(no matter starseed or not) would pick the third strategy, this part of people would not be counted in this example because they would not believe anything in this blog. For the people who choose the second strategy, I can tell you what they think (because I have had the same thoughts but I still choose the first strategy), they think : "OKOK , I know there is something wrong on this planet and society but life must go on isn't it ? If I believe in this fiction and share it with my friends, families or colleagues and boss, what they would think about me? Would the girl I like leave me away, would my friends alienate from me, would my parents send me to psychiatrist, would my boss not promote me so that I lose my career, would I miss a chance to make big buck in business deal if I spend time in meditation, would ..... The earth liberation is something like the paradise after death , and the opportunity costs stand right in front of me, what's more, if I pick the first strategy and others pick the second, that means they can enjoy the opportunities at present and share the benefit after earth liberation which is "long future away" while I work hard for liberation and bear the cost at present. (Finger snap)OK, the second strategy is the best for me."

    THIS is called Nash equilibrium, or prisoner's dilemma. In a word , when something comes to a nash equilibrium , the whole situation would not be the best for all participants in the game, and would not be the worst , but definitely the best for the individual who pick his/her own strategy. So do not complain or whine because it is how the world runs, I don't know whether the galactic society runs like this but I would say the dark force successfully create a society (monetary system) to "force" people pick the second and third strategy.

    1. That might very well be true but I see it in another way. I am also trapped in this reality with money, work etc. and that is not much I can do about it. I accept it because that is the current state of mind in our society. So I live here but try, to the degree I can handle, to influence the people around me so they become aware, and start to think in other ways and if enough people do this we slowly build the ground for a change in the mind of the society. At the same time alot of other people are doing other, maybe more spectacular things, to change the conciousness of the planet. And eventually everything will be right for a change to happen and then it will happen relatively fast, like the collaps of the Berlin wall.

  46. sinceramente, embora eu tenha sentido logo que não tinhamos atingido a massa crítica, achei que alguma coisa estranha estava a impedir isso! não entendo muito bem, mas o importante é que todos nós nos esforçamos para que realmente o melhor tivesse acontecido! obrigado Cobra pela sua dedicação, pelo seu trabalho e por tudo que tam feito. Muito, muito obrigado. Vitória da Luz!

  47. very disappointing. now it's back to constantly trying to dissolve different implants and having the constant noise in my ears. it's so discouraging.

  48. I am so disappointed even though not surprised since I felt it. I am disappointed because AGAIN the Event is pushed back and we are tired of this !! Tired of people not waiting up, tired of the cabal being more odious that ever, tired of talking to people and explaining over and over that it is coming and people laughing at you because nothing happened, tired of people focusing only on what is bad !! How more time is this going to take ?? I know, no one knows, it's up to us, but "us" is ready, and somehow not fare that we have to wait for the others to wake up...someday !! Meanwhile people are suffering and children are raped......These are moments when I want to give up. Sorry to be so negative but it is my feeling right now.

    1. Great thoughts. It's crazy how asleep and ignorant people are. Lightworkers get insulated among like-minded people and think the masses are waking up. Sure it's gradually increasing, but it's still only 0.5% of the population. I wish I could give up. It's not even possible though, we keep waking up each day, so what are we to do?

    2. There only needs to be approximately 2,000 of us ready for the first ascension wave. We can best be of service to this hopeless planet by preparing ourselves for that. THEN we'll really be able to make a difference, and will have a greatly enhanced ability to wake people up more directly.

    3. Yes, it is but honestly, it is only in Disney movies and stories that everything solves it self relatively easily and fast. In the real world everything is much harder and takes much longer time and the person we think is the hero might not even make it to the end.
      Keep pushing it but dont put in all your energy at once. We are the turtle that slowly but steadily goes forward.

  49. Maybe we reached critical mass (that is how it felt for me) but in order to keep the element of surprise it is best we do not know it yet.

  50. We are closer than ever , need to keep on pushing!!!

  51. impatience is a theme,impatience keeps us from mastery. ask the pleiadians how long it took their civilization to ascend. a very long time. there is no instant transformation, though there can be accelerations. the passing of the precession from 1994 to 2030 is one. everyone has a unique path and timeline,that diversity is all part of the oneness. be joyful. love yourself and all for the creator is inside, the creator is love. forgive all. namaste.

  52. CERN has been reported to be the creators of this video, i suggest you watch it, this is very dark and grim, eye opening...

    1. Yes, that was pretty full of stuff. I gotta watch some of the decoding videos to get my head around that one.

  53. Caro Cobra: Compression & Breakthrough .
    Avanços para O Evento:

    1. "Dissolução Universal de Yaldabaoth - 17 de junho de 2018 - 97%" .
    2. "Ashtar(es) sincronizando ÓB, ÓM e ÓA. 59% (não regressivo)."
    3. "Camadas miásmicas plásmicas sendo removidas (2 e 3 NOR - T) - Primeiro movimento: 49% (não regressivo) - Possíveis colaterais."
    4. "Aspectos da Deusa Dançam neste agora; Curativos de Gaia são limpos, purificados e restaurados neste agra".
    5. "Cerca de 70% da humanidade já está, no nível de alma, pronta para a transição, e os demais 30% serão iluminados pelos 70% e tornar-se-ão prontos, rapidamente, quando o momento for ativado. A massa crítica de 70% é mais que suficiente para sustentar o MOMENTO GALÁCTICO."
    6. "Aparatos da Resistência pulsam seu desenvolvimento neste agora, "
    Somos uma boa quantidade de pessoas trabalhando e ajudando para o avanço de O Evento. Trabalho este que é desenvolvido para a vitória da Luz.

    Por outro lado, mais de 3.5 bilhões de pessoas são programadas para manter a 'matrix'. Esses não despertarão.

    E nós, trabalhadores da Luz, vamos deixá-los vencer pela inércia? Ou devemos desejar ardentemente o avanço do Evento para a vitória da Luz?

    Até quando o Universo vai esperar pela inércia daqueles que não irão despertar? Devemos ir sem eles? Devemos pedir a cura para esses que estão atrasando o Evento?
    Vitória da Luz

  54. je suis attaquée chaque nuit de façon extrêmement violente depuis quelques jours. Je pense qu'ils essayent de nous faire plier et tomber mais ils ne savent pas à qui ils ont affaire ;) V.O.T.L !!!

  55. For the past week, i have had intense archon interference, every though i have has had a trailoff of the train of thought, which leads to a tangent, a loss of focus.

    Literally, i have not been able to connect to my higher self and my guides because every moment is hijacked with nonsense of falseness.

    I have never seen this happen before at this intensity, normally there is some minor vibrational and thought pattern interference, but not to this extent, leading up to yesterday, it has been unacceptable and a grand hindrance...

    This, on top of being told of the economic delays of AO, that it will be implemented across the sea first, then come here. This news is undesired and is crushing.. They said they will be attempting to implement it by this years end, a change in information i received after the proposed 11th of August date. Meaning ive been kept in the dark until that date passed, only hearing today this news.

    Ill keep following their activities, but, ive lost some trust

    And, I will continue to battle the darkness.. restrenghten my spiritual connection..

    Keep up the fight for the light my comrades, even in the darkest of days... we shall overcome!

    - Fates

  56. My higher self told me it's somewhere around 120000...

  57. I have analyzed all the comments and the disillusionment is notorious, but it is precisely the point of the question, the negative forces that, as we know, are powerful, take advantage of our disillusionment. Now more than ever we must unite in the objective as workers of the light to liberate the planet and the humanity. We are all aware that we will always be attacked by the negatives when we are on our mission, we will maintain our strength and unity. the Source is and all beings of light are by our side, now it is only important to focus on the Light that is at the bottom of the tunnel, let us continue our fight as Warriors of Light.

    Love and Light for all my brothers and sisters of Light

  58. Again-
    IF for the purpose of critical mass, someone is only counting the number of 'clicks' onto the websites for the meditation videos- you've under-counted those involved.
    Many were in a timezone not conducive to turning on their computer OR preferred NOT to use electronics as an aid;
    rather they used their Innate God to bring out the visualization.
    Critical Mass is an energy force spawned and gathered in attention and intention, not mere action.
    Appreciation given for the gathering, it was an honor.

  59. Here's a good guess as to when the Event will happen. Cobra has always said it will coincide with a pulse from the Galactic Central Sun. That pulse would presumably trigger the solar flash we're also expecting. Gorey Goode says a group monitoring the sun says it will happen in 2019-2021. But that was last year and things always get pushed out, so we'll say 2020-2022. Everything happens at the last minute, so I bet we'll see the Event in 2022.

    1. Nothing is set, because space-time is flexible, and constantly changing, thanks to consciousness. Stop expecting/guessing the time frame. MAKE IT HAPPEN.

  60. It is odd that ya'll are disappointed. As if you can attempt something once and for it to just work. Keep putting the effort in. It is not ignored. I woke up the morning after with such an appreciation for all that is. I was more clear and centered than in a while. I feel aligned with higher-self and nature, and I am ready.

    Aren't you?

    Stop feeling disappointed, feel energized, prepare for your next challenge.

  61. I'm completely and totally disappointed and disgusted ... we had the chance to end this shit and we failed. We failed. With millions on the surface and we can't get 144,000 to meditate ... how pathetic is that!

    We had PLENTY of time to let folks know... there is NO excuse for this failure ... none. We were BEGGING them to do a meditation to get rid of the toplet bombs ... they do ... and we failed them completely.

    I'm not going to apologize for being angry about this nor am I going to accept the sugar coating some posters are dishing out.

    Important breakthrough? Really? I'll believe that when I see it! What a pathetic group of humans ... can't even get a lousy 144,000 to meditate to save themselves ... now that's really sick.

    Hell the Q folks are doing a way better job of changing things than our sorry asses, and they aren't even fully awake to the situation.

    I'm upset and I won't pretend I'm not and everything is just rosy, because it isn't!

    1. Well, first forget about exact numbers, that is 3D. Just as no exact date predictions will ever be right, so is numbers of participants needed ever gonna be correct. 144 000 is just a symbolic number, based on some old stories I dont even remember. Cobra has also mentioned this in some interview I think. So 144 000 meditators is not what we need. We need enough "conciouness" and that might be fufilled anywhere from 1 meditator to 1 million, or more.
      The second thing is that maybe you shouldnt put all your eggs in one basket, or in this case all your trust in Cobras version of the story. I follow Cobra as a possibility, Coreys story, the RV-story but I also follow Q-anon as a more 3d-reality possibility. (I also used to follow som other spiritual sites but I have left them by now).
      My recommendation is to not get too emotionally attached to something that you have no clear "proof" of but do not disgard them entirely either. Keep them as possibilities until further proofs surface in the future.
      (And just to make it clear, nothing Cobra has said has ever proven correct in our current reality, and that is where we must live. The Q-anon is also alot of hopium still although alot of in-direct proofs are shown).

    2. You should learn sympathy/empathy. Blaming the victims(humanity) is unwise and a bit cruel. The people are too consumed in their sad fate/daily lives. You can't blame them for something that they don't know about, or even understand, thanks to the "conditioning", because it's not their/our fault. Things MUST happen trough different means, if the Earth situation is to be resolved.

      Love and Light.

    3. It's a frustrating experience for sure. Its just not going to be as easy as mass meditation I'm afraid. Humanity will need a proverbial kick up the ass. Gaia will help with that...

  62. Fight our best, show true power, and manifest optimal reality for the Light

  63. Durante a meditação pude visualizar uma tela negra com alguns pontos de luz sendo abertos ! Creio que foi o véu sendo rompido !

  64. Hello Cobra and fellow lightworkers, one thing we can all do to get more organized is start a group chat via Whatsapp. Infinite amount of people can be added to the group and it would give us a designated platform to communicate with one another. And supposedly the texts are encrypted through Whatsapp.

  65. Put out of your head any thoughts of falling short, of failure, of delay. These thoughts create their own fulfillment. Emotion is creation.

    Put into your mind the feeling as though the event has just happened, and is unfolding in the now. Feel the gratitude. Feel the love, the relief. Feel the slight disorientation of the time-slip, the reality-shift as the world that has been broadcast up before now is shown in the Light of Truth to be renewed into Holy Ascension. Feel where parts of you cling to the Old, the Familiar, and all those attendant emotions--- and feel yourself grabbing onto the loving hands of The Ascended who reach out to you, helping you stabilize into the Bright New Light. Feel the foundation of the gold new world forming under your feet. Feel it in the Now. Feel the trust and support that All is Unfolding for the Highest Good of All, even those you fear may be lost. Feel that peace. Feel it in Your Now.

    Remember: Now is when the Event will happen in your world. Whenever it does, it won't have been in a Tomorrow, it will be in a Now. Disappointment and feeling of being delayed and let down are tools of delay itself, grow beyond them. Create these feelings in Your Now. Let yourself flow through the day-to-day of frustration and all, but then take times to deeply breathe and feel the relief, the acceptance and the gratitude of your Event having just happened IN YOUR NOW.

    Emotion is Creation.

    We are one.
    We are LOVE.
    * WE ARE NOW *

    1. Beautiful , To Be the Event in the Now Moment choosing to feel on purpose fulfillment the knowing It Is Done and So It Is . 0010110

    2. this reasoning is some best advice to all of us who feel disappointed, impatient, and engaging in negative reasoning over their lightwork an life situation.
      thank you for your clear thinking and progress strategy.

  66. I have analyzed all the comments and the disillusionment is notorious, but it is precisely the point of the question, the negative forces that, as we know, are powerful, take advantage of our disillusionment. Now more than ever we must unite in the objective as workers of the light to liberate the planet and the humanity. We are all aware that we will always be attacked by the negatives when we are on our mission, we will maintain our strength and unity. the Source is and all beings of light are by our side, now it is only important to focus on the Light that is at the bottom of the tunnel, let us continue our fight as Warriors of Light.

    Love and Light for all my brothers and sisters of Light

    1. I agree with you my friend 👍🏻 , we must be positive and maintain focus on the light...

  67. Regardless of whatever the goal was for this particular meditation, we are well past critical mass for planetary liberation. And the planet is ascending regardless of the choices humans have made. Over a 3 day period back in 2009 everyone on this planet made their choice. It's done.

  68. The Light Forces have a way of knowing who's meditating and who's not.. they're the ones that are determining if a Critical Mass has been reached. We did reach it once, so there's no reason why we can't reach it again, except that people get discouraged, give up, or like me, they may occasionly sleep through it or be working. We all do the best we can. I am sleep-deprived on most days, which lessons my ability to function and thrive. Everyone lately is talking about the endless hot, humid summer, how it drains us and interferes with sleep. I can't focus. I am really looking forward to fall.

    I think we just need to reach more people I've started posting links in the QAnon community and on Twitter where I have a lot of Q followers, because those people claim to be "woke" and are already aware of the cabal. QAnons Are growing in numbers every day and while some of them may be religious Trumpsters, a lot of us are not, we are Truthers who are just fed up with the cabal and aware that the system is rigged. We want Truth and transparencg. We all want a loving safe world to live and thrive in. So I think we have a great resource to tap into among the "woke" QAnons. At least the ones who are not cynical.

  69. Did you count it well??? Many people did it withot connecting with any electronic media!
    Is it another excuse.however.I am not sure whether we didn't reach the demanded number..
    Maybe.calculacions are wrong.
    It is the opinion of a lot of people.Not only mine.
    Are you sure you did calculate the number well?
    How did you count the people meditating withot electeonics???

  70. As pessoas estao ficando desiludidas por causa das inumeras promessas feitas e muito pouco acontecer, muitos estao desistindo dessas promessas e voltando a viver suas vidas normais e monotonas, nao digo isso por mim, eu tenho certeza que esse momento vai chegar e nada pode me tirar essa esperança, porem muitos outros precisam de uma certeza mais solidas... a entropia em regime fechado só tende a aumentar, e é isso que esta acontecendo... por isso nao chegamos a massa critica, nem nessa e nem na ultima meditaçao grupal... nao importa quanto tempo isso dure, o evento vai acontecer quando menos esperarmos
    Foco na luz

  71. Loneliness on the Path ~

    Many of us can relate to the sense and experience of feeling alone as we shed the matrix cultural/social programming and sincerely start to seek truth. As we embark on the path we start to learn (or oftentimes “remember”), realize and begin to see a deeper reality within and without us.

    This new “sight” is contrary to what the masses believe in and how they live their lives by. It is also contrary to whatever we believed to be true at first. But there was a “splinter in the mind”, a seed deep within that inspired us to question what we’ve been told and taught, most often after a period of intense deeper suffering, responding to the yearning of the soul’s call for Truth. It pushed us to answer the call and step into the “unknown”…and down the rabbit hole we tumble.[...]

    Click BelowTo Read Full Article

    Copyright © 2018, All rights reserved.
    Piercing the Veil of Reality, Topanga, CA 90290

  72. Can someone please tell me what the critical mass is? Ot seems we don't even know the damn number so when we do t know a number we can't ever get critical mass for an example, we could have 200,000 people meditating but cobra will still say we didn't reach critical mass. Someone please explain. This is starting to be a lot of bullshit imo......

  73. Caro COBRA.

    Pensei em repassar este relatório da Allison Coe.

    Antes Durante Depois do Evento Partes, I,II, III.
    por Notícias de Divulgação | Aggiornato il 3 de março de 2018 | O Evento


    Vitória da Luz.

  74. It is a hard thing for some time zones.. I stayed up till 5:11 am. I had a very hard time to focus on this meditation.. I prepared before going into deeper states and relaxing.. For some reason I think we might have been sabotaged? I knew as I was ending the meditation we did not meet critical mass. I could sense some discord I cannot explain to you Cobra.. Can we try something different? If you request it people will listen.. At 12 noon on every time zone do a mediation that envisions the event and disclosure happening peacefully and safely.. Ask people to do this in their lunch hour.. Even if it's not right at their noon because others are meditating in their own time zone they will still be joining in what I feel to tell you will now enable us to reach critical mass. The Wave! The Wave is rolling around the planet each day at someones lunch hour.. Our planet and people are purposely thrust into situations that keep us in discord. Its a monumental feat to keep living in this world that hurts us. You know that better then some.. My heart still stays sending you love and strength to play the long game.. I can see The Wave having success.. I saw your post about the sacred partners and I understand our unconditional love is a key thing in battling the control over us humans.. I can feel the interference in that part of my life too.. So many of us are personal lives are being shattered. I know it's to prepare us too for what's coming . People need to learn how to live without their microwave.. Lol so many are not even close to understanding.. I love in South West Florida and besides personal issues we are all being affected by the water being toxic. Its affecting massive miles of water .. The sea life and those that live here.. Its also emotionally hard to see such death on these levels and our sensitives are feeling it.. The Wave I am proposing to you is a new training of sorts.. There are no time frames to convert.. I feel it will be easier to unite the people in an unassuming way and Also bring all of us to a peaceful place in our planet.. Right smack in the middle of their day.. Please consider this option.. I am a public speaker I have long thought to step out and create videos .. But I also know the attacks that will chime from this.. I am a Twin Flame.. Earth Angel very aware of my manifesting power and also how quickly I can influence.. For that reason I would become a major target to the darker things of this world.. This NYC native is tired.. As many of us are.. We have the hope and help of knowing we are in it together... The Wave meditations.. Done at everyone's lunch hour.. Visualizing the next phase in our planet evolution.. The light forces gaining strength from those numbers as they go into each meditation knowing that others surely are doing it.. Now we have made this daily habit.. The Wave For Planetary Peace, with Swift changes coming Into being with ease! Ty Cobra.. Holding your hand ✋

  75. Well I just have to say, that we already had compression breakthrough last year on the full solar eclipse. The thing is we have to wait for Moss to be complete. When that happens the event will occur. Simple and plain. It's ready. It's just that we have been pushed back in numbers because of all the propaganda on fake news. So I just wait for when the Intel states that Moss has been completed the event will happen. I believe that this meditation was to find the rest of the toplet bombs. Now that they will be cleared I believe Moss will be complete. Just a thought.

  76. This comment has been removed by the author.

  77. This comment has been removed by the author.

  78. My disappointment lies in the fact that, apparently, too many were too lazy / too selfish to get their butts out of bed to participate in this important meditation...
    And I’m not referring to the surface population in general, but to those (truly?) awakened souls who knew fully well that their participation was needed, yet chose not to because the timing wasn’t “convenient” for their sleep schedule. Well boo-hoo!😢..smh..

    NOTHING was more important yesterday (to those who simply chose to sleep) than this. It was a non-workday for most, and they could have gone back to bed afterwards. Surely the dark ones had a hand in influencing them to choose sleep over such an important meditation... but I also feel that many could or should have recognised such dark influence, refused to be thwarted by it, and meditated anyway. Or maybe some just didn’t feel that “one less body” would matter in reaching critical mass. What a shame... but either way, I must forgive them.

    That said, I’m glad to hear that there were still important breakthroughs that occurred as a result, and look forward to Cobra’s next report. To Cobra, LF, RM, all Lightworkers, and to ALL who meditated yesterday, a huge Thank You!😌

    And to those who have commented negatively that “nothing happened / no Event”... Though we may not have reached critical mass, of course something good happened! Our efforts all this time have not been fruitless, and progress is ever moving forward. We are not back to square one, as some may feel. Please don’t be disheartened! It was never promised that yesterday’s meditation would trigger the Event, only that the opportunity at that moment was very cosmically favorable... But then again, ANY moment is possible, and we must not view this as a failure. We will have the Event only when Source says so, no matter how close or far away we humans may think that is. No matter how ready or not we may think we are. Next month? Next year? Tomorrow? Only Source determines THE moment when the Event will surprise us!

    Hang in there, dear brothers and sisters, and quit with the negativity that does no one any good, except to fuel the dark’s agenda. We must follow our missions, keep on meditating, spreading love, light, forgiveness, truth, and service to others ... and know that we are powerful beings who WILL be freed from this 3D hell.

    Much Love to all! ❤️


  79. A bit disappointing to hear this news.

    Looking at the bright side of things, Cobra has stated, many breakthroughs were made possible and some are even visible. Just look at the latest Qanon drops if you want to see the progress for yourself.

    Take care all, I wish you all the best, I bid you farewell for the time being, my friends.

    We shall prosper together and create a better world for the generations to come.

    As always, Much Love, Much Joy & Much Light - Peace Be With You

    ~ I AM A Light Sharer

    Adonaï/Until Next Time.

  80. To those who are angry and disappointed:
    Setting an expectation is not the same as setting an intention. Anger and judgment serve no one, least of all yourself, dear ones.

    We're all disappointed, and although some of you don't believe it, and blame all outside yourself, playing the blame game suggests to me that even someone like you, who has perhaps worked tirelessly, given so much effort selflessly, and never missed a meditation could possibly be part of the problem, if your attitude is to castigate those you seek to enlist.

    Like those of us you think are slackers, you also have more to learn, just like the rest of us imperfect humans, who do our best under the circumstances.

    THEY want us divided. We must not succumb. Never give up! Can we do better than "doing our best under the circumstances"? Yes, we can, we will, and WE ARE.

    I AM only MORE determined to clean up my life and be MORE proactive, despite my exhaustion and array of personal problems and challenges.

    The point of being a leader is to offer hope, patience, inspiration and determination. Attacking those you choose to blame, or seeing us all as having "failed" is NOT leading us to The Event, Breakthrough, or Unity. It only serves to divide, discourage and distrust. We ALL can do better.

    Don't forget, the world is a bit cuckoo right now, and people are scared and confused. They need reassurance, courage and confidence. Many of us are of a generation where we got judged, deemed inferior and torn down by our nuclear families for our imperfections, despite that being mixed with love and good intentions. It can take a lifetime to overcome the pain of not being seen for the bright, capable spirits we are. Many of us are the "black sheep"of the family, yet along the way we became determined to keep our hearts open, even when lacking emotional support and the normal societal structures like marriage, family, good job, etc.

    If you want an example of true Leadership, someone who has overcome great personal challenge, kept his heart open and done his inner work, to be in service to us, the Lightworkers,(and thus, ultimately, to humanity) then look no further than The Unknown Lightwarrior of Return to Your Truth. He works closely with Cobra to inform, support, inspire and help us see through the illusion of our own disempowerment. I encourage everyone on this blog to get on his mailing list, read his blog and reports, and listen to the weekly radio show that often includes informative guests, news updates, guidance and support.

    Also, we have just completed an INTENSE and life-altering Eclipse cycle. The energies will settle out in a few days. Use the next week where Mercury is still Retrograde (til 8/19) to REflect, REview, REconsider, RElease, REnew, REcharge and REboot so we can hit the ground running again. We have a powerful Full Moon coming up at the end of the month. Always an opportunity for positive change!

    REminder: Focus on (y)our DREAMS, not (y)our FEARS!

    Much Love and Gratitude to ALL!

    Victory of the Light!

  81. BTW, they're announcing a new space combat force.

    I assume this is Chimera influenced.



    Interesting subjects will come into discussion for personal development, and much more...

    For moment only a blog-page is available:

    And,... don't forget Cobra's example of manifestation... by wearing a coin to yourself... It is much ore than you believe...

  83. P.S

    As Students of Creation,

    We must understand that, we of the light are not the only ones taking advantage of this moment of power. The dark side does its evil deeds during this same window and we must remain strong & steadfast to counter them.

    Hold the spark of love/light strongly within you and stand strong with love towards the beauty of creation and praise towards the creator/soure. You are a beacon of light; a humble servant of mankind and of creation. So it shall be that your will be made manifest.


  84. Is your cup half empty, half full or does it runeth over :-) Time to get your shit together we're in a war hear, man up!

  85. I do not agree with the comments I see.
    Very early in the morning I felt intense energies. I smiled to hear a person who was not awake singing during his work, because I knew that she was also sensible to these energies. it was a good sign!
    It intensified, over the hours and an hour before the meditation I took a look at the social networks. and I saw that there was a kind of fervor, everyone passed the message: meditate, meditate ...
    I did the same. I felt the excitement going up, something was going to happen!
    I started to meditate before the scheduled time, I was totally flooded with light, I vibrated everywhere to the tip of my toes! I meditated for more than an hour, I felt each person meditating with me, I saw them arrive one by one and soon there were thousands, as far as the eye could see! I felt we were all together, united it was so powerful, it was amazing!
    Then I went back to the social networks and everywhere people started to say the same thing, they vibrated, they felt this huge energy, and everyone is sure that the critical mass has been exceeded and that great things happened. For the first time I felt love on social networks, it came from all countries.
    Messages have flown everywhere!
    Some spoke of 4000 meditators in China, others in Peru, Australia, Brazil, Canada, Indonesia, Mexico, USA, Europe ... messages from all over the world! there is plenty on social networks, on the blog Cobra ... in all languages!
    People all over the world meditated at the same time, alone, together, as a family, with neighbors, friends ... I have a friend who was going on a trip, she stopped on the road for half an hour to meditate .
    I cried for joy, for the first time in my life on this earth I felt the UNIT, I felt that we were one, that we are a family!
    Do you understand what that means? they can not reach us anymore, we are too strong because we are finally united!
    It will probably take a little more time but we won!
    The children and all the slaves that we are, are going to be released!
    So if we do not reach critical mass it does not matter.

    However, I think there has been a multiplication of "mass" meditation that ends up dividing the meditators instead of bringing them together.

    I think that one global meditation per week on Sunday would be more effective than 25 meditations a week!
    the "exceptional" meditations like that of the eclipse would then be much more followed by a larger number.
    It would also be beneficial for the main actors (cobra, goode, wilcock, fulford, emery smith ...) to work together to organize the meditations the same day!

  86. I think this says much about 144k at this moment -

  87. la masse critique n'as pas était atteint mais la méditation d' hier a était un succès avec plein de belles énergies et des vision de mes frères et sœur dans ma méditation .
    plein d' amour a tous l' event se rapproche c' est certain

  88. Hmmm... reading through these comments yet again... some remarked how not reaching critical mas was no surprise / was what they expected... Seriously??

    There’s an old saying: “Be careful what you wish just might get it”. Or as We Dentify stated in an above comment, “Emotion is Creation”.
    Not that anyone consciously “wished” us to not reach critical mass, but I can’t help but think that that kind of negative thinking by some helps to derail the positive intentions of others.

    So be mindful of your thoughts!- especially the negative, emotionally charged ones. Thoughts are things. They can manifest into something that brings you joy... or into something that bites you in the ass!😉

    Love to you all..❤️


  89. Rooms On FIRE

    I AM
    DK RaJah

  90. Thanks for the quick response Cobra.

  91. But I am reporting complaint because I took part in meditation but I didn't use the YT guides etc. etc. So the meter didn't count me!!! or maybe We have reached critical mass They just didn't count us :/

  92. Thanks with the gratitude of Cobra, the RM, the Plenadians, the Alliance and all those who help us to release the planet.

    Perhaps we have reached critical mass (ie how it feels for me), but in order to maintain the element of surprise is best not to know yet.
    EVENT follows ...

    There must be major changes in galactic politics in the way they are handling our liberation.

    This was the key to the planetary liberation.

    We must be positive, we are some positive, let us not be fooled.
    That's how we could not do it.
    Let's do it and it is.
    It was not wrong either.
    Why not enjoy the victory, that's what they want .......
    WE ARE VICTORY yupyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy .... !!!!!!!!!!!!!
    We do not know what is really chronology gamma, it is difficult to understand how he said that Cobra will not say how and what makes Alliance operations.
    Be positive and beautiful loved the world as ambassadors of surprises waiting for us.
    There are many delays in the Event, Right, but we are much more awake now and may be somewhat more difficult due to the occupation of dark forces.
    Thank you all and well done for everyone to take part.
    You are wonderful people all please congratulate you at this time, even if it feels hard.
    Let everyone up and in a single thought and voice: "VICTORY ... !!!"

  93. Por favor, vejam:
    O poder da mente humana.

    Vitória da luz.

  94. I think that our galactic brothers needs to step in because the negative source won't give our freedom not back still when wil it be over. My dog died tonight after 16 years and i am so sad of all the negative feelings now how long Cobra must we on earth staying positive it is time for celebrations now. please thank you for the good interviews stil i haven't heard it along time ago We the lightworkers needs a push up to the next level Peace on Earth and a financial upgrade for the better for all and no more for the Eliteplayers, of wealth and health.

  95. Brothers, unfortunately the EVENT has taken too long and people no longer believe in meditations. There is too much false information giving dates. People are disappointed. the event already oh there will be much more disappointment.

  96. The meditation worked. I had dreams all night that fighting was going on but there was no violence in it. It was peaceful!

  97. How many here use Tom Kenyon song's and meditation technic? His work can be a great help for ascension. For me all ready is.


  99. so no liberation of Earth if critical mass is never reached?

  100. Fellow sisters and brothers, keep calm and don’t be sad! There was a lots of clearing going on on the 11th of August. A lot! There was and stilI is a big shift going on on the plasma plane. I wasn’t hoping we would reach the critical mass anyway , as hope is something pretty passive! Hope alone doesn’t change anything. We need more action! Keep it going - the final breakthru is inevitable!

  101. For sake of Unity, one could make a Light worker affiliation page on Facebook and invite every light worker group in the world to join. Thing is they all have their own vibe and belief's, so that ain't guna happen. We need a common cause which binds All to the same goal. And the cause is ...... Please fill in the blank space. We are fragmented and divided, lets face it the dark has done it's job well :-( Surely if the Event took place now, would we not as the human race realize that common bond, that love, respect and Unity with each other which we lack at this time. Come on Source bring it On! Let's "Av It"

  102. Think for 2 seconds!
    critical mass reached = no more bomb toplet
    no more bombs = beginning of the event = mass arrest of the cabal
    Do you think that cobra will send an announcement before to say to the cabal "we will come and stop you tomorrow"
    Do not forget it's an information war!
    try to think by yourself!

  103. I feel they sucked lot of Creators beautiful energy coming through us. 😓I feel there was an attempt to create a new matrix, already existing as the shadow one. I feel lots of meditating beings and no appropriate amount of energy. And since then, heavy chemtrails (CZ). Nevertheless, feel flow of high-vibe energy like never before. Something has changed.🌏💝💞

  104. greetings, fellow travelers! This is the first time I post this blog. I'm from Brazil, Bahia, Salvador. even if I do not reach the critical mass I am sure that something great happened during and after meditation. everything around me has changed, I've changed and looking at the sun this morning felt in all my being that we definitely got. we have to have that certainty within us.

  105. Dont forget we weren't the only ones meditating. The Light forces were meditating as well. I think we helped to create conditions so that they could advance and break the deadlock so lets not get hung up on 'the critical mass' and wait for the report to see what was achieved. We are all so done and tired but we have no choice but to go forward.

  106. I read in one of the Cobra interviews, I do not remember in which one person can trigger / activate the EVENT. I believe this and every day when I wake up I think: the event may be today. And I follow life by being the best person I can be. I believe and I choose Vitoria da Luz every day. I thank all of you for being who you are.

  107. Still no Event. Still the Cabal can rape and murder children.

  108. This comment has been removed by the author.

  109. This comment has been removed by the author.

  110. There are other global meditation groups working for the light. One was concerned with the Lions Gate that also focussed on the Galactic Center through Sirius to us. We are not alone in gathering the 144,000 meditators!

  111. People don't be discouraged. My higher self is telling me that the objectives the light forces sought the most were successfully completed despite not reaching critical mass. We were close to the critical mass anyway, at least 75% to 85% there. Our meditation dissolved so many toplet bombs that galactic confederation craft were able to get through and complete their missions regardless. Cheers everyone!

  112. The Hope of Humanity ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council

    “Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

    We have a tremendous respect for humanity, not only because of what you have endured there on planet Earth, but also because of the amount of hope that you still carry within you. You have a never-give-up type of attitude, and this attitude is one that you hold in your personal lives and for the entire human collective.

    You have had many opportunities to give up, and many of you who are receiving this message have felt suicidal at one time or another. Others have wept because you so wanted to just go home, and yet here you are, representing the triumph of the spirit.

    We know that things are going to get easier for all of you, and we also know that you are the ones that created the path of ease. All of it is your creation, and the amount the relief that you are going to experience when you put all of your struggles behind you is immense. That relief will send out waves of energy from planet Earth. Just as you receive waves of energy, you also give off waves of energy at these times when you experience something huge as a collective.

    And you are getting ready to set aside the struggles that you have carried with you, the burdens that have weighed you down. You are ready to release them all and be free, once and for all. This is a glorious time for humanity, and we are not exaggerating.

    We are filled with pride to see you come to this point in your evolution.
    There is a great deal of hope within you, and more and more of you are reaching that point of going beyond belief and into knowing that life on Earth is going to get so much better. And it’s going to get better not because ships will land and extra-terrestrials will come out and save the day.

    It’s going to get better because you persevered, you were willing to stand tall and stay strong amidst so many heartbreaks and disappointments throughout all of your many lifetimes there. Now is the time where you reap the benefits of all that you have experienced, and you get to feel the waves of energy that you’ve been summoning for lifetime after lifetime of experiences there on planet Earth.

    We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”


  113. Love & Light to everyone! Stay positive. Stay strong. Stay in joy. Thanks to all who organized and participated in the meditation! Blessings from Canada.

  114. Watch Turkey closely in the coming days. We may have achieved the event breakthrough after all. If the Turkish banking system implodes it will trigger the global currency reset. During the reset both the light and the dark forces will have to put all their cards on the table.

    Cobra said a few years ago: just before the event there would be quick but intense action in "Turkey" of all places.

    Turkey will be the trigger. Turkey was once called the Ottoman empire. Otto / Ocho / Octo means 8 signifying the 8th dimensional arachnids and octopus. The Otto-MEN are the chimera. The truth will be reveled soon. Just keep your eyes on Turkey.

    Victory is at hand.

  115. I loved the meditation, felt proud to be part of it. 3 of us did it and called in a higher self of my brother (a blu ray) as he was unreachable. Perhaps we should all call in the higher selves of the 144k next time? You must remember that many of them have become removed from the internet. As such when I lived in the sacred Valley in Peru, there's many lightworkers who do not use the internet now as they are completely in their I AM presence. On another note I had a channel come through about re encoding our DNA With 441 codes activating dormant telepathy gifts, these were anchored in during the meditation and many Of the 144k had their soul star chakras activated which weren't before, so this is all a great advancement. With love xx

  116. Bummer we did not reach the 144,000 this time, like the last eclipse meditation. But I personally loved that guided meditation. I think I am going to add it to my daily meditations that I like to do. But I believe I will do it at 1:11 AM or 1:11 PM or both every day. I really did like it.

  117. Failures in MiD security systems continue as new protocols are activated. The Light Celebrates!

    Lunar battles fragments fall on Terran Plan. Now, collections happening for reallocations.

    Formal announcements happen now.

    New platforms assembled in LEO.

    The Return of the (Urena, Meloni and Aklero) Magi: Line enlightenment in progress: 37% (not countdown). The Light Celebrates!

    Attention The Spanish Line! Projector support for enlightenment started: 39% (not countdown).

    Attention PVSE and the like! Alert! MiD projections sent for disharmonies.

    Zero i: multiple absorption and restoration. Severe collateral >>> Inner...

    Elevation frame remains in evidence.

    Solar reverberations continue in response to peak reached.

    Attention Manoliah! Projector update in progress. 8% (notcountdown)

    Temporarily, end of transmission.

    Pleiades 1 (Intensifying 8th Projector ...)


  118. 我坚决认为上面的高尚存有没有如实告知人类事实真相。人的冥想跟本不能跟黑魔法相抗衡,如果真的能够做到。黑暗势力就是极其虚弱的势力。但是事实上刚好相反。我们没有强大白魔法师作为主导力量。我们只有强大的白魔法师拉拉队。从2012年开始大家都看到他们的承诺有哪个是兑现的?而黑暗势力的计划有哪个是没有成功的?如果说在变好之前先要变坏。很不幸这个变坏的趋势已经超出了人类的承受范围,只是还没有达到白魔法师啦啦队的承受范围罢了。其实这种失望是相互的,人类对上面的失望和啦啦队对人类的失望;看看黑暗势力多么的团结互助阿,人家才真的是铁板一块,合作精神得到了最大限度的表现

  119. For those who feel guided:

    The Final Battle IV 432Hz

  120. Michael Salla has a recent article called "Military insiders confirm thousands of ET's live among us". If these beings can live among us and thousands of them, are here, without any trouble of toplet bombs, what's all the wait for? None of this makes sense and is a bit of a slap in the face. Why keep humanity in the dark? This could be nipped in the bud and fast. I'm sick of this toplet bomb bs. I'm sorry but I'm frustrated. Especially considering ET's are coming here for a field trip.

  121. Damn it, HOW much longer do we need to wait?

    DESTROY the fucking bombs....I am SICK of waiting for the sheeple to 'wake up', what GOOD is it if we'll be dead or elderly by the time SOMETHING happens? I spent TWENTY YEARS, more than HALF my life to wake these humans...but all they do is laugh and throw punches at me.

    We need DIRECT ET contact, and we need it YESTERDAY. I can only do SO much, and my super hero cape is tattered and covered in the piss and spit from the masses.

    And HOW are folks to 'unite' and 'be strong' when all it seems is disappointment and delays keep going on?'s either alien contact, or the bloodiest revolution in recorded history is gonna change things.

    I feel, and said this for will take a seldom seen, LONG overdue CULTURE SHOCK, aka CONTACT, to change the in something TANGIBLE. Words alone won't cut it.
