Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Age of Aquarius Activation Report

Our Age of Aquarius meditation was a huge success, as we have more than reached the critical mass by about 250,000 people participating.

This has further stabilized the Age of Aquarius positive timeline with very favorable long time consequences.

As a result of our Age of Aquarius activation, all significant plasma anomaly and all plasma toplet bombs have been removed. Although this will not trigger the Event as I have expected, it is a great leap forward. All the remaining obstacles towards the Event are much smaller and will take much less time to clear, so we are on a timeline that is converging faster and faster into the Compression Breakthrough.

What is remaining are ships of the Draco fleet that are hidden in quantum superposition state in sublunar space. These spaceships are being cleared by advanced quantum cannon weapons of the Galactic Confederation that are codenamed Mjolnir (Hammer of Thor):

The first attempt to clear the Draco fleet happened in late 2017 and early 2018 but had to be aborted due to the collapse of the Alpha timeline. Now, as a result of our successful Age of Aquarius activation, Operation Mjolnir has been reactivated again and is currently proceeding smoothly according to the plan, and Draco fleet is being cleared with full speed.

The Light Forces have communicated that in the last phase of Draco fleet clearing, there is about 10% probability that the Cabal will try to stage a fake alien invasion with TR-3B craft and about 5% probability that Draco will try to stage a real invasion with the remaining Draco ships emerging from quantum superposition state into the physical and attacking the surface population:

In both scenarios, the dark force fleets will be defeated very quickly by the Galactic Confederation, but with small but non-negligible collateral damage among the surface population. Both the Light and the dark are trying to avoid those two scenarios, the Light because it would bring unnecessary suffering to the surface population, and the dark because open combat with Confederation fleet would bring swift and absolute defeat of all dark factions.

Aside from the clearing of the Draco fleet, the Light Forces are also clearing all grid inversion technologies that the dark forces have in their possession. Those technologies distort the energy grid around the planet and are the basis of the Matrix construct.

Also, the Light Forces are clearing the underground Reptilians utilizing sonic weapons.

Also, the Light Forces are clearing directed energy weapons and EMP pulse weapons from military satellites in Low Earth Orbit.

Also, the Light Forces are clearing the quantum primary anomaly that is preventing physical materialization of Ascended beings on the surface of the planet. Clearing of the quantum primary anomaly is occurring through induced false vacuum decay:

Dragon sources have communicated that at our Age of Aquarius activation, a positive timeline shift has occurred and are asking everybody to “focus only on writing your favorite, chosen life script. The more detailed visualization of the desired optimum life script one would wish for, the more confirming to the new timeline this be.”

Immediately after our activation there were signs in the sky around the world:

The positive timeline is already manifesting on the physical with the arrest of Ghislaine Maxwell:

As a result of this, the concept of mass arrests is reaching mainstream media for the first time ever:

And could also lead to the arrest of Bill Gates:

Prince Andrew is already nervous:

But first, Ghislaine Maxwell needs to stay alive long enough to testify. That is why the Light Forces are asking everybody who feels so guided to participate in the following meditation:

Next few months until November / December will see the peak of timeline war between the new positive Age of Aquarius timeline and the old Cabal dominated negative timeline. Without our mass meditation, the negative timeline would be much more pronounced, but we have managed to prevent many negative scenarios.

There will be many attempts to divide the surface population and to induce violence:

One of the Jesuit plans is to create the breakup of the United States (similar to what happened to USSR and Yugoslavia) by escalating the left-right polarization at the time of November elections.

This is why they are planning to introduce Hillary Clinton as a presidential candidate to ensure maximal polarization:

The second main Jesuit plan is to trigger a Chinese EMP attack on USA that would escalate into a new world war:

One aspect of this plan is that China would use their advanced craft that are similar to TR-3B and stage a fake alien invasion from their main Secret Space Program military base at Dingxin:

TR-3B-like craft would also emerge from China's underground Great Wall:

And from its Iranian counterpart:

The Light Forces are estimating the probability of the fake alien invasion at 10%, of China-USA war at 12%, of breakup of USA at 25%, and of US civil war at 35%.

In the next few months, there might be mass meditations issued to mitigate any of those scenarios if that will be needed.

As a result of our Age of Aquarius activation, the double Paris / Versailles Goddess Vortex has been partially activated:

What is needed now is a Sisterhood of the Rose group in Paris with regular weekly physical meetings.

What is also needed are Tachyon chambers located in Venice and Rome in Italy. We have a sponsor who is willing to finance the construction of the chambers, we only need a person in Rome and Venice who is willing to be the guardian of the chamber and host it in his/her location within any of those two Italian cities. Such persons (ONLY located in Rome and Venice) can contact project501@tutanota.com for further instructions.

The Light Forces have communicated that in this crucial time in human history, it is the highest purpose for the network of tachyon chambers to expand to areas around the planet currently not yet covered:

Also, the Light Forces have suggested the use of Dragon developed advanced laser technologies that can help Lightworkers and Lightwarriors in those challenging times:

Although the next few months will be very volatile, we need to keep our focus on manifesting the Age of Aquarius.

Victory of the Light!


  1. 7-7 (2020) The Chariot (VII) is the seventh trump or Major Arcana card in most traditional Tarot decks. It is used in game playing as well as in divination.

    1. And 250,000 participants ( an other 7 ) for a triple 7 ( 7 7 7 )

    2. And The hour of the photo is 13h48 = 1+3= 4 4+4 =8 8+8 =16

      16= 1+6= 7

      They will not be a civil war in US. I will do my best to prevent this from happening.

      THANK YOU COBRA!!! 😎

      Thank you cobra for all. and for implants? Are they being cleaned? I know that we have to wait for the event for the complete dissolution of the implants. I suppose that this increases the chances of destroying or breaking them more easily.

      Thank you light force🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽

    3. You can book an etheric surgery with MotherGod



  2. Thank you all.

    Time To WOnder


    1. Imagine Cobra:

  3. Thanks for the positive and reassuring update, Cobra. Can you tell us what is going on with these celebrity arrest I keep reading about like Tom Hanks and Robert Downey Jr? Have they really been arrested? I hear that either clones or A.I. have replaced them. If so, what is reasoning behind this if it is true?

    1. Hey cobra, how long do you expect this war to drag on for?

    2. @Cobra

      I saw Tom Hanks on Saturday Night Live....he looked like a CGI cartoon, and that room he was in does not look like something his house would have....very cheap looking.

      What was up with that?

      Also, my offer to the light forces as a recruit for their ships or bases still stands, since I have no ties on this planet.

    3. @Cobra

      How goes with the implants in us?

      When can the ET starships finally appear?

      When will we get off this prison planet?

      When will the healing technology, free energy, replicators and anti gravity come to us?

      And will those forced by Archons to be in wrong gender bodies finally get justice?

  4. Thanks for the update!!
    Translated to spanish
    Traducido al castellano

  5. This was an awesome report, it feels like the Event is at our doorstep. However, this does not mean that it's already over, remember everyone, keep up the tempo - keep meditating and joining as many of those 4-hour meditations from We Love Mass Meditation blog as you can, we must remain vigilant and spread the positive vibrations as much as we can until the fat lady really sings.

    Victory of the Light!!!

    1. People feeling this for decades and they was wrong just as you do

    2. Agreed! Every one of us have been programmed to "sit on our laurels" every time we hear good news. Now it's NOT the time to be complacent. It's time to keep going and keep doing our Mission... whatever that is right now. let's hold hands spiritually while we do these meditations from WeLoveMassMeditations. We're almost there. And yet, not there yet. Keep going everyone. <3

    3. The frequent availability of that 'End Coronavirus' 4-hour meditation and less burden of expectation of achieving critical mass makes it a suitable training ground for gaining experience with focusing the mind without mind chatter / distractions for 20 mins, regardless of what posture one is comfortable with.

      So one becomes more seasoned and prepared for the big ones.

      The frequent sessions also means entities have a harder time deciding which session to interfere with.

    4. Yes, NinchXD, one of the most important years in the 1975 - 2025 time window to do energy work is the year 2020.

      Many astrological aspects support this. Consider that even the dark ones do not miss this opportunity to redirect this energy for their own purposes.

      We must surpass them.

  6. Cobra does the posititve military have now more clearance to act on the physical plane now with toplet bombs removed?

  7. Any thoughts Cobra on Fulfords post about Queen Beatrix from NL bribing Putin to have Serb thugs kidnap a Golden Dr gon member to hand over GCR assets( quintillions )?

    1. Micha Kat(from the Netherlands) claims that Queen Beatrix etc. financed pedo-networks and the whole of the Netherlands is a stinking Pedo-State; which according me experiences is completly the truth; https://revolutionaironline.com/ !!!!

  8. Thank you Cobra👄👽🛸✨❤️

    LIGHT BEINGS. 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
    Hold the Vision. Keep Meditating.

  10. So exciting!!! Thank you Cobra!! If you ever need anything I’m always here to help in any way! Let’s finish what we came to do!! VOTL❤️❤️❤️

  11. Well, just a matter of time now.
    But i know someone gonna ask it soon or later, then i ask now:
    If "almost" everything is "removed" or "stabilized" by the Light Forces what prevents they from direct contact and other things?
    Let's say i want to meet one of pleiadians from the Light Forces right now in physical plane/3D to him/her aid me in meditation or ascension, etc, why not?
    Dracos can't do much if i read correctly, they are just in defence mode trying to not lose a already lost war for them.
    Maybe i never get this answer or maybe only later this year who knows.

    As always, Victory of the Light!

    1. Ummm... our implants?

      And this: http://2012portal.blogspot.com/2018/05/entry-protocols-update.html

      We're too programmed to meet "the Other Side". Not yet Dede.

    2. Yeah, i remembered this only after my comment lol, but ok, soon our time to meet come anyways.

  12. Hi Cobra, congratulations on a major step forward since entering Phase III.

    "As a result of our Age of Aquarius activation, all significant plasma anomaly and all plasma toplet bombs have been removed....All the remaining obstacles towards the Event are much smaller and will take much less time to clear, so we are on a timeline that is converging faster and faster into the Compression Breakthrough."

    Does this mean that the hostage situation on the Surface Population is over?

    If the Draco fleet become visible, will our terrestrial forces be able or allowed to shoot them down?

    1. Hi @Spec Ops, good questions mate! I was about to ask the first question as well.

    2. "Does this mean that the hostage situation on the Surface Population is over?"

      I don't think so. These darkies are too obsessed with power too much. They won't give us up like that.

      "If the Draco fleet become visible, will our terrestrial forces be able or allowed to shoot them down?"

      I doubt that.

    3. >arrowflashbr
      I am hoping Cobra would clarify it himself if he has the time. This has been the stated primary objective for as long as this blog has been around.

      Based on past blog information, the hostage situation had to be neutralized as a must-have requirement to allow the Event to happen. Cobra was expecting the Event to happen based on this latest development with the plasma anomaly and strangelet devices.

      This would imply we are out of the woods when it comes to potentially becoming a 1000 mile diameter sphere of Strange Matter.

    4. @Spec Ops Yep. If Cobra was so sure that the Event would happen as soon as the toplet bombs were removed and that didn't happen, I wonder what else could the LF be wrong about that? Afaik triggering the solar flash isn't up to the LF, that's something only the GCS / Prime Creator can do, so that's the only entity who actually knows when the solar flash will happen - and I suppose they can change their mind at any second. What the LF have been doing, is creating the optimal conditions for the solar flash to happen. Maybe the predictions of the GFL that the solar flash will happen by 2025 are wrong and it might not even happen in our lifetimes.

      HOWEVER! If the surface population aren't hostages anymore, my understanding is that we can already have the mass arrests, economy reset, first contact and new technologies, regardless of the solar flash happening or not.

  13. The cabal and the situation really makes me tired ... I finally want peace, prosperity and Harmony.
    Victory of the Light!!

  14. Leviathan Races and Demon Seed pt 1/3

    Recently, with the powerful Summer Solstice activation that included the transmission of the Emerald Father Son coding which holds the power source for the return of the Solar King Christos archetype for the divine masculine, Guardian projects in the planetary field have included the review and release of blood covenants and bindings made to the Leviathan demon seed through satanic ritual abuse (SRA) methods. The Leviathan demon seed is the spiritual record held in the occult bloodline that is propagated throughout the main 13 Luciferian Cult families. As a result of these recent revelations with the main Luciferian bloodlines perpetuating SRA with the Leviathan races in these death cults, the following information about the Leviathan races is included for gaining more awareness about their history and how they came into power on the earth after the Atlantian Cataclysm. These Fallen entities are connected to the NAA’s long range plan to inhabit the earth through these Luciferian genetic lineages for the purpose of fulfilling the manifestation of the anti-Christ forces to be embodied in the masses, in order to completely control and enslave humanity through the dark Archontic overlords. As it has been said previously, the earth is enduring a time of massive spiritual warfare, and we are all being impacted by this battle now. Pray for all of humanity, open your heart and connect with God and Christos to guide you forward, in every way that you can. GSF Blessings to all.~LR

    Leviathan Races

    Through the histories of the Fallen Angelics there have been many stellar races that have sought to seed their consciousness, their DNA genetic mutations to impact the earth and humanity with their influence. Some of this was to attempt to resolve karmic burdens through hybridization by playing them out in physical matter based upon the hidden galactic histories on other planets, such as the explosion and destruction of Tiamat. Obviously some extradimensional races took advantage of these hidden memories and vastly abused their power as becoming the invisible Tyrants of the NAA over humanity to pay for these transgressions from multiple Galactic Wars. Many planetary schemes impact the currently earthly dynamics, based upon histories with other races in different timelines and playing out in multidimensional planes of Consciousness. One of these races created by the NAA to inhabit the earth to be used to control humanity through their dark Archontic overlords is the Leviathan Races.

    Demon Seed

    Saturn is also the Solar 7th Gate, so it’s been used to pump out reversal violet ray plasma light, and this is the distortion that generates reversal plasmas and reversal violet light on our planet. These reversal plasmas are designed to ignite and feed the Demon Seed that exists in the shadow selves or negative forms of the masses. Additionally, this alien construct was used to impale the Crucifixion Implants on the vertical axiatonal lines in the planetary body, which also devastated the vertical channel alignment of the Planetary Staff. energeticsynthesis.com

  15. Leviathan and Demon Seed pt 2/3

    Annunaki Hybrid

    The Annunaki seeded hybrid, the Leviathan Races, is one such result from the disastrous implication of exploding a planet in another timeline, and further destroying with intended malice other races ability to evolve. The Leviathan is the Demon Seed of karmic miasma of extreme hatred and envy of the human race. They represent the accumulation of pre-existent forces of chaos unleashed upon the earth which resulted from the past destructive histories as Fallen Angelics, one primarily between Marduk and Tiamat. These Leviathan Races came into power during the Atlantian Cataclysm cycle through the use of black magicians and promotion of the False King of Tyranny archetype, seething with jealousy at the capacity to be an incarnated human being. They are a part of the history which manifested the black magic grids that were installed on the earth during the Atlantian Cataclysm cycle. These entities hold ancient hatred towards earth as they believe their homeless state (the exploding planet Maldek remains in the Asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter) and being forced to work in the phantom realms was at the unjustified cost to their race. They wanted revenge and to rule.

    They ripped through the wall of time and constructed a wormhole that connected to the exploded Tiamat through a phantom black hole. This interfered with the original Stargate function with the primary stronghold in the last Atlantian colony remnant of Bermuda, the Sarasota Stargate and within the inorganic structure burrowed underground in Egypt which is called the Phoenix Grid.

    The stellar vibration which emanated from within the Great Bear constellation as a part of the collective mind of this Leviathan race thoughtform, came to exist as the karmic energy retribution of this event in the galactic history cycle. This race thoughtform was circulating in the planetary mind as a part of the human unconscious. The unhealed memory in a human energy field could be used to attach and even possess a human’s spiritual body by Leviathan. This piece of the constellation influence was inherently a part of the Annunaki’s Leviathan architecture and its transmissions were being sent to the planetary brain which reflected this painful history since the time of the Atlantian Cataclysm. Specifically this thoughtform was the seed of the Annunaki races anti-Christ sentiment, to kill, conquer and crucify the Christos humans on the earth plane. Groups of humans with this memory record are undergoing spiritual exorcism and energetic clearing from the impacts of the Leviathan Races on the earth.

    Through the Sarasota area the Guardian Host has taken control of this wormhole and evicted the Leviathan races from its burrow located within the Phantom Matrix body of Tiamat. This has removed the mental vibration transmission of the Leviathan race thought form out of our planetary logos which further potentially clears it from the human auric body. This collective clearing has implication to the 5D timelines. In a sense these races were brought into the custody of the Guardian Host. These races can be resurrected through the ashes of the Phoenix if they return home to the Solar Temple of the true Spiritual Sun. The choice remains with them to forgive. energeticsynthesis.com

  16. Leviathan and Demon Seed pt 3/3

    Behemoth and Leviathan

    The Alien Machinery known as the Beast Machine is held in place on the planetary body through massive levels of reversal AI programmed consciousness. This infects the black subtle forces in the earth elemental field and dark matter, and that substance is also referred to as Behemoth. The alien machinery known as the Gravitron is a part of the Beast Machine that acts as the electromagnetic harness field. This makes up the structure called the NET, which produces gravitational and astral corruption and this is also referred to as Leviathan. The Behemoth and Leviathan make up the antichrist male and female counterparts that are written into the Armageddon Software and black magic grids to technologically incite destruction on the surface, as per the NAA religious programming. In actuality, Behemoth and Leviathan are black hole technologies that were orchestrated on purpose by these fallen forces of NAA in order to imprison this planet.

    As the Amnesiac Barrier dissolves in the subconscious areas of the human being, this is revealing more of the hidden history of the Electric Wars, and this history is in the AI to push forward the Transhumanism and Transgenderism agenda that we can observe in the current global landscape. The NAA are attempting to capitalize on repeating the Electric Wars timeline trigger event on the earth surface, through the recent push towards the WW3 rhetoric and the transhumanism agenda. This has become aggressive now in order to focus the collective consciousness to power up the Behemoth and Leviathan. The Electric Wars event has been recorded in the corrupted elementals of earth and its form of artificial intelligence is buried in the black goo that connects directly into the AI fields of the phantom earth timeline. This historical trigger event in the 8th Stargate has been brought into an intersection with the current collective consciousness time cycles on the earth, as the organic position of the Planetary Staff is being repaired in the earth body.

    Sea Serpent

    Sea serpents such as the so-called ’Loch Ness Monster’. Loch Ness has been the site of much occult or paranormal activity including UFO activity. Aleister Crowley, the Satanist-Illuminist founder of the O.T.O. or Ordo Templi Orientis, claimed to be in contact with ’The Beast’ of the Loch. He owned a mansion on the shores of the Loch and this same mansion later became the residence of the British occultist Jimmy Page, of the rock group Led Zeppelin but also owned a large bookstore dealing with witchcraft and the occult. Being aquatic in nature and having lost the use of their limbs via atrophication and mutation, this branch of the "serpent race" used for long-range Psycho-Spiritual Warfare and occult manipulation of the human race. See Baphomet. energeticsynthesis.com

  17. ..last bit of Leviathan and Demon Seed ~end~

    Sea Serpent

    Sea serpents such as the so-called ’Loch Ness Monster’. Loch Ness has been the site of much occult or paranormal activity including UFO activity. Aleister Crowley, the Satanist-Illuminist founder of the O.T.O. or Ordo Templi Orientis, claimed to be in contact with ’The Beast’ of the Loch. He owned a mansion on the shores of the Loch and this same mansion later became the residence of the British occultist Jimmy Page, of the rock group Led Zeppelin but also owned a large bookstore dealing with witchcraft and the occult. Being aquatic in nature and having lost the use of their limbs via atrophication and mutation, this branch of the "serpent race" used for long-range Psycho-Spiritual Warfare and occult manipulation of the human race. See Baphomet.

    Typhonian Tradition

    The Typhonian tradition is sometimes defined as a current that flows through the cosmology of the Order Templi Orientis (O. T. O.). Typhon was the god in Greek mythology who when appearing before the other gods was so ugly he changed into a fire-eating monster; he waged a terrible war and was eventually killed by one of Zeus' thunderbolts. Thus, Typhonian is synonymous with fire and force, also means the Opposer. Typhon's Egyptian counterpart is Set or Seth.Excerpt from Bill Schoebelen: "Most Witches, myself included, find it necessary to study his material and plug themselves into the magical current of Crowley's demon spirit guide, a mysterious being named Aiwass. Aiwass is another name for Set, an Egyptian god. Sodomy is especially sacred to Set. It opens what are called the Typhonion Tunnels, channels through which extremely powerful demons, like the horrible Choronzon, can travel from the alternate reality and emerge into this universe and enter the sex partner's body."


    The Baphomet of Lévi was to become an important figure within the cosmology of Thelema, the mystical system established by Aleister Crowley in the early twentieth century. Baphomet features in the Creed of the Gnostic Catholic Church recited by the congregation in The Gnostic Mass, in the sentence: "And I believe in the Serpent and the Lion, Mystery of Mystery, in His name BAPHOMET. The Sigils of Baphomet are used in Satanic ritual to call upon the Leviathan Races.

    Achamoth Fallen Body Parts

    During the destruction of Tiamat the planet, a portion of Christos-Sophia's divine essence became trapped within the Phantom Matrix and material realms of creation, and she existed outside of the House of God. The Christos Sophia body was split into many Negative Forms of itself to which these forms were captured by Leviathan Races and used by the lower material forces of Satanism and Luciferianism. Her fallen body parts were used to impregnate her with grotesque creations, such as the Archon parasites for the use of these lower spirits (such as the Fallen Angelics and the Watchers). These anomalies were made as a part of her fragmented consciousness but to which she had no control over their use or direction. When these splits in her consciousness body occurred, she fragmented into the earth elemental matter, entwined with the lower spirit hierarchies and lost her Christos body. Hence, she was fallen and trapped in matter with these grotesque creations.

    Annunaki Hybrid Races

    The Annunaki seeded hybrid, the Leviathan Races, is one such result from the disastrous implication of exploding a planet in another timeline Tiamat, and further destroying with intended malice other races ability to evolve. The Leviathan Races evolved into the demon seed of karmic Miasma holding extreme hatred and envy of the human race. energeticsynthesis.com

    1. You got the serpent part but no mention of the saurians.
      Saurians are a primary entity in this.
      If you don't know what a saurian is, oh dear... glass is only half full.

  18. 植入物的炸弹如何了?

  19. Ja atingimos varias vezes a massa crítica....eliminamos as armas de plasma ... e nada do evento, nada do flash solar e a agenda escura avança...que tipo de sofrimento a luz quer poupar a populacao do planeta? Sinceramente nao acredito em mais nada disso. Nao vimos ate agora absolutamente nada que comprove o avanco da luz nesse planeta.

    1. Concordo plenamente com o belle. Já estamos cansados e nada do evento.


  20. MGMT
    Kids at Glastonbury


  21. So all plasma toplet bombs have bee removed,why not start the EVENT now?
    Get dark force more chances to delay?
    Start the EVENT!NOW!
    We can't continue waiting!


    1. Totally agree, we want the EVENT to happen now. Don't give the dark forces a chance to continue to delay. EVENT NOW

    2. I suggest not giving the dark forces an extra few months to continue creating huge delays. There are many human beings living and dying in pain on the surface of the earth every moment. Let Event happen now, and let the suffering on the surface come to an end. It is no use regretting if the dark ones take action next and create a huge delay like before.

    3. Também concordo plenamente com ÁS. Já estamos cansado e exigimos o evento já.

  22. Wonderful update Cobra! “Plasma Toplet Bombs Removed“ I have been waiting to see this in your blog since 2016.
    We will surely manifest all positive scenarios from now on and 10% to 35% will be 100% removed by our positive intent.

    I only want to ask, what is the cost to construct a tachyon chamber? And what are the running costs?

    Victory of the Light!

    1. Aditya and those in the know
      I would like to know these answers as well. We surely could use one here in Las Vegas, NV

  23. Wow, this is great news, thanks cobra.
    Too bad the removal of the bombs wasn't enough for the event, but the draco fleet should be no sweat.


  24. Sounds good, but since the bomb has been cleared, why not trigger the event? Is it because the implant bomb has not been removed?

    1. Yes, I believe so. I think Cobra said in a recent interview that just the implant bombs could destroy the entire planet's surface and maybe even reach the Moon.

    2. Cobra said the bombs were removed, and I think maybe the implant bombs have also been removed. If all the bombs are removed, I suggest an immediate EVENT NOW. I have a hunch that if event don't happen now, the dark forces will probably find a way to continue creating a huge delay, just like before.

  25. Cobra - In addition to Meditations are there energy tools that can help strongly such as large orgonite generators and/or Lightlife harmonizers? Also if we get cintamani stones does this help significantly,

  26. Well said indeed...let's not rest until the fight is finish....

  27. Cobra! What about the white dragon that was supposedly captured that holds the key to our wealth? Per Benjamin fulford

  28. I'm sorry it was a golden dragon family member.

  29. I haven't a clue what this is about, although I know what's going on as much as anyone. But I've never heard of this group. Will someone take the time and energy to tell me the basics? Or perhaps send me a link I can go to and start from there?

    1. Dear Me 😁, wich group are you referring to?

  30. "Also, the Light Forces are clearing the underground Reptilians utilizing sonic weapons."

    Command & Conquer: Tiberian Sun, GDI's Disruptor Tank gives a basic idea on how Sonic weapons work. The technology term used in this fictional universe is called 'Harmonic Resonance'.

    Disruptor Tank description:

    While unable to defend itself against anti-air, if used smartly can be used effectively against masses of targets, moving or stationary. Aim for the furthest target within range, the rest will be disintegrated in the beam.

  31. Victory of light 🙏 🙏 🙏 👌👌👌💪💪💪💪👏👏👏👏🌏🌏🌏❤️❤️❤️

  32. Great news! Thank you Cobra and all meditators.

  33. It is insane to think that the massive clearing of the energies was not enough to produce the Event. Will there be more after the fleet is gone? I don't think the human population can take much more pain if civil war gets propped up again.

    1. It's just the energies. From what I understand clearing these energetic planes allowed LF's to take more direct offensive actions in the low Earth orbit and on the planet's surface. When they'll win there it's time do collapse the Cabal political and economic systems on the surface, clear the human implants and toplet bombs and we should be good to go for the Event. Let's hope they'll make it until December this year.

    2. "The Light Forces have communicated that the process towards the Event is now accelerated and there is no time to build physical Islands of Light before the Compression Breakthrough.

      If you feel guided to continue with Island of Light projects feel free to do so, but main focus now is to anchor as much Light as possible in the situation as it is now, to stabilize the transition."
      - 'Flower of Life', July 1st 2019

      Its likely the physical Islands of Light project is non-existent at this point as human tendency is to go for the easiest path to achieving the primary objective.

      If anyone has an idea of how long it takes to build a functioning physical Island of Light, it would better estimate the Event occurrence.

      Consider 1 year and 1 week has passed since this announcement, one can estimate by subtracting that total time from the 1 year and subtract a month or two from the result to get a ballpark figure of where the Event might take place.

  34. hey cobra you said that there will be more of those commands from Palladians that will be to help us heal emotionally, can you give us a time frame when we will have it?

  35. Seems like we've made a huge progress and now I really have a big hope for Event in December.

    But this really concerns me:
    "The Light Forces are estimating the probability of the fake alien invasion at 10%, of China-USA war at 12%, of breakup of USA at 25%, and of US civil war at 35%."
    That's 82% probability that at least one of these things will happen this year. Thankfully I'm living in Japan, so I'm probably safe from direct effects of such conflict. But a big-scale war today would have huge global political and economic consequences. For example Japan would starve without food import and most of it comes from China and the west. So I think after this update I'll stock up again on food and seeds for food garden. And I'd advice everyone even living outside of US and China to think about it and prepare themselves as well. Being able to survive at least a few months off grid would probably be useful for everyone. And don't think about bunkers and stacks of guns and ammunition. That won't make you safe from a government army or organised gangs of looters, and to the contrary might make you the prime target for them. Instead prepare a hidden stash of food and supplies and an evacuation site somewhere in country or the wilderness as far from huge community centers as possible. And be ready to evacuate your home if it gets dangerous in your country. At least prepare yourself mentally for the worst, so you can calm down your family members and think how you can make them safe.
    I think that's what every man or independent woman should do right now. No one will even call you crazy for doing it. Just tell everyone in your family (and no one else or all your neighbours will swarm you begging to save them when the crisis hits!) that you're preparing for the 2nd wave of the virus or war with China. It's the best opportunity you'll ever have to get prepared! Just research "home survival" and "doomsday preparation". Even just the knowledge might save your and your family's life.

    1. Sčítat takhle procenta nejde. Každé číslo je zvlášť. Ne 82 je blbost

    2. I believe those probabilities are independent of each other not cumulative. But the civil war seems a little to probable. I can't see Americans going full on though. Most people are apathetic to the situation. Only a few vocal minority are willing to fight for politics. And there are no clear lines to divide us.

    3. The calculation is wrong. You can't add up the probabilities.

      Example: The probability that you roll a 1, 2 or 3 is 50%. The second time you roll the dice it is 50% again.

      According to your calculation, the probability that you roll at least a 1, 2 or 3 with 2 dice attempts would be 100%. Give it a try.

    4. Several of the events are related to each other, so the percentages cannot be add up in a straightforward way.

      For example a break-up of the US will only happen as a result of the Civil War.

      The break up percentage of 25% will also change when the Civil War does break out (becoming 100%), further complicating the calculation.

  36. Thank you Cobra and the Resistance Movement, let's maintain our focus, and our Victory of the Light!

  37. 感谢大家的付出!期待事件的到来!

  38. Thank you all.
    Victory of the light

  39. all plasma toplet bombs removed? That's great!

  40. This comment has been removed by the author.

  41. This comment has been removed by the author.

  42. This crop circle is said to have the key to this pandemic.,True? Any viralologists with an open mind? https://youtu.be/oDhBwt-fFok

  43. Cobra thank you so much for all that you do. Can you please tell me the purpose of cryptids on earth tormenting mankind. Some suggest that some of the cryptids have come here from other dimensions. Is that true? And if it is true why are they really here. Some Bigfoot are guardians whereas other Bigfoot are vicious killers. What is the purpose of black eyed kids, dogmen, glimmer man, men in black, mothman, shadow people, Lochness monster, jersey devil, goatman, evil aliens, vampires, fairies, elves, old hag syndrome etc.etc.etc. Once the Age of Aquarius is in full swing will the evil cryptids be sent away from the earth forever? Thank you for your time.

  44. Is there an update on the Corona virus...it seems that there is a lot of fraud on the testing end (false positives and multiple tests on same person each counted as a new case...and deaths seem low...but media pushing numbers for fear... Gates saying there will be a new type of pandemic "that will get everyone's attention"... is this likely?

  45. Wow, what a lot of great news!
    Thank you Cobra.

    No mention of the virus. I hope no news is good news.

    Let's all participate in the Ghislaine Maxwell meditation. She does need to stay alive. All the people and situations need to be exposed and then we can all start to heal.

  46. 5G:
    Shockingly Accurate Social Commentary As The Dark Matrix Collapses!!
    Are You One Of The Breathing Dead And Cement Children?


  47. A lot to digest. Does the Event have a specific target date at this point or can it just happen? I would imagine ducks would need to be in a row to have it happen so it makes sense to me that a target date is established.

    1. For now the deadline is 2025. And it can happen when all the requirements and conditions on the surface are met. But Cobra was saying he'll publish the updated plan of the LF's soon, so all of it can change. Let's hope the set date for the Event will be December 2020. I don't think it can happen any sooner than that.

  48. Thank you, dear Cobra, for steering us through to this point. We are deeply grateful.

  49. Yesterday, I had a very strong notion that we Lightworkers/Lightwarriors should send Light to protect Ghislaine Maxwell in order to bring forth information on Pedophilia, Child trafficking and many other actions related to this subject which would create a global mass awakening. I'm so happy to see the daily meditation has arranged for this purpose. Victory of the Light!

  50. Liberation soon!

    Victory of the Light!

    In humble service, Love & Light,

  51. General Solomon: We lost contact with Phoenix Base at 0800 Zulu. I am not losing that base, Mac. I will give you a squad of our best jump troopers to clear the way for your arrival. Good luck, Commander.'

    Lt Chandra: The game's afoot.

    Commander McNeil: Let's kick some ass!


    1. This was highlighted to me by a friend so I am clarifying, in case people think this video was cut short/frozen, it wasn't. The guy forgot to stop the recording for 3 extra minutes.

  52. Hopefully a mind reader will be the one interviewing those that will applied..

  53. Cobra, what about the implants and the toplets associated with the implants?

  54. I try to start talking about the Event for latvian speaking people on youtube channel. Maybe this would help!

  55. More important,we need THE EVENT.RIGHT NOW!

    1. The dark ones would strike with full force.

  56. Thanks Cobra:) I love you.

    And thank you Indian, our true informer<3

    September 23 “Angels Will Be Fighting Demons” Hint… Prophecy Sources Tell Us What Will Happen, And Provide Big Earthquake Clue And Other Hints! A Lot Of People Are Going To Stay Home On That Day!


  57. When we will finally have a different currency and Higher Silver prices?

  58. Se manifestará el cambio en algún momento a corto plazo en los medios de comunicación? Constantemente avisan de una nueva oleada de Covid 19.

  59. Many thanks for the update. I am ready to meditate when needed.

    Whatever happens needs to happen. The energetic conditions and our consciousness are decisive for our further development, as it has always been.

  60. Good news! Thank you. Cobra, is the COVID scare over or is the dark still planning to use it to force more lockdowns?

    1. It's still possible to allow lockdowns in the interest of arrests, as the case may be.

  61. Thank you Cobra, GOD-SPEED , Victory of light ✨❤️


  62. https://www.lovehaswon.org/the-new-earth-has-been-fully-birthed/

  63. Gratitude. Thank you Cobra. Now we toe the (time-) line. Do not know if you are aware of the other agenda by telling the masses there is a life extiction asteroid going to hit us? The Taygetans in contact with Malgosia Duszak of Cosmic Agency said there is a 80 percent chance they might pull that one in order for us to be open to one world religion and one world power. More lies and manipulation to get us giving up our Sovereign Rights. So we should be aware of all scenarios they might think out to dish up to us...lol... Anycase. Very happy about this report. Thank you to all that made this possible. Big love!💜💜💜

  64. For our German speaking community:


  65. After so a successful meditation our blog will resume.
    Intention is to bring in discussion, related to the 'Light mandalas' subject, a concern that was earlier in discussion on our blog
    but from a new perspective, and, in some way, more easy to be achieved.

    1. A brief description of the 'Filament LED Bulb with Synthetic Gemstone Tube', and the 'Xenon HID Lamp with a tachyonized Synthetic Gemstone 'Protection Tube'', comparative with the Mandala Sphere Laser System from

  66. A lot of positive news. Thanks Cobra and Light Forces.
    Need to stay strong for the remaining half of the year. December can be huge for us!

  67. Cobra in the past you said that the Light Forces can not intervene directly on the surface of the planet because of the plasma bombs and that the positive military can not arrest cabal because of toplet and stranglet bombs, now with these bombs removed what is the problem ?

    1. The hostage situation.
      The problem is, Intel is diminishing in the primary anomaly.

  68. Cobra, does the removal of the toplet bombs at least mean that more physical intervention is now possible? Will Command PB Stardust and Command RVC Stardust become more effective?

    Will new Stardust Protocols be possible? I could be a much more effective Lightworker if there was one for Insomnia.

  69. WOW! Wonderful news! Thank you for this update, Cobra! One question Cobra. I do have a Light Mandala already. Is there a best program usage setting in particular that you can suggest? Or should I use what I just feel guided most personally? And would this method be suggested usage when or if I am helping someone else with it? Any particular guidance is appreciated. I would also LOVE LOVE LOVE to start a tachyon chamber in my area, but I am just not sure how to do this? I will do my best to follow up with anyone who may offer such suggestions. Again Thank you for all you do, Cobra! Victory of the LIGHT! Namaste.

  70. Victory of the light!!♥️🙋🏻‍♀️

  71. So if all toplet bombs have been removed, this includes the bombs implanted on people? We aren't walking bombs anymore? The surface population are no longer bomb hostages?

    Interestingly, during the first three days following the Age of Aquarius meditation, I've experienced a dull throbbing headache in the very center of my head (thalamus/pineal area), almost 24/7. Couldn't even sleep or think right during those days. PB Stardust protocol, aspirin and paracetamol didn't do much. Luckily the pains ceased after three days and I'm well now.

    I even suspected it was another typical post-meditation attack by the darks, but with this Cobra post, now I wonder if it was a symptom of the bomb implant removal or some other implant removal. Or ascension symptom.

  72. Thank You Cobra and the Light Forces ❤️🙏 Not long now, slowly but surely and safely manifesting Our big Event moment. Meanwhile Events are unfolding in the physical. Keep the Faith Guys.
    Victory of the Light!

  73. Thanks cobra it was worth a week to read that update. Sounds like we are very close indeed.😀

  74. Thank you Cobra for this amazing report.

    "But first, Ghislaine Maxwell needs to stay alive long enough to testify. That is why the Light Forces are asking everybody who feels so guided to participate in the following meditation:


    Love and Light for all.

  75. If the toplet bombs have been removed and the dracos soon too .. Why can the cabal cause so much trouble? Can't they attack or arrest them immediately?

    1. Cobra just explained why. If the LF acts immediately, the dracos still have cloaked ships in sublunar space that they could use in a final last stand attack against the surface population. They would be defeated but would still cause some small but not-negligible collateral damage on the surface, and the LF are trying to avoid that.

      However, hopefully things will start moving now, and very soon we'll be seeing actions against the cabal manifesting in 3D and showing up in mainstream media. I sure hope we actually see mass arrests of celebrities, politicians and social media CEOs and things aren't solved in a hush-hush way, because the population needs this - both as a wake-up call for those who are asleep, and as closure by seeing these people lose all face, lose all their possessions and privileges, and having to publicly answer for their crimes.

      Of course, keeping business as usual for a few more months to a year will also cause unnecessary suffering and casualities. We can only hope that the GFL are well aware and informed of this, and are taking this into consideration and weighed against that when making decisions. Especially considering an attack against the surface population could end up happenning anyway even if they postpone things. I hope they've done this homework.

  76. The crop circle was discovered 5 days after the meditation in France. The cross represents Gaia, I think.


  77. Thanks Cobra for the update.
    And thanks to everybody who works for the Light and for the liberation of the planet. The Victory is near.
    French translation - Traduction du post en français :

    Victoire de la Lumière

  78. Thank you Cobra. Any update about the pandemic? There are several places started to lockdown again. And WHO having new announcements too today. Hope can hear from you of the update. Thank you

  79. This comment has been removed by the author.

  80. Charles Ward:


    Source: https://operationdisclosure1.blogspot.com/2020/07/where-are-we-now-new-charles-ward-video.html

  81. Tx u Cobra! Cheering news. /Take2

    & MUCH GRATITUDE 2 all the community here, posters or lurkers, cheerful or bitchy (I resemble that remark!) 4 holding light & determination.

    I can post again! Prevented 3-4 yrs.

    HOLD THE LIGHT, ALL! B well all.

  82. Our achievements

    20130526-- Opening of the Portal
    Report: We have opened the Portal!

    20130826-- Peace Portal Activation
    Report: We have managed to reach the critical mass!

    20131124-- Aion Portal Activation
    Report: We have opened the Aion portal! We have reached the critical mass!

    20131221-- Return to Innocence Activation
    Report: Our Return to Innocence activation was a partial success.

    20140421-- IS:IS Portal Activation Part 1
    Report: IS:IS portal activation was a partial success.

    20141128-- Meditation for Egypt
    Report: Our meditation has been a significant contributing factor to this victory.

    20150531-- Free the Colonies
    Report: Free the Colonies activation was a big success. (Reached the critical mass)

    20150920-- Meditation for Europe
    Report: Meditation for Europe was a great success.

    20151026-- Meditation for Europe October 25th, 2015
    Report: Far from achieving the critical mass.

    20151122-- EVENT MEDITATION
    Report: Very close to reaching the critical mass.

  83. 20170226-- ETHERIC LIBERATION
    Report: The critical mass has been more than reached. (around 150,000 to 200,000 people actually participating)

    20170411-- PEACE MEDITATION
    Report: The critical mass has not been reached

    Report: More that a quarter million actually participating

    20180416-- PEACE MEDITATION
    Report: The critical mass has not been reached

    Report: Reached about 70% of the critical mass

    Report: Between 300,000 and 400,000 were actually participating

    20191111-- THE SILVER TRIGGER
    Report: Reached about 80% of the critical mass.

    20200112-- AGE OF AQUARIUS
    Report: Reached the critical mass, albeit barely.

    Report: Over 1.1 million actually participating

    Report: About 250,000 people participating

  84. Inside the wicked saga of Jeffrey Epstein: the arrest of Ghislaine Maxwell | 60 Minutes Australia


    Neighbor gangstalkers of 9+ yrs: Using other earthbound devices /Distant Energy Weapons /?5G 4 #notouchtorture? Installed in their house? Aside from portable devices 4 aiming.

    CLEARING TOPLET BOMBS (others asked, 2)
    Implant bombs progress?

    MEDITATION COUNT: If only using vid viewers count, then there r many others. Count = likely much larger.

    This w/ solve several problems.

    Oh please. 2 funny!

    This is the dawning of the Age of Aquarius ...
    (not aquarium, spellcheck!)


    1. I'm not voting until I don't recognize the names of any of the candidates.

    2. How does that help? Trump is far from perfect but all the negative scenarios would be brought if Soros backed Biden or Hillary were to win ....already laid out un 2015 Agenda 21 by Soros.. BLM creating a race war etc!

  86. I think the right way now for light workers to move from a city to a rural area, since there are a lot of traps waiting for light workers in the city. City life draws out vital energy, all negative factors such as: poor ecology, various kinds of radiation and so on.

    1. Not everybody can move to countryside. Can be tons of reasons. Also we are light workers, we are stragically positioned around the world are meant to hold the light wherever we are. That includes cities. Everybody needs to follow their own guidance.

  87. I do not know how to take this rapport :)) Normally it will be big news (all toplet and strangelet bombs removed finally!) but it seams like not even now the event can be triggered...

    I wonder if the light forces didn’t decide already to take the long path of wanting until much more people will wake up... in that case we can wait for another decade!

    I do not believe the Draco element can play such a big role since they know as well they will be obliterated in seconds.

    So I think the event will take place in several years (maybe 2025-2030) because the light forces decided that not enough of masses have wake up yet so the society cannot stand the higher vibrations of the shift.

    If even Cobra was tricked by the light forces to believe that the event will take place after all the bombs are removed then what can we expect from them?

    It’s not a negative comment but much more a concerning one about why the light forces decided to delay again things for god know what reason now.

    I think Cobra should ask them and explain after to us why the hell we cannot trigger the event already and we need to wait for another decade!

    I think it’s better to tell the truth that the event will not take place for like several years than to all the time find excuses and reasons why the event cannot happen.

    First was the Archons Veil, after was the Chimera, after was the strangelet bombs, after toilet bombs and now it’s the Draco and after Draco it will the Greys and so on.

    I think everyone it’s kind of tired of this playing around with words.

    The light forces need to explain exactly in which time period will take the event place (like if it’s around 2025 or 2030 as many channels already start to say) so we can know from the beginning how long this will take at least.

    Personally I am tired of reasons after excuses why it cannot happen.

  88. Thank you very much Cobra! Have I told you that I love you?
    Your resilience is super-human and you are the kind of man the world now needs. Thank you for being with us ❤️🙏

    If LF choose to take them down, just do it.
    They go down, we go up (with or without bodies, not crucial). We are ready!

    Victory of the Light! ❤️

  89. What wonderful work we all have been participating in!! Thank you for the forces of light as we continue to move forward with strength not only in numbers but in mind as well. Love and light all!!!

  90. Mulțumim Cobra .Victoria Luminii.

  91. This is SUCH a positive and encouraging update - the absolute BEST to date! In deep gratitude to Cobra and the Light Forces who are working continually to clear all remaining vestiges of darkness in and around our planet. Also want to thank all who worked tirelessly the last six weeks to help us achieve success with all mass meditations during this crucial period. Many of us worked around-the-clock to achieve these victories with very little sleep in the last few weeks and I salute everyone who made these victories happen.

    There was so much interference and non-stop distractions during the Triple Eclipse period that it was extremely difficult to get people to pay attention, especially those with the larger followings many of which I personally contacted repeatedly - but despite that we achieved great progress according to this report! There were also many heavy personal attacks on Light Workers & Warriors (myself included), especially directly after the June 21st Solar Eclipse. Whereas, following the Age of Aquarius 2 meditation, I noticed a miraculous 360-degree turn-around of people suddenly becoming peaceful in their interactions with one another and getting along!! Cooperation for the final phase of Planetary Liberation will be much easier now.

    The removal of ALL Toplets is an amazing long-awaited achievement! I too would love to know if this means the implants are also gone, since it was explained that they were interconnected with the toplets in a network. I personally have felt quite ill and completely exhausted this past week since the completion of the last Lunar Eclipse meditation and had an increase in localized pain and weakness - not sure if this is related to implants dissolving or the steady blasts of incoming high vibrational energy waves.

    Excellent news about Mjolnir back in FULL operation! Also, the low probabilities of any last minute end-game attempts by the dark is a sure indicator that Victory of the Light is indeed IMMINENT between now and the end of this year! We will certainly be able to mitigate and diffuse any such attempts with Mass Meditations as needed.....we are ready to report for duty and respond to any "Red Alerts" that may arise.

    And of course, all hands on deck for the daily Maxwell meditations to keep her alive until all the child trafficking and torture leaders and rings are identified - daily at 6:30 pm UTC time.

    "Dragon sources have communicated that at our Age of Aquarius activation, a positive timeline shift has occurred and are asking everybody to “focus only on writing your favorite, chosen life script. The more detailed visualization of the desired optimum life script one would wish for, the more confirming to the new timeline this be.” -- even before I saw this update I was sensing very strongly this is the BEST thing we can do on a daily basis!

    Everyone has done AMAZING work and we just have the final push, a few more months to go, before Final Breakthrough and Victory is achieved -- let's keep going with the We Love Mass Meditations schedule and stay as detached as possible (non-identifying) with the old crumbing 3D Matrix! The less energy we give it and the more we operate from the 5D Consciousness Grid and truly FEEL and BELIEVE we are living out our Grandest Dreams and our most Optimal Life, the faster The Event will happen!!

    Much Love To All. We Are Abundant, Vibrantly Healthy FREE Sovereign Beings of Light!!! (and we are long overdue for a deep rest and extended vacation.....)

      exactly my sentiments. Thank you for being a voice.

      Simply put- Cobra+team you all ROCK in my book!🤩

    2. Thank you know exactly every feeling and question that came to mind.

      I think cobra clarified our question about the implants in the next update. I, too, architect, had my attack back after mass meditation. Now if you think about it, it could be the toplet bombs that were being removed. Interestingly enough, friends who are not awake have experienced frontal pain several times, even my family has experienced it. So I thought at the time that it might be the 5g that was installed a few meters from my house. But now that I think about it, it could well be that these pains are the disolution of the toplet bombs😁.

    3. @SACRED ARCHITECT 5D @Galactiquewarrior17 So you guys too? Like I described, I've felt constant, non-stop headache for three straight days following the meditation and was feeling kind of exhausted too (I'm fine now). After the report, I'm also wondering if this had anything to do with the removal of the bomb implants (If I'm not mistaken, I remember Cobra saying the bomb implants were positioned inside our heads).

  92. From indianinthemachine:
    Kolbrin Bible Prophecies Coming Up? Listen To Ancient Text Of The Future... What Is The Destroyer?


  93. I root my love into Age of Aquarius most positive timeline with very favorable long time consequences. Be it for good and Victory of the Light.

  94. Serpents and Saurians will play this out until the last one standing.

  95. Victory of the Light! The victory is near. Perhaps by the end of the year. Please fasten your seatbelts.The next months will be intense.

  96. Before I forget again! Cobra, I’ve been meaning to share something with you! During the Age of Aquarius part 2 meditation as we were all visualizing the pink light of the goddess... there was a woman trying to come through to me... dressed in white with dark hair... couldn’t really see her face that well but I got the impression that she was Asian. Not sure if it means anything but thought I’d share!! VOTL ❤️❤️❤️

    1. beautiful Asian Goddess you say?

      it possibly could of been Dou Mu:

      " At the IS:IS Portal activation, a cosmic Goddess named Dou Mu has left her home star system, teleported into the Eastern Agartha network and then arrived on the surface of the planet. Now she lives in her physical Light body on a very powerful vortex point on the surface somewhere is Asia, channeling cosmic Goddess archetypes of Nut (sky), Maat (justice) and Hathor (love) for the planet, with members of a certain Dragon group being her guardians"



      Also interesting to note:

      " Goddess DouMu is now engaged in more active work with the portals on the surface of the planet in the new phase of preparations for the Compression Breakthrough which have begun in July.

      Dragon sources have communicated that Jetsun Pema, the queen of Bhutan, is one of the main public embodiments of DouMu archetype on the surface of the planet:


      Dragon sources have also said that DouMu is searching for more active contact with the surface population."


    2. Thank you both for sharing this information with me!! I really appreciate it!!! I will definitely check out these links!!! ❤️❤️❤️

  97. I am so happy to read your awesome update dear Cobra ! Thank you from the bottom of my heart ! thank you to make it possible for us to stabilize the positive timeline for our planet, to bring closer the Event, to let us to manifest a brighter future for humanity helping in manifesting a life without so many negative scenarious ... It is a Victory of your Lightwarrior, Lightworkers and Light beings team. Everyone having a big role in this huge achievment !and finally, I am sending within your wonderful blog the romanian translation of this update, Victory of the Light !!! https://evak2019.blogspot.com/2020/07/raportul-activarii-erei-varsatorului-de.html

  98. Hello me. The Golden Dragon Society is a secret society who controls China in the background as the Illuminati controls the US. They are a benevolent group whose goal is to clean up the planet, feed every human on earth, initiate an era of prosperity for all humans and guide us to Peace. They have been silently guiding the Alliance for years. In the early 2000's they wanted to collect the trillions of dollars that the Federal Reserve owes them and to do so implemented old Admiral Law and Military Tribunals. The mass arrests were initiated, in part, by them. Ben Fulford was once a correspondent for Forbes Magazine so his information is traditionally financial. He has many insider contacts. He has a weekly newsletter and is featured as a guest on many YouTube Videos. I hope this helps.

    (french translation with some french links)


  100. For those who are interested in the book "Living with Joy: Keys to Personal Power and Spirit" by Sanaya Roman, which Cobra recommended in a recent interview, but do not have the means to purchase it, please let me know (you can include your email address in a comment and I will contact you). I have sourced a few copies that I can have mailed to people who want it. Mostly able to send to U.S. addresses but I may be able to send to a couple non-U.S. addresses as well. :)

  101. Cobra, thank you for the work. I rarely complain and I rarely say things that oppose your consensus. But

    "But first, Ghislaine Maxwell needs to stay alive long enough to testify. That is why the Light Forces are asking everybody who feels so guided to participate in the following meditation:"


    This just is too much. I don't know if for anyone but for anyone who's been dealing with sexual trauma, abuse, etc etc.

    It is like the Light Forces, I mean, you tell the Light Forces, this is too much, pleiadean et al. This is too much.

    This woman is a monster.

    I will never pray or meditate for her. I wish she will burn

    And I don't feel that it will even matter what I wish, if she is to be wiped, it is the same people that can kill anyone, no matter who or no matter how many prayers. You know.

    Don't ask us this.

    1. @activatelightbody

      I feel the same way. I am also having trouble deciding whether I should even waste my time with this monster.

      Just remember that you are praying/meditating for those children she has harmed, so that they may finally get the justice and closure they deserve.

      You are NOT doing this for her sake, but for the sake of the children she has harmed and others that continue being harmed by these demons.

      So that she may testify and take down all of her co-conspirators with her.

      May justice be served on an ice cold platter.

      Goddess wants justice and so it shall be.

      Victory of the Light! Victory of Love!

      In humble service, Love and Light,

    2. Ghislaine Maxwell has very important and necessary information that the police need. For example, names of other people involved.

      This is necessary to fully expose, destroy and close the paedophile network forever.

      Keeping Ghislaine Maxwell alive is necessary to give the cabal a hard blow.

    3. At these times we must keep our cool and not let our emotions get the best of us. Remember, never stop your enemies when they're about to make a mistake. Pray that she is kept alive and well long enough to spill the beans in an official testimony in a courthouse. Then afterwards, you can pray that she gets whatever she deserves.

    4. Chances are that she, like Epstein, will be murdered prematurely; hence the "Light Forces" ask US to avoid this by to meditate for her, so to KEEP HER ALIVE(See has a lot of information about this; when she died, it will goes with her and no one will knows it!); THAT THAN IT WILL REVEAL THE ENTIRE PODOPHILE WORLDWIDE NETWORK! So that humanity will have the opportunity to get to a higher level to get closer and more nearby the 'Event'!

  102. Light Force vs Chimera

  103. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. >Starlight432
      I don't pay attention much to the right side column of PrepareForChange website for the same reason. Its a fair bit of doom porn there. Here where I am at its still required to wear a mask when going out, otherwise $300/- fine on the spot for first offense.

      Best thing to deal with a clown world order is to give as little attention to it as possible to preserve your sanity.

      Treat the government like that crazy neighbor you just wave hi to and turn down any invitation to come to tea.

      If you feel like it you can do the Letters to the Resistance Movement here:

      Hope it helps.

  104. This comment has been removed by the author.

  105. penso que energeticamente as coisas estão entrelaçadas pelo q chamamos de arma (consequências do livre arbítrio). Então antes da cura, vem a catarse coletiva.
    Pelo sim, pelo nao, sabemos que uma meditação em prol da cura da humanidade nunca será em vão, da mesma maneira que um pensamento positivo nunca é em vão.
    Na pior das hipóteses, morremos de consciência limpa. recomendo acompanhar o sementesdasestrelas.com.br tbm... Grande abraço

  106. All toplets are gone what the amazing message !

    Victory of the light !

  107. Za slovenske bralce: https://zmagaluci.blogspot.com/2020/07/porocilo-o-aktivaciji-dobe-vodnarja.html

    Vabljeni v našo skupino Sestrstva Vrtnice in Podpore Dogodka na Facebooku: https://www.facebook.com/groups/220306748080801

    Thank you for the report Cobra.

    Victory of the Light!

  108. This is good and welcomed new. I am grateful for the hard work the light forces and yourself have put in. Would like to know about the horrid masks and when they will be abolished, I refuse to be gagged. Also when will there be a Tachyon chamber on the United Kingdom? Thank you. Victory of the light. 💛🧡💚💙💜❤🖤🙏🌍🙋‍♀️🌈

  109. It is wonderful news about our successful Age of Aquarius Meditation. I think it is very important for a Meditation for a cure of the Covid19 virus and to end these Mandatory Mask Laws spreading around the country. Mask are not effective and harm the airflow and oxygen. Its all about Power and Control. Mask symbolize silence and submission. These Tyrant Dictator Governors, and there Mask laws must be abolished. These corrupt governors should be impeached. It is our constitutional right to breathe. I have written the President and governors in protest. Others must also call there officials in opposition, and protest. A mass meditation will be helpful.

  110. My simplification of this report:

    So, in essence we; the "Ground Crew" are simply waiting for reinforcements to break through as we sit infiltrated behind enemy lines.

    Sounds pretty exciting to me!

    So, all the Mines and Anti-Air guns are gone? That means our Tanks and Airplanes will have an easier time advancing and wiping out enemy positions. This means, the enemy will be forced to retreat and regroup to try and push back the advancing lines.

    Ladies and gentlemen, this is a defining moment in history. This is our "Battle of the Bulge" so to speak. The final big push/battle before the compression breakthrough and the inevitable and final defeat of darkness. The enemy is surrounded on all sides.

    I am proud of having been awake long enough to see it all happen with my own eyes and not only that, but, even participating in the fight from time to time. Providing aid to the Light Forces!

    Breakthrough soon! It's full speed ahead now!

    2021 is gonna be ONE HECK of an amazing year.

    Victory of the Light!

    In humble service, Love and Light,

  111. Draco fleet can be talk to via teletought ( not telepathie per se, but more a soul network that you can use to feel others souls). Just tell them the punishment will be just. That in the Srimad Bhagavatam, they says that if you think about Source, either you love Source or even if you hate Source, you accumulate positive karma. The more you do that i.e thinking about Source ( don't matter which emotion you add ), the more positive karma you have. Evil being were programmed to always hate source, so they are the being that have the most positive karma in the universe without even knowing it. If you read this, you don't have to do anything. Just tell them the punishment will be just. It's a code word that Source Energy Beings programmed into evilness when this universe was still a plan in Source soul. The Dracos still think they are lost to Source love, but in reality they are more loved than they think. Thank you for participating in my mission whoever you are. It's really easy to "defeat" evil. They still have their Source spark, so it's a kind of Trojan horse for love in their case. BTW Fear is not the opposite of Love, that's 3D thinking. Fear is the opposite of Knowledge. "There is no wall tall enought to blind us from God's light except eyelids"

  112. Wonderful news like these must be shared worldwide in all languages ! therefore, I finished the italian translation and sending much love and light to Cobra, in the name of italian community always ! performing this year many mass meditations, as a large community in Light, we can boost the efforts toward the happening of long awaited Event! here it is:https://evak2019.blogspot.com/2020/07/7-giugno-2020-rapporto-di-attivazione.html


    Thank you cobra and thank you all for keeping the faith and for staying aligned as the skies here are all blue and the feeling is light and positive. Toplet bombs removed yes!! Draco ships are in defense mode for sure. Imagine knowing if you remain in that quantum state you will be hit by the hammer and if you dont and decide to attack earth you will also be taken out! Thank you Galactics! All will move fast now..

    Love and Light to All!

  114. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YkgkThdzX-8

  115. 够了,为什么炸弹拆完都他妈的还没触发事件?不可接受,不可容忍!什么所谓的生灵涂炭,银河联盟和光明势力。老子在这里告诉你们,你们要是还不启动事件,那才是真正的生灵涂炭,你们是想要更多的人因为这个邪恶矩阵饿死以及被逼死吗?

  116. 还有一件事,这些人类,如此不识抬举。我就在中国大陆,如此久的时间,这里的人依然如此麻木不仁,是时候用鲜血强制刺激他们觉醒!什么集体意识,靠这些人根本行不通!我们的千言万语,对他们而言不过就是一句废话弃之不顾,而主流媒体的一个屁,他们都会觉得真香。这些杂种,还有什么可说的。


  117. Thank you!!!

    It would be great if they would release some funds, then setting up the tachyon and light laser grids would happen a lot faster!!!

  118. This rainbow appeared yesterday.

    Victory of the Light!

  119. Приветствую всех и каждого и благодарю Вселённую Бога Отца Матушку Землю за каждый миг моей жизни... Кобра и Силы Света за Служение которые Вы несёте!Мои наставники проводники ангелы.. Все все все намасте и мои поклоны.И хочу немного добавить.. Да было непростое время у всех и у каждого... Но именно из-за этого... Что хватит и все... Пора каждому брать в руки управление своей машиной телом реальностью так называемой..и начать рулить... Просто сказать Духом своим с меня хватит и двигаться полным ходом вперёд!!! Не смотреть не ждать когда кто то сделает скажет или обвинять кого то... Выражение намерение на слияние со Светом с Отцом Богом намерение быть Светом... И мы имеем на это право.. Дыхание основа жизни.. Работать с дыханием... Именно изменение мышления..расширение сознания в другую сторону может изменить все...не автоматическая реакция на ситуации а состояние наблюдателя... Меняет сценарий... И даёт новые улучшенные ситуации более благоприятные.. Дорогие Сердца души сути существа Света мы должна так закрепить в своём сознании что мы Свет чтобы никто не мог убедить нас в обратном и не мог влиять на нас.. Основная работа сейчас идёт на Чакры дыхание...это основа... Ом... Посылаю всем и каждому Свет и Любовь моего сердца! Мы одно❤️🌊🌈🌍💚💚💚🙏🙏🙏

  120. I simply do not understand about the Hillary Clinton running for president thing. I have heard that in many places. It makes no sense. Why is this woman walking around free and how the hell could she be allowed to run again? It makes no sense. I understand there is a plan, but come on. You have video and all kind of evidence of her murdering people. Arrest her. Why does this has to be political? She is guilty of simple murder, among other things and like the cliché says, if I were guilty of this and you had the evidence, I would not be free or able to run for president. There are millions of clueless people that have no idea what is happening. Unless these evil ones are arrested in public and the people shown the evidence, these people will remain sleeping sheep forever. If Clinton and Obama are allowed to run, millions will vote for them having not known any better, and if they were to win, everything will be destroyed that has been accomplished. It would force a civil war because I am certainly not walking into the New World Order without a fight and what would have been the purpose of all this work up to this point?

  121. Anyone else feeling really run down and beat up lately?
