Saturday, August 24, 2019



  1. This made me cry Cobra. I'm so weary and ready for a new beginning. I am inspired to keep pushing and fighting til the compression breakthrough. Love you all.♥️

    1. @3k14Pi

      Some of us were FORCED to come here. no way in HELL would I CHOOSE the life I've had willingly.

    2. Bright Insight - The 12,000 Year old Comet that Landed on TEDTalks…and Erased Ancient Civilization - Greenland Crater:

  2. Eastern Agason's Voice of Heaven

    Chinese Music Instrumental Music, bamboo flute vs guzheng.
    A person listens quietly to super nice music appreciation

    1. Oh Guzheng is so nice!

      If you like it you can be also interested in Korean zither called Gayageum

  3. Replies
    1. You're told it's time to come home. It does not mean that we will bring you home.

      It is up to you!

    2. @3k14Pi

      I am ready YESTERDAY. I need a ship to land, pick me up and get me the hell off this rock.

  4. crying 😩 😩 excited
    want to go home 😩 😩

  5. I hope with all my hearth you return soon... This is not place for you... This is not place for us, until then I wish you good luck

    1. It's not about hope, it's about action.

      Hope attracts hope, action attracts action.

  6. I wish you return very soon, this is not place for you...this is not place for us. Until then I wish you good luck.

  7. You make me cry I can't wait to go home for ever. Please the event come here now.

  8. Imagine waking up after all these millenia realising how old your soul is and how long we've been stuck here without knowing. Some might say we made the choice to forget because we are as old as the universe. What a realisation that would be.

    1. @Sheeple

      I would NEVER willingly choose the life I've lived. No way in hell.

      And no way would I willingly get amnesia.

  9. Nearly unbearable to watch. How long have we done this? How many times, with each time, remembering nothing. Each time trying to find ourselves. Every time I close my eyes, I just want to wake up outside of this matrix, but it doesn't work that way. I just want us all to wake up.

  10. Beautiful video, much appreciated! Seems some sort of milestone has been reached? I don't mind working for longer if not, Victory for the Light has been a fun and rewarding activity of late 🎆☀️⚡️🌕🎆

  11. metastability event

  12. The Vacuum Metastability Event
    Will be happening this year ?

    1. Could be the end of the 7 year tribulation.

  13. Time to go Home


  14. So Heartfelt - so very familiar..... have watched twice and yes, tears of Home. Blessed BE to All.

  15. Universal and multidimensional hugs for everyone!
    Thank you ! Cobra, RM, FGL, Plenadians, Arcutians and everyone we don't know and are here to help - Thanks!
    COBRA please, you can explain ("" archons are begging here ... or "" "))

    I was told by a friend who saw the night between 10 and 11 August.
    it was by car on the highway in Austria to Hungary that is, on one side of the highway it is raining and some
    in the part that stood - left, it was the moon and from the moon it was seen as a ray very strong as the light, conical to the earth and through the respective ray it was seen as some shadows - black smoke says that they ascended upwards
    and it lasted for several hours the whole thing, this .... "" "
    Please Cobra - thanks for all you do - your work.

    Let it be the light, beautiful ambassadors of the galaxy!
    ----- It's time to go home ...
    Yupyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy ................

    Thank you !

  16. Exactly time to go home. I'm so tired of this quarantaine situation here. Although earth is beautiful and much to discover though. I've been targeted for many years now I think. Feel sometimes sick, pain, very angry and annoyed.
    I do not understand what is driving these chimera. I find it intriguing though sometimes. Who are they, what are they doing all day? So strange.

  17. Who Else Cried Watching This ? I Just Want To Go Home

  18. Who Else Cried Watching This ? I Just Want To Go Home

  19. how the process of planetary liberation takes place?

    when will we be liberated?

  20. This brought tears of joy Cobra! There is a deep knowing that I come from a place which surpasses anything we can currently imagine. I find myself feeling more and more disconnected from my old 3D life. Nothing in the Matrix resonates anymore.

    I do resonate with characters like Captain Marvel, the Green Lantern and the Super Heroes portrayed on film because I believe we once had those powers and wielded Energy like a Jedi Master.....but always for the good and always for The Light!

    In the recent movie Captain Marvel, the Kree race who captured the heroine and erased her memory so she can serve their agenda tell her that she is “weak” and “nothing” without them and that they can taker her power away. At that very moment she realizes that the opposite is she rips the implant out of the back of her head and says “You have been holding me back! I’ve been operating at only 50% capacity.” She then taps into the FULL POWER and ENERGY she absorbed from the energetic core of the ship when it crashed and turns into an UNSTOPPABLE being of Pure Light who can fly into outer space and single handedly take out nuclear warheads and a fleet of enemy ships!! THAT is who we truly are when we connect with our inner power and especially when we focus our intent collectively as a group in a meditative state! That scene in the movie was really amazing and extremely empowering.

    As the illusion of the 3D Matrix crumbles and the disempowering lies of the creators of the Matrix lose their grip on us, I am going within more and more, envisioning humanity successfully exiting the Veil through the luminous Gates of Ascension (thru which only the pure of heart and high vibrational signature can pass) - a moment of elation and wonder for all of us!!! We all so desperately need a Tachyon Bath to erase the layers of physical and emotional trauma and restore wholeness and health to our bodies and souls!


  21. I remember playing the "Descent" series of video games by Interplay. Many pilot view perspectives of modern games and videos like the above with the pilot's joystick in the middle and two panels, one on either side and frame cockpit bubble all come directly or inspired indirectly from those games.

    I know I would like to ride in one of those zero-G fighter craft.

  22. Where I'm standing the constellations in the sky look different.

  23. Just crying and crying during the whole you tube. Yes I can't wait to hold Og Nan in my arms and work with him in his magical alchemistic laboratory and to live with him

  24. I have cried the whole you tube long. Longing to come home and hold Og Nan in my arms and work together in his magical alchemistic Laboratorie and to live with him

  25. I am home. Earth us here to complete us, to bring all we are into one being. Earth is the first planet to do this. We have been waiting for this since we decided to experience light and duality. We are not created from source, we are eternal beings and we are in the end of our almost eternal journey. We are going to become almighty and all knowing. No more reincarnation. Just eternal joy, peace and harmony!
    First, we go through darkness and realize we're it all and we're light and dark. No more destruction. No more lies. Only love and truth. Your heart, earth and soul have the answers.

  26. Hi! i recommend to "watch" this video

    Allison Coe:
    36 minutes

  27. The sooner the better. I'm dying of anticipation. I feel I've been ready since childhood. Thanks, Cobra.

  28. Yes, let's go home now, right now !

  29. "Otro Dia Mas Sin Verte"

    Irmão COBRA ! Escolhemos isso e só sairemos depois que tudo estiver bem !

    Não abandonaremos nossos postos ! Não agora !

    21 >/< /\^*

  30. Thank you! This brought a smile on my face.

  31. Cobra, I pray for the demolition of the Voice of God technology, yes it's a real technology, I have seen & felt & heard it all my life.
    Now, I was make great progress but now it is kicking my ass & the heat still gets thrown on. This is a very.... Very dangerous technology to be messing with as it ruins your whole life, & what's worse is by people in your own soul group!
    Praying... Please pray with me followers.... ����

  32. Start the EVENT right now!!!!

    No more talking shit...COMMON!! Event/Breakthrough now!!

    Its almost too late!

    With all the UNacepteable delays/postponing of the event.

    Arrest ALL cabalmembers RIGHT NOW!

    They are killing us all with G5/5G....and all other things!

    SHAME!! SHAM!!...SHAME!! To EVERY beeing, who still refuse, to start the event right now.

    And still refuse to mass arrest ALL cabalmembers.

    Alot will go suicide if AGAIN nothing will happen VERY soon.

    And we ALL get totally destroyed by the cabal...if they still not getting throwed in the central galactic sun.

    START THE EVENT........RIGHT.........................NOW!!

    Im TOTALLY........DONE!!!

    Health is getting worse and worse!!

    EVENT right now!

    NO more stupid meditations....NO more stupid delay updaten..commen updates......NO more NO more delay..ANYMORE!

    Start the EVENT right now!!

    Let us ALL send an S O S, to source, and every beeing who still refuse to start the event.

    Were in big trouble!

    Start the EVENT right now!! S O S...S O S.....S O S!

    I totally agree with Sherman...TAKE me OFF planet right now!!!

    OR start the EVENT right now!

    Love andlight to you all.

  33. Can someone expain it to me what does this video symbolizes

  34. And how much years ago have i seen this video,s?


    Promising us/ its time to reuinite...its time to celebrate now...time for the event.

    NOTHING happened!

    And now again a movie, who says...that its going to happen right now.

    PLEASE PLEASE....LET it happen indeed!!!

    No more FALSE hope PLEASE!

    BREAKTHROUGH/EVENT, right now..good or bad..bombs left, or NO bombs left....clearing this..clearing that.

    EVENT right matter what.


    We ALL need it so....We ALL need the EVENT sooooooo much, right NOW!

    Love and much light to you ALL

    1. Thank you for your bold and desperate comments. I enjoy reading them.

  35. Victory of the light!!
    Love to all!

  36. Bring it on. Solar sneeze and return earth to a paradise state. It has been a long hard road. Good job to all those that maintained love and integrity I'm this cruel matrix. Get out your dancing shoes.

  37. Víctory of the light!!
    Love to all!

  38. " I'm coming Home, I'm coming Home, Tell the world that i'm coming Home...

  39. I am wary... it would be nice to be home where you are not judged constantly or feel the need to put on a mask just because it's the norm to behave that way in society. It would be nice to reunite with my soul family...

  40. 🔥💜🔥✨🌈🌌🌠☀️😌😌😌😇🕊️

  41. But now take me home
    Take me home where i belong
    I've got no other place to go
    Now take me home
    Take me home where i belong
    I can't take it anymore

    This world you live in
    Is not a place to someone like you
    Come on, let US take you home
    It's time to go
    You are inffected
    Come as you are
    Don't be scared of US
    You'll be protected
    I guess you are a different kind of human
    I guess you are a different kind of human

  42. we are not alive
    we are surviving everytime
    we are not alive
    only dreams inside our minds

  43. Thank you for this beautiful message it is an wonderful video love it listened for 5 time until now.and I just hope that is truth and the event it is here.much love !

  44. hmmm... but today is 24.8.2019 not 30.10.2018

  45. Cosmic Agency

    All videos :

    The only difference is 440 instead of 432


    1. Is infiltrated with AI. NO one can prove the authenticity of that communication, or even that took place.

      Planet Erra is in Alcyone Star system, not in Taygeta Star one.

  46. How sweet this is. It made me weep, happily.

  47. thank you COBRA, thank you RM, and thank you to all brothers and sisters of the light and to all who working very hard to make every ting is possible. it's almost funny rather amazing what happened to about two months ago i was guided to repeat this while i am taking shower. this water i am taking shower is infused with tachyon of brothers and sisters of pleiadian. when i saw the HOME video i so exited i can not stop watching the video. many thank you all again

  48. But the light and the dark hinder the road to go home. Isn't it?

  49. Longing to be reunited from whence I came....I feel my family will be coming with me as we are so close and that is my wish...Would like to feel like a butterfly again liberated from taking this long arduous journey...I tried so hard to do my part aware of this journey from an early age...Waiting to see if there is more I need to do now before I am able to join my soul family. LOVE & LIGHT & PRAYERS & SAFETY TO ALL!

  50. I wait every moment of every day. My body is so decrepit. I am only 42, but my body feels like it is 142. I spent 5-6 hours two days ago setting up my new bed, and I am still waiting to be able to think. My pain is so bad. My new bed feels like my 14 year old bed, but my dreams have changed away from "waking up" because of the new bed. I am so tired and weary. I am strength for the weak. I am strong because of my weakness as Sananda was. I allow people to treat me wrong because I have to. I have met my higher self. I am ready for my retreat. I cannot think because I am in so much pain. My spine is done. I can only wait. I will be healed. I will be able to carry on my mission. I am too weak to do anything but meditate to cover Mother Earth with our woven Flower Of Life Blanket. What we can do as only one person is so powerful, if we only know. I know the compression breakthrough is close. I know because I know the season, and I know to observe. All I can do is wait and cast my musical spell onto Mother Earth. I welcome everybody. I have no friends here. I cannot enjoy public conversations because of my particular stroke. I only have one sister who is family here. We are all ONE. I want to be your friend. Sincerely, Keith Varner / Mera

    1. Welcome to the club. I'm in the wrong gender body, thanks to the rat fuck sons of bitches Archons. I went bald at age 16, I been bullied and abused by nearly everyone on this rock.

      I plan to get the hell off this rock and to the stars, where the aliens can help me. It's about time we start getting some good stuff, for once, and not just bullshit.

    2. you have one friend.

      we are exactly the same in circumstances.

      I'll be the first to say hello when we've shifted.

  51. That was beautiful. Thank you Cobra.
    Love and Light to All!!!

  52. I too was moved to ask the question of when this will occur. I am frankly tired of hearing "that it will happen [Soon].

  53. I am crying like a baby. This triggered something on me Cobra.

  54. This video made us both cry ...
    Is it possible that it will be for soon ....
    Victory of the Light!
    Thank you dear Cobra!

  55. Often in my dream I look the night sky but looking better I discovery that they are not bright star but regular pattern. Looking still better I discovery they are land pattern and house with light turn on. Maybe now I have understand my dream...

  56. Cried like a baby, with Joy, for the memory of my Dear Family...I wanna go HOME ����

  57. Beautiful..Love this.. Thank u Cobra..

  58. NOOOOO !! i dont want to go there ,i want to go into the new earth.The new earth Dolores Canon was talking about.

    1. You can KEEP it. I want the stars.

      Also, Cannon said all these things will happen in her life time....she's DEAD. So, I really don't care what she has to say.

  59. Wonderful video Cobra and RM! So touching and moving~~ The Whales, Dolphins, and myself: we are ready to come home! Much Namaste, Love, Light, and Victory Of The Light!!🐬🐋👽🛸❤️

  60. Explain this:
    "Disneyland, CA--Disneyland has been an off hour site for Illuminati and satanic rituals for years. Programming has gone on using Disneyland as one big prop for programming. Many of the Disney movies are used for programming, and some Disney scripts are especially tailored for Monarch slave programming. " The Peter Pan programming can use the ship. The space programming can use the space props. "The satanic programming can use the castles. Lots of mirror programming is done at Disneyland, and Disneyworld. There is also Magic Mountain programming, and programming using the Around the World Dolls, and its theme song. Some of Wizard of Oz and the Cinderella programming was also done at Disneyland using costumes. Preverbal children are taken to Disneyland to get them ready for the scripts."

    This was from your last update (in the links). So wtf is going on Cobra? This video was ridiculous programming. I mean it's imaginative but purely fantasy and mind control. I don't expect any kind of answer on this but more of the same : shoving it in our faces with cartoons and cgi programming.

    1. I think you are right. Before I watched this video, I would have never wanted to be bald and own a dog. Now I'm thinking it's a good idea...Ahhhhhhh! I've been brainwashed!

    2. Explain this:
      - Little Mermaid - she signs the contract with the devil in blood and agrees to lose her soul if she does not win the bet
      - 9 year old Moanna escapes with a tatooed demi-god "to save the world"
      - "Coco" poster full of skulls … etc etc etc every cartoon has their agenda

      In short:

  61. Tears came when I read this update. Yes those of us who awoke early cant live in this 3D artificial matrix without anxiety as we know it is all fake and we are slaves. Watching people are events like a car show last nite it always make me think, how many are awake? How many know.this is all b.s.? How many know we have been genetically altered 2 strands from 12 to keep us low vibration. "Home Sweet Home"

    1. We need direct ET contact, and we need it YESTERDAY!

      I'm fed up being a genetically wounded/genetically raped monkey.

  62. When?

    And does this apply to all of us?

    And will I finally get this Archon given body a needed change/fixing?

    Do I have to DIE in this body to get it?

    If so, WHY?!

    I gots my questions.

    Send a ship to pick me up, I am DONE with this rotten planet, and have been for many years.

    The real me, in regards to Planet Alcatraz, and this Archon provided male body:

    How I shall look and feel, upon contact and getting the Archon provided fuck ups excised:

    Don't leave us to die here, ET's......we've done our parts....and, to me, death is NOT a reward.

  63. This is amazing to watch and think about! I am grateful and thrilled with this expected and beautiful message! Thank you!

  64. This is amazing and incredible to watch and see! I am thrilled with the beautiful and expectede message! Thank you so much!

  65. What does this mean? What is different now?

  66. This Jupiter is kinda in peace with cleaning toilets and doing meditation here, but... the idea of going back home brings tears to my eyes. Let's finish this work nicely and go back… shall we? :)
    In physics, metastability is a stable state of a dynamical system other than the system's state of least energy.


  68. Its time to let me off the planet its been over 2 years and 2 days of getting fired on by the cabal military! I'm going to die unless you arrange transport by blue sphere IMMEDIATELY!!!

  69. I wish also for Gaia to ascend and all of us to ascend with her and have the choice to stay or travel or whatever our hearts desire. Abundance and freedom for ALL!


  70. It's Alright
    Baby's Coming Back


  71. Good question kenzo ... WHEN? I knew there was a reason why I wanted to learn to fly a flight simulator helicopter. I want to fly the real thing again!

  72. Es war so wunderschön das Video zu sehen! Ja die Sehnsucht nach Zuhause und zum zurückkehren ist groß. Ich hoffe es ist nicht mehr allzuweit weg und das wir uns bald Zuhause wiedersehen! Auf ein freudiges zusammen treffen! Dankeschön für das positive Video!


  73. 4... 3... 2... 1

    Coming Home

    Are you receiving?



  74. I'm repeating MySelf with this one, I know.

    "Stop the fighting,
    Let's Go Home.
    Let's Go
    Let's Go
    Let's GO HOME"

    All Together Now




    Find all your most important questions about the event, awakening, and ascension answered here. If it hasnt been answered, ask! Its coming!

    1. for me:

      Will I meet the aliens?

      Will I get feminized?

      Will I get a real life span, without aging?

      Will I finally travel the stars.

  76. its just mean to post this, there are people literlly living in Brazil right now and wanting this to end for real, stop taunting us if you know this is far far far far away for happening

    1. Maybe you should go back 7 years in this blog and see what some of us had to deal with. You get use to it.


  77. And only for the 9th time or so:

    Son, He said, "grab your things, I've come to take You Home."

    Take Me Home - Berlin, Drum Cam


  78. Cobra please and thank you for holding on with us... This is important...prayer meditation and rain dancing at 9 in the evening in your own time..

  79. Plese show us, not tell us. Just take the most awakaned people on board ships and then return them so we have some firsthand reports and renditions. No one will notice even if millions of people went missing for a day. Just like no one notices millions of children being kidnapped and sacrificed. If media won't talk about it, then no one will know except for our communities.

    1. Damn right. And I personally wanna stay on the ships and go to their homes. NO ONE is gonna miss ME, and I WON'T miss THEM.

  80. Dreamed this morning seeing my true self, the slim blonde girl I should have been born as, and she said "Approved". Wonder what it means?

  81. I want to go there 😭 back home

  82. I want to go there 😭 back home take me there

  83. Dimensions of Disclosure 2019:

    – 2030 likely time for solar flash.
    – In next 2.5 years, we will have our complete freedom and full disclosure of the cabal, secret space programs, technology.

    1. We can't wait ANOTHER 11 years.

      And how do you know it that will happen in 2 and a half years?

    2. Cobra has previously stated that the event must happen before 2025.

  84. Not all people who are on Earth now have origins from there. I know I have. But there are those who don't.

  85. to be fully honest the beauty and complexity of nature on planet earth is way more attractive than this artificial ambient even id inhabitated by great souls... Natural landscapes and wilderness, biodiversity on earth are much more rich and pleasing. This is just comfortable space ship... but not a home.

    1. It's a thousand times better than the home I currently have. I'll take it. I'm sure there's lost of biodiverse places you can park it.

  86. More lies and conspiracy:

    A couple notes
    – 2030 likely time for solar flash.
    – In next 2.5 years, we will have our complete freedom and full disclosure of the cabal, secret space programs, technology.

  87. Golden Disc

    About the Solar Disc Divine Light Blueprint Acitvations & Initiations

  88. This comment has been removed by the author.

  89. Ci incontriamo a mezza strada, che questo velo cada più presto, ✨♥️


  90. Optical Nano-antenna Controls Single Quantum Dot Emission

    1. Optical Antennas

    2. Resonant optical antennas

    3. Wireless Power Transmission of Solar Energy from Space

  91. Assim como eu, muitos querem voltar pra casa!
    Vídeo em portugues:

  92. all the comments here. And start the EVENT right now!! IM.. we ALL were..TOTALLY DONE!! Cabal is killig us ALL right now!!

    EVENT/BREAKTHROUGH right now!! No second more wait!

  93. As long as the job is finished..then Ill be happy to go back from whence I came.

  94. Dear Cobra,
    This loving post really "hit the spot" - i feel reinspired to carry on in our holding the light, and meditating the flower-of-life sphere for Gaia.
    Thank you for all you've done for us.

  95. Êita!!! Agora vai! Votoria da LUZ!🕊🌎💙🛸

  96. Be love, spread love, stay positive. Our day will come. Peace and love to everyone. Victory of the Light!

  97. it's long long night and day since then,
    we should living in peaceful life that we use to had long time ago

  98. You are right. I have had enough and I want to go home!

  99. "My name is Tyyler, I was part of a secret space spacial access program. Here is my message of disclosure.
    This is in no way a full complete picture a lot has been left out for specific security reasons."


    People are so indoctrinated by technology and giving their power away.

    Who wants to live on a technological ship, even if it has nature, forest lakes, etc? That’s what organic planets are for.

    And the design of the ships interiors from the smallest to the largest are awful, minus the natural stuff. BTW I was never traveling around in such a small ship. And my “loved ones” wouldn’t be trapped by living on that bigger ship or living in such things!

    Technology ALWAYS fall short of what natural organic spirit and consciousness creates. Our potential, if balanced, goes way beyond anything technology can create. In fact, technology poorly mimics our organic potential. Anything technology can do, we can do organically MUCH better! Technology is a counterfeit that has no spirit, love, life and light.

    The only good aspects of the video were the emotional components and how they tried to engender a feeling of longing for our higher states, home and loved ones.

    And WTH is up with the happy waving gray alien? Anyone who has direct experience with them OR does any serious research KNOWS that the grays are NOT good beings! And those that support this notion are very ignorant or HIGHLY SUSPECT!

    The video was VERY, VERY DISAPPOINTING in more ways than I was uplifting!

    This video was unexpected from Cobra and the level of hope he proliferates...

    1. @Light and Love

      SOME of us want to travel on a starship and see what's out there.

      And I NEED technology...the only way I can get this hideous male body transformed and become the WOMAN I should have been born as, no thanks to the Archons and the Lizards. Nature won't fix this, nor will nature give us REAL life spans, fix our raped DNA, nor grow the hair on my head that I lost at age 16.

      Not all of us wanna live like hippies or Tibetan monks, you know.

    2. I agree if it's meant for all. If it's meant for "those who feel guided" it's fine, ain't it?

    3. Well, Light and Love, I guess you're just such an "expert" on aliens and alien technology. Us mortals are lucky to have you here so you can tell us all about the advanced aliens without giving any evidence/proof.

    4. I think you missed the point and took this video far too literal. The message to me was simply saying we are almost there, almost ready to reunite with our families, this could be on our ships or planet or where ever it is you have come from, i felt it was a clear message that we will be welcomed back with open arms and back to each individuals comforts. Whether that is on the ships traveling the universe or on a planet, we all come from different backgrounds and have different likes and dislikes. Technology is not all bad my friend and also their are many different types of grey species and in fact the majority are loving and part of the galactic federation.

    5. I totally agree!!! To go from organic to mechanical seems backwards.

    6. This comment has been removed by the author.

    7. Your comment confuses me... where exactly do you think you live...?
      Let us focus on important: making ourselves masters and help this beautiful Gaia ascend… shall we? :o)

    8. Yes, I got some bad vibes about that too.

    9. A tecnologia existe. E está destinada a servir.
      Talvez você tenha se decepcionado devido a tantas coisas ruins a que fomos expostos por aqueles que monopolizaram a tecnologia em proveito de si mesmos, e contra a humanidade na Terra.
      Alegre. Você talvez só tenha mais uma opção de viagem e passeios. Não precisa viver nas estações espaciais se não quiser.

  101. Removal of the black stone will create the vacuum metastability event that will allow the penetration of bubble nucleation front across the Veil boundary towards the surface of the planet and will effectively trigger the Event. The Event is the moment of instating true quantum vacuum conditions inside the Veil and thus the removal of the part of the primary anomaly that is directly responsible for the existence of evil. The underlying force that was allowing the existence of the Cabal and suffering will cease to exist.

  102. Gaia is much more beautiful than the video, if the cabal was destroyed and peace prevails here, it's a beautiful place, I do not want to live on a ship .. But everyone has a free choice

  103. Daydreaming, desiring, waiting, hoping. Please guys dont be like that. It will disempower you

  104. Thank you. I hope to hug them soon. I'm also waiting for the promised tachion bath:)

  105. I want to live on the new earth Dolores Canon (and the bible)talked about,not on a spaceship.

  106. Aquamarine (Synthetic) Gemstone & Information | Gemopedia by JTV | Gemopedia

  107. Vibration of hope
    There are star seeds that are still in the vibration of hope. This vibration is far below the level, for example, of the physical Plejadians, who have a consciousness of the 5th to 6th dimension. Such high beings should not see any sense in working together with such a low vibration.

    The vibration of hope belongs to the astral plane. And in the 4th dimension there are still many sublevels above the vibration of hope.

    A star seed that is satisfied with the vibration of hope can easily be made a fool of by higher vibrating beings of the 4th dimension who do not belong to the light forces. Such beings are, for example, the invisibles who populate part of the mental plane.

  108. The real question would be why if our planet is the last under archon control, all positive and millennial Galactic civilizations, archangels, Faes, beings of the spheres and many others are so weak compared to a fallen sect of archons. The story of the Toplet Bombers is far too easy a being of divine power can the unarmed, I think that the Archons empire is still powerful and operational on other worlds and can be enjoyed by the help of other civilization and entity as powerful as those of light.

  109. Nice video Jonathan, cobra posting your video must feel good🤗


  110. 地表未覺醒民眾仍不斷地加強對星際種子的各種惡意攻擊 是該回家了

  111. TY Cobra, Light forces <3 Oh I do hope were coming home. It been too long and too painful. At the moment I feel mumb from the battle, and nagging doubt's and conflict that surround us all. Release the META Stability. So be it and so it is. Victory of the Light!

  112. Can't we make a home here?The only thing matter is perspective.

  113. You're in a parking lot and your car is parked in front of metal chain link fence. You're miserable and you want to go home. You try to start your car, but the battery's dead. There's no cell phone reception in the area.

    On the other side of the fence is a kind-hearted soul who sees your plight and wants to help get your car started. they're trying to run their jumper cables through the fence but they don't quite reach.

    You've got jumper cables too and you realize they're just long enough to reach through the fence and clip onto the ones being offered to you, then you can finally get your car started and go home!

    When you're about to do this, a third person runs up to you and says "You can't do that! it's a metal fence! If you stick those cables through there you could electrocute yourself or your car could explode! There's a Road Ranger Tow Truck that patrols this area. If you wait long enough, they might find you and get your car started!"

    The kind-hearted soul insists there's nothing to be afraid of, just carefully hand them the ends of your jumper cables and everything will be fine. You can go home now or wait for a truck that may never come.

    What do you do?

    I know this analogy isn't perfect but hopefully you can see where I'm going with it. :)

  114. Question, when the false vacuum ceases to exist,does it also mean the temporary collapse of our atmosphere, and therefore our oxygen level of approximately 20,9%? I heard this from a Friend..


  115. Also from Jonathan, and I really like this a lot.
    Actually I consider it to be quite brilliant.

    Time to Come Home II 432Hz


  116. WHOA! Holy fucking shit! I just started playing mass effect for the first time ever in recent days and thats exactly what is depicted as the "outside" habitat. Thats the citadel! I wont mention what is claimed in the game about who built it tho. Pretty sure that part is disinfo on the part of the cabal.

    I know we are like the asgardians. Like warrior police of the galaxy. We are the giants who came long before. The progenitors, or in the game "protheans".

    Is there not a home planet anymore? Somehow our technology preferable to a planet? Or was that destroyed in the war?

    So much to remember.

  117. Swaruu being privileged with a silver spoon

  118. Left behind part one
