Monday, May 20, 2019

EXMOSS Pandora sequence approved


  1. There is a definite change 'out there'. Awareness of the Goddess Mysteries is spreading massively, things are definitely speeding up and am starting to see dots connect from the information in this blog.


  2. Dome homes, which are going to be made by hempcrete

  3. Exmoss and Pandora are great, but I have no idea what Cobra is talking about regarding them... So regarding the last post:

    I am 1/2 way through watching the movie "Jupiter Ascending" (Mila Kunis and Channing Tatum -- both great in this movie. Wonderful heroes, both.)

    I loved it the first time in the theatres, but I couldn't hear it very well in the theatre.. Sound was bad, or something in the theatre... So now I'm watching it on my computer (available through Amazon, about $4.00).

    The symbol of the woman rising in Cobra's post is The Goddess Returns. This is the Master Key. Several of you wrote this in the earlier comments, but just stating it again.

    Once you understand that the concept of "goddess returns" isn't "feminism" as how it is presented to us today... it isn't "Women gotta fight in the trenches too"... (both are valid in ...certain aspects).

    This Goddess Rising and Goddess Returns, as I see it, is the rise of women fully tuning into their divine feminism and all that is good: Compassion, love, caring, a balance to assertive male energy.

    So it is not that we are to become men. It's that we elevate our own compassion, love, caring and balance (as well as honor and tune into our sexual energy) into prominence.

    This is what will turn the world around.

    "She" is rising and "it" is happening.

    What better symbol of goddess rising would there be than a woman rising out of the elixir as youthful, strong and beautiful.

    It's not clear to me yet (as I am half way through the movie) if the elixir she's in is made of humans.... or if this particular "bath" is something else. I will obviously find out tonight when I finish the movie. It's the image that's important here.

    And by the way, there is a wedding scene in the movie that has the most stunning dress in it (a white dress with rubies and deep red flowers - with a matching ruby-and crystal headdress) that I have ever seen. Deep red = passion. It's over-the-top beautiful.

    (I could wear it grocery shopping or to the post office...) :)

    Maybe I can put it here:

    1. Lol @wearing it . Grocery shopping... if this waz a much kinder world.. i would dare u :)

    2. What? We all have divine masculine and feminine energies within us. It doesn't matter what gender you are... That said, it could mean that everyone, not just women, need to embrace the divine feminine.

    3. the picture from cobra could also be a sign of the rebirth of humanity


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  15. I would just like to say 'Fight For Your Freedom, do not wait for it.'

    As long as you want others to do what you have to do and to take care of you, it will mean that you are immature.

    Victory of the Light !

    1. Right now the fight is like this"

      We got the sword, the bad guys got the gun....and energy weapons...and advanced ET tech.

  16. The Galactic Federation need to wake up.
    People are tired.
    We can work on ourselves and evolve, but the matrix system is making hard.
    I guess most of people who follow this blog, are middle class or poor.
    we need a new system, a system that can allow us to be free, really free. so we can work more on the self.

    thats my guess, why we need the event.

    1. We need a new system by which we ARE free and does not have the power of allowing us whatever.

    2. Your are 100 % reight !!!!
      The Leigh forces, are don't have understanding for our reality amd we don't have time to wait 30 years or more before they clearing earth from cabals and other our enemies.This working speed is not acceptable to us!!! Before, light forces liberate the earth, is everything deadt, humans, animals and plants😭😭😭

    3. Damn straight.

      We need direct contact, and we need it YESTERDAY.

      Many of us will be DEAD in 30 years....I'll be in my SEVENTIES by that time.....What good will it all be if I am in some old age home, coughing up blood, by the time the good stuff happens....considering I even MAKE IT that long?

  17. great news!victory of the light!

  18. Survival tip: pets. I fell in love with the geese and turkeys around here so I got Buff geese, they're a cool tan color and they're mellow so they make good pets. Connection with the nature spirit is the best way to keep your sanity. Our dogs died recently so this is a great way to stay connected.

    1. Very Cute! My mom is raising Buff Orington ducks this year.


  19. Turn It on Again



  20. A week and a half ago something funny happened.
    Not laugh out loud funny, but funny nonetheless.
    I listened to the extended version of SIRIUS, this one right here:

    When that was over I clicked on the first piece of music that was recommended next.
    With the result that all of Vodafone's internet in this town just died. Restarted my router several times and it just stayed completely dead, with not even the smallest signal coming in from the outside.
    Coole Nummer, krasses Pferd :-)

    After about 45 minutes, just when I had decided to do something else, the whole thing went online again without me doing a damn thing. Fine by me.

    By then I had no desire to listen to the tune I originally chose that led to the black out and went a different route.

    But today I *once again* got SIRIUS Extended.

    Followed by the song I was not supposed to play last week.
    That's why I played it NOW.

    An extended version of Lucifer



  22. Ready for exf. Just show me a sign and i will prepare and close out contracts.

    1. If its really like im thinking, yall must have a better perspective on the possibilities. I mean if its gotta be, i embrace all challenge but still, it feels like a chasm in between us. Is the interference finally gonna stop? Nothing to do but be patient i spose.

  23. Article: Proof We Have Starships in Orbit! Above Top Secret! by Glenn Canady.


  24. Article: Fasting for 72 Hours Can Reboot the Entire Immune System (Video), from N. Morgan.


  25. A message to humanity, given through Lighthouse South (thanks LS!):
    A Message To Humanity – One Big Manipulation


  26. 12V, 24V DC
    Color filament leds for our outdoor:

  27. I hope this means something...ive had my 1st stress free day( relatively speaking)in 6 weeks today after a particularly powerful meditation and musing on this post.

  28. Please Promote! 5/26 Key to Freedom Meditation

    Hello everyone, it’s time to meditation again! Please share this meditation around the world!

    Thank you to join 5/19 meditation!
    14 people have punched!
    The golden age team has 560 people did the 5/19 meditation!

    There are 5/19 Meditation people counting.

    If you are participate Key to Freedom Meditation on 5/19 UTC 3:00pm,please punch in here.

    This is 5/26 Key to Freedom Meditation google form. Welcome to participate and punch in here!

    And you can easily see how many people do the 5/26 meditation here.

    Let us save the world together.

    Victory of The Light!

    Our Facebook:

  29. Olá bom dia.poderia explicar por favor oque significa? Gratidao

    1. Oí, esse blog é utilizado para atualizar a RM do andamento das operações. Então isso é codificado. Não tem significado para nós. RM é o movimento de resistência do qual o COBRA é porta voz. Quando a mensagem é para o público em geral vem como atualização.

    2. Olá! Nao pode ser explicado para nós, leitores do blog, uma vez que essas msgs do Cobra sao endereçadas ao Movimento da Resistencia (sao codigos deles p as operacoes em andamento). O máximo que alguns fazem, é especular o significado.
      Quando a msg é para nós, populacao, vc sentirá a diferença.

  30. To be young why not? Techology from ET right now. Cell renewal.


    SKYPE: gracjana janoschka

    Tel. 0034 634 309 576

  31. LOVE and LIGHT!!!



  33. I thought I'd share a contact experience:

    Well, basically, I associate with a lot of groups. One woman in particular, I have a lot of memory fragments of. I don't 'fit in' in the normal sense with today's people. I've had sex with her. I've experienced weirdness which is her, more so, normal way of being. In a way I think of her as a guide. In another, maybe, a twin soul. I don't really know.

    I've been into energy and spirituality for awhile. I've spent a bit visualizing the tarot. There was some 'higher' energetic thing happening which destabilized my life. I lost my job and ended up in the hospital. No drugs were involved.

    I saw her sitting on a bench dressed like a high priestess in a more modern sense. She spoke with her mind. To me, I couldn't hear the harmony, but she moved her mouth. So I thought, 'are you eating?'. So looked away as I walked by. I was stunned by her beauty. She really looked away. Like was very aware of me. I was also very aware of her. I moved on bye. I knew who she was instantly. Was too awkward to talk

    I proceeded to ground myself and channel energy which was going to some 'battle' or whatever.

    I can say I love her. I would want to be around her. I have a well developed capacity to love. I have complete freedom. It's a real pain that open contact is impractical at this point. It makes me question things.

    Wanting to freely express myself to others while having all these restrictive protocols really sucks. The more spiritually developed I become I am more apt to see people for who they are or could be, but choose not to. In the same way, they see us like that. She's gentle and has a purity of intentions. I on the other hand am a bit more kinky with her I guess.

    Contact has become a double life for me. I live in my waking life to perfect balances which I learn about while in dream experiences. It's a pain. My memory isn't perfect. When an experience is over and all I remember is a fragment of being put back in my bed, it's like dammit what the hell! The natural remembering is upset to preserve others free choice. I'm, though, okay with that for the time being.

    I am able to experience a high state of consciousness while waking. So my efforts go into the mass consciousness. That is quite rewarding. How I've learned to deal with the consciousness here isn't overly accepting of most people's thinking patterns. This creates a difficulty. The non-open contact adds to the confusion.

    On one hand I want to remember. On the other hand remembering would cause problems. So the best pieces are retained to continue to progress spiritually. It's an optimal solution. I still don't like it. The more contact goes on, the more like them I get which means I cherish being around them and want to remember. The mass consensus though is the limiting factor.

    In the future, I'd like to live more like them where a synchronous process without so many demands on a person is the general social and associative way with living and enjoying life.

    1. This experience really resonates with me. It seems you are aware enough of certain important things. Victory of the Light! :)

  34. TOO LATE...........................

  35. June 1st 2015
    Pandora in progress, EXMOSS Pandora complete, MOSS in progress. PB breach continuation, PPN security breach, in deflection. HVBN substable. M=7, Midas package.


  36. An alle Krieger des Lichts

    In JEDEM von uns steckt dieser KRIEGER

    Macht Euch auf den Weg!

    VICTORY of LOVE and LIGHT!!!

    I AM DK


  37. We come ONE



  38. Man we need real solutions. I've been complaining about my body and brain forever and we've finally got a diagnosis for my brain, Major Neurocognitive Disorder, basically my brain is just fucked up and doesn't work very well. Basically they're treatment recommendation was support groups. Give me a break, support groups, that doesn't nothing. Doctors in neuropsychology have no better treatment than to sit around in a group and talk about how fucked up we are. This is why I get enraged at the people who say we need to just pull ourselves out of this. First of all it's not what Cobra teaches at all. And second, most people can't. For years I've been saying nothing short of the Event will save me, and people talked shit, well what now?! What are people with a lifetime of head injuries supposed to do? I'll just get out in nature, I'm sure I'll be fine.

    1. Have you considered monoatomic elements? Fairly inexpensive.

    2. I have tried them, good suggestion, thank you.

    3. There are many causes for our problems. If we dont find the cause, how can we find the solutions? Thats why doctors are nothing but useless morons and supporting groups...a loss of time

  39. Sometimes I wonder if how the Dark forces would want to work with a small Earth population, if it would be easier for the Light forces to work with a smaller population too. They would never intentionally wipe out a population to accomplish this but if things take a while and the population just happens to be driven down by the endless delays, then maybe that would be easier for them in the end. Help me out here, they just can't care that much. They have to take a risk at some point, and to me, no risk means they don't care, I don't know how to slice it any other way. When I want something badly I'll go to any lengths to get it. Zero public displays in all of our history to me says they're not going to any lengths and they don't care like they should. It has to be the way that we look at animals. We'll help them but only at our convenience. There's just no way they see us as equals and are really trying.

    1. There are many ET factions who are technologically (but not spiritually advanced) here competing for Earths resources. The picture must be very complicated. I don't think any are here to save the humans. We are part of the resources to them. Real spritual allies of humanity would Never intervene in our physical experience but they would help us awaken our DNA codes so we can save ourselves.

    2. @purplehaze1960

      Speak for yourself.

      I WANT intervention in my physical experience. I NEED physical intervention.

      That goes double if the bad ET's are trying to get us.

      That whole 'we have to save ourselves' is baloney. The bad guys have ET tech on their side, and ET's as well.
      We got all that, YET we STILL have to deal with it alone and unaided? BUUUUUUUUUUULSHIT!

      I need to reach the stars whilst I am alive and young.

    3. Well that's not what Cobra teaches at all so I don't know what to say. He correctly states that humanity is not capable of liberating itself from the Dark forces. And the reason the Light forces don't intervene is because the dark would retaliate, it's not "because free will."

    4. @Patrick Kehoe

      LET them retaliate.....better than what we have NOW.
      Waiting to die, because life on this rock is so miserable is NOT living, nor is it freedom.

      Light Forces need to STOP being PUSSIES and take some action. It's time the dark forces be EXTERMINATED, once and for all. The universe won't weep if Archons, lizards and evil spiders become will probably breathe easier.

  40. Go team go! Victory of the light!

  41. I see progress is being made considerably...based on the dream i had positive that we will have the event..its an extraterrestrial feline i suppose to meet after the event to help give me all the answers im looking for. Including helping me master my new found abilities that i had unclocked from being dormant..its like when i open my meta abilities are ready to be of use..such power could be very useful. I can name many things that can be done..cause telekinesis in its own have much more within it.

  42. Raining blessings
    Thanks Cobra.

  43. Tools of Ascension are grasped by those of earnest.
    Flakes fall to the side.
    Weak-kneed players remove themselves.
    Intentions are key.
    Fortunes are granted for those of the Light.

  44. I feel like a good chain of events is about to begin

  45. It is done. It is only a matter of consciousness if you can see it or not.

    It is only a matter of consciousness if you experience it or not.

  46. Please look at this URL!
    There are many strange phenomena all over the world!

  47. The twin flame is my other part right? Is that right? Strange when I look into his eyes. I almost look back at myself. ---Strange ...


  48. I know when to go out.
    I know when to stay in.


    1. Bowie. Did he really die it was very odd how some producer spoke after looked just like him. Mu wife was shocked and I said this is what they do..

  49. This comment has been removed by the author.

  50. This comment has been removed by the author.

  51. Back in 2018, I posted a comment on this blog that said I didn't want to join the resistance at the time because I was taking care of a pet and didn't want to scare my family with my disappearance. Maybe this is the reason the resistance only hinted at their presence by leaving behind some things in my apartment. However, I feel now is the time to join you now if you would have me. If you approach me in person directly to join, I will leave immediately. Regardless of whether you decide to wait until compression breakthrough, I want to thank you and the galactics for preventing World War III.

    1. I'm all set and ready to go as well, for I have nothing.

    2. >GG

      Hopefully the Resistance will find work for you. They have high standards that most of the Surface Population can't reach at this time.

    3. @Sam Raven.

      Hell, if all I do is make coffee for them, I'll be fine with that. I have NOTHING left on this world....NOTHING.

      And sorry, but we can't all be Sholin Monks.


  52. Home Sweet Dome

  53. interesting channelling on new earth from adronis

  54. Please Cobra, post all comments here..and please....Start the EVENT..RIGHT NOW!!

    Start the EVENT right now!

    We ALL are fed up...lost our health..patience...TO....TA....LLY!!!!!!

    Arrest ALL cabalmembers...throw them in the central sun...RIGHT NOW...before they do more dangerous us...soon we all dead.

    Start the EVENT right now!!

  55. 'Gateway' - Chillwave Mix by Odysseus YT Channel



  57. THE BUBBLES OF HEAVEN, transcript from Maria

    De video::

    The six phases of a phase transition will be explained in more detail. Each of those phases is a complete stage of a planetary ascension process. And is estimated to last somewhere between a few months to a few years.
    This is as close as you will ever get to an answer to your question when will the event happen on Cobra’s blog.

    The first phase of the phase of transition is called INTERFASE EVAPORATION PHASE. This phase started in 2012 and ended on January 21st , 2019.
    INTERFASE EVAPORATION PHASE. Means that thermal flux (in our case energy from the Galactic Central Sun) is administered to the interface (in our case the surface of the planet) and creates a convection current above the interface surface. This equals the awakening of the surface population between 2012 and 2019.

    The second phase of phase transition is called BUBBLE CONDENSATION PHASE This phase started on January 21st, 2019, and is ongoing. This pahe means that enough THERMAL FLUX has been administered to the surface to allow pure phase transision from liquid water (matrix society) into water vapor (galactic society) in some extremely small and isolated areas on the surface.

    During the Bubble Condensation phase, those Bubbles of Heaven emerge, repattern and reorganize in full accordance to the ising model.
    During this phase the bubbles of heaven get slowly and progressively larger with LESS entropy, whereas the surrounding matrix society gets progressively more unstable with more entropy.

    This is precisely the reason why some people are tired to put less attention on outer daily politicking and more attention to inner spiritual growth.

    The third phase of phase transition is called Bubble Elevation Phase. This phase sees the termal flux from the galactic central sun rising exponentially with more and more bubbles of heaven. Actively forming and matrix society actively collapsing until the thermal flux peaks at the moment of the event.

    The moment of the event is the moment of critical thermal flux. The matrix society collapses, the contact is made, the entropic elements of the old society are swiftly removed and we enter in to the fourth phase.

    The fourth phase is called Unstable Film Boiling phase. Bubbles of Heaven have connected on the surface of the planet into a stable network (film) which forms athe backbone of the new society whereas the society itself as a whole is unstable, but processing, integrating and stabilizing.

    1. >Maria
      Its 'Interface'.

      Since the Ascension window closes in 2025, we must clear Phase II and III to reach the Event in less than 6 years.

    2. "This is precisely the reason why some people are tired to put less attention on outer daily politicking and more attention to inner spiritual growth."

      So far the only Cobra intel I have verified in my life. The process had already started a year earlier as it became obvious the anti-establishment media was following a pattern of 'ups' (positive news and promise of change) and then 'downs' (when stuff happens that indicate the Deep State still wields power like the mess in Venezuela).

      I wonder when the next mass meditation will be happening that will take us to Phase III.

    3. Each phase can last years and we just started 2, it's going to be awhile.

    4. @Patrick Kehoe

      Will any of us be ALIVE by the time the good stuff happens?

      And the longer this takes, the more time the bad guys have to reload their weapons.

    5. Good point Sherman, I feel like my life is already a loss. There's really no one to blame but my higher self for coming here. I cannot imagine anything worse than a planet where people think the prison is normal. It's so much worse than an overt occupation. Absolutely unbearable, I pray for death every day.

    6. @Patrick Kehoe.

      I pray for ET contact and be able to physically leave this useless lump of rock. It's getting to the point the dark forces can KEEP Planet Alcatraz, just let me, and others who feel similar, be able to escape the planet and live a REAL life.

  58. Bubbles of Heaven part II

    Islands of Light are being fully formed with active contact

    The fifth phase is called STABLE FILM BOILING phase. Islands of Light on the surface of the planet become active conversion / inversion zones through which individual and group ascension processes taking place.

    The first ascension wave with thousands of people ascending takes place. Some of them returning to the surface as ascended beings and prepare the second ascension wave with hundreds of thousands of people ascending.
    Some of those return to the surfase and prepare the surface population for the third wave.

    During the fifth phase the surface population fully integrates new advanced technologies and is healed enough to accept the light as a whole.

    The sixth phase is called the FINAL FLASH PHASE. Phase transitin is complete.
    The Galactic Central Sun triggers the solar event and the planetary polar shift. Millions of people ascend in the third wave and the rest of humanity is evacuated from the surface of the planet into the Galactic Fleet which transports them to a suitable planet in the Pleiades star cluster which will become the new home for humanity.

    At that moment the surface of the planet is hit by a tsunami which washes the planet clean. The only areas unaffected are the islands of light which are populated by advanced star beings. Many of them being YOU.
    Then the New Atlantis is being built on the New Earth.

    Now that you have more understanding of the overall plan it can safely be released that the lightforces have completed the construction of an underground base below northern Taiwan wich can accept 3 billion people.
    A similar but smaller base is being built in a certain location in Central Europe and another one at a certain location in South America with another one planned for Africa. These bases may be used as evacuation options.

    You need to understand that what we have achieved on January 21st is HUGE! Bubbles of Heaven are the first signs of a totally new reality which belongs to the New Cosmic Cycle and remember: whenever you align with the light, your life will be easier and easier. Whenever you focus on the old world falling apart, things will get worse again.

    Thank you.
    Written by Cobra and narrated by Ascension Girl.

    Dutch translation tomorrow on

    1. Dutch translation:

  59. One question: What the hell happened with Cobra interviews lately?

    He use to give us at least one interview about many different things. Now since 1-2 years it’s completely blank...

    1. He gave an interview this year.

    2. He says that operations are very close to the surface and they can't disclose any information. It's really discouraging. I was optimistic for a couple of years but now I'm not so sure. Initially I thought there was no way the Light forces could win. That's what I think now, that they've lost. Or at least delayed so many years and decades it doesn't matter to us. Us rats just come and go while the "gods" get to actually play the game.

    3. He can't keep saying the same thing over and over again. Plus the questions were getting redundant.

      Question: if Cobra knew the Event wouldn't happen until 2025, would he tell his followers that? Probably not and for good reason.

      But he has done a couple recent interviews with James Gilliland and ground crew radio if you're interested in looking them up

    4. I did a search on YT and its been a while. Rob Potter and the Goldfish Report used to feature him, now Rob Potter has been silent for months since his Happy New Year announcement and Goldfish Report is all about politics.

      In the meantime there's Ground Crew Command Radio:


    5. Yes, but what about the Islands of Light? This can be established, isn't it?
      And this may be ab important step...

  60. 1.Crop Circle | AN stargate | An Conversion
    The 1st Crop Circle of this year apparently highlights the Star Gate AN,

    which is a multidimensional stargate to transform darkness into light. A process through which the Source brings all creation back into unity.

  61. This was reported yesterday, it is whatI see and think it is? I'll go for a YES!.

    Crop Circle Norridge Wood Warminster Reported 22/05/2019

  62. Thank you for a break from all the negative commentors.

  63. Seems like a big thing is happening.

    I wonder what Pandora is. Usually Pandora refers to a box being opened and a big release of something taking place.

    Maybe associated with Q and the Big Declassification of documents... maybe... ??

    1. Maybe

      Let the arrests begin! RV!

    2. Tereza just jump off... next will be Merkel?

      Cabal is loosing power in every front...

      We dont what happened, but, i know everything is connected.

      Why she quit? They never surrender... so i believe something big will hit this globe.

  64. The Light Forces have their job to do and I have my job to do.

    History remembers those who didn't sit on the sidelines and just watched.

    1. In that case, I honor you.

    2. @Sam Raven

      In a war...and this IS a war, we need weapons, tools, intel.

      We can not fight bare handed.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.


  65. ISLANDS and AREAS of LIGHT - Infrastructure Development

    The DC (direct current) 'nano-grid' – a more reliable solution for Areas and Islands of Light

  66. Cobra: “…and did a special planetary kundalini activation.
    This activation served as a trigger for planetary kundalini awakening where people will finally rise up against the oppression of the Dark forces.

    One case of this can currently be seen in Germany with a courageous Youtube video against a party in the government.

    "The Destruction of the CDU“

    This video makes the party perplex.

  67. Take down the deep state remove the dracos chimera and archons Galactic families and then land in every major city take over the news satellites broadcast our real history and who we are. Truth is always the best answer. Victory Now!

  68. Opened a portal with my cintamani revealing an army of souls!

    Think of the ending to v for vandetta and youl get the idea.


  69. Thanks. Please keep posting updates of the latest crop circles.

  70. "This is a revelation. The whole world is not waitin. Its just for you. The instructions is somethin for you to do. This is to unlock your soul. You been warned and you been told. Now get your life under control. Read a book and release your soul. If not ya ass is gonna fold! Theres a lock on your body you dont know and this is the story of what you gotta do to release your SOUL!"

  71. "Can you give back what you take? or are you the snake that suffer from your own mistake?
    You move the mountain but you caused the earth to quake. You breath the fire but you also cause title waves. You your own karma servin as slave. You work for hire hoping one day to retire. You quit your god and now your soul your fire. I tell you the truth and now you call me a liar."

  72. For those who feel guided:

    Worlds Beyond the Veil 432Hz

    1. How is your (our) brother doing after the prayers?

    2. Hey Brandon, many thanks again for the concern and to others to felt guided to send positive vibes and prayers his way.

      He got out of the psych ward early and he has been fine ever since...Surely thanks to the love of the good people here in this community.. <3


  73. Clones and Artificial Intelligence. By Teri Wade.

  74. Article by Jonathan Lee: X22Reports: The Setup Is Complete, The IMF & The Fed Take The Bait | Something Else Is Lurking In The Shadows | Q News (Videos)


  75. Article by Glenn Canady: Hillary Clinton, Chuck Schumer, Kirsten Gillibrand Involved in Human Trafficking, Sex Slavery and Satanism Says Whistleblower!


  76. thank you for the information

  77. A story of twin souls.
    The Bonnie Banks of Loch Lomond - Ella Roberts

  78. The last several days felt like archonic activities increased. Scenario after scenario of lower frequency nonsense occurred. Bad ear ringing . Kneck and head pains. Plus other things with loved ones I won't go into. Galactics rip the band-aid off already .It feels as though I'm entering into yet another eb and flow phase. Fine for a few days then I feel drained and just flat out done with all this. How are we supposed to keep envisioning the golden era with this energy increasing and team dark puting extra pressure on everything.

  79. Keep moving forward soon the dominos will all fall and nothing can stop this transition to a higher dimensional way of life for all! The energies coming in simply cant be stopped helping us acclimate our bodies and even the unawakened conscious zombies are being helped we are all 1 and why we woke up I don't know but somebody had to right and it's an honor really. Stay positive as your vibration needs to be up.

  80. The Search for Sex – Hanne Nabintu Herland

    NEW Our political system is totally corrupted - Robert Steele, Herland Report TV

  81. can you please comment on turkey's purchase of F-35 (American Offense) or S-400 (Russian Defence). Surely this resistance must be involved in this. Turkey is in a position either being forced to be an aggressor towards Russia or a defender of Russia. So many refugees use Turkey as a gateway to Europe. What is the resistances' stance on this? do they have agents on both sides? What about about Iran and US? What about Irans' Nuclear capability? Is this a cabal plot to create WW3 between Authoritarian interpretations of the Koran and Western Cultures emphasis on the significance of the individual? you have previously posted about Irans' boasting of underground military bases and Americas DUMBS all over the globe. Has a group of people taken control of both sides and they simply just want a result that benefits that secret group? You must release a post clarifying these things for your audience, they are not all crazy, yes some of your audience have completely lost all rationality and logic. Some of your posts make no sense. Some of them do. but don't give up. I don't know how much of your blog I should believe. So much of what you post is General Jargon that unless you know the language of the New age movement, you cannot understand. This is done to keep the critical mass of the people following your blog in tune so you can keep making money off them. There is no current reproducible evidence for the "soul". There is no evidence for "ethereal realms" or ethereal "glial cells" There is so much conflicting evidence. Stalin creating the Roswell Crash with Surgically altered kids. (Accredited journalist Annie Jacobsen reveals this on joe rogan podcast)

    1. So they have pilots that can fly the f35 and how many did they get? I chuckle.thinking these jet fighters are like tricycles to the advanced craft the nations have now. How long will the charade continue?

  82. Energy Weapons Exposed here

    Please Share/archive help spread the intel,if it resonates thank you.

  83. Article by Glenn Canady: H.W. Bush Seen In Arizona! He's Alive Multiple Sources Say!


  84. Article from rjdfree: The Final Days - 2 Suns? - Is Sun Simulator Causing Very Dangerous UV Radiation? - (44 Reading!) 10 Plus Is Extreme


  85. Article by Knarlydawg: The Deeper Connections: Alex Jones & Joe Rogan Exposed The Disinformation Company Occult Connections


  86. Article from Starshipearth: Kevin Annett Arrested at Airport and Detained and More Riveting Tales [video]


  87. To allwho are tired:
    We are the groupwho hace been working for all our live s on spiritual development and still haven't got enough money and all people arround us are difficult.
    We decided, because of all the delays of Event, Nessara and so on..yo create our own Abundance, so nobody disturb our development.
    We startfrom this monday at 7 p.m.
    Time doesn't exist, so 7 in every time one is ok.And weconnect together energetically and create Abundance for every ofus.Method is what you want.Meditate, vizualize orwhatever.Duration depende on you.
    Allwho deles likedong it, is invites
    We do it every day up till the results.

    1. I just want off this damned planet.

      Fed up feeling like a pilgrim in an unholy land.

  88. We are the group of people who have been working all our lives to spiritual development.
    We still don't have abundance and personal situations are hard.
    We decided to create our own Abundance.
    Since this monday at 7 p.m.time zones are not important because time doesn't exist.
    So de imagine, vizualize, meditate, theway todo it depends the person.Important is to create abundance.
    If you feel like, join us.You are invites.
    Nessara is not very near.We can do it ourselves.

  89. Hey.I had a 'vision' or something(i don't know how to called it) a couple of weeks ago where I saw a new star that was (or is) reignite(or turn on)in the sky,and I had an understanding that I am part of that star or I am belong to the group of people that are part of that star.It was a good feeling.

    Then I had a dream were I saw my niece(she is 3 now) And she was in the process of ascending,I was happy for her.And I said to her with tears 'please don't leave me here'. And she looks at me and I had understanding and I became very humble, and she continue to ascend until she disappear in front of my eyes. When I woke up I had tears in my eyes.I feel sad and happy in the same time.

  90. Crop circle 3

    A little hint towards the flower of life - a tool of harmonization.

    When the highly developed Cosmic Central Race arrived here a few months ago, it positioned itself in the solar system in a mandala of the Flower of Life. Here is a meditation to connect and work with her:

  91. Attetion! The Beethoven -plan is underway. The Beethoven -plan is the finalizer.

    1. AI in finalization.. The Light Celebrates..
      (Artificial Intelligence)
      (the 8th the in the row)

    2. The ability to affect the cerebral cortex (systema.nervosum.periphericum) is weaker.
      The Red Queen was destroyed..

  92. Article from Glenn Canady: Demon Magicians - Cameras Prove Not Sleight of Hand!


  93. Article: The QAnon Phenomenon Alive and Well in Japan: New Drops

  94. Article from John Rolls: Major Cancer Breakthrough: Scientists Find Plant That Kills 98% of Cancer Cells in Just 16 Hours! - Great Video


    1. When cobra says 80% of the alternative media information is false, he's talking about sites like Before It's News.


    2. His own website is no exception.

      Disecernment is Key


  95. The TrumpProphecy: Mark Taylor - The Final Blow to the NWO Video


  96. "Scientists are warning that a new ice age could be on its way. According to some researchers, activity on the sun has indicated that a phenomenon known as the “solar minimum” has arrived."

    "Solar minimum "has arrived!

  97. Small and simply better than...
    The last two crop circles were quite small and apparently made with little effort. Eager commentators are often left speechless. But small and simple is better than nothing when it comes to light work. Or small and simple is enough. To align oneself with others instead of connecting oneself with one's soul is a trap of the Matrix. Many people think that if I can't do it as well as this one and that one, then I'd better not do anything at all. Such an attitude is a strong brake with regard to the liberation of the planet and has already caused a lot of disaster.

    In order to maintain this status there are many programming of the Matrix, both by oneself to remain inactive and by others to slow someone down - what has he learned?

    A Meditation from Cobra to Free Star Seeds:
    You can use the power of meditation and visualization to visualize all Lightwarriors and Lightworkers being purified with a Violet Flame, being surrounded by love of the pink Liquid Light of EELA (Sirian angel of Love) and being liberated from all programming, control or suppression with a White Fire of AN.

    1. > 3k14Pi
      Self-reflection in an environment like a park outside of busy times, basically any place that's reasonably free of distraction (and a choice beer or ice coffee is fine too) works great for those who can't do meditation like myself.

      What you described about 'align oneself with others' is a common problem where we are worried if we aren't keeping up with the Joneses we got a problem. If we keep worrying about trying to be with the 'in-crowd' we will be unhappy, and same thing applies to finding your own 'zero point' of peace. They got their path, we got ours.

      Likewise Ground Crew Command Radio said the guidance from higher spirits varies by the individual.
      GCCR got a lot of hate for posting their piece about exposing compromised lightworkers.

      This should have been obvious but it seems some self-proclaimed 'empaths' and 'enlightened' types are more worried about keeping the cult-mentality rather than offering the few alternatives to the circus show that is psychiatry and therapy.

      Goddess Kali will eventually come to clear out these dead-weights who have damaged the newly awakened who were in their hour of need and were manipulated and used of their money and time.

  98. Clones and artificial intelligence.

  99. Would you like to have 'the sweet dome home' for our Islands of light?


  100. How do you consider 'the sweet dome home' for out Islands of Light?

  101. Islands of light - Infrastructure development

    The 'sweet dome home'

    If you are an architect who want to get involved in designing Islands of light infrastructure,
    you might be interested to choose at least the oblated spheroide as the simplest shape of a 'sweet dome home' for our Islands of light.

    "Ellipses organize our universe on a macro-level, and the fact that the sound “Om” shares this shape may not come as a surprise to the millions of people around the world who hold this sound sacred. ... The vibration of “Om” filled that space, much the same way that the elliptical orbits of planets fill our solar system."


    1. There is also the need of a 'Galactic Goddess Temple' in Areas of Light.


    2. An oblated spheroide of phi ratio might be, for example, of app. 16m dia and 5m tall.

      The 'sweet dome home' might be in fact the upper part of the spheroide; so is it of app. 16m dia and 5m tall.



  103. “There is No Honor in following the orders of dishonorable men”. – ONE
    “There is No Honor in following the orders of dishonorable men”. – ONE
    Choosing to take orders from others is surrendering your free will. The only sin in the universe is the violation of Cosmic Law, “Free Will”. To surrender your precious “Free Will” to another is a sin against yourself that just may not serve your best good. It is a lazy path. NOT connecting with ONE’s Higher nature. Jesus would NEVER take up arms against another. And certainly not as ONE gets closer to ascending to your next best SELF. ONE cannot serve two masters. This is duality, this is illusion. You have been told this time and time again and you continue to expect change, but the change you are expecting, the change that has been prophesied over the ages, Is and always was meant to come from within YOU (LOVE). You will know this “Real change” is taking place and not just more “politics”, not just more religion (Control) when ONE begins to see all beings in themselves, and themselves in all beings. That what you do to another, you literally do to yourself. It is not surprising that my messages never get a thumbs up or is deleted as this simple message, This key OUT of the loop of hatred (hell on earth) has fallen on deaf ears for centuries. In time you will not be able to ignore these messages. Then and only then will you have what you so desire. Peace on Earth. Heaven on Earth. This is the only path to where you SAY you want to go. “The answer to every question is LOVE. If LOVE is not in it, It is not the Answer.” I have to laugh as you will honor those who shoot people in the head at a thousand yards with no warning, but shun a mother breast feeding in public as obscene. And yet, this is the ignorance you must lift yourself out of. – ONE

    1. In some countries there's mandatory conscription. And if you refuse to serve and listen to orders, then you'll have to serve jailtime instead. So isn't it a bigger sin against your freedom if you choose to go to jail for 10 years instead of being conscripted for 2 years?

    2. >Tropby

      You from Singapore? I served in that pigsty system from Jan 2002 to May 2004 when it was 2.5 years for Corporals and above. In my case we didn't have a choice.

  104. ‘Monster’ explosions on the sun will ‘become more common’, Nasa warns

    "The sun will be rocked by an increased number of gigantic ‘monster’ explosions in the coming years, Nasa has warned."


  105. Love and Life


  106. Beautiful music video by Imagine Dragons :

  107. >Astral Traveler

    Thanks for the explanation.

  108. Every lightworker and lightwarrior need to call out 'Mamaaaaaaaaaa!' aloud because we lack mother's love and we need it to be healed!

    Goddesses are our tender mothers!

    Mother Goddesses hold us tenderly with their energy!

    1. Like a newborn lamb or like Freddie Mercury in Bohemian Rapsody?

  109. This video shows images of galactic federation.Let's visualize them !


  110. ISLANDS and AREAS of LIGHT - Infrastructure Development - The stand-alone solar power system.

    A lot of material on the subject is already in place:

    Subjects of interest:

    - The DC, much more reliable for off-grid dwellings generally, and for our Islands and Areas of Light particularly...

    - Voltage Standardization of DC Distribution System for Residential Buildings

    - The 'return' of DC (direct current)

    - The DC (direct current) 'nano-grid' – a more reliable solution for Areas and Islands of Light

    - DC (direct current) Appliances

    - The Ufer Grounding, a more preferable and more reliable electrical earth grounding for our Areas and Islands of Light.

    - The three-phase of 220V/50Hz voltage supply, with no-active neutral – a horrible compromise between our new 'breakaway civilization'... and the never ending collapsing world establishment system...


  111. Yes, but, let we try to draw the lines of the infrastructure, so that the spiritual side have to unfold on!...

  112. A 'war of voltages' is expected to burst out in the 'DC world'...

    It might be even more 'everlasting' than the previous 'war of currents', and there is an unpredictable result...

    And, the more, it is already silently unfolding, thus not yet is it 'loudly' declared. And it might last as long,.. till the Ascension process.

  113. Out of this war can be considered the DC voltages as 12V, 24V, 48V. And,... in this range, as the case may be, have we to design our stand-alone DC solar power nano-grids.
    Discussion to come...

  114. And, if DC only,... then bye-bye HID lamps. At least in this stage. But CFL of DC and DC 'ballasts' for fluorescent tubes. there are on market.


  115. We are going to design even a 3-tubes of 5ft outdoor lighting unit. It will be most related to the side-braket mounted.

    It might host 3 x 80W T5 Fluorescent Tube, 6150 lm, 1450mm (18450 lm)

  116. "Ill baptize you in the fire unlike john the babtist. Many wanna be hard but the only one hard is god but you can look through gods eyes. Can you bare what you see can you maintain your sanity? Everyone is praying for help but nobody wanna help their self"

    Listen to JOHN THE BAPTIST REMIX ! by Damean Samuel on #SoundCloud

  117. Tropby, They only have authority over you by your own consent, or threats of violence. You will find that knowing you are a sentient being you will not be put in those position, that your fears are only anecdotes and not necessarily your reality unless you choose it. You choose it by giving your energy/attention to it. If you speak your worst fears aloud. Even if that were not true, You would have to make the decision to do the time as not to consent to taking away others choices by killing them. These choices are made to resist and have always had great sacrifices in the past. To take a stand. I would not comply.

  118. Great work comrade, keep moving forward!
    There is a lot of West versus East action financially :

    Here is further intel:

    Victory of the Light!
    - Fates

  119. Article from Jeffery Pritchett: Jordan Maxwell ~ "Illuminati & The Black Magic Underworld"


  120. Article by Glenn Canady: Eyes Wide Shut, the Next Hollywood Scandal!

  121. Article from Jeffery Prittchet: Alert! F-15 Eagles Splash Fast-Moving Craft 300 NM Off Florida


  122. Article: And We Know 5-28-19… “SerialBrain2: Pelosi Stammers through News Conference. The End is Near. Enjoy the Show” VIDEO


  123. Even the 380V DC voltage has not won in this war. The 350V DC and the 400V DC are still walking around, maybe trying to depose it... :-)...

  124. Perspectives on crop circles
    Red Colli: Laughing Budda - Prayer Beads - SOS
    Me to it: Passivity of star seeds creates distress. A lack of necessary cooperation leads to delays.
    Red Colli: Completion of the approximate constellation of Orion.
    Me to it: Orion plays a major role in the coming of darkness and its final transformation into light through the stargate Al Nilam, (stargate AN), the central star of the Orion belt.


  125. For now, the 'war of voltages' concerning DC distribution, and above 40V DC, may be concerning DC voltages as 120, 125, 220, 240, 300, 350, 380, 400, and even 550V DC...

  126. Operation Pandora: cleaning the Astral and Etheric Realms from Archons.
    You are welcome guys😂

  127. Thousands of ships coming into our orbit. Last week they have been coming in by the thousands!!! Cobra what is going on???? Are we close??


  128. However, in this 'war of DC voltages' there are expected some 'happy ends' to occur, on some 'fronts' of interests...

    Why is this war a non-destructive one, is that all the 'combatants' have the same interest: promoting a 'DC world' against the currently 'all seeing' AC of 50/60Hz distribution.

    This war of voltages leads in fact to a win-win solution on the side of the 'DC side' of combatants,... and hopely to a 'win-lose' in the favor of DC against the highly disgusting AC of 50/60Hz.


  129. However, in this 'war of DC voltages' there are expected some 'happy ends' to occur, on some 'fronts' of interests...

    Why is this war a non-destructive one, is that all the 'combatants' have the same interest: promoting a 'DC world' against the currently 'all seeing' AC of 50/60Hz distribution.

    This war of voltages leads in fact to a win-win solution on the side of the 'DC side' of combatants,... and hopely to a 'win-lose' in the favor of DC against the highly disgusting AC of 50/60Hz.

  130. However, in this 'war of DC voltages' there are expected some 'happy ends' to occur, on some 'fronts' of interests...

    Why is this war a non-destructive one, is that all the 'combatants' have the same interest: promoting a 'DC world' against the currently 'all seeing' AC of 50/60Hz distribution.

    This war of voltages leads in fact to a win-win solution on the side of the 'DC side' of combatants,... and hopely to a 'win-lose' in the favor of DC against the highly disgusting AC of 50/60Hz.

  131. You dont get stronger by pretending to be a victim either chb.
