Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Meditation to Escort Donald Rumsfeld into the Galactic Central Sun

Donald Rumsfeld, architect of the Iraqi war, has been removed from the planet: 



The Light Forces are asking everybody who feels so guided to participate in the meditation to escort him into the Galactic Central Sun. 

We will be doing this meditation every 4 hours, starting from 9 pm UTC on June 30th, for the next five days. Instructions are here:

Victory of the Light! 


  1. Yess, understood, we will bring him to the light forces!

    Common lightworkers we can do this!

  2. During the pLandemic, one wealthy Indian film actor gave away large sums of money to transport migrant workers stranded in towns and cities back to their villages. A school teacher used the money saved up for her daughter's wedding to feed people who had lost their jobs during the lockdown.

    Comparatively speaking, lightworkers, especially those hit too hard by the pLandemic, are searching high and low for that empathetic financial aid that is strangely elusive within a spiritual community of this calibre (where else can we search for financial aid in a world determined to block this kind of aid to any lightworker). The bunch of tight fisted misers currently in charge of disbursing financial aid to light workers in need seem to be mysteriously disconnected from all the fabulously wealthy positive groups of all colors (Red, Blue, etc).

    Hope the RM steps in ASAP with regular food drops and rescue us from the pathetically cold indifference of those who could help us but have chosen not to but who still expect us to step up and save the planet every time a mass meditation is announced.

    1. Those who have property, a garden or some sort of land could begin their own little farm or garden. Flowers are beautiful but don't waste your space just for that. Plant something that is edible and consist of multiple nutrients.

  3. What about the surface operations? Are they still going? Will they continue over the next days? Or it was just on monday?


  5. The official Nazi space program was developed by Wernher von Braun. He was later paperclipped into the US along with many other scientists and absorbed into the US military-industrial complex. They have developed both the official NASA space program front and the more secret Solar Warden program (from more military faction of the Cabal) and Corporate space program (from more corporate faction of the Cabal), together with deep underground military bases. Both Solar Warden and the Corporate space programs were interconnected, but deeply compartmentalized. At the top, they were guided by the Unholy Four (Kissinger, Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld).

    The secret space program and construction of the underground bases was operated by Rockefeller / Kissinger / Bush / Rumsfeld / Halpern / Cheney military-industrial complex through corporations such as Halliburton, Bechtel, Rand, Sandia, Wackenhut, Morton Thiokol, Raytheon, Blackwater…

    The key players of the Rockefeller / Illuminazi faction are: David Rockefeller, Henry Kissinger, George Herbert Walker Bush (George Scherf Jr.), Dick Cheney, Jay Rockefeller, Donald Rumsfeld, Karl Rove and Paul Wolfowitz.



  6. Replies
    1. That's a question you do in front of a mirror everyday...

    2. Like any other 10.000 religions, they expect blind faith.
      And get angry when you are not a believer, lol...

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. @Juarez Arkturos thats the question you are asking since 2012 & even much before but still not getting the right answer! Isnt it??

    5. Skom i think you are angry.

      I understand you but please let's not create fights between us.

    6. @Galactiquewarrior17 Really?? Then I guess your Faith is too weak!!

    7. @Ruzya 2012-2021 says LOL back to you😉

    8. hvmans wi7h only 5 senses can7 medi7a7e. blessings on 7he way.

  7. German translation of this article / Deutsche Übersetzung dieses Artikels:

    Telegram channel for German translations of Cobra's articles / Telegram-Kanal mit den deutschen Übersetzungen von Cobras Artikeln:

  8. Positive News+
    One less draco soul

    1. Imagine having to wait every single top cabal die from old age...

    2. WHY do they HAVE to die of old age?

      WHEN do we get to see them ASSASSINATED? Why is it ALWAYS good people getting assassinated, and evil people die of old age...more often 20-30 years MORE than average folks?

  9. Meditación en español

  10. The sooner the mass Meditation has a time conversion chart the better please!

    1. There is . Here:
      Please, scroll!

  11. V slovenščini:

    Vabljeni v našo skupino Sestrstva Vrtnice in Podpore Dogodka na Facebooku:

    Thank you for the post Cobra.

    Victory of the Light!

  12. In Spanish, en Español:

  13. Very good! Who is the next one? I want them all..


  14. On addition to orchestrating the war on Iraq, Rumsfeld also publicly declared that "the Pentagon is missing 2.3 trillion dollars that are unaccounted for" and that a special task force had been put into place to find that money.

    That was on September 10, 2001 and the very next day that very task force and all their records and findings, situated in the Pentagon, was wiped outby a "plane" of which no footage exists.
    Spoiler: It was a cruise missile, not a plane.

    Good to see him no longer present in a physical form, the Central Sun is eagerly awaiting a personal meeting with this very damaged soul.


  15. Ao Anthony Fauci.
    Agora é com você partir. Estamos ansiosos por sua partida para O Sol Central.
    Vitória da Luz!

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Oh oops. I guess I assumed he was gone for some reason.

    2. And many more. Follow wealth and power, and there the are.All smell the same.

  17. Dick Cheney is also still alive!

  18. At the moment i think the statement “he was removed” by someone it has no evidence whatsoever.

    He easily could die from long age or sickness.

    Otherwise we will run in circles of fake news similar to “George Bush sr. was executed behind closed doors” from the Psy op Q that was promoted and plenty other lies.

    Also I seriously doubt he was the “architect” of any war.

    He was just a pawn for the cabal and they use him for different jobs.

    The real criminal entities are not know in public. Rumsfeld, Bush, Gates, Macron, Merkel etc. are just political puppets that executed the cabal orders.

    1. Agreed.

      I also find that very difficult to believe, when all Cabal members that are "removed" are all very old people that might have just died of old age.

      If the LF starts removing people like Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg and Jack Dorsey, I might start having some faith in them.

  19. If true, It is the will of millions of souls to see him disappeared. Perhaps even waterboarded since it is not torture, according to him.

  20. I don't understand... Why should we all put so much energy, to meditate every 4 hours, to save his soul - while we have more important things to meditate e.g. Cancel their plans for mandatory vaccination that is unfortunately manifesting?!
    You may accuse me for 3rd dimensional thinking, but i really intent his highest good for the highest good of all!
    I just don't understand why to spend so much energy on him, while there are still plenty of significant matters for all the population and the earth

    1. It does not save his soul.
      But, before his soul could /would reincarnate back to planet earth, our meditation
      helps the Lightforces to catch it and escort it to the Galactic Central Sun to disintegrate it. And start the evolutionary process from lower than a stone so to say. It would clean heavy dark energy from our planet.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. @ Stav
      Exactly, you are right, thank you for sharing!

      Love and light! ❤️

    4. @ Stav
      Exactly, you are right, thank you for sharing!

      Love and light! ❤️

    5. This article can help :
      " Whos Rumsfeld & Why Meditate to send him to The Galactic Central Sun "

    6. We are always amazed that some people who comment negatively do not have the intellectual curiosity to read all the info Cobra has given in his articles and interviews. We suggest that they do so and that way they would better see all the pieces of the puzzle fit together perfectly. They would also realize that Cobra is very consistent in his words and gives us a lot of information that we can't see anywhere else. the Forces of Light know what they are doing and why they are doing it, we think! When Cobra asks us for something like a meditation, he has good reason! Thank you dear Cobra! (V and M-H)

    7. @Stav
      Yes, Thank you for explaining it so clearly. Blessings

  21. Did Donald die naturally or was he assisted??
    Yes 9ii and so much more.. we are 1 but not all at the same time.. dark vs light

    1. Might have been apart of the recent op/plan

      June 26-Cobra implies a active week ahead

      27th- Biden Strike in Syria

      28th-Rumsfeld Dies


      NYC mayor says BLACKOUT possible( could just be the heatwave though .) :

    2. That’s a good point Tropby, earth is one of their last holdouts and we are all their hostages for their service to self deeds. It is hard to imagine this ancient war all started in 5D, taking the water planet (asteroid belt) with it. Does anyone know if Hi7ler is still alive? Some say he uses clones

  22. Don't you think that destroying hes soul is little too easy for him? Send him to some hellish planet let that fker suffer and learn from the suffering he has caused. That's human experience. Learn suffer and learn more. Im sure earth aint the only planet wehere things are this fkd up. Not going to meditate for him. There has been 2 very succesful meditation and Iv'e been part of both. My method is secret and as it shall be. There will be no succes in here, not if it's up to me

    1. The fact of sending it to the Central Sun is on the contrary a good thing, the darkness of its soul will be eliminated, it will resume its evolution at the very beginning; and who knows, maybe he will be someone wonderful this time!

    2. Actually, Earth is the last and only planet where things are this fucked up. The rest of the universe and even our solar system already got liberated long time ago. So there's literally no place where he could suffer, besides Earth. And the Light Forces won't be making some prison/torture planets just to satisfy our urges of revenge.

  23. 🌈Rays Of Light Affirmation🌈

    I Am protected by my angels and guided by my spirit guides.
    I invoke the energy, wisdom and positive qualities of the Rays of Light to flow through every aspect of my being and to assist me in my life today.
    I invoke the Rays of Light to oversee the light entering into my being, ensuring I absorb the perfect amount and intensity to assist me in my current spiritual growth process on the Earth.

    Allow me to understand the qualities and influences of the Rays of Light, so I may integrate its energy deeper within my spiritual being.
    May I open my heart for the Rays of Light, so that I may use their power to heal and transform Earth and Humanity.

    It is my purpose to become all that I was created to be.
    I am unifying my energies more fully with the Creator and my inner truth.
    My purpose is to merge with all Rays of light as this will symbolise our unification and greater understanding of ourselves as an expression of the Creator.

    I Am One with the Rays of Light.
    So Be It & So It Is

  24. Replies
    1. Cause some can't see light anymore

      So dark they need to be recycled, cease to exist, then they lead that soul in the central sun.

      Back to source.


  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. Destroy his personality and save his soul.

  27. Waiting for Cheney and Kissinger to be eliminated. Victory of the Light!

    1. I believe just Karl Rove as well remains for that faction ( Illuminazi-Draco ), The final 3

    2. &
      Paul Dundes Wolfowitz is an American political scientist and diplomat who served as the 10th President of the World Bank( Central Bank of Central Banks ), U.S. Deputy Secretary of Defense

  28. Não acredito que as forcas da luz precisa de meditação para levar um trevoso para o sol central 🤦🏽‍♂️

  29. Thanks Cobra.
    French translation, Traduction en français :

    Victory of the Light! Victoire de la Lumière !

  30. Dream of possible mass arrest scenario. I have had similar ones before but this one was a little more specific. Down at the bottom of the post.

  31. Question, Cobra.

    I immediately did this meditation after finishing the Ukraine/Middle East peace meditation because it just so happened to take place immediately right after.

    I felt a strange rift of energy when switching from love focused goddess work to a more serious (one could say) "police work."

    Is this normal? Never felt that during meditation before. It felt as if someone was calling out to me in confusion.

    Please, elaborate on this. Thank you, Cobra.

    Amen & Adonai.

  32. Thank You! Understood :) LOVELIGHT to the whole Universum ♡♡♡

  33. Eviction and Banishment Order

    Issued to the Roman Catholic, Anglican and United Church of Canada by indigenous elders of the Squamish, Gitxsan, Nuu-Chah-Nulth, Secwepemc, Tsilhqot’in, Cree, Anishinaabeg, Mohawk-Kanien’keha:ka and Mi’kmaq nations

    July 1, 2021

    We hereby invoke the Great Spirit and the Land Law of our nations by evicting and banishing forever your churches and their officials and clergy from our territories, and by seizing the wealth and properties of your churches as partial reparations for Crimes against Humanity committed by you on our people.

    As foreign invaders your churches have waged a genocidal war against us, stolen our lands and resources, kidnapped, tortured, and killed generations of our children, destroyed our cultures, and maintained a regime of repression, sex trafficking and genocide on our nations in league with your partners in crime, the government of Canada, the British Crown, and the Vatican.

    1. This is a very powerful statement. In addition to mental meditations, the Word, spoken with a strong inner desire and intention, has Power in all languages. And also do it right in the LayLines area, Good team. Yes? Thanks for the update, Cobra. And the Victory of the Light!

    2. Con apuntar al Vaticano valdria.¡¡¡¡
      Es el Km 0 del MAL.

    3. I live in Canada and am deeply ashamed as to what the churches did to indigenous people and their children. All churches in Canada should be shut down and forced to give all of their proceeds to all indigenous people of Canada. This is beyond crimes against humanity.

  34. We need to remove the two others, and rapidly!


    1. The Covid Virus was created under the supervision of Fauci and BGates, too.
      And they have already been exposed.

    2. but this guy is the only one who got huge military forces in control, should be prior one target I think.

    3. Actually on the surface physical plane the Plandemic

      Architect is Orsini Black Nobility Bloodline

      "Orsini black nobility family is the main force behind pandemics since medieval times when they have engineered the black plague, and also the main force behind vaccination programs." -


      MOre intel here :

      Disclosure :

  36. Appeal to the Domain on Behalf of Earth - FARSIGHT

    This is a part two of public negotiations between Earth and potential extraterrestrial allies who could help end the era of prison planet oppression.

  37. Was he such an important person?

    1. He was one of the four unholy.

      Read this uptate, you will understand :

    2. Yes,One of Chimera's direct physical surface agents

      Victory of The light !

  38. the old evil man died. this is a truly impressive success !!!

  39. Hoax warning discrediting the magnetic arm videos - 'graphene in Pfizer'

    "Whoever started this hoax was really praying for stupidity... I have warned my readers constantly to not fall for hoaxes with regard to this vax, those who want the magnetism discoveries discredited are working overtime to front the most salient bullshit imaginable." - JS

    1. It was designed to ridicule those who see the vaccine for what it is. An old trick, but it works every time.

  40. Sci Fi Metropolis | Ambience | 2 hours

  41. May I ask why you recommend we put any energy into this evil being? We all have immediate things that feel far more important than giving this vile being one single moment of our energy, especially meditation energies. An explanation is in order for this one COBRA. Thank You

    1. Explained here :

    2. "Cabal who do not choose or are not able to accept the Light, will be processed through a sorting facility, which is located in one section of the Ganymede underground base. Many of those Cabal members will be then taken to the Galactic Central Sun for restructuring."

      ~ ~ ~

      "The Resistance is well aware of the connections of the unholy four with the Chimera group."

      Rumsfeld most likely has some helpers on nonphysical planes. Therefore extra precautions should be taken to prevent him from escaping justice

    3. @Infinity+1.....I was thinking the exact same thing and I would add why don't the LFs just force his sorry ass to the Galactic Central Sun and be done with it? We have other important meditations to do like the hostage liberation one and the Middle East and Ukraine meditation, The Flower of Life meditation etc. If Cobra can give me one good reason to do a meditation for this clown then I will consider it.

    4. We are not doing it to "save his soul" as someone mentioned but to prevent him returning to Earth in any shape or form. Directly to the Central Sun. ☀

    5. It's basically to catch his soul to escort it to the Galactic Central Sun, and disintegrate it, before Archons are able to catch it themselves, and reincarnate him on Earth again.

    6. I have focused my meditating upon the Galactic Codex in general, and I feel the reason you ask for this specifically is in a way this is the first domino where this being can not just reincarnate into another body but actually be removed, like siphoning liquid, the flow must become established before it occurs automatically. There is a reason COBRA (many) but the main one other than your loving brilliance and kind intelligence is that when you answer questions you never hesitate, you hit the ball out of the park every time on point. Thank you for your time, and for sharing your wisdom with us.
      Thanks AC,LF,RM,LWarriors, LWorkers and Great Spirit.

    7. @Infinity+1...Just saw the answer. If you go to the provided meditation link below it explains everything.

      In this meditation, we need to visualize Donald Rumsfeld being immediately captured by the Light Forces as he crosses the plasma and the etheric planes to prevent him being "rescued" by the Archons, and then visualizing him being escorted into the Galactic Central Sun immediately.

  42. 💜🌈💜🌈💜🕉️ 🧝‍♀️!!!

  43. MY only regret is I was not the cause of is his death.
    Just once I'd like to see those gargoyles die not from old age, but from an assassin's bullet...and it happening in public.

    Hope he's gonna FRY in galactic central.

  44. Translation of this article in form of a video in



  45. How does it look now in the German speaking lightworker "scene"? Do the half dozen blog & channel operators who have NEVER been affected by censorship, ShadowBan, GangStalking and Nazi methods of decomposition continue to steal from fellow members of the so-called ground crew?

    And why do "lightworkers" with millions of views, thousands of subscribers and fat filled donation accounts steal other Starseeds/lightworkers at all, who have been working unselfishly for humanity for almost 10 years and vegetate at subsistence level?

    I would like to know what it feels like to steal the information and sources that other lightworkers have determined with intuition, discernment and high financial, time and spiritual effort and altruistically made available to the public, to tear out of context and to be showered with praise and "donation" money. Is it fun?

    The hypocrisy, mendacity and perfidy in the lightworker "scene" has long been no different from the destructive forces we as incarnate starseeds are COMMONLY tasked with fighting. This is our task during this incarnation, on this slave planet, but until TODAY NOBODY seems to realize this!

    Cobra had made some time ago a few statements about the infiltration of the lightworker-"scene" and according to my personal experience and knowledge the situation is much worse than previously assumed!

    I do not dare to publish any more new sources, because I will find these only few days, weeks later on the blogs of the "STARS" of the "SCENE" and simply NOT ready any more to sit down 3 to 5 hours for an article/contribution to generate for it 10 calls!

    "Since collective thinking patterns increase the Greys' ability to manipulate you, independent thinkers acting on their own are more likely to succeed than mass movements directed by leaders who take all the thinking out of people. (...) The task in passive resistance is to persevere and survive until the moment when it becomes possible to switch to active resistance because help has come from outside."

    Khyla, 25 secret agent from the star system Procyon 🕊

    1. @ Khyla
      I’m located in Germany, pls give me a hint to which light worker community your comment refer to?

      Love and light! ❤️

    2. @Khyla

      I am from germany as well but I never considered it my duty to fight anibody or anyone. I am here to hold the light. Under all circumstances. Thats all.

  46. But he wasn’t at the top of the hierarchy I know but the chimera people. Why didn't they rather be removed from the planet?

    1. Well, rank does not always mean everything. The president of the US, since the 1950's, had very limited power...with many levels of clearance above him, and he's often placed in a 'need to know' basis. I even heard that, in Nazi Germany, Hitler might not have even known about 'die glock', or 'the bell', a device believed to be a time machine.

  47. I am very happy that bastard will be burned up in hell!

    1. The Galactic Central Sun isn't hell. It's not supposed to make people suffer as a punishment. It's just disintegrating their souls, and letting their essence come back to the Source.


  48. Remember when the capitol of the United States of America was not Washington, D.C. because the USA were a republic and not a corporation as installed by the act of 1873?

    This is

    Philadelphia Freedom

    Shine That Light.



  50. If Rumsfeld’s spirit gets rescued by the dark forces, he gets to return right back to wreak more havoc. We aren’t doing him a favor or “saving” him. Would you let a key general of the enemy forces escape back to his superiors or make sure you capture him so he can never hurt anyone again? Taking him to the Galactic Central Sun will essentially turn him into pure energy. Better this, infinitely better than letting him return to the incarnation cycle. This is the purpose of the meditation and why it is so important. If you are not comfortable doing it, or do not think it’s worth your energy, or you’re too good to do it, that’s fine. You can skip out so long as you don’t get in the way of those who will. It’s all about respecting people’s choices. That said, I have and will continue to participate in this important mission.

  51. Cobra, why him? What is special important with him right now?

    1. The fact that he died, and his soul can be captured now.

  52. Donald Rumsfeld morreu de velho? Isto não é bom.
    O clone dele foi impedido de recepcioná-lo para ele continuar a viver. Isto é bom.
    Vitória da Luz!

  53. Perhaps you should be focusing more on yourself!

  54. Some people don't understand that the FL are asking to capture Rumsfield to take him to the Galactic Central Sun. In a 3rd dimensional war, it is normal to hate the enemy who is harming us physically. But we are in a spiritual battle, for our meditation to be of any value we have to raise our level of consciousness. Shadow is not the opposite of light but the absence of light. You are the light incarnate, and when you agree to meditate to aid the light forces, you have to rise to this level, which involves shining the light within you. Light being love, love is the only feeling that should animate you at this time. If you imprison Rumsfield for the sake of punishment and revenge, you are not helping the light. God loves all of his children, especially his lost sheep, and He certainly thanks you for helping bring Him back. Rumsfield forgot that he's the light too, and he defended his side, which is fair game, you can't take that away from the enemy. It's a game of chess, let's have fun winning, but with height, our victory will be all the more exquisite.

    1. Well said. On a more practical and utilitarian level, what's the point of revenge after the liberation?
      It won't be a deterrent for other evil beings, because they simply won't exist, since Earth is the last bastion of DFs.
      And will the beings hurt and killed by them even desire revenge after they are free and healed? The suffering will be a thing of the past. And having DFs being imprisoned and tortured in a free universe would just keep suffering alive and lower the entire universe's vibrations.
      It won't help anyone. So just let the redeemable beings work out their sins, and painlessly disintegrate the irredeemable ones. Since even Lucifer asked to be willingly sent to the GCS, most of the DFs will probably also desire this after their defeat. So it'll be the best for everyone.

  55. Rumsfeld went to Heaven 5D whatever you wanna call it, just like Hitler or any other being. He played his part like he was supposed to do, and there is no punishment for that in the afterlife...

    1. Read Cobra's older posts about the 'unholy four', Kissinger, Rumsfeld, Cheney and Bush Sr., then you will know who they are and 'no' they do not go to Heaven, they will be recycled and they have to start from scratch. This happens when the soul becomes to corrupt.

    2. yes, to the central sun for reintegration.

  56. I read this today on Telegram. This is pretty disturbing. People on the West Coast of the USA are going to experience shortages (it's happening already).

    ".....I spoke with ..... who is a semi truck driver as her profession, tonight.

    I asked her a few questions I thought you would be interested in hearing her responses.

    Cargo containers are being held in California some two-thirds in total, so that the produce or the product with in those containers goes bad.

    This then creates a food and product shortage.

    Semi trucks are just sitting parked, not being allowed to deliver these products to Market, creating a false crisis.

    (2/3 of Walmart's items are sitting 'in dock' in California)

    The Who, & the why, she did not know.

    What she did know is things are going to get really bad before the end of the summer.

    Prices are going to go way way up on products, there will be a shortage, & there will be panic.

    I just thought this information is really important for you to know, coming from someone who's in the industry of delivering products to Market.

    Please take care of yourselves & your families & make sure you have enough for the coming months......"

