Thursday, February 11, 2021

VTXPOS security breach in deflection


  1. Wipeout sequence 4???

    The final fuck???

    1. I'm sure there's something else ... we know all our people

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. I'm sure we have wipeout sequences 5-100 left to go!

    4. haha,也许你是对的,序列4-100在等着我们

  2. What about Wipeout Sequence 3? Is it still in progress?

    1. Is it a new Hydro Thunder boat game we've all been dying to have?

    2. Yes don't worry. That's the chimera they are not gone yet.

  3. What can we do to help it? Dear Cobra can you give us some instructions please. Thank you!

    1. First of all connecting to and merging with your I AM Presence

      Cintamani stone is an excellent gift for this

      2 Cancelling your soul contracts

      "In the name of I AM that I AM, in the name of divine soul presence that I am, in the name of all ascended beings of light, in the name of the Galactic Confederation, in the name of the Galactic center, I decree and command to cancel and nullify all my past, present and future contracts and agreements made between any part of my being and the dark forces. All these contracts and agreement and all their consequences are now completely erased from my reality. I am now free, all the karma of my whole being is now erased as well.

      I am a free sovereign being of light, from now until eternity.

      So be it, and so it is. In Light

      *Sign with your name here* "
      Repeat Daily 3X + carry the original written paper with you

      3. Implant Triangulation

      4 Flower of life meditation every 4 hours

      6 Goddess Vortex Meditation at 2:30PM UTC every day + whenever you feel like

    2. 5* Hold the light and shine bright you crazy diamond

    3. @ HOPE. Instructions. Please use your own power all ways. We will never get instructions. Each responsible for him/herself. Use them, believe in yourself. The best you'll here is somebody being the right person to guide you. THERE IS NO SUCH PERSON. But we have GOD.

    4. Sorry Starman, I didn't read you. But you're right.

    5. Thank you Starman for putting up all of those links together. It's very convenient.

    6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Progress in full speed!victory of the light!

  5. One thing i don't understand is why there is no recurrent meditation/visualiton for the event or even better - ascencion. Second thing i don't get is where we place our focus.
    I can see a lot of people here paste links and follow alternative media gurus. This creates divides - some people resonate with the alt media gurus, other call them fraudsters. Same with politics - trump vs biden brought a heated debate on this forum. I can understand being curious and wanting to know what's happening behind the scenes. Let's face it though- nobody can gives us that. Over the years - was there anybody that gave solid, reliable info that would be of real use to us? Most of alt media is corrupt. Trying to decode Cobra or following alt media seams to be taking our energy and time away but it doesnt help us much. Things wil get real once they start appearing in msm. That will be close the event.
    In the meantime our focus should be placed on what we want rather than what we don't know or don't want. And yeah, we want the Event and the ascension. I'm not sure why there is no recurrent visualisation/meditation for these? If that is our ultimate goal, surely if we meditated on coherent version of these, they would materialise faster? We have flower of life which focues on stabilization ofsituation but rather than focusing on current situation perhaps we should focus on the end goal? Also, if every reader of this blog before checking this website for updates would spent 5 mins on visualing our ascension, surely we would manifest this faster? Imagine, all of us visualing the Event, our ascencion, our bodies in perfect shape with extra skills, all of having our full memories restored, having ascencion party with Cobra, ET and resistance movement celebrating our success...

    1. I agree, things would progress faster if we all had a collective vision to hold so our thoughts would manifest in reality. I do much research and have noticed a lot of anomalies...things are not normal, the final battle is manifesting in the physical for those who are awake. They’re showing us both agendas, don’t expect anything of importance to come from the msm unless the alliance takes it over. They are 100% compromised and programmed to fulfill the dark agenda. As q said, only at the precipice will the people find the will to change. I’ve felt for a long time that it may/will have to come down to them spelling it out to the brainwashed masses what they’re really about and either giving them a choice to join them or try to take over the world with tyranny. The masses need the “scare event” as q mentions. They need that shock to wake them up and realize they’ve been completely duped. Then the true “great awakening” can begin. I’ve tried to wake my wife up over and over, but it’s just met with resistance. She’s in fear and denial. She knows in her heart that we’re headed down a dark road if things don’t change, but she won’t admit it to me or herself. She just shuts down. Unfortunately that is the attitude of so many.... they used Trump derangement symptom to blame their feelings on, now they have no one to blame except themselves that they’ve been lied to. I do feel it’s going to take an overt grasp for power in order for them to finally make the breakthrough. I was even told by a psychic one time that was very accurate on many things...there will be a time that’ll be very scary, but at the end of it, it would be amazing..and then we would have visitors.....ets maybe? Hold the light everyone! We are the light of the world and we will be needed to help others as they awaken.

    2. Cobra stated a few posts ago on Thursday, January 28, 2021 "It is the highest purpose for people to decrease polarization, detach from daily politics and start connecting with the Light". That's something to focus on for now 🙏🏼❤️🌈

    3. recurrent meditation/visualization for the Event and even better:

      Taking place every Sunday at 3 pm UTC and every 4 hours

    4. And here is a sample of Q and A from that part 1 of how he felt,times things went wrong and observations.etc:

      Did you know the placement of the cameras and how to avoid them? Of course they had cameras. But then what? Nobody knew me. What good does it know only having a face and basic description?

      Did you ever get one of those ink cartridges that blew up on you and the money? No dye packs. Nothing like that.
      You said you met other bank robbers in prison, did any offer to do a job with you? Did any share advice or how they did it? Most guys in prison all did it the same way. The walked in with a gun and tried to be Bonnie & Clyde. ...which is how they ended up in prison.
      Did the banks you robbed not have the double security doors? I almost got caught in those doors on my last one. I got out within seconds of them locking them. I was very fortunate.

      The guy mentioned no dye packs: Most banks except large institutions cannot afford dye packs and if you tell the clerk no dye packs or else they don't want to experience the 'or else' so won't give you the dye packs due to a possible SHTF inside the bank with people.

      Also dye packs are usually wrapped in 20 dollar bills since those are most common and most commonly overlooked by the robber whom is wanting a fast exit.

    5. As for weapons being involved:

      Did you carry a weapon? No. I strapped a hammer to my leg under my pants just below my knee in case I needed to break out of a locked door or something, but I never used a gun or anything like that.

      Which is why I think the news didn't post him very much: No gun = no excitement and the police do bare minimum to look for you other then standard bulletins: They won't go out of their way.

      Why did the tellers give you the money if you had nothing to threaten them with? Standard procedure at most banks.

      What did you say to the teller? Walked in the bank and waited in line like a regular customer. Whichever teller was available to help me is the one I robbed. I simply walked up to them when it was my turn to be helped, and I told them -- usually via handwritten instructions on an envelope -- to give me their $50s and $100s. There was no threat. I just told them what I wanted, and they complied. This is how it works in America because the amount of money a bank gives up ($5-$7k on average) per bank robbery is infinitely less than the amount of business they'd lose if shit got wild in a bank full of customers. They just want to give you what you want and for you to get the hell out of their bank.

      Did anything ever not go as planned? Yes. The last one I did. The teller freaked out as soon as I turned to leave the bank. She started screaming "lock the doors, lock the doors" but I ignored it and just kept walking like nothing was happening. I got out before the doors were locked, but a guy walking into the bank seconds later already found them locked. He was pissed, of course, because it wasn't closing time, and he thought he had gotten there too late. He obviously didn't realize the guy who had just walked out of the bank and past him had just robbed the bank.

    6. YES... I have thought of this too!... And the old Trigger the Event Meditation needs to be revived, along with the visualizations you mentioned that we are doing.👍

    7. Em 2012 eu tinha 58 anos de idade, e agora tenho 66 e o evento ainda não aconteceu. Será q vou morrer sem ver acontecer o evento ?

    8. >Klodi
      Adding on to your comment:

      Phase III is already longer than Phase II by over a month, and on the Bubbles of Heaven chart the timeline shows them to be similar.

      Based on past mass meditations we have enough critical mass of lightworkers who have 'gone within', yet the world hasn't changed.

      As for the rest who are complete outsiders to this information, even those who are at least curious about alternative viewpoints see this as "a blog for people from the asylum".

      This means that the ratio of people participating to those who aren't bothered are at this point are not going to change in the favor of those participating. As the lockdowns continue those who are sensitive to dark energies which make up most of the participants will slowly dwindle.

      Because of the lockdowns the environment we are immersed in is even more toxic as going out to parks to reconnect with positive energies is not an option for some people. Even for those who can, being forced by law under threat of fines or jail to wear the mask means its not the same experience because of restricted breathing.

      Right now, the ball is in the Light Forces court to sort things out.

    9. I bet a meditation for the Event would be too generic and therefore less effective. It would be like meditating for "everything to be good."

  6. What about Sequence3? 序列三的进行已经持续了很久了,甚至让人们一度以为序列3是最后的序列。

  7. Keep focusing on NEW WONDERFUL LIFE ♡♡ We do this together :)

  8. All these answers are found in previous posts. You can lead a horse to water...

  9. While I really recommend not doing this here is an example of how you can be 'wanted' and remain at large for such a long time by living a low key profile and looking like 'John Doe'. In 2005-06, I studied and perfected the art of bank robbery. I never got caught. I still went to prison, however, because about five months after my last robbery I turned myself in and served three years and some change.

  10. Reading the Law of One.. thr last paragraph of book 2 stated Love all is the key to winning the game..
    But I realized we can love the dracos and chimera all we want that wldnt liberate us.
    Who is causing a necessary deflection if the chimera and dracos are removed???

    In 2015 cobra stated chimera being removed.. it is 2021 we have to ask what is going on that takes galactic beings above 5D 6 years ? I am positive but all meditations were successful..

    1. We don't need opinions about anything. Just love, and not how we were educated with admire, under impression, dependent, beauty aso aso aso.

    2. Misguided compassion enables the beast.

      True compassion demands its destruction.

    3. It have never been said that chimera group was removed? Not in 2015 or later..

    4. Is it not love that inevitably annihilates the ego, as we are drawn into the heart of Hearts and merge with the infinite I AM? All will have their own journey, even the the ones that hide out in the shadows. Those shadows will only persist as long as we continue to give power to them. The collective journey into freedom for this planet will be won in the hearts of each individual who is committed to raising their own shadows into the light for complete and total surrender to “love that casteth out all darkness”. The critical mass and tipping point will be reached when enough people commit to the work of perfecting themselves in the I AM presence. If more people asked of their I AM what they could do to benefit humanity we could collectively resonate the answer through all of the lightworker blogs, master your own shit!
      Much love,

  11. Fight for the light! Hope final victory is near

  12. Dragoon family I need you🐉🧡✨

    1. have you researched for organizations in your country that may help with these type pf situations. religious oppression etc? where is ur coubtey if i may ask

  13. Let's get those stinky dark beings out of existence!!!

    1. I've been wondering if I have such or likely feelings. No, I don't, not at all. But they just got to go and leave us alone in peace. I would do the same.

    2. Haha. But you make me laugh every time I see it.

  14. What's vtxpos? Am new to this blog. Can someone tell

    1. It's a coded message for the Resistance Movement. It's not for the surface population. We can speculate, but we don't know anything for sure.
      Wipeout sequence is probably more important though. Immediately after wipeout sequences 1 and 2 were completed we got an update that the draco fleet and Illuminati Breakaway Complex (Illuminati secret bases with high technology) were eliminated. Wipeout sequence 3 is still in progress since September and it's probably about the chimera. So 4 is probably archons or the surface cabal. I think it's archons or something else though, since the surface cabal will be the last to fall and they'll be extremely easy and quick to defeat.
      Anyway, it means progress.

    2. Asceded:
      Sometimes coded messages are posted.
      These coded messages are not for 99% of us.
      They are for others.
      Don't worry about them, is my advice.

  15. Gratitude to all involved helping to liberate Gaia and usher in the Golden Age of Aquarius! The Light has won in the higher realms we just need to finish the 3D experience to awaken as many as we can. I want 4D/5D for all!

  16. Time to look at the red pill.
    Men need to get back to normal.
    You need constant exercise to keep fit.
    Only by restoring a man to his normal state can a woman emerge from another abnormal state.
    There are only two genders, and the manufactured gender derangement becomes political correctness.
    The world cannot be promoted if only men are violent and feminine.
    Capital is the ultimate enemy, exploiting humanity and the collective consciousness.

  17. Richard Doty has some good stories to tell.

  18. Take your focus back, get back to yourself, improve yourself, whether it's working out, educating your kids, or fixing up your house.
    Stop focusing on the outside world!
    Stop it and work on being a better person, conquering problems that you've been putting off, stepping outside your comfort zone, and enriching your life.

  19. Wellsir ... I have decided that if the illegitimate government is not put down by March 4. I will have had enough. I will stop watching any type of news media corporate or alternative. I have almost reached the end of my rope with the lies and secrecy when there is absolutely no reason for it. The so called enemy know what they are planing. It's we the people that don't know what is going on. If nothing happen I must conclude Trump and the military brass and Q are treasonous bastards. May they rot in hell.

    1. JS ( ) had this to say about it:

      "ANNOUNCEMENT: All the "experts" are claiming Trump will take office on March 4.

      If you believe any of this bull****, please remember how much Q came true and DO NOT LET THEM SET ANOTHER DATE AFTER MARCH 4 COMES AND GOES.


      Even if Biden is doing everything from a movie set he's IN CHARGE, the coup is complete."

      Its not happening. I have already stated before to US residents, best option is to get out of the country.

      A distant second best is to bug out to a remote location miles away from the nearest dirt track and raise chickens. Go to the southern United States where you won't freeze to death. You have 5 months at most to carry this out.

    2. It's more nuanced. Cobra explained it all on day one. Trump is a Jesuit agent and therefore a treasonous bastard, but he will sort of listen to the positive military. That's why he appeared positive sometimes like calling out the fake media, child trafficking, and deep state. But he's an agent so in the end he didn't do much good. As for the military, the positive factions can't do anything with the dark ones still in power. Q received some leaks from real sources, but the group themselves were just empty cheerleaders. They don't have to be either infallible intelligence gods or a malevolent psyop, they're just some dudes at the NSA standing around the water cooler sharing the latest rumors. Which at their level of course is not accurate.

    3. Also a distinction needs to be made between what Q actually says and the internet Q factory of disinfo. Everything from the Q factory is wrong. I bet most people just assume the real Q says all the junk that's out there. But if you read actual Q drops they're a bit more intelligent than the junk online. For example Q never mentioned adrenochrome. That's a psyop taken from Fear And Loathing in Las Vegas and Hunter S. Thompson chose it just because the name sounds cool. Nobody takes adrenochrome because it's like an unpleasant caffeine buzz. It's not even illegal which is all the proof you need. If it did anything like it's reported, the cartels would make it and it would be common around the world.

    4. There is no place to go to. The corruption is global. From the crumbs of intel I've seen online ... something is going on behind the scene ... especially the incident that happened on the 25th I believe with all those buses and people between 3 and 6 in the morning at the white house or the capital don't know which. Then the fireworks afterward. No doubt something when down. The video of biden being sworn it at the wrong time and people that were there in one shot disappearing in another. Them filming biden in the WH at castle rock studios ... things are happening, but I see no reason for all the delays if they have all they need as they claim.
      I can't honestly say nothing is going to happen with the crumbs I've seen but, I will be done with the delays ... lies ... and secrecy. On the 4th I will do a total corporate and alternative news blackout. I want nothing more to do with watching what is going on. I will focus totally on my hobbies.
      Fortunately I live in a rural area and can isolate myself from the populous.

    5. I agree, but I don’t think anywhere on Earth is going to escape the tribulation for want of a better word.
      Clearly, there is a vicious ( mostly unseen) war going on above and below us.
      However, Cobra has given sound advice for the surface population, our job is to connect to who we really are (powerful and eternal spiritual beings) experiencing a human life.
      Only the bravest of brave have opted to be here at this time so stay steady, focus your attention on higher vibrational feelings such as love, joy and peace and do everything you can to feel good, regardless of what is going on around you. It is the vibrational element from humans that will help the most. Love and Victory to the Light.

    6. Spiritoo collect yourself. Your last sentence harms you only, withdraw it. Q might or might not be true. They might have ran i to obstacles and withdrawn for the time being, maybe even one mandate. They wanted to impeach Trump for a reason. Once liberated, he can run again in 4 years. It is too big a game from our everyday perspective. Make your life a better place and find balance within yourself no matter what. Even in nowasays circumstances. Advice thatSpec Ops gives are very goid, if you can carry them out. I have bought a garden with a well and am building a greenhouse. Next step are chicken and maybe a goat. But inner peace and balance are first.

    7. sorry, but I want something BETTER in this so-called 'life' than raise chicks and raise crops.....

      ....I don't want to be reduced to a FUCKING FARMER.

    8. >Patrick Kehoe

      Well said. Still I would say prepare.

      Interesting you mentioned the NSA, JS himself is ex-NSA. I think he's legit as he's said certain things that I would find only in a higher study course (I studied civil engineering as a bachelor's degree, he talked a fair bit about static mechanics before which is a key subject in that course).

      Plus his ability to build advanced devices out of simple circuits like a means to detect neighboring Karens by listening in from across the ground, turning loudspeakers into microphones by changing the flow of electricity, etc. Basically 'in the spy van' stuff. His technical knowledge to do all this is insane:

      He even once used his knowledge of bringing background chatter to make them as loud as if they were next to the phone to expose the coaching behind the '9-11 calls' with the coach saying 'good job'.

      As he often says, see Deagel Report, US population, 2025, and the implications of a 200 million drop in population in less than 4 years.

    9. @ Sherman: But you DO want their food???

    10. >Spiritoo
      I quit most news sources a long time ago. Don't need to wait. US is going into the same period that every country goes into when totalitarian regimes take over. All the low level people involved in the election steal are probably dead by now. Communists always get rid of their helpers once their usefulness expires.

      Lucky that you can stay in a rural area. When the collapse comes the city areas will be the last place you want to be.

      Unfortunately not many have that choice to stay away from the masses who will want to come in your house with a knife and fork, for your hide. You know, like those types in the UK who banged pots and pans for the NHS and ratted out those who couldn't participate because their kid puked until 4am in the morning.

      What you said about the tribulation is inescapable, and what Spiritoo said about the corruption is global, is why I even bother viewing this site.

      Why would the Cosmic Central Race even bother helping us? It would be a lot easier for them to sit back and watch us consume each other, because not enough of the Surface Population see that Knowledge, True Care and Understanding of Truth are more important than material pleasures.

      Otherwise we might as well call it a day, quit pretending there's a future worth working and paying the bills over and stop living.

    11. @Lighthouse ... I disagree about Trump running in 4 years. That would be ridiculous with the massive election fraud that took place which allowed an illegitimate government to come in and nothing done about it. There is no point in voting. It's clear they don't count. And if Trump were stupid enough to run again I certainly would not vote for him since he did not fulfill his oath to the constitution and allowed an illegitimate government to take place. It's foolish to believe anything can be done with an illegitimate government, corrupt court system and corrupt media. I'm already hurt as well as a lot of people by what Trump and the military failed to do. I meant every word about them rotting in HELL. If they don't do their duty I will never take that back.

      Our only hope now is The Event. And if there were an election in 2024 it would mean we would be in serious trouble because The Event has not taken place. I don't believe we would have time for the transition period which would take years. All of that has to be over and done with by the end of 2025 according to Cobra.

      I got playing music on my instruments ... flying drones ... flying FS helicopters on my computer. Maybe building a few star wars ships with model kits. Going to super detail my vehicles in the spring once the weather gets warm again. Do my yearly garden. I got plenty of hobbies to help raise my vibs.

      @ Pat ... there no doubt those devils are taking adrenochrome. I don't care if Q said it or not they are doing it. Why do you think they are killing babies and children?

      Like I said before unless things are made right Q, Trump and the military brass can rot in hell. They have between now and the 4th. After that I'm done.

    12. @Marialonline

      Again, you seem to not get it.

    13. @ Sherman. Possible... Or you...

  20. War Castles Military Insider Robert Leroy Horton Exposes the Shocking Truth (Video)

  21. The voices are telling me 24/7 I can live on ship

    I want to live on ship today and I don’t want to live on this planet anymore

    I really really need this now

    Save me just for the sake of unconditional love, peace, and happiness; we are One

  22. Sound of Silende, Paul and Simon

  23. Oh God, your world can be so beautiful.

  24. The last major report was a month and a half ago. Where are the Forces of Light currently? One and a half months is a so time-interval during which a more serious plan is usually aranged. (...)

    1. We are in a hot zone right now.
      Why is this so hard for people to comprehend?

    2. V. Stable fine-layer.
      FILM BOILING POINT. So we are very close to the big event.

  25. There are unseen forces in the sky.

    1. No, I asked where the "work" of the Light Forces was going at the moment .

  26. Buckle up folks the next couple of week's are going to be heavy...~0

  27. Considering what was and is done to our children, I said it eurlier.
    I'm now of the age of 71 and I have two wonderful sons. But before they were born I really wasn't a children's fan. IT was as bad as that they seemed monsters to me. I felt no compassion and could't understand the pudipudipudi. Still not btw. Now I know a lot of what is done to them.It's awful and incredible. Apart from the question whether you can hurt úberhaup's any life being, I of course was wrong. I must have been brain washed. Most people are brainwashed. Men probably worse, seeing how they treat babyes, young children, animals... You name it. I forgave myself, I learned to love by my own children, also by whitnessing the way they alsways did en do their very best in their own life. Misunderstood by adults and ncited to do the wrong things, damage their fragile toys and you name it. A lot of children will be punished for that.
    God please forgive me, God please forgive them.

    1. Mariaonline God already forgave you. My father was a man who did not like kids and animals but he did his best with what he had. I forgave him.

    2. I think you were a good mother. You were not 'stepmother', you were not violent with your children, etc.

    3. Thank you for sharing with us:)

  28. I am the ´happy´ receiver of a forced health insurance. No choice and extra expensive health insurance with own risk. After I payed the fine I wrote about for this year.

    1. Maria,
      This might meet your needs.

    2. We rule!! Thank you for the guiding note of faith. Great sense of humor. Sabali

    3. No more posts since 2 days ? What happened ?

  29. Received from Zorra:

    Dear beloved Gods and Goddesses,

    Welcome to our Zorra and Zaraya Call today. It is another time to be gather together as Family. It is a time to listen and share and support each other spiritually, mentally and emotionally.

    It is now time to create and build the foundation of a world of peace, love and happiness. It is no longer up to one person who leads the way. We are the Leaders, Teachers and Healers. Our time is at hand. Prepare, make wise choices and positive actions. The future is ours to Create. So don't get distracted or pulled into 3D drama. Know All is in Perfect Divine Order.

    "What a Wondrous, Glorious and Loving
    Now It IS!"

    Love to All,
    Zorra, Zaraya and Jane/Quazar
    phone: 719-428-9746

  30. At the moment, I think it is particularly important to protect oneself, because the fourth sequence has started and the dark ones are reacting more aggressively.

    1. We always been in a state of emergency :)... the bad guys been actively attacking... so in short... we should always aim forprotection protocols. Even when it seems quiet.. cause must likely is not quiet

  31. COBRA massage 3 days ago "Red Dragon Rising and today breaking news in India "China surprises India with its speed, moves out 200+ tanks from Pangong"..
    Positive changes are seems start.
    Victory of the Light is very near.

  32. What's going on with the Chimera? Are they lying too? Shame on them.

  33. So after i redpilled my mother telling her about the event and that Trump will be president etc it is difficult for her to believe any of these with no visible positive changes occuring. So i will stop telling others about this , except if they specifically ask about it

  34. Thank you Cobra:-)!
    SOURCE Speed and All Blessings to Light Forces and all participants of Earth Liberation Mission!
    Victory of The Light!

  35. I want to share this, this cov19 or matrix or birth control in China, (family United together is one of the biggest tradition in China or Chinese culture). might hurt the relationship of our friends and family, makes us away from each other, we as family , human gotta stay in touch. We will not, can’t let the evil defeat us. VOTL

    感觉独生子女政策 慢慢切断了亲情,不是因为人太多,要看清,疫情也一样,常联系,不能让邪恶击败我们,VOTL

  36. LIGHT FORCE SHOULD recruit general "George Smith Patton, Jr." Blitzkrieg !!! DEFEAT DARK AND TAKE CONTROL SURFACE HUMAN SOCIETY immediately !

  37. The Huna Prayer for Lightworkers

  38. I am beginning to prrrr in my heart and mind.

  39. The Lyrics of the Huna Prayer, translated by the machine

    I (name), child of the Light,
    ask from the center of my glowing Heart,
    for the instantaneous supply of Divine Abundance.
    I completely recall all fear of lack,
    and open myself to my by
    God Given Gifts from Source.

    I open myself completely to my
    Infinite Power of Manifestation
    to grant access to my Source Mission.
    In the name of my Beloved Source,
    I accept completely with gratitude
    everything that is available to me in the NOW.
    Thank you.
    And so it is. (repeat 3x)

    My Beloved Higher Self.
    I request you now from the center
    from my glowing Heart,
    that you give this request to the Highest Source
    along with my fully energized
    Power of Manifestation.
    And so it is. (Repeat 3x)

    (Breathe this prayer to Archangel Raphael and Source,
    using the full power of Intention)

    Higher Source of Love and Light,
    I now receive my Blessings.

  40. Peace wins

    It feels close

    I want to go home

  41. Zorra:


    Dear beloved Gods and Goddesses,

    Welcome to our Zorra and Zaraya Call today. It is time to spend time together once again. It is a time to listen and share and support each other spiritually, mentally and emotionally.

    What are we each thinking and intending to create and build as a foundation to help heal our world and fill it with great peace, love and happiness? Each of us has a responsibility to assist and raise the frequency of our fellow sisters and brothers. Are we bringing greater Awareness to others of the Truths we know? How are we each doing? We cannot leave it up to others to make the changes. It is up to US. We are the Leaders, Teachers and Healers. Our time is at hand. Prepare, make wise choices and positive actions. The future is ours to Create. So don't get distracted or pulled into 3D drama.
    Know All is in Perfect Divine Order.

  42. David Wilcock: The Cosmic Secret - Full Movie - You Wanna See This!


    Boom there ut is for all the trump lovers. Its all a psyop both sides are bought and controlled. The whole worlds governing systems so corrupt it works like a gem for them while rest of us suffer deluded or oblivious to the global mafias shills. Better hope cobra aint one and the aliens are real because this earth is about to get real messy!

  44. Hallelujah

  45. Memory of soulmates returns
    In the tide of people, there's a you.

    By my side, seeking.

    By my side, bravely be myself.

    No need for a mask or pretend to be happy, or sad.

    No need to prove that I am fine, as I wish.

    In the tide of people, I lost you.

    Where is "Lost and Found"? - Where is that chance reunion?

    One's loneself dairy, growing thinner, like the winter. How to escape the memory where you were.

    In the world, a sudden gale and shower. - No problem, I would wear thorns and spikes for you.

    In crowds and masses, we pass in a hurry, not afraid of loss.

    In hosts and droves, without you what's the point?

    To live intertwined the game of life. - No problem, together with you I would wager my life. - If love is true, I would go to ash and dust Is there someone loves you in ash and dust?

  46. The 2000s are nearly over, again. Much better run this time. Little more intense by judgment but the heart was wiser. Let's fuck some shit up for these folks, give them a keyhole to view with 3D eyes. Gotta be someone 90% agree can be worth the risk..? My office manager believes in Aliens, not one maverick in the Top Gun fleet wants to do a tower flyby? Spill the morning coffee..?

    Appreciate you all.


  47. I've only waited 7 years to get the okay for this one.
    Here we go.

    I felt a shiver in the heat-haze and the waiting time is over
    Strange tongues on the airwaves as the voices call from distant lands
    I saw which was the winning side but still I joined the other
    And I'm in love with every strange unfolding day
    As the storm begins to break cover

    So let the whirlwind blow
    Through the ice, the melting snows
    Let the whirlwind blow
    Across the freezing skies and the tiny lights below

    And so we shutter up the doorways as the ripples move towards us
    For a moment stop breathing - She wakes and stirs beneath our feet
    The Order try to stand their ground, while every battlefront is shifting
    They still believe that they can hold the reins
    But then they've got no sense of history

    So let the whirlwind blow
    Through the ice, the melting snows
    Let the whirlwind blow
    Across the freezing skies and the tiny lights below
    Let the whirlwind blow
    The waters seething, bubbling out of control

    Come on take my hand and we'll dive

    A television blares in an empty room
    The poisoned waters glisten
    Goliath staggers round in a punch-drunk daze
    Doesn't understand what hit him
    I saw which was the winning side but still I joined the other
    And I'm in love with every strange unfolding day
    As the storm begins to break cover

    Let the whirlwind blow
    Through the ice, the melting snows
    Let the whirlwind blow
    Across the freezing skies and the tiny lights below
    Let the whirlwind blow
    The waters seething and bubbling out of control
    Let the whirlwind blow
    We watch the Oceans Rise and the Governments start to Fall



  48. After a Slow Start, Trump’s Attorneys Delivered a Barn-Burning Impeachment Closing

  49. Jeffery Pritchett: Donald Trump Has Been Acquitted Again! Buckle Up!

    1. Its been shown Trump is part of the Jewish mob. Stop expecting him to save you!

    2. Because the whole impeachment thing is a pile of rubbish.

  50. Does anyone know who uses blunt vertical neon triangle ships? Specifically a capital ship which carries more smaller transport ships. Had a vision one of those dropping out of FTL, crashing some smaller ships, dropping out some cargo and then jumping back to the FTL and being followed by the oval fighter ships.

  51. Here is a Positive insight. Stay Strong and in Light and Love.:

    Energy Update For Starseeds/Lightbearers

    As we dive deeper into the Aquarian Age you might notice that the ascension symptoms we used to have are now shorter in duration and more bearable unlike before. The negative murmurs in our minds are now easier to detect and subdue in their earlier stage. Our body sculpture is becoming more fit and athletic inbuilt.

    We are continuously becoming more and more aware of the things we no longer need in our lives. The things that held us back for so many years are becoming clearer to be seen by now. The programming in our system is now easier to recognize and detach from.

    We can now distinguish better who we truly are from whom this world would like us to believe we are. We can now easily see others who they truly are aside from their projection of themselves. We can easily view the 3-D reality from the detached calm perspective of merely an unbiased observer.

    Some of you might be wondering if you are truly fulfilling your life’s mission right now. Each of one of us Starseeds has their own reason for coming here. Each archetype has its own way of shining its lights. Some of us came here to expose the dark. Some of us came here to shine the light. Some of us came here to fight the dark with our light. Some play as conduits of light from the central sun to the heart of Gaia.

    Some of us came here to transmute the dark into the light. Some came just to recognize the dark and the light and stand in balance. Some are here to meditate and share their inner light which actually tremendously helping in increasing the frequency resonance of this world. Some of us came here just to experience ascension in human form. Some are doing all of these. Some are just here to learn. Some came to experience ascension and assist others. Some came just to be and love whatever they have around them.

    There is no right or wrong nor right or wrong path. All are just experiences we chose to have in this time-space reality. We are all eternal beings helping in the expansion and evolution of Source through Source’s plan creations. We have different paths. Different Missions. Different Soul Contracts. But we are all in this together. All we can do is to assist each other here as much as we can as we go to the flow of this ascension process.

    It’s this process that we love to experience no matter how hard it is…it is the process of remembering who we truly are even if we immersed ourselves in the lowest/densest frequency field in the multiverse that excites us. That’s why we came. We knew that even one percent of this world can hold the light and ascend. It will have an unseen frequency ripple effect in the heart, mind, and soul of the collective.

    Whatever it is…Know that you are doing what you came here for. Never doubt that… You are always loved and guided… and You are not alone... again...We are on this journey together, we just have to learn and have fun with it...It is challenging, but it is a great honor to any soul to be here at this point in time...Just follow your heart...Take care, all of you.

    May the Source be with us all. Namaste.

    Dezmein Bluray

    1. Some of us were FORCED to come here.

    2. >Radhika
      Interesting stuff. No information exists on where my soul came from. I probably wouldn't believe it anyway if they told me I came from XYZ race or soul family.

      I also wouldn't be too eager to meet them. As far as I am concerned they had the good life where they are so distant from the challenges and inequities of living here they had to wait until certain recent astrological/cosmic alignments took place to just begin to understand the level of suffering the Surface Population has been going through.

      This implies a significant section of them haven't been pursuing this operation to end the darkness with the level of urgency they would have in the past decades, had they possessed a basic awareness of the full circumstances of the Planetary Situation.

      What Cobra said in an interview a long while back about the cultural gap between the Surface Population and the ET races would be similar to an Eskimo meeting a Tokyo cosmopolitan. For starters they would be lacking the streetsmarts some of us have.

      I warned back then with their level of ignorance this can very easily become their quagmire like Afghanistan was for the Soviets and now for the Americans.

  52. What am I to do. I have a friend who came from Armenia. She lives together with her two sons, the sons doomed to spend their working life in the night, always in night shifts, always. Cause they want to work, they want an income and probably dream of having their own family.
    My friend is very hospitable, like eastern Europe is. But they are poor. When I visit her I get treated in eastern European style. lots. with sugar, white flour and cheap food.
    I know white flour is no good, I know not biological potatoes is no good, I am so far that she accepts my refuse for sugar. She made me piroshkas made of white flower. How far should I go?

    1. She's going out of her way to help you despite her poverty and in addition the difficult political situation of her native country so don't make too many demands.

      Life isn't perfect and low quality food is unavoidable. I myself can't eat organic as my budget doesn't allow it. We are all dead anyway with the toxic environment we are in.

      There are those who eat from the garbage tipper, high in sugar and white flour or not.

    2. If she invites you over, which is very nice, really, why don't you bring something with you?

      Tell her YOU will bring goodies.

      Bring over a big pot of herbal tea.

      Bring a big organic tossed salad with some fruit.

      Bring bags of oranges. Sweet and loaded with Vitamin C and minerals.

      Bring bunches of bananas. Sweet and loaded with vitamins and minerals.

      Bring a bag of nuts. A luxury item. Almonds and walnuts are quite healthy.

      Bring a box of dates. Dates are sweet and good for you and if you eat 2 about 2 hours before bedtime, they'll help you sleep.

      Go for a walk with her and get exercise.

      Go to a park where there are trees and walk in the trees.

    3. If you only bless the food she gives you it is not as toxic as before anymore. Right?

  53. Betelgeuse

  54. Contracts with the Archons

    She Said YES To Me for 24 Hours
    Starseeds have made contracts with the Archons "for their entire lives".
    Every starseed has also entered into contracts with the Archons before each incarnation. Cobra has pointed this out at conferences. Since these contracts are illegal under the Galactic Codex, they can be revoked. On the physical plane, however, it takes a little longer for liberation to manifest.

    First of all, I really like your sweat shirt. Can I have it?
    The dark ones do not want us to express ourselves through a connection to the Higher Self. Nevertheless, they need our consent again and again to distract us.

    "But I don't want to give you my favourite jumper." "Don't forget to say yes to every one of my wishes, all right?"
    The Starseed's Spiritual Guidance advises against the deal. But the contracts with the Archons gain the upper hand.

    Thank you.
    The dark ones say "thank you" to reward us when we don't follow our guidance and are their stooges instead. This can be awards, appreciations, grading, etc.

    I want a glass of water | Do my maths test | Listen to my song
    The dark ones keep us busy with distractions so that we don't have time to connect with our Higher Self and with our I Am Presence.

    Barvina does not do the work as she is supposed to in order to fight captivity. She also "sends attacks back to sender". For this she is punished with inconvenience.
    Depending on how high the consciousness of starseeds is, they take action against the matrix operators, for example by becoming creative themselves instead of following the sprinkling of the matrix. There is also, for example, the possibility of sending the attacks back to the attacker by visualising a mirror shield.

    1. Read the last link. Seems 6 years later the child-sniffer and new governor-general of the Chinese province of USSA hasn't learned his lesson.


  55. "Darkness cannot drive out darkness. Only Love can do that.
    Hate cannot drive out hate. Only Love can do that."

    - Martin Luther King -



  56. We Have it All......................... NSA Operation: Not Forgotten

  57. Fighting with low vibrations against the matrix
    Actually, starseeds have come to anchor light. However, many are tempted to use lower dimensional energies against the dark ones, which is a rather futile endeavour.

    Karolina ― Starseed | Barvina ― Archons, henchmen of the cabal

    Karolina, compared to Barvina in the role of Starseeds, shows little creativity (which can connect us to our Higher Self) in taking action against the operators of the Matrix. She seems haphazard. A connection to spiritual guidance is not recognisable. She lets frustration, anger, etc. determine her actions. Finally, the law of attraction causes her existing but unused Higher Dimensional connections to be weakened - her hair is cut. The hair acts like antennae into Higher Dimensions, the longer the stronger.

    What can lower dimensional work look like, for example?

    Reacting through anger. Pretending to have a higher dimensional connection, but which is actually lower dimensional, in order to gain recognition from others.

  58. Please post some update or at least comments. This is extremely boring

    1. Go to a circus near you if you need a clown to entertain you....oh wait...there is the lockdown stuff...lool

    2. Looking for cards bullets and kisses?

    3. As if cobra is here to amuse you... have some respect

  59. Does Wipeout 4 include the likes of Kissinger, Chaney and Rumfelds?

    1. I don't think so. I suspect that the sequence refers to the Chimera group (perhaps on the surface of the planet or on the next higher planes).

    2. Cobra said Kissinger, Cheney and Rumsfeld would be the next ones to die off after Rockefeller....yet those three gargoyles are STILL alive and kicking. When will they die..and WILL we EVER hear of these bad guys dying of something OTHER than old age.....such as an assassin's bullet?

  60. Not sure I understand, this role I've been given...🎼

    Anima Mundi (Soul of the World)🌍🌟
    🌛🌚🌜 Nut/SOPHIA/Baphomet

  61. The Power of Imagination

    Visualisations Enable Manifestations


    If you feel so guided, you can include the M87 GALAXY in your meditations.

    Sisterhood of the Rose Interview with Cobra “Age of Aquarius Final Activation”
    Dec 15, 2020

    I noticed that in the instructions for this meditation we now pull the pillar of Light also through the M87 galaxy. Should we be doing this in our daily meditations when we pull in a pillar of Light, to include the M87 Galaxy?

    That's a very good idea.

    Okay, good. Is this flash of cosmic love energy an aspect of Goddess energy?

    It is a very high aspect of goddess energy. (Beautiful) And Goddess Iona, which came to Atlantis and brought Goddess mystery, actually originates from M87 galaxy. She came traveling through our galactic central sun of this galaxy, then visiting many planets brought Goddess mystery to many star systems, especially in this region of the galaxy until she found herself on this planet 25,000 years ago.

    Also if you feel so guided, you can connect to the energy of Charon.

    Sublunar Operations

    “Fifteen years ago, Charon was the main exotic weapons warehouse for Chimera / Draco / Illuminati secret space programs. All this has been cleared by the Light forces a few years later. Now, Charon is the main portal between our Solar System and M 87 Galaxy in Virgo. Now, Charon is one of the most positive and beautiful places in the whole Solar System and will have a very important role in the liberation of our planet as one of the most important relay stations for the Event flash.

    You can connect with the energy of Charon through this picture:”

  63. Dear Cobra, I'm not a fan of Trump or get involved in the politics, but you should look at how unpopular the new US President was on Youtube: People are awakening! No matter how they blocked the comments on every single video or tried to deleted the “unlike” but the fact is there! People want the lights! They want a better life!

    The lights are winning indeed! Hang in there dear ones! Rise our vibration! Love you all! ❤️💕💓💗⭐️✨

    1. They know it and they want to move "we the people" out of sight. Unbelievable...

      President Joe Biden has gone beyond purging the legacy of Donald Trump to scrub that of Barack Obama too, taking down the White House petitions page. All links to ‘We the People,’ the petition page launched out by the Obama administration in 2011, now redirect to the main White House website. Neither the ‘Contact’ nor ‘Get Involved’ links, which used to lead to it, do so anymore. Apparently, this has been the case since January 20, when the Biden administration took over both the White House and its website. Yet for the past four weeks, not a single mainstream media outlet has noticed its disappearance.

    2. Biden was booed heavily at the super bowl.

  64. What is the soul mantran.. from step 1

  65. In all honour of the advancements beeing made it is still a big shame that these "security breaches" aka hacks of 5d struckture are still ongoing. If you are connected to those 5d struktures in meditation for example this negative shit comes right at you... Securitymeasures need to be updated and increased asap.

  66. Narcissism

    I'm not rid of it yet. When I notice it, I shrug my shoulders a little. Now in David Wilcock's video, The Cosmic Secret, it slowly dawns on me that that's awful. I keep it to myself, but I am convinced that many people suffer from it. My mother was a narcissist. I once read that a narcissist can only produce narcissists. And I started to see my mother keeping me away from other people and finding everyone suspicious.
    Balance must be there. Balance is the absence of false bodies. Own only.
    I worked on it for over a year, although I didn't know what. I just couldn't go on. I was completely stuck. Loud ringing bells in my ears, always.
    Yes, it is definitely better now. But every now and then, like bubbles in still water, a narcissistic unwanted thought pops up in me. Not as bad as it used to be. Then it could really be something like "that he'd been better off with me as a mother." So not even "as a mother like me". Now they are oversimplified plops of jealousy. And when I go to investigate, nothing will be left of it. Total nonsense.
    God please take the last of narcissism away from me. God please bless me, bless humanity and Earth. I love you...

    1. Hello maria online. Oke maybe many of us want to say it and are ashamed of doing it but i will say it.

      Maria with all of the respect i have for you and you beautiful soul you need to understand that writting your life here have any purpose Whatsoever. I mean you can join a group of people or do something to not feel alone. But here that's quit weird.

      I just hope to that you don't become the type of person that spam all the messages with links and other things that doesn't make sense and wi have like the 50 % of all just being you.

      Cobra have said recently that alternative media is now infiltrate with desinformation and you continue to just put some links and stories that don't even have common sense.

      Please Maria understand that this is not an attack just my feeling about all of your messages. Sometimes you message are very good but please be careful with what you share.

  67. From Jeffery Pritchett: Adrenochrome Data Dump 2021

  68. It's been over ten years. How many decades do humans have? Every day is a disappointment. If that was your goal, you succeeded. GF.

  69. Jeffery Pritchett: President's Day Surprise & Revelation 13 Unfolding? Latest Leak Project

  70. The difficulty of liberating the earth
    Many are frustrated because they think the liberation of the earth is taking too long. They have not the slightest idea how complicated the problem is. The techniques that are being used to hold the Earth captive are quantum level techniques that reach into higher dimensional planes, sometimes into mental plane realms.

    Can we still help? Yes. With our consciousness. The consciousness controls the body through quantum mechanical processes. This is not possible at all in any other way, as consciousness lies exclusively in high dimensions. However, quantum mechanics extends into both high and low dimensions.

    Our conscious decisions have a high influence on how fast the liberation of the planet proceeds. That is why it is said, "Be Calm."

    Every conscious positive decision or action helps to liberate the planet.

    1. Will only mean a damn if we are alive to see it happen.

  71. Important for Islands of Light development. (For only who might be still interested...)

    Solar DC Initiative

    "This technology uses complete DC solutions to remove AC to DC and DC to AC conversions. Removing the need of conversion helps in saving 30% to 40% of energy."

  72. Aha,,, In fact, everything should disappear from what is human creation. -as a matter of fact-

  73. Corona withdraws worldwide
    Corona positive tests per day reached their maximum level worldwide at the beginning of January and have been declining sharply since then.

    1. Coffee... It was introduces by the Jesuits. You can read it on google. A shaman one taught me its the stop to heaven.

  74. My Higher Self message after OESTRE coding sequence is.

    "When the stars lit up, the party will proceed" "I LOVE YOU UNCONDITIONALLY"

  75. X22Report: We The People Are Taking Down The Global Power Structure, The Day Of Reckoning Is Upon Us! - Must Video

  76. From Jeffery Pritchett: Benjamin Fulford: Gnostic Illuminati Demands Khazarian Mafia Surrender

  77. From Jeffery Pritchett: Encouraging Words from Juan O Savin

    1. Juan O' Savin is the same voice behind 'W' i.e. Wayne Willot. He's been on RogueNews (formerly RogueMoney) run by V the Guerilla Economist as far back as 2015. I had been listening to RogueNews channel since 2013 until end last year when Trump conceded and it was a given the United States as a country was lost.

      Wayne Willot aka 'W' no longer shows up on Rogue News after listeners didn't want to have anything to do with him, when Trump conceded. Now he's peddling the same old hopium about pedophiles and the elite being arrested, the same unfulfilled promises we have heard for decades, but now on other newer platforms like Simon Parkes (and the channels whose videos are shown in this link) who aren't familiar with this entity's long career in making a business out of people's desperation for a miracle.

      Cobra already said to quit following the alt-media news. Do what he says and stick to posting recipes.

  78. Please does anyone know what cobra says about the vaccines I cant find it

  79. VTX.... is a FINANCIAL CODE!!!
    You can find the answer from '28 min at:



  81. Solar Fields - Landing Party


  82. " Dark anomalous plasma near the surface of planet Earth is arranged by the dark forces based on trapezoidal non-harmonious geometrical shapes and also by distorted non-Euclidean geometries:

    One of the main occultists of the dark forces, Michael Aquino, has developed a ritual named “the ceremony of the nine angles” to enforce trapezoidal non-sacred geometries in negative occult rituals and this ritual is widely used by the dark forces since 1970s.

    The lattice of non-sacred geometries is the basis of Matrix construct which surrounds the planet.

    The antidote to non-sacred geometries is the Flower of Life:

    The Light Forces are now asking everybody to use Flower of Life sacred geometry as much as possible.

    You can visualize golden Flower of Life sphere around your energy field as protection

    You can put Flower of Life stickers to any location on the planet that needs healing:

    The Light Forces are strongly supporting this project, as you can see in this crop circle: "

  83. Just wondering lately... With removal of Chimera, will Jesuit faction lost support (be significantly weakened)? Can they even stay hidden once the negative grid is dissolved?
    For thoose concerned with that this swamp draining (with Jesuits faction/Archons being signifinantly involved in, as well as many starseeds unaware of their origin and true purpose of the mission) will result into Jesuits being the "saviors", I’ve found out that Cobra spoke about this their plan many times, even early on this blog (so early, that at that time it had to be imposible for anyone to fully comprehend the meaning). Their plan/intention (currently being so obviously played out) is known to LF and it therefore won’t be successful. Are Jesuits used by the RM to do the job of transition preparations (certains steps - deconstruction for example, before RM takes over)? Is this Q-dissapoitment (among other, more occult reasons) connected also to the fact that LF won’t allow Jesuits plan to be successful? With Jesuits plan not being successful will the purge of the Cabal after all happen only at the moment of the Event and not before?

    Just a few quotes:

    "Various factions of the Cabal are beginning to realize that the end is near. Due to the increasing power of the Light forces, the Jesuits and the Rothschilds have been forced to sacrifice the Illuminazi faction to ensure their own survival. This is the reason they are throwing the Illuminazi under the bus in Rothschild-controlled mass media."

    "The Rothschilds and the Jesuits are planning to allow that to happen, present themselves to the masses as the good guys, manipulate the Eastern Alliance networks and their financial institutions from behind the scenes, hijack the financial reset and to remain the globalist controllers of humanity. Their plan will not be successful as the Light forces are aware of it and will never allow its fruition, as they have their own plans to counteract that, with mass arrests of the Rothschilds and the Jesuits at the Event."

    "Behind the scenes, negotiations for the surrender of the Cabal continue. Large portions of Jesuit and Rothschild factions have already expressed their theoretical willingness to surrender at the Event."

    "There are Light forces at work and they will NOT allow the Jesuit agenda to be successful."

    1. then why are these duplicates allowed to run free?


    I [say your name] close my Energy-Bodies on All Planes and All Dimensions to the Black Nobility, to the Rogue-Aspects of Fallen-Angels, to the Chimera and the Spider-like Beings, to the Archons, to the Dark Reptilians, to the Dark Draconians and to any Dark-Being, Dark-Energy, Dark-Thought and any Negative-Technology directed at me in Zero-Point Now and Forever.

    In the name of my Divine-Presence, I ask to be cloaked against unwelcome Negative-Approachings, Negative-Attacks, and Negative-Threats according to the Decree given by Primary-Source.

    I form a Mirror-Shield now around me which transmute into the Violet-Flame any and all Dark-Intentions directed to me and I send back the Pure-Violet-Flame and the White-Fire of AN to the source of the attack at a hundred plus times the intensity directed at me.

    This Decree is valid in Zero Point from Now on and Forever, in all Planes, all Dimensions, and all Timelines.

    So BE IT and so IT IS.


    Source simon parkes website

  86. 2/16/2021,,. window of clarity. Trust your inner light and do not forget.

  87. I did a heavy metal test that can reveal aluminum from chemtrails while others can't. It reads all metals and minerals too. It's a new system called Oligoscan that's a laser that reads your skin. I had high aluminum and Dr. Klinghardt's clinic said literally every single person does, and they see a ton of people from all over the world. It doesn't show up on other metal tests like blood and urine for a couple reasons. It's not huge amounts so it flushes from fluids quickly but it's bound in cells causing damage so people are not okay. The body can't detox nano metals very well so it remains invisible to tests while it's actually a major problem. Hair is on the surface but that actually requires the body detox and process metals to get it into the hair. For some reason skin is like a passive detox and a more accurate indicator. Nano is way more toxic so if everyone has clinically high amounts of that, we're really hurting. It's cool this test and the clinic's observations are basically proof of chemtrails. I've had amazing results from a supplement called IMD which is activated silica. My mind cleared significantly right away, and pain, fatigue, and depression much better too.

  88. Hitchcock... I woke up with this man in my mind. He was famous some 40/50 years ago for his horrorfilms. There was a sound of a chainsaw and the lense got filled with drops of blood. I watched it as clever fake material... but now it seems to me it was real. Perhaps all of that horrofilms where it comes to torture.

  89. From the channeling of Sharon channeling Soren. ATTENNTION!!!:
    Sharon: Yes. The war in the Pacific was a series of blunders. And now, after all that, Japan and the US are fighting on the same side. When will this stop?

    Soren: When you decide to stop it.

    The only source I could find, mentioned on the article:

    I went back to that article, scrolled, and what was the text that came up when I stopped? It stops when you decide it to stop!!!

  91. Arcturians: The secret is not to HAVE be to BE, So simple... tears.

  92. I read: 'A creative man is motivated by the desire to achieve, not by the desire to beat others'. from Ayn Rand.
    I held that against my experience with narcissism. The shocking thing was that I got myself so high that I didn't even think about others.

  93. A thank you to all who are quietly and firmly holding the light for everyone in your own way. We are all making a difference. God Bless You All.

  94. The End of Patriarchy, spoken of in Davic Wilcocks Cosmic Secret. It shows how Women as a total were wiped of out being important. Quite shocking, and it showed what the results were. Total absence of details and sensitivity. Poverty trumps. Men and women must go together in full equality.

  95. I want and need to live in Galactic Federation now

    They said this year pleeaassee I can’t wait any longer

    I want to live on ship now and be away from this Truman Show, no matter how wonderful it is

    There’s no reason dragging it any longer because I’ll keep taking it and you know how the last few months and years have been feeling

    I want to be free and happy and in true love

    Do you really enjoy watching me this much? I beg you, I want out of this prison now or you’ll just watch me forever and I’ll keep sitting and smiling, sitting and smiling

  96. If we don’t have expectations, we won’t be disappointed.

  97. Becoming increasingly aware of the earthquakes as they shake me every day I send my Love and Light to Armenia. Go Lightforces, go! We are grateful beyond mind.
    Victory of the Light 🥰🌼

  98. Dear Cobra,

    I hope all LF feel good and are happy with the progress.

    When appropriate, I would appreciate greatly more info on Planet X allies:

    - Which star cluster in which constellation is the origin of Planet X... Pleiades or Orion or somewhere else?

    - You have mentioned they have liberated their planet in 1996. Who or what from? What happened there, who was their enemy, how did they get rid of them?

    - Historically, what is the relationship of Planet X inhabitants to humans? Did they have any humans/humanoids on their planet? What happened to them? Are there any reptoids involved? In which role? Why would they want to help us? Do they owe us anything? Do they expect or need something from us?

    Leaving aside the extensive history of being manipulated as a race, I think (some) humans are now ready for open communication and negotiation. We have right to know and I do not consent to any form of manipulation. It will backfire to those who do it.

    On the other hand, I cannot wait to meet my family of Light 🥰 May the Source be with you and may we meet soon.

    Cobra, I have great faith and give support to you as a human being. By accomplishing all this so far, you show us the Source is mighty strong in you. Stay loved, be strong, I hope to meet you in ou liberated homeland.

    Victory of the Light

  99. Britain's Prince Philip, 99, in hospital

    Macron takes close ally by surprise with election plot in desperate bid to win extra votes

    Who Is The US President? Kamala Harris, Not Biden Is Talking With Foreign Leaders
