Thursday, April 15, 2021

A Short Message to the Surface Population

The situation in Ukraine keeps escalating:


Therefore the Light forces are asking everybody who feels so guided to join our peace meditation for Ukraine:

Goddess wants peace and peace it will be!



  1. L O V E



    1. And for obvious reasons:

      (Your Love keeps lifting me)
      Higher And Higher

      Love and Peace go hand in hand.


  2. Outside of blocking cabal plans I don't really care about that part of the planet. There is no love for Nato. I don't see it as a problem if Russia burns the pests that live without the consent of the Light Forces. It is difficult to watch this process play out as directed by Galactic Forces while at the same time keeping humanity unaware.

    1. If Russia really wanted to do some dam4g3 they could just target the msm office in the citie?s. Don't hurt the people they m4m are the front line.

  3. Hey Goddess...want peace ?

    Remove the War Mongers !

    1. Hé Watcher99901 si tu faisait parti de ma meute je te relèguerais au rang d'oméga histoire de d'apprendre le respect !

  4. I have seen the pioneer of 2012, the spiritual riddle a top the graves of the brave dragons. From star student class for the gifted to special needs education it all felt like a riddle to me.

    Home and warm fire, shoes, I must solve the shoe decisions. Easier to play chess with the right kinda shoes. I see Soul everywhere and now I see Spirit.

    River People to Bull to Dragon wings, everyone is Beautiful.

    Peace is in Me and You.

  5. V slovenščini:

    Vabljeni v našo skupino Sestrstva Vrtnice in Podpore Dogodka na Facebooku:

    Thank you for the post Cobra.

    Victory of the Light!

  6. Let's fill the world with light with this meditation. It is up to us.

  7. Was a 3:30 visit, enjoyed the syncing with time. Collective consciousness is collecting spirit. Feels heavy like armor or field battle dress after each Soul Mission to get to Adams house. The Sandstone to Sand Storm.

    -Son Goku in Crocs

  8. when would the light forces intervene? is there a limit, even with corona, before there will be stocks for non-vaccinated people? there must be no big new war

  9. Well, time to keep doing these meditations.
    I don't know how much impact us have in it but at least is a way to help if nothing else.

    In the end Love still gonna win so, Victory of the Light!

  10. Meditation française / French meditation

  11. I see times, I seen the footsteps today. I seen the riddle to get me to stop. I will see the Bull the dragon again tomorrow as that was me. Bull the Rose the Phoenix.

    How did I miss times, the snow was the show.

  12. Thanks for the update!

    Meditation in spanish
    Meditación en castellano

  13. 🙏 may the peace and love spreading to the Middle East and Ukraine🙏

  14. Its not just in the Ukraine. Things are escalating between Israel and Iran and between China and Taiwan also.

    1. Maybe it's the Syrian Vortex that is at stake. I don't know.

    2. "Let these energies then flow onwards and heal all other conflicts worldwide."

  15. My Enhanced Pain Pen arrived today! It's definitely different than any other device I've made or bought, which is a lot. It uses new types of gans. Also it's not a coil, it's filled with liquid. There are two holes in the back so I bet there are two gans in separate vials inside. Like all plasma devices you physically feel the energy like running your hand under water. It feels like a combination of wind, water, and electricity that goes right through you. That's one of the most amazing aspects; it goes into you, through you, and out the other side like you're not even there. All plasma devices instantly and semi-permanently cure pain, it's amazing. Even one time use would cause a permanent change. It's also improved my emotional problems and food allergies. I used to have serious food allergies that were 80% reduced and never came back. As I'm typing this I can feel the parts of my body I used the pen on earlier still feel better. Just having it near you will fix your entire body and is emotionally calming. I can't recommend these enough. I've made hundreds of devices, and bought a dozen from Keshe Foundation. It feels so good I can't imagine not having it in my life. The pictures are Pain Pens I made, you can see the effect of the energy on water as it freezes.

    The previous Pain Pen models are still amazing, and a 3 for 1 deal! They have a bit more of a zap because of the coil so it's better for showing people. They're both plenty strong to feel though, even skeptics can't deny it. The Pads are great too. It's layers of gans. Having them over a large area of the body is very effective. I took one to a doctor visit one time. He says "Yeah I can feel that." We talked for awhile longer and towards the end of the appointment he says "I can still feel that in my hand." Yep! If someone was saying they feel it to appease me they wouldn't add that. People will rub their thumb and fingers together and look at their hand like "what?" It's funny seeing so many people do the same thing. Countless times they'll describe the specific sensation back to me, which they wouldn't know because I didn't tell them anything ahead of time. They'll say exactly what I did, "it's tingly but also like a liquid too." It's like a liquid wind that even has a pressure you feel. One time I showed a powerful device to my very regular dad and he says "It feel like there's a fan in there!"

    1. Patrick Kehoe: Essas canetas q vc vende, não tem comprovação científica nenhuma, mas às vezes faz efeito placebo em pessoas que tem aquele tipo de fé q remove montanhas, mas vc tem todo o direito de vender seus produtos.

    2. I’ve seen these keshe devices for years but never bought one. I do have a pain in my shoulder that has been there for months and I wonder if this would help. If it works I’d gladly pay the price. So much of the “healing” technology I’ve seen has been worthless. How does it work? How long do you have to use it to see results?

  16. You got it Cobra!! VOTL❤️❤️❤️

  17. The cabal is getting desperate with their scamdemic failing. They will not be allowed to start WWIII. Their days are VERY numbered. We have waited enough, the Light is ready to clean house!

    1. Don't fall for anything the mainstream media or CDC says it's all lies. I meant more that people are standing up to the tyranny and loss of rights worldwide.

    2. All fake numbers for a fake pandemic!

  18. It’s the first time that I saw a dream about a new post where light forces are asking for help. I woke up to see this post.

    I will do my duty.

    1. О какой помощи они просят, что необходимо сделать?

  19. No war. Water will crack or hold. I’ll meditate for peace.

  20. 4:45pm is a time to pioneer a new level of meditation. I want peace.

    Peace and Love

  21. Russell 'Texas' Bentley
    Donbass War 2021 - Reports from the Front

    1. Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs - NATO Activities In Ukraine And Near Its Borders:

  22. Question for Cobra, will the Resistance movement trigger the Delta option now? Because it looks like we’ve reached the boiling point and The Dark Forces have absolutely nothing to lose and they know there days are numbered and they want to take all of us down with them, they want to trigger an EMP attack on Russia which would then result in a EMP attack on Europe and US electrical grid which would basically take us back into the Stone Age, there is no way that can be allowed to happen, I hope to God the Light Forces have taken swift action to implement the Delta option and take down the Cabal because I don’t see anyway to stop the Dark Forces at this point besides the Delta Option, I pray the Light Forces will act swiftly to stop the Dark Forces and get the situation under control because time is running out fast and the dark forces are desperate and are acting fast to trigger WW3 and the Light Forces must END THIS MADNESS before it’s too late and our power grid is destroyed and we are back in the Stone Age

    1. Take part in the meditation. Directed focus can do miracles.

    2. Bonjour , Eyo cette attaque EMP je l'ai vu en rêve cette nuit suivi des images de chaos mais j'ai un doute sur le lieu parce que pour moi elle venait plus d'un réacteur sur l'anamorphose et si c'est le cas tout va aller très vite très rapidement .

    3. @Hope,

      Très intéressant votre rêve. J'espère que les événements n'arriveront pas à ce state !

    4. @Libra the dark forces don’t care anymore about the Pleiadians threats the dark forces know they will be defeated in the end and at this point the Dark Forces want to cause as much destruction and suffering for humanity before the Event happens, the Light forces must realize their threats won’t work this time around, now is the time for Light forces to take action and arrest the cabal before the dark forces trigger an EMP attack and destroy Russia, Europe and US power grid and take us back to the Stone Age , this cannot be allowed to happen, Delta Option needs to be triggered before it’s too late and missiles start flying

  23. Sand, few atoms. House of Atom or the Halls of Atom. The ruins. I’m going to bed...

    - Son Goku

  24. if war is the only way to get aliens to action I'm for...they had a lot of time and they didn't solve anything it's too late!!!

    1. You say that because its not you going there kill other people because a warmonger ordered you to. Its not you getting your city destroyed, family killed, soldiers invading your neighborhood, etc...Just meditate, just hard can it be? You still is going to be in the comfort of your home, in your computer...but instead just saying non-helping-nonsense, you help the grand scheme of things :)

    2. War cannot happen. I don't believe that it is too late. No!!
      I do the meditations whenever I can. And I do understand that it is clearing more million years of darkness, and without their help humanity would even be alive on this planet. However planet earth only has been fully occupied from the time of Atlantis.
      It still puzzles me, why this galactic war could go so far,and not acting earlier seriously. How could our total occupation happen in 1996?! I know the light always conquers.
      May be I am wrong but, it seems to me, that the Lightforces have left serious action to the last minute.And human, animals's suffering still going on.

    3. @Juarez
      speak for yourself...I have many times VOLUNTEERED to join the actual fighting, in return for the ET's to help me a lil bit.

      All we've done is meditate, meditate, meditate....and look what happens....the bad guys always seem to have back up plans upon back up plans, this stupid 'pandemic', the masses/sheeple are eating it all up...DESPITE the critical masses we did, and having a million folks participate. And I keep feeling like SHIT for a week each time I take part in these meditations. I'm all for going in, with REAL WEAPONS, and spilling some bad guy blood....which SHOULD have happens DECADES AGO.

      Yea, the light forces seem to playing it safe, each and everytime...and WE don't have the REAL life spans, and not forever young like THEY are...WE are, thanks to the archons and lizards, genetically raped. We can't AFFORD to keep waiting, Juarez.

      Welcome to the war zone.

  25. Let us remember the work of DOLORES CANNON.

  26. writing from cobra a couple of weeks ago-quote-----In a week or two the Light forces will begin to clear quantum primary anomaly directly related to human implants-----unquote


    hats off to the lightforces for super cosmic primo brilliant works ongoing.....

    we are all feeling effects of this i would propose,with the lightforces operations clearings ongoing of quantum primary anomoly directly related to human implants.....

    we really are getting our wings back.....crazy stuff its a true story.....

    zapem with your minds lightforces soldiers-zapem with your minds.....hahahahaha.....


    we can probably have more powerful peace meditations now as anomoly clearings continue .....

    namaste brothers and sisters of the light-as we rise in mindsight.....

    1. Frères nos ailes nous ne les avons jamais perdues juste oublier qu'elles étaient là .

  27. Hi, guys could you explain because I have already lost hope after last post, it looks like the event will be in a hundred years, so what's the main reason of this war? If it is so dangerous, then many times light forces have stopped nuclear bombs but they can't stop this war. And also after cobra's last post, everything looks more than strange so im not against this planet is bombed into pieces, because we are hostages and we can't really do anything. We can't take the guns and go overthrow the government's and anything, actually we can't do anything, and somebody for many of us decided to play this game. I don't want to play this game without the exit so i don't mind any war because it already got me tired as hell.

    1. The main reason for this war is the foreign policy of the USA, which does not accept the economic development of Russia and China.

    2. This is just a final exam for every soul. And all events are a stage and theatrical paraphernalia. It's not the war or the pandemic that matters, it's what each of us demonstrates in this situation. Light Forces can do much things to create a better stage, and they control the situation, but they will not cancel the exam. :)

    3. An all-out nuclear war would kill most of humans on the surfac and potentially make the entire planet uninhabitable.
      Small-scale wars we have today can kill just a few thousand people. A drop in the ocean compared to how many people are dying each day from stress, sicknesses, pollution, and other things orchestrated by the Cabal. The scale of suffering from those wars isn't really worse than what the entire humanity is experiencing daily.

      The point of this is creating global fear, potential new laws to restrict our freedom in exchange for safety, and maybe triggering WWIII if possible. And the last option should be definitely prevented by the LF's.

    4. Ask yourself whether those are really your thoughts and feelings. Use the violet flame protection.

    5. @Libra I swear I am shaking with anger after reading your comment!

    6. @inner peace

      I personally am SICK and TIRED of 'exams'. MY soul is TIRED.

  28. My opinion use this sentences...Goddess wants peace and peace it NOW...VICTORY OF THE LIGHT NOW 💥🔥👊🙂...accordingly to the law of attraction 🔥✌️💥👊🙂

    1. Me too! In each meditation I use, at the end, the present indicative: "The goddess wants peace" and "Peace be here and now!"



    breaking news - real doctors unpack the cabals massive crimespree ongoing.....brazozulu.....

  30. German Translation of this post:

  31. Thanks Cobra for the update.
    French translation of the post
    Traduction en français :

    Victoire de la Lumière ! Victory of the Light!

  32. Cobra, thank you, meditating daily for peace!!

    ..and reposting info here about the new 12 step programme.. if you feel this fits, I would love this to reach our StarSeed community..

    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
    Beloved StarSeeds, new 12 step programme to provide emotional and spiritual support to StarSeeds;
We must continuously heal ourselves to be effective in our missions, shift this planet onto the highest time, prevent this insane WWIII and speed on to liberation day.

    And we cannot do this in isolation. We cannot take the pressures of slavery, attack and our work AND present our best selves for meditations and missions without supporting each other, deeply.

    ..Which is where 12 step comes in. In 12 step tradition we heal through fellowship with one another through weekly online meetings; sharing and being heard, listening and identifying. We take inventory of the ‘addict authorities’ (negative occupying forces) so we understand the programming that needs to be healed within us.

    Connect with each other and work the 12 steps - the spiritual solution. 12 step programmes do not replace your personal healing modalities; soul retrieval, protections etc, but compliments all of these through the unique power of Souls coming together in Honesty and Unity.

    Welcome to Citizens of Addict Authorities Anonymous!


If you identify with the two readings below, this may be the place for you..


    The readings will be posted separately..

  33. Reading 1 of 2 from the new 12 step fellowship for StarSeeds..
    (see earlier post)

    ***The Problem***
    In CAA we accept humanity has been under the authority of a negative race. We call ourselves Citizens of Addict Authorities because this reflects our living under the conditions of this negative race, and conveys what this negative race truly is; the original addicts, devoid of Higher Powers love, addicted to pain and control.

    These addict authorities have had power over us, from the way we were parented, schooled and culturally indoctrinated. Having grown up under this occupation, we have been wounded and infected with negativity, false selves and addictive tendencies. We have been separated from each other and our true power. We learnt survival traits no longer helpful to us, such as addiction to substances, perfectionism, workaholism, and codependency. We became afraid of authority figures, or became controlling ourselves.
    Even though we did all the self work and healing we could, we felt all our endeavours were thwarted, as though an unseen hand was working against us. Some of us mistook the law of attraction to mean denying all darkness, and remained in ignorance, denying ourselves the opportunity to truly heal our pain.
    We struggled to find people who understood us, and despite a deep connection with the higher power of our understanding, we became increasingly isolated, frustrated and despondent. We felt powerless over creating the life we wanted and reaching our potential. This is a description,not an indictment.

  34. Reading 2/2 from the new fellowship for Starseeds (See earlier post)

    ***THE SOLUTION***

    The solution is to become your own True Self. As CAA becomes a safe place for you, you will find freedom to express all the hurts and fears you have kept inside and to free yourself from the shame and blame and other wounds that are carryovers from the past. You will become an adult who is imprisoned no longer by conditioned reactions that were never yours. You will recover the true child within you, the true inner loving parent within you, and an even deeper loving connection with your higher Self, through learning to accept and love yourself.

    The healing begins when we risk moving out of denial and isolation. Realisations will be made, and feelings and buried memories will return. By gradually releasing the burden of unexpressed grief, we slowly move out of the slavery conditioning of the past. We learn that we truly can free ourselves in the here and now. We learn to re-parent ourselves with gentleness, humour, love and respect.

    This process allows us to see that the addict authorities have acted as a false authority in our lives, and were never intended for us. We come to see that the way we were parented, educated and guided was influenced by these addict authorities. We also come to realise our biological parents are the instruments of our existence, but not our true family of origin. Our actual loving parent and true benevolent authority is a Higher Power whom some of us choose to call God or Goddess, Source or the Universe etc.

    Although we have had dysfunctional authority figures and many of us had dysfunctional parenting, our Higher Power gave us the Twelve Steps of Recovery. This is the action and work that heals us: we use the Steps; we use the meetings; we use the telephone. We share our experience, strength, and hope with each other. We learn to restructure our negative conditioning one day at a time.
    When we remove our consent for these addict authorities to dictate our lives, we become free to make healthful decisions as actors, not reactors. We progress from hurting, to healing, to helping. We awaken to a sense of wholeness and freedom we never knew was possible.

    By attending these meetings on a regular basis, you will come to see the dysfunction of addicted authorities for what it is: a disease that infected you as a child and continues to affect you as an adult, but in truth has no authority, influence or power over your True Self.

    You will learn to keep the focus on yourself in the here and now. You will take responsibility for your own life and supply your own parenting and authority. You will not do this alone. Look around you and you will see others who know how you feel. We love and encourage you no matter what. We ask you to accept us just as we accept you. This is a spiritual program based on action coming from love. We are sure that as the love grows inside you, you will find your true freedom as your True Self.

    (and yes, even whilst still under occupation, we can experience ‘The Solution’!!)

  35. Can anyone tell me What’s Sequence-5 ?🥰

    1. No one knows exactly. We can only speculate.

      But sequences 1 and 2 were about clearing Illuminati Breakaway Complex, and the draco fleet. Sequence 3 was probably the chimera fleet. And it's hard to even speculate about sequences 4 and 5 at this point. But it may be chimera underground bases, the archons, the negative beings on the astral plane, the human implants, and finally the surface Cabal with the final sequence.

  36. 12 step recovery programme for star seeds..

    I managed to put the wrong email .. sheesh..

    *** ***

  37. I will be participating in the mediation as often as I can. Thank you, Cobra. And Victory of the LIGHT!!! Love and Light to all.


    It's time to get active again! It's time to take the fate of our world into our own hands! We all agree that the process of stabilizing the situation in Ukraine/Middle East is taking too long. Here is our chance to collectively speed up the process. Therefore, let us take the opportunity to use several powerful Ukraine/Middle East meditations through which we unite our consciousness and finally thwart the attempt of the dark forces to start a war in Ukraine/Middle East and then worldwide.

    Let this go viral! Share it worldwide! Please post it on your websites and blogs. Invite spiritual groups to join us. If you know of an alternative media channel, you can send it to them. You can create a Facebook event for your local group of people doing this in your part of the world.

    Scientific studies have confirmed positive effects of mass meditations and activations on human society, so each of you participating in this activation can actually help resolve this situation.

    This activation will help all of us to ground the energy of light in Ukraine/Middle East to further stabilize the timeline. The number of people doing this activation is the most influential factor within the power of the surface population to accelerate the process.

    We can reach the critical mass of 144,000 people doing this activation every 4 hours, 12:45 UTC, 4:45 UTC, 8:45 UTC, 12:45 UTC, 4:45 UTC, 8:45 UTC every day! We can even reach a million! This will create a massive healing chain reaction in the energy field in Ukraine/Middle East and worldwide.

    1. Zumindest kennst du Leute, die überhaupt meditieren. Ich selbst kenne niemanden. Für die eigene Mitte zu meditieren, ist vielen bekannt und wird von vielen praktiziert. Aber für Situationen wie diese ist es etwas ganz anderes.

      Meiner Meinung nach müssen die Menschen erst einmal verstehen, was in dieser Welt, oder besser gesagt auf diesem Planeten, passiert. Verstehen und erkennen. Nicht jeder glaubt an solche Dinge oder ist an solchen Dingen interessiert.

      Meditieren allein ist gut gemeint, aber sinnlos. Die Frage ist nicht, wie oft du meditierst oder ich meditiere, die Frage ist, wie viele sich dieser Meditation anschließen. Ich allein kann meditieren, bis ich im Sitzen einschlafe.

      At least you know people who meditate at all. I myself do not know anyone. Meditating for your own center is known and practiced by many. But for situations like this, it's something else entirely.

      In my opinion, people must first understand what is happening in this world, or rather on this planet. Understand and realize. Not everyone believes in or is interested in such things.

      Meditating alone is well-intentioned, but pointless. The question is not how often you meditate or I meditate, the question is how many join this meditation. I alone can meditate until I fall asleep sitting up.

  39. In one of Elena Danaan's video, there is an interview with Valiant Thor. He explains in detail how to ask for help from the Galactic Federation.

  40. Couldn't Pandora be concentrated and amplified in the Middle East and Ukraine? Maybe if the anomaly/negative entities were cleared in these regions there would be no manipulation to fight.

    1. Agrees I think we are at a point where literally people are taken off the planet now.. we have children being rescued from tunnels and dumbs and we haven't heard anything to confirm it. These people are beyond healing all need to go to GCS. Let Russia take NATO out.. NATO is DS. Galactics took out draco and chimera ships! I dont get it we are at war right?

    2. What exists on the metaphysical planes is probably what orchestrates everything that happens in the physical world. We need Pandora to become trillions of times more powerful and efficient in order to make a difference. In my own life I get picked on and manipulated all the time by negativity from the metaphysical planes. It's not cleared out for my own sake, much less anyone else's. That's why WW3 is progressing so effectively, because the metaphysical planes are not being cleared enough. My meditation would not be a mediation for peace, but instead for an aggressive clearing of all metaphysical planes. This could be localized in the Middle East and Ukraine if that location is the primary threat.

    3. As matters stand now, there are possibly only 5 days left to stop the situation from going nuclear.

    4. the entities have to be cleared for the whole planet because if they will be cleared there then others for around the globe will go there again only to create negativity in the same countries

    5. That makes me feel soooooooooooooooo much better, Starlight. :P

  41. It’s about stopping terror. All the people I know barring none want to take the vaccine because that’s what they believe in. Most people I know have taken the vaccine and are now looking forward to the second dose.

    No one looks forward to war because that brings terror. And terror is what we need to remove from this world first.

    1. The vaccine will alter genome disconnect them from their heart and crown chakra as I have heard. Then in a few months they will die as immune system will over respond ..there is a reason the dark want all to.take their poison ..

    2. The vaccines are the real terror which needs to be stopped NOW

    3. A pandemic where few people die and those that do were mainly elderly with pre existing issues like every flu year. What is shocking is how facts around them wont make them question the authenticity of what the media is telling them. Cognitive dissonance on display. Of course this is their path their timeline just hard to watch friends and family not awaken. This duality experiment let's not do it again.

    4. I agree, but only you and I know about the vaccines. No one outside this blog (or a handful of other blogs) knows about the dangers of vaccines.

      That’s because the MSM is still in charge and the people who listen to the MSM just want to get those vaccines and get on with their lives. MSM and hospitals are killing people in the name of The Virus, which is being reported heavily in the MSM. As of now that’s the real terror in their lives, hoping like anything that they or their loved ones do not get infected...

  42. Won't you come by yourselves?
    It doesn't exist anymore.

  43. I just ask: What about Myanmar and Ireland? None of these countries is currently an island of peace.

  44. THE PORTAL 2012

    15 de abril de 2021
    Uma mensagem curta para a população da superfície.
    (1 Tessalonicenses 5:3)
    (A agenda Judaico/Império Romano Jesuíta quer a destruição)
    Portanto, as forças da Luz estão pedindo a todos que se sentem tão guiados para se juntarem à nossa meditação de paz para a Ucrânia:
    Deusa quer paz e paz haverá na Terra.


  45. They say that we are the creators of our own destiny. So when doing any global positive healing meditation together we can project 100000 billion healing energies each towards any country in conflict. So let's all do that as much as we can and perhaps this will trigger the event sooner.


    From now on, some specific attempts or actions from dark beings will result in SEVERE counter action by the light forces.

    ONE of these counter actions will be to send the dark being (capturing it with mjolnir quantum canons) to a virtual reality chamber or something similar, where this dark being will experience ALL the bad things it inflicted on other beings, by his/her own hands. The dark being will receive back the negativity it likes to inflict to others. This process may or may not be only emotional, but BELIEVE ME, it will be enough to “change minds”.

    However, dark beings can avoid such fates if they don’t try, or cross some lines.

    As I said, this is only one of the possible (of the many) counter actions available. Another example would be to paralyze the dark being for as long as the DIVINE JUSTICE determines. This being will be paralyzed, being spoon fed, untill all needed justice is done. Just imagine how serious this is for them.

    We could also, for example, remove all the dark being’s belongings, since they got it illegally anyway. They wouldn’t want that.

    Those who opposet it, know that we are doing everything according to the laws of the Source and the Universe.

    And remember, we HAVE tools and means to stop any attempts of the dark beings, so, even if they try something, they will fail and JUSTICE will be done anyway.

    We WON’T allow:

    - Actions that could put the planet in danger.

    - Direct interventions on the physical plane.

    - Excesses with hostages/enemies.

    - Mass casualties and genocides (nuclear war for example).

    Note: There may be more actions or attempts that could trigger the severe responses from the light forces, it will depend on the case, so I suggest the dark beings to be careful.

    The dark beings are allowed to defend themselves militarily or to surrender.

    Those who surrender may have the chance to negotiate with the light forces for a shorter prison time, healing, alternative penalties and etc. when possible.

    Thank you for your attention.

  47. Everyone read how they can help, clearly communicated. Your collective consciousness on a peaceful thought. Sending dark thoughts makes you the corruption. I suggest you solve your 3D failures to be be more free for meditation times. I evolved my 3D life, least real reality to help with reality. Keep your shit together and keep this blog clean of your arachnid thoughts.

    Lock it in; grounded and grown enough to accept peace begins with you.
    -All Father

  48. 有些事情无论结局如何

  49. I just did the Peace for the Middle East, Ukraine this morning...I try to remember to do this after my regular meditation

  50. ...which could eventually escalate into WW3... who cares right

  51. In Harry Potter, before Harry say his spell to defeat dementors, he needs to focus on a positive and powerful memory. More powerful the memory, more powerful the effect of the spell. Likewise, bring forth a powerful and positive memory and live in it for a while and then engage in this peace meditation. This is something I do before flower of life meditations.

    1. We don't all have lives like rainbows and unicorns, Sasanka.

  52. I do not understand why China wants to occupy Taiwan and Russia wants to occupy Ukraine. What is their purpose with this?

    1. This is part of my understanding...

      "...People are finally becoming aware of the actions of Jesuit-backed Blackwater/Academi mercenaries in Ukraine that want to trick Ukraine and Russia into a military conflict:

      One of the reasons is that Jesuits want to erase Russian Orthodox Church in Ukraine and replace it with Jesuit-friendly Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church:

      The other reason is that Jesuits want to add Ukraine to the European Union, which is a Jesuit creation:"

      I bump on the info above while searching for topic on "Ascended"...
      So you wpuld have to scroll several pages down... note that this info is from older conflicts but usually they have same background reasons.. bottom line there must be some occult reason.

  53. How about Molten lava on those Chimera spiders and getting to the heart of this bullshit ?

  54. Scare event necessary? Defcom 1?

  55. the Inner Self Work links to the Outer Planetary World

  56. Project Veritas on PFC. Read thru the event info.. a bit troubling as it dates back to 2012 forward but in 2013 it read as if matrix had collapsed and event was imminent. What really bothered me was how they portrayed Obama as working with the Light. I was shocked.. kept mentioning archangel Michael as the source .. Obama isnt a good person clearly works for the DS. Podesta emails prove what he has done.
    I guess I am a bit taken back.. based on what I read and also how once war went hot it would all be over quickly.. that was months ago now right? The can keeps being kicked down the road.. we have Creator on our side right? I realize there is a process but man I was concerned after reading the project veritas and how sure they were all would happen back in 2013 etc.. still positive but I cant go into fear about Ukraine when we are told stay in the heart focus on our own purification. Have the galactics take out the NATO weapons ..

  57. Referencing a previous post (in my words), if NATO pushes Ukraine into a hot war with Russia then the Pleiadeans MAY trigger full disclosure through Russian media sources AND/OR risk showing a small fleet to the public. I know (good) people that would welcome that scenario. Simply because they are starved for ANY good, obvious action from the LF. It's a tough time right now. Many are getting tired of counting the times you don't lose as wins. If that makes sense. Thank you to all those putting your lives on the line and we don't know it.

  58. Fear programs

  59. Time is against us. mRNA is being injected around the world into millions. They cant awaken now. We needed an event to awaken the surface population. Cobra if Galactics took out draco and chimera ships.. Russia may have to take out the DS / NATO aircraft. They have hypersonic missiles.. my point is the war went hot months ago.. meditations to raise our collective vibration makes sense but to always avert a war doeant that bring our vibration down? I keep reading stay in the heart..nothing negative and now told to stop a war. Galctics can intervene directly per Age of Aquarius meditation success wasnt that why we did it?
    I will send positive loving thoughts but these dark ones dont follow universal law.. killing raping and torturing children to me none deserve healing they need removed to GCS. No more diplomacy this AI took us over we now have millions being infected with mRNA and nanobots per fake vaccines.. this has to be stopped or there will be no collective to trigger Event. Doug

    1. BINGO.

      The baddies MUST be DESTROYED, plain and simple.

      Otherwise, this smegging war is going to keep going and going.

    2. Ever heard of the "144,000"? Heck of a lot less than the current population. Just saying...

  60. In case you are interested in information on the Ukraine and Syria, I can recommend Or the Russell Bentley channel on youtube, as already mentioned by SpecOps.

    In the past, Bentley had been interviewed on But I do not know if the situation in the Ukraine is talked about there these days.

  61. Wow, Cobra's recent posts motivate me a lot :-) I have engaged in meditation for peace in Ukraine and the Middle East, so I will continue it. in my family, more and more people are either already vaccinated or want to be vaccinated :-( It's not easy but I think we'll stop it and win it. and peace on earth will become a fact ;-)
    victory of the light <3

  62. From the Matrix's bag of tricks (3)
    Disturbing harmony through divide and rule
    There are natural tendencies towards harmony.

    And there is incoming light from higher dimensions that brings in harmony.

    Of course, the dark forces do not like this, because united we are strong. So they try to disrupt this process. They go to great lengths to create divisions that make harmonisation difficult. To make all this possible, they use the media, for example.

    They also try to abuse the principle of harmonisation to bring people in line with their own goals.

    We can counteract this, for example with mass meditations.

  63. <3 <3 <3 VICTORY OF THE LIGHT !!!! <3 <3 <3

  64. I seen the one stone and I will see what I see as the obvious was me. The mystical nature of the earth is a spiritual journey to see... The museum was amazing and the below to above was looking at me.

    I was born at “look out he will be like his father” kinda memorial.

    Black Crow is a collector of shiny things; rings of a halo flock to the one grail fellow?

    I don’t know exactly where to go and each day anew pushes me out my thoughts, out my hole into the mountain I go. Why don’t I just walk right to the door - spirit s in s.

    -Son Goku

  65. There's a huge amount of metaphysical interference and it's extremely difficult to do much, at least in my own case. Negative scenarios are being orchestrated to cause harm, and problems are still unresolved. I'd suggest that people make it a top priority to go out in nature and seriously get away from all the garbage going on in the world as much as possible. That's the only way I myself stand any chance at even remotely being in a state of mind to be able to meditate on anything.

  66. Somehow i don't see a ww3 as a threat, even if there's no doubt that the darkies will try to destroy everything before they get removed. Am more concerned about the medical tyranny which nothing and nobody seem to be able (or willing) to stop. We are already prisoners of war indeed, being kept blocked in Asia and other parts of the world because we resist and refuse to be tortured with mask wearing testings quarantines etc the vaccination threat is still there btw

  67. Look out! I see the grey’s eye...

    The infants heart guards mankind.

    Young blood,
    -Son Goku

  68. What better way for the Communist Party of China and their puppet masters to take over the world than to have the US and Russia destroy each other?

  69. Opening of the Aion Portal Report

    Interview Transcription:
    Elizabeth Whitney and Cobra

    Excerpts from interview...


    And how do you see this being played out in the American political system? Do you see some signs that Obama and some of the other light workers in power are feeling more confident that they can proceed, that some of the constraints that have plagued them are being lifted?

    The most dangerous faction of the Cabal is located in the United States. The tension between the light forces, which are present inside the government structure everywhere, and the dark forces, which are also present in the United States government structure everywhere–there is a very strong internal tension right now which can be felt. But nothing is coming to the surface because those scenes are happening behind the scenes. Elsewhere in the world you can see many changes. But the United States will be the last country on the planet where those changes will happen, and when they happen in the United States it will be the moment of the breakthrough. Because it is the turning point. The United States is the key trigger point for the Event to happen. When you see changes in the political system of the United States, then you know it is time.

    Is there is a reason why the United States had taken this role of the turning point? Is it because the Cabal has been more entrenched here?

    Yes, I will explain. It is a historical process. Many souls who are incarnating in this time have chosen to incarnate in the United States. Many of the brightest souls have incarnated in the United States in the span of the last 150 years. In response to their light, the Cabal had to put their strongest control there to prevent a breakthrough. This has been the focal point of this planetary struggle between the light and dark for the last 100 years at least. When the breakthrough happens, it will happen through United States.

    1. Obama a Light Worker? He held hot dog parties (children) in the white house per Podesta emails! Have we all lost our minds? That isnt even his real name Barry Sotero his wife is a man named Michael.. if he is being portrayed as a good guy why are photos of him with children and why did he send Iran billions of dollars.. fire Generals and so much more..

  70. Continued...


    Do we have anything to learn from this, looking back? Do we learn how to be a different kind of human now?

    Yes. You see in those critical moments, those tipping moments, there were always individuals who were key individuals and those key individuals made choices, sometimes good choices and sometimes not so good choices. In 1995 there was a big possibility of a breakthrough but the key individuals made the wrong choices and that is why we are here almost 20 years later and still the Event didn’t happened. It could have happened in 1995. It could also have happened last year, in April or May 2012, if certain key individuals had made the right choices but they did not make the right choices. There are always certain moments, certain windows of opportunity, and in those crucial moment it is very important how the key people behave. What decisions do they make? What choices do they make? What actions do they take? That is very important.

    Would these be people that had political power?

    Not necessarily. You see, the real planetary situation is not decided by the presidents; it is decided by people from behind the scenes.

    The Cabal and its script for controlling to planet…to me, it is preposterous that they ever thought they could succeed, just because to manage something on the scale that they wanted…Where would they have found the power to support that, because it was such a self-involved agenda, no spiritual energy behind it, no good in it? How could the Cabal have really believed in their power or were they just psychotically made wrong?

    You see, their plan was created–the last phase of their plan was created–more than 200 years ago. At that time they had the support of many negative ET races throughout the galaxy, and that’s where their confidence came from. But now when those races are gone, they are still operating but they know they are on their last plans. They cannot count on any support from beyond this planet any more, and they know it. The top people in the Cabal know that and they are in panic because of this. Because they know the game is over.

    Globalists Will Need Another Crisis In America As Their Reset Agenda Fails
    April 15, 2021

    “The bottom line is this: America is the primary target of the globalists because we are one of the only countries with the means and the numbers to stop them and the Reset. Until they are removed from the equation they will continue to throw crisis after crisis at us in order to wear us down and force us to accept totalitarianism. Do not get too comfortable in the fact that the pandemic agenda is failing here; stay alert and continue to organize your communities.”






    Active Global Mass Meditations

    Unite Warriors of Love + Light

    It’s The Final Countdown-最终倒计时!

    1. So event could've happened in 1995 and 2012 yet no global mass meditations happened and many like me were still asleep.. so now we have meditations reaching critical mass and still no event. I cant imagine event in 1995 depended on a few people? So no matter what we all do a few people decide it?

  71. Been a while since visiting Eckhart.

  72. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I think we were all supposed to betrying to make the world better.. but with eyes wide opened.

  73. I recommend 2 books by Paulo Coelho for everyone to read:

    The Alchemist & The Warrior of the Light


  74. Monopólio judaico/globalista

  75. This comment has been removed by the author.

  76. Practice makes perfect

    Starseeds are needed now more than ever to work with the Light Forces to advance the liberation process.

    Kotaro Oshio was voted the second greatest Japanese guitarist in a 2019 poll conducted by goo. Despite this, seven-year-old Miumiu dares to play his pieces. But although she is very talented, she practices a lot, and quickly manages to improve.

    The starseeds have been trained over hundreds of incarnations to carry out the mission that is needed right now. Like Miumiu, they too must practice in order to move forward.

  77. The Elemental war of stone. My foundation, my home, my sandstone. I see the waves, I see the bell’s crack, give me Liberty or give me Death!

    Beautiful climb today, sand, clay, snow and what a show.

    Highlanders!? Why do I like the valley? I’m a fish at heart not an eagle.

    -Son Goku

    1. Who places the sandstones on the gravestones? I seen the ship today and I seen my daughter in her eyes.

      It has been so many years, I don’t know how to explain the level of “possession” she caused herself in this journey. She was a big help, her mind is sharp.

      The stones? I wanted to remove them all to meet the mason for a meal and a thank you. I am a rock head and appreciate the line written in stone. She lit up on the mystical grounds we shared... Higher Purpose to change herself, a father’s dream.

      Accidentally stole a tour of attention and a couple asked for my picture before “you are famous.” I will not get use to that, it was rewarding to see how spiritual people are doing.

      -Son Goku

      Finding my way out or deeper in?

  78. Hello cobra!

    I was just wondering about what is the situation of the native reptilians. Last time you have said they are praticly gone. I was just thinking, it will be interesting to know what is the situation right now with them, in your next uptade.

    Have a great day cobra!

  79. Banks are collapsing NOW!




  81. must make it clear that this is my task, no one will ever be able to defeat Russia, this is impossible, the truth is on our side, we have an idea among our people, a symbol of freedom that Hitler with his huge military machine could not destroy. cannot, there will be peace, Victory is always with us, in truth

    1. The Patriots in the US Repuplic stand with Russia! We know our media lies and we know we all have a common enemy the dark ones..

  82. Light Warriors who need a spiritual push.

    Check out Dolores Cannon's Convoluted Universe series or "The Three Waves of Volunteers and The New Earth"

    I just had the pleasure of doing a QHHT hypnosis session, it was the boost I needed to understand my role in Earth's liberation

  83. Replies
    1. Hang in there, this is a very lonely and painful place for those of us who volunteered to come here to help Gaia and do the impossible. We've all been through the meat grinder and some days it takes tremendous effort to keep going on. May you feel relief and love within your heart.

  84. This is not fair to me

    This is not fair to us

    I hope I have motivation to keep going on..

  85. Meditate.....meditate.....meditate.....oh yeah, meditate. How about we start DOING something about it?

  86. Galactiquewarrior17,
    Malheureusement mon frère je ne pense pas que ce soit ça le plus grave ,une vision plus sombre m'est apparue ,avec un nom qui m'a déstabilisée un "vaisseau sombre " caché vers une planète bleue et ce n'est pas Terra je dirais entre Neptune et Uranus et le nom destructeur de monde je sais pas c'est très contrariant c'est la merde mon frère je fais quoi moi avec ça !!


    Sale by government supporter of world Zionist movement c. V. Putin and his puppets Mishustin Russian children for organs and adrenachrom. We do not agree, we do not accept. Seeks any help to prevent genocide.

  88. SEEKINGTRUTH BY LUTHER RENFROE----theres a lot more going on then most think or realize or can comprehend. It's like this basically. we- are soul be-ings . were a divine spark mixed into it is consciousness, our soul, our spirit, our experiences, vibration, frequency, etc inhabiting a biological computer -human body. were here be-ing. memory wiped etc, in order to be- find our true selves without prior knowledge or interference. it is about freewill and our choices. pick dark or good. many fallen angles that betrayed GOD the one infinite creator, the all. so we have to prove ourselves in order to be or go beyond to a higher density- dimension. 5th, 6th, and up and-or a 5th or 6th density crystline be-ing or some other. with the kind of power that comes with it. i would guess our creator wants to make sure we do not abuse it. make sure we have love in our hearts..our reality is the matrix is in our own is what we make it. as one and together.... earth orbits around our galaxy every 13,000 years, our galaxy 25, 890 years and then it resets itself-- pole shifts, flouds. etc. starts anew. those that do not awaken and find themselves well, karmas a bitch, you reap what you sow basically. anyway i hear we volunteer mostly...and were almost on top of the 25,890 year mark---------Revelation 14:14-16:
    14 Then I looked, and behold, a white cloud, and on the cloud sat One like the Son of Man, having on His head a golden crown, and in His hand a sharp sickle. 15 And another angel came out of the temple, crying with a loud voice to Him who sat on the cloud, “Thrust in Your sickle and reap, for the time has come for You to reap, for the harvest of the earth is ripe.” 16 So He who sat on the cloud thrust in His sickle on the earth, and the earth was reaped.
    The 'earth' is indeed ripe for Harvest.

  89. CoBra, lets have a World wide Peace meditation, please.

    1. …"the Light forces are asking everybody who feels so guided to join our peace meditation"…

  90. Well, Cobra has done his best to bring light to the world...but every time I try to meditate the dark ones attack the me in my dreams and it makes for a very difficult night....this has been getting increasingly worse over the last few months...I do not see any improvements in anything on Planet Earth or in my personal life...That leads me to believe that what is happening here is what is usually called a honey trap... People who want to bring light to the earth are being targeted, and when you try to help the Earth you need up becoming a target... I have followed Cobra since 2012....I have not seen any improvements in anything happening on planet Earth, so either the Pleiadiens are extremely incompetent space warriors, or this is all a bunch nonsense...I'm heavily leaning towards the later scenario... I think were all being played for a bunch of stooges...not so sure a Godess or feminine Omnipotent Source has a conscience, or sentient all my meditations never connected with anything but a few beautiful spirits, but they certainly weren't the type of energy that could cure or manifest good things in my hey it is what it is...don't expect for this Blog to give you any real evidence of the ET's clearing underground bases or anything else...maybe they will stop the world from blowing up, but at this point what difference does it make....what kind of future does humanity have...?


  92. Feel we should have a global peace meditation. If Cobra called one perhaps we could reach critical mass and help us get on a better timeline?

    1. We already reached a critical mass before, all we got from it as a result was this damned 'pandemic'.

  93. Galactic Federation Intervention on Mars, Moon & Earth

    1. We responsibly claim that "voting for amendments to the Constitution of the Russian Federation" was in fact a referendum to confirm the legitimacy of organized crime Russian Federation under a new flag to avoid responsibility for the crimes committed on our territory for 30 years. The entity "Russia" was registered in the name of Mishustin, since the trust Russian SOCIALIST FEDERALIST SOVIET REPUBLIC of 1918, which Trotsky-Bronstein founded, ceased to exist in 2018. It was for this reason that athletes "from Russia" performed at the Winter Olympics without a flag, just as the Foreign Minister sat without a flag at a meeting with Nikola Pashinyan, while Pashinyan had a flag next to him on a pennant. It is the entity Russia, which has been trying to secretly substitute for all state institutions since 2012, actually registered in 2018 with the help of the UN, as the Russian Federation was the successor to the USSR, which Trotsky's Russian Socialist Federal Socialist Republic had founded.We ask for any possible help, as our Supreme Commander-in-Chief was kidnapped for the 2nd time in order to deprive him of his right to sign and to sell the territory of the State of Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic of June 12, 1990, which held the right to the territory of the former All-Russian Empire against reparations and by right of succession to the noble families of the Kostitsyn family, The Raevskys, as second-inheritors, bequeathed all their land to the multinational indigenous peoples and entitled to it by virtue of the fact that Maria and George Romanovs were illegally born bastards. At this moment about 40 "states" directly or indirectly belonging to the British Royal House have a part in the illegal acquisition of our territory. We protest and ask for international help to fight the pirates and to have our existence announced publicly on the world's information agenda.

  94. I seen myself as a woman many times.

    And I want JUSTICE and/or VENGEANCE for what the bad guys did to me. Making me incarnate, against me will, on this planet, as a stinking human, was bad enough.....but to make me incarnate as a MAN....that is some NEVER FORGIVE ACTION there, and I swear I'll do what it takes to become the alien woman I was before, and to make those who did this to me pay......dearly.

  95. Hmm i dont know if mostly are women. In the lil cartoon pictures we see on net usually is a mix :)... that's my basis of information...

    I do know there is a race where women were the warriors .. well i heard.

  96. I was probably that soldier you had to repeat twice to push that button...

  97. Snip from cobra blog:
    Planetary Ascension process was described in great detail and quite accurately in the following book, in one of the very rare reliable channelings:

    Source: do a search on this website for the word "Ascencded" and scroll to the last article.. there is more info there

  98. For those lightworkers/warriors that feel "unemployed"... as in those in search of something to do...

    Before the Event, one of the fastest ways to accelerate your individual Ascension path is to practice cosmic Cobra breath (NOT directly related to the writer of this blog)

    The other very important element is to connect with your I AM presence:

    And to connect with Ascended beings.

    And to connect with nature:
    ----- source:

    Btw the last link "connect to nature" does not work

    If anyone has link on the Cobra Breath techniques at a discount let me know.. i would settle for cartoon drawings if is cheaper :)

  99. Embodiment Starts with Body Awareness

    Embodiment means to feel how it feels to be in your body and to be conscious of those feelings, paying attention to recurring patterns that may be disempowering and limiting. Only when we can see these patterns and how they influence us, we can change them.
    Dedicate to explore improved body awareness through observation of sensations, feelings and experiences that are happening in your body moment to moment. Pay attention to impressions that you feel in bodily movements and reactions, where does your body hold stress and constrict? Where in your body do you feel more relaxed and open? What can you do to more deeply connect with your bodily awareness?
    Slow down and find ways to move your body that feels positive and joyful, such as dancing, swimming, deep breathing, connecting with nature and allowing something harmless to feel pleasurable and be enjoyable.
    Practice and explore what it means to be embodied by being authentic and true to your experience in any context that you may find yourself. Your experiences are valid and important in the authentic embodiment process. When we deny feelings and experiences we’ve had, we deny the truth, which blocks embodiment.
    Make the commitment to become fully embodied by being as authentic and truthful as you can be in all circumstances. As you grow and change, your version of authentic expression will also continue to grow and change. Accept change as necessary for continual authentic embodiment.
    Disregard labels of acceptable or nonacceptable themes that describe terms that are spiritual, conscious or awakened, in the positive or negative. Instead focus fully on really what you are feeling in the moment and finding the most authentic and compassionate expression for it.
    Pay attention to your reactions in your body as they reveal places where you still may be hiding something from yourself and others because you are afraid. Be willing to face what it is that you may be hiding and attempt to describe it so you can learn to overcome the fear that feeds it.
    When people in our life such as friends or family members are relating to us in past images or inauthentic ways, gently invite them to know the real you, share something that is your authentic self and then ask them to be real with you. In the embodiment process, we want to relate with others who also value authenticity and support this path along with us.
    Participate in body awareness centered activities. Research therapies and educational material online that may be highly supportive now. Find areas that interest you, such as body work, fascial and tissue release, somatic therapy, methods that focus on embodying presently through grounding, breathing, posture, perceptual awareness, hydrotherapy, neutral mind and meditation.

  100. When we allow ourselves to be totally honest with how we are feeling in our body, we can be present to the embodiment process and then we can start to observe those places that need our love and attention, so they can heal and recover. The body informs us when something is not healthy and that something in our body or life needs to change in order to rebalance and heal. Thus we need to learn to love and connect into our body while listening to the body’s messages, tuning into what the body needs to keep us balanced, healthy and embodied. ~Lisa Renee

  101. Lisa Renee

    The planetary ascension is accelerating now with the return of the Solar Consciousness of Christos to the Earth, and nothing can or will stop the organic timeline of disclosure. Many incredible things to support humanity are happening from behind the scenes and within the planetary architecture which confirm that the current dark reign of terror and genocidal campaigns are temporary. The most empowering step we can take now is to refuse to be terrorized in fear and complicit with this human genocidal campaign. We must find within our heart the direct connection to God, our highest power, and seek inner guidance and higher truth to help direct us forward.

  102. The Solar Rishi and Solar Dragon Kings are braiding themselves throughout the crystalline grids which hold the holographic celestial map of many Sun-Stars and constellations that are transmitting organic liquid plasma consciousness technology that catalyzes Solar Synthesis. This is a solar symbiosis process which blends physical matter with solar fire plasma codes throughout the planetary grid network, which further energizes the Sophianic plasma shields and Solar Rainbow Dragon elemental shields which are animating crystal vapors into the fluids and waters in creation. These liquid plasma shields are designed to further re-encrypt elementals and purify the corrupted astral waters, fluids and vapors that are within the planetary crystalline matrix and the human body’s water management system. This is re-organizing the fascia crystalline matrix whereby solar codes are igniting plasma crystals in the extensive webbing of our neurological matrix, upgrading the cellular matrix in our bone, blood, skin and tissues to receive liquid plasma codes. ~Lisa Renee

  103. We, as surviving citizens of the state of Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic of June 12, 1990, dare to state that the subject Russian Federation and(or) Russia or other entity which did not receive authority from the multinational indigenous peoples of the state RSFSR and ignored demands to terminate authority and transfer reports on the work done in administration are going to use events unknown to us with malicious intentions. According to our information, in the period of 2000-2021 a full-scale construction of various infrastructures was underway on the territory of the RSFSR "on paper" within the framework of the obligations of the "federal government" - the Russian Federation and other subjects and law enforcement agencies. For the "construction" of this property, which existed only on paper, credit funds were obtained from various banks of the world, as well as insurance was taken out. The actual absence of declared real estate and writing it off as the result of the "war", i.e. the fact that these buildings were never built, allows us to defer payment to foreign creditors and conceal the laundering of funds to a cosmic extent, And also, in the case of destruction of the deceived population, to destroy living witnesses - "citizens of the Russian Federation" with dual citizenship and conceal the fact of selling the territories of Siberia and the Far East to the People's Republic of China, because in conditions of war, which was declared by an organized criminal group of the Russian Federation, whose interests in the international are represented by "President of the Russian Federation V. V. Putin" in 2017 the owner of the territory by the state Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic of June 12, 1990, all commercial transactions are invalid. We have in our possession a document from a bank under the "jurisdiction" of a Russian Federation organised crime group, which states that the person who contacted the bank has another building of a higher class and it is insured for military operations. The person who gave us this document states that apart from the 1960s-1970s Soviet era houses, there are no other houses in the area. Also under newly discovered circumstances we can state that we found confirmation of the substitution of concepts and attempts to deprive the citizens of the State of Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic of June 12, 1990 of their land and their rights as Sovereigns under the law of succession, since the czar of the Russian Empire gave up power in favour of the people. In support of this, we would like to cite the website of one of the oldest law firms in the United States, which, when written, lists 3 subjects of law allegedly registered in our territory: the USSR, the Russian Fed and Russia.

  104. Collection agencies or "bounty hunters" will be paid 30% of the assets of pirates who have been caught, questioned and (or - to be specific to the individual) destroyed. The legal companies that will represent our interests in the recovery of the stolen money of these criminals, which they keep in the form of caches of various jewels, antiques and in the bank accounts of various world banks will be offered 10% of the amount of recovered funds by a specific organization of the funds. Also, we are willing to offer favourable investment conditions for investment in infrastructure and industry, as well as construction and other commercial services in the reconstruction of our state after 30 years of genocide, but it will require prior mopping up of pirates and bringing order to the territories. As guarantees of our obligations, we are ready to offer the "word of a Russian merchant" which from ancient times is considered "more expensive than money", and the experience of cooperation between the Western powers with the Soviet Union at the time of Joseph Dzhugashvili "Stalin", who, being a true Russian in spirit and leader of the Russian state, valiantly fought the Trotskyists (idea of the World Revolution) and tragically died as a result of a well-organized conspiracy. Further the line of "Russian" rulers was broken and with the help of Otto Kuusinen (an agent of Rockefeller, Trotsky and Lenin for the Communist International, the international terrorist organization of his era) Khrushchev, Brezhnev and Andropov were brought to power (the last 2 are Jewish by mother, which confirms their connection to the world Zionist movement, similarly there is a version that Nikita Khrushchev is the son of a banker from Odessa, the old home of Jews). It was Kuusinen who wrote the Charter of the Communist International and the "report on the personality cult of Stalin", which was read by Khrushchev in 1956 at the 20th Congress of the Central Committee of the CPSU.

  105. It was through Kuusinen that the Soviet nomenklatura was instructed to destroy the planned economy that gave rise to the "Japanese economic miracle" and then desCRIbed socialism, communism and Russians as an ethnos that supposedly supported it. The subject of the right Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic from 1937 proclaimed at the Extraordinary Congress of People's Deputies (the only legitimate proclamation from 1918, because it was people's elected deputies, not Bolshevik-Trotskyite Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic from 1918). And not the same scam with the creation of the victorious All-Russian empire in the Civil War of 1918-1922, slicing it into pieces and establishing its control through the creation of ethnic communist parties in the provinces that voluntarily became subjects of the All-Russian empire. The genocide of the Russian ethnos, which Lenin and Trotsky-Bronstein began to pass off as the perpetrator of the "oppression" of "small" peoples, depriving them of their own land and their right to self-government - taking away the Republic.

    The subject of law is the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic of 1937 and the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic of June 12, 1990, there are no agreements with the subject of law of the Russian Federation, Russia, the Russian Federation - Russia, the Russian Federation and others, and never will.

    We are looking for assistance in finding those responsible for these organizations in order to receive reparations from them for genocide and slavery under the guise of "communism", which the Jew Karl Marx wrote on the model of Jesuit rule over the Indians of South America.

  106. Excerpt from ... A seven-year-old girl Eva from the Warsaw ghetto - "evacuated" to the death camps - was saved by her mother - by ripping out a couple of rotten boards from the floor of the teplus and pushing her onto the rails. The girl survived. And despite the fact that she is now in her 80s, she is still waiting for her mother.
    "I think most of us understood what was waiting for us - but we couldn't, and we didn't want to believe it until the very end. It's human nature - we cling to hope: "What if it doesn't work out? They are human beings, aren't they? Why - I didn't give them any reason to punish me, did I?"
    The Germans didn't start killing everyone all at once - no, they didn't! FIRST THEY ESTABLISHED THEIR LAWS. Laws are the way of everyday life. It is exactly what is meant to prevent bloodshed. We had laws for the Germans, we had laws for the Poles - and we had laws for the Jews.
    Laws appear every day, if you read the newspapers, there is nothing terrible about it. You are not going to take up arms and call a bloody executioner an official who has only marked places where only Germans may go from now on.
    YOU JUST ACCEPT THE NEW RULE - and go on living a normal life, confident that everything will be all right if you don't break it. And the laws were not all enacted at once.
    First the money was restricted, we gave the money away. Then several districts were closed - they called it a "carantine". THE GHETTO ITSELF ONLY APPEARED A YEAR LATER, AND AT FIRST THERE WAS NOT EVEN ANY PUNISHMENT FOR LEAVING IT.
    Then they only put them in prison. THE KILLINGS DIDN'T START UNTIL A YEAR LATER. At first, only those who really broke the rules were killed. Those who complied were still not punished.
    I think people at last hoped that if they were law-abiding, they would not be hurt. Hope doesn't die until the very end, as they say in Russia. Even when we were ordered to board these wagons, intellectually we understood - not me, of course, the adults - but we could not accept it, we hoped ..."

  107. We will have some casualties at this time, with those who are not awake and are suffering from trauma-based mind control and the uncontrollable impulses of GOAT mind (addressed below). However, it is important to know that the planetary ascension is accelerating now with the return of the Solar Consciousness of Christos to the Earth, and nothing can or will stop the organic timeline of disclosure. Many incredible things to support humanity are happening from behind the scenes and within the planetary architecture which confirm that the current dark reign of terror and genocidal campaigns are temporary. ~L.Renee

  108. P.S.
    In the new "evacuation laws" in connection with the fake or real "threat of an emergency" there is not a single word about the fate of Russians evacuated voluntarily and forcibly. There is not a word about the conditions of their detention in "safe houses" - camps - where 5,000 people are to be transported.
    Where will they all live, sleep, bathe, wash? Where will they go to the toilet? What will they eat and drink? What will they do? How long will they be kept there - and most importantly, WHY? There is no mention of the hygiene standards-conditions of their detention. There are just three brief paragraphs: for 1000 people there will be 10 (!!!) beds in a hospital hut, 7 (!!!) places in showers, and 2 (!!!) meters of land for each! Not a word about their return to their homes, to their former lives.
    For all this 👆🏻 no additional funds have been allocated in the budget! But places of mass burial of corpses of dead from the already planned war and the consequences of emergencies have been foreseen, allocated and are already being prepared! Orders have already been given to officials to prepare all that!

  109. Harold Turner wrote,

    ”…Sunday night, I got the actual answer. On Monday night's show, YOU will get it too.

    We are in such danger, it cannot be over-stated.

    Tune-in Monday night at 9:00 PM to hear what's what. I promise, you'll be utterly shocked, and will finally understand what's really going on. …”


    "On the territory of the Russian Federation and the Russian Soviet Federal Socialist Republic." 2019 year.

    The document confirming that the Russian Soviet Federal Socialist Republic exists from its citizens and the Russian Soviet Federal Socialist Republic existed from its citizens and occupied by the heirs and oligarchs of Jewish origin. Through his passing representative, they dispose of our territory, rights to self-government and resources through the UN, or bribing, or having entered into collusion. The woman who found this information and tried to convey it to the international community was abducted by the FSB officers and enclosed in custody, stirring her drugs in food in order to issue her for inadequate and thereby deprive her actual drappos. To deprive her signature rights, because The statute of the State of the RSFSR of 12.06.1990, she ranked the Supreme Commander as the last surviving person and legally recorded the right to order the territory for himself as a descendant of Russian nobles and the king of Georgia, which gives her the right to the throne. We fear both for her life and health and the fact that being forcibly inflamed narcotic substances and in a state of changed consciousness they can force her to sign documents for the sale of the territory. In fact, torture and violence both physical and on personality are used. We advise you to pay close attention to all who understand that the territory of the state The Russian Soviet Federal Socialist Republic of 12.06.1990 takes 1/7 of the Sushi of the Planet and has the world's second nuclear potential, which puts the world community under the threat of existence, because The nuclear weapon is in the hands of illegitimate pirates and criminals, and in the second deadlines for the operation of this weapon, they are approaching the end, which can lead to a nuclear catastrophe on the planet including earthquakes and floods that have arisen as a result of detonation of weapons. The explosion of a nuclear ammunition in Severodvinsk was recorded by the equipment tracking radiation around the world, the doctors of the local residents and the affected military were either died or died from radiation sickness. It was the first call that people who seized our territory and selling our resources are not ready to abandon our or your security and having passports of the Americas, Europe, Israel and Emirates are not going to be responsible for their crimes and negligence.

  111. But Rothschilds deceived Nicholas II - the emperor of Russia. After it took gold to ensure the work of a new world currency, Rothschilds were forced by US President Woodrow Wilson, financing his election campaign, transfer to their private property a federal backup system / Fed / along with the Golden Pula Gold.

    In 1912, HSBC Bank issued 12 Liberty Bond certificates transferred to the US President, which in 1913 were deposited in the banks of the FED US system. / The act of a federal reserve was signed 2 days before Christmas, 1913 by the US President Woodrow Wilson in exchange for financing his election campaign, with Rothschilds and thereby deprived US political independence. Fed / Fed / - a private enterprise of Rothschilds, created in 1910, was created during the secret conference on the island of Jackil, which entered all major banks of the United States and banks of other states. A huge share of / 88.8% / participation in the Federal Reserve / Fed / Fed and in the share of the global source of money supply is owned by Russia, and the remaining 11.2% - 43rd international beneficiaries.

    References in the amount of 88.8% having a security code 1226 correspond to the International Code of the Geneva Register of Permanent Representative Organization 14646 ACS HQ / Pro 14646 ACS HQ /, the Supreme International Committee of the League of Nations / Subsequently - the UN / are under the control of the Rothschilds and were transferred to the Russian family Emperor Nicholas-II, in 6 copies. Annual income / Interes / For these deposits was recorded in the amount of 4%, included the "LIBOR rate", and indicated the annual interest rate for the use of the Gold Deposit.
    The LIBOR rate was supposed to be listed annually by the state and to the representative who laid gold, but this was not done by order of Rothschilds who were unleashed because of this world war. This rate, instead of transfer to Russia, sedated annually in the account of the X-1786 World Bank for 300,000 accounts in the 72 international banks, taken into account in the operations of the World Bank. For each account, 3 signatures were marked, of which only one was true. Accounts are underway 8 committees: AK-1, AK-2, ..., AK-8.

    Resources listed on these accounts are the property of MFS / G48 / and have separated accounting from dollars. Commissioners for the performance of the issue are determined by the highest Committee of Financial System / United Nation International High Committee /.

    These institutions are FED / supplier of financial instruments / and Treasury Department Washington D. C. / Collector of financial instruments based on the account resources of the X-1786 World Bank.

    All these documents confirming the gold laid in the Fed from Russia in the amount of 48,600 tons, the mother of Tsar Nikolai-II - Maria Fodorovna Romanova put on keeping into one of the Swiss banks, access to which only in heirs is controlled, and is controlled by the Rothschild clan.

  112. Initially, all gold certificates belonged to Russia, Emperor Nicholas-II, left for the storage of IML. Grigory Efimovich Rasputin, as the Orthodox man Hieromonakh himself at that time. Rothschilds gathered a whole Masonic conference on which it was decided to destroy the physically Grigory Efimovich and steal gold certificates from him.

    This operation was led by Samuel Choir, a resident of English intelligence in Russia and part-time, which was a representative of the English General Staff at the Russian General Staff. Rasputin was assigned to Yusufov's house, and at that moment the apartment Grigory Efimovich on the pea 20 carefully searched, turning everything upside down. But the certificates were no longer there, because, the Navy. Gregory precharged death handed over to their king, and he in turn left them on the storage of Peter Nikolayevich Dolrukova in his shaved son. Then, copies of gold certificates of royal family were distributed among family members and hidden in different places.

    The Rothschild clan for 99 years, until an agreement was operating on the creation and formation of the Fed and the world currency was the US dollar, ruled the capital of the former royal family of Russia. This clan, also managed both the capital of the USSR and the Russian Federation, located in the Fed accounts, which were taken under the leadership of the Rothschilds from Russia at the beginning of the 20th century.

    Later, Rothschilds managed the Capritals of the USSR at the rule of Lenin and then from 1955, and especially the last 30 years, when the collapse of the USSR and the robbery of the Russian Federation under the leadership of Yeltsin B. N.

  113. Yeltsin B. N., was recruited by the Rothschild clans and was introduced into the USSR office and then the Russian Federation. Yeltsin In 1994, he accepted a dedication to the Knights of the Mal Order. Masons were also primaks E. M. / Kirshblat /, Shevarnadze E. M., Yakovlev A. N., Chernomyrdin V. S., Abramovich, Lisovsky, Shaimiev, Aushev, Gusinsky, Berezovsky, Smolensky, Gaidar, Chubais, Yavlinsky, Borodin, Luzhkov, Sobchak, Grachev, Borovoi, Fedorov, Govorukhin, Tsereteli, Kasparov, Lebedev V. M. and a lot of others.

    Currently in Russia there are more than 500 Masonic lies and organizations. The Order of the "White Eagle", heads the gold miner of V. Tumanov awarding Masonov orders and medals. Only in the governing bodies of the country is now 356 masons, which received orders and medals from the Kavalera's hands of the Maltese Order - Mary Vladimirovna Romanova and her son George Gaenzollerne in recent years.

    Maria Vladimirovna Romanova and her son George Gogenzollernen "Lzhenaselniki" of the Russian throne is constantly in touch with Rothschilds and by order of the latter, systematically visit Russia and practically ask tone to all Masons in the government and other state bodies of the Russian Federation aimed at the collapse of the Russian Federation and establishing Russia monarchy.
    The State Duma of the Russian Federation and the Council of the Federation of the Russian Federation are also headed by masons, under the control of the Rothschild clan.

    Currently, when the term of the Fed, according to the agreement signed in 1913, ended, the Rothschild clan, trying to extend its Fed Office and Russian capital and the existence of the US dollar, through the "Lzhenacenters" in the face of Cavaller of the Maltese Order - Mary Vladimirovna Romanova and her son George Gogenzollerne and other members of the Maltese Order, which are in the leadership of the Russian Federation in secret from the Russian people, are trying to establish a monarchy in Russia.

    It was the Rothschilds clan in 1917, through his representatives in Russia, Lenin and Ryabushinsky, financed Trotsky, Lenin and his team, having organized a revolution in Russia, and then demanded from Lenin to destroy the entire royal family of Nikolai-II to become owners of all capital laid in Fed on behalf of Russia.

  114. Currently, the Rothschilds clas of the Russian monarchy as such as not needed: after Gogenzollers are made by monarchs, they, on behalf of "their grandfather and Prapradeda" Nikolai II, will come out of the Fed Founders and then Rothschilds appear legal grounds for ownership of the entire planet .

    After all, the Fed under the control of Rothschilds is planning to move to the island of Macau, next to Singapore, but under the jurisdiction of China. And from there, Rothschilds will manage the entire financial global system. In Russia, Rothschilds plan to create only the Duplicating Center of the Fed, which, according to their plans, should lead Voloshin A. S.

    On this, Russia's independence will immediately end, and however, as well as other countries of the world. Everything in the world: land, water, forests, natural fossils will be only Rothschilds. They are already through the Christian Foundation of the Kabiers V. I., they bought all the land in the European part of the Russian Federation.

    In the meantime, Rothschilds actually enjoy the main Fed package - 88.8%, but this property belongs to Russia in the face of the former Emperor Nikolai-II., As well as those asses that were taken by Rothschilds during the reign of Lenin.

    After that, this gold export was held in international agreements signed by the USSR during the Board of Khrushchev / Perlmutter / Brezhnev / Budilovsky / and Andropov / Flexnev /, and during the reign of Gorbachev with the help of a special group "Z" on secret Washington agreements and during Yeltsin exported capital, the so-called, Yeltsin "family".

    It should be emphasized that the group "z" was established in the USSR on the initiative of the Rothschilds after signing by Rothschilds and other managers of Fed Rockefeller, Morgan, Baruch with traitors of the Russian people / Long, Falin, Pogodin, Bykovsky, Yermolaev and N. Dr. / Washington agreements in September 1977.

  115. This agreement provided for the preparation of agents of influence, the construction of underground plants, export of gold, diamonds, rare-earth metals, oil, cash through specially created funds and banks under the control of Mason - Traitor Gerashchenko V. V., under the pretext of supposedly creating "airbags" For future generations and preventing the III World War.

    To implement this operation, the Rothschild clan at the Fed created a special organization called Fonton. Fontton initially in 1980-1984., In the territory of the USSR, formed a special group of persons, on the basis of not Russian nationality, which counted 184 people, who studied in the territory of Uzbekistan, and then in the city of Chekhov in the Moscow region.

    This group under the conventional name "z" included persons hostile to Soviet power and who are the heirs of the former royal estates and the princely genera of Tsarist Russia, who were sought by their activities to return their property lost in 1917. In the future, in the late 80s, this group was increased by another 2000 people.

    To finance this Special Group "Z", which operated on the territory of the USSR, the activities of which were heading for the undermining of ideological and economic owners of the USSR, Rothschilds were created in 1982 a special fund called "Wanta" to whose accounts, the Fed on the order of the Rothschilds listed large sums that In the future, 33 financial funds were used to create in the USSR, which were in the future dealt with capital from Russia. Among these funds were:

  116. Gladyshev Foundation / Head of Gladyshev V.I. /; Foundation - "Social Protection of Youth Konionevich (FZSM)" / Kononevich E. I. /; Foundation "Planet" / Azharmachev Yu. V. /; "Simako"; Interregional Public Charitable Foundation "Man - Earth - Universe", subsequently renamed the non-profit organization Charitable Foundation "PHS" / Pospelov S. I. /; Non-profit partnership "International Fund for the Formation of Energy Flows" Manisheva-Egorova-Kononevich "/ Head Egorova E. V. /; Interregional Public Foundation for Social Support of Veterans of the State Service Foundation Referent / Mazaev V. G. /; International Reserve Fund of Maria Pavlovna Romanova; "Siabeko"; "Depository" Russia "; Foundation "Princely Council of Russia" / Duminik V. A. /, Repentance Charitable Foundation; Foundation of the world of the USSR / Karpov /; International Consortium "Society - Children" / Head of both - Zagrebalo-M. N. /, Foundation for the development of scientific and technical and cultural programs "Nika" / Sergeev V. M. /; International Charitable Christian Fund / Kabesar V. I. / "; Philanthropic Foundation "In the name of St. John the Forerunner" / Morozov A.V. /; International Cooperative Holding "Golden Section" / Kranz S. V. /; International Cooperative Holding "Golden Axis" / Kudryavtsev A. /; Foundation "Presidential Programs" / Malyshev N.G. /; The territorial and sectoral financial and energy Union of Tofes / Latyshev E. B. /; International Supreme Coordination Council of Interaction with Economic and Financial Structures / Avdeev-Ilchenko N. V. /; International Charitable Fund for Professor Gerasimov A. A. / Nekrasov S. N. /; International Consumer Society "Given Akhis" / Polonsky Ya. V. /; International Consortium "InfoMir" / Lanov O. A. /; Russian Foundation for Help Refugees "Compatriots" / Demidov M. A. /; Foundation "Platinum"; Funds, in the form of clubs Billionaires: Belgium - International Charitable Foundation of Mercy and Health - MKM MSK-RUS7; Liechtenstein - International Innovation Fund - MKM SIR-144, World Fund of Innovation Capital - "MKM" ZOR8 "; Switzerland - World Insurance Fund - MKM ARS -24; Germany is the world indivisible fund - "MKM UR-27"; Monaco - World Cumulative Fund "MKM" SWET9 "; England - Investment and Industrial Consortium - Zolotoe Sechenie; France - the Scientific Consortium "Zolotoe Sechenie"; Spain is a global fund for the survival of humanity "Zolotoe Sechenie".

  117. The same global club of billionaires was also created in Russia in the form of the Consumer Society "Club MKM" under the leadership of General Svr Merkulova V. V., and the management company was created to manage all these companies - the Consumer Society International Cooperative Holding "Golden section", where The Director General is Kranc S. V.

    In 1982, under pressure from the Rothschilds and by decision of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Presidium of the USSR, the USSR was made a deposit mortal of the Gold of the USSR from the volume of historical values ​​of Russia in the United States in Fort Knox Gold Depository / Fort Knox /. This depositary mortgage provided for the satisfaction of the investment needs of a number of states in coordination with the USSR, as a guarantor of the world.

    Responsible for the storage of this gold in Fort Knox Gold Depository / Fort Knox / From the USSR, Lieutenant General KGB Kobzar Ivan Stepanovich was appointed, on which all documents were decorated in Fort Nox. And in the USSR, all documents are decorated for Major General KGB Kobzar Vladimir Ivanovich - Son Kobzar I. S. All operations on the design of documents were led by Andropov himself. Yu. V.

    Currently, only these individuals have powers for this gold after the collapse of the USSR. Currently, this depository mortgage in the amount of 35,000 gold tone has been transported to the storage in Houston Texas. This collateral gold as a tool for the formation of its own independent investment tools can be used for the target programs of the President and the Government of the Russian Federation.
    Everything is issued through a golden stock certificate for 1 million US gold ounces, each in the form of Bond - Note-Golden deposit in terms of the number of 35,000 metric tons of gold. Debt receipts are decorated with the American side in the face of the USational Fed of the USA in favor of the USSR, where it is indicated about the right of signatures of the sole physical person of Kobzar V.I. appointed by Andropov.

  118. The International Charitable Christian Foundation was created under the leadership of the Rothschilds and Masons of Russia and several religious structures - the churches of the name of Christ "- Baptists, Jehovists, Pentecostals ...

    Among the founders there is no / at least officially / neither Catholic, nor Orthodox nor Old Believer Churches. The foundation has its own branches in more than 150 countries of the world. The center of this fund is located in the United States, where he is headed by Protestant preacher, the former Soviet zek-dissident, who was 18 years old, and now - a personal confessor of the wife of former US President Hillary Clinton, Ivan Stepanovich Kobzar. In Moscow, the branch of this fund is headed by his son - V. I. Kobzar.

    V.I. Kobzar, a high degree of initiation, is the fourth in the list of "managing-signed" on the capital of the CPSU. It is not by chance that in the leadership of the Moscow branch of the MBCHF, completely and close, the KGB and GRU officers, the relatives of the former heads of the CPSU and the USSR - Suslov, Primakov, etc. There were groups: Hong Kong, London, German, Australian, Latino-American, Canadian.

    Since October 1994, an organized international criminal community, as part of citizens: Kobzar I. S., his son Kobzar V. I., Romanova V. A., Egorynova S. V., Behtin I. A., Foreign citizens, through Inphinko and the International Charitable Christian Foundation and the Companies of Sostedies-Holding and the Social Monitor "/ both are led by Durov V.V. /, with the assistance of BINITEX / Schmakov, A. V. / and the support of the heads of power structures, were kidnapped and brought from Russia is about 2 triles. Dol. The United States, which deliced ​​in private accounts of these and other persons in Western banks.

  119. This money mass was collected from various regions by the financial and industrial group on the so-called "Chechen Avico" in the amount of 86 billion dollars. The United States, the export of oil and other sources, including cash budget funds in the amount of $ 100 million, which were translated from the Central Bank of the Russian Federation under the control of the Rothschilds and at the direction of Gerashchenko and Paramonic in the company mentioned above. These budget funds were then never returned to the state.

    For the embezzlement and development of this money supply to Western banks, Inphinko opened 20 representative offices over the border, through which money was exported, in particular: in the banks of London - England - 20 million dollars. USA, Liverpool - 20 million dollars. USA, Australia - Sidney, Canberra-200 million dollars. USA, Washington - USA, San Francisco - 100 million dollars. US, Sweden -stocolm- 20 million dollars. USA, China - Shanghai - 20 million dollars. USA, South Korea - Seoul -10 million dollars. USA, Japan - Tenerifa Island / Canary Islands /, Cyprus-Nicosia, Kenya-Nairobi, South Africa-Cape Town, Mexico-Mexico City, Brazil -RIO DE Zero and others, including 216 million dollars. were translated through the Lithuanian embassy in Moscow / ENOS /.

    As a result of this operation, the recoil was 2 trillion. Dol. The United States, which parts were distributed among individual individuals in Russia and settled in the accounts of these Masons involved in this operation, namely:

    Chubais, Chernomyrdin of other members of the Family, through which the entire capital export operation was launched - 45%, USA Clinton -15%, Yasser Arafat- 23%, England and Germany Birshtein B. I., Brincman, Colombia - Family Drug Baron Escobar. The cash flow of the financial group took place through the banks of Hungary. Directly led the operation of the Rothschild and Kabesar.

  120. In the London Bank "ABC", under the control of the Rothschilds, a grouping under the control of Gerashchenko et al., Stores documents for 65,000 tons of gold, the so-called Philippine gold / born Japan to the Philippines from the countries occupied by it /, documents for which were obtained during the Board Andropova in 1983, as the share of the USSR after the capital section, at the request of Stalin winners in World War II.

    This gold was decorated for president of the Church Treasury of the Member of the group "Z" Gennady Tiannikova, one of the heirs of childbirth in Russia. And the bills of the Philippine gold oversees Lenznev A.I. Under this gold in various banks of the world in favor of Russia, 486 bills are open in favor of Russia, which indicates the trillion amounts of US dollars, which are in the management of the Gerass Criminal Group and the Illuminati of the Masonic Order.

    But the Russian people do not use these funds, these funds are not implemented in the Russian economy, and only the Rothschild clans and traitors of our Motherland enjoys.

    Capital exportation from the country aimed at looting and collapse of the USSR was ruled by the staff of the Central Committee of the CPSU Falin, Long, Demintsev, Crochekov, Kindy, Pavlov, Brotenets, Moytesov, and others. In the fulfillment of Washington agreements within 4-5 years in the USSR, underground Affinating plants, new refinery, where foreign equipment has been delivered, and new technologies for gold, diamonds, oil are introduced.

  121. Products mined at these underground factories exported abroad, which was kept in various repositories specially created for these purposes located in the territories of the United States, England, Germany, Bulgaria, Hungary, Switzerland, Syria, Sweden, Iraq, Libya, Lebanon, China and other countries of the world.

    For the period 1985-1995, the "Z" group, under the general administration of the Rothschilds, a huge number of USSR assets in the form of money, gold, platinum, palladium, hundreds of millions of tons of oil, diamonds, and other tons of oil, was abducted and exported abroad.

    The main part of these assets was credited to the accounts of hundreds of members of the group "Z".

    Some of them are 1 trillion. $ 750 billion credited to accounts, approximate persons of the Gerass Group. Thus, in 1989, one of the members of the group "Z" - Mikheevsky V. M., managing finances of the CPS CPSU Kulich N. E., in the presence of the leader of the group "Z" Moyseeva N. N., transmitted 5.636.315.078.660 US dollars.

    These huge funds Mikheevsky, together with another member of the Z Gorbanovsky, V. N. Gorbanovsky in Switzerland. For these funds, accounts were opened in 21 countries of Western Europe and 18 bills in the United States, Canada, Japan, who were taken under the control of the Russian-American company "Rak" led by Rothschilds. These capital were aimed at ordining the secret government of Rothschild and Rockefellers to enter Russia to international trade operations of the Fed. The Rothschilds and World Government were created in the United States, Europe and Asian countries three trades.

  122. So much injustice, so much darkness everywhere. I know that you are reading this dear brother/sister. You are not alone, we feel the same. Still we continue with our mission, to free this planet for our kids our grandchildren for ourselves and all the lovely beings of light and freedom. Yes. The Event is here and now, the new Earth is here and now. Thank you
