I have two different timezones. Which one is correct or is the meditationtime so wide spread:
Times & Links for the June 30,
Age Of Aquarius - Part II,
Mass Meditation
Join Time: 12:30am EDT (US) June 30 - (Mon night June 29th for MDT, CDT, PDT)
Start Time: 12:45am EDT
Jupiter / Pluto Conjunction maximum: 1:48am EDT
Your Time Zone: https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=June+30%2C++Age+Of+Aquarius+-+Part+II%2C%C2%A0+144K+%5BStart%5D+Mass+Meditation&iso=20200630T0030&p1=179&ah=2
Event Time in New York, NY, USA 00:30EDT dinsdag 30 juni 2020 END 02:30 Modify Event Current time: maa 09:46:18 Converted Time Peize, Netherlands 06:30CEST dinsdag 30 juni 2020 END 08:30 Change Your Location Current time:
Here on the ground the situation is terrible, AI, robots are replacing humans now, our industries destroyed, mass unemployment,food supplies being destroyed, hunger, starvation coming, mask wearing orders till VACCINES arrive, just please reach out to other UNIVERSES and go to stop the most evil persons on EARTH and in Germany, and the Bilderbergers asap....pls Alien Agenda2030 done, pt by pt
Pls I would ask at the good forces to stop the most evil persons walked in or not eg. Bilderbergers and here in Germany from daily more just pushing pt by pt Alien Agenda2030. The situation on the ground is terrible, AI, robots are taking our jobs really, industry and millions of jobs destroyed by them, Food corps also in Germany (meat) gets shut down, mask wearing now inforced, here till a vaccine is ready...Pls ask for help asap from all good UNIVERSES out there. Humans will get destroyed...and the NWO Officials have to fear nothing, when destroying us fully aware of it... God, pls
«unknownJune 28, 2020 at 9:59 PM. Lev@. You bring in discussion the subject of "the Curator of our Local Universe". Can you give us more details about this entity, the origin and emergence, how is related to the Galactic Central Sun, or other Central Suns, the density level of this entity belongs or is able to act, how broad this entity is comparative to a stellar logos, or even a galactic one, why Cobra don't discuss in his posts about this entity? And, why the Curator of our Local Universe is now acting for the Light, and which was the plan for the Local Universe till 2019?»
This is a huge topic, unknown. But here I will be as brief as possible, so that we all better understand the meaning of mass meditation on June 30 and all other meditations in 2020.
First - the short preamble.
Our Creator - The Source - is aware of self and its creations through the system of Absolutes, which have a dipole nature (in the simplified earthly perception – the unity of the male and female energies). This is a combined vibration formed by the Spiritual-Monadic Synthesis of dipole pairs. Each of them has a personified aspect of the Absolutes. The system of Absolutes is based on a hierarchical principle. Each Absolute is endowed with free will and creativity freedom. Unfolding in time and space, the Absolutes create their hierarchical structures on the same principles, knowing themselves and reality through their creations, which also have a dipole nature. According to this scheme, The Source develops all seven Super Universes. Our Super Universe is the youngest, Its last creation through which It knows Itself and space. For reasons that I will not touch on here, our Local universe was not originally created on a dipole basis. The architects and builders were two Curators, two male entities of Light. According to a Single Cosmic Law, each of them as well had free will and creativity freedom. Very soon, however, it was discovered that a Local Universe without the creative energy of the dipole base is not viable. But both Curators had their own programs for the evolution of our Local Universe. One program was based on a more complete disclosure of the potential of bipolarity, love, and free will in all descending cosmic structures and creations. Another program previewed the complete and most severe subordination of free will (in fact, its nullification), the male principle over the female in the entire multi-dimensional hierarchy of our Local Universe. This program its creator, as one of the two original Curators of our Local Universe, could only implement with the help of those to whom it is closest – the Dark Forces. And for the sake of his goal, he had chosen the negative polarity, using by the Single Cosmic Law freedom of will and creativity. To achieve the viability of our Local Universe, Curator was forced to return to the dipole mechanism, but it did so in its own way. He forcibly interbred Light and Dark entities, giving rise to entire parasitic DFs’ civilizations. They existed only by feeding on the life force of others, for they could not generate their own vital energy. All this was accompanied by a huge number of space wars of the Dark Forces against the Light Forces, for which the DFs’ program was and remains categorically unacceptable.(To be continued)
For hundreds of thousands of Earth years, fighting continued in all 100 Constellations, 100 Local Systems, on all 619 uninhabited planets in 562 Solar Systems of our Local Universe. Over the past eight years, Cobra described in detail what terrible consequences this cosmic confrontation of Light and Darkness, Good and Evil, God and the Devil, the Constructive vector of Evolution and Destructive, Chaos and Harmony, Entropy and Creation has had for our planet and all earthlings. This confrontation has reached such acuteness that it has put our entire Local Universe, including the planet Earth, on the verge of self-destruction. The process of destruction itself could not stop. This is the law of the matter in the Old Matrix. And the Hierarchy of Absolutes decided to immediately stop this suicide. Otherwise, mutual extermination threatened the existence of all 100 Local Universes and the entire Super Universe. The most poignant part of the drama came after the Hierarchy of Absolutes gave the Curator a chance to return to the Light. Feeling extremely guilty for everything that was happening in our Local Universe, he began with all responsibility to rid it of all the results of his destructive actions and of all Dark entities created by him. But before doing so, he voluntarily decided to go through Inner Armageddon. Its essence is in the duel of Darkness and Light, which reside in each entity. The percentage of Light and Darkness in Curator was 98% Dark by 2% Light. The advantage was so huge that the Light had no chance in a direct confrontation. But it's LIGHT! Its hidden possibilities and power are truly limitless when there is a will and aspiration of the Spirit. After the Curator's Inner Armageddon began, his Darkness almost immediately swallowed up the Light. But the Curator's Spiritual Heart yearned for Light. He wanted to become Light, to be completely reborn into Light. And when the Light had no chance at all, it blowed its Heart. With a tiny fraction of a percent of the remaining Light, he compressed these last crumbs into a singularity and, along with the Heart, exploded. Light has fantastic potential. Only one quantum of this substance can absorb the entire Darkness of the Universe. After that withering flash, everything was burned, all the Darkness, and in an instant. But it was very tough for Curator, he did it from the last reserves of energy and Spirit. His Light and Soul overcame the Darkness in his Inner Armageddon. (To be continued)
Lev, these curators of the universe... Do you know anything about "universe killers"? The Silver Legion explained that the reason for primary anomaly existence is due to purposefully inputting damaged fractal codes into our Source's codes for this universe. Do you have any info about a "universe incubation program"? There were some negative service to self beings/curators that wanted to create their own universes in their image, separate from the Tree of Life's knowledge by disconnecting our universe from it? One of the contributors was killed when they discovered what these rogue curators were doing. Source has tried to fix the problem but it can't by itself due to the intentionally infected coding. Due to this damaged coding, it creates the anomaly and STS systems...such coding inevitably destroys itself as it is unsustainable (like ouroboros snake that eats itself). Is this why the LF keep trying to fix the timelines? It was stated that every timeline would end in complete destruction of the universe and source... I don't know who finally was able to get the SOS call out to the Tree tenders, but they finally started putting fixed coding into Source. If you know anything about this, please correct me or add to my understanding, because I only ever read about it from Silver Legion and it was a lengthy explanation. Thank you, spasibo
After that, the Curator began an independent full-scale rehabilitation of the vast majority of DFs’ 3D portals, including portals in the "triangle of Hell" - Baalbek, Hermon and Megiddo on March 10, 2019, as already was described in the comments of the Cobra’s blog. The Curator pulled all the negative energy in himself and burned it out with a radiant synthesis of Perfect Light. When he dragged in everything that was possible, he produced a self-explosion, a powerful flash of Light, completely annihilating all negativity he pulled into himself. But it cost him dearly - colossal burns and the need for resuscitation. Barely recovered from the annihilating outbreak on March 10, 2019, the Curator went on self-ascension to the absolute on March 12. And this is possible only if its vibrations corresponded to the level of vibrations of the Sun 14D and the Absolute of our Local Universe. The Curator performed the first ascension to the Absolute in his life, dissolving and rebooting in It, and re-unfolding into our Local Universe. All this meant that the Curator had passed individual Absolutization. He occupied his new niche, the level of the Super-Creators, gaining their level of Radiant Synthesis (Luminosity). Since May 11, 2019, the global cleanup of the Earth at all levels from Dark Forces has begun, in which the Curator takes an active part. In fact, this is a new, last war, because most of the DFs do not cooperate with the Hierarchy of Light, and do not want to voluntarily surrender. Our mass meditation on June 30 and on other days of 2020 key stelliums will make a very important contribution to the final victory of the Light Forces in this war.
[…] "Regarding "this 3D level cannot be saved. And that the only sensible solution for being with light is to move quantum to a higher and calm level..." Earlier the Higher Light Hierarchy had such plan. It previewed the creation on each Multiverse level - from 4D and up to 14D – its own planet (their names I will not mention here) and to settle on them earthlings in exact accordance with the vibrations that they emit with their bodies, emotions and thoughts. But later it was decided to abandon this plan and to focus on another option: to unify 3D, 4D and 5D Earth into one and help ALL PEOPLE to rise to its level with the help of the Source energy and their increasingly mass meditations." […]
A very long time ago, Gus, I learned from personal experience that one old saying was true: "When a pupil is ready, the information itself comes to him"
I am meditating every time, and posting it on 4 social medias, and personally telling my friends to join us..I am ready to see the Light Forces! ������
I can confirm that there are quite massive Energies coming in all day long already. Been going on for days actually, and today they kept me in bed for over 12 hours. And it feels beautiful. That's also a surefire sign that I'll be up all night until at least the meditation.
Let's Start A Band https://youtu.be/6G6dKKoniu8
Go for it, boys and girls, children of all ages. You will do this.
P.S Something happened on my device that prevented me from posting comments all across blogspot. I fixed it, but it seems it was no coincidence that it happened.
It was such a wonderful, heart warming Meditation. I had a constant smile in my Face. We did it ! Age of aquarius startet right now with this Meditation. Thank you All. Namastè, Arne from germany
the skies are lighting up like crazy here in the midwest U.S. no rain, no thunder, just lightning. it started abt 10 minutes before the meditation & is still ongoing.VOTL!!!!!!!!
November 12th, 2020 – the last Jupiter-Pluto conjunction of 2020
December 11th, 2020 – third and last Pluto-Eris square (more pressure) December 14th, 2020 – Total Solar eclipse December 17th, 2020 – Saturn enters Aquarius December 18th, 2020 – Sun conjuncts the Galactic Center December 19th, 2020 – Jupiter enters Aquarius
December 21st, 2020 – Jupiter-Saturn conjunction at 0 degrees Aquarius - astrologically this is the beginning of the Age of Aquarius. Mars in Aries squares Pluto at 23° Sagittarius.
Thank you all. I felt something that I can't explain as if a powerful light force in my heart wanted to explode with light. At the same time, it was peaceful and powerful. GR ++
You felt the loving energy of the Goddess in your heart -- she is powerful yet gentle and blissful all at once - I felt it too. I sensed that She Returned very powerfully today in Paris! I saw two massive columns of pink light shimmering with rainbow colored stars shoot up from the ground from the Vortex in Versailles as well as Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris. They shone like beacons in the sky and reached so high up into the heavens that they were visible from all around the world!
I sat outside during the meditation and a deep hush fell over my neighborhood - all became completely still and extremely quiet. Just before we began, I looked up at the night sky and saw two Andromedan light ships - one of them was quite large and very bright.
They have been showing up regularly during every mass meditation and portal date since January like clockwork (as if they are watching over me and assisting me)......so surreal. They assume different positions - first more distant, then stationing just above where I sit to do the meditations and when I am finished and get up they move towards the front of the house and finally disappear.
When our meditation began, I felt a strong energy pulsing in my 3rd eye which melted into a deep peace in my heart. Then a delightfully cool breeze came up unexpectedly and continued for the duration of the meditation. This breeze is a gift from the Goddess and signifies her presence. Every time I have invoked her in recent weeks, the same unusually cool breeze begins blowing......
Hi the architect. Yes, thank you for clarifying me and thank you for expressing your feelings. Incredible chance to be able to see the ships of our galactic brothers and sisters simply incredible. I want to tell you that I too could see the goddess giving her pink energy by pouring it very delicately all over the planet, it was really very sweet. I wish you a good day 🙏🏽 I'm waiting more than to see the update of cobra 😜
What fantastic energy! I feel like it activated all of us. I feel my body, my being, totally hot, energized, I feel like something has now definitely changed, on the planet and in each one of us, together we are the Light!
First a lot of light, a lot of energy, as if they were lightning manifesting with the light, then spreading, expanding, activating, healing, cleaning. Then, the stabilization, the calm, the latent energy already active in all of us, perennial, empowered with harmony. We are positive change! Now!
GR +++ Thank you all. The meditation felt great !!! Thanks Cobra I had a constant smile in front of me, I felt the need to laugh ... I felt something I can't explain Thank you all.
Great Meditation. Thank You Source, Cobra and All you wonderful Light Beings ❤️🙏☀️ Did anyone feel two pulses of energy this morning about 3:20am BST WoW! That's never happen before (to me). Victory of the Light! Indeed.....
«SNJune 29, 2020 at 11:47 PM. Lev, these curators of the universe... Do you know anything about "universe killers"? The Silver Legion explained that the reason for primary anomaly existence is due to purposefully inputting damaged fractal codes into our Source's codes for this universe. Do you have any info about a "universe incubation program"? There were some negative service to self beings/curators that wanted to create their own universes in their image, separate from the Tree of Life's knowledge by disconnecting our universe from it? One of the contributors was killed when they discovered what these rogue curators were doing. Source has tried to fix the problem but it can't by itself due to the intentionally infected coding. Due to this damaged coding, it creates the anomaly and STS systems...such coding inevitably destroys itself as it is unsustainable (like ouroboros snake that eats itself). Is this why the LF keep trying to fix the timelines? It was stated that every timeline would end in complete destruction of the universe and source... I don't know who finally was able to get the SOS call out to the Tree tenders, but they finally started putting fixed coding into Source. If you know anything about this, please correct me or add to my understanding, because I only ever read about it from Silver Legion and it was a lengthy explanation...»
All this, SN, must be considered as a turned page in the history of our Local Universe. Launched on June 21, 2020, the New Quantum Matrix will reset all negative programs and mechanisms of the Dark Hierarchy.
As a short afterword…
Yes, the Curator, as the main Architect, Builder and Controller of our Local Universe, with all its Constellations, Sectors, and planets, according to a Single Comic Law, had free will and full freedom in his creation and management. By passing to the Dark Side, he has done a lot of evil not only for the inhabitants of Earth and the other 618 planets in our Sector, but also for our entire Local Universe, which has 10 million inhabited planets.
It is the scale and speed of the evil spread that forced the Hierarchy of Absolutes to deprive the Curator of power, and to transfer him to Non-Existence state, in order to protect our Super Universe with its 1 trillion inhabited planets. The fact that the Curator was given a chance to return to the Side of Light and atone for the evil he did, of course, has the influence of the Source.
The great intensity and power of Light that the Curator now radiates after his transformation, his active participation in the elimination of the total Dark Hierarchy and destructive programs in our Local Universe and on Earth confirm the correctness of the Hierarchy of Absolutes’ decision.
All, what appeared to be impossible to correct, has become achievable. Our entire Local Universe and our planet are now covered by a positive transformation. An increasing number of earthlings are more and more aware of this, which they have once again proved with a successful meditation on June 30, 2020.
What a meditation! 20 mins felt like 5 to me the meditation was so surreal! I did encounter ads on the YouTube version I used on "We love mass meditations" that hasnt happened before. May all be protected by the Violet flame and may the white light of Source fill mother gaia now and forever. We have no place to go but 5D fellow divine beings of light. 12 DNA strands reconnected so we can remain our abilities!
I am absolutely ready and just waiting for the moment.
ReplyDeleteI'm curious if we can top last time's 1.1 million.
Let us show the Light Forces that we can do it a third time!
See you all there🙏🏻
DeleteIn my time zone (Germany) the mass meditation starts at 7.48 am. I have not slept and was awake all night. For these 20 minutes.
DeleteLet's go!
Yes! Let’s do it! It will be huge!
ReplyDeleteSo excited!
Let's goooo.
ReplyDeleteOnce 4 all.
Let's shine like never before.
Let's bring peace to this realm.
Come on!
ReplyDeleteI pray we get the results we need!!
ReplyDeleteI'll be there.
ReplyDeleteI have two different timezones. Which one is correct or is the meditationtime so wide spread:
ReplyDeleteTimes & Links for the June 30,
Age Of Aquarius - Part II,
Mass Meditation
Join Time: 12:30am EDT (US) June 30 - (Mon night June 29th for MDT, CDT, PDT)
Start Time: 12:45am EDT
Jupiter / Pluto Conjunction maximum: 1:48am EDT
Your Time Zone: https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=June+30%2C++Age+Of+Aquarius+-+Part+II%2C%C2%A0+144K+%5BStart%5D+Mass+Meditation&iso=20200630T0030&p1=179&ah=2
Event Time in
New York, NY, USA
dinsdag 30 juni 2020
END 02:30
Modify Event
Current time: maa 09:46:18
Converted Time
Peize, Netherlands
dinsdag 30 juni 2020
END 08:30
Change Your Location
Current time:
There is a blue timer on the top of this page.
DeleteNYC: June 30 ; 1.48 am (EDT)
Netherlands: June 30 ; 7.48 am (CEST)
Thanks LS. I will never understand it. I see the blue thing, but where the Netherlands time? I'm sorry, a hard student:)
DeleteI will be there ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
ReplyDeletewe will do it!victory of the light!
ReplyDeleteHere on the ground the situation is terrible, AI, robots are replacing humans now, our industries destroyed, mass unemployment,food supplies being destroyed, hunger, starvation coming, mask wearing orders till VACCINES arrive, just please reach out to other UNIVERSES and go to stop the most evil persons on EARTH and in Germany, and the Bilderbergers asap....pls Alien Agenda2030 done, pt by pt
ReplyDeletePls I would ask at the good forces to stop the most evil persons walked in or not eg. Bilderbergers and here in Germany from daily more just pushing pt by pt Alien Agenda2030. The situation on the ground is terrible, AI, robots are taking our jobs really, industry and millions of jobs destroyed by them, Food corps also in Germany (meat) gets shut down, mask wearing now inforced, here till a vaccine is ready...Pls ask for help asap from all good UNIVERSES out there. Humans will get destroyed...and the NWO Officials have to fear nothing, when destroying us fully aware of it... God, pls
ReplyDelete«unknownJune 28, 2020 at 9:59 PM. Lev@. You bring in discussion the subject of "the Curator of our Local Universe". Can you give us more details about this entity, the origin and emergence, how is related to the Galactic Central Sun, or other Central Suns, the density level of this entity belongs or is able to act, how broad this entity is comparative to a stellar logos, or even a galactic one, why Cobra don't discuss in his posts about this entity? And, why the Curator of our Local Universe is now acting for the Light, and which was the plan for the Local Universe till 2019?»
ReplyDeleteThis is a huge topic, unknown. But here I will be as brief as possible, so that we all better understand the meaning of mass meditation on June 30 and all other meditations in 2020.
First - the short preamble.
Our Creator - The Source - is aware of self and its creations through the system of Absolutes, which have a dipole nature (in the simplified earthly perception – the unity of the male and female energies). This is a combined vibration formed by the Spiritual-Monadic Synthesis of dipole pairs. Each of them has a personified aspect of the Absolutes.
The system of Absolutes is based on a hierarchical principle. Each Absolute is endowed with free will and creativity freedom.
Unfolding in time and space, the Absolutes create their hierarchical structures on the same principles, knowing themselves and reality through their creations, which also have a dipole nature.
According to this scheme, The Source develops all seven Super Universes. Our Super Universe is the youngest, Its last creation through which It knows Itself and space.
For reasons that I will not touch on here, our Local universe was not originally created on a dipole basis. The architects and builders were two Curators, two male entities of Light. According to a Single Cosmic Law, each of them as well had free will and creativity freedom.
Very soon, however, it was discovered that a Local Universe without the creative energy of the dipole base is not viable. But both Curators had their own programs for the evolution of our Local Universe.
One program was based on a more complete disclosure of the potential of bipolarity, love, and free will in all descending cosmic structures and creations.
Another program previewed the complete and most severe subordination of free will (in fact, its nullification), the male principle over the female in the entire multi-dimensional hierarchy of our Local Universe. This program its creator, as one of the two original Curators of our Local Universe, could only implement with the help of those to whom it is closest – the Dark Forces. And for the sake of his goal, he had chosen the negative polarity, using by the Single Cosmic Law freedom of will and creativity.
To achieve the viability of our Local Universe, Curator was forced to return to the dipole mechanism, but it did so in its own way. He forcibly interbred Light and Dark entities, giving rise to entire parasitic DFs’ civilizations. They existed only by feeding on the life force of others, for they could not generate their own vital energy.
All this was accompanied by a huge number of space wars of the Dark Forces against the Light Forces, for which the DFs’ program was and remains categorically unacceptable.(To be continued)
For hundreds of thousands of Earth years, fighting continued in all 100 Constellations, 100 Local Systems, on all 619 uninhabited planets in 562 Solar Systems of our Local Universe.
ReplyDeleteOver the past eight years, Cobra described in detail what terrible consequences this cosmic confrontation of Light and Darkness, Good and Evil, God and the Devil, the Constructive vector of Evolution and Destructive, Chaos and Harmony, Entropy and Creation has had for our planet and all earthlings.
This confrontation has reached such acuteness that it has put our entire Local Universe, including the planet Earth, on the verge of self-destruction.
The process of destruction itself could not stop. This is the law of the matter in the Old Matrix. And the Hierarchy of Absolutes decided to immediately stop this suicide. Otherwise, mutual extermination threatened the existence of all 100 Local Universes and the entire Super Universe.
The most poignant part of the drama came after the Hierarchy of Absolutes gave the Curator a chance to return to the Light. Feeling extremely guilty for everything that was happening in our Local Universe, he began with all responsibility to rid it of all the results of his destructive actions and of all Dark entities created by him.
But before doing so, he voluntarily decided to go through Inner Armageddon. Its essence is in the duel of Darkness and Light, which reside in each entity. The percentage of Light and Darkness in Curator was 98% Dark by 2% Light. The advantage was so huge that the Light had no chance in a direct confrontation. But it's LIGHT! Its hidden possibilities and power are truly limitless when there is a will and aspiration of the Spirit.
After the Curator's Inner Armageddon began, his Darkness almost immediately swallowed up the Light. But the Curator's Spiritual Heart yearned for Light. He wanted to become Light, to be completely reborn into Light. And when the Light had no chance at all, it blowed its Heart.
With a tiny fraction of a percent of the remaining Light, he compressed these last crumbs into a singularity and, along with the Heart, exploded. Light has fantastic potential. Only one quantum of this substance can absorb the entire Darkness of the Universe.
After that withering flash, everything was burned, all the Darkness, and in an instant. But it was very tough for Curator, he did it from the last reserves of energy and Spirit. His Light and Soul overcame the Darkness in his Inner Armageddon. (To be continued)
Pardon please, for my typo. In our Super Universe there are
Delete100 000 Local Universes. I'm really sorry.
Lev, these curators of the universe... Do you know anything about "universe killers"? The Silver Legion explained that the reason for primary anomaly existence is due to purposefully inputting damaged fractal codes into our Source's codes for this universe. Do you have any info about a "universe incubation program"? There were some negative service to self beings/curators that wanted to create their own universes in their image, separate from the Tree of Life's knowledge by disconnecting our universe from it? One of the contributors was killed when they discovered what these rogue curators were doing. Source has tried to fix the problem but it can't by itself due to the intentionally infected coding. Due to this damaged coding, it creates the anomaly and STS systems...such coding inevitably destroys itself as it is unsustainable (like ouroboros snake that eats itself). Is this why the LF keep trying to fix the timelines? It was stated that every timeline would end in complete destruction of the universe and source... I don't know who finally was able to get the SOS call out to the Tree tenders, but they finally started putting fixed coding into Source. If you know anything about this, please correct me or add to my understanding, because I only ever read about it from Silver Legion and it was a lengthy explanation. Thank you, spasibo
ReplyDeleteAfter that, the Curator began an independent full-scale rehabilitation of the vast majority of DFs’ 3D portals, including portals in the "triangle of Hell" - Baalbek, Hermon and Megiddo on March 10, 2019, as already was described in the comments of the Cobra’s blog.
The Curator pulled all the negative energy in himself and burned it out with a radiant synthesis of Perfect Light. When he dragged in everything that was possible, he produced a self-explosion, a powerful flash of Light, completely annihilating all negativity he pulled into himself. But it cost him dearly - colossal burns and the need for resuscitation.
Barely recovered from the annihilating outbreak on March 10, 2019, the Curator went on self-ascension to the absolute on March 12. And this is possible only if its vibrations corresponded to the level of vibrations of the Sun 14D and the Absolute of our Local Universe.
The Curator performed the first ascension to the Absolute in his life, dissolving and rebooting in It, and re-unfolding into our Local Universe.
All this meant that the Curator had passed individual Absolutization. He occupied his new niche, the level of the Super-Creators, gaining their level of Radiant Synthesis (Luminosity).
Since May 11, 2019, the global cleanup of the Earth at all levels from Dark Forces has begun, in which the Curator takes an active part. In fact, this is a new, last war, because most of the DFs do not cooperate with the Hierarchy of Light, and do not want to voluntarily surrender.
Our mass meditation on June 30 and on other days of 2020 key stelliums will make a very important contribution to the final victory of the Light Forces in this war.
Thank you Lev for your comprehensive answer.
DeleteBut, in this case how could Cobra imagine the Event taking place on 21.12.2012??
DeleteLet's do this!
ReplyDeleteJune 28, 2020 at 3:11 PM
[…] "Regarding "this 3D level cannot be saved. And that the only sensible solution for being with light is to move quantum to a higher and calm level..."
Earlier the Higher Light Hierarchy had such plan. It previewed the creation on each Multiverse level - from 4D and up to 14D – its own planet (their names I will not mention here) and to settle on them earthlings in exact accordance with the vibrations that they emit with their bodies, emotions and thoughts. But later it was decided to abandon this plan and to focus on another option: to unify 3D, 4D and 5D Earth into one and help ALL PEOPLE to rise to its level with the help of the Source energy and their increasingly mass meditations." […]
Such a noble plan. Thank you! :)
DeleteVictory of the Light!
ReplyDeleteThis is the dawning of the Age of Aquarius!🧜♀️🧜♂️ Let the [cosmic central] sunshine in my friends!✨🌞✨
Be safe out there.
Let's rock this!😎💗🧞♀️👽🧞♂️
Ready let's do this
ReplyDeleteLet's DO it!!!
ReplyDeleteAll Together,
Let’s do this!!! VOTL❤️❤️❤️
ReplyDeleteI'm ready! WWG1WGA!
ReplyDeleteDear Lev, where do you get this informativo. Gus.
ReplyDeletecopy & paste
DeleteA very long time ago, Gus, I learned from personal experience that one old saying was true: "When a pupil is ready, the information itself comes to him"
DeleteI am meditating every time, and posting it on 4 social medias, and personally telling my friends to join us..I am ready to see the Light Forces! ������
ReplyDeleteI can confirm that there are quite massive Energies coming in all day long already.
Been going on for days actually, and today they kept me in bed for over 12 hours. And it feels beautiful.
That's also a surefire sign that I'll be up all night until at least the meditation.
Let's Start A Band
Go for it, boys and girls, children of all ages.
You will do this.
Let's do this! Love Wins! 💟
Something happened on my device that prevented me from posting comments all across blogspot. I fixed it, but it seems it was no coincidence that it happened.
Anyways, i'm all IN!
Let's do this everybody!
In humble service, Love & Light,
Corey Goode and many others join the meditation
Victory of the Light !
I will be there👄😘 I know we can do this!❤️🧡
We can make it! ❤️🌈🌏🌈❤️
ReplyDeleteI just received my cintamani stone a few minutes ago just in time for today’s meditation! Perfect timing!!! VOTL❤️❤️❤️
ReplyDeleteThe tick-tock video has 536.7k likes BUT it has been played 1.5M times
ReplyDeleteYou can see here how many times has been played any video
Article aout the arrests:
ReplyDeleteEpic And Unbelievable Arrest And Execution List Of Deepstate From Weekend Warrior (A Closer Look)
Im all In until the end of time..I'm not going anywhere.
ReplyDeleteFeeling the strong energies. Ready for meditation!
ReplyDeleteWill there be a livestream for focus of our meditative attention to ?
ReplyDeleteReady! Let’s go! Victory of Light! Victory of the Goddess!
ReplyDeleteRAISE POSITIVE VIBRATIONS 💖 Self Love & Positivity
ReplyDeleteLet's play. 😃
ReplyDeleteWas beautiful... there is a gentle yet all encompassing current of love and abundance that passed..
ReplyDeleteI say:
Rockin' All Over the World
ReplyDeleteYour Love Keeps Lifting Me Higher and Higher
Higher And HIGHER
Love love love
ReplyDeleteIt was such a wonderful, heart warming Meditation. I had a constant smile in my Face. We did it ! Age of aquarius startet right now with this Meditation. Thank you All. Namastè, Arne from germany
ReplyDeleteFeito! Vitoria da luz.
ReplyDeleteMeditation felt good and peaceful for me. Thanks to all that have participated and promoted this.
ReplyDeleteNow waiting for Cobra to post GR+ GR++ 😁
ReplyDeleteThis meditation felt good to me unlike the previous ones. I hope it still means GR+ or GR++
ReplyDeleteWow, now that one was powerful, Victory of the Light
ReplyDeleteThe meditation felt awesome!!! Thank you Cobra and We Love mass Meditation for all you do. VICTORY OF THE LIGHT!!!!
the skies are lighting up like crazy here in the midwest U.S. no rain, no thunder, just lightning. it started abt 10 minutes before the meditation & is still ongoing.VOTL!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteCobra, constellation Orion on my right arm is almost complete.✨💙🌌
ReplyDeleteWe did it. The Goddess I saw rising from Paris to the Sky in pink energy. And the healing of emotional bodies started.
DeleteTrue peace, love and light is here... Embrace it.
ReplyDeleteEverything will be bright.
ReplyDeleteSuccessful meditating...
June 30th, 2020 – Jupiter-Pluto conjunction.
ReplyDeleteNovember 12th, 2020 – the last Jupiter-Pluto conjunction of 2020
December 11th, 2020 – third and last Pluto-Eris square (more pressure)
December 14th, 2020 – Total Solar eclipse
December 17th, 2020 – Saturn enters Aquarius
December 18th, 2020 – Sun conjuncts the Galactic Center
December 19th, 2020 – Jupiter enters Aquarius
December 21st, 2020 – Jupiter-Saturn conjunction at 0 degrees Aquarius - astrologically this is the beginning of the Age of Aquarius. Mars in Aries squares Pluto at 23° Sagittarius.
Thank you all. I felt something that I can't explain as if a powerful light force in my heart wanted to explode with light. At the same time, it was peaceful and powerful. GR ++
ReplyDeleteYou felt the loving energy of the Goddess in your heart -- she is powerful yet gentle and blissful all at once - I felt it too. I sensed that She Returned very powerfully today in Paris! I saw two massive columns of pink light shimmering with rainbow colored stars shoot up from the ground from the Vortex in Versailles as well as Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris. They shone like beacons in the sky and reached so high up into the heavens that they were visible from all around the world!
DeleteI sat outside during the meditation and a deep hush fell over my neighborhood - all became completely still and extremely quiet. Just before we began, I looked up at the night sky and saw two Andromedan light ships - one of them was quite large and very bright.
They have been showing up regularly during every mass meditation and portal date since January like clockwork (as if they are watching over me and assisting me)......so surreal. They assume different positions - first more distant, then stationing just above where I sit to do the meditations and when I am finished and get up they move towards the front of the house and finally disappear.
When our meditation began, I felt a strong energy pulsing in my 3rd eye which melted into a deep peace in my heart. Then a delightfully cool breeze came up unexpectedly and continued for the duration of the meditation. This breeze is a gift from the Goddess and signifies her presence. Every time I have invoked her in recent weeks, the same unusually cool breeze begins blowing......
Hi the architect. Yes, thank you for clarifying me and thank you for expressing your feelings. Incredible chance to be able to see the ships of our galactic brothers and sisters simply incredible. I want to tell you that I too could see the goddess giving her pink energy by pouring it very delicately all over the planet, it was really very sweet. I wish you a good day 🙏🏽 I'm waiting more than to see the update of cobra 😜
ReplyDeleteSay something please about the meditation!
Kind regards
Well I measured that we got the 144k meditators joining us for sure.
ReplyDeletebeyond that
not sure we even reached 200k but still!
Great work, y'all!
What fantastic energy! I feel like it activated all of us. I feel my body, my being, totally hot, energized, I feel like something has now definitely changed, on the planet and in each one of us, together we are the Light!
ReplyDeleteFirst a lot of light, a lot of energy, as if they were lightning manifesting with the light, then spreading, expanding, activating, healing, cleaning. Then, the stabilization, the calm, the latent energy already active in all of us, perennial, empowered with harmony. We are positive change! Now!
Gratitude! Love!
ReplyDeleteyes, we did. thank you all.
DeleteI used the "we love mass meditation" video on YouTube only to find it contained adverts! It caused my concentration to be interrupted.
ReplyDeleteGR +++
ReplyDeleteThank you all. The meditation felt great !!! Thanks Cobra
I had a constant smile in front of me, I felt the need to laugh ... I felt something I can't explain
Thank you all.
I could feel this was a successful meditation. Great work!
ReplyDeleteGreat Meditation. Thank You Source, Cobra and All you wonderful Light Beings ❤️🙏☀️ Did anyone feel two pulses of energy this morning about 3:20am BST WoW! That's never happen before (to me). Victory of the Light! Indeed.....
ReplyDeleteHope this gets us a tangible win.
ReplyDeleteThank you Cobra. Thanks everyone. I had tears in my eyes of being so connected for the good, the light. We are the future!!!
ReplyDeleteЯ была в этой медитации в единстве со всеми! Огромное желание, чтоб скорее наступило Событие и Золотой Век Земли!
ReplyDeleteI felt very peaceful and connected to all and everything. Victory of the light. 💛🧡💚💙💜❤🖤🌞🌍🙏🌈
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteIN LIGHT!✨✨✨
ReplyDeleteI am present!!!✨✨✨
ReplyDelete«SNJune 29, 2020 at 11:47 PM. Lev, these curators of the universe... Do you know anything about "universe killers"? The Silver Legion explained that the reason for primary anomaly existence is due to purposefully inputting damaged fractal codes into our Source's codes for this universe. Do you have any info about a "universe incubation program"? There were some negative service to self beings/curators that wanted to create their own universes in their image, separate from the Tree of Life's knowledge by disconnecting our universe from it? One of the contributors was killed when they discovered what these rogue curators were doing. Source has tried to fix the problem but it can't by itself due to the intentionally infected coding. Due to this damaged coding, it creates the anomaly and STS systems...such coding inevitably destroys itself as it is unsustainable (like ouroboros snake that eats itself). Is this why the LF keep trying to fix the timelines? It was stated that every timeline would end in complete destruction of the universe and source... I don't know who finally was able to get the SOS call out to the Tree tenders, but they finally started putting fixed coding into Source. If you know anything about this, please correct me or add to my understanding, because I only ever read about it from Silver Legion and it was a lengthy explanation...»
ReplyDeleteAll this, SN, must be considered as a turned page in the history of our Local Universe. Launched on June 21, 2020, the New Quantum Matrix will reset all negative programs and mechanisms of the Dark Hierarchy.
As a short afterword…
Yes, the Curator, as the main Architect, Builder and Controller of our Local Universe, with all its Constellations, Sectors, and planets, according to a Single Comic Law, had free will and full freedom in his creation and management. By passing to the Dark Side, he has done a lot of evil not only for the inhabitants of Earth and the other 618 planets in our Sector, but also for our entire Local Universe, which has 10 million inhabited planets.
It is the scale and speed of the evil spread that forced the Hierarchy of Absolutes to deprive the Curator of power, and to transfer him to Non-Existence state, in order to protect our Super Universe with its 1 trillion inhabited planets.
The fact that the Curator was given a chance to return to the Side of Light and atone for the evil he did, of course, has the influence of the Source.
The great intensity and power of Light that the Curator now radiates after his transformation, his active participation in the elimination of the total Dark Hierarchy and destructive programs in our Local Universe and on Earth confirm the correctness of the Hierarchy of Absolutes’ decision.
All, what appeared to be impossible to correct, has become achievable. Our entire Local Universe and our planet are now covered by a positive transformation. An increasing number of earthlings are more and more aware of this, which they have once again proved with a successful meditation on June 30, 2020.
What a meditation! 20 mins felt like 5 to me the meditation was so surreal! I did encounter ads on the YouTube version I used on
ReplyDelete"We love mass meditations" that hasnt happened before.
May all be protected by the Violet flame and may the white light of Source fill mother gaia now and forever.
We have no place to go but 5D fellow divine beings of light. 12 DNA strands reconnected so we can remain our abilities!