Saturday, April 4, 2020

Ascension Timeline / End of Coronavirus meditation Final Update

Time is approaching our Ascension Timeline /end of Coronavirus meditation and the energies are rising as more and more people have made a decision to join us and we are gaining momentum. We have a real possibility of reaching the critical mass.

Next 12 hours will be decisive for how many people join us and how much impact our activation will have on the planetary situation. Therefore I would ask all of you to spread the news about this meditation far and wide. Youtube videos are the easiest way to make this viral and many short version promotional videos and longer guided meditation videos have been created in over 40 languages:

The main page with instructions for the activation is here:

In an amazing display of unity, many people are supporting our activation.

Drunvalo Melchizedek, Deva Premal and many more here:


Nassim Haramein here:

Christina von Dreien here:

Sheldan Nidle here:

Benjamin Fulford here:

Alfred Labremont Webre here:

Stillness in the Storm here:

Kauilapele here:

Prepare for Change here:

And many others.

It is interesting to note that in an amazing synchronicity, the Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi, has called for a mass meditation against the coronavirus for Sunday, April 5th at 9 pm India Standard Time (IST). This equals 3:30 pm GMT, which is a little bit more than 12 hours after our main meditation, and you can join if you fell so guided.

Also, 30 minutes before our main meditation, Mayan elders will be conducting a special sacred fire ceremony. You can join if you fell so guided as well:

Again, the exact time for our main Ascension Timeline / End of Coronavirus meditation is here:

This is going to be huge...

Let's do it!

Victory of the Light!


  1. Victory of the Light! We will exceed the critical mass in participating this meditation! We will be victorious and be free finally!

    1. This is my first mass meditation experience! Is there an online guided meditation video we all watch? Or do we just meditate independently?

    2. There are some links for the video to follow but look under instructions as you do this meditation at the specific time for your city that is also listed.

  2. I`ve been sharing this meditation like crazy!!Thank you all who are responding! Love ya all! I feel that we have already got the critical mass!! I`m feeling that there will be some 300 000 people participating!!

    1. Same here. This train is in full speed, ready to fly off the planet :))

    2. Yeah me too.. Let's do it! Share share share

  3. Yessssss let's go. We are going to show our light brothers that we can do this and much more than critical mass. 1 million of us attention we are coming !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 💪🏽

  4. 加油吧各位,光的胜利!

  5. cobra can you confirm the global unity meditation held by unify is the same as ascension timeline meditation?some people said it is not the same

  6. Wooo... now that is uniting.. let love soar!! Imagine if other nations do same... way to go India... let all be one accross the globe.

  7. I'm here and I'm totally ready!

    Let's do it!

    Victory of the Light!

  8. Thanks to all who have worked unstintingly to make this a success. It is a huge act of service.

  9. The countries of "Balkans"
    that once were glorious Ilyria
    the Sacred Land of the Light
    shared by humans and giants
    that lived together in prosperity
    we are not divided any more
    but stand united for the Victory of the Light!
    Yes, Cobra, let's do this

  10. Cobra, Hi, Greetings, I am wondering if you have been briefed on Asket 12 Special Forces final statement on the virus?

  11. Let give full energy at the end and share the meditation everywhere and send blogs and Youtube channels that have not yet shared it. It can be our most successful meditation!

  12. Sim com certeza. Juntos venceremos.

  13. Good luck to everyone participating. Victory Be Yours.

  14. Love to You Cobra and the Light Forces ❤️🙏 Now is Our Moment, Now We make the difference and turn this World towards the Light forever more.... The Light is Victorious!

  15. Thanks for the update!
    Translated to spanish
    Traducido al castellano

    Here we have a spanish guided live meditation
    Portal 04/04/2020: Convocatoria Meditación Global para la Ascensión Planetaria EN VIVO/LIVE

  16. We have been working for a month to spread the meditation...And will continue to do so... And every time, We Will Be Here...
    A huge hug to every lightworker and lightwarrior for being here, now, togehter ♥♥♥ The Light Will Win!

  17. The universe is about to witness what humanity are truly made of.. good luck everyone

  18. Yes! Victory of Lights! Peace and Good Health Everywhere! We will be Victorious together! Everyone's Positive Vibes will surely bring Peace! Everyone Stay Blessed!
    Sharad Sangeeta

  19. Confirmado COBRA !!! Vamos fazer a diferença, eu tenho certeza !!! ALF21>/< /\^*

  20. Its not going to be huge only. It is going to be EPIC.

    Many ufologists, spiritual pages even spanish and portugues, will do it.

    Thank you guys. We will overpass the critical mass!!!!! And show them our Unity in Intention

  21. Buenos días estoy lista para está meditación y la luz traerá la victoria.

  22. The site
    links to

  23. I've shared this meditation info with others! Let's do it!

  24. Replies
    1. Fijate aquí.

  25. Let's do this! Thank you Cobra! Thank you all! Be blessed!

  26. Für die deutschsprachigen: Bei uns in Bayern läuft jetzt jeden Tag die bayerische Landeshymne auf Antenne BAYERN.. 🎶 WANN? "PUNKT 17 UHR" #Q #WWG1WGA

    Welch historische Zeiten!😯

  27. I Am ready and being a part of the change we all want to see, Love and Gratitude to All may we all heal from within and shift HUmanity into higher consciousness and the best timeline possible. Peace, Love and Gratitude to All.

  28. I Am ready and being a part of the change we all want to see, Love and Gratitude to All may we all heal from within and shift HUmanity into higher consciousness and the best timeline possible. Peace, Love and Gratitude to All.

  29. We are making history. Victory of the light. Happy meditating to all. 💛💚🧡💙💜❤🖤🌎✌🌅⏳👍🛸🌞😍🙏🌠🧘‍♀️🧘‍♂️🌈

  30. Vamos...vamos..todos..victoria de la Luz

  31. Vamos.vamos.todos.victoria de la Luz

  32. Anrita Melchizedek is also very present with her meditation:
    The “444” Cosmic Stargate Alignment and Planetary Link-Up

  33. WOW Cobra! A huge thank you for this incredible last minute update! To quote gerSey's comment.....this Global Meditation will indeed be EPIC!!!

    I quite literally burst into joyful tears when I awoke this morning to this phenomenal news, especially the massive UNIFY Live Broadcast happening all day today and culminating at precisely 7:45 pm PDT with the Silent Global Meditation....not coincidental that it is the exact same time as our Mass Meditation....they CHOSE to synchronize with us which is HUGE!

    Our words have touched hearts, our vision has inspired souls around the globe and our persistence has paid off on a grand scale!!

    The first individuals I contacted several weeks ago were the top spiritual leaders starting with Deepak Chopra, Gregg Braden, Lynne McTaggert, Bruce Lipton and others who have global followings and are celebrated authors whose books were pivotal in helping me get to where I am now on my spiritual journey. I had even gotten responses from a handful of their directors and executive assistants that my messages had been forwarded directly to them.

    I then implicitly trusted that the Universe would somehow bring all of them together with us in our Global Meditation on 4-4 (and meditated on this outcome daily). I never would have imagined a Live Global Broadcast but then the Universe always exceeds our expectations! And Gregg Braden and Deepak Chopra are both featured speakers during the broadcast…amazing.

    I am just so humbled and overjoyed.....and almost just how wide and vast our reach has been in so short a time. Even Corey Goode took Cobra up on his public invitation! How cool is that.....

    I am absolutely certain that we will have at least ONE MILLION MEDITATORS joining together a few hours from now in a cosmic event that will Alter Our Destiny FOREVER and create a Future of Unimaginable Bliss! I also believe that we may far exceed that number and end up with 2-5 Million is certainly possible especially since the entire cosmos and the Light Forces are directly supporting us.

    We are about to Flood the Earth (and our Galaxy) with the Brightest Burst of Light ever projected from this plane....a Light so Bright that it will overpower the darkness and allow us to Quantum Leap to the 5D Earth Grid and permanently secure the Ascension Timeline!!

    Don't forget to visualize those matrix implants dissolving and being removed from every man woman and child on earth so we can accelerate the Event and our Freedom Celebrations!

    In a few short hours, we will breathe as ONE with the Entire Universe and birth our New 5D World. I can hardly contain the JOY and EXCITEMENT I feel in my heart at this moment!!! My love for humanity and all life is great and tonight I get to express that love in the grandest way possible.


    Victory Is Ours! Infinite Love,


    1. Many thanks to you and your voice for setting the 1 million goal!

    2. You are so welcome. I am just honored to be an active part of the Liberation of humanity!! There could be no grander mission at this time. The last few weeks are the happiest I have ever been at a soul level - to finally be engaging in work that is of cosmic importance.

      The One Million mark definitely set some fires ablaze round the world! It needed to be large enough to grab global attention.

      I feel as if the omnipotent Universe has been speaking through me and I am simply the chalice...the voice. But I will take credit for always reaching for the highest star and embracing the grandest vision. A visionary dancing with the luminaries. That is who I am. :-)

      To Infinity.....And....Beyond!

  34. Za slovenske bralce:

    Vabljeni v našo skupino Sestrstva Vrtnice in Podpore Dogodka na Facebooku:

    Thank you for the post Cobra.

    Victory of the Light!

  35. The world population is awakening!

    Victory of the Light!

  36. Thank you, Brianna

    These are very powerful, beautiful and moving words. I too am deeply touched by this absolutely incredible and amazing display of unity.

    Each and everyone of us should be proud of what we have accomplished and what we WILL accomplish today.

    For so long, we have been teetering on the edge. NO MORE! Enough is Enough, I say! Today, we make history and take the fate of our beautiful Mother Earth, Gaia, and all of her children back into our hands. No longer shall the dark continue to pester us, no longer shall we be forced to hurt one another in ceaseless wars, no longer shall we be forced to starve and suffer, no longer shall we ALLOW our children to be ABUSED!

    This all stops today, today we shall make history. Today, with our unified intent and the divine blessings of heaven we shall LIBERATE our world from the clutches of evil and take back control of our planet!

    Let's do this!!!

    Victory of the Light!!!

    In humble service, Love & Light,


  38. I'M SOOO READY!!!🦸‍♀️🧘‍♀️💟☯️

    Let's do this💜🌏🛸✨

    Victory of the Light!!!! 👽🛸✨🌟☄️

  39. I am on board to do this meditation also. Victory to the Light.

  40. I am very excited about this!!! I can’t wait! And I just saw on YouTube that David Wilcock is having new briefings and joining the mass meditation in a live stream starting at 7pm! ❤️❤️❤️

  41. I’am also ready for this global meditation from the Netherlands 04.45

  42. This comment has been removed by the author.

  43. Let's go for the 1 Million People who are awaken and aware Netherland at 04.45 o clock 5 April..2020

  44. Went to David Wilcock's youtube channel, and he has a live video coming up in a few hours titled:

    David Wilcock: New Briefings and Mass Meditation

    He's on board with the meditation!!!

    Victory of the Light!

    1. Never say never.....I expected many miracles would happen at the last moment. We're on a Hero's Journey and there are bound to be some "cliffhangers" towards the end.

    2. And many beings, who were seduced and captured by the dark forces, will find their ways back!!!.... As a draconian starseed, I am happy to see them returning to light!!!.... You too???

  45. Holaa me tiene muy conmocionada el video. Como puedo saber a que hora empezar si soy de Costa Rica

    1. 8:45 PM para usted

    2. Y tambien aqui tienes la meditación guiada en audio

  46. David Wilcock will join our meditation.

  47. Kazan Russia with you!)
    With 💘

    1. Краснодарский край приветствует))объединяемся)

  48. Lets be ALL TOGETHER in this moment. I will pray and send my LOVE AND LIGHT to everyone on this Planet.

  49. Wow! This is amazing! And I feel that there is a change and healing coming for weeks now. Didn't know how, Haha now I know! I'm joining you guys! I shared the YouTube video and I hope al lot of people are participate ������ let's heal the world! 4:45 am April 5th. Love Ellen, the Netherlands.

  50. Edge of Wonder is now on board too! ❤️

  51. Know yourself, know the universe, practice meditation (music video)

    Victory of the Light!

  52. We're going to do it ! I think so !
    Victory of the Light !

  53. .... also I'm very glad Wilcock & Goode finally got on board. After DW did a mass meditation in a livestream the other night I was hoping he would.
    This is great.

  54. Meditação Especial Névica para 04/04/2020 (Covid19)

    1. La hora de la meditación en Buenos Aires, por favor

  55. I am ready.

    Please also 'intend' for the safety of Dr. Drew Pinsky and his family, for their safety. His last YouTubeLive broadcast today looked and felt like a hostage situation. Drew has been telling us all along to not panic, this is only influenza. Sadly today he was scared for his life and my guts tell me he was forced to publicly apologize and change his stance while not looking like himself, very pale and very nervous. This is so serious that I feel he was probably at gunpoint.

    ~Thank you

  56. We are going to do this. Blessings to everyone

  57. I will be participating waited a long time for this!

  58. Yes this is the moment of truth for all human beings myself my partner and 8 year old daughter are participating in this epic event which will allow us all to be in a peaceful loving future ❤️❤️❤️

  59. We are definitely participating ❤️❤️❤️

  60. We are definitely participating ❤️❤️❤️

  61. A que hora es en Buenos Aires. Ruego envíen respuesta, me han dicho 22:45, es así?

  62. ECETI
    "Join the rest of the world April 4th 7:45pm PST in the Global Meditation"

  63. Thank you Cobra. I’m ready!

  64. SO EXCITED!!! <3 <3 <3 WE got this!

  65. All positive energies will shine there brightness turning dark to light...

  66. Let's do it - and I'm in.

  67. YES. YES. YES. Mass Meditation with Ben & Rob - Edge of Wonder [Begins 10:45pm EST]

  68. Deep Gratitude to Cobra for initiating this was phenomenal! Many Blessings


  69. David Wilcock: Join Us For the Mass 4/4 Meditation!

  70. When human consciousness becomes coherent, the behavior of random systems may change. Random number generators (RNGs) based on quantum tunneling produce completely unpredictable sequences of zeroes and ones. But when a great event synchronizes the feelings of millions of people, our network of RNGs becomes subtly structured. We calculate one in a trillion odds that the effect is due to chance. The evidence suggests an emerging noosphere or the unifying field of consciousness described by sages in all cultures.

  71. What a great time with you all, so much love ����❤️
    Let the peace and harmony manifest and be our reality now.
    Love and Light my friends

  72. For the here and now I can tell you to stand up in your own strength and your own love. Do not be insecure and feel that you know what to do. Take your own control back! As you go to sleep you will be healed as you wake up better. Stand in your own strength and let no one take that strength, selflove and self believe away from you ever! Stand up. You are protected too. Love, Ellen

  73. What a glorious event. I felt mankind unify to defeat evil and live in peace going forward. Namaste.

  74. I'm so proud of EVERYONE for coming together. I hope we did it!! VOTL!

  75. Glad to be with everyone. Even my dementia mom helped along.

  76. Thank you ... I had no idea this meditation was happening today but as it turned out I participated unknowingly, the universe has its way :) we are were we need to be when we need to be there .... do you have any idea how many joined in? It feels to me like it is still happening :) God bless you xx

  77. J'espère que la méditation aura porté ses fruits pour un gros changement à venir !

  78. Some people ,who were going to meditate, gave up this meditation today in Japan due to some negative information for this. However, I think it shows there are panic.
    I hope the excess critical mass.

  79. En español, y hemos alcanzado la victoria!

  80. Bravo Cobra, incredible job!!!!!!! we were so many!!! Congrat from Educatiooon 3000, we were connected all of us in FB all night... until we saw your countdown clock 00.00.00... gooooooooooooooooooooo ... we did the med... people were flying of joy!!!!! Victory of the Light!!!!!!!! We made it!!!!!!!!!!! Thank to you....

  81. Was a powerful experience. I started a few minutes before and then suddenly I felt like a whole bigger grid joined in. Very beautiful

  82. GRATIDÃO Cobra, foi incrível!!!!!!

  83. Global Meditation for Planetary Healing and Ascension, April 4th/5th, 2020
    April 5, 2020 by Steve Beckow 👍💖👏

  84. Not sure what I felt, but it was like mini surges of energy pulling my attention back. I tend to get off on mind tangents sometimes and there was definitely a sensation of energy from others. I appreciate this and hope there will be another mass meditation planned soon. I know this can work.

  85. Am participat la meditație am simțit lumina ...!!!

  86. I have received the calling to start "The Chintamani Group" last week. It has taken some time to plan and understand how to proceed from the idea stage to the manifestation stage but the instagram page was started today. The goal is to gather light workers for regular group meditations during astrological times of heightening energy. We will be following the same instructions COBRA posted on the April 4th mass global meditation to help anchor in the light and bring about the compression breakthrough (the event). If you have a Chintamani Stone, Vogel Crystal, or any special crystals/tools bring them out in full force for this work. If not that is totally okay your presence and the great soul that you are will help us move mountains. The first meditation will be tomorrow, April 29, at 8:21 pm when Pallas enters Aquarius.

    Please feel free to add your own special touch (ritual,ceremony,shamanic drumming, violet flame decrees, white magic, dance, toning, light language, kriya yoga etc) to the group meditation to boost the energy as high as possible, but during that cultivation/meditation time remember we have one intention, one focus, one goal and thats planetary liberation.

    If you so choose with the spoken word in a direct way you can create/visualize this pillar of light descended down from the absolute unified principe of existence down through highest dimension of light through Archangel Metatron's sacred cube. As it travels down Archangel Michael and El Morya transform and energizes this light into the purified force of Gods Will. It travels further down through the great domain of cosmic master Sanat Kumara as he fractalizes and distributes the Light of Gods Will into the full Rainbow Spectrum. Carrying immeasurable power and intensity the Light travels further down through the great temples and Chintamani stones of Sirius and then through our own Sun as it floods over the Earth in a great super wave transforming all in the Light right now and forever!

    " I AM connected fully and completely to the great Sanat Kumara! Blaze your healing rays through the great masters of the Blue Lodge of Sirius down to the central Chintamani stone of Earth! I command these energy to radiate out stabilizing and energizing the New Atlantis grid with full cosmic power! I AM, I AM, I AM The full power of Freedom's Love! Raising all earth to heaven above! Violet Fire now blazing bright! In living beauty is God's own Light! Which right now and forever
    Sets the world, myself, and all life Eternally free in Ascended Master Perfection.
    Almighty I AM! Almighty I AM! Almighty I AM!

    *Visualize from space every particle of Earth glowing with purple transformative fire, increase the intensity of this violet flame until it is blinding, and then, booom! A great explosive force of pure Light is all that can be perceived. Stay in this space as long as you wish as the light subsides, only gradually, you see a new planet earth radiating light far out into space, with a joy so palpable it touches your very core. Amen. *

    Instagram: TheChintamaniGroup

    This group has the full support of the Light Forces. Its intention, and motivations and of pure unconditional love. To bring about ascension of this universe and all beings form a fallen state of consciousness into Gods loving embrace. My goal is to transfer myself from Chicago to Sedona to make that the headquarters of the Chintamani Group for more ceremony, celebration, and anchoring of the light. Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
